in '- "f ir"U"Tv" ' " -v : j .. wr"f-1 "Xi'TT TIL T,r"w-.-' Sitasitedia Ceatre sfTswa. npHIS HOTEL has been thoroughly refitted A and refurnished, and nnder my manace- - mentai iessevSBrtf to 4he iTeuag publle the advantage of a fttst-clasa HoteL , i. JEST Omnltnu t th-diwknir 'irrinl ..asf i- cholaftM As ite Mi praeticab tha-fetatem OK toe Graded Srhnoln will Ka ,a 1.. . and departure of All tralna 7r - ? ; I aepMtn jotfst sfcjPebaartr t -Raleigh. UlL&sk ESTABllSttMEHT? ;0 a i t q ' ' vHabxottEj ' N , C;, March. 18, 1814; 61 springs LornePA ) r f.i.rr w i . in ( j m ' ii i 1 1 i i i flHLt -,1... . ...... f jnriraarjy.... .'..'f.V..'.V..i.tlOOO .T a Tft , - -. - 7 t V.4.. e iwitl fcondnct our business exciusivef jih f 5 ' DOMESTICi t , - - ,1 , rr """"vnMUjiruwifl cKa , asif-ards recita-l 5 f, ' TT ifer - 'f-t ?rriifcau4rafl4'W will be f L Charlotte having long been iuj nee I AX Jwlj. Tj. w i i ii.. .. - f . -1. ; -. j -V Ukt .... J A MwHUlKMwiMUtL, 1 I . .... . . -wwvwMawp IIWIUQt A I ? f . . . j-flU-W Ida aIuHhan4u 4 Wnen your d.iiehieni fair and lowtvn t.' " " Aiicnuott or Hlerc:.r-'i ii E!ctallT Called to t:;U Adver- iQfinapf JfcN iabet; has: eone ? Nfrtn to via4 ,bevte fcstock of Good in tha fifeocEWKSv fcojrirExrriosERiEs:. i no- onr house, . MiiMI'TOaiiaWlUtlt' irBlTghWwasTifiTrrf it To the Wholesale Department. t;. v 1 1 J..J P. v $ ' TeTf ttie Senate tliey 'nititt'paWIt' Or iy ahatW thai! itfti&ieat;& ' - mtS.te Orabt bla etfta famf tobwr l. tt v' rt hlra wear the Ofesar cron. tfUhh Itartlcorn tocb tfetty trtonaph. TbJariiEhttty!baadArkDastetfeli . N eye wlirOe bad fartlcuWly; WWe In ira." tud to kottb a well mliprAri ' Jwiir a t5lSJ0,b,hfra'0?,00d goods. 1 wunitn -MefeDaiiM generally, are Invl ted to eall-and aee-pleasnre will be. taken w uuow vnern1 inrougn;-ucd -prieea'wlll be af SUrad, fL wlll.:lMlirThJl- nnhailnir' Thej are detenund not toCbe uxMtersold by an j Otlmr Haune. fn f " , , . , The Retail Dtpartmcut WILL 5be attended by jtoen erfibloyed 'for Jbat purpose. Ail goods ;in oat tine vnj be auia u Ketai. Millinery and Fancy Goods J. ; ; - rt.Aa beforeXtuade pubUiijaar .,TptwJs"MertI purcnasea at auev'v FjXTftEMEL t LOW PRICES that we are now offering the same at from 50 to 100 perccntbelow tbeir real'talunWe sell to-t? " "- SI o !Talia!lectbeDJne shadows falL. i-sAnd.the gkxmy Styvianlackness -w. -anga arcmrid Tme lik a pall: ' Drawmfl neaee Jt tiMt light Let me catch thy frafrrant oder u It6ulafied lion lbrgtlu. OS twTOrclQveieqwt ; -viu Crt ttiit only tias!lh(B8enaterl. ..t :1; i they ca be fouod Lai cbeao aa a anv other Hnrifie- . J Oar frlendsre solicited to give ns aa-l-vj -f- 'AfBISBET.&tBEO. '"ft LviihftWDflWT qui! q BeckwitW BuHdWg-Up Sfalrt., ) i&mnif JiTaVfoGfin-ehop.) t TiT A-Kfi 'tffeurei'in Ipfdniil i?ttte public 1: tb'at.T H aye again Obertef allib' where younjat your: solas; ettees, loungesvl r ry r rfj y , 4 Oi? ' cnairs and matirases put in the same copBi 'lis taorowenes, jaconet iSdging tion they were in. when y.ou bought ; them Mr! the utorfe t reasonable frl&&? I have securel the services of a first class Uphol sterer wlio has serye his trade :in JUerlin, Prussia" and therefore cslrt 'guarAhtee' satis faetiotr ifO all who may be pleased jto.patron- lze uie. urders tor, ijiattrasses or .repairing :. .-f UL triiti aixt:kii AiiZAili i.'jL..i j . I JnneSt . .k...,x. . S- EINSTEIN. V . mw mi-(ih !: ien years qki naa ' " '.t:i ' -T . rtCttsfr 'titriJirfT?i Whatt nots. Chairs, of various kinds,5 Vach as Off' hw ttjMy "iiV V ii-tcii fbintf atone TbWing ChiaSrs, tfflce;iiai rs. and" Hie per- falTnigoa aU, fcrajte4hottiu climirs something ntlrely new. . " " ... . -. . ..:. " , Also, new lot of Baby C-arriagea. and a large and elegant assortment of Brackets, Wall Pockets and Comb and Brash Boxes of tbeVdrj latest style fall ai3-exaniine. iayU0 Vf Untrimjned, Hate at 50 cts. worth $1 to $150 Trioied H&ts, all styles anl qualities at low WHITJB GOO08, ts Striped linen at 23 cte peWsra" worth Striped4-; Nansook . at 25 'srst yard worth 50 cen4 v V r - Peques at 22$ eta per yard-worth 50 cts;t v I Towels at J.2jf cb per yarxforthj25 cb-4" orsets at 75 cts each worth 1.25. 7 Handkerchiefs from 10 cts up. I - and In- S;Hing, we are offering great inducements. 4 ? Swiss Mull, - ' i Tarlton. .f "'' " Cambric fcc, &c. .Jarasbls at extremely low prices. THl CELEBRATED Japanese Fans With Chains, A r chit e ct temitea tr jumnrtn stexmer, ahe wi ifa a rwl a &a a j1 marnl tin i xiaBft. r '1 ByOJffltfcn':WfthfefertTBd.1ljrro tlie MriMlffOf jiheiCyfwd(fcbrM rnAKEStBis melibaloifbrn)ii ije itizens in IT machine, by piece 8trikihff him iofX3nariotte Tand "vicinity, that he has r permoneniiv jocatea in.- yianpMe,v iana oi rfeVs nis professional -services to the public. .j. .virt "tv -i - - ;. ri i tiaving naaiga years oi siuay in Lionaoii, I r'lMwdMarptf afld; YorkCSty HaUux cotipty,kUie4dfeer HV week with Arthur Oilman, a well 'ktrown and ""?lxkt,r,K6Ae Ati WiinHi -.HU fanrn leadinjrarehftectin the'' United v States, he wTrvSred thSaiaSMKfe- tb?! he 8iT Satisfaction. I .HillneearB WgeT ! ;ymve, SSyggXS.. cjifton phoxch,, TeBlek4wtentyttthV80iV.-l ' Stetn bjh4;tBenoetl,'pailduig; Dexel JL , -"- Buildii;&anai6hi,S:'Hopkiiis; Westmin- Ky- n, sZ0 &cel Building, Boston Mansion, J. Cald- officutl in Madison coaniy called td see well, Boston, and many others. WhWtMUlTameaT! frieKdff .ori Mr. Welch witf-take pleasure in drawing uluViYrodbWite designs, and' making, complete plans , and j ase4 V ieein'e piioS 6on 4br bniidirigs of every j nd, outcTbiU wa too bad. -A White rtan hlr'tniftW 1ljrtrelf 1 nt better -tha iriezer'owirQi npi to ooject to- a r and a thousand different novelties. We feel encouraged by the many favors already extended us, in the calls of patrons, who. we. trust, Lave, purchased at satisfac- tory prieea and we shall endearor to merit continuance o?l'heir patronage, july 28. .11 3 rt tvr feit " ; il Thoiisands proclaimTtar- S. K. LITTLEJOITN. rr?r PIPdI chalks r kCOlklTiISSlb MEliCIIAKTS, AND DBALSaS IN andstrle'ofCBKSl ' will W uiffrieir HA- TiieraeaiSaJbkiiethod tolin- OrainfiFooTeonV3roceries, f 1 iW. geneUyt that they fate i !y m- , .; ' 0 H A E L 0 T T E , N . C SrawSLX'fcW i. LKIClL' a?d I Special attention given to consign meats bt SrlSAp' Creaweira ldl tton'tef sale Jbere of In other markets; artd ,tnA MMiiUit PwKwfA -VWh't noerai aavancesmaae v v : June . tt-.Trtj-. iTlt.jrttili. - i - i til -(in1 II iiit. WIlJMSiEAUtfa WSINE3S. . . T-r-rtr i.r. . .-i" . and if yd&jpe tiot If ttstiea of Cbe fact, come and see now eheap you t can. ,buy for cask. Long vims, and long f face about inability to get4 naoB ey, .eon t pay , ouddiiis; -ana. ton MUst ailartfto. nieet sromy oblieationa .with us, (when we creditat all) we will be oonj' j pelled to refuse further indulgence, v 1 1 store at all timea without cpa-f auM4 '"S ' . .. tact wiio intoxicaiea men. as we seu no Hoping by honesty ana politeness tojmer it a full snare of public patronrge. . ' -"TCrnr n(TareVery ftepectilh -j mtfn mntA ' a hflii Tti'iil obu vln'M I now thank the public for .past favors, and1 1 pesptCtfuMy ask - otintaacof rtbe I I of J. S. PHILLIPS, Merchant Tailor, HAS JUST RECEIVED another lot of ele- gant French' Coating" find Fancy Cassimeres hich are offered at the lowest possible pri- ces. I have still on hand a large stock of HATS, 8HIRTS, V GLOVES, ' COLLARS t .- i1-" " . - ..i.-;v -s. . C , TIES, ! JUST RECEIVED KOOPM ANN A ROTHSCHILD'S. ! ' LARGE aasottftent of ' i.ftfi-f innT.T.aiiwrTffJij"! 4 - I T: IVI. Shelton, w--w wa. wvvuui ft a w - Wi Avvu- ui rAngtutinuat be settled Villi the irndersiied Keeps constantly hi store Furniture tp great variety and or toe very latest' styles, and is selliiag forTcaaI bnlycbeaper than the same class of goods have ever been aold'.in the Ci ty of Chartoite, and as cheah as any one can possibly sell. .A. call from, all is respectfully 1ii"liinU 1 1 ; ' A if lartsin8 and patiently. ' Come bp and lKipec JF. W. ;,!-Og21-t 0- ! ; hsrjJohii McElWee ! " Offiaif 0e1erllj fjwrliil Smokers a large Jot hakh a&ctured tobacco at low prices...- Hia :. , it t,rim tfatth NT&BEttyirWniHAM BRAND .riAQt kxeaUed ori fhfe market. m Addreea at gtatesvhvNC.- , - . t i' idBEEIvyitIE S. C rilHE only first class Hotel between1' Char-. A lotte jrid Atlanta. ?Xhia. House b just beea repainted and - return ished and I situated, caflyemeMtq; the business pan : tar cHytjKi!'). Vt 4J-r.i .W . i JjB., Pjnni,bua.t an dv from the depot T-r I FlOi ;i iw v5,aW Hi AJ i fcs ; I AUo, a lot . Fr:i7 fj.ii - " ..... 7-. . . TUST reeelTed a lot ofelgant Satrarr Cured J- jHaoMw i Alao, a lot of splendid Country .N0Bfe. r ppdalt i Bak, 3 OH- vTwwKrSt. CUailotte, WtT. angg)-tf. if- frOTTI.TI 'rannortfnTrv Inform hli. iUndn r Lh&tha ti&a OMtned In tha hunmpnt. nf W W AWDW. Wl 1 . - V'u"w". 14 irxXTVVJ?r. : I . Lager, Ale and Porter, sent to domlcUes at mrsZlJ VSJ tiW&iXTfif'hTL&iC&k&t' I H-fiO P doaen, bottles to be returned. La CtAK VH . ?1? jyy1?0' cer ondraf t sold aa soon as his new ice Damn wui oe mounted. . -1 j uiy 4-w. uldings ' fcroU1orfc jWlua- TUSTreciiredneVi Strict of Bee: i ffitlHT-kna Wrr. .rtinU used n kc Valtiithiea ileitf Julda? thy BeH'rticle vcitBMirLWityJ cneuroassed 1 Knotrti )f Onvalidst and t those tecovenbe rANSnAkpT'-Printer'srayitrfW ;! tQf 9feWororiand TU8T received at J It Brothers A Go's. J .choice lot of Cigars those who indulge. eome before tbey are gone, as tney are a sample oAr J AbBOXHERS A OOJ V ietet! .ijuuo, 10 cents per ooran, - iwp uoaerr ior I ll1" ?! 1 w-m - fOT 1131 0t i tiA.liOit.T-li , on . l radit Ktreee.btwee&! ' andtwtnow.xKrapied l)9J2l4 Aiexaur.' r',. ;w., ; ' AJso; 104 acres, aboui miles North of the p"v Mcjquare, and adjoining the lands of ir'n i ....... i .t a . J JCML 35centsat ,ILEEL & PKEDUE'S 4- '''" "" '" XTEW" , ORLEANS ; .THOXASSES, ; Wh flL Y UlVisUU V1U" . 'Ait Uy MAYER, GRAY Af ROSS: iudisputabla, t Apply t v.i4 P'- V I jit, !l 1 ' w-Tif V0q..T J;.,-'nHALLiMIIJWI OttoMBiso3eati4 A - 4ep3-tf. fiiHE large and Iegant new store rooiri tan-f , I . . dap. th Osera House. . with - Arm ni basement. JDlmenslon 63 feet, height 2 1. ' y 'MCAKFSana of all kinds, -which w offered at-xost, 1n or der to close thetn out at the earliest possible moment.- rtxsix. Birizss the Jnost wonderful In 'pgyraSHatSfve gustauied !ta auuoag Nn Pnnftin t atft f Iiaso "Riff Arfl I heat nccoi-ding tcJ directions, and remain long 'unwell, iirovided their bones are not do- r1"lJoycdiiby'Sg1neral poison or other ca?, aucLTftai organs wasted boyond lUHoitsif Remittent and Intqr mittcnt 1 eters,;vhcli are feo preva lent iivthf valleys of due erjeativera tlirofetftul the Ui8tTies,secially those of tlio1 Mississippi, Obio, Missoiiri, Illinois, Teilnessee, Cumberland, Arfcah 6ms. llcU 'CIorado Brazosi Uio Grande, rc;irl, Afabaiisa, Mobile", Savannah, Ro anolio. James, and many others, with their' vast tributaries.. throughout our cr.iiro cimntiy during the Summer arid 4utniu:i,aijd retharkably so during sea sons 'of unusual boat and dryness, are iu.variablv aec'oni muled 'bV extensive dc- rh!igcnn!ins' of tho stomach and Jivejv md other abdomfnal'Visccra.' '" lti' thcin: treat iiH'n.t,-a fwiatjve, exerting a pottj erfal irwicit c4rnbn vtlicso various .' . ..i.:..ll.. : ffl. I12V'' 'in ho catiiartie for the purpose equal to Diu Jf. Walker's Vinkgau Biitees, as t'.icy will speedily remove the dark calonnl viscid matter vith which the boxyela wo loaded, at tho samo time stimulating tho secretions of tho liver, Laud generally restoring tho healthj Kiuctions of the uigestivo organs. Fcrl i t'y the body against disease by purifying all its fluids w ith Vinegai JliTTEifs. No epidemic can take hola of a system thus fore-armed. Dyspepsia ior Indigestion, Head ache, Pain in. the .Shoulders, Coughs, Tightness of the Sliest, Dizziness, Sour Eructations of the Stomach, Bad Taste in the Mouth, Bilious Attack", Palpita tation of the Heart, Inflammation of the Lungs, Pain in the region of the Kid ncys, and a hundred other painful symp toms, are the offsprings of Dyspepsia. One bottle will pro ve a better guarantee of its morifs than a lengthy advertise ment. Scrofula, or King's Evil, White Swellings, Ulcers, Erysipelas, Swelled Neck, Goitre, Scrofulous Iiiflainiiiatius,iIndoleaT InUaiiiriiatioiia,, il(ircuriul Affections, Old Sores, Eruptkias of tho Skin, Sore Eyes, c. In these, ai.tuvAlt other constitutional Dis eases, WAi,KBa'ar5VisK:Aii liiTtkBR have shown their great urn!ive jiwWin the most ol)stiiiaUiiiu4iirti't',.iil'it- is.: For IhUahnnatory ami Chronic Ilhenmatfsiiiji5ui. Bilious, Remit tent and ftTfenmttent i-yra, Diseases of j.he iinxidlf )iver3vidwy s and Bladdei. theae.BEUers have nb iiqual. Such Diseases am canned by Vitiated Btood. :'. r5IechanicalDise.aseSi- ivrsons en :ngM4i;Pa aa rPluaiberfeypeetters, Gold-l?uters, and Miners', as they advance in hfe,iri) subject to paralysis j-of the Bowels. To guard ttgaivst this,;take a dose of Waxkbe's Vik 1.0 a k Bitters twcasionally. 1 ,r , ForSkinDiseases, Eruptions, Tet ter, Salt-Khemn, Blotches, Spots, Pimples, Pustules,- Btiiln, Carbmiclos, Ring-worms, Scald-head, Sore Eyes. Erysipelas, Itch, iMrercjian it to their interest tosee inefebre fWWftP;Wby.a4ytptr line, either Northw South; Our Una JfWAF.-jxwmweij, nicKer.iBeneciuies and .mqrefol' handling than CfU : John in 'Causes.' Hoiv-RK. Bkidqebs.' 'tfi'.sn IMMMH .Jill i fTiHE besjfehiiatcfcan'beveiJ lo sonf suuenng iron Complaints. Colic; Gen'! Manner -1 nMi?n5 r r'evet ana Ague,'jiervoas u; it i WJ W Tt?-rT ui a K!V; tomacKi ?,liveiiifakidaey,x &v totone. W. , W. PEGRAM, Agent " ' .cleawand wlataihamr mar 17, ly .i r ; .Vi i .a ? ; BR TUTT'S .VEGETABLE UVER'PILLS" - ' 1 ' - " - 2 L-,' '- .-'V" : . ' ThiV r vrtrrriiM1w-.v Kw,w..wy 4 ' HAVING FINISHED; MV ' .." ' ; ;': SASH AND BL1KD FACTORY, wsij ;Fenie; College,, on th? tCip. Hailroad,) Tber act verv midlirivet thvhnwnff ly restore the functional ' act ton of -the , di gestive organs and, the Intestines, and re novate ui whet eystem -iTbey prod ace neither nausea,-griping or weakness, and. may be taken at any time without change' of diet or occupation; . .1 h f a box; Jold by all r Urutrrfslfr. . " qwislx to ipfrn;niy:fn now. ready to it; :: ';-:i, to receive orders fer D00KS. SASH. BLINDS. MOm.mKfTUlAPir MkiPUn lhjtest .proved machines, and used nothing but the llSMffl kdn-driedlunibia in manufacturing, I can and wUl give satisfaction. 1 , apeaking- Mst ifeni ar l5,lmt . JONAS "RTTnTRTT.T. iL!? (.-., , 1 - s . " "i-1 MTi ta.i'ia.wAAajit mm DBIEST AND LATEST IMPROVED RDNNING -I ' A W1 '.. LIGHT ifesjflF''-'"' ri.-nreuy, coaractenxB ji aa al'blessuitn of the nine teenth century; Tle,'irtaintv'cf :ila heal- Ulg effect," said , be.VVand tha iiaminiitv frvm danger , whether , adniinistered vo chil dren or to adults, adapt t for Ve, widely popular iise if had i 'attained."5 Wone would ,long Buffer from lung complaint' if they knew how easily they can be-cured by this remedy By its timelyrusr aU ' pulmonary diseases' roay- -be arrested, and consump- L tion the scourge (hat sweeps away thou sands every yearwould be checked "in- its commencement. Persons with, a aMted F cough,, which breaks their rest a'! night, win una, Dy 1 axing tne BXpectorant, on going to bed;' they msy be snreof nnnro- aen sleep and refreshing 'rest. Ies8lng 1 a very pleasant taste it is; easily ' adminis tered to children. Sold" bv all BruKEiste. Labratorv. 48 and '20 vCourthmd sL.r New York. feb iQdeodawlT j. , ' r 1'7 ; -illLi -;tw DR TDTTS HAIR rWEl" Possesses qualities that no oilier By does. It effects is instantaneoqs, and natural that it cannot be detected 'by the 'closest observer. It is .harmless, easilv annliwl and 'is in general "use anjcihg ftishionablc hair dressers in every ' large city'lri1 the United Statesi 1 "..1 ? f-'JaVv.-'i.' v '; Price .$1 a bok.; Sold, every Whore; .bi. t: . . handliinli&a srchanyTailonng Depart ment and made to order with dispatch and at the lowest figures. ' apl29 JACK BLACK, GR 0 C E R, KEEP THKIa'IOI&T STOCK OF r Wines aud Liquors In1' Western North Carolina. 1- - - I rini Liquors, Champagne "and other Wines, t for dinetprtct or, for. Sacramental puf. poses. A few, .-barrels .of the justly celebrated ZEB VANCE of the Finest Goods kept continually on I Scurfs, DiscuUa'otts ofha Skin, Humors VJL"'.;? t arid lnseaefiM the Skin of whatever name or nature, afp literally dug up and earned cut of the system iu a abort time by "the use of these Bitters.--;' .-.j-.v.- wii.' cm . v Pin,, Tape, and btner lTohns, lurking in the system, of so many thousands, are. efieetnally destroyed and removed. ' ! No system of ihedieine, no Termifngesi np an thelmmiticaiwill free the system from worms Gke these Bitters. . Vat PanifllA Pminlnfe In v rennet ftWS?TAI rn iWWH Vadiwa of wo- mannooa, or ine turn oi us, mese ionio Bitters, display so decided an influence that impVovetnent is soon percoptibla. , Cleanse the Vitiated Blood when ever you find its impurities bursting through the skin in Pimples, Eruptions, or Sores; cleanse it when you find it obstructed and sluggish in the veins ; cleanse it when it is foul; your feelings will tell you when. Keep the blood pure, and the health of the system will follow. it. ii. Mcdonald & co., Druggists and Gem' Acts., San Frsnciseo, Calif oral. J . ITT 1.2 . j g-ii 1 VT tr lulu wr. w tt aauiiiKiAju hu viuuiwu mm, 4a. a. Sld,ay 11 Druggists and ueaviara it Whiskey, jipe. and mellow, Swiys on hand iftaia .ft. His stock in the Sugars, Coffee and Molasses """KM ChatToaerfor Grocer- ies, call and seeiBlack ifyod want the worth nfvnnr mnninr. t,f w complete. specialties. -wn eome ta - respectfully return thanks pth liberal th patronagebestowed uponfme,; and" respect- fully solicit a continuance of further favors -Jtine 13 W. J, BLACK. Lumber ! Lumber ! ' V KlilnfflPfi: Tiitli.! A rr. ? f 'Orders solicited. Address- t" THE OCEAN HOUSE, stAUFOrtTJf HA C- nnTlK owner of The ; Atlantic Hotel, flndlnn X it necessary to meet the demands of our appreciative "pupiio, nas iiurnisnea trus House for the , J '-.a iff nr " ' and it J now opened nnder The management nt t.hA nndAralirnMl. ; i My table snail at au times oe equal fo tne nestat tnis ? , Popular Summer Resort. i My auesta will be admitted firee of charge totnejt ; IHOPS AND MASQUERADES of the other hotel, and being in a few feet of the waters of tne souna, BOATS 'i ARB IN, ATxtin 13 AM UJu nleht and dav to take them thither, or to other points of .Interest, for a mere trine: . i. ;. "t. i- i , ' i " conveniently located. v! B.;'i Tbe1 proprietor reserves the right to refuse accommodations to parties unable to produce satisfactory-' evidence of good char acter, or whose company jnay be- a nuisance to himselt or nu gruesw. -, TT? t . THOS A R0BBIN8. r i July 28 If - ' -'" - Proprietor. ja"ii EXCELS ALL OTHERS. March 12 2 Doors Below Tiddy's Book Store. FARMERS' SAVINGS BANK DF- MEOKLENBURG COUNTY, N. 0. CHARTEBED BY ACT OF THE LEGISLATURE. Organii ed Wovomtoor 4tlx, 1873. Papital J'aid up, Capital Authorized, j 100,000 1,000 000 BANKING HOUSE, TRADE ST.. CHARLOTTE, N. C, r .fr. Is prepared to transact a general Banking Business. Caah advanced on Cotton. Man uiaciurea uooas ana Aiercnanoise storea in warehouses ana covered bv Insnrance also on Stocks, Bonds and other Securities. . . Deals in Gold and bilver 'Join. Exchange, Bullion, Bank Notes. Bonds. Stocks. Ac Money received on deposit subject to check. Interest bearing Certificates ot'Derjosit a c 1 1 .. ft 1 . . issueu ior money wuen icii on niue accoruing 10 agrefsmenc. Collections made on all accessible points ; promptly ar.knowled on receint. and re- , A t 1 . f A. miueo. ior on aate 01 payment. Directors and Officers. ; . ( . Grieh, A. Macatjiax, of Stenhouse, Macaulay & Co. J. P. Houstom, B. H . Moore, J. W. McMubbay. of McMurray & Davi?, R. D. Collihs, J. V.,Waiwobth, W. W. Ghiek, of Giier & Alexander. S. P. Smith. S. P. SM IT1I, President. T. L. VAIL. Cashier. C. N. G: BTITT. Asst Cashier. New ork Correspondent Importers' and Traders' National Bank. feb 4.1y DrtV Greene, Lindley & Bentley's GB.EAT FAMILY MEDICINES, j PREPARED expressly tor, and adopted to the Southern climate. 'COIfPO UKD EXTRA CT COR YDAL- IS" is the most powerful, and efficient al terative and blood-purifier known, pre pared expressly for Scrofula, Secondary Syphilis, Eruptions on the Skin, and all diseases which are produced by bad or un healthy blood. "DR. GREENE'S FIT CURE," 'cures all kinds of Fits, Spasms and Convulsions which arisefrom irritation of th nerve centers. In Epilepsy it often stops the fits from the first day's nse, even where they have existed for years:. 2 r. 4" i "MEDICATED HONEY." The ereat remedy for Asthma, .Bronchitis, Coughs, Colds, Croup, Sore Throat and all diseases of the air passages and lungs. "It does not sicken the patient, is pleasant' to take, prompt in its action, tioes not injure tne appetite or impair digestion as most ex pectorants da, 1 . '' " r Our NEURALGIA SPECIFIC is a per fect specific for Neuralgia, Sciatica, Rheu matism, and all muscular 01 nervous pains wherever situated. These medicines axe. prepared with great care, trom perfectly reliable drugs, ana for tbe especial Classes of diseases named on each bottle. No one of them is claim ed as a "cure all." They' are identically the same that we have -used fn our private practice tor years, ana m thus recommend ing them to the public we know whereof we affirm. They are safe, reliable, and efficient, acting quickly and thoroughly. Try them and you will, want no others. Ask your druggist for them. . , . v -.. For sale Dy , aruggists generally, rre- Btredonlyby ? ' ' - ' RS. GREENE, LINDLEY & BENTLEY i2T. Bw-T-CaneerSf Tumors, Ulcers, treated as heretofore by KLINE'S . GREAT CAN CER ANTIDOTES at Charlotte, Golds- boro' and Asheville, N Q. june 14 lyr THE BANK OP MECKLENBURG, CHARLOTTE, N. C. Authorized Capita $500,000, Jas. Turner Tati, President. Tho8. W. Dewkt, Cashier, F. H, Dawar, Asst. Cashier. AT THE BANKING HOUSE OF TATE & DEWEY. This Bank Chartered; Under Act of the General Assembly and duly organized under Laws or the state or North Uarouna, with ample means is prepared to transact " General Banking: Business. and furnish accommodations to all its Cus tomers on Liberal Terms. The bank will receive Deposits subject to Check, and will Allow Interest According to Agreement on au .Deposits leit on tune, or terest Eight per pent per Annum, on all sums lying -undrawn - over thirty days. ; ;- !---- ' Gold and Silver Coin, Bullion and Bank Notes Bought and Sold.,- ., THOS. W.DEWEY, ' Jan. 1 J874. " . Cashier. Scrofula, eruptive-diseases of the ' Skin, St. Anthony's .Fire, Erysipelas, Blotches, Tumois, Boils, Tetter, and Sail Rheum, Scald Head, Ringworm, Rheumatism, pain and. enlargment of the bones, female weak ness Sterrility, Leucorrbcea or whites, womb diseases, Dropsy. White Swellings, Syphilis, Kidney and Liver Complaint. Mercurial Taint, and Piles, all proceed from impure blood. Dlt. TUTT'S SARSAPARILXA , : is the most powerful Blood Purifier known to medical science. It enters into the cir culation and eradicates every - morbific agent; renovates the system ; produces a beautiful complexion and causes the body to gain flesh and increase in weight. HEP THE BLOOD HEALTHY and all will be well. To do so, nothing has ever been offered that can compare with this valuable vegetable extract.' Price $1.00 a bottle. Sold by all Druggists. Office 8 Uortlandt Street, N. Y. mar 20 LIVER CURE 1 LIVER CURE I Hepatic LIVER CURE, 18 a purely Vegetable' preparation;' rial ru les and effective. A Bpeclno for all de rangements of the Liver, Kidneys, Skin, Stomach and Bowels; and has been tiled by thousands and always give ENTIEE SATI8- fauuiujn. xry one Dotueandpeeonvincea. E. L. KING & SONS,. Manufacturers and Proprietors, Columbia, S. C, . Wilson & Black, WhoUtala Agents, ... and for sale by W ft Burwell ft Co,, J H Mc- Aflen ana ecarr, vnanotte, r. u, jnly 24-tf. mi; j -t-.ii r iiit'"', Encourage Home Industry. THE DIXIE PuIIP I THE BESTiPXm FUR TJIE' LEAST Satisfaction- Onarantced r no Trade,., -ivf;u?t;' Diploma Awarded at the Last FaJr ! at we , uareunas. . . , ,.- THE DIXIE PUMP is equal if not suptri or to any wooden pump now offered to the public. It is a SoutherB - Production, made at onr own doors, of our owa material. Hundreds of Certificates might be obtain ed from parties: who are 'using ; this Pomp testifying to its cheapness," durability and efficiency, but as it is deemed: entirely un. necessary, I only refer to the following citi zens of Charlotte, among many others,1 hot named, who are using the Pumptf j, W ir Davidson, Mayor or Charlotte, u u Maxwell. Sewlne Machine Aeent.RMOates. Central Hotel, L A Black welder, W F . Sny der, S M Howell, James Johnston. G FFre land. W R Cochrane.' Cyrus Htthter' J M Agreement on all Deposits left on tune, McMurray, R M Miller. E M Andrews, ' Dr. issue OerUflcates'p Deposit bearing Jn- Robert. Gibbon, ,W, J. Yates. ; ....! ; .:';;V,'v:.f, ' : ..Manufactured and sold br-' EgreesonF WANTED-To contract logoff tlt low pcplar heart lumber.-- j, t . ' apl Id SEGABSl SCAKB, o CD 13 CH A DR. F. R LOT T E , " S3 ' 2 03, n. c; f s JT. X. BRYCE, General Comxaiaaion Merchant, r CHARLOTTE, N. C. Particnlar attention paid to selling aft kinds nf Produce,' Cotton and Tobacco.' ' Highest cash price paid for Cotton. . All orders from a -distance promptly- at tended to. t - - - J. Y. BRYCB.-) dec 21 '73. ' . . Q A REAMS LETTER, CAP. , BILL and UU COMMERCTALNOTE PAPER. . an 17 i 1 i , ' - PUREFOyg J ClIATTEl. MORTGAGES FOR SAXE at the OBSERVER OFFICE Frescriptiona prepared at all " of the Day and night. hOHTff -5 .inCs rUST received, another Invoice of. very au-I- perlor Seears. which wilt be 'sold very low at .it. i .Q .PPREFOT'S T: junew. u. 1 , . (, BOYDBH HOUSE ' ' WILUAM ROWZEC Frpr A FIRST CLASS HOTEL situated con venient to the business part of the ,cy. 1 4 Omnibus will be found at depot a convey passengers, ta the hotel . mar tf v ft j 7ATEES r & ; UARSE, , . COMMISSION; MERCHANTS,., s Choice Green and Slack; Tea, WE are Prepwd to make.,,. t t?i advances on cotton - omupeji w vi j Selected especially: for Family and Inval- idsat- r ' 'SCARR'S June 29 - - v Drag 8tere.1 ' vnrcrtsprrra : Just received a lot of, select -Spices for Pickles. Preserves. Ac., at FvSCARR'S f June 29 ' ' t ' ' Drug Store. r pure Salad Oil., VlnAPt MklA in Mftrkpt.' "jt at I -4:.s -J F.SCARR'Sv. june 29, 1872 V" Drug Store. shim friends In Charleston , or New York. "Will also attend promply to sales of cotton con w signed to ns.: onire at wtucowsa7; ;,, RintelaV Charletta, N 04 v v .'ioct2 SELLING out very cheap to tbe trade at !f -1: no ... w nnopurtV'fl ....,1 uiu aij. ,1 1 Winn v 11;: OA A BALES CHOICE Hay on consign-. tnAnf. frvr itnln low. bv STENHOU8E. MACAULAY '& CO? ' 'labS 1 K I

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