i. I3X WwA chTnr i J' . i ?L - rtl. :iL:?v J U JJ nauutv, . with 53mfembers:3 nrmimehtmiiir,: JrXl . new Stock of Mlllinprv WanfV OrtnrfK STAT ," Y 1 1, iii ii Ticrv,. , White Goods and Notionsl keen in' atorr4- Itiiated In te'-fffraTTown. PTOSIS HOTEL has ln'Ciroaghly refitted I Jjjaii4rerarnlsrwd. sndnadrinyjniiarev day wl?from? anrunnr ni. .A vue w we oesi seiectea otocRs in their line. yQ sexes win "WrecielTed,; arid monet nc distinction will b miufctui DECught to this market t ,;:- arlotte havinB iog Snqcjd f meat M teefeepierf vo l TTflYelir- tmbiie r' the 'adTBntRr hin dik& Hot alii 0 ( r: enui maintained over the conduct AnzbmDoisltfbf Xiao ir J l'r " ' l1'"11 , -4J iWl 6fi i Cnfov) ) t.t. n... . , .... A - LLINESY ESTABIaSHHEaT,0 ?bj-3- aiiii t"1!' '-'- " -' i f rotiiateity. hfejob e will conduct oar business -exclusively in . . , ;v . - i' V'i TXMiXmu s 4- wi. t"irM ,:tI 'VSbn'. LEATHER - Higher Grad... IS.X qo If. , 4 - - I . J 1 eii'atci j.wjit.vi.tirdnraMi . 1 i'li Wakeuuntypr stealing; cattle; tried in ; v w-wp8 isiauonea inrBaleigh left y ester- .sThettnuiiBayffeeporirwicli 5ba ftbtined currency- iii som .;rf;ll,w!Jli ell&W feTer'exiati in Wil- River will tnt. vialH it. -" .:..- . . . ..... , : wn oypters, una W iimingtm drankfebne4fcMv.t t -vofiB!:4ftncio8ed.'ftTbe cbareeavere " on Inst Mondav evftnitvir ' t.h 7tK 5nt: ri,?"2'utJr nC,tlat titr. ' This w gwa hews from iWydnnK and eallant :J8 I S W HWBWIW httateuftAVWV Alt- ,tjrpent a th PU- CfUJureJUj0lJtUflIiiLEaniaftv..olnrw1 ? reaWAtileselifi iJidedri their father. BcCimajneans the Jired ' and the contents lodged in one I . annn .ai.AwAn ' Ma a; i s 5 be iTBsdrteato. 7"vf, ,X w . nu jvewis were arivin&r -aldrijireeV fRal mm nw amv . irui iey were Mr, Lewis had a hnadrffiainedi rtain- fuily nd Mr. If f ttsrcteg bJl j: bruised a,nd sYinnWTK4htira8rf.Attached to mxJm.&lWi the driver- oot,- laiW-wnMiiurt. The above nlyti rediioeirll IMntheatri4 ttSQwBreasottiTh is actianraiihd , ;ptCJth Board uwill nletht apl niierbyikti jiuwaft1 recreate iMtftnitthecoilii ;hre ing iy entenfciM.nmenU aUjAiiudedajibesicles .We iticerl igwlaiiire'wl 1 T0.ll!l.RliKl,o?al Department, A .WW jrm.pe. naa pamcniariy; as we la xj temi tq keepawell1 selected tetoelr.Ui. ul tm tobbintf trade. of sood stood. . ' T WUNl'RY Merchants generally,; are invlr, that weare&oW i&b&ial& Trbhv 50 to 100 per cent beldW theif real value. We 'Jsell- A " TTntriBimed JiaiaatLjpw worth trio 4160 -. a it ji i j;-.tl'IYi!V-r i --11- IOW I- J,l ted-to ealtKod see pleasure iwilj. ; be .taken to.kow ihmrtbioofi:hi., Such crlces Will be assfrd ,a will. Insure their purchasing.- iucjr nre (ieiriuineu not 1,0 ie uuaersoiatT any otbei 1 House.' --.',s-- v-vt?f i.t,. -" to iitJUp-i, rf.c ., tr; .y . The Ketail;' Department will ; beattiided ; W mem employed for tbat purpose.'. Tjkil goiMla ta tmr.iae wiU be Bold aiiHetntli as ehMU7jas ihe.v..cau be. fouud etatL w 'till Ji vajuca, Jua.WU.9C7. ; . f . : 0ur,f rtenda are soQclteif W 'a lWM '& eall; Bepkwith Building -iup Stairs,. i.-. I'TAKS'leasure in informing the public Unit I have again opeatttuaU tiwliere, ydtt can get your sofa, setts,louut'es. fchairs an(UitpitniaB pu in the ameoiuti- tion tUfi U If lien MtOffirOiein trum tne suire at reasunable pneea. - I have in the sameoi able prices, f Tn SMajed tbeviMa'.lrs. .class - Uphol 8t'e.ref .'who .liks sef ver ms1 trae - in7, BerlfoT Prussia, and therMdre. 56anf iruaratatee "satis ize me; Orders foFniattrasseSor 'tepairingf from abroad attended to .promptly. janeF" ' SfEiaTSTElN. ' m ' ,x"- JnstReceivedv " fARLORfeuit-s Diessing Case Suits, Ward &J&fimtf WfWx itfeadsteads, , rabies, WhataotSwChairs. brvaridas kinds. W6it as Jfoldiaa ; W fcliaifiand .'bieief bottom chairt 9otoethihel'-efrtirelv orated Also anew lot of Baby'arfialesj' and a of the tot&1fA,&'l OiftfgJ1 ermine., r-wstTrtY wnrnfr a v a permanently fers his profession lotte, and of4 to the public i 'Ana 'STrixeara wpenenca J new- VltttXrtllrnW- a!,! leanlnarchitt'WtWJ MHannjp baa ieihV jfears m sruay, uv JUBapn , Wglt kww'f i and Ultd!finUes, he satisraction n Uhe following works: srtrV J Uhrist uhnrch,.BumiioTmont;iirent Staten Islam!;1 Betrhett Bmlding; Drezel ,feets cHfip(ut'iBai ;lie can give satisfaction "WKifeSn ifeW Ydrk e was-iengaged ii the following works :"-af QUd'HSi Mansion. 8. Hopkins; Westrainr inff. Providence. It. I.: Eaui table Insur ance Building, Oaatoq Mansion, J. Cahi- weil, Boston, anfgm t others. -1 Mr. Welch will taki pleasure in drawing designs, and raakinp -Complete pjans and tfr burnings oMryeryaind, specifications tan " -in thi direction: c k v . tThewfiAleiEh a Saturday . "ayWrll 8atmaJraephvahe UrfcUiS dger'UVMterrortB . h circus, held a nver8atio4esWij- eon a taxes, ,111 one seasoh, amouljed the work of the company, put up the 1 ' CAriYass. Mfig 6awhh YSpri ng hdacdl&c J He Would hotrIVesi dent, said oner: f-would rather have i.him; than QranVVsaid mhGrVT p73 CVmm. mm 'HmofUd rather Fbave' himfor'GrOVBmpr The unl .jegitake this method t n an 1 wen'miaw-anotrreri'jod ''5-wllrrt1mirCtl cdftfes; i ifill propose 1 datv farold-Jnhn I'Erininaflrj-'A.-i.flaiii Udaeptt 4eelaiedi iut J6hiKBohinsH woald -nof'qnite Twre-'hw ring for GranlSl Vritt&tf Jphu Bdb njllinstfnmMolbe rreswernVbr Qoyern- -i irrMfeinnal e? Diatnct. nfflIr:it.rii tntei rCTictofrartitm wmin 'fnrJrsdayilfis.tlf the MTim 'tmm ft 11 in - - - - -- - Ji Fine Watches. Clocks, ! mext door to Tiddy's Book Store.) S iJWlieilfftOnflSW JOT r)ntinl th a fQlme. ' I Btreetj hariotte,. c. (reTsgriaiiyupe j As before' made public, our good were urcnaseu at such i EXTUEUEL YtLOmPRICES. Triined Ilftt-ail sle adalkifiVat low 8triped Linen at 25 cts peryardtfrtliTSDeU oinpH nansooK at a cts ujp 'T'a worth 50 -cents. deques at 224 cts ndf'" yafcl worth " Towels at 12i ctspar ysKl?wr(h cts'." Corsets at 75 cts eacfi vrUi.iJ5,'' ' ' nanuaercnieis irom j.j tts -up." In Embroideries, Jacaiiet Edgintfxand ningiwSare otfenng great liulacements. Japanese i Fn" With, Chains. land a thousand different novelties. 'A' We feel encouraged bv the manv favors already eitengrti YxtSS. ot who, we trust, have purcfialeor" at ry pric, uuu we suaa, euueavo, Vf VL WlA alCt Ubdom lial TISCCra. lU iuWs ( WS J Scatnnl, a purgative, exevtin- a A " - LARiGU? assortment of COLLARETTES, the very latest styles. ? : angl-tf. ? -r .j--. . "a ii,!, n 1 in rL . l Jlbl " T fc Tf? Air HI TT Kitia..1 1 ?SEf)S MJC rvvrnnt that etyrsuA Tl 'Sq. Person can fM aythef,rout'e; r,.; ;v ' - Ai n3Pfc' f i'!HWjix"'"i" t.j, !'' GertTFrtiebt'Agerit;- ' ft.v7 a,:i ' ! X ' ' y Shnds proclaim Vnf t wontlcrrul lu- aincd tha sinking i ;o these Bitters s, and remain long bones aro not dc- cescxrT nnaeral s ioisoh or other means, uur vital organs, .wasted ycjond 1"'v Cambric ic.. &c. nififA;t. 1 AvnV"iiie.h :irn ro lrnva- ---- - I PWs0ls at extremal Jo w rjces y- A lent in tlio v-illevs of our great rivers Woirlititiilie' mXH JStalcfe, ei4;tnl!y tlioso of i!io Miss&sfiiui. Ohio, Missouri. jlinmTgiessec, Cunibcrlnnd. Arlcan--.6?fti- Tit'T. 'tJdtonuUivlJrazos, Rio Grande, d&iititf'A ljUiy ii?y lAjl P bavaniia.li, 1 k; a:oiatif!aiidi:ji;ijyo with their vast tributaries, throughout our entire cotihffy7 diifiijf fhe Summer. avd Autumn, and reinarkalily so during sea sons of unusual fteM !Hnd! ,tTfyri(Ms;i,irra jextensivc lc ach iul liver, their no M mi t t 'miii a 43 M' sfac- nuMirbiits pow- unon tlicso various or- jfJina, is essentially necessary. There! is fid batliartic for tlio purposo equal to I)n. J. Walkeu's Vikegau BlXTEUS, na Ificv vvvll oitnoililv rp.ninvn tho d:irV- if :?0T8xd4viscidinatter with which tlio stimulating the, secretibnbf tho liver, uncjions"of the digestive organs. i.C4!t:. ii.Ai...l...t.. I , , ' try tyiAiTOrisralt its: tJuids with Vixko a i j .? ' v.. J. I. HKJ fiii rfMf! "L-jH rtI LI&HT-:RONHIKB ir f si 5ri 11 i ,'..,-5 n r-. tt . rrr '.4uSr.2--?"rft ik5 . f!k'.i '"''i EXCELS ALL OTHEB TOTidlbiiacWvm ,to. i;j bie K ueadacbe, yer aad ,Agaer Kerrdns , " liebility, or . of ari jjsojxleaflUnlFtha' a i wuiaui, uvtr oi aimiPiB, lswr-ton. ich, a JThey act very rai'dlyTyei: they thorough m Tto' theaetiiiiai.JictlonlofCthojdl- jMOTOSjawli-ihMiat, nr. , hither ; Musea. pgrprwealmeCh4 tnay be takeprt any 1 fimaiwltliburchahie 1 ? f diet orraparton?" uf o, 1 ! Wcel 23d a.'farbalPlDrhWfsti " ' 8mn$A 'of'ewlTbrk, fpeakuig of ;thtsretuedjr, xaracteriies has :"oneor the 'shecntl 'blessihcti'of'thiirMin.. : krtcw' hbw easily they ctit W cured bV rened'.,' l$f its 1 :sfecnt( 'blessiiics 'of that 'hln. teehth ciwary;Thcf wtainvytf itaheal. eir(prt,'l Bttiilihetiidi tiiOiinironiity; . uvm twuger Wftether.j aflnnpiattred .uchU., , dten or tp Aduadrt)itcltH,,widely ' heyi this imtvf Hisrf' all nulnWtllkrv diseases mayrbeiJaristeoirahdJcoasnnp! tion the scource thatweer ! awav thou. ; sands every year wouUTha, checked In its coumieiiceniew. persons j- with .a seated cough, which breakvaheir rest at night, win pna, oy t.aaing, ,ine, ispectprant pn hhig test, teredato hlkirii - Bold iby'sil Druggist. ping to hed,' thej mat'be' sure'of tinhro keh sleep and rfeCreshhir'rtfe ' :,. ,: a verypIeasuMHasteU is.ieasUyj adminis. sib ; ; :' " vi MAXWELL, woorsueiow riddysi Book lLftbratorv.4Sand 20 rkairtiand r1-....Kw York- feb;0,depdaw(,, ; DKTDTTS HAIR DYB;" ' " 1 jrupscBoes cruaiiues uat no other oye noes. .lit enects aa instantaneouSj : apd so natural wia m cannos m.3 aetecte4 by:Jth.e-iclosest Dili ,v;.wiii.;l - rQosflrver.W4Stis,irmwsfu.ieasilT ..annllad Store,' '4an4rja in : geeriis .imoni . &sVonbl 1 H.vKeM?ciy id-th J. S. PHILLIPS Merchant Tailor, J . id JuVtKCTXED another lot of ele gant French Coating' and Fancy Cassimeres wjLcbfirejoeW it thC liowest possibW pri ces. ' X have sUU, on .hand a Jargeatock -of . OL01,JII3r"3-, , IJAT3, " " T-: i v .. -- " . ' . - . . . . - , v. '( -t - 4 " liiTTKiis. Xo Aniilmnto rnn tako holu o'f a' systcni'thdi i'oreiarnied. iDyspepsijvoi ludigestiou, IIciJ nche, rain in the Shouldei-s, Coughs. Tightness of ' the X'ticst, Dizziness, Sour: Eructations of the Stomach. Had Taste in the Mouth. Bilious Atfa 'titlnita-- tation of the Heart, Inllariir it'.on of the ' JjUigs, Pain in .theregion of the Kid "iK3-s7linii 4 hlmdi'ed otlvfer pahifup sjulp 'tbnrs are'tlw oftspringa 06 Dyspepsia. One bottle w ilt prove a better guaranteo of its merits than a lengthy advertise ment, L . . .---fc: Swellings, L lcejnyKipelailSpec I n flam ma 5iwMeriitt,nal A ififoiifl? Old Sores, Ernytfi'itf f.Uio.jivii. SrcjIyis; vZi. U13- 1 111 iiicsr;. iwvhwUH'r toiiKriiatioya I easo-, V.' viWJCatvri!.R Hrra-wis.iiav e the of all kindwoich-are pflered at coSfenf o wrxociosa mem put.ai ine earuess pyssjtoie A FULL LH9TE of ta ismnh isHBaa eataaetnis metnoaio in 7y ,1 i:AKiWttnK wfl form the iitreemnof Charlotte, and the nub- -1 lie seue4M$RMJtf;aTe mdjnjrto-., atth4lowesfcfigwes.f. awc9plrtT-' the firm na6w 3" and aW U. rTXtWdLKBB and, SWWr"&VlL,:C LwllI cw,i cs -ifss as w; uresweu ii! yittatnv3taf't i staoKfoi. rine ...rfESDywnaa ; wurciui it A 1 1 l'ji-jfts W(! IkHSAN.aTO JXXJk ASIIBUSIESS. LonfldnrSfk d- lonfecefcabont inability I t 1 - - to gmohetraofiVpay-etfr "bills, and HmT1 5 K"s9 fifWuW toletHgatidns . with i f? fj - f- ns. whWM cfediUtAJUlSefi .will be com- V rtnef'iwflaigcnee. ; most ptfT.n'diV3)i"utiiaiM' -Rlieir. : r.t iinVTauf?idusiiemit-' itcnt.ana uitennentiisrs, diseases 0 t1i l51fl- Utw k' til no V s: 'and Bladdeu ( rthese iiittr have lio eqaaIlSuch.I)iseasea ; Jlechanical l)i.ases. iVrsons en rfrastijxrialut8 and, Mineiirjuch a J'lumberslTypc-setters, GoliVHiUj'rsi and JlHiecs akey'au vanco in luVi, are" subject paKUvsis of, the Bowel..?"Tpj.iiard .jraiust thwtake a dose of "Walkbs Tix (OA k BrfrKRs' ftccasiMIiy s - " J? or skm Diseases, Eruptions, Tct ji liC -r JLF JLJXJL V JUL. tu 'Plttrkih? r pi rasTirfr att4siweiasf-a 10 goous, sit bur r, jeisnPSi THE . LARGEST STOCK OF con- J : t . t ' ; Luam at ol SreKS: Mmu'eSTlM Liquors 1W in. nin.K i- . - - mining m ""v t ..v ! i fth'iFaTdea:Sf the tefrfcri11e5fiS0onty Il8az'fiSiJch- r.nt the reDreaaritA- 1 Mas r a -t a ' x r r - rero-c-aloflBflS-eVbern Times. : W rtion. lJ pits' "cvnovriiaii ion oi 'votuo. Ana Jiavii .! '.f I'M .T fc-s ... . - len :iistrous " tdlrrt tfA-ruthful eyiatr. bfownf RftlMlexible red 1ipS7StrgesH ve of the'lenWwaWPencased in form .h.aHth9,u-st.rfivwhin2 of ,!ajCin-kised Mh.imMJiPithftiae8b thatf 'Mill I IP' JJ, L.4J. Ill . . . ' 1 lvPrTV yUT1pK3R3'MIU" itnHV'djnung r-'MTiffi piliuw frwrfiTxv'T!i"'x 1 ; AWrfvlIiVoref -ilberal..Jnducemnts to-th Jtcrhr.v t nrnwrwrrf the aubscrlber at Kt 1 nmi ewing 4li vrravf!ip".i rtf?x tha. chlnetlof. Bland ti Si ehaftei bt. 1 JLO .ATIAJTA . Baltimore, ' 'A ft,.-. .. ' l J -w ' 1 ' r u ui.....-. AAA 1 A "CARD. 1 , u;J .... ... ... : im ?uitrttfhtatiiii&fill keeb- 'a- lairaJBtock ii ! Having inade 1" changejn - my businless alLkTa Find U ?amp,lgDe and ther WiD "5r 'J?' XrTf6dift'paflisiW rc!8acrantehtal pqj Angnst tkltf 1 ' the xmdersined a ' . -f k,. tio.. , ' j-a- andmntle- Pses: '' imiy. a.u.w.jHia4Au.. .- ., 1 If-A rv- li"7 In cli .ft 6f-rH-ail -JAT- ot i4Bta'thOalieraki6cfirjriiliiie is ilflMPaiP :SefSarJf WiUi. '0ntd-Deai8Ahwen'ridi - - f.,.,' large lot of manuoi6etolaCco a low 1 special tltsiuj i 'w iAmil& iui, t I . .. .-Tt!.-"- '' 1 Al..mlrm liiliH (kill I H l I tfcKlWn?t9tchwfTOt, Pimples, Psulef)T learbuall Ring-wortns, TSca)d-head, Sor Kycs. Erysipelas, Itcb, dtiimlseRjrayoiWrheRiu'llu and Dieai'oi'iijknY.di!Maniv?ame or nature, ars hftraUy dug up and fcarned tmt of tho-Bvtv'H du ai short) tune by the use ttrkibf in'thei ssrstehmf -ad .maayilhoAaads, are efl'ectuallv destroyed and removed. No jjtJJediciuajDwITan-mil'ugos, no an HHetaSMfils vill fi lid system from worms like these Bitters. : 'c . manhood, or the turn of ule, these xonio Bitters display so decided an influence tbat improvement is soon perceptible. Cleanse the Vitiated Blood when ever yon find its impurities bursting through the skin in Pinfplds,- Eruptions, or Sores y cieanse iv wnen you nao, it a&ructeu turn jauggi8h .Uit the Teins: cleanse it when it is fotu;jrour fefUugswiB'tell you when. Keep the -b1orHTitfTfiialtd tie hBaftK of tha svstem mil fnllnv mli- , f. HW urnggina una uenr AffM-, anTrranMco; cuirora, ad effl of , Waihin rtoa abd Glnrtton Sts. N. Xr-M I lou bjr ii yraEguu ana iwaien. j. isofa celb.mtfw 1 innl2.t T'""'" '.: r;r.' I I nf vour mbnev. - .v Ta;i ..aoitiuw", ,ftifMt ir rr')'r fiTi .na jY'frrflr t vr IS.i k '. r iffieSltiHv return I basemen v . dimensions uai 5 U fee Ttfply aedn-toiacM 4 1. TSjeelbny return thanks for the libei-iiEl Mf S4-eelWa16t df elegahc Su .'uu-..-B a M . a-M '. . - I Wej.-ffeanf iSMttTrn4rvfTiM'.V. 1 AtSA-JDJRS. ffully. ficfrcopatpfuttfiTrfavorsV 11 mm 11 , Jimi YMilH H'J'IM ... . ll.;i . f"..l?fc j 1 ., - ta Uninamil. xiatns nn ir bl -T I . Ill'lll ' .1 1 Hi. i. ' -ll-HMII ..-mm.- 1 i. KM&IWW C JL BROTHERS ol hknk. Trade St. Charlotta.NX! w w. t Br.ieifTa-4 mAFwrnMraVaAiolkrirpTSXfreoeivpd.at, J Brothers A3o'g,' a' ai Bank, Trade St. Charlotft, vng20-tf. M ,holce 'Mte5f u .jni2 v b.4w r.arax'VVf VK WIU RUUOi CMS DUCT SVA t? CU I ' Jq Received. 14 JT L' -"JOi .' '.'- "' ' "'.,.- - " K . ..'-. - -,..: 4 V'J v '1'.'..' -i '':':. '.":'.!iV".';T-:;. .'f ?' ':'..;v V-'J''-:'';1''': '".V' 'V'i' 'i:'!'Xi'-'V "'"'"'' '. r'i vrk fobf.The''AtiantlHote4ffndliriR t. tt necessary to meet tne aemanas 01 our pteclaver,Jl)uWlc has Ifurnishecl, : fMa A&OJtf J 'OF ; 18-74, AtiW "it lrf now otjened under .the man aaement Jfrty tablehall at all times Be equal to the best ftt this '' r J jt;n--iitt i a f rDpxuarf ynmmcruicsom My guests will be admitted tree of charge to tne UtrtBotvi. w$H . "J X ttAtT llTff r1 KJT AfemtRI? ATiP! .,'.i iiJ t-viijf - vw ; yd of Fbtber'hotei, and being in a few feet of BOATS- ARB IN ATTENDANCE . i 'f ' - , Oi nit!a'daytoliafcHhemb5th.ei, or to other $oiaU oi Interest; toe mere (trifles . if? ' -XT-, v t .r ASitTu. i u- htm conveniently located,;, it Yjoiif iu s? &:iB4efprOpTtetor reserves the right to reinse accommoaauons wt-parties nnitora w prodnee satisfactory-vrldence- of Rood char aAteri iot' whOM'Comnany UMEtbe i amUlsanc 1 July-tr Proprietor. ' SAVINGS BAIMK i i United States. ' i - - 'J MECKLENBURG TJNT, W 6. rMTT - - t ! ? r r ACT QFrTE LdlSLTt7AE. prsanized ypyember -dLtli.; '1873 J-JE Scrofula, eruptive diseases of the 8kin, St. Anthony's Fife. ,Er ysinelas. Blotches. l oo.ooo 1 Tumois, Boils.' ' Tetter, and Salt' Rheum. 'i 'fj'i 1,000,000 I Dcald Head, Kmgworm, KheumatisM, pain 1 and enlargmeht of the bones; t female weak- BANKINQ HOUSE, TRADE ST.. CH ABLOTTE ' N 0 toess, Sterrility, i.Leucorrhoea ;ornWhites, . ..,(,. j . '., r r i .. ... '- ' womb diseases,;. Dropsy,. .White Swellings, Is prepared to transact a general Banking Business. - Cash advanced ion Cotton. Man P ', .ey JAY-: Oonplaint. ufacturedoods and Merchandise stored in Warehouses and covered bv Insurance ' Mer?wnal TainL. and; files,, , aU Dropeed At RtAnto nnn .m4,ni.o.ji,1,;(,Vi, .vj . xuctuiuuve j fcQ-j ,mDUre blood. .... 7( alsoon-StCBQi.apdjotherfiecwtiesi- if-,. . . .witrViTCS- weals in Goldai'd jailver :oin, Exchaige, Bullion, Bank Notes, Bonds. Stocks &eu M: i -i j l Money -received on deposit subjec t ta dfeck. Interest bearing (rtificate9 Deposit r :11009 twerfu 'rMood Purifier known ,i r'' .!. ijv : -.j.- fa xrpuait i to inediiDaracifenceA It enters hntn.th mr- to gain flesh and increase in weight'.' ' ;i" , KEEP THE BLOOD HEALTHY"'- issued for money when left on time accordine to aer&ment. Collections made on all accessible points ; promptly acknowled on- JeceiDt and r.' culalon 'ftnd eradicates - evflry morbU mitted-fcron date of paynhent. eceipc, anu re Ugent; repoyates , the, .system produpes ;r -; !.; . Directcra and Officers; : . ('. Gbieb, A, Macatjlay. of Stenhonse; Macaulay & Co. J. P. Houston; ?i i and aU.wiH 'be'vVellJ To -dd'rJ96j 'nothing o. n. Moore, - ' Ji w. WcMuRRAT. of McMurray& Davi?, : ' R D ColIIbs hasever been onereui that an compare J . W. Wadswobth, W. W. Grieb, of Gi ier & Alexander ; , s ' pskrra ' w,th 0118 valuable vegetable extract, f Price 8. P. SM ITH, President. TrL. VAIL. Cashier. C. N. G. BUTTAss'tCashier. U bOUle. Soid byaU Ijruggists. M Office ew lora t'orrespondent Jmporters' and Traders' National Bank. feb 4.1y I . ; marge, ri;r,T?jr-yry f ' ' J LX VxilvVJU JXi 1 1 XjlVhitt (JUi&xS I HE. F. M. Sheltbn, Keeps constantly in store Furniture in great variety and of the Very latest; sty fesi. and is selling for casu only, Reaper 'than'rthe same class of goods have ever been spld in the CU ty oi cnariotte, and as cheap ps any orte can possibly sell. A call from all irf respectfully solicited..-. . ,.; ' ' jnne9 JUST RECEIVED , , AT - -; j : . WWfi SHELTON'S rrillE third aidjfst :lot for , the- season, 6f JL those -beautiful BABY CARRIAGES. Call eoonjibejbre they are all gone. ' ; ' ALSO, i, KITCHEN Safes Book She! ves, Hat Trees and Split Bottom Chairs. o.i-s.t j., . Sep5-tr. ..M-i ( f. B. S. LITTLEJOHU Q.WvC.HAiS:," Enwm1 co; co.Tiirnsmo irtEitcii a rs, THE BAKE OF MECKLENBURG, charxotte, n.c. , Simmons' Mfflf -toiMfl Ja8v Tubnkb TATBr-iPresident. ;; , TSa purelr Vetttola;nremrtlon-riaim- THOs. :W.r;Dj6wEY, Cashier, ,; ) ,11. lesaatttwalTfarAwrtflaJor fll de- v. a. ukwkt, Asst. cashier. . ; 1 "l,.rji.L,JI ST iTJ t nousanas ana always give iuw i litis B ATXo i.:mj?-v; iI .'. ! -KmU vr s-i ' " 'vT- - CoiambIaVB;XZ.r'Aj7J:' H:' mhis Bank Chartered. Under. Act of the inzum nri- mtfjy j n General Assembly and dul v orcaniied I y, under Laws ofe the State? of Korth. Carolina, - - Aden and C Scarr,'ChKrlotu"KwCti with ample means is prepared to transact ,,,uiray Z tf. j.mun WBW-tjfeVf'- General Boning Cuslne,. ?b ErtCaHpm and fpjrnacmmcdatipns toaUits Cus-' ' 'Ifl.ir' rjd,a Jvt.f tc-mers on'Liberal TermsT" "JTI. '' ' THI?1 TH5riTCPTTnP I ' Tha bendc will receive Deposits aubjeet id it:-,, ..ijajWf.f J Check, and, wm Allow Inteaest Recording 1HK 'BEST P03fP FUk- TIIELBA81 or,issue,CejnbJlt,of i)eiK ,beuinKiu., : i, i.r,.&Vnxlt:it:.,- :.l tereaf atthe.rate..of,f;e i ti a Eight 'par 4oant tfwiw At.17 j -Mf! 1 takcHi blWftd jfjWrX Orttlh; flourrOacoit.-Clr6cerie CH ARLOTTE, N . C. tv tun ;.' ; ot Special ateptipB;givento cphighments "oi Cottc-a jbjr sj-re QtmJ6thierlmarket8,and liberal adva'neesmade. i j. Jpne' 9ii MANSION HOUSE: . v mm ms aw w ! .. UiJS only nrst class iiotel betweeniUhar ii lotte and -fAtlantavm This House f has just beeji. repainted. -and re rarnished: and Is situated convenient to the business Tart o JE& Umhihus to and irom tha depot. j march 15 tf . tivn-n-n-i aai tv$i . , Ii Will) ; '.I .' -H. national 'HOTEi,; .Af OST cpnvenlenUy situated for commer ItX cial travelers, of any House in the cityr1 .. . ... , RvfirvdftHraurvIn fMHRorf. J A-"' J 4V umnious, xe. .aepo-w. OCILDEttS "1 ATTlTNTIOTS SASH: iB W NB I an DQOR Man ulactory, Columbia South (3prolipai uv T!r .T ; ' , Tnms out ash-j Bhndaj. DoonfcT Mantels. Brackets,) Mouldings, .Scro1! iWork.Ballus- ters. Hand Kails ; and t everv article used in house trimmjuaiof ia lonajity fnnsurpassed and Urifleswbich;defy; competion. ; . , iH iU F, .HARRISON, Agenl jan. ns74. ;-3-f 0ssMer.j n bimuhdredtfef Cettifieatw Bftlgtt be 'obtain- S-Wl Ik 'ilO , - '1 ''i 11' -1. JiettQiency,but as isj-eemed, entirely.fjun. .wT i djj.jc-,. . ij -hO mnsrfCbarh)tte, ni6nim 'aaak v f -llyi Wlf'Daviaay6V!'iloWD Q i r- --'V M- imVV. CMS . Z W- iOtli .' v '.vf ? :') ? "iAiaxweiioewiDg aiBcnine jigen,ttiaviaiei, '.4.-;' ..... , I rnnl Hntl I. A KlarlrwAl1r ' Wt iK. Miit. iufWnBir' I . " '. . .'. 'U' !.'-'. '' I -r.WANTEDTaoontractfor? a lotpf,yl- Just i received a lot f select Spieeitfw! 1 SlnRlea, ltbyr&Cf i Plcklesreserves, AC.; at; ;P SCARR'S, , QrdsmWtedAddre li Jne 29 v . v Drag Store, , frtr jnnera. article w Marret. - " ' ' " t:""-sisuaBsi'''' ;uv; ' 'lat - Mwt, t ut F.fiCASB ttrVekabibar iftTeeao. 'jnne 23, 187i; 'l'-DrogBtere. i Jj; prloc flegara, which wtlV re sold wy V rVehaa W how "Deri for ' the receptio ijAf.ajnd aocommodatlon of regular 1 and transient hoarders. ' ' ' -: . WfU.l.lmnn1tiu1 wllH'MMkMP .iImMII " on. Xefma accommodating. : ' t General Commiaaioii Merchant, -1 'V?f vIinTT'.T r. 'f ; ainasoi jri!oaucBt uotronana Aooacfipi i vaaJuaAa. aM .arrwirr Alfordaafimlvdl IRST CLASS HOTEL, sitnated con dec iJl ,'73, ,am a d i.nrfa i 01ml u;ifprjOxaawm be R.MPj OA5 REArVWtTTT Ply TT T! 1 WWW.rB.. V.W.AAMfWi.llAI? W.LajnUftttJ ;,t i.:TTa nrpa.( ,?T 1 T? CTf i t! -t - ntKttnt .li-. 'i J; Ac JBBADSH AVr.T Try on 8ti one door he low; jCbarlotto, Hotel, mVsa'k4ofconrnrh Flour. '"K' A l .ir-.en MAYEB. OBEY a ROSS J -. r . .' . v . tii f i , . n rr mmnJ .iA:.ntV .lihml . cul NK ; . Till nut trnmr ihMn tn f ha IroH. af v.lll.n.wM wnp-w .--r-" in'TT" si&medto-: tt FOR SALE ai tha OBSERVER OFFICE RhltalsCt CHi arlttel,,0.,' Ht)!od29

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