,. h,,., . . i.,,im.-l ,i ir ,. .in i i. , .n,,,, -.. .. -.,.1,. .irn-V,.-..i-,.r.ViJI ..I..;.. '.. . . , , L mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm "ijHIJi!ii.-ua. if ill ''''r i I I n 1 r 1 wrmmr 5 14 :rAn Incnest k .n iAOTL0TTIIAIIAfU nt h'ltmlUSs hetdyecrday bii the t DELAWAEE. I UnOLUP "-J iZTl' Ann. ass meeting whiaiW C4tWF of the orain. CiLuatBU,(bept.i.l44tH1i1niQrtit;pDveur; tion?t(kJftyifted; irellutidn intfaror of tf'thlrd ierfn for'Ofatit and ' thank uin'fnr Kfirtdihor trobtm1 Co the' inside: they also thank Patters 0i Mackej( for theiic AgepcyftiTirooungit-oto he done. They deprecate lawlessness and TiolenttwilftUptt -to the prineUWTr!?14 r5yi towh'knd 'lt.W 'BelleVedTiVWyi is.e 1--- 1.CMa1 "Hill tmw la nVfinkrifn an: answer toi those "toatts bf Moulton's statement referring di-i-fefctlv. to himself 'V ";: V ( )UHICA30, Oepitii uiuumu" n-oioi;i7 mfent alls: flat .heriri The JTrifcune thinks the case reached a point yhee Bomebodv ousrbt: to be haheed-either Beecher for.bis crimes or Moulton for Taw slander. , The ptttMnkAltbe ey-j Honr0 ia rnmnifttft 'apainst'iieecuer. The Journal th in ks tfte tafl) ejftt.comlDa n6 nearer establishing peecner a gum than the last statement. t nrnmispi txi tQclucel expenses ana W-, JM'JVL. ;tasci20T! of the the iiJargtbill.fvItmairUainT!he MP.ttlchient, of OUe rrttbli flebfcJid& lloreSeilLIee6rlclafflir:n8t w hkVthe're;is aTBhad5w'pfsn8pen8;or tl:ly8ten,fO taxation rs wiw Hdvanta feeou7 to" the 8griculturahsin.T terests; andiit finally, ii t ; prom ises , to protect the properties of tne Btate. - ('A.,,Targe caucus ' thlsfetenihj' apM Wmmnrd work in: favor 'of Green, gaiust Chamherlainur, A new4conven- tion wii oe-inem in- vjunriesmu. PoarMKD-tdiILThe election1 pxogressipg ciuietly, 'A" . ayerage.yqte iribeug" polled. : It .is. impossibWi at this hoirf to fora any conjectures as to the rea.ulV as ' few Returns have as yet AuGUSTA3ept14.-T-The!vqtiug gen rfn -i .i -.1 .'.1 1 J : Cn Li!.. ... h.M n i ttior nrrfttir.T "jTniar.i. wun dluht uuiivb. u uiwuii - . jllM.-.tt tMtnmb.itYtmnmtoriirfiidAV evftninc. She fell to the DOttOm Ol rra'and-.tusiness is een. causing insfaif death frornimcussio erally "sQspended.Rwomtions --were immedi' s Gftytrrork Kellof ' . pointy lIII-:-n. chairnCu o--1 Chapin,v1u. '-tuJ ead7iiM8r as to wait up6ttiliaroVrnorna no tifyhimv6faie action of thei ineeting; Thel inrtiTnTtteihaTO not! Yet reported th a fwrott 'of "their hi fssiom No '-d is- turpjtos,bavec al lddring, attisit to thestmer Ite)aiTTW14;f anng a serjarate ana aistinctHoTise for each i and in doing sp, we flatter oursplres tnat t win nos oniy meatus SriDal of onr numerous custom- ere. but - tht an ; t "ExclusiTe W noiesaie n Jit 1 ! . ln a InflnvAf TIBW trade, anLof ebaracter noi nerespiore w 1t wnst be tbYiou o everjMwxyer -that.; a strictly '! Wholesale House T arrangedrand arJnntpd for that Trade only; prim mplesaW , Salesmen StpcK carmuy Bei-wsu avi u and , UioreoYer, im avuiuauwj 1 Comtiric October lfcmd a1tleviW N o JJvcrel-Q'Ab h t. p ; p. .... ligggoi. -.w a - c ,.- " " I the Departments, -yhn n vanyo Lsribu , fTenna as moderate aa krcODsjstent-iwiwk - : J x j . ; a.i . 1 A' 1 f; - ?Tt . wn.':: ifo.'f J rime pi?; tcflities for i DM05TT AIR UNB.. with itKai ana water Sffi7TnmTT the quick and safe transportation of freignw anu irum ..u -hi , witna corpsoib -, , inuiJ CUi-it.A thn . Following KOUies 5 ,i: with a r NaiiiiiHia u.'"vw.-' - . At UBU9 VUU i I . f - - . - . . .... . ... ,. i 4 "S contact iw reu uyra( f " 1 , , J i 7 7-' 1 t J r"i - t -v to the fact ' VVtv ' " ? ': erbstoreln- . ffr AU'J Aiv h . ,M J. A. WILSON, Agent. ie. where you . , Tyfi-zAv - v- ' ' ; : ' 4r Trenton. SeDt. 14 - The Democratic skate Convention to nominate acandis date lor Governor, in opposition tcf HalseVV UvratepiiinRCftij nominee infiPtsf rrStoliiiorroirll ijidge Beadld kud Major Ferry are proniHieiuiy men; tioned. The lornier win in an Rrooa bihty be nommatea.. Jersey City. SeDU 14. 1 ne ores in the woods along the line of the New! Jersey & soutruar a, iipau , couiiuwc: They have ieen;rarnng,now over .wo weeKb. a. grueiienfcui wuuucu has neen , sweDw IDYj line names ue- Tourtng andi.lfifglree and all vege- tauon ior zu sauare nines. xuc n lage of $lraw,c,od-un liemden an AtlahtioVKailioadl !sf 4thsreatened b r.hp flanH 4tiP BarMinded by pin HOW Sweeping. ma, uncuuga. but-houses, fences and crops ha? been p:estroyea in many places. fnii tn make Charlotte a wholesale 'mart - Ai and ours 'memolesaTeHoiise.wWe . j; nbhvthe'pmd satisfaction of seeing it r? RATES an accom plis hea iftcu Tf? Warov call vour attention that we hate converted our superb tn an exclusive Wholesale House, w can find all lines of goods necessary counny. siore HDdts.8noes ware, Millinery bought in " largi yery . first bauds, . fnr orvlr i i,vTiiii f hn-'flTst' hf Sentember. and Ai-, wtn U tkfi 1 ArAst irtf ari-tf here, the oreten- sionaTof ctffters to the contrary notwithstand ing,- HWe respecwuiiy mvne your pawiwi inspectfon, orwnte to us ior;ircmri, t &iJAreryuly:your8- Mhe stiDenor advantatres afforded in the em ploy meu c or oxLTtue nest instrueiors. ai 3.ppiy?,4or,Jtaiogues and circulars, or M AN. D. D.r PrinctDaK or to Proli W.i rL; DUpLRY, M". D., Cliarlotte, NC -4 , aug12-e9d8t. .. ' . ' , A,'My" -4 EDOETVQEtE CCEQ0L.1 , nlHBTBre)fth;Ar.nntS(ssinn rf this Enar 1- lishi and Trench -Boarding-a9d 7paj( 8cliool tor Young Ladles will re-open on i TIItJIlSl)AY,?l'i4i of BHTpHBEBa For circulars, address r2?- ' augll2meed. - 14 w v- -'Principal B P' AET U E H TV erally tt .ree., freoi , excitement and, wakhikgtoJJ Inrili-Ovlr the KrSirri.T; I;-r"-;; Atlantic states, ior luesaay, Weather Probabilities. Tuesda NA Nnw. a few words aoontthat.i: We; : now favoDiyjKnown ' as :. ue jaessrs. juiviu elatm also in that line to excel in Jowness m : Ji ... ol V T Wb will I v . v, t . TkT r that house, have a rcorM oj tunryi oajes- ., , , . ( . ; x - andfiales Ladfe. sU "experienced. iableandQbJiging.M f ..... v a? ftS33StSSS Southern ; f Life , ,1 1 risurance Company. is, and hts alwaysbeiotaVitaotto, we , -. . : , ; .Jfij . r n t ' ' OP THE I . L . fSrugltn;i874. J GENERAL JOHN B. GORDON, ' " lA - , r -. . President, SOUTHS TETJST SALE. rains. prosnresses1 juietly. :,In some localities there is a hot cont tiveitol-heLegii 5f the TJnited States Senatorial cmes tioh ' There are numerous Cm iiei tickets a. r circulation. noon, tne vote here showed that the regular Ke pubUcarjidcet'alkdiBg,:i: with aborirM-KiA fWtaJWst. New Yobic, Sept. 143:30 P. M. Gold xiauu ,lBanwwawH,, closed at 94. Cotton futures closed aalna W f?l 1 1 ha loa oa frkllniVfi" OtWCJ M- 'n." . H3-16i Oct. Jo 1732015916: 5J15 ,17-32; Dec, 15 19-32 "P MWmM'' firm; diatnSSr'f?'r.Tf vrf J-Sipi Sent 15 -? i .-' J!V 'J'i ' Nov. If : ,..-u .. .Albany, oept. 14. rVoveri,or U1X 8 151; Jan, 15J15 2532; -Pet),15 15-lr, March, lO HiKi; April, Af-tl0,cxrrx- SIMXIAL NOTICES. GEN. A. H. COLQUITT, Vice Presidemt, J. H. JULiiEU, Bupt of Agencies. Met AsMts, January 1st, 18T4. Y Virtue oflJeeaB'Ttust to memade.1 jtiTl.' - i T will spll at Tmblic sale at the Court WPA"ttslefW' i.m, L - . ... orisA rlfW in Thrlnttfl nA th Z4tU OSV OI I - : ovember nextMfie saW being Tuesday of J A MORRIS, KwrenrrV AIFRED AUSTELLf TreasjiJUi $ tOO.IHKKOO the 8uperior Court, the following City Prop; erty, viz ; Jfour nnimprovea iois, lying vi Tenth, Eleventh and Cemetery Streets, op posite the residence of R P Davidson, Esq Also, two acres of landt lying on the CarxH Una Central Railway, with the improve i meats thereTakf ratratiBhe sheps. ,en- Mecklenburg Spoke and Handle Factory." Terms Cash or good Bankable paper, j Title reserved until payment of purchase money- ,.r :v IH03 V,lEWEY, TJscptdaiJiAietji; Trustee. MORE1 LIGHT. .', .: .;:if cjsi;.; a ....;! ev-'Mll r-Hiii o WILLIAM JOHNSTON, J. HARVEY .WILSON Vice President, J ' ":.'.;i.t,-.t7 i-.'piv-:.; '.V'; .'. : THOMASTI BRESJiH f ; , -? t ,. ( rMttn E A OSBbREWtVtiid-rtedent Agt. R.M.AIILLRR, J. TURNER TATE. v . ? '' T. b. AJ&AUSTJSAU. JOHN E BROWN, 1. Z,B. VANCE,.! J. W. McMURRAY, t: :w.FCOOKaotj altvj a.vf.m loa.ty i fvTTfv . ii uuuuMujt uuiUiULul 1CUL' UO 14. Tbomasvllle Female .College.' brary TTIGHEREducatiou.at tbtf inoderate ratei i- of ?lu per niofTtb, ipr Boaro.ftnd , 14 Tlie .ufidertjitfiied -havinEr ourchased and put in. thorotigl'repair' h?s elKsknown-.-lw)ol prierjy iocatetl in orie Of Jtheheaflth" iest and pretiiext villages In' the hHl country of N; C.t will re-open it as a firstH-irtM Insti tute ooTne3lysifi4embfrJ5ri. ISjif ' Larve bri-k building,! ful ly turn if hea and admniabiyradaptd to school purpose, in a oeauniui jtrovft or it acres, itameuiaeiy; en the Nr' f?.' RailwadTeregraphio taeiUties. home comfort, thorough course, solid,' clafe- icai,:ana qonuioentaiv. jsvery oepartment filled by teachers of known ability and long experience; among them is Prof I L Wright, for many years, the popular Wp4j: Ration al Science, Ancient Languages, Ac. in Trini ty GllegevNortHfroUnte?!' r?'-ijf- For circular, address . - ' H. W. REINHART, 1 i; - - Principal, ang23-leod2W-rWlm j ,Snr..T. ' i.i Brand Qpediic tWSmt iritis i-AfIHt will wXat ' i , .... -w . . . V7uiui'r.r f-. 1 School Notice. 1 f iSS HATTIE MobRFfa MjssealHefeh4 III .and Ijllv: Tiip will nnn ' A" selerrt"' SQiiooiQU pejtieiDoer, ine iouu iu ine uaiiaf isga lately,used fot Jlhe Graded School. - 'f. vi..:-Tenas.- Per Session, Grammar Schpolj, Second Grade, t rfaaf .$25.00 ....,$20.00 M asic, ( Instrumental f..Jx.L..'.L..Jiioo French, ........ .,.-..f.$i0.00 Tavable strictly HALF IN1 ADVANcA Nq deduction except for protracted sickness. Miss Moure will have control of the Pri mary df partment. augZSw tawul.; , ,K'tr. : Announcement.: decision in the Haveineyer case is niade?4publicf to-day The lecision censures the course of the Mayor, hut "?"FhfAAry .."I-- . : Weareautl.orizedtoannounceROFoard iuriner acuou in me wise. : .. Esq. of Caiawba county, as a candidate for Net Yokk, bept. 14. Weston, the Engrossing Clerk, of the House of Represen pedeatrian, lip, V noon t-iayf had, tativea for the ensueing session: Election made 32 miles, making very slow time upon the assembling of the Legislature. vnu rar. r xie intends to waiieou mues iU tn-Aast arid 100 milps tri-mnrrnw. 1 i: : The ' Tribune this morning devotes ANNOUNCEMENT. considerable space to the opinions of We are authorized and requested to an dpceased'cmincuL Americari .statesmen nounce John A. Stikeleather of.Oiin.s.lre- oiithe third term principle, .-all heiug deH county, a candidate for readrng crerk of opposed.., to it for various reasiins House of Representatives i for the ensu vffXwlV ih. r7,-;.tl n session: . Election upon the assembling v ..;.:; ""tr of the Legislate re. nation of Grant.-y Soulhern !Kepub- THE undersignedavMfrg established him self in the business of.sellins, Pure Astral and Kerosene Oils. mrml.l rPMrwxilfnllv infoTui his friends ami the nuhlicin 'central': thafhe may be fojnd ! at the store of the RISING SUN, opixisili plied with the verv best KEROSENE AND ! ju'y 11 tf- OTHER ILLUMINATING OILS, at the very lowest prices, which will be delivered in any part of the city, free of drayage. sell tf. P K. J. HOLTON. : V INVESTMENTS MADE AND LOSSES ADJUSTED AT HOME. ""r" ANNUAJj DIVIDENDS DECLARED fO POLICY HQLDERS Polteles in Northern Companies transferred without loss or additional annual outlay. GOOlANp EVF1CIENT BO LI CI TORS ANTKDV ? I J i r)ll Super Phosphates & Fertilizers, C W BRADSHAW; r. Special Agent! E A OSBORNE, Secretary and Manager. METn-LLlC GRAVE COVERING augWtf.T; .ANNOUNCEMENT urrsirTHrtti,:ioHiwTow ia nimt ..... September 3rd, 18?4. To the Memhen of theSenale'of tiorlh Carolim ( fr, ,nK l the action of the Democratic-Conservaii ve ffi? afUenLC.n ?1hp caucus, at the approaching awsion,. of the .atWlWvvXtfyi'vntW tieneral As.sembly.? .r J.t F. Klmhotok. 3 '.PtiWiC briHiion will nem net thnirn. b hienfc totsenVI a fpMil protest to' Uef- X Hesiy-Mrieii ipint. rA Iin.'and tntimatefvfCrTetaliatei hv the UrWe call apeciatattention to the excellent ex pulsion 6 t Garirtatf lUsstiibooMs o Mk C EnigJ)t,i,inisefeAence Tid!bK an it! I!-"'r to Ready Made Paint. Not bavinc used the ..if .PffiitlMIl frn T ?y .experience1, but r l,- Y.;TuoVw J7t V 2 'l "'l we-ieet sure it is to tnc interest or alt or In4, to tbo SOth.of. August gives anlcujeray who dire painting, to (eat the account of an attempt to assassinate I sarnei oi t t i ,-,, - diW ik. Charlotte: Maj 8 W Melton, Win Hi if rdiri, Chester, 8 C; Col W H McCorkle ,2 MVlieerer.YorkvUlei S.'C. Mi 1 ! ; JTiS' . -kIALlall.A I hcmVn.attack; wasmade as the the question we pnt"to4itai.iMtia.jaaked Presidentiwasjlajing to alk to his rywherevthnesInnUmerableieWrruay. QT?rL2uitUtL hahatawthemoet'freueritanawersto IiIocks frWtftlie gOffleht'Mnidi'ngS. It? Are they not such a these r Well I'm a nVn.et.P?n had Posted them- a UWMWttouaAorleeiaauguMand useA UWPmiHtlZyr or "My stomach IsTutT order," ( ot' notswerd fired 'ridne Of which struck "r'inhder1 tiiewieatlier,i or ! don't-know j oiW$tyFHi$tTh 1eadr HoT the what', the matter with, me,, but I 4oiH feel ! aotoqV.emeM: right,-'or thi llketndefthite responsts.- i fiffce&- tMVIud-tobahCicdnfiiot. NW What matter with the thousand -Maw 5uu.cjpaii,. vu.fcnirieen,oijf,nern "wt"1" whmiui iupquj wnai q..ih:ive since been captured -audi will, ba I a4U hra- re are evidently , oat of I "''supjeeteCTXOtMabThe plot' was, no awuiaTUW wwerj u fmply thlsj Uey ff! d6ubt'awid6 anread nntmniriiKit t don't properly digest what thevat. thiir f" iViA:iYvr5owr.V,lo.i. L.l. . ltrera are toroid. thDWoo , i?n-:rL,f.!Mn"pioyea -ji'i ' ;S. B. MEACHAM, COTTON COMMISSION MERCHANT, CHARLOTTE, N. C. Liberal advances made on Cotton consigned - to iiije for New, York or Charleston. " Reference by Permission M P Pegran. fhwrAst-KaiioftatiBankCbarfotte; A G -Ii x-, l" VT.i -1 Bank Hanliri B T, N Special attention given to the pur chase and sale' of future contracts: : ; - r -TT ' J r.'.ir-,- : . tit Pearl Qrita ! Feari Qrits ! f "IUST RECEIVED A LOT OF PEAlli;i O GKITs, at ' sept 10 . s;oiajiriiiTmri-i -1- ' - J ..vtWiJijU ,.1 i'.ii-.-tl iff jtrt-'Ml 't mHIS celebrated 'Early- SmootU neaded I .rnvvwrt i Jt TTV TtTT H TTI!ITT?TTT MBRIfflT f? 1 Amber Wheat, is for sale by. . i ; 1010 1I&V) XUlil O&iiU lirUil UnilUUA 'fv M'f.B;jIi-MILLKBi BUNS; ..li '.::- 1 .. w, . .i. -tikiJ l?.i''..;-J . ."r.i-v - x,-..- r.i .ni v.mrtii fiinuia . I .. , t xxTtp as r.AnmrMl trt Affinr to th nohllf!. and reel eonflde'nt It cannot fall to reoOD V"iiiuiiwy " . ,-;i y . . ' , ;--.r--::;-r--- v .V. 1 .1 . spot IS ?,t i Anilmtnd MMilvo every one mvereiwa in oenHij wg auoproureuus mo (nT" r'i u" , .... r, " i .ui mittmnnn innni. ': i . y of styles, ranging in pTrtce- front r 1 to sw. frnm thrnA to six fet. designed to cover all k. ul.tut .nil wlsti &,(mI oonrlairl ,hr nnrenasera. A eaivanuea piaie, containing wnwever inaci tion parties desire u rarniabea witn eacn mqnna rreepj enmrffe o f ? r irfiIifery:,3CkUiders, 0 tpiW n-jai crowtw peiore;vthe ' Preai ,4dAt!i SeiCDn?en$erefiM'his thllr wealr. osonrt, 1 ...u.c, auu, tueir Tiiai ener- nz- -vtpTO, ,, hv mey aieea is a i ceerse or Hostetter'a Stomach Bitters not one br two doses, bnt a ewrt h.n:nrti. j telr stomachy ; Superinduce a healthy flow withstandihe the" Assembly d 0fiY0B that it T.rtoS:lior'ir' t no nim il. L. .1 in statue .01: atue of apoTeoh: jW4rMr, , The trial of- Aifensto - Bala'ai 4 JnV. 1 others-who, assisted inr; the 'escahel of lngBalsaxwaa Bazaine!a wanseryant. , London, Sebfcra4heTonior of an infeirtiSliuliId?ff ff th ,perortof Getmany i aadhnfrA'natrittfl iVririaTheiEm perofWiiliam, bring about. ItTaines the whole systeni; wnforteAeverwiWfttAHOirrfAflai.iot. every tofeoWaWaSrBJ ftiilmal . fluid, or chronic dyspepala. constipation, liver "i-wttjmityi gnwu xteoiuiy prem wi juarmiiiea 01 age.r it the best and. aafect tt mnlunt tinA iiit.m l that has ever been compounded."! Jtinrr UientH - Bj-ft all VT(tAhl - Dll.rim... 7, .l w rioleonie..la district infested wUB swamp mlasmavaBoVlflifly pfatttlements. its use la ;essent at to; the pVtesefvatfon of health.- lite WML hAlfttan i. it Diul. I. first meet VtojanoeTi arid after a nefArlbtfelffnrbleWbrHa, ffiS?SSffi byr -t.vorable arrangements ( 'jy?. ?f rlarge-qjwbtities, ol ;inU4ii4Jht UalernatrdnuifecwHitlu lalfeaOid see 6V BoarayiP TOof al ar v Atm Ja il . 111. . . . .1 ..! . . - aaj t ui cj Line uiciiii. L-iiin.iai ttst fatUntiorl Eiren toldrkain-HilrT,iLr.iif-f fji-.' fHgPaAilly'MortbmenUoi'liavihg'tte -Tha first practiiffielgi i:pi,a(!WiHy!ha8 beer! .fakAiii t parole atlow prices, Ian bounce tothS pubn e o'iVrim. "c that IJiave wednced the oriee of Graved stones aha Mbnftraehfs Bevond the nn? of :uiy6trgHlwaichUhe I ranufactufe0'lrt ftal4Kii V$iSAAhtA1 j-. .1' ''IPartieswishi n s lA. wrHHfpBBc 01 jeranca ueitrgTrepresent- . . 0 per cens oypurcnasmg " ed' by H'piaroontmaflder The IJ ?L tilrongh a8o,,tkn' dealer With an TJ0licv"Cf'Prawc-1iaa-lKaa--hfeni-.S .SEtw.WyMraJn;tn;iparbk AusiTi&L',?" :ai- sm w: P4wnww with Sit' th 'vl.kl.1 Li . '-rri. slTi a. . dwpetsabJe between, her provinces .and Pdf Italy? I profess to be able Germany, therefore the Eastern tad. arTIliee? '019 purchase, in "all kinds of fraffi-e betweennha two txks pf 1 J rtWorl cPtkloKlNCIf: 'i Single t wave', also' emptoieO1 ; of :Variouai3i57feiBte. building; paving :poinhj hHwGerr lMKxn.l lWcaeleyilenclosur.. ; 1 1 1 "Kmi jolw-.-a r 1 a .i..j. . .i ahun'b improved rraw re-.l They are made in four sisea. with a variet i .. . - , -r ,v - ' 1 ,1 IlKI W .K(tb Jivui tu wi w hi auutw. .... .. . .i , .j ! opruig wtornwtiiBedloauit the taste of . EK TIBBLY HE WJ STOCK, .. 1 - . v : . : r ii. I vi . ..awii . i.KTnmtn 12 si a kAffiiMA tt. taifitTtTiMis mst mniuNiu wiuiin raanioL ail. ire ihtiw uie auMu wm sept 13 '-r. . - .. . . : : ,y i -ii ' i --in' ... i i i , j, I -- .... s -.... .... .vT - r ..: - : Af pidkiiFir-sjNorth Meek, f 07 h.i'U, l.V ' ; 'oW ' ttV lenrgYr .;.'-- -L" f A;i'edl"lo'll.W(vAll't HARRY, 111 ' ffiSmidg .nd jmESOORIipR, i aavea'aeiesi uuw Molt lie -iateriMwsidad; aitr t :l .54 tjimTCritia - -uktdIiy4hAilatieiB8aea & "yaArMjiVn . r - um , pwspyj - M t Railroad. If miles north of Charlotte. 1- ". nHQtfsaf am naau ueuun tn - .i : v. Ohh 3 miles' from- Davidson ' College;: iwithiri raai , KhAAo.. uats nno.Lnti l4ref and 4wellle Heueer't-i 1 ABl?ow ttDard.ta Cnriialu?ood Boots. fvuriA nt: nrifM luat fwnmDttltlOll TASiton is very desirable ororlertv: XfflmV 'klA!X&& is situated i aeighborhood;weU wal wo aoors worin orouroioiana teredtndiiCdessibte'W Schools. ' and are now prepared f to fill orders ;wiih t-Price only $15 per acre; t Title indispttfaV glwaler dilpjiteh thajtt.r Mi tuiau on, or auurww, - . , 1 . wun our. new rmMnsani: auuiiioiiai ma i'wfii! :i'.PHA? JESrAfenttv diinerywe are Spared to make three hth VIt'-"'-5 '"".a'" -'U. dN pan otSbocs ptt-dfiy.Wrilgo keep TOB. SALE, twi ,5 Y ,furjL 8tock' itf Vortlieri'Boot4 and Shoes, From 2u0 to 400 acres of good land; lying about 12. miles aguthpf btatesviile, only a short diaWnrorri testation at Shepherds. On the premises isa good - - " f. misiiTjfWELUNG HOUSED p j Barn and other necessary outbuildingsi . iVsrum wlirtl iiW(4 wHt bin rtllVi"tt wftt Tie n'lvided' to suit putcbasersiA, Onnhs itracfc is f 1.1 n 1 rres( bf'Wfs Ji I T-U : TUle tfuaranteed.f 'TCTmS per acre. I at Leyf'Vsrtderbnrg on the premises, or to. w-L-CHAait. JONES, Agent. UiHQUSB ANOWJxPpRALE. bi( ; Ps! iThi Dwenina1.1 Barnv ar all -rfewv and are sij-uaiieiv wmutf uM?i.uivntM v . Th rfmist include a well improved, lot awt land enoagh "for a small farm, j Such an which we nledire ourselves to sell as cheap a? S" HEindPATJfiiMlLY MACKEREL, Barrels half Barrels;. , . .; , ,ftTa',-' $ -Ana,Aits. . J.ist received l.y '. J. $. M.DAVIDSON, 7T IITILBAR'S Cod Liver Oil and W me. Sa 1 f - 'rorr dfc Moore'a InfaaU' Ecod4i Klibeg's Extract Reel, j ;r.r- . . ' ; , - ANOTHER lot of Mceouitb Netajl 'wltlk il ceiling fixture; jnst eceWedi'o f tmn ri U-.VjMpMURAYDAVlVf PRESOOINO andKALSQMESINa A. iV..;-,-.j6hJ v. vla.a FECI .A..1V.T Yii "septl X2SP0BTANT TOFABKEBe ' - Aim ! PLANTERS MAKE YOUR OUT And savj fropi W to20 Knus jr Tan. best tthe Pure Ground Bone and Clieniical. . 4 ' tn MAGICAL . 1 'ltria iflRk ? J MAGICAL .,tifn , tfimifiv4" MAtilLAL X liOIKKKS-" ' : Eiti!rtaiiiBf,:r Of o S SILVANO. 8ILVANQ. SILVANO SILVANO. V 1 SILVANO: -i n- uiSlLVANTJA ( 1 ' 't SILVANO. 'tX-iJ SILVANO' " , SILVAKO.w-'vSILVANqKfK l&ii. SILVANO: fjX lIAQ'iilf'f I if 'smvAK'a'psitvSaiol If i i 8ILVANOJX8ILVANO. :Akhe . .Ty .DaMilBWL'. cHAoiimBiLoatrxBT. JOf ,ffi; fV! ti t i v fti't -n ft ' : fitypi ! f! I'. ir.-UUf, Oil of VI trial. Ifuriateof Potash. Ground Plas ter, Nitrate aad Sulphate of Soda, Carbonate and suipnate OX Ammnlt ana. suipauie oi jnsuesia to- Send for Outalooue of Price. - B J BAKES & CO. afiandSSfioath Charles St. Baltimore. Md. Jurie28.od3m--w3ni. .k ,;; , ,k;;'... BUY ONLY THE r GENUINE FAIRBANKS SCALES Autoorat pf tha v Vf orld of Magic I PROFESSOR fuRIGE, ,,.v, i ATD THIr0NDERF,UL 3:. ,. WARRIONETTESI' " .-d Hfy'T 1 MARRrONETTEftir: .1' !-n. ' i t i i jMARRIONETTES l i 1 v. i hr; , : f or ii -i ALRRI0NETTE8 It! I ., SEVENTEEN IN JUSSEBplpTlOK-THE USEFTJlAt the coflclrKiW1 'PRESENTS USEFUL of each en- PRE8ENT8 , USEFUL J ? teiaftPREeKllT ? ' USEFULi' ; 'limenlfia PRESENTS'5 COSTLt , will, , PRESENTS. " f COSTLY "be. 1 TPRESRNT3 COSTLY ' dinWlESENT' COSTLY ' ted PRI3ENT8fi COSTLY-1 aaiong tha ; dPRE8EST8.i C0STLY.audleck-ujPjEST8, : COSTLY m 'it Free of? , PE8ENTd Stork Seal' iftcalea lesj.coal Scales, H8 ;iuuterScto.iw.A ! ; The Presents will be selected from among GoM and Silver Watches f4tocklb' lairs, . TabJaan Hat IRackSi- Grbcertofci Hard ware. -. (Fancy Cpd,)Dfyi(kid,' 14vv,8ckf.Woth- GIVEN' AWAY cN IGHTLYI4-" Miles Ahtrni Till Co's. -ii Alarm Cash Draver. EVERY Merchaut kSROUXD-Yj ','.',.;,,-'; I Use Them EVERY pit prairer Warranted cdf., V 1 ' PAflLBAlTES u ft 311 BROADWAYt ,SEWvr,fMlIf , 168 Baltimore St.; BalUaiore " FAlRBAlbdiK tTvTTJtO,; MA80NIO HAX4 PHJtLAD W3?'! FATRB ARKB. BROWJT ft-CO, u i For ui bv leadinc hardware Peajeta, - f angUJ-tawfim... f. J'.Vt ... l ' ! 7-5 ,-. Ki ... v r ... , 1 readd:reat). ConntT" Bntter. Pri AVEisevefa! nawrn complete and f.oop?TfiHrrve tm flhl7 Rent, located ia cerw't'4 wy i, j y-ri - - A fortable Cottacea for Rent. iiraWepartsof the dtyand wnysnientto business., Apply to , ' aag27-M4ifl. (?5r W.-J.' BLACK; 1 1 -r f-1 9rtA BARRELS OF JLOURi.. - J 0VV 4,000 lbs Tennessee Hams, on sale Wholesale and retail at yt ; , lunell 4 ..r A. H, CRESWELL'S - ) l .-! ll)HI I.J1 1 1. l j j QCTTER'S Pocket Inhaler cures catarrh. junel2 , W R BURWEit' CC," j -a -y,-, ,; r tnnirf v jt;Agenta for H C. ; rresn Arrivals Eyery way vr Vehoiee Family meajMtd J , Beef, Breakfast Bacon, Sugar, .CJoffee Mbl asses; F lour j M eat Grt ta; er' ':.!- Julyll. tf. f ,!ti . i, . MAYER. GEET OSSf A KOTHER; ear load rnfthe "TJrtwOO a ' Fiotrr," 1 ihcrndltfgiflO barrels of the ffiwirH Ma l as . - an -y hinT! isjr.tR B ALEaaSDER. B r rr V - ' ' ; ' ' x . ., ...V augi 1' .. I .y. t, - --- - .. : " ... ' ir.t. . ' 1 'M, i tf'l 1 'M i "J-k w uui..'. v."..". - 1 jfc -i .'-F,-- : - M'Yl wg. 1 pprtunity 4a rarely onereo.' .ytTntiM nneatraaniy a '" ...i r . y ; - - t ' w( ' Satisfactory reaaeos given mr 8eiung.H - ; irpsii anuneavyf 4V h.,f- ' ; ier b oiwers. -j -a, ilf lALb atneet trvmvmxv wuuwfi -irmj. ?1 Mt, Ti .. .- - 7 if T3 UTTER, Cheese and 4rt ( . . . .... Ana Orange eeae. Fresa B ACON,' Lard,; Dried Beef? Hams, (Hteef ........ ... ........ . . nANTiIBS. WirtlUudBa,eoa Bread Molas QNUFF Ctlsiara, Smoking-: and Chewing To ;iln an ehtifry neW ahdtsatisiacterj1 'nan ( r : nay rit trm i , . ff wf if ChiWreh? inlff BiftH f4d cents. Reserved harsi wentseifeie?tra.iu 1 4 ! Doors fpea afcffuao awraanc kuo. For FanhrJ gaigasauti g'atai. Porfara- and Hand BjffldaydolKJJikv-:Ct. Sftsfr -Se'pi kin del ftff i bptfil A6-iitfi j- tm .; Hi;iri n.'iiij'i. frliwwaiir'irr I. COTTINGHAii fU eihibtt1 . conwoBnnivlB PATENT;:KffiQNER P W 'fK't $23tdf Vl VJ -.M tJlMV fv J XtJ tf '"W-CWK JrontDg AoUiefciaiW! a; AntrayBOtei, iThapAibacara reapertfulJi Jnylted to at- rm W the EMPIRE - COMPRESS EN ii lArtfv.i.diil iWincesTBanird. Ad- ' ftp' cp&mrpyiermrorig be j -eenOiarle fJoe:aad fPreuerick HP)eddietonf4lnldrweilum,nniun style ofeaAiPandleta hi don and ownership .of tltaj iARU)TTE OBSERVER, is this" daydlasc4vrfy m tnal rn-T 1 hTmg V?1' COTCJHHerrini,aaxdiae8:6ya:bwsJ Lbl rrvTrrFr - MrrlnB. Sardines. . L O Bters.drtBnBfaa8ortraentof CraekJ i . . I :.V f r H i(l f f' J : If EAT Plour4TrdVButf l. i4.i . qtrer''ahlEgs,at .iRISINfliBUN;-' rO0 wttlM wfnMackerel atf Pbf tneabersbipln th Irowrpfi Hnsban drv foV'tala 'i' tt 1 .tt 1 . ' chased the entire ntest( oLtha wtiring partnerihriiryil)elOTgingtotha bce, Includipg aJl pc4es,(accounta, or thet revi IffileVo? debt le4onring to ExiaUngjcontraets wiUiie Sfli;?,t " K 1eoOvlfi74 ?l t i -Jh.ifiit-iutwT'' nilia ATLANTA, . OA, i;: , . . X4uUariMdV0ania'r;l)ixdbj;s Stoomf DVa.oWen fry fyrooa icoffea, it cauuxu JOU , m a arw mi -rnarww uuhk - v iraniuciibcuuf av y . fill the . bmr.eait. vei. . TTxTlom!nyriii lota t iTilTiif ZhA fir f! I'iirsiflAVIIl60- A LJ VJf T AG M I " Tlade St. to ...... 7 ,,,5, fc ff1,eptji

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