' . '. "', ;YY . -' X- I -aiXfCv-;-'-':: ; -: . ; V i ; ;''' . YY: x"" ' -y-y y Y.-YY YhIiYY YYY4 Y.Y -.c::! "".'Y y- .Y- " 7Y'Y-'vY'? Y":7Y---"-V;; . ''''V' .t-K - ' " , :i ' f " - ' "y " ' -iV-:' y .5J ( iHSSill "iS5: lot rrt T 1 fWl'W if .1 Ht V a :.- - f irnr nam 74 f r .. r - .. . ! . jTf v Wweia oIT-- f If3 ft lHw miSh-ni "tbittf-l 'r K o i xT& q A III t I till I I 11 111 S KM U II 111 iii.n, n J 1 - n 1 1 1 ' ., II .. A" I III III t a i t l i i ' - i 'rfa i i w m m i .ttH , yM I II I I II "I It v'l I I "I II V I I 5 lie t vrwr or 3 v o rt- i IS. li ;'- "n"ii -'-'' f ' .L.K.'ua?1 -r. C. . -jQilMi nf nlrir'"ITt't wv mitrrn -bib tt'nn t(?t? Goorfa or tor attf howiei OF 3Hr I M Il5 PJS a'lOB iK HELD ill; . .i Hjtt'il8H:i.i;ai!T'7 .JWli' 1131 f1iw Blm (tlto) ,T''lj-i- .m-nil not HKw! ' .i--'i'fi!) M IM ,u(J(nil( Win. I ni i A. . ft Hl7iSKftIiI ien r .hbi Ii f II llfJI ii n WMMiHllA9(tlllll6kif'.v'( ' - - J ii . :. ;wiiMviMii?t i -.ft nftio MM I'Wf HffU. tail! Hni,ZrRfMNCE. OF N. C. 8YAVaA51 dSfilMfti14 ! it" 1 .twlil aKiin EX To, j 5rir iIva iiij,'t' (inn . 1 : ifHA w'th (y i i rY; .... Liberal Worat-artWafrM fW improved $tocj,JJdMp, HonicnUciraLiidjJhim ! products, and Domestic Manufacture embVjjrsrx Depayftti'liticyH''1 Art The! ' Aiel rdiHr and lYn-r tJrrr, : w cx.J6'r,ftjaa",M,,n'r i 28 Oaskt.bf Buttled Torter, "; ;' . 25 Coat o: Bottled Imager, Fob sale at reasonable prices. ' ' ( . W. J.vBLACKY:' . au2-7-74tf !l, .'.'J.; 1 7T. r ur iraWPtfVferr. NMpbA "ept 8 on V rjfV CLINCH. S . A LARGE: lot of Fine French, n am . - x. t ' . i 1. .'t-iii x a 'irjftiF rim 1 E Have received to-day a small ! lot of ;-r'l -ii If'.r:.t-',1 ' . - : i.,'-'i t-if 'W,--'V1'M ;l'IW,t illM.t'l "(CKirtli '!. VtVMrm purchasers. ;. Itvfci. .AimiKoTWU f feWlm Tr -"TiHWi iiT.I "f "2 JL-jiWi. LI.73' 71- mttVk ...b n r.r,- UIII.J k, L-I M-.JA li jiir 1 1 pw 1 1 1 1 iit nflVmuHin List.Wtfnanrphl iWtmmidl heen 'made Witt,1 yihToi;-, il4e1fnl visitors, and arlfcfet toml'Wtne 'WWi(',Til4'iHVoiV avfeffaa't' ' . Itl? nt 1 tt.kk an. IamM iMiulitakl m ih vl of IU rtrtlae'ab tiii'tlir 1 liiey are 11X1 class ebibiapo. oa to jcotribntp torh (HMP Ttori,.), Wi'arreii iovWJd Minale jLmay have eS0)HW r'vi. : iK"Bflif-Ti t. : i h&m Y n. BPBIN.0S.iPjreadent.x9 :. , ' 1 J", '-1 L ' . m ,1 , ., ... j i JWtffYa1i$as tMIlleigl I 1 SIMM0N3? nic OporQhd,-Clmtaa,s 'Liver K?aMr'IIor i'Bitt?T.lHdstefci V 1 1 " rt , H.OTr iTi.MlV' I Ji earcv ovDOSUa Ventral y-lfotkl- w to Our Own Orden, auiniuuuins; oounirr, will nn(T ttttir! NiayYoybiDonton Baltimore O ,trV s51 & iJ&Iiiha . : 1 't4 iSoiifi tuntm. Suva .fri , t j ,X"OlJ:)BJ8f R1JJ0 I Ht0! vvJ J IN THE I 11111, I.MIIIII I UMil unr: uiiiiujjuiiiu CMARLoTlSZL SS. 1 m . . . --.-. . !. I iuUkfiii-u.'-.i VJ!'" i"i4 iiiw Liitt ,eVi3i Vf-.'i ui Kih S SO CI A T 1 0 N heavy debt which lias heitdioVi eonl the two States of Nor to and South Caro- able to eire, boh in premiums aod attrac- n t 1 c r n riiiiiHCir rf5rJpfrctteittest; it v, y M ", t I -,..... "' - o- - - -1 I . ... j r IV . .. I f ' iii 1. mum"' i i ill ir i nf T na .eelebnSedqta of trs.Witl6 lpint.u, whkm T ahttlUMvleasad trwatuoa .11 niv mtmnr I raaiMUfltCcthem Wlite fttteSUkmnnd Just-tneatroenc .-w Loa ,13dBil.apwirairr Baeptjiu aw.viti v,ua aixayufjui 11 -I' mii 'Vii 'uinioJH j'i i r,i- v. -----r. .. . . ... ; . . - t i . j i . ; i i ii -ifi ivii i f . l t . i: i a f iJi.j i.a-i-Lji 1 &w . tKARaAif i 1 kMMlr1.Ulflnr. alLUlU ,9UMU rW"i-tmTWiTW r ' Diw mHE bestCIdne- town, at :.iL'ri&AJ -ii I " ;;. .--',4RKC PERPUFTS. 7' '! .JfllM JJ'injJl 1 1' t? rr 1 - - - . QLDKN..HngM;Loafgvruia ager offered 2r 4i.iMAiYJCiiU!ix;iBJttucwia . imit 33 pt U,MAER,jt?fiEXi frAWb -ttWddahlte-neVih m KARL hominy and northern Wean4 . .ku..ii..i-ii. .. i i '---- . - 7ma 4 pins'AFP.a 'Cheese,'. Gelatine, JaUrBmrPetchgc llna Mllit i i..iCnT vmavaaco J V J. D. ' . . wisS'rp'' tUtigMlytnjbjrecb, tHrjaaryal lv Tic-.'.; 1 -tteXHamafc andf jBrkey, gar- be? I'mtXiiVordinajrl din'S'fr- .:2-7i.ai?tOr. -Icuit, ' hQear-andJa BobYin thi u --TnTee Months, in advince,.u...-...... 1 75 iS9 Rnbsrrrihprs will nlnnaa IstnV nut fn cas j mai; jpn neaj- paperWiXrey are li.-a 4L4TjaAiO ADVERTISINGS ?3l . ,k . two davm . 1 ka I fttiHa three days I 2 00 ' , four daya....,.-. ........ jit;.T iJMre aaya44-t4a,Ui.,.i.li 3 00 at i lie . xropononatlolowrateai - r( i jj,; j , ',,EiveecHia estimated -'a4,iL).qixartarH)ol- to ta-ffl ettSAwsMftrflSflW Jl moil .fc . J H CottB Market. redai.xl j5JIAWWr-K04ep8. 25, 1874 twit laod MdinarJiii,.;-u:., ' txjw Middling, 14 ldRt jtV'ba! Eeceiptefisinee8ept2,-lS74.wXui.i.5l07l " . I . . . 1 "643 -t Shipments since Sept I. 1874 v..198 4 .:fCA vi ii StoclUan4sUwdAyrrM 445 ' Country Produce. Buying 8aU. 4 Beeswax- oronoy-Appie,- k K0TJL Mr l1flA!) mur--vnea Appie?, i . s. i " Peaches, f " Blackberries j i -I.", IKdettTV. " ihAmmAn AIIHVM I tan' ! Mixwi,. . WJ;J Sweet:-:..Yii h..., Y ' Si' TaOoitt'. ifaeai Red, per busli. 1,3a' 1.35 25: 'White, " tJnwashed The Observer thCj A?ly jPPpub liahedfrin the tate West of itaieih; natehes even- morninf.Iiusinesa men wiu dichc rants ui '. 11 Frlee fron haT'eKaT4ty Sh ltt cor runta Lne conscience or tnt pity wnicu mmrd ientonA I ." , m 1 'Jl 1 1,1 II 1 I HI' lnd u.tn JKA nnanAii&oJraAlaii 1BQlft Ann ng to put a new crossing at! the intersection of Fourth street -vith Tryon at the corner f But Weill Urief & Uo's storey sionaiiy be seen sailing around on a yeloci-; Yesterday looked, esery inch a Fall day, but th temperarf belied:iAlit looks of tha ( m'br1contf,. ami is1 bein? feushecT withal .at t r s t ---j . . - 7 . . " TT?' r niTi t'derfn vtfVMtiS PWaWi i disiBgniimedaiawsrm or a certain wort I iUon' W Charlottav a xj-"t- j - - : " . -- HZ WiAaiX iLW.vs1 rr ;- - , -W-thiabantifvintr llI - hn; l venter c ii in" nrdirress. .. - 511. Y- - s-.'.-! I -' -11 ,,. f ;; ? mm rs4"v. : :7: . a.-t t-w- i ! f iCOrpwa "Ur 1 y JU V4, -BCrgWfcD 6 Vliaillt, f mi v I i nir,w. I P ' .'i ' .-. TfiCMrldtt Observer: . t , . j . i i .. -w r i tha vilOT-acWKfigr taSssM ffM? Ii IW I v nil HmnTTTvHfulKRirTlv TuB ..JjOlLIU CM t annlifrnt oi femaie eniiies.- a ueir -win juuii r(-pran sKiU enAobiliAtf tiieur in raroianity ana toreau-oi veHEeayco ! - . i , V" . ' I- -Jt ."!.,. , '.'.. I ' j.M.i,r . 1, in ti , ' ii - ine Truth fti&at baivit 4 miMr Siatesvirte'W s WfefneadaVl 5 I ompe, aqdeur cajl " awajced to ecstacr, the Irviir liarf' as yU&3 Ua Umj!&$ o yeat SwdiY:?:Husertan niake on aiid teT'mdre jMuj thj)nj(9 1 ysw'thafi hen-Jta.drfflkai, and this ispnttiBgdt as lom&lyt' BSTpaesHua. accepted ipfitatie ,tq liTerfsaGrAnce iddpesfeal Chapel Hilt ha Friday' hexts the ZrWd'THe manb'nandl'thepen HXUVj J, j i spoaier, Intereat anxjtlnstcoci any audience.;f Jtl will toaWe ttfarmtss of trap xl boade ta-aUridr In m T vTT r ' ' " . .V rr""ew "tfTj." ' tors In the famous and lone pending Cherb urn iu vue uuuuus miu iuiik ueuiuug vuero- uwu ""fTTn-Mvjf "? T ..l.llt.lM'' IM liVI.UUAlUk1.!.t I Fu;mwuuiiwkywiiiu4 wilUw" Jjted Qwensboro bttYtbieoond eekbftb'e Federal (Dont thipM weeks upon, tfce fffn pol.,30Si of Hiilsboro, ColYJohn H Dillard of Greens ,ed TliIbnyeI;ina KiAf ite, Dyg fthe Boardqf 44dermii .the) oVert hi;htv tha Koneerr, Fireosnpanyj "thrduiglf 'OWf-it niembe Wilson for f2J)l(tiiilimfimftf?aia Wl?' ?t?t?Wroted tte MftyT td sigtS-Vli? Thempany , ulan rporipsted thai annm nmnramenfai h made to nroyide them with a house for their . r . r- . r ensrine. and a hall?? These reonests were r&- fem4di dbnu&terh!cjaa inj strtfotejt m wkjBjjctu); gaye insr, weU? TtrUedY'a ;that!flhanpj3fand otbeVirlflUy'alFaa a succeasf Jnere alaoweM 4si bought which hadxjadeiv j.- jf J5 a -iiiLli sklU.rTh VEplseojpa fl,' th. waitresses ana saleswomen 01 tne occasion, were neverf prettierorfaoreferfaWg.apdthelrsmn 'and graeeaH nigh twrye td add many a dime to tlae coffrajftf tlie BUsy. FeasUftrifi.es. (f T To-day a&d-mdffow w 2Gthlin3 days off haryest of the rdei aervanee rfarfrktin Exodui xxvi, 16, The feast lasts) eight s dkrinWrAell to ll4lr OfflaireoB aral eft r&rtCr in the symirteandtpm used s most nehtadir6nyxne-Iui)iB8vrwom wnica somfrO tnelttaaC-tardkMe.-riOw exi tant hairiarigin.ilrtovf J. F. MurrUl.Bsqrf thajunwr editor ot tn 4diatPi J?j4.hao;j and amone other tames savs tins: 1 !The juhurtM arolirKKnS n.AMHi4 !T?WlnSitA nbAh,awa.aiHe nff .like epaderi iega, and fmfiWJSRe.4 .tlS'aWoleTKCl i,nnBp & &lvla awav to the iml ?77TilZV:Z TSif TfiSlAy lIWdistantenCffBWi have directs CQmiinunictioh Wth the seal Ihe'qp RjsWftfrnmif1! riisfo )rompel :wifo I XbMWwebtiM';ftM thanis: f-thei? fioeWsp?:i '(haye,ate9a4ycommenced prepay ationS; ; fpr , the coming day." rUrtfyfT m -A . . j;.l.- ' " '- --5 . U All alMisfake this afternoon at their spectiye engine . T- . .......j,,, of tha companies: aaawnou MtnateiM 1 1 . , i . ji i i . advertisements, in, yrq. cannotjiacextaln. vt-.irtihlraf Litf nWi TT -a-i onunareiy.: tue -ricsviue 'eopie" znow us. and.ibless tle' Lord ! 'fnow T'a Speak at Chapel liaiis.'frST axfciin-;.'; j r .IshfedL Ttercuy,- 9TO& W ere comMrlieil fb Walem irucx jBouwwj-v,M6l liaclc ,ol0ara yworar ttlmcu;7 fott to complete with tnestanaara tonic oi rnHE BEAUTIFUL viiEfsa uyvwa, excctflsiM TtotaAwrtiolW)K tnTrt of oar fiiemen. who sn i'etodit to th4immlBrxSepbete; - -BtiACK; ALPACArJi-' u "? I" ' gethet ta0ne!etto;tnrotog iheSy; but Defuse tfieieliwch ggfjf -' ' M0??1S!Im,k n;K ffih .ndeverysor ir1o2ftu:t "1 r'-if"-- "v'la.tnMu.nina ufnWM.I TT.. . i Y j t.. "ia 1U? TTTZrJT;i4i A TMHfM UIlfIIHaJiablUlHST MliUBl, WIPUta.. i rTbmdvas i I aM-,MVa. uivirkia ana AMk' TTal Tin i- 1 1 IWIH ilTlHI mTlfY r 1 i! i j'"'5'-..1...j-r1fli.;w;M Oelay ot ibo--jufmw xai, . . L - ,TOa Air tin. Thai! trafhrrln, a jb Air iHiiw ! w vim :tia6UJk V&5S4fo6& .ta&fer o' tehlf hcrs,ot'ifHylnkaia P-.itR labjSJt Mgeda ttt Si M dayaiwpenaabelarien 5"r,-T x. . - 2 Vsxryyi r-J one was -werbMiyBnliyupr .TT,'l-ra:T:'j. niWiKfT-TOr; .-t-.i i . i, -II , il J i. J able trains to pass as usual. :i : n . ndrtAfatairy KA-ttnac place acmei Jbtt& bad1 f afant ' the alarm oen sounaa. u lepsnm irpelfjtch? reached the place, tnej engineer not QUsooyjjaeiatt DeiipsiincaaAaoK l This iWrpi?a J-wattoob hurt but four " or five of ethkcara I department lone but wtuK Tlrtittedi fevers.' t.. vdtasyisordera. and 1 : jj i r i r 6TBT water UnM. or 'dofli IS nUso " ' , 3T vTiT.i fi3 irt irt oJ: T-JfrTTTj ytanaTY,,amvedT royesterdarTtfe Ph.. !f -Ji'i i.1 a . .- j i . . J-i. - fumnnn iiulMMiaMil t thftAnitMi Vn CTXr?r7TrTTrrtr.irf,ffr7 ,iu A9rafra oagerf,GirHeYaXl4?;ao command or the, JJaval department of tthe( .L. Y..,..,,Y1 partmen or thVihtefldirat Washington, ac-4 compalded iidniralEodgers. . ., i mpanieq Aoniral Kodgers. . ., h-li. kgtltolmak about, a mffiuh fO. in Mm nmv I n or . wa hmA if . "' , : " I $ C5ol J Blan4ing, of Sumter S O, rired ItoChaflateriasUe-fenttigJt 8iinoi.tta? Jfaie, IW ofleaniiDr.h.Mflafo.i t R.mJ beganon Tuesday Jast..fThe nnmher.of Jl SS2?5f l 18 ; iorwrun? wnoTs-sustamea-Dya corps af,1 ceacn;inv;errwjiooropetent.w.tt cnarge tur: self-assumed dnties Ko J -k-t,3 partnient vyhicTr B hbvtf under the control of Miss Salliel'eckdanzhterof Jlev. nr. Pv Yr . F' J.u ( iv . ,..1-, . ' ft - I of aambdaii;Eydiy.Vfc..Sha? is n vonni -- - - comes mgniy as neea dc : ' il VTllthete iaa better ilefffr'nyvhem lur the education of youne ladies, we do noit know whew It isIt1iaty ". irrr!i!iTswwir,B,',,P:wi ""u " 1 ofapprepipjtiqnj mn.i, ? wrtH 'tttlVi.Yjfc "Jlye FoiBto'tlia4gaf4,:tage Jio , tominatt1-iSujre', lyLiiTT ' ' . Jye;i" .i , J Z??? i uuo pupiawueui uue io;puoreaapg sins. I 4:l.'ii.JLi.. :.t .T . i varohnajreopnimended aairtKiJy.iiAWKnire'tfcA rireferreayrf'Jrtf.fc 7 VrTf " ,'rT.' ' 'l' U: .1 aatttee on prosie an) xoeav:Tn aommlttee May- trepSdnod arei represent 4n' person e;n9 iW-fWs- Cburt yesterday -moifki ' A7;'bersonT Wnd40 r''maxsi whereupon the meetlna "kjoh'n' Walker?f Alice1 Robinson', Iiaraetlnereaaed Tay;Rr ail colored, Were charged, rtf a gross disturbaiiceth ,a,m 'Thi.uiawirf,fc- fUAA a wu I , J . r. . . J Iern(on pdftne ftI .Colored, were. iupniapeace warrauianu iof auisiaroanve. tta5tB'tov4ha iL -' i . Upon exam iqin the "typs of the various rdesi5 ;flnii ilre- claisiflcatiou has. beeb 4 WfP4 WoltenrTJ - jjoi ; s .3 '".'ivv 'Ti'lLJi 'it I ''TYTr g? to(,opJij T 1 " This fclosed.thfr mornlnafs :aniertainment..,'"!M! fT ...!. I., 1-,.,'fi t .V',,.,. . ,,..,, :H' fVV.W ,T"lf?, TH I 27th Jhfl'A'laWtloi ofCeJlVsiw 3-sf i.- j i . . . ! TT'ri"nn.ir iMaHHtttiiarintt ot laracm vats mtn, r t OiiaDerfr - jPHh'Iwa.jttwitJHii vdrn;-J I UW?n cotton excuangwi mtni ooaruw -vt- uouci ' nij-i ttfeViLMaTworMina; men.1rnlahV9bf!whoihi mJlmm i - yUHnes I oyer a 'duaiteifpf '?antuiy.iiTheir,,liiai I oViT whfitAMnrr wpt snmnient rraarantea that 4-fewe-aiid important-rorat coniMed-fo' L rUiinr4r19RlSi&tk our-graafe staploor?!! iiraarkepf this fcirfA'intfii-Kf iiii1 n f",s ,congratulaer.(tho4itommii 4eonrlete sneeeSs'bf their labefirsU Itt? hayirig ibeiSlandardsAnc and which now reddces m perfect, system rHMfomtntd im j pbfiknt fcch, ha, y.tr vm,,,,u. .i.r . . ll,..,..t-H'.o ; 0 ft intiii':, , m-l. , AVI tit V..' - hi- -Ttid recent conflagration; in -this city) has' :. 1. "-', ilr wStflhA WftbW TJefjarmbntr' The first . i " need fa a Fire Chiefa man of firmnesa, siSslSSfJi il A .nA and fTiiUM 'I KrAt fr.k' tJierA wu any lWAlla - Hing'tiiiHanainnnamwHiiaua -ai-wia;iiiniiam atMW mwvww.t . f of th. naterii medicaas rhubarb, magnesia any 1 block otbavqtfe- eaBottia oe ainan 1 ' . 4 W ; V ;r,U-t?T I . .. . .L ., xx- i-trreruoiceoriniayOT wi SX'teHge iWiwt -"r", tgin oiseases by au -inteuigent pnywcians- xVfgooaa rg w wiwia totorfcrii f5 or ipmneoeawrrj dweogilad s lamadialiogeoti by tenV terr Pickled Beef, Dried Beet Beef Tjn' noise al!5e3ie ahouia not,oe eHowed, to pemaeaiawVPsbTpatan l?4i"ki Of interferi? Mm or Wnunnecessary; A,8c0eniad aa a remediaDagenti oy tenl iritJi ilhkf mbaniea iii anyWay rMaP' 1; aya" T7. . -T V . I I 1 I I nil KTHfllM Tim orlsu.' -the rxilica ha.Yt&z'Proper cUscretio ia . .-r " . 7 . . . I fm. ttkinM HA MinfllElArl . hMWI The mail train; I alWvfea t6 raioadii tl.rfjW8f theagW pet 1 other ailments' whkh' their I ingor contradictory orders; no aquabbling I gust the rational portion oMhe community. t -".'""' wuuiw uwh ou cx- I , ! i. an!i . . ! J lvV4Ci "upwssiuuny. f.v j j It is -rery likerr rar roch arrangements might at first glance1 be opposed by the com - inani - aniinaturally indeDendent- and Chiet ; sYet the firetaen are men . of sense. lroanV of them 7hayine'DroDT of their I man yA of then haying property of their rece'obnbert'oY aeUdttblch'cah only be I ; I'kphfawia kvawmnliiittAn nni)m k rvhtr. ! J 'There is Ho Teason to ddubt that by proper Argnmenfs: the wholo fire department antees though it beeaa be induced to agree toregul.Uonai.nd( J porpa of jTw ,Tprk or Philadelphia, ;and,to 1 rf r "? f aopTjr.T "rmen r. TO,d a. jiJk. tt W.to rnin. wiga wDetoiewBiatej Day oeiore au ae srone. i , aat;been. prgal$sied In, Charlotte. The metier naa Deen unaer eonsiaerauon 19 jong been aistiTely and ienentetleally at work ot th,mtter Their efTorUthav at last been- 1 wwneawnn, aucoeas, an yesieroay alter nlaa.; Tbe booka efaabserintlon UXJieoari. 1 Ital atook will be opened at; once, and o J aoon aa the necessary amount of xtock shall Py,0111 weekly in I aiaiimenta-iWJiM oegiai - u iMf At anxeetluK of the company yeaterdai ? company, yesterday fj afternoon. A, B. DaYidson . was called to the P.'laiteraijioi cnair. -we qnar jippoinieu jpnp n;. rown J? PWlllpa-and 'It; Cochrane, a" eon I Wka daktMr' dnlV organized ' Aheleetibn'waa gone into when -tfcV fol. Ff-? 1 s'4 " ' " ' " I 1 ! ' .PreftIeHiiAiIS. Davidson, ' - t Dfre(rft--R, TV McAden, John E. Brown, John E. Brown, F. H Dewey, 4B. David- COtn- 2 W ?bscx be&anAwhwfhat 1 amount baa seen subscribed, the President I Pwey and, w,: R. Myers, were appointed a J buuuwikw w. (ujt-ihib, 1 mm,, ua icui- Y - , ' , ' It waa resolved that the Secretary, be an Procure ? ne.0688 stationery tbe company.,. .., . After a resolution tnat tlve , proceedings oe nubllsbedln the, city papers, the meeting JonNSTOl CbJT.1 CC . t hereby anhbimce yse Aandidaie for principal doof-keeper of tU Seriate, subject aession of the hnnnAAlTnhn 'A r,'Hk-lniherJ of Ollnii'lnv eil county, a candidate lor reading clerk; of & !teg25n l ihg aeasioh. . Election .upon the assembling I kf 9alf. TiMHstature.- ' ' ' " ' "' i . "augl&tf.' ",'" Hi r-i, ;','. '.-.. j! , -ti nil h-ixziuti 1- ..... r..... i J V- ' i Hi ri! I". , .1 We4re authorized to announce R 0, Foard, vaiawDacaunty.4 w wuuiu l Engrossing Clerk, of theHquse QfRepresen I tatives forYthe ehstieing sessi6ri'.' El ilectitfn H upon the Jissemblihg.bf the Y iu,iftd o ture.' I AY' Ready Mlxed'Paint.1 t Wcall special attenfion the excellent I testimonials of .Mr C P Knight, in reference - SilnffiiS? JSSebut 6' 3 wk' v. i-iu uoia -ii.; :.u.i m3h?iUmm .nuil'.m '"-''li 7 ,'iTT ix.ii .' Ui ' lor lTruiar.twT r a atirnnlfttin element iU Other Ih .""i""". y?r'r:r-V::r; yet j aWiCllatel9roolder9s - TnanpMiArin uaesiuiBnuiiiDeroi tbui hf I bowels as he nostrums desUtute of this a w www tnas uiiiusiTe iuiuuimo I u.i,wi. i;hhmu iitrfi rimunr . TiArtinn - f noa - of themialLin the moat celebrated t seZne ai xui. :a7IUI KWW if Vwaal t Wfil "'f JT" "aT' i aropo that a.i(vhni is nsea meoicinaiiy in rc7ri?5E5-.ui-. r?hrn n nwMt,inFW? wfffl ' . I as an -ingreuieu.wi .-. wcuiuu . ent I the great modem restorative fia : strictlyt 1 n(t1,A MmMrtnittf tMVMDI? ledicinal preparatioa.'to tairan -uhij rotectioninataiseaBroriaa av curative; 1 nseptai ; -r;i v r tteihyitesf.whpm.ita success nAKGAlNl -1 f """--r? suca f .i,;,. .na tinmhrw rith which.' in . . I ww. ' ' 7 r " T", 'j. Tl, I n dlt lifllimn A ivlv 1WHI1IV t.hAVnlfH ; , ANNOUXrESlENT. - i we are anthnriznl .nn. T. L n I Davidson .r- VXr.r.V.r I . t " Mmuiw w Jl(f. ine I nmnMhtn'tU .idii. . izl" "w-jvm ww Aiuermeir iron I oetohJi iVih MWUOn to Pwse on 1 ' ' j . 4 'YY -f"r' ,f I lix 'x 'm rM&$JFP' mwftli pW.fJ?f GarolIiia'MllltftrV.instltut 4iw v ui v. uim.i 10 SiXTmUAH, Se. 26-tlo. n': ' JfDOARD for genUeinap.ana;wifr, Jai-ire rooms required, hooie com forte, I fll J , IYY?Vow; KOOms m twon Addre? s staling mont)ily 24 8e28 f v vt s : ! I lo t , rt . rUSTJEU3EIVED. y: r "Wodle dtroneiblaclien" i , uata oy Btraossw mHE; latest out land onlye a' few ooniwi se28' PHIFER STEELE, ",.il ui) . FOft ALL K' J i ' DERANGEMENTS CF UVL4, luDnEYSk Kllu i i n,A it,, STOMACH AND BOWELS. KANUFACTURED dY : COLUMBiAi S. w ' TT .HAYINQ , BEE : REPORTED. . JY X some that this Preparation Is' the same asSitiiniohs'Tjiyer galatOriie deehV it right to correct thianipression.,. Although C. A. Simmons. was former Proprietor of I MOXSMiEPATIO COMPOUND is his latest icat Bcieace, ana mat whatever with ' former itili' m. -i.l.'a'. m s ias i superiors in iivpr.iMedicine to ,nmnn,Pli f VcrtftWfl -nA.irnt I Tim trial of nn hotila will .anUafv thntnnat und was Patented 1 le- aud pftme Uopy-riited . s.i iii W : se2f. s, vJiM ,fU S i I . ti.ii 4.,.u Bivn jxa xiceueuii x aria iui dus. OFFER lor Sale, an eiceilent Farm: ly ing within half mile af the" depot at I ten miles North bf CharioMSe; Oft the prem- itoj tr a Mijm-iaoo uncmng, um.n vm-. -kL, - 1 kYJ r "k! V'k1 ZTiZ 7. i Tlj j better . land in Mecklen- I b.urg county for general' ' agrfcuUnral pur- I poses. v;an on oraaureas' Ji it. iv.ctvwa', I septl5 lin t Alexandnana, N. C. fN STORE OF- hi A. R NISBEl1 &? BRO., J charlotte;' 'n. c.i ri ... ' ..... ,,. v i. ' '. ..1 ..T.l. rrlllE largest stock in their line. In Wesfe rn A' Carolina; eonsisting of the following HEAVY groceries; COFJCFJL f Wf&pst ' ' " Soda, 8Urch, Ac,ii ( 1 rauux izituiii.iui.a PRESERVES, Jellies?, PlcKles, SauceNuts. ! :. 1 1 Rasins,' iCkirrants Citron; . Ovsters, . , , , Lobsters, Apple fllttef , i&c, j ; , . i CANDIES?, Franchlnlarge a, anrtmentsi .1 1 1 ! hits, eiuuiunu iiiuiiiuiii ACCORDEON?, Guitars,' Violins, Banjos, INQTRII XUriUUUIUU, lica, iiui ww- - TOBACCO r.?; CIGARS, LARGE; assprtmentf l varions: kinds, ,and SUIIDRlESi v WOODEN WitRE,' Baskets.' ToW,1 Btatfon ery Paper-bags i ;Wrapping-papefi All . , bums, Blacking, Brooms, Soaps. . BraHMki aothjk articles t , t Ik i too tedious to nen?i o ,.;:.?Y Sold Wholesale or Retail, cheap Tor. cash. Call and see us before1 buying.' We 'take this method of thankingiiOtUNifriendafifor their liberal patronage heretofore extended tons. 1.. "i.iiUf a. R.?NISBET"ABRO. .Democrat audi Home fQpy-y.f'.'jy iw r I mini v bmWam v .'m I r Miin.f iY,..vi . in i w.v r.-.H:i wvw i;."jv.. ELEGA$'R.$tU.WlS ao - 4' r i'aVWTT i ivTTWTva-r.-t.r(orfed and for 1 1 o A AA.POUNIJlylnatrreceivea. na;ior -.r . , . . . . . . . . . - . ' triaiarWtim saje M a . - f . 4'-:, " an 1 . .v.- . t ,' - i, . rrtTC RTffTNQ STTN. a lance lot of new tePickled Beef, Dried .Beef, Beer Tongue,, I ,Yri"'itrrKiirrrE-: rfc f!:nWrJfittklid.. . cm, ..-b- , , .1 77. .ii- rar n a I In ttUTC tVCTV 1TUCIB IU11 19 SWiai'J. T' T - a J first-class Grocery and. Confectionery cap. d a wuna at u iusu.gou. .T-,w ki-rh liver 1 . i fvT .TTnrr.4Bi AN1 LOT FQE.'SALE.vi 1ntr-I. mi in t, a 'amall nfeW. and - many lJihnnL ,yrdf of v, l the Court uouse o i "r. the r. 4 i -. I ui wir ruruj r iuurt . ... .. . , . . lraae t Trees. " y i MAYRR. OBEY A ROSS . aept 2a , j . ; , ' - i . - , - ' V. M 'fj - - - - "is