- . Georgia alone, ojw hundred negroes are recklessly tp pra sales while the crop . 1 - . killed daily;' in their wilfuUgnorance j Oi.dr'iatimttad. - The v ' Arl; they accept irmVWini larrc ?fc J"! -i --vMAvji'TO reflfVuWn ritis obvious XVvrS- ' -1 . nir stoppmg5 to c&nsidet sthe thirt it-4 i)na6r miteh fill a J . Jle as fast from Sr?fA: ' woVWfcSof f ILltf-V" ' . . - klei The imnnrtant nnefltinn ia Vinw i'iMTi w r - .... s 1. ..-40 , ii comes. ... v r--r-r": i", IT' "7" mi n, ' 4. ,.. t M, i niuiijr wines wm eacn iceg nu r xne The Conservative i papers of the! first nir.kinr ftf t.h mttnn fi.Ma will in giving the lie to slanders published To the Retail Trade. r?! P1 largest' ab4rme$tl tb' i H D&i Fiycin gcqW ttea.M ? it nr x gloves: iats v.t?tv. K it commits.-- -Vu . . Weiv3fc AlP4iKititflJ i A company WlSdlSwSiSSnl' -Vffe , ; sent to Marion', thVWfrf ?'?e?,- -Aff W-.ianoi DoweUcountyr-ThVauteU fi.,feJ 1 pMl itybThMOTfeHent Sflfe' military s101; Put. hQ.jv.ever, lt is m strict especially 'the Ladf'Wcalt ftd'w&ttj. may bedlsCoVeffed Vlifeo Ira look int ac9?n-cel e,jWJy!oPVB- new nU .elected 'Stockioft tx j .-the'onditiou: affoiuX UTO .cn lurbn nr.ps. I' TKllQaherhabeenSo di ' Patelxi th Jh,e liiQi BOM R. R. RADWAVS: READY REifF ;infrcVHChbtc Twenty . nrrnTSS" ' . , : , MADIJ7TROW r ? " - yiHucttiv-ttatianYi&r receipts-in 4-- -4.-t-A-novjr vtxxq i - - . , -n . ,.. , .. -r - nlyxct8eQfhj9H)M'mtS'wfl W y u Ta &hA Aiswu6 am An-Hnnmnim rtnoh mf Dw n 1 riilfaJ O- ' ' " ... -. "r i Ifirahlft. . untruth fnl hts " nffimol tKiWI niA;n fill I &C, Selected with SDecfal refrehr" Gi Tiril.. i r- - " ,llJil-.lLt"l. . ' ' " " 1... .. . Satnrday,-September 26,7.1874;- Hie vBtordi,TdCoDafmissi(mfirjtlnor loWmoal . Pate PaintnowboliegeB tpfK I W.41M-. t f ' ' '' WakeAcofaty hasainstitbtedlnsuU 'pS&ffiE SSSf?" signndfini8hlilacktJIerino,Bd1CMh4 f thibfflhf Sl s merits. Some of theemnlflga . " 'TwrnyrteHrMHi JhaP. ,7 T mere hawlVtadif 8ndi Sbawls,W Lap Robes, in fine tarietyi'a it )s asnrablea ordinal mdnt r& hfTn llaobe s - f hSSWSa ;v?ttfndVdTbM f Hi iSSSf i?S illlnffiSpnl fin an3shand its cost a,d convenience JSW SilTaftoMn5felUn , Prom S McOOD,,,.; U V , Srf ooandRossIon'Leather, and Bugle trimmed ' i ! ; Th Piaihs PAoniMvft 4i7Ttfl ron . after rrU thl. thn -..,- STM p"ir!8 A CUKg nnit Am - j ' HTA ffTTTT ?. iutn , nr. amma J! BlVlon ecn'!,A8 practice wa 'slafckJldidtl ii AUD-iinoyW- fiHIRT hotonstant work; completed thehouse, two coawUnlas Table DamasksTowel. Kapk1o-andTable Sl!2.S"tanmr J?b tb plac-iUi ) Bslb W"l ill l-.. 1 1 in t i . . . ! . w-iu usjsoia ai aawmsmngty! tow prices. i 1 From R W Rvn. nf f n. '.mli. X f ?v tt - ' w uojuou oenajne, e aronaeift I BHsei If i r JI V-X JL t - . . ; New Oeleans. Januarv 29. 187. ill if mil I ii -- - . iw , l M?8w.w.gmwHHt a. Vermont, f " - p j tAjriufr;ir:wMiU88XON MkRGhAN'B, JiFanay G66ds,wliicb 'have :,be'arfdedivto 1 ii V- " "-"t m" miss.. has kabk thj P- rnere is now no longer 'fl-ftfy doubt J rflT? "m"e PQ v;oito consrgnea 1 nmemog, witn tne assistance I i-ioerai inducements to the trade. -?' SUi! 7tki illlffll ' i'f II I TUJPJL "X?! -4 west mbard Street, Baltimore traeWiawi5Dftj8ifltance Kt, t vasmer , Uom&ttfblal "'National ' i wuwMinc.raipatro!i4 p n ixri . - .r t :iUi uatrl to State-brite4 States thtie R D Wade, , -Saiteai T fM obtSWkru- yew.we may,safe?UmW Rf " ? ':f'"; ;i2tf 1? JL EL ESol 5,11; Ait r-laii"JA.-j- - IZ " T at 350 000 000, bushels At thp InwpaV' hs ahd-salefof fiiurra confcr&ctsLI ovi'i - h .KeepeatrttllyTr ',!T .... ?Jisii5-. . absolely, nothing 3iast.occurred . to nriP this vr .nA iU I lLiv .VwA.PSSk,,, .tseptU.tf I rllutr , ,.,f,.v. , - f . ,. ..-r wi.W -S ;ighinSu;;the;w shwhich .jll VS&i? Q '1 .of.McrtowelVBurkev.BucomDer.-aiid iw 2 feS&SS5, i ' fli L Jpifc i 4 WlF V-.N ''rirW' 5KSi;v;-AfG:t-tiL - ky r o'500,000. This is certainly la ferieat ypr land ,tiwted on the, (Charlotte and cAlCfJT--- tf .7 4a -SV! ' '"r-fAflv 'Jlanqntt to r bountiWl.harvcatsot oAlvt .oh'the f?w,neHfMrdabewlilci JSQSf!1 - vtiV U!fv Why.theyhaV'beert BenVthereii a Continent of Europe bat: KSSA fV? r ' U. W5 mystery; rThere was. no ocn' -tti yhicn the 'only ustdmeF l SSSBH fwo'SaiS2 FsMt f W ileTnl American wheat. " -T" i andhiall (MbaM.v, " Wbiiv .... Tiin . J J - -J.-1 7. .. . . . ' t. n. .- . . .. I lh . . . . . TI;ftJfV'.W Jl u imgreaierr' aencieney 1 mau, 5f!'?fiJwJ"ww Wllijflf v.(.jKantf r J'f e r-fig RidrAHD WAY'S SarsajarilM Resolvent BLOOD PURIFIED Tl'MIL IL'" All WSJ . M Ie is Sefii anil Ml SrJ'? Sf S. eSSs ever for it.: -It is equally a'mvsterv 2: fffefi V.f9r,Slf4!ni8atidD' another bayonets jhe Piedmont Prc says.i'i t amount is saia tnat they were sent-wtest at tljeJ .Inf reduced by the WMtH And dnnuniiiMl ta arresting tbem bhiu wiatiney weresentwest at telr"' 1""VVP-. wb u-wdb :,ai)j.Bll.u,iflil t, m-ju&tfoSZj., i ki h SrfS Ste, Hals. CaDWlVata M m State," " ' !'! " ' I S Dortsofthfe Rifrp'flii AfcTiMiltAMf'irtint 14 1 IELBACHvntliaillBiwiiIL: " ' . . .'.;' fi" r .-Sr T . r-I . . ; V i i 7-: j .r... T , XJ. ftMliniu'Kmillh.r D.l.k.k -J 1 a ' f"! JiiIBlMB WIIV JJIBUlDnUOH.. IU IXIS J"Wbe expecd-there a ' ne mSbffiiK l r.uul 1 ,i and will contin a rascally carpet-bagger ilt the bottoLif;kfilU kprli Woifnt WlmisRrriii. T.iA'bW''... . Krif bSgers are atT the crop of 4,333,000 bales seems AND; WifawngJto F bottom of all. our troubles. We wfil fully endorsed hv th lrvwT.rW rAr Fayettevillestireet-..JThehniMinn.i3'Lv:.,,i,, , MUlMJlIt). Ul) never have any peace while ther? is cotton now ' prevailing: tHa -ottbn aJ Store and two nice rooma np atairaHu,. - hlg, ',, ' ., ' , ' ' , ,. .to vP. . .frt tTi thio m;H;i!,i.ui. j f ?- u,,u """ft u tv ci oi me verr i . . 11 tLi i. ai i.if ci i. u people to give each: carpet-bagger the only export some o.aW.OWbnsH-. atr& inthe y?ryjt wmJ&SweU 45th clnnnni exact amount of money he expects to. els or about 23 per cent., we expaHl arranged W carry dn business. ' ",; ' nTTv - m ntilH the SVuthJkl-sVnd hiTa Vm6B WhFnfir STOCKS iflBTV,-WlY(mPllIST! i.L J&rJ - , m- ??.T 480,981 bajesrdttt oicrort)f 4.100 nm 5""'" tPPerTiny. Stoves, .t Ulii X- lllf 1 IjllXUlD Jj J "?.J"y", 4Mlr4'?W JEfUirianu. LlKe ha ah n. fr ' 'n. J .WWiiSu jreasonaDMJerms to carrv nn hm. '(iCti'i-lLk. ablejbodii will neve ... v..-..wVA,iU1 uconoiujniunii i,i nr Tnpnna ani tha nnk A ii. i l ana weurni inrvaftk chased the entires of SB MKAC1IAM, consisting ' -M-y nave pur- ,-83.- ..ti i ue the business at the old stand, in rst National; j BanW E6iam3 m -rk" -"r.-.""""-"""" "n iimMHna water, and ft T f OPPOSITE , THJf CENTRAL HOTEL. a SvrOJt T&VVjBl""V's Insolvent tin. RADWAY'S One of the firm will vlaif. Vh VaU. j , , .... stock. r;;rir"-M"wca w aays, anu win pnrctiase wTM A call from all is respectfully solicited 1iuf8Ptf?,w'tJ,e.- scamps whole prodactioDThedifference then Ha if i cease:, aanovinsr ir uVitil "es.iivthis facL.vi: That if a nroliRfi T(X they have-Kten-thei fill. - T ?,P Pfwh.on the: '.Continent andf rtejf'jffi i W-1 m Jngiana reduces -the,, price -.r v-T-",.- ' surplus wheat, and' cohsequen The Ralefgh' .Era fSeu'l 10.18741 saiin ,h8H,.onpVmer;." wT'm""rv"f:aw in -the ,fotate .of Georcia alone . .MnhiLtuiAfi crop, while nnr hnmo . metvrk'a r 'Ll. 7,:il,S i'7 " ii. 1 ' V '.- t MOV thfi fltm rttttfA'Ti-r''r W. I ictie-Biapn;, hhoh is reuuc 0ct;,'i2tvi8yiV' arfiu-therpartiwtortipplv- to !S.v ; rUllOllfllllla Lull flL rflllt, Charlotte, N 0,'atigiy74-lvt.,"J ! tly-ofpf BaWjcKt r:wyyf r"f' " " - - -TaMrrleiid. o-pfa tWo "'"H iiwwir -AASKUSW'I'LIk ,n.lM . U Av uisposea 01 jay stock to Msar iri !-rfs;tJLiirtJiAI..--' f-.,.- i r viiv r in liver .1 11 fnrJh i;k .i ,. : jcent of. 1 1 r "JKSL J1??" !... : in nn m ( ; . same to WSW prfce ;.of itiie I n:rih7i a .niIi'iw5C5!R? i FaV&Piuzn HUOOlTTii GMPk.:! U- Cbarfoue. Sclai.v . ..... . I $SS3My Anotner Uhancel- au very quraoje WltwmlkaRihzt "o!tf 1 I .....-.v1w : SATISFACTION .G,U4.BJLJJTIJ!ED ,tj 8t , WADE & PEGKXM, ien. Kad- Banaia. Billouuru. liilioaa rn. i.JI... . . A J ade & Pegram, I desire to return my thanks, rJ? ifAgT iuaWML Banaia. Billouuru. 1 Weta, riles, and all Dermnremants of tb Int.rnS M'ryi . 6"iui, i ucbiic w return my manga, i riix'ttzTs rJXrJZS-- htowduponme, and ask a continuant olitteiWAS . J worina wiioufjiawmiaenWoa, .a .n 1X0.1 ntr i.it-L. :: 1. Last; ,GIITt Concert ik klb 'otkic;' '! M 'lit l' IF-'KlllBDi Tfl TTTP! 11 I I 1 1 l.ll U fl I . Ii" . , 1111 .JUDGING th fatuwy, b pafit;Wsa( v mm wnnuence upon tnis out new en- our RetaH 'THaSl,iW?HSl5 distinct House for each : and in dnin i era. but that An "HyaIiio;., ilm laTOpicaY.artireDienbnff i. .. nnnsA . nri.ii hwin.VMi.: ila a fT i - 4- 11 ur W A IT VTVI irtv(f!fim Li,,. Li.,.ly J. hi,tf,H,Qyse, IN . ,". QWashirfgftJn, ' rk, XT : Trr"XT! riT--- tr- rW $330TOO,O;OOQ .high civilization,v;con pared ta wh , our governmenf,4vrii!rJ iavau 1 l7ihis time tiditf fri i P" " TJ i u ,ng C1"-Asininr,rguiwa S l?.-W otepp4)jcafiS;C(AitiL sake, that our crop prospects vfom "-ucjuin ipowenirrradrt., fco4-..7 fhfi more than 4.000.000 haUVsT'VrrW EVaIt'TefefsMhe feA.MiVn h; JjUflod opwv.why'is iherl fliia'discreni OCf55n tlA!i.f!Sfrl"WflrAwn irtT RmWbJ 500 Hash Oift. 'f'S?'rf'r'A?ni0Onl u'uiiuias.x.jiiH . . ' . :i t rr.r.1 .1.. r . ' ' -i 1 d Lfofa sviilT .sano 1,1 ; t i? 'PPS? PPVJoujf eery -buyer that a 7nu9 w wiaw w tnat piacfc,'- H " ' - It'll A f J VU'r-":'-' 1 I - - - - - - .. !' ' . Stock careful lv AlArrl f tJ!.i - " v WUM. ,,waaaf 11 eoiai irksome, aa.it refis kfore-Xlnnrt WW Uejttly ITen .fflatu oiasetKiiy offal ,V5lfATCHl his ffoff GOT.n and PCLOCKS and JEW- aATaD WARE, . I FZ wuyer ia your Very neighbor, fnerharw X'-" l.JS0Bto,n? Such hoisewe WW 5nWiIWte'T Four Tears aim mAvrHmaA t..t .' t. . B " w W WUVU MM, ffO IW wwtpnma saiisraction or seeine it l"'- jMoiiri mi ii. ,50 eo . . . "J I'lilUKmi lllMAWalH tul ;!.. , 4Kb? Pration-known ,far; Javalidsl J; 1 ! R0SSETCO. j 4'5nJ 61)?SMM CO.: f f" -"22. t-r. Btate AgentaJ f ; , ? Ge Amerlcan Cottoa Ci tiiUT 1 1 ... Wilmtno-f.-xr o T. 'ilri;i-aroiaa. ecf If. Tj proves Trun ' Js ; ; - rt.v w We now Mil imna.tiABiiAi ' that WA hflVA Kvitrf.t.- X. " " v wa v mi wva vaj suuci u DlitrQ lit tn fm4ad4mes?io0daTneeesaarv wamtrjEt sIorefcMftlfe ripi-jjoodsj Cldthm, -Bonta.ttiri'H'teAlAfinnar rt-nar.-S' 7 i mtw wvwhw aaww WareVfiniM iliinefy,rifalll i rl emitpltllri. fcougktoiot laro iqiadititiee ! and 4roib ? Tety rstrbamlBi) n n jr " 1 (ioiJj vin li Our stock is nown tariVinff taadnttibt completfl about the-vfist fat; September, and . a w nviq,wyiOTn 4n.iyeirespetro:iy;liVite'sT4i lnspeotiinvcr writ to ryT.jr V .: . .JiJii' ;i faVAMMit VnAaaak ,ti am..;-ia. . TW r .4i i- J- - ' y ' i PZarrant- ;T: - fc CaMllnk' Jeirtilfy' House," An rirr li is, and has iaiwayVfcAuTOdSiMe c alm aW iWti4t1i; fTl'-iS? A(.SrUri At 'owner, U d Gr-naraii Vof,Mect iW1MryP MM4n.tt 187; biyi New : Lirnrmpnt k iMi isf"!? a veuf iwTw'm v.)i Li tpecmlto. -rrrr- Wrifcrfc "ft ii i. l jk i. i I V Vr fce i.J.u). Calendar MontaQO,, IT. T!,. T-rrrTlt' reserves t-jhimselt JilV.; - Hxti -a accom odaUoiiarta jiar ues unatieto f rnia satisfactory evidence or good dti:: . ,; wJjciiuisiJiny may WIl7?,:,T?,t?A-'""'' fVTwi t -i . T 5,Jl'AEyC&CO,83li i "! T.Ala erl Pt-r.PnKtodomiefiat .mst fl'r . . - r will be moatoA ,f,r,H , w t Njut ! mammrnm