i J1 kutherfordV cottony drop; fce Afctern'" usual.; v t . ' .iircdeiin-l oned on Account of the cir tl&VV-Jt ii Lf ; ,-yfer J7J3.T?ylor5s Gun-shop.) J ir AJvi-piea3nran in the public X thatthave UuInutdmAttr, tion they were Irom the store, iere 1 fTAtt -.J cut in uie tame cx.idi- ln whea fcyou 1 boukut thetn ..at reasonable torieea. T haVe prices. . i-rr .tnnnM on ACCC The Baptist SttttfCtiif Btm7 con?J LrAiidft(tWifiorieSUn Webroafratfepded to bwuaptlyi'r; CberT andriVHtoing(on;re ,tiH -4 fUywiMHi t.h aanrino. et Ant itlum "TTnk Jl. stefef who has served his trade .in -erlibi rruasia, ana merwore caar taction to all whoipay fcej? i'me. Orders &rtmattras u , it. dt Ground' chart-1 J ty feefron S f Vlr Aift uLMfiaH,iWatd istefids,, liTaNes, ' various kinds, such as . Offl! flhaira. and the tw. ...,mA unknownYiWWJcmnd dead Toes-1 Also, a newloedfiBahr rst ndU i mi the ude el the old Chanel Mill 1 large and lemae'.aWortffienif ' Bracke u V t hnneitti m ileiif friirA'BAleiirii I Wall Pockets;and .Ootob aft Sru Box The editor oJ tlie kSUteavilfe' Btmfi Court; hiMTOJrijSrAVTOHVA'r, Wis,ipmjtodIto inform me ctfwqs t,A an exceedingly handrm tpwniy,IperiVnently loqaCharlMlp Tne Ealeigh-XffWp $ay8IlW fadt Havine jiadeiS i..vIJimiiiw i imiiir. vi-tv iw ni f uir i niii i Ti. .V frnni t?nrrv Vniintv t ..Ihbt'f'.L WKSfiW till UIO omLcn imiu; nfrnwn iniiii fe.pne th.at-ex-Gov.'Wi brated the evebtwsee. 'otodarwO aY! . "(AimIrath of i. YoiwfieCaEttMBiis. (kr eitiiens were horriUedyHiky port tnat ine j'2J,ir,'',!,:UJU,f keniiel(pnly 'onQW;ter citize 'John McKehneafta h-sn :fofind a mile BelQw5f Xheasl. Upon ipiestigatiorUiefcterobieDTfcport vim verifiedi and the--fflysterytjtfvrrte, ance" VV Holden1 inVWi'eQTi W iiVue and celeT Bailding arjpw, ,9t Hopfcwv MTfliiii . .i ? winter TI ntil .VarW r-Uv Knflof RrillHL "i - "x a -t r-. w-jf -. -"-"i well, Boston, aiMi YnanV others. , i l let ttOU DO, IttnMWJigp 1SAQI forehea4v7POOVtfif.xt;iouvir bioodn'o the left side, an4rattall aog actitrg a liiivtt carried hiui such a distaiade&nd nefeKMRklfOtfil-VladW '''fiifcille ki .. vtm kt A Musical the. senT and Instnujaiental underWWfinjtoH For circulars address- rii ; 1 ; r,tijn9 24 d5twjr! i&&i:8tteaii$Lrt2t, JA ." . iff) ft "yft'lMtt Vywit j fIAS.H t vS SI FRE'K.iIPENI)L . "7 t .7)1 1 Utrrnt I iPtO?C -!- T d k T ip ; We offei for.sale' IKat Esq, now reside. Oir the tract is mtatnoX with wa$er power saiaetent for alhiaeaaottjl j5tT' ortbeyeaft v. .:JY-ra t iaifebA 1 H t fZC A 8Fl,EyQIVI?WELLtXO HOUSE ' l.yl J, .'. 1 . Jl 3 . ! HAVDTO lately opened with an entire ? new stock o Millinery, Fancy Goods, WniteJooaa and notions, keep in si9xe, one or tne nest selected fcstockj in tneir xme, erex bconght to this market. ,7 l:i pjiruggiptsyx I ltTT f Tirmi v Hum i T TnTnraM I teased K patrofr-, " 1 f i J : t' J M sesror.TetairIri I jw;rimrT rtV ffTr.-r fw, ,t '.-r. Tre wi Millinery and Fancy Goods As before 'niadeSuolleC &&i eoodi'rti parcnaseu at sucn , - v EXTREMELY LOW PRICES, that we are now offering ther, same, at, rom 50 4o 100 Wmlwrivr their teal-rilue; FntrinnveoBin?W JO Pis, "wortfi $1 to $150 tat all styles aPIHMt1 M . T W tt ML TJl fl iil Striped inen at 25 eta jjfer yard Vfflr! r cl worth 50 center , M Peques'at22i cts-f r.yardworth Towels atil'ii cts r r-yanl W Corsets at?75 cts .ch worth JHandlcerchSels from 0 ctaj np. - ;j. , " - In EmbroideriW!JacpjaetdKinsVand In ning, we arex otTty3i great "induetuiieziteki MfWelch wUT 'Uke pleasure fri drtiwln sftnH and making complete-WaHs 'an specifidation'fof Uiildings, of tkiic arid nerkrthallv1' snneVfhteml the .name. ft' ? 9V mm I finrtcio ILTnll Y.nBqrnflWgaflgiu? vFarasuUat extremely low prices, .11-T M I T !f 0; Y K A M t THE CELEBRATED toi.t C-t 2ijr WaUcb far' ' .mmnv t Ti i a mvr 10 C.---v-nH ' ' (HX& door toTiddy's Book Stqnuht A Ik . , 1 i, Jxx. r 3 ljll.'WwrK UOHUjrj UU1W kUU w ai lauHUi J ttm-t " TD 1" .i.oi;! V-Wyteefnfconraged by the many favors alreadv extended us. in the calls of natrons, wuu. we irusfr.-'-iitivu vuruMtseu hi obiBvn tory prices; antfwe ahaTr "endeavor Uf merln a continuance of their patronage t3 4 vs-r nwivmYi h : Fbdersignsd M this mettoo0. -form thtf citizens, pf Charlotte, &n3ha -pitb lie eeneraUy. that theyiaye this -dajflfoirtn rWM.fktiUfiiHT.' hhfor i S Xfiftn"1 'dam years ui aeeanejvea launiuuy ..aur' Wr!aa'buSiiieBs A','Cresyen,sVoi4 jng fftCWWifH4eh, afflicted pa, stand, opposite'ihfttebyterran, hurchj. oi inc. wuiimorai3yu:yw( i mjjf yon'aranot saxuaed bctne? ractveom or l aunaan, -. . .4 f , i BTiObioWlcheapiyoa can! Jwy.4ybr.neaa Tintr v&rns. and lone faces about . ia ability J nil U till A "I 1 tn dHtrtantie. don't nav our bills, and on einaiO i&m to )eetyour.iiLBligation8(Jwith L)i-ujqi jsjuk f Mn8i (!wbn we credit at aU wsnwKi ie com 1 A'L'i?"""- . . Cliullul tstmfniuk further jmlnlininfie.- v T prices and attention, xaaies can visit our Lritdne at hllmes withwdt jcomirigit.inMbonf tact wiSi ;.4HW?Wfi BPffVtSW'Wft .ae- np tronk drinker -;i.f rsri: I U if ! 'j(MwX' i Hoping bjrwefcty arf5pdliteness W mer4 wi mA'ft .sWeiweTittfjpedi'iiTlyiu master, and several years Ago ehei jeoeivpd ldtmi )ji-iS.VBLL;&:WJUKKR. from thajAagnsttt FewaJe Seminarat-vAMtW 1 tiriH fft JJL.rtATtTv;-i-c?vy -j Ijsf i I nowithfihJi thewbha fori)ft3t favore, and IpeapecUnl'yi .rttiauSatiooGf: the, Ufteji ,cwfe imo;,b ?th ,;o im3iniflt be settled with the undersined )t20iKH aJLlTw placaof business. Ladies andentfej muD wrtn.pfefifftli tnrtji 'long H Pendleton, under the ; firm . nam an4 Uoii V"" tion aad..x)whershin the CH AKUXTTfl U'i mVT&K M'L 'SklZLlw OBSEKyEIBis this day dissolred Py.Bi chased Hflie" entire " merest ror - the ; jretirig f milE. und?rslgn &aip- Fffl IMP HiKhtnenlthahiByeTMridl the hlMTliZta .pliediwitKtnAfens Jjestr lUai!iJtu,,Aft OTHiJBlXLUMriJ AT ?tOI at. 4heiT.eryj lowest prices, which wfll be deUveed':hiri fearttSe efti l3, "Lvil A lttatM . -tj: inn i y1 uahla ;'ixab c nf! landconautin at a. , . ;t.,..T .;i x lit rXT a. county (eU, on;jiwhich. Jphn-.tVoang i'tii rilriorttl hflh'firi TO. T M'.iJU.i 1 : . . &n'ternSUv?ina,' t j . - av . - Tjistraexw tomattiitffleaeutb of I PrPVw r.A -SO f ts r All ttiuilaj)f LuuiDer LmvUln thevW-JJ-iClBwia laalikor, noMce'andt any 4esbd Jangth.-an1. feet, mi wiHVfWI&&TlrVlAn f)dt IIO, 'iff n I'wiinTnaKezaiiiDftraii. eJseoEef twita-jany person whow Mtrvutad.aii.isaply me with eccflfeaghiafRbe needed for y.erapioyees, , . v . t. i. HfJifavllarwt cohhi hlina nf A T II K E. Tl-dHlnnslshortJdistai 'iflbuW 4ma&ers i ea1te'' louW.n?!! buy ail, and as it Jieinauch ' ;. iuv convened lotonfcnumoATf, mair frms, it woal,be0reWJaaew to be aasil manner , as nnnbM4-p On the plantation bp on nondred and ftlXy.acres f': j,jfutfj sv&'xt -Title (indisputable. . Terma iaxodeMateflii A ti-Addresa. f'Mitawi imtit eiriadt llA ; o'Hewbfe') lna afmhlinas'tlA .nomirH a&9il'y T. O FFilJinSale;f a ! Bt!xA lenlP Pkfni- 1 ing witbin , half mile of KtfepV)e,Mat AleiandfianM ArATiW OifUrroad, tentiiMl)JhaCliil4tifCrn the brern- ases.is toiesicta8s:&wlMg."ttKdalPHib neci-siaryfcluUheuscsU'j1 J llt lialfetearedrnhnr.trtro bered.;, Tftipf' ho U ' Hl4"M'I'tif Sjecklen biiTs couwtvuftn,,iieeTl4l-ar' agricultural Dur- ur- posestf .C2ilt-mv:rtBadiJrttsj' K'KlSR1B.4'tO BY Virtue of Dfed.s tOjftoXnst to me mud, . I (will sell at public,te(aMle o'?,rt HbnseJflhor in Charlotte' oh'. Ihe.22 '?n.aav.or s Noyenrbethexlv the ame'Leiua,TiiSr?f ine onperxor uourt, tne following uity rrop rty, vl f -rFoui,tt.;in3proved lots, lying on tho4?ieenth and CemetefyiStsUtAf pl poBiiecyse residence oi k iLraviuaon, m Alsktwa arrpm ftf land. lviHtJn tieCiE "na.tntrciiajway,; with the improve "Jepja ribrcon embracing the fibbps ?en- Bioe,-Doueran inachirtery,Knfwn pytrry Meeklenbhrg-epokeaTi : : nd.e'F&l-cry- rcebsrCa$a nrpOvl l:.. JtleV-T S 'Title reserved Unlit r" .t1. T nirci ti itmr i.4-vrI hlv 4 e 709rcV9J of Land foreaje to Wntpdrt hakera i' Jfrell '.watered 'good timDer, antf healtbj: W and WW.CR: mvlO tf " " ' rimfB.ixis3Jit .". : . : . .' ' z . i . .... - - i w-fc i?k b WH-rhm 1 Wt imvJi irntty,tv ,(i'jt'iabfM 11 conduct our business exclusively in tt'tiiimii,i wywiijiii waa.ki wif.ii. ! .ZCMliiO, .u tis Japaqpe ?ap,f ith Clinins, anLa thousand different novelties. AT KOOPMAlflf PU)THSCIIILD'S, A' LARGE asoHnieut of .'li.tj J. .J ,U 'COLL ABATES, the very latest syree. 1. ' ' augl-t i oal.cj b4a rfknrn T7sxittXT . :.-,. i. .w.-. ...it-. ......... i il V1MM1 IU - - - Ai.? ..I- .311.1 IJI 1 1 iJ-i ) 14 my f Vv Hi Xd'AK' ; a sail us proclaim v ur thW0&t vropderful Irit astaiaoa w buluupi- ' vigorant ; tnaTrrcvilt .ioua, auu remum iuu $ieir bones aro not dor neral 'poison - or othet .tiw.T,aud rai organs wasted; beyond , i ; sa j iiA.:iAAMi. Alii i L.tt.dM 1 1 "mt iwftnTUfr A( vvv'it a , p.itl vm aaavu w v , vw X t Icitt'in tho valleys "of oaTjcreat rivers Jiunois, Tennessee, Cmuuorlaiuv Arkani iitdi9l'M'adof Brazos, ltio Grande; i'c.ui, AiaDiuua, Aiobiie. savannan. no our .auiunin, uuu renitirKituiy so uuriitgeciit sons of unusua (bfit(iaideditf aesmarfi A invariably accompanied by exiensivo ao sMmlcU and livcri ominal viscera. In their htJrjrtBiCTt, a purgative, exerting a pow ciitil ii'Uupnca upon theso vanous or aii(Totncr abuomma itrgntBint, a pur "rati erfiij iilipr)pQ upon theso various rirkiS'W essentially necessary, TI J, WAU?5R'3 VINEGAR jilXTERSi -AS they will speedily remove the dark. colom viscid matter : with which thf fti-Wpro floadpdiat.lUp, aHia tinid Ptiultvtins tho'Jecretrdho liver; find; pcneratert8r.feltho health, AuctfeiJAiailgastb70 organs. f ! a vitilfy the foody against dlseastf T CV- " XT T T T T T C? jn t , cpuuuuv uiu www ui s fT-tt-ir m ki .'r-Ti t i j ki frr w iowiv?Ujr jsya Kvwuuw iu&uiiJikWi ijvui I -'if TXronsSto HASsJIISkTlEeEIVED another lot of ele- in tho 2IouUw-lUIRUtiJkSClASaDita4 b is v; . ...I tation of tuHeflJWJflnanimttnfof tad i in ii a im in rewiM raH-irwvti4iti.u'' nuw, .WMik,,j ougl, JXtDOa. o LOCKS. OCC. cee. ' v: - J - J, have -still on hand ar large, stock j)1 USTGK HATS, 6 - - 1i-' i4"- shirts, .vir-r wvsja bottio wjii prtnp ft better ffuarantfid '&sin(Vaklntndied r . kt : ! I. i i . 1110 f it went, . tnksjj crofuiiv;iiifgvrhitfj lliuflrs. UU'oh, 1 ft-tdnelaii. 8jufT Picki 1 5 . k ' "SCARFS and t . OoitreorofuUjtti fHflainiuatSaisl-L iaL: Inllammatim " 'tf&fi&Bfr- Ola In theiie; imii , inntitwi isi, J eases; iWALtt .W irrwiUv 1 jk T of all -kinds wliloh areCered at coafcjn. pr ' , 8r3PIc.---.-igT sea and amiWi? Miidlsei will finlr it Tnteit'l'iee Ine before ' Our lite dling than snitMmv hAt Ax.JjAU ; a.xi,'Xv a - v -a - BU.Fuku ucu guuus wjrrujf. okifr uDe,uiiernoriu or south;.' . naa lewer iransiers, quicker scWeflniea and more careful ban ' any'other route. r iw u ai.-i;j-.ttai-.w- ,..; any eoiraoBTitMEE, ' 1 - . Gen'l Manager J - .war 17, ly?"- a4tfl . - - 1 icj tq.-: ir ori . " fit Oin.sveil . UiUii vtcJ a Jutfn tutu - TlVl1Rf)VF.T .!llSS fr t vvy : .UrjTMf ed ti'T smIj lain If. 1;;; LIGHT .RUNNING I ii ciiVioii ,4.,r i ;jr; rr,'T ii ii ii in 1 1 ni rr: : r srrc i , "J 'flj tit 111 I- jna Ir.'fiBitvii.'-' Ir" ,Vi l'-A0."?'"'" ' f ' WML uVi:-Vit I I ftl 4o I I r' v. .. I : , her J Doors JBeloWi -Tlddy'a Book -Store. FARMERS - SAVINGS BANK ".-j-ii.i,: .1 .'it - i" i OP . ' wColTIIlYi -Gi LLi if S i t ii. IJ'ClHTEkfel) BY ACT4 OKdXHB Z.EQISlUA.Tim. . : stvmmgro'rei, S'JkLA3X3YIXLE;r.3 C Situated fn tlie Centre of Town. f1 wfarnlshed, and under nir mn trsyaI)ntjnbXie in aavaotrM nf fTti... tr. 'i aet)l.dt. .r : Xf.ECnLORSj mHKW.a4viee'-th -carik,k421S?fL advice - that 4ri iv J Sick Headache ietau! ai cleanse DR Kring; from PyspepsalBil v Fever andi Aon MiUtwor oi any disordetfffectlbrthe ileanse and reiralate 4hembv. " rtuttsveaIle " junctional action of 1m di- e,u"' "lean ana xitkgu,,,.,, anrf l0,5teM- They produce ""r ."t1! Hugaweaaresatiaiid of diet ortSwHpation, . .,v '?t f . , ' ' Wce.25cfcsSd:yi Vi' A distinguished, clergyman; jpf New.s Vprk , speakuig of this reiily,1 characterizes H as one of the special bjessings pT the, nine teenth century. The certainty of its heal ing effett," said he, "arid the1 Immiinitv. from danger whethr-i- administered Mic-hil-dren or to adultsaflnpU UJfor the widely popular use it has . attained." None would long sniler from Jnng .complaint; ,'f they Itnew how easily they can be lufe bv this reamry. By its timely Use all pulmonary diseases niayt btj anrestedi-vianali tion the scourge that fcweeps 'away thou sands every year-woul be nbecked its comnieiu-ement. Persona with a seated their rest. at ight, will find,, by t aking , the .Expectbrant On going to- bed they maybe;sureof trntro--ken sleep and refreshing rest-PeiessinK a very pleasant taste it la - easily ! adminis tered to children, j 8old.' -feaJL Druggists. .Labratory. 48 and, i20)Courtland,st( iNeir iof. i , , -, ... . leb 10 rteodAwl a , . DR TUTT'S HAJR DYJL !1 Possesses qualities thaftao otbe Dy4 does. It effects is ; instantaneous, and so natural that it cannot be , detected byl the.ckweet observer. , It is harmless, ,easily. applied and is in general ; use. among, fashionable hair dressers itf ' ttetft large city in the United 8tatts,f?- hM Price $1 -a) bok;i;- Sold etertwherety. i w V'.m ,H -",3'H)'tJ(.lli CHOW ! pAPITALfAgt "$ 100,000 " ' : ! ' 1,000,000 PAPITAl, UtH IIZED, . f BANKIN II GiHOUSEj jSADfi ST.. CHABLOTTB. N. 0. rihsacTa geneirai Bankinr Easiness', iha4vano fn f . e lacturea vooas ana .aisreaanuise-awirea ia av areqouaea. ana covered by 'Insurance of its merits than a lengthy imvertiae immm.to iAtdaSttienlOTWf i ney;TeiyefluyoanujwsTOcp;K. ioveress oeanng uertihcates of I)eposit foigMnIetMtim ki fertions manftfiri Slraftsible txiints : nromotlv anttnowlivi on ruw,;ni an - (,,..-- r a. ' --- wxa I'Vi uhm j jr- i B. H.ooltw?TW.cMuBBATofM(umy , ; R.D. Cotusslin J. W, Ji)8W0KTHr W. W, .Gkikr, of Giier A Alexander, - ' S P. 8HH. : . 8. Pt siflTH?Prdeilri, ' rV L. VAIL. Cashier. CN. Oi BTTTTs Ass't Cashier: Oil . der to close them out at tne earjiest. possioie m 1W JV I A FULL LINE ) t M V s. i ii J .UiWu ftikk V kV hand Tnlfe Merchant TaiToring Depart-1 acaiu-neau, oro jyes, iryBipei iSeSr,!ta4ao1i t. th tnWiA flmirea i c -i.-'4: . . r?t5 . I ,;.W-y,i?f,n,. - ? x -ninwH -fir"? "' 1-Iti .t r'4. w I;4J tl J ,IA oitsffIi.H 1 KEEPS THE LARGEST STOCK OF :.4ppif ..r.r. SirffiWea liquors I ibriTi JvUj or for SacrWentaf-f .fiivhar'ta.) a,evovvKftT, WTrWiHSl',JWA7aWd Jtf&rnTyB aksi jusTcAtved 'atthfif. ll:-;tr'a;i:tlAr 2ttm afilX-tlfinixui u,vi lifrtfiIiUwtJea !)icUm i Hiui sit rtAftotHildard- iDTte TenMaxaaIBee' aYiaM;jaaQ&Jia&apSa&9Ii 1o sdtrdna tUOAS, Coffee Tea,- Qrlta, Malr Molasses, Candles, poap, Btarcn, boov t ngMf JNTJFF; J&mokir .nd Chewing 17 kUA ' .w V . : I If v.- .'J.. 9 .ooi Jxr.rsri, .r - sim pREHK:tT:?rr.::Huy K&M Vkr.1 -fr i-ktrfrt I. f exatviuie t. . . - T . 1 1. y tw m . - ;3T7 OU-I V 'C YIl'.'-'iS'olders, : 3:.i ..-iiiiy:;fi f. .i rv'Vi'' ..l"f f,fiiT poses'. . ;.nftl'i -t0 SjK;fA:fnAQ A few barrel of 'the -Justly celebrated aV,hslCfy, rfcfe and iiieJWwalwayibtfhadd. . WiS.SWCilrt ti Uenerai DOcery ine' is cojOTltteAitfiOiga'S.SiCoffee and Molasses speciali JlOIHOrJiti - -- ; ef year money. ;? j tnrTttr-ttrxrttr frI respect?iilly, return- fpr.tbeiliberal patronage oeasoweu utou mu-twibi' h?5d r,i.;;u4 '- cs i iuuiOcT,Tyije-settc;,iihkk .eattort, 1iai Ltioei K as - they jvance tfh'.r'6 .1. iect so. v;flaraiv8 ,oj tne AJowei' grwa KAUi soon ter, fPus let foil eh agaiust tin, take jCdp'se of ZfrjsXk YlVi tor SKin Diseases, Eruptions, Tew Soro jfc ve?, Erysipelas, Itchj and! iseeerwr the r?kWbltr8fflfll or nature, araitiryvttufp,MdWH out of the sysldm.iorahorttinia.bvthaji8el 'lurkftrmtaifeysteittpr So tlhkOniLt are enectuauv uestroveu auu removeu. ixw system ol medieiae, no Vemk'uges, n$ an4 Tfree t6tfelu e these Bitters.; - ,; For .Female CloiiiDUuits. in yexmd -4x:Um wrtTiTrBglaafethBdawn.two) manhood, or the turn of ute.- these Tome Bitters display to decided an influence 'that improvement is soon perceptible.! ' ' ' f Cleanse the Vitiated Blood wheri ever yon find its impurities bursting through the akin in - Pimnles. ' Eruptions. . or Sores! cleanse it when yon find obtroctod and slugiah mjveniB J the blooweditt Will IQJIOW. ' ' r r. s ,ei Sola try mir irrufS kmaiwaun, ,v.-.,Vf1 lt.V.tt .t Va."' TBIlitMBUBffl mHE owrTtierAtlafUfHaWi;flat lUiw s-rtLtO JiU oJ " biUnTta won ena'bne awrrr!0jpMr ! aflmot wltfd 4t . n it! Jaoirf opeisje &3eriMaQaKie$cmAn iiMflklisse)ooU inzdi'ui A So s-XMa jol ?s ccsMb ea Km o astlwrroo esbsljr ew daidw J: O U UJ.il 11' O ia juuulU ipr" JiULiaiXA J W1KA ? t-Sat, - Mt attests will be admitted nee of charge to the : AtaM.UL wreH 'j -.' Xflrectorai and Omcera. New York Correspondent Importers' and Traders' National Bank.' k 7 rt 3TT feb4,ly JUST RECEIVED -AT I'iELTC T4'S F4f tr 3 Jdt -ats-j( mHEtirM;Ji 1 STORM forithe season, of Cttrauuiui JA4f l . wmiinuiaj. , fcefoffilney are all gone.. jUTOHEtffealBo Trtes andSriUpjlmClvikvii : ii I ikA ji .) T set m. Ajro.vKAiiKaSfia f v. i t Grain, Fionr, Bacon. -OroceHeki Snecial attention eiven to consignments o Cotton for salehere or uvother markets, and J. W. Graf,1 . Prepr el 4tween Ch) 'ktatrafasi rAtlanta,;mHcsea:hi 3een.repaahted .andilum is sitnitei nvjeuieiit to the business part oi r?? Omnibus to a i$omaltdepotiri THE SANK OF MECKUENB TTEG, CHARLOTTE- C.l !4tfAoHxl Gt7ia $500,000. fltkB. .TraaOB' Tatx, President. H!j ' ' Thoh. w.' DkwkIt,' Cashier, -r ;!E; Hftcw;Aast,'43ashieiv h, -.,,-';:, AT TB BAKEmGr HOUSE OF This Bank Chartered Under Act "of the General Assembly and duly organized undeiIjiwsotaert3taVofrthOailina, with ample means is. prepared to transact , General Banking Busl ness. and furnish accommodations to all its Cus tomers on laberal 3termav.? ?n v . ? The bank will receive Deposits aubject to, unecc, and wiu, juiow j nterest According to Agreement on all Deposits left on time, or issue CerttQcateS of Deposit bearing in terest at therateof on.tallauma lying? undrawn :o'ver thirt ! t Gold and 8ilver Coin. Bullion and i . Bank Notes Bought and Sold.. ' i ; , , ,i 7 ! V. V THOS. W. DEWEY: . H tair 1-. "-rf lC"- Cashier; tj .altlAlkl'itOwi - n . . - . u I. L.i .liM-.T'Oli'l! ' HUdT oonvenieniay!iwiaia iut cumuer JnMfM4tJtnil4MUt lny Houae In the JjSaWa aapieOWn; wearz uewoacjxj kvw-i w r mn rib., uuu uwa mvw rw w y . w kC3lly Solicit continuance of fhrtherjfavdrl. 34,i-7'.ftit9ilit.ik'i u '"sa A 'iift'dTs irni-q , w; J. blacs: : nn4 ALTAT-tlot of Choice 'Or---itry'HM TUSTirecefvecL Leetig's Extract of Be:! tJ.'.yalentine's Meat Juice, the bessfc iarticle known for invalids-and -those raeovariag from diseastsfati rf-T I.ffff sK fTTiTrl5t June lo ; Mc ADEN'S DRUQrORSJ: , swiviTO LET J IV 1,1 - mil Blarge and elegant newatore room nn I . at thn Otera - House, -with firm dry basement,. Dimensions J.8JC 62. feetvelst 13 feetAfiPiX soon i to t i'l July 4 j UAlwun ot a.jj i.ivi t of the ofnehdtel.'aiia "being in s few feet of the watara-oa the Bound, ... --v. ' COAT3 ADJl HT - v ATTIT TCS - NvBAThe proprietof - reserve tVi r tt refuse accommodations to parties-., -.a to pFeduoe-eatiafeetwy-ivkleMe-"ef goea ehar- AAlai. rwai zr ItAfia aawiMnv fTHIV IS a. ! W to himself or his . 1 delicacr In season. - Omnibus, &e. , . ' Doa OiOI .1U.5S. iCfVVofisy fmwri'.lb!eptfoy ti I ' and " abooiiimodatlon' of tegular and, JL Ileal till iU1Vt&HS I'M o-itrW? DR. F. i SCittllfrfTV; dkj ,Jti!,isfi: ..TrifXil.'-; .. .. . . k. r J CHAJUQTE XI. :;;iC. Prescriptions prepared at all hours . of tne Say And xught.- i ' IT i i. 6 "kklk- v. t- "f-r . v,.- it-".. CZ)6Xe. Creen kind: Black Tea. Selected especially, for Family . and Inval ids, at r r' Vf-L-U i,SCARB'S , J; . -w . . T! in.-!fl"l3 HU f O Just received a lot of select Spices for Piekles Preserves,-, Ac., sir? J SCARR'8 j -juh29 - Drugstore. .. Pnre Salad Oil , - ,V Ki Finest article ia Market1! f tit "PERUVIAN SYRUP,- Sitnnlons ilepatic jl -db--Jompo 5 Moller's Cod liver Oil,. 4 ' H - WllDOrS ) . u JUimo, - a tlo , itW.'Bi BURWElLfcdtCO ! Jt'fcet)!'1"3 awiaiij itcfti ?rjruggistS! rijne129,a872,-5i-.?ikr F. SCARE'S DrugBtowtT jai',A'Wk i 1 Aiignest casn pnee paid jor uhw i ' 5 :rlfrQ71ijnL?ii. rj-sH AlTrdersfronia, difitaaca nremntlv a 1 1 WvkT .tt a t n Vi-J'-PMWk TrTrrTi rf it fended to. '1 IV-'O-, T- BRYCE, , orders from a. Aifitaace vAv.TTARnvuMnir,s,aTOrifr-- tended to. . J. tCsper Uuttax-rtgeoaassiewMiJA OElce iesK new- or ikwmiw OA mM3 LETTER. CAP. BILL and 1 iUO . - i-.i v i w w .-fTcwar a.w ii r t.-. price appiyuA ivm yiKfKJ' .j ' ' - 1 ' " A CCCTCTI TT'-nr. e:a-W? s cysters, io ".ferr,i(l the finest a 9SortT"tof Crack eislu the c1 ry. . . a . ,CK.j:o ON i-ULTGN Marte UOli'10 WT t sel tC up, k.9 a UAi4VAV " T- n , . ..-.-:.- kvuux vaa general ComTniMion. .llerclxaait, CHABLOTTE. N. C. ' - - particular 'atteirtion' xJd"lor'etihg? all Kmds or noduce, uotton ana Tonacco. OA liiir.u '. V 'PUREFOyS 10X00 Clay Fines grTLLTPTG o4t very cheap to the trade at'i 1 FOR SALE at the OBSERVER OFFICE . i mp0 " i iijtiSfitu Ii r.;'i:Akf-?kr.v? . ill " 11 ' v sif l ' " m " m iff Scroiula.' eruptive '-diseases i6f 'thfef''8kin. 8-Anthony- Fire, s Er ysipelaaiif- Batches, Tumois, BoilSj . Tetter, ' and i Salt a Rheum, Scald Head, Ringworm, Rheumatism paia and, : eulargmentof the bones, female weak' ness, Sterrility, Leucorrhoea .or , whites, womb diseases, Dropsy, White Swellings, Syphilis, Kidney and Liver Complaint, Mercurial Taint, and Pi lea,"1 all 'proceed from impure-blood.' :-i :: .; DK.TTUTTS 8AR8APARILX.AfV)i is the most powerful Biood, Purifier, known td medical science. It enters into the .cir culation and ; eradicates . every imorbififc agent; renovates the, . system ; , produces a beautiful complexion and csuses the body to gain flesh and increase in weight;1-' j!a KBISP TUB BLiOOlJmaAl.TIlVr.'. and all will -be well.-.! To do-4sov not bin ir has ever been offered' that ,can! compare with this valuable veectable extract.. Price $1.00 a bottle. Sold by all Druggists. ' Office uortiamit street, ei. r. -' mar 20" LIVER CURElf LIVER CURE 1 SimmoILs, Henatlc: (mtjtmiiil LIVER CtlM't IS a purely Vegetable preparation ii aim less and effective. A Deciny for all de rangements of the Liver, t Kidneya, Ukln;, 8tomach and Bowels; and has been tiled by thousands and always give ENTIRE 8ATIH- F ACTION. Try one bottle and be'eonvlnced. E. L. KING A.i ftOXtB " Manufactorers and : Proptietors,0' " . ? ; Columbia; S. 0., . . s i . . i j ... ) WUs&n & Macki WhoU8cmA9ent4J ,7 and for sale by. W-B Burwell. t Co, J II Mo Aaen ana tr Kcarr, ynariotie. js.. u. ; "'( J ' ' ' E ncourage Horhe fhdu$try :ii l-l .'. rsi .. .. . 1 rt rreji itti m 1 THE UlZlh YUUg;l V, ft I'Tf W$ BEST: PUMP FQRXim LEAST ; : -Vi-jit MONEY nmd 'u'vUi m iatlsfnetloii C3unmntWd or no Diploma- Awarded at'the- Wst kPat ;VJ'the.;Carollftas.:. W -.V'J THE DIXIE PUMP is eoallfn'suiJerl- or to any wooden- pump1 now offered 1 to the public. . It is -a Southern Prodtf ction,' ade at our- own doors, of Our own materials Hundreds of Certificates mis-ht he obtain ed from parties who are 'using, this. Pnuip testifying to. its cheapness, : durability '.ajaa efficiency, bnt as it is deemed entirely un necessary, l only refer to the rouowing citK xens of unariotte, among raanyothera. ' Bot named, who are using the Pump 'It o-it ti H M WF Davidson, Mayor Of iChariotte D (Cl Maxwell, Sewing Machine Agent.JtM Gates, Central Hotel. L A Blackwelder, W . F . Bny-j der, 8 M Howell, James Johnston, 0 FFree- land, W K Cochrane,' Cyrus.' Hunter; 'J M. McMurray, R M Miller. E M Andrew," Dr.' Robert .Gibbon, W. J. Yates, tti :! n.un u , Manufactured and sold by'li j, v -4 G. ji GREESOkWVOi'! - ,-.l,i . Trade Street,- CharlotteyiSi tX .il 1 WANTED To contract for -'allot of yeTJ lor. poplar heart lumber. ' " f sf! ' . apl 15 rrt'J -i.V 'ts,' Vf;jt-Vi Dili' Lumber! Lumber I I OF ALL KINDS. V Shlnglea-Xathes,Ac. Orders solicited.' "Address ' '" j . , ,EW8TUBBSr '"augO-em " 4 -TLincolnton, N,C. - , i . , . ...... y . ,,t i w v.--,.,-. SEGABStI ,j.4 -S ..v.iiU i TD8T received, another Invoice of Very Jwpertorpgara. wUch FlUVjgll ' June SO. tf. iji.Uj , .-J ! ' ' Lii -1-Jk ki-lt '" ' nnVTlTT7T' J Ti MCfat iiWakWUkkivakkUUkWj ; , SALISBURY; ii TOiTTti iw .iRkfiryrrrT'.o lrr-sh i ''A FIRST CLASS HOTElT situated eo venient to the business part of the city. j ( i i 'Omiilktid will Ka fnnnd at detot to . bonvey passengers to the hoteL , oar tf i w T7ATEKS : A ' ZIAlIS2,-7 f, y- iJ ' iiriSiMimand to tnake liberal . ! 1 V- ...nM nn nttnn shirked ti ptt W friends in vnariesonorew icis. .,1 also attend promply to sale of cottrn c - f signed to ns; Offire, st k,ittkos " y' AHUIWk- V .. . V , .. ' i.t....V:. V a .. .k.,'. '",-! r eckJ