t . i , ; . .. - :' - - if V'' .. J " i , i r i , ' ' . : ; Tueidaj, September 29, 1874. Pre flrwii -JS? scruples that latter ear freeJfe? : j i ,... i! Public attentiobJia. .been suddenly turned Irani iitrofein to 8outh C5im- become unruly ; he says heia jwer leas toenfbrce jh tsjprdera j j? W.SP.r1 mi WbeRi thkQeorfi:etowir-ti:PixbJe oc curred, Moses, bropoaed toauell tbe distatoelHecaTlte only thirteen privates .responded to sum nobly.f-They" followed rtlie eianf fte haye seen brmfatihe sound of s fox hunter's hortv tremblea J'tmu 1tn earthqufkei lutd strwclqbirp:? po ibey too, imitating their cowardly master, bebavV onbet inglbribusly'whenever The- stern frontabown. by. the bold anddelermrried vwWYeWtf'bif Edgb- el& Jh?e;giyn3.tbe.Eecutive JtQgej another scare, But, it maj be al ll put orv vJfcpoifllJ - of nght,avdeeiyr jvrobgtrt partisan . purpose is hid -aitiano That the races Arft.Hpa pacti otbflr; irio .EflgefieVJaeems apparent, Bottr sidesrergaTia:apd armed Cnflicble indUWiwTfe have oc curred, and general outbreaks bav 1eetfifanii&uH;5buMfa fa ttas been inaugurated no uprising: the tTenneyolatlon ;nd ;n 'ttedesityTorFeda! ' Sat Moses lnle?a3krmed some IfmeTago ', His guilty conscience W exaggerated trifles into thingi-Cto. every thief; will ,-do ;.when. Gabriel's trumb awakes f slumberingiworl witht fts 15 awful 1 blast t "sound o horses hbbjfe remipded him of Deal . called up befofe bis,. terrified imaginaj tion visionVbf lon'linesTf gray and chctlvk!d4lo.Wna8 been in a state of terror, for months past. No doubt be nightly; reflects upon thej great truth that "Uneasy Ifes ihnead that wearftacrouTf in-jf , On the 22d inst.y this Gubernatorial ;Bbgfietf?inaiui rbti!tKere4 Ulysses issued. jrbclani'&flQn miH)iB an trroea uoaies oi-uiea iu Edgefield Wunt'y-.tadispeie- irk three days; or, incur a Govfejbr,, wratitrTheTn eir; did 1 not dispierse s jUiWifMiibttyjlWiirW H6nce,ttie call foFtrobps.0;1 ' H 1 in tP5 inanttnie; Jhe-wever, tno whites and blackaheld -ape?ce.con-j ference in" the 'dgffld .urTSp&eJ A commjttibmpj&sd o individuals .. . V . U IA , - of both races,-amicably settled alldif- r Grajt, refuses, to.: send the trobps .asked forIbi ia'sensible and indii caiea ib'a'tt.tbe President . bai'nt.loslj fatl4&6!r Sou th. . The trouble - in Edgefield is M a naturethatniaybddtithy the negr inilitift 'have J.een drilling in4 ? ceusaniiy ; ney nave committed many arm'; i oreanjze uttt . defend theii 4m1re-.sirWTO : tbe 'darkiesi' & , 4i v. l tnT H r;., Tbe.;hav.d acts disturbing the public peace ; ifthb ' whitetnieMditn.ng Vcse than1 a vy neret et? tne. negroes irganize. anc armf atid exniilt apW'bf ViotetiC f or aggression; -it w the right, ifeJalh ,dgty, .oCnit-iMolls . prganue, r an,d( presentuA dj5ternun ront.r2.tbia istheblr.kayt'cheel . - poHcy of' yielding ftb.?Tiolent TegToei 1 In mtetid presirveHhe edc&iiin& .jfeBu w- inuuuvure ioi greater evils ' '-) than4 vfdlenfee mMm ; varonnay ranaiy saio.ia( nver kne Mtio'mmMP iM bfeeCieceiTexi with so muchdisfavoriamong Uepub' s liana; air thfi'iio'mintlaj 6'f Cfianjtier- Udusaocernarpo rliimaa suf roxiz. -: I : r 7 7? c t wanfoWee 'v of e'CvncIio.Vt.. f4ty 1 vncrds ixe fri'ni 'coloied'I srpsSaxi -.cans .means the triumph bfCpnsVa turn, v .foeif tsfiiM ar fl eot ; theetstenieatj tlagifigpapil for troops, Attoi-ney General WdUanai daullt'he stola'ffcx-i.i, AU-":t.eLlatej ODD FELL0W5IIIP HI ZTO&TXZ. CAROLINA.' terii InatiQi oruie1 ji .te waf. : Fr jflob tQ'Soid Uriiie-Miit- -evbi onha comprisecf scarcely more tnan a handful, and the' war, with its destruc tion of life and the n ph eaval , which it caused in- societyfTof course' had Xh6 effect to deplete the ranks ?of - . the order in no small degree.- r ' - - otw ltfrltantttn7 th? which Odd relIowsh!iTia"raaaecfu KorthCarorina'idn pwrfenyears, thb' brtfer is spfef h'ri bTweakef "still than infant otherf,State ib tHitnfo'n0 fcbrresPmdTniRsizei! afiddpbpulaifc. Athis tmVe ihVrdmgesTnifie fitatewith1 aembeBWrpbf 1,W ThRnfs1B lilV W org&tiea lnatnW50klB6O th;eTn1terSiates,'iim ieeSPtna buftati h?anbilnTear1fi&pTop8tli6'i the IBKefleortijhTf iadlip troti iskonevyf tHiTeadinc-raaef. feUcs1:" kubther fe 'ma'be "ft'na hb?!pa6nir'd6cetlleteis,i;-,naV3 WferleIifWS(?deKy"Vte!ne, rfeW berehib kmbiig diP i-Wai population towns and villages? x.lfWJ WthiC We find by' Verv'far the" Wfi?r bofUon btihe Odrelfbwsmn'lto ifi bur cities fafitl fatge?towhk:J The prevailing ignorance1 iW toHbe? real ob? jects and aims of thts society," is per haps mor-e eenerlutliSntefsWiVo8 toifth&S broct,M1e iPW?: iWwPHerjnumper8 apiong its j jnem.berai omeJPfo vtbfi rfl. 1 5 a. f1 1 m ost learned and ) accomplished gepm .temen,iiralt tb professiib, Of which we as a SttttbAan bb'ast-Itsf epreseuP Utibn in thb 'GrHftdlioage'w'hicbal was an admirable one. By the jreprg-, jLodge sends ta its' superior; Lodge; wiO) -piay.form a very (definite ida bf i thd general character, .for lntelligeVcb' bf the Odd Fellba 6f Wortn iC3arbfibar While the bTas:arW $&)k& North" CaroyinaJ.it Is'com posed of, eir ceuen t material and com priseaJnany Lb?!Snve?nbe, whofijtf JpAerea ucvyijr vNiiear anu ar& jeaions ot sis good ..name4i,A freslv impetus thas lately been given HheOrder "in;' this State, and'its bbpniarieyfs nbwkd- Vancihg f abidl'S In5 pblhtorWelSt l)ersh1p; it'is bbW teinTthf Wsonic Hfl m k kaai A I r A 1 a SRSfft WisfSWJ. wrefljany years, it will come, up to,- and take rank alongsideeveiv this most genera. ble and'respe'cted brotherhood? f- The retiremenbef Post Master Gen eral Cresswell from office, , wasti3 Lpftfd,t Men jdo, pot resigaihighfand ?eas9nsnij Jtbas j come ,to Jigbt,i that VCessweJl; hasbQertguiltysjoi eoformouS postal frauds - has been actings m boU fprmail routes&c. and hta squander ed inMUQPSiof dollars, wrung from" an outraged: u peopeaHnThaty Jtha XPbst aater,GeiieraLof::hftvUbitedi States sbonld-turn upa Gbfrroment Roguer, is disgraceful. It does seenf aaif there ia -eon3etKing?m.adicallsra t that ,kes .a man. H thief in spite of him7. r- IT f.(Mfoi:w ipef, J"! W,toa$ 7n e l All . . 4 . Kfm8-f?? Drwipg, of Chicagq;'ia.; simpiyVa. panth?eisiic ,4fi Pne utychian .type.nioq- opysite, a rnohothelite.. and, does not preach the; Apangasni al Brilliance of G. odhea's glory, biit ja a Macedonia?!.' And ejnewspapers :iBtimateiip plain, language'! rpt,, .West . (niust w a fool ofritb7-mos,r BAWme, type. jA-nd mayfhey1.arj?jright( .,,An .eqjnuB uhg, .nunier ran a .rojc -. ' It""! -"i -vv i fforii ;Fb Mm; S'artb a cbnsiderabYe! bistanceWdrtWWCWaYlblfeandaroiiHd it but didnafch hbrtMXXiarteiU Ob- It; makes- no - phrticulardifference, exceDt to the" fdx. whether e ' caiio-h't him or notr;Ati-aTipprtsnian, we are! bound to adatirtf titter man. , Ho ia al prb'dbcei ldt!6'frinv'4niy isedowii'lferewum hia- hbund' and .Undertake that sorofachas aroubd our htessed capitol. JHe would scare thja Sjate.Gpxemraenfei)ut ,o iMrhooti, ana puiine aliens to ,nigtjtimijut the Pres id en t?would re-Ins tftte th d vtia'stv. and we shbbl ! havri aireshaIlotment chaser of the Cataw regibnw better uufc pursue nis sport on toe uontraree Milt the: ladred gdverft iherit M tbieveTJ Th e: cnur mation of thi eldest sonHQf, W.1.. ...!.' yjJV aJj me uermacr juro wn . fiince aud Prin-I cesf QCTewictOTia'fe jeldest grabdsoK. took plaebbttHbbimbrnintfioPflnt. i nipJSTRilfAbd .jEmpriess L'OfiGennanyJ meiifrince ofoWale andiallithartlaiii-i ing civil antiinilUaryuigrfitarletf pfthref o ate vera present, rv ft Tepr"JtJ thb, Upon the Christian dorfcrrna addressedtb himPriaceirecited; the Apostle's reedcandfeaiarmallyi received intjo the chnrfc.J3 KSvD f1? waiter,. J Of faith, the latter read a 3 faao 1 1 STATU HET7S: Anere araseve.ay:- fivfejiewspapers in rnet Band cqnf3p ir 4n' costing VJ-Jlf rCThe Jetlerson (AVnebounty) Messen ger roan has been presented witn a cu cumber three feet six and a half inches inJengthL"SQjwJwt $bat foracucum Miss, Finley Nye andlffelSx cfiHff laTffafe--A43P.:4IIT . J oi ABne con my, went out anaainy h -Pwlevening last. week. as. l)r. X 1 albn tbe1 street abut dark Atf link rib Wn pe'rabb ltrewa.rocs; safchlmnd-slruck Bucu lorceas io nearly aismount mm. diary about 6 o'clock Friday 'rhbrbib?. Th e flames weitliscovered before they Jjad.- jnid tench hedtvhy-a nil extingnuhedi -before,! tbe j had-. Jbne ff-Wilmingtbii 5far:Afnjember bf a dry; goods' firm . wh ichd idi business. tin th citybefore tbe-waroand ,adrop letter in the DostoflQce. vesterdav. ad. dressed to the ppw defunct firmwQicib npon Deing opeoeowas.iouna to con tain fifty cente jn curre'ncywhlch'thW writer' went on to at'at6 ws due byliTm' or hb before" the war for articles 'ob tained at their establishment;' iu.s i rStatesville Landmark: ; An excursion party' consisting of several youngf 14; dies Trdmhe "Ea&ii werb bvertakenW a severe shd w atorm bh-Negro1 !MOtirt tath'iiHAshe .bounty last-week'.--A Wllmington.young lady-Misa Worth, r-uifpinyeu h jeroiBiaajQU jinirejuaity tAif iiiDguiahedoiaeotionaTo arbkinSr'SrrabiBSntatti uilbW dewtebgesid ibtfbdoWUmprUyexl naachinerysfor getting outthe preobs metal. From all accenjytdisuthe : i' 5 J ' I - rujijnue.rBqiniinia.CF?pn foE af:lfluz.tipie14ind tbere .have been rBAteftJ5mtuutf WUeriTfeftnvpsou W actiuvmfeMiMrange, swim tipns'tfei'bhubranees iborf tiiAV thoBtfghlf at a Urange ainnefor-' bArirtieS M Hiigbea Factopyvnr OvaKgevttSUiivika oon tr ibuted. iKTbe- Imoi'Mareliiouatisat Diirhaihavfi.pJedjrediMjThoi thfr nroceeds, of one dav's aal&.fur . the AjluroPace,faniJ leWlsa prom ised Ar. Th empson Jthe prokjrof a day's sale, waiter Tnompson is a ty 6bi hearty man uivlde wUorphan children'." t ":ir rt vtai'ionA-wi El investigate the affairs of the -Freed men's Bank, after three raontuS Of del vingintb'its rottennee;- have at last been obliged to announce that; "how ever much, it may be vregretted, at is nevertheless trbei that; thXi com nany, is insQlventjind unable, to pay its deposit conauiaiiou or we creauorp, j. ney qo, not even iret the'satisfactiori oF un nii; saucrthawet6bmmls faeb:'thereafe6ti8ibility upbhTthtf ferdpr bartle mtbeWashintton'rifli who stole the monejr bf tfe e i pbOri rK ored teonl64)f Wilmington and.nth cities, and towns tluoughout.tbe South.i and pros ectate tbem. rey arhQpe 4J-!fos;te.pHroJia9 of, largfuaatitiwiioti maroie hkw pnces, lannponce.m.tne pub-, lie tliaveWacC pHce xiT Grave sloties Taba MobaniebUf lieybiid' therabfeSbf mrapetitteBint thcSoaUfeiiiCaBapd eoc oTtne reality ottuy adrer$isetnent.f Sfecial attention given to draftihg'krid manniactur iQgJttt.rSlotwimemi.'oyib4vJfthS8ame WMtlPfmmApJwX. Sdbl mtif. initial. ffsow orjnttmgiraBottUjerndeaiWItlfan1 Mfeaeft.ofLSwnttf.v aT tie reliable firms of the tfmte4- States, -atoa-pai6f ttalyM profess be'atti Woffef advantajreaHittb pbrdbaiidoin iM'-kfftdiof S4P' 8bavnlordcc Granite putter&x; and am prepared to.exec?a airbriier tof Wfiite for b.Mrdmgrplvtngf Coftingffenta.ceuieteryl-Lenclosttreft;; tfc4F&ccai 6,! xziuizdl Jiiju:ejtt ieptti3 u ilt uixlII viL iJati? COXTXjrJUU YCnOqqa - & 8onK5Jf LlberaLi advaace f mad ,AlbSlehbie&ts.n Wnnsboro paper pjeaaecopy. -,i IPIIB umto!gn6dbairlKeas 0.1 r. fitenhooaa. I ao)ui U. hbl v-.-a k pnjbe corner q ,Trade,and, CpUes er-sUeets. aridjhanr'jSucceeWtbe CEtiYmibessraW bffer U tlle'dtiiensor .wnanojeijanaciUieaucrontian uatry.c i?elfctoSxlfei efeplca Jfflilji Go- vwamj uiw fcu w.wau v fV u. eninracin MwcUOenjrt i4WAJltHf ; Jwi. W-SQ-oe JtU'?:r"v anfljiji tis Lcountry prddufti wbica w'Ulba saldsf i merit a share or the nnhUK.rot-n... .i. . , :. ; " K - .. g i 'T?Lf 3 needed more than show. Hooms njiist ta oa f.t-iorf Aadj witLfrotLr'6.Jui-a 'f Hhe -price. t lVJ-at'tL:j ftL.cei'1- .4 . woo s nsiiL msU V-iof'iudbiiofL sMl iUw teuoLJi.iio-jiur of Wilmineton, was fired byran incen theie83.of,tbPs hrye and feeapMul young Wiirp ingtonian jnustbeattru tea toe. escape, or toe wnoie party from, a'ierribirdanger.,' 1 SalbpryTc&a-- fclbe.aew & CTOVfell has. proved to.Te. very rich, mffar'lryy nWnljhiW D6pemittMns1rJiaWei',bbttitHeV ThiB 'Avlfminoif JSZor says! The cbmmi&ibners whowefe appoiht'ed to JsaWMBBSSlpsjPS - ; TbTtheTRGtailTracie. v . '. -Bcrrvuo, 3 ' - 1 READY-MADR CLOTHIVn tfrnvwrsj. i xrrv texture and maVa ..A -asdssea! -tA fW3V!abrh Sulrd dpbl mrp .and ace .Grand mchessjficlipsev snk fiblshediBlackvBHi: tontn. fPMrey ow abria. nftani the wool fjlie Turkish goat; - much', more Jostrtusthaiiipare Jloliiir 'EbaWlsPibta! w Foreign nnd Domestic Shawls. , jUtt.H' jytM iat-r -i&a iM ys Ui ,3j epVfaefnR boTelties ;thenipvelet4e-, sfgn and finishf JMaekMerinrtdTcSashi Shawls, and Lap kobes, in fin variety. , i aaLOraJnjandvetRibbiffnSru: widtb and qualities, in a complete, range of colors. Mc' EmWoidferies,' Bugle J TOnimlhgi' SUkarft RucUinjr' Beltings; SteelMorro c6 andRussion Leather and Bugle trimmed W&T$Mk$l 'atdesignsu,, W BT. f JLfm JCTk i a TJT. nrfrsMSTfT' etfTom Ings, and . Shirtings . Pillow-oase Linens. Table Damasks ToWelA; Napkin and ' Table' riannela, Linseya, Jfeans, Casai- gant line of it win b ojjeied iBeady-made OoithjngjandJ Gents fdrotalnktSbooltslibk TUta.1 lM ' I mhM os Tvnnka . UaIaKAI J jcn'.es. and many other tirely new lines of jrancy uooda, wmcn . have been. added, to W StOCk. ' V;" -" ' - '';'?r?r ' RAi.'WISTtoPlirmMftM fro ot GOaihai tharge of .thrt tRetflILDena.Ktmeiik.Hwhn.. with th naaistannA T Ajarge cbrisbf poTiteatlenQve and.ex-l tentsalefcThfenTwlHdvorwaitl me craoe liraucn a manner aa rwi U wjb jio pe; 3 a aj.. jfr ' : vi . - I insjirconunflaioj thafcjtrpa, agerwbich, has enabled ns.tO doubly oar bus. insjirccontinflaiof thafctrpa, aeerwbich has enabled us to double our bns- ' An early call and careful examination fa' reppectfnlly solicited from alK - r trn " A' ;Th onjy JbleflifffDisWbntira r i. i -:jivi'x i.'(.iuL .li))au L. Dr SINEWS I A f f ;t i ?.iistt .tftm 'WlBIV UMiliV !it nS. On Prize C3.O0O In QUver ! .Tiro jFaaiUy iCarriages.rasdi tjfatced ' s:HbrteswtthllvrwM,ate4 HariJ IrwoMateal ottea,! e,,worti6d6 edch. Two FinenedJRo8e-wo1Sl,lb6s,fdrtH i- ' . . " Ten Family 8ewing Macbinesa worth tlOOj eacni wti 4Tjilt-i? -lkiiL.i1Mf ""nrfriiTij L uoiavnains, xuTerwarev wewe. jrbm'beV QiftV Ib.bbtr Tltikettftlimlted leiibt-v'w.Tjt9ilKM)Wvi 'W .ai Ttrr.'wa.-fi '.kn" tA,i mL Buigli S'Tleketsc Slx Hekets Jt. it! 1 . i. jL.ti 1!. . -t t a deacrintlon Of -thtf niihnnr : Of drawine anftotbar information Inreierenes to thi msm dering HArt omSha M LtoaS QiaciMnatl.vQ, li? 1K i JiJSW I'jijjW i . Durhami Tbbacco1! t -at Offers to Dealers, Chewers .anmokers., lanra tot 01 znanuiaciurea -woaccgr'at jlow V 1 i " "'J' 1 T I'' tifiefttnatmlluaor saldlhjBts4ave: ben-r4 siened P to, the Farmers iSavJsak;of, ecklenbuiv, and- that. tbev. rmust.aaakeJ efteW&T aiWrneya.N" AYOOflQrtaJ The best pretHiration nota Jbr inTalfds J TTAAltQAINiB ofeiTeain a Saw Mill anui Ifcncapacirrtyhb 8torix)T.OF,X)2infiasilUcVia: by sf o. W CHALK & CO'a III I w vi j Dui-j v iAtAvaaxj ss.tu 1 Loan fiJtii ia theHtclvburor Lee-1 a immense stock or Dress Good. SiIks. usucy oi inaue and mlmr ni an rwoH meres. Coatings, new style Repellant. Blank ets. Coauterpanes, Bd CJovers. andean ele. them, All: letters must be address 1 if al iuifif rXft4l!lElfBJflcSi BcSMstAtY i?are JberebTfioi? aticllrtEi s" u -i60!?"1 .ti ..2-tfl - ' , - TTfO T ' TiTTTT T" : J 7. , - w. K i.u7ELL CO'8, -, I - MADirrJtoir . From Prof Wtf fgrnmrnia. Wake Foraat ,ilHqoil ia jt .fl WlAe Hqrift' MJearSitt ; We hye forexetaUnoath Patent was applied by one haTing no experience in a continue WW,mM 'iv v U0o r uciirvmic buab iu uuiiu W QsmMMSafitilllil$T& ASatrndera, ? YIireeaU tepeciit attentioiriotbe havelised Kd akklr nuita fuauw vur voue jauumug, uu.aieiweUj pieted Wit. l-fiirrTfnSWW 11 mucn nner nnuand itacost and convenience will recommend it to all in need of paint. . : r . -v . , . X4 In J Ll. ; . -If . . . . . ' ' . . . JIi t 1 mi j.'tif' valtesanim f-lJ - r.&totoSir-Mtt paint came safe --' J : TVik-f H K l.a MM n A I T W. 0 n Iran. Ii r V J C - jnonstant wor.k,.iW)opited the house, two coatlfi lS Jiow eenerallv conndprt. h, drVnomoi "--v, . 6.AV.M J.ravB practice was JUaCKfraKliUM dOO col ors. mere is not a hAninnrfr inh in fiiniiA t ,0vri .t ju t .i "Tdiwtwjthhe uuupivuiii wis oiaie )-Anroanirvifla can ?:ir!r MlpiJen3rf Prom R WT Rayne. th PIrin of . . . j-cw " 1 K you permisaion ur; it ia desirable to i what-me yuu liitok-proper tiftlns-Kttef.' Very respectfully and truly, : S Al - .TI-lilSlAlla.'X-.IJIllACIU o , .... n j v ' itU -xr u , Niw OloaAKS, JanutryX J874. Crfi5' !lmbard street BalMmore-Dear Sir; It, affords me SI!SL?i t?i2HS!!.3r2aho7 wey I m with Bradley's Patent Enamel Paint, saving osed -all t bouRht of yotrintarntfhffalarffecotui?efnw t fVAn SnritW a hayingioaad U to cover and wort 80 ad tuirably, and very far superior to wdina?? pw&ftod. colors notsntiect fedettbefides bein decidedly cheaper. It i my pur pose to send you another jorderJb more very soon Yours respectfully, RW RAYNE. jAlwayswady fbrTiseeaylbppUed. $f. tSefHJ fcnelaU twenty aanare v1 t.n ivUt. v-rr? mv.-.T- L . t TjT 3 .it T fill I & W mwbhiimm uifcl -trtotrixft Furnuhed l4B5Wta.tothfttasde. UberaiidnjeBttftlha tfade. July'2? 6m Aj JpD Wade, in hi ' v-v i. uui.i.r.u uesire to uuorm tneirinenda and tne public, that Ihey have mir Xt chased the entire stock of &B MEAC1IAU, consisting of and will eontinue the badness sj4ttaiid in : ; , Ha. urst JNationatS ,toC?net "' awi irum ut 19 ICSUecuUUTWUCinO. f45aa lo ft3-r !Ttf:t ,nt i !u4m1 MtHJ! iiHl Mf S 4ifcn 1i:?iiil Chark)tte,N C, atlS74-lyiU iatf i i . f , ... ; - aw 4ui vxicuaaionajuie raDUCj'l,n ( I HAYINO disposal of my stock to Messrs Wade & Pegram, I desire to return my thanks, Tor the very Uberal patronage bestowed upon m and ask a continuaacafOi the same to my successors. ...... Yen resnectfnllT. . ... lotteNCiaulS74: Mf -''"n Another Ghance! 3: Finn atod Last Gift Concm OF KEHTUCKf; NED TO, if.'" t Drawtug certain vat that- dateui i JSJfli. l vUSTijOF; GIFTS.-a!:'. hi pne Orand Cash Gtftw.iii..(.250,00a Pihe-hrand Cash? 01ft..i.V..lL.JiiSto UBwQraabV' o-flmiiLJjr!Aaifj'Jw . 4 R 'K.aa ? d ... v aAa ' or y- . u a .lw . aU AAA IjOhii rti i ia m. aanii Tnrr-rvm 17 X.lf - ayAA oo eaooo iWvWU afA?SS eacb.ll20JQ0o &SSn lgoffi Ten to J OB eachrtTannrwiii ; m . -i . Wui ririckau3a I a. i. - W a aA. a .i. - .... (?- T7E are In ' . If !. ton IMa f Vunnan I a . L. .ai ii ; vioa.it f Vif fcd;63ttoJTiefwithdcKe4 ofai3Kt 7iPI?WilJfnsr'4h!atteii rights ifcR2inPanJri;MI: be. tielresponsipje ;j ffcr .TaiuuuJAC0Aeentst"3Ti. PUBLIC LIBRARY structed bVtho ma i""1 i TV tbnerlcan Cotton Tl Co.;.. I r.: RrL3.i"P ralt ' Jar'-Just I f e- f - -V Foam Colwq ucadTkIYerwrhaWa-S3 ui cuinnmT. nummiirv inn fAtif vr theJmarkClTrnt tfttJbloftiA JS.r Editors and : ; WLKiKoroK, N C. Dec 26, 187 vk. i III 1 ' adertnradlwPtai tabjmd lw'orderedL.ktMJ S vaUort iinlk 'tltAStrioaCTpbl Souaem-pleIt-sho nniv it ,uv navtaKMa.i a.K ,!NC. October 4J187S., lCVrATrJfcSAOY Bbli. P-eOuairff yw4Biesesra material, in beauty of color, and inthe!acT6Tr - w ' ta.-tiwiiwi i i roa) to make oG1LL,MD, Bartlett & Rayne, 48 CaraSdttreS T Gratis: j M f If 1 1 1 f I 14 . -;.. if il 1 1 ! Ik i llll III 1 , 93 West Lombard Btreet, Baltimore j"anT vit H JfEGEAM . rent. s i IHHi V f, T n ", v Jf B5uTMihneRfi2 I oPKjftHBrfNTBAii hotel; 3ao: in ft fe1f days' nd wiU p01"0"1 Bew t - 1 'p I f ; ' U Ui'l ' -.r- , , ' 1 'i'i. 0 . fl BUBir-wi .-4vAU A4.vA W1L4C TO THE trmntTJcrli ir' l rii 'I'illlllif Msrpnae, oi separating our vy noiesaie irom . . ----- f " - " - rise, oi Bcjjmrauup oar tt noiesnie irom rXSTMOTg we flatter ourselves .that it will not only meet the afDrovalfmirumeioittfot era. ..but tfiat an "Exclusive Wholesale craue, acu oi a cnaracier not neretoiora en-1 adaptedfor that Tnde only; with ' corps eff expejiencea Yrnoieaie;eiaJeaiften, :.wlth a owes careiuuy oeieceu ior mat iTaae only, and inoreover. the avoidant of .ntp. f .- A. a. a 1 I 1 a . eon ycu all -have herrj(!bf d to Abe i.TLf irksome, as itfrl'Jeptl he ,f. . w7 retail buyer ifyotFretyH i neigbbor. (perhaps your own cus mer). iradUw.:.IJTC i Four rears aero we advertised that we in tended to make Charlotte a wholeaale mart andiiduralWiJIv'liQl towlavtiie proud satisfaction of seeing tt an atcmumliahedftiL1 tomerljs asserw must and jam wsnt l we now call your awenuoni'to -Ttne- wctg -wj that we have converted our sttMnoren4ii tb an exclusive Wholesale BaiisewEeM toh4---. can find all lines of eoods necessary for a cotMtjyfBloT towUJ-ttTHSGlothi .iUnea, jtfonvi vervrrfirst handa.r xoe- f i OuratocliV iswW' ebwttew about the5 Will be the laagf38t sions of others to the contrary notwithstand ing. We respectfully invite your personal inspection, or write to us ar rs Sky RIWTICTA f 3" KoW. a few words about that. We now I occupy the suberb house heretofore so favorabir Known as tbe Messrs. r Brem ls,ai.d hw aJ way84;tJ;burrnbH'w claim also in that Hne to excel in - lowness of prices, and to excel generally. We wJU, In that house, have a "corps of thirty 8ales tH .Chariotte-y.C,nilth,h . " i 1 or . ,yi4&iiji4 BEAUTIFUL PEINTSiDOSTIC i JJIUS UOODS, and JNOTIOltS. :i 1 Daily arriving at ! - wct vrtB e-h Txys. TJ i t.' -.Tnr ... nt... ' fi oM Wire mmerTiOt&ni boihttti"larire Tbuantitfes and iF36Ja nco rsmi3t i jjw-ni ia two, . vi 0l toCaUU&ottaj Jt C; arrrvia&aM ijr-'fce'T1 Pl3, fcv.nn.(U' vimh-j xin " first of t3eptember,''and t ;""'- i,' rrry" of any here, the preten-1 v - f it rmtrttil sept 13 t - - - .. -fw Ri R; r. RADVAVS READY relief (DDBE3 TOE 703ST PA1KS 0n t0 -Twenty Minuta. , mot ens Mooa . - scrrsa with ay aanwAra asaor atrEr is a cr ,yv J - -ivrar raia. A.cus oa The OnlriPahi ui: Tfc . i 1 ijwer- i pre Ten ft AX-li'T - l ItlrSZjl?.' ;. ir m - . VBO!qA!H ; TCRR ' aiCW ; BL00n-Tirrii . ' rr V'f r ,vyf aaouRBit to HY WAY'S SamDariUian ResolTRitt THE GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER. HAS MAM THB HOST AJDOWTRTTTvn rrrsv,, SI MSui U ML- i Dioiwioaeaia imwhmmu Otter Mrtaof tie irkem re. ScM Head, Eln. WoiVsheum, Krrti A W M We. tathe riertTTimo1 rJr24fuJTIw,lnf Painful dli- Mlft Swmo, Low f sperm tad iiSiSiinf Lllwwtetof IBM Of Ullt tm wit fanu of wonder of Kodwm Chemterr. andafaw dimPoM "a nrOTO to SWT MUM Mimr It far MtharafttSL. If the patient, dallr becotninc reduaed br the wmh Mxeat poww te ears Umio. Kna.oeeoaipouttoa tnat la eoMinoaUr proiianliiL. nc Be ! arTMUM Uata aaa aiuT - MX in emwiijr vtew wtteotmttenxjiiy limiaenwe ia woi-K or parineauoa, and tnecda in dlmlnltMng tb all known remedial atrent in tbeuM nt nhnni. t. HOI IkBlv MM thn ImlHinm tw ...I '"w TOiuiuii, aw Min niniaii: out it u th 1 ' . . . 1 nts, Urinary and Womb dtaeaeea. OrareL Diahetea. 1 PJ'ViHWatpr, iontiaeiioe of Urine, Bricht'i 5 wn apmuBiui'iavjtiial ia all eaaaa ahm than ra brtck-duMoepoalta. or toe water ia think, elondv. mixed iiwwaaeilki liii re tea morbid, dark. Mlieae aDoear- wun aaDMaaoea like the white of an en. or thread Uka aace, ana White bone -dune depmita. and when toere Is h-kiih, punmiitwoaauoa wneu paafinc water, and Taretjidwayy Resolvent. 7ORo h RAD WAY'S PerfectFmiatiYB&EepnalntrPiJls irJWnr Urfeteoit elanfyeoate.wiihawert . , pairralate. parirT. ck nm and Kirniftaea. B? WaTlMa,aceeailthetmrtaat4uatach. LiTer. Bowela,. Ktdaara. Bladder. Menreoa INaeaiet. OtaeaM. pepata, BiHonenwea.BiUoia ferer, Iu8ammatka ef iaa,. HoweU, ruea, and ell Derangement of the launuT Hoooodbo. OoaJUpaHoa, CoeUreBeamjliidtireatioit. Dn- NPM,wiraowHLjHuoi rervr, luoammanoa er i viaeera. - warranud tootTeet a pearUve eara. Parelr eretablo. oantainia h BBenarr. aaioaralaar dakitari. iviuiiwh avii iiw aupirwv Roitisws airaniaii, tTmJmstOtUM m.'rrloa.l KBADFALflB AND - TEDB. '" Send OM letter faiwp'pjjfjwi w iwia wvin Stv.MW Warrem ear a. aignmnoa worm inoueaaasi wUl be aent yom. .W UJiil V i-U t AW lA4AaVA If taii E,Q, U..NJDJ., I Ata ' ' . 1 : ' 111- r ti i . awasnmgion, a large lot of MONEY supposed to have been ',-. (:. Ftfl-, i ... bv calling on -v J. T, RI rrt'ER solBfiWT?!ir Wtit.nvst rlvvn. irw- " g . "TP f T y Jgmw 1 " Ti wwui, .um u I a pvrr a m va a. u. . .i.,,! FALL 8T0CK . '- v , 13, T?l?l Tl aSB At this establishment we call Brass. i A thia establishment we call Rr&sa. UWU ! pHce paKt "i&r .'iUd Gold ocks and Jewelry re- IMireanw'WafTale4W tf BEAUFORT, H. C. V.'." J.'tf A FROWTlWO TOE ? OCEAN. Per Day $2.6a Fer ITeek 15,00, Two, Weeks t&OO, vThree Weeks $45,00. Tour Week, tujii i3&lendaj! flAttl 1 N. B. The proprietor reserves-to hlmseft ine ngnt to refuse accommodations to par- tle rnable to furnish otinfactory.fvkUaflej he a nuisance to himself or ruenta. WJ Jyi3-H z ? Propria tor a a iL . 'isri-wwiwjB ft tnat ?. ui cpeuoa la U baaemens oi the Tfew Idea Baloon. . -v kt Laser. Ale and Porter unt tn domiciles at tl) per doxeo, bottles to be returned. La- f er draft Jid nein LUJJUaitlfc FP will bo einantfr. ' r1 vvanlItL . 4- atartiitAc in i i i "r , i II. I 1 1 .' JT 1 ill i fT wnnnwi mwini oener andatroncer. aaTg.ia Atw mttddeV-Corhplai mT TtTmTa trimT7i t cirquHTs. ihM il Ii Hi I 1 1 i4 nfi'n 1 1. REMODELIjED and reQtti by Its present owner, B D Graham, Esq., of Mecklen burg, Is open for the season oi 1874, under a will bemountexfr