v , '" JJA1LY OBSERVER- .SHERMAN'S PERPLEXITIE3. The General of the ArtnT is saiilto Rw R; R. ... i . radwAyjs ready relief : CURES THE WOUw';. f In'frorn One to Twenty Minute NOT OWE HOUR 68, ' rr t dv.rttoement BM , - SCFFER WITH PAIN .., ., .' EVERY PAJS. CURH F0 ' 1 J ItWtltifflnlnAUr clamorous, frightened carpet-Wggera in the rear wanting troops, he is sadly bothered. , r, 'Therm v'lias its lianffa "tbofuTf fTt plates establishing spoke, handle and PETS, BOOTS, t 4TA'ffe p e o it MaJoiF Love ty, was thrown ifrom fhW muleUa'-iT i . J 1. . J 1. I t-',::,-.-:-..a- T CLOTHING," GENTS ANfiT istoo weak to serve the settlers on the adt Linseed Oil and Zinct and Alvay8Keady for Use. frontier and,, the thieves in theSouU gays ago,anu .nau tna ic Pfutco. ... :. , '. f : T. -. v 5 I ! - . . . ...... onlnrnriainir P.nshnn man cAn.pm.t -- ViJ HATaiIP... ,. I ' KPOIIai'i'm' Unn L u I ,- P t I -c ' i ""N : -ma - " 1 7 f V U 1 H : T r "T '- " "" 1 i - ...LLH...IU. ititi MM..i.nii i I Trtlrt ' i - l f . , x , ! M3 it . . . 'f ."..,-, .-.r' .f.t r i! r ; ;ir(y.rFreenm,: thb dotIu' seraules til ODD-FELLOWSHIP. " i'j ti wit: . vt i i pleasure oi usiemug w wij i, . . t, a ... , , t'-'rf secunnga pardon fof JSimhIgairaCTeBnaw3s Wdi inCttar.rrse? AoiWft subject' 6f uth'ir t;maybe"th tfce f BpWh.,ho.h beeL ! jfn Jlfs? I fSbawls, nd U7. f. .. ... . i ' ' I vritoM'ofthd nWesin thfe So Odu-.l0W8nip its nreiorj-,' ub'h,uiib, , , ? objects, jts. pDtciplesft. ,.,lt(1 . .fi . . ST. j 111 ' b J., V.l. i.4i- ,v ..tiii tl..JirMlBTf !? f i t The IndiAha.havo very.recently been naknig 't.$erous. jde'monstrations , at varioua points the iar.e&W 'Cof? AIHes;a'6hQrt; tinae g ha-severe battle'Vith the redskins on' Red KiveV . . ; . :i"JKHJ He won a bnlliarttiv.etdry?it the startrih1' report lias' isince,,rfeaehed outftunVed hini " an'coi in His ' rear which ,)s not gQQd ,news..lvfV.,K ( i ni ;...?.' n.i l- 1 ' T' J ; ueneraj uerinan ,ieur iu,m; ije ca;u not eive uim.iid: 4ieiind his bands of GoldBboro. was run verbf --LJ selected with soecial lhrirlh'InAwfO rtftrrfHfJ f!T iZadMiija.tt. . . , t . v , theecxlaj And had Hi teg:if foJflp "4 tS,d?,?lfcQIP aorjty of THE FOLLOWING TESTJtMtMh fiftM.', from th.ua ijOT ?FKrM Wift&k-cr -v 5siAli5rldys,WWiQ a.lkIohday fe wool of theTorkish goat, much ;hWre , -....Cuv ! , , vuei m tne mF C .TP IMilNA. n . hyttTToT ll1 thk n tiighti After aout four hours', area- t?3 thn ?nre Mohair.fihtrwlfciiT 1-rtvlrV i CI Jl 1 IaNTx ATT'PttXk JL r nrtheTreaidendecided irfJf?iSr ,-VTelaf!,?iferin5 large yariey qtt, :A M,mmt tngiehar & Saunders, Editor, and Propfeto cornlL'' dia4 MffiJ!tJ ;BB -ffflilryMf-teai. t.wL.stir,,. -,v,Jfil1t...Si' ,L'niiWflife8 to ealleBpeeial attention M tSSS' nf thV. wwend it.lwtt khpwiagViif ita oSaiLiW(Tr . i t i . " - ."'rir-Ljjij,i iiib lwiiil mm ram 7nnnn tc awmii4 .q Vu. c li.. 1. i t Ribbons, all wiirtMis i Fall will be'secured.to the" Radicals ad V-Saph wie.cosioi me.oioou oi many, a orave - r wivucAp ' Ungs, SteeUWrro-l . .i...w. fr. ,.". "w, siftv,il .v V in our locarcoiumu win uiu. f' ont)' - an,id gallant soldier. The JourttaJsays ihat Another' 'effort pi ,w!WtheVnd fiuSle rind1 W-r no?1'" , " . " i ?mZMxwUimMQftim ,.t k Jfn-'Whrth the carpet bag thieves the Federal mineton coraniutedtoJmnnaonmht7Tirbi n.jLT tbereis not. handsome iofeWhiW CarenSalSTjBlavWwill enlace oiif Power.! to "Ihohf ' their tottering for life;' Hie nipther on SatardiV )mI attreruy flpriceitj adotffliSii!?0 S9PlriPople.': If should be WSMt Carwina ly e win g oi r : ; , . , -Iniade affidavit that he was borrf JanuJ .!FUnnla..Xaava. Jaitns' cii i I IpV?l.,Thave -never. dabbled to.snsy&i f ;; vtoiw.t ' , :v,7 ':. v .,., .. ary 9,1862 which would raakehim now! " ' i'-v -'TT-TTn -' thii 7 LT r ' w"f Jro roTDly:w Pt' The orerw'tia Iflnt nstitiUed irt the! Thlh trooVA rcso much needed 80inethlo2Xver twelve vear ofm ,yniieuiMiwtwww.yi?M iu j.m i -r.".- .X'Vrvr -i" I ?-ryi" " " . 1 ganx line w " : i jyu ifiiuit proper oi una letter, very respevtfully4mdtrjaYy -Tt' .It&t the borderrrtlie . ciiazenjjpieB women' ? touch Of M .niay 4oit the ' todiyid.4 M,iwf riV WUtOiUll-yi- l5,b,w' oJ T" 7 TTTiT THT TfM -V-'i - K?MroA tW-V 'A -'i at iancyiv' y ' - a sn. . 1 "ww. ," ayuo xuitfliiail- Fromn.W31aTnej.bf the nrm'nf ap. i4'.V MMJL ' !i ' Uree'.iViihd: 'wasatyleWehwigtqn ships . that; tlinf is said to We c? 1D tbat cburcbThe 113 ie4rri? MntjraoedsrwMch''to ,Mrri' JZoZLi. IT I iff if 1 WKTI' '""tfhfcwas theVrainmtistaMVsted. M, iW, fenneJd out ;agans$ offered to,rnWaarexniantS' oFRQWwVco'baelil&Vfttl JV&L llilif ilUUJJIAlU Oil I tlJtLf-tK'L.a; Mitf JmorvundKellope-. f w -. h s . IwjaafohWjpd 4i. hw..iim MberaLindiicementa to the trad. i 4 Odd.TTpllowRhirt f liu-TkiiliA,: itri s iln usinei-the Fedei-ai- arnivi tof kw ohbiJ1tHtts,t;ere rwriAnm1 aalsfimAn mill .n.. L' :i I ii..oo i o . . . - -', . proudly VPMnS the tallest. I Its the carpet-baggers, the AdmlnirtrffioaTEl , " Iuparo Btrecr- "iBot PJ? M f .,K ' : " T!. . . 'i. ..s. 1 CO'pred .Congregation VjutS the Plvrtihth insure for ns aoontinnftneA rtf.W.nAX. ' -s ,&:.ii-i- . 1 QlllJ i i)ranciies spread out all over the wqrid, "l SBlu"BM evy; responmDM?ty, .fehtch age, which has enabled us to doable our btS. lK D vade, ,mh . - . -''''A'&lf hd: if theeSple'6f tM Uq'ltedtat AVSl Z tS. Iflthfl ffiStt: 1 ; ; -g6.& it. w:. rfSS , mem bership? enlarging its .power, ex-l accountaouuy. t ; j 4M.w oiaaaaauai iwuii uwuuo i u .- vifctnctr,!y0r1 1 . 7 ! '-'X Sdefkttdakpe f - j itoirMiwi Hrnirsd. t' L J' NQ ' . . . a . k t I 4 . . . .:.'." Mil HIV l.II IN lllPr.iWUl T 1 nT- It a ! ff t . . I . ; . Vt : J 'VT 4 1 Bi aSk. W .V "Sl.. vV'.V.'. V-r-.V-.V--. .k. t ." ilisotxe of the most flourishing orders wpTdljr gainingtind.'-The'Clmr ea,- ihat ahe. basjiait returbe4rr6nitli,eVthern f M.f h - Mfr-sK'f. inlheworl yrrw " 1 .r-J41 ton iveirsCbVrsysV ' -"M -iwa VOTTOn UUYERS u if fTf . .The onrinofthejorfer L,;Vl3 lu , Vi.) ,i , . . jfehfe For au wiri Sirr. f : . fcr-T; i . i jt " v. .....v.. . -. . ? w I . ' . - l ' " T T I 1 1 win mo Bburv . ui xfc. jM. AHIleK I i 1-iithii nfT v a ! . . ; Wk.w I j t: . - - : h-iJ ... i. r i ".IpflnMatiiKr inhirt. Ar.lTala . n.vBn. . t ai ll!l?!AiiiiLi.L. r..-i .T. T tt ;rT,!io' I .r A-irariini'u fop the -Conservatives, :to elect'. a. State !ff', hn omameuU , RpaAt hM f J,of Government whiehshalbb UeM iiewnoYw in ' v;:: .ni - sdteiitionT ir&n3nrrvnFr, rETER AJTO AGUE eared for flV&... 93 West Lombard Street!, iWldlirofei 3?" I 3HS. EST . ..VlliOiiAO currinV beiStoHlJe Deluge that we know tai the contrary himself m.y haye ' beenuanWd- Ww.-rHo-ertaii5ily was afljodd aoi t rrfiltum : llrimnnrl l.tS.lh !.!. l.. r t ,.f IVlkiUhlV. 1 . ...... . .. t.- i 3 v H r- Aim.'! HEALTH! BE jr x . t I II III,- DRiR A D WAY ' S Saisaparillii BesolveBt THE CREAI-rbLOOD PURIFIER Ererj Day ai Iwe in Flesh I'-mm is Seejaii Ft rXriT.LT. ..""AW RES tore. ficaliT Bead, Elng WorroTsalt Rh .n m t.! r Aml Black BpcS, WoTMtathe FhSTiSSS'c , . iMjl uMwuiioxuflay ugh re. to lniorni tbeir tp umig n.i tk. ...lii. h. ... . ana weltrht hmuta. ' I .H.n-i4 kBeTbn t t iTih. Be 18 tf. - r--f AfHkTTf A V Winnsboro paper plen$ftjopyu ui 4i.i-6 l i iir an i i t f iftnltv iTsSiA S Jw iftrEl'JL" llhlfigs: He-sc6t.hsels mddeMronl Tf V U V . it f n ah "ir e n n v m a m a w s f ' ; i. j-.. j i j - ..i u .... a ' i umu uu aw lutirv a r ' -.a iuiiwhk,'.' miM:ia mr. a " aa r.cuuu vu counseUprsiirelyihe Souiu.pugh leoilsileWwooS5a57S ir- uiuw. urifjumipu n: Xingiana, unr,ing to uo safe . ixir. i rtV'ef':Ml i31' '1 'vvfraT','i MrWC: ' ""theTerghf'ClaudiuA This' was! iri - S - kjipu. J VTP-1??1" 1 ti.Ai Tl ii. was. in ., whicl is fbe largest and, best -assort mqpt to iiJfvtj jf u--,T the first century of the Christian er?, , The, Prince of ..JrVales has, accepted found in the city of M ' Jlm?1 WW 1 Claudius vis ihenEmneror of Romp, the Rnnd' MMimKin f jIJ a! - !IIILDBtiNqi flOMS." ''M J ? C v - i . . . , , . w.V.w...u Va VIIU VUWt Ul,l. . ...II . ... ... .. 7 .. h.iLMl' - i and noted as the first Horn an Ember, FreenMwonsinEnrfan&i.H C) .1 VfWlfiiteS fftnmA pe theHaxqnia of.Bipon;.wha ece!tly & T W-Ji; ft ' y achieved the. conquest of Brifikn; resigned, -fir order to loin the , RdmW , Beits, irnp ' ir i . J; ;.; ..- S .:.-:ti;-'irit:.: -r .,. t i-if i t.? . . .. u r r; .tt: ,rrv"..r" . ! i r . n 1 1 , u , ri line . .:5Uf--; rW '116. ?8tpg of the Diocese of Iowa, -died his ATOWINSTORBOPi u-u.t , MS! TALttABIE GIFTS ' -'amerewS.oiopinin relative the residence, m avenport tcnlayf ma-M- - t '''-t ! 1 r Al rirvh.A'AAW3 I beginnine of the order.-r-a. matter wu hgqant..eTysipeJas. .bronsrht on bv an A D "AI iCf l1?rn P TTA ' . tSNIU .111111 1 II I , t the-tt oFte'iriitt eWsJeuencc 'rt yw7.b nne. pf his handirepelyea in - -tV. i HU.',; ; -ili VJ',,:,,XM . diffprfpl-rn; fa'linS down Stairs some two weeks , CHARLOTTE. N. ft, imx;, ditfereco OF Opinion rats As to" the 'aeo. He wAa'in 'thifinfrTirlaw'r T. !u!i .t!r,i'A-".ri.i-i:T , ,'..t. T- riTiTrun merits of,the order; the- beneficenclbf JS Wu?i.in,rST ,S f w mHB ato jftfis line, in Western f .L? 'Df SODNE S-U it- i3 i 5 ''f"6110600? P1, i?0:..: .. ,5 ... .,. 1 Carolina, consisting of the following i: ViuuUiJTtZl &tl 9 aims. -These shine out like galaxies, Butler has evidently decided to feu?e ' rllifiV.X UUUuUiub&r ti nm!, r TITTTinri rin T n n i ofBtarFrit!ieearet T udL ! HIFT9iI!i?lITKnPnIfiK r: f. ; ' . ; tVT power to er tbem. - . 'w-ow win mu u octal Bficnra a rnn II WHUW UUHUVIUD'. Mllfl TlnII . jft ivi f-.; IljtAja nL TT rf.. i.fn . . 5 .j i , . I . rri.l. am..i. . l duois. 5, mis, uaKiraa vauces s is! Fiiiflrti M&r'm?t' Vv.j ! i' -i.ir " wttm v a : . z : - ,L'T.!.r; B4rtsilIiJ i '"land Will Continue tbphnainiM-l4l..Al.l i I ' t'- ' ' I litrfr I rirst .National Bank RuilHinTr I v ...A fill (i I M'ui.''iVni:1 .,. ; 'i aau. :a ii '-i CENTRAL HOTEL. QttCOf thfr firm will visit th Koi.hor4 Cities In a few In & few riftv 41 rll will nnwhAon -. r f it" fetl rt'! A11 fldm all Is ispctftiUysoiJcltedj lit HT- Oa:TttmifUiXAof ,l2. Years' Growth u&rea 4if Mutiway's Resolvent. t'.f --Vu7e9.wsuio , tends i io xnere is no doubt that his.viaioiv c yii expand the f hearty and Reaches 'inen n6t;de?eiye WhLAa 'Hlookanoj ihti ki .su, cg-jr & I ' -v.L. ' t I tf-iirilhlt 1iiftVrtriV-. and ne Public gwrah JNK3iIMIf VtaUSlSX32 ngemcntbof Ab Intarokl :t m. nmitln tm Piimi. Hv.awiyMJiW, r ,; , S' B MEACHAAf iftiV f afad'- iMie'H Concert .IH AID OF THK theearest 'f 'midnight lhe que8tidh,kof 'the7 'Massachusetts COFPEBx. aiBarav Buiw vneneeaoui to look to dii.. : . r. :, r: ..... w - w',vswc-Pjrir?t i j , cojex, wem. ji- itA-JnATl . ttpn were elected in Salemon Monday U ,.Tn rynrr tfinnnrinTrin r , rtff r.rf.ftfilrtn-n.iniri. i. nnU vvADA grand, end and aim of Odd-Fldniehknnd,weraAlliinfcritH ,T.a.ki r "fUliU I UliUUliifllirJ . H Ih LKS III' I.H fl I HI. " WH Jowshin iafberafctiVal vTpvpMnnaWr. forjr,. ao.mn i:j:''ii.fA' ,. l the iJu tier, mea? wontPd ftir!??: in tho T? ... WVIVX1ICUI10IIIU.' UUVm I11IIM h1l , in hi. " 1 i V contest does, ..;r-nvers or mountain chains.norbv Stale AUVo VJT: TiT'l-I ' i rnrfonvrlx! :A-iL't..k"-.L i j House win onng ns a large influx of new 4dViiiii aWll?J7lt io IlltIUM- liiid l-f,ii aojLuBuoi.-if ,aJ w 1 DravvJ6i;pfrtaJta)i;rtjjt.:4ate. Tivo !Fklff "Carriaget f - aiidacWattUfcd I . nnMs nrft tttl !...... J t I i 'l :Hfnet,reveaftTre'deidegeW e'Hwnjoo IcasTPllem'C;'"n- ti ir . . -. tft"WS Pfc.WTsd v.. h ' lne iancrUfltrn. nf . twm, (1,,f I (JonVpntinn. , ThPV, ara ohnrr . slutiin 1 AV mm a. . mwI mmi I m . m;- x-' 'Vn ' . . - -1 t--.1V1?" IaAaSJl.Glfti....-.L i. . . . . tow AAA 1 T rV)'LJZZ"J:- hannens that' the Sr:. f , ..MSAJKK"yhiW other, rrin- . , prices. . - i ',fti7 .!h aria Wjslter writhe wk.J m.i T On non4 fffk t,,h,,,4'H",l,'??!??? assert, mnat and wiiii tH fT- Wp :ji8&w$M ! r-sssasasiaSsr- 2a ch a r 1 1 V " ' A f ou 'n tai' n oif" 'crkn1 s u V 4-, rilnl TT fc J I a 1 jH.IiTinwY o f J" WP: maimer "pr"rawiTig PJRXCE OP' TfdlteTS i3J :ands;Toi ttte needy j. .r hard-work ug v.c3.r " 11 CHarlotte XarbirWrk&f Wstpimtion. wUbe aeot tovirnfecc(r-; S"T yT Pm '',T bflWff-rnfllft1Vrt '"rritf nU.;f yj:t .ii - ',iPRlDAY'nfTYinmriwv,fftlli'f s I 3s Wim'v41 V "v,"--'ta r. 4erjuig,thjem -rAll. letters must s be address rfTJttu "',rrt1"'. fT!iao -.aaf?d0to, the lsChurc: coding ; lrfY v0" j ed'Ki:w: vjy llNE?xdeT R'n-W down to us from the diiil'iii Uf ACoV;i-iiVn ahcriufaSk Si--:-1 k'00 - , past age.i beariofits banner of XZt? VlfctallM 8t, ao 00 . . light let us hope 'it may go on n- 1 P . -f . ff U- J-lmrfimaar THO; BMLSTBj- - rrrVnTnir Xi'n"'nir -v niM V :.YT.?V.r, n'?' 'H't f cbn. petition in.tbeSouth, Ca ; t and seebiL ? sooa in-HSia WtrriUio2 Airautf . fi dt AaentndM!- f ;(t;easing tn, p.oyeriaud.t.brightn4ss Hit X fTnTlTltmTI . . T rftA fr send' for nrfil.at'kitrtm -a JL???:-..l- .t,- i "'MlfinrA '.lJ"? i. uiUJl1tsberiefice'n'f;infldef.i3eTt in OU - - . . . . attention given io.draflin-at4 mftmifirtrirri .T.V rrr"w' f ' ---"rr -v" - '"TOrmfce'delrverrir fbi irliT,i.M r I m& Family" Monnmentswbavifig Hie sadiel SrWaV? W9 f 5WiJAlTWWaa: I tt at 7riAv' a' ,r..T. r--.-T r-"""""', ie WT.i,LiD.ij.i.i.it.,.;fk.w.i..rK: iwicuMunf. aaa mat tnev must maTiiHK KiasTMPTn'iriwaw'j'r'i'ni,i i- f WHOLESALE; TRADE JUDGING the future by tlie past, we er with (3ffntiVtJiyyey' Msrpnse, or separating onr WlioleSale froni our iietail Trade, by having a separate an! distinct.-Hou8e!forieaoh;; fcndUoifdoimrso? i . . i. : .. ... i uaucr uureeives mat it will not only ers, but tht an VBzclusive Wholesale . - ...... u i J t ii iust he bbviorc bo; eirtr lTjyeVli t adapted lor that Trade only, with a corps of experienced t Wfiftlpln !5q1.... careful! -v-iuAf and inoreoyr,lfcevoi uontacc witm retail bn ail Bave'hetetofi refc&whicS w ln1rl is sell SA-'fonnd f ftf f assert, must and will commend . itself to the wirmww muKeuiiariotte a wholesale mart i.'a S'ery .portion oUheglpbe' "j;:"! -u. sbai.-r : r8 -. ' aTa .fi v. i. j. a r a ... m m .. i ? . x. r . iva - . . . r : . j . t i DIM k pnnnnr anH " ii 1 fi Ii in' T ... ' ., ni i jY - ' T - 1 r - P wuu liuat bUC aiA UOU w.vl b i Jx9B I eipetience 'Of tWenfyear-g-lii 'th IrtiarbWH lm Tt!.A- fltfcWftl,- t - . .- ... " ZZ?e -U Kcry. j.uere is nothing. about fh 1 4.;i.s J- " , . w;k5ji! : -aan personally1 16 conciliate the, rie-T h"p j J tSSHbattehabW firmsonftbe United gro to mra.; JIq" js,, man of refined f ,H, taste, rears clean lm b n n. bpant?. ' ' hOme Wlthjall Lh attritintA-rfft mhn oMette.jf?Xle. is as co! J J blooded. Ua v;;j;t!ie exioa'.ojfa .irorthern,' homp tl " fJ: ."3 "vnoi; ai -negro rwno synv-; .vathy ith..bim..!rhe. secret, of ifcU u pt t fv i-"i.rrK .., t f i ana pare or ita.v. t rmntPM ha nhi 1 - ' i t : - - . Z-jr'u, ...M!fVAMiMAiA'MAWlAHYjL(UM.i aavantaees in tne purchase in all kinds hff ttifVfroVjtrt'ArVi&ii ltt I; yMir ABtbla.ttonataon, Uxa GranlteCtitttfrs, atid anr brena t8WMi&i aa7-f.- - f H.J?J: all persons doTVJlfi 0ic6, th MTr VraH:f9oe, M. Hlorders for . Granite for biiidiagfrtajflns; r ..mu. ed Cotton-Ties Srith I bfesSriSK ' ff fsfmsi 1 1 la L3IIPTTT pvpt .T, ov .Vrrii F XrliriZri V -7 JT " fioti.ds f r wiinungronrxf CI An l-2ni. , 1; . ri "T I ...jr,.. , '.ii-:w':"r,J.iJ3 j ijiii vwen cooks. Aims pi ; : now bavelEe broiid satisfaeUoti-of an aooomnliaKiul i i Jr'i t. We now call your attentioft ftoi tie fait that we have converted oar superb store in- u ex iu anre.vy.ii oiesa ie-nouswnere you canf:firid Slli-iifteM of .trooa 4 r,Wsfty fnf a jsoots.enoes.jtiats. ffouons. urocwea,jiardji 'ini Mi uam, nMliAinitnmnlfltaiilinnr 1 er flm handa.vu-wkit.v :irjw ,.J sim UUI DHIlilk J HUH UllflUj; BUU Will OS complete about the first of September,' and will be the laagest of any here, the preteft- infoloWr 1 Very tmly youwr -iv,-. . - W1TTK0WSKY A EINTBLS llETAII " " - X nnw. a. lew wiifili mnrmc mat ... . occopy the suberb house - heretofore - so l . Tla.il ! .- on our xveutu uusiuess, ana as "JSxcelsior" is, and has - always , been otir -; motto, we claim also in that line tn urnat . tn lAiu. pf prices, and to excel jsenerally,- We will, in that house, have corps of thirty Sales "J?, and Sfles-Ladies, alt experienced, affable. and obliging.; .Ua-urj B. W Will make: thu Htm;--. th MwutJfr""""- - m . r " p.t6.- M hU r. inallOa "as.! ratterspn JL? jl hU scat in the eenate:.- -" chae-brtLeU T .f jJ ... j r,.. , .T. tVjHJ llllliuwen COOKS. Alms Pl Troifera .- Meaid'PbbatoesW n . j .. . . . T I J , , - T J a v s B I .1... A T V I i ... .... ,l f.w,j .l r ht ' a ;Se.23-tlo. 5 -o- i Ana flvtiM A rewaoMKof KADWAT'S FILLS wfll fre th n. t:1ii5? fi:f' iitii -w -ifi r. j ' ' . " . i " , i acuNiam ui naif nA i nuun ui iim tm mm. st, vtw toaantyoa. t JmR m MWAlf&L.Xta. M Warran At a WhlteHbuse;: ton, wasn n . .wwil Tii.H! t i - . iarf ior 0$ MQN,EXnpposed to have been diplbjrepreatnttng; tj ' , $35d,O06:OO0 Aiiinc money uairoe Maae OJ calliaotfA , .U BDTEEFT 12 off alof hiiffinp OOT.n nnH RfjRY. Rlr.VRR and PI.ATKn WARHI 1 mi. a k a. . ami. a jra . loutfc vf iiv nim iurguui tome ana v. :. . mat - liJsAt thljestabii8hraenf we call B?ass, re- edlas represented. , . C3ryjhl highest price paid for old Gold and Silver.. " ' . : ' " ym'Watch ; Oloak hrid Jewelry parrea incr warranted tor 12. months at . f ii i -:..'. T.,lo iirti.Uift.,M.,fvf i...i I Jrainu J.T ftTtTi.'I?T?'fii . nl OA . . V THE A Seaside I M Resort. BEAUFORT, llr C.' T EMODEXLED and refitted byvlts present owner. B D Graham. Kro.. nf Mpniripn. : FROHTINO TUB OCEAN .Pe Dav, 2,50. -Per TTeek i5,00." Two Waetrft-''A'r.'P.l TVii.Ttrofcb.o tit'm-'JrVni. ."V, au.w -iifrv. fjuv, rui n uaienaar aiontn Kxuu. .. . ; - . iVy.dt. K. -IN. B. The proprietor reserves to himself . ... . I .1.. l,.V.l. . .-'- .1 - ... .. ..... ..-. m uuauw hi luruitu BtiKiucwry eviueuue of good character, or, whose, .company, may b a nuisance to h tmself of snesta; ' ' ' ; GKO W CHARLOTTE, t itr&xtXfr O Ji , . Proprietor EUTIIIEIY ITEW 6TCCi:(J V BEAUTIFUL PRINTS, bUMESl IC ;ri.0T?A'it.- i. ' Trade Stiwt nnnmit NlaKnf Twv J I sept 13 ,ti. -4 . Wuujuii respectruiiy lniorrv, bU rrienas - that he has opened in thv basement of the New Idea Saloon. w , . . - Lager; Ale itnd Porter, sent to-doailelles at $1.50 per dorea. bottles' to 'be" 'retn rnfed. X ger on draft sold as soon a his new ice pump will be mounted. ... July4-tC 1