LH 1 li'.Vi ' A v A V TELEGRAEHIQs .loloH.";'OTEas8i. New YoRKrSept:t?9A New Or leans snecial savs the final meeting of 'Ihe conference committee took place J at seven o'clock yesterday ' evening, when ihelji?t86.n.ft0;or;tni,e!ec ire representatives awaa iiettlecbasThe discussion auntie ine evening'iornea .v - .1..... -'iML.' iiDon the status of the two parties. ,i The Conservatives were willing to ad rait violenceiDirTtheir fpart, jprovided the Err-bl::-r,3 thrift their-mtention . ,t6 ccnrt frr"?3. Huch-time was v exl -- .I i :' : id cf tM Con t servtives fT i' n?'Y for -the. recent VbutLrelr. .VLc pusjicaat said tat ft .icv.ar -ntvi bn thiV. coin t was entire ly beron44heir.powervf The Republic' , , cans requested a cessation to ny . temDt at intimidation on election day ..v' on the dissolution of. all a'rmed.organ izations which might overawe Colored voters M elections. ; At,;;ir, o'clock ,t "pl was announced .officially ,"tUat.a.peace- ful elections tutdiheengriaTaftteett Jy il ..tUeijCwiwervativ, At 'wid night a t$omirnaUe waii'liiijlliy'Hfirreed tipim. . !A deliiv of- twenty "Uiivk iwas niuv fori the Sirra'HgenVeiit'ufihe jetu jni ' ii:iaViF'u8 fn'r ni'"ihe Kepublit-n.-u'! " voncerne 1 the (Viifrvitv; iMtviilwr . I hariMHrt Mjth vif I ! i . ," ;:. -rvf.,,, : i !t ism li I t-Im kii mil at in f.e'n"if. Uf other ,.r . ii i e ix i iu theupu J"i i .'Mut.j mm I'wk'U ;i vB'.mU-i 41' vars in , N,wiin(jj fit?ricau xmiiujiivi 'mi ui r same terms Wpoir which ihe Match -'. was shot a creedmoor, ;the tcturn M'iiiatch. tO'bo. the: same as! the return ;;,match was whicb,w4ji shot at JOublin , ; ;; June(lo73. Tw. t to! consist ! of Vj, not more than -eight or loss thn six ; Vmenatthe option of the Americans. - J Eighie of the' Jrish ' team, with a y- view to " test the superiority, of the j 7 breach loading 'ovtr thjB muzzle load '! yf'lng rifles saya .".'X'pro"pose that ,,Sat jjurdayjQctobeda match shall be itVhot at Creed moor? .on the 'following -r..oonditionsL:;four-or five men Ori each - side to fire one'' hundred shots in all ?afc 3000;tard8, eath fmati to have in Addition " two lightning shots 1 and my frienda; to jjse muzzle loaders and - ,.,the.pposite, party ii breach loaders. No cleaning to Jbe permitted' during the shooting by either side1. "'fVt IJECTEXCPAEXS. ,4,. The shooting match at Creed in oor, Long Island, Saturday, was won by the Irish tearTin two scores-. . f--The -Treasury-.at Washington will sell half a million of goldfeach:Thurs :day during October: ; h ttV 7 1 ; i AMispatch'from PitUhurgsays the striking miners':aref turnin ahantics toyroventtajianji.abalittitea sh(elter insr. i. ; . i Captain!,.Bemmea4 jexecutive officer : of the Pensacola... navy yard, iscoiiya- ; . lescent irom yeiiow lever.' 44 ' . New. YoEt ' Se nteni ber A Nf w Orleans special -ay8 the r conference committee on the part of the1 Demo crats decided last evening to accept the proposition 'of the, Kellogg pafty in relation to the Board Of State Can vassers, which is that the Democrats shall be' allowed a representation of two on tn& uoard.'i .'. TCLEGKAPIIIC MAKKKTS. 1 f ' New -York.' Sept. 29. Gold- opened 91. K Cotton Futures dull ; Oct 15 1416 Ml; Nov)15c415HUJ0,?:-? f v unchanged, ujpVud j bfleans 8 ; sales 14,(W bates:: BpecuTalibiis 3,000 THAQEDY'AiiD COMEDY. I f4 A'Remarll St6fysfroma Alabarua Congressmaa S16sa and His Wife ! Esch try to Kill the HusbaniT of Tneir Daughter. .,-,. : . - . Memphk: tenn..2G! 18?4: fiJ; jt have just refceiy ed information of , amaf&auie sequel toi ineaiiemptea : jciwing oj ueorge jj ;i.uong by Congress man Sloss, at 'Tuscumbia Ala. early in the summer; ' Mr. Long.'Jt will be remembered; had heen paying his ad ' dresses tOa daughter 'of Mr. Sloss,' and .''according to general report, was her ; occepieu Bun.or ; om, eeing uistastetul sto the yung lady 's parents on account -v; of looseness or recklessness' of habits'. - iinu ict;ii icrrutuueir tue Jiopse anu 1(16 done than ICiong began . (q tfefam e; the ' lady's characterj asserting , in . public, on. numerous occasions,' that she' was yhchasteji. Informed, of this on his 'return from" Washington after the ad Journment' of Congress., Sloss propeed- ed to hunt up Long, and while '.laying in. wait for him in a store on the j pjiMipalohfarecBargedlthe oUentsfadouble-Mrreiredshot'guii, heavily loaded with buckshot, at the tradcas heassld bvipuUhe oui , side. JLong fellpierced wjth thirteen '' j of thmlssiles, anda'ascarricil .to,,his farther's house as a dying man while Slosa surrendered himself tcrtbe' au thorities,' try 'whom, Wwjtf rnimediate " y, or soon-after,1 released, oV his ,'dwn , , recognizance' Singular to'retale,.tiowr- ever, Long recovered in course of tim fe. V f I 4v&jnpro the sequel 0f4be trag t; ; . dy. I Smcei Ihe-shooting Jalss'-Sloss; ;, for whom and her father' publics sym1- -pathy has been nnqualified -has lived . very quietly afhdme, but 'movements on her!part of late inSDired her mother ,',tO keep a Close Watch on. hnr antf It - may be said that since the recovery of Long she -has heerfa -nriaonftr. Cin i cWeduesday, she. .com plained J'6f cold' vieet anu saiuxoner moinersrie wotild , . go down stairs'; And'et some sT tim It lant, as she feared a chill was' 'coming on.' As she did; nonreturn within a reasonable, time her 'mother followed ' to leant the cause of delay; and (blind . " she had left the house ; also that Long . had been seen, lurking about the.prein, ' " ises. C3iziusj pair-of f pistols she , start' 1 iAto jtte tgju b pursuit, and after some ime .arriyjedt a a magis trate's office ;jst in,'jtime, to, be ,Xo$ 1,1 J' Tot a marriage ceremoiiyVTivthe nil'i of a.group'of.LongUrjfriends stocl Long anl her daughter receiv irjg tho congratulations customary, on Inra?edat thm EUkU WW"" " Mr1' f'si 2" at Long and attempted to i ' ' a. ---held. lac,k ty --i0 Y o rimonished her l ' ' ' . . .U.i U- -ti cc lact on .her part rcuia.onyr., ,-7 - X to make matters worse. After further pe8UA8loxLaheAccepted4he -situation with-as good as grace, as, ner .ieemiga would permit, and eturaea lhome, while Long and the daughter proced ed to the home oC the bridegrooni Coagreisman Sloss, who s making a canvass of his disrict for re-election, was alwent at the time ,of ,thi occur-, rence, but has been advised, and is ex pected to return daily and make things lively; again id j jTpscumbia Xong seems to have many lives. In several encounters previous to his shooting by Sloss he was desperately wounded and civen up for dead, andjon oneJWI casion,1 while-on ajraiiroad train, going at fweijly rhtlea an' hour, fell between twb cars,' and, ( being t caught in . some way; was 'dragged, bounding over,, the brosstiesfor nearly fi milebefore bejng discovered and extricated in a badly battered and apparently dying condi tions At the present time he carries in Jim bodv bullets enough for a cam paign and s, obliged every week or so to submit to an operatioivon UihjE?ijdi where he was wounded by Jbioss MPICCIAI. NOTICES r H irmlesa -,MaUgnity. r4 tr It i- alleged -Ty iwrtifS envious M the !.., ufaiity of llitttttrs 8toiiacli Bitters, .in i trxiiMiientuti lv Hie liihliry oi tneir el- or -" in tmiij!Hfill ijitt fauiUr.1 totiicof i It VI ntflimVDlirViiliar.i contain i: il .Mte cilii.ilii lt lllulticl .11. Ill MfUllu Oif iK;riii. . " umi urr ('inn ij t in vui i m. It is uitliul In ittiti liu'n wl.u )iw.T"iiJ' an i (i know tliat diffusive. xviiiulai.t-i as iitucli a legitimate and necuary x ntrn of the iiMtteriamedica as rhubarb, niaumetsiu nr vcntiaH. nmttlnc Ryiiist thi ns it th purest of them? al jrl the most celebrated tonic ot itnei sgei jxnese cnariauna are aware tmw aioobof is asea meaicinauy la all hospitals and dispensaries, prescribed in cer tain diseases Lv all intelligent nhvsicians. and recognized as a remedial agent b tern perane laws passed 1by lemperance roaiam ties, ia lemperancf States S It is against alco hol as a beverage, n) iieias St medicine Or as an ingredients tbedicine, :"tl:-.t the moral sense of toe community protesU ; and the greit modern restoratiyS is strictly medicinal preparation, to be taken only as a protection against disease or as a caranv. This the sordid hypocrites whom its success offends we! 1 Know. They know, too, to their sorrow, that, it is-curing dyspepsia liver complaint; constipation, rheumatismi inter- mittens fevers, nervous disorders, and-many other ailments which their pithless, power less abominations neyerrelieve and general ly aggrarate.; - And this is her h feitte sung uuujea ju. iiiin w iue eumve oi an complaint and humbug with which, vm the vain effort of turning a dirty penny, tbev dis gust the rational p0rtionAhe SsommunityC ANNOUNCEMENT We are authorized to announce Jame T. Davidson, Esq., as a candidate to -fill the vacancy in the Board ' OfArdrti)f frnjl First Ward, at the election 'tqJtelace.Qn October 10th. A vm..VTmT.v-.t..rM Smith fx EiiD. Johnstok Co., N. C' a ? ,-v , v September 3rd," 1874. T th4 Members of the Senate of North Carolina I hereby announce myself a candidate for principal dooT-&eepertf the Senate; Subject to the action of the Democratic-Conservative caucus, at the- approaching session 'bf .the Urenerai Assemtny.-'' ' J. Jr jsllinotor. te " ' " -' . We are. authorized and reauestedito n- nodnce John A. Stikeleather, of Olih, Ire dell county, a candidate for reading clerk, of the House of Representatives for the eosur ing session. Election upon the assembling of the Legislature., , t .-ir - -.- . -" - a Asnouncenfceiit. ' . Au- We are authorized to annoance- R O Foard, Esq. of. Catawba county, ,-iw a eandidais for Engreesing Cterk,Hf ihe Hbugeiof Represen- iunve uor me nsueings session.. Election upon the asserhblinof the Iiegislature. sept 10 te r , 4 . 4l - : Sir i? .yV, .'.r.Vt"4,'U , , . Ready" Mixed Paint. . ; -1 We calf special attention 'to the excellent testimonials of Mr C P Kryght, ip reference to Ready Made'Paint. Not having used the paint we can't speak from experience, i but we feel sard it is to the interest of all ' our Lcnslomen. who daire paintina -to test- the fpHE Celebrated Lunch i Milk-Uiscnitand x, jjixira mot jBreao, m store and Tor sals Dy r tj a M.lJAVJDON, Agent, U 6ept 1 1 -J - Trade Street. mHE best Cider .Vinegar itf town, at X , , REEL PERDUE'8. & OLDEN Sugar Loaf Syruir Jhever offered ' on ;hts market before. -V ' t se25-tf. -f iM ATER. &&.&pSS. ri extra, mess.mackerelL i7 'lr. . tt-MAYer; GREY & ROSS. ' BEST cider ad white wirie vinegar . tf Al AYER GREY ids ROSS. TCEARL homing and tthiWieVn iiimIV -i . ...... if AYER, GREY &ROSS. OYSTERS, Crackers, Piclcles and Cheese. .Kll MAYER, GREY fe ROSS.' - ' Wanted. - rnHREE or four Marble Cutters.fiNone hut X- (rood workmen need .rnlv. K 't sept 8 F. A. M5HJ.NCH. Confectioneries ' A XiARGE lot Of FIn Prennh Ai ' piuIim oeived tills day, ut v vj 5 fi JeW , - , , PURKPOY'S. nod ; iU -?n Fru.it ura'rt-"iw f mE-ffaVaved'toiar a'small - lotf of s ' nair MiiAnminrt na nnA aiiZ4i . it-T inl a l-nii Kl"mJKAVEL3 CO. QIMM0N8, kepalic Uompound, fiimmtln'i Liver Regulator Hom Bittpra HabW. ter's BittersvrrvsirM , 1 i .-. ..Ilominr t Hominy. t'..' i A t A LB3 Breakfast Hominy, in iota t 14:VlJfcuit pirrchaSerc.tjrJ - J- ,1 t.1 f(S.' ;J:6wM..davidson; Trade bt. W .. ... ' ' " w . ... , lb. .... . Z.- GOOD FREItpMQNSrast ajriTed aad fojsate by A. R. aYsBET & BKUU. EULLlineof 'itaportednd domestic Ci ' gars,3 the best on the 'market, at 1 1 1- janeio j 1 viawuniw TS 1UCUG oTUREi - ;.5athing Sponge. - ';Jfi2.t: , . July 18 tf, . r;-. . r . . fipringa' Cornef tt: For isontroT.tTJrra arcrizist: I HAVE several new, complete and com fOrtat lP! rVttimM -ftwTfan lif n l JOnat,! IVittnmM -ftwTf lif (n A V , w T. BLACK.! r1 .r' iiavw -if-fia ;fi i :s.t .a. Tf.vTr EN1RA CTU3 1 TNTRACTl NTRACTUS- Clgan tteoirsaWrarl2S" Xlj cents a box. at OAA BARRELS OP FLOUR, 4, ,000 Bt&- Tennessee r Hams, on sale Wholesale and retail at - Vinna 113 . t AVH. G&E3 WELL'S 1 Ffourl Flonrlt - . NOTHER car load of the "linwood j9l Flour," including 20 barrels - of the finesb flour ever :o. ered in . this market. TRY1T!" TRY 1X1!' 1 "-"'BB ALEXANDER. . aug8-tf. :;.( rrPT- - t N: rf7 WWW b!UC, . 1 SPLENDID GldWatch'and ChAnTKM 'Tfr'."HW ;n:vuTOWnnff-rOIIOWmKOUTCffI-A fifty dollars leas than original eostt; . , v i ,,, -iv CVl I ! . i-i Apply ati.i t ti inwvw , Wa ills il(iANAiVt-.1nliAn r M Wo die citroneuXlaehen" Waltz Thy CraassV' mHE latest out and i Oar omeand buy before all are good. s f j8" ' V PHIFER A 8TEELE.J isl T HAVINPf h, some' that th f .T 0T-irT-tt : f tV 1 rc; - ration ii ihe satnrij ' -: i . : . . t -i j ij as aimmons-uver ie: itor, we deem. H R&eit V-T. . . nm.n nrAnflMtmna rta rnma tia that uiu juipi vtciucivv in ..jkusui.. . oviieaee,1 ana i mat it has no conne&lritv xci atpvr r!h fr.rmo, preparaUons. bntthatit is fir snoerior 'Inf ..... . "1 . WaMW everv resuent. tri n JT.ivrM1ioinV whichhis name .Van lever attached. belnffl composed solely f Vietable 5nere.liftnt.. xaemai or one oottie will satisfy the mastl ar3This Compcund was ' Patented ' Del ?ffir--j--1871,f 5? nawe opy-righted For Sale by Wholesale and Ke- tau ueai era livery where. to Valuable City Property i! ' " FOR SALE. '! ' mWO HOUSES and lots on Trvon Street X in the center of business, being the prop. eriy oi wpjch 'jnBiaie m, i 1111 resiaea. $23 Botetelon-ciS' 1st January se24tf D W OATESl' Electl on : Notice. -JPcefh3vVvat an eleetioajflSb -Jt tnhiin 53 T, 8.. iwnioajuwi UMMHint warn on Sat. Uirday, October 10th, to elect an Alderman, tt5 Ult tbe Vacajuiy.ocoasioned by the death I of Wm. M. Matthew. ' I m ..1.... se!9 tf. cr. , ni, Mayor.! Wtlt(4t f a tr.ii J fITO0RihrMhpnsedty B J reishtuTnisheoa-tmnimished. i Ap pirat - i. ' mis iik kii:k: i : fnrim L A ' . FULL line of all kinds of Patent Vedl 7.1! 1 i wb uii.uiuiu ur wwia: CU1D JOT P'-.n ! mm i.b.71l. L i LIJ LI . j Cash, as . -'-' i 9 junel6 ft-l McADESTS DRUG STORE.' IS- BACK MGAIN 1 1 nuamr or : ooid ;4kJsilver . . - ON HAND1II - TA- VEEYTHINQ TO B 1 Silverahd'aVresft St6dkr6f Candy, s, , ooste ana see us wiien, tile! if ell it' I' Title's. Tor. WA. Will lhhllRinPb4 r. on che lightning briiiciple'f &r; or not ntAflii, therefore t offer inducements . , to , . r 'all 'Vith6ttt ; shdwiqg'? ' - ' favor" to anyrayl, '' yy ui pe opened 1 , t. - . .. . 1 0 ? ' f Wea t h vx - n tr r ItcaU Estate Agency. tAJPlTA TWISTS Kritf Mnefri Heslront V ? vesting inottanJdllla. lron Lai Hotels, Town iota. Houses And Fa tnewiejnlty of Charlotte,-K,iCr can be ae- coramoaaien nv calling fit the office of the undersigned, 1 .tM F. T A.YTON. r tijj rilo ? i rr-i Seal Estate Broker c.:'"TA?l WKi tPuMeAajen's-D ?ru oiuir, irwiDtreL ..nA . iHrwwiaiu. PF 3 H AVIi!: the eicrnle 'Aula ot the eelebrs. ted ENFIELD SnOE.r Call and see their assortment: nff! 1 i l''1 I. f HfllL iwi'Wiili iJ I g -il Jnst received at" f. t i,-v simple AL.KXAND1CE - a.viivy aiqiutc;b ,: 1 n iKLEBBATEDPHILADELPHIACUSTOaii 4 ffT'PifesAyaDs , - . Boot and Shoe Store. J OU.caaget any-wldWvof Boot or Shoe at 1 v .SAMPfcB&ALEXANDEtt'a- t rpHE cheapest and best place to buy god An Excellent ; Farm for Bale. J ' T'OFFER for Sale. afr,'ece'flenVJf,arm,ily: X ing "within.. Jialf aiile" bf the" depotf at, Aiezaanana,in tne A.ivaAU. K&iiroau, ten miles JNorta of Charlotte. On the prem ises is a first-class Dwelling and' alC pther " There are 90 acres fa this raclal9a7 one half cleared,.nd;!thi)alaniiihearilK'tira- bered, .'.There is-'n better land in Mecklen4 burg county forgenerat 'agfieuitural pur- pusn. vui uu w uuuren j, is. jvoiiviAOi . sent 15 Ini ""' Alexandriana. N. CL "DORSALE. ..l.nicvui JL " One Hundred land 'Fifty Acres' of unlm- ? roved iiftrxU iyih directly on the Atlantic, ennessee & Ohio Railroad; five. miles south ortatesvn&ind:iuila?mie from Trout man's Depot. Onlv about 20 acres cleared! balance itrorfginal-forest. There is- much moye thajiienor tiinpcrTjn this tract itf- ' ' ADDIV' tO i i A K" . . . ft 'k. .rami far il G RAH Ait & NASH have several -ery de . ,8inble Fsrins for p'e.f retnv th Citv. fjpn lJ to agixs Mch t ttU.on J CiHca In- rear of Col. J. E. Brown's otSce'. t." i; .'r-v; t ?1 P t 1 I If"--. -v Vi ' .. M r4 . wa, ,ii . 4 rv.iwi s'lU TpHE PIeWont AlTiNE, with its Rail RUU.. 4 I J. y iiaii u me rorts oi lUUllAlUM;. Brst-af as I"tf Steamer?, to ILOiClore, l.'i ...-.. .. .-. . I f. .... ... 5 ft m 1 fV"" ""Jt-M'i ttuty muu ui unoreaea guage, ana, jnereiore, tneeniy one Q . fgyf aJf A At iD XiyLK QUICKEB THAN ANT OTHER LINE, .1 V . jU-i ..-W.r-ii '.11 .V .Hf .V. t . ..J . A. . Mr I I Ml IIW Mull .uV!) i i jii(j4 . ... j-. '.jm 3i,nJ l..- I o.aL -' . iJ, -' f - ; Life Insurance t i fet - ' - 'I f -fWf.n--. ?;f ii i i if i -v..m t . I .-" . . ;v 1 i - . . .. ., ,j, ...,..,-, .,. ,.ri,.,'1hi, .1111 . tAH ti. , ,.i!'-: GENKRAL JOHN B. OORDO'N. - T - .biii,L'Jt(!ai i') -,iii..,..l JVideni'i ! Ji. I ."' ' :i i WfV A. H. COLQU1TT. Vice Presidemt. J A MORRIS. Secretarv: - -..Jti, ij,juj!.k, uopt oi Agencies, Aannallacoaie (nearly) i - CHARLOTTE . i OFFICSROt t - . it; . j ; , WlLtLAM J. HARVEY "WILSON; Vice President, L, ; THOMAS1 BTBBiCiiA J t f o 1- Kftoii ? Ji ICUIKER, TATE.' 1 .. . I . '.1 JINVtlTE$rrif AtADE AND air. iuua ma it',: li iANNDAXi !DIVIDkNT1S j D1Cf!T;A'RTCT TO mnriVi nm nnna I ' 1 W-.; Jf'i .j.i-iH: ".-.. 11-...- "ifS0?! U-ii'JSUilU GO OUt'ANp EFFICIENT ' 1 - m . .1 I 1 1 .. . . r : . :. . riTi i - x v.. .jr. rr: i . , 3. j i; i 1 . l , A li,it,i4!. "f 4, TDIS IIEU AIID i1 ii , . ... ' - ".j- ,,1 .... -.i i,k ! ,,i;?.' -v n mil . w. . . -r. k. r 14 -2' L3f 'i - ti?-,t nss?...,. W & , - : r:. . Sir,.; .:::' .j: c- ?.&r?n.oir P'epared tooffer to the publleVand feel confident H cannot fall to recom, -CT.i Theyre made In tour alaea.'withfa Variety or" rtyles, rangW'in price 'rroni I'W 6 tin 1,. aocording to sire and style.- . Tbey measure fram three to six feet, designed to TSl ff-ri f rave.lK?nl nanU to adalta. ,, Can be painted any color desired, sanded or kal4 van teed to suit the taste of purchasers' -A galvanised plate, containing wnaUvefc lsciii tlon nartles desire, is fnraiahed with Mitth mnnnd trm Zt hn. 7. acr MMiC!,l rrThjsstHaridsohieii)edoratioh 1 h4 lroflfeiaBUC&bTieeaUtolaoH within re fevSit, i&cftftsLii.il nob. Uo generally to call an ejtajaW tor themsele vs. W veuKttetojana pub- .it .riiuiiiiiiy.r jiihu 7. i j. j. i M ; ' "f i-f. ,ft .l"l' I. hnVSr A.lk nr. af't rxif t 4 ilt fr." : ,:Wfff fi kti V,n!r r.'iiv t j fl;ff ;:A .nV,ftTTTIDT1: in jt--o aiiliAlliiDijUs TatotoittdtfiJlB'Js'tiiig of f t . JL. 1 . . V7E HAVE everything kept In at1 SHORE, and FAT FAMILY MACKEREL,' f .vysv'it Cairel3:;half"Barre!3; i 4 ' Quarter'XarrerB.1'fi;'rt4 J'it r?-7ed tyO -'jTBtlT IDSONj . .eeG-tfC' .- 1J- ' v at'1 .. .. .............. WILBAR'S Cod Liver Oil and,.Lle. 6a :M ' vory & Ilocre's Inr-r.13 Food." LiLea or itTseatlJ iia JOeVeryaescrinoni An eWnt.t.v . , ..iJsi VI -'1.?. f P- , . -. - a f . , . t. . .,n,t -i . ; . - . - . t" y-y-wi(iBiciuouvipn!vausiy v. " .... Isfl?n ooda. , ? s . Lj P401 w 9Jjrpomii stairs: iau j'Hjzioitya uiw.wwa" - - ' " j -i - - ' - r. 4. i cue ios contains alarm Wmhiuu , rn. i !"i.T r V anrs vimrsr : si k4 w.i r . and wat connections, affords p rds unpaieD k-- ..Ji.. -' jm I itT .v. NUKFtlLK Ok PQRTSMOTJTH. and thantA Philadelphia, Kew York and Boeton! Iki ralji a nti'wt' .i'cil.,ratni.i i ...... 4.. :. .1 . ir -i w .itun v.s !f . it... w ah a vr i n u n w u i n, .r..,t.j vl- - iiJ4 U.-,,'!:! ai.fked AuaTJfiLli. Treas. -f ' i, l,TOO:000.00 C BRANCH. . Il It U it l.'Mf -It. Uu.'i ' ' (I -fi' 1 "! . J-l ' JOHNSTON,, . xremdem. E A OSBORNE, Sec't and Resident Agij, U.Ul.t .S1 if II , it- '.- 1 - , JOHN E. .BROWN, Z. B: v ANCE. J, W. McMTJRRAY,, - . W.-TrmOTC."? ARMISTEAD. . . ,,r. T T An xx - w . , , LOSSES ADJUSTED'ATHOMEiif ' n') : ..Mv:.s ' - " " v !,.t 1 (1 Hit j T lilwMi arpt&al otUav. SOLICITORS WANTED. Secretary and Manager? ilt'lllftMfl DEADTIFULRTICLE 1 r- Ik ,...,.::...(....,.. ..;.. .j C riIAmiISOI Ab4 -tV 7 vv Onnrksito fynirf TTm. v-. 'H 5V-i''t'l ;1i 0J . t CTUnTTI O- i1A ODIITIjIj i'. lilL. . 1 ; - W X-''iL -5 viti A ' j"' . . sum A KSES5i" lot of Mosquito Nets,' with J V-keilmg'.nxture. iust wi. s J ' "auattr - " ?Ay & D A VIS?, tf 1t g'yMt .J hw T&'.l T I ttt r'..tiUb.ui.nUJ rAf vAI-MJO? ;PJ C ioerCoun try f Hams jut-as.-- - , JiEEIAPl:'T.l, REEL. AJPiLSDUE'Si rrnn-n iirT5Tn pfvn.iu. . &! riniontoiiciarife I f is t: '1 1 J- Musical Department, of this Tnsfitntion 4k. J uie services cf Miss S B Peck. 'of Prince Ed ward Corinty, Va., - " .-lOT . .-X.isa.Teck has taken a full f Vvi ct : :cj rrri r1 u,ue ."A.usn i 7. ' V "t, WU?J! agOi sue, received 1:t9 rxr "t6 ?! JrT ;w4ntn ai ltof, ujAWWHJle, K.fi LCOME ff AND'VSEEv THE.BEATJTIFrJL DRESS GOODS, 1 BLACK ALPACAS,tIi-.3 - :.--MOHATR-T.TTJSTW- - .' -V fc. .:. : ' TT' w a a4M Aepeliani? Fran'nejft fnoSsfsqi large selectidfl bt1 uvo 1 J -. J 'S Saanea. and ' large selectidfl of. I t-,-if niJL I.i-Jls Mitii-i !"" i , ., iSAs. T ..1 Jl V.THX RISING SUNV a e lot-of, hew f V -fJ8? T SP,fa?Sta?el?tWl,!,,,m,?yBQif' Kitville. . w Bacon; fAfd., K olTee, Hiipnf,;. J liw'Hfe'it'raek; h iS.-Herringf. iand.en.i Xmtitt& kktitof, in facf evety art iel mt timwi It kryHt iftp fi IHtT Aa WU 4 uuwn jrr A ma. -m. ,r S .' - ..Lit- .. . ... . . . : Viit lvl!- ,-fR-1T,irO,IJ J'l.'.M-l I !. , ...m.. ui. v vrivuu jvniBlgip?p .1 ly iue wriew iorit w unarteston. -1 x.i "i ."..ii "."'i nay-ar;0tte A, Jl Bank.Chartotte:'MaiGedW Mertnh17 Wn! M "SSSt Vhnter, 8 C; CoLW ?f McCorklej B Z eeler:Yorkv4ye.Sf ia N. BSpeeial attehtioni given to the pijii 1 1 . . : , .- . . r 4 h yfi SClDSnliWyerybyt P1&V OUU ofiered Inf this maVtet' has han Ceivedthfs day!" OeTyduoctionr api see! what 'iaf tfie ; meaning "of thatvoitf "fllrriW 'tlnin 'iMfna 1 ImUfU LllT Of this flJUr,Tkna if yxjtr dd tiot findT'ttl': it ferriresented'fobe,we Vill lt?y wtFare HO judge. Come hen Wirbu u.i uy!vhavd jhad worse tharf?v smoiiajjt- meal look Tirxjif Ihe smii. 1,3 tefhalCvas ehebelioiathe ij;.J tints.':",WemWdW'yo'd -W1 ail 'freiordrafragei Reroeniber the'eheao1 fcaih aits - 'store of . opOX .frttilr. YfJSf!: f i.D r,ift,-.r. .nr fetii-Vil f TJr; tuff omit " - ,. f-i B.HSv'innvBSkr -soiiyt aiUrWWRj Steele.:,.. l FANCY ARTICLES AND JJOSIC. 'store of -'-' nriWHTTSct A portioii6f the'pulrfic'palronage is Wpect- ALL perspnsJnjteesteA pall at Capf Nash's office, near ihe Court House. where I carl be foUiid from 9to'4 plwk., i!mi til thtflst or October, v rae1 authorWes baH" licivi ui x a jl juiab uur hiuiilos,' ior JOur oenenc, nQW uiev cauuQn you to come for ward and Settle, is flfey nut have mofaey. 1 JJ!i815rfL5toio.! t cvxtiuj City iMasshal. 501 ;pFJhMfl 8AM. IJ? PBraoanxw of. a PeO. ( Traet to raenade aad duly Tegis tered and v recorded. 1 wJH" of Qaitot.; '.oai Tuesdayl. IUUi HOAyi rof.Kovem- r.fto. JiaweaQrjamL known ,ioJ - ly Jag aoonxn WaKesf Sfr&levbild ;reK;: ,aimlividt oearlgn qaaUyby jibe Caroaua Ct,MLl KsUlwyuidaa, oa, Into Fartaia of abputOne HnUdredAeMaea . 1st Tract: VJpiiisthd lands 61 M RLinev and chtain l00' acres,4 'jheayity finibered witti oroewhtte oak &&itokLU "water tiower oil' Slianley'I'O-'eek': , khowin as the Gold MiiJ. "The sbil Is rich a'ivi miiantiid arderain. ..-.- jo , ,. 3rd. Joins the lAbernath v land And in adjacentrttfiSta'nfei 'Creek ; contains acres of wood 'Tan'dP A to cotton ' 'SudV Jbinshbe'-abQ 100 acres of heivY tinibefed 1aiid.,tu ; 12ff i ' ;tJ- n -ttn. joinjuie.Qiiinger;, land, aad cob. tains 101 acres.' .,f,h ... j. u x; 1 1 i" iStiu Joins Ihe land of A. -HoviaAndi ltK Carolina , Central Railroad," contain- app acreaof woodiand v j-trt TJ A. riui.j? ronts on the Carolina lUentral R. R. and runs back to Stanley creeki containing j-xa wrra , jwiy inuinvaiion gram ;nd cotton, oalancain wood land,, .i-t !.:,. I iJtbFronte on the Carolina Central Rj HI jyiug tin uoiu aiaea oi . DtantevT:vreK, con taining tenant houses and 125 acres of land. L.lf .1 LI.l. s r .... .. . ,. . . wMva wui;iisjiii cujavation; ia grain an wi.vvu( w VVIU wuuu JOIK 8th. Fronts on the Caroli I house,--tobacc6 barns. Stable1 and criba; j&o d HCrepeu'lJ5!a4GretA)5 goodvfiirtriing ianu, pi wnica 4a is wood land and 80 in culj:ivatSon lof grairfhnd coteon:91 There Is a tOld!vMH!nnriWli4art)MWiiKwMki!''iil4d . gOWSvei.fl'updri thls tract Supposed V'da 'cotthDdation bf the Rliodes Vferftv4 w V th 'TPrrtrit.' Wrf - S?Kltl 5 WJJ.' rfjl r j A Joins - thfr'ilands of Teener ,'ahd. '-Mohros Burked evritains'llos acres wood lamJP1' ; ih ."10th? FrwitaMtf. the CSWliiia'Ceptfal B, R, df wotxl'laftd:- - - fw-t contains 117 acres of wood land. The land is fertile with abnndant: springs and good water, ; - - f ' r' 1 V $ -r 13th. Joins the Brevard Lands, known! aa ine iavia cttroup trace: contains 113 acres of good wood land. V . ., 4 . The terms -ot sale w111. be cash , but ap proved Notes will he tYn,neotlAblaat the Bank-' of Meckie ' : i aei'Uement, and title reserved xxz.:d r 'neat of purchase money. , , . U0J." JT. DEWEY",- 4v. and Hb Smith Shoo, and a wii f.f 4h;nr coldest water; is 20 feet, wide and 210eet Hoan:-: rwmlliiA.rV.1111. ...nj if streets, in the venr best condition: And wli a? arranged to carry on buBineB.i f i-j . He also cSers for sale his entini STOClT jsesswithoct.Ceiay.vi -Twa ;nui;r !. I A-f3 U vt pf Ka- i Copper Snd-Tln Smith j YOLS, for "j or rent:Ui;j.r i-w sr. , w lurtiiexperweuiars? . ' HENRY. J.-, lPl-Bai7Aa .14 .rf 4 A Raleigh. N. jJiriiiii - .T ; ; Frohts oahe Caroicintrai It fif i fis3c3Airtirtjn. tD ft -If 'A nr. North i it n 1 1 trM" ii , , 7 ei Aer aa,. K iiiii4Jtivr SEC GOING "ftOBTHT7 ' nil 1 r . ' ' ITATlt: rtMAIW T . M - veunarorte, .tr'DVit ;.:jllVI1n. T .a r. . . . r m - 1044 u .Grecnsboro'r 2 15 am 513 " ... 5 25 11 80 u' 4 Dundee, ArriVteaeRichrnn 2 22mJ I ? G9INO SOUTRi; 1 textwsTipifrfr" ' .lavi vi-Riehmond i lSRp.ni 4 41 9.25 " 0 20 " 12 20 a ni 45. 8 3, 11 15 ' 3.o - 1 IM4.-8alibanr. 3 15 0.15 yJL(Air-14neJueU ft M,Jl ' I in i'IJ II, 6 22 a m I mrm ii ' K l ! . . . . 1 ... 1 . Art- ii l.V- 10 I Ml " 5 41 80 . in " M ?oShnpa 41)0 . - Raleigh ft 1X , t .'i i L aj. J)tij, Lcate UreetiBUOro': -1' Arrive at Salem,: i t LeavSjSaJenv 1 Ayejarensbprp,,., t 1 " ' - . 2.00 ni 3.30 " W.00 j, m ili.30 " .(i t- Lwvareensbbrot- J i ', ' ' ' 3 no Arrive at Salehy;' 5 h v t h 4 Leave salehiLil 'i-d u. fcAirivfeafc Greeosbpro,! 39 45 f :n- i."-'!1 dJi4-'J;;i,ii"lJul))'i.'it-- ?assenger4iiavingfS5idelgh at 6 4i 1 -eoonectoi Qrsensboro?! with th vfer tme. all , Northern, pfUes, Price oi ckeBameakUier rotjtes. . . . ..wu. ywiMia jubsv 01 ureenu- Wri3otoect at XJreeirsboro 'with Mail Teredos a or from points North or eonth .ITjrainadAUyboth ways.! . a . eave Richmond" at 9.49 s. m a. at BurkevUS' tSiSn, to.: leave Burkevili- 4. s m amye at Klchmorld 7 8 a. in. ' JPtffimari Palic Cart M all Might trains hetwstsa ChArlottand Richmond, (with -opt change) m L- i .i imKu.i u . . Papers. thphts Arrangeruesta to ad frljjgeuje.flj .thiapoflipany , will U lUl iW-; Miiiti'Vi rxn.t W j ih jitr Genl Tfcket-Agen Tfc MktRi Q'aaootx i ffdreensbom, N. MiBncineer A Gen'l SnnerintimdMntii hn jnly28 tir vj.,f; M, .. Daut PASsWei'Goi$G Kona-Ko.1. ... ,.;;fr T.j-- 1st mU i is . StatinaV;i o Arrive. .Leaved 1 Greenville, v . v. . .c .. -mid.. , . n n . .4,06 " 509 King'a Mouht'n. Ji 09 Gastonia. .: , 8 54 12 57 LvNa&lfiM i8iajTn..i..vf :'. ! iilf.?WJP5(M0AT aN . 'TOlaBtvW Arrive."- - -Leave. vnanotw,- s, iriw- 612 7 24 ' "7 51 8 33 939 ' 10 U ' 1127 ' 12 39 i n 215 " 2 57 " 4 21 ' .tJrfeepvilfe?' 12 33 p m Central, 154 Mount ULiry. ; !5 W Mf' i' 603 ' Beltton" . S 83 ' 636 ' GaineBVifle,i 1 09 ' ,;56M FVyBTahoh.,iiJ,68er " 63S ' ! Buford - ) .f64i .-i. 57 ' UUlUUiiU i, i . -T7 36 " ' ' 7 39 Ndmfe,'';-.ci .. 754"- ' 812 DOtevflIe;All .i . 8 27 " 8 3 Goodwinsv 8 45 " 4 V Atlanta,- -w918 8 JRtAJtlOlIfcy. SAGE, Sopenntd duit " BTJPliRlNTENDENT'S OFFICE. u me. 1 .x)iiti(!i,'iij.ff,i,n R.. Leave SUt6lihi,'4t " JDavTdSofnolW. ''- 6.25 a. m. 8.26 a. m. 10.00 " rXmverCharlotle, 'Jntw ifi Vhariotteat Vi , ,s 3.25 p.in. iAu cuarges roust, oe prs-.paia on iiwj"" 3ered...foxAlimmanL . ta citio& Haiue, "''irTv 1 .r1:: ' i n.u 11'. TliPo Koinci 'Via Cf.Mn.. " !..' rimMIl' Cor warded unless , the . p'fime of consieaee, fnM i 'Uoct marked there- l1 W VfVt1vilnii( IVtn4wil tlnilnmn Orrica Ass'T-BoF'T.rLiiicoiiRTOH. May 30. fC!XAliniV,IiiSX8lh. the fol lowing schedule will he n$ ?r tne We8t" era .vi vision otnxs iioaa ; . ft Lineolnton. v. 7.27 A vft v .'stneftVl ce M ah. :Vtftno " Leave ChfTh ilHIIOlO. P-.f" ' ' r Lineolnton. r 1 ; t 6.43 Arrivo Bv-iiaDiia (x raauah iaxittioreAle.'' " I FFEIlfbrsaTe arl of th whole 0 ftfV Firnr.' KAilaSninir 236 acres, about bna hJif-cleajsed, In fine state pf cultivation. oaiance in original forest, and situated wu- me jrom Charlotte, on the AltjrM ToJlMThei o.ithe preVliises-, g00" dwelling and alt . necessary;, out, buildu)K. fine Peach and Apple trchkrd,t!fe hest He" of water in the county, and about twenty acres in clover. . Re present crops will y sge 1000 pound3 sded c 1 ten to the crA ThPTM in nn t'.a . rla. ' a iVcfrt S which P8 podi!"! on tat ;c!fcr. 9K0i, bnt L3 'ive fer bea developed. . , ' , r 1 -r? in n,--. Mrifiif waiUHl 1 i 8J56 " 10.64 3.48 Seneca CR; f-'M l J , f , " M ' Central. 'nfc,'i2 03 am " 12 09 an JJ.Caiotra1,'N7!C!Sep.iMh, 1874. J following schedule will be run over thu is lol.jliablei for anjf;.,)oes ,'or danisge to freight after iianhlaAdd.' at Aither of tbe t v. y. " nm.rz-. "