I I-. . ' - -f 4 i t i fctpfl sritjoT ' A - . : s I 41 lu i ay irtiii r " "...fll 7 I H ... J, 1. . .. - r- iix- ryi " 3 Kt ! s ,s -:-'-i as a -rTUji HTOliy S I .jute "r?i'-"T.t,i !,'-'f-'-V ?4-I : i :. ;-;-:- n-.t u uiu.rt ; , t. ... -t -: I -,i? ni .vlh'nr- . vial mi V A 1 aft Till in i i r,n .hi t - J I 1 . 1 IL- MiUM mi 'mm ii i vyi i 111 I - a saw AH- 1 1 1 i mi it r'fi" " ' "H" ;i !-. -I t-ra ! ..;. . it. ' - i ; ' .t;i h'.H " ' ' . ' . . ' ' ' ' ' ' i " i lSOO Caseis Boots & Shoes , trO BE SOU)4 At THiJOOT I Tryo iSrr, (XRAJBjLOTTBiiH tiTITHINi the next ninety days, we lntenq i W. .wa,VnM' and Cnlldren'a BOOTS, I; - MerehaateJAariottftwaiAthoeeln tl?e8urinndlng,counirV, irtll?nnlJtothlr f. advanta9vt'ali and xaiaiB or tock betote purcbaalng elfeVnerjB. ,t,- cp 1 Hi flight ikddedj.; ;ejr M ipajv 4artp Njjtti .byjij ' tJUtiut, 1 1 - " 1 1 ... . .-j j. I """ . . ,,-.:: -. . ,-. !,..-, C--S .i.i.i'iie, .': iW;AKu OF 'JOOJS TA35IO SHV itql y' ?f i-pHW'-fi'5- ': T(J 'BBEIil .-. 1-.-!....! !' '.) f-d' .. . .--jsH in- 1 jsjjan-lj.'lt.UiVt , i .;.n i litv: i 111 ill tbf mum. l KOBTH ,CAROLrSTA, . .j :.9ill. .f .i : " - ; - '"""JM..;i, - W&MMENCING s .-..tt IT.?T lxB'CO-TlWlNG FIVE DATS. ZIPCE, OF N. C Wfil ibelirSi the .f.jtf ..S':1-.Ji-'"J:i fV It' ifw 'JLITX) DIPLOMAS. ? '.T ItiB.SiW'IfBih'A Having been reorganKjefl.'tnd freed fforfhe:heilvy debt which 'Iibh beretofore been a! ton-isid.-rabif iwrden, bo offers to the eitiwjM ul the two f?tateS of Nortu' and; Soutli C?irp binu .w.li H4IUni ak:iheir.IAtris,: iiilv,OT abktii bnih in preniiums anl aUre? Mcms. ti' E V E RY- DEP. RTMEH 1 I a i ..ui.L.ir.Ui:LTnwi will bBnare U rV . :v Si! : v! . . HtttlW'blilV f $W JAlBj OF WE CARLOfflAS A GRAND 80DBB8SL! ( ? Liberal prvnnomt'are ofkred f.w infproved stock, field cr()p9. oriicaltaral ai Donies o r,r,l,.i- und I)ometic MaiibfacUiivre, erabracinrffertiPeirtmaita"!.lnrklaJand Art osuoH oirW ! The lull premium List, liTpaniplilet form, AiranpeinenUhftve beeii made , with., the sitora- and ariiclea cominsr to the. Fair. A rtlcferAiTW&rfPWiSM le 20th of October. . No paii'S or expefisee will Wtptred to make .rtTfcn.iinh.nrto!XMttribaWlo,Uie fc(tofdrt inn are resnectraliy invited 10 .come ana onng r , TI A R;R V ARTICULAR attentiori pai4 escoingirg. tA0; thaouUhe uouniry. vratw unoer veuvtu Wnd PUaWWHINO GOODS tor Gentlematha and fioy,. fcarktt It fajS beVn .electedwiti re In Na Torif, and cpnuUiea; tbe JargeBt and tt Marled tZ&t&Xft f comDlote mitllt. to be found onulde of a MlJ!W '-'" il.l. u 1 uivmn rinrihipd the size or our atore-roora,'B eMicaiF'. bujck. fcing tne only ne only exciave uuwi """T ur menaa ai and he public, to call ana exaimuo f l? Iwtuji(ijifiijM.i5W -..-..v, ttT - tL'iii-V , ,1 ilulwii otir m baa lolooiywa" H l -rr-f. ' V.'.: " J 9BI, , . :um r ci Mm i 1 U 17 'V. in be suited, ;. ,, , i rffin ,i t., f!,i.u?roMMnr i THni.j .JTf.t i"isdn!:; df 1I il'r'; ivtnCf I IIBT8 AN&UNOEB CLOTHING for Men ilbrello' GIdrcfs;;nplerr,' Silk nd a large line of other articlet,-we iflfer ITiS x(afa mi !thaai 1 to par ptalVdns frlhett; Jcindnos and tTattty;-t&rpatT in tend to m rlt its .conpaupe w Jslxl- OIT A Sa-rJ AMrf it CIIAELOTTE -An ' Ani w s FQEBEsrjihe Charlotte Obserref. AND BHOB HOUSEOP:: , VearZy opposite CeMfdliffot toseii a large. stoclc of n'jurwdmrVii BHOE3 and HATS. COTflMtolna U fcraOee; 1874, .t ; THE ': - IS THE f t J ' 'J , i , ' - i Annual Addlrera. S SO 0 1 ATI ON i gire, pivh in. prer T I S CO.WPLETE, maJke- . - 1 J H will be sent by mail, upon application to the,t rarions Railroad lines for the usual rates for 1 Fair of the Carolrnaaat arfy timdafUr . the apprpacbipg JffT-.8 Pr acd enioymtint of ittsTiiitorL.apdall' wwicvw uuihwh mj wo .w muivh.. : i A B. SPRINGS, Presdeot.: : :. : ' y.7 I. J I ... , . ... 1 HATS. ' CLOTHING t T;i?'fc'4j"rj;T 'iiii 1v , , ,,,... , ... .... -; . ; andBnir -'"' 'dnd vUnen tlaodkercblefs,! 1 at the Very wr 11 4: title stifle. Cbarlcs O. Jones, ; ' FiHrietar Office, Springs' Building, Trade' Street, KATES Or BUBSCBIFTIOir. Daily One year in adanee,'.uiM....$7 00 bix montna, m advance, 3 50 Three Montiut, in adTance,..i.i:u.... 1 75 One monthr in advance.. ....m.. 60 Wesiriyf one Yay wfitmi Z00 5Br Subscribere : will please lookfXra for ht cross mark on their,, papers. They are thus notified that their Term of sabacrip tion" has expired; an A Are retpecullj re tjuested to- renew at once. RATfcS OF ADVERTISING. One Square one tbna. j-,h,..rfJll 00 J , i two days ... I 60 j- three ilays. 2j9G , ' i - Tonr days 2 60 'r-, ye dayjkw..A; 0 JBT?C0niract Advertiuements taken, t proportorately low rates. ; - .". Jive Squares estimated at a quartercol ahd ten squarMte ' hlph, CHARLOTTE IttAnitETS. Corrected Daily. 0 VJjrjti0"" Market. Caxnurm, N. C, Sept. 30, 1874. Inferior 910 Ordinary, , Ill Good Ordinary, ....w...,..;........;.18f Strict Good Ordinary 13J JTw Middling,r,..,.,A........v...... 14i Market very quiet, : .. i finales to-day, 107 bales. i . Trj ' " V-.- tl Country Produce. oeo Hams, per B ' Sides, " Shoulders, " Hog Bound, Beeswax ButUtyfChoice, . . Br&Wtfi Apple,;' 5 : " - 4 Peach" Cbrn White, " Mixed, per. dozen, Flour Family, fUExtra,-.' , .!tASopert ::-iv Viut Dried APP1". '.vreaicheB, ' f kddberxiea ' 11 Hi 25 . 30 " 2.00 2.20 1.05 1.00 12 4.00 3.75 350 2.00 2.25 18 a 20 60 a 75 20 14 7 16 14 1.10 50 fperpr ' , Green, fxtrd iGtoodr Tf O'l ' White, 60 . 7&A20 (57 lha to hushel) , , " Mixed. 1.00 Potato i Irish. SO Ha Red. per bush . 1.30 , White, 1.35 WboJ Tub washed, 35 " Unwashed, ., . 5 , . 25 The Observer la tbe only paper pub llahed In the State West of Raleigh ivjilch gives the latest telegraphir dis patchea every, morning. , Business men will please make a note of thlR. ' "Free Irom that venality wbieh eor rupta the coiiscieiice or that pity which corrupt Justice." y f A , .. 4 5 - CITY BTJXjLETIK. t "The Scattfred Naiiorl" to-night. Let's all go. i The, schools have beguuitroubldLrith iheW- ' t i& "Have they" canght Houston ?" That is the question." c Busioessr . was better , yesterdays " and , the streets presented a more lively appearance than for many day. When ftlks in Cliarlotte want to scare one another they threaten to publish them in the Observer. 'Cause everybody reads it. Thlbtirtdirig the1 Second Prrabj'terian, Church, want money 4p prose cute the work already begun. See their ad-. :vertiseinent. ' " : i " Slavery evening horses are being trained on tbeFair Grounds for the races to take place dnriBZ tb Fair. ,The .racine -.will be the A 'possum, was caught in a trap in the yard pf .Willes.'r Foundry tie. -other night. They saw his tracks in tbe yardman set the trap for hini; '1 I-- watson, ot toe JtocK JtLiu vrange,,i m&te a bid for our cosset. He can't get it. We iiave ooaolnded not to sell, but to try to get somebody to put in it. '5$Ofie , oC our contemporaries in Co lumbia iuform us when the' Fair- in that citywtti' begin ? 1 We '. Sre V't6 ftt 'nintly ' persona ''. 'es trous. ' of kno wxng, mation. ; -s ; : ' ihefpurihl quarterly:., meeting, of :Ji3ron street .n vai vary Mission m.i J!i. vnurenea, f-of-this city, will take place at Tryon Street Chrclsori;i&W Ke. P. E. Nelson., Presiding Elder, officiating. ; 3lertember Jief Orphan, to-night Go and ontrihti.te 6nflcn;'pefaV1n: i lie coiittcioyaiicsi iviu;uuui(ie gi iepd, ear , -splendid Jectufe i from c.ottiv ZebV -U? i-Ji tlf(u t-4 we ;-.9 Tickets' of admission.rto tthe. Jectureto- nigm wiu ne uii eai uunng iie -uay uie three eorneY drug stores, and at the' tdbacco store of Jt'll.Teak 4 CW.3!!Ae fiyeiock this evening they can only" be bonght-at the .ttqketoffipfiof Ihe O; We learn that.the..rain whjck fell the Jirst of bVwk,did great rdmap olhe VanpgJnferftiaic? in wewerjpart.jSMBijyiWUtns'CDeeitaaBa othefi!Btjmsoverflowe6?theirisati Aftteero waA most toolouoTrrrcurs4 ,irtg,pne of xfur citizens, onTry(ji ptrcetr fXBi:jan7vmce' Alter takinia prostrate carcass up off the pavement. . -Giree weeks..... ..:n.r-a SO The tornout pf the rjtfe companies tQrHfiar&mJ4aVd One banalorjea bisy haatoaia oat fid - dA ngro.iriwdriawffe'HB was; arrested yeleTdaySiOrw)l'aiT f Who chased ainj:: bcbampBilii fibmdit&e' "and there . am ot her farts liL'liMit6trritti& 'Mayor required of- bimia : bond o$200 ffor ' hisBejaainoe; at the cSBrjerJbratSourti'iind jaU.''irts ' i t ;aVi9!t vi!fcn-t::;i' The police are enti tied to credi t for1 the PT?bbtsb withiwhjic JlKx,aeAI5HA matter. Had it fiOjOenfifrihem the thief would, no doubt, have;aueedfl; .perpQf trating.a sober naoapLa gidetected. i. ik '.',..: . u-t-t---! .... , si JKw TheHing Darkey. ! ; ,' The darkey who attempted to Steal, a ringJium the jewelry store of 1 A Hales, on Wednesday night, was before Hia Honor the Mayor yesterday. iiofnfn.;'tijase was a petty o'ne,.ai)d fafi Ma'ypri' ermuied to release the offender , npoa the payment Of the cost. Butthe!"darkey didn't hkye' ahy tndney tind wasf re-cornmitted to ! the r' A Large and Fine Stock. Messrs. J.i. XwST 6ni are 8ti'l receiving their Fall "and 'vVinjter stock of men's, boys' and youths' furnishing goods. Everything in their line they havCSS st&ref dr. Rr jHlst & some of their goods ,ar jpLlpe finest and most HbaWttfuf qa1ilyT,J' Some again are of a lesslIcbsty kind ; their goods, are of all' qqalitiesandaU. prices) "hey can funiish you anything, from , a. paper of pins: toi a complete redding outfit; and o ii cheaply, '''Jpti of these gentlemen is more than twice as large as it was last yea',!attd'',they are determined, to sell it pffc at short profits. Gentlemen are asked to give them a call for aaytlitng they need. Cant 1 J Cajteritor?oTthe caster Zedgef -'arieE lasfr eYetHn. ina Militarnstituteli Col W H BrawieVdiorf 'tWli Judicial Circuit .x.0ap1in4ir rived at the Central Hotel utseveni ug. lady has already en tered.on the lists, a quanliy-.pf mbjoadernrele wpr, &c, for the AwvJk the jPa'rolinas, intending tQ ByKHet0 ihe "premi ums offereirlhjafpartin.ent. We regret fhat-a Tennaisee lady was the first to co mfe forvard witnt her. iand- iwork, btrt.Hpot tQa late for a num ber of our own fair ones io come into. of ourJadies will we number .who. .IX COO - VVVfUt&I- ,"U4 . Hi Newsnafoer V ' U There is na little anxiety-evinced on tUe:pai!U Cf tleCpmcJealSf stbs iffwd ent express companies .(of the United tateilest-thQ new 'newepapei; la mails, aftere,. first p January, will carfy all tre newspapers and , periodi-J cals shipped .by publishers iu bulk.--- 4 To what extent these mere articles of trahspbrtationby the!xpre8S:eompa-4 panies remains to be seen. ."- imt rHi? Amusements this Season . w .. j The indicatidtis'areth nurnDer orenrflAitifi3 theopera' house, thisseason. Messrs. Sanders and Carsbrl are i4tfeivirii njtiteri- constanlyiit-, ing about the building,' terms,'&c. jWIb are, sorry that there is .some doubt , about Rose and Harry Watkins; coming on .;the. 19th, though it is certain jthafeihey will be ; hen sometime ' during the season. They, hare an engagement at Tncirgyajn th( 19tn, ana write tnat tjney cannot come nere then tmlesS tlwry can get rtleased from that engagement."5 They are endeavrittg to rt 4 release and may succeed? '' 1 " ' ''M"lUJ t . . . ,.i.m. , :t,'"j . ... . .'A-'i A iArge Coou. ,.Kn f Moore, were out hunting yesterday! mon' ing,- and returfned to tfieitywrfii a oa the like Qf wMcKr we ,fleyetsaCJPeftrrn -, .!.'. . .-. . .f .r, , lf,T-J.Tl Hit: ill t ill! They Btruokfbls radkvlnelicS Fjer'snmUl north of here,rtabou half past 11 tctocfcoii WednidaV night, and ran him a distance of eight miles, jnto . thaPa Creel .neigh borhood. In the hunt' they c&Udowa out.pf atree m aswarap. the .ground tkey.'dogsl httced..hinilri;afldi sueh Hgrit as he madeVOoon nevef '?made before. He tcw anoniceM a I terrible manner, and it -is feared that .some 1am Aai.HMi)lk ,'1. .nil .lnV Ith'ivf 1,fb I coon waa wpcneu. w I Tha chaaa "anrtfhfc ffcht bCCUDied about I soeetspresvf rgay morning, uia ouncteuv goed deal of. attention. Hej.eigift.i27 pounas.- We are liifarnieTl that, a Tennessee rnay interiere ,it ineir receipts. At is' believed at the' 'osVbMc'thaVljlie i itjigstolthe reir" part of the lot on whichtheiail standaIt will be re- fork ou e loiXrcntingori Cjburch diT'thweruc- tur iion and ectedt TTAmoiag t other workmen didu, Hkmydii anythh !1seV -was to dig "a MtHW4liiifotf- ioQ5 -aeep. rWrhoie 9urikpe,6f theiwater was co.vfti'. joji ':aW(9 'ntaiUriren. im msdiae Att4itlon. " u The lafgejpasteravjforthNew Fair ot;fMsg0$tned out o.in jth' OfigfiByjatrj bb ofiice yester tiayj;artd wiirhte posted tip a.;once at all the.jpoiota; jn i tJje two Cmlinas, and elsewhere whejit" is"thought wilCi.imawari 4h 2xh i t-JT'---: ". - -i; tE ?e can saiei Whear, 3ajl direc tions, who' haYe-anrronTiced their in tention of plejng; present, and there is little-doubt-that there will be a grand gatheritig. here 'ooat'occasion. The railroads have reduced their rates to such low figUTes.and Charlotte Is so ac cessible from every direction by rail, thatit wpu4jbe strange if there was not a, large assemblage considering the - inducements offered exhibitors, - antho amusement which .will be fur nished visitors. In, cprinecot-. wit Jiiis, ye,may say that Col. A- Springs, the President of the Fair Association, is in the eityj looking after the interest of, IheSowe? ty. - He is a live man, and, in his ca pacity as President, is rendering good service. n h r - These are" the so-called "melancho dft8wsO'C:i'lJed, . perhaps because mint juleps, rmlk puDCbes and sherry cttbWerS", have just disappeared, and because the watermelons whio are eatewat this season, have a tendency to niake a fellow melancholic.; (this pun is old, poor and stolen.) To us; this' season is what all the small boys say in their- coin positions on Spring: The'.nip'st delightful season of the ;year." ;iWbat boy ever went to school 'a'dayVin his "life without writing a (composition, pi Spring, and beginning jit as above? '"Spring time is a very good thing in its way j with its picnics land flowers, and girls just putting on juew.Hpthea arid looijdg sweet and fresh ; it is a good thing because it is riot so cold as Winter, nor yet again ao.bot, as Summer.; but--.we began jwritihg'about Fall, and . having ascer tainreuthat we don't knew what to 'say ahout it,will talk about something else..; ; ,ljk. . ..; . .First class, in gelling will stand up. lEeleAsedfrom.! Jail. ' e'heKO Silfis Torrehce, who was.' found on Monday with a horse of Mr. Browfi Wallace,' in his possessiori, and who was confined in jail on the cbafge of stealing it, has been released from custody. His release, was made on a certificate from his ; employer, that he i a man of good character, arid also oa a CertificatXroniHr.WallaOe, that he had changed his mind concerning the giiihV'.of th'er""priB6nifer. Both of these asked for this release of the ne- ro,&ndhe was accordingly discharged. The Schools. ; .. i .. ., i ... . j " The Carolina Military y Institute opened yesterday morning '! with 'a large number pf cadetspaany of whom are new'-Br$oV Wetindema'rid- that there wer 46, baruera at, breakfast ; others 'jahetjre.-. iand 6 oiB arriveds lasb evening. .! i The Fall term" of ibe charlotte In boarders, over last session, land a fair innmher nf darVBcholarB Hew (York. City, went intd! effect yes terday in this Aity, as in alLtbe princi- cipalncottorr-markets of the . united StasearaMnfllalaae'new t ..: ' . . . . .. .... - iciassincauou is tower uiipuiut i siauf lave been reduced nearly og gnwle. !ThV- new systemtspYjpburse,; works old. ' s 1 t Ojiua bioH oT coursev -filled op with vt."siin- ft-ta i,vffSU til . JTfif 1 ; olitthiapeoi'atiwiH- leconie itagoftitti ;ahd;poim;aded a a.aA nnnn Kir JTR.lftnftl hottori:chafjTaf its'taleWlslion in On the Bamage. Mr. John R. Morris, Managing edi tor of j he .w Tobacco heof and, oiton quisneu in tuia ; omce, leu nis bed and board in this city, about thr.ee weeks' ago, and as heJJeft bet ween two sunvwe have ; heen seriously in the5 notion of advertising him as lost, Strayed or stolen ; but q yesterday, in looking over the columns of the ijuntingVou. West V.j , Advertiser, we iouna itet louowmg which renders it .unnecessary : , ) , i "We had the nl ens tire nf a rail lnat-. Baturdar from Jnb. R: '' Morris. Esq.. managing editor of the'" 2bIacco Leaf And Cotton iPlani. a oaDer Dublished'in jCharlotte, If. C., devoted principally to toe interest ot tne farmers, and jn fbrmatioTi 'lii relation' to the 'treat staples Of the- South. ' We are glad to. huw ibm aun&oer nas a laree ircu- ;tk)n,u4;aprQfitable advertising list. for the State fair. " 0,1 A good many articles will be tent from Charlotte tothe State Fair, anl iiothirig handsomer or indicative .of Bkill i wiii'-be there, we venture to feay, than, some work prepared by.Dr I Simpson, surgeon, dentist. We have, seeaihe . work. Dr., Simpson displays asmuch skill ''in .his works of mechahisnij ase does in that in the mouth man and womkrikindl 1 1 . , : -i v... 'j m. , "!-: Patience Itself.,, , , ' . Yesterday nan was seen;, in. ithia place doing what job never could have done. Hewas a one-armed man. He was endea"- OTnglo' put a big load of haj; into a high loft, with a broken pitchfork, and he never awore awordi That man deserves to have his name handed down to posterity along with those of the patriarcks and prophets, and we intend to see that it is done. He deserves also to be put in a cliromo. New, Advertisements.: gTRAYED OR STOLEN: A fine red uiuley cow, bought : of Mrs. Price, of Steel creek. A reward will be paid for1 any information : m relation to her. Wia. JOHNSTON", oct24t, ; Charlotte, N. C. IJ1HE 2sp PHES3YTEKIAN CHURCH. Subscribers to the Buirdinc Fund are no tified thatihe sonlfact 'for Work' audi mate rial are now. presjiing us, and good faith re quires that -we should call upon friends whose subscriptions are past due to pay at least part of, the amounts. . The lists are all in the haads of the Deacons, J. W. Sainnle and J. F. Davidsofy on - whom subscribers arerequestedto.caJl. , .. . IS., 1. Ju QLfJ W iSjLiLi. Ti H, BREM, ' -' ; RUFUS-, BARRINGER, oct2 lw Building Committee. JAND FOR SALE, " ' As an aent- for J. N. Caldwell, I offer for salea valuable tract: of land, lying directly on the North Carolina railroad, eigbt miles north of Charlotte and one mile south , ,from Query's Section, consisting of about 240 acres, of which about. seventy-five acres are in a good state' of cultivation and the bal lance in original forest, the cultivated land under good fence, and in'igo'vl farming con dition. -. : . ; On the premises there is a good; t wo-story d welling house, .all neceesary out building and two good tenant houses, good well of water in tne yard, good orchard, sc. : There are about forty acres of bottom land on the place, some of which is" in good meadow . t ; , . Title indisputable. Terms easy and ac commodating. ' ' " CH AS. R. JO )NES. oct2 Land Agent . Attention " Hornets YOU ARKltEREBYRDERED TO meet atj your Engine House in full uni form,1 on Sattirday the'Srd, at'4 o'clock P. M., for Parade and Exercise. : ; . . i !.,,FtH, GLOVER, ... , : Presideat.,, oct 2 .2t : , . . Rec, Sect , Attention Pioneers. YpXJ . AE, HEREBY REQUESTED T meet at your Engine House, on Satur-, dayVihe 3rd instant, at 4 o'clock P. M., for Parade. A full attendance is desired. By order of ' 3. A. MoJVlNUli, i C: C. MOOREv 1 . . - . President, oct 2 2t . i Secretary. Independents 'Attention. T O TT-ARir TTERTY-OTtDERErr TO A. 5 iBieet afeyaoftTaiTCHotjpRinuft uni form on Saturday Jthe 3rd, at 4 P. M.? for parade and exercise. -i' JA8. H;X)RR, I f P: H. PHEL AN,' ' President:1 0ct2.l2t "''" Secretary, EVERY : 'TBtTK"J .SOjr ' QF THE4 DLD North 'State wishes to patronize bomer enterprise arid products. The MULUi x; is a WnVtfi naroMna nsh.'caukht and packed Within the borders of our, 'own; Stat e.. We os-o ooiitno- tWnt at fiOrvner dozen. - We nave t.hm.alaoin barrels." which . we offer lowi ; . ' f . .1. L.'4 , 1C rt4in .nil nWMHn. IV filled. The extreme high prices of meats EW BOOKS, lust received. . , - Pet or Pastimesnd PenaltiesHowies. tffiEY.TDTpia-A book tot chttoren. , ; t I. i 'i- .i . .i . .--' eSO-rfl,. PHIFER & STEELE. v SiMMOSrHepatief impound, a new remedy fbf liver Disuse, Dyspepsia and DebilitTi just reoervedatD hu& i!o-3 i CUTTER'S Pocket lnhrietlTjueB.hjatarrl .W i.i wouyi mwrt i.'fia IfcW ir.l junel2 WR BUR WELL &1CCV - . i - ft . Agents for acKerel. - - SHORE: and FAT FAMILY MACKEREL, ' H. rI BaxTMp tialf BatrlB,i. If - . Quarter Barrels. ' J-ist it& heby. i4 c ,Mi iuVlDSON. sepb-tt. ... ... Aet A ceiling-flxtmV, threcferVel!!'' "' HlllULllRAlDAVIS.- A SMALL lotoV Cnoce Countrv Ha -Ck at,, , i , KEEAa'afiRBUI'S. 'POSHE BUT rER at ! REET.APERDrPS, sep5-tf. ; ... !,.,,,, 'kie Jffent." Eleii"'Toi5i-,-i,l',l':'' 10TI0R hheMbyigi vW th& 'i Vimkn wui oe eqian .th Jrtret WaM em Sat- urda ivRfJAVipSONB sei9-tf.') . . Aiavor. - , Wanted to.Ilflnr, :,u u TWO or three bouses iutpjo citelkniljc r rooms, furnished oi hrifufnisTied. An- pty at aug-22 ! ill ul Jjji. A FULL line of all kiridW of Pafetf'Me'di cinesonhand will', be sold cheaU for juneiO McADEN'S DRUG SToM' ,' , ,, - , - n -ii'-Tl HOWES IS BACK I " ' ' !: il !iW 4il PLENTY OP GOLD AND SILVER ON HAND!!! FERYTHINQ. TO B: KEPT LIVE. NEW, G0LD,lEW ..Silver, and, a fresh Stpck-Of Candv,,., Come and see us wheil tlhe beU ( ' ' rings, for we will do nusln'eas' " on the lightning prfncipMe ',u' or riot: at -.allji tnefefoTFK nun , an.t.wi ' favor ts sodn as thsvfc! tiltiwr . weath.e, i iU, tUAt sept 2P-tf , i in iiMi. . . - i ) .t i :.. Itesil, Estate A?nariiui.j CAPITALISTS and others deslretw ofrla Vj vesting in Cotton Itf Ills, Iroo FoandH, Hotels, Town. Lot,. Hunsea n4i Jf m, tha viilnlltr nf rrhnvlAtiii 'itf 'ft " aam Ka nn. commadated by calling t th! omre -of Itlie undersigned. THOS. F. DRAYTON, StoTrte8r,tert.dl?or t0 .snrH?" ""'' An EiCellent Farm Bale" I OFFER for Sale, an excellent 'Farm, ly ing within half mile Of the debdti'Ot Alexandriana, onjhe A., T.,& O. Railroad, ten miles North of Charlotte. On the.prem ises is a first-class Dwelling, antl aH'Vtlier uewssary ont-houses. ., .!.'! tn-' There are 390 acres in this tract, about one half Cleared, and the balancs heavily "firii bered. There is no better land in Mecklen burg countv for general agricultural pur poses, fall on or address J. D. KERNS, sept 15 Hit Alexandrians; iw J. F OR SALE. . One Hundred and JFifty Acre of unim proved Land, lyingdirecuy .on tbe'Atlantic, Tennessee fe Ohio Railroad, fiveciiles-south ot Statesyille and half a. mile frorajTrpdW man's Depot. Only about 20 acres cleared, balance in original forest: 1 There is inneh more than enough timber on this tract to pay for it. Pricet $10 per acre. Tttq 0cL , CHAS. R. JONES, Agent.' Sample & Alexaiiaer.V, HAVK the exclusive sale of the celebra- ted " ' ' "",I,,f CANFIELD SHOE. J.--i iCall and see thetr assortment, f ; TiTvis sTVf.iaH HATS. : ft . p Just received at - jfa , .-vii x i-ix-t ' (Toiiav Ar. "ItTnnre's -MAlE BOOTS 4 SHOES.ifor ladles, Missea and CbHdrenat & fr, wtdih of Root of SWe ai OU can getanv : SAMPLE & AL3SXANDEtt?a-., . THE cheapest ana dcbi. pie j uujt goods is at ...,s BUREAUOEiePFIIf EN- Landed qityLote.Suxvfyp, GRADING .AND LANDSCAPE QARno DENING., ." , " ; Water . Ppwera , Planned, j(an,a. Estimated Maps, Plats, and Draw ot eyery hJj Description, finely executed, , , also Lithograph. Th iinflrsis-ned. with an expenence Of more than twenty years, offers his serViCeS to the public generally in the? above gained Departnientaof his proteafom iLfi -rO- vliijisi Ji Is'.'lai 'i -RHFERENC -J .k Wnoo i Rev ' John Ttouglasi 'SteeV lOreekhhrithi ' Cant W in . Brown . Steefc JCseefc X2hurcbr ,apt.t John Wilkes, MecUenJJnr8:arel Works. ft ; Jlivjf,!. -idarmitt Jl Cant. A. G. Brenner. Cashier Ctommercial aaqonai jjanit, v"fAyv. .vt Cot J.' P.: Palmer,' President (Oi Borders VeeefVed at' fnee-ot CHAi , iottx Observeb. ?3ie iioj dl'ljoetlnti.- , ; ., I . i Ne Ai,fLX aa-Aluertnftn. tAfill the vaftanty w- V-nW the death fWBlM.'Mittn Tf -5;SrM t'.t--t.'.19 Will WBeSRfflP9 rAJ GALL and: ji ee1 thS PATENTi BAISJIt t ; , SEEDERS afro sn ir ttel'fi 4' ?"?tH" pcL2t.,a3i? BBi3.?01K.fi ; l pii m j't r.i. ' 1 y. ;.y - avrdsU CaaWlpttoi xNdCU1o J?ffti mHEERCISEaFTtS faSBTITTJTB 'li will5 ' be : 8tuned td-dayP Thhibs heretofore? 4i)ffl .-' v "ii --For fnUi TJacdlara, see.iOUfcahva Sfunel2 W R BURWELL & CO. f f "VOIV Ofc JH.WS o -."TT fill 8 1 . i 01" 11 t -; eu 3f t 4 1 r- t.. 1:,