1 ...V , . n A TTV r " ATI CTTt jPHRTL 1 JM MM "jSRlJU " I ,E3 R. JONES, . Propria tor,t T ill r: ' -i f X it ii:4 tit UW.if Ass Pit: 1 I a TmJJirn. rtdft in the South W judged: . 'det ail Bri8e-bd,-ar4ed'i'.aa: ll i wh tiutv:e belied its- i mwnbeiri pj. b: have had ampleCot jtpayers & teKriblPt4eTgth;oi.liaae in whicb-to brtftg- pUt e beatartariimen'ts of tHer ' pbJittcaL xreed, and in most of tle states wf.itMauth tLp-power hs been without- 4int. No obstinate minpiea ijpriiw.Ryward officials, no xt.ii.tiiR limitations of fundamental ,5m MtWthSl.riUi4 a a 1 ' . i . . It. I plans, ah was maae anew 10 suu their notions, beliefs and wishes. ' ' What 4ive.lIthey . acodiWplished ? The questtonis' "easily' nswered-j-hankruptcyclorceverjn State that- re mained long enouglv'luMleriKe?ii 'coH trol to let them carry out 'their." foul , . de4ignK vto evBryti'n8tance i th is If ne beetr'"ihe:,1resuH ' Carolina and JFlorida-are pubjicans can accomplish the way of"str4-abeediutnrof' Stages that were almQjtrwitboa t public' debt be fore the blight of, corruption and rasi cality wasdrced. uponthenv at the ..-.2am-j i t. -1 1' -Si r ' A puuib iff rtyirr' ""j""Hi - iresn aeos ojjour myionj Drougni n sort of rDaanaaao4V people Thej,a,QijlhingciDl sho for it. -.Ittandfr-iclearrKfal.!rh debt of Tennert444via increased four! teen ;?njlfens ducmg'twycars of Rali icalirotejirllcW'kMtf riearly as many tailH tofgfafl( debt, anj reconstroclioifi has!Purdried the peol pie of NtCatf pay. The history 6f-a"ln the Southern States is best typified bj f "gbtning wgiln-ct of printing Wbp;w6u;ddfveyithatha men eon4 trolliny the machine i ' ThWchief fhnc consist in. tba issue of bonds' on veiry com;eivabierete3tt.f J And ' idrday southern jtata iii ; which fiadicalism- predominates can borrow a dollai in! any ket; nr :tbe vorldfM these are naked,, undeniable facts. Qeorgw,-' Tiiessee; Vireinia ana ItpWdoes thejr present condition tn LcnrsranaJFlonda '.andi,, Miasiasippij which reiKeBtiniea in the web of fecoJ??feteti:'feky was never in Jhfl.luuids of tlie plunderer, arid sh S a 4llhasiot-!:bpnd "J.hinarket- i Ami yet th worthfes W9te. vAhV- y have strolled; to? bright thm-tptVerge CMiWPisegatn Pverare4lfiwaiiain aft eitenKidWVf thlJfttel3' ruinous career from. tW geneMrojermnent. Tbey meet, at Chattgrin abouta foct, mghnser Theaetranl: V''ibe'b 'th'e'greMi.'' MplO-4vi; ganerAUjtofthepartyoffaOralrefo "ffrStipossible that .w-mcn-tmn.pe deceived "by such tncas? uan theyAUstaip ifo plunder. era in the far.p: n ? it r; f ' " . ir w kiqi i a ik tfi'ji ri 1 1 agQiboTiBnrhJml tftettt'with dla mmp(8ojdm& beetfUluWta GbvefnorggaAsBfAaii address f1hathI? ' -tCarpet-bag goyeru- meirorTh Dest thmsr KdWtlWiro H'd'satisfv tha hvi: ixreaecaegaand njLi.aikJB&AAaA8ai give- not &ti -a a . l-!i.i.:Srr! - 1 f 1-f il'l J I 'll m if i it n i . i ii if itj r i J,erry vim ry- Obrlgelvertainffi' Lbusiness and a biiilasrftaTruiwW pifWW rmnr,18aW8 cans "S',Agugwj oiou.m, ;wpw rjw wf inewi as ucean epnngtvaim. Ho deave them -free .blihalltaa-SfcA 4.MT-tMlil dmirably, an5 very far. superior to, ordinary rsMGhublMkiittmlMiii Several ibthew jhM&,MkmtM utv ftJ: SmmmA '1' i , sWrf; Always ready for use and easily applied: torvthft foOoalMonveis vmcma piooi ne cou 4nGtyOcors-i fwiMft fianeW faoraet aialdonaltM8 "uri?s ;5ta feeteJLipVf uavutJ,4.iuv.UMMK vuci neaxa jamxr tne xeirisiature. tov - Mr. Jos. 11. Branrbwhrh m arrneas - ' ore exie Hha a8ed,.thxs trtdjjivffatpiitpyflJhch waited until h frt hia suns wbejr;);h shot -Si. Xoth 'were dmnklSPd. aau UkaL . . ....... . -- " . - - a t Written for the Charlotte Observer. WHW YORK ijaTTERT City a Little Dull Better Times in Store-New Bumngi-PdUkiFvM AfteiioWlwgHkyearfB aK U Wtvirnindsvra riftt cheer rt r:hSaeiThV5tibt wertever, extracted by hpniitinil harbor does noi presenvutH looerioryou can cross I were eaidtobetoo deep ta thep femadwav now wore easily-ithouttfotprobing:. - . - running over omnibusses. Merchants say their Fall trade has been light. Some of fhAm think. thougb-thftL lEese catioue-purcliaBea indicate.-a rpturn to hones(taBdJatftn!eaiing, ""Piir'when. our coram ercia Wfa happy ihLax gLeher.all.yv R-i-Uritti ftet! McDOa1dab4i edm-l3'ethi.the-reWot fbfe Uanded' tidiaeW'4beottliJ pf cy is wisy uuiiaing'.- sira-iiyw . i Office ineHrlyftrii8bd;t5Ikmt 4hef lower end omtHair.rknaas i j irtge:iiH!vt3 israwiw.BMcuww-'iHajaxiaii, J.nitf com ton tu hjo.ao e w if ic., , h 'ifl frOtt ) 1 1 few blocks lower .Uow.p. jjr.oHUtyy. The lower story is'oT gi;amrftml, tne thr ' HeVfen'or1 1 eighty tit red. ' pT?5' wiih'broad whUtniHis -Atwht it tWa nA. ln nianihirt tw&l it will Wta "tttrJd' Khispei5ingialr lery ;." messujgfs Xrpmf!tbe;foucotnir8. of the earth will : pusUnqitaneonjiiy J pany nave aoui qniuipvijv,kuptPf''-J Ji " !' ' I All. into its long cur, aiunlesa'soejaeaa fija Change takes place ,m. the Asspqateu PreSsT the archHgcliUf bfeauVijes W the striictute ill ThdtJbtf 1hapb6priHte The inew -7Vt5unfUbuiMitig ; topples caujeiivAaAJixuielMUl of us ever tr8oiigh .- IHsmext door to the 3n(t:rj23iTii:e8 the lat t r loot lite"tpy-h"puseM 'I'ber great beMr3, so .waipiift;, to lsue from tne towering raicrare, time alone can.telLf:; j " '-. i ; y rant h ; Jieputuie coineap out next set tnat wui take any mine, t . Higher up town qppdaite the Grand Central, is the Messrs. BrooksBroth-- ers clotltfng estaWishmenl. r IV is rirobablv he neatest store" 6t the) kind ,ra New .Ybrnif ,lhe. Hnd liiafcouii people eenerally like m preferenet. to the tinsel that has come in' with shod 1 dy. jiThe proprietors are fcitheigan-j tleraen, or require gentlemajjry;;cohj duct on the part of thejrjsale&iiien. '.- I rwish to 8iiy,tbir because, in their Catherine street J8t6r"e,"which, is. in, a low '.parfi of ! town,. I hayeeeeti! thei humblest customer treated as bofite ly as if ithey were like thft-optown folks--couId see no end to their mon ey. Still highernup:nreIJlhe;h6w churches, cathedral and synagogues But of the8 some Other time. lffll' - - , -r - I- M y-' wiuyou nave .some politics it is Tildeft or Dix here-Sam my and Job n ny. I wish all our poor Southern States were as well satisfied -about the decency of tlreir- Gubernatorial candi date as New York seems to be about .her'si They : always 'makepolitfes Iivelbere-atid if you can fmd.a, good nlace and look on it is verv fnntiv. q The event of the Week has been the shooting match it Creed moor between 4ho Irish and Americans. It basaev- ex be&n surpassed, : I knew a, shooter not a thousandnnles from Charlotte, (Gastbrr county in fact! frhdVcah ' kive you. anyr part of a squirrel you ask for at any -distance the shopter cart See thfi animal, btit 'it would push' him i ti make iu bullets cut bunch, pf grapes,, ts it were, out of a btill 's-ey e af VXtti yards distance. btill,.lA would like to see him try it. The Beratdxtexi nvorning after the match had a diagram . of the ground arid ofall tha tareta after the score,1 Arid I Ihluk the- Jrwh men were as 'much-, struck - by-,, the wonderful journal as they -were by the wonderful snooting., fjraitn; an' we mver saw the bate ovit a alfatmll V :m .. STATE NEWS. . .i.itliiit-. . - 1 Th'e Tremaine Brdthra and John g' Pierson. will ieTih;this State .this Raleigh1 didu?ei)rahiiCvaKy!: , military-roonipanv! last " weekl but a til x-LzJ- --- - ' i ' - nicotian uuujio uibt;au a , 4 .. frvrT November 14th- is-tlie anniversary of i ihferrftrai&itibniiof Jthtrilhta 4f ' nGjEasshopperft have cPnsidera&lyln urPd rthn: redder lt-rrt ;rrv-Wa ureai wie; loader i pros nect Si ktrd- other western : counties? ii nthWuniiitihi fU .r"-'-i! .T..-rji T"".? 'Anere wereoui two aetnsitt'TSaiM-l K and one 'of tKbsefiron a-.t-,. ktt ? , . The VyettevilWMiM6r 'H Me SUq test paner"Jut In North i a k na.r rintectaud edited bv -vorniP icolorarl mBa. ii ays. -jia Doiincsitanubiican i -PrKP, E. Hines, of BAleigbvalwavs fcarries an eight-poOTdtfTOcP itf 'h'is yuJ5&Jv"M,'wea. ne-goes'into see a patient, anchors his horse With a rein ttached to the rock. 1 rChaTleS:Ren .Ei sSiiWeelft Ah- vw k. jL jvL;.jfbx:j rfai-M Ii Ak ..rS?J?SM "f WWmx-.Uot the. tMnrmn59flf llnitaa States! i fcroot aftreatiithe lnfluenclib county, m Qnimmfvmr tft.i.ivttieigu Qn xnuri If ir IT J W rH 1 1 1 VI r iiU ivi firpripon i :tT wSh.W rneKJAyUgd0fiX)riiii toexrjt rain,aaa;1coUision withtiartgsf T' ;Vtso rlrMaBBireMt COnilUir trains andtha'1Ahinfra'-Hwriti:'.'',-. " f ,,!' 'rii cJ Vi JUtLll "J w : fnnTi train,1 anahatithtafraerdv ; - -.-7--TT J"??? rKiiVv irvrjx'tr-vj waBWM.w tmKenvu A.;M.itnhsii.iann.MuaKMt' 1 p( thto mlh iuT etui. Jcmedgergoodaw jH ariatlla 'tei'tMnj j drnnlrdja9diittk -j.u i -r Si Dasid iftin!ttr otrGfeensBoro conctutf&Tlb play ajbke on some ladies returning fromWourdhtXiight. ly getting in a fon nchnrntrsfCnl; ifrl2htening them ;jl Tf Wnail4 1 T ifJ .RllXPPpd SO Well tlwl Bffrinbsed rrifeftteiiid party, cot a skot can atod fixeMpon the "booger 'U Dr. B. A. (pheek, who took from the leg of , Kellura all except three, whicn Raleigh News: been shown the We haYrent3y commission issuea Josiah MarUn McDoaV.itjWkii. bi recoUected TJas 'VhieRairt . pf th- Flora MctteinaULl Nere.jftiseiv - ;dJ timiQ&Mrfevhte com ni rssioiKva great curiosity and hltf b'Mtphas- r nation. ....! i-'x SaJisbjiryi JrdMnGej s ,A et! Jearh'1 ' owiisb Wat Wan wif fodnd dead e-.learii frwn Tow itt cond dreekJ Jriear Tbiafira 'huf ch 16W H H ew 1 8 ins tjg Th b- i r cti hfs ta mceis arcfoHbwa ti'M that Wr Mun?oe Jafr riicanie toiiiailiduae thi moriifing arid told fcim tht Borae.negro cuuofe: Jhad .inicf mearmm;:tna snwr, ueau Mi ww8"tii v.m ' he went to ihft creek ana there. oho the man i fldatihtr on the w'ateK.wilh rdbe ardund h b6dy. tMr.' B. tbtnki lie in niMio . iubu, uut m (uw t hiivri hAAn? tn?t.hA -water fot rilnft Mfir day h 9 U nwblti to lay fchthr4fl' Is whiter,orbiaokj'T i f Mai, Hall laid the facia be foreriCoro nerf c aley, jvjb;0 Jeft at ,oocb ; to insesti gate,uieH4ttor.;X , ,; . ,j it e-o A persons SunennT)n.lspepeai,:liU ious Complaints, licv13-03nstit,tfon, Sict Heaaacoe,. r ever ana i Ague, '-NeafVouB Debility, or of any; disorder atfecting Abe stomach, Jiver . or .kidneys, cleanse and reenlate thettr bv 1isatoJtpnt, VKUlffTABLK L4VEB FILLJ8 Thy-acfc very tini'dly; yet they..th6roaKh W v restosa tlia ftniUoial iw4ion of the- fti- rgestire' drgaiw and 'the'inte8tihes, and: re- toovatef' the ; whofe system Th6yprodnce neither nausea, griping or weakness- nd .tuay be taKeo any .of diet oroxhpatiQn be taken t anytime,, wtbout 'change Sold, fey !. Druggists. , A distinguished clergyman roC KewcYoRSK speaking of this remedy characterizes, itaii one of the iBpeciar ' blessings of the nine- teentn century. The certainty of its heal ing effect." JBatd he.and the immuniti fromirdancrer? :whette adthinlstered wchil dren or to adults, adapt it for tbe. widely popular use ) it has attained.'' . None would !ong: snffer from long complaint if they knew how easily they can be cared by this remedy. By its timely nse all oulmonarv diseases may be arrested, and consump tion the scourge that sweeps away thou sands every year would be checked In its commencement.' Persons- with a seated cough, which breaks 5 , their -rest -at night; wiu nna, . or? i axanz Jthe. Jucpectoranttoa going to bed, they may be sure of unbro ken Sleep and refreshing rest Possessing ayery pleasant taste it is easily adminis tered to children. BoJd i by ail Druggists. Labratory. 48 and 20 CourtlandBt... New York. r ' lfeblOdeodwly 4 : . .i ; ' .- J . DRTurrs HAIR DYE. : .: Possesses qualities that no other Dye does. It effects is instantaneous, and so nataral that it cannot te: detected by--the closest, observer. Iti is harmless;- easily1 applied. and is - in general -Use amone' fashionable hair dressers 5 4p every . large, -dty In the Price $1 a box. Sold everywhere. aiiUi. j ainois Boils? Tetter.5 andH Salt3 Rheumrl ieftjdaeadyRingwojmv3enmatism I '-Nk flL il. ... S- ocroiiua Ud ...enurgmentor theftonesleRwwealsxk't'ir. Kamiw Carriages and ..Matched 0xJ.3J. -r T-:-- T. . L. ! a. birfnJ)rtUMTmtafttrSHAi.m.ii't ican. dlci iiilv . a jkiiiii ri inrn iirimw 11 ilk, DiciiiiiLV. ueuujrruuai ur..wiuua. RvnU:TiriitnntiJkt4i KnrM(T4VMMhIfii A?-f MejranaiTaindaad3Hessari tiiriy'r" Affi f -An,ivr mil to. medical unimrtW lb enin uatiiUin irfK-f irwataeft.nd.eradicate S-S;irar lffifHPBoo Odd and Silver Lnrntf" Watchu i r KEEP Tit K.BjMWlHKAl.THY iil and all will be welL ,TQffda inothiaalnmh- Giibx in.0fl0t Ticket rllmited; has ever been. 6rlefef , tTiat'cgin., .compare with tliis taruaDl'gebte'extr $1.00 a bottle. Sold by all Druggists. -"Offloe uoimnaMSweets , msr 28 i CbarlouciSaf&le Works. AVING .made fayorabla arrangements for the purchase' of "largequautities, bt BiaiWa a Rossis aice ttf thepmV be that I have reduced the price of Graved stones and M competition i dfo: ' Jri TVW9VP, ' opwm -attention given to draftiD g and matrancfeUr- f iharFamilv Monnmenta.'orhavincrihft Rame L manufactured in Italfi '?J a i .- A.' r a 1 r fjl r r rr'-.wn a i ki,.;,1'.!!! 0wiaii m The rraidSZlfflihJ - "ave Wnt S.IVaAoslA BuweHiitAltOfey! I IMlMtf A HtaM A A - vmnwuHAr "a. i I l curoing, lence posts, oemeiery lei enciosureSi HiA ;!I7rill be t my office itfthf urfteuse I TVMAAf IWAi Vlnff Ta.TPl.dUAOJ' nnUlid T Mitatiei nemeroriasiyearneeu.noioojirior joda..i; . t . .1- .iH,'-V".' "I 1 ' indulgence than the ha .tPxitober next; as that is my aaverusmg aay tor court, t runst hsvemOTeylimatetucappeftl1lT septrjL3t jpooa laim. auci-uo - ncrTi)AqienxssWUiJ tome lowara auu. . wjw.m;.tior peiied by law to nse more senn ll ' f M.E.ALEX ep- r.r-r:9nt war i"tc?rjtig7l-jtJr' tii.a 6A?wwevtfPI,o'aA'eU OtTOSi'A.COtitubVA waT,Wfa tTnil CFFIfrr . WB again as&nto 1nrie the -attention of j fc4he trade to the lamest and most va ried fWck? READY-MADE r CLOTHING, GENTS AD LADIES FURNISHING OOODS. .(TOBILFOrJNDIHB STATE: . u. Jti.-. ,- ii":" ?.?""?". "- irijr4Qnte; stocthf Drasrf Good. Sites: selected with snecial reference to bril- The largesMirieof Alna ever present- ed, includingthe lowest price Goods, i as the finest Fabrics. v well vuiiuru, juonoie warp ana j1 ace. vtrana DpehessEcUpas, 811 k tioished " Black - Bril hantine. an entiFely nw P&tem. rnadeiroi the wool of theTnrkisb enat. much, io: uwirovs uian pore Mooaircnawis. t . --rv iiCi. A : 1 vVfe-ara offeianga Urge;?aTiety w' Ji:'! '( Foreign and Domestic Silkaii ( embradng rnvelUes of HVmbst de- ignand iinith,,, )Uuk Merinoe; and Gash-1 mere shawls, , JUdws and Uents,4Traveitng ShawW;"and Lap Rdbes,'ln fineVariety'. , Gi'iGralnandVelVfitRibborisJallwldtr arid, qualities, in a complete rauge pf -qrlor$. Silk 8rrs Ruching Beltings,' Steer.Mhrjd- co anaKussinn- LeaiDer, anacugie iruumca BLEACHED ;ANI; Elia,W'N SEIB ings' in4 ;t gheetings. ;;Piltowcasewj Linens. Table Damasks. Towels, Napkins and Table Diapers are offered at extremely low prices. Flannels, loneey", Jeans, Caasl k meres. Coatings, new styte'Repeiiant. Blank- era, eeanterpanesf -Bed xwvers,1 sncl-an'ete gantlinepf . i-A'-'" i CAEPETS and HOTJSE FURNISH- aril! be sold at astonishingly lowpriees. ' " GREAT INDUCEWCIVTS ; will be o&red;iA(ReadyAnadeJolhirig nd Gents fdtnishing Goods, Bogt hoes,lMP Cabs.1 ITnibreiras. ".Trunks. Satchels.- Reti4 FeuJesi arfdTttatiy other entirely :hw Hnei'bf Fancrv &od,"wMoh' 'hayi'becn-added ttetsu ueparunent,-wno, wn ute-asststance Lpf ftlarge. corps oi polire, attentive Snd ex- penencea salesmen- win endeavor w wait on the trade in such a matiner (as 'will we hope) I Unsure for US; a continuance of that patron- ; I v l t l 1. j 1 1 I I lness in me last twelve months. ; t .. .. An early calt and' carefhl examination Is .respectfoiiy solicited from air. . KespectrullV, : , Lr McMURRAY & DAVIS selt-tf. COTTON BUYERS - AfFICE abbve the store; of R. km. Miller vy - & Sons. -libcralT adyanceso'made on consignment of COTIyN, jo ba, sfld here or in New 'York.' '' " All consignments will receivepWrapYper' sonai attention.- - - - sel8 tf. D. MACATOBAWCO. t? ft J The onl Reliable Gift ''Distrttttttion in the , r country f a I 'r AX UABL E : $100,00000 . sto , Bav.DisiaiBirrxj nr , L;;D;;; SINE'S , -.1 4$ta:- Seml-Annnal : BUT tpa uiuwnMOayycan. - UIIU vUllitllUsxUtll i lllk . I tllbM frva TPaizss!fl4500 ,iviCJ0Creeacks . 1 T i . i' V -.-7: --'TrTB L"-rwrn-" . a - i - - - - , i : . . . - . - .wewea.wiuirSUTer-ffieanwiij.aaar-f i ' neB. worth aiSOOeachl '( Aflfllb t a. t ...niA.(,wtfc. Ten Family Sewing Machines, worth S100 eacqW. rifflold, Chains SilveHW &e i4 t,;rW- saxt .l-Si itVasK' H AGENTS , WAlEIKfeiTCVSEIJ TIttKETa,.jo whom-l4eralreml i tn AAh l jreul-r: Fe1H H8ketK$20 twenty Five; Wfcf. lQ fcidewriDtioavof i tbk jrtanniT odratmr U adtOther information, Jn - xeferenc.: tpishav SAAWerS y i . , '.ii LKS.KHOISEHY,'J B HAT3 CARy i ql fnn Idfi v. mu EIITERPEISB lf?C. Jj . J.'UJ Ai.J - X ,T, w J 5 iir ww ww v w atji Mtr raa j m ' n . an .nfiimmnMr a ji aHnrFUVftViun nu-v J-r ' f . . . 7,00 AfWiwr y. ;t IbrtfMeatanfl SWeet Potatoes at Wcffetq T fep l&j,ao,ftMgr-ftda a'fai r ;v . . twncE, .,;. .wt -OnciwurtLs04.!S Dein8 Tady mixed," teat 1 give you permission it it is desirable tul&ig nd truly, M k BARGAIN is offereij in a Sawrna;rTO)lota" i ; ' -- .. . . - EiigliWrfflipacir Jl Vl'jJrA PHlLIP8Vi - dklreruarsWiR BUI mtmesuTeijtirne'peBt JBrepamBOH-'-rnown-wr- i'"?llUB ANDEit.- s.l anduiikireriaMKiRBURWErXiS.Car MOM ASTS OMOBTH! li f , 1 I 4 I, L- I f i ! I U I P : 'i i ttLTEVlNJMrra T CHARLOTTE COtILD BE if ADE WH forlth rtensiwfLade of vonr section.'Wliichhas -ftrevionalv , sails! tbelNeith, ling ample capitakand must extensive tock tfaLxisesE 6 GROCERIES-AND PROVISIONS, ra offered to the Trade from luceinens in the purchase of your goods, as will make it to your interest to buy from us. -Jg& have been established in business luutfBn'quBlr tU' 'awltat'JttuTTfaBCT-'Waut:1 and"irr the purchase of our Stock, "this ixas, Tmnrriira..Jefinera'TMl3Manrift carf make inb'your' MfeWst to deal with: lus. HA-iux a. JuitOiiUlbsana naving treoiea witnin tnree years, w-m close alteptien taefjintrrand- vfiheS Of our -tOz Our EstaMlihtaent. ;Weaslrandin' f5ienda.t0.cail.0a us ?i A 'oor-mrnmdCKB'dilding . 1 nil ! 1 r- : SSfeetoiirColland' 200 feet ou Fourth StJ Itn . is the largest business -boiisein fhe State.4 HeW" we will.he, piea.-jeil,4o show them the I and PRICES of the ohlv VVtMlsl ierT t .. . . ,t-. W. ... .. HAt- Houhc in Chariot tev'-' ,1 .-T 1 ti :!- . Acaih thankinar kindly tf'rerieroris ftUsVpublic b .dealing nesa ir ne ias six years, We nope author tne same. rrr s . juorner or For Price "List, or any other i nformiitiori, iUCUllllC HblCUllUII. .W.e.are.the Airents for the celebrated cheapest, finest finished, and most substantial country. Price Ruced.. Warranted twelve 1 ft" PLOW. Agents alsotbr Wattr Plow and castines. Va. SutBcientto tV wehavetlleni always CaUlogue prices, freight adaed. Address, uctz-tr. fi, D. WADE. PALL' TRADE 1874. TO THE E ARE NOW OFFERING TO PURCHASERS their Boots, Shoes, Hats,7rfranl&c., AT Boo. and Shoe Establishment, Opposite Central Hotel, Tryon St., Charlotte. N, C. , . . WE keep the only strictly BOOT AND SHOE STvJRE' to be found iii the city , and having bought our goods exclusively for CASH, in such quantities as to command low prices- we flatter ourselves that we cannot be undersold in the Sooth.' 'Call anrf sa n and we will satisfy you that we have the best TRADE. ., . i Octl-tf. ! GREAT DISCOVERY- ... V - -: n.i.i. I I. Bradley's Patent MADE Pure White Lead, liinseed Oiland i . i READ THE FOLtOWING TESTIMONIALS : From Prof WO SunmonS, Wake Forest College, North Carolina. :..:,v ...';" i 5 ' WAxfKFoBiiOTCoixirNCyOclrjer4,l73.!' - Mr C P AioW-iDeer.Su : We have for several months- .reeB.a.usinir u yourt Bradley's Patent EnanielJpajlntpn eurrCollege Building, 11 1 - : SUpenor . ! From Messrs Xnglehard &-8atmders. : We desire to call especial attention to the was appiitsu uy uuo uaviug uu eii:rieiii;c in ouuu wira, vcuwo-uayq oruuuuiuu. tve continueta use it-rbeuvini? that in point of economy, durability 'and facifitv of app tfon it is superior tq any other mment!Oflred in the market. W G SIMMONS. Paint.' We can recommend it from a knowledge pf Us-ruerts., 8Qruso&tbe employees, u av-'wiuceotiT'tft$'purcnasmrBuuic) ui .uiis hftveused iti and sneak in the' highest terms rn?siasujwie-as-ordinary paint, lcnas a mucn inrocoinmeo4 tt to. au, tq jaeeq .or naint . -r'St.-.-4 From S -: t: i -5 if ft &&btrt$ii ,Tha paint came safe to hand as ordered, 2 kegs, 5 jpl$&ni eacH, ar)d 3 bucketsl gallon caclu : As, practice was slack, I did the job myself. Two weeks flibtccStonty work: completed the house, tsnow generally conceded, that, fbr "enamel," bima lkn. s n nl. I. 3 C 2 . I. a rf-which is." an item, iuat. now-with the uia uB-orate- Any country iaacan ihp wants of our neoole in excellency of I . 1 . . . " From O-il ne, of Uie.Firm of Bartlett & Raynel 8 Carondelet, Street. '; ' . . - .iP H7 isr! Alt a. t.1 n-jss. t,!i jutt'w . Jj.P AstwlfcKn M. Weht Tnnbard I f FJrStojidjtise you Aow-well BatmhetJ l am with Bradley's Patent Enamel Paint. r.., tiWpnty square yards, two coats.' ,-; . , . , . ! T T tl -a . " T- - r 1 toenu muueements to tne trade; , 1 4 .-a 9d, and Small Hama, ABa?KCofl!Bgnga pto fterjings, sMsmdies and KaU of all-kindA. In fact eyery Rrticle thatianmiallw kr in flrlass Qrbcrry and Cbhfectionery cwe tJUTig at the uising Sum tl Hvat e"KTI rtotkBrw.eountry.'But RckledJtnried Beef. Beef-Tonirues.. T) T in .i 1 3AtEliHlKET, iSdght-mLbuyirM.place in STpenenbe. we- have bonght Hjle largest and this Doint. We Dronose to ofifer you such been done. ..; Buying from first hands from we fd satisfied that we Our annnal saW?dy Kiearlyt indaitirv and a Customers, to merit! itinuawcefthelf SPECIAL. iWe1ne5eave' to UM "(aaL'attdtitlon to ihe Ucf -fca dur stock 1 neensists only et Groceries. 3 and .Provisions, to-whie& rjthaWjHbjWS whBefep- By vyac jmagisg groceries a. asndaryconflidatIon the T assertlonb of ethers ito the' Jhoatrary Botwithgtunrting. for thTfefy pattering increase in ourBi' fait 2niJ legitimately, to merit a confefta college ana m) CHARLOTTE, flf. C. please address as above, which will haveim Studebaker and Millnir?i Wnonns the Fah a FiAsxrmv jigonaa Wki the morithsl f IglSll r Tiiim .iUUI!i.U manufactured bv Watt it Call Richmond. on hand or will owier to suit'cUstomlBrg. It. M. MILLER & SONS, Charlotte, N. C S. S. PEGRAM. PUBLIC. unparalelled inducements to buy OUR in 1st National Bank Building, f- stock of goods ever offered to tiie RETAIL WADE A PEGRAM. nilTlMilMNA onEf attention are sriven.and we wter wiiiprevent Mckneat ot"pam mt eaant of read; r -read: Enamel Paint, FROM Zinc, and Always Ueady for Use. and are weU .pleased nwUh it ,.,;ThouKh:.it . 1 a ttt l ii Biiaii lica- Editors and Froptfttdrs 'aournal?' f advertisement of 'isradley's Patent Enamel panib, (iM'QvVi 4 a4MiaUWOOC'uiiuiuore, of it, after a trial of several months. - While oner nmsn,ana its cost ana convenience ttttcmftmtii-.-'c-.n McGUirM4)s two coats : the last, coat I, a applied, thick, and it like hAtdhesaandVbody anil ibarmouy-of T Cirt -t - i A 3 l A 1 i 'Southernnpeople? - '; It IShouM' "getrerally appiy jv. a nave never oaDDieaio suctsrpcK apraDiuty pr, yptuU5n.ame vr ai n v;to TnateriaJ.;VanT)eaut'v bjTfioloiv"aiM.in.lhelfiAanr . . " -... . - z - . ,i ..NEWbteWiT.rriirVk29. 1874 Street BalUmnrnnPAr Sir: It afforrln m KNIQBT. Sola rant. i 93 West Lombard Street, Baltimore Farm for Sale iH RAHAM A NASH have ssveral very de- from ISO to 800 acres each. Call on r- : c armaaai v n tim m a j m: - iimiajiii awmj. i fin e . -nw a wv. innrfrimnB''.U - jfotm embershln la trie PatroriS' ttt Tlriarjanl dry, for sale 1 J- -! ' - UM v-t iJt TVf'ir AiMtm I -A RADWAYJS .READY, RELIEF CTJRIfSTHE WORST PAINS In from One to Twenty Minutes. NOT ONE HOUR after realise; this advertisetMat Beed aay ona surraa with paim. , RADWAVS ready relief is a cure fob EVBEY PAIS, v.,'-- i ''" It wMtheSmanla ,ry The Only P a iii It erne dy that instantly stop the nw4ceruciaUn pains, allay Inflammations, and rnres 1 Lungs. Stomach, Bowels, or other gland or organs, by mpuarwnecaeror tne one i application. no matter how violent or escruelallng,Uepala the RHEUMATIC, Bed-ridden, mnruuuapplsuVfie frtft r. rrana, AbWAY'fi 'READY RELIEF W I till AFFUKU WSTAST BASBV,, . .. INFLAMMATION OF THE KIDXETS. OIWRfi rjos. SORE THROAT. DrFTICTjI.T RREATrTTNO PALPITATION OF TH8 HEABT J1JSAUAUH1S, TOUlUAt;rlll. ' t- i tie apyncattoa of nie it sxeuerto the Barter parts whettlwaiter Aimguftj xiu wUl afford ease and Comfort . TwejUydropain bnlf a tornWer of water will In a few "TjYSE !CTER J. .COLIO. WIND IX TUB BOWELS, an a j r. i not a rem. : TrshicVyfHow ,an4 etner , Fevers iadrir.RAD WAY'S PILL81 so quick atf BAOWATVbJUJOT RE LpFt. rifty cent per bottle. .oPT?!TR. -ana . i r I UkKUJrl i a STBONO AND PURE RICH BUW)rJJTffiRAR1t OF FLESH AND WEIGHT CLEAR SKIM AND BEAUTIFUL COMPLEXION SECURED TO at.t. SarsaparilM Eesotat THE GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER. HAS MADE THE MOST A8TONISHIXG CtTRES: SO QUICK. SO RAPID ARB TUB CHANGES, THE BODY ITMDEROOESrVNDER THE INFLUENCE Of THIS TRULY? WONDEBFCIt HKDIQINB. if! fliis ifin i Mm Mmmmm m W eipiiii'lieeii aaf felt ' 1 ISrwyi drop of the KARSAPABIUXAIT EB80L VENT communicates through die Blood, Sweat, Crta. and other Fluid and juice of the ayatem the vigor or life, for it repaira the wastea of the bod j with new ana sound . material. Scrofula, Syphilis, Consumption. Ulao4nl4.rd taease,' Vcvr ta the throat, Mouth. To- . niors, Jtoootln tbeGlandaaoU other parte of the system, Sore Eves. Stromorons dischanres from the Ears, and the worst forms of Skin diseases. Eruptions, Ferer Sores, Scald Head, Ring Worm. Salt Rheum, Erysipelas. Acne, Black 8 pots. Worms in the Flesh, Tumors, Can- vTpnvD, ana aii weakening ana painful ais- fweatt, Loss of Sperm and all wastea of tier are-within the enraUra ranee of thla wonder of Modern Chemistrr. and a few dava dm wi.l nrore to any person us lag it for either of Uuaa furms of disease its potent power to care them. If the patient, dally becoming reduced by the wastes . AM dVecim position that is continually progressing, sao ceeds la arresting these wastes, and repaira the same with new material made from healthy blood .and this the SARSAPARIIXIAN will and doe secure a car is -- far wlteti. one rhlajemedsLoensnencna Ha I work pf f unftcron. awl aic-tn?dimDlti4gg the Mommw w wHn. .in ii-paii. wut Kro rapw, WLLMA the patieatwill feel himself sro wine better ajidatratcer. the food digeatias; better, appeUte Imarovlag, and ftsaa doe thewviif tanitf Rxso.Tnrt excel an knows remedial agenta in I be cure of Chronic, Scro ta loos. CoRMitational, and Kkiu diss as; bat it i Ute only posiUTe cure for iitla, urinary ana Homo aueases, I Dronsv. Stuppaxe of Water. Incontinence of Urine, Bright' Duv - a. Aioammana, ana in au cases wnere tnere are i-rck dusutejtosita.or the water is thick, eloady, mixed tkii siMnc liao ne white of an egg. or thread like white eitk. or there is a morbid, dark, bilious appear- siice. and white bone-dust deposits, and when there in rrb Bluing senatkn wlien naminir water, and puin in. us Small ui the Buck and aluug the Lolas. DR. R AD V AY'S PerfectfiiiiatiyeMealEps perfectly Hsffleiw, eleganUy eoated with sweet ram. purrs, rarnlate. purify, cleanse and aire net. Rad- way-ajnua. lortnecnrec MTVri mwn. 4HWJ .viwuir, T".Ji pensta. .Blitoosni Howela, Piles. .11 - - tJt U. TnMMH,. ' r, muajfinwuuii ui lam Viscera. Warranted to effect a posUiT cure. . Pareiy . Vegetable, containing no mercury, minerals or deletari- onadntca. - A few doses of RADWAV8 PILLS will free the aya. Veiafraa all the above nmn1 disorders. FrietSitmU9 n Jtamp to RADWAY A CO., No. St Warren St, New fork. nfonnaUan worth thousands will be sent job. . At a White House, f.i IN ...... .. V , inston. -artaree1 rot of MONEY TOpposfeeVto1 rhave been dropped by parties representing A 'itii oi tHfiw.ii.w so )m :ti l while on a visit to that placeuj,, Jjj'vj iJfv.. All the Monfcy Can bo Made saw mm Rl . jvhois salUnaLOlfatl of his' ftria'GDtJ and SILVER WATmEVW&$lmJWl ELjRY, 8ICYER and -PLATEI WARE, SPjECTACLtSrBteM to. prepare for a splendid FALL STOCK; ' i Those Who Want Bargains Come' and SB Xt tbfs mbJishuank wVeal JSratt, and Gold, Gold? Everything warrant rar THE u not remftdUf atitlft rtvU worm that wioM Fvr mca i TUTtiTiTanrr Bladder JUomvla XraVel. Diabetes ed aa represented... , f!..; .,: . . .j i ulilM J XllbVhigbest price paid fo old; Hold i 'and feUVBf. ' " 1 " ' -"' " " - I Watapeaj Clicks and Jewelry re anu -warrantett for 12 months at v apl24. - - t,fU ft .. . -! '' ... , j.i.nf. i. .1 i Jl'l ltl. iMHIl':!!' t,ij ,4 rt - ATLANTIC HOTEL, k t i. . BcAuFOKI, H.'ir. REMODELLED and refitted by Its present owner, B D Graham, Esq., of Ueeklea burg, is open for the season oi 1874, unoor - FBONTINU TnEt OCJEArr . ...... TBBMS: ?L Diffi Ji Peeekvtl5j5oT'" Two Weeks a5.00. Three Weeks XiSM.' Foor Weekf43,b0L Calendar Month ImSjO&V ,lh:L?iJ22PTieU' rves to hlmselt teiw of good character, or whose company may ,Runal""elf orgneBtsTT'- . New Management. . aUBLprrsjaiii i July 2-U. A-vi" prie 1 2-! ' it unfit P. LUDUIG friends 2J I .that ha baa opened in the baaement of I : t I mu B aal emnsd in tha tuanuint if i.Xager. Ale arid PorteKiisentto acmieUes att, - Per dozen, bottles to be returned " La- fr on draft sold aa anon aa ri inn a win, mma VMS. 4. i1 .fT nv r. be mounted. lnlvA.tr . -