MM SB mm h'f ' M rW of wri-giy s?lr n, Uiskv. or i'QdteVjBtfVXrom Jeat 'tis lo bathiSA'lli'MMymoBe off lustre, ust carried nomc from'a drunU or When J buster. . i..:- hpnntituf hair ! - , , .. ...t - Hair, im - llrtnrpft,Vifriffhtful fairiHTm i'.,iwn as me 111C v.-v ' 7 , ; - :t m..t startle 500 quicmffJwmeeo-J. Httif T-nd knotty, and not Idvercleati, Half tfiul IE HoW vV;th the tonga-or a'three- 81.00$ . i- t tbo terminous, andxiouleur d rose; It -flection MAyrrroraMiei, i.-jijiiq the" owner. hasijrone to thir deuce. . ,, ,,urly I I9V0 U,. fta .puMa uo- ! ,, i 'roui it the dlr of Jumper flows ; lins! beuutifu 1.; "1 -r , ..,-..a the "rum. I:, ihat were- co! t- -tf O.Wk! 1 ion. 1 ton!' for the ecstatic tIiaa ,11 .trilling a kiss ! full-flavored, wine-bibbing Will N'DGBRR. STATE )NSWJ3y Hi1 lsboro Kecor0 ;A! f ott nrg neg'rbl ir.Jerson Woods, was.praraitea tp jail here last wee.Vj.a'C barged with, knocking anotier..negrdi in-? tlie head with an axe helve, inpat roW whioboe curred near Cedar Grqy. , Tb e wotirrd-r .,1 np?ro. Willis Cooper1, had his skull Krnbpn and at last accouU-waa lyiftc-f- in .very critical joodQioBj; jTJt The iitue negtcL jti, ny,fy snui i.v ii small negro beyabfcrt.tlttv'o weeks ago, near Bull Head gropwn tV has since dierfV , 7 v.T r ..., Operations on thexKMsXto cot ton factory are prosgjJ&jl. Gen. Matt. W.'Rrtsbhi,oJne of the U nited States SeaatoM ftom 'North Carol'ma, is quite jllvatLthef.f3jidere f his physician in , Northampton .ounty. "' Xeiv bern Times thus treats a grave ,ubiect : A selected nine of obstreper . 1 1 1 s' v 0 u n gs t e rs y mengaggd on yes- rJay in playing a pracRQe .ganie,. t.ase ball in the EpjoaainChurcl vard. The way theYaadre hanle runs . 1 r nver tne craves 01 relatives or uarxeu ,10 MIS3 p i lips! .-T ,'v.V rKtocfrmWfrS like alid "cock taiVr and their shins against tnrt0tobstoe4lWlm.KE5this method oinrorme ; cmaj .unartpr! fritMfft 9iWk' iMitM Jtn I Dlavers of the National ffanle,' Wh6 ex-, pect to compete a.Raleigt4!:&8& .Z The capt.of aNorwegian Teasel trhieh arrived at WilmingtoTl a.felsryXagp: brought itU;WaWbffef tuHIe: caoj!;ht;on ibe WesternrWrCar while fsQTTM J&naltfjsffipie only diffrfee4etweeherltfo,ur turtles is that the shell is a: Hftle dart erio color.' ' " ' 1 ' Wilmington sieves; .aroiraigaty hold. ; A Union court tyHegro. named1 tfiick Horn, jsas AermuJy wpjundBd some days ago, by the accidental discharge of his pistol which be Jet fall The ball entered the left aide just below ithe heart. Several eases of meningitis have oc curred near Chapel Hill, but thus far none have proved fatal. . . , Hillsboro clamors fof profection 'rom fire. Piedmont Press : Mr. W. M. Puett, jf Lenoir, laid on our table; last weekj a beautiful specimen of asbestos 'that came from a vein o itbhlftiiheral in Caldwell county. This - mineral: can w woven into cloth. The cloth Is of course incombustible, ifcSQ&ltil& an tients used asbestos clotq rwrap up the bodies of Jljeir dead when ; they were burned so the ashes could btt saved. IfcrematinbecpqieapopiliaI in iwoes.tQS ffllvtbfrWWiSu Piedmont Prest: Charles F. Harris, of the Concord -Sun, -wrote a charac teristic postal card to a printer, in this place, desjring employment.. .JLhe fol lowing is an'extract "WhhAf Uo you want, how loBgtfd'yoa-proprose staying; how oftn do-tyotl "want to lraw your money, how much whiskey) do you average a; day", Mien 'd5')6tt! want to come, and'doc-u paft' yoTir; hair in the middleIraft! tnelques';. ""no sue answereu ngntjy you, can pack your candle ,,tg"aKKU -come flown." r:, -hu o - - .... . (Jiir -,; : ..- CHILD-ABDUCTIOir. A Case m PittsylVainV Va. J ITTSYLVANIA CoUKT HOUSE House, . ) '. Afery Mnrarff we nas before Judge" Ootesv thl morning., An 1 ItaHaTn Orirari-ijrindei accompanied by;;a'onl..kd.cbiJd Warn .... it- - ... - . T . ' . . ' -v-ic uu me sireetSj-rtne-roan. maKiBg '""sic and the woniaq bfeggiog-nwheft Sallie Frarfcis, -i frdm W.ord claimed the chUd(: Aofd had Ihtf Italian "rested! Mrsif hcis'gftyevaf taigbt; Plain and, terml '.tory'.4 She;;ays ?ne was divorcfl', frojin her husband n Halifax county in " 1872, and that "yr oniy ehild th apout 'fOnf given to her lnat he went to Tennesee:'tAkiitg:fhe chl1? with himranar'srJmeymi' arter-: jards wrote heen accidentafly, drowned in A sbarrel, pi water ; ai4 aftrsvaxds5?he wrote 10 her father:that ihff cbitd as4iving a!d well. ..if -n ui .A few days affo tb ese'Tta.Hah "tame oward the gpripgs,.; k y! - it 8ne recognuseA fne poy;,; ",er clld as soon.aa sbesaw- him, and ? ays she caa provt that'it is her cnud. The ItalianrrtheVother harTdi Says that it is bi'Wisttes,:cHildiiiwh'd companies Kltm ed ' lt pr6v from it ' acIns PaPers and passports ..,Jud? &les orderthotSi'riff to' thecnilrl in kitVit.ill'WTtmfnt) 'ay. ;3e ..quintessence of meamressxiff '""naiism i fr a paper to copy liLfi ns.fwM ahbtherapet- pbH "lien i K jl4rfVfij-.VlLnril ' credi ai48s ... vuc nn 1 1 1 fr. nrm u w TTrr titki it t up HfL D, editor", .ava.jia . anrl . an . a 1 pin mmr n a nn l V f ' yiA-r bSWH Wf AvaSrvfoild respectrdllyr: living naa n . uwt . : ,v 1 -i . I -i Kiialn r wt,' iTiHi'rvAfo rtf einublic in 'eetierfl A North Carolifiiataiby birth, but a hits isrjid,thafctke( BWlAmcricatfc chapelt (Rome; will -bb3ti-df 'lhe rhc-st eefluiifnl of -Tnodert" ecclesiasti L rX. SV0kh'Si 1 is wanted in Kansas is more teleeraoh 1 poles br'ifttronsrer onesuYirfhd ttvtire Ik)le lOfld'? oolyr,!tcni?Jft''riM'.we nmerea comi 'es5 (fbtefortabT.; 1 4 i'is f"vi niHK " iihdcwited. Tirtd 'fw; on tne eornroF TMde-and Uclleg' streets,' and having succeeded1 them in the1 GRO CERY business, now offer to tue citizens' 6f Oharlotte and tfa Burroundinr- sountryria el 6eJcted stock ' or Choice Parnily' Gfo- ceries, suited io the wants"of il, ernbrac'mij ererythtng usttally kpf lnf IfirstCliss Es tablishment. We promiscfaif Keating' n.d a strict ttention at all tt me lo! -the want b( tWfc wllt ialsodeal In grain'ankjl HridsofJ wumii l'ivuuw, wiiiuu yrnrveeuiu cur" rent WskrkfSrea. 'ti soHdi, in boptf Id mwiti ebffre of the public pfltorta ' Terms cashr WOLFE & NIS13ET.' (OverW.BTaylor'LOualiOiar tT.rf I TAKE pleasure In infonhiiHher imblid that I have again op0nexj.iiitopr' where you- (sari l ' you Sofas, '-settees, lounges, chairs and mattrassespirt "hthe same condi tion they were inwketryw bought them frotathQ storev. at reasonable prices. -I have Secured the services f a first : class ! Uphok sterer whoha?servei his trade: In -JRerUnv rrussia, ana wersrora can guarantee, satis faction toall-whoi may, be pleased ttt- patronr ise me. ; Orders for tpattrasses ! or 'repairing frm abroad attended to promptly. Just ReMtf, ' AT ' ; ( " K. F.' DAVIDSON'S, PARLOR Suits, Diessing Case-Suits, Ward 1 t t 1 .1 j t Whatnot. Chairs, Qfyarious kinds, such aa FoldiM CBsirerfiieaililrSf, f nT thfe i per forated ljbttAnhahftrtntmng enttredy new. IT-' KtVJ.i' Also, a new lot of Baby Carriages, and a large and elegant assortment 'of Brackets, a Wall Fockets and ttomtr -ana urusn Boxes GEORGE WELCH, KESIL18 meodV) inform Je clbxeai J. of Charlotte ana tricuuty,Dat as nermanentlv located in Charlotte, and of fers his professjoiial Public. Having had etet4!eifsi fii!xndon, ;with Arthur Gilman a well kiwwa and 4 feels coarJdeu4thaJ;he:can. give satislacUqp. i WhiS InWvi! SkST was irSftln the folih2w.4aJ 1 1 I i 1 JiluTUii ChristChurcJirBumtlo; ClirVW) Church, Staten Island; Bennett Building; : Drexel BuildiagtJaauaion. 8. Hopkins; sWeettBiii?' ster MfJrk -cityuiaiiOai; Ing. TProyidence, R. I.; Equitable Insur ance Building, Boston ; Mansion, J. Cald well, Boston, and many others. Mr. Welch w0 11 Off&i drawing designs, and aWngojpleW',pJans and specifications for buildings of every kind, and personally superintend th same. aag-7 Trad Street, Charlotte, N. C. NEW FIBITT. The undersigned take this method to in form the citizens of Charlotte, and the pub lic generally, that they have this day form a : copartnership, under the firm - name and style of ORES WELL fc W ALKER, and will do .'.business at AH: Creswell's old and tf you are not satisfied of the' fae oome and see how cheap you can ' tnry for tcuh. Long yarnsjind tpox; feces about (Inabaity to get money, don't pay our bills, and on first failure to meet your obligations, with us, twhen we credit at all) we will be com pelled to refuse fuiCTJigene, Our House shall fotefcrt&lass as to4 goods, prices and attention. Ladies can visit our store at all times without coming :fih ) eon tact ,Witl? intoxicated -men; as we i sell tm strong drinks. : ; ' : : Hoping by honesty -and politeness to mer it a full shareof Dublkt patroniee. n WeareVerv Kespectfuliy, CRESWELL & WALKER. ' A; CAEO; ' . Havine made a.' change in, my. business I now thank the public for past favors, and nMnAr.tfnllv ask a con timiation of the jctfully ask a con tmuation ol sameJiri-i cu i o A . t AMeWriaecourftSW tW T9th August must be settled w4Andr8ined at his place business.- liidi AiTdigeTitle men,wit,sone)f4yeftI Xf fcni and patiently." Conie up and settle - Kespectr fully. A.H.CHESWELI4. .. -."It : , FOR OkNEhundfeda and seventy-five acres of land ort fee Caroling Central Rail Road within 21 of vharlotte. On .the land is a btoMffiAQ PPaoBms,'inrporai,s wlt oHrWeVWrffirJe yduiftTortShafu-or 00 trees that will beta full bearing i next Serms . OCt6-lW K .-.,.:c yi-.- Ghester (S ffiltipotUr copy two times, and forward MlltO thfs office. - " " MORE LIGHT. TkE'undergLlxaving establiaKed him j self iftujreBspfistflinei ii .s.i Pure Astral nfad UerfHene on, iaforwVhis friends and Itnkt'he maybe found .hcrikCArtf of cheMtlSINTI SDIf.rvOnDOsite thWM:'kt:'Hie3cliaser8!' will he, sup- blied with AM very; best lOfoOQENE AND OTHER ILLTJMINATIKQ yiLS. at the very lowest pnees, wqicuwiivvp iwvu x" U-i i r ,1 advances roade pwClOS3Mgo"d r!' tomeforwew xorKo f Reference by Permission Cashier 1st National; Bank -RunV nhiWdttAiliafOeott ilelftm, Wm-Hf Hardiii Gheet?-. S 0 : Col W H McCorkle, W-KtoHtli. Vr.Tkwllla.-R.XJ. i.fnrj B. Special attttJoacgiWeJjt6. &" pulr-l caase ana saieip j (wqy iwfAs 1 salpf)BAqrecwcjsnsaA I uice next College t: Cnid - Hams, . shoulders, W tongs family flour, I,-, m rm Wmw( fnlly invitad- to.. fsTf 1 1 an f- HAVING lately opened with an entire ,luI)e'f stock ot Millinery, Fancy Goods, ?n5..f 8lected ocks in ClMlrl&iSSihSffiSfSS5 ever brxught to this market. Charlotte having long been in need o&tk first-lass . 31 9 q l?n G MILLINERY ESTABLISHMENT. ' wiU uct our business ex'cluslfely in : aoiuoH anmollol arte Millinery and Fancy Goods. As before made public,-our ? goods were' purchased at such EXTREMELY LOW PRICES, that we are now offering the same at from 50 to 100 per cent beK w-taew real vahw. We sell Untrimmed Hats at W cs, worth $1 to $150 Trimfed Hats,' all styles and qualities at low figUresr .vncqfrio white: GOODS, 1 .V,-VV'.VA Mv,'. '-')!v KffinoH T.inan o f 9 a(o rkAvirnMl V. f a Striped Nansook at 25 cm "pr.: 'yard worm w cents. feques at 221 cts per yard worth 50 cts. Towels at12i cts per yard worth 25 cts. Corsets at 75 cts each worth J.,25. Handkerchiefs from 10 cts up. In Embroideries, Jaconet Edging and In- S $VPwfc-l0fermS great inducements. ', Oor.C ii.Vi miu Swiss Mull, Tarlton. Cambric, Ac, Parasols at extremely low prices. THE CELEBRATED Japanese Fans With Cfia1flti and a thousand different tiovelties. We feel encouraged by the many favors already extended us, in the calls of patrons, who, we trust, have purchased at satisfac tory prices, anil "we shall endeavor to merit a continuance of their patronage, iuly 28. JUST RECEIVED AT KOOPMANN A ROTHSCHILD'S. LARGE assortment of A COLLAB.ETTES, tbe"Very latest styles. augi-tr. .T. S. PHILLIPS, SIcrchant Tailor, HAS JDSTHEjErVED another lot of ele- gant Frendr Coatings npd'FanCsttneres t x !!''' which are offered at the lowest possible pri ces. I have still on hand a large stock of HATS, SHIRTS, , vnrinrpa r r COLLARS : feu. ' ;; SCABFSaHd .7 f all kinds, whlch are offered at cost,' ia or- der to close themout atxtbe earliest possible A FTTLIi LINE of the nigtjgcft' jfcft eofchn hand in the Merchant Tailoring Depart ment and" made to order' with' dispatch and It the lowest figures. , apI2 JACK BLACK, git o C E Rt KEEPS. THE LARGEST STOCK OF In WCiieni'1CiriE' Ciaroiina. tit future he wiJJse$ mJmiaM- JL Fine Liquors, Champagne and other Wines, forldinner parties or for Sacramental pur poses. A few barrels of the justly celebrated i ZEB VANCE Wliiskey,3MlSmen8w, afvh han His stock in the General Grocery' line is complete. Sugars, Coffee and Molasses Specialties. I -When you come to Charlotte for Grocer ies, (call arrls;i31AckonwanVtieVorbl !i i of yjour money. .fUT3H tti -'t i-J t., .-: i---- . I respectfully; fetttrrithatiks for the libera! patronage bestowed upon me, and respect- W. J. BLACK. vfuhe 13 iTPTTSTT TMIved. Ifhta'm Ttttu. nf ikaat J Talentiatfflgsfext JbJkiitkwMstAiSidtein An)gaftthayieMfatfewW known for invalids and those recovering I - i mm m 1 from diseases, at -j jphe 16 - McADEN'S DRUG STORE. rr TO ICTt BS large and elegatiCJMirtifdlre MfeDtt1 r tne Arm dry SANDERS. - .-''?'r v. -' 7. - - , iTiT" Iiflff1!?1 of articles which enter Into trke,wiiUr4ttttemrv making ap a complete oatfltp tx found outside o a fullf grown rf"5 . iSirldJrstore-roo oSffo h ? OTHfNQ HOUSE i Mhl JitJi "PuWlc.tocalland examine HATS, UAFS, TALMAS, BUSINESS. gHIRTS AND tTNDER CXOTHIKGM en Umbrellas, Gloves, Hosiery, Silk we offer LOWE St C A E retimirlliankWrawAartWhei JHJ ! I I i 1 V ' and Intend to merit its continuance. CH'AkLOTTE, N. 0 KTH"h?F 3 W iW 111 DBIEST MEST 1 EXCELS ALL OTHERS. March 12 N. C. HARRY & CO., ouseSmwvtmt . . PARTICULAR attention paid to Frescoing Country. Office under Central Hotel. : a 18741 HIBITION OF! THE TOBE HELD CITY OF CHARLOTTE.' - . S I ft ... ? . KORTO CABOLIKA, COMMENCING i08bi'4 TTJEPATr IOXJSIMBEI 3,1874. AND CONTINUING FIVE DAYS. HON. Z. B. VANCE, OF N. C, Will Deliver the Anhnal Addrew. 1 - a. ffi w- --f- Tf Offered THE FA I R A SS 0 C I A TI0 N ttvii4 ri ienrffanized!' afaMfleed from the heart debt which has heretofore been; a con siderabfe harden, now offers to the citizens of tqe two States of North and South, Caro lina such advantages as tbey have never been able to give, both Jo premiums and attrac tions. E V E RT DEP A R f Kl E ADd neither paThsWipe'Hf be' spared . , , KEW OF THE CMIp Liberal premfams are offered for improved Secretary FREIGHTS AND l . . . . , I tic Dredacts. and Domestic Manuwctarers. embrsB eTeryirjanfflent pr. loaastry 1 visitors, ana aruciea wimug w iuc xair ..-j ,v j; .- - . oArliftle!ftkytte sent, consigned to the "New Fair of, tbq i CaTolioasJ! at any time after the 20th of October. a Q paiua or zxpeuxo wui 1am TKihitinrv or to ennirihnte to the comfort ied.aBiAvnmt of i visitOra. andxllIOBv 1 ; t ,uiUMiy soarerespectfally invited to come and bring wSatem of weTlf tfierfiStaave rxhi5fts f tl(0 I5Breafe8fc Homil,yM,1 Tl fl U.ntT Qu, ' J. M, M. 1JA j. va. uiAATTxji., uvivtsij. IT..- Sell ti tint -IVsm-f&A tJet-wito : ft Seem atocfc Wlnvlt. it w. -V eonnencfr tliat every otie AiT)5;0tEKC0M'S, . AND DRESS SUITS, arid Bbjrf. and Linen 0aiidkrchicfsv &cV at the yery S BU P Tt t G E S . J H kLadnt-sB And ilberalitv. Hi the past . a V . .1 J. a. YOtiiro & SON. IMPROVED LIGHT- BUSHING II iowe D O, MAXWELL, Doors Below Tiddy's Book Store. Frescoe Painters. . ji .'( i;ti:vlt . - Churches and Town Halls, throughout the r se26 tf. : 1874. IN THE i in SUVe? Plated' Ware. J -I 11 T I SCO PX E T E , to make the mm stoc k, field crops, HoriieoatUral 1M Domes-Tl TRAiSTOETAtnrOK: 1 .9rliiiii3 liiliJi-iiil - .i. various Jiailroad lines for the usoal rates for sent bmaU, upon application to tbe spared to make (hej apoachjnjFair worthy .as k first-' BmwelL ,tiPT ')iU rtt ifi iv..tetJi rtt '' ' Grateful Thousands prociairntfor.; Gait Bittsbs the most wonderful In ; Tisorani .thatt ever su&taiaed th jinking MFeitson eaii take the shifters according to directions, and remain long, . unwell, proviued their bones are not do? stroyed , by, mineral poison or other means, and vital organs wasted beyond repair. ' -,r ... ,1 Bilious. Remittent aud luter mittcut h CTers, vhieh aro so preva lent in the valleyavef our great rivers itlirongliout the United States, especially those of the Mississippi, Ohio, Missouri, Illinois; Tennessee, Cumberland, Arkan- - eas," Red, CoIofMd, Rrazds., Rio Graiido,. 1 rear!, 'Alabama, Mobile,' Savannah. Ro '-ano!;o, JamcS,' .and, "many otlievs, witb tiicir vast tfibutancs, turouguput our entire country during the Summer and Autumn, and remarkably so during sea sons of unusual heat and dryness, are invariably accompanied by extensive de rangements of the stomach and liver, and other abdominal viscera. In their treatment, a purgative, exerting a pow- crful ii'.Uuence upon these various or gans, is essentially necessary. Thore is no cathartic for the purpose equal to Dit. J. Walkek's VlNEGAn UriTERSj as t'ney will speedily rcraore tho dark colored viscid matter with which tho bowels aro loaded, at tho same time stimulating tho secretions of the liver, and generally restoring tho healthy, functions of tho digestive organs. , Fortify the body against disease by purifying all its tuuds with Vixegai Hitters. No epidP&fiS, pari take holu of a system thus fore-armed. Dyspepsia or Indigestion, Head acbe; Fain in the Shoulders, Coughs,, Tightness of the Chest, Dizziness, Sour" Eructations of the Stomach, Bad Taste in the MOuth, Bilious Attack p, Palpita tation of the Ileartjjnaa.rm.sution of the Lungs, Pain in .the region of the Kid ncys,. and a hundred bther painful symp toms, aro the offsprings of Dyspepsia. OneVottlb Wlirovo a better gtraranteo of its merits' than a lengthy advertise ment. Scrofula, or King's Evil, White Swellings, Ulcers, Erysipelas, Swelled Neck, Goitre, Scrofulous Inflammations, Indolent - Inflammations, Mercurial A flections, Old Sores, Eruptions of the Skin, Sore Eyes, eC; Iu these, as iu all other constitutional Dis eases, WALKERS INEOAR- 151TTKRS CaV shown their great curative r c'is in the most obstiuate aiul uitratubie For Inflammatory aiiu CTirohic Rheumatism, Gent.' Hilious, Remit tent and Intermittent Fetors. Diseases ct the B1(kk1, Liver, Kidneys and Bladdek these Bitters have no equal. ' Such Diseases are caused by Vitiated Blood. MeehaHicarDiseases. Persons en gaged in Paints aiid Minerals,, such as ' Plumbers, Typesettcrs, . Gold-beaters, and Miners, as they advance in life, arc subject to paralysis of the Bowels. To guard against this take a dose of Wai.kEk'3 Vin egar Bitters occasionally. k or 5km Diseases, Eruptions, Tet ter, Salt-JJheuJUlSpotjPimplea, mstuies, umis, uaruuncics, jting-worms, Scald-head; Soro Eyes, Eryslpelasr "Itch, Scurfs, Discolorations of the Skin; Humors and Diseases of the Skin of whatever name or nature, are literally dug up and carried octroi (be system m a short time by the use of thepe Bitters. Pin, Tafee. and other Worms. lurking in the system of so many thousands, are euectnalty destroyed and removed. No system of medicine, no vermifuges, no an thehninitics will free the system from worms Uke these Bitters. . For Female Complaints, in young or old, married or single, at the dawn of wo manhood, or the tarn of life, these Tonic Bitters display so decided an influence that improvement is soon perceptible. ' Uleanse the Vitiated Blood wben- ever youfind its impurities bursting through-. ue nur in raipies, isrupuons, or sores; cleanse' it when yon find it obstructed and ialnggish in tha Veins ; cleanse it when it is ffosal kJoux, leAings will tell you when. Keep toe blood pure, and the health of the system will fallow. . :r. . n . TRw 1a. MetJOWALD & CO., Draggisu and Gen. Agts., San Francis CalitonH,, aaa cor. or wuungton ana uau-iton su., i. x. Sold by all Ilraccists nd Delera, BEST QF BUTTEE. . Goshen-' Batter. TlfADE arrangement now to keep best of 111 Butter for sale, just received a Splendid lop 01 delicious uosnen, also a lot or ' capital country batter. Early Rose Irish Potatoes, also Sweat Potatoes and Annies to sell bv bushel or by dozen. . And oh how you are standing in your own light when you : do ndt call and get a sack of this beautifu white neb flour. D. P. L. WHITE. ' dct7-tf. ; . - : "- ' , Flour I Flour II 1A NOTHER car load , of the "Lin wood -Lei. - Flour," including 20 barrels , of the . 1 a -cc i .1 - ? 1,1 nnest nour ever uuereu 111 iaia iiiarjtet. "TRY IT!" TRY ITH" RB ALEXANDER aug8-tf. :- ' ' ' - , New MackereL HhoRE, atid FAT FAMILY MACKEREL: 1 '.rpnnigiTR 1 ar-n 1 1 anoTlJ ' barrels, hair Barrels, ' ;i - T-'ir! Quarter Barrels. r:' j -u..-. ..m i wt. . ; Ahd Kits. Jnstteoeived by ' J. S. M. DAVIDSON, sep-tf. FOR SALE SANSON HARDY'Trintex's Favorite"-'. Jt I Paoft Cutter good as new. T -Office Desk new- Fpt infomitiop imgJ ti it un 'if iionuny ; ruomtny lots to VTDSON, Trade St Another nee! Last Gin 'Cencert F KEIITiieKY. li hiiisnn( via -ariJ iuri praiiving. LIST OF 5lFi yutuuuu wan uiit ' y Tftn WVk nd hmES n 6nd cash Gift :.. aCu;:.,a4;i iJMm 10 cash Gifts,. 14AT0(achw.;.;-;il0 15 cash Lifts, eacbr.,.ied,ooo eachr:...lOff,rjob: S,neacTi::.......90,orjQ ; 1,000 eah ..WU.100,XX -. . acb.....l2fj,00a , .iOO.each.aO.OOO ,;-50 each.,000 fta. acnSh Gifts,1 30 cash Gifts, , r.S Gilts rJOOTcksb, Gifts; 240 cash Gifts, .500 cash Gifts. 19,000 cash Gifts, Grand Total0,0O0 Gifts, an&s.. XSOIMO I PB.ICE OP CQJfJBIfl Whole Tickets vTwrTr $ SO 60 Halves o5 qq or cJi Coupon 5 00 II Whole Tickets for 500 00 22i Tickets for. m-zi osn 00 .fpEickets.ahd ihv ,.tion address, . '; ' . v . Agentnd;aqager.,..- PubHc Library Building; libtriSvllleKy,' 8el8-dtaw2m! - -.. s u-.s'-i - .i' jiPERAKGEMENTft OF UVER,. tOJCHANftgOWam J 7u iMANDFACTURM E. L. KING & SQNI k. 'jrru (i.ini. m. T HAVINC !BE3EN fijJPOltTED-; BY A ' some that 'this Preparation is Ihe same as Simmons' Liver Regulator; -we 1 deem' H rightto correct this impression : Although C. A,,Smmons was former Proprietor of botn preparations, he assures us.' that SIM MONS' -HEPATIC COMPOUND lais latest , Improvement in Medical Science, and that" t has no connection whatever with former1 preparations, but that itis -far superior, in very respect, to any:, Liver Medicine to Which his name was ever attached, being Composed solely of Vegetable ingredients. ine trial pt one bottj will satisfy Memos,t incredulous. ' . ' f-This Compcuiid was ' Tate'ntea De cember 12, 1871, and name Uoov-riehted 1874. . ' "i. . - Vor Sale by Wholesale and Re tail Dealers Everywhere.' THE BAKE OP MECKUnTBTTRO, , . CHARLOTTE, (N. G. . ; , - . f ; ' fi - . : Authorized Capital $500,000. Jas. TnssiB Txtt,- President. Thos. W. Dbwbt, Cashier, ' - F. H. Dewey, Asst. Cashiers. . - , . " : ' ' AT THE BANKING OVtjff.l ') TATE & DEWETv- This Bank Chartered Under Act of (he General Assembly and duly organized ' ' under Laws of the State of North Carolina. ' wim aiapie means is prepared to transact GeneraMtanblnflf lvbslness. and furnish accommodations to all its Cus tomers on Liberal Terms. ! The bank will receive Deposits fctibjec Ma ' Check, and will Allow Interest ! According ' to Agreement on aU Deposits left ; on time( or issue Certificates of TJepbsit bearing in. Eight per cent pe?; Amtnja j j.,,.., on alt sums lying undrawn: over thirrv : days. ... ... V( ... (Gold and Silver Coin, Bullion and Bank Notes Bought and Sold.' . , ; . UOS. W.DEWEY ' , Jan.! 11874. Cashier. DR. SCAHR, O B 00 CH A Prescriptions prepared at 'sir of the Day and nibt yi (j y- Choice Oreen and Black Tea Selected especially for Family 'and invalT . ids, at ' SCARR'S -ii i June 29 TJrug Stre. i FBESO SPICES, i Jast received a JoTjaelect Spices for Pickles, Preserve Ac!y4t F. SOARR'S June 29 Drug Store. Pare: Salad Oil,j 1 . Finest article in Market, ';. . at . F, SCARRY, June 29, 1872 , Drug Store UU General Commission HercHant, y ... CHARLOTTEi N. C. Particular attention 1 paid to 'selfinjf al. kinds of Produce, Cotton and Tobacco. .Highest cash price paid for Cotton. 1 iar. xmom. -RYCE,1 LAoi oraers rrom a castanc tended to. idee 21 '73. .HA3 BOTDBn. HOUSES,, a Ar.TtmTTitY. fL ., . IT j .', '!--,' f. yr " Fifth ! ana i "I oertalij,Mat, (tfcafci i R LOTTEV fJ., C. 'hburt AFiPvST CLASS H0THStuatec . Vern4itt0.'tfie 'Imsiness pattOT thtftttyv. Jr i? Omiaibus wHI be M Ifj g?PS-M' ipassengtolhei ! n nrenared w make liberal cash advances on cotfon shipped to our da in Cbarlestoa, 5or -New Yorfc 'W)3I; t attend piomptoto. sales of cotton Ganv.u .ed. torus. frteiJ alio: e at. WittkowikyA.Y! Rlnt ilSi COM MjatTTAL NOTEPAPEIfc an 17 1 KiiFDRKFOY1?" i -i mlil ! 1 1,004 Clay Plp: uavt iJtiU SELLING out very cheap to the trade at - ... . feb28 J. K. PTJREFOY'8. ' 1: ; : ,v tci(7v7ic i rtea. i ria 1 WM w.

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