-TELE 1KDIAHA.. OcOio.Orhe QoVernment , iiJWAjfoPWVOctoher 14. This cltyi and Marion county give democratic mainrities. The: otate m nrnhahlv -----j - r rww m mM TV . . f 1 ' t SV AAA . democratic Dyiv,yw. jteturna. jire BElK is preparing a bill for submission to Parljjunenthich meets on thel8tb, providing for embodiment in times oi ar of a, separate force,- called "land strum," to be composed of those not included in the Jine of reseryecfal "landwehr." X? KTJU It is stated that Paulim? Ettcca wil shortly retire from the stage, having NOTICE OF rN pursuance of a Deed Criistttfme.mada and duly registered ana recorded, I will offer at public sale, In Dallas, in the County at Gaston; n Tnesdayf iota aajr or. wovem berylOT about 14C0 acre of land known a , -g. otjioi FAaa&v. lying upon the waters of Stanley and HoyJrt :rAir una aiviaea nesriy ctiubiij Carolina Central Railway, and laid Into Farms of about One Hundred Acres each.vlx: lands and fo contains 129 ably $lectvthe teticktybik.J leg-1 Bank of France to prepare for a ratuxi lsiaburo w in uouot. ine democrats to specie, attracts great etieiniQnwre. fneHwdOr three Congressmen. 4n Th amount of '.20 TOrtce rtoWoNit-' this fcltw 16.TJ00 vxfteswere cast ; 3.000 standing is twentv million pounds m2!?iM0fri l Jfterling, which so slowly withdrajru. ocwau Tu&jpaicn.-Mjn account uiUftiaiumbcrpratched, ballot eonot thA A-ai"T.:A WllV . tt-!i . .... vuv. uiov iiBLiiLL a. . ri ni min rr i a ia electad. thin Tiiat V I il ed br NWaciDem . of Vihcerns in 7 mT4TbrstlBad the fast Gonfri' WtKftftt "n:U.: i...Il?ronnh-:ftanve8aaiSi .K Wm fii Halmon, l?em ., everyrherewas resulted In tbe,pnMic4toa Utcree lyirig on both sides of Stftiile Creek con ahead Of liW:iiccet and uithout in the offiewl 4oraVnetintliat teiping tenant bouses mnd i aosof U114. doubttfd 'in Hhe third frict BignaUaJWbn 5 111 M C;Kerr,.Htbe regular DemocrWfc n?er9&iA& ! 8h?l9b!th ""SS'fSS o? trSfaa Rlvlngon caijoiaaie.ia Elected over Jaa A Crav 4ndk.Cl WW9iiOiQ sides 0f Stanley Creek. Has dwelling era, independent Democrat, by abou the imveHtat? ty-a rnMia,twiei house, tobacco barns, stable and mbs, c Ducfresilarie is ttoVuite. $c6reo i'ronheieMpteflateMdfni riB33, tJctobeiao:TTie oJhciai re monstrance of "the Spanish' Governs ihdHlMada-to: a harpiat jtetaJpn-'Frencht ; 1st Tract. Joins the lands of Moses Bwne, and contains 100 acres, heavily timbered with pine, white oak and chesnut. A good water power on 8tanley Creek, Maown as 5tod!Jcfnl eiolnft Conteins lOof acres of heavy timbered land. 3rd. Joins the Abernathy adjacent to Stanley Creek ; acres of wood land. 1 4thJoinathe Cloainf er f Uad and ton -tains acres; T.TI M H i 5th. Joins the land of A Hovis and the Carolina Central Railroad, containg 100 acres of wood land. i 6th. Fronts on the Carolina Central R. R. and runs back to Stanley Creek, containing 112 acres ; fifty in cultivation in grain and Cotton, balance in wood land 7th. Fronts on the Carolina uentrai K. ft, if l.";:' tic ' 'A.J J (; 4 No lice to S"h i p per s .'ii ',: .. it-; - J5C r-;7"t?kr re vrTl mHB FODJf ONT AIR LINE, with its Rail and water fwectibtis, 1 affords unparellelea ftC3tUs.f9r th,e giyek and aaff itransportation of freight to and from Northern Cities. Shippers can Choose the Following Routes: -abooD t-'s- hnVsn ill! M By Rail to the Ports of RipHMOND, NORFOLK OR PORTSMOUTH, and thence by first-cless lines of Steamers, to Baltimore, Philadelnhla. New York and Boston. rI14 majorities: The rAantt nn t.h State'tfcket cannot be given, but ii will be rery cJose. GEORGIA. iThere is a 1 'i f 'te Savannah, October 14. The Repub lican opposition, to the Cbngressido; nomineeBryant, held a mass meet ing brt Court House square this even ing.' A major ity of those present were white and colored people of the better class. TunirQCampbelVState Sena tor4Siiid Jderfiofthe-ianflBcyant men, made, a fearfully wordy arilaught on the ring, as he designated 4be Coh vention who nominated Bryantland charged hita with betnFlhe cause of the defeat of the Republican par(y,'at the coming'lctiohxf$rHiRepfeBe tive for the-lstTfobgressional JDisWict. There pa enthusiashi manifested. A iirebrpkeduJittSiioddordVlipper Rardaystreein,, the , office of Eroeat,vBeyer ft Ck; which th reaten ioxTbinF fetjponse quepca, being in the bear of the- cot ton us in esa of th e'ei ty. Ill prompt presecce fttre Washtiton, Steam Fire lineat)oixti.n2tiUedi4he flames, withJ6aaltaV,tKfltifficl rnestRBeyr.ft Go, of about $2,00 in cotton samples, burned and damaged ; to the building $5,000, covered by in surance. 'The cause of the fire was striking a partor match to kindle h tire' in the store, some of the Tulrnin. a ting powder lodging in the cotton samples placed against the walls. Ciwcihkati, October 14. Out' of 37,000 votes, with 20 precincts to hear from, Bell, Democrat, for Secretary oi btate, has 400 majority ; baybre, Democrat for Congress in 'the - 1st District, ha40O ftjdrity etef (Jreenf Barn in g. Democrat, in the 2nd' Dis trict,, baa L200 -maionty o vexr Sleveif sotti'r."-'- ' The chairman .bf ithe Republican Executive Committee, concedes the election;, of , the Democratic tate ticket. ' '' The Enquirer' special claims the State Democratic by 25,000. The Democrats have twelve out of twenty Congressmen. Return from all parts of therStatendicat e that the" Hepub licana.aredefeated.tm the entire State PaUe.Democratio for Congress, 1,500 majority ;rfOr Wjtzea, 1,000 majority ; for Hand, 1,000 majority, , r, ; 1, j. brent eoncernitig the alleged violation ofthe neutrality laws by France are the subject of anxious consideration jn theJ'Oabinet. ' The - DuW eOazes, minister of foreign- aaarrs; is luuy attye to the leaning,? the Spanish of ficial riote. but is believed to preserve nis equanimity'; and if possible will ad just the matter without com promising thetrovernment.- IOWA. land) DEsSIfrtSESOctober 14. Return in dicates that the State is Republican by 40,000 majority. Republican Con gressmen's majorities have been re duced. The Grangers voted political ly, not as body. All. the Republicajp. Congressmen elected. VIRGINIA. , Wheeung, W. Va., October 14tb. Cobb, Republican, in the First Dis trict, Beetler, Republican, in the Sec ond, elected ; Third District uncertain. The general result is not yet known. ILLINOIS. Springfield, October 14th. Senator Logan and General Sherman have ar rived to participate in unveiling the Lincoln staiue. The President is expected-to-day. pair : rzo acres 01 gooa 1 arming land, of which 45 is wood land and 80 in cultivation in erain and eold vein trbn this' tract bu continuation of the Rhodes vein 9th- Fronts on Rozzell Ferry Road and ioms the lands of Seddler and Monroe 10th. Fronts on the Carolina Central EE, joins the rands of A Hovis contains 90 acres 'r I 1 I ,J I jtra LtT .!'? xii wouu uuu. essr, . rri s ' 11th. Contains 110 teres tof wood Vnnwn as the Wm Rankin -Tract. 12th. Fronts on the Carolina Central RR. contains il7.acr& oCwpod, taa. Tge land is fertile with abundant springs Sand good water. 13th. Joins the Brevard Lands, known as tbe David Stroup tract, contains 113 acres of good wood land. The tertnsTdf sale will be cash, but ap. proved Not8 will be taken.negotiable at the Bank of Mecklenburg In settlement, and: title reserved until payment of purchase money. THOS. W. DEWEY; se'JV-oawts. JAND FOR SALE. As an agent for J. K.,jakiwell, I offer for sale a valuable tradfcibi mad lying directly on the North Carolina tajlrocl, eight miles north of Charlotte' and pacha ile south from I Query's Section. consistinff of about 240 acres, of which about seventy-five acres are tjw in a good state of cultivation and the bal-r- Vi, lance in original, torestice -cniuyateii lanai1 u under ;ood fcce, jand WgOjMjlafimng con-1 j j anion. lis i r. ii t i " 14 On the premises, thr4 Js agWaJ two-storyj dwelling bjooae.AO neceessrytool builduigs and two good tenant houses, good welL-of water in the yard, good orchard, sc. , There are about forty acres of bottont land on the place, some of which is in good meadow . litle indisputable. Terms easy and ac commodating. , CHAS. R. JOXES. oct2 ' t -4 JUand Agent THIS is the only line whch has no transfer. to Portpmonth of unbroken guage, and, therefore, the only one RATES ALATS AS'Lbtv isrD TtMfi QUICKER THAN ANY OTHER LINK. ''- augtf J. A. WILSON, Xgeti;; Southern Life Insurance Company. t 289 Main .and 21 Madison Streets, ) MEMPHIS, TENN. ' IE ? AiMOS woo T. A. NELSON, , President. - FF. Vice-President. CHASPATERSON, Asst. Sec. F. BEN MAY, Secvetary. DAVIS, Treasurer.' ' -O- n i , - IT , 1 t f ' Anaval lucemCNow, at the Rate of Gross Assets, Jtrly 1st, 18T4. DIRECTORS. FSDavis,-- : . ! Jacob WellBr: r 7 I R C Brinkley- .. 4 ven J B Gordflnv - . . --a jmite, W H Cherry, C W Frazer, J) H Townsend, A Woodruff, 33 f lleVVillettt D. '4 A f 1,800,00000 2.249,026.3500 M P Jarnigan, W C Ireland F M White,. Ben May, Chas Kertrecht. j H Erskine, M D, . .;,r, .to the ' UHOLBSALB J TRADE. TTJlkjINQ the future by the pastwe enter1 V with conridence upon this out new -enterprise, of separating onr Wholesale from our RetailTrade; by bavtog ataeparate and disUnct, House for each ; and ,In doing; so, we flatter ourselves that it will f not only meet the approval of our numerous custom ers, but tht an "Exclusive' Wholesale House" will bring as atlalrge influx of new trade, and of a character nojf heretofore en- It must be obvious to every buyer that a strictlv ''Wholesale' House." . arraneed and adapted for tfiat Trade only,, with, a corps of etoclc carefully selected for that Trade only, and moreover, the avoidance f coming in contact with retail buyers whjclr we and you all nave beretotbre ' round to be so irksome, as it frequently happens that the retail buyer ia your very -neighbor (perhaps your own customer JSucn,, a House, we assert, must and will commend itself to the trade. - Four years ago we advertised that we in tended to make Charlotte a wholesale mart and ours .."The Wholesale i House."- .We now have the proud satisfaction of seeing it an accomplished facti v- - , i . We now call your attention to tne fact that we have converted our superb store in to ah exclusive Wholesale House, where you can iina all lines of goods necessary for country Store, to-wit : Dry-goods-, Clothing, iioots, bnoea, iiaw, Jsotions, irroceries, Hard' ware, .Millinery, - all in complete lines, bought in large quantities and from the very first hands. Our stock ia now aTrfvintr and will be complete about the -first of September, and will be tbe laaeest oCanv here.' the nreten- l6ns of others tolbe contrary notwithstand ing, werespectnuiy mvite. your personal inspection,, or -wnt to usLffir cireulrrs. , t . : very truly yours. - WaraKOWK Y4 RINTEL8. RETAIL. mow, a rew woras aooui mat. we now occupy tne suDerD nouse heretofore so favorably known as the Messrs. , BremJ on our Betail business, and as ' ''Excelsior1 israna nas always Been out motto. -"we- claim also in that line to excel in lownesS of prices, sand to excel generally. We will, in that house, bave a corps of thirty Sales men and Sales-Ladies, all exnerienead anawe, ana oDiiging. - l. We Will make the MiUtneri branch speciaUg. , W. A. R. CbaWotte?N.XJM Atig.llth. lB? ASHEVILLETfAiai874 The Ideantain District Con.. Native Mock fnX,w GJENlSRAlt GORDON, of oA GOV.TAlfCF of ar. c. To Deliver Addresses. ROUND TRIP TICKETS issued fron, aU 'points in the State, at Greatly Redupoi Rates,rUcluding admission into FairQronrt. Hngthe week. Tickets good from n?8 writ; TO N0Vri5t!C giving full tnTe t: "Oometothe Mountatns.niov tL V? est season of the year, seethe" magnified products of the entire Western XS.' (imiiHoo an-, i it , """"'1 i wjuutu ot uic merest f (? ATLJJflJGA;) DEPARTMENT. TENNESSEE. Memphis, October 14. Davis who turned State's evidence in the case of the Ttenton jail breakers, was brought here on a writ ot Rttachmeiit and placed under $2,500 bonds. NEBRASKA. Omaha, October 18th. The returns now indicate that the Republican State ticket has about 4,000 majority. RARE BARGAIN I HOUSE ANO LOT FOE SALE., The Dwelling, Barn; S.; afaHnew, ahd are situated within three hundred vards oi the Court House in 8tatesvHle The premises include a well improved lot and land enough for a small Arm. Such ah opportunity is rarely offered. u - J Satisfactory reasons given ror selling. Address, . CHAS R JONES, Agent. J TJST RKCJ5IVKD, ; L .' j " "Wo die citronen bluclien" Waltz by Stranss. THE latest out and only a few copies. Orme antf-biry befbrraTrarC gong: se26 PHIFER & STEELE. p GL paA CHN B. GORDON, TjITT. Vice President. R Supt; of Agencies, H. cob H. mill: ALFRED AUSTELL, Treas. J A MORRIS,SecreUry -0- ;2 v- ;5KS... tvserve Junu.Mucem,prtn Carolina, invested in the At&ta. -nrBirieririnf w'J.h t&fiWiiirmlestaUxntpiarlott xiossesAojusiea at Home. -L " over - -JKccowling to Goodsetl's, New York reports for 1874, th Southern Life Insurance Company sta.idyscwid to nonem its conservative and economical mantzement. and1 wis onuwnone ip lis aouuv, to iuinujts contracts. 1 ; Its rates are as low ai absolute necessity will allow, while its mutual features return in equitable dividends tne surplns to the assured. ARKANSAS. OmjCAROLinA, Greejcvidle; October H.-Genera Kershaw addressed a large audienc hero this morning land again to-night, he spoke' to' a trernehdois Crowd in j torcn light procession. He was f lowed byHohH.vV. Mnr,Tof Goi gia, in it most telling speech. Ger, Sullivan closed. tJiCLproceedings in an. eloquent T address, , ' appealing with great power tf' whites and blacks u rally tothV flppbrt of Green and De laney and thu secure an honest Gov ernment fojtaflHtHb- Curoilna. The whole up country is alive with enthus iasm for Green. , NEW YORK. New "Sobk, Octot)rTl4. Rudolph challenges Garneld, io-'a three ball game of billiards for the champion ship arid a filver wpT'O J VI A A TTorWX)olunEU special claims the State Democraticby -10,000 major ity 1 y'SJ ' A World Indian opoliJt special claims that Indiana haa gone PeoiQcratic, but the majdrityliaa not1 yet been ascer tained. ' . ": A TFpffit'DeaMoines special con- cedes that State to the Republicans by 20,000 majcMfiv? t sV JT-I - 7BST?.TIEdlNIA. LrrrLE Rock, October 14. It is estimated that the new Constitution is adapted by 15,000 majority. .TELEGRAPHIC MARKETS. New York, Oct. 14. Gold 10. Cotton Futures closed weak ; sales 34,tJ00; October 15 316; November 15 7-32t; December . 15 15 32J ; January 15 23 32 ; February 15 31-t-216 ; March 15 5-16i ; April 16; lay 16 13-16i ; June 17 3-16. Wall Street. Money closed 2J3 ; Foreign Exchange dull at 4831 : "Gold h i 'ill. all transactions were at 1.10 : Government bonds closed stead. ; Valuable Xittle Farm for Sale. I OFFER for Sale, that valuable little tract of land situated on the Charlotte and Statesvilie public road, three miles from town, containing S4J acres. 2-thirds of which' is cleared, balance in original forest. The plantation fe alt nrider a good raft fehce;:ex cept about two acres. Good improvements, md small orchard on the premises. Mut. be sold , before the 1st day of November For farther particulars apply to R W Ram. sey, on the premises or to , . .CHAi R jpES,.r XTEW BOOK8. fust received. IX Pet or PastfmeB.and Penalties Howies. TJUPItY TIP-TOE A book for children. JL OLD COURT LIFE IN FRANCE A Novel by Elliott THIRTY TEARS IN TflE HAREM An r. ' V ' ) ew Book Store of PHIFER S STEELE. 1 F se30 tf. Autobiography. For sale at the Nei Sample & Alexander HAVE the exclusive sale of the ted CAN FIELD SHOE. Cbll and see tUelr assartnent. JUST received. erfnvoic of very'i perlor Segarst which Wttl be sold n low at June 90. tf. it vers PUREFOY'S. nA BARRELS OF FLOUR. 6JJ 4.000 lbs Tennessee Hams, on sale wholesale and retail at jane 11 A. . CBBSWELV8 Wanted. rpHREE or four Marble Cutters. None but .A good worxmen neeatj piy. sept 8 F. A. McNINCH Confectioneries 4 LARGE lot of Fine French and Plain "A. Candies, Lemons, Raisins and Kuts, re ceived tnls day, at jel8 PURKPOY'S. F OR SALE. CMNE STYLISH HATS, i i n 'v.. P Just received at SAMPLE ALEXANDER'S. THE cheapest and best place to.boy gwod V'X goods is at , . Sea U. WAAiriJl. & iVJjH.A.AIN UfeK. a One Hundred and Fiftyr Acres of unim proved Land, lyjng directly en. the Atlantic, MASON'S Improved Fruit. Jars Jast, re ceived at . ' . - V l9n W. R. ETTRWEIiTi A CO'S. Springs' Corner. Its absolute solvency is unsurpassed bv anv coniDanv doine business in the TTnited Qf 4w .ml ;a AnArrA K .1. 1 . U : Z 1 1 1 1 1 - a . , . , AH policies-non-fbrfeiting. Parties holding policies in Northern Companies can have mem iransierrea wimont loss or risk, ana tnus save ?o;mach :ea natal Jtoi'lhe-Tbonth sjueaicai examiaiion always requirea tes ' CW BRADSHaW. E A OSBORNE. Secretary and Manager. OCt tf. Special Aeent: Oharlot.t Rranoh META LLI C GRAVE COVE RIN G JJOW IN STORE OF A.R.NISBET&BR0., CHARLOTTE, N. C, rnHE largest stock in their line, in Western A Carolina, consisting of the following HEAVY GROCERIES, COFFEE, Sugars. Rjce Teas, Molasses Syrups, Lard, Cheeee, Pepper, Spices, Soda, Stareh, Ac. FANC7" GROCERIES PRESERVES, Jellies, Pickles, Sauces, Nuts ; Kasms," tarrrants, ; Citron, Oysters, Lobsters,-Apples, Batter, Ac. CANDIES, Fancy French, sortments: . in large as and rinm!. i best chance ever offered to visit cost. The the Mountains, GEAND AUCTIOK. Fine Monntain Stock. onthelastday d insW large numbers of supenor Mountain Horses, Mules, Cattle A , oe unerwa ior sale at Auction. wme to tne GRAND STOCk SALE. Hundreds of Stock will be offered. RECOLLECT TBS ASHBVILLB PAIR, October 20th, 21st and 22nd, 174. octs u. u. u. MAY, Secretary. MEDICAL COLLEGE OF GEORGIA, Atrparra.J THE MEDICAL DEPARTMfxt . i i OF TK UNTArERSITY OOEORGIA. THE Forty-Third Session will commence on the 2d day of NOVEMBER. Fsks Matriculation. 15: Full rho Lectares, : $5?;! Practical Anatomy, $ie . Diploma, .1'. Beneficiaries admitted on appjicalkmi to the Deas, on the terms stated in the circulars. rj j- V i. cict-we3. : L. A. DUOAB, M. ft -L-J,. I).. Deau - 1 f tU m msA OPMM0N and MUSICAL IHSTAIlUFIiTS, ACCORD EONf, Guitars, Violins; Uanjos ! Harmonicas, Jbifes, Flntes, Ac. TOBACCO CIGARS LARGE assortment, various kinds prices. SUNDRIES. WOODEN WARE", Baskets, Toys, Station ery, Paper-bags, i Wrapping-paper, Al 1 bums, Blacking, Brooms, Soaps, Brushes, snd other articles too tedkras to -mention. Sold Wholesale or Retail, cheap foT cash. Call and see ns 'before buying. We take this method of thanking our friends for their liberal patronage heretofore extended to us. A. R.NISBET A BRO. Arrow Cotton Ties. THE BEST TIE MADE.' For sale at man ufacturer's prices. Liberal Discounts in Ldnree Ltots DbROSSET A CO, Wilmington, N C. State Agents. BUREAU &F CIYIL EN- GESEEBING. "Land and City Lota Surveyed, Water Powers Planned and Ftiniiid Maps, Plats and Drawings of every Description, finely executed, ' also Lithographing. Grading and Landscape Gardening", The undersigned, with 'an experience of more than twenty years, offers his services to the public generally, in the above named Departments of his profession. CHAS. MAH0N. City Engineer. REFERENCES : Rev John Douglas, Steel Creek Church. Capt Win. Brown, Steel Creek Church Capt John Wilkes, Mecklenburg Iron Capt. A- G. Brenizer, Cashier Commercial National, Bank, Charlotte, .. v .. Col. J. Palmer, President C, :0.4R. N. B. Orders received at ' office of CH Aa- LOTTi OB8SBVKB. OCtl'-tf. this iiev; Ann beautiful article WE are jabw prepared to offer to the publlc.'and feel confident it cannot fail to recom mend itself to every one Interested in beautifying and protecting the graves of their de ceased relatives and friends. The; ,OCO aizeB or kti vanized to suit the taste of tion parties desire, is f urn is ley are made in four sizes, with a variety of styles .rding to aie and style. Tbey measure frm three avea irom lnianu to adults. Can be painted any color desired, sanded or al ranging in price from 25 to S60. ree to six feet, designed to cover all ur chaser s. A galvanized plate, containing whatever lnscrin ed with each mound fty& charge.i f - . , ' f This Handsome Igpratjon place it within reachofall. We invite the cltizensland pub- ilne for themselevsi - i xx offered at such prices as to lie generally to call and exami ot Statesyille and halfa mile '.from, ,Tr6at-rrt balance in original forest. There, is mlicb j mHE finest quality of Chewtng !reaeco more thaengmy;x5T.tbia tract, io l j-fresh and heavy, at pay ror k. -rnce, jiper acre. Ttie gooa. i : mcaukjn h uku tob&- :AppIy to - - ' '- -r . : T?oirsAi:E. r Wheeling,! Oct6ber'14r-M)wing to the lack of telegraphic facilities, no dejinite-'retrifns from the State can be obiiiim'VnofficMl..jeturns from aboutliatrthe i conties indicate that the Republicans haVe earned tbe fir District: ? Th mh'd 5 alrd th rrtl'Dw a B . m - . tricts are ciaimea - ty 1 bota. parties, a othr nmarv mit-hniirfinra. or thi tbe Hecono: t ract ITS acres are in original forest 75 acre A splendid Cotton, Grain and Stock Farm. situated one mile north of Sagar Creek and only four miles' froni Charlotte; on the Sal isbury road, and lying directly Oh the wat eis of Sugai Creek, containing 500 acres. j On the premises there is a j TWO-STORY BRICK HOUSE, The returns .received from i District i are fayorable to the election of the Democratic candidates; iTTZAH. BriglmmVdUibif lMmng, IJuhar chists, made k profuse 'apology tc MarsbaJ MawbU yesterdrf)-, CotTa as sault madQ.on hirnth previous dav. and proVlaced meft wbo. bad made tbe assault.' ; The latieirwerey eaifeinet before: Cdm fn iasioner ?iTo vby and held in $5,000 bonds.JThe church pa pent ofler grhetrage, -.. fir! ;i sr-vtH ' t Drraorr; October llThe woman'a aoffrago Conrention assembled Vester dar. ' v, 'KetolutioDrf , irerW adopted amrmingr exjuai rigb tai ilarf &. woman implies the aam e lava for b usband and wife; widow iuul'rwidower:!qQal education, iiidus.tnal opportunities, euaJ payequal workr and 4 roice in theGovernmtr'jweredcitikndd. f old fields, grown up in pines, and tbe baf aice in a goed state oi cultivation,- with 26 or SO acre of land in good meadow. : ; .This plantation, will be sold, all to one nian or it will be divided to suit purchasers Title indisputable. ( 3 Price $15 per iadres'J - Apply to or address UrlAS. K. JONES, Agent. OR SALE. & As Agent for the owners, we offr for sale that valuable tract of land belonging to tire heirs of Allen -Gill.-deceased, consisting of 1300 acres, more tar less situated on the wa ters of Rocky Creek n- frhe northwest cor ner of Iredell, in the northeast corner of Alexander county, and also partly in Wilkes county, all of which is one tract and sup posed to contalnvaloable minerals, such as lead, 'plumbago, and silver. On the tract is a good mill site, at a place-known as Drip Off, with plentyrBfwiitej aadjai shoal o rocks which lets the stream fall 60 feet in a short distance: Also other shoals on Grape yine Branch, for two sites, for, over shot Wheels. The wbole tract is yet in forest tim ber and well suited for a sheep farm,' ' hav ing arery fine range. Title nndispu table. ir Price Oitty ftiOrPer Acre., '(.Apply td -' i'H ;.. 5i-4U tu ; CHAS. R. JONES, Agerft.5 f OA A 8ACKS of the very best Flour ever OUV offered in this market, has beai're ceived this day. Get your dictionary and see what is the meaning of that word "matchless," and then come and buy a sack of this flour, and if you do not find it all it is represented to be we will say we are no judge. Come Ihenralll Voa whdTiayt bad, worse thai! asatogmg chiainey, and at every meal look upon the smiling face of your bet ter half, as she beholds, the sno.W white smo king rolls- We wilt send to -yopr dwelling free of drayage Remember the cheap cash store of ' D P L WHITE, se24 College Street. jJCjOLLin, to employ six or eignt nrsi class Seamstresses, to whom good wages will be paid. Those desiring to become Tailoresses preferred. , octlO It: nrtfmJ-P f9lWJf9: I KEROSEOT OIL AT ii CENTff PERGAIjIXXSril ,ssott rtU,;, ,. Brought to yoortjdoor 1 every tsy m. j. JtiyiiTUJM. :'.R"IV'W, fOQB day; oct9 tf july ? tf. C F HARBISON, Agt, Opposite Court House, tv-.' ALEXAIM, 5EIGLE & CO., N' OW OFFER ;TO THE BETAIL TRADE, THE ONLY IHTIRKLY HEW '"dr)Y.A 7 HaX" STOCK OF GOODS JfJow the city, wlMli - Dress od Notionsy lints, Boots, Shoes, ClothUi?, Ac; iapa oe purtnased for CASH, and ESPECIALLY fbr the RETAIL TBADE. much care was taken to buy .only sach Goods as will suit Charlotte and the sar- ivmnuug Kyyjuu vxy . w e nave a uewiikixui stoga: oi 'To-Day. To-Day. goods : Letter - ?xotlkPirper hatiil pes,, Steel Pen8.EJegant Candfea, Bos tba Crackers,'; GingeT! -TeaikkS Owl & Az'i Suavity, Stiberior and Coin-, peer SboCb, Pickles . in ptnleal by the doaen. 4-Csrfajiff tee pe; eveiyjAtteniloti wiB - be Destowed,a:;gooa;'abkIi at mt. lowest icea for cash. Ss MDAVIDSONV T oct9J4f.-n Agent. ? Scarf 8,Embroiderie8,Rcnl and ImitotioHLaces LDA4U JIT 1 ! f TlT.i! 4'-l '1 i ? . j OF etery description. An eleyantatock of V :r. :r r Dlonketafkheetincc Sblrans and Ladieaiid Cents WE HAVE everything kept in a , nUtiins Cods. JJ ?:Oi 6f r V ly I7E are instructed If ' ton Tie Conipa the American Cot to give notice tha all persons dealing withuJLUeettse in wreck ed Cotton Ties with buckles of said Compa ny, or otherwise violating tbe patent rights of said Company, will be held responsible for damages. DkROSSET & CO., Agents For the American Cotton Tie Co. For the State of North Carolina. Wilmington, N C, Augl4-2m. ' St. Charles Hotel, STATESYILLE. N. C."-"' :, ' $Uuate4in the centre of Town. THIS HOTEL has been thoroughly refitted and refurnished, and under my manage ment as lessee, offers to the traveling public the advautaKesof a fiist-class Hotel. J3 Omnibus at 9)4 depot tn:,t&e arrival and departure of ail trains. '1; : M. 8CHL08S, sepl-dtr. , ;, For merry tf Kaleigh. Biions, Millinery aiS Straw MRS.K. QUERY fTlAKES this method to inform the citizens J. of Charlotte and the public. generally, that she has just returned from the Northern market, where she has selected and is now receiving the largest and finest stock of , MILLINERY, TRIMMINGS, AND - JFANCY GOODS, that has ever been ofBwed. in this maiket consisting in part of Hats ' Bonnets, u Flow era . x earners, ana ornamen cs. ueai ' cana someand cheap. tsbe will keep constantly on hand all the new novelties m GLOVES, 1 ' HOSIERY . CORSETS, BELTS, t BUTTONS, ' .: . : SCARFS AND TIES. ?nd all kinds' of Trimmings. Special at ention is called to onr stock of K1I GIOVES, which is the largest andT best assortment to be found in the city of . . ! CniLWREiK HOSE. She has all th new1 novelties' and best quali ties She has now in store a large stock and great variety of i?rr; r '' : Celts, SearfsSaeqnes, Cloaks and Hoods iW Cnlldren. v i! .'1 MRS:P.UERY. Tryon St, 2 doors above Charlotte Hoti se27 tf. - ., ...... ... cleaVelasd Lumber ! Lumber ! ! OF ALL KINDS. Shingles, Latnes, , Ac. Orders solicited. Address , , . EW.8TUBBS, Ljl augt-m . . Mnconuoa, v. ENGLISH Hair and Tooth Brushes. . -KeAhlni? RaAAiRK' t F 1 . . 1 A T" w b bubwell Acq. July 16 tf,. Springs' Corner CUTLER'S POGKBT?INHALEH, Tb Great liemiy for CatarrH. '" . " W. ROTRWELL & CO. oe-tStf Manafactarers'AgeQls. FTJLL liri of imttortedand 'domestic gars; the bes on themarket, at juneW ' ' MfiADEN' pRTJ,G 8TOREm , ENTB ACTUS . Cigarettes, for sale at 5B cents a box, at PUBEFOY'S June 80. tf. Ajt u la, Hneerait i aqOX ftert JMLedi cinea ofl hand will be sold cheap for cash at june!6 cheap MdlDElTS1 DRtJG 8TORE TURKISH BATH TOWELS, - English Hair Bruhes,,Baffalo and In dia Robber Dressing Combs.- . . . W, R, BURWELL jb CO Dragsisit. KLUTTZ'S CHILL CUBE,' Ager'a Ague Remedy, OsgoodV Chal ogone. , W,R. BURWELL A: Oo . . j. . . . -' ::-: ' .Druggists. WHITE'S TOOTH-SOAP - '-:' Jewsbury & Brown's Tooth Fast?, So- A fodoQt, Fine .English Tooth Brasles. , " - ' . fl . I L- flit Jk II .i. .... mw. . - . ...... i j.' ... t. r. ii -i.L? ?. sfn'tfl i..'s v.-' urn p' f f T atar BE SURE to call on n e-tf. , .: thji:. m1 ailfajaiii at the old stand of SAMPLE AXEXAE3t atteW Market "Bef just reeelved at... REEL A PEBJJUExL , V 3 jyw- fir riOSHEN BTJTrEB at MI X; i ,.tsfe-,'. 1-. REETi APERDUE'S, n sep5-tf. "Bine Front.'1 FCITIALl , I Seminary . Cleaveland Mineral Springs, N. C. Tbe next session at this, -Institution commence Sept. 26, rand, continue witLc intermission until Jane 4th, 1874. The CCT Railroad rjasses. within i of mile of the Storing$; and hacks . are in read ness at King Monntain,' 12 miles distan. on the Air LirM: Railroad,1 to convey sengers to tbe Springs. For particulars, apply to- T.W.BMjAjBttJC.yr.-.' Or Mrs.TvW.BjRj:vAM)M. .Principals. ,Se27-lm. t : : ENGLISU tVOOl) PAVEMENT. THE undersigned b4 introduced into Charlotte, a new. style of, street pave ment, which is at once cheap and durable. It consists of hard pine blocks lajd on plank, tbe whole coated in pitch and the joints filled with gravel and pitch, forming a clear and "Very durable sidewalk. ; This pavement has been thoroughly test ed in .England, and has given entire satis faction. It will shortly be. laid . down in front of the New Opera House. ' For farther information, apply to t GEORGE WELCH, selG-tf Architect. Tne . Charlotte marble Work. HAYING made favorable arrangements for tbe purchase of large quantities of marble at low prices,! announce to thepub lio that I have redaced the price of Grave stones and Monuments beyond the range of competition in the 8outh. Call and see or sendibr price Ust and-1 will oonvince you of. the reality of my advertisement. Special attention given to drafting and manufactur ing Family Monuments, or having the same manufactured in Italy, Parties wishing to purchase toe, mom: raeate would save 25 percent by purchasing from or through : afionthen dealer. - With an experience of twenty years in the marble business, and a business acquaintance with all the reliable firms of the United States, and prt of Italy, I profess to be able to offer advantage ih the purchase In all kinds of MarMe Work. F. A. McNlNCH. F. 8.1 have also employed a corps of Granite Cutters, and am prepared to execute alldwJerS for Granite fbr building, -paring, curbing, fence posts, cemetery let enclosures, Act, Ac sept 8 rrux -NOTICB.V -a N. ' I will be at my ofBce tn the. Court, House during the month of -October -for tbepuf pose of receiving Taxes due. or unpaid. Jnese due mi for last year need notTooV for long er Indulgence than the fiOth day of October next, -as that is my advertising day for Court. 1 must have money.?: 1 teaks thia sM good Wth and do ihope 2s4Tqwa mm come foward and settle before,! $nKWn- sepSO " 1 " Sheriff.