..... .fJ yX f'f t-i'Tf ': '' -rt'.. tr.r-' ,- . --r .1 ' AMI AH 9.. i f 0? 44- 444, r n o a f CHAKLOTTE JJ, FAGTCXBEat JlOftfc r s UK r .1 1 :.iJ T mm. i m v m -r u m jbb v a v m. m m. -m m mtm mm m m m mm 1 " 1 - If. SMlTfi. dots Ma' .twp",-.T T i" rup VT' . .Tff PT ST : TOOT SOLO AT THE BOOT SMITH TmrlN the next nlnty dja, Intend to sell a large Stock of Hea' Woraen' W So5. .aClaw and O&Udns BOOTS, aHOS and BAXS, wprislnUa4jia, V&ortto. of wh llw r .ff'iii MariufMUrw mpfessly io Our Om0ram those in the surroHndinir country. Will flnd'it to their w mean to ittGo&'W laW 8 .'M'ow Fprifc." Boston orP flOT ge3-ly 'PSgSPVIWGS ., BANK A". OF -1IECKIJENBXJBG CHARTERED BT ACT OF b aitkhtq ; norrK, rade st.. charlotte, at. c, '" " wepared to transact a geheral Banking Business. Cash advanced on Cotton, Man nfcctured Goods ated Mciandjsa stOTeq in Warehouses and covered by Insurance also on Stocks, Bonds and other Securities. Deals in tioiaaaa cuvw.voinjaxcBange, cnmon, ijanK wotes, Bonds, Stocks, Ac. Money. rerefye4n'4eBlttslieCt to cnck. Interest bearing Certificates of Deposit WtneA for money when left 'fn time according Collections made On all accessible points ; tnitted for on date of payment. h Directors and E. C. Grisb, . iX Mkjadlat, of Stenhouse, Macanlay & Co. 0 1 3- W.'MclIjrteAT. of MoMnrray & Davi?, B. H. Moobx, J. w. Wadswobth, -n Wa WiUSiSB, oi uuer 8. P. SMITH, President i Tr L: VAIL, Cashier. C N. G. BUTT, Ass't Cashier New, yorkCQtre8pondeat Impofters' and , Charlotte Agency, Ofet; llth,4874. THIS ROAD 18 A ' FA-RT OF THR GREAT ATLANTIC which is one of the most reliable lines of transportation in the South, and connects witht all the first-class Steamers, running between CHARLEST0!f, mLimGTON ANDi FQRT8M.OU JH , TO BALTI- -MORE, PHJliADELPHIA, NEW YORK, BOSTON, , (; PBOSIGEI 4ND FALL RIVER. and in a few days with STEAMERS FROM 8AVANNAH. CHARLESTON AND We gife gtimaiMSylLSiiomt 1 a n - r cm i COTTON YARNS, . -il r.nii.; utH 1 i . Um ill- at rates aslow.is the lowest andJiave fewer quicker time, foarvanvljnl rnnniing out of a. Kaiiroad, before Shipping your Ireighie, and m The Old Reliable Route. Col. John B.-Pherci f r r f Jas. Anderson, ' '-" A. Pope, . TmrjBBy ep 11, ly i'SC, THEtWrdand-iwst Jotfor the season, of tbosk ,beaitiluijl43Y JCARRJAGES. Ullsoon, before they are ajlgooe. ,t, MiwiN8aiii,B00k.gbrrHat iTree m Spht Bottom Chairs. . 7 : ?. )'! - r , , repo-t "A'tt - fl rtf . W. CHALK, GSO. W. CHALK, & :co; conniisio 5iEScnAsrT8r AHD DXALKBS DT '' rain, Floury Baeonf CtroeHest OHABLiOTXK, N. C. Special atten'u'glVen'b'consignments ot ifw n. for of in other markets, and "Deral advancesmade. jtrne . .who'! tnirrJi )o 4vn v. lV. ilvmm. T l..r.i, '.f " .. n.-i' fnnn . . - . v f JSi.'i'.-l'X1"''' U' fill ! 1 ia oniy nrst olass ' Hotel between Unar lott rtd Atlanta. ThU Hpnsehas JUSl been retMintl. . Mtnmiahv1 fa SfnT1 0011 anient ;b tkeJbusiness part 01 W- Ufflmhnt irv ind mn th TVtJ -'1 ..HDTELv vvf NATIONAL J'iil T I V . r .. . , - vrtJrDEEUVIANSYEUP, Si i v . .... .. JVl u convenienwr. alMuAed fominer; i City eUl $m&T 9oase;ln the; Omnthnmm AvTTvj irft ui !': seps-tf. ,,in,; d,n i.'. tVTJ.rJt Doardern Wairite4. im'Miii M.fi2?flnow' Pn for thereoptl&S 9niniM.UAI1f.JW i I ft. lAHfl 1 bckardMi " ' . t . m. .1 TrTAk'XW JdJaiaV? CoffeelFIbbMspecSlMAc .J?1 blow Charlotte Hota.lc. CairandexambTe.' ResrclH ?F tty2J6m. -Up?. ortaOlTTTB tALENDkR W.S.IWEBBS Shoes AND SHOE HOUSE . fx -a COITNTT, N. C. THE IEaiSIATT7BE. few idtnV iovo. j$ 100000 1,000,000 to agreement. promptly aoknowled on receipt, and re- Officers. R. I. McDoweij., R D. Collins,' f S T. 8jcrrH. ' ' a; Alexander, Traders' National Bank. feb 4. ly 81 DOMESTICS. J 1 transfers, more careful handling, and make Charlotte. Call at the office of the C, C. & you will find ptto yomr. advantage to Ship 3i President. Gen'l Manager. Gener.il Superintendent. Gen'l Freight Agent. W.W. PEGRA tfr Ageiat' Durham Tobacco ! Jolm-Hf McJIIWee oners ro Dealers, Chewers and Bmokers a large Tot. of manufactured tobacco at low pnces.-Jiis f , ... , ... . : ... : ANTE-BELLUM DURHAM BRAND is not excelled' dri the market. Address at Statesville, N. C. juneiafiiroX" m,s.ittc07cl biv& mvitir Encourage Home' Industry. : THE ' DIXIE FULIP I 1H& BEST PUMF FOR THE LEAS7 .xfi t MONEY 7. satisiacnon uaarameea or no Trade. Diploma Awarded at the Iast JPWr!e the CarpllBas fRHfl! AXTB ruMP js.!Sqli noanperi- lj or toany wcwdentPttrtft iiow flfered 4 to bhej)pijc,;ftf is fafuthern iJProdctioni i made,at rown aoors..oioiir.own.niaxeriai. i Mrties alnt I this tPuinp esQ&in&lp,its eapnese,, tdurabinty. and emcii ncessa seas oj named who are nslnz the runiD:.. W"F Davidson, Mayor of Charlotte, dson, Mayor of Charlotte, v u AiaxwelUSe der, 8 M Howell. James Johnston, Ori? Free-1 land. ,RChrane,Cyrus , Hunter, J M 1 MCMurray, js M Mier. JlJi, Andrews, . ur. JWDej yipoont ,V- 45 xates. ... v i I. If sjpiBictiorei sad iiold.brmv ' :;;v ao' ITrade Street, Charlotte,' N.C WANTED To contract for a lot of yel low pepiaf heart luutbehs' ' M A ap115 Simmons Hepatic 1 .))' U: Jno O Baker's Cod Liver HWfiirnrOj JastJttttiYedV unit W.B sepfB' 4 ,v,a, d.-i- . anil i-.!n-fj. "2 s.T?r! rnktmbm- KniYte ! ' i f 1 "5" P.kf i flfof Svor,.Id be lea i - ..t. m . M . - pwMirtteauQnj iaiiy receiiuK,irKe uvuwuuajup uy:preacui, and COAST OF LIERCHANDISE icyi oufi laeemea venureiy . wi t east a nr I nnlu. vib 'tn Iha. ,hl lAVIIIir rltl.'l I ' CharLoiLe iiiuim mahwothers. not Iiit--- PTTBXISHKD ST Charles v B. Jones. ; Proprietor. Office, Springs' Building, Trade Streets KATX8 or BUB8CSIFTIOH . Oaily One year in advance, At $7 00 3 50 1 75 60 Three Months, in advance, One month, in advance.... . Weekly, one year, 2.00 Bnbscnbers will please look out for uxe cross mark on their papers. They are thus ' notified that their term of subscrip tion haa expired:; and are respectfully re quested 5 to renew at once. r4 BATES OF ADVERTISING. One Square one time $1 00 1 50 . 2 00 . 2 50 . 3 00 ; , two toys... three' fbar davs. j .nveaays 4C :t?Vt-flnft'''aaV 3 50 5 0O WQ Wee ire Xhree weeks 6 60 8 00 taken at , "'-one'inonth - 'SSTLdSmtract 5 Advertisementa proporionately low rates. Mye Squares estimated at a quarter-column, and ten squares as a half-column. CHARLOTTE MARKETS. 1 J Cotton Market. Reported Daily by Oates Bros.., Cotton Com mission Merchants. Charlotte, N. C, Oct. 15, 1874. Inferior gio Good Ordinary,. Hi ijow Middling, Middling...- Market closed weak. Sales to-day, 301 bates 13(5il31 13 141 . 13 14 Country Produce. Buying Rates. Reported by G. W. Chalk Co. Bacon Hams, per lb 16 I' Sides, 15 Shoulders, 12 " Hog Round, 14 Beeswax 25 Butter Choice, 45 a 50 Brandy Apple, 75 0 Peach. 75 Eggs, per dozen, 25 Flour Family, per sack, 4.00 ' Extra, 3.75 " , Super 3.50 r--Dried Apples, 2.00 ' Peaches, 2.25 1 M vBlaokberries Green Apples-- per bushel. 00 Chickens, spring, each 18 a 20 . ; grown, Turkeys. ? 50 a 75 " 'Ducks, 20 Grain " CW White, per bushel, 112J " -Mixed, 110 Wheat Red, per bush, 1.30 - L. White, 1.35 Oe-Black 75 r' White, 80 Peas Pure clav, 75 " Mixed, 75 Hides Dry, 14 " Green, 7 1 lord Good. .L: 18 ; ; gonunon, iq Meal White, 1.20 Onions, 75 a 80 (57 lbs to fcushel) Potatoes Irish, 50 $1 10 Sweet. Wool Tub washed, 35 Unwashed 25 Free from. that venality which cor rupt the eoMetonCe or that pity which crrvpu justice." ' CITY BUL.LETI S. The moon is getting high up. Neow ! Not so cold last night. A man could, ex ist up t&juidnight without anf overcoat. V- -TheoloTed brass band played' several airs on the Central Hotel corner last night, about 12 o'clock. They a) improving. An unusually large number of ladies graced lbCltreets wifh .their presence yes- Jim Pethel and Robinson Reid, colored, were before the Mayor yesterday for an af- frav. and were fined S3 Wl erh v-otron, potatoes, c., have been made to wir. tnrougn tne influence 01 tne severe Irosts of the past few mornings. , two JiV'ie cuiKiren caie near oeing run over by two loose horses, on Church street yesterday.-, They narrowly- escaped t serious injuries. Mr. R. N.'Orhnes, who was hurt by the distressing accident of "JTednesday. after;. noon, was able to be up and .out on the streets yesterday. He will be entirely res tored in a day or two more. Oaf townsman, Col. R. M. Oates. return ed home yesterday, from a trip to Texas. He docs not give a cheering account of the financial condition of the South, as he saw and heard of it from Southern men. The JJew Fair of the Carolinas begins in less than three weeks1 from this time. Are the farmers, mechanics, artisans, ladies, and the general public, preparing for 'it ? There is 'but little time left noT for gettings things f exbibit,on Lf ror exniDicon. It is time now to cease washing until next gnn'n. whAn v. n k W 4de of getting into a tubful of : water; such weather1 - as'- this,' is enough to gloom over the whole community. walk down. Trade street ' from Tryon, through College and to the ' cotton platform,' is all that is necessary to convince one that ken place, and that money is beginning to circulate more freely. 'Wjoddson, of the.Raleigh News', ht& made arrangements with the Secretary of-theNew Fairof thwCatolfnaBrtO pitcfr-alent bnM grounds here during fair week. Said tent W"l have in it a performing moskTi and a v Tne funeral oi Mr Moses Alliaonthe. victim of the falling rafters ot i Wednesday 'after nooa, was largely attended yesterday, after- noon The services took plaee from-Tryon Street M. E. Chnr.andwwj-ponducted by the pastor Rev. P. J. Carrawav. . TWf'KiXaS : tfKftff Itvl I ' AL&ere ipwppsw vine in me , gsraen oi IXtr T n rkUinn. nf thi! citv rbiiUMu4. off many victinv One tienian i' i. ; t-i - .i on i ,mi le press this season. it lwrajy-iojMpumpjKi03gnaem 1 aione nas iosiwgni .iup.eys jrom it. ne iler tusn a nau ousnei, measure., , jinis i says ina xerosene on is a proiecuon agamsc etsaway wtwtfl'pnnipwir Tine wmci i k. -eomeot w jowls were sicav,whenne hands'ofu Comrt at Shelby. ;:7':i;'"; .' Cleayeland Court began at Shelby on Mon day, Judge Schenck presiding, and Mr. So licitor Montgomery prosecuting in behalf of the State. We have learned some news con cerning the Court, from. ,a friend who was present; There. was aTeryAlare crowd in attendajiie, jbd tioxilunlunially full. ifii.l'llwi tibfle hearing of otBtrjginijj ases.l esday," the drug gists of the town'wetebxw selling French brandy. In the case of W. A. Wray, it was shown that a physician ordered the brandy for a sick lady, and the question was made whether French brandy is a nled icine. A great diversity, of opinion prevail ed among the lawyers, but the case was de cided for the defendants. It is strange that any lawyer shotilof pretend to know what Preaeh brandy is. ' - v - .,-r On Wednesday, a negro was arraigned fof rape on a 9 year old girl. Elwood waa also arraigned for the homicide - near Kings" Mountain. These, with the case of Thomas Gladden, who slew Calvin Rippey near Shel by a few montns ago, the particulars of which were published in the Observer at the time, makes three capital cases to be tried this term of Court. On Tuesday, Judge Shipp obtained a writ of injunction against the Carolina Central Railway Company, as prayed for by Dr. M M. Orr, of this city, whose claim for dam ages sustained by him by the company run ning its track through his land.has not been paid.i.u: - Our informant, apropos of Courts lawyers and Judges, says he observed at dinner at Border's Hotel, one day while in Shelby, a Judge of theaprerae. Conrt, a Judge of the Superior Oorfrt; janyex-JadgeT? adjudge of Probate, and a candidate for JadMallaiitine in i row like T? seven little JhjunV of Shelby is improving two snislbwn lots recently sold for fS.eOO.'-The" town has 10 stores, 2 drug stores, 4 churches73 schools, 3 confectioneriesv a Grange, Temperance, Ma sonic and Literary Society, about 1,000 pop ulation, and bought last year some 3,200 bales of cotton. Esto perpetua. The people are intelligent, active and progressive, and the Obseevee .subscription book shows that they area people of taste and judgment in the matter of newspapers. : Murder Meat Foal. We learn privately of a foul murder which was perpetrated some days ago in Ruther ford county. It appears that one Joe Hodge and a fellow named Hyder, both .attaches of the Rutherford county Ku Klux hunting gang, bought some stock from two cattle drovers. After some time they took up a suspicion that the drovers were hot the lawful owners of the stock, and started after them, both taking different roads. Hodge went to a negro cabin and made the darkey take his gun and go with him. .Suddenly they came np with the drovers, and Hodge with drawn pistol, ordered them to surrender. They made some demW, wheretipQrt Hoege urea, ana severely, wounueu one ai tu9 M'fu The other tried' tofirel; tot .failing'; to do , with Hodgehoenatidie off rolverinthefe The latteljfthen closed his revol shouted to the negro to corne jaidT 6hoot his ant agonist, wlii;ffimBfQghis ean at the man's' lreasL and blortine is heart in pieces while 'Hodge heldh " . . i .' 1 CI TS ml "Sir 8uch are the facts as reported. -The other drover is not expected tolive. Hodge went before S Radical magistratoandgate atmall bond for hiSAppearance. - He. is one of the Logan ite creatnres' that vhelped to maltreat the so-called Kn Klux . in 1871. A Proposed lecture. We propose going ?intq , the lecture field. Mr. Lindley'sllectures o Africa are.yeryiAr teresting and lristructiei' and the : tnmd is situck wiin w.onaer ac me customs anu car ryiQgSLQn hale; into our1 lecture- Ori 5 'HJhe sprits'5.5 Points," anfcprovtf all wrf say Tly the police The only differences betweea Mr. Lindley's heathen and ours. are. IsL ours sneak the Enghsh language and hflr don't, znd. Ours, or some of them, wear clothes, . and his don't. But' then ours get drunk and fight, and his don't ; ours get up before the Mayor and go to the lock up. for two or three , days and when they get out go arid thing over and are hauled" up again, and his don't ; ours do all sorts of meanness just be cause it is meanness, and his generally have some other object, and ; we venture to say that, in our little Five Points, there are more rows, more cracked heads and more noseless faces in one year, than in the whole domin ion of King Hiwasseeknmpoop, or whatever his name is. Altogether, we'll bet a steamboat ticket to Africa that ours are a more progressiva class of heathen (in wickedness), can get drunker 1 j i a w nan tht mmn Kiii sedness generally in a shorter time, and know less.' his. about justification by faith, than An Omission. ' In the Jist ' of cotton buyers in Charlotte, as published by us Wednesday morning, we : omitted the name of the oldest one in the city Col. L. S. Williams. He has been in the cotton trade in Charlotte for the past 20 y.rttBe0.n f 6ne year.The first ten thousand balesof cotton ever sold here, was bought bjr CbL WilKams and W;W. ElmS Bq;J KVt 'that-OaLTr.ias:ioii;a.WL mJi -ii ;"it :.'; uni..MnAiu).4iwi.:i room by sickness which has been protract- ed through eight weeks, is ierhape Jhe reas on why our memory fa iled to recall r hun hen we were writing up the list of cotton buyers in thrsUlSAHl .A D :3 30iD Vftff ' 1W nmrX I rnis aisease has seizea upon tne t fowls dl . thir nd Tinn1rwnAn toll n fm- Mifs. i;r:.:i..i--i".tAi i i dropped somer kerosene down their 'throats with a feather and they recoyered. of rtjGse people ; talJLhese, will insignifilipfce wheaiwe deliver 6f 'the-Flvfe - m . -rr . Baliroad Itesas. ;. We hear a rumor that a change will take place shortly .in the schedule - of the day train on the liorth Carolina Railroad, and of the accommodation freight and passenger train otfithe AirLrae, whichfiOw connects fMpjere, tbMTose who jowertaes can rnusrattenhon of the Trades Invited to a with it. ' The train on the North road Will "Mve'fS injh mat f- v hirge, handme and well aerected arrive here at 9 P. M., as it did last; Winter, 1e STiIK and the Air Line freight and passenger will leave immediately afterwards. , 1 We learn that next week,' through passen ger cars will be run from Charlotte td'Tex-, arkana, via Charlotte, Columbia and Augus ta, Georgia, Western Atlantic, Nashyille and Chattanooga,' Nashville and North Western, Louisville and Memphis, Memphis and Little Rock, and Cairo and Fulton Railroads. We hear further, tnat after this week -ai ilzzlSl -fzimt c if , throfigli passenger cars will be run from Charlotte to Little Rsck via Atlanta and Richmond Air Line to Atlanta, thence oyer the Georgia railroad to Augusta, and from there by the same route as that described in the previous paragraph. . One can, after the above described arrange ment goes into effect, travel from- Charlotte to Gajycston, Texas, with only one change of carsthat at Texaikana. This is railroad ing on an extensive scale. A Stranger and Taken Iu. Yesterday, an old negro man, named Ned White, came here from Lancaster county, S.C., with cotton for sale. After seiling this, he began "'swinging around the circle" to See the sights of the city, and soon found himself in the Fiye Points. Here he had no difficulty infinding folks willing to, assist him in his Ksearch,Ml it was TioVldng before he found himself betting against a sleight of hand trick manipulated by two negroes. The trick was in a spool with a piece of ribbon around it. The sleight of hand man showed his victim the spool with the ribbon on it, then took the ribbon off, put the spool back in his closed hand, and bet $20 thatwhen he opened his hand, the ribbon would be on it- The old man bet readily, and it came to pass that he found himself minus his $20. A eiMi ingenious changing of spools, was sufficient for the man with the trick to take the stakes. The old negro then went before the May. or and swore out a warrant. The names of the men are Harry Hampton and Har din, alias Peppers. When the police went to execute the process, both the men fled, and, notwithstanding a lively chase was giyen, they were not overtaken. Harry Hampton has a store in Five Points, and the stock of goods was attached. So the old man recovers his money and learns something which will be to his advantage in the future. Another Fair Paper. An association ofprinters tn this office, Messrs. McCraney, Brown & Elam, will pub lish a -papef daring Fair week and call it the Fair Advertiser. Each and every day of the Fan-, 1,000 copies of it will be sold and distributed free among the visitors. Busi ness men who desire to communicate with the persons here attending the Fair, are recommended to use this publication as a ttS?'-a- 7?m" motfate abont seventeen columns of adver- usciJicuui, anu we iayc uuuui LUCJ nuf, with little difficulty, get all they want. The Advertiser will contain each morning, the programme for the Fair that day, a re port of the proceedings of the day preyious, and also whatever local matter of interest there may be, . ... Eclipse of the Moon. On the night Of October 24th, he moon wiU he tyrtally ecUppeds throughout the Uni ted States, the first time here in several years. East 6f longitude 109 west, the mid dle of the eclipse will take place early in the morning of Sunday, 25th, but west of that longitude, late in the evening of Saturday, the 24th. Although the eclipse is called total, and the whole moon,. will pass through the shad ow, of the earth, our satelite will not wholly disappear, but w', remain," visible, of the hue of tarnished copper. This eclipse, as above stated, may be seen throughout the United States and all North America. t-t I be Atlanta Fair r We understand that quite a number of our citizens have it in . contemplation to vis it the Georgia State Fair, which begins in Atlanta next-'Monday Every preparation has been made for a grand gathering of peo ple, and the display of articles, the friends of the Fair say will be the. largest ever witnessed rathe "State." The anthonnes or the Air Line Railroad have reduced their rates so as to carry visitors to and from At lanta for one fare, and we doubt not many of the people of Charlotte will embrace this fayorable opportunity for visiting the Gate City of the South. Elections on the Fence Qnestlen. Elections were heW -yesterday in Crab Orchard and Mallard Creek Townships, on the question of the fence law. We have not received the result , of the election at either box, but gentlemen who came in from Crab i .Orchard;-, in the afternoon, m I - 11 A. 1.1 - mmm-mA.l.mm. Ml" hjrt$kh.-f- nd thev "Vers' fthe 1 " ,. r - opinion that titnb fence" would prevail. We have no advices whatever from Mallard Creek. "f It Music In the Air." was right funny to see that countryman yestexdviging , pat(woeoowpo5 a iwo- horse wagon, and playing as u lor oear me, ;.aeEfl wlwdtoiidsnttraw I wrohssenVMdltf'anobJeUow'wto PII'PT'' jakilwjiri Admhing glance around upon his more accomplished com panion . We couldn't , help thinking about mimi icon us it: wew wt Aiccofaeoii. T bf(? b'.-Iitl Jl Mi .'t 1" ' ; VJPSA 10 ;(We- take'DleaSnreMti 'stating 'that" Rev. Tiepfgeger wpmtm?&wmti " mLi ' il tUM9 Af will deliver sn address Sat e the Ceurt House this evening .fenfipsln- vitiUior extended to . the public to be present, and we hope a large crowd will be out. I. Notice to Delinquents. After the 20th inst., persons interested, can see at he Sheriff's office, the list of names of those persons whose property will be ad vertised for sale to pay taxes. It is not amiss property advertised." Bat Sheriff Alexander tontistind wilTaave the mony due thecoun- ty.an AState, if not by one means then by another. Marriage oi a Rock Hllllan. '- Our young friend, Allen Jones, Esq., of Rock Hill, B.C., brother of Johnstone Jones, Esq., of this city, was married last night at L , . . s . . ?.'-- . Of that town. His friends m this place, and he has tnany o them here w?l cordially Join ns in wlshtng him all of the' joy and prosperity which is supposed to follow upon a young man's throwing off the miseries of single cuasedness, and taking his stand the army of the Benedicts. r f- '.. in The Water Carts. The water carts continue to traverse Trade and Tryon streets daily; ' but it is nearly time for them to hang up until another seas on. They added largely to the comfort of th city during the Summer just ended, and Mr. Gallman can congratulate himself upon the fact that he has done what no one else ever did before, though several have tried it, the has succeeded in watering the streets in a satisfactory manner. Died At the residence of her husband, at Pine ville, on last Saturday night, Mrs. M. M. Wallis, of congestion of the lungs, with ty phoid symptoms. She was in her 44th year, and leaves a large circle of mourning friends. Married On the 13th inst. by the Rev. R. H. Grif fith, Mr. Sidney Austin to Miss Bettie Stone. Kew Advertisements. MASONIC. MEMBERS of Excelsior Lodge No. XX 261- A. F. and A. M., are requested to ' N be punctual in their attendance at a regular communication of their Lodge to night (Friday) at 7J o'clock, sharp,- as busi ness in reference to the New Hall, will be brought before the meeting. Visitors are fraternally invited. ' THOS, SYMONS, octl5lt. .Secretary. Come and See Us, OPPOSITE "DEMOCRAT" OFFICE. Next door to McAden's Drug Store. : W E now offer to the trade, one of the best stocks of NEW GOODS, just bbneht on best terms; consisting of Ladies' Dress Goods, White Goods, Bleached and Brown 8hirtings, and Sheetings, Pillow Casings, Ta ble uamasks, jnannel. Blankets, Ladies' and. Gents' furnishing Goods, Shawls, Otto mans, Silk Scarfs, Bugle Belts and Trim mings, Imitation and Real Laces, Ribbons, Ho.isery and Alexander Kid Gloves. Also an elegant stock of Clothing, Boots, Shoes, Ladies' and Misses'' Miles Shoes, Black Cloths, Fancy Cassimeres, Water Proof Cloths, Jeans, Plaid Linings, Tickings, fec, Respectfully, ALEXANDER, SEIGLE A CO. octl6 tf. ' Jnst lleceived. SPLENDID lot of Fancv Pa; ner. elerant IX tinted three-cornered.. .Envelopes, witn paper to match, suited for notes. Also the Oriental Pattern.- A new style just out. oetlO tf. PHIFER& STEELE. A NOVELTY. fTlHOSE Ferneries, such beautiful parlor A ornaments. A noyelty for this1.', tnar- ket. ! Come and see them. octl6-tf. PHIFER & STEELE. 50 BUSHELS MOUNTAIN APPLES. 20 Bushels Chestnut. - YN consignment, and roust be sold to-day, J if possible, at my new store, first door beloW Shelton's New Furniture Store, East Trade Street. B. N. SMITH. octl6 tf. Pat Grass-fed mountain Beef! THE undersigned announce to the citizens of Charlotte, that they have establish ed a butcher's business in the city, and will keep best on hand,- a regular, supply of the Honutain Beefy at the very lowest, cash prices. Stall in the Market House." i For our character and standing, we refer to Gov. Z. B. Vance, Dr. T. J. Moore, E. Nye .Hutchison, J. B. Rankin. OCtl6 tf. Ji. .. Jf JHJN lAJBiHi UU. , H0TICE. THE gentleman to whom I gave mysnon- ey and certificate on Wednesday night, last, to take care of while I was intoxicated,' will please send ;the ,same to me at, Fort M1HS, D. V- JOHN KKIBALL. LOTS FOR SALE. WE offer for sale the valuable property comnrisine Soiuare No. 58. to the City of Charlotte, making eight lots, excepting - the -rt of a lot : occupied by James Moran, I . . . A Lmmmm . AMWAMfuil VmrnrnT tKik tMtb f 44wl fraction covered by tne track of tbe North CaroUna Railroad. i , If not deposed of privately before the 24th of November, (next) said property will. be then sold at Auction, at the Court House in Chailotte, jbeing Monday of Court.) j Terms i cash, balance in 3 and 6 months, wito interests- '; ' '!; ;' -l;V i : Title undoubted, and no r money asked till party is satisfied on this point , ,J. S. PHILLIPS, RUFUB BARRINGER, M - Aeent and Attorney or shj v. n. xu vqj 0SXlt ,1814 U l.-- t' !15i0 I i TBS GREAT ORiamAL 1 ; ... ' t . -.1 , . will givetwoof therr side-splitting perfor- rsrssiu- iwt , V CHARLOTTE OP32BA HOUSE j f Monday and Tuesday, October .520. rpHE largest and best Troupe traveling, ac X companied bv a first-class Brass . Band. and eiehteenStar lers'Msee uneir programmes and bflhv' amission ss usual, leere pu tu, j o'clock ; commenbs.atSVciock. : j- H. A. GARVIN, octl4 5t. Manager, " a . f . a , I at f ,-,A At Tate's Factorv. An leianf befoeoffi!m Ladies' Dress Goods, from the cheapest to thefinest. JEANS, CASSIMERES; -.' .: LIN8EYS, FLANNELS? Ac, will be sold at LESS THAN CIT& PRICES. - READY-MADE! CLOTIIING, Hats. Caps, Boots Shoos, -Notion, and fancy Dry Good,' at prices that cannot fail to plcase. Groceries, Hardware, . Crockery, and all kinds of Plantation Goods, will be sold as LOW or LOWER :' sn the West. Highest Cash r" aiwaVs paW for Cot tonweights to vi respond with ithe farm er's. No breakage or charges . tqr. weighing. Cart and examine our stockV'' ' MOUNTAIN ISLAND MILLS. Octl4-tf ; , .( , ; . - ; , Southern JTome copjr' f. , '. "" ' i aaiiv increasun tHa rim. -t.u n Walk np to the Capjtaln's Ofiee. BUCKWHEAT Flour, new: and . good. ; Edam and Factory Cheese, Milk Bus cait and Pilot Bread. Received to-day. octlS tf, , J. S;M. DAYIDSpN Agt. Valuable City Lots Fori Sale. I will sell at the Courr House door in Charlotte on Saturday ;the ' 17th i inst. at 12 o'clock the following valuable property. 1 -Lot on Trade Street 31 feet front and 140 feet deep and the remains "of the store house recently, occupied by J. .L.1Brpthers & CO. ' ; . . 1 Store House and lot , bcetfpretf, by Frahkenthal, 80 ftet front? and 198 feet de S. leep. on Trade Street near the Oourt 1 House. lgood dwelling-rand -lot nn corner of Cemetery Avenue and" 9th Street occupied by J. B. Glarkspn, Terms i cashU The ' remainder in' the equal payment at 120, 24 months, a8" per cent interest, . : ,, .JOHNE BRdWN, oct.9--tds. f!" Attorney. r ' --.U FRESHER STJLL- . ,, . Hams; Breakfast Meafs; Beef Tongues. Irish Potatoes, Onions, Goshen Butteoreain cheese, Scotch Herring, 4tc We -defy . com petition in prices. Finest of French candy; Nuts of ail kinds, Bread, cakes, Pies.! Ac, . made of the beat material, and goingi off. fast for cash at W . N . P RAT HER. AO'O V 8 . one door above the Market. PHIP EK & SirEELE,r . Book-Sellers . and, : , Stationers, . Dealers i n Fancy Articles and Music. " . . WE are daily receiving our large stock of Books and Stationery, to ' Which we respectfully call the attention of buyers in that line. A large assortment . of. School Books, now on' hand, Plain and Initial Pa per of all kinds and prices. Fancy Articles, sufficient to please the most fastidious. In our store, we have $1000 worth of, music, so selections to suit all can be made. ' We 'are the regular Agents for- Sjtinw.ay :fc ;Ben's riano-J? otes (acknowledged to be the best in the wbrld) and have one of his superb Ih- 8t rumen w, in our store which . we would: be happy to show to all, especially ; those .con templating the purchase of this household necessity. 'fi-MiiiHi" Give us a call. No trouble to show our goods. Resnectfully, ' . . octHMf. ' PHIFER'hTELE: !- : i V"-ij FRENCH Mustard, EogfishAnd American, Pickles, Potted Hams and Turk eyj, Sar dines, Tomatoes, 8alhiori,s Egg BESfChlt, Milk Biscuit,:. Maccaroni, iKaaiq,iriing America and Pine Atmle Cheese. Gelatine. Jelly, Brandy Peaches,'Corri Starch Silver Gloss; and Ohio Starch, Parafine tCan'dle and Ground Rio Coffee. RfiClTed, te-dty. J.sTMrDAVDS6N; "sept 25 ''-- Tradereet". Robert TannaliiU 3 & 6., COMMISSION, . MERCHANTS, NO. 130 PEARL STREET, New York. P. 0. Box 237. oct3 ly I.Y CTRCTJLAR. HAVING again "located in Oharleite, I nuke my respectful salutations to my old friends and acquaintances. I am how in the Retail Department of that justly , celebrated firm of s Messrs., Wittkowsky :& Rintels. where I shall be pleased to watt , on all my patrons- I guarantee to them polite attention and just treatment. : very Kespecunny !I0J2m M-D. L. MCLEOD. We Beat the World; r At the mslng Sun, ON Northern Apples, Irish Potatoes, Ban naonas, Lemons,. J.8 kinds of the most Celebrated Crackertin1Anierica,'J(ndies at Wholesale, Ground Peas, (a specialty,) Bread, , Cakes, Pies of every deaOTptws . f. , aenlo tr. v. a. nuLiivr at kaj. 'Jim. Fbifer & Steele -'i l- tTEEP constantly' haWdall Ae' 1 latest XV PictoriaU and;reriodicals7of e day. , (?all and see our.new. and ybjilhlstock oi Vuromos. v.w-r. "CI VERY'bddy 'to5 ihow1 ihat ' Walker A JDi Gibson ! are. now prepared to : feedall that are hungry, with the neat, tne .Wf"" affords. MeaZs sent to aif pans oi toe wj, and at all hours. : ctlt-tt J! tr- Oonipay SPti M fH??4- mHE public are hereby . notifiecL thatibe lregnlsr Mail or Passeriger Train nm'this Road will run between Oompany Shops snd Qokisboro(both ways.), u., 'i . ? " ? t ' ) On Sunday, October Uth, ariiSundatyfiX r tober 181874. . ct lw.V; : Master Trsnapertation S IMM.ON'S. Hepatie.ipowa iMrAi TJver Disease, Dyspepei new and - 10 V WuTn,rlFAtArtvi aharaa" eifB ing and 1 -Stock in the Meclchlrargor Sec ond Building and Loan Association. , aug22-tf. JNO. T. BUTLER. 1

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