'4' -m . J.E9 JR. .fONCS, , Proprietor, M iMj urti,",---:- - r.r.fn rid&y, "pctober.,16,. 1874 . f Free Wnb the doting scrapie that letteedf' frebdrn ttasbfc" A BASE SLA NDER. EiGrov. Parsons, of Alabama, who we believe waatinei 'of 'President An drew.! Job tt30h' Military Governors, for it;would certainly be a disgrace to the nofafcerold coninidnwfeiMW 56f Ala- m i bamatto caticbjoj anything else; orto. furnished having a tendency to further insinuate that by any fair means he their political schemes and advance had been called , to that honorable the intrigues that have.for so longept ... . the South under a cloud. To stir up position by, any vote of the decent the caldron of hate and keep alive the people of that State, has been elected embers of burning strife and promote President fOfcfche Chattanootra Con ven- direful niisunderetandinff as to the tion, aodinr hia address. thanking the motives and wishes of this section and Vi-v---" Ji -fij - n":JJ a abuse the minds of Northern people carpeagget3 and scaltawags then t0 that extent that any tale' tothin, assembled, for the honor conferred ae6ni3 possible, they seize upon the upon him by calling him to the chair, slightest irregularity and exaggerate it to preside OTerlihe deliberations to and make it appear that the; feoothern that aumbodv with 4haracJritic ' people,are antagonistic to everyay of thiS?Mft) 8tl(? yyder. and good government In .my, me.a7Js8 ,a?td PPwlaujty, iiidulge perambulation' and search after, infar in. tbifoljrqif ipg MfVsliwler, ,-irhron :mation 1 encohhtered one of that nu we pronounce fa infamous' an atter- merous family Vithbut whom no party ance;:,atihV eVex x;ould get off. He or body of any kind, degree or purpose " t 8 T. . was ever vet formed; one who bore the wapjlylpalte4j0jthefchairif to very uncommon name of Jones. Jones be,tharceEamer, of such a body, is a big man in the party, and to him assembled for such; a purpose is enti- had been entrusted the gathering up t!e lo'pifbniHei.. But here is ?f delegates to the convention. The the paSgiphr ' ' business of distributing, certjficates of r . , membership was not a sinecure, and "Where is the Southern chivalry Mr. Jones jogged bravely over the un 'showain9ing.ia disguise and num- even break-neck sidewalks of "the berstiwrpa,napf!.:iThat was city of Rocks" fqr., two whole days; 4notlhochXTalryfthe6uth-di8ptayed vy-eXring not only his own corporosity) iq the late war, ' norm the Mexican but seriously damaging his sole, thu war; nor in the warof 1812."r occasioning an urgent demand upon , This assertion ,mpliea that the hisjhoemakerjoranotherjja "Southern-Chivalry"' ia directly re- f.er tens." " frrJones poked his nose! ponsib,. for di.to.ica. omr.ge. tStlS.'Stl W4i,u c iic6cvi w uyc ku&ttu pwue in the Southern States, particularly since the days of reconstruction. The "Southern Chivalry," or more proporly Ihfi-Sonfhern people, are not, and .never have been responsible for the deeds, of what our Radical breth ren have been pleased to term Ku klux, ami they have been magnifiedja thousand fold rand we take pleasure in agreeini'wTth GovT Parsons, when hft MM JpwIi nf tinlmM ra nnf. nno of the characteristics of Southern We hurl back into the teeth of any base" slanderer the epithet, either ex. Dressed or implied, thai we are a set Af o)wrHiv rmrona mhn vnniH nron I .t j . , . in the dara, to the houae of any man, w uu utui vioicuce. aaiuer ici. lu deeds of the men under Lee, John - stbn and their co-patriots answer for the ' "chivalrv" of the South and ine cnivairy or tne tooutn, ana Southern men. 1 We confess that outrages have oc- curred, in some parts of the South, might, were they to go into this con Wtw h...! inatifl-ot hv vention, find themselves in the posi- I m r" Z. 7; " . "Z , J T deyil, and 'Winked at; pushed forward and magnified by carpet-baggers and scallawaga irbo expected 'to make po- 10 piace ana, erawurneni.. , Outrages .are what ooutnem Kadical poliih$n$Teed upbn, and they are fos- UrS'iini'ciierishedby all such; and , , . , , if they can only make it appear that . Uey afp JipfyhefoTithern chiyalry" all the better. The slander bears in its face the lie direct, arid the Tday is coming when theworld will believe" what we say. ' THE STATE FAIR. W arnt Wedndav in attendance .ufV.w'sf m, .!-Li- ",r Jl:l"- : . """"1 lrge .npiberJ(ipri, people , present, 1 bat 1tt ;rraf opinion Ubnre , were no '''jfotuih m!6r,iIiWii:rtw thirds of the numW as were:there lastiyear. The , . . j j., . hote!and0arnS nouaeaid, not ap- pear to be crowded to the extent that they were lasttaTI. '' " - . .it;fm -ibiSirh&tiiMh ftihihitinn was r creditable affair, notwithstanding nt Jtas;dne. year ajf fteftliiitioa.in the Mechani- were tides forextttbition were Drought from . a distance. 'The cotton press exhibited ' . b Civilk'oi0harlotte4vttracied itf jmi f nare di attention. ir. w, u. 7-Sm6' to , .STi ? , Iorgan,State Agent for the Erie (Pa.) Iron 1Workf.Jfibe(Areadqnarters are j a Ce.nra(icJHoteJlr,was'iptt hand wltb;tw6n0team tenines'ori exlii- .Jisnilt rni T'Uniit 4iU -u it.' NevtxEr of the Carolinaawe hope tne tf!w,Tirt9f iein,a&j!.:om- mencea in the thl da? of next monthTwA blithe erounds all a,f4i8ftlf0fijplSBiK WWfeW a rTim iafermfng our people wai'enxwfaHfumerous . we takelnle aVDeparftoeritlwaa Very good, but we special sleeping car. : x hey were prac n .,j AOiJXm A . . -. .: , Itlcaltv caprTinerriut thidfia mifrtrntoA sorrjLto note inat most ot tne an hv lh- rfn1. 1 If . r ...r..,,-? !. $tr ,vv.4 ,wV.'? I f.oVi ldtttf;iatriAtltim&'ftna w lase piea-fthat?i5t4te, that heTttioTrihan .7ih.mft IftAV fnr a lftro-fi ro ouwu Jue:K"un. uave ueen suanbuy 5?J5J?5rJorJ dJteMWlWtfmft wjo ItfoMnfe ttt tot ritwiWMTiMaa' nii'' Tmmnmir.in l 1 j - I i by the little sorrel mare belonging to Messrs. Berry & Walker, of Charlotte. To attempt to give anything like a J' nit:: IfUlSUIlia j IHUjl OlilIIlB Wall i ford trpareTh weill cdnjieh self for the present by saying that while the Fair, in point of numbers or articles on exhibition, was not what it ought to have been.or what it might have been, judging by the resources at &UjrLQjcn mnr!, Yt SLT&. atill-glad. that it was a successTanTI trust that with each vear'it inJWe?ow4beUer and rtr.rr mini ir. snail nuiMn ana in truth be . a "reflex of our .real ..weatfy and .importance. Chattanooga Convention as .viewed by a New York Herald Conreappxi- rlent. Argus eyed as the Merold truly. is, one of its correspondents thus writes up,the latest gathering of the faithful, and for the beneJfit of, those who , may have any doubt on the subject, we re produce a portion, of his letter; All . Snnthavii rmtriurbs. arc t.r Ka Lkw n ..d.iitional - material 0f his silver-rimmed spectacles, ma nipulated the hands of his friends in the nnniD-handle shake to discover a Republican likely to accept the reat commission and carry outr.tjie pur poses of the assembled convention. There are numberless prominent Be- publicans in and about Nashville, yet the glowing representations and earn est appeals of Mr. Jones fell upon list less years and failed to inspire his hearers with a due sense of the 1m porunce of , the occasion and induce them tO take SELF-APPOIXTED PLACES as members of the iiotablfe convention. Decreased pocket-books refused to open and yield up the required small sum to conduct a single passenger; to IChattanooea and back. With all his zealin the cause Jones himself did not (contemplate being a. delegate, and had finaly iven np fa? futil Rttmpt8 to Mndyce persons to become aeiegates to the convention. The fact of the bUsii ue8S is tnal tue native Republicans in Nashville regard the Chattanooga con- vention with 8U8pieion, aud are not willing to risk their reputation in it. They have a tolerable character, but tion of Bridget after she went on the Doat Another significau J item about the affair is that there " is a general manifestatiop of ignorance as to woat me conveniion proposes uo. iue had received the call, and they had not geen fit to put ,it before their lesser brethren. It wasregarded more in the light of a private paper than a pubjic aocnment. a prominent AepuDiican of Na8hvine, who is a party manager, though he confessed having the call, did not deem it prudent to let the fact be khdwn;i Ahothr:had beeaittaihly instrumental m calling toe conven tion, but did not feel it incumbent upon him to express his name in con nection with it, leaving Jones to solve tne problem of securing delegates to the convention. I next saw and con- versea Wltr. Abram Smith, a prpmi nent colored Republican, "always in the party harness and always readrfor 8tartt who said that he would have tfOthing whatever to do with the Chat tanOoga convention. He was not 'so much enamored of it as to expend a single soiltarynickle towards his trans- portation hee. He did not know that the convention would be likelyjto ac- com push anything of which one would fee proud. . 1 At. A.whf. n'pWlr At nitrKt T frtrilr 7: Z '7T ' on the way out of Nashville. The An kansas delegati'oTi l;was aboard on a and eenial comrjaniohshio with them were a quartette of eehtlenieh of color who aa-wilLhereaftfcr T be-showh, 'are t :r -vr " -r Y -"s-r. r--7 they choose to express it in their own provihpiaTernacldr. Wilh' a- Wry few exeptiohs hpdeU$iM:U,0cK of politicians, men who, fee grqrt "cb infat positions under. the: carpetj bag governments - in- thei Sautli; and who would be Ibth to surrender (the office, and t"h,ey aro 'rrfaklni 'desperate efforts to hold their ontfn. keet the I ,L. nvrtAto Amnrxv tVtn'nwlnlnna . "fTlii conveption-bad' ' '" ; ; origin inthe craniams of thef -Clavtons. Mc4- Clures, Dorseys and Brooksetf, of ? Air Ataaicaas ana aaventurers Irani ordinaVy!f estl I a t j nj'.-iii nt-i i i!iJ I M rifnrray & Davis' Column. Mfrtbants B Br S; K B . V3TRADBalNG MORE THAI?. VJ doubled itself in the past two years we have found it necessary to increase our stock, and enlarge our rooms in proportion to the demand for foods- Our Wholesale R is 135x35. has been comoletelr retnedeled. adjKbjLther5tho not only one of the largest-stocks in the State, but in the Southern States. We feel n leTIy - t I assured of being able to 'Sell everything1 in our line at - - ' ;' KEW YORK JOBBING PRICES, to cash or short time buy era,.., Our, stock of STAjpjB DT aOODS . WU .be equal to any in the city. Our sto k of fancy and fine Dry Groods Dress Goods, Hosiery and Gloves, will be the. largest in theState. Ourstockof a Foreign and Xfoniestic ITotipns, some of our own importations, will be tne largest and most varied, ever offered in this market. Our stock of .' Boots and Sho$s f will also be the largest in the city, and will contain a number of our own make. Out stock of Ready-Made Clothing will be larger than ever before. Our-rstock of ! HATS, CAPS, RUBBER SUITS, -OIL; CLOTHS,. &c, will also be equal to any in the city. In a word, our attractive stock, our liberal terms) our low prices and our strict adherence to facts, wi.l ensure us an increase of that pa tron age which has enabled us to build up a trade second to none in'the city. We beg your careful examination of our stock before you gOoJNorth or buy elsewhere CIRCULARS AND PRICE XIST" ' sent urxttapplieation;: jost Respectfully, MoMURRAY A DAVIS, Trade Street, . Opposite Brfrn, Brown & Co.'s Hardware, To the Retail Trade. W1 S again ask to invite the attention of the trade to tlve-Iargest and most va ried stock of -. , 1 DRY OOODS FANCY GOODS, WHITE GOODS. SILKS. HOISERY, GLOVES, HATS CAR PETS, BOOTS, SHOES, READY-MADE CLOTHING, GENTS. AND LADIES FtTRNISHING GOODS, &C, &., TO BE FOUND IN THE STATE. An iniiutnM stock -of Drem Good. Silks. &c, selected witb special, reference to bril liancy of shade ahd'cobr, ana superiority of texture and makes. The largest line of Alpacas, ever present ed, including the lowest price Goods, as well as the finest Fabrics. Llama Blooming Black, .. Cunard, Double Warp and Face, Grand Duchess Eclipse, Silk finished Black Bril liantine, an entirely new Fabric, made from the wool of the Turkish eoat, much more lustrous than pure Mohair. We are. offering a large variety of Foreign and Domestic Shawls, embracing novelties of the most elegant de sign and finish'. Black Meririoe and Cash mere Shawls;'- Ladies and Gents tVaveling Shawls, and Lap Robes, in fine variety, v : RIBBONS. Gros' Grain and Velvet Ribbons, all widths and qualities, in' a complete7 ran'ge of colors. ULUES , , Embroideries, Bugle. Trimmings, . Silk Scarfs, Ruching's ."Belfiiigs, Steel' Morroco and Russian" Leather, ' and Bugle trimmerf iBelts, ' in all the latestidpeigns. .;. , i.j, - ., -1 v.:U - ' ' Bleacdeiand brownShirtings and Slieet lags, Pillow.-case,1Linens,,.yable - pamaaks, j Towels, Napkins, and Table Diapers. re offered at extreliielf rowpWces?'10 c!n- . ': Mor.- .i:'!, I;iw ftiiohr.-'tJlo o''frTq 'I'Ju r ' n'atnt) Ma!TrK hv.. - y w style Repeilant, TOalr"" Kew Bed-covers, and! an elegaht dine of : CARPETS and H0trSt(0!nSH-i will be sold-at :astoniahiufeljt low nricee. rut willhe ofiexsd InReaayKmaae Ctoibiugnsnd lonfaLfiuniaMnv mrvfig, JtaOfafilha l. Jat. .CapjV uDjejaaa. ,AI1Wa?n!r'J!o: culesrm tnaCf othephUfeiy M.w Jines oi ouxafibefanqaityaca irrora Rid rroqrr burrotj: Retail Department, WhTSwTWth nWnced salesmenaAeaWfWWSi UslUtatte a n1 0T if i i. m- n w THK-heslaaviceC thdtvcan be'given to persons suffering from Dyspepsai, Bil ious uompiamts, Uolic, constipation, Sick Headache, Fever and Ague, Nervous Debility, or of any disorder affecting the stomach, liver or kidneys; is to tone, cleaneeand regnlate them twr a v WtUTT'S-VfiGBTABLBLrVER PILtS They act verv mi'dlv. vet th restore the functional action of the di- a; t . i i ? . t T gesuve organs ana tne lnteswneRi .u Te npvate the whole system. . They, produce neither nausea, griping or weakness, and may be taken at any time without change of diet or occupation. Price, 25c a box. Sold by all Druggists A distinguished clergyman of New York, speaking of this remedy, characterizes it as 'one of the special blessings of the nine teenth century. The certainty, of ks: heal ing effect," said he, "and the immunity from danger whether administered wcbil-. dren or to adults, adapt it for tbe wtdely popular use it has attained." None would long suffer from lung -complaint if they knew how easily they can be cured by this remedy. By its timely use all pulmonary diseases may be arrested, and consumD-' tkav the scourge that sweeps away thou sanus eyery year-r-woma oe cnecaea m its commencement. Persons with a seated cough, which breaks their rest at night, will find, by taking the Expectorant on going to. bed, they may be sure of unbro- ken sleep and refreshing rest. Possessing; a very pleasant taste it is easily adminis tered to children. Sold by all Druggists. Labratory, 48 and 20 Courtland St., New Yo,rk. feb 10 deodwly DR TUTT'S HAIR DYE. Possesses qualities that no other Dye does. It' effects is instantaneous, and so natural that it cannot be detected by theclosest observer. It is harmless, easily annlied and is in general use among fashionable hair dressers in every large city, in the uniiea piates.. r f ' - Price $1 a box. Sold everywhere. : Scrofula, Wuptive diseases of the Skin, St. Anthouy'sr Fire,. Er ysipelas, r Blotches, Tuhiois, Boils, Tetter, and' Salt Rheum. Scald Head, Ringworm, Rheumatism, pain ana eniargnient-ot the bones, female weak uess, bternuty, Leucorrhoea or whites, womb diseases. DroDSv. White Swelling Syphilis, . Kidney and Liver Complaint, Mercurial Taint, and riles, all proceed from impure blood. DR. TUTT'S SARSAPARILLA is the most powerful Biood Purilier known to meaicai science, it enters into the cir culation and eradicates everv morbific agent; renovates the system ; produces a Beautiful complexion and causes the body to gain flesh and increase in weight. KEEP THE Bl,Pi)O.UEAl,THY and all will be well. To do so, nothing has ever been offered that can compare with this valuable vegetable extract. Price $1.00 a bottle. Sold by all- Druggists. Office 8 CortIandt Street, N. Y. mar 26 mm The only Reliable Gift Distribution country 1 . s . . INC AXtTABIiB OtFTSj sioo.ooood TO BE DISTRIBUTED IN L. 1). FINE'S 45th Seihi-Annual ' GIFT To be clrawn Monday,' Oct., 12th, 1874. 1 1 m m ipit prize, 100,000 00 In Gold ! One Prize $5,000 in Si Iyer I Five Five Tett Prizes $1,000 Prizes $500 Prizes ' $100 each, ( Greenbacks in I iwo Family Carriages aiid Matched Horses with SilveriMouuted War ' ness,' worth $l,5(Meach 1 Twoj Buggies, Horses, Ac , worth $600 each. Two Fine-toned Rose-wood pianos, worth ' $550 each ! . ' Ten Family Sewing, Machines, worth $100 " eacn! - - ISOO Ootd and Silver Lever Hunting Watehet i aU,) wwihfromi2Hiq $300 cacfi.l Gold Chalhs, Silverware; Jewefry; fcV c. JNumoer ot uitts lU.uw i iicneta umitw ' '"tofSO.OOOl AGENTS WANTED TO SEL,1 TICKET, i.to whom Xiberai mi uma . wUl.W aid1 Snngie', Tickets $2; , Six TioketaQ.. twelve Tickets $20; Twenty jeiyp y;.,v 'Circulars containing a full list of prizes, a description of the manner of drawing and other information in reference to the Distribution, will be sent to uaty5w ofr dering them. All letters must be ddress-ed-to ' : 11. D. SINE Box jg5, kai oyfrCB, ' " ' Cindrfnati,- O; of m W Fiftb 8t. ' ; ' n :sept g Ltu '-- -'; ' Notice'. ; A Ltjpewbns mdebfd:iio.tberhite firm of A WITH Houston & Co, aAf hereby hoj ucsir ibiu ai 1 : m rsm neDU uoyw Signed to Mecklenbu TJfttinefttor f , " '.' ..Cashjejc, 'antee ife'SurweU, Attorneys. ... migii?74itft ' C. A. TRAZJER, f"'. Crocer and Comon erc "CIRESH FISH every. Tuespay, Auraosj &om MeattoieweetlPotatbein storeuii " Sentll7 : v :;.. 1 li utfrt - - - - fBAROilN la offered in. a Saw a: ssif iu!ajloui .u. ,rtr(! Eilomre of ' in the ENTERPRISE T- 1 . . . X rCandA thai they ' qWjfc ke :stfM banlr;6r4ts;th6z: v A CARD m f f E If uiiujjiii 10 ur ai urn ii; ami TZTi TZT- & . U-TAT CHAKLOTTJbHJUllI4J BJA JhADE A jWJHOLilSAIiB MARKET, ensr ade of vour section. whicMJbas prevlblisl -soorbt ahSvi5TilftA in rth, and possessing ample capital and mos coextensive stock of w I U f IT! whic' as ever been offered to tne Trade from "WE tiave been established in business Tone enoueh to anticinate Vour everv want aBasfto(f(otif twto th bai imp porters, Refiners andTaantfiacturers only, can make it to your interest to deal with us. HAA?fIiLipftr!Fd hjpngpehieii within three years, we"fiope 6y indttsay ciose artenuon 10 tne wants ana wisnes 01 our very liberal patronage; Oar Establishment. ; . We ask and invite our friends to call on us in our Mammoth. Building. 33 feet on College.and 20Oeet on Fourth St. It is the largest business . house in the State. Here : . 7 we will be pleased to show them the STOCIf'Jf and PRICKS of the only';. Wholesale CJrecery-7! House in Charlotte. Again thanking kindly a generous public ness for the last six years, we hope by dea eating 11 Corner of F IP" a Iff e IB For Price List, or any other inform ntion, pkase address as aboye, which will have im mediate attention. We are the Agents for the celebrated cheapest, finest finished, and infest substantial country. Price Reduced. Warranted twelve O P L O Agents also for Watt's Plow and castings, manufactured by Watt & Call, Richmond, Va. Sufficient to say we have them alwavs on hand or will order to suit customers. Catalogue prices, freight added. Address," R. M. MILLER & SONS, Oct2-tf. Charlotte, N: 6: R. D. WADE. FALL TRADE 1874. TO THE w E ARE NOW their OFFERING TO PURCHASERS unparalelled inducements to buy Boots, Shoes, Hat4Trunks,c. AT OUR Bool and Shoe Establishment, in 1st National Bank BuMAiitg. Opposite Central Hotel, Tryon St., Charlotte, N. C. . Si WE.keep the.enly strictly Retail. Boot and Shoe Store, to be found in the city, and haying bought our goods exclusively for CASH, in such quantities as to command low1 prices we flatter ourselves that we cannot be undersold in the South. Call and see us, an4 we will satisfy you that we have the best stock of goods ever offered to the RETAIL TRADE. . . . . . WADE & PEGHAM. Octl-tf. ' ' 1 READ, READ, ,miEi&R GREAT DISCOVERY. Bradley's Patent Enamel Paint, ., MADE FROM Pure White Lead, Linseed Oil and Zinc and Alway? fteady for -Use. READ THE FOLL0WINGTTSrfiLS : From Prof W O Simmons, Wake Wake Mr vr AnwW Dear Sir : We have for Patent Enamel Paint on our College Building, wasappnea Dyone navmg no expenence in sucn worK, yet we nave a goodjob. We snail cohtinue to use it Relieving that in point of eeonomyeTtsYajbaliT tion, it is superior to any other pigment offered in the markt . W ,Cl.MMPNS. From Messrs Englehaxd, & Saunders, Editors and Proprietors "Journal." We desire to call especial attention to the adveiijaraTOWBrsrtte Paint.' We ean recommend it from a knowledge dfiSsUBjAai SoraauolQie rB14yees of thi? officeiiaving purchased some f his paiit from l-'C?PV'Kight, of Balumore, have used it, and speak in the highest terms of it, after a trial of seyeTal months. While it Is as durable as ordinary palttt, it has a much finer finish, and its costjand convenience wiUreccanmen4ittoaU:ia need Qfpaint. j tv vH5: ':")F !'" ".rrr From S . The Plains, Faquie Mr C P EnivhtSit : The tmint ivune safci ta faa-nd sm .TiAd-2 fcwrs. 6 ealkma -tdethi and 3 buckets, 1 gallon eachi As nractiee (not constant) work., com plated the house: is-nbW generally r conceded, hat, for."enamel,,' fikestoadnessand body -fll -Harmony, of colort, there is nbt a handsomer job in the places jJ saved Siity--five dollar by7 the Opera tSonWhiEhiis to item .jus nw Vrth ntfia gonthetn peOpJe- It' sheald lbe 'geherillly opbWl -oJtlad canpplyat.vilhave neve dabbled m'sueli'stot as 'rtmppjaVHU.Mao.foibly the gratradaritabilityf of youfEtiameT; Paint" to' the wrints of our pebple in excellency of material, : in" beiaiy of color, arid in -the'1 fiict bf iuf veins x. -iOBBu yiraeov" : man give- you permission f" 4 s v aesnraofe 1 to yott y 'toJ make ' wnatusejyo tmnt proppr of tAiftietttjr. Very respectfully and truly, 8, umiVtp'r C P Khiaht, Eta No 93: Wsh Tvimhar RVrt. Rftltatriom Dear Sin ' Tt . arfrnWdii! much pleasure to advise you how well satisfied I am with'Sradley PaWnt'Enalael PainC baviflgnsed all I bought of yoti in painting a large cottage (new) at Ocean Spriflgs, Miss.,' a4 hating found it to cover and Work sd admirably, and very far superior to ordinary 'nett Pt JM1 colors not BnbjecJilD fede'Besides bein5 decidedly cheaper. It is my pur P08 tp-wpd yott.another, order for more very soon. .Tours WBpexifuttyi -Bi?r BAYNB,- c ' -jfArwiiys' ready for' tne and easily applied. Sold by the gallott. -r OnesalloaiiicoverB tt cu ,y iijuiirB yaras, two coats. - and Fris4 TAxt Ifrnrnixtuul --'iJnly,4em: ttat" Received riHOICE 1 .!. .! uosnen ugai Cured Breakfast Bacon, vassea mma tf(Peerlesl cott4y onhftdfcj ia .worbivita n i tm HE. BEST IN THE WORT.D , bdtl-if. 'f?i-Flrit NaonilBarikl . Choice Northern KarJv Kose atatoes'r ml? sck1 wifl beett T CAROLINA : H I: Ml experience, we have boucht the lareest and this point. We propose to offer you such 1 ,1 rwilHnake Mr tfrronrfartereafrtabur hvm m. 1" i. i ; - - 1 been done, Baying from first hands from strictly for cash, wk Our annnal sain y jeapaTieai uustomeio meri Mr a continuance of their r ( SPECIAL,. We bege leave to call four especial attefttlon to le. ffcc6 tkat our stock consists only of Groceries and Provisions, to which c;our entire capital time and attention are eiven.and we ari funtiired' thvt yie offer better inducements "tlian House who keen Dry lgOtts,Hkrdware4Liquprs lft$e f . making Groceries a tlTlftiaiidary considation. the for the fair and inc y, to merit a ctmlinu? M. MILLER & SONS, College an JFourit 8fe. ; Studebaker and Milburn r Wagons the Farm ani Plantation Waon s in the months. Wf 4 a. S. PfiGRAif.. PUe.LJa Forest, College; .Nrth Carolina. t. Fobest rJoLLi5GK,FN 6," October '4,.1873. several months been usm your Bradley's it Though it and are well pleased wit -o- 3f McGllL IIS; ' I a SI was slaffc rtdfli thefilobTmvself.'; Tiro'Wefek twd cuibra ihlaat:T0OBt 1 atmlled thick, and ft ' c. firniis. h r ...:. a - . irn Y- : r unci . P. tKNIOHT, Splft Ageit,',? 1 93 West Lombard 8tr BaWnote Farm for Sale. n.RAjaAMrf have eWral Yaiy.de ;from ISO ftcflatton .Offiee irtrearof OoLJJ Biiwtfsfflcai SOUTH tv 1 1 1 reaaiir4uyyi RADWAY'S READY RELIEF CUBES THE WORST PAINS In from One to Twenty Minutes NOT ONE HOUR after rea img this advertlaemeBt dm4 any 0M StTPTER WITH PAIN. READV RELIEF IS A !t wwthc first wbA ta that inrtantty atnpx the noA wernciaitarftain. .11. Innammationa, and rami ConeearionawbtKT iPSyUtoye)a&BE.fflBir iHn(lMjttaaa.T; w..y mvymMuim. . . ... IH ntOM ONE TO TWENTY, aTHUTES. RELIEF fill -JL3TlM.fioN if tb i mviht ion t'P rnfijBtxnnBB SORE THROAT, DIFFICULT BREATHINO 01 PALPITATION OF THE n,M HTSTERICS, CROVP.JHPTHEitwJ " "EAST. HEADACHE, TOOTHACHEp'' ' rarLKU. cold ohsmft WffiS4, RHEn,ATI The apaltcatioifpf te Biiy4eUerto the and aH TWrSMA1 PAINS. , . : - : ! ' aijj, nrvxR AND , ague. FJtvjMt AM AWJJB niM ror any aeata. tkmi. not a remedial -agent and Aenfcand an Other dtalariok lloa Saariir cent M thia world that will care B.. LIKF. Fin centa per bottle. STRONG AND PURE ETCH BLOOD INCRR i a v OP FLESH AND WEIGHT CLEAR 8KIN ANn BEAUTIFUL COMPLEXION SECURED TO ALU rapIlIiiJtSsalfEEt THE CREAT BLOOD PURIFIER. HAS MADE THE MOST AfltONWHlNO CTfRlS: BO WXi5NDEaiBg, UNDEa THE,1NFLUEnor UIjl, bu uriu Aus Tim CHANGES. THR OR THIo- 1Htr WONDERFUL- EDlnrw. THAT ufcf eisdbt is.teai Felt Erary &rof of iht SARSAPABILLIAJf . RB80L. vENTcommanicatec throagh tba Blood. fHrcat. Drina. and other Flaida and juice of the yitem tnarfiror of lite, for it repain the waatea of the hodr with new and ounmatenaL Scrofula. Svphllia, Conramatlon. Olandolar disease. Ulcer in the throat. Mouth, Tul moraNodeiin the Glands and other parts of the system Sr Eyes, Strtuaarous diachares frosa the Kara, and .the orst farm of 8kln diaeasataBtloas, Fever Sores, Scald Head Ring Worm, saltTOewmTEryilcelM, AcnaBlaOt-Spotf, Worms in the rie,' Tumors; Csn cera fvtha Woanb, and aU weatteainftajia taluTol dls ehr WrttSweata, I88 of SpSrtnl anftiuVaates of the Iff principle, are wiihiatha-etrfatira famraOf thia aief Msisra ghimiilf w aH afssralaia' aseLl he pa jifc daif eeonj aad.deae nposiUoa tbarier u, i sue. ,a4aiair nrassjnir tnasewaaca fWitkinawjrtateri thAB.AJtnauJrlUjpM ueaawaai.arM -lai made nia a s t i-uim ia certain; for when once thia remedy eomaseneea tta work of purification, and succeeds In diminishing the loss of wastes, its repairs will be rapid, and every day tae panent win reel mmaeii growing natter anastron the food digesting better, appetite Improrlag, and i and weicht inereasinir. Not only does the SiagiFiarLLiiii RasOLTjarr excsl ill known remedial agents in the care of -Chronic, Scro fulous, Constitutional, and Skin diseases; bat it is the onpttyniefr Ktd&ey & Bladder Complaints, Trinary and Womb diseases, OraTeL Diabetes, Dropur. Stoppage at' Water, Ivqontineneeof urine, Bricht's Dis 'ue.J AfbuiateuriaJiD&in all eases where there are brick-dust deposit, or the water is thick, cloudy, mixed trith substances like the white of an egg, or threads like white sijkj ortfeer is anerWd, dark, bilious appear ance, and white bone-dust deposits, and when there ia a pricking, burning sensation when passing water, and. Cured by Mail way's Resolvent. LPerfeeiPurgative&BeplatiiitrPiJls ferfisatiy tasteJeas, elegantly coated with sweet gora, ' purge, rwnlate, narify. cleanse and strengthen. Rad way'aPllu, fer the cure of all disorders of the Stomach. Lirer. Bowels, . Kidneys,, Bladder, Nerrous Oisesset, Beadaebes Constlpatkm, C'eesMsv Indigestion, Dt papaia, Biliousneas, Bilious Fever, Iadammation of the Kowela, Files, and all Piiaeianniais of the InternU Viscera. Warranted to-effect apeattiTe cure. Purely Vegatabla,containiag no mercury, tnlnarsJs or deleteri ous drugs. A fewdoees of BAD WAV 8 PILLS will free the sy. tern froni all the abore named disorders. rrice,U cents I per Box. 80LD BT DKVGOISTS. , hfEAB JAjari0B.'r Jsnd one letter exesap t nMrAi. y no, as warren ttt., ntw JrwL EBIaiK&'M -at 70s, FOUND! At White IN- Washington, a large lot of MONEY supposed to have b-n dropped by parties representing $350,000,000 while on ja,yi?it tal ;m .'4 w 1 jitjfl fliaae J. T. BUTLER, who is selling off all' of his finis GOLD and SILVER WATCHESCLOCKS and JEW ELRY, SILVER and' PLATED WARE, SPECTACLE jbe.i to prepare fori splendid FALL STOCK. i' I m v Those Who Want Barpalna Come and See Me At this establishment we call Brass, J5r;andfrold;jGf BverythhSg warrant ed'is VepreaenteA U ii H J h ZMT TlhlgStSf pticaf plA bid Gold and Silver. A.i.i;i. ! p.isyi Vftl9t PoitS and - Jewelry re . aired and warranted arlA months at . T BUTLER'S ?1, , , tjHUna, Jewelry Bouse, -.rf .", :-- ....i..v (,i -,, rCbarlotte, N. C. aplr : ., , . ortei rer Beer, 50 Casks of 'Bottled: Afe: . IT S I . 28 Casks of Bottled Porter, i 25 .Caste of TtrtttlAfl Tcrir . : ' Por sale at reasonable prices. , , '-ISifJ i J-.-.-.m ' ' WJ. BLACK. i-t- A SPLENDID Gld Watch and Chain, r fllfcy dollars Jeta tturn origteavt' coat Warranted fine gold, and a good time steeper Apply at THIS OFFICE. I 50 matter how Tiolrnt r rxemefamt th f rS'KWiC, mwqnMflM Ii.flrm. Crippled. na a r HAD WATT" READY RFI irr wy- Qr Kir )ti WRier will Dreveni iicKnM at Diim rrnrr 1 aee. mm I IKECIlVKn THE undersigned, haviug T leased from 8tenhonW8dlaryfcI? their store on the corner of Trade and College streets, and having succeeded them in the GRO CERY Imess, oW offer to Uie citizens of ChaTlotte and thu'rrodndiiTg country a well selected stock,.oi Clce Jamjly ro crlevpited to the wants .i ail, embracing everythingjisually kept In-a-first-elass es tablishment iWafimfaavfli idafflng and Sa strict attention at all times to the wants oi barpatronsn f-wjo ' wi US& wili also deal t gmin ad all ktudsof merit a sJiaTfjpbrHVWtronage. Sept 17 rr?S:- 3 .noUsfocwA H3 ITTJU .T .f