7 , SI Vol. "VI "; .. : " ' ' , i . , ,-- tf. -. M. SMITH. FALL ME 150 TO BE SOLD AT THE fcOOT & Trvon Street, CHARLOXTEsJf.C., .nrirrV the next tflmfT:dtt.we.iBteBd to U'. MiaMi Md Chlldiwa'a BOOTS. " tin of which hmva been iJIivf- .74: MrchnU ia Cbariette, -wll te thoee in the MarchwU in ChMWM, -wJi m tnoee in the IK ttM&oodt at Md any house Wlth freight added. They can always save the (First Keep yoJVlpy in NORTH CAROLINA STATE LIFE Capital. (Cases SMITH OFPICEES Hox: KEMP F. SATttE; ' F. H. CAMERON; Si. e. BrSitAfewooD;' j. b. batchelor,-- 0. a PERRY. psof.xiassaTH,;! ' Hon Kemp P Battle... Haa J W Uonnigbam... Hon T M Holt.. ..................... r Hon W A Smith. .IE!r:WfHairkiria; i- Hon ohujtfanning Geit W-RGdx. Col tW fftrmfthrer ........Pstsident Atlantic t N C Eailrond. Dr G !TCunhy..... Col WAadenon....:....., 4'd'!Jlirinilifns ......U.;. . Coi Wiu L Saunders R Y McAden VvH6n A A-'MbCoy Col I JTonng...iw.v........i Capt James A Graham Maj F H Cameron v J CMcRea.Vw.f.. ...... J B Batcbclor '. J C Blake.. ..u.. ...... ...... ..,,.,. cot waiter'C)ark......Ui44--""-iKaieigh, n u. W GUtxshtfrctr.-r..''... Hon X J J)ayia..... John Nichois.;.r.u.... ww.nnwmMember Congress Fourth District. .i.......... '........."..... Principal D & D and B Asylum. AT end of the First Fiscal Year had -issued oteri 900 Policies without sustaining a single loss. Prafeneni)pMpal and energetic management has made it A' StTCCISSSTJI . COBP0ILATION. This-Company issues every" t as Jcrw rates as any other first ClasaCotapany.- I mpoaeano tineas restrictipli3 Un residence r travel. i . Has a lixed paid up Value-oa all policies after'two and three annual payments. Its entire assets are loaned and invested AT HOME, to foster and encourage home enterprises. ( ' With these" facb before the, will the people of North Carolina continue to pay an nually, thousands ipon thousands of dollars to build up Foreign Companies, when they ran secure insurance m a Company, equally reliable, ana everyqptiar s premium iney jy be loaned and jnyetedji our ortifElaWT and among qur ofnx people? 'Jl - North CarolinlanfelTook 6 Ailrt rn interests, and nut vour Insurance into your own State Company, whose standing is unquestionable, its affairs managed by the best men in the State, whom you all know jwhose funds are invested here at home, among our own people. ,YoOf .own C0to)ff&ltW8bown you in the past what it can and will do. Be true to yonrsdyetfAnJfoU ,w f f-..,!! - " " TH0S, H . HATJGHT0N, District. Agent. UFFlCEOftfcariettelHcf.ariotte.'N. C. octl8 tf. , . r. ': ; V . Charlotte Agency 0ie 20th, 1874. !3vJ'.-.T'4,W i-r 3 1 The Charlotte, Columbia. INVITES the attention of mil' Merchants and roads connection there, to the extraordinary advantages of eonttectiOnS with all northern - v.i.io oun cum Ajjanuc oea irons enjoy ea rninl. nn.l aA'..iU ill 1 . rS T- , 3 . The Creat Atlantic tic Coast Line - via Columbia; ' Wilmington J'etodt - Portsmouth to -f'-i ; ''? ' " isaitimore, Daily4Insiranmi Philadelphia, Daily, Insured'1 M 4 1 ' NEW YORK, MONDAY, VKDNKBDAY, THURSDAY, BATUBDAY, INSURANCE J PERCENT. BOSTON, TUESDAYS AND FRIDAYS, 'INSURANCE! PER CENT. 'PROVIDENCEjjYEDNESDAYS AND SATURDAYS, t Ji .! - Ji( 'It " , f By way Wilmijjgtpr iind ire4 gteaml4ne to Baltimore, Wedneidays and Sat- ysilnsuranceipejcejat.:..:', ' .jr.s . ie;j.wi-'L;4 ? -v pHlLADEtHI A- .DOBDAYiNBuIUn i PER CENT. NEW YORK WEDNESDAYS AND SATURDAYS, PNSURANCE EQUALIZED ' v! '''TO THAT OF1 -'it v1 IvnyO n.T?-'.-.f1 ! ;fr 3d By the CharlesV) pq jttuiiore. TO pH!LADEIJHIAi . EVERY PRIDAYTO5 - ri'T- ..' ' ! - .- " " ' ' " ' . IAYS AND 8ATCfRDAY3, TO TlbSTON, EVERY JflftTURD AX Si ' is i .I'Jjdi.i'v'Li'U ? -fi .iri? .'j!v;K 1-t :'. : r. , ... , unrivalled Steam iirieTadlities of "anariUnJandtheJMmbrnedeauiDmentsofthe.Cm W.C.A A- and other toTfl7?nblMHWrtoi' -aTOrpatrcinofvDoiW CouSriV,fS5 air H?ua fflYO V l!j;l'n f -'.- . . Pope, ' ! P 20, ly W. S. FORBES FOR 1874. loots and Shoes AND SHOE HOUSE ' " C . FORTiESl Nearly opposite Central Motels sell a. taroa Rtwv nr.''-!.'! -t, wi r. n"' "i wr- f urroandlng country, !rm find "Vita thel urroandlng country, !fUl find to their in. New York, Bo'tonr vPBa&imore. expense of a trip Joybangfiom urrm a vn National Bank and Bank' Mecklenburg ' your own State. INSURANCE COMPANY $200,000. President. Vi-President. Secretary ana Treasurer. Medical Director. Assistant Medical Director. Attorney. Supervising Agent. Advisoiy Actuary. OES : Late Treasurer of North Carolina1 ST B; 1 .1 IM....North Carolina Senate. T A I, . - -1 it - imucuk outvc Agnv;uiLUXBi oujikjr M u ana resident jn v Kallroaa. ..Pres R & G and R &A A-L R . ..Attorney at Law. ....Late Solicitor Si jth' District, President Board Public Charities. Pres't Citizens' National Bank, Ealega Prea't State National Bank, Raleigh Chief Clerk North Carolina Senate Pres't FirsNational Bank, Chariot'-. Judge FguriftOMstrict. A 1 J Collector Sixth District. Attorney at Law. Late Supt Agencies N A L Ins. Co. N C House Representatiyta. CounceUor.amd Attorney it Law. Cashier Raleigh National Bank. ...TJommission Merchant. & Augusta Railroad Cotton Shippers in Charlotte, and upon the over.i uireo. t.J it . v-.l , . L -s bm ' NORFOLK! jWeekly 8a .rucpi: FFIW'TfiRK. TrSn i vyTmicfl.. triytiiree Port j tt Portemomthf. Wltmihgton merebittdiseln ttnUmited quantities, and. a, . -t t oita'J Ctelrt.MainasrelJ "nun oral Hnrprintfnderjt."o' JfOITHO GeaPreieht Agfent W. W. PEGRAM, Agent CHARLOTTE - . --"-""''" V ' - t, ' F The Charlotte Observer. PUBLISHED DT ' Charles B. Jones. Pronrietor. Office, Springs' Building, Trade Street. BATES OF 8UB8CKIPTIOK. Daily One year in advance, Six months, in advance, Three Months, in advano $7 00 3 50 1 75 "o uiwuui in aavanoe,... 60 2.00 weenr. one venr- A-' Subscribers 1 will nleane lnnk nut. fnr Ihe cross mark on their papers. They are thus.', notified - that their term of snhsorin. tion - has expired r and are resnectfallv re quested - to renew at once. ? RATES OP ADVERTISING. One Square one; time $i oo 4 two days i 50 three days 2 00 four days.. 2 50 .fit days.. 3 00 one weekw..... 3 50 : two .weeks 5 00 three weeks 6 60 one month 8 00 n u' u u ft M It (( Contract Advertisements taken at proporionately low rates. r ive Squares estimated at a quarter-col umn, and ten squares as a half-column. CHARLOTTE ITIARKETS. Cotton Market. Reported Daily by Oaies Bros., Cotton Com mission Merchants. Chaelottk, N. C, Oct. 17, 1874. Inferior 9fai0 Ordinary, n trooU Ordinary, 1213 Low MiddUne 133fai34 Middling 13J13i Market very dull. Country Produce. Buying Rates. Reported by G. TF. Chalk & Co. Bacon Hams, per lb 16 Bides, 15 Shoulders, 12 Hoe Round. 14 Beeswax 25 Butter Choice, 25 a 30 tsranay Apple, 1 7o a 2 00 Peach, 2 00 a 2 25 Eggs, per dozen, 25 F&MwFamilyr per sack, 3.50 JKXtra, , 3.25 Super -3.00 fruit Dried Apples, " Blackberries Green Applet per bushel. 00 fMg MUCkens, spring, each 18 a 20 grown, 20 Turkeys, 75 a 1 00 Ducks. 25 Grain Vom White, per bushel, 1 121 a 1 15 Mixed, 1 Wheats-Red, per bush. " White, Oats Black, ' White, Peas Pure clav, " Mixed. 00 a 1 1 05 j0 1 60 75 80 1 00 90 v V 14 7 a 8 1G 14 1 20 . 1 00 75 60 8 a 10 35 ' 25 Jfides Dry, Green, Ixvrd Good, Common. Meal White, Onions, , ( 57 lbs to bushel) frcato-Irish, Sweet, rollout. Wool Tub washed, " Unwashed Free from that venality which cor rupts the conscience or that pity which. corrupts Justice." CITY BULLETIN. Munching chestnuts, now! A Faii4eg4ns two weeks from idhOAft - r An enthusiastic Granger, speaking of the ladies in attendance upon the State Fair. 'They were a spanking set of full-blooded nags, and stood well ou their pastures.", . -Mstters of local interest ara wonderfully scarce, and when wedohave a stirring event, such as a shooting scrape, it is either acci dental or nobody gets hurt. Contrary to expectations .when- people' went to bed Saturday night, the sun was shining brightly Sunday morning and con tinued to shine all day. It was one of the most delightful days -of the season. We commend Street Commissi oner Nor- thy ior putting a new bridge across the gut ter at the intersection: of Trade and Church streets It is an improvement which ; was needed. The Federal Court,. Fall term, began in Statesville yesterday. His Honor Judge Dick presiding, Quite a number of our ' citizens have business in this Court, and some of them left for Statesville yesterday after noon. ' . Messrs. J E Patick and J M Sutberlid. of'Yfrginiar'have purchased Mr.' Shorter 4 Caldwell s cotton conpress. We Stated Sunday morning that Mr. Patrick bad gone mio coparinersnip wuu jht. vaiuweu, bat this is not the case. Rohbed by a Sneak Thief, t : - ' - Last evening1, while the ' v fSifchifjr : of 'Mr.' J A Stockton, who lives in, Smithvilla, wasai sapper, a sheak 'thief entered :ibe '.iitll'ri room and stole a Seth Thomas clock from the mantel-piece and Mr. Stockton's hickory walking stick from a conner. Pretty bold, - Making Them Coal Burners. All the passenger engines on the Air Line Railroad, are being converted into . coal .barners. The burning s of coal will bbilite' the frequent stoipages for fuel irjiicare now unavoidable, and it is said that two hoars will be saved in the schedule between Charlotte and Atlanta ' ;''.' ' -.. "As Brevity is the Soul of Wit, Let us be Brief." ' "- TItle'Bbpy oHk note received bv a voune man Sunday afternoon,3frf4er a very eiaDoraie ana sweei-scentea one ne wrote,asK- lng iia escorn,a zsay 10 enurcu. Aepiy vu written on a very, small visUtng. card, pttt io an envelope as big as all put 6f doors, -and ead: M Miss har A' previous engaged ment-v Tbejount nsaya,Jft waofi that note at the KewjEajr rf. tlCaroUnasti ndttbiak lUJihj' premium for bretitl to ;rm and-; substance. He says th If" brevity" is indeed, "the soul of wit," this is the finest witticism which has ever been perpetrated upon him. N. C. TUESDAY, OCTOBER" 20, 1874. Mayor's Courl. , ' John T. Schenck was before His Honor the Mayor on the charge of selling wMskey on Sunday. John Baker,Bedford Brown, and Logan Twitty, alL coye Point ers were 'the miitastS and Sieuek blaimB ,tba'Mli4NDnfjetted to report him, by HarryiLhg whom he (Scheack) had; reportedhut PShp t : time since, for selling spirita ;ittafey license at all. The offender was dismissed upon the payment of the cost, and witu an injunc tion. The Fair Advertiser. Mr. N C Harry has the exclusive priv ilege of the Fair Grounds for the distribu tion of his Fair Week Bulletin ; and the Fair Advertiser t which is to be published daily during Fair week, by Messrs. McOra ney, Brown and Ehun, printers in this of fice, will be distributed among , the erowd at the hotels and on the streets. They claim that this will make their paper quite as good a mtdium for advertisers as if it were given out on the Fair Grounds'. Convention of;Postal Clerks and Route Abents. The postal clerks and route agents of the United States, will hold a convention in Chicago on the 18th of November, to confer together as to their mutual interest, to se cure greater efficiency in the service, and to bring about a spirit of co-operaiion. W un deistand that a meeting will soon be held of all the ronte agents 00 roads running iiito Charlotte, and that a delegate will be sent either fromall the roads or one from each, to Attend this con- vention,1 1 ".rT Tls- . - - t..g.: iy.s. . , . : : Penonal.---:.- j- ' Rev. R. Btirrell Vhe honored aid able President of the Peace -Institute, Rsleigh, has been on a visit to Charlotte' for two or three days past. Rev. C H Wiley, formerly Superinten dent of Public Instruction of the State, reg istered yesterday at the Central. Gen. J B Kershaw and Gen. J Mims Sullivan, of South Carolina, passed through the city Sunday on their way from Spar tanburg to Rock Hill at the latter of which they speke yesterday. A S Wallace, the notorious member of Congress from the Fourth District of South Carolina, registered last night at the Cen tral. Ellas Cohen A Roessler ! Greet our readers this morning with a ; new and attractive advertisement, to which j we direct especial attention. In addition to offering to the public, what they claim as the largest stock of goods in the State, and which we know to be very extensive, we learn that this large and magnificent store bouse will be lighted np with gas to night, giving an QprjoYtsnity to those f who havejnot visiteAlar cities, to'see enVh'an establishment, and sacn Vf stock of goods under the glare of gJnt. This firrtl is among the most enterprising of the Charlotte merchants, aDdftekiv,rh speaks well for tlwir energy;rand the&J ness liberality. ; ' , ' Georgia Cotton Field Minstrels. This company was hilled to play in the Charlotte Opera House last evening, bat it didn't pat in an appearance- We could stand the grief of missing the sight of a parsel of burnt cork chaps cut the pigeon wing and come the donble-shaffie, if it had n't been thaV 'theVfeonfto us for about 51(1 in ftpfiMfidg ufmal& bills. We sa seme night's ago in the Airgusta C&ri stitutionalist that the. concern bad ..busted but 4hei ftgfnt, wh i wasfhere. at the time. a . - ' ! ' I ! , Pi i tolTbs it' wasn't so, and we " al w ays bel ieve what show agents tells US.' ' But this is neither here -nor theie. The show uidu t , come., and tnerH is sorrow in the canip. Au Episode. We are informed that as a bashful young unmarried man in attendance upon one o our fashionable churches Sunday night, and bearing upon his arm one of the lairest of the Future London's ladieS, was making his exit from the church wtfi the rest of the congregation after services, a youth of about four summers rushed up and grasped him by the coat, blubbering "papa, papa," and looking supremely happy oyer the discovery of his lost "parient." But - though 'r, pas sionately fond of children," the bashful young man was considerably annoyed and wondered how this was. thus.i While explaining to the lost little one that he- had got hold of the wrong mail, there appeared upon - the scene the trouble father, ,whi clasping hopeful, in his arms., . explained matters and "stepped down and out" with him. - The Lutheran Church and Its Pastor. On Sunday after the morning services in St. Mark's Lutheran Ubarcb, a meeting of the congregation was held to see what conld be done toward raising an additiona salary to retain their pastor. Rev. Ns ? At drich, who has received a pastoral call ' to Vandalism IP- It was found -Ubat the ad vance1 in s dary could not he raised in the congregation, ana ar. ahitivu . ueierminea to resig the charge. He proposes to leave for Vandalia in time to arriye there and f-take cbaige of his church by the first Son day in December. He naa ministered long 'and faithfully tolhe congegal6nrhere,a Mc fesiiti tlfiM5tifts which. iaey win nna nara 10 repair. uur i nest wishes go out with Mr. Aldrich to his new and distant Jiome. It is due those members of the church who 'wereoresent tthe-: meetine ot.Bonday to nj tpaTt jased; their best 'efEitf"ci secure ue amount necessary 10 retain weir pastor, and much regret their inability to do so. That Old Paper Again. Yesterday, we were looking through the old files of the Mecklenburg Jeffersonian, of which we have spoken, before, .and one of the most interestingings we found in it, was the design which stood., at. .the head . of its editorial columns. It It is a banner on which is inscribed "20th May, 875'tnd on the right of thisa hornet's nest, showing how implicit was the belief of the people of that day, before there was any Goodloe to use his best endeavors to de prive his .State of an honor well won, in the authenticity of the Mecklenburg Declara tion of Independence The Jeffersonian, in its issue of March 9th, 1841, speaking of the design at the head, of ts columns,' says as follows in explanation of it : " The distant reader may be curious to know the signification of the engraved de vices at 'the head of our paper. They are emblematic of incidents in the Revolution ary history of this County Mecklenburg : The Banner, of that glorious event the Dec laration of Independence by her gallant sons on the 20th May, 1775 ; and ' the Hornet's Nest, of the indignant expression of Corn wallis, that Charldtte' and 'Mecklenburg were the hornet's nest of America.' Our paper would be incomplete as the organ of Mecklen burg Democracy without these memorable emblems of her revolutionary character." The Churches Sunday. Sunday was a day of radiant sunshine, golden Indian Summer sunshine, which poured down like a flood upon all things terrestrial, bathing all of God's earthly crea tion in alight and heatuns'urpasabllovftly. Il hot was strange that, after a dark, rainy and drear Saturday, the streets should have been thronged with willing feet responding to the sounds of the church going bells. Every church had more than a usually large number of deyout worshippers, and services were held for all the congregations save the Second Presbyterian, the pastor of which was at the Presbyterian Synod in Concord. There were three visiting ministers in the city Rev. L. P. O'Connel, of the Catholic Church, Rev. W. J. Hunter, of the Associate Reformed, and Rev. P. 8. Nelson, of the Methodist. The last named divine preached Sunday night in Tryon Street M. E. Church, to a large congregation, it being the occasion of the fourth quarterly meeting. He preach ed also on Sunday during the day, to the Calvary Mission congregation. In the First Presbyterian Church, the pas tor, Rev. A. W. Miller, D. D., preached on Sunday night, perhaps the most forcible and powerful sermon delivered in the the city, from the text: "The harvest is past, the Summer is ended, and we are not saved." Amusements During Fair Week. It affords us great pleasure to be able to announce with certainty, that the Rose and Harry Watkins troupe will be with us dur ing Fair week. They have leased the Char lotte Opera House for every night during week after next, and residents and visitors will have an opportunity of attending a ra tional entertainment. This troupe does not need any words of commendation from us, to people who have ever seen or heard of it. t Dears oniy onerepuiauon-inat 01 Deing one of the very Vjst theatrical companies travel- ng, and right well does it deserve this repu tation. Rose and Harry watkins are both well known as theatrical stars, and we un derstand from the press and from individ uals who witnessed some of their plays in Raleigh last week, that they are sustained this season by a cOfps of excellent actors. This troupe excels in " East Lynn," " Led Astray." and "Rip Van Winkle." They will, n6Ut, fayor the Chariotteans and the Fair visitors, with all of these perfor mances) during week after next. We are glad to know that we-will certainly have this troupe with us, for it 6ffers a great ad Viitional inducements to persons from a dis tance to visit the Fair. With the best opera, house in the State, this company will play hr Charlotte under unusually nattering circumstances, and wul. of course, be handsomely, patronized.; New Fair of the Carollnas. This exhibition begins in Charlotte two weeks from to-day, and continues through five days. As the time for the Fair to begin draws near, the prospects for Us sue cess grow brighter and .brighter. From ev ery section come words of cheer in the shape of letters from - persons who are coming themselves, and who will bring articles for exhibition. Turfmen are coming from dis tant States, and not the least interesting fea ture of the exhibition will be ' the races Some entries of articles of different kinds have already been, madeji 'even1' at; MS earijr day. ' . ' v'.. Everything angurs favorably for the suc cess of the exhibition. We have full confi dence that it will be the best ever witnessed in this section of the Carohnas, and will be attracted by a larger crowd than ever as sembled here before. Railroad rates have been reduced to yery low figures, and the accommodations for all who come will be ample. - ' . -i- .-;! ' L In behalf of the officers of the Society and ': ... .. -.ni'' : f-iil ':v.-j i the citizens in general, we myiie everyoouy 1 glad to see the pejogteftom all sections of the two Carolinas. Come and let's get bet ter acquainted witn. each other.' Come and see the Fair, the races, the people, and above all, come and see our little city, her fine business houses, elegant residences, and her hospitable eopjlfr Ypa bein f ? fad an opportunity of seeing so much in Charlotte before. We repeat, Come! We issue;- herebya1 cordial invitation, toour brethjeji of the presald. afe tend the New Fair of . the : Clmasw 'Tie- officers of the Fair Association instruct his' to exten dto you a pre-ing call . to come , We, on our own account, ask VOu to conSe, and to makethe Obskhvk office' jroUr'head quartenrwhen you arriver" .ntni:-?' - Sew-VAdverUsements, Ki9J isnnrrn.-yi X go to Prathera befoTfc. TJ-jej- have the finest rnocx-r to -M touno in me city. 01 Northern Apples, : Oranges, Lemons Pota toes, Hams, 8ugar, Coffee, Bread, Butter, C&kea. An.. Pip, in fact everything that is good to eat. Don't be fooled agai n . octao tf. For Sole. 'GOOD Milch Cow. oct20 f. - En luire at L SHRIEK'S. " Old Wash Still Live. WASHINGTON BLAKE would respect fully inform his former friends and customers, that his RESTAURANT is now open for the season, and he is ready to fur nish - Heals , at all Hours. Fish and Oysters made a Specialty, and fur nished in every imaginable style. A few day hoarders will be taken. oct20-3t. WASHINGTON BLAKE. New Goods. New Goods. FRESH Confectioneries received this day. Northern Apples, rNuts of all kinds, Lemons, Dates, Canned Fruits, ' Cocoanuts, and numerous other articles. Also a fine assortment of French Candies, Pickles by the dozen, Brandy Peaches, Ac at F.J.REBMAN'S Confectionery, Near Town Clock. oct20-tf. Painters Wanted. SIX to Eight House Painters can get work by applying to oct29-tf. N. C. HARRY. Wanted. A HEALTHY Wet Nurse. Apply imme diately at WALTER BREM & MARTIN'S oct20-lt. Hardware Store. REMOVAL. I JJILIA8, COHEN & ROESSLER, , Invite their friends and customers to call and examine their new and beautiful store, which is acknowledged by all, to be the Finest and Largest in the State, and at the same time, a stock of goods that cannot be surpassed. In addition to a full line of Foreign and Domestic Dry Goods, Beady Made Clothing:, Boots and Shoes, Hats and Notions, Groceries and Crockery, We have in stoie, a great assortment of Ingrain, Three Ply and Bnissel's Carpeting, Rugs and House Furnishing Articles, suited to the wants of the RETAIL TRADE, and Wholesale buyers will find the Largest and best Selected Stock of General merchandise to choose from, at Prices that will pay to ex amine. Call and see us, at Masonic Temple Building. oct20-iiy.. ' - III . I i 1 Koopmaun & Rothschild, The only house in Charlot te dealing ex clusively in MILLINERY AND FANCY GOODS. This facfe alone will attract all our citizens, and persons from elsewhere, :who desire to make purchases in our line. We intend to make ours a first-class Em porium of Fashion, and hope to offer such inducements to our customers in the way of prices, quality and style of goods that none shall go away otherwise than well pleased with their purchases. We offer to the Wholesale and Retail trade of the surrounding country a great variety of Millinery, Fancy Goods, WHITE GOODS AND NOTIONS. Straw", Velvet and Felt Hats, from the modest Cottage Bonnet to the most distingue cliapcqul A great feature of the :season is the 1 LONG OSTRICH FEATHERS and TIPS, of which we keep on hand so many different shades that it would really puzzle a very astute or nithologist to say from whence came all the many colored plumages for which , apparent ly, the world has been ransacked to furnish a new garniture for our fair ones. A large stock of Artificial Fevers, imitating nearly every FLORAL CREATION iIN THE WORLD, and the most daring cotm -terfeits of Nature. iry Gros Grain and Fancy Ribbons, All widths and shades Imaginable. TurquoiseFlorence Silk and Valour. Black ana White crape t Scarfs, Laces, ,, " ,, ; J ;.ColllSSB(dCjlfl& . ''I Jackonet Edging and Inserting, Veiling, A large stock of Kid Gloves. ... -Corsets. - - - -- In WHITE GOODS we keep on hand Table clothfl Towels, JWQPUet, CambricLawu, Lfn- nen, owiss, JNansoox, ana omer gooas oe longing to that line i: i s We have engaged- the services 01 several experienced Ladies (one recently trom hua. rllnhia- iitthil Millinery Business, and we X r , " 1 , . - are how prepared to have Hats and Bonnets trimmed at short notice. Attentive and competent salesmen are al ways ready to wait on customers, and aid jiem in makjselectiensi 1 1 Hi KooDmann & Ttothscliild TBADS isTCj xhLktoVYE, H. 01 ocfc UShfT s. 'j. f t- ' f! -n Mi COPEEE, C6FFEE, COFFEE, i : DIRECT . ii . j il-j;.' 4dJb0DAGS-; COFFEE Per German Brig Hermann; from Riod GEORGE W. WILLIAMS A CO 1 4c 3 llayne Street, oct20-lw CHARLESTON, S. C. 1J46. OPENING ITEEE MILLINERY AKD '' FANCY GOODS ! ! AT EOOPKAjni The ladies of Charlotte and sur rounding country are respectfully in vited to attend our opening, on Tues day, 20th instant, And inspect our stock . Respectfully, " KOOPMANN & ROTHSCHILD, oct 13 Encourage f me Industry. THE DIXIE POOP! IHE BEST PUMP FVR TffE IEAS1 . MONEY' Satisfaction Guaranteed .or no ' ' Trade. ' ' Diploma Awarded at the Xai Fair ' ot - the Carollnas THE DIXIE PUMP is equal if not superi or to any wooden pump now offered to the public, . , It is a Southern Production, made'at.bur own doors, of our own material Hundreds of Certificates might te obtain ed from parties .who are using; this' 'Pump testifying to. its cheapness, durability ana efficiency, but as it is deemed etuEuy; un. necessary; I only refer to the following' citi zens of Charlotte, among maay . others, not named, who are using the Pump : " W F Davidson,' Mayor of Chatfotte, D O Maxwell, Sewing Machine Agent. RM-Oates, Central Hotel, L A Blackwelder, .W F Sny der, S M Howell, James Johnston: G F Free land, W R Cochrane,. Cyrus. Hunter, J M' McMurray, R M Miller, E M Andrews, Dr, Robert Gibbon, W. J. Yates. Manufactured and sold by ' O.LqRJKESONjl Trade Street, Charlotte, N.C. WANTED To contract for a lot of yel low poplar heart himber. -jv; apll5 FOR SAIiE Large lot of Wheat Bran, (fine.) WOLFE & NISBET. r : ectl8 THE Celebrated. Lunch Milk, BiSehit, sad Extra Pilot Bread, in Store and- for sale by ,T S M DAVIDSON, Agent, sepl ;t . . ; Trade' Street. Old Corn. 400 Bushels, just received And for Sale by oct 18 It G W CHALK & CO. . We Beat the Wferld, At the Biting Baii! ' ONNortherri Apples, Irish fotatbes, Ban -nannas, Lemons, 18 kinds of the most Celebrated Crackers in America, Candles at Wholesale, Ground Peas,(a specialty,) Bread, Cakes, Pies of every description. sepl3 tt. C. a. tLUULUN & CO. . 1 ' - I ATOTIGE. This is to certify that Mr..,N. i.1 C. HARRY is the only person author lzed by the Fair Asseciation; to -issue a Kair Bulletin and advertise and -distribute the same on the grounds during, fair week, and he is the only one authorized to paint .any sign or signs on the fences cf Baid 'grounds. ocl7-tf D. Ii. M AAjWLI-, beo y i JUST RECEIVED AT - !' F. M. SHELTON'i FURNITURE STORE, ;V THE third and last lot for the season; of those beautiful BABY CARRIAGES. Call soon, before they are all gone. also, :: KITCHEN Safes Book-Shelves, - Hat Trepa and Split Bottom Chairs. .:v--'fi sepo-tt. n.x Notice! Notice!! '" THANKING my; friends .and ihe puhlic for past favors, J, would, beg ,leave to cafl their attention to the fact that I am daily receiving large additions to my present Stock of ' Groceries., consisting , of . Baoont . lard. Sugar, Coffee, Flour (a specialty) $c. Ac. Call and examine. Res-pecttully 1 ! ' octll tf. ,,i R.B, ALEXANDER.. , Wheat Brant r Wneat BrariH 2 AAA POTJNDS just received and tot J.UUV aalety G. W. CHALK ib.CC t , se22P-tf. Just Received.; SPIBNDID mi olvancj Paberf elegant V tinted three-cornered . Enveiones, iwtth, paper to match, suited for notes.. Also the Oriental Pattern; A new style Just out. ootl6 tf. ; PHI FEB & BTESWfi. A NOVELTY.' . . - . . . . -Hi! mTTORR Ferneries, such beautiful pari beautiful parlor 1 ornaments. A novelty1 'Jot thls' tnar- octl6-tf. PHIFER & STEEEU Lumber ! LUrhber l! OF ALL KfNDS. . I Shingles, tathess, JfcC. Orders solicjted. . Address aug66m iLlncolnton.NC Boarders' "Wanted. ouse U now. open r , the reception; ,nd accommodation or regular ana nt boarders. ." transient boarders. Table suDDlied wi Table supplied with every delicacy in seas- ..-a?Y-r A TTT TryortRt-OBiS'deoi' below CftuMrtotte HoteL may-om. 14 ,Hams: Breakfast Meaty Beefi Tongues. Irish PototoeSiOnions GtjebButtaKcres K cheese; Scotch Herring, . We defy com Ptttiotttoprtcw .Finestof Frerieh ondrr' Nuts of all kinds . Bread, cakes Pek w t made of the best matenal, S4id going off fast 0 for cash St . ..-. - . W. N. PR ATHEBh&CO.S 4- IIIPORTATIPN. . Janeiro, ibrsslefm lots' to suit k-t & r A 1 i -4: t s.' 1 i i P

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