A 0 n. ' J. .v: r r v f i. t ... r -: -. " Z' . . .-"X VI' l" J'M'-TL ... Ml -V li THES1TUA7IOK We have chronicled the results of ie recent electlonsin the Northwest raffow stoott as gypritttuo laW&& wajcurrent or. political event since thetfectioti of Gov, AUeri, about thirteen months go, and have duly notified our read era of the immense change in the political sentiment of the people of North. We have also seen now, atpivexy inch, contested; Ihe pepplVamoyeneniMl ?n progress ins. in the great Northwest, until, like .i . V lone grandr tidal wave,, it threatens to Fraprteior. I ,5tirtn; and as the triumphant re.suit there is now almost a cerUinty that the Democratic pnriy will have a good working rmijonty.in the nexVHouse Of epresen: lUiyea, There are good and poteru.tai.reasons I why oil thisjs true, but for fear we i niay b& accused of unfairness, we pro poae to let a Northern man Speak the tntimonta if th Northern Democra . , . a . . - i; .jjair.aonriMne oui once er ... on the sitnation At & meeting of .burT& in New York on the 28th of Uctooer, uov. rarner, oi Aew Yprk, spoke aa follows : , , ,211 the One" founded onarahesty andre8dn ciliation recognized' the fact that the acts "secession were null and vpid. that the Statef had never been out m tbitVmW bfettheir relations; ,W natiopjRFgoTernmeni nwj own owx lommMil fntjrrnrt.fln, and that when loyal pitizehs(n any considerabJiWaJ J ber .desired w renew tnose reiawonsm could be accomplished under the con stitution and laws that existed in the condition that sTavery-ahouIano-Jon- ger be; lawful, an4, fuijemthatheyj who were leeal1 voters ac'co laws of the State at tb vrcairtQntialln"4--th---,"ii'-i"ilftfj- .J6MGS. E41tr Saturday, October 31, 1871 Pre rrvia the dotla criles that TJS SALJSBlJMyFAlR. 1 tidni; to be1 pTesen( :SrTbenever:'.circniu s ,tanoot.vwUU permit. It., was nnder , u ww i vlin Lil v IW-Whatla the present condition pen and scissors . last -Wednesday . te COUDtrv ? morning, and betook ourself to min-j Second Who are responsible for that ge,with the 8ah8burians, in the the occa-1 sxon. . .-V.-' , Arriving at the depot,- we were met ftnndition f - rtrrf If the condition' be found un satisfactory, how can'-prosperity'1' be restored ?. - hJtzO '' ' Upon the soluuon;of theaft qtfestions ") : fevthfiP hotel sorter the NationalAshouMdeveMlouKtonan ? - nd immediately put bnrseif under his To the m .question-Inswer that no care, and after the experience f t I nation. pxetendingo, civilization is- in .-tJadaya wibletWiay. that we haveln 6e thd 0f. "the States Ihe masses ,. J?grdPin o. -fof hKh people Kwedtfced !tobie w -nf txflr-i k. 4iMhn IPeverty. me eancaiea ana renneu as of the-Fair Ground, and were shortly - i T njjgliufHIthe aightrseers and fun i . hunters of the assembled multitude. ; The weatbTer was beautiful and every "iC0OeeAeftMiliSvilaid dull care ... TJid,iQ&fe of the ouroia ineaai, wao nave wer uccu ireuas ine.iiuTiuiit jur tiixi wru iir.j well- as' the humble arid lowly are suf fering for want of the comforts of life. Tbe fitate governments are bo deeply in debtr4hfc-ifc-8eems almost impossi ble TO th ? t0! 'extricate theniselves. The-public debt;incurred iat the South since - tnei.war, nas oeen esnmaiea a noted for.hospitatity and gooAfetfing, Much of this is ddubtlfesfraudul. j .Ku'.(j itAJiAiirA1 aT thatt. hanria and WP , . J ? ; !: CiToccjiotf 15 Hlnrn our thanks I peotlri 'fraudulent; ton irities LIEN OKTH4 HESOURtfeS OF THE peotlri This vast debt; is ' hot co in to the officers, of the society for cour-1 pensated by corresponding.benefits, for tMiVa Pittmded imostof inenoney nas oeen-squanuer ,-i3 lUJIftSg lrtr , ...led or stolen. The State andfacal.taxes Thursday was the ig day, and it I e enormoua tfiat ib sbme sections waa tgajj ajj'big day,'' if the fivethou- phe Iq,nd at th$ present depressed prices sani people who crowded to trie fjui I iriUnotltringan to pay jfrcal vfefS11 Upwed-Jto. makeup the LjlJTtanceAi Jf:.theiiOCca8ion. The v'.l-rOBagerp:ireJr&utiaibTce, and earl : . 3 'aihhe morning, formed a procession I -a1nEetpHhQni in a body: .l We niuaV'ri'bf orgettnat the newly rrrgniz itQW8 jatjp Guards' were -.T jfjjijpiipwfess to be the A'mas'W!.".?'. ---v. i a . .i.cw ?rt, , . , i . i I lieu uunu uuuu uic ouuw, a o i ui name who were the hope of locuata 8eVkihg what they could de . , r jiiintendpridejOrRowan County, and who, I VOUT an cunningly operating on the .i'jilvu iir April lfleft their -native place to .c'icdeientf the "honor and interest of those - " I" who" were Bearer arid dearer to them than their heart's blood. Having been a member of that organization as no- , . r , ble and brave a bodyjof men as ever . -'Jeji th Siate, oar readers must excuse , -ji;Utif we endearor to perpetuate their :o ..' inemory by referring to them: and WuR with us to droD a silent tear to I of desperation they attempt with the . . - It li . - t i 0 . . the memory bf those who no longer Da"l l" lDTOW " ".eyoKe oiaespouc vuc iiicii v 1 1 cj ciii. ail? uvfv our fered to bold their offiees, but usapers lord it over them with tenfold more f-.r the assessment upon il. "' Even with such sacrifices '-some of the States cannot raise enough "money to pay the inter est accrtrirtgon the public debt. Men of property, education and culture are, as.a general rure, excluded from office nd take no part in directing public affairs. The State and local govern ments are in the bands of the corrupt and ignorant. Grangers, without char acter or capital, who alter the war set . a . i a ft. .m9 minds of the creduloU' blacks, have with the aid of the general government taken .possession of thai country and hold the white, people there in bondage wore in aomeof its features than the slavery that existed before the war. riot only are the .white people there ruined in estate, but through terrorism exercised by those in power aided by federa troops, they have practically no voice in me government u in me sirengin answer to the roll; caiL .Young men ) . atnve to pmulaie'the example of old . --Company ,."K,'.', in, devotion to bon- or and principle, and it is the prayer of , e Writer batett may never have to : rj eroas the ensanguined field of battle, made glorious and immortal bv the electlon-ln l860rwtth a few exceptions, hmild anfov trtoTiffht df suflFraee unon Uking the ;Oath or-allfSgiacje.. YAhia was in substancitbe plan proposed, by Mr, .Xincolh in, the' proclamation: .ap pended to his annual message" of 1863, and he adhered tot through life." After, (he deairi -bf tor Llnbolnv' iPresident Johnson'1 endeavored' tcParrysout' the same policy, and before ihoj flext-ees-sioBof ConitreS8cfc4meu6edViheitrly- all the. States had eleciftdifiAe(offi.Qers; and meoibrsji o.i s&ngmsrr mmw standing. the people, pt,4e fcpuiu ;nau done all that wasrftskedpQhe.mhad, abolished stavetyand reuiat'edthe rebel debt, ; notwithstanding General Grant, before 1 :h& "joined (he Radicals, had reported thtit he believed those lately iri Rebellion, nerd sincere in their desire to ham their ttfatiangita the Union restored, their members, of jucBigress were refus ed seats, and then was Tinauffti rated .by the . radical party n thaJatal; policy . of note ana vengeance wn.icn ,a utjei liic cause of all pur woes. . : I iharce that the radical Administration atrrwasn- ington; regardless of the publid welfare, siutAiipr) and encouracred"'the vaera- bond carpet-baggers in ixobbittg-the rtAora of thA ftonth of their Droneit and liberties, in consideration ztkatd they iu urn, w ou Id co h trthef?taM8CH b,ut tiniryU permit refereoce.tQ .Qk a lew, jatjis in tue case u( juu,istaim. In" thefalt of 1872, an election for PresidentGdvernbr, State and county Oflficei's was held in Louisiana. The conservfltives carried the- State0 by a large hvajority. Asaoon aa "the result was known the radicals determined that the, official returns, should be dis regarded, and thetdeffiated 4 candidates installed into office and in this stupen- dous outrage rthey 'weffi? aided, by the erTTiClnarket, as lnTformer times, will be opened to he merchant, and man ufacturer, where the customers will be able to pay foj jwhat ;they puy: The ValN Cfeal ietatesf)Ueain be; td-; vancedi so' that the man of moderate! m eanii heed not tear ihe 'Mmi ft the fnflettJBoiift iuraaceswiii again oura origutiy Tine cheerful hum of busy industry will again be heard throughout- the land ; labor will find employment, with good wages, paid-in stable currency, and wim ner wnue-wmgeu messeneers. wuicn TO If H!-. - - -: i : S f -A' "? . ': tJt . MIIIRCHAST0B9R?H BOUTHJAROLINA : Sim . m mj muii -ml ulu? WftYiJMU Txl AT UilAJiWll extensive trade of vonraflrtifln. the North, and possessing ample capita most extensive Stock of G ROC ERI ES AN D PROVISIONS, JBJjLUtJCViNO THAT fTH AkITTTK COT7U1 BT&Tlf AT1C WWlT:- i T IT vr i nv ct Toftha extensive trade of vonrurtldn. which'has vinnnl .tK J - 1 ; i 1 j ? . ...-; r . jii nu cpenence, we nave Dougnt tne largest ana .-""j re float proudly in every harbor civiuzeaivona. rreem the "Has ever been offered to the Trade from this point, iments in-tapareha8of -yegf geodgraB-w HI walee WKavelen"establishea in business long ehbneE to 'antici Af A i xiuporiers, xienners ana manmaciarers oniy, siricuy ioGBimt Df the nation are tAVfcA -A. ;A,f a ai rL. Jx:iil van uau,i V J JKkl UltClCOb 1KT uu nibu U0 VSU1 llUlllll S We propose to offer you such try j oiii luteieat to buy fivurtisr t wane, friends to call on, tjs in oar Mammoth Boiltli.BB1 33 feetoriXJolleKCftnd 200 feeton PourthtW 7 pire State, the eyeat uppnyou. Jo no personal leeuog orj, JJALP MILLION, and. haying trebled within three' lutoi urcjuuiuu uivrvuy xv?ty cuiiser-i ciose arcenuon tx me wants ana wisnes oi our vajive man from casting his vote for cry liberal patronagei i A Sahiuel JV Tildeii i and his associates I' .flf ontne aemocratic..t)CKet. .tie is. an r JST'i. every way worthy your sutlrages. .But especially does the' cuse he 'represents demands your Bympathy andf support. Hera em her that the result : in New TorH. next Tuesday may be decisive of ui, uiure.. ine eJecuon:7j,o be neia then isJ but 'the preliminary t skirmish, but it will . have a powerful! influence in determining the position of this, State in the great, political battle of. 1876. When the word is'.then given to advance all along the line, New York in the Centennial year should be where she was in the American Rev olution, in the front rank and in the thickest of the fray, contending, as -then, 'forjpfynstpamU4 -Liberty i . (he freedom of speeefc.me freedom of , the press, the nght'ofpeiUibn and homerule:. '. . is the- largest businjsrj house in the State". we will be pleaJSSi show them the ST5I3 and JUICES of thftgfc- Wholesale GrtJoery House in Charlotte- aiani year! ..uustomejs, to merit a idw k 4m r- h& , mm yk WFIJUfMlTJON OPTfinTKlriVwra-?"5 i ffS. TO or te your every rom nrst bands from we fefeTiSatiafieit laleiErfeJv readl ne continuance of their 9 SPECIAL. beg leave to call r$W espMal attention VJR the fact fhat our utock; consists only of and Provisions, crarentif capital timeUfad it Uroceriesd.WKe? f SL5!5PMS!t.r win tn . iiilttKTBKSAl. PATHS. attention are given.and we arefuQy assured, ttat', we offer better inducements 'thaniHoiiJse' who keep Iry .tdsrdwasg6r c , mating urooepea a, secondary considation. the assertions of others to the ontrary notwithstanding. UinTrYelif Hjoui -iwy tnry a bottle r J.wwr will prevent aickueM or Bain from -i" lwater. it k better tbaa French Brand r o7 mS"" " Again thanking kindly a generou public for -the very flattering increasrfia durf ness for the last six years, we hope by dealing fair and legitimately, 1 to merit a continu ance ot the same- .'it , rigor, ihe result is that in a country ot vast resources and fertility there is an impoverished people, t not only broken in estate but almost broken in heart and with no hope unless we of he North apply ihe remedy which I shall presently, recommend. The truth is that in no part of the globe ie there a government so tyrannical as that at present exercised over -some of the States of this boasted land of freedom, and, if I mistake not, this tyranny and misrule -will in after years be stigma ! tizeu mruusmrat urn worm asine areai political crime of the nineteenth centrgx death,ucl ervjqes of . ypnr predecea sors.' May yours be the ways of: "fair, " delightful peace," in which wars "rude alarums' form no part. Only two wat stained, veterans answer the touch - of Uhe elbow -id-its rank. The one hundred" and forty one absentees, are absent;; nrafiV'' of -Ihent forever. We We now turn from- thia sad picture to u i v"0!0 pardoned for saying that by no I lok fr a moment at the condition of "-"! a i a r other sections of the country. ,tAs,a l4iTnUr rr rrZ P?zed Umb impairs ,the; generaL 7 7- . "ak&avc "ucu' health and vigor, so where we. find one cirtn.'-At no time were they ever portion . ox ,the country prostrate wfe ' ; lend wii to 'falter either from the fa .3it:a tiguee.th!maTOhV6Tt)f duty, or til from Ihe terror of battle. But we di- rrcda'bat. ;rm:rm f reawaiojess ; 7. f .?. f r- than one-thml of the fvmer nnmbefana h0Mim PrtCtt: the tonnnge toiss them one-Aahile xlsi& lilSKicmmTAi, ifipjwt-ltneaonnage-ottireat Britain, that was u tniflfSDrjnibVttiere -was litfe'Idisblay of what formerly less than ours, has more than '- -WoafcU'XaVfKit-5--J j ' I -dofAlpd. . Tri'L th TCortb th mivl -nf - 1 ,MLfeSSdSS&5f7e k8tomej-szMactw .rtu vIis&iVJ5?Wamf as 8am or running on half time ; labor ciildaua &&ittxl fare be produced in Wes- must 1 expect to find the whole body Eolitic affected. Commerce,' -which as heretofore been our boajt)and which in a great degree, determines the prosperity of a nation, is declining. The number of Americau' vessels has Within a few years been reduced to less national admunstratin A returning board that tiad.'no legaretfistence with out any official returns before ft, upon estimates "newspaper reports jnnd vaffl davitsc adinitted: to-have beep forged; declared thexadicdl candidates electedi Intla roeantime.the ileatl Returning Board, noon a count of th official re-r: turns suqmiuea to ai pjne overnoft declared 'the conservative -candidates elected. But beforelb'e'time appointedl ior ine meeting oi ine legislature auji the inauguration of Ihe Governor, "a federal judge-presiding in the district Of Lioussianajon bis own motion with out notice, not in coUrtbut in his own house, at nidpight issued an order di recting the. United btates Marshal im mediately to take possession of the State House and prevent JLlUe assem-r uinifj merein ui me jjegismiurB vviucu h ad been declared legal ry3 elected by proclamation '- of - the--then Governor.' This order, admitted by all candid men to havg been issued without authority of law in a mattfif rivfeTwHleh the fede ral courts had no jurisdiction, was tfctu'f ally enforced bv the national' adminis- tratioi at the point .of the1 baVonet The etiilence proves cohcluscveh' that theiOrdjero .Purell.was made upore advices from .Washingonj iivadvance, and that the seizure of. the State House ana ine consequent expulsion oi me legitimate government of a sovereign State Was the result of a conspiracy be tween the authorities at Washington and their tools in Louisiana, to do the iery thing that was done. Never m the his tory of our country has so gross an outrage been perpetrated upon State sovereignty. .-...J The speaker recounted all the well known facts .regarding the Louisiana usurpation, claiming that, they proved conclusively that tne party in power was deliberately responsible for the wrong And violence. All the circuni stances goto; prove that the caaetwia trom tne nrst preiuagea ana mat no- amount, of representation of facts or argument , couia. inauce vne aamiuis- tration to recoeaizetne.amcerscnosen by the people of Jjomsiana. It is true that the- President afterwards Called the attention of Congress fco' the sub ject, but (pongresar: Called; "t; dd' afty thiug but' talk, an'theusuipinggov ernment oT Louisiana is. after , the apse.of two year, still occupying, the places (a .which others were Undo ubt edl y ' eleCtedf-and-at this-- moment is ngagW;miro?c. lie ;iirorr. xriij election V riieaha . 6t"a false, rreeistratiori and pr even ting li atu falized ; citizen s fro m ypting. i..'.: .-.xi J.!.-k. ..i. c-.ultki: Having flrgt depicted the condition I oi tne countrvi-i'anc: seconaiv. nrovea who aye. respqnsibifcfdtitii now. come fi iljle? display jff vegetables and h3V.tZt4hwlBektit$. T&dUfaf '-in Floral tfOAle' In j oL'ijJtJzaUeohahics Hall the display was rather jrwYI fivMUMt was nojt;,what it mighthave been, because of illiberalitv iff JHbe -ri;iT4MtJMpeminma;tL'ia tt ;Thejracing was the great feature of - . - the" rarhereports of Wednesday's . racing -was' telegraphed to the Obsehv-.:-. iU,and we will not repeat Onhurs r2dXlKee were some capital racing -the P"n;Ff by a Dur , ; Z ham horse drivea-by-jom'eroy- of; wuujob. xu9 nest running was dona by ref Dameeriteiby ' ( - yT.'TO.f? Charlotte. iTillulah ; t enteteby tnirsame eentleraafas un u) vu iwcuuDt oi lameness tne jr giving ner tne tmrtl prize. ? fc", 11 If .frof.h.f. ho. , .lm. .v....' L. ! ii Wo nnor onma tjr tk&-U.i liaai"thb4tt laborers ate J oaf Of employment and cannot fip.4 work even at starving prices, Taxes, have increased and real estate has di mimshed in value to such an extent that where thevowner iis in debt and his property is forced into the market one-half of the price paid for: it a eV . a t .Z, t . -A y eara,snjB cannot db jeausea, ana tne man who thought himself in comfort- abW circumstances finds' that .he is a babkrtipt andis oblieed i&bisi old aee.l 4eruuH avihi . lamiiy taronni nim. fJCne prostration of the South and the povrty-of her people have denrived ihe jsortti of avast market for truf goods and manufactnres. Ihe cty of JNew York arM the State(eNew 'Jersey are-per hap? 'Xhereat'est :f jBtiffer efsf fVbm th is rauve, uui wuiio wey., iuui aii'seo tions feel; the effects of the ereat stae- nation of business. Nearly ten" years. nave passeu smcer ipQ-wajciOSea,. a,na thfe condition ofthe- country i is dailt growing worse.., pestilence hanot vlsttfid thfe-iana,me:.crQpa .hring all thaJo5timflwvftsh2 vet 1a farmers mercnanLi manufactur. er. uiedhaiiic and laborer, are alike feel 7Mp in rwmoui Vp wi w w oauea ins Voi " y" r tIon;ho ?&no ston- iintqtnedUo1 i -taake iVwhatit Wa:. St be this res do it lo my orxMon tno.cn iei cau tdiil ifKillC-bfewhstriction. ISouthem fates"adopied.and; enforced r?ritnftnt niartv. Xtth rToaa of tn6 arHwxrtfirtimiirfeyTDf J ope'r? to'the;hatiOrta:l jadtoinjatratioTr. II. M. MILLER &, SONS, -XJ' '- ( Corner of College nilfturth Sts.f mHE besl? vice ' that "can" be given to a. .persons : Bunenng ironi7 iyspepsai, un ions Complaints,fi, cColicuvOonstiiMition. 8ick Headache,, Fever and Ague. Nervous stomach, liver'-ior' kidneys, is i to ;ton, cleanse and regulate them by UBTU'lTS ViSUJeaABLJS UVEB PILLS They act yery mi'dly.yet they thorough : -' restore1 the functional action of the di- eesuve organs ana -one intestines, and re novate mj .system " They, produce neiwier nauaea, .griping.. or . weakness, and maybe .taken at any time .witboiit change; or diet or occupation. jiPricej 25c a box. 8old by ali Druggists. , t-d S-irii tw!ii)'i"' ' - - X. C For Price List, or any otherln form sit ion, please address as aboye, whlclT wilt have iin .1; i i4 i: ',--..-:?. f-- .j-; . . -i.-tt.- We are the Agents for the celebrated Studebaker and Milburn Wagons the cheapest, finest finished, and most substantial Farm and Plantation Wagons in the country. Price Reduced." Warranted twelve months. -0- PLOW- C7 R Ra Ra RADWAyS READY RELIEF CURES THE WORST VAHfS In from One to Twenty Minuts, HOT ONE HOUR 9' aner rig this iMlvrtiaitteat n( ... surrsa with pain. 70B EADWArs READT REtrglf IS a cttp. EVERT PAIN CDB Z itwmw flnt and u The Only -Pain R InflnnramonCWnd cure CoDe,ont wh.JL?' IN Flt03 ONE TO TWKNTT KINTJTEs LaiSted with tfeaws ZjA'; TwWArS READY RELltt wiuu arrunv i SOKE THROAT, DIFFICULT B REATHINQ LCt HE&ACHE, T00THACHBCATAMH' ana uomiort. , wi h,. TH aumttuuit-- FEVER Ml AND AGUE. fhri, -jLLEF. Finy centj pir bottis. HtTllTH! DEflUTY!! STRONG AND PURE RICH BLOOD-INPMi IR. RADWAYS Irarsaparilliafl Resolvent BLOOD PURIFIER v- i i MAO en UK MUST ASTONTSHINO OtTItTq jQUIOfi SO RAPID ARE THE CHANGES T "iBODTDNDEROOES, UNDER THE INFLMnps THAT TBULY W0NDER' JlSMcSS Agents also for. Watt's Plpw and castings, manufactUTed by1 Watt "& CJaii-ilichmond, Va. Sufficient to say we have them always on hand or will order to suit customers. Catalogue prices, freight added,. Address, R. M. MILLER & SONS, 0ct2-tf. READ, READ, 'TTHTBirDajirlireaseii T - i m ! m . . ana mm is mi w Ft ETnr drop of the SARSAPJEILttAjr RXSOU VENT communicate; through the Blood, Sweat. Urlni and other Fluids and ulcesor i) v.t.m .hr.i-.r3 Ices of Ihe syi "r))ddy with new m 'peuiP onsamjtioj, n 1U mo iai , A disttnguisheVl clersVfnan of New York. speaking of this remedy, characterizes it as one of tbe special blessings of the' Tilrte- leenth century. The certainty of its heal ing enect," said he, "and the lninninity iroui .oaneer wnetner administered to chil dren or to adults, adapt it. for the widely popular use t Das attamea. .' JJone would long sufier' from lung complaint if they knew how easily they can he cured bv this remedy. - By its timely use all pulmonary diseases may be arrested1 and consump tion. the scourge that bweeps away thou sands every year yould be checked in its commencement. . Persons with a seated cough, which breaks their rest at night, will nnd, by taking .the Expectorant on going to ,.bed,7tney may.be sure of unbro ken sleep and refreshing rest. . Possessing a Very - pleasant taste it is easily Tadminis- terert to children.- - Bold by all Druggists. Labratory, 48 and. 20 Cburtland at.,. New York. , s feb 10 deodawly GREAT DISCOVERY. B rad I ey 's Patent - Ena rhel mors, Nodesin the Olandsand other parte of the witcn Sore Eyes, Stromorous discharges from the Ean tS the worst forms of Skin diseases, Eruptions, Few Sores. Scald Head. Bins' Worm. 8alt Rhtnra F.rvi.i. Acne, Black Spots, Worms in the Flesh, TnmorsTCii!! n i ' i i"1 the Womb, and all areakentna and piinfil ik " Ji f irW.-ihr8weats, Cw of Sperm and all wsrtejrf M A D E - "FRO Mi DR TUTT'S HAIR p YE. Possesses qualities that no otti'er Dye does. It.iefiects is instantaneous,' and so natural that . it cannot be detected by the closest observer. ... It, is harmless,. easUv applied and' is in" general' rise among fashionable hair dressers in every large city in the United States. , . .. . Ppce $1 a box. Sold everywhere. to: reniftdv. and Kow arA wfl to rtorA tn 4be upw ntroddea.pe6ple of the South their rights AncU give prosperity to th wbote eotintry ? The answer is plain We : SerofuW eruptive diseases of the Skin, fit. Anthony's Fire,' JEr ysipelaa, Blotches, Tumois, BoilB, . Tester, , and Salt Rheum, Scald Head, Ringworm, Rheumatism, pain and enlargmentqf. thebones, female weak ness; 1 Bternuty, 'LeucorrhcEa or whites, wnmK HtuMfiM riiaAOTr XXTfiirA finol linirfl Syphilis, . Kidney f ami Xiver Complaint, Mercurial VTaint, . and Piles, all proceed from tmpnre piood. HI IUK.TU1 AK8A PAK1 LIjA is the most powerful Blood Purifier known to medical science. It enters into the cir- Chlatton 'Aria v Eradicates every - morbific agent;1 renovates-the3 Ostein; produces a beautifnL' campleiion ? and -causes tne boay to gain neshmd increase in weight. KEEP THE BLOOD HEALTHY and'idl wffl ; be ' well. To 'do' 'so, nothing ITjasever been "oflTered-5 that can compare with this valuable vegetable extract. Price $L0O a bottiWSold by all Druggists. Office 8,gorandt 8treet.i mar -jfy arni we neett ot 'dwelr tipon it. bartV-rnvbawer In Uiia country, aftef aV jpnir 8eMfpT. jfjsarj, Jva& failed tfj eife us goocL-govemment and the beoble aare,iiosoiHiuenoin -us "apiiiiy w ieyWfpfot all Bfancnei i&ifa: overnnieQi at no distant day; ,AmJ govern meat asked what they propose to' fto. thattt'e roDose to mve, selfraowrnmem Jo thalrniy anfliterate.tlae white peo- whic naVwellsfiW rhlhthem. WbrfeoS nrethSoTith'from the deDths-of edvei-fvf b' deve!dtnient:of r . . - ef progTesKJiaeasiievePet knowrii We propose! taiatiide iyhibnstUr twnaiTnenre&tsciht Dttganfcjaw. in. tfdrit. IrffTbf 'ill tli'i rifffira lie nof las'; wntye-ttiiotTropose to giye try1 mm more'Mrfittf ibrf 6-' WStiia'ati not d&apartiBaht'Bpiritrmit trhfwt'witkA viewto-WYainMrnrtiiePs lfitereats of the whole : teountrv.Tne General Ati&StiUft ieovrn rhents- wilf beladm in- isXered withlntheiTrebfectiv consti- condltloa-.OL nOE8 TfWhftjtare Ktulional nWi-1nfciOTi:-d'ixecri nsible-for the hard, times J. v.e,wm currene th-Vau ,give ,10-the. country eiWtt ft- y that caDitar. will corae outof Fti'ana:' hl'dlna pKceVand emT pldytoent tcf rthe 'tnlchamcf apOabor. I X A PT Pure Whitft tend, Linseed OH andXincniiMllways Kcady for UseTJ V " -ess as f!T? .f - f fflnrTtl a Ahmmur lm!fw READ THE FOLLOWING TESTIMONIALS : From Prof W G Simmons, Wake Forest College, North Carolina. Wake Fobest College, N C, October 4, 1873. Mr CP Knight Dear Sir: We have for several months been using your Bradley's Patent Enamel Paint on our College Building, and are well pleased ; with-it. Though it was applied by' one having no experience in such work, yet we have a 'goexHQ. We shall continue to use it believing that in point of economy, aarabilu55ayfcmfy of ipplica-; tion, it is superior to any other pigment offered in the market. - ' '"-W G JM&MONS.''1 -' " .. . . . o - - ' ' "" " From Messrs Englehard & Saunders, Editors and Proprietors "Journal." , WljsNt jf Dec 26, 1873. We desire to call especial attention to the advertisement of 'Bradley's Patent Enamel Paint. We can recommend it from a knowledge of its merits. Some of the employees oi un omcenavmg purcnasea some er tnis paint rrom Mr V FK Knight," Of Hattrmore, have used it, and speak in the highest terms of it, after a trial of seyeraT months. Whil6' it is as durable as ordinary paint, it has a much finer finish, and its cost and convenience From S McGill, M D. The Plaiks, Faquikr Co, Va, Feb. 6, 1873. . '.' Mr C P Knight Sir : The paint came safe to hand as ordered, 2 kegs, 5 gallons each, and 3 buckets, 1 gallon each. As practice was slack, I did the job myself. 'Two Weeks (not constant) work, completed the house, two coats ; the last coat I applied thick, and it is now generally conceded, that, for "enamel," like hardness, and body and harmanyof colors, there is not a handsomer job in the place. I saved sixty-five dollars by the opera tion which is an item just now with the 'Southern people"' It should be generally adopted in this State. Any country lad can apply it.1 I have never dabbled in such stock as "testimonials," but I feel so forcibly the great adaptability of your "Enamel Faint to the wants of our people in excellency of material, in beauty of color, and in the fact of its being "ready mixed, that 1 give you permission (if it is desirable to you) ; to male what use you think proper bf this letter. Very respectfully and truly, 8 McGILL, 1 D, , From R "V7 Rayne, of the Firm of Bartlett & Rayne, 48 Carondelet Street. ' . ' New Orleans, January 29, 1874. C P Knight, Esq No SS; West Lombard Street Baltimore Dear 8ir: It affords me much pleasure to advise you how well satisfied I am with Bradley's Patent Enamel Paint, having used all I bought of you in paintinff a lawTOttage (newla4 t)cean; Springs, MissL and having found it to cover and work so admirablv. and very far superior to ordinary metal paints, and colors not subject to fade, besides teing decidedly; cheaper. It is my pur pose to send you another order for more very soon Yours rapectfolly, . K W KAYjNE. ... JS. Always ready for use and easily applied. Sold by the gallon.- One gallon covers twenty square yards, two coats. . .,. - ,. ji.-opectmens ana nice iasi runnancu, cttiuh, liberal inducements to the trade. . a " i Lzusi .'-'' ".''.'.J C. r. KNIGHT. 8ole Arent, , july423 6m . - 93 West Lombard Street, Baltimore Just Received, AT It. F. DAVIDSOX'Sh PARLOR Suitsi Di easing Case Suits, Ward robes,' Bureaus, Beadsteads, Tables, Whatnots, Chairs, of various kinds, such as t7rvlinv innive AfrliUi iUniiao on1 flwi TT. WttliliDtt -OiVZEE,r,,1lrop,tor forated bottom chairs-metblng entirely v. .-..iii;,. -..-. - rr .-vtt. ..... new. . . ... vJL FIRST.CLASa HOTJBIlGCflituated COn Atxrt utipv tnt AfHahv CrriarM .ftnfla venient to the business part of the city.. ;h I -''jm Omnibus Will he found at. depot to Wall Pockets and Comb and Brush Boxes convey bassengers to the hotel. ' mar 2 ti 1 Qf the verv latest stvles. Call and examine. .J-- 1 ' :' - may 20 " . to ei 's '. ,rr IT SALISBURY, if: a MOTICK-Thisis tortifir that Mr. N. il: C..HA.RRX is the only, person aut hor ned, by the Fair Association to issue a Fair Blfefi-a'-advi9eftmi distribute the Bathe on the grounds duringf cfeijcireek, 'and: 1 t. n . i -a a SuScf saidunl tonts' WFUurtprep East, ?&l&&Wt?. gJLU-D - Trade Street: J B. N. SMITH. 50 BUSHELS MOUNTAIN APPLES. ' 20 Bushels Chestnuts. ; f?i consignment, and: roust be sold to-day, w ..if .possible; at bit new store, first door ocU6 tf. fpHANKlWGTiljrTfiehds and thepuMWl J- ior past favors' a ;woulai tr' leave to caA their, attention ;to the-,facti'that I am daily receiving fefge additions to,my present Stock'' bf - (Srbceries cbnslstlbg'-of: Bacon, i8uW,r:C &c, Ac.-jeallnd octll tf. R.B, ALEXANDER. THRESH HopS i. W'iisa cfiSir?rN-- is.,-?. o;t21-tt . , , :;r W. RBURTt &oa IOtCGoshenT and Irish XJ Potatoes; Best Flour, Selected Cream Cheese, Coffees, Teas, Spices, Jellies; Pickles, Preserves, Cigars, Smoking and Chewing Tobacco: ' , Orders for fresh Fish and Oysters left with us will be promptly attended to. oc2I-tf TaVTCRY hodv! t -.Inttnfr.Tthatf Walker & jjj Gibson care hoW prepared to feed all that aremtngryvwitli the best ' the market affordsijt Meafa setit to al partspf the. city, x4f;and,,cases hest in use. a'!b w'l I. It oct21-tt .;i';BTjRvraxii'& co- j.i rrencn ana bitaiiouiungs, r ancy vassimep ior fants. wnienv win 'ue r tturtSlHesiFor Iadi6s.-, , THE BST IN: THE. WORLD at nrst Watiqnal, JianK tmutung. nade at I awWRistftnrconfsenfrfttpd L.ve.NatmeKS yety lole3trprice,-.xeiusrreiy m cash. U nrS fKnnamoii: dovea ?i ' - S. PJIILJLIPS.' U iw.9i.f: ,f WrE:;BURWi51 & COI Tn-, the ..... OC2&. CJIMMON'S HepktIcJ empOunf a ei I mfiElhlestlih uisease, dyspepsia lindlJLf-frlFaild neavy at ? " ",;J kJ ramadV fofUve g&a?arfiB of TBobf br Shba a :f'.Hr dJlloADEN?K"DBW STORED Jil &tv : rWBBTJRWBLL 1A. G0-r1 the Ufa principle, are within the cantire range or this . vondar of Modern Chemistrv. and a raw dan' nm .i i ftroy toanyarsn mini ItfotaiOMroItbestfofuuir owasa ns pweai powvr 10 nim ions. -.. u utapansDT, aauTaosUDTai M QooinpoitvB-tTittT eonuuMllt ee4tlamsaaa taMe wstaa BlM tt a)TthitNa rorH(,iat. Mtirs the sua MltaiMoodaria thl R0ureaaui adAamauiuta la work of purification, and succeeds trr dlmlnUhirif tbi kiesor wastes, tta repairs will be rapjS, and evvrjr tij u paueni wuiieci uinMii Kriiwtua doiivt the food digest iu nd weight incrr rand lentwulfeelhimMlfBTowinKR esuugpaner, appeute uaproviag, tad innrr . . . v .9 AtttLUft BtMITIXT tXCll lkilMe nr Chronic, Bert. diseases ; bat it U tin flfftCTmlr do twnreindiil tKidneJadder Complaints, rrinsfr rt(i Womb diseasetfirs,Tel, Diabetes, Drew, stoppage at' Water. Incontinence of urine, Bricht'iDs. r.vso. Albuminuria, and in all cases where then in brick-dust deposits, or the water Is thick, elondy, miiel with substances like the white of an erg, or thresdilito white silk, or there is a morbid, dark, bilious sppett aace, and white bone-dust deposits, and when there i a pricking, barntiis; sensation when passing wstsr, u4 pain Jfl tm mall of the Back and along the Loins. Tumor of 12 Years' Growt Cured by Had way's Resolvent. 'I'll-.:: ' )i DR. RADWAY S DttrfMrttV istelBM.4lntiV eeated with weet mm, pcie. resrijlaui, BqrifycWansenl strenKtMii Bad wsyPiut, for the eur of all disorders of the Siomica. LdTer,'tMwisv Bkianays,"Bianrer,-n:rTi,u Headache. Constipation, Costiveness, Indif ertion, Dn paate, BlHoosneas, BHioas ew,iaflsniBistlon of us Mowela'Fisea, and alt Sennqreinents of the Iniernti Viscera. Warranted to effect a positive cure. Party Y)rabU,ooatalnlng aoawrcary, minerals or dileMri- ousarugs. few doses of RaDWATS FILLS will free tnt u ill tbe bore named ditto raer. mce,Boaa SOLD BT DKUUUISTH. temftnta all the Mr fiat. Kni.r READ "FAL8B AND TBCS." Send on lettaT tamp to RADWAT A CO.. No. SZ Warren 81, M Xork. nformaUoa worth thousands will be sent j -A,,':- 6. t:wv.fikm. The undersigned take this method to -in-rm tha citizen ofCfasrlotte, and tba-pnV Idj gnllvjtAUteyavtf8 ;dyJ)tmj-L copannersniD. unaer tne nrm nam apl24 and style of CRESWELL & WALKER, andl ;n .T i . tr . t4t wm uu uusiness a.1 A. n vnaswcu o uiu stand, opposite the Presbyterian church. WE MEAK-TO DO .A CA$lt BTT&INE3S, and If you are not satisfied of the fact, come and see how Cheap you1 1,carituy ; for-eeuh Lonff varns. and lone faces about iuabilltv to get money, don't payi ohr bills; (ihdi- pni nrst iaiiure to meet your ouiigauuns wim us, (when we credit at all) we , will be com ibelfed to refnse further indulgence. Our Hbuse shall ba first class as to zoiodsu . .. . if ' ; ; T : - - 1 ....... ... I prices ana aw.euuuti'-- uuuira can tjbjii our, store ft all tbnes without coming hi ceh !tact With intoxicated men, as we 1 sell no strong drinks. .- ' :.- . ' :"u - Hoping by honesty-aod-politeness to mer it ft full share brpiiblic patrdnrge. . We are Verr Respectfully. " : Having made a change in my business I jiow thank tha public for past favors, and pespectfully ask a txn thiuatlon ; ot:.lhe same. .tl ,,T,r t.-.r ' AH notes' 6- accotfjais1 titfto"lher 19th of August Wust'tesetvwWWhandewined at hiS'pracer of busram"dtrf:.lahdntle men with some of otfl" havfi Raited '1oi and patiently;1 Come trtfand settle4 Rest fully. - 1 ' At H.iCKE3WELL;:! . aug21-f. ; ! - - -: : Jtwt Received., ; Goshen Butter. Sugar Cured ast Bacon. Fine .Palmetto Can.' yassed Hams.' 3oice Northern Earlv Rose and Peerles potatoes, full stock will be kept coestantiyoAand by fwiu-Zh " TfPST received, Leeblg't-Ejctract of Beef, v.'i Valentine's Meat Juice, the best article known for rinvaJids, and (those recovering irom diseases, at - - - w June. 16 :lMeAl)E2ra PBUQ BTOBB. b Foe mambershifr in the Catron ml Husban dry, Xor sale , m v 'J&nri . i t si a a.m . ... a ra.ratVTn r witifi'illl I . FOUND! At a White'House in Washington, s Is? lot of MONEY supposed to have been dropped by parties representing r- $350,000,000 While on a visit to that place. All the Money Can be Made by calling on J. T. BUTLER. Wh6 'sellihg o3Bf all of his fine GOLD a"1 SILVER WAltJHESj" CLOCKS and JEW ELRY, SILVER arid PLATED WAB 8PECTACLE8, Ac., to prepare for a splenW PALL STOCK. . Those Who Want Bargains Come t See me. a- At this establishment we call Br Brass, aod tfrGold. .. Everything eaas rppreqentep. f v: - ,j Th! Wc4iittrk:eT)aid for old W and Silver. , JEst 'Watches, Clocks and Jewelry paired and warranted for 12 months at , m TirTTT PP'S f- f J. A. DUlUf"" 'I ,. U Carolina Jewelry House, Charlotte, BLACt r-kie, Porter and Laser Be JUST RECEIVED ' 60 Casks of Bottled Ale, 2 Casks of Bottled Porter, t 25. Casks' ot Bottled Lager, For sale at reasonable prices. W. ang-774tf. . nOODS-REH I.MOSS, just amyeu- vr . . m afAAMiifs -ilADB BOOTS SHOES, . for 1 Misses ana unuaren, n , r , vnt?B? I S LMpLb ALEX VJ Boot ana ouv rci - 'si' Jnst Receired. ;A SPLENDID lot of Fancr Paper. nted three-iered Envelopes, l- .V,. nta Al Oriental Pattern. Avew-'siyle jnstout OCtlrJ tf. PHIFER A I -r -Wanted. fJlHREE or four Marble Cuttem Nbn X gooa worxmen neeaarP'J-,, WTvrrJ For Sale. i GOOD Milch Cow. En mRii' tiMnMrsa hMtt Dlace to buy ..fctia ssi FotTvSale, 1 BPLENDID Geld Watch ndCbf't' auuit salt .ia -vt :s5f f 1