'r ..'. .. .. i . . . 4' . ' ' ' .f vino: t 1 ft 95 I ;V-. e id E, lid a S8, at )ld re I. 0. 1'9 tor' wi St- 3 it u ivnJv a dove. Ted. ttlady's eldvel til For twenty long years, ut the freshness of Andtheglor; r; ing around it. ever. I see that gj9V,e, 4. vision of usjc-and dancing; ;Aiafsln n1naJ i-imy tlw-eyeh of love Intoinrteneriy gracing. ,.jWitVf dimiAgathi thifTfend'of mint Tbt gldW,aW tbedt haj Within it; And l W'lihwuga the glare ... ., bibB x.ic?JM .tec .. . 1 feel her ambrosial breath on wy cheek, Like the scent of ;the linden ; blossom; y ,., 1 A.ad know thaVsM lores though she does By the rise and fait of her bosom. etf?fenVtt5MIM'30,Ted; "water. Why, when Ixame.back ahe was dead she . ' " '- was dead ! 'vy f tV A ' . Jnrt )iaa1it . atla AtouWfb keep sucl? : token, Whm'h fcut'Wb'e ga?e'lt 1 sleeping afar 1 1-n'.4tiiarBeKtbeii:tiiibroken ii ,"' n li v ( - STATE. HEWS.. if J' M ..ChietOans prevailing in the Salisbury section.1' Howea,4be cjindy man, is dispensing "galdfiht.irade" ideilars, silver halves and quarters" in Raleigh. . Mr. Fr 4tkinf Afijjeviile, left on : PrMiigntlairt; fenter upon the duUe&Iately fciaslgrriMy by the Holston Cqrjforpce. More (houOrsr are bein? showered upon Woodaottj of the Netvs. JIe haa' beeiueteetMY.iQejrre8ideptprtne:B- SAleJVaw.- M. Mathes. of the WinetoftitfineLand Ni'S Coak Sftn- atof eieqtlroiKf. Stokes ftiida Forsvtu3 Saturday lat, i W;l AtlVaikek-. of -thU Union' JttWjVMle'fendeavorirV to. Irfe'Jlj bis . nose The Salef'jR3Si6ay3a2tftp.t Lewis .iab.$osi.eUatyitbQut 80 years old, was rto mid dead on thele of the road near the residence of'mie of his sons last week. "He was ou,ni visit to ufcegL'faft! iffiMiliplMihat he fell dead, as there was.no sign of his hav- A livery stable horse in Wilmington was being driyen Out by a little boy, v-hen ifi&htirae suddenly turned and . daahed bfct JtoM it.taie ran in, "thVowintnlWuliWtlie buggy, andsmasiaing he; buggy jr The inju Jtoi&frimm fiwt serious." So japthe JSStdfrftq?wr' y.o4y VVfjisax jKtKkjaa.v qd ounaay . ... evemca: lAst-aa MrCbAriefitBDainhour, -y ex raiding Aboufcvfouc ,rnilea'!north of a i ' Bethama; Fotsyihd: cdafaty:5 took,, the . ' xwrviro itoht 111s nqreeio- iet ;mro.i inw 'thbetabl&the animal tutped and it tPWng,:BgeaPOt w? years. (iKto term , " ;.. front th&.g&ce 61 Svpermfcendent tf , PuWio Ia.&traction in.. favor f OsYrrmm' D:Pooh baa bought a farm o,f fifteen hundred acrer-in JorVes ' faounty-, land will Wbveliiifaniily' clown' there this winter.' 1 It i3-J,he. farm that Colgrove was killed on, and is the richest cotton land; in, that oountyr iJofcii News. Kaleigh ' Newt : iThe'Executive Com mfttee of the iato .y"eldon Fair ruled out of their grouuds every species of gaming, or even the sale of anything in which a gift was implied, although they were-oifered f 1500 for said pritil egesJ This truly cOntmendablanc mand we think i.fUlaearedit-crpon; i tne morals ana Arm Hess ot, ine uoraj mittee.ii-rJ,'...it..'tix!it" '- ' c!-a Kaleigh Sentinel of Thu'rsda:iA' served at uoesfa,a&,burtj shanty and the charred f em aina of two bodies. The shanty belonged tev the: Railroad (- and was occupied by wo sirof ed hands of the road, ho;. Jiadlu the house foufl1 or tWe' ft hijidred dollars. TheCorotier naa noL arrive wnen tne tram passed. TherffVere harks of an axe on the bc4ieiMofiey:.nf.jo6,t of all evil fafcfcEHtpkUiit r; !W6 learn that jtUe'jcill.ab;oui,to yeart oW.' tr ijlayiiiein the yard tiofitS6 father was i ; William Wh itej- bmFlatvfireek ; : -y nt acoiaentany irwqciceaf a propshat .eld.;JlloM:.to:Ufaidetrtt wader t the log rolling on it crushing it frightfully, The father and mother seeing the accidentran to its relief, butthelogfwaKisdThe'avy1 thAt it was impossible for them to remove lfr-eyen : n imdAr tK4WaeMjttenint,Jtut finally - Un(eded4rVfcfeifirtg-it from the child, hut.it i3ieafedtja.it cannot recover. Its face asjf dwflgured jandrbloodshot ' ' ifk a.Bickening m aunerTb e-ch ild was , riH LIoSliQrUin'iS reccrexy VaiuAbT ;taIidt8 For Sale. . - , IM&. IMat iCCJiutt .House door ;ise door mj .aVLr 1 Lin?' inb ! iiiaii. au ,7.9TWir.beTtwioi fhllowinir vaTnauler ferooertv; ' iWieet deeped' ihe remains of the store nouse -recently oecnpieaxy J. u jsromers &rQ3MAMltt3U occupied by S. FmnkentbaUO.feetTont and 198 feet deep, on Trade Streethear the Court House. X Rood 'dwelQnir nd . Jot - on corner of emeUfj Kyemie aid' 90 Qtieet occupied Terms icash,) Thee remainder in the equal'payfuen atl20;4ipnths, at 8 per 'Wt:9- tds. . - . .rtrr Attorney. i.Vi. ,?f.i,,iii,.'ii";ir-i intf.ii t ,t ; city: lots for sale. UTJ5 5? rrr? nj ?the . valuable property 1 h etwflrt3.ic SaUWe No. .58. in.tbecity of CliariotteVtuakiDg;- feiglife lots! HejceptiBg the tMirt nf a Tnt .wecUied1 bv'Jamea Moran. aivd a 'fraction ieOtered by the track of the onn uaronria'mm'oacT. i Ifi-notdispbsed 6f privately befsre the 24th of November; fnext). said property will u 11 with' hftatvkt nmtTt vf tir i i"tfi Titled Undoubted, and no iwctefey asked V"i pany isimcisnea on in is point 4 . 1 H 1 "HI ; UeaiXstaie Aency f CAPITALISTS andotbem -4esiroui of Jn- vesun in CAtton M i Hit. , Iron Foundries, mq Farms ia- . wA .SS' tw,;H CUaU be ae- "OTOWodated ,by caUin ; at tn ofttcfof the, IOS. F. DBAiTONit f rh 71: ' V! Heal Estate Brolter. wxnen soiorat-Aaction; at taeuourc tiouse inailotteVtbeinrTuesdy Of Court.) ' Terms 1 eah. bal4itcrfA"Srande months. WHOLESALE & B-ETAIL GR IP C'ER, and Liquors ' 'H' In Western IVorttl Carolina. Fine liquors, Champagne and other Wines, for dinner parlies or for Sacramental pur poses. ' few barrels of the justly celebrated "ZEB VANCE" Whiskey, ripe anmello. always pa hand. His stock in the General Grocery line is complete. Sugars, Coffee and Molasses When you come to Charlotte for Grocer ies, caU.andy4fhe worth ofyour money. .wiT i$mHW I respectfully return thanks for the liberal patronage bestowed upon me, and; respect fully solicit a continuance of further favors. W. J. BLACK. June 13 REMOVAL. JjVLIAS. COHEN & R0ESS'LM, Invite their friends and customers to rail and examine their new and beautiful store, Which is acknowledged by alt, be.the Jfinest and Largest in the State, and at the same time, a stock of goods that cannot be surpassed. . - , , vtr " - Ic addition to a full line of Foreign landvDoiuestic Dry Ooeds, lleaHIade Clothing, Boots and Shoes, Hats arid Notions, Groceries and , Crockery, We have in stoie, a great assortment of Ingrain', Three Ply and Bnissel's Carpeting, Kugs ana Mouse Furnishing Article to the wants of the , RETAIL TRADE, and Wholesale buyers will find the suited Largest and best Selected Stock of General Merchandise to choose from, at Prices that will pay to ex amine. Call and see us, at Building. Masonic . Temple '5 ; ' ELI AS, COHEN K ROESSLER oct20 ly. JYETV GOODS, NEW GOODS. Coining iq by Every Train. JUSTEEGEtVE&THIS DAY, MOLAS , SIGrap 'XlraugBs;' Lemons, Large Northern apples; eitroof currants, rasias figs, prunes, dateay' cheese, goshen butter? eggs, bologna sausage, and aft endless -variety, of French candies: baaannas. common f Tandy at Wholesale and retail chestnuts, ground seas, suffar. coffaev bacon. lard8oaiJt:Candlea,. canned good tnll varieties, cigars, tobacco, suufT, nutaor.aiiJuuaijnianouun powder tea.' Yonns: Hyson and .'Imperial, all of- wc pner anaucsanenra ror cash,; Come and see for tfoujasetvevatthe Rising Suar, . - - .1 t - - , The bfily Reliable GiftKDistilbation' ln the country! 8100,000 00 TO s-B DIBTBIBUTBD IS To be drawn Monday, Oct., 12th; !1874. OIIE IfiiPMPli? PRIZE! brie Prize S5,000 In Silver ! Fivb Pbizm $1,000 each f PivePk!?'T&00 Tkk' PaiZBS $100 Greenbacks; in Twd Family Carriages and. Matched ' 1 Horseewltb SUver-Mouuted Har-, , . , (. .Bess rtfltSOOeaeMw'x iTwO"Baggle;HOrBes, At f Worth . 600 each. Two Fine-toned Rose-wood ; Fianos, , worth ., ' $550 each! ' Ten Family Sewing Machines jrorth $100 1500 (Sold and Stiver Lever Hunting watcnes f vt o0.) worth frotf f20flo-$30Q'M. V'' tiold Ohalns, Sfl ver-.WaL Jtewelry jfexi Aft wwrrif 5GiftsmO0O ! Ticketo) limited - AGENTS WASTED : -Ttt""8ELl 8ingle rJV. CO. Hi TlV " X1U. " JO . . - - . m!L it thaiv 'i icteia twj"jt j vo - 0 aMontimirfg' iPttlf lisorjprer .HoftMiniinRfAf; ih;manBr nof vdrawing and otbet Infermatioa in- refetwee to,tthe Tti.trihnMnn. will be sent to,sany one or jT..;n fham' A.11 lattara-munt be addesaJ icaxv orncB. StJ To Merchants. 2 J eUR TRADE HAYING MORETHAK .doubled lelflii the past wo years we nave found it necessary to increase 'our1 stock, and enlarge our rooms in . proportion to, the 4?nand for foods. Our Wholesale Rooms is 135x35, has been "completely remodeled, and will, by the 5th of SeDtember. contain not only one pf. the .largest stocks in the BtaU, but in tire Southern States; We feel assured of being able to sell everything in our line at NEW YORK JOBBING PRICES, to cash or short time buyers. Our stock of STAPLE DRY GOODS will be equal to any ih'tbe city. Our sto k of fancy and fine Dry Goods, JDress Goods. Hosiery and GloVes. Will be tbe largest in the State. Our stock of foreign and domestic Notions, some of our own importations, will be tne largest and most varied, ever offered in this market Oar stock of Boots and Shoes 4so be llie jir8t,iktlieiiaty. and will contain a number of our own make. Our stock of Ready-Made Clothirfg will be larger than ever before. Our stock Of HATS, CArS, RUBBER SUITS, OIL CLOTHS, Ac, wm also db equal to any in the city, in a word; our attractive stock, our liberal terms. our low prices and our strict adherance to r ii . p ,l iauis, wi.i ensure ua an increase 01 mac pa tronage which has enabled us to build up a trade second o none in the city. We beg your careful examination of our stock before you go North or buy elsewhere. CIRCULARS AND PRICE LIST' sent upon application. Most Respectfully, McMURRAY A DAVIS, . Y , : Trade Street, Opposite Brem, Brown & Co.'s Hardware, i;'-.uiayua To the Retail Trade? - -lioo ill 11 ngiuB tuK mj iu vim: iiic aLucuitiUiJ VtX II the trade to the largest and most vaT nea stocK 01 i DRY GOODS, FANCY GOODS, WHITE GOODS SILKS, HOISERY, s GLOVES, HAT3 CAR PETS, BOOTS, SHOES, READY-MADE CLOTHING, GENTS AND LADIES FURNISHING GOODS, &C, AC, TO BE FOUND IN THE STATE. v ! Dress Goods An immense stock of Dress Good, Silks, &c., selected with special reference to bril- liancy of shade and col color, and superiority of texture and makes. The-, largest line of Alpacas, ever present ed, including the lowest price Goods, as well as the finest Fabrics. ... , ; yAma Ploorning Black, CunardV : Double Warp and Face, Grand Ducbesa Eclipee, Silk finished Black Bril Hautine, an entirely new Fabric, made from the wool of the Turkish goat, much more lustrous than pure Mohair. ,;. . k;,'"V , . . We are offering a large Variety of fr Foreign and Domestic Shawls embracing novelties of the most el legant oe ind Cash- sum and nnish. Black Mennoe an reereBhatlsC8 Ladfe$?Ifid Gents 'CraTeling Shawls and Lap R6bes in fine variety. ...... .RIBBONS. Gros? Gram and Velvet Ribbons, all widths nd qualities, in a complete range of colors.- he LACES, - Embroideries,'; Buglef'Trimmiugs, Silk Scarfs, Ruching's Beltings, Steel " Morroco and Russian Leather, and Bugle trimmed Belts, in all the latest designs. SHIRTINGS, SHEETINGS, &c.v Bleacdei and brown Shirtings and Sheet- trigsPillowcasgiUiens; Table Damasks, Towels.Naplins, and Table Diapers, we offered at extremely low prices. ; ' ' , -j n ' Jeans, Flannels, Linnseye, CAiMEEES, r''". Coatings ' New style Repellant, Blankets.Counterpanes, , - Bed-covere, aod 'an elegant line of CAEPETS and OUSE , JUBNISH- vii.ciftf !-:;. i iBfQ Q00DS. 1; i' wtil be sold:a astonishingly low, prices. GREAT INDUCEII1ITS twilibe offered in Ready-made Clothing am M F Gehts. farnishing Goods' Boots. Shoes.' Hats tCat, UmbreUas'Trnnks.y Satchelk, Reti f cules, and many other entirely, new (lines of Fahcy Goods.' which have ? been added to our Stock. . . (f ' .. fESTrHfeerlybftW irkTTVf a s"tsv i i ' V j oi a large corps ox xniicci wehvs snut nxi pertenced ealesmenwiltendeivoi1 tolwait nr tne jraae in sncn a manner a win we nope; ipsure for.ns 4a eonUnuance, that 'patron age wnicn naa enaoieuaq w.uioio ur vus- - inesa in the last tweure naonma ,o Au;early ealbaud-carfiful exawb reepectfully solicited from' all amlnaUonia .'.j t Mil 1 MM 11.111 IIV li JW. 1W WJS,AKK NO RECEIVING and opening the largest stoclc of HATS, CI-OTHING . . Md. FURNISH NO iUVtnn fni nmJAmn Tnnthi inil TLrtva n nffliMiI -lii 'TTila market. ' It "bas been selected with care in most varied assortment of articles which enter lnte the wants of gentleman, rlaklng p , a complete ontflt. tolw found outside of a full grown city: " . -ytb i." "HA VllNO doubled the size of oar store-room, DejPKWrouiy XclusiVe CLOTHING HOUSE m HOUSE uiujhwijb.ub puuuc, ii can ana.xinmit -wiw ruit-connaen;cinai ysrr.one can, be suited. - - . HATS,- CAP8;wAND9VEE0aTS, TALMAS, BUSINESS" i.t,- iS 'wis s HIRT8 AND UNDER OIX)THlNGlbr Men i ITinbrellas, Gloves, Hosiery, Silk ' And a large line pf other articles, we offer ami intend to merit its continuance. , CHARLOTTE, N. C. Bea--ni!i i kii '.&Yis o I v - LIGHT -.:Jt9Tfl Tf ... r . -S;a yf - K EXCELS ALL OTHERS. Marh 12 A RARE In orcjer to makea settlement of. ls. f Ul.i0fTRI.ir! PUBLIC without reserye, immediately after the Tobacco Sale, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 17, 1874, that splendid and valuable property PACE'S WAREHOUSE, with all its furniture, Iron Safe, two pair Scales and four Leaf Tobacco Screws in the basement room now used as apritery by Mr. T. C. .Skinner.. The building and eyery thing connected With it is in fine condition. . .V ,5 , ,; This valuable property is too well .known all over, Virginia and North Ikrolina as The Leading Warehouse; of Danville, to need any description here. ' The Lot fronts al! street, was purchased of Mr. J. VY. Jace, Tne business of the house is more prosperous now than any previous year, uross sales for 1874 amounting to $556,867.58. TERMS $1,000 cash, $4,000 payable on the 1st day of May, 1875, and the balance on the 1st day of December, 1875, purchaser giving foljsatisfacilyaendorsed, with a deed of trust upon the property to secure the deferredT5ayinents. tPossessioU given-the dav arfer our grand sale. December 2, 1874, for the benefit of the Oxford; (K.1C.t'0rphan Asylum and Widows' Till the day the house is tiitned over to the our posts ready-to serve our namerotis friends S i- g?0Manager. N. 0. HARRY & CO., House 'rSzgfyand T) ARTICULAR attention paid to Frescoing X i country.. (Office under Central Hotel. Encourage Home Industry. THE DIXIS PU&IP! IHE BEST PUMP FUR TflE LEAST MONET Satisfaction Guaranteed or no f . r r-ti ir Trade. Dlplooia Awarded at the Last Fair ot THE DIXIE PTJMP is equal if not superi-1 or to any wooden pump now offered to the public. It is a Southern .Production, made at our own doors; ofpur own material. Hundreds of Certificatesmight be obtain ed from parties, wbo are using this Pump testifying to its Cheapness, uurapuity ana. efficiency; but as it is deemed eUy? necessary, Ionly refer to th& followinrtiC tens of Charlotte, among many -' others;- not named, who are using the Pump : . . k W v Davidsonj mayor oi unariowe, v; Maxwell, Sewing Machine Agent, R M Oates, Central, Hotel. L ABlackwelderviy F, Snyt fler, f m 0Wf u, James, jonpscon, ;Te-. and, W E "Cochrane, Cyrus Hunter, J M McMurrav. R M MillerlE-'Jif Andrews, Dr. Robert.Gib.bQn, .W. J. Yates- Manufactured and sold by G. L. GREES0N, Trade Street, Charlotte, N.- a j ; WANTED To contract for a lot of ' yet low poplar heart lumber. ; i - apllo . . 11 -n ; : Notice. - ! A LL nei ersons badebted td the ilate firm Of XL W H H Houston .& Co are bereby no tified that all 'of aaM debts have been as -signed; to the Farmers Savings Bank ;.of MeclflenDurg, ana tnat tney muss mae payment only to said bank, or ita j adthoriz- jatsaw-w-v i . HUaJJil m ipiiii casbie f,i Vance & Burwell, Attorneys.- f ! anrll'74-tf. t lf Rio.tfraar!d Java Coffees.! Butter! trwhli. fUltJ SAlace Tobacco. All kmds Su- reFadfcbiV- Cheeae,, Teas, Codfisb;:.pried Herrings; White Wine and Cider dVipegars; in barrels, Club Fish,tand many otHef goftd hings.i Call and see m''- j ,rtiO 1 vi si J-o.'MiDAyjDSW';j OC1 Painters "Wanted. ? SIXtcEight House P4ptersfcatt geLwork A Oct29--UVrn ,,t N. C. HARRY. New York, and rrtmnrisas the lareBt aiMl and increased onr In All Tit" BLrtA in "the titj -with a fresa in thetitj with a tresti aaet!r w Invite li 1 AND' DRESS SUITf MS" Iandkehiefs;j ? atlthelver ' ' ' tra,-''i88f 4 ,JJffiW&-SON. S aoo- RUNNING MACHINE D O. MAXWELL, . 2 Doors Below Tiddy's Book Store CHANCE. ear Afl business, we offer for sale at AUCTION, 213 feet oh Lynn street and 167 teet on Loy and the titte le undoubted. , and Orphan's Home, Richmond, Va. JS. M. J. ifAVJS, uwners. , purchaser we will at all times be i'ound at and customers as heretofore. oc24-2awtds Brescoe Rainier s. Churches and Town Halls, throughout the so--m. W H n Gregory, ; Cotton Buyer, McrHize Bier. QTRICT personal attention given to sale of KJ (Jotton consigned to me. LdDerai ad vances made on cotton to be held. Suitable Warehou8esfor! Storage received. Arrange ments for transfer from depots, ' and ;insur ance at verv liberal rates, have been .made Prompt returns made fWm! sales with, mod erate charees. ' ! I am alao Broker for: Messrs Jf. T. weorge &Co., one -of the largest Bacon Houses, in Ralthnore. iand largest, Lard Refiners ia ithe gtfflarWjiee as tow prices as any house in isaitimore. -. Jjioerai concessions uiuw uj Irfwfers: . Citv Merchants are regpectiui- ly requested to call before buying. Daily quotations will be kept oa file ; call and ex nmiriA them hp.fore bnvine. i n j. tstrict- Personal AitentHin kivbu wo purchase and Sale of Cotton. ' .x: Refer by Permission to ' W4srs. R. K. Jamieson & Oo.. Bankers, Philadelphia, Pa.; Mr, J.M. Walker Phila delphia, , Pa.;; Mr... T.;;w.; Dewey, uasmer M. P. Pegraut Cashier lit National Bank of Charlotte, N: C.; MaJ. C. Dowd, Pres't. Mer chants' and Farmers Bank, Charlotte, N. C; Gov. B. Vance, Charlotte, N. C. 7 bct22 its : '' " ' . .... . . , i slit " d. yrrclEtiix, . ! ... B.'?sr. LrrrwtjoHH. I. .CHALl & uu, ClraJn Fioar Bacon Groceries, : 'V H A'RL 6 T.T E , N . ' 0. Special attention given to consignments . of if con jor Ei;iierejDr n umw iuai.cio, vx irat adTaucesmaae. si: iJi 2n9V, ' ..:;' ;i,;',arm.for Sale. f RAHAM ft NASH nave several very de VJsimble Farms for sale, 'near the City, from ISO to 300 acres each. Call on i - - . ... Office in rear of Col. J; E. Brown's office. ang23&-tf, - . JO miTEV BTTTTER at ' - , i ? ledM9 '-;e vREELPERDTJES;H .'ri . aenS-tli: jpjsjwi a.i "BlBe JFront. 4 OCt2l-tf. W.B. BTJRWELL ft CO. A.t;HA17ES. jlltrAjPHUAKER : AHO' JEWELLEa,f 1 O i t .,- itv'AaifBMJHUJsr UI S JJine VWatcKes. Clocks, t . 'CHARLOTTE, N. C. - Vtext door to Tiddy's Book Store; , AU, work neatly done and warrantee Silo' jan 15 wu. Grateful Thonsands troclar egar BiTTEES theEinost wonderfut Ift rigorant that ever sustained tha sinking No Persdn can tale these Bitters .;necordijjg t'd direction, and remain long tinwe?tpr6ti(i6'd their boriei arc not dc itrbyod ; by mineral poison or other .jueaasraad vital organs wasted beyond repair. and Inter are so pteva llcyl w mir great rivers throuffhout tuo United Suitesiespfijjialla those of the Mississippi, Ohio, Misoarjj Illinois, Tennessee, CumberlaM,,AraJH cno l?nrl CrAnrrttln TlrinI T?ir nrnndfbi Pcafl, Alabama, ilifotik avannaliq-J auoke, James, and many others, with their vast tributaries, throughout,; ouf entire country during the Summer and Autumn, and remarkably so during sea sons f unusual heat and dryness, ara invariably accompanied by extensive dc fc: rangements of the stomach and llterj: t.nefl the? abdomhial '.viscera. In their treatment, a purgative, exeiling a pow 'clTiil inuuence upon these various, dfi gans, is essentially necessary. There is no cathartic . for tho purpose equal "to DK. J. WaLKEU'S VlNKGAK RlXTEBS, as tiiey will, speedily remove tho daik coloi;uu viscid hiatter . witU.. which tho bowels a ro loaded, ; at tho eam'o time stimulating the secretions of the liver, and generally, restoring tho healtbj,' functions oifthc digestive organs, o; ; . JL'ortily llic liody Asainst disease liy pttfrfying.all its fluids withVorEOAt . 1 sitters. JNo epidemic can takeMioia of system thits forc-armed. Dyspepsia or Indigestion. Head ache, Pain in tlie Shoulders, Coughs, Tightness of the Chest, pirziness, Spur I Eructations of tho btomacu,' Bad Taste in the Mouth, Bilious Attack?, Palpita tation f tho Heart, Itiflatririia&on of the Btiiigs, Pain 1 in; the regioi: of.. tho Kid neys. and a .huiidred othepanifjal symp wins, iue uio.Oiri.ugg u uyapvymn One bottle w ill prove a befinr guarantee of its merits -than a leogtbyjiiciyerfise ment. ,r m Scrofula, or King's Evil. White Swellings, TJ leers, Erysipelas, Swelled Neck, , boitre, Serotinous lnliaiiiniaiiGua, Indolent Inflammatious, Mercurial Affections, Old Sores, Erupthms of the Skin, Sore Eyes, etci In tkeso, us in all other constitutional Dia easosj Walkkr's Yiskgar Bittkhs hava shown tlieir great curative i-rs iu the Uiost obstinate and intractiihlo vn-..,. For Ihflaimnatory and Chronic Rheuniatism, Gout. Bilious, Remit tent and Intermittent IV yrsDiseaseso the likiotl, Liveiv Kidnejs and BladdeV these Bitters have uo equal. Such Disease are caused by Vitiated Blood. Mechanical Diseases. Persons en gaged in Paints and Hipetals, su'cb: a Plumbers, Type-setters,' 6t4l-liaters; . and Miners, as they advance in lii',lp.re subject to paralysis of the JJowels." 'To gnard ttgaiust this, take a dose of TValkeb's Vik kg a Bitters occasionally; p FOf Skin Diseases, Eruptions, Tet ter, Salt-Rheum, "Blotches, Spots, Pimples. -Pustnles," Boils, Carbuncles,- Ring-WOrms, Scald-fiead, ;mia Eyes, ErysiiTelai," Itcfi, Senrfs; Discolorations of the Skin, Humors and Diseases oi the Skin of "Whatever name or nature, ars literally dag up and carried, out of the system in a short time by the use of these Bitters. Pin, Tape, and other Worms, lurking in the system of so many thousaads, are-.efi'ectually destroyed and removed. No Bystepi of medicine; fio vermifuges, no an thelminitics will free the Kjatem from worms like these Bitters I ' ;' ' For Female Complaints, in young or old, married or single at the dawn of wo manhood, or the. turn of life,, these Tonic Bitters display so decided an influence that improvement is soon perceptible. Cleanse the Vitiated Blood when - ' ever you find its impurities bursting through At-- , fU 1 . T.T O n . wo Bam m inmpies, aruuuuua, i owico , cleanse it when you find it obstructed and sluggish in the reins ; cleanse it when it is loui ; your feftogs wifl tettyoTiWhen, Keep the blood pure, and the health; of (he system -h. h. Mcdonald & com Drnggiats and Gn. Agt.,mi Fraodaeo, Califonf. Sad oor. Waihineton and Caartotm JBT. X. Upliolsteriiig and Matlim:maldii2. Beckwith BuildingUp Stain. -- a (Over WiB. Taylor's Gun-shop.). T TAKE pleasure in informing the public x that I have again opened a snop wnere von can eet vour solas, settees'. loUnees, chairs and mattrasses put in the same Condi- tion they-rere m wnen you nought mem from the store.' at reasonable prices. I have secured the services of a first class Uphol sterer who has served his trade in v Berlin, Prussia, and therefore can guarantee satis faction to an who may oe pieasea so patron ize me,. Orders for .mattrasses or ; repairing from abroad attended to promptly. janeS. ; : - 8- EINSTEIN , . CIKCULA9. TTAYING laeain , located in Charlotte, XI,. make -my respectful salutationsr to 'my old friends and acauaintances. I ; am ' now in "the Retail Department oT that justly celebrated firm of Messrs. iWlttkowsky! & Bin tels, where I shall be pleased Mi wait-n all my patrons-v I guarantee to them, pole attention and just treatment., , i ... - . Very Respectfully j; sept 10 2m , , ,Mt D. l.jtqLEOD. i Grocer -linoissioi "flerctat 1 . Ttkn.T.i Knur.- ! -x-i A q TRTCSH Nansemond Ovsters; everv -day P Atfinear Cured Hams rith a general!, as- aortmentof Groceries,? "Fine Frertoh Brandy, for joleaicai irorposes, AK, c. ' OCt2 tf.1 s. .1 1 ' 1 "' 't -f .8 ,V.'" f 1 1HIB.T ViMTfiirtv : nbftm lof.BiUldintr and 1'lLoau Stock in the Mecklenbntg-br. 1 onil Knildincp unrl TvMTt A fwoclationv . " i- 1 nl Fa ii n Kjew.: A Bilious, Remittent i- raitt&rit I eversx whicli r lent iirtho val aug22-tf. JNO. T. BUTLER. TpAKES thia method to inform the citizens f Ciharlotte and vicinity, that he has intlyl located im etoSotte, and of hw professional services to the public, tkigliadeightyearsf ttiidy in London, r.ArUiw'fiUm..ia;inr-'tiaown and Iffi5r.tlj?CWW- States, he rTOiS.: "'S 040 ve saUsfaction . the fblldwlh rnrY - 1 1 lil08 ChurehBunaiofCBfton Church. DwiCT-. island; ; Bennett JMilding; Drexel Kn.Ma8i5i4& JHopkina; Westmin ster Hotel,' New York citvr Bntler Bnild- AUgi TO?Jdence, K l.t EonitahlA Tnsnr- - ?f S1'8' Boston; fusion, J. Cald weir, Bostort, and many others. Mr. Welchwill take1leasure in drawing designs, and making 'complete' plans and specifications for buildings- tf eVery kind. u FuMwjb. superintend the same. aug-7 . fnfeet, Charlotte, N. C. And Comtnisnoh Merchan t , "V;. s.mAELAiTTE. Liberal advances made on Cotton consigned to me for New Vptk 6f Charleston. Reference 1t PermlRsioH-f p Pnmm, Cashier 1st National Bank, Charlotte ; A G piwua,-, waouier .tjommeTCMU. National Bank, CharlettjB.; -Mai Geo W Melton, Wm H HaTdin. phjtov S C ; Col W H McCorkle, BXheeler jYorkyjlle, S. C. N. BrSpecial attention given to the P"r chase and sale of futnre contracts. Office next-door J. ; ?ragillifHeath & Sco'it, CoUegeSteet.jKr anfifl is sept 11 tf some that, this Pre'paTatioa' is the same Simmon Liyer Regulator, we deem it as right to correct this impression. Although J. A. Simmons ;wa i former i Proprietor of both preparations, he assures; nr. that SIM MONS' HEPATIC COMPOUND. is his latest improvement in Medical Sconce, and that it has no cqpnection whatevet. with former preparations, but that it jisa? superior, in every respect,. ia( any Hjrvefr iMedicine to which his name, was . ever attached, being composed solely of .Vegetable ingredients. The trial of eneJhottlewdl,.saw?y the most incredulous: ' ' : " J-This Compcuntf was f Patented De cember, 12, 1871, . ard name Copy-righted 1.04. r For r Sale yjlVliolcsaie !and Re Dealers )Er Cry where. tall BeS9-M,f;' in n 7 i f i THE BANE OF METJKEEUBTJRG, CAELoBg, Authorized CafyfaJ, l$$pO,000. Jas. TtJiurtK Tatk, President. Thos. W. Dewey,-Cashlei, F. H. DkWSt, Asst. Cashier. AT THE BANjCINO HQUSE OF TATE 'DEW;EY. This ,Bank Chartered 'nder 4-ct of the General Assembly and dulyjorganized under taws of the State of Norttir Carolina, with ample means is.: prepared: to transact . General Banbiacr'ISTtsiness. and furnish accommodations to all its Chin- : The bank will receive Deposits subject to Check, and will Allow Interest ' According to Agreement on all Deposits left on time, or issue ueruueate or iJpposit, hearing in terest at the rate ,of ,' ,', " ."('' X, Eight per cent per Annum all sums lying undrawn over thirt on Gold and Silver am. Buuion and Bank Notes Bought 4nd Sold. . - T14G8. W.DEWEY, Jan.. 11874. ' Cashier. :-h b-tit j .'" . DR. F. SCAUK, i " s g e crq 09 00 CHAR LOTt E, H. C. Prescriptiona prepared at all bourr ; . , of the Jay and zugbt. 1 i ! Choice Green and Black Tea, Selected especially, for Family and Inval ids, at . j oUuKH June 29 , . ; . ,iirugtere. 'TOESHCTtCBS,;' Just received a lot., of, select. Spices for Pickles; Preserves, &e.,,at..,F.JBCAKR'8 ' june29 . ' .rug Store. Pare Ratad Oil. Finest articW in Market,' at ...-;!;.. -.oi t rt .Fv SCARE'S june 29, 1872 "T ! S s-iiPrag Store. General Cotnjniaaibnvllircliant, iu .-. CHALOTTEv n. c. Particular attentitm d to 'selling all kinds of Produce, Cotton and Tobacco. - Highest cash price paid for Cotton. -All orders front distance promptly at tended to, )i4 :oa jJ,sy.BRYCE, dec 21 '73. : t goskNiMEncsdNTs. WBiPpared to niake'Bberal cash If a advances on: cottoni shipped to our friends in Charleston, at New ?Yotk. Will also attJiwmnlxteWfiton con' Mgned to- us. w J0! i (aVJCMot fftjCI. fttfF 00129 Lumber I LUniber ! ! 17 P AIjJJ JiVri-i-V"J. 231 lincolnton.NC "Tryon Street, gtheprop- vori which the late Wjfr mil resided. PossiottgindseJa J? kgarK. the'besf on the matket; at junW ' McADEN'S DRUGSTORE. 111: I I ! UkJtANGEMENTB OF UVER. aboV j&Sz&WMH, AN p; BOWELS. 1 A . i . - i -ufilnsles.;XatIies. Ac. mwaHOUSES sm .toaoa-. I in tbntr w wisinessi ein 1 1 H " i r 1 1 1 CP" tent K fSrfan .H . ft McMuRRAYA;DAVI80 "-tawfara. ept v.