jrao m umnui . 1 ft tea R "sAi ff1,f tf.1'1 t (( :no jT? .fjc; sails aiFrrjtH "tin -; fiz -x; . iy.if tfyl --iM '"J - - . . '. 1 1 1 1 1 ' " 1 ' PI , - s" " - fi!-'.-- -- - rrr" r .v . .. ct ..v 1 jut "" 1 tt ., ;.i. I , t T 'l I I - ' 11 ' i ii inilfciiiiifciMii.M i wwm. iii i i if . ?n - in i,i in m. K B I V , III III r i 5 r;-:t ' J :o-; ' ( ; tj.u' ISCOaGiSpaote and ,SEic& TO BE SOLD AT;TrtK BOOT AND SHOE HOUSE imTHIa tS iiftxl iunety dayg. we intend to nell a larv ntAoV nrM. w.i. "Boy',' Mir l cnildn BOOTS, proporuoa oi-wnon uve oeen - bin? jtm MeflittM tin cnariotte, a weU aa those In the surrounding country, will Snd It to their advantage to 1U and examine our atock before purchasing elsewhere. Wtfeanrto tell Goodt m low at any house mUfew York, Boston, or Baltimore, with freight dded They can Jys save the expense of a trip North by baying tiom our houiw. s ti d &hm.r: W,7 , ri yv. .. &2TTH ft TORBESi '; se3-rly - .i-it ,hM& f JWwe A JSr National Bank and Bank tf Mecklenburg. R DWAIKE. mmt'M&M 1874. : ' -'vVt.' I'tn'! i J' xIBs3ME PUBLIC. WBARBPWOFPE?llfa-T05PURCHASERS unparalelled inducements to ! !-fVir$ l.tol .fl'Wft s-s:'i'' ni ' .. .t ' -. .- Shcfe Hats, trunks,? &c, poot Olid o SstabUslunent, in lt National Dank Bnildinff. tr '4 CSsntoal Hotel, ..Tryon 8t:v Cha-lotte, C.-;- ,.. , v. ,WElceeptheonlyetricUy Retail Boot and Shoe Store, to be found in the city, and baying bought our goods exclusirely for CASH, in such quantities as to command low prices we flatter tonrselTes that we cannot be . undersold in the South. Call and see us, and we wiU.safyyoa that We have the best stock of goods ever offered to the RETAIL fft&AJD&il :(.oilMA mM; WADE 4s PJBCRAM. -FATE ALEXANDER .miUiH't y . AND IS ONE OF THE FIRM OF x " ALEXANDERr SISIGLE & 00., "A TlXATHU02Ba?e'TFfiirge and Well-selected Stock of uo w :-:ai .n;vvDll :G00DS, &c, - 1 Benot direct from Meiactarers aou Importfs for cash, embracing,. Dress Goods, all cotofs and styles an elegant l?De of Black Alpaeai WBUe and OoJarM-FEftnoels, Ladies! and Misses' Fnrs, Ladieeaney Neck Ties, Ribbons, Beaded Gimps, Belts of every de crip'tionl ndsoiderievBeaI and Imitation Laces. Shawls, Table Damask, Towels and, NapkW?,! and Gents' , to be found in a general stock of Dry Goods, AlflOBta, Shoes, , Hats, CiottHDt, Oil Carpets, Table Oilcloths, Hoase Furnishing Goods, including Gilt and Walnut Molding. Respectfally, ' f:SSy Seigle & Co., 1 v ocJ 40l E8 00&est and Finest stock of - m the, States Removal ! ' T WOULD BETITRS', MY HAlKS TO 1 my friends and the public ,$arJheJf kind patronage, ' and say that I ' would, be lad to see them at the o4d atond of, V ' u', tuts 'a T.-T .i,i.-j'; '.. - i5!?n,& Koeaaler. where 1 lu qpened a. " , . .. si . $ 7wm w Mil i than ever before, and will keep School Books, Stationery ) Notions; 'Hpesi ' Segars, Smoking and Cbewm Tobacco, Confection eries, Toys, Acf Ad'rw a . - , I will sell at prices that ' will eatfsfac- oct22 tf. J. 1 fcUBEFOX DISSOLUltOrT.Thleco-prtnershmhere-toftjre existfnAiiideV the title. o f fll 1TCRJ t btEELE r haa this dayyWn. dis solved bv mutual consents. AIL. persons in debted to swd ifirni are i cequested to make earTv!fettWfUt;nf:,.B.J3. Phiferrf aalbor. MiiavirtpiUii.'ld ay purchased the entire stock of theriate-firnr pMJhHei'; & Steele, I take h&fktW6&?t ihtotfeiBg- my friends and he pobUceflertilylhit Iwillcontinue to kv vbflhdalarwaaBbrtmentof-Books, StatimjeryFaacy Ctoodat'JInaie? etcr and aH.gooto usually kept in iav first-asss jjook vStqre -Jt cait U jpefcj'ectfully fioliciMid at my rtand, opposite the Charlotte Hotel. .hiinu 1 R S. PHIFEIL CharlotteVOctberl4874f vr:tjlC23-tC; B jASf .FJRE IN CHARLOTTE, i , Liia''' I would mdseresftectfolly acknowledge r "joeu uier ;ni(p ihmiiik 'wwjuib w tfie'aneasrof Charlotte and the public gen rall? for ti- rv- rlattmnr-patron ex -ended to mf trasiHes"prf v1dis ,t6 the llate . Fus m the citv. which ew awav nearly Now, sinne ,wryfgrear iuisfortane, I have biembarkdJn;tbe .FnaiihrGTOCtrf and - 'rroTiaotr RiimnM ;Mii,nrald solicit a lib- I,'flshgrefof-publie ,tatroinage'!lso ;Uivishly -dowfedine past I propose -to strictly rjTermhe same svstem in the rvrv a TricedTtfthe:cast.t6,wStJ Fair .and Dion A-t-f k - Vi. - . i . irfg, keepirthe "best ".goods' for the ; monev. and in- an ' tri..t:ur3 reTre- WUut thn as.th,v-ert..or" no, ale, i Par-. L2l?9pnw '- -f- iv r-arori have them PfnXduti. tjf -:t of ibecity,TBJs I, M f , la for. vctunfwithv.my.'lgu8ei 1 Lfipeet:uliy, BrkWiTH;, SKQBS 4a4 SCATS. otaprtoins U szwte r wessly to Uur Own Order. S. 8. PEG RAM. o buy IS STILL ALIVE, "TRADE STREET. ' i Call and see hen TO THE MERCHANTS AND CITI2EN3 ' j i OF CHARLOTTE,. N. Ct- " HaVinic assoda .with me Mr.F. HAMP-. BON a' N a' practicaVa'nd fikilUul.. maBUfkcturrt Artiucial 8toneT of severiil ,yeara! espa 6! rieriee, I am, now prtpared t execute, toy alt. Itsbranchesrvisr CE4t jL'th Beanav';8teipaV.s21.?'V .'-' 1 Morae juoexe cornieeaw - j Braeketav tWaiertablev Sill Corners,' Eel usg -: . n AAhler Chimney Cej'aV'a LintePa Coping, dbc. Pavements Walks And concretinji of cellar floors respectfully solicited. Cemeterrlwork at one-third less cost than marble. Vaults on ' very easrv terms.' Workmanship and material guaranteed. of first quality .and, Warranted to give, enure satis lacuoBv . . . Arundal Stone la the only one that wilb- . - Charges reasonable, and at much lesai cost than any natural stone. " .. s . UAfT. JUUX v. JHSA1W, Agent. HaTimt-eonnectedr myself with taptain Ssdous a to desig i t)Mi( f aita AAhAilanf nt wllawaeaifles tflaV waWtaaft of; Artindat Stone. T have made stone for. one of the finest buildings in the &acihr-th Masonio Temple at fiavannan. ua4 aunen aions. 00 bv 60 feefc heizht. 60 ftet: main. room, 88 bjt& feet in the c!ar the roof and. tbiid nVwv suspended; resting; enttrefy on walls of Artificial Stone- The vabor work has given; great satisfactions! hasMiAlso msnAimnn mr MMmnuiixn.iiiRijumLiuf b Kail T llamiUnn' IWll kfMtSA. aJaOt v In soiieithisaohareof yout patro&aeoai behalf, of Captain 4 Braia you. may rest ae sured the whole - of mj attention .will he given to the manufacture of thai stone,wmcht is damp, fire and rat proof; One thing: parr ticularly in faror of this stone is its cost. which ishalf the price-, nt eranitsk and aa rinTabla;, two-thiidakgs Ahao hrownstonew and more durable. . and otMttJrd . lessythaii any soft or sand; stonev lie-pert fr ' 'r- rnurf ViWi'iC Mi )j'Jiilt.i m.i'i'?"iiii it lu'nl nmT'n'L, v Tvrr me Tf TroTTSis titttt .t n 1 j JN l CONT2ACTOK3. I bar accented the Agency fop Saw I'-ZX. and am prepared to Lumber at as short a. notice. aa.p6ssr lai I nave or. nana a k w .?ri V ! -rrnt moderate. AcdIt aft eraea at PL UX'S STORE, Tryoa streets w v ij J it e.WAii--uw Trade Btreejts-. f - ,,?. v afc etonexhibitlaatirt IOIt KIlT. Twd r.-" ' .hi htw ic f btmS- last njghtLtadahe-war t catedja t!; most. c " ; r t- thJ TT7TT - fr,?.that:goati:-.2 Ti . v . . if y :Jf 1 Carleai.lXr $ent, Ptoptietor. . OSce, Spring Bunding Trade Street. Daily 0 year iadTWisp, . .,...7 00 Six ciontia: jn adyance, JIL. 5 60 Three iTcithv to adywloe. 1 75 WW month; in advancet .. 60 Weekly, onTearw;;..wi-w... 2.00 Subscriber will please look out for 4ie cross markW- their papers.' They are tans notified tha$ tjjeir Jterm. of subscrip? Man has eipirfed i and are reapectluUy. re One Square one time. Ibli 0 J odays....r... Mv.4.i460 ' three days..: ;.V.,.:. 2 00 " " . four dava l (I Tstweek. ..,3 co (Weekj.i. three weeks........ one month .i.. .: ft .Aft Contract; Advertiseznenta taken at rionateljr low rates, . r , : f lye Squares estimated,, at a. auarter-ool- umn, and ten squares ;a a half-column. ' j , LCSJl . , . CHAUI.OTTE WAttttETS. Cotton Market.' Reported Daily by Oates Bros., Cotton - mixtion Merchants. " tnfcriprtj.., .tw. ..... 8 a 10 Ordinary lOiall Good Ordinary 12SaJ21 iT..?11"' I3 18 Middling 13ial3, oaies, Daies. Market firm, with good demand. Country podnce. tBvving .fiotet .1 Reported by O. W. Chalk & Co Bacon Mama, per B 'trn ; 15 U Shoulders, . H Hoe Round. 12i Beeiuxue 25 fior Choice, 20 a 25 firaiwty Apple, v 'ji," - fl 75 a 2 00 Beach. 2 00 a 2 25 22i 30 800 2a Effg$, per dozen, yVurFaniilyr per sack, " Extra, -.. 8operrtf Vw"fr Dried Apples, per pound Peaches, t fS Blackberries .'x-. Green Apples per bushel. burijUhickens, spring, each ' " grown, " Turkeys, " Ducks, Ctvn i'ti 3m 70 182e 25 75 a 100 rn White, per bushel, 0 00 a " New, SOW WTWRed, per bush, 150 White, 165 , Ooto-Blackr,- "J' C, . 75 -. ' White. ' 4 , I i 7.80, Peat Pure clay, 05 a LOO " Mixed, m Hide- Dry, K Green; 1 ? 7a 8 Lard Good, ; 15 Common. u. rs .121. Jfoi-White,. (oJ4.cqra- sC 1 10 Onion, (57 lbs to bushel) 75ai,0fti - new i uu fvtatoa insn, vo nw Sweet, 5Hty' rooplTtiD washed, f 35 ' Unwashed 26 Free from that venality which br- rupta the coaseleaee or that pity wrfcich CITY BUttETIW. The woman who was accidentally shot on Monday jevening ' was nette yesUrday.-- There te a. prospect of her recorery." ' We understand, that the hop at nremaa's, haxi xast ntgnv was a pleasant occasion Dancing was indulged until a late hour and them Tefrajhnwnta were seryedL ..Othea, business; prevented our; being, jweeen at et ;-. . i H I.aa - . Crowd oeeara' potirin ihe eityand"the hotels 'and boardinj housei are Slltog up rapidly . Like aa omnibua though, there laaiwaya room for one more andjweIttviteeTerjbodltO'Coaae aheadv ibom villflta tejtlte ' J Our 8out PsroU usx fHcd haying finish ed their.vog yesterday ,-wia. be aloft in force to-day an4 to- morrovrj number sTlaeAvei)ing'atKW A;1; SrgiFjtiefdcn.et tk; Hewludf ' Wa are authorttedl by Bia Qoaosr W-JP. 1 ,DawasM7ol.thyc rate city to.ckaar cm Trorsdteyc,November joth, I !. WM?lM?mrtew and fiarry .Watkin&hoth avowed L.W' - l Ha iu h ! ' l U H i Testerb!ay'iDXrnihs k iBghl teoki place on therforuiJpeeertheNantf C Ck Ar Railroad 4fPta theveomhetanm beingd Mi' Ed IwiSKaadJHemry;Croee., Both ofj these are dray owners or sirnerintendents' of drays and the origin? o the difficult freight which ea.clind ft hmdray. HigJMrords took place JMSween Mr Cruset The, latter whipped eut a knua aiid waking a) blttju4 afehtfayagonisVcjit. thWghiis hat. risa, grslda9 and' infiictea a oeep, gashia 1 cherts departs were current on. the streets that Mr. LU had been iattally. WodiSed; -;bae lax far from this heps ibeaahficpali fuL ara notaH' all serkmai ashf'to' W mhnttk SiifealneMtaannak.:. ' ii.SWu-t- trns ,1'' at fonny, This no fr85dtithearer-J1Iire, genuine I rin? . ifCari f poorciroBtanrfs, anx rlsughtio. go- 'iiM a ii-swy, aorct uairteea jrears 6 a, naa t WQBderinl the goat is. r-T9 1-nrerBfry to three 8 ton C well davelr; .luJltt;, L:.i rjl f5T9 1111 on Ljr-tCsaoUne Jttfstal We-''slen . erranc ismtaer -am in saw. eyiyia)aj'iap siawair waiwa:.. -ajK.. aavaaj. uvf res-pn thtO sym--rsyfi fheif l f baarijaet forth in wor stow .perfectly PROGRAfVlIVIE New Fair of the (Jarollnaf v edpeayftTdvembeT 4th, 1874; ' - 5r. --if pouricetati'''- 'W'JtV ktbsTir of i: Crc;.L.-v. lrrjih grand sucCvS?7ita t --A aisg otf; the ed by this the 'EoJird'wiU Unue tu ;m4V ltfefkitfJv'ii'Ch all 'SfiaitiW: , :.T:tnyen4heDirocfrynauaf, At jttociocK unere swill 'wr pariiae i morrow ' at tn of 3 6tockr01jU'XJiibitJQO , on V path j pretty full.iaral 5ialV ebnUiasa number Oulaid'ef the raea coirtae'vB ! " i of attrmettw objects. .Some . of Oie j haridiJ At9j-a. M- the -cio&tefiihtt r V? jft r finbi . Coroet ra v afl a J KlUUUUOi dMMMaViiafuw. EihjbHiifalijiaUKca to ihe arawxxaii win sphere will ieen msy.ri useful and orniimentiajn At Machinery HaH fqur steam fhginea! wUIj be. working drivinaCbttori Gins; SaVMillsi &c.. and an hia grtin ' tlo-4wpUy of ti'jm ,ti. .T'" . " . AgricaiturM implements and Farming took cannof ikit toje0bTef Siiers. xne loversoi :amueoxeniswiii una wnion, are on Mte erounas , j - if : n - . iThe grand event of the' Will be th6 mile dash'ona 'mile baiiraces to beruaty sotoe of .they finest stock in AnimuitaiaUy at 3 tT TWO O'CJLOCK P t r, , 'For full,Tarticafau3 iof-Jbirii the public are referred to the TTadk.Com mitteea advertisemerit ia this peoer- In omfitio giveuTHiif opportunity to corhDete for riua v"iri i inia grAnd 'TeftWy. Teiimeifoit.wcetvmg en trie will be : extended vttftJoae of 'thte?dft50y: be received, "aa the Ckimmhtees ; wi wilt will make th'eit WxaminAtlcWindi sward on) ThuredavT ' ''M " v rtkcntl!S?r 'S at, the s;Joa4 PiTAV, v - pickets flu. EdrtOrsandr-DIestes, from other Falraaree? reatieetedi 16 maie " them- elaxyv dtiet-llarsliaA ne'' of; the he paw taem ; mi WAunca Bsxxt ,Tfi udl'er:s'jb1(bi Monte laatniffht, though iooa solarseias: the merits of thatrocpe deserre wktrg ly cmpoaed.of the ,bdieJ:6udftle' ialeheity oCi1lVyIWi rjenormance crass cavs, Dieassa. ail. ed and played Vith gxeti$ asKeptaiulity themselves. a powerful delineators of ehmctoctT Tht!r:crl:-I very fine, andthet "were rrtfctcd ir<rently with stormaof ahplacatf j bUt even their tine a. a?.. acting. w?a not.rore 4ptejrest;Agt whH ari hAwfll willain f km wl an who Eacocrrt rear alter roar Of 'aughter trom rhnw.tjr oft the ata&re. WhtuiAVAr Ka appeajedall we tj qnr him , whtneverbe.would s?j 'iwbat anbair fui wiJUiftl amiVviltbdeerillavour- peeo wjoKiapienunuyy everyoQor. was pletaod. It w att excellent' plec ' and was wtu wayea; irov2&-tt.atmck us tLafr MifjLervey i Captain Clearfield kcked Wed tbi Glassford A4 t To-pigtu w snaii aavettterfiiiddea Hand . Tha afiAorft.'srhvr.lT'ffl Trath- usen JOasouraeeu -n aoi-weil, will "play 'filial' (viThe followngcitizenVof .Wihningiort rr'jusieiea. evening at the; Ventral lrrcbEsdVi8s:j''fniits AtTe O E T- riynW EseecreUry of the Bt-j ixl -'- -rd vvjviffjrvgi.Erea.ai' me Z :rttlry f the Zttl&Ctxb.;- Pttkil eJlc? with'aWatll last evening; tteith aWli laatvenine''- 1 - snore, are amoesr the exhibitors at ores- ..... ... ... '. .. .. ,. ........ ,. . " TtT -Vkriii" .a.T k f ho l ucau"lul Tf wwk w on tsunina ; ine asmu waa , jtyyuyvi; f WtJ VfTl WWII wi5rnienerv, , ,ntuix-reiaemDer eyerseeirj;VAmtire Derfettlv .ridlulohi BFTf FUR HF lTIFH8llllnftji2S!ft - . w . . ' IXfei-T THE OPEUIUQ DAY: OF. THE EX- iiliUXXUXt.' -TUB DISPLAY OF AHTlCX.i ' I ill IT mil. ! -"( -vThe Hca. Jtei. ' 1 ; tmir,rt &i xeeterdaye waa as auspicious a XI W-L. M .'A ... 4 .. . . uHflevjmf or the uarounas. Jusifj enougbrto, wafd off anynapprehensiqas-pf jm, anq at:heame soob, .warm ienougn HVauBshine torhe ate pleasant,: itewas all that could have been iJeeired ibr the puiu pose for which it was setadeiTy'the maiit2' agers;ofthe FaiiHs'j ,im&U "A A&M A.7M. 4hftTnwlattI SUver Cornet Band met on the corner of Trade and Try- on -streets, and played several -airs after which the Marshals, under the direction of Ithei chief, Walter Brem Esq., formed jpro There betoa nothing u the programme im tU 2,Pi M;, victors devoted their tinie to risiting the various departments, and to ex: amining the various articles on exhibition. The crowd on the erounds was bv no means jarge, put JJiia was to.hayejoeen, expected, ad whi,he visitors were, few ,iUi number; pomjjredwith what tTxeyswbaTeTryothter: oay this week, there was qmtea "hjany of them as we had expected to see there-: Xheaxlujjition of. articles, up tjth d'14 ?K9( t tmv)l from the tfoun W J.1 n . . ,--v."..' I... - ... ...M.ill it rfjjejwxwaa. aQt;rery miyitjut u is rarely the case that airything like si full dis play5 is made the fat'd;jCalTHdy long. entries poured in, and by "i'diyi io? to- eTurthfc,.. the -hallf will be embroidery is1 particularly noticeable ; some VsTAt&JYHKr'F$l1lil inliesi8?? andi very iMa&i&f.l THViggies, top arfcTopen, and the pheatons, on exhibition, are more than lerSaitameF W from'4 the shops of MessriX.W.WadBwprth,, Charles Wilson and 'loftua TroUeV, of this city. On . the left hand side as you-enter the, doof.are' amjyig.qthe u,rf .ian. IpUkja, from the factory of P. S. Whisnant fc Stdtrs:' .vian ia airiasi iuoniu, One'roT the mostlnteresting depa: in this hall, ia.that of mineralogy, which, hnahnepiipclifxo trnited'4 flfafAa' mmw rliam tVmvm WaWV. AKaAltt 1mffefW:(CaSiI,fEurM and Asia.' aJajBitca. utauv ui butuu uuui uattaa vfaiviiua. Many of emwer very fine and beautiral QVXXu&mWt ttexrystals, of, amethyst, I owyi.'garnetrrtitiie.inica, mMoo( enowmg te wiaeriui fanety 01 naqr? ia this comparaUvely new field, of. scieptifio rev search. He aha exhibited' about,400 botahi cat specuaeas; Tpiff or his herbariupj,! ju.w cludina50t,ajpcieA nfonativ grasses, new attrajiz.nsUJwable; infcereatw as ajeV; JyFaw l'H'w Ta vh? iumw j vutur muniVy;ii aik.i showihg1 thw fgrel :naiuri' exhibited) a-tmall iireocasin,- wltV t wo jweli tbteeef coltdri. uUeJluaHV welf wevelonedCnn I . .w, , . ., . r ' ... ..... r . . .1 . .. ' - liRE TSewtngMacnineairom an the omees in thecity, eep 8b &AU&em!f! sVkku comer of thiahaU. ' ; Passing over to, the other side, we oom to uea preserves, coruiau, ow., otv., ana aw th big. (IP.cakerWichaa been exhibited' at many Fairs, this season. It was sent here , C., C, nO' WT o5Cdr2fff weaa'fiKAaken, and a mlseellaeoia14MMW which we eantjot I notice in a running sketch like this. ; T. altolWtnasstekaofaj C garden .product, b thel?t of twenty pawpr- kins. Which was raised by Mrs. J. R. : Djk Ststaigir qUa- ful appearance, end adds greatly-, to looks of the room; We shall hare mow; to aay p eutnem,piir;siej 1, 4 ,. The an EUery 1001 , some wnat ( are , as yet. ' Here, Mr. Van Ness, our splendid phH tograpner, nasira exniomoa, quite a uubv .berof hMflne.meslmfinsw leffc 'of S" X 1I.L - - J iy uocuwu, wucu were euvw!r Hj; KUina jamnxeTrrHVXaiBd'woi-a w Lqng. 'Here, dao. ia. a. piece of splendid aWworfroae0 sam'rnd. which attracted no BtthValtentioiyiEster-,i day. j:: . .. . ' su t On the wall, are crayon sketches, which hbi(? high6Tder' loV ialen In this line, on the part of the young lady whodref ; them. Thev are a scene " On the Catawba.": U10 enaoiis0&frLR& &e m rnanahipof msa Jary Deweyv : JTJp here, an splendid specimens of penr i?harlotte, r,Thia hallTSi aderaedihas aapial collection of flowers and plants set on a;h5gb' VZSh&eXhMS from ihe ,behwuaa-efthat toaailoricaltdjistj f;. orkrexiihilione 1 iTtorar fialij nass ppwtoJit pOTOtry -departnlBnt. 4 " 4i' lrotahlesrygs tphereare ihaSl the f;ryiytfrr'lhfeS1a known.: brV Columbus UUls fxiUted half a doxen Pot-' eed turkeys' ; they are pum wh'e, rare and" t y objects. ' The wood-chuck dock la aa" eter pretty thing, as Ja also the Ruff pigeon ; all oi these are very tare, end ftMlilf Sill rHiiM ITl 'lUSWUnS llW 'jSSSfBSWTl aoeeri'cf wCJ fe-;.;3o(i!dgesi'propert eiberg,tosalL:Uy one, which i a; blQare Jxal breeda They- are pretty itlj thecal exLjlts aSo a css p f beamed vUsry wLictr are 'aald 'to furnish though smalUis go6di'' 4 7usral6riefef&Vcaw a a JrvLifcf:-ij' '.'iii'jJ-t The; exbfratLon, catoct; . i -mucri netter than it waa aatyettr; I Threes are some very nne eperarnensot thb: brute mumA in the etaDs Aon; thavgiwihda, ' bhtwe tari forced from, lacfc-of :space,' to -defer Notice o1 tarlMilMnSi In e , mechanical ue- Save skimmedr which have to inAieedi for the reason thafciWe? Uok jpace. to tell 014 whatls'tel seorroriihegxammsi I -id The entire interest Of tthetds?rcenteid4n the t race:' This begari at 2 Pi U. UttWas.a IWWenlng-tw and the nremium was 1100475 for the first a$:"f?Mthe..aecof i entriwerel Ned RuntUng, MomeDaWngifre -Rmme, NedBrace and DewDmp ontesl"! for positions, Ned Brace got :the-jp)e Mol lie Darling second, NedRuntltaithir9;f Notre Dame fourth, and' Dew Drop filthji Buntlin'g took the lead from the 'start aud; kept it through the heetVlfoilie gaine , 3 as they turned uwm1 the on stretcbV and her, friehdaougbjlsi e would rej'ie ppUyfijst ; but ?4nthj9 t& eaaehesdBgie 5 i miS:lt .a.imtito seoond heat the horses took thei i poaitiensi as they had i come dni ;torwtt3 Buntlingon the inside,' ; After two false starts the gorsetf got i spleftdid atsxt.; Mollie, Darling took .the lead aobri after' the. start? arid Maintained Jil' 'to the hd: comlntim Vabput' a ieii'ah4e4"Qf B.untlingV ifae ! 5i7 $etre Dame.purtlj od Ned BuntUng1 fifth. ,-The coutest then lay betwem Jxed Boot; i ling., the winner of the fiisstraceand Mplha. Darling the winner of the second f the others, quit the triuk. -I the third ea Mollip DaUngJsjastbere'upon "foWared tby 'the jW-;tbe 'wiRnerf the., race,, :and Ned RungaRjftesecoodbest) t , Atr theinciUaion of the rane rwbSch waa , at times sry exciting, lbe crowd; sWsecL' Jto ;wait th0VDroceenCT'to'! Bettine 3as! Jpretty UttieiPe' i raeehlt aeax 01 mon ey -cnangea nan ai, on ine result: The'trarimmi nnxmnnn. .... . t - ... ? n t. h fPIfB!i!iW?!i W. day, will he toued, W aWthe? place. Crowd will be psesenivthe immberiof(aricfes oacispiay wiit-DegreaceraaieJDaaoixuie Fair-will lhulte sttrldr to what! it was Fystelay:?''-T ' " " .- , " i tPreedlan of the tioiure! -of Canal , , ...... The pordP(t(uty Cohnonirame a. .. . . j j. . j 1. .. j - e a. .. L 4.1 19 laws i raurimenwiyomanag fy: ju ; ueott nousa m ynw iot i on; 3 jionaay toe lmidaviofcNnveDslier.'187i.-5f:T rsi 1 1 PrfesetW C; Ardrey, chaIrmH'f JB Vaift ThcaaQluyas:1" L DeArnmn,J W Dixonl ojii-rr ; u Mjt Buiiti be dented withtht ttuniri treia- - OMered by the Board that the A., XO, , Rairroad be exempted Irani Vatintf tax on loin7AftiMty:'oy;Ch4u:lot( by them'aa a wooa yaru. ,; , ir - rtlwm:tti.takat IntArnnalderafaV&t : the VirVW n'T H?TTi.?5r-VlTV T"YT JTS-w-w-ww-f--w"- j jRiety .of purchaahina Bysafemr the Superior Ooart Clerk's .office, and report ' theaxt1 ta upon'tlie taxable pVepertyof said TpwnT ' It'app)nK.Wthe poardnhai.at'theekU eonheM .MMMkfTownsbhy enthe lh9fi Octoerv44, ..Lbe,, w4 a-tie, being 113; votes and ua votes egaihit the propojiedi- fehcehrw the Board ieoaadern imp it their dtitvlo rive' tHe castm vote te, aiddeleeHofi.'deufdedi l!'M'to&rity of sd :1 TV resignation' of , ap d accepte when. a Farro w was uaani-i meosiy tiecsea tp mi, tne vacancy pepasionea by raid ', reignaHou; tq' , ,fiil the; uner'niredi gmaoBai(t Johmton. - : - t i : ; ..; a poOrdeved tne "Board' that thei Cpuatr, 'j.reaaurec ue auioonseu mi vav ins coddoos dueoiihe county bohdsissued'the A. A ' On the netitkxv of citizsna f : CImt fi4M1t and.PaW Craw Townships an election mvti dared in said Townships, ba the 2Hd .7hwrs4 dav In December to vote on the law - In t vev ttear'tireelti Refidstefjjfi 'H iHinson.! J p. managers J M,'Beaytr, 1 E, Dennis' JO Flow Register,, ajiager,ftpi Berrycill, ft B Ray) ,B l?lQplUn awl I D Price.; .h! t OA tba icc3(mendatlou cfiw Thisteeof PrOTkieWceOwni8Tiip,r H Patters6ri Is p-' rxunted1 eonstAbltf la'said Tdwnsli I'd.' , LB port of the jsrpceedUig ef the: late ..meeting cfne)Sttxtoi e aed4oa4, ; which re port waa acoested and arSekad tole spread rtonf ae mtnmea oTinoSMara 8 ' j . ' . . ... ..1- . i 5ftf!W.l A-Jdutsd n elneino? j -l' -,We.efahewn yctiy se'vcr'ilks bf tiS Means' grass which' grewt on the, lot 'cf Treasurer; iVeAWn'M.ttadr WfTHf? thes, Wkerd tor are but a Liz Uiix te Vi ,f bole-tot I .Ce also saw a specimen ef wire grass, which waa pulled out of the ground in a lot in the city, measuring twelve set in length. tdrkeyev chickens and other ' f jwls, this depiirfm, until to-morrow,- when,it. wiurreceire inn msnce.'- 'Himiiar Treacmeni, held iC.bUagtbe l.brse easUy a distance of not less tban'i dozen leqeth's; timSS.'' 'Tfie saip? W pay a dencifenicy ' there' for the erec Ubn; of 'i fence'; around !liU(? TdWnshin, !iS!!; The pooTseTOngfOT t be TtmWaHiic Cochrane's 8alooo -For the first trace Flnwr fJirl tnM ftMe-'yv nA rfc. anee ft5 this is a running racist mile-dash. The race 80 pools trtte-KOlil ; 4ite a num- rer were aow on tne nm. h i II fritst' AU-iyud Of ;Prijsa; ': aagjisn w vTacsers, k 10 Aac? y'andSoda er.-rjjangerisnaps, -calces. Lemon crtesod BcetoniscuiU ater - i4 vd elQLRProceryaTradeSt. W ERHHA jcSDSTfDAWNED First cargd lahlfid atPrather jfeCo.'e, where a can getp Worcestorshire Sauce, white vujou. ncaies, uapie syrup, - reacn ana ABdtterf corn and peart BUreh, Break- XMIoaaiiiT; white, a annfcof $ictr new. t aeenbe ry iieans. ana any thinsra. which naad be flesircd. ' Very chean or'cK8h.'-? 'f siait itnl tytis ifi'fnov4 iK'i aunt ir.towiu, (jr- v i 1 " . 1 1 ' 1 . . At thV tJarolina ItliiULrlTliatitute. A Tjkrth&evetiiMtae-Chapelofthe Jaijtostlmter a LecturewUibedftlirered by rrot. u. wooawaw tuutson, The public are respectfully myitea -'attAd. nov ftWf1' if f", 7.L v , t? a i 7 t i at , ? af,t r.ir rt 1. 1 mH B 3FEACK COMMITTEE! o the "New .A tFsir ofthe Caro&naa" ..announce to the public that the1 Racer'lhjs ,ayt Wednes 0VPrJNdVenaheB'4th: .Iwlllqcommance at S yclnclr,tpuneh mile neats, with the following entries: 'VBavweodrdam' iiora can. T. aiBaoa!.eteBfh fFJ Oill bj- Australian, dam Neutrality cou -iacket ahd ead. branlno! TAwiX. mue Li A. Hitrheock ;enter bi tj MeUle Darling MILE HEATi , L. A. Hitchcock enters hr. f. Latetia H. by BrowHil ci-cfcdors lilatvtli,' imi A. JT. U&CUttonKUUSn Ul K. . ill enters b, av. JimHinton bj rFiaian-4)6lomi alaeJasket&,fcnd cap, apWSK iLlt-fiem. by iJina.lmlsistetf U rfe:WQfW4 Wpe aa sJio!qz9 TMMENSE SAlifr" bm V ??d LovfifrffTJn-ivjiK comm&"Tly mtVernber k , at Tb:l0ckand corftirrtUagdayifha nht one 01 f makers fihetOoldi fSMrJsedbpatterne iadies' "Ben of jeweiryv uews y?aaii a 8ettsraeseaUyxriia Seal PrnsinAeTmVass pf every thfabw t, taarlawifti' r Haiti A ! if I 4 rUeoownoirT pnexnaoKiqnj vsijcfw .; amtoe&egondfc' Sales posifiveK . v Ni BhwttloWoTIic ia re speetfulls! inikad theHOieewatlkdea, aw IuMt New- Yerk ritya ami wfif batW on a Ladlesreptonrlyhnvi and , GoOdi sold .at, private sale at an suction prices, . ' F.HAIC AjKanesr. '1 J 'MJIJJI 111 djTw-' -iIhyeaibow?(WiliiUb'lwinsell cnofoalotor ?At.t ALIXWDS2we.&CO'S. i.S?Jrf ffiiun f''.a 'unoJ pLACa.ALPAiaaadl i l m .thereat sni cheapest &thet3yi and !C4a liaAnaaittb 10 beus8.1:u mui tJAML3IISSTY, v7;i vaawKWJA-v. ArlOTrrrehtTi 1 of tienta' uiotn. ile4fajeverymE'g v-mn iMSHsmi I TF yOU.-WANTrO.r: .TlUCfUAMV f i stD'Rt StoVijdiha-nteedis-, plavl cell at the kc , i i "ere w i u T WITTKOSXY RDJTEL8. rnra nocsrihhd in vTrrt .ctreet, A.1 tohe center otjk .HJ J 'Prop- eeeonqaxace, jiieg dashTep trier, Jim Hmtorj;, Kotre Jtej iJojorJ Letitia for $15, and therbame foriT On this ininorted the largest arid best cpllectiona, of . Jewelry, nirt, of ne-Diani0ndi,R5 Studs. t armb ad vivimMr nf KnflV: atiMtairt blrihav and nor .' " , 1 -' . ... " . - - wi wr try ea which t3evU5e ;j . i rcaoea. - KcAB'S DRW STORE. 37X53 STTLZSa SATS, . - - . ? Jo"treoeiyedat AMPLS ALEXANPSa'0,