-B. r . ' Jr. - ijj.' 5' :? 4 -' 4 1 V 10 " 4 .... 1- W,.- "flllltil f ? . .it j an- Ire- iJWre atttbortzed ad requested to onra Jar JL Jeti3t4tothfr Olm, WtwA rif 'KfenrfetriitAtltres lb: ing sessn?aectinupon tne assejuqiwe 4 ;'vMjh-fJig-lK!ei.iU?Vft? 7j -3 sAwuiitcrdM fiefc'flwerS Sffcriested : Jaacitotf.? TSryMeoilUTutiUo boon itefbr - to btr3wot Trivself a candi priacipdoHreES( Seriateabject to the iiction of the DemocraticMCbtwfertaf General Judftfiflnt V J.F. Elling TclniiUei4hal . lift- & 3:,7lYnmarjy: can t Jy sr r kaMTOTTraa itoxmfi 50l k . fi moat plM fdr ffitWQtm1, f&f Mayor. Thrift UrWtbelbcti)iiEppear8 &hiire4ylrl dis- daesnot ThftiieJcetB for j5,2inX2wii4uJtialaxniBfadJiient8 n,vn'&stixisilf'ithtiirn away-tM) mis uty iRip9iDiy inere wiu not E'TOlraVTu It te histhii that iMH- !oti8lMflriiIdcatIon8 are thai ttiS nrofiYntWrail the CongfS jiuuil AJisirmts. ana .sum ine inon tortrtA Wrt city bf New In' the' Ste Congressional District . r. Eeward.; oanviDdependent Dem o- n-ayDfcteocraMeAdtdlPilltJrobably A JJoeedHtojia:euMTca and . 7 .CA. ' II r - 8FKCIAI KidTfCEa, E Tfrnm 5fi0 to 400 acres of rood. An thit Atlantic. Teniese , OLic about 12 miles sontEf hUUkyW& dnly? sklj ( short -distance from the itafion arBbepbLefirs. f V:;. 'dWS-BEADY RttlEf cms TascssrraiBs , a clerk xf l On Ihe nremiaes is a sroodrr n,-rj - - " " - n ' : l-A: aia'essanruiftih We luch&seisy 'On thtf tract Esqof wbatjpVty, as candidatxfer taTesrrfbft'ei&aeiBgrBessHiii Elec on upon he aspemblinf Ofthe ; liegialatar!. ANNOUNCEMENT diTidedtosnit 15 or 20 acres o: kite 5 Beady Mixed Paint. ; TleiriniOTUlaiof Mr C P Knight,'-in refience rto Beady; Mad aint. ' JNot na mg nsw uie mintvuMti'l nak from 7 eioertebea bnt l Slfpi inrri itiiii to the i interest o!f sill Our t - -- . ,ii. .ivif eostomerB, wno uesire punuug, vnf hue WLevladertraWfriweremises, or to , chah. &: jujuisty Agent. MEDICAL COLLEGE OF GEORGIA TB.E MEDICAli DEP. : - ' OP THE " s . ' ; UNIVERSITY OF GEORGIA fflHE Forty1lir Session ! Le tures, $50; Practical Anatomy, $10; Diploma, $3U. iJenencianes aamitted on application to the Dean, on the terms: stated in the circulars. octr-we3 L.A.DUGA8,,McMs'Ute3 . , Dean fter rtmiimg thta 4wtl-eat Mti UJ Q , tht inxtantir atop Ui moe feseraeuiung paina. alls Inlunmulniw nm Conmitloaa. whether of ti ' "IZ "'' ' """"" !''' v j "' - i in i iii i in iiiisjAyjMMBanm JflBflOIS Mhln, and 21 Madison Streets ?2fheoiGlsao!ortW iuO i Aunyai income. Npty a WiU commence I .j-imiTroitsrfwtmjaa n matfar knw vinlnt ov MRrneiatina the RHEUMATIC. Bd.ridlD. Infirm. CriDDted. Hfnralvitf.. A BMtfMMri with ifiin- mmv . RADWAY'8 . READY RELIEF LABDEX. of Ckro- ock.i maaynti4Ctajtfi;a llhere no aouot ' of Jbtteaeijecion,ia efs tMwwi-; A Tha-tofetear ifl the Cth'aWenibly Di's i tkiotls very bitter. The'fst OTia city, poiiea Jkneavy toio ior i- s3ohn UcIIennaiihLia rijex.iocker'."died liaTf ?L$t 1J 5ha dotlrb1eame3 and AWatttrhf HffewitCth 'rtaobMs cajjeafer.; I'lp'-nur Icriyestnday!. '.A tiiAlii; Zc icaVriA8tankiing ,.f trr.:-W j ; .r,a tftry rfi , an;dTe-: Vrrk mortaLwoiind. i 'ITilde uiworiiyiih,,the State is estf i1 Yc-rr Kov '.-TSS. OMjWWc has afirtoriiOthetjetHhall Malaria JEwry where j -r Rart It has there beep a season hi rait frt as 'thisdrmalario-ttif.fifotj oaly .6tf;ta?VrKirIeta4iJ4:Me745 the Wt ; not merely is u Ue baaots U lever ftiui, ngue and hilljooa remittent fever have tbcetff prostrating diseases teen tinushally virulent ; bat tbey have -extended to towns and citHaTjftcrlMeihifested with them, have e?eq scepded4fa.mj?anins4anJ at taflVed Xbonsands ". aft DencBeaD6osed to pffm: l'ijt)sribUi?isAae(iktar aooTc nneir ceacn. tri-nmaowj are "cyinptii ed toradmftilthfct'U -Tafallewerit' reiadee (be BbersSTair . thia wasftin; rid sb6f 1 at bnxvresItb tLfe bjjjV ;upiiruved iiteveBtive BitUrc.eo f0teit,l aoniseptc so 1." 3 , a h..lkt. 1 . StiSBQiaal . : We8MrrtOirXfAfeV.wfnatImp.t, fuiirti to fttrnirbtwriT8TTr tHjjintrir. j with dispatblfes? W'iAisitWi. tbb - i'etdrilsih)qrrrQni5 7,000 J . .toJjQOO inawTHy XOoatliiaojcuy. It'ia fewerayy. beuetea etoatnonajs Kepuoii? at sr-caarfriJcrfrryihe-SUL: vr iioapasaeUoffi aety in tlris city yes terday, me JJemocrjatSP'Jxaf turned I, trtUirStat .,?7"I4, i Baltimobk. Nov. 8. The election is . rrr xi-t&t Viac8BCBOrMia9.rNoT.. A heavy: caua ruqgi ma he fwmiofeibg ,': ,,'caosea ,.j7Q,Vixd8ease. Viuiuifroobndence that one cioinea ;n m- combastible garments might 'flaeree among blazing bondings, the man who arrrut him teinrfra&st malaria withnWferrhl; de- nsive medicine; may: walk aifdv-tfbfoged f here. ,-'Tbe mternUteHl:'and nyeniiitent8. W::Weent- sv-genertrid'MWtf.pr the fcoohVryttajr, ,1$ ,ul ,. ibJt JwrerttonrB of fqfdaaier scourge, rrcpare me siem iWihiHostetter'a Bitters for a succtte'ul JbaHie with tlis inepbtfie Cbonf toll jepi- demics. -Be wise in time.- All the aiaord- 6 rscoraihfii o .the- segon maV beljbld abej ;i!st 1 ay faaiiiyito be JirilQOaLtt exmajicii .;Bxai"pKD1 te aeiog fp.TiU. Nov. 3. i - A havy ! .Mao Con- 1 .tns fd he ' Borroif; Nov 3,1 ifth gressiorfaf-llistriirt BaMa rW la EujTJUIM,4,ovr-A'iHoOT ja-icfl oecditfidUbeti to-Vlay. rhrch ' ft ! vIii tea ,tWiyA J??i A. 4 u vtetarbatfcrnrlreorh'erbay J It .rH) atteipn ta 4eiiceKBon)e' ml the iVnservaiive-TOierai vixneiwuroance C tti5ifa8cfiiiidJyftteHoby. the cjtizensl ii carried 4his jcityirby sjoverfljOOO TTuyoruy. a no negroes gw.erajiy Tpiea ' Ghxzwx6 NoV.3.1t is1 gefTemfljr believed that the Ipdenandeot "JtepiiD Hrs bbeafe'EAi 8 Ttlia:aty, uiuir M 1 Iodicalions are thalvfiershaSv fnH been-eleoted-k Congretfs by a s ma 11 SFultonvillb, N.-Y Kov? 3. -The eiection is w-rrt8ssing quietly. Eacbr perty holdir.2 4l.Ttr own. -Vwca, Nt- ,1. 3 -Thi elecUdu ia paaaingoff qtaietjy. The indications are that a iUltvote, will be palled. jujU i( is though tbat: the Republican are losing gTtmrK& Teqt, NAYNjTui3.r-IJDJto.2o4;lock it aaoinewhaV Hgbtefroti than Oto-da usual is beinirpTSlted, but with Repub ' Hri'gatn1iVelItetia ards. AlbAirt;, tF.Y .fvml 3:-Gov. Dix issued a proclamation designating GmuxWaMNof mab&mw War cfay,p BaoolCLYN. N. Y.. Nov. 3.-Chftten 'deri.iDetnocrat for Congress In tho 3rd ' Districtja pwrbJy, Abated. 's,- thing wcaje,fc J)eflicratic victory in bqtblly wi3MiiHy a LmxsHocK. Nv. 3. Unto noon a heavyflrot had heel ipot led'" tn this cress ' illMHP bV 0 votes. 3W out the; $atrj mousing qHfe nolaal so parefhafH er4able;:tbe hu- himrrre: jm'j1 ' 1 cofoihruii to .the- segon may' be Meld in taliceMiy Hhw poK-ift'alitido).1 'leV imay Q?EHAiolQUS. i .11 GREAT ATTRACTION FOR .off?'1 - . i f.'f-s i: 5 1 FAIU WEEK. j the ft Th$i9!C !?tai5fibe fopjjCA -', :. Exoiaent inxedian; 5IOrJ 8UPPOBTED BT First ClassJOramalic Troilpe exa'' vv y- 0 a settes ,or ,;rri j(jii . , V?'?V ??tij ? TV f THE WONDERFUL c AKtf?rili5 a HAIRLESS HOIISE, in the jwiIds-vo. Australia, is the aL ofija IJipIknifwn. lo exist ana pronounced oy tne press ana public, wherever be has been exhibited, the Great est Living Wonder of the Animal Kingdom. Ciftontf nana anil na on ahibiweH"ou the Twenty droMtn momenta cure rHBARTBTJRW, UIB1SNTKBX, ADdtU ttTMvalera iheal'alwaTa earrr a b amve lUaa ileiler with them. A few aroaa lai water will prevent etekneae or in from ehamte eT -water r bihiwbu rveucm anaww ttiaab pamnairatomDierorwarerwiirinareir I CKAMPg. SPASMS. SOCR STeUACKd PBBM,i SICK vHBADACSX:i)URaflBAri lent, vvwUi Ti... ' w awi IKTEB4C Alt PAWS. 7 ilera bW'al wa ja carry a bottle of BaeV uem. - j 'r"'ir t rri f7.J nPP3IT?TW1flW Th. niiiir.iirin rirth. nrT anntrtii tna rtnr I ' r- - .- -v -. oimoCI irSe-ffERAL JOHN B GORDON. wemy Qropa in omir m Tamoier or wBTer wiiijin m ivw j x,.wia.i ' . 1. - Jitt.JftH.'illtftl.BSCLliliijCLSraM i ' coo..' . - ...... Captured ling 15 Fair GroundSTln-arTenrBexr to bTTIorai H11- . . rrriAfTTTr r?TVR caontcnonef sra 'aai 4 beantma felc: black, as.softrt r5Hg gaglpjfii OM Laoutcuoums a noble animal, stan nands, and weigns 1.000 pounds. ( waS Fair, at Raleigh. N. C. and also at theSlata. Fair at Atlanta, Ga. Admission reduced to lOc. noi-trr . L cenlre of attraction at the Rtatef LOW PRICES WOLFE & NIS Wholesale and .Retail Gro I".1 1 VI ,v Premiu E5i r O Extra OSujrarifbesi, urs, canvas and L'rearu 'LTieese, Old Government Coffee, 81 brands S ered Hanjsa Early Rose rotafoes. English Chow-chow, Picka.l;lly Borted Pickles. DiSflnd Wheni 11 lrvaVi lAl' fl 14 U iS -w W7 rf T- I f SI iii nfl iii iri.l fWOLFE & NtSfi: CO - t - C fp VERY body to " know thafcg JLi Gibson are now prepared, to, i.sdjall ana at ail nours. octll ti. 1 uu!ii k 'i i A EGAAllrttEJtnVTeaost wdnderfuTlnin according tc directions, and remain long unweu, proviaea ineir nones are not ae- stroyed by rjMndjM8mlfltnpt means, and vital orgim teted1bey( l"' . --r . 4 fHJNQESTION OF THE aoxa nan,T ttLua ""a irw( COU CHTLLa. AOUB CHILLS. -, ; ' ' ' oftue bma jKnrtotn aarter at-the.Rate of F ti TJavis, ftf 1 ,r7Jv.FH:Clierryi - 1 A elson. OW Prazpr WellfnoL 'WSK D H -Tp wnsend, .0. - - RC Bnnktev. . A Woodrnff Oen j BGardbfi -OHB rA J White, i Dp9sdW1CA BOARD. r Bitten I . 1 . jt rr .. ! . - 4 '".: rf ' seserve fttblirryottBl invested in. the. Star, commennins wlhti VXTXB A1TD AOUZ cared for flfty eetita. There ia not a remedial Agent in UUa world that will cor Perm and Afoer and ail other MAlArioavJSlloaa. Scarlet. JhoidTenow. Ad other J?eei7fchled byJUO. WAY'SPILLSI ee quick as BAOWAri aaAJTf KB UBF. Viftrceati per hotUe. ; ip; ' u X V" C A DEAUTY rr :x rich BLOO rrrrRmasa WEIUHT CLEAR SI SH AND WEIGHT CLEAR BEDC. AXD BKAUTIVUL coxrLxxioir SSOCBXO TO1 ALL. r,yn . -5 5s- VAY.S "lllian BesolTent "Tplf.r.r .JdLOOD PUaiFIER. ?jas mj rat ircf--wrjr( cmtxs; "Tv R'J RATI I - -, - naVttf,! 8V ji C1ANQB8. THSy ti i1 'TAATcomraanii and other FlnMs aa f hi life, for it repair tM I V . eoand material. ilete jBtendalar dtoeaaaBicara snorANodeaia ueu hadaai a m m m ::iom it! nrlne, , iler of 'tuHmat the avitom. i&M Trvaa, atraaor na di harfM from the Ear, end . 1, sweat,' a tne with new aad COfMMUBBtlOII, forme, v riklti' aiieam, BraptfcHBM Ferer .. 1 f t m, SeitRbetun, Bryalpelaa. t i , latoSlriealCTDtira,B m, 1 eAkenlsc and painful dis- 11 perm ana au wastes or 'he euratiT ranse of thia . aaaarewdars' urn wi:i . either afthejie forms of ra .thel v - w- hi Had i 1 1 Iii imi them.- Tflbe natlent. dagr aeeonrina- red need hr the waatea and decern poAluoilhAt la eontiDBally proKrewins. aue- eeoa ta arreUft thee waatea, nd repaira the a With. ' iila lu.kfc Klnu4 a.ii tDe BAKKA -b uei uwi : lor twiih mils ub araieaT commences ui rocheftfriSeftlottfamt altcfccetie In diminiahlBK the loaa of waatea. ita reeaira will be raokL and every day the patient will feel htmaelf gro wlna better and atroneer. the food digeatlag better, appetite Improving, and neah .and weicht Increasing. r Not only does the SAMAPAiutUAit BxsOLWrt exeat 11 Known re meal at agents intnacawe e unroni ncro fulona, Oonaticutional, and 6kia diseaaea; bat It: nib, ee Af poaltive eurefer - 1 " ..6o.not bttanwbarllojV' ArfntJ fiflli 4 fc w ' BEN MAY, Secretary. P. ft. DAVIS Tmunrop 1 ' )1 Theonljbou?C in amln,,, cTnsiyely ip , S : I. aj tttnt'f trti X -Lsttin q VV U IrelaShSliO FM'Whita.Kjac AH 'AaJaVrJTi iai fij J Urw .2W-r b 'i'jatd JO ( a vwiuvu v, LgemSes A MOKRrS.SecreUry;" -o- : )II o Thisiait alone.' will attract " 9 ninTaWHini1VaABMW shall tfoawn t,iiiJj?1XKaa that nJ1 auna t-, Of i-Mlsurrouiidifitf bouatry a aWT1 1 PFiand Fell Hats, from th. WRleFEATtfERfflri.lffi leUeen?Ktad.frmwA of hitK tiiatiiiwodld really fati tEgZ 8hJ fit According to Goofielrs. NewWhrk renorts fnr 1874. tho RnntriArn mpanysadfMinu fcOBfeCTWi ard'ecunvnicaJ rianagem ouuMJuuue lHfiBiewy, ra rntim its contracts. h -6IIT0J0. . -teaww ?aa -n r:.v5: .-.rr..ff flJb lS-"- iJ r to e-l (a :-'uilll 'V to ' 19)115 ATION Its rates are as low as absolute necessify will allow, while its mutual features iretorn to ealbeHltRlbWtli fihitiaasfnfed. . inr, s . !ri I -'I 2iIts aMu sdrv;yiittn doing business in the ftmek Starertd',i3' endtfrsrjfhbespiiness men in all the commercial centres Of theS&ttth.M -in, uih.ic iiuii-iyi n t I tlierrr'trahsfeVreii '-WOWMqlsl-dr Hsk1, an. I thus sav6 ' Medichl examlnatibh always ! 0 W BRA 0Ct8 tf. Special' Agent: v. ta Idins nolicieaiiaJJartherB rornnanies canhav s sav6 s'6 much capital to the South E A OSBORNE, fteearpr. and Manageri'- I n In1 ir-rn i ill YECOVKRING :T:Itt::rV n r :i h ; i v. rn-r en Jr KMtieu Bladder Complaints, JliltAaf-anromb dlaeawes, OraveL Diabetes, Dropsy. stoppage er water, ueontinenotor urine, BrMrat'a Di mtj wwiiyniHu Mnru mn-vmmmm w imi w iiwii m mrw brickduat depeaits. or the water U thick, cloedy, mixed wit n aoosianeea ii to tne wntie or an en. or tnrtaai uaa mitteut iWrs, wbieiiiriwjviilcio? ravmiisHt trui uiuai Kiiamuun wnvn PawaiDi WaUfsr um lent in the vdleys of , throughout tbeiraf Srates.'GSnec taiiy those of the MislppDulollIstui( Illinois, Tennessee, uumberiana, Arican- DUO, A.VUt OUUilJI OaiUOi - T rvVtfyVaW l'carl, Alabama, AMMMtstTru anoke, James, arlk!r4many6tft tlifir vast trinnxancR. tnrnnffnont onv.L .-.; BfiftR IBr .ttt rr T Music will be-furnished, by the Charlotte IvepCWraHBaffcr;11!" '" i 8ilvep 1 i i .;i .if; . -i ; f:i--i.;i LIrrr W; ANDREW BO YX, I .wfrr (-."Man4ger. FjtMARTENS, '' H ' Lender otOrckttra. t . ..j.Af.:nil u.l' -'t -r ,i !.' rl f rri- i jToOrBs. rrfe .and'Oroheatra 4t0rt: Par-., rqitetjUf??t ;nPiata.Boxe fjO.-f i.w j ' 4f riiSira ' hook slorew?'. :;.1'k ., ."rin -4Jv nolitf M STR Y)feVFrflni nii 'premises, in Ithis wailkiiignf at Or near PinevnTome, time igorbyoe late-aamuei Taylor. ana(py Pim ?oia to me. :itsjhiiposedib8tlJftha re- .... . 1 .n t. ,.1 J A ..it infiimaAiA) I rJohcerning t hW Xrhereabouts1 of the cbwlwini be thankfuily receiyed and liberally Ja1d for. -: .:, :' F1 IN E U YACIXTHK . BULBS,- ru i . rr t" i WTA R it) u s colors, m . v Jr0m Holland, r Just received. IjacF,ff .11! r w- 1 frit 7 i ,.r . ADlendid- Farm, .one and &TT hSlf Tm frQnvt hirdGfeek Stationt on th Winterb i,N Cr RajlrOad. coAtarnirrj? : .??! iQr this Farm there ar 2a acres: bn flood I bottom lad,-a goed-dwelUgg house audi ofuyaienjjand jai ahclhpYinieaf Tdte i IVfttisf inxWKWe liiwet) geawnable tietbactia far-cash w mvaar. iKiud cttAa jt jwaa, r 'ts snl n! e?ais'tijrt bt nAd eetfoott Jences. j7eaWP?Balanc a priCKlng, burning Moaatlon when passing water, i ;eff anfba canall of the Back and along the Lolas. 't OSSmtOty'fBf 1 Tears' Growth accord l sizes g to RADVAY'8 if and stsJe. They measure frem tlire to six feet designed to cover , alt VST van l zed to suit i tioa patties desire, is ftrrri m Aiituifin'rajid remarkably so during sous rfnrnatlleajaafrd invariably acQgRDajoiesI txyjexiiAdDi ntnmenta of tb ffmMJfs unci oiucr auaonupx.Tsc44,:iLo cr rriauAirie,x:w&aWT Tad .kuucuco udoq theso various or- -fifthB -iii fcaaerjteallfrsfecessavy; iTabr' is no cainuruo 'lor vae dutdoso cauoi id ,M PfVSPSAHJ ABMW lUOriu M' , Lrr,.aowela, KUnerviiUuld ' heauicbe, Cooatipetio,Uoeave rataxoiiiouj. UodKLorJ, Codc Mb) hTtrlrich the stimuiatm tl eteufjna of tho'ltver, (tfi(r hcKOWihStotliiff tho healthj ftRVciiom of tho digestive organs. i y iunrdntraiajta4ftjjaawi ::irriire$AktpidfiSL85 cn: of a system thus fore-armed. uvsnpnsnrir inmffsuoi IMJhBa,aa. n.alaaV 1 . . Tightness of the Chest, Dizziness, 8our I"". L e aI. . a. a . aAluuin Uum iirariii iHnn nin ii iaan m rru TTiVnrl-thTjrinzmiror tlie Kid w t w w : r r ncystWi f arfidTeil , inms, sirjo tius oftyirings pXDYSpepsia. WfflffrNinWoWHcfgwriateo iiSifonm;tarCmfpela,;SiUedSec nuuAesi Old iicr iKtiniui Bympr-'nHr'":- wSuesio? JWTM?e AO la taWM f alt 'irrffeHH ionAf PW '5snc rwi? tfteif ireft ialSv , ' v. gHEriaJTl?tawN'dvUC3 A t i the 8 miles fronvvBiJi&HH) " ' wer4f; the nyr.?atrlfiria bi Y,Sifxjif5, i I T BU tliaaCF TV 4syUSA 4JKM fWiVWI If ti by about 600. deryilrinyqiiieilfiier !. -atadavand tCMlaV l'n 'Tnijtait ? n tat JDesveb, Col., Np-rNewa, een received tn nnisrfcity o Uixvejtfbrfotbe'rJnaigold njine near tnts piacaA , .:j;ios ,pasTJT3 wrfn - . . , i : i . of the m ifor letfgf s of Bismarck tJ It. BLVLEi wilw Kt fw vfiJ ml J bA- -u-jLiTir WMl1imS pdetifj T Amplen'didiCotloit dParn W. SmtkyalM nea. liiwHJ vujb ,vt;vMUiArtiAuiAyeuiuTa,BUWU'e''M . w" . " t Lii:.i.j, .ai iMfi: l. ""w irvMj vJ nuQ.iuMiiiviuai it. . i i . i.tii. j: j.-i t'-T 'v-'UVtv fv -y ;, a,. .-iV.1 V; :ri ' iwci)ru.fifyr "wiairricouii uareo: aireetiv on tne Atlantic, Aemswep bcaia-bead. Sore Eves. Krvsiiwlaa, Heft. not wtwcerxameaTttrpTeBHnt.' r Wmw-Kmroaa, 17 mues nonn-or-utrariw, senm; Diselmatii)us of thl sJargmMma College, within aJiatna DiamiUBi art' thm KVin AffkfB.tAa tawtsi r nature.Tarr ItflraBy dnrrUP is-situatcHllitg tered and access. Iw-Arrlca ri!r "tain 11 ine n w: yCbotthe larking ia Ay fa dTsb many thousand .in 1 1 ine wiUiTRbtljB4li ' I A (nv.nH. : . 1 . ft. . Ti.:i L iUJ19b JUI1 IVMHl. ,1 V. J tli VBU, lav. tVw rnfle Nrirttf rirnh'lfttfci -OnibVhrVmf it: rw-fT' y r rT'T r w v ' tt'w - p- - There ate SW alhsWth tract fabout bnw alffleamL and the balaricATieavllv fim- rfWr!ir l-al 1 aa. ;. 'Tuewjitna ix4ter-jand in Meek county lwi4fccnral aericultural : t burst "ra BoasaU: ieJiCiatASunittJi. .mnjiM me?iScaor 'mf tavwsKtemMiaretnpwnar.' ' KUCir ise wt5Traqni nun in fCATAal tartoaiOnalpdsnteU ISTa tSlVatS i ikvTZL' !T n'i-itisil lika th TUtWi oft addr5T K pI jCHSSKESTAgen iaiMi!f -Amlpffife system of matciaoao vermifaees, 1 ytee1Wr eoai wiOt aVeet nm. latet rf r. cleanee aad atrencthen. Bad- A , i CIl a a M a a-fc 1 f"I aw iTdP a I f waA A for the cure of all disorders of tbe Stomscl ' imm wt i " " ' -ill f.rr! f7fl Bladder. Karroos Diseases. toetlveaa. rndisestioo. Dra." B flnaawaii BIltnaiiraTar taflaainiartnai if tba! wela. J'llea. and al PeraBaeuaeme of the Inlernkt - leeera. WarraniM tO effect a naaAUra care. Parale- eataeVaMaiBla. aa nwrwjry. nAilaaralaliliiai r BADWAtrkLa'.wmrrW. th. traTiMAiiUMabovanajheddbQtaen. rrtee,Uoen(a e letter aantyoa. , -er Be,s SOU) BT DlHMJOIS'Uwj ..m . 'kaS; famb "Akd: Taca. mad esa iftajn? M BAIaWAT' -COJ Jl. W Warren St, Hew ora aann-waw..wflria monaa ao wutaa YiSiTOKSif siii x! Uii 'ii i rmb -9rx9tNmriH -?' ? " - .fEv wppofttt .IBtaJZ'W'.SGCA i v 1 1 .v .- . r s f wa vav IntiA't ' - rfc- ' UHARTEBjcD BY ACT OF THE v AAaataaj naesjf the 4ha handao Pictures and Fancy Articles there for .sale A large and assorted lot of thexlatesfc and rjust received. . alWISScitedv------ 1 00J-84TORE. li '1-- a.- lI.JVCAlt!rAL VAin ."IV? wa wi nia?, oisuvurry, l r J ' H '. bt AVMaiei is 30- iJGf 3 it oxtetilrlrt liXrdH.ltBeiChbWe iand Desirable StockAjafT Family Groceries, in store aadbeiag JeaihwdailyoBWry at tention besttnredoif jtxtwho will favor mb witb4ttd.ftImTln earMesttd anrt" -;.?.o eltluM. DAYIDSOta,Aeentf il. . ossitiK At iiCirylfliocerJ ii?BPtTS"rta JOj.vwf jb co xtTrada "ttit. . vt? frfeskowfJau or any cbaraciT:rexewediaO ' 1. - W X" r " 1 1 w- y 1 iANKSBlfcL:HffADHi( i ; PAiPsijriisc -TainjClATGnRH iMinJbcated.-Jn, u rttake" fJharlott ... A sT tton - ittera d,",,v,ti?-i -!-. imorovemeat 1 4 sort "rp- 'obi ueaca that ever at 1 . " . . . . yoa nna lUAmcan-iea carBt2i2araan' BWaltiriiK in PimnLaa 1mtn4-tvae.e ClAsekaii Trf & waaaaavBy tuuvUw W -ivtut alagri&h in the veins : cletnse U x;tt ii a , yens ieiagwj-tc yea waeg.- p.eep frnil; yoni faiagr43-tel yeawheg: the blood pure, aof 111 tei.Ut cfi.il iir,anrni Suva at ncwAi.a w Qeai Agtsw Baa Franct jrrr?r?lA. ' .11 LAiGKiim CffflraiaS.idaTf 4 -finri f! IfjMiaWarisemotaiifiys Irropu5!uxe(i tjajnawaw arfrctoerilj rS'rJrw urpwe&if jaaa irtad nt . oct22 tt hna ffaO .rvalifJ ahaiT 4 WOIIte! TtmHfiOTWI? , ' 1 Loan 3MIao kin Ihe'Meclflenbure or && end BiiilJinyaadJAJSstd t augmf. OTCUBIItlBl a , -J- we Limi tafog nearfs SsewiW; Life InsaadVWNjTHB WOEXlVarid fittVbstJd, . smenf, andof-4terfeita of iaturtf 3 J hhu Irroi, ,rr-tttd lXnur oRihhnn. ABidthsanrlshad fniigmable. W1 lorenceilk and, tValour. Ack and White Crape Csw.r t til I' ci fJlS' fackcnltEtlrifiand Inserting, Veiliu, t50i$fwfi laretock of Kfd Olovei 't-i -! Tf R m w .1 corsets. JyHi'flOOI;ww keep on hand TabU plTflelsJaconet, (Cambric, Lawn 1 in nen. Swiss. Nansook. anrl niK j'. ,"" fngmrt5tKitnne. ' " SaSffiviwt Phil- v..Awi.y iiiujo wiinuerj 4MiBines. and arenow tirfmonul ink. ir.t. in. " Attentive and fcblripetent salesmeu are , ways eady to' wait on ' customer?", und aid them ananabing selections. Koopmann & Bptliseliilu. TEADBST., CBAIOtTE, . C. : TO THE VflOLESALEDE. 1:1 If) Tf. " f.Rll .-itVO'." ,V wiVltlVo;ujtinrDpQUJiiyvu new en UPilCBtml Trade' biraw,itnr',A44rfltP .ml difctiarAUcusdfSr 4acV: arTM'fi rknnS m. w.iitetfoufseives tiuX it .fli r hot onlr WMapprbyal of, our 31.0 ntetntts custom' eraJt -jLbt ani VWioWboleMlt THIS NEW AND BEltlTIFUL ARTICLE WE are rrow prepared to offer to the pqbUffyl fewttgrdenfrffcnwt fiH'tqrT com mend itelf to every one Interested in;15eaiitlTj-ing and protecting the graves of their de ceased relatives and friends. , They are made in four sizes with a variety of styles, ranging jhu price from 25 tovfiW.f . tney measure irem iiiree to six; tee v designed to cover all. ts to adults. Can be painted any color desired, sanded or gal? mi zed to suit the taste of purchasers fehfft with f A galvanized DlatejMntaminar whatever insci lb ach mound free of charge: J-J'.rTX ,L-0 Is offered at such prkseauAttpiacalVsthln reach of all. 11c generally to can anu examine for tnemselevs. &'SJ :-iif;-7:.3ar - ITenvlte the citieiisfHijd pub- 1,a lrl M tmi Xegfl. a.giTar ft .is m or i Tit a mcisoiv, msir ? T r -''" lns,iB.;:- va:''I4.' w i hi v.niuv R- ) btirHrTjj ,?.)ux 1 :tM asTim ,-g- ;iw IE -a FARMERS' ISftVlWCSBftWie ,1 kn.r4 Ml Kiitarnnuboi .!t. iuvr 'i l-.-c 0 - 1 . ; is - .-r , . io'i Till !. 1 I ns so f!" ATURE. ?1H stfnj BANKING HOUSE, TRAOS f7tv -M sV i its DVAiDBnnnr. prepariiid tSraslaact a general Banting BusToCb. a u fac tu red Goods and Merchandise stored in' Waiebbtisesanc faWtfott'Btoeksf BondsiftrrofherBecarities. J? tyme-l&WM itM Sflvr' "Rofn? Exchange, BUIibWlkn money receiveu uu uepuen suujeci wj cneva, AjiiiK,LC:ani!2 Uenff I: ea tfiSu I issued tor money wnen leu 011 time according 10 agreeruf: ung to anattf Collections made on all accessible points nutted for QArdatef payment. j . . - t ..4. V. '- .1 fi;n . 3 .tj.uiuHnia !I ,iiriiiactra andOfflcers. 7Fmv.Wi;W Gmbb. iof Giier & A S. P. SMITH, President. T. L. VAIL, Cashie ?ew Yoric uorrespondent lratiorters' and Traders National Bank. 1 . qyrTrifl riia us wot: pOsit Tip - U " "WJa(ib,t Cp R.J. McDowell rjwcurray BVif ; " - "R.'D. RVliAe ( a s r & Colli ks. P. Smith, j Ass't Cashier. feb 4, CQLIEQRflTCBAaj.0TrEi m c. fidrurtl ,8BfjnqatltinMJJ .iiT!jJSdilllvanabbirthilnrffin teAlilti 3 M'lIt'oMajniraf rtettdb Tto 1 AiA. a 1 ma' vaj ssTvucia- v tw rarvcx ainv' hlctua iy J, 1 1 trdtfnd.of & chara a niBBH nswvroM ro cverv Driver that a stric.WholesaletiHoase. 'rrinfifed and adante l( that Trade-only, With corps of exrjeriencea w noiesai sniwniin, , t jwith , StocK carefuWy selected for that Trade only, ana moreover, tne avoidance or com Ins a contact withT fetail buyers, which w and you aU ,have!hercoioufitf to be ksonia, as it freqUeatly happfena that the VOUrownr customer).: finch tA.Jumu art,'rhnst abdSfriU 0bmmendu Itself to the 'trade:--' - ' ' -; ' Jinl ' Four years ago we advertised that we in- tended to make Charlotte eVwbolesale mart and ours J.ha. Wholesale House." W now have the proud satisfaction of. seeing it an accorriplishedfact. "n : h WaoKcaltuaiWwtto:iirO the bet tha wehha've isoitvbrtcd oar otirperb store in to njeoiusi Xholesaie (toUee. where voa canfinVl'a",inPi gooo ecaary wr 1 coumryritcitor.wit vJDry-goooB, CWhine, BMts, Srrort,'Hats;dlJdris, Groceries, Hard ware, -AHnraery, 'an rn" t5omplete lines bought in Ian:aauantitie8 and from tht very first hands, , - 'Owttocisblrrthg and will be eompiete aoonirine rrrsr 01 Feptem wr ana wulbe'the laatiof tafy h4re, the preten sions f others tothe oontrarynot wkwtand iag. , ;ye respectful lyiinTite your jVemo11 inspection, or write to us for cireulrrs. 'iwi'wQSi'rlja'w. o. fKciipyitbaspJJMaJrBodta heretofore 10 favorably , known as the MMs. .Brfrc Bro wn & m's iTry-gotids House! to cany Excelsior our motto. elaim also Inf b'ai line to" excel ' in loa new of torksrandto icet5 generally. We will, ih that house;' Wave a corps Of thirty Sal meh ahd SaleB-Ladies, all experienced, affable, and obliging. ' 5- WW make i, JdiUinay branch 0 spedattg.nf; , ......,-. W. &. R. Chariots fi. fa Aug. lUk. 1874. on.nrftaillsjilisXTidldTai is, and h&s always been ... prepared to manufacture Plain and Ona mental Gravestones, Tombs and Monumjente of every description. Having seryed ari an4 prenticeBhip-pfseven yara withJklr. R. liaJJ of.r.ftffe underln structions AJtfcNinch. of Cbar- otte, N.ri f'Wirtbd in saying Uiat I can compete favorably with any workman in my line ipivaitistio merits. I will deal onlv in tbe best qualities of marble. uuardbJ 3fbrl witeaiahatared btyoiGto trove satisfactory in everv respect, or no Daw re Lrv syLWUcw . i 1 4 s wax fsvnr mps v jaaw : . . a as; the pnsTwrwa ntrttlvtft VePS WJ i Wfrrtry J BWrCWJtask shMo public Call and where, an purchasing else- to your advantage. TlTTvvi wvetjfrBSiwjtxaiins r.:o it w o!7-tf . E. M. CEA fr. KACAULAT. ,5 titFibw .Kortaft Uw'fAiici'Wfi. pwT i n -bums. lanng.Braottilw S. STONE f nn AliiAaAt.( AAivAAJlW - fceeptlO 2nifSS01b4 afdlolD efra -ha fLJL eilliw kA kaMrt twat wlMrinA ar. f r-v bsmam f . r-e faa' I . V.. & 86ns. ' Liberal advancesvniiaada tm consignment of COTTOS. to be sold here on 1 -.! lt mPvWFffr-i&W&, :.W .vvi ! (1 1yMmtwye (9iod aw iif as) ikliiioRMHVf) I'wr .VIVNI11N -VVJ-A, A AAA W & MlAUvvVv VI" tased HaWmfcB?Norief EartViltobe and H6ga PbUtbfefuUttocJi: tt?6!' ib4 KiLitt!i.t,T3 srfiJ octS tf. .VUnilrTOTirciSAinSBET. wl dpusjrysaaL7tA ,Oresw)s Stand, "opposite' the Tresbytenan chu Thenaersurned take this method toi in- foriiatocttil9tMaf)elhartAA and the bub- . j IIUUl Old" irxch. BfEStESS. he 4JWconie and seevhasw kev Fus aam fcuy for enth. LongtyilnJI, rd lbh iea About inability J wgci iiiuuiH-uutv i uur outs, ana on first failaVe ,mfeet yWr obligations with Uur House Kuau br.Kt etacaitte toJbods, J iaad. at'tentioniiftLadieancan viaTt ccrr1 tore at all times: witlwnt fOomfiD' rTtAo- tact witn intoxicated ,meru as .we sell) no 7Jpjbjrfltmntyd0Mti to mer it n.full &luAnwtf BirbliA mtmuwu XVeSreerVRr,,!!. wmnw WAWkrfsTovs. Station- IWBEVitf'WAtKteRi i .toyi aner-baes. Wnfppibg-paper, Ai -.,.,.4 r.T I Ti' t.1 IWM.Umini t ..OCDt rftowr , S&CR! r business for. -basr favbrs". an "ftOTlt.fKiinftr.n nf , ViAJalmtfeoTtScca of ApstinjytWedwUb.the,! men witn Bom orv6rf have waftpVT 1 1 TV . l .e"J"fe '"fiii jpnause w-.uxh ritHeWthahk trtrrbUe pespectfUIly asfc-" AffBie.irttsn anar and patientlyiCbtiie,upBnd settle- lpt I1?i'tWBtrrlJSlV5M ' mi-UK firiTrA.-HiAiiaixiCmla into : .Mit sit Itlw auial 1 - I ;atn tr WTw9MwIwT j IeKed, Menow andJnicyX iiit'EUitbiinm piacXTOa pdiler, teat Runexad; lake cbbutUijCalJ soea arid supbln itUKJcheap,cash store afjVi iak .liegastree' M3 oc20 -' '' V?l on "Col MOW IN STORE OF A.R.NISBET& BRO, CHABH6TTB, N. C, THE largeaf.aOKrk.jB Iheirime, in Western Carc4iii,-axieiatuig ofihe following HEAVYGHOCERIES, COFFEE, Sugars Rice, Teas, Molassea. FAIICY GROCERIES PRERY.ESJeUies, Pickles, Sauces, r.anA ,dirrants, Citron, Oysters. ' JLobsiers, Apples, Butter, c. CANDIES, COMMON and Fancy French, ten m inMsbrtauhta;!' ii 1 Sill il lis I H II n r ri n. A.I AJ AA UIIL. IIB1S I Bl IS IBS V in large ODACCO"- CIGARS, LARGE assortmeiit, various kinds.' anrt - SrnFl ri!aribeSlbJ. .abooO rMiri9J.l) .retsTTnnnti7Q MV4.44aatjMAA i!' Oti le.or Call aiidsee ui Jefore this method of than thelT tons; BO xtw C cheap for AH VTlfllU3 metnoa 01 unniinf. , fvv' . " aA Ubpatronsg ' btoftjfe f-d A, i VAia"0,J w, f " j ,,rabla All WIIBIBia UA AJAru puwmuv.SJ-.'. -- the whole watod in pitnh and the jo "1! filled, with travel andiprtcbJoraiiBg fea and very 'dorable sidewalk: ' This pavement Aas been tboroughl wk ed in England, and has ginen "U,P fwvnt rf thNew Oiwra House. .aoilJjo?A n .1t15fr S Vl tf A IT .KtAU AUUIU?!

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