' n1-r"rin. m.m "Cimi i j i r .ll jjji mi l w imraw mm mmmmm- nmiaiMJUmmiiMUKKtKn0HdmJt Qoldsmith jttaid Some Particulars 'of Her Early Life. " 4 A The "'Maid" was a wayward child. From the date of her foalery on the iunn of John B. . Decker, Wantage Township,' Sussex County; N. Y.f in ihe spring of 1857, to the 'age of six vears, she distinguished herself in many ways, but never, as ft trotter. She was under-sized, nervous, and fretful, ind utterly refused heavy farm , work. Mr. DeckerV her owner; says; he' never u-ot any work out .Of Jiebit jtwipe, one half-day.in plowing ,cqri and one-half day in drawing stones, Once she was hitched to a barrow; but after;; short distance she reared back Ward rahd en tangled both of hePhlridic.Iegs in the cross-piece of the i harrbwVarid' -so injur ed those members, that when she goes out for her morning jvalks,. it is said she still shows signs of 'stiffness from behind, caused brthis fall in early life. Fro m the time she was six months old until Mr. Decker sold her, she was used as a race horsej fc though without her owner's knowlegeThe' boys' on the farm, of cotirWtfcys'do.were anxi ous to know;;wbit5hTwas the speediest horse, antLAt an early day, thoy found it was the .'Haidv'';trAbd;.8o,?; after the old manMc hadegonevto feedj they would take her outf the "'pasture or stable whenever a race could be ! made up, and run heron, the road after pipit. She beat everything that could he brought to run with her, so that finally none but the uniformed from a distance could be found to bet- against her. These races, were , inade up, at t he country stores ahdlouriging places in the. eveniug? afterarrn -work was over; and the race run the same night after the "old man" had gone to bed. No training, no grooms; -- no jockeys, no weightier age--just a man or a boy in his bare feetmounted bareback, with hi6 tCTe hngg,iqg the mare's belly like a leech1. Unfits ; the1 .stvieand thei "Maid" no dohht enjoyed it more than she ha880me'of.hr,'.late,-ra;cea. in the trotting ring. , One day, in the sum-' uier pf 1863. twiMtten' were ut buying horses lor the araiy,- ami -topped all' night at Mr. Decker's, and in the mora ine Uiught tlKrMaid'" frvnr him for $2tJ), and started for home, leaving the mare behind .(lietfj; Oil. their i way they met a Mr Tompkins who knew the little mare, and bought her. of them for $300. The two men also knew her and believed that she could 4 mad a a trtteiv but were will ing to make $100 hy their morning's bai gain. Tve-next da .Tompkins sold her to AldeitV OoklSm I'tlij a good udge of horseflesh, of Blooming Grove, Orange county, iff. Y., for $600. From him she tookthe name of, Goldsmith Maid He keit hgrijn j, pretty; steady training under V driver named Wil liam Bodine; to whom, more than to any other livings man; ; should be awarded the Credit of first bringing the m are put. 1 Tti e.eiioWned Bu'du Doble, who how drives her tab, handsomely, had not then, either seen or heard of ber Whilein- training? for the trot ting Course shs 'waa' sofetf ul and irrit able; so deterthined to run at every opportunity instead of trotting; so hard to bring to a trot After breaking irprri, that gaity;..ti)at Mr. .Goldsmith many times determined to giye up the training and sell her at any price, but hia patient-dri ver mam tained his abid ing faith in her; and' assured his tern- ployerthat she.was the lasteHt animal otj his premises, .and'would come 'out amidst a gr$iat trotter, and finally per suaded hint to-keep herwhich hejdid until this driver so brought out -her points that Mr. Goldsmith in Novem ber, 1868;r8bldlher.tri B. . Jackmau and Bud Doble i fdi: $26,000.', These gentle men sold her to Mr Ji- H.: Smith ifor the sum of $37,000. Mr; Doble itill drives her. She made her first appearance- in public in Angust, 1865. i Evansville Journal. Important Railroad and Other Cases Before the . Orange .Court rJudgeB Wilson and Cloud have a Hearing. The case of Wm. Webb vs. R, & D. R. R. C0.V and theN,CR. K. Co., Was called at the Orange -Court, on Thurs day. The B.. & D. R. R. Co., by their counsel. Judge Marshall, of Virginia, and Captain i-fAsh'eV moved to remove the case to the Jfederal Court, on a pe tition under the'act of Congress j of 1,66 providing for the removal ;of cattses from State to Federal Courtsjn cases where one of the defendants ia a citizen of another State and the action is. brought to enjoin such non-resident defendant T'The ' motion to remove xvmr opposed " by 1 Governor Graham, Hon. V. N,"H. Smith and Hon. Jos. B Batcbelor on 'the grounds thatlthe R. & LVR. R. Co., isvitot . a citizen jut any State within the meaning of the act; 2nd, that the motion for removal must be based on an affidavit that such defendant cannot, obtain justice in the Court because , of ,locaJ prejudice-as i0rak of! 886 had bedn amended tp that pft'eprjby, the act 6f 1867. And 3rd; becanse -under the act of 18G6, the reMva;l tcan ivot' bemjatje in any cwe- where by 'allowing Mt thje rignT m Vm glSfSliff W proceed to ndzmtyWAti&fa otlieFtfefendadt would be:affeet.a.rrendere1cl , nugatd-' ry. ,, if.--- ' Hia Henpffljadge err,after con siderahleoiueiit, decided- that the two Jaat ttbjecitkrns 'were good, and he denied the molimV tO'VemOve.' The counsel l&tntingfth'afe OoIonel Buford rresidertfloIlfll&miB K. Co, was u ttwilrWg W mfeke "the affidavit that he cquld nOt pbtairt justice in the court, the caswas then, on motion, Wilaoii'and' Cloua,was'.asi;targvied length .y; Hr,riMcC.()rkle-for Judge clowln iinGovernprrral9m,;Mr. , CleraeaiiliaM Bo:nfcW.'ffH Smith for Jndge'VVilsonsThe1 argument was long andaxnaustive on both sides. Tha6fl$.TesrveVi his deciar ion. 'T. AtjftV VJ-',r '' T RENT. ta'aaa'desirable family residence. aWtnreti Street.1 situated near the business portionr ef the City of Charlotte now occupied by Gefl;:J. A; Young... Posses sion given lst'Jandary;;net tf 1 niW-iWlsOVKMAlAgerit,,! FrazlciY THRESH Nansemond Ovstersii ierytTdayj fcugar awed Hams.' with a-general as- Mr Medical Parposeai &c4 Aci-4 tfv . oct22-tf. aVi? ANOTHER: ftesh mrriVaVof Gehts,i aotfe r fe fTalmas. vercoatftr. ShawlsAc. n fact everything toe foT'Oentiemetfs wear, atthe' Retaii StonJ Of '' f WlrTTICOWSKY & RTNTELS.V WTT AT VO a t n ! I VJL JLB.JLJL 1 AH ff) ... .-.jm-M , -m - -m - r s G R O GZE . jl KEEPS THE LARQEST STOCK OF Wines and Liqnors In . Western North Carolina. JN future he will keep a large stock of Fine Liquors, Champagne and other Wines, fi?r dinner parties or for Sacramental pur poses. , A few barrels of the justly celebrated "ZEB VANCE" Whiskey, ripe and mellow, always on hand. His stock in the General Grocery line is complete. Sugars, Coffee and Molasses specialties. When you come to Charlotte for Grocer ies, call and seeBlack if you want the worth of your money. I respectfully return thanks for the liberal patronage bestowed upon me, and respect fully solicit a continuance of farther favors. W. J. BLACK. june 13 REMOVAL.. JJLIAS, COHEN & KOESSLER, In vite their friends and customers to call and examine their new and beautiful store, which is acknowledged bv all, to be the Finest and Largest in the State, and at the same time, a stock of good that cannot be surpassed. In addition to a full line of Foreign and Domestic Dry Ooods, Heady ITIade Clothing, Boots and Shoe IIats and Notions, groceries and 'Crockery, We have in Btoie.'argreat assortment, of Ingrain, Three Ply ahiV-Brussel's Carpeting, Rags and House Furnishing Articles, suited to the wants of the. . ' WisTAlL TRADE, and Wholesale buyers will find the ; Largest and best Selected Stock of General Merchandise " to choose from, at Prices that will pay to ex amine. ; Call and see us, at Masonic 'Temple Building. i ELIAS, COHEN & ROESSLER. oct20 ly. NEW GOODS NEW GOODS, Coining in by Every Train. JUST RECEIVED THIS DAY, MOLAS ;! SE3, Grapes Oranges, Lemons, Large Northern apples, citron, currantsrasins figs, prunes, dates, cheese, goshen butteri eggs, bologna sausage, and an endless variety of French candies, ban annas, common, candy at wholesale' and- retail; chestnuts,' groand peas, Bugar, coffee, bacon, lard, soap, candles, canned goods in all varieties, cigars, tobacco, snuff, nuts of all kinds, Oolong and Gun powder tea, Young Hyson and imperial, all of which we will offer inducements for cash. Come and see for yourselves, at the Rising Sun. ott22 tf. C. S. HOLTON & CO. tlTERP! iff ", The only Reliable Gift . Distribution in the country! , IN VALUABLE GIFTS SlOOlOOODO TO BE DISTRIBUTED' IX L. 1). SINE'S . 45th Semi. Annual GIFT ENTERPRISE ! To be drawn Monday, OctM 12th, 1874. DNE BBAHD CAPITAL PRIZE. 100,000 00 In Gold ! Ono Prfzct SdyppO In Silver 1 Fiv)f Pbizks $1,000 each Five Phizes , $500 Greenbacks Tek Feizes llw in .Two Family;. Carriages and Matched Horses with Sllrer-Monnted Har ness, worth WOO each I Two Boggles," Horses, Ac;, worth tOOO each. Two Fine-toned Rosewood 1 Pianos, worth " ' $560 each! Ten Family Sewing Machines, worth $100 " :v ' each! - 1500 Gold and Silver Lever Hunting Watches (tn.U,. votUi frmn $20 to ' $300 each ! ' Gold Chains; 8ilver:'Ware,i Jewelry, Ac., Ac. Nnmber of : Gifts 10.000 ! Tickets limited to 50,000 ! AGENTS WANTED TO SELI TICKETS, to whom Uberal Premi ums will be paid. , lttt i Sihele ?..Tlckt!".;. $2;,:' Six Tickets $10- Twelve Tickets $20 Twenty-Five $50 , , drcnlars containing a fall list of prizes a description of the..- manner of ''drawing and other, information' in reference to: the Distribution, will be sent to any one or derine them. : AH , letters must be' address ed to" .).!; D SINE, Box 86. maiw omcK, ' Cincinnati, O. 101 W Fifth St. -' sept .8 : -, . :.r-- . ". ; TP' YOU WANT4 TO SEE THE HANf) 1 tomest Retail 'Stock, and the nicest dis nla?, calUt the RetaU Store of ' :: 7 V' j WITTKOWSKY & RINTEL8. D' 7 i' ' a choice lot of . - , -Prints ind Ladies Silk Scarfs At&EAPER, SEIGLE ACQ'S. s 1 V To Merchants. FT. - "-'. fin Our trade having more thatst doubled itself in the past two years" whaye fonnd nbesaary to increase our sick7aTj4.epl4r oMroom3 in proportion T6 the demand for goods. Our Wholesale Rooms is 135x83, has ' been completely viremdeled, I and wiU. bv the fith ofJfWtpmhor 'pnntjin r not only one of the largest stocks in the State, bat in the Southern States. We feel assured of being able to sell everything in our line at NEW YORK JOBBING PRICES, to cash or short time buyers. Our stock of STAPLE DRY GOODS will be equal to any in the city. Our sto k of fancy and fine Dry Goods, Dress ' Goods, , Hosiery and Gloves, will be the largest in the State. Ou stock of Foreign and Domestic Notions, some of our own importations, will be toe largest and most varied, ver offered in this market. Our stock of Boots and Shoes will also be the largest in the city, and will contain a number of our own - make. Our stock of Ready-Made Clothing will be larger than ever before. Our stock of HATS, CArS, RUBBER SUITS, OIL CLOTHS, &c, will also be equal to any in the city. In a word, our attractive stock, our liberal terms, our low prices and our strict adherance to facts, wkI ensure us an increase of that pa tronage which has enabled us to build up a trade second to none in the city. We beg your careful examination of our stock before you go North or buy elsewhere. CIRCULARS AND PRICE LIST sent upon application. Most Respectful ly. McMURRAY DAVIS, Trade Street. Opposite Brern, Brown & Co.'s Hardwau To the Retail Tradei WE aitts?to.vinvite the attention of the trade Wine largest and - most va ried stock of 1. DRY GOODS, FANCY GOODS, WHITES GOODS. ILKS. HOISERY, ' , v GLCTESOHATS CAR- u: i "V PETS,' BOOTS, f - SHOES, -READY-MADE CLOTHING, GENTS AND LADIES FURNISHING GOODS, &C., &C, TO BE FOUND IN THE STATE. Dress Goods An immense stock of Dress Good, Silks, Ac., selected with special reference to bril liancy of shade and color, and superiority of texture and makes. - -The largest line of Alpacas, ever present ed, including the lowest price Goods, as well as the finest Fabrics. Llama Blooming Black, Cunard, Double Warp and Face, Grand Duchess Eclipse, Silk finished Black Bnl liantine, an entirely new Fabric, made from the wool of the Turkish- goat, much more lustrous than pure Mohair. shawijb. We arejoifering a large variety of Foreign, and Pomestic Shawls, - embracing novelties of the most elegant de sign and finish. Dlack Merinoe and Cash mere Shawls, Ladies and Gents Traveling Shawls, and Lap Robes, in fine variety. RIBBONS. Gros' Grain and Velvet Ribbons, all widths and qualities, in a complete -range of .colors. LACES, Embroideries, Bugle Trimmings, Silk Scarfs Rnching's 'Beltings, Steel Morroco and Russian Leather, . and Bugle trimmed Belts, in all the latest designs. ft --t SHIRTINGS, SHEETINGS, &c. Bleacdei and brown Shirtings and Sheet ings,1 rillbw-case Linens, -Table -iJamasES, Towels, Napkins, i and "Table Diapers, "roe offered at extremely low prices. " Jeans, Flannels, Linnseys, CASSIMEES, :: Coatings, Few style Recant, Blanketa.Counterpanes, Bed-covers, and an elegant line of".,-, CAEPET3 ' ana HOUSE fTUBSTJSlH- Will' be sold at astonishingly low prices. in 4V 0' l VVsAri will be offered iq Ready-made Clothing and Gents furnishing Goods, Boots; Shoes, ;Hai, Cans Umbrellas. Trunks. Satchels. Reti- Fcufesv and many other entirely new' linei f Fancy woods, which have ' been ' added vto mirstockj ' ' ' f Caw. W E. STITT. formeriv of th!. firm of BREM.BRQWN A CO., has charge of the MCWMt 4Vfl VUlVUVi W UV nw VUV WWU V M of a large corps of polite, attentive and ex perienced salesmen, wuj endeavor to wait on the trade in such a manner t&rwill we hope) Insure for us ' a continuance f that patron ge which has enabled s tosdonble ;onr bua j tit th last twelve mooths. -'' 'rPif -An early call ' and carefat examhiatlon is MCMTJRRAY A DAVIS. TMTE ABE NOW-EECBIVINO and opening i Dd FCaNISHIHa ROTim Inr nan Tinman Ynnthi o.n1 TLr.o most -varied assortment of articles rhictt errfrixaj-ftA a complete. outflt ia tefoud- ontside of- frfir feirrMtt. U - ? HA V INQ-dOaDleCT the ! belngthe only exciosive CLOTHING HOUSE in thecitj with a frestL stock . we Invite our friends and he nnblic. to call and piatrrimitTTtthTnft AfOfo-rTA timt ... eansutted. . : HATSr GAPS, iffi;f$STOiT& TALMAS, BUSINESS Ct HIRTS AND UNDER CLOTHING for Men Umbrellas, Gloves, Hosiery, Silk And a large line pf other. articles, we offer at the very ' YllfM i LrO WE ST CASH PRICES. WE return our thanks to our patrons for and Intend to merit Its continuance. CHARLOTTE, N. C. Se29 6m. AN" L AI'EST Marh ir ram 'isTwwfjri n n - FUffl unyc Tl . A , , IIUIVIL In order to make ft settlement of oar business, we offer for sale at without reserve, iiirnediately afier life Tobacco Sale, TUESDA F," NO VEMBER 17. 1874. that splendid and valuable property " " PACE'S WAREnOBSE, with aiHts furniture, Iron Safe, two pair Scales and four Leaf Tobacco Screws in the basement room now used as a priiery by Mr. T. C- Skinner. The - building and every ining conneciea wnn rc is in nne conartion. . i . swim: ' This valuable property is too well known all over Virginia and NoWJi. Carolina as The Leading Warehouse of Danville, to need any description here. "The' Let fronts an street; was porcnasea oi mr. j. -w; race, ana tne title le undoubted. ;. . ; The business of the house is more prosperous now thatt liny"pfevious year.' Gross sales for 1874 amounting to $556,867 .58. TERMS $1,000 cash. t.000 Davablei on the 1st day of Decemlier, 1875, purchaser giving Bo&tMactorav dddrse4jf fth a deed of trust upon the property to secure ihe deferred TjaVmchts. ' Possession given the day after our grand. uxiora Uij urpnn Asytunvaaa waiows' j.nr : , i. Till the day the house is tamed over to the our posts reauy to seiwe our numerous irienus T7 - - - " . ..... James R. Pierce, Floor Manager.-; 'm' ' , ' . 'oc24A2awtds ' n: c. harry & go., House'ySigma TJARTtCULAR attention paid 'to Frescoing x 'uonntry. , uinceunder iJentral Hotet Encourage HortiefrYdijsty. TEE: DIXIE P0L1P! IHE BEST PUMfrFUR THE LEASJ f - 'i ' MONEY 7 - i Satisfaction! Guaranteed or' fro ' 4.1? Trade. : Diploma Awarded at tne tast fa!r;t the CaroUns.: .J . . ' , ' THE DIXIE PUMP is eHallf ndf superi or to any wooden pttop ib6w 'bfifered .to :heoublic. It is a Southern Production. made at our own doors, of our own material. Hundreds of Certificates might be obtain ed from parties who -are' ' using this' Pump testifying to its cheapness,1 durability; and emciency, dustw i w oeemea entirely , un necessary, I only refer to the following 'citi- zena-of Charlotte, among many--others," not named, who are using tne inump: W F Davidsons-Mayor of Charlotte, IX G Maxwell, SewinR Machine Agent. RM Gates, fCentral Hotel, L A Blackwelder, WrF28ny- deryS M Howell, James Johnston; Gyrree JancT, W E , Cochrane, CyruftJilunter 'J'lt kcMurray. R M Miller E ( Andrews -Dr. BobeH Oibbon. -W. J Yatesv : fv ! Manuiactured ana soia oy v r,n ;j j v v G.L. GREESONV?r? i Trade Street, Charlotter Ni CP ! WANTED To contract for a lot of;yel low poplar heart lumber. , . Notice. i A LL persons indebted to the late' firm of J. : Wi H H Houston A Co,1 aiv herebyno tififld that all.-of said debts nave been as siened to the l'rFarMerauBaviirgs- Bant'of Mecklenburg; land-ntteaV they v. tntist," oiake payment only to saidttanle.'5pr 4ta'uft(oriz- - T L VAIL, . - V-U,0tifctylr.: Vance A Burwell, Attorneys. i-augll'74-tf.- t ' - "t a.K"" ;'."-ttftit -j-QU ORtOErTICe, ,in.. ' , 'fl f'-; J-f "VVe call the attention, of our patrons, and others desirous of hating JOB PfilNTINU of aDy -character "ecuted,' 'and1 take his imum to . announce-.' that' we ha vetha "most conipleteJqb Office the',. Western,; P""! of me ptate, any ium wuc jHiyca ara ,iu .vurwj competition to Kprthern establishments.'! t We can fornish at short notice jt- t-'W BCANKS. BILL BEADSi ft f Um LETTER' HfiADOARDS BBOGRAMMES MD?ItIfl: '' !-: t ,toAMPHLET8;'JATAL0QTJES, POSTERS, CHECKS, DRAFTS, &c. the largest Mock of HATS, CLOTHING outns ana Boys. 'ever osferea in this bmpmds th largest and i 'fit gnaema,naklnK up storer!Bci1SrSlct All if A ' - " NBtBMSSvSUITS tit? and Boys. and Unen Handkerchiefs,! their kindniss and liberality, in tne 'pastf J, A. YOUNG & SON. ,0Q1VAG t ,J .3.' ,.J - IM FRO V KB .'IiifiHT HUNHW ALL OTHERS. . n G. ITIAXWEtU 3 Doors Uelow Tlddy's Boot Stor 215 feet on Lynn street and 167 leet on Lp'y - HO! the 1st daV oT Mav. 1875. an the balance on sak, JJeDfcniber t2,il874i "for thtoefiefits of the and urpban's Home, Richmond, Va. k. Jtt & R. G. PACE. Owners. purchaser we will "at all times be iound at and customera ,ag neretoiore, i ' ' r rvr tnirn-wr.-rn ChtrChes arid?Tbwn SasrtooughbtiUhe - , se26 tf. STRICT pers6ti$I attention given to sale of Cotton 'cbhsighed to me., , Liberal : ad- vances made on cotton to. be held. - Suitable Warehbuses Tor Storaee received. Arrange ments for transfer from depots, and insur ance at very uoeral rates, nave been made. Prompt returns made from salesf. with mod erate charges. . : -1 am' also Broker for Messrs.' P. T, George & Co.; one of the largest Bacon Houses in Baltimore, and largest Lard Refiners in the citv. I euarantee as low prices as any house in BaltimdriiLiberal 'conoeesions made to w u i r 1 ... . - a V Jl1SloojUlekH onfilo; caUimdei - iWJluc uiem. utuuro uujius, r - - - it . l : Strict Personal 1 Attention : eiven td 'tii Pheiapffala oncotton. - J - - - Refer by PeruiiSilon to mWtTfrSaMS.&J t&T ddtiHlv".'iieweyi1CashlerT Bank of MecklenburarCharT6tte.IN.;C.:-Mr, rM. P. Pegrant.'' Cashier 1st' National Bank of Cariotte ..rMaj.U;'uowa;rresx Mer dhantB' and farmers Bank,- Charlotte; N, C.j tct22-tf. Removal!' T WQlTEn'RETtTkN' liY' 'THANTCf - tti eiends tod the public for their kind patrenager'mndsay that I-vould be glad to see tneax as meounua o " j " Messrs. Ellas. CoheA' dfc' Soesaler, i't. . . tnloWant fllBEdBEST IN THE WORLDptf5 i 3 i WADE fc PEGRAM'S, octll tf. First National Bank Building 7 II JJl Gregory, BOOKS, ;tttanonery-Totions, jnpes,tegan i uralllff tonr, uucou, uroceriesi Smokhig and Chewing Tobacco, Confection- niw ,a . -yc4 dee.- - ' ' 2, WATCHMAKER AND 'iirn nTATm rw : " - I in irra iL-"i.r . .'- z "- r . . fineratcaes, Oocto, r-n CHARLOTTE, N. C, ,V ;.. T.i i . . - . ' t- xexi aoor to iiaavs .book Htnmtv.. All work neatly , done and warranted. Grateful Thoiisands proclaim Vnr. egae Bittees the most worMerfnl In- rigorant that -rrer sustained th sinkinf No Person can take these Bitters according to directions, and remain long unwell; provided their bones are not de stroyed . by mineral poison or other means, and Yjtai organs wasted beyond repair. r 4 . , , lUlions. Remittent and Inter mittent Fevers, which are so preva lent in the valleys of our .-great rivers throughout the United States, especially those of the Mississippi, Ohio. Missouri. Illinois, Tennessee, Cumberland, ArkanTT 'Pearl, Alabama, Mobile, Savannah, Ro anoke, James", "and many others, with their va3t tributaries," throughout our entire country during the Summer and Autumn, and remarkably so during sea sons of unusual heat and dryness, are invariably accompanied bv extensive de rangements of the stomach, and liver,. : and other abdominal viscera. In their treatment, a purgative, exerting a pow- ermi lruuence upon tueso various or gans, is essentially, necessary. There is no eathartic for tho'purposo equal to 1JU. J. WALKER'S VINEGAR li riTERS, as tney Will speedily remove the dark- colored viscid matter' with which' the bowels are loaded, at the sarao time stimulating the secretions of the liver, and generally restoring the healthj functions of the oigestrve organs. jan io ;; nifOr .,4A - 1 rat..lAT - v-ur .Xa jJSMwery respect, to any lAver Meaicine to hy purifying all its fluids with Vinegai m. v,. Vr - Uiiters. cpuloimc cm take hole of a system thus fore-armed. Dvsnensia 6r Indisestion. ITeaj ache, ram . in the Shoulders, Coughs, Tightness of the Chest, Dizziness, Sour n.ruetations ot tho Jstomacii,. cad Taste in tho Montlr, Bilious AtfcjtcK0, Palpita tatidil of -tin? Heart. Inflajriuiitiori Of th tuiKM, Pain in tho region of tho id neysand a hundred dtheV painful symp toms, hre' tho ollsirraffs'of "Dyspepsia. Orie'fc6ttl6 will provo a hetter,uraiitee tu us meriis iuuu u, mugiuy uuvci use ment. ' Scroful.a. or King's Evil. White bweuiugs, ulcers, r.rysipeias, aweUeu JNecK, Goitre. Scrofulous Jullanmiatioi'19, Indolent Inflannhations, Mercurial AffecUhns, "Old1 Sores, Eruptions of the Skin, Sore Eyes, eic, in tttese, as in ait otner constictitional Uis eases, Walker's Vixkoar 1'.itti:hs have shown-their great curative r-nr iu'th most oh.-itiuate and iiitr;4it;iti-1 r r or; InnanuMatOF v uim Uironic . KlieumatisiiK jGoul. Bilious, Remit tent aiiaimerauttent i- e -jrs, Diseases of the Blood, Liver. Kidnors and-Bladdei- iLiese, letters have iv win ui. Such Diseases are caused by Vitiated Blood. Jlccliaiiical Diseases. Persona en gaged, iu Paints and Minerals, sucbaa rluniuers, Type-setters, tiold-bcutcrs, and Mincrsr as they advance in life, uhi subject to paralysis of the Bowels. To guard. agamst this, take a dose ot Walkers Vik egar Bitters occasionally. t or Skill Diseases, Eruptions, Tet ter, Salt-Rheumy Blotches, Spots, Pimples, if ustules, Uoils, uarounclcs, King-worms, Scald-head, ; Sro Eyes, Erysipelas, Itch, Snnrfa. llisrnlnvxrUm of-the Skin. Hnmora and Diseasei'rlSfrhfr'whatever name or nature, lars 'tiirfirallj'; dug trp and carried out of the system itt a short time by the use of tnese Jii tiers. - Pin; TaDe.' atid other Worms. lurking in the system of so many thousands, are'-eflectuairy 'destroyed and removed, n o svstetri 'cf medidine: no" vfernutufees: no' an- thelmtoltfcB' ;willTree: the sy'steni from vtbrms For Female Complaints, iayounc? or old, married orBinglej ftfhe dawn of wo manhood, or the turn? efi life.l these- Tonic Bitters display so decided' an influence that unprovement is -soon perceptible. Ueanse tne V itiated mood when ever you find its impurities bursting through the skin in Pimples, Eruptions, or Sores;' cleanse it when vou find it obstructed and sluggish in the veins ; cleanse it when i is ;-4boIf your fein'gs-will tell-f orfhen.,: Keep tne blood pureana tne neaicn oi tne sysiem will fqjlow. ; .... .7, t H. H. McDOJT ALD & CO., Drhgglsts knGen. Apt.,S Fraco, CallforW. ana cor. or w asaineton aaa cnuuon aa m. x. Sold by 11 ttruggistm ana utaun. 1MB AND SHINGLES. Jgtafairkeff'."' superior Cypress 8fen- ctes. kept constantly on hand, and for sale as Qw as ne lowest. ;;.dc31-lm , ., G, C. &A.R.R. Depot. J New, Goods. New Goods. t?RlSH Confectioneries' received this day. T. Northern Apples. Nuts of all kinds, Lemons. Dates, Canned Fruits, Cocoanuts, and numerous other articles. Also a fine assortment of French Candies,- Pickles by the dozen. Bntndv Peaches. Ac. at . ' ,-. F. J. REBMAN'8 Confectionery, Near Town Clock. - 1 'oct20-tf. Q.RE ATLY- REDUCED ;PRICE8.,, . .. u ' os ', -' : i'- DRY GOODS r- y; ?;?! rvi-:.; of every description, and a .large and . beau- 7. ,':!. tiful selection, at BARKER oct29 (,WQLFE, V, CHAIX . b. ir. imxuoHil. &E0. W' CHALK & counissio. iriEBcnAirrsj r jl7 SaaeSH attention eiten to confilennients -Of Cotton for salene-e or in other markets, and libe advancesmade. i-june41 HOSHEN BUTTER at l0 V3T REEL & PERDTJE'S, sep5-tf. "Blue Front. A r c h i t ect -'J? "Wtt! leading fcrenibn. wr4T. j. flJz::; owiw, am niffiffiiff ?- rvl Tizrr w was-cngagea m Of,' ITOVldpjirw t SSn'SSK? Boetlanriori,. Cald weJKBoton, and anany others. -fl3!;?ek wiUdtake. plewure in drawing 2SSf!ld ?1k.ul? complete plana and iWrJbldinga Tof every kind, and pereonaWyenpentend the same. aug-7 Trade fitmt Chat. v n S. B:ilBiICIIAn. COTTON BTJEIt And Oommisninn. CiltOTTE, N. C. Libixal advances made on Cotton consigned vu iu Wr new iou or utiarleston. .Reference Permtainn t v Cashier. 1st National feank, Charlotte ; A G uiouik!, vMuwi ' vionunenaar National k,,Charlotte;1MajQeo5W,MeltQn, Wm H Hardin. Cheater. 8 C: Col W;.H Afrtu lN. B.Spedal attentipA kiveto the prir chase and sale of fature wntracts, " -Office next d; Marill fBatH. t College Street. s.y)-iirfsepf 11 tf TT X n' POtl ALL DERANGEMENTS OF UVER, MANUFACTOfitOf Q i .vukumoi HAVINWBEEN reported by some that this Preparation: is, the same - as Simmons': Liver Regulator,, we dfam it ngnc to correct tins impression. Altnough C. A.fS.itnmons wass former 'Pfoprietor of both preparations, he assures ns that 6IM- MUKS' iiififATiC COMPQUND isnlS latest improvement in Medical Science, and that it has no connexion iwhatever,1'wi,tl, former preparations; bat (hat it is; fax, superior, in i wnicn nis name was- ever attacned, Peine composed solely of Vegetable ingredients. The trial of one bottle will satisfy the most mcreamons. - v - ,?v."Hi. ."! ,This Compound was t Patented De cember 12, 1871, and . name Copv-rUrhted 1874. " -: ':'. . For Sale by Wholesale and Re tail Dealers Everywhere. ; sa26 tf.'-' v.f--.'iVf? 'U ' 'i.- ' fit (lOtii Hi) THE BA2&X OF UECELEiraUEG, Capital $$00,0O. Jas. Turitkr JTatB) president. -i Tabs. . W. Dewit,, Cashier,; 1 1 1 , ' . : F: H. Dkwby, "As?,, .Chie .,,,.;) AT THE BANKTinJSOTJSE OP T"ATfi;:-4:!.;pis.TK-S5T. mhis Bank Chartered i Undc- A6f &t( the X ' General Assembly and duly ffrganlsed under Laws oi tne state of .North Carolina, with ample meansis ' prejpared to transact General . BanbnffJJnslpef s. and furnish accommodaioDSS ,taall its Cus tomers on, Liberal Terois. tf-j; iHb'i .m The bank will receive Deposits shluecvto 3ieck, and -win Allow Jnierest AfccoWung to Agreement on all Deposfts i'otrttnle, oriissna Certificates of Deposit 'eHig in terest at the rate of 1 . niniv" "Eight per cent 'per- ATinnrh '., on -all sums lying' rfdlrftwn'b'VeV 'Ihij Asvr '! Uold and saver Ooto.. Bullion and-Bank-Notes Bought andiSoldU H' ; 5 ' " - . -s -.... V Jan. 1J874. , , ; il;lljQBir- DR. F. SCAUB, .11 ff i C H,A R t O t TIE), , W, KC. Prescription prepared at all i hour r of tne Day and niRnlw i t Choice Green and BUtefe Ta Selected especially for Family Hri4 kval- june29j . .s , rugfrf. i7ir ri f 4ri!flJ Just "received a lot . or seiectepices "for SCAUR'S' S Puro Salad OIL Finest article in Market . at june 29, 187? .PTdgSfoW- Generftl Coffiniiaalon Merchant, .! CTARLOITB-WfXf 4 kinds of Produce, Cotton and Tbbacco. ill gn est casn price paiQ ioz vowoh . All orders front a; distance ipMtnptlr at' tended to. , t Hj i h. u J . BSx dec 21 73..,, hi i . ; WATEES COMMISSION. ME&CBANTS. : or -. .... -r:.f i nr E are prepared -to maJte-'UDerai caan rrnn Bhlrmed to our friends in'Cbarleston;:orlNeif Xcffc iWUl also attend prpmply to sales of Mgen.Mr j sighed Tte . w. ' OfiV e at Jttkwky, Rlnthr.:t,Charltte, Ji. u t; nfqir?y,..:. Li. I --Aw: Wam fP?,f-ilaineondi- Anm tha stofatTeMoiiabW-iitieBS.3 have secured tha serric-of A S25iT sterer who has served r2fe2&jffi& Prussia; and therefore gwran;Bai. Stfon Tloall Who msy IK?; Se me. Orders for mattrasses-'orirepairing ; om abi4tide(f to PU fr Juaeto l ,d - j . ft ELxtmsPf . TTbt1r8 Germarf CbIoghe,Germai Cologne Jl In Long Bottles. . 1 oct21-tt W. R. BURWELIj & UU, "1 4 - 00 r,W mhm yr.v.i - t W m i" IM t" taItc leasniUlfilornIfaV tee puhffc