THE JUDICIAL XOCK,TJN-LOCKED j , , judge Wilson Adjudged to be the Rightful Judge of the Sth Judicial District., , -j-V-L-I - We lay before t)t!r44ader8rthe"opin mi) of Judge Kerr, in.the action, trans ferred to Olange'Caurt f6r triaf ;as' 'to ,he Judicial contest, in ;th,6 StbJudv ( ial District of -th'e SteJ-r.W !le.arni3'. 31. McCoikle, Esq., appeard for Judge Cloud, and Qojkmotr&lahffi&$& r. N. H. Smith and; X W. Clement, Esq., appeared for JadMsoHTt case was argued atHUisDoro;:on7tne othinst:,:; J; J;;. ;!-': VoBTH Carolina, ) Sctpjeriok, Court, OedAge GMty. AFhli1 Term', '1874. 'lie People ofthtSttftpfjrortkX&to'lina vpon the relations of John M. Cloud, Plaintiff, against ,lTiomas-JJ Wilson, Defendant .- -j ' v f-j-, This action having peM comm enced in the Superio.r'Cburt of Yadkin county, and transferred to this' Court, mid Hha parties by their Attorneys having sub. mitted a "case agreed as set fotthJitiri the statement of facts deemed ; mater ial for the determination of the mat' ters in issue, and the ''cause being arguea on uunj iuuta anu auiy consia- erea Dy me wn, it is aamagea, . That the words of the Constitu tion, article iv, section 81, "All vacan cies occurring in the offices provided "for by this article of this Constitu ' tion," refer to a vacancy happening after the Office Jaas ibeen -filled byan incumbent who was elected at the first election held under, the Constitution, and that a failure of a ! person elected as Judge at such first election to qual ify, and who was at the time of such . fection and subsequently .holding the ..llice of District Attorney of the Uni :,el States, an office incompatible with the discharge pf the duties of h Judge of the Superior Court 'f the Strfteof X orth 0 rol i ia , d irf 'ir ' fcorTstitu te a vacancy occurring in the1 '"Varices of a Judge which eonld be filled; ty the ap pointment of the Jfiovernor. If he could appoint-in 6(ie such case, he must have had the right to appoint to all the offices of Judgea of the Superior Court, if none elected at the iirst elec tion held under-.the Constitution had qualified. But it will be seen by refer ence to artic4ft!iv,.secUiii:5,' of the Constitution, that such? a power for the (ipverntj2a(iHt be , claunetl, 'but the Judges in office, when the Consti tution was adopted, were to hold their positions "untiltiieir.successors shall have been choserfndduly. qualified accord ubgttp theprqyisiions. of i the Constitution." If this' view becorrect, the appointment by the Governor of the plaintiff as Judge of the 8th Judi cial District, was not in accordance with the Constitution.. There seems to be no "provision,, in. case of a failure of a person elected as Judge at the first qualify. As the Constitu tion thervatood tho Judges were elec ted by the whole vote of the State, and as it is provided in article 1, section 37, 'This enumeration of rights shall not t)e construed to impair or deny others retained by, the people, and all persons not, utjitim ueieg&iea remain wiin tne people it-i considered iri such'a case the people having 'retained a right, the exercise. i)t cpuldi'be '. ha tf oaer the machinery aphorized, by the Legisla ture, aod,lhIi appoihter being in that view 4nereryrtte(rq coiTd" be replaced by one elected by the people of the whole State, or of the 8th Judi cial District, if so directed by the Leg islatureuiider article iv, section 27, of die new Constitution, .u-:iM,vi . . II. In regard to the allotment of the Judges of the Superior Court into two classes, it is' considered' that those .hi3tices of the Supreme. Court, who had qualified (if a majority , of the whole number) and proceed with and superintend the division as the require ment of article iv, section 26; of the Constitution, is considered directory and not impartially, requirinjgf ttiie at tendance Of the.Qhief Justiceand four Associate Justices'-:; '. , ,v;.,:'.( . ' But is not; any one who as not then a Judge of a Superior Court could be allotted 4 to any Term. II. 'Supposirigttdwever, that the rippointment by tfierG'tfvernor of the plaintiff was properly made, there re curs upon the, proper construction to le giverCto the wo?dsJ;Vhd the ap pointeeshalt .hold" their places until the . lieif regularx'electiortJM--Sec. 31, Vrt. iv, of tbeConstitutiOn v It is con sidered' that;Ilhe word'nxt regular election, "prefer, 'to' an election to be 1. 1 j i i . . iield for Judges, 'vhich, it will be seen by reference tobection 26 of Article iv. vas to occur every four years, it is contended by the counsel for theplain fifl' that the proper construction to be placed on these words is: reached by addincr "until the next reeular election for Judsa of that Judicial District " which !WdulaVe tqinvaleht fo saying Tor the unexpired. ffermJof Xhiel Judge tliosen-fpthat ; Ilisirict ; .It .will be perceived that ihe eixpresaloni "for the "'Bxpirea?frmf)efOTs rnrTseverar 1908 M KrLiU U$a:th& Cc-nstita tion, and 1 in that Section immfediatelv preceding the one liuder cdh$idratibn Ifiec. 30,) this-Expression Is used, "In sect io Uninty may appoint to such, plfice for He u nexpired Xermg A he language as to.tafltjijitheterm "f the appointeebeing.,changed in Sec. ?1 must have sdrrfelrtean'ihg. n Resolv ing any doubt ihailmY be enter tained lavorioTivhel I bndef the Sec- "on of thel Bill IV if 'Rfglits-heretofore . iS of "Maid ArtVliitfs , quoted and See. considered that the-exriression' 'ubtiL u'e next'redilectio4lU8 npt tlie y Article iv, Section 32,at is provided t!le oiiicers eletedrafc4he first elec j'on held unde2tBJititUtidn shall their offices fir:th0Tel:ms.' pre bribed for therri f respectively! next enuinK after the neirt. regular election '"'r niembers of the OeUejrat Assembly. 111 their terms' slial,begin upon the JPProval of thisOonstttutionfby the . one not eUetedt at tlld first elec "n could makc any claim UtideFthii Jftion to holdfor 'a t'ewn of eight i after the 1st Thursday of August. H which has-VJerf tlecided ttibe thd th nsuiar, electiopifur members of - eueral AKRomhltf -nnr itnnlrt thfi .f a mere Bpnointee have begun .J, - i,v 16 approval of this1 Constitution As s ingress oirtne, unitea. .ptaies. tha ec 32' Prescribes' the. time, when ' .?rm of those elected, at the rt 31 n was to begm and ndy 0 Sec. . Prsscribea thfi time when ianccessora aPDointees are to commence to'dis- w,Rrge thetf duties; r vi f when the oi a racanev existing tor any cause an bffiP&imm'KrMk n. the Commissioners .Tar-: the rejrulareleptipn'fer Judge hichwas fcpecle4wiexrfr every four ears shouluV take place, and distintmished from the reeular- elections for mem bers of the General Assembly ;ich were to occur every two years, as pre scribed in Art. ii, Sec 29.1 M T . 8 It is therefore adjudged that John M. Cloud is not entitled to the' office' of Judge of the Eighth JudicialDistrict, as claimed in the complaint. It is further adjudged that defendant hav ing been duly elected Judee under an Act of the General Assembly, chapter lOSActs 1873-4, and commissioned by his Excellency C. H. Broeden. is the lawful and rightful Judee of the Eiehth Judicial District, and is entitled to hold the Courts thereof. John Kerr, Judge Seventh Judicial District. REMOVAL. JgLIAS, COHEN & ROESSLER, Invite their friends and . customers to call and examine their" new and beautiful store, 1 1 . . ....... wuicms acKnowieagea Dy ail, to be the Finest and Largest in the State, and at the same time, a stock of goods that cannot be surpassed. In addition to a full line of Foreign and Domestic Dry Goods, Ready Made Clothing-, Boots and Shoes, Uats and Notions, Groceries and Crockery, We have in stoie, a great assortment of Ingrain, Three Ply and Brussel's Carpeting, Rags and House Furnishing Articles, suited to the wants of the RETAIL TRADE, and Wholesale buyers will find the Largest and best Selected Stock of General Merchandise to choose from, at Prices that will pay to ex amine; -v ' CaTt'BSrsee''us," at Masonic Temple Building. ' , ELIAS, COHEN & ROESSLER. oct'20 ly. JACK BLACK, WHOLESALE & RETAIL GR O C E R, " : 4 KEEPS THE LARGEST 8TOGK OF . T 1 i" ; it Wines and Liquors In ; Western North Carolina JN future he will keep a large stock-Of Fine Liquors, Champagne and other Wines, for dinner parties or for Sacramental pur poses. ' --- A few. barrels of "the justly celebrated ZEB VANCE" Whiskey, ripe and mellow, always on hand. His stock in the General Grocery line is complete. Sugars, Coffee and Molasses specialties. When you come to Charlotte for Grocer ies, call and see .Black if you want the worth of your money. I respectfully return thanks for the liberal patronage bestowed upon me, and respect fully solicit a continuance of further favors. BLACK. june 13 mmm Ja v. The onlv Reliable Gift Distribution in the country 1 IN VALUABLE GIFTS $100,000 00 TO EI DISTRIBUTED IN L. D. SINE'S 1 45th Semi-Annual GIFT ENTERPRISE ! To be drawn Monday, Oct., 12th, 1874. ONE GRAND CAPITAL PRIZE, 100,000 00 : : " In, Gold I One Prize $5, pOO In Silver ! Vtvk Pbizis $1,000 each Five - Greenbacks Tes . Two Vamiiv' Carriasres and Matched Horses with SllTer-Mounted Har ness, . worth f l.SOOeach I Two Buggies, Horses, Ac , worth $600 each. Two Fine-toned Rose-wood Pianos, worth $550 each! Ten Family Sewing Machines, worth $100 " r eachl ' 15QO Gold and Silver Lever Hunting Watches (in all,) worth from $20 1$ $300 each I Gold Chains, Silyer: Ware, jewelry, etc., fec. Nnmber ' of Gifts lO.OOd 1, Tickets si limited t; ;,.,. to 60,0001. i . luuutv AGENTS WANTED TO 8EU TinKETS. to whom XJheral -Preat- umn, wttl bi paid. Siriele ' Tickets $2; Six Tickets $10; Twelve Tickets $20 Twenty Fire $50.J, ;;;Circnlarscontainingaruii nsi oi prizes a rlVrHntion of th -manner oi arawing AI other information in reference to tht TW.rihntinn' will be sent to any one or during them;' ' jSo vim orrrrs. t ., ". 1 Cincinnati, O. "hoi w;rith st. . , .-'.v : sept 8 i.yi''y. v - r itA. hndl! addressed to'.W. S fftr.Ch'arlotte,KCL wai found at. e nrJra -rfause last nlehfe Jt can be had by applying ?i,pt&cvi M nov 6 tf OffTE chants. OUR TRADE HAVING MORE THAN - doubled itself in the past two years we have found it necessary to increase our stock, and enlarge our rooms in proportion to the demand for goods. Our Wholesale Rooms 1 is 135x35, has- been completely remedeled. and will, by the 5th of September, contain not only one of the largest stocks in the State, but in the Southern States. We feel assured of being able to sell everything in our line at r; NEW YORK JOBBING PRICES, , to cash or short time buyers. Our stock of STAPLE DRY GOODS will be equal to anv in the citv. Our sto k of fancy and fine Dry Goods, Dress Goods, Hosiery and (iloves. will be the largest in the State.. Our stock of v Foreign and Domestic Notions, some of our own importations, will be tne largest and most varied, ever offered in this market. Our stock of t. Boots and Shoes will also be the largest in the city, and will contain a number of our own make. Our stock of Ready-Made Clothing will be larger than ever before.- Onr stock of - HATS, CArS, RUBBER SUITS, OIL CLOTHS, &c, will also be equal to any in the city. In a word, oar attractive stock, our liberal terms. our low prices and our strict adherence to facts, wul ensure us an increase of that pa tronage which has enabled ns to build tip a trade second to none in the city. We beg your careful examination of our stock before you go North or buy elsewhere. CIRCULARS AND PRICE LIST sent upon application. , I - " t Most Respectfully, . ilcMURRAY At DAVISs Trade Street Opposite Brera, Browrt & Co.'s Hardware. To the Retail Trade. "IITE again ask to -invite the attention of T Y the trade to the largest and nxostya- neu stock of DRY GOODS, FANCY GOODS, WHITE GOODS. . HX)ISKRY, ,V v SHOES, READY-MADE -CLOTHING, GENTS AND , 7 LADIES FURNISHING GOODS &C, AC, TO BE FOUND IN THE STATE. Dress Goods An immense stock of Dress Good, Silks, fcc selected with peei4 reference to 'bril liancy of shade and color, and superiority of texture and makes. The largest Jina of Alpacas, ever present ed, including the lowest price Goods, as well as the hnest Fabrics. Llama Blooming Black, Cunard, Double Warp and Face, Grand Duchess Eclipse, Silk finished Black Bril- liantine, an entirely new Fabric, made from the wool of the Turtish goav niuch-jnor lustrous than pure Mohair. We are offering a large y arlefy of Foreign and Domestic Shawls, embracing novelties of the most elegant de sign and finish. Black Merinoe and Cash mere Shawls, Ladies ana uents Traveling Shawls, and Lap Kobes, in fine variety. , . RIBBONS. Grosr Grain and Velvet Ribbons, all widths and qualities, in a complete range of colors. LACES, Embroideries, Bugle Trimmings, Silk Scarfs, Eucbing's Beltings, . Steel Morroco and Russian Leather, and Bugle trimmed Belts, in all the latest designs. - ,? 'i' I'. i .? ' Bleacded and brown Shirtings and Shee&- lnes, riiiow-case .Linens, iaoie ijamasKs. Towels, Napkins, and Table Diapers, vre ottered at extremely low prices., , ' " -. - Jeans, Flannela, Iiinnseys, ' CASSIMEEES, ' Coatings, ! New style Repellant, Blanketa,Coanterpanes, Bed-covers, and an elegant line of f CARPETS and HOUSE FOfiHTSH- IHiJ GOODS. will be sold at astonishingly low prices. will be offered in Rady-madaTofilfia' and Gents furnishing Goods, Boots, Shoes, Hats, Caps, Umbrellas, Trunks. Satchels. Reti cules, and many other entirely, new lines of Fancy Aiooa8, wnicn nave oeen aaaea to oar stocks -: ' - , " tZlVZX- f!. Wt ft;STlTT. fortherlv of the'firioar nf BREM.BROWN & CO.. has charge of th Retail Department, who, with the assistance f To of a large corps or polite, attentive ana ex perlencea salesmen, will endeavor to wait on the trade in such a manner (as will vre hope insure for us a continuance- of rthat patron age which has enabled us to double ouxhus-i Sess in the last twelve months, f , i.'r -Aru'early call ' and careful examination a .i:T Tw-wjo nuwsfiuisiv'iNa- and) opening -tne: largest ick' or HATBt ciajthiku - and PITRNISUINO GOODS for tSetnlemen.-Youths uricT RrV;-rrr ofTere n this market, -It tuui beeh selected with, care; in New York, nd ompH8MHh lmrgaa and most varied assortment of artjelea whlctt enter lata tbe wants of gentlemen, maktac np a complete ontflt. to bo found oatside of a lull grown city. :,e--.'.:9Ti : : -.-f -jti-n ti lut' t vtH ivisir.i. io , ' ' ' f 'HAVING doubled the size of oar store-room, and Increased oar stock to all it, and! belngtheoryexrtnslveCLOTHING:HqUSEin thecitj with V freah stock, we Invite! our friends And- he public, to call ana examine it,1 with fall confidence that every' one! can be suited.;. . ?r.:: .,.;.;: . ' ' ' 1 "-.r &t1& t&9il , , .. :;: :bi aii" . iv. . - 1- HATS,lAES, AND Oi$803ATS, ,.;.ir. t .Jl t?:- -N'.. i;t taXmaS, Business gHlRTS AND UNDER HING for Men Umbrellas tGloyes,; Hosiery, Silk And a large line of other articles, we offer WE return onr tii ank to ui)irrts for and intend to mferit ita 'I onjjnuncej ' CHARLOTTE, N. C.f Se29 6m. -j s&r.uiy.HH' .whi' ! . . ..- ,). : ;r::n !a& a .at UK a-: ox i. i - r HAH Marh 12 A RARE I n order to make a settlement of our businesswo offe fpr saletat ','" PUBLIC AUCTION,, ,1 without reserve, immediately after the Tobacco Sale, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 17; thaf splendrd and valuable property i . PACE'S WAREHOUSE, !" v with all its furniture, Iron Safe, two pair Scales and four Leaf Tobacco Screws in the basement room .now used as a prizery by Mr, inmg connected wito lis in nne condition.' , . .-pP7f. - i i - This valuable property iatoq will known all ovefTirginia ahd NoitlrCarolini ar J The Leadingr Warehouse of Danville, .; to need any description here. The' Lot fronts 215 feet on Lynn street aid,16,Z leet on;Loy all street, was purchased pf Mr, J. W.ace, and the title ie undoubted. The -business of the house is more prosperous now than any previous year. Gross sales for 1874 amounting to $556,867.58. TERMS-f 1,000 cash, $4,000 payable on the 1st May, 1815,. jaad:the'baianW the 1st day of December, 1875, purchaser giving note satisfactorily endorsed, with a deed of trust upon the property to secure the deterred payments. Possession given the day after our-grand uxtoru tH..?.) urpnan Asymm arm -wiaows' -rr. Till the dav the house Is turned Tert6'tiie our posts ready to-Berpe our numerous ftfeucra Verysretpectmyfcii tUi:a James RPieree, Ploor-'Manager. - ; f: N. G; HARRY & CO., HouserSvgtt- "PARTICULAR attention paid to Frescoing X Country, umce unUer Uentral ilotel. Encourage Home Industry A U Adl UlAiUr A U lUA7ir n i A JHJt iBESTPtfWP FtiU THE LEAST Satisfaction Guaranteed or tiO Trade; Diploma Awarded at the i Juast a?af ot tne iaroiinas. . . . , . THE DIXIE PUMP is equal if'not ' superi or to any wooden pump now 'Offerei'to the oublic. It is' a "Southern Production.' made at our own doors, of out own material. Hundreds of Certificates might be obtain heoessarv. I only refer to the following citi zens of Charlotte, among many otnera. not named, who are using the sPufflp rr ,IU - A tWFDavidsonv Mayor or uuanotte, u u Maxwell. Sewine Machine Agent, RMCtes, Central Hotel! LA Blackweider-W 'V Say der, S. M Howell, James Johnston. G FEree- land, W B Cochrane,; jUyrus iiunjeVJ Jt McMrirray, R M,Miller. E M Andrews, : Dr. Rbert.ffibbbn. W,J.:YAtes.j: ;,vdw. : ; Manuiaclured and sold byi ft- . ' 7e- : . GXJREESON.-vifi'. ;-. " ' Trade Street jCbariotte, N. C. ! ' WANTED-i-To contract for a lot of yel low poplar heart' lumber. apll5 .wiM.VT-:-- Notice. , , :- 1 LL persons indebted to the late firm pf j. W H H Houston & Co, are hereby no tified that all of said debts have been as siemed to the Farmers Savings. Bank of Mecklenburg, and that theymust make payment only "id saX3 iaKk.'O1 - aothoriz- ied agents or attorneys. Vance fe Burwell Attorneys;' ti' -angll'74-tf. ... , .. "-' -- . I We call tbe attention of our patrons, and others desireusof having J OB PRINTINd pf any icliaracter executoi,' and - take this means to announce, that we have' the moat ompleteJob OfSce in- the Western part of tne state, ana jnai our Bnya, are, m airtct We lAri foTBiah at short Notice 1 3LANKS, BILL OE'ADSjFIPTJ AS ' H LETTER HEAD3, CARD 3 ilROOR A' MMWS4.' B hit D RTLLSHV tc4 PAMPHLETS, OAT ALOjSUES, rOSl JSittO, jlXE.jBJ3, VA4ia,IKtn?. ed from parties who are U9tng: this 'rump testifying to its cheapness, dqrabHrtJ:'aUd efficiencv. but as it iar deemed 'ntireryRtth; -Jgl.' llIv)A a. i - rf : v. ir and dress suits, and Boys. ana Linen Iliuidkrt uiefs &r4 at the very PRICES. their kindness and ilheralityt in the past J; A. ITOUNCr S0N. LIGHT RUNNIN" - : HOME 3 Doors Below Tttfdy's Boole Stor CHAN0E. T .H i T. C. Skinner. The building and eyery sale, December 2, 1874, for the benefit of the ana orphan's me, Ucbctrid, Va. E. M. & TLTtl'VAtlft- Own Am DUrchaser we will -at-alt titnes htrmnri at. ad customers as heretofore.. - i ' PACE BROTHERS A CQ. i '. ,c2-2awtd3 Painters. Churches and Town Hallsj throughout the ' se26 tf. Gotten Buyer, Mcrciaotee Broter. CJTRICT personalattenHion given to sale of KJ Cotton-, consigBed. ta me. rT Liberal ad yanees nntdeott'cottblito'beTd Suitable Warehouses for Storage recerved. Arrange ments for transfer from depots, and insur ance at very liberal rates, have been' made irrompt returns aiaue irom saxes wuu muu erate charges. - ; I am also Broker for Messrs. P. T. George fe Co., one of the largest Bacon Houses j in .Baltimore,, and largest,Lard Refiners, in the citytf. i guaranree as low prices as any nouse in Baltimore. Liberal concessions made to laree buyers. City Merchants are respectful Iv rea nested to call before trayinaj.'DaTiT euotations will be kept on file p call and ex amine them 'before buyiiur : ' ? -i: ; ;: Strict, Personal Attention : giyen to the Purchase, and, Bale 0 4wob, . -u ! - BeTer by Permission to MessrsrB."K. Tamieson &0o., Bankers, PhiladelDhia. Pa.: MrtTi. Walker, Phila delphia-JPa' Mr, uTjfl W Deweyr Cashfer Bank.of Mecklenbunri Charkjtte.'N.O.c Mr. Mi P.'Pegrasa. Cashier 1st 1 National Bank of chants' nd Farmers' Bank, Charlotte, N. C.; Gov, ZBVance, Charlotte N. O. ' oct22 tf. .j ; ' - ?moval! seen ,1 w Messra, 'ie & iloesaler. jWherel nave openeq,.a. ersioca ll.r..n nvAv harniw otSiT will cmt ,rio" vv . - tr i Eei I tuVtf flffmrtwr . NntlfMI. 'Fines. . . Smoking, andiChewingtocci liiecuonr-j Cult's Xhoea For Ixdiesi 'AbE &PEaRAM'S; . OCtll-rt&A ieaalSank Suilding T WOULD RETnRYIHANKS TO L my friends and the public for their.kind patronage,"inKl say' that 1 wottld beiad;tp taem at me 01a buiuu ui - Mf..,f'.?' t?BEFjtt jnrs&iac ,i a.' WATCHMAKER NDf JEWELUR. '1 1 -, 5 1 UlHi VH4;iAj5f j XXrfEXJtY, GPI4 r!TTA RT.fTTP V C (Next doorttSSIdailSook Store.) All work neatly done, and warranted. - jan i5r-ui draidtnibtanas proclaim Yd egas B1TTEE5 the most.wouderful In vigqriiit at " eviir sustained th' slolung feystem,'! ' ' V, m Ko Person can take these Bitter itfcordirig tQ directions, and remain long nnweU, provided theijrpnea aremot do stroved bv mineral Tioisori or other lceans, and vital organs wasted b'oyQuiji -O Nil .' - 11J. 1 ' L'l TT A . uuious, itenuuem aiiu .ahwjx mittcilt Fevers, whicli are BO preva lent hi tha, valleys of .our cTeat rivera throughout the Uoited States especially those of the Mississippi Obiollissouil. llmois.iTennesspo, Cumbetlanu. Arkan sas, lied,- Colorado Braios, Itio G!aDdc;, 'earl, Alabama, lilohile, Savannato,llo auoke, Jiuncs, aruli many, others, sritbi heir vast tnbijtaries turougunirt our. ent 110 country .uuring.Jtho Slimmer nnd Autumn, and remarkably pb during seal sons of unusual heat:.an4;fryiies8, are. 111 variauly-ftoaanipcmiod by oxlfistve dc- anscmpiUsf ot the js.onacU-; a(t Jivcr, and other abdomiiialjisccra. In their treatment, a jwargati exerting : pow erful iiQQjibtltbqso'vmidus. or pans, is ,esiitiallyi:neeeaaary.U''rhcre is no cnthartwfortHeulrppso equarto Dir. J. WALK'SSKaAfc Ba-TBits, as they wilLapeeditj? reTiidve' the dark- colored .vicid!,)'ttfiYt' :which,f,the joauiiu. iax . tuo same xirue ami rciKsralrV! festoayncr, . 3ka i4ealtli functions of'tho'iligfestive'pfgansti'r'iij, Forli fy the body ftffauist disease by pinifyiug.attifpfloldswitliYGAi IlirrERi.'-ieJw e,an'tako':Jiola ol a system tuos tore-armed: ; " dyspepsia or indigestion, Heau ache, Paiif intli0Stiouldrs Coughs, Tightness of tlm'04a'r'6ur Eructationsf,ofr:;tlie jStQinachV Bad .Taste tatiou of thtllai'tlnamujatjori Lungs, lim 4ii'4h0;regioii br'thevKid neys, and arrahcued.other palnfid8yiiir toms, are the wtscamgsi of Dyspepsia. One ib.ptjlp wjjil prove, a, better guarantee 01 11s merits man a iengtiiy advertise ment. -e ---tirtviftils, w Kinrs Evil, mit&i oweiiiugs, uiceis, jrysipcias, oweiieu xxeca, Goitre, Scrofulous Inflammations, Indolent Inflammations i Mefcariat-. A flection : Old Sores,- ErBithmai of tha Skin; Sore BreVeta.'' u.siu all other cOustitntional DiS 1 eases. .vaLKEKS . ixKQtva Imtthrs have shown ..tli'uir great curative jvncrs in. the most oyHiniatc. ana mirncutuit' ' ''. :ji ForluflammaU)i v mid Clironic GheIliajt$hl, Gaut. Bilious, Remit tent and Intermittent .Fevers, Diseases o the ' BloouLiser,. . idaeyH i a4 Bladdwi these Bitters fiiay. 110 equai. Such Diseases are' caused Jj'y Vitiated Blood. . ' , , . . ; Jlechanical Diseases, r- Persona ear pagi?d ; in. Falijta: , and , Alinenils, syichi ; Humlrs, jTp,e-8etters, GoWTUcuters,! andj Mmers, as tliey,adrancQ in lifc arc subject to aralysK of .the 'Bowels:' To 'guard', onanist this, take' a dose of w alker s V1K- EaURi KPTTEnfs occasionally. '. v f 1 .: FebSkin Diseases, Eruptions, Tet ter,' Sa&j-RheanvBrotchea, Spots, Pimples, Pustules;, 1 Boite; Carbuncles; 1 Ring'-worms,1- fiAnld.hnnr) tnta. : FTto ; TOrfcrifnalaa 11 '. Tttih. 1 Scurfs,, DiscoVufations of the Skin, Humors and Diseases; otj the Skin of wistever name: or nature. ar s litwrallr- due .bus and carried: but.dtbeWteui in ajhorf fu hy Ahansa ; Pin. 1 Taf6 and' other Worms. Inrkine in the svstem of so mahv thonsanda. , i are enectuauy aestroyea ana removea. ; : jxo thennmitlcs will tree tne systeni iram worms UketnesBittersP- trty,ti): : : r . Fdr Feniale Coiitylaints, In young or old; married r sinele. at the dawn of wo manhood, xX'tiW tarn of lifs,1 these' '.Twjfo iBittors, display so decided an influence tb at improvement is soon perceptiDiej mnv. Cleanse the Vitiated Bidod when ever, yon find its topnritieabursting throtgh the skin . In Pimples; t Earoptioni or! Sores ; cleanse it wben yon; find it obstructed ; and sluggish in .the veins r cleanse it when It is foul ; your feelings win tell you when. JCeep the blood pure, and the neaitn ot tne system will fallow. i . -..."r -i- h. Mcdonald & jo.. Draggi8t8 and Geo. Agts., San Francisoo, Calif oral sad orj of Washington ind Cfaaritoa Stsi, JT. IT. ' JiIME mV SHINGLES. N iltoScVme Lime,, Yellow Pine Shin eles: alt heart, and snDerior, Cypress Shin gles,'keptf constantly, Ori hand, and for sale lo :j iit J'PBGRAM & WARD, oc31-lnir t aj Oi&'A. "R.- R. Depot. ...It fti ! i- 'n v.ii?.- ' i'f' ,-, pfewjGoodS. m iiviU i.iKw Goodsv Fftlie(fectiorieries 'reoeivelJ tMs 'da.1 Northerh 'Apples.; ' Nnts of all kinds. Lemonst-Datea "Canned Fruits,1 Cocdanute. ana, nnmerous' omen nracies. - aiso 'a nne assortment of; French Candies,) Pickles' by the dozen, Brandy Peaehea; Acat i ( i : .r.rJ . . - f." ft, RSRMAlSa , Q)hectioneryt Near Town Clbcki G. W. CHALK, 'TT.TT. UTTLWOHB. prso w. mil l co. 1 rain.Flonrj Uacon.-SroeeHeg, i (!G H ARJOTTlBtf N V' Special Cotton forlsale here erSn ther markets, and liberal.Mvancksmadeimt uxKljaneS i.'.';ii-' '.ti,M i 'lineBtReta-1Btock and tha nicest ?,TTJSTi BKCETYED , .. PrlnU and ladles 8Uk Scarfs v At ' - AIWUroERFFJGIJB&CU'Jt, no-tf fplay, call at' the Refair gtore f f 4-... H Prussia, and therefore can U 1 . , I 1 nTKsfeife BiNTELB! lactio AoaU. who may be plsedtQl)atronH t?nr-$' ' E&XmT&t JSn Orders for roattrasses or jeparig w i tii if 1 1 j miii ii i in i n ii. i rra m auruau iwaiu -v z :r )U il l. r i fHAK lhi3 method la Inform the citiaens pf Charlotte and vifiinity, that he has permanently! ocated 'irjrCbarlotte, and of fers his professional "Seryicea to the public. Bavihg hadight years of atudy tit 'London, teJK11 ftf 'NawaararfcClty ffe1h1 anitedButesfhe thefoUowingwrki v - Christ Chnrrh' Rnff-.W rami . Staten IshmdjuBeanett" buildiBgr Drezei uitumg, iMaBsiontjaopklnsr WstruiO ster Hotel &ew Terk Fibj ; Butler BuiM mg. providence, R. j - Equitable Insur- Mr. Welch will take-pleasure in drawing designs,. end. makiiyr complete plans and specifications ;for buildmga of every kind, anopersonally superintend the same. . ouB- xnaei Street. Charlotte. N. C S. B. LIEACHAIJ, v caABLOTTE.x a Liberal advances made .on Cotton consigned to me for $Jew yorptCharleston. Reference by Permission. M P Pegrani. Cashier 1st National Bank, Charlotte: A G Brenizer; Cashier Comtnercial ' National Bank;2harlbtte Maj Geo W Melton, WnVH Hardin, ghestlf S af Cor W McCorkle, B T WhelerorkvilIe,:a C-'I 1 , . 5? I J. B.-rSpeqlat attention given lo tho pw- cu&se ana sue ot iuxure contraotSJ Office next ci to MagilL Heath A 8ooit, College Street, tsept u ti derangements OF jjyElfc?id - KIDNEYS, SKuVrv. ..f,,-, STOMACH AKO BOWELS : -i E. L KING jrsoiSs?) COLUMBIA, 8. C. 2T if ft tH-AVlNO. BEEN: REPORTED " BY J. some. that this Preparation is, he aamo as Simmons' Ltver Regulator, we dem it right to correct this impression Although C. A. Simmons was former Proprietor' of both preparations, be assures us; 'that ' SIM MONS' HEPATIC COMPOUND is bis-latest improvement in MedialScience, and that it has no connection ' whtewr with former i m m r . . preparations, but Uialits rar superior, in every respect, to any Liver Medicine to which his name was. lever: attached. i-bcihcr composed solely of Vegetable; ipgredepta. The trial of one bottle will Batisfy- the most lncreapious. , . ,., , This. Compcund was Patented, Be-, cember'12. 1871. and name Copy-Tlfi'hted 1874.. ' . . -t " ' '"t For Sale by Wholesale and Re tail Dealers Everywhere. . se26 tf. ,, ,! ir L&Ajrk' OiF HECKLENBUEG, ; ; CHARLOTTE?. N. C.' ''Ut " !'' Authorized Capital $500,000. AT THE BANKING HOUSE OF ;;. TATE. & D Elf'Et This Bant Chartered Un3eV,ticf)ft.tBent General Assembly and duly ofganijJea" , , under Laws of the State of NortheafoKna 1 , witbainplfi means. is prepare to. transact-1? General 1 Bankins jbnsf nlessi . . . . and furnish' accommodations tq ail ita Cnn- The bank will recdve Deposite sfibject to . Check and will Allow' Interest Accordlhg ' to Agreement on all Deposits left on time," n ok fssjie!ertiicates of .Deposit bearing. iiW- lerest at tne rate oi , j ' lion .i joi Eight per cent per Annum ! " On all sums lying undnvwn OVef thim days. -. Uold and silver- Coiib Bulkon and Bank Notes Bought and 861d TH0S.W, DEWEY, y jan. IJ874i . 1 1 Cashier. , SCAUH, '! . "' P " 1 n ' 7'CFqf ! r CHARLOTTE, N. C. , Prescriptions prepared' at' afl noUr of the Day and' xrlfrntj ! ' ' ' r ' Choice Green and Bmek Tea, ,', Selected especially for Family ,and InvaVi! 1 ids, at SCARR'S . M . j . ?- ' " ; . ..PIVi:., ! 'FRESH SPICES,-'; J Just received - a- lot- of1, select 'Spices fo ' Pickles, PreservesAc.'at: : ' F. SCARR'S " pk ' jnne29 .-..- i jmI-i t Drdg-8torr Pure Salad OH. 4' Finest article in Market . ! )- at June 29,' 1872 DR. F. ,1 VJ:!' ,i J.Y General Commission( Merchant, , CHARLOTTE,' Nt O. v.ih'?r; 1 Particular attention paid, to 'Selling Ml" fands of Produce, Cotton and Tobacco.1 ' , , Highest cash price paid&r Cotton. All orders from a fetajica J)remptly at tended to. . ifc 0 i 0 JYRYCE, dec 21 '73. WATEEEf & MAESE,. B are prepared 'to mats b) cash r friepds jn Charleston, or New York. , Will -' ; J also attend nromply to sales of cottoncon-1 signed to ns- Ofilf e atr-WittkowWrr rrq, RhitelsV, Charlotte, N. C. octffljnw I 7 Rkwith Buiidina-Ul) Stairs. I. tU Ul TAE pleasure in Informing the, public M 1 chairs andmattrasses put in; e')Jn"rJuy TUU UU1 JtCHlJVMa- ..- J -ii it. iwM w rn urn on vnn duukuii aw; . r'" "ntr- ?ir you pous""!'" yt ti- ? rhavnl tJ .1 ironrtne score, a reauu r " aacnred the services of a .first class .IJjMieHJ'U dis-isterer Who has served his trade in.v - : ' i tf- , iwirn. frim Ax; in Wne uoiues. v- oct21-tt W, R. BTJRWELL t OO, 'HI. i'-f? Hi is I1 4i