5 til ,1 QEKNTOWKf JJo Mail Steamship; r "C 11!A. M.: to-day. - TbJ Health of Senator. Hortojay 8AN.FRaNCI800CAL;lrfov 10. The health of Senator Morton is greafr ly improved. He taiay Uy Pacific coast all the W inter ILLIXTOl Has 14,lXX)jnajpm ;.x,iiep p-vv . Gov; Jieveriage.receiYou ww..v from the Resident pf the Freiabirg Ooal ComDany to-dayi saying that a large mob of Union miners, threaten Via destroy the mines', and asking the uovernor to seuu. .. , , .......BaEniBr;. New York, Nov; 10, 2.05vp m. Gold lOi. Cotton oia class po I '.lAiprl weat and irregular ; ordipary on is great- m, goo4mai?i1?f 10.-The Eoyial Calnbia" arrived at TT1 Js.':Jb". -. to an- . x ANNOUNCEMENT. ! We are authorized and reouestect naunca John .A..' Stikeleather. of Olin. Ire dell county, a candidate for reading clerk of the House f Representatives for the ensu ing session. Election upon the assembling! . , ... ' : Annoiuujienient. - We are authorized to announce SOPi ard. Esq, of Catawba county, as a candidat for Engrossing Clerk, or the House or Kepr en tatives for the ensueing session: Eleo on upon the assembling of the Legislature. Fearful Snow, 8 torn. AUhvilMS ebeds isiea3v7ale?12,-Kvel sf eaaf ; sates Salt Lakb Crrv.uNor. 10. The I olrHfiffiliS snow storm has coranletelv blockaded ysh&mfoka. i565:balsVerossJ$l$ districts. -.If iea several Business jjit 1 yery.dtscciu of a Congressman-Elect. lrMull: .un- caore, Herd, Democratic Congressman-elect from the 4ta'Distrifcti died yesterday of pneumonia. mcHiGAir. ' TyEtn'nTT. Nov'. 10.-ftnrfAv. for Gov ernor., has 3000 maiority ; Bepublican State ticket 4000 majority : Senate 17 Reps.. 15 Dems, House t56 ? Heps., ;44 uems.. Juage Aiampoeit ismenuoneu for the vnited States senate 'to suc ceed Chandler- ill -.- Little fRoc: ITovr lO.Tntf -Xegis lature of this State meets in this city to-davr Many of h$ nlember; have already arrived? :' '.' I' . JkZ Eli -Morris, who, t was . convicted Tof murder and sentenced to be hmg, iias had hia. sentence commuted to 1m prisonment for,2l years. -' 9 HI Inpcrtjuit Railroad, Suit. 3 vr xp43(Qy, iw. ocaaeier brings ' sui jaaijostbe 9iforth raud South Railroad Company' of -Gebrgia, for com missions" f crr-p egptfatnig-!!! e man qui io nho at rti qu5&f:mld. -Uh 6hirl68toriv(iuiet ; Special tax, ( tid.' Cdtton quiet and flfifW low middlmff it nour uum and heavy; Howard St.' and Western super.f75(?do.fa!niU xtra! i75 ; do. Jreo?; brands 6.258:25. Wheat? dull for Wstfern,' and fir nt fd ern I.imr.24;uNdj;l,;red westerp .1 o. dark-fair to Prime. 1.12; reject ed i'AR- red Md. 1.12(1,27; do. amber 1 ftai an doJwbiie I.ll.SO.1 Corn firm And active for .Southern white southern 7281; yellow southern 71 80 ; mixed western; dull and nominal, at 85. Oats firmer and higher, receipts small:. southern 63G&65, western mixed esfSeAi. do, i white 60(MS. Provisions Bt.rnni?. esneciallv for bacon c. r. sides Ttnlk meats, shoulders 81. c: r. sides iliQtl2: bacon ahoulders 8I(3. c sides 18i13h sugar cured hams 14 16. Lard 14irai4i. CofEee npminal and quietv l820i : 1. I- ft i issue oi niteen minions .pi(tne vom pany'i? bonds at 5 "per1 .ceot.JClie suit waj concluded in the Supreme '.Court to-dav. the jury awarduiieathe.: plain tiff the full amount claim edt 5,000 txm missions and $12,000 interest. .FOREIOir. - Pais,Nov. la The 'Archbtshon of Tonrs is dead. - i . ; . . ; " LdKDOsr, Kov. iO.Daririg xUe Jrs entt year more E ugiiahtnen ihanjrish -men have em migrated fw?m Britain.- Eastern advices report that drought in SinjrrwV'has iCaoaed .'ahiimhYenie famine. ?ys,4vKt u Beeun, Nov. 10. Evidence ts accu mulating to prove that. Yon , rnimJ nas oeea puuung ! agaiosir-jaifimarcE, and seduously-enertaiaipg imbibition of occupying his position in the Gov- ernmeuL, ..;j.-l''t,.. HELPING EAPA MAHMA. Planting the corn and potatoes, Helpiug to scatter the seeds. Feeding the hens and the chickens, Freeing the garden from weed, Driving the cows xo tne pasiare, inn FMulTne the liorsea In stalL "We little children are busyr jt . Sore there is wortc for as all, : Hfilninr nana. . Spreading the nay la the sunsnine, i : icaiung it up wneu m am v rtcklng the appies aaa peae&es 4own in we aren&ra wu uy. kicking the grapes a the Ytaeyard, Gathering nots in the fall, j ; . We little children are busy ; .HTea,ther is work torus a V'5 "-'-'it i -Helping paps-- : ! . ' : . Sweeping, and washing the dishes, Bringing the weod from the shed, Ironing, sewing, and knittinav Helping to maae. op ne oea. Smithfieij), Johsstoit Co., N. C, September 3rd. 1874. To the Members of the Senate of North Carolina : I herebyjannounce myself a candidate, for prineijjil dVr-keperbbf Shk Senatf, jSubject to the action of the Democratic-Conservative caucus, at the approaching session of the General Assembly. ' J. J'. Jlmitgton. Ready Mixed Paint. "We call special attention to the excellent testimonials of Mr C P Knieht. in reference to Beadv Msdela4nt.4 Wot havinksedthe paint we can t speak irom experience, , but weteeisareit is totue interest oi au oar customers, who desire painting, to test the same. . m . nly25 6m. Shall Nature be Sustained 1 To give debilitating medicines to the weak is about jsepsible cs jjeald be t try ito help a maoHbhirieet bykickiig him when he is down. That sort of practice is going out of fashion, It has filled so many grave-yafVishaHpfe-BOOfig "If those who are not strong by natnre ex pect to avoid the JtiWyrM lipase, -fffi mast endeavor to a&Smvigor ry to resist it. Ho hi to be done f flrimrnnn sense ncrorpfa ht the Dsn of inTiS'- oratinsreafciie.WheleltC&j to strengthenAke iys&m witloat exciting- it This object is accomplished by the judicioas oae of te most potent aod geDial of all veg etable tonics and alteratives, Hosietter'a Stomach Bitterar Many valuable properties are combined, ift Jtbis preparation. It ins proves the appetite and renders digestion easy and perfect. It gives steadiness t5T the nerves, induces a healthy, natural uowpj bile : prevents coastipation without nndaly pareing the bowels : gently stimulates the circulation, a ud by promoting a vigoroo cooflition of the phrsieiu fsistem, promotesl dicationof a wpU-ttanc comlition of the animal powers? a 3 - SumnifT leaves both the hrxiv and the min more or less CX.) recruit tbemjrti levers nl et so many ttwifafia ing the sifperilci Htintf anything rOR SALE lute's " Factory. mHE attenUoh'oflh'eTeiSlnvited'tOja I i" vArV IaiW' TinasunA And woll aelArtfHi stock of goods for the Fall and Winter trade, selected with special reference to the wants or a daily increasing trade., uqr stock, wm be found complete in. .every particular.- All kindsof f ' ' ' Ladies' Dress Goods, from the cheapest to the finest. PJAS.ASSIMERE'1 f .. y i . I - INSEYS, FLANNELS, &c, will be sold at LESS THAN CITY PRICES.' READY-MADE CLOTHING, Hats, Caps, Boots, Shoes, atprrces thVt cannot fail to please. Groceries, Hardware, Crockery, and all kinds of Plantation Goods, will be sold as LOW or LOWER than the lowest. Highest Cash prices always paid for Cot ton weights to correspond With' the farm er's. No breakage or charges for weighing. Ctdl and examine our stock, t r i: fMOTTNTATN ISLAND MIIflB Octl4-tf Soherfi- IJfe Instirance Gompany. ai lS9Mhinand Br Madison Streets, " MEMPHIS, TEN N. ' maun TjAk NELSbST, Ki .. ' -president AM08 WDODRTJFP, Vice Presidetit. ' 'I ' CHAS; T. PATERSO" Assti'Bec'. -pi 0- ; ; BEX MAY, Secretary. S.J AVIS, Treasurer. Aauual-Incsme'rowat the' Bate of Cross Assets,: Jo ty l8t,18T4, " ' ; r ; TMekmlyiBoift fn clusiVely in & Rothschild. Charlotlo dnali MIL w T NERV F S Davis T A Nelson, . Jacob Weller: R C Brinkley, Gen J B Gordon . .. , E Miles Willct, M D. DlttCCTOTlS. Cherry, fi C.WFrazer, t H To wnsendv 4 i A. VVooarBfl5K x A J White, BOARD. H f 1,800)0000 2.248,O26.3&00 MP Jarnigan, WC Ireland m '4 a F M White,. . --3MMiMMMMw.Bene'icfay'!'T' ' , ? r- 'has Kertrecht. AND This fact alone; wii attract all onr rin ' - intenq,to make ours a. firsts inrtn naMmwl 4-.. . "lifer . uuvwuniw iu uarcusEojnere n ti, v-" prices, quality ahdtyle of goods thfWay 01 shall go away; .otherwise tfiSrl i,hat . niH With their purchases 1 Vm MEDICAL NEW GOODS, Coming in by very Train. JUST RECEIVED THIS DAY, MOLAS 8ES, " Grapes " Oranges,, Lemons, Large Northern apples, citron, currants, rasins figs, prunes, dates, cheese, gosben butter, eggs, bdlogna sausage, and an endless Variety of French candies, banannas, common candy at wholesale and retail ; -chestnuts, ground peaeaysipfleg paconriaTarsoaprcanaies, canned gooas in an varieties, cigars, tobacco, saBifonutsattkintts, Oolong and Gun- OWder tea.WohfigllyBon and Imperial, all f fehich M, willdfler inducements for casn. come ana see lor yourselves-, at t he Rising Sun. -M s J II Erskine, M D. &TlJl$ffA 7GAJ DEPARTMENT. 4 " Watching her tost she should fall, "We little children are busy 1 - O, there Is work for us all, ., ;'. . -: HelDlns mamma t - Work makes us cheerful and happy ; v. Terrible Fire Bagin Jji: tbe. Forests of TtmneiteW eidJKecirw. Memphis,7 liTovi? iO.-Passengrs4 ar-riving-here:thi8.momine, report the WAniia Mnarallv liBvnin nMv JlivAn' 00 the Nash viller and Northwestern Railrpad. 4Thehea.vy, timber bet weea Mecoir.City, Teh neasee, anc I Hick man, Kentucky, , is also - burning, and th e preapteading rapidly, destroying the atanding'crbps; fences, lilay in djother The Smoke is so denseln villages, near the scene of tbe fire,; that; the citizens are afraid to. sleep lest they be suffoca ted. A light rain: fell' estrday, bnt not enough to extinguish1 "the ;fire which has already destroyed thousands of dollars worth of property. ; Newark:, bciober lO. The Herald to-day, referring to the Central Park menagerie hoax of yesterday says it . was published for the purpose of draw ing the attention of .the. public to ; the state of the menageriellt demands of the'taty that anipproriation: be made to: place our Zoological Garden on a paf, with Regenta Park, London, and Jorden Des Piarrres, under the management of an-efficient zoological secretary, The mi pals between All worth Y.- 7!sKaa a' vAiinn' itsnaf tt OAK TlfnA- way,; apd Miss Iora. llyera of East B st., were cejeurated yesterday -Every thing passed off happily. . The bride nd P&mmmM JAbe, afi tembbri at the house pf some inends. While the company were sitting' in the parlor; Zachas stepped into the; other room and shot bimaelf in the heart and rurbt temnle.i ? A third shot lodged in Jhe wall, havipg glanced off nis watcn,. xne bride swooned "away, on seeing ber husband welterine In his blood. Zachas, strange to say, is not ueaa, ouci aeain is momentarily ex pected. No cause assigned The Board of 8urervisor in the several :puntiea of the State- met to- I 1 nv"4Ab I9$ej?P At, 3rd. It Will be therefore several davavet fore the'omcial vote is announced;bu the majority for the Demoeaatic tick. et will not be tmicb mnder 60,000 in WASHINGTON. JUL WASHINOTOjy. Novw 9 The Preai dent has directed the consolidaiio'n of the First atld Second Virginia Internal Revenue Districts, retaining as collec tor of , the, new -First District,- Geo 8. Richards, late, collector of - the -Second Districts r James .G. Ram sa t has been appoimea collector oi tne oixvn j, u. DistricV jj:. IZ"' -.' ' We publLah the aboves we find dr merelyjitating- that -we s'bral I pesbri-y if Dr. J. ;trotC.'4iaa beeu1 retired s collector of UherSixth1 pistrfci'lDr . M. reofttp' jEave , niade a good officer, and we dislike , to ee-him pat out to put anjrptherni'gn f the pafr ty ip';.tye have .Or doubt, however - that Dr.TL wiii. raakea good dmcr; He has been kept out.'in the ;oqlcl a ;, long while, and it: u time mejwm , was'doin something1; fpj? M.m (t ibeyl ever intended; po, as we consider it just now. in thp1assgea;9fnsurarJ ppyer tionI Ed. " " -vzhh Il 'reacl (H ClfC 4 . .a 1 w the time 10 $3&foretyini4 inalarioiiti t Jtll ..... ..i. IU1HB WtllCII 1!"SUIC rifall. .By qekeivi rfaUhn,withoutcrrer to feverdll pproaching Bitters impart tone to tlie skin, sod thus renders the surface of the body comparative ly impervious to unhealthy external inn a fences. fRHIttj: T GENERAL JOHN B. GORDON, ;f:i , President. . GEN; A. H. COLQTJITT, Vice President, J. H. MILLER; Sapt; of Agencies, ALFRED AUSTELL, Treas. J A MORRIS,SecreUry, -O- i i over - Reserve fund taken in North Ca'roliiia 'invested in; the State, 'Commencing wiiA $30,0(X) in real estate in Charlotte ) ,f"";'- 'TCols'Mjusted at Home. According to Goodsell's, New York reports for 1874, the SotftheAr Life Insurance Company standi second lb noihn its conservative and economical management, and sec Ondtonone in its abilUyi t fulfill its contracts. u w um w noiesale and Rm.,i anety,.f trade of the surrounding country a great H Mnrrnery, Fancy Co0(is W MOTIONS Stra Vejvet and Felt Hats, from th . Cottage Bonnet to the most StZV? A great feature of th ch. OSTRICH FEiTHEE8 Md TIPS of lUthologtet to frn whenL" 1 many colored plumages ibr whichTiL tl,p ly, thiWorUlnas brZacked tnTnV a newnUhre for our faifolS. fl5rnisl' ; AlargtOck pf . ; 0TJB VISITORS t. ff?r'T?'5fc,iHir;-i-tn rAI2;trjTnX2 GAllOMK AS C !are! invited to call at the"' ' .-A 'e vPboiok: store, opposite the Charlotte HoteTTaiin-rexamine tne .nanasome jjKOcjt-oijjooss,- btationejry, Pictures and-Fanw-ArneliY ire fur sale. Visiajge-and-assortecl lot of the f latest and best Music on Jiand. f h s f 4 4. neV supply of elegant ..... edpapcrjust 'j lpniqio "series of $nvc!e3,uedfor riOtCB. s'fc , j s - .Agent lor emway.sju,. iivaiiea I'lSnos A!eall is solicited H s- r, i; - v . a i Its rates are as low as absolute necessity will allow, while its mutnal fentnres'retnrh .ineujlable; dividetjdft;tbejsurplas'to Uiivaisured. .-.j i-.cr,-y:f& t-.rr nb fiflif vh" Vft?f n- ' - , -: ; ?'Its abstete"8olveBcyjnnstifp8SRelby any company doing business iii the United States, and is eridoiedjbB thebesayfcusiness men in all the commercial centres of the Bouth. . ii. j.iOi. ' ' '-" " ' All j)dKae non-forfeiting. Parties holding policies in Northern ffcWipanies can have thehi transferred without loss or risk, and thus save so much capital to the South $33r Medical . examination always required 1: ;v - ai u C W BRADSHAW, oct8 tf. , Special Agent: E A OSBORNE, Secretary and Manager,. Charlotte Branch MET A LLIC GRAVE COVERING T Km Success to rifer.aStoele JU AND- s H rADDSALJCiLINfE FERTILIZER. I have accepted the jkgfcncy foi Ladds Lime 'atuLrernnzer, . wmcsrwistung to pur- ELJQ-Uochrane, next door 1 1 . .unjce wiiu Post Office. -nor 10 'mm Makes us both active aad strong ; Play we enjoy all the better When we hare labored so long ' Gladly we help our kind parents, Oufcfc we come at their eatt, . Chi Wren should lore to be busy, , . mere is Joucn wora ior us au, fo-.- Helping papa and mamma. , ez.-'l'&'i ' . - SWected. Th Bible The Great Agent ef dTlixa 'Some years ago, an African Prince went on a visit. to England; accus tomed only to the rude ana uncivil ized habits and manners of bis own people, he was very deeply impressed with the many new and strange thine that he saw. Whlle'in' the city of London he paid A visit tflTthe Queen. Overwhelmed and astonish edt the grandeur and magnificence nat-surrounded him, and no douot contrasting in his mind the .vast dif- ernftce between his iittiereaim, 8tui $tftfk !fi barbarism' arid superstition. arid the splendors of English' eivi li gation, as if elevated to a higher sphere pf thought , and feeling, and desiring to find put the wonderful secret .be-, inquired of the ,isrlU$h Queeli; ff 'Wbat is the chief squrce of Edglauitf'S; glory ?" Instead of points, nk him to her well-trained army and powerful jniLvyV whose- achievements had bei a Briton's boast and pride for centurlesy or to the Vast commerce and diversified interests of the coun try sh i mum . o-- -, . .jt ': true lt was ttrat dv interweavipg.ttie teachings of that hook with; her ksfh tem'of civilization, rio.V; Quly?sfiftd England's chief gWrv beeafitiblt byi it ad oeen mai ntaiied, apd: pei petuated. , All . history unites inces tablishing this nje factb that bo peo Die or nation: has ; even achieved sand"!1 tion, whose la wb and custom vrere not founded upon the tetvchlrteft 'of the liibie, w hat'i true 4 or uituonsF Will applVwith equal forde to' irtdi TJUMU't?. ...... . f f .. , ...... f. IF, AUcSnfofct-' P. GEtSHARBER CHARLOTTE SRANITF. WORlfa HE Undersigned respectfully announce t A to the citizens of Charlottethat they have AT formed a co-partnershg to carry on the , i Granite business ip all its branches, and are RC" rOif te r l pfepaHd to al orders at short notice for . I. UdVJUdUU O ' Granite Frorits, Cemetery L.,t Enclosures. .."r i ; .j.,a ri4- s-. XjUn I I f lJa t win w : . . ... 4 imitatigerir.eyerJ'FisOJtALCREArio- Aiv ifl6 wytLuu, and the most darin ,., terleits ojp Nature. 'oui AiRwJhVHid shades imsginable. itte,''FloipneeJirk and Valow. Jtlack and White Crape .Scarfs, Laces, . , , i . j,c1Iarsand. Cans r Jackmw Itng and Inserting, Veiling, u A largeistock "Of Kid Gloves. ' ' .-jtifv Corsets. J1" nVHF1' keep on hand Table clotl!. Towels, Jaconet, Cambric, Lawn, Lin ncn, Hwiss, Nansook, and other goods be longing : tot that line. We haye engaged the services of severai experienced Ladies (one recently from Phila delphia) m the Millinery Business, and we are now prepared to have Hats and Bonnets trimmed at short notice. Attentive and competent salesmen are al ways ready ft wait on customers, and aid them in making selection p. Koopmann & Rothscliild. TRADE ST., CHARLOTTE, N. C. oct 18 FURNITUflE noons, NEAR THE C0VKTH6tMi. i lt Our old stock of Walnut Chamber Baits having been sold off, we offer to 'the public A Fine New Stock, Reckktly Bocoht. TGrave Yards 8teps, Sills, Bases, Copinst, Cnrblng Area Wall tTaps, Flagging Hearths, i Uppjnfi Blocks, Fence Posts, Ac, Ac. Orders solicited from abroad. . QfRce at S. McN'inch's marble works. j; MCN1NCH & GREISHARBER. fnoVlO"lr ' THIS NEW AND BEAUTIFUL ARTICLE WE are now prepared to offer to the public, and feel chnfkW nt i t cinnot1 fair ft recom mend Itself to every one Interested In beautifying and protecting the graves of their de ceased relatives and friends. They are made in four sizes, with a variety of st ey are made in lour sizes, with a variety oi styles, ranging according 10 BizaiUM iye., ; iiney measure irwm mr A PPLIS ! APPLES! APPLES ! The GREATLY 2JEDTJCED PBICES, And in proof of ourasBertSMi we will erT ! Walnut Chamber Suits ' ATFBOk FORTY TO JPIFTY DOLLARS, COMPLETE, , . ,.): And all other ii ; ' i C'- ...SrTWKWi.K.:'. . . At equally Low Rates. -.-Our stock is Large and Full, and those in want of FurnifoSo will find that it will pay to examine onr stock before buying. F - Just arri vedarge Northern A pples. best and cheapest yet received. " Oranges. Lemons, Citron, Cocoanuta.lUis ins and ererything that will please the most fastidious. Come ' tq . headquarters when ytm want Bread, Cakes,! Pies, infacteytry thingthat U good and cheap. We intend that no one shall sell better or cheaper goods than ps. , Come where every evefybody comes to get bargains. At the Rising Sun. ; : Opposite Market, nov 7 C. SVllOLTON &.CO. e.., simply points hjUntcr.the pie; ' saying" " ynMjsf$$p , crner of Knffiftnri'a-'firionr'; lor i Bearil lo slaa 0 .BfWWM.::, 1 .a - 1 -nottA mvm vmfyn vmvoi--A fine'selection. and Notions and Trim- InSngs of every description,-very cheap. I isign oi jsea Awning. (2fiAsi1l hntf fnavi'iMiif a bleseine that was plainly4 iyroriiised Dut did not obtain it," i snouid tnent say, Are you equally clear that the optaimng or it would he for ypur gpod t't Yes,"- sayyou; " it Would mate me comfortable ?r 'x Just so but is It for your eood to' be comfort able ? f 'And !t would set me out of m;y dlmculty, . ' But) may it not De Cor your lasting good to be in the difficulty, and'may there not be some- tmng in the world a greatdeal higher for you and fof me than merely to be comfortable and to'get out pf difficul ty Jar Not as X wuipbut aaThou wilfc'fewas1 the oraVer of ; the man who had mrfrrttMiWPP In Vir than all of lis put together u Not as I will, put mat n.spurgeon. How a soft answer can lum.awav di8satIsfaction.asawell las4 wrath, is illustrated in th following anecdote or: xm late; resident' vvayiandv- ' Deacon Moses -Pond "went to Dr. Wayland'oruce, with the complaint that the Dreachinff didn't edlfv him. 1 1 f rin oiir ' oaTri thn tutofn.. I IrMAn. thfey (are roor sermons. I wish . I cohld make them -better. "Corner let us pray uui may do able to do so.' xne beacon telling the slory, (u.sed to Ai 1 VDr. . Wayland ; prayed,' and -1 rayedVUe cried.'and TcHedl But i:ltava thought a hundred times that It rss strange that he did not turn 4 me out of the house. I tell you there fever, was itfl&etter man nor a greater readier man ur. w ay iana.TT ."Snecial indncemrihta offered to safe buyers. $ f , ' j wio. JL F. DAVIDSON. ' M J wolfe, BAaiiraER & qo.'s, and seethe. in 4 ?S y f 1 -'t jKpSft&ti: o-jyt't vrr-t Bt; frBlu Front, 5 ff . 4 .ItfUerMiMtma MVBXSH.?-.. LtlKRIVAI, 74 nice large Chiclbfenr.IJ r T S00 head -fin Cahbajmit'arid- Various 1 other gojods which will be sold low for casK it 4 in price from 8l!d. to 160. ree to six feet, desisned to cover all sizes of graves from Infants to adults. Can be painted any color desired, sanded or gal vanised to suit the taste of purchasers. A Ralvsnleed plate, containing whatever insciip tion parties desire, Is furnished with etn-b mound free of charge. This Handsome Decoration Is offered at such prices as to place it withiiveach of lie generally to call and examine for themselevs. nil. !Fe invite thftcJtisensVjjd pub- C V UABBIaON, Agt, Opposite Court House, inly 7 - tf. Charlotte, JV. C THE cheapest and beat: place to buy good goods ts at . se2 tf. r B AMPLE ft ALEX ANDE R . ,t DISSOLTJTION.r-The co-partnership here tofore existing under tlw title of PHI FER A STEELE . has 'njfday been dis solved by mutual COmeat: Alt persons in debted to said . firm are requested to make an early settlement. R;8. Phifer is author izedto cSceipt for the sahie. J n't - ft PHlFERAtTEELE. ivfhg this day purchased the entire stock of the late firm of Phifer & Steele, I talce this paethpd i - of 4n$rming , my fiiiehds no yiepooiic tenerauy that t WHNhnne to keep on hand a large assortment of Books. Stationery, Fancy Goods, Music,, etc., and all goods usually kept Irr -a nrs4-e!as- Book Store.1 A: Call is resoectfullv SolirTfed at mv HU-1WWWWW1JJJ.UUU Chariot Ocfoieif74! ObcSS-tf FARMERS' SAVINGS BANK 1.-5 1 utv iiii rUv ai mn i j MEDIC AL COLLEGE OF TiEOEGlA i 1 apgcsta.,; Tr nMEp;f4iPARTMBM . t . - v -'d&iqfirxf'l' in UNTVERStTY 1 OF QfiOtffA"' ' 1 THE Forty.ThLrd Session ' Wfll commence 0nth3ddAjcf J!IOyEMBER t , PjHaa--rMatriculation. i5: FulL Course of Lectures,. $50; Practical Anatomy, $10; Wpioma,, $3p... BenehcJanes samittea on application to Jthe Dean, ion the terms, stated in thedroulars.: ... . . i; , k: , oct-'we3 - L. Ai DUGlS. M. D. L-L.D - r r? 77? tt w r-. i?VERYJbodv?.tci kBOw-Ttbai Walkef Jj .Gibsonar ikmcrepared to feedali that arbhhnffry; -with 3 the best' the market affords; Meatf sent o all parts; of ae elty,: ana at au noursuf t oii-rr. " ) - i. '.'.il ' Hi'"..' ;uiHl i" ' ' SHOW CASEJN0JALJLd!li ... .. ..... 1 have a show Vs'rSfljuwgJTJwill sell low. " TB. rT. SMITH. nor 1 . ' " Yaintard 'Wanted.- Vl . StitalSlgbt fetouss 'ainifHjework Ky applying to . t , ; oct29.tf. w V U c; HARRY. 4 jI SS0LTJTI0N.'TB firm of SYMQS 'A 1tCa Is this day dissolved by the retire ment iofTiSyftKmi JrOm Biafirm. The business Will carried' on 'as' heretofore, under the firnr name and k-style of Symons 4b Co. iAll persons hating claims;, against said firm will present them for payment, and all parties owing theohf firm by nOtfebr'acV count are respectfuflyireqeested1 piompt payment.'-ThelRew firm are author ized to eeUletie business of the old firm. VWr - i, -s.l i;JX 8YMOKi ,'l ' "lTi'8YM0NS?:' "f ' "; :.'6."SYMONS. -"-i k October 1, 1874. 0ANARY, Hemp and Rape Seed. ( -jt-Will wash any thing from a 1 lac , '',-."tw; R. BURWELD & CO. to the lsrgestized counterpane,-. and T?ULL line of; imported 1. i gars, the best on the market, at mailt TLfr, A TM?XTa noirn O' domestic Ci 4 Junel6 T .McADEN'a DRUa STORE. ; -y.. w- .www,, AS AKents for J...Xewes: sale, a splendid Farmvconslsting dred aerea, whith lie direotlv or uc.t xenneasee et Ohio Sailroad'on tnu' above HaHtersTnie,and,eighteeja milea'da West of Charlotte. - This plantation Hear la a good neighbor hood, and aeeesslble' to' both churches and schools. - Eight-acres unly "In .caltiyaflon. balance ttt forest of wbi&r.iaboot lUitif acres have never pen . dearedrand in heavi ly timbered. Title good..'Prtc-112.52 per acre. Vot part leal am, apply- to , . . 1 r.ji..Z A ",: CHAST B. JOKES, Agt. A! '.NEW.. 1 11 7 KAJTI :rrr Efartitff Washing Machine hice 'collarnp an. as good a manner as ftdwaw'sw L . f UO Its p.x(11rMi( Is' MnsurPassed. and no other machine can bedld after.the "JEURfn KA'' has been introduced. ' u IkJbn iMhihUiri-ii the- Fair1 Grounds. Everybody: must go and seit.Ht is North" WwlrUVTW ;S!iin, Won., -a j b: farkabL! sttngoouebuni. : !,k tn ;;?; V . By yARKARi.t Uy onThe Atlan ft , - 1 St- ' 'i ' 'l-H- NATIONAL ft STconvenlently altbatect for eommer- i J JUilA i- V.tii i -OF MEGKLBNBPRG COUNTY, NVC: CHARTERED BY ACT t)F THE LEGIsATURE OrgaxtiiEecl Iffpxrexxi'bex'tla, J87S. - -5 TO THE ; WHOLESALE TRADE. JUIXJLNG the future by tk.paVwe entci . with confidence ppn Jhis ieia new en tefrprise, of eparatiog, o;iKVhesa)e from 'Hir Retail Trade', by haiing.a .separate an-i distinct HMsWor'eaeiiV and irt doing w. wo Hatter ourselves that it ' will not onh meet the approval of out numerous custom rs,: but . Uht i ; "Exclusiva ' Wholesale ilouse," wiU.brmg us a-Jai. influx of new trade, aii(T of a character not beietofore mv tioyed. . ."' It must be ohvwius to every bpyer thai strictly "Wholesale House," srranged and adapted for that Trade only; witha corps of experienced Wholesale ealesmn, with a Stock carefully selected fixLthat Trade onh. and" moreover, the avoidane o-Vcoming in contact jpith retail buyers, whch . we and you -'all '-have heretofore found o be n irksoinie; as it frequently'happerisl that t Uo retail btryfcr Is your very 1itelgnbor,:.perlmp iAsmnsJtosaer jsIjMmsej''W assert, rauat aad Will commeruS .itself to th. trade!r".s , (j: j ': ;.i J -' Four years ago we advertised. that we in tended 16 make Charlotte a wholesale ninrt and onrss "Tbe " Wholesale House." We now have the proud satisfaction Of seeute n an accomplished facUf' '' l.s ,M' ' we bow can your at tvatioa -to the fac that wc Wve converted our superb store in to an exciusive,aoiesaJe itouse, where tot can fiiidjklt' lines qf, goods necessary for a country store, tb-wit : Dry-goods, Clothing. Boots, shoes, Hats, Notions, Groceries, Hard ware,: auilinery - au )n. complete lines, bought in: huge quantities and from the very Jim txMfji:yi :.t Ouxstock is now rairiyina' and will be complete abont the first of September, and will ne tie laagegt of any here the pi16" sions of others to the (xmtrary notwithstand ing. We respectfully invite your personal inspection,! or writ tons br circulrrs. VeryjTiy yourav . . WlTTKUWcLKY BIMTKl. pA.Pi tax. Paid up, PAPITAt--)feOTHOFIZBD, BANKING HOUSE, TRADE ST.. CHARLOTTE JIT.; . Ga - " ... ri. 'V -. .J... ..... Tnr prepared to transact a general Banking Business. Cash advanccdnJfJot&nMAii-J nlacturea liooas ana jnercnanaise storea in warenouses ana coverea"5.i)y;lnsirance also On Stocks. Bonds and other Securities. inr l. iaLi .i ! Deals in Gold and Silver Coin, Exchange, Bullion, Bank Notes, Bonds, Stocks, &c. Money received on deposit subject to check. Interest bearing Certificates of Deposit issued for money when left on time according to agro-jment. Collections made on all accessible points ; promptly acknowled on receipt. and re mitted for on date of payment. 4 ' ' 4 - 1 1 " ' " iuif - - Directora and Officers. t E. CObikb,;, A. MACATJLATf Stenhonse, Macaulay & 0 iR: I 'McDowei t, B. H; Mo6b, J. W. McMirfiEAY. ofMcMurray & Davis, R. D. Collins J. W. Wadswoexh, W. W. Gbieb, of Giier & Alexander', S. P. SjIith. S. P. SMITH, President. T. L. VAIL, Cashier. ' 0. ITg. BUTT, Ass't Cashier. New York Correspondent Importers' and Traders' National Bank. feb 4.1y NEW4IARBIE ARD, COLLEGE ST. , OT ARL0f TE,: ' Jf; C. I resScfUlly'Snpbunce to1 tne pubHc that I -opening a'Marble Yard next do ' . to R. M- M uler & Sons, at which place ham prepared to manufacture Flain and Orna mental Gravestones, Tombs and Monuments of every description. Having seryed an ap prenticeship QJtseyeyeara With ic.lt. Hare, of Yorkvine,B. C.;ana 6ix years under in structions w'th Mrv-SV-AtAfcNinch. of Char- ibtte, N . C, I teei warramea in saying tliat 1 can compete fayorabl .withany workman in myline in artistic -merits. I will deal only in the best qualities af marble,. ,guaran teeinalE wtk-ffla'efiScreabyifeto- prove satisfactory in everyr respect, or no pay re-qred.M?-prleaftl!lbe ! as -low as the lowest.4espfcfu4fyjask. sliare "pablic -paifotiage4' fawit4i Call and see mepberrm purchasing else where, and I can filake it fb your advantage. ? ' ."VeTy'TespectfnlIy; - -, : 617-tf R. M. CRAWFORD. -iyi p. Wacatjlay. i T. 8. STONE I 0. LIACAULAY CO., COT T O fl D U YE R 6 ill ,J vwntiMK't Zii'-it-ti' CdmmissidivMei'GJutnts, r OFFICE above the store ofR. M. Milier sVyt & Sons. Liberal advances made on consignment efkC0ITpr tpjbe sold here or rrf New'6rktwv., u muta v. .a s tt'i . j The .undersigned take this method to in form the citizens of Chariotteraud ..4'he pub lie sppefallv, thatthev have thisivdas form a ccpinheship, : uriiler, the'liffrra nasae and style of CRESWELL WALKER, and will do business t( Af H Creswejrs old stand, opposite the Presbyterian church. WE MEAN TO DOvA CASH BUSINESS, and if you are qq satisfied of the fact) come, anu-see now cneap you can Duy for casn Long yarns, and long - faces about inability to get.s money, on t iay our mils, and on first failure to meet yonr obligations with us, (when we credit at all) we . will be (com pel led t& refusef futther niduigence.4 ' Our House shall bei first class as to goods, prices ana actenuon. Laies can visit our A I 1 " A ' 1 1 . store at. an times witnout coming m con tact With intoxicated men, as we sell 'no strong drinks. - Hoping by honesty and politeness to mer- :l - r. 1 1 i c -. . .... u a ma snare oi (muuc paironrge.- We are Very Respectfully, CRESWELL & WALKER. A CARD. Having made a change in my business 1 now thank the public1 for past favors, and pespectfully ask a continuation of the same, t i t 1 1 n r'A .AUiioteaor1 .accounts opto the 19th 5 -of August must be settled with the undersirted at; his place of business. Ladies and gentle men wun some ot you,! have waited lona and patiently. Come npand settle - Respect- aug21-tf. ., . i; fipOlCfiT G6sTienB'uier' , Sugar Cured J; Breakfast Bacn'Ping'Palmetto -Can-VassedHams, ChoicoHertAr'S'lRpse and Peerles Potatoes,a ii. stoek'Wjl be kept TEXJCIQUS NORTHERN APPLES, I y , ,;fromgEv louis, .m Large Red, Mellow and Juicy. ' ' aii you lovers ot real good dtuh come ana get something that is real healthv Also,- fine Irish" Potatoes,'' from the. .same piace; and. Uutt er tnnt is Batter, andliomis take about it: Call soon - ahdf,supp!y 'yonfv . j f c-.: D. PXi WHITE," oc29 on College street. Now, a tew words about that. We now occupy yie sflfcerb bou& ; Tieretoiore so lavorabty known as tpe Juessrs. urem Brown & Co.'S Dry-goods, House, to carr oh our rtetafl business, and as "Excelsior' is, ai.ld--aTwaysi;ieeti'' 'oaTH motto, we claim also W that line U-oel Mn lovnew of prices,ardtOexcel- generally. We vtil. m that nouse,bave a corps or thirty BHitr men and r Sales-Ladies, all experienced, affable, and obliging. ',' a- We nxlt make the Millinery orancn speciaUg. ' y. . Charlotte N.C, Aug. lltn, 1874. OW IN STORE OF N: A. R: NISBET & BRO.. CHARLOTTE. N. 0., rflHE largest stocVltt" their line, in Western X j Carolina, consistttog'of the following HEAVY GROCERIES, CQFFEE,SgaraKicevTeaa, Molassen, i ,BympaiLarc5,CheC8et'epper, spices, ' r w ;Soda Starch, Ac-. FANCY GIIOCEBIES PRESERVES, Jellies, pickles, Sauces, Mits, itasinSj- Uurrants, otron, uysrere, : LobstersApples, Batter, Ac CANDIES, COMMONlandpancyFTench in large as- ACCORDEONS. Guitars. Violins, Banjos, arriionteasFifea, Flutes, &c. TOBACCO'1 CIGARS, LARGE5 fafi0Ttment, various kinds an -- '-prices ; . sDnoniES. wnftnv.w,w a rTCj, Baskets. Toys, Statx-" ' erffjipet-bags, .Wrapping-paper, Al 3 C illQHEIIsniHnTS. ham;31ackin. Brooms, Soaps, JJrushes, and other articles ' tod tedious., to men- . UJtrVl.i 'Hon: Sold Wholesale orRetaii, cheap for wsn. . Pll A b hMora bovine. Vv e tae 1TV Ibis, meihod of thankiae ; oup tO US.;. . At.vfiOOf " friends for cxtenaeu Eivctisti ivoon iutdt rpHE nndersigded has !iutodacea iu 1 Charlotte; . a new style of street paj e ment, which is at once cheap aud It consist of Jiard pine blocks laid on plana, the whole coated in pitch and the jo n filled with gravel and pitch, forming a clear and very durable sidewalk. . i , This pavement has' been thoroaghly u ed in England, and has given entire s ISicaopItjWilLshortlyibe laid down front of ,Uif New Opera House. - For further information, apply to ... :...T . GEORGE WkLCH', sel6-tf- . Arcbitec'- -4 .