GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF NORTH CAROLINA. SENATE. SIXTH DAY. Saturday, November 21. The Senate was called to order" by President Moreheod, at 11 :a. m. The journal of yesterday was read and ap proved- REPORTS OF STANDING COMMITTEES. Messrs. Busbee, from Judiciary ,Bell, from Engrossed Bills, McElroy, Mili tary Affairs, and Waring, from com mittee on Joint Rules, submitted re ports. The report of the committee on Joint Rules was adopted and ordered to be printed. INTRODUCTION OP BILLS. Mr. Marler, a bill for the general re lief of sheriffs and tax collectors. Mr. Busbee, a bill in relation to Wake county workhouse, or house of correction. Also a bill concerning the Board of Commissioners for Wake county. Mr. Graham, a bill in relation to in surance companies. Mr. Parish, a bill to secure the costs of appeal from a Justice's Court. Mr. Stanford, a bill in relation to fish in Goshen Creek, Duplin county. Mr Kerr, a bill amending chapter 1, section 76, Battle's Revisal. Mr Parish, a bill in relation to Jus tices of the peace giving bond in cer tain cases. Mr McCauley, a bill incorporating Monroe High School, in the county of Union. Mr Legrand, an act to amend sec. 1, chapter 62, laws 74 74. Mr Walker, a bill to allow sheriffs sintl tax collectors to collect arrears of tuxes Gives them until the 1st January, 1876. Mr Kerr, a bill amending section 19, t-hapter 65, Battle's Revisal. All of the above bills were appropri ately referred. CALENDAR Resolution in regard to the educa tion of the colored people, proposing a joint committee on the part of the Houses. Adopted. Resolution concerning civil and State rights, introduced by Mr Cant well, on his motion was postponed until the first Thursday in January. RESOLUTIONS. Mr Cooke, a resolution requiring the consideration of the State debt be done in secret session. Mr. Graham, a resolution concern ing the convicts in the penitentiary are required to labor each day. Adopt ed. Mr Graham, a resolution calling upon the Treasurer to giye the valua tion or tne various rauroaas, canais and telegraph companies in this State for taxation, and also wnat taxes nave been collected on the same during the last five years. Adopted. BILLS ON SECOND READING. A bill amending chapter 33, Battle's Revisal. in regard to receiving stolen goods, introduced by Esquire Busbee, passed second and third readings. Leave of absence -was" granted Sena tor Snead of Granville, until Tuesday next, on account of important busi ness. A MESSAGE FROM THE HOUSE asked the concurrence of the Senate with a resolution of that body ap pointing anoint standing committee of eight upon the part of the Senate, and thirteen on the part of the House on Constitutional Reform, which elicited considerable discussion, par ticipated in by- Senators Busbee, Waring, French, Bell and Stanford as to the propriety of adopting a House resolution when the Senate had al ready adopted one very similar. Upon motion of Mr. Mills the con sideration of the House resolution was postponed until Monday. On motion, the Senate adjourned until Monday 11 a. m. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. The House was called to order at 11 A.MT Journal of yesterday was read and approved. Mr. Strong, from the Judiciary Com mittee, Mr. Richardson, from the Committee on Corporations. Mr. Walker of Richmond, from the Com mittee on Salaries and Fees, Mr. Gudger, from the Committee on Prop ositions and Grievances, and Mr. Shackelford, from the Committee on Engrossed Bills, submitted reports. Mr. Strong from the Select Com mittee on Rules, submitted a report adopting the rules of last session. By Goode, colored, a resolution in regard to the obstruction to naviga tion in Neuse river, below Newton. Calendar. By M.Norment, a resolution in re gard to an uniform rate of interest. Calendar. By Mr. Pinnix, a resolution to se cure indemnity for the destruction of tne court house of Davidson county, from the United States Government Calendar. By Mr. Moring, resolution in regard to printing, stationery, &c. Calen dar. ty Mr. i oote, a resolution in re gard to furnishing members with Bat tie's Revisal. Calendar. oy Mr. Walter, or j&icnmonu. a resolution requesting the Governor to iuanish the members with Battle's Revissl- Calendar. By Mr. Oaksmith, a joint resolution in regard to the creditors of the State. Calendar. . w. oy mr. Trivett. a imi to appfai a resolution in: relation to the North Carolina Manual. Calendar. By M.Tate, n bill for the better pro tection of orchards and gardens. Re lerred. . By Mr. Promt, a bill to amend see- ton 37 chapter 2, law of 1878-74 deferred. - y Mr. Foote. a bill to amend sec tion 3, chapter 65. Battle's Revisal Referred. By Mr. Munden, a bill' to prohibbit 1 e obstruction of tbo waters of Lit : river, running between the coun ties of Perquimans and . Pasquotank. -tierred. ... . . , By the same, a bill to empower the vAimmissioners of Pasquotank county to build school house. Referred. r . The Speaker announced the follow ing standing Committee: Education, "Messrs. ManrlanhAll F nopr. H nka. Jett ton, Wood,, Latta. Hay more. Bry W. J - - J ant. Page, Btythe Hill. Bunn' and Carter. Agriculture, ; -Mechtinies and Mining.: Branhardt or liowan. HMris0n.prwperuy Etheridge,Martiii, Eatnian, Hampt of LincoiorHdrtey, Isler. Walden a con. and Railroads, Post Roads and Turn pikes-Messrs. Woodhouse, Hanner, Atwater Barrett, Hooker, Freeman Davis of Haywood, Mock, Gary and Goode. House Branch Joint Committee on Insane Asylum Messrs. Staples, btrong, Wheeler, Young, and Barrett. H0U8e Branch Joint. Cinmrnift do nn Instructions for Deaf, Dumb and the Blind xMessrs. Erwin, Mebane, Glenn, tunuit ana uuis. House Branch Joint Committop nn Library Messrs. Hicka, Mullen. Mosely and Ward. House Branch Joint Com Engrossed Bills Messrs. Fineer. Mitchell, Pnvett, Stephenson and Foote. Messrs. Mullen and Haymore were announced as additional members of the Finance Committee. On motion of Mr. Boyd, the rules were suspended, and the joint reso lutions in regard to the direct tax on land by the United States Govern ment in 1865, was taken up and adopted. On motion of Mr. Pinnix, the bill to substantially re-enact section 24, 25, 26 and 27, Revisal Code, was taken un. The resolution reDorted bv the Judiciary Committee was adopted. lhe bill, after undergoing amend ment, passed its second reading. The rules were suspended, and the bill came up on its third reading. Mr. iJoyd moved to postponed and make special order for to-morrow at 12 m. Mr. Boyd withdrew his motion to postpone until to-morrow, and moved to print and make special order for Monday. The motion to print did not prevail, and the bill passed its third reading. On motion of Mr. Walker, of Rich mond, the rules were suspended, and the bill to revive sections 115 and 116, chap. 31, RevisedJCode, was taken up and passed its second reading. Under a suspension of the rules, the bill pass ed its third reading. On motion of Mr. Mizzell, the rules were suspended, and the bill for the relief of the sureties of W. H. Moore, late sheriff of Martin county, was ta ken up and passed its second reading. On motion of Mr. Page, his resolu tion in regard to the sale of confec tions, &c, in the rotunda of the capi tal, was taken up and postponed in definitely. By Mr. Moring, a resolution print ing the Rules. Under a suspension, of the. rules, the resolution was adop ted. The resolution in regard to the Civil Rights Bill was taken up, and, on mo tion of Mr. Means, was postponed un til next Tuesday. ' The resolution in reference to ob taining United States aid to open the mouth of Scuppernong river, was ta ken up and adopted. The joint resolution asking the Uni ted States for an appropriation of $100,000, to construct at Greensboro, a buildine for a Government post office and court house. Mr. Candler moved to amend by asking for a like appropriation for the same purpose at Asheville. Carried. Mr. Boyd moved to amend by strik ing out $100,000 for the town of Ashe ville and insert $50,000. Carried. lhe resolution, as amended, was adopted. The resolution concerning the mouth of the Cape Fear river, asking Coneress to appropriate a sufficient amount to complete the work now in progress, was taken up and adopted The resolution on the subject of gambling on fair grounds, was taken up and adopted. The resolution adjourning sine die December 21st,lS74,was taken up. Mr. Norment moved to postpone consid eration of the resolution until next Wednesday. Carried Messrs Shackelford, Patton,Wheeler, Boyd and Moring as the House branch of the joint select committee on per diem and mileage The Senate resolution raising a joint committee in regard to the amend ments to the State constitution was taken up. After some debate, Mr. nng moved to indefinitely post pone, oarrieu On motion of Mr. Moring, the rules were suspended and tne resolution concerning stationery ior ine uenerai Assembly was taken up. Pending rie bate the House adjourned. A Romantic Affair. No novelist ever imagined a marriage concluded under more eccentric circumstances than that of Comte de D with Miss de V . The future Com- tesse, who is one of the best sports women or i ranee, happened in the beginning of the summer season to be present with her lather at the races ol D . iter attention was here at traded by a small pony, which she found to be remarkably beautiful, and which she naked her lather to pur chase. Mr. deV is immensely rich and adores his daughter. Con seauentlv he at once called with her on the owner ol the pony, tne oomte . " ... .. r . de D . who received them in the most graceful manner, but firmly rc fused to se his horse. However, as Mr.deV was trying to change his resolution. "I have sworn that my horse shall belong to no one but to mv wife." Need I add that Miss de V soon found out that the Comte was endowed with other quali ties than those of a remarkable sports- man. and that their marriage is to be celebrated very soon From the Ameri can Register. General Beauregard on the Elec tioxs. Gen. Beauregard in a recent letter to a friend in New York says "Before answering your letter allow me to congratulate you, and through you the great State of New York, for the gallant manner in which you have come to the rescue of republican insti tutions, for the fate of which I was calmly apprehensive. As to old Mas achusetts, we are astonished and de lighted beyond expression at her grand rally to the cause of freedom. "Her people have shown themselves worthy descendants of the heroes of the "tea party," and of Bunker Hill. May they never flag in their determination to rid the country of unworthy servants ft wilt be a blessing to the -North as well as to the South that our evils have at last been understood. With good government.'the South,- reviving us a great iiruuucuiK mm consuming Anntrv will rpvivft ftlan th lifcnnmh. I oil rirlndf rxr an vl trarln nf'tliA "Vm-th Let us have true peace and with .it The Ladies. The ''apron front" prevails 4nall overskirts. Demoiselles wear the French felt hat with gray plume. gray Embroidered shoes are coming in ana long sairts are going out. Bonnets Hare more than ever as the fashionable season advances. Very fine plaiting (called knife plaiting,) is a popular mode just now. Black silk suits (worn over velvet skirts,) withjsleeve and collar of vel- vet, are iasnionaDie in raris. Much of the trimming of street concentrated on the apron suits is front. "Plaids, plaids, plaids," siehs Miss McFlimsey "nothing but plaids this winter, and I can't afford one." Jet ornaments of all kinds appear to be as universally fashionable as ever. The real jet is as expensive as ever. Opera cloaks many of them in the Dolman pattern, with long, drooping sides. Fur is used to border them. The "halo" brim-shape bonnet is very popular. Five years ago a lady would not have dared to don such headgear. The cuirass polonaise is destined to become generally popular. It is rath er a stylish garment, save on stout people. Cardinal red is. one of the favorite colors; ditto mauve. The cardinal red is extensively introduced on black velvet bonnets. Modistes are becoming alarmed. So many ladies make their own dress es ! What shall we do? Lower your prices, medames. The long gauntlet six-button dog skin gloves will be en regie for ladies this season. They are finished in the most elegant style. Harper's Bazar tells one of its cor respondents that she cannot make a dress out of her three yards of silk. We should think not. There is quite a rage for Chinese and Japanese ornaments. The new fashioned gold tea-box ear-rings are exceedingly pretty. Very few trousseaux are imported for American girls now. Times are hard, and besides, one can get as good an outfit here as abroad. Very handsome black silk quilted sacques bordered with fur, are shown among imported goods for winter wear. $250 per eacque. The embroidered shoes are likely to become unpopular. Dust and dirt settles in the embroidery, and make the fashion an expensive one. There is a lull in the embroidery excitement just now A large num ber of the imported suits continue to be very beautifully embroidered. There is a new fringe for trimming ball and party dresses called seaweed fringe. It resembles sea weed very much, and is very pretty, besides be ing unique. The star shape button is much in favor for out'door costumes. The but tons come in almost every size and color. They are of bone, and repre sented to be of French manufacture. CHARLOTTE MARKETS. Cotton Market. Reported Daily by Oates Bros., Cotton Com- mixtion Merchant. Chaklotte, N. C, November 21. Inferior 9 a 10 Ordinary, 11 J Good Ordinary, 13 Low Middling, 13i13J Middling 135 Sales, 100 bales. Market closed quiet. Country Produce. Buying Rates. Reported by O. Chalk & Co. Bacon Hams, per lb 14 12 Sides, ' IShoulders, 8 11 Hog Round, Beeswax Butter Choice, 25 30 $1 75 a 2 00 2 00a2 25 Brandy Apple, reach. Hags, per dozen, 220 3.50 tiour ramiiy, per sacK, Extra, Super 3.25 3.00 Fruit Dried Apples, per pound 3c eacnes, " " Blackberries 3c 4 Green Apples per bushel. 70 a 1.00 Fowls Uhicaens, spring, each 20 20 75al00 grown, - Turkeys, Ducks, 25 Grain Vorn White, per bushel, 0 00 a 75 " New, Wheat Red, per bush, White, Oats Black, ' White, Peas Pure clay, " Mixed, 70 150 165 70 79 95 90 Hides Dry, 13 Green, 7a8 15 Lard Good, " Common, 12 90 B0 75 a 1 00 75 a 100 75 Meal White,, (old corn) new Onions, (57 lbs to bushel) Potatoes Irish, Sweet. Tallow, 8 Wool Tub washed, " Unwashed 35 25 Wanted. mHIRTY or forty shares of Buildine and JL Loan Stock in the Mecklenbunr or Sec- oiiu rmuuiug auu juoan Association. aug22-tf. JNO. T. BUTLER. J5 1-1 J 3 T . . . Notice. i LL persons indebted to the late firm of 1. W H H Houston & Co. are hereby no tinea mat an oi saia oeotshave been as signed to the Farmers Savings Bank of Mecklenburg, and that they must nake payment only to said bank: or its authoriz ed agents or attorneys. T L VAIli, Cashier, Vance & Burwell. Attornevs. augll'74-tf. JpoR SALE. On Tuesday morning. November 2th.wffl he onered to the highest bidder, ' ONE SORREL MARE, I Sale to take place at eleven, o'clock A. M in front of Wadsworth'a Liverx .and al Stable. . ' - - s nov 21 3t -" WE ARE NOW BECElYINO and opening the largest stock of HATS, CLOTHING and FURNISHING GOODS for Gentlemen, Youths and Boys, ever offered in this market. It has been selected with oare in New York, and comprises the largest and most varied assortment of articles whieb enter into the wants of gentlemen, mairing a complete outfit, to be found outside of a nil grown city." XT' A ja A iu , . a. ueiBK .wieouiy exotuaiveutAMHiiNU HOUSE our mends ana he public, to call anr examine , uuuuiuu ul oar store-room, ana increasea our stoca to nil it, an HATS, CAPS, AND OVERCOATS, TALMAS, BUSINESS AND DRESS SUITS, gHIRTS AND UNDER CLOTHING for Men and Boys. Umforellas,-01oves, Hosiery, Silk and Linen Handkerchiefs, &c. And a large line of other articles, we offer at the very LOWEST CASH PRICES. WE return bur thanks to our patrons for their kindness and liberality, in the past and Intend to merit Its continuance. CHARLOTTE, N. C. Se29 6m. AND LATEST Ml 1 lill! EXCELS ALL OTHERS. Marh 12 Encourage Home Industry. THE DIXIE PUMP! THE BEST PUMP FUR THE LEAST MONEY I Satisfaction Guaranteed or no Trade. Diploma Awarded at the last Far of the Carolina s. THE DIXIE PUMP is equal if not superi or to any wooden pump now offered to the public. It is a Southern Production, made at our own doors, of our own material. Hundreds of Certificates might be obtain ed from parties who are using this Pump testifying to its cheapness, durability and efficiency, but as it is deemed entirely un. necessary, 1 only reler to the lollowing citi zens of Charlotte, among many others, not named, who are using the Pump : W F Davidson, Mayor or Charlotte, D G Maxwell, Sewing Machine Agent, R M Oates, Central Hotel, L A Blackwelder, W F Sny der, 8 M Howell, James Johnston. G F Free- land, W R Cochrane, Cyrus Hunter, J M McMurray, K M Miller, E M Andrews, Dr. Robert Gibbon, W. J. Yates. Manufactured and sold by G. L. GREESON, Trade Street, Charlotte, N. C. WANTED To contract for a lot of yel low poplar heart lumber. apl 15 Carolina Central Railway, Time Table No. 12. ON and after Monday, Nov 16th, the fol lowing schedule will be run over the West ern Division of this Road : GOING EAST. Leave Bufialo Depot, 12.20 p, m " Ldncointon, 1.47 Arriv e Charlotte, 4.20 GOING WKST. Leave Charlotte, 8.00 a. m. " Lincolnton, 10.43 " Arrive Buffalo, 12.00 m. V. Q. JOHNSON novl3 Ass't Supt. C. A. MOOSE. R. O. PATTERSON M OORE & PATTERSON, ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW. ASHEVILLE, 2VT. C, Practice in all the State Courts, and in the Federal Courts at Asheville and Statesville, The Collectianof Debts, Claires and Pen sions, a Soecialtv. Strict tenanaI"attention given to the col lection of alLBebts in Western North Caro lina. ReixE&HCes promptly made, REFERENCES: H.0x. J. L. Baily and T. D. Cabtebv'Ashkviixe, N. C. nov. 19. JTEW STOCK Of fine and common Hats for Boys and Youths, at SAMPLE & ALEXANDER'S nov 202t JJOTICE. The Stockholders of Western North Caro una Land Company win meet for tne pur- nose of completing tneir organization in Charlotte. N. C, on the 25th day of Nov ember, 1874. W. W. F LEMMING nov 21 td JUST ARRIVED ! Larsre California Pears just arrived : 1 bar rel of Pure Mince Meat, the best to be had in this country, and three barrels of those Malaga Grapes. All going off cheap, At the Rising Sun, Opposite Market, C. S. HOLTON& CO nov 11 rpHE .CHARLOTTE REAPING CLUB, Was organiited lat night at', the; residence of Col. John JL. Morenead, and regularly or Av IX Cowtzs, President. ,.; Gso M. 'Phxtkb, VicePreii Went. . ' 4 .,. W-E.: Pmbax. Secretary,' v' '4 ' Miss Maqois Mobebead, Critic. - nov 21 1 CUTLER'S Pocket Inhaler, the great' rem eayuor Jjatarrh. - h. ' W. R. BURWELL & CO. Manufacturers' Agents, .. . . in tne citj with a fresh stock, we invit it, with full confidence that every one- J. A. YOUNG & SON. iie mm IMPROVED LIGHT RUNNING OH I HIE D G. MAXWELL, 2 Doors Below Tiddy's Book Store. OUR VISITORS FAIR OF TOE CAUOLIKAS are invited to call at the NEW BOOKSTORE, opposite the Charlotte-Hotel, and examine the handsome stock of Books, Stationery, Pictures and Fancy Articles there for sale. A large and assorted lot of the latest and best Music on hand. A new supply of elegant tinted Daper iust received. Unique styles of Envelopes, suited for notes. Agent for Steinway's Unrivalled Pianos. A call is solicited. ROBERT S. PHIFER, nol Successor to Phifer & Steele. NELSON'S Gelatine, Jamaica Ginger, Pure Ground Pepper, Coleman's Mustard, Dooley's Yeast Powder, Corn Starch, Nutmegs, Cinnamon. Just received by W. R. BURWELL & CO. FOR SALE At Tate's Factory. Ad Elegant Stock of Goods. mHE attention of the Trade is invited to a 1 very large, handsome and well selected stock of goods for the Fall and Winter trade, selected with special reference to the wants of a daily increasing trade. Our stock will be found complete in eyery particular. All kinds ot Ladies' Dress Goods, from the cheapest to the finest. JEANS, CASSIMERES, LINSEYS, FLANNELS, &c, will be sold at LESS THAN CITY PRICES. READY-MADE CLOTHING, Hats. Caps, Boots, Shoes, Notions and Fancy Dry Goods, at prices that cannot fail to please. Groceries, Hardware, Crockery, and all kinds of Plantation Goods, will be sold as LOW or IOWER than the lowest. Highest Cash prices aways paid for Cot ton weights to correspond with the farm er's. No breakage or charges for weighing. Ca and examine our stock. MOUNTAIN ISLAND MILLS. Oct 14-tf Removal! T WOULD RETURN MY THANKS TO J. my friends and the public for their kind patronage, and say that I would be glad to see them at the old stand of Messrs. Elias, Cohen A Roesiler, where I have opened a Much Larger Stock than ever before, and will keep School Books, Stationery, Notions, Pipes, Segars, Smoking and Chewing Tobacco, Confection eries, Toys, &c., (fee. I will sell at prices that will give satisfac tion. oct22 tf. J. K. PUREFOY. Lumber! Lumber! ! OF ALL KINDS. Shingles Orders solicited. Lathes, &c. Address B W STTJBBS, -LIncolntn, N C aug66m aUSTreceivedV Leebig'a -Extract of JBefe Valentine's Meat Juice, the best article known- fori inralids and- those recovering1 from diseases,- at- '.'-v -'- "fe June 16 McAl)Ey,81)gUG.STORlI. - - Burt's Shoes For X4idle. mHE BEST IN THE WQBLDaff 1 1 -WAIE"PEGBAM,8, octll tf. First National Bank Building McHurray & Davis' Column. : " ' ' .v- ' V . - To Merchants. pjm TRADE; HAVING MORE THAk J: j doubled itself: in the. past two -jrearr we have found it necessary to increase-' our stockand enlarge par rooms in proportion- to the demand tor goods. Our Wholesale, Rooms is 135x35, has been completely remodeled, ; and will, by the 6th of September, contain not only one or tne largest Btocks in the, State, bat in the Southern States. We feel assured of being able to sell everything in oar line at NEW YORK JOBBING PRICES, to cash or short time buyers. Our stock of STAPLE DRY GOODS will be equal to any in the city. Our sto k of fancy and fine Dry Goods, Dress Goods, Hosiery and. Gloves, will be the largest in the State. Oar stock of Foreign and Domestic Notions, some of our owrr' importations, will be the largest and most varied, ever offered in this market. . Uur stock or Boots and Shoes will also be the Jargest in the city, and will contain a number of our own make. Our stock of Read r-Made Clothing will be larger than ever before. Our stock of HATS CATS, RUBBER SUITS, OIL CLOTHS, &c, will also be equal to any in the city. In a word, our attractive stock, our liberal terms, our low prices and our strict adherence to facts, wi.l ensure us an increase of that pa tronage which has enabled us to build up a trade second to none in the city. We bee your careful examination of our stock before you go North or buy elsewhere. CIRCULARS AND PRICE LIST sent upon application. Most Respectfully, McMURRAY & DAVIS, Trade Street, Opposite Brem, Brown & Co.'s Hardware. To the Retail Trade. rE again ask to invite the attention of the trade to the largest and most va ried stock of DRY GOODS. FANCY GOODS, WHITE GOODS. SILKS. HOISERY, GLOVES, HATS CAR PETS, BOOTS, SHOES, ..READY-MADE CLOTHING, GENTS AND LADIES FURNISHING GOODS, AC, &CL TO BE FOUND IN THE STATE. Dress Goods An immense stock of Dress Good, Silks, fec.. selected with special reference to bril liancy of shade and color, and superiority of texture and makes. The lareest line of Alpacas, ever present ed, including the lowest price Goods, as well as tbe hnest Fabrics. Llama Blooming Black, Cunard. Double Warp and Face, Grand Duchess Eclipse, Silk finished Black Bril- liantine, an entirely new Fabric, made from the wool of the Turkish goat, much more lustrous than pure Mohair. We are offering a large variety of Foreign and Domestic Sim wis. embracing novelties of the most elegant! de sien ana finish. Black Merinoe and Cash ere ,Bnaw"v k J" f"" Jj Shawls, and Lap Robes, in fine variety mere Bbawls, Ladies and 1 rents iTaveting RIBBONS. Gros' Grain and Velvet Ribbons, all widths and qualities, in a complete range of colors LACES, Embroideries, Bugle Trimmings, Silk Scarfs, Ruching's Beltings, Steel Morrooo-and Russian Leather, and Bngle trimmed Belts, in all the latest designs. SHIBTINGS, SHEETINGS, &0. Bleaeded and brown 8hirtings and Sheet ines. Pillow-case Linens, Table Damasks, Towels, Napkins, and Table Diapers, we offered at extremely low prices. Jeans Flannel, Xiinnseys, CASSIMEBES, Coating, New style Repellant, Blankets.Counterpanes Bed-covers, and an elegant line of CARPETS and HOUSE FDfiNISH IN& GOODS. will be sold at astonishingly low prices. GREAT INCITEMENTS will be offered in Ready-made Clothing land Gents farnisbine Goods. Boots. Shoes. Hats, Caps, Umbrellas, Trunks,? Satchels, i Bet culec, and many other entirely, new lines of tnancT-Goocis, whicn nave: Deen; iwae w iCA.r.'W:l. StTTTfortnerlv 'of the 'knt& of BREM.BRO W0t & CO has charge of the Retail Department, who, with the assistance Of large corps or pome, attentive ncrex perlenced salesmeh will endaJtJd.v'i'lfc on the trade In such aaiMmnertwBn ' tkpe) Insure torvm, a continnance of that "patron age Which has enabled us td double Our pns Iness' in the last twelve months. ' Atr earlyicail and careful examination is respect? ailjrsoTicited from alL , f - - Respectfully, , JMcMURBAT ATAVia. A r c ht ant T ,Lthi.8 metho4io inform the citizens ? Ch?50tte &ad; vicinity, tthafc he has permanentlyl cted'iCharLoU ; Hrad of- era nis professional -wrvices tothe CpubUc UKLpndon, .TorlrCitT leading architect in, the United fltate3ie i,ySei? New Tork. le was engaged in the following works: r- J BfSSS81! ?ilBafflaiftoir Church, fS?,NewY0Tkryr!Butler Build- m m Equitable Insur- an9f Building, Boston; Mansion, J., Cald- wall KniifAM 3 . vi wuowju, auu many otnera l . Mr. Welch will take pleasure In' drawing designs and making complete plans and specifications fos buildings of eyery kind, and personally superintend the same. ouB-, Trade Street Charlotte n. O. S. B; UEACHAU, COTTON BUYEli And Commission Merchant, CHARLOTTE, N. C. Liberal advances made on Cotton consigned w uits ur new iorK or unaneston. Reference bv Permission. :V 1 pm Cashier 1st National Bank, Charlotte ; A G Brenizer, Cashier Commercial National Bant, Charlotte; Maj Geo W Melton, "V?m H Hardin, Chester S C; Col W H McCorkle. B T Wheeler, Yorkyille, 8. C. N B. Special attention given to the pur chase and sale of future contracts. Oflice next door to Magill, Heath & Scott, College Street. Xept 11 tf T HAVING BEEN? REPORTED BY some that this Preparation 'is the same as Simmons' Liver Regulator; wedeem it right to correct this impression; - Although C.A.Simmons was former: Proprietor of both preparations, he assures us that SIM MONS' HEPATIC COMPOUND Is his latest improvement in Medical Science, ' and that it has no connection whatever with former preparations, but that it is far superior, in every respect, to any Liver Medicine to which his name was ever attached, . being composed solely of Vegetable ingredients. Tbe trial of one bottle will satisfy the most incredulous. seThis Compound was Patented De cember 12, 1871, and name Copy-righted 1874. : For Sale by Wholesale and Re tail Itealers Everywhere. se'j tt. THE jBAXK OP HECKLEffBTTIlG, CHARLOTTE, N. C. Authorized Capital $500,000 J as. Tekhib Tats, President. Thos. W. Diwiy, Cashier, F. H.'Dswrr, Asst. Cashier. AT THE BANKING HOUSE OF TATE & DEWEY. This Bank Chartered Under Act of the General Assembly and dulv organized under Laws of the State of North. Carolina, wun aiapie means is prepared 10 transact General Banking Business. and furnish accommodations to all it Cus tomers on Liberal Terms. . The bankwill receive Deposits subject to Check, and will Allow Interest According to Agreement oh all Deposits left on time, or issue uertincates ot ueposit hearing in terest at tne rate ot Eight per cent per Annum on all sums lying undrawn over thiro days. Gold and Silver Coin, Bullion and Bank Notes Bought and Sold. TliOS. W. JPJCWEY, Jan. 11874. .Cashier. DR SCAHK, C en B 1. 00 to c a 00 CHARLOTTE, M, C. Prescriptions prepared at all hourt of the Day and night. Choice Green and Black Tea, Selected especially for Family and Inval ids, at SCARR'S June 29 Drug Store. FKESII SPICES, Just received a lot of select 8jces for Pickles, Preserves, Ac., at F. SCARR'S june 29 , Drugstore. Pnre Salad Oil. Finest article in Market, at F. SCARR'S june 29, 1872 Drug Store. J. Y. BBTCE, General Commission' Xlerchant, CHARLOTTE, C.1 Particular attention "peid to ' selling ah kinds of Producej Getton waA Tobacco. Highest cash price paid (or Cotton. All orders from a distanoa prwnptiy at tended to. J. Y. BRYCB, dec 21 '73. , n WATEES & MAESE, COMMISSION MERCMANT8. t rnc am nrenared to make liberal cash W ivMce5on cotton bipte(ltoour friends in Charleston, or New XoXi an ftttind Momplyito sales of eotwjeonr siirned to us. Offif e ,a vrajwwuy Rintls,t Charlotte N.C; ,1 1 ' ,: " v. niMsto : Beckwlth tmUtpti&u: 1 that I have again opened JPf chairs miUpipritif tion they were la)wheiyg wem from the store, at ressonabto prhare secured the "enricWfrt eol. sterer who hasserved Wt, Prussia, and therefore cad guarantee satis- factionlo all 2Jfi ize me. Orders tor matoasses. or repairing K M V I T1 T noI aim!. m . and six years experience in roK au .-fjg ( DERANGEMENTS OF UVER, I A - KIDNEYS, SKIN, V gypw.TOMACH AND BOWELS. MANUFACTURED B?V E. L. KING &SOhlis,) p COLUMBIA, 8. C. J JL . F.

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