r : JUSTICE I t MECKLENBURG SUPERIOR COURT Charge of Judge 8chenek to the Grand . ; . Jury.' :V ' The first day of the Fall terra of Mecklen burg Superior Coart, . opend at ' 10:30 Mon day mornlrlg.The court-house was e crowded the whole Lday,"jlhat icrshoemaker could have scarcely drawn a stitch.. The usual r court "Bcerie r presented themselves Getting Square on the Judge. An amusing incident occurred in a court room, about a year ago, in Keat ingville, Montana Territory ;r His Honor Jwas a man weU stricken in years, yet he could ride a race, shoot a rifle, and shuffle 'and deal as well as the next man in the mines, andhe who presumed to trifle with the dig nity of the court generally suffered for Vftw hi Tinner was seated, and the case about to be commenced, when, m a voice of thunder, the sheriff, pro- wtth. the exception that failed to see claimed silence. There was a pause, raemVersVronianV !ober ;bar, nndissed the judge looked oyer and saw "le P"f from the behcha fakiliar face f Many otter who had not -yet uncovered his eemeto stare blankly at .'the -present in- neg coulJ not p08Sibly brook cumbent,asif tosay.it cant. be so; but it guch di8respect to its dignity, and his was; and a Judge presided who immediate- irftr 0iwi nut. in an authoritive iy oegaa vj unu uie uuu&efc use ae -meant i tone JHE JTEW YORK TRIBUNE. THE?LEADINa AMERICAN "' Wf ' ' "'NEWSPAPER," FOUNDED B Y HORACE GREELEY. business, and sat hot as some one curtly re marked about his predecessor, " like a mar ble statue, to be wafted about by every wind of doctrine."1 No cases of any importance were tried. -.A number , were continued for want of witnesses'; some submissions enter ed, aa not ji few nol. pros'sJ The State dock et as it stands, is not large, though there is a m tinier case removed from Gaston, which will , likely take up a considerable time. Besides the jail is well filled! with prisoners, court ' in -1 . '- . i .. wnowin Deineaas Boon as nresentmems t u are made." Every one feels " confident that the docket, both State and civil, will be dis posed 'of summarily and justice will be meted out to all. . . . . c . , ii . . "Mr. Sheriff, remove tne genueman Tii a t funntionarr.who had until now stood in a comer, leaning upon a rifle, stepped up, and politely knocked ofl the offender's hat with that murderous instrument, whereupon the prisoner seized the hat, and clapping it upon his head, loudly exclaimed : " Judge, I am bald ?" " Mr. Sheriff," said the indignant we instruct you to remove mat . . . a a The order was instantly execuiea, and no sooner done than the prisoner replaced the baton his head the sec ond time, again insisting that he was bald. ' The offended judge now waxed warm and, rising up in his seat, said : " I fine vou five dollars for contempt of court to be committed until the Mecklenburg- Saperior Court' convened promptly at 10 A. M.5 Judge David M -Schenck on the- bench. The charge of His tr. i. xi.. 1MM Tnww-'wMa aIaof a Vila lucid and exhaustive, occupying soraetmng r . thunderstruck over an hour in the deUvery.H caution- ,i0iiWt.filv walked ud to the iudge, ed, in" the outset, the Grand Jftry that it &n(j aving down a half dollar stamp was their solemn amy w aevesi laemaeiYeo Defore his tionor, in a soieinn uiuw tant duties ; keep a strict .secret of all their acts and counsels ; and present or leave un presented, no one on account of fear, favor, affection, hope or reward! 'He impressed npon them the blessings that would ensue irom public .peace, and the protection due to every "roan in hii person and' property. 'Anthbnest'man "iwho -'earns - his living by the sweajk of his brow, "and lays down wrapt in the mantle of a sleep that is sweet to all wiio Ubprdaimsthe shield of the " law against any invasion upon ; his -goods, and the Vagabond who slept during the day and prowls around in the night, ought to be severely and speedily punished. There was no excuse for any able bodied man to steal. There were broad fertile fields everywhere that invited labor, dishonesty must cease and security to the honest and law-abiding exist. . There were onjy four instances of the death penalty, under the law of which wo death: two related to persons, and two to things. Murder and rapa related to the person, and anon and burglary to things. He then recited the grades that constituted murder and homicide. Rape is the most detestable and revolting or all crimes known io roan ; they could see the necessity (with out dwelling upon a subject so shocking) of tho severest penalty the law 'could inflict. A man's house is his castle ' If destroyed by tire maiidously, or ignited maliciously, how- ' ever slight the damage, it was sufficient to constitute the offence of arson. The enter ing of a dwelling with felonious intent, the raising of a window, or lifting the latch of a door, were sufficient to constitute the crime of burglary. The breaking of seme portion of the dwelling, was not necessary, as some suppose He spoke at ltngth of the cases where the justices had concurrent jurisdic t ion with the Superior Court. Cases of as sault and battery where no deadly vweap m was used, and cases of fornication and adul tery, tresspass unlawful forces, &c, where ' the title to land did not come in controversy, and where the penalty was not greater than br 'months imprisonment and fifty dollars tine- Was the duty of all officers extend ing from the judge to the constable, to des troy all tables used for gam es of chance anrl if necessary,' to summons the aid of the county for his assistance. All were equally guilty. The owner of the tables, the propri etor of a public house who permitted such games of chance, and the persona who en gaged in the gambling. Backgammon ann billiard. tables alone were exempt. The grand juries, in bis experience, had been adly negligent about caring , for the public roads, because they disliked; 'to present any one for the negligence' which so many ot them had been guilty of. The selling of otton in quantities less than a bale, after night fall, the selling Or disposing of a chat tel mortgage, counterfeiting and forging, were likewise indictable.' His charge embrac- " Your sentence, Judge, is most un trpn tlemanlv. but the law is imperative and I will have to stand it ; so here is four bits, and the four dollars and a half that vou owed me when we stopped playing poker this morning JUSt IIKlKtJS US SlJUiUC. QOMK AND SEE OUR BARGAIN COUNTER, For BOOTS and SHOES. SAMPLE it ALEXANDER. nov 20 2t H ALL fc PATTERSON. Hit korv. X. ('. S elicit orders from a distaneefor Iiiuter, Ecu?. Chickens. Apples, Potatoes, Cabbage, and any other country produce that may be desired. White Pine Shinnies a specialty. Inauiries Dromptlv answered. Parties wish ing anything in their line, will please hand in their orders to McMnrry & Davis, Char lotte, North Carolina. no5-3m s PLENDID HAMS, Just received a splendid lot of. Sugar Cur ed Hams, uncanvassed. Also, a fine lot of Breakfast Bacon. D. P. L. WHITE, novl3 tf College Street H ERE THEY COME California Pears, Oranges, Lemons, Banannaa, Malaga Crapes, Apples, Mince Meat, Citron, Currants, Prunes. Cheap, Cheaper, Cheapest Store, Under the Knn. nov 14 C. S. HOLTON &CO. NEW FIRM. The undersigned take this method to in form the citizens of Charlotte, and the pub lic generally, that they have this day fomi a copartnership, under the firm name and style of ORESWELL A W ' LKER, and will do business at A H Cres well's old stand, opposite the Presbyterian church. WE MEAN TO DO A CA8H BUSINESS. and if you are not satisfied of the fact, come and see how cheap you can buy for cash. Long yarns, and long faces about inability to get money, don't pay our bills, and on first failure to meet your obligations with us, (when we credit at all) we will be com pelled to refuse further indulgence. Our House shall be first class as to goods, prices and attention. Ladies can visit our ed all the crimes of which the Superior with intoxicated Me 8en no fn .rf t.J 1 1 I 1-1 v iri iiiu tuuuBuve) wiu noa uoisudi i strong uriuKS w i' h profound attention and respect. The ab ve contains a synopsis; which we think is correct, in the main, though it may not be arranged in the exact order of its delivery.1:- ' ' Welearn since the writing of the above, the urart adjourned at 5 b'dock P. M., after the trial of Suite. ; J.-W. Eirkpatiick and others. Assault and battery; Defendants guilty, judgment not prayed. The METHOPiaTs.-AXn -the ; Liquor Traffic.- The Virgini Annual Con ference at its present seMKionwill pass upon the following question : An amendment tiHsbeen proposed ' lft s the Methodists Eutsco Da t 1 Church A BOVE all tbines fine Clears. ADDles. n ...... ..... . I i-1 -ri' ' . . ! rpuin to pne general rule O the church uranges.ana iiananas, ana regrets tnat Hoping by honesty and politeness to mer it a full share of public patronrge. We are Very Respectfully, CRESWELL & WALKER. A CARD. Having made a change in my business I now thank the public for past favors, and pespectfully ank a continuation of the same. All notes or accounts up to the 19th of August must be settled with the undersined at his place of business. Ladies and gentle men with some of you I have waited long and patiently. Come up and settle Respect fully. A.USCKESWELL. aug21-tf. GRANT PREFERS In the recent elections the people have declared in favor of honesty in politics and independence in journalism. The Tribune, which years ago declared that it was not and never more would be a party organ, claims the verdict, as the popular vindication of its course, and recognizes in the result the voice of the people for reform" and "integrity iu government, for candor aod independence among newspapers. During the campaign which has just closed the Tribune ha9 fully maintained its right to the title of t he "Lead r."Z American Newspaper." This position it has earned and retains tor the following, among others reasons : It publishes all the news, earlier, more ally, and more intelligently than any other Hper. It insists on peace throughout the whole country, the right of local self-government, and the protection of all classts in the exer cise of their just and legal rights. It advocates confidence and good feeling between North and South, and labors for an honest and abiding reconciliation. It maintains fairness and candor toward all public men and questions, and dignity and courtesy toward associates ana rivals. It publishes scientific news, reports, dis cussions and discoveries to a degree of ful ness and accuracy never before attained by any paper. It gnes every week ten or more columns of the mo?t carefully prepared agricultural matter during the year, much more in the aggregate than the entire contents of any other agricultural publication, and the whole forming a department ot winch an eminent agricultural editor ?atd : "it lias cone more to make good farmers than ariy other influence which ever existed. ' It has published a series of scientilic" and literary extras which have met a wider sale and mre emphatic popular approval than similar pnblici'-tion ol the kind. WH AT THE SOUTHERN PRESS SAY OP THE TRIBUNE. We consider the Tkibckk a very valuable paper. .Asuevuie ;. v nw.m. The New York Tribune, in i's faithful an 1 searching exposure of outras;;' nlanders on Alabama and other States, ha- d ne ira mensc service to truth and justice Macon (Ga.) Telegraph and MesseDger We thank the New York Tribune for its mar.lv "d powerful words io demanding justic.' fcr t'i'' people ot Alabama. Mont gomery (A ia.) News. The best n.'vsraner in the world H tbr New YorK Trihunk. It combines the dig nitr and sagacity of the London Times wtth the reDresentative news cnu rnriic nf Amer ica. Baltimore Bulletin. A paper to be admired lor its indepen dence of .tone and its reliability ol news. Episcopal Methodist, Baltimore, Md. Any ene who wants a first-class m tr which keeps fully up -with the times in liter ature, science and art, should subscribe f r the Tribune. Sjartanburg (S. C.) Caro lina Spartan. The imperial sheet of the world. Tie New York Tribckk. The Jacksonville (Fin ) New South. We regard it as the best paptr, all in all. published in the United States. Morris on (Tenn ) tjnz-ttr. To-dav he New York Trihunk is un oubtedly the firt of American newspapers ; whatever may tie said of its rivals, it has learly won precedence of aII. anu very cred itably does it represent the j-jurnaltsm of the country, u hile dealing with all me opics coming within the range of a newspa ier, the Tribuxs makes a specialty of the great pnnject of agriculture. It becomes therefore a matter ot vital importance to the country that the direction of the ideas this vast section should be in utile and conscientious hands, and a matter for con gratulation that the farmer's Hewspaper par xeellence ha9 the hiuh standing of the Tribunr The N. Y ) South. The New York I ribunk ts doing a great work in popularizing Sc'ence, by the pub ication of cheap extras to that great daily. Our Mouthy, Clinton, S. C. American newspaper enterprise is proba bly at this time more fully illustrated in the ally issues of the New lork iRiBUNBthan n any other journal. Wilmington Star. Unequaled in culture, dignity, compre hensive hreadth, polish of expression and in tellectual ; fettered by no partv ties, bolted udeceticiea of speech, and hystesic with no wild sensations. Raleigh, N. C. Agncoi- ural Journal. Surely the paper has maintained success fully the high popularity which he bequeath ed it, and the nime of an ably conducted and independent journal, which it now deserves even more justly then at any time during Mr. f-iretley's hie. Petersburg Q a ) maex and Appeal. PTJBLIO SALE. On Tuesday the 1st day if December, (being Tuesday of Court week) at niy house in Statesville, I will offer for sale to the high est bidder, a lot of valuable , anrl Kitchen Fomitue. A good work or saddle horse, one nearly new one or two horse wagon, with both shafts and tongue, a patent feed cutter, a lot of - ; PARKING UTENSIUS. And many other articles not necessrry to enumerate. At the same time and place, if not sold privately, I will offer for sale to the highest bidder, a rare bargain, in a House and Lot, within the suburbs of Statesville. The Dwelling House is a new two-story build ng, containing six room?, passage, large, well arranged pantry, portico in front, piazza in the rear, with large and commodious base ment, under the L. with a good cellar under the main part of the building. The dwelling, barn, &c, are all new, and are situated within three hundred yards of the Court House, and the centre of "town. Only a lew hundred yards from Simonton Female College, and within a short distance of Statesville Male Academy, within hearing of the bells of the Presbyterian, Methodist and Episcopal cnurcnes. The premises include a well improved lot. and land enough for a small farm, with a well of water in the yard. Such an opportun ity to secure a desirable residence in a thriv ing growing place like Statesville, is rarely of fered, lieing the Northern terminus of the Atlantic, Tennessee & Ohio Railroad, and situatedon the Western Itf. c. Railroad, the town is a growing place. The character or the climate has made Statesville noted for its healthfulness, and an opportunity to secure a good residence there, is seldom offered. TEBMS : For Personal Property, Cash. For real es tate, Cash is preferred, but satisfactory ar raneements will be made with &bone nte pur chaser.on the payment of part of the purchase money. On the Dwelling House, there is a policy of insurance Against fire, for twelve hundred dollars, which foes not expire un til Febuary, 1876. and which will be trans fered to the purchaser, without extra charge. My reasons for selling are that, having bought The Charlotte Obsesses, I desire to change my residence. for further particulars, call on or ad dress CHAS RT JONES, Ed. & Ppop'6 Observer, d&w - Charlotte, N. C Southern Life Insurance Company. t 289 Main and 21 Madison Streets, MEMPHIS, TENN. T. A. NELSON, President, AMOS WOODRUFF, Vice-President. BEN MAY, Secretary. CHAS. T. PATERSON. Asst. Sec. F. S. DAVIS, Treasurer. O- maun & Bothschilii. The only bouse in Cbarlotu clnsively in h'nln, MILLINERY Annual Income Now, at the Kate of flross Assets, July 1st, 1874. F S Davis, TA Nelson, Jacob Weller, R C Brinkley, Gen J B Gordon, E Miles Willet, M D. DIRECTORS. W H Cherry, C W Frazer, D H Townsend, A Woodruff, A J White, MEDICAL BOARD. fl.800,00000 2.348,026.3500 M P Jarnigan, W C Ireland F M White,. Ben May, Chas Kertrecht. J H Erskine, M D. ANI FANCY GOOBh This fact alone will attract all our citi, and persons from elsewhere, who ,W 8' we intend to make ours a first class p ponum of Fashion, and hope to Em" ...v.-vu..Uki w um uusiumers in tho . u prices, quality and style of goods that W shall go away otherwise than well Li 0ne with their purchases. 1 Pleased We offer to the Wholesale and . , variety of ATLANTA (GA.) DEPARTMENT. GENERAL JOHN B. GORDON, President. GEN. A. H. COLQUITT, Vice President, ALFRED AUSTELL, Treas. J. H. MILLER, Supt. of Agencies, J A MORRIS.Secretary, -O- of the surrounding country a Millinery, Fancy Goods r WHITE GOODS AND wwavr, Cl Cli ttllU X1 eit latS tlYim Cottage Bonnet to the SStSSSST A great feature of the season Xr?- wbii that it would reallv ,wfk " ul sbad . g a very nfffST .mTT11 the Lav?: vuiiuvu i'f,ainjirM3 ana TIPS nrJ . Reserve fund taken in North Carolina, invested in the State, commencing with ove $30,000 in real estate in Charlotte , Losses Adjusted at Home. According to Goodsell's, New York reports for 1874, the Southern Life Insurance Company stands second to none in its conservative and economical management, and sec ondtonone in its ability, to fulfill its contracts. Its rates are as low as absolute necessity will allow, while its mutual features return in equitable dividends the surplus to the assured. It3 absolute solvency is unsurpassed by any company doing business in the United States, and is endorsed by the best business men in all the commercial centres of the South. All policies non-forfeitinp;. Parties holding policies in Northern rvjmoanies can have them transferred without loss or risk, and thus save so much capital to the South jar Medical examination always required C W BRADSHAW, E A OSBORNE. Secretary and Manaeer. octS tf. Special Agent: Charlotte Branch MET A LLTC GRAVE COVERING F, A. McNixeii. F. Gbeishabber CHAELOTTE 3RAKITE WORKS. fTlHE Undersigned respectfully announce J. to the citizens of Charlotte that thev have formed a co-partnership to carry on the Granite business in all its branches', and are prepared to fill all orders at short notice for Granite Fronts, Cemetery Lot Enclosures. Grave Guards, Steps, Sill's, Bases, Coping, Curbing. A-oa Wall Cps, Flagging Hearths, L pp'og HIix-KS. Ken cp Posts, die, Ac. i-ur-rs soil( ii.-d t'rorii abroad. Office -it S. M' Viiieli's inarliio works. l.i:il fc GREISH ARBER. nov 10 It AH ItOtl) SCHEDULES. fHfHMOND AND DANVILLE, R, (North Carolina Division.) A j rive at Charlotte, R. he is too faraway to get a daily supply from F. H. Andrews 4S5 C0., at on : intemperano.- .The rule . at the present forbida f 'drtinkenne f s, or drink ing spirituous liquors;? lutloss in cases :,. of rnecessity.The ;amehlroent in 'cltidei tho manufacture, eftlc;-ucd use of intoxicating drinks: ; To judge from the ;VOte of the annual foonferencen . already Jield, the amendment will pro- -.., iMjt'iuum . iiiuwm wuictcuuc, 'y ean tin'mvyi -88 ; .Western ; Illinois, verts 6, iU rtayi 22; Denver year; nays 15; West r-i; ' Vtrginia;yeas 18,'nats26 ;TfKentucky, Vwv nay"28;; Missouri; Veas 27, Southern Missouri.. yeas 23,- naysi 46 : .acificviyeaa 18y! nays SSfrATehnessee, THE white iioi si:, Opposite the Court House. He is also ,i - . ., -r-r - . - , ,. , .. fortd of our'Brandy Peaches,' Pickles, ' Sar as long as he can' get such' a variety of Fan cy Crackers a we heep, will never return TO THE U Alt PATH. . - w tf 'ArytZ 4Uiul " a,t.4 tiatu iavK ,'jtJMiMiOrVytaw cnfrvveiJutreoee, ........ . .. ..isi 4 7yeaJ;45ay8107h'Holst6nyeas!86. f. . ; ; 'r :y'w': ? . irUtaJ i:-J ff. "li VO. is thts dadtssolyed .byTthe.tetir mr''-& UV JFoUJfp DEAD.Ou Thursday nient of T. Bymons from Sard 'firm:' The iiof iast xteikt awhile fRobinsoii'scircua uatoess.wilUjejCarrlpl on bewtofcte, :d iiStfs ZfM&Wti-pt Certoir JfclWJ aald firm. witTptesept themfpt payment, and , fourld dead iDrjiu alley aanort astawj, aii tmrties owino- t.h hid firm bv noteWae !P-0i 'plrP reqaw.edUtp:' make New fiml are author- hiwM Riuidered, hut noclue -.an yet: io MfH bwiqewpnhe firm. : r ;v the murderers j One report is he way , , y.: . ivvnvR . ' Killed by.l parlyf ;negroe8.M .wis J W; ;fjJS; ' therTis-nhMfftWasurlired: b- ' ' .rvr-i'-SSomVT. ? somerroefr;conoected with 'the circus.. October 1,-1874. V i Leave Charlotte at 6.30 a. m 3 30 p. m S.30 a. ni 7.45 p. m ATLANTA k R1'MM"N1 ft AIR LINE. Arrive at Chariot'. . Leavo f'harWte at CHARLOTTE, COI.CMH1 A & Arrive at Charlotte. Leave Charlotte at CAROLINA CENTRA 1 VISION. Leave Charlotte at Arrive at Charlotte j niec the 3. ol ;nt B.. wuence came all n many colored plumages for which, e ly, the world has been ransacked to a new garniture for our fair ones. lst A large stock of . . Artificial Flowers, imitating nearly every FLORAL CRFattov IN THE WORLD, and the most darin terfeits of Nature. Gros Gram and Fancy Ribbons. All widths and shades imaginable. Turquoise, Florence Silk and Valour. Black and White Crape Scarfs, Laces, t i . , .Collars and Cuffs Jackonet Fdging and Inserting, Veiliu A large stock of Kid Gioves. Corset? In WHITiC GOODS we keep on hand Table cloths. Towels, Jaconet, Cambric, Lawn nen. Swiss Nansook, and other goodVfc. longing to that line. e We have engaged the services of several experienced Ladies (one recently from Phih delphia) in the Millinery Business, and ?e are now prepared to have Hats and Bonnets trimmed at short notice. Attentive and competent salesmen are al- reauyio wait on customers, and them in making selections. Koopmann & Rothschild. TRADE ST., CHAELOTTE, K. C. oct 18 THIS NEW AND BEAUTIFUL ARTICLE WE are now prepared to offer to the public, and feel confident it cannot fail to recom mend itself to every one interested In beautifying and protectiux the graves of their de ceased relatives and friends. aui J"OW IN STORE OF A. R. NISBET & BRO.. CHARLOTTE. N. c. THE largest stork in their line, in Weoten Carolina, consisting of tfie following HEAVY GROCERIES, COFFEE, Sugars. Rice, Teas. Molass. Syrups, Lard, Cheese, Pepper, Spict-. Soda, Starch, &c. FANCY GROCERIES PRESERVES, Jellies, Pickles, Sauces, Nuts Rasins. Currants, Citron, Ovsttrs, Lobsters, Apples. Butter, Ac. xiK) a. in L'UUa. ru ij 12 a. m t. 12 a. u A. R. R. G 45 p. ni 8.35 a. m WESTERN DI- They are made In four sizes, with a variety of styles, ranging in price from 825 to $60, according to size and style. Tbey measure frm three to six feet, designed to cover all sizes of graves from infants to adults. Can be painted any color desired, sanded or gal vanized to unit the taste of purchasers. A galvanized plate, containing whatever insci ip tion parties delre, is furnished with each wound free of charge. 8.00 a. 4.20 p. TERMS OF THE TRIBUNE. Daily, by mail, $10 per year ; Semi- Weekly. 3 per year ; five copies, 2 0. Weekly, $2 per year ; ten copies, $1 25 each : twenty copies $1 10 each. fiST Postage in all cafes is paid lv the Tribune, and papers addressed to each sub scriber, without extra charge. Agents waded in every town, to whom beral cash commissions will be paid. Specimen copies, circulars and posters free. Address, THE TRIBUNE, nov 19 New York. ATLANTIC, TENNESSEE a OHIO. Arrive at Charlotte 10.00 a. m Leave Charlotte at 3 25 p. m MONROE MAIL STAGE LINE. Connecting with the Eastern Division of the Carolina Central R. R., at Monroe. I ave Charlotte Daily (Sundays excepted) " 3.15 p. m, Arrive at Charlotte 12.00 ra BUY ONLY THE GENUINE FAIRBANKS SCALES Stock Scale. Coal Scales, Hay Scales, Dairy Scales, C-.il nter Scales, &c &c. Also, Miles Alarm Till Co's. Alarm Cash Drawer. E CERY Merchant SHOrXD - ffiLttftn , KEIttOVAli.' JgLIAS. COHEN & R0E9SLER, Invite their friends and customers to call and examine their new and beautiful store, which is acknowledged by all, to be the Finest and Largest in the State, and at the same time, a stock of goods that cannot be surpassed. In addition to a full line 'of Foreign and Domestic Dry Goods, Heady Made Clothing:, Boots and Shoes, Hats and Notions, Groceries and We have in, 6toie.a ereat assortmeiit of ingrain, xnree riv and - Brussers carpeting, Rugs and House Furnishing Articles, suited to the wants of the - ; " . - RETAIL TRADE : and .Wholesale buyers .will findihe.. , Lareeat rr and best i Selected - Stock of '? 'jGederal JMerch'aa'di8V 1 to choose, from, at Prices that wUlpay to ex '!,. V ' . .11. .'.'j.:' '-J ' . t V wuu jt rj -2.., r,.-f. i. CalL and'tsee m,..at Masonic Temple Building. EtUS. COHEN & R0ESSLER. EVERY Drawer Warranted & CO., 311 KROADWAY NEW YOUK, I GO Baltimore St., Baltimore, 53 Camp St., New Orleans. FAIRBANKS &. EWINO- MASONIC HAliL, PHILADELPHIA FAIRBANKS, BROWN & CO. 2 MILK ST., BOSTON For sale by leading Hardware Dealers. augl5-tawHm. Use Them. FAIRBANKS 1 F. YOU. WANT BARGAINS . lii Boots and Shoes, call on SAMPLE & ALEXANDER. nov 20 2t W E ARE DAIIjY RECEIVING Our Second Stock of Goods for the winter SAMPLE. & ALEXANDER, noy 20 2t' - ' NEW IX)T Of Foot Holds. Dlain and Arctic Rubbers, . . SAMPLE & ALEXANDER'S, ' :nov20.2t ; .,;-,; r ' . ' New Goods 4 " ' ' X llew. Goods, FRESH Confectioneries ifeceived this day Northern Applea.s,Nuts . of all kinds. Lemons. Dates, Canned Fruits, focoanuts ami numerousother articles. .Also a fine Assortment ofrench-GaBdies,' - Pickles by uw aozen, isranayjeacDes, vc at - , . - i, P. J. REBMAN'8 f I J.!V:fy;t . Confectionery, .AMjar.iowu uiocic ; t , , , e . , octau-tf. This Handsome Decoration is offered at such prices as to place it within reach of all. lie generally to call and examine for themseievs. We invite the cltizensjaud pub- iulv 7' tf. C F IIAHB1SOK, Agt, Opposite Court House, Charlotte, Jf. C FARMERS' SAVINGS BANK OF MECKLENBURG COUNTY, N. C. CHARTERED BY ACT OF THE LEGISLATURE. of "" 1 Orsanizecl KTovomtoor atXi, 1873. Ppital J'aid up, p.piTAL Authorized, $ 100,000 1,000 000 BANKING HOUSE, TRADE ST.. CHARLOTTE, N. C, prepared to transact a general Banking Business. Cash advanced on Cotton, Man ufactured Goods and Merchandise stored in Warehouses and covered by Insurance also on Stocks, Bonds and other Securities. Deals in Gold and Silver Coin, Exchange, Bullion, Bank Notes, Bonds, St.ocks, fcc. Money received on deposit subject to check. Interest bearing Certificates of Deposit issued for money when left on time according to agreement. Collections made on all accessible points ; promptly acknowled on receipt, and re mitted for on date of payment. Directors and Officers. E. C. Geiee, A. Macaulay, of Stenhouse, Macaulay & C B. H. Moore, J. W. McMukkay. of McMurray & Davi, J. W. Wadswobth, W. W. GarEB, of Gi ier ife Alexander, S. P. 8MITH, President. T. L. VAIL. Cashier. C. N. G. BUTT. Afs't Cashier New York Correspondent Importers' and Traders' National Bank. feb 4.1y CANDIES, COMMON and Fancy French, sortments. in large a- R. 1. McDowell R. D. Collins, S P.Smith, NEW MARBLE YARD, COLLEGE ST., CHARLOTTE, N. C. I respectfully announce to the public that I am cpening a Marble Yard next door to R. M. Miller & Sons, at which place I am prepared to manufacture Plain and Orna mental Gravestones, Tombs and Monuments of every description. Having Beryed an ap prenticeship of seven years with Mr. It. Hare, of Yorkville, S. C, and six years under in structions w'th Mr. Jj . A. McNmch, of Char lotte, N. C, I feel warranted in saving that 1 can compete favorably with any workman in my line in artistic merits. 1 will deal only in thehest qualities of marble, guaran teeing all work manufactured by me to prove satisfactory in every respect, or no pay re quired. My prices shall be as low as the lowest. 1 respectfully ask a shareof public patronage. Call and see hie before purchasing else- wheret and I can make it to your advantage. Very respectlullv, o!7-tf E. M. CRAWFORD. QHARLOTTE MARBLE WORKS. Having purchased Mr. F. A. McNinch's Marble Works, I respectfully announce to the public that I will carry on the Marble business in all its branches at the stand near the jail, formerly occupied by F. A. Mc Ninch. Tombs, Monuments and Grave stones of every description manufactured at reasonable prices and at short notice. The public are invited to call and examine samples of my material and workmanship. Family Monuments a speciality. S. Mc.NINCH. D. MACAULAY. T. S. STONE D. HACADLAY & CO., COTTON BUYERS Commission Merchants, OFFICE above the store of R. ; M. Miller & Sons. Liberal advances made on consignment of COTTON, to be sold here or in New York. -All consignments will receive prompt per sonal attention. ' , : v , sel8r-tf- -. tl.;iIACAULAY'& CO. Just .Received. CHOICE Goshen Butter, Sugar Cured .. Breakfast Bacon, Pine Palmetto Can vassed Hams, Choice : Northern Early Rose and-Peertes Potatocs,a full stock will be kept coestantlyonhahdby t ... oct9-tf. WOLFE & NISBET. , A CARD. Having sold my entire stock and interest in the Marble business to Mr. S. McNinch, I take pleasure in recommending him to the Eublic as a first class Art5st, and bespeak fr im a liberal share of patronage, Respectfully, F. A. McNINCH. Charlotte, November 10, 1874. QOCHRANE'S RESTAURANT. European Plan. I would inform the public that, on the 1st of November. I will open a RESTAURANT and BOARDING HOUSE, on Tryon street, in the second story of the Building adjoin ing the Bank of Mecklenburg, and hereafter will "be prepared to entertain B arders, regu lar and transient, in a style unsurpassed bv any house in the city. The table will be supplied with all the delicacies of the sea son. Game, Fish, Oysters. Ac. Terms moderate. Satisfaction guaranteed or no charge. I respectfully solicit your pa tronage. oc30.tf W. R. COCHRANE. L II ACCORDEONF. Guitars, Vioiins,s Baniw, Harmonicas, Fifes, Flutes, Ac TOBACCO CIGARS. LARGE assortment, various kinds and prices. SUNDRIES. WOODEN WARE, Baskets. Toys. Station ery, i'aper-oags. Wrapping-paper, Al bums, Blacking, Brooms, Soap-, Brushes, and other articles too tedious to men tion. Sold Wholesale or Retail, cheap for cash. Call and see us before buying. We take this method of thanking. our friends for their liberal patronage heretoore extended to us. A. K. NISBET & BRO. TO THE WHOLESALE TRADE. JUDGING the future by the past, we enter with confidence upon this out new en terprise, of separating onr Wholesale from our Retail Trade, by having a separate an distinct House for each ; and in doing so. we flntter ourselves that it will not only meet the approval of our numerous custom ers, but thtt an "Exclusive Wholesale House'' will bring us a large influx of nr trade, and of a character not heretofore ei -ioyed. It must be obvious to everv buyer that strictly "Wholesale Honse,,r arranged and adapted for that Trade only, with a corps of experienced Wholesale Salesmen, with 3 Stock carefully selected for that Trade only, nrifl Tnrrpnvpr fho BsniHanw rif mnliniT If contact with retail buyers, which we and ycu all have heretofore found to be s irksome, as it frequently happens tnai u retail buyer is your very neighbor, (perhap? your own customer). Such a house, we assert, must and will commend itself to tw trade. Four years ago we advertised that we in tended to make Charlotte a wholesale maf and ours "The Wholesale House." now have the proud satisfaction of seeing" an accomplished fact. We now call your attention to the ntf' that we have converted our superb store in to an exclusive Wholesale House, where yoa can find all lines of goods necessary for 8 country store, to-wit : Dry-goods, Clothing Boots, Shoes, Hats, Notions, Groceries, Hard ware, Millinery, all in complete ln bought in large quantities and from tflf very first hands. Our stock is now arriving and win complete about the first of September, ana will be the laagest of any here, the preten sions of others to the contrary notwithstaiw ing. We respectfully invite your persona ingvuMitmn rr win fa tr ns fnr pirPlllTTS. Verv tmlv vours, " WITTKOWSKY & RINTEIA O RETAIL. Now, a few words about that. We occupy the suberb house heretoiore. favorably known as the Messrs. 1' Brown & Co.'s Dry-goods House, to on our Retail business, and as "Exce is, and has always been our movto, claim also in that line to excel in !ovt" of prices, and to excel generally.. e j in that house, have a corps of thirty. MS men ana csaies .Ltfaies, u affable, and obliging. , aa- We WW make the Miamery branch speciaUa. YWwa V C. Aui?. 11th. 18(4. ENGLISH WOOD 111!' JJME AND SHINGLES. " Nq. 1 Rockville Lime. Yellow Pine Shin-' glesV all heart," ahd superior ' Cypress Shin gles, kept constantly on hand, and for sale as low as the lowesW";: 'ttrss: PEGRAM &WARD,f ; ' : oc31-lm ' Cn 0. A A. R. R. Depot" r-m 1 j i ,,rnduced rimB unaersigneu im r8vc Charlotte, a new styie " v-,,,' bk which is at oncecheap, ,,,,, 1 ment, . . ti-..i.ciQiri nil !" it consists of nam pine 01011 . the whole coated in pitch and JM , and vervtiurable siaewaiK This Fnr.Hk. Tf ohnrtJv be lam Tront of the New Opera House. erv durable sidewalk. , i pavement has been tt?! :l.t inntdroewnfl.r 4.1. 44 rf .1

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