II . -v. . ,r- ... if ;. M ;.: 'vf )'-; f;- t v ' i 'VA - iWi,xiuva;!Ji; CHARLOTTE, N. C. ' SUNDAY, DECESliBER 13, 1874. vv vi i ii I I ii ' . i ii ' I ii i ii -i it i ii la m "ii . ";;ivt. i i i iniiii Wiin ! m ., in in in in - - - . '"J ' 1 '"'Hi- ' '- . t ..t......' . . TO BE SOLD AT THE BOOT AND 8H0E HOUSE ST '11 ZVwo Street "CHARLOTTE, JT.C., Nearly opposite Central Hotel. fT,ITHI5rtJh 3fttlinety daysre Intend to sell a Urge Block oi Xn', Women's W TWt irtM .nd fihlldrn' BOOTS. fifTniEA niTQ mTm7. Yi - - - m- - - " - advantage -to eall and oxavdne our tock; before purobaslng aUewnere. We mean to tell Qood at low as any home in New York, Boston or Baltimore, with freight added.f.Tbe? can alwayi save the expense of a tria North py baytn fiomi B. D. WADE. FALL" TRADE 1874. .';..W""X,' j?-.o'a. TO THE PUBLIC. 117E ABROVK OFFEKINO TO PURCHASERS tmpar&Ielled inducements to buy their t v Bootsr ShoeSj Hats, Trunks, &c, AT flooC and hoc Etabllstiinent, in 1st National Bank B ulldtngf. ! .;' ,;' ( Opposite Centrat Jlotel. Tryon Charlotte, N. CL ' . . . vx'. ".:' ' " ' :; ' 1 " JVEkeeptbf only Btiictly; Retail Boot and Shoe Store, to be found in the city, and liavioglwugbt our goods exclusively for CASH, in such, quantities as; to command low ipriqw, we flatter oonelvea that we cannot be undersoldyin the Sotithj Call and see ns, mid -we nil I satisfy you that we bare the beet ttook of goods erer offered to the BET AIL TEADE. - WADE A PEG RAM. Has the Largest and Finest stock of LIILLINERY AND FANCY GOODS in the State. CHARtOCT,1 COLULIBIA & AUGUSTA E. R. ; Charlotte Agency, Oct. 20th, 1874. V) to . Xhe Charloitei Columbia. & Augusta Railroad lTTTESthe ittent Charlotte, and upon the rot'krww ting them, to the extraordinary advantages of oonneqtions with all Northern I'ointa and itouth Atlantic Sea Porta enjoyed over its lines. r. s , 1st. ilueCaeat Atlantic Coast Line via Columbia, Wilmington . and Portsmouth to Baltimore, Daily, Insurance I per cent. PhiladelfliiIJiaiyTInauted. , f ' ... VTV NET? VdioVpAlf, I WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY, SATURDAY INSURANCE I PER CENT. BOSTON, TUESDAYS AND FRIDAYS. ilUBAlfCEi PER " GENT. PBOVlbENCE. WEDNESDAYS AND TURDAY8. JM. By way WUmington and Direct Steam Line to Baltimore, Wednesdays and Sat-OTdayBlnsiiranwlcrop;- PHILADELPHIA, EyERY WEDNESDAY, INSURANCE PBft CENT. "NEW YORK W2dNESdIAn!d SATURDAYS, INSURANCE EQUALIZED ' i . ri! h V.- TO THAT OF NORFOLK. 3d. STBlheCtfarleslon UeBaUimorej TO 9, DAY3 AND SATURDYSTO BOSTOEVERYSAiURDAr. ' ' 1 i rtHif4n Avfiied iSnUhPmiiAkot the three Ports of Portsinothth,, Wilmington and CharlestonJUJd Uia eotftbuied equipments of the C. C. A-W;.C . 4,, and other roadsukblefia4qbid4i cotton ana all other merchandise fn nn limited quantities, and tn. .!m mk InSarihtnlate freedom from detention.. i j r . : Hori B.'TBmdgees.. - TaH fAtAr H T T.mr Ss n . , VV v r nousefQTgn., T) ARTICULAB atten'tloiTpaid to Frescoing JL OotaitrfS' Office under CentralHotel. . -. - " - ' ' 'i , i.i .... . ..... . .... nst treatment, and th bes1igoodt('aitlM!f lowest from the North, where I pnrchased th largest ItBART8"NEGRO TOES' AND OHEOTN ,mw' AtrpTira : aT:TTPOT?.WTA 'PEARS MALAGA ' -OKAPESFIGSDATES; PRUNES, -RAISIiNaniW SJIWJA'r A ORAKGE LEMONS, PRESERVES, , ,1W - b e-T-jWACONSk CaitiWlelirow;.Tron.pets W aU-iiesV;a1 uraorerai Vauaaa uracKerai tMmio uunues, ewi?w"fjAT-''vin, naniTa, To)f r.4l Remember th pUca -t&TzrrW fte'JPREWjT) v ',svr,ws, . , . Greea Front, i i's' r:T.i?. .-UM' i Tin.- .Tryon Street, Charlotte, N.C. '.j- . .- &.EORBES w Our Own Oraer; . . ' . . w . . . , . . ' 8. S. PEG RAM. OUR Call and see her. J- Weekly. ,TO NEW YORK, TUESDAYS, THURS- ';' '"' - Gen'l Manager. - - . , .jc rresioent. - - Gerieraf Superintendent, , . . ' General Freight Aeent. , , i V; W.'PEGRAM, Agent. Churches and Town Halls, throughout the .:ae26 tt arid i and uy.fr prices, can giye satisfactidd , , , , and best assorttnent of Confectioneries, The Charlotte;; Ohserrer. Cbarls- R. Jnes, Proprietor. Office; Spring Building, Trade Street. fcllM OF SUBSCBIPTIOK. f v (in vmt n iutmii . 7 Df Bix months, in advance, . .. S 60 Three Months, in adTance....... 1 75 One month, in adTance,... 60 Weelrly, one year. 2.00 Subscribers will please look out for .he cross mark on their . papers. They are thus notified that their term' of subscrip tion has expired ; and are respectfully re quested to renew at once. , RATES OF ADVERTISING. One Square one ttoje7........2.....$i 00 " two days 1 50 , 4..,ri three days..... 2 60 ' four days 2 50 ... .'. ' J6redaysMW,.- 3 00 one week................. 3 50 " " two weeks.;... 5 00 " " three weeks 6 50 4 - . - . v, ... a, i"" Contract Advertisements taken at proporibnately low rates. Fire Squares 4 nmn, and ten squares as a half-column. : " ;c.v Carche To-liay.. .- 'STs;;cOTactf3v1ces day ai U Ai and at 4J P. M., Rey. B. S. Bronsori; the Rector. Associatk Rxtosmkd Sesvice in the Chapel, on the corner of College and 5th streets, to-day at 11 o'clock A. M., and at 3J P M. by the Rev. W. M. Hunter. Sunday School 10 A. II. ' Baptist Chttbch. Rev J, B. Richardson will fill the appointment of the pastor at the Baptist Church to-day, at It A. M7 and at 7 P.M. Fibst pBESBYTEBlAir Church. Services this morning at 11, and this evening at 7, by the pastor, Bet. A. W. Miller, D. D. Seats free. . -J. " - i-V' i'.' , " ' - ' ?. Tsroir Stbkkt Xf- E. Chtjbch 8otJTH. Seryioesat -li'.A; .'IL'eW'AtPifH by Revtll H Harding. J": V '--,ifi' Sunday School at 3 o'clock P. Mtl$ . Sbcosd Methodist Church. Services by the pastor, Rev. W, 8. Haltom, at 11 A. M. and at 7 P. M. Sunday School at TA. M. Lctheb&k Chdbcjh Services 11 A. M., by the pastor, Rev. A. L. Younts. Sunday School at 3 P. M. Catholic Chcbch Services at 10 A. M.by the priest, Rev. Father Hands. CITY BULLETIN. The young gentlemen of the city wil give a hop to-morrow night. The proceedings of the Legislature crowd out all our Sunday reading here of late. The cotton compress has more work than it can do, and was running until late last night. All the churches of the city will be open for services to-day ; there will be no services in the Court House. A negro was arrested, carried before the Mayor and committed to jail last-evening about dark, for stealing a pistol from anoth er negro, near the Fair Grounds. By request, Rev. E. H, Harding, pastor of the Second Presbyterian Church', will preach to-day andto-night in, Try on Street JL . E. Church, ihe pastor of that church being still absent fromhe. city. , V iV It's perfectly encaanting to be waited on by those beautiful festival girls, but time about is fair play, and we know a fellow who has, at different times, waited on two or tbree of them for ever so long, and none of them have said yes," up to the hour of going to press. - Yesterday morning, a gentleman of this city advertised for a book-keeper. He had not less than a dozen applicants yesterday, arid among them were three who suited him in every particular, so that he had only to choose from among them. Behold the ef fects of advertising I Qyery. Asks the Wilson Advance: "What is more acceptable to one's friends than a good pho tograph, as a Christmas present ? ..Call ,on Staples." What is mote acceptable ? Why, a jug of fire water, a half dotzen turkeys and a sack of flour. Come,' sonny," let us reason together, and talk, about something usefuL A New Enterprise. Housekeepers -will doubtless be glad to learn that they Jean now t purchase at their doors from the meal wagon of the Charlotte City Mfflaf tateal,' cow feeckAc by - simply giving notice of the time,, and quantity de sired. We bespeak for the enterprise a lib eral patronage, and hope it will become one of the institutions pf the city. ... : . ( f j ; Ho, for the WUmlngtea Falr; i Tickets for the TTilmington Fair, over the Carolina central Railroad, will be on sale from and after to-morrow morning at 9 o'clock, at th office of the; central hotel and at therdepot. lnoe of tickets for the .round .r tnJnrnno'thfl rrivliirea of the Fair Ground, $j; ?Tb rftteJafe very low, and put a visit to TFilmington v.this week within tha reach J1 all. r t T r, ;r M The Cent enniaiit - "Y The Wilmington ar, speaking s of toe Centennial (mmittee wnichwas appointed by the General -Assembly , on . Wednesday last, indulges in the following remarks : ' wrhli hmm thm nnt of bnainess. We hoDe tn'4 Legislature yJitiiailltencpUr AieciuenDUrg ienienniu oy every means ui ;, its powef.Tbe feme of the aignera, of jthe Declaration' made at Charlotte ittj 20tb. 1775. is the fame of every mother's son. in Viffl&tiJii&ft thete-w4l be!o ran- mayhap we are not in the , house ' of bur fathers." ' The Festival. ' i.'i'i t : ;v It-'.. i . . . t. -I ' I The receipts of the festrval for the bdbefit of the;; Second Presbyterian Church, were qulte'; gratifying.- The-,'ientertainmeat of Friday night and the lunch of yesterday brought p in about ' $240. Expenses deducted left: tliein rtelVenjtejf, witb $208 on hand. About 5 is yet due. The ladies did hot anticipate greater success than itesteayeleniU &ut tfarlr'chtry man, whose nimenobody seemed to know, fell from the pavement rin to the'basernent of g. P.'Smith's new -storey or Trade street. He 1 wai exceedingly 'ronk and: mom not hurt hi the i lesfst. The fall ia about ten feet. A small boy saw the follow go -through, and communicated the fact. The police hatrled him out and set him on his feet again. f Fair Week. ' This is the name of a .fiiie looking, 12 column paper, which is to be published in Wilmington this week, by our brother lo cal, Josh Tt- James Esq., of the Journal. This is the third yearly Series of the Fair Week, and 2,500 copies are issued daily. A specimen copy has been printed and mailed us. It is well filled with advertisements and original matter, and we hope brother James will make a good thing of it. Pretty Bold. Yesterday, a saddle was stolen right out of the door, of .Messrs. . Schiff & Brb.'s harness and saddlery, store,' xm rTrade street. . The saddle had been placed there as a specimen.: This isj Wfe believe the boldest yet. What" with the proprietors and workmen all in the store, and pesple standing and passing al6ng the street, that the theft should have been committed without any one suspecting that it was a,tneft, is almost incredible. . , A Specimen of Our Job Work.'1 Any person who desires to know anything about Ihe quality of job work which this office turns out, can be gratified by calling at the Charlotte Hotel, and examining the new register which we have just turned over to Messrs. J. Hollis & Son, who will assume the proprietorship of that hotel on the loth. No job office, we'eare not where it is, can put np a better job of the r kind, and this opinion is not ours alone, but is expressed by all who have seen the register. Cotton Last Week!, There was a falling off of 502 bales in the receipts of last week from the week previous, there being sold here last week 1291 bales, against 1793, week before last. At the first of the week the market opened steady at 75, and held up at about that until the middle of the week, when it experienced a letting down. Yesterday, again, there was a de cline, and, at the close of business, low mid dling was not sought after at 131. The mar ket was depressed, and its tendency was downward Counterfeit Notes. The new counterfeit .fifty cent note is thus described : On the counterfeit, the lock of hair' in the corner of Dexter's forehead touches the other hair at each end, while in the genuine it is a "C" shaped lock, and touches only at the lower end.. $n the up per right hand corner of the bsck, ' a figure fn 1863 is reversed, so it faces to the left In stead of the right. The paper, too, is thick er than the genuine. Lines are . printed on the back to imitate the Bilk threads, but they are not found on the tace of the piece. A Smart Dog A gentleman of this city, a native of a town not far distant, owns a dogr? which he brought from the same place. This dog has more sense than a great many people. When he gets home-sick he goes down' to the Mepot jusf "before fine for the train to leave, gets on, and, gorag into the ladies, coach takes r a seat "at the stove if 5 the weather happens to be cool, when the train gets to Iris town, he gets off, goes up town and visits his friends. When it comes ba-Jc, just as soon as he hears it approaching the depot he flies down there, gets on and comes back to Charlotte . Misa Anna.Berger. :. This young ladyplayed. for hearts, in Greenville, S.C., too, and, seems to have won them. From the following, which- we take from the Newt of that place; we judge that she marched' off from Greenville, as she does from every other place, carrying with her the peace of mind of several fellows : "Miss Anna Berger left Greenville yes terday, carrying with her the hearts of many of our young men. Young ladies, you must keep a sharp lookout for your beaux. One or two married men feel slightly slack About their bosoms, but us fellers K- never love long if we do sometimes love .too much. One married man whose better-half has been absent several weeks, had a sneaking notion' of following in her wake. He is a manf great taste, and no doubt felt kindly to the beautiful shpw girl," o ,- 4 ? The Carolina CentraL ; . '. : , ,CaptY. Q- Johnson tells us that thefirst through train will reach Charlotte about 5 o'clock;. .Monday afternoon. Yesterday evening the gap Was only a little over a "mile and a quarter wide, and an active force was engaged in laying track. The work will be prosecuted! to-day and will be finished by MinyliwniTiie firstytrain frqm. Char lotte to Wilmington; rill, as ; we said yester day, leave here at 7 'AtMs onj Tuesday 1:"FotJttie preseii during ;e winter season, the Carolina Central will be operated in ? two; separate divisions as at preeenty 'the Eastern di vision . from Char lotte to Wilmington, the Western from Charlotte to Shelby The aeb edules will be such as that the trains on each will connect. The train on the Western; -division, arrives at Charlotte at 4 P. M a through freighr 'train'witypasaenger. leave for Wilmington jover the Eastern divJ aion a Klt!A.tifeightt ear will arilreliiharlofrbni Wigton at6 Ar M.f t 8 Ai Jtheycoatf teaoa&e Western division ? Shelby. " unariottA ior Has Lost Mis Hind. , .Our citizens remember . the case of Mr. Jas. Boyd, of: Chester, S C., who fell among thieves in this city three or four weeks ago-, ArKHfas robbeffof tTafter havfffg-Talen a draught of what he supposed to be, whfckey.. We learn that, since that time, . reason has almost, if not entirely deserted him. He has never been himself srcee that ; orifortu nafe' moming, and is now' a rivfelljng idiot. Physically, too, he has been, prostrated hi tongue swelled up to ati "enormous; size -and bursted, and, all in all, h'is condition1' 'is !a very sad one.. Chapped Hands. Some newspaper publishes t&e following, saying that it is the easiest and simplest remedy for chapped hands, and can be found in' every store5 room : Take common starch and grind it witn'a "knife until it is reduced to the finespojderiTake a clean box and fill it with starch thus prepared, so as to have it continually at hand for nse. Every time hands arqtaken from the suds or dish watenwipe them, and. while they. are .yet damp,' rub a portion oftarch thoroughly over them; covering the whole surface. The ejSjfct ip $iagical The jouglb, smarting skin is cooled and ''soothed and healed,' bringing and Insuring the greatest degrfed 'of Comfort and freedom from this by no means insig nificant trial. Burning of the Court House at Dallas. We learn fjrom a private letter received in 'Bcjye8ferday evening, that thel Court House at Dallas, Gaston County, was burn ed yesterday."' Abott noon, smoke was seen issuing from under ihe eaves of the building, at the Southeast conierver the Clerk's of fice. In a few mintttes, the house was wrap ped in flames, and,J in' two arid a half hours, was completely destroyed." The walls and porch were left standing, but, of course, in a badly damaged condition. With the excep tion of a ew jpapers in the office of the Reg iBtejroi Deedsall the books and papers were sayed. -j . .; . The fire is suppoeed to have caught from the chimney of the Clerk's office, the dilap idated condition of the building permitting it to spread to the roof. The Court ' House was built in 1847, and had undergone con siderable repairs during the Summer of the present year. The Removal of Dr. J. J. Mott. The Greensboro New North Statu is per haps the most ultra Republican paper in the State. It has been in the habit, hitherto, of going it blind in the endorsement of every act of the administration. But it very nat urally sees no cause why Dr. J. J. Mott should have been removed from the collec tcrship of tnis district, and thus speaks its mind on the subject : "We learn from Statesville. that on the 9th inst., Dr. J. J. Mott turned over the Col lector's Office, to his successor. Dr. Ramsey, presenting' a clean balance sheet, paying ev ery cent due' the government. Dr Mott's administration has been free even from the suggestion of wrong doing and what neces sity there has been ior a change, is beyond the capacity of Republicans in his own Dis trict, and the State at large, to discover. The dissatisfaction because of his relinquishment of the office is wide-spread and intense. We cannot do otherwise than express our regret at his retirement ; and we fear the re suits may be damaging to the Republican party in North Carolina, especially in the western part of the State." Cadets DrU.' ' ' ' Yesterday morning passers-by on the streets observed a handsome sight, in the drill and evolutions of the cadets of the Carolina Military Institute, on and in the immediate vicinity of the corners of Trade and Tryon streets. There was a battalion of the cadets, numbering between 70 and 80, under the command of Col. Thomas, armed with the new breech loading muskets which they have recently received from the State Government. It was a splendid looking body of young men, and their manoeuvres were commented on in the most favorable terms by all who witnessed them. All their evolutions were executed skillfully, and showed that their instructor was a thorough master of military tactics. This Institute is a credit to Charlotte. Its course of instruction, both in the school room and in the field, is of the best and the pros perity which it to-day possesses, is but its merit. Hiss Ada Gray 'r- ;r rf We had a call yesterday from Mr. Spaulding,the advance agent of the Ada Gray Troupe, wtoposted the r city with the company's hills. . :JMisY Ada plays here Wednesday , and Thurs day nights of this week, appearing on Wednesday night as Cora, in the thrilling drama entitled "Article 47." Of her j peculiar style of acting, the Chicago Timet speaks as follows ; the extract is Interesting, as showing the qualifications of one who is an entire strangerto flfost of oUrteople : . 'tjothewelliiried auditorium greetect MisMda Gray last evening, expecting to aee some very superior acting, and in this they -were not disap pointed. The part -of CbtaT WArticle 47" is" one that is eminently fitted to Miss Gray'sl style of acting, and was rendered iu a manner that was almost too1 natural. In the last act, when Cora, through her evil passions, has become insane and realizes the dread fate that ahe, is slowly sinking into, her grae, that, rjot buiian help can save ber, ? the naturalness and fullness of Mias Gray's poruayaifwa almost op pressive, ; and the i audience sat as if entranced, following' her every 2 more and gesture; and as -the curtain de scended a sigh of relief involuntarily rose, as if a dread something had ,h?en shut out from their gaze. It was an immense triumph to the, Xur , Actress' capabilities, tfdelinea t&h&zeicarde)d?r Wt 4m AHW- ftn? i W&&? fedmesweft tudrtldj and we may expect a superior entertainment. 'A Faila&aVl.ast.MWu-A -'Ai ' it appears thitrthe hopes' "of W: H.: H. Houston, after having beeife-Wised o'the highest pitch,, have been agaia dashed tbth? grousdJcA few days ago, the. inestimable boon,! Ubertx almost witiiin his reach . to-day it.is gone, and there is no prospect of its return. Some pf his bondsmen , in this. county, haveerised their names from the bond, and the bon.d, which was carried to. Mtmree fircorrection, was tost on its return to Charlotte. Hsuston's prospects look gloomy enough ' now, and if there is any" h,ope of bis aly release, -we do not , know whatitw.., : , .,- w- , ,6 . ,. ., Just Jiere we will correct errors in the names of. his bondsmen in Union and Meek leriburg; we bad them wrong yesterday. In Union, there .weie; in additiorito those : we mentioned yesterday, J. R.' Winchester? Cb'v Wfn. Ames, C, B: Ourlee and J. P. Houston ' in Mecklenburg, they were : W. J. Black, J. S. Williamson, R. B., Wallace ,.and Peter Harkey. . V77 'j-T- Hew Advertisements OPBBA HOtrSE r:o: ; TWO NIGHTS ONL Y; of the Charming Society Actress," '." ' MISS &J5l GRAY, supported by a powerful Compauy, t including W: C. POPE, EDWIN BROWN. MISS SALLIE PARTINGTON,. &C. WEDNESDAY, Dec. lQlh, Augusta Daly's Great Play, Entitled ARTICLE 47, THURSDAY, Dee. llih . G A. JH I Jj Jj 3K Admission toParqaete and Dress-circle, $1,00 Gallery, 50cts. Reserved Seats may be had at Tiddy t Bro.'s Book Store,, without extra charge. decl3 3t. H O FOR CHR1STMA3 PRESENTS I You can buy cheap Watches, Clocks and Jewelryj -Silver Plated Ware, Diamonds, Brace lets, Chains ' Necklaces, Kings, Pins, But t o n s a n d Studs, everytliins and anything in tliat line, o! the very best quality. ALSO " A uplendid lot of flue OPERA GLASSES, all of which I will sell low down, as I will move on th , . . 1ST Ol JANUARY,. 1815, to my new Store, next to Elias, Cohen Si Roessler, on Main Stieet. Call early at the City Jewelry Store of JOHN T. BUTLER.,' decl3 tf. . , M EAL WAGON. ... CHARLOTTE CITY M ILI.S. : Mr. W. A. Patton Is the duly authorized gent of the CHARLOTTE CITY MILLS, to deliver .ileal, Hominy, Cow Feed, fcc., at, any house in Charlotte.and make collections lor the same.. , , Terms cash. Reduction offered to Retail dealers. Orders will receive prompt atten tion if delivered in writing at the office of the undersigned, or A. U. Martin, Esq., or through the Post ofllce, ; R. t. GRAHAM, decl3 tf. . Proprietor. rj0 HOUSE KEEPERS. " ' Your attention is tailed to our stock of Groceries and Confectioneries, consisting df 8egars, Coffee, Molasses; Bacon, Flour, Pork and Sausage, Candies, Pickles, canned goods,. Raisins. A full line of above goods, always on hand. Liquors and'Cigars a specialty', SS, Call and see us. SYMONS & CO. dec 13 N OTICE. The public are notified not to trade for oi receive any note r draft of mine for $330. made by Leopold Ladenburg, and endorsed by me, the same being a forgery perpetrated on me, by Jacob H. Moss, and will not' ibe paid by me, S. LANDEUKBft. decl3 It. ... 1 - 11 1 ' ' . i 1 1 .GENUINE ARTICLE, ? of Old Government,!. JAVA COFFEE, Also, very fine BIO COFFEE, always in store-at , ,. K. B. ALEXANDERS, decl3-tf. ' . -; T OST! ,. . .-. . ' ' .; .7 . a K v't-vA - '- -i , A Liberal Kcward will be paid for the de- liveiy of a SATCHEL, at the Btore of James H. Henderson The satchel ooniainad, when lost, 1 Pencil, 1 SoufT Box, 1 Pocket Handker chief, and a pair of Gold Spectacles.' ' deelS It - t. v :.-t.-r - -w 3 I) r.i ' ' WANTED! ! CV. To rent a Cottage with foar or five rooms, near the business j?art ' of town.sj Apply atr ; dec 13; . n : ; 1 s THIS . OffCE. R RENT. The Dwelling House and lot at present oc cupied by Mr. B. B. Alexander. I v)v i ; . decl3-tf. iJASP.BWlSr., WANTED AT ONCE ! ' --'-v , .A Nol.Bc.Xeepe, Appeal t : . r- ,-'1 . f V-:- C jfa ;j O TO SB HOUSES FOR RKKT4 1c j ili, Q.M..X.J -33iwST i ill .jdn'ij 2he Store House focmerty ocewped by ! : , V ''"WstliB Sc1&2? ldH lK mi .Trs?jTfT?:!W i-jS., ihk inye'Hotoepiei "H will be rented or leased for one 'year crr a term of years, from and after January 4 1st, 1875. For terms apply to decl3 tf. J. L. BROWN. A choice lot of Prints and Ladies Silk Rearfte Z " " T - ft fc. 1 1 i r- r 1 f MOND AIR LINE. JfhtbofKeceirpf Line, for the StaieWWoHhf iCaroMBa; is at Chariot. AH papers relatiag to 4hs bnsi ness xb Jftoad m this State, can be left in the hands bf71 rCf SFwERMAN, u tri cAgB-AuvLme, 9haHotte. TI: HaVPT,' AntibrRerjetr. dec9tf. .?: ,v? dj,.t . , . ,; , SUPERIOR MaVortng EMiFr -r " o herry Wlffe tor eookrag pm poses. . Druggists. !1 "'."$. r rm i .... YOU WANT THE BEST.' ' : - ' EXTRA Bbgsr Oared Hams. EXTRA Saafaf Cured Shoulders. , EXTRA Smoked Beef. EXTRA Smoked Beef Tongupy. EXTRA 8piced Pig's Feetj. EXTRA Saused Tripe, rV And many other good thing. " Call at - 8. M. DAVIDSON'S, 1 ...,,' v -uriGnr.GaocKR, noygti; .-i.. v a ,af)!qrrade,Street. '4 1. i H tJRRAH ! c h ww maI; JfSIi ilvf Come oUome alii ' "A r ' Both old and toung, " ' ; We invite yen all . - -:-p- f To the Rising Sun. WE have made, arrangements, to' supply every person In Charlotte and the sur randingn'ti,th'evrytBin'j eatable for Cb rist mas. Cakes, Candiest Nats,, Raisins, Oranges, -Pears, Apples Lemons'; Dates, Grapes, Bananas; Bread, BuMK&HsV'Fles, Candy Toys, Fire Crackers,: Sky-rockets, lloman-Candles, Citron, - CurranUi f JPSpes, Smoking and Chewing Tobacco, Cigars Of all frrades. Snuff of all kinds,'- Bdttef, i Eggs, Cheese, Sausage, Beef Tongues. Dried.iReef, Hams, Breakfast Bacon, Lard, Molasses, Meal, Flour, Grits, Hominy, Fish, Beans, Peas, Scotch Herriifgr Crackers,;-8ptces of every description, Chesnuts, Ground Peas, Pickles in barrels. Chow Chow. C. S. Holton & Co's. is the place to suit the most fastidious tftste.A ' 'VtVf as. IIOLTON&CO., Opposite Market. , dec 10 ' " i: 0., - NEW NOVELS. - J " oir.T .)'. For Love and Life-MrSfiOliphant, . Sylvia's Choice Georgiaija M, Craik, Squire Arden Mrs. Oliphant,- V . The Treasure HntersjGep , Jfanyille Fenn', " Jack's 8ister ; or Tro4 to her Trustt 1 mz : Sileen Ferrers Susan Morley : . . ' , The Love that Lived Mrs. Efloart. B.i; Wlft?en di JaHJ wcif? , The King 9No-taud-Faiigeoi1. ' ' The Little iianie InceirtW Aftftor 1 " ; r 1 of Jchn Halifax Gehtv ? vj ,1 idee 11" i; '- ' .Jasij ..tuni.mnnm JEV?,CHR05MQS.. Call and" see the; heW stock 6f elegant and cueap nromos, jusvrpewyea sili. j. 1. j --. ' 1 1 - , 1 , 3St PI mi?'ja;u,'H uopic. store. dec 11 4 -fn tW Avu. n I ni.t Office of the SuPEEt5TEiroErtbr1Ad!icirs Augusta, Oa. December, 8thl874. It gives me great jfeasur to-aunotuice that Geo. ThoN -F -Drayton baa been , ap pointed General Agent of the Southern' Life Insurance Company; with headquarters' at Charlotte, N. C. ii ;J;, J. H,', MILLER, dec7 1 Superintendent. TO CITY MERCHANTS ONY?ll;t,rW' emembefi that you...,caii th-i.en Bacon, CoffButfarfaftdt&ytnijff, w cheap at therciers Jffl.of W.'HiH. Gregory, as you could purchase, in person if in a Northern city. ' VIFa 1 ' ' I arm Broker foi -ii Efagllab Co,',.; Im porters, of Coffees ,aud ( Sugars, Patterson. Bayne & Co., Importers of Syrups, Balti more. Also Broker for P. T. George, Bacon Packer.- Calvert rlugar Refinery Baltimore. Samples of all these goods on exhibition at ofy office. Call belore' makinjt uirjur chases. ; W. H,- H.jORKQORY. ... nov23 tf. , - HT VS?ik,, rniiE landmark:' w i! 2" T.- - FnaLgjWAt . STAT87ILI3r Il)lX C;0 , r-w Tw?4iijaft;4v LEADINO IfEWSPAPES tN. WsS. ' ' ''TEBN NOBTH CAJtOLXJTA. ' ".-to--: ''.'tfiafa a- er i;o.c It is tfie only Democratic Par puliahed tit Iredell Oouityone of ihi laiTsest fand Wealthieetcountiesin the 8Ut-an,d, has, at tained a larger local circulation Ifban any pa per ever heretofore published ta the county. Its r.irealafiml':hf 'Alexander WUkes, Ashe, Alleghany, Yadkin-j t Davie and Ire dell, is larger than that of any two papers in thft State cwroitied and Is rapidly acquiring a trong rc4hold inIForsythe,.&f. J?0w- 1 nmn Agutt, and thua)t cxnstan(iy?.betore the peop le. Uniier this system, rapidly,, in. creasint'circulatiotl is the result, makingthe The,; Best. Ad vcrOaliS i Uedinm , : . Ansmxav d h&jukBM AIC tASTItDEAlJJl 1 -Afiv''? y-:tr!Jij?"-.eit- LADDS AIJCAIJLNE FEKTlI4ZKIt?- Si 1 and'ertinfcer. 'Tattils wlsbjig' l,pttr Post Ofllce r-- novlO U iOst Wy per inesllrth Car oTlrta- that etonlevs'a BEXaCAjrvasanro

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