I ALL IPilli .IT HpflDO ase -DBoote - and ' Shoes ' TO BE SOLI) AT THE BOOT AND SHOE HOUSE JVyon- CHARLOTTE, JV.C, Nearly opposite Central Hotel. WTTHIK tbe next ninety days, we intend to sell a large Btock of Ken Women's Sow's. Ulaa-oa' ud Children' BOOTS, SHOES ud HAIS, comprising all grades, large proportion, or. which nave Deep Merchants in Charlotte, ariva.nt.ua to call and e: Wo-mean to sell Gooditu low as any novae in sseto row, hosioi with freight sdded. They can always save the expense of a trtgNoH "ei5j?i ' '"5 I rH tht fed Bank and Sa b. d. wad?" FALL TRADE 1874. TQ; .THE PUBLIC. irr 15 AEE NOW .OFFERING .TO PURCHASERS ' unparalellj: indaccfsents "to ' buy ff theix "; a'1 - -i:"-'- ": " v ' '''' '' lr- ' Boots, Shoes, ateV'TrWnks', &c., 7 Boot and ShoeitAbllfluneii fn:lst notional Bank Duildin?. Oppaaite- Centra) JBpotei, Tryon, St., Charlotte, . C "WE keeo the onl strictly Retail Boot and Having bought our goods exclusively GASH, in.sachi quantities as 4o command low prices we flatter ourselves that we cahnot hetondersold in j the. South.- Call and see us, and we will satisfy you that we ha.v-tbe beHtatoekof goods evr offered to the RETAIL TRADE. - . .!;-!hMWr .7 i tit- iWADB PEGRAM. ' & Octl-tf. . , - . .,,,., m' . f , J . . v. ; MRS Has the Largest M and Finest stock of HftLIHERY AI?D 'FANCY GOODS ' : in the Sta& : J c Call and see .her. nHARLOTTE COLUMBIA Gharl(Agency i!2tklM'' The Cli&irtotte, Columbia. &: Augusta Railroad 1NVITK3 the attention of alllierchanls and Cotton Shippers in Charlotte, and upon the roads connecting there; to the extraordinary advantages of connections with all Northern Points and South: Atlantic Sea Porta enjoyed over its lines. 1st. The Great Atiatotic3oast'rJ'ne "via Columbia, Wilmington and Portsmouth to Baltimore, Daily, Insurance i per cent. Philadelphia, Daily, Insured. . t - r V; t NEW YORK, MOFFAT, 25nESDAY, THURSDAY, SATURDAY INSURANCE I PER CENT. BOSTON,' TUESDAYS AND FRIDAYS, INSURANCE i PER CENT. PROVIDENCE, WEDNESDAYS AND SATURDAYS, i d. By way Wilmington and Diref Steam Line to Baltimore, Wednesdays and Sat urdavs. Insurance Der cent. ! . " FHNJIDELPHIA, ETER ;wEDKESDAYf INSURANCE 1 PER CENT. NEW YORK WEDNESDAYS AND SATURDAYS, INSURANCE- sEQUsAMZED ' TO THAT OF NORFOLK. ' U 11. - liy the Charleston Linf ,Bsltimore, Weekly.- , ,4 ; '. '. ' '.. - :'. EEBRlbiiTO NEW YORK, TUE8DAYS. THURS- : ANDSATUAYsfr . . 7;oi. . bn u: -'i iitU.i(iof '"haTlestoa, and thecombined equipments toads. BaMnsto bid fnr rttnn and all other to assure our patrons of absolute freedom from Col, Johs B. Palmer, - - A Pope ,.',- hn v!-' N Gws pARnCLARttente" T Country. ' Office 'w?' ' JJO FOR CMRISTMA9 PRraKNTO 'i j - ..Tou'ean !my.flt yU-MH Watchea, Clock, ad WeW, Silrer Pit5aaSirCV' Rings, PlnfcBfti" MVUUSff f . .r ..... everything and anytbln In that line, of very beat ttiality. Xli.r WW A A. splendid lot of fine 1ST OF JAKUARV, 1815-1 tp my new Store, next to ElJaaT'l&SeS Koetaltr, on Main Stteet Call early at Ti y&vsuji .aa Tl HARRY City Jewelry atqreof -tfM48bawta, Rnit JacketaMdJnanothw ra- JO IX a rTJ TLBE. v t.t f. n -j t 1674. "t k; Uil North by baying from H1K FOBBE3, 8i ifMrtkltnburff. S. 8. PEGRAM. Shoe Store, to be found io the city, and r. the three Porta of Portsmorn .Wilmington of the C C. MM merchandise ifi ;llmfted8 quantities, ana other and detention. . . - - j b tt8'3!"f' - General Freight Agent. X 'v(,:,i - . -r tKp jgW'SOR CHRISTMAS. Clii "I : ' 'i0 URRATS CANDIES, . FRESH PORK SAUSAGE, made every. PORK fHAMS comedjr hfrsae!,Vy .aliart n- fHvfi 8YMQNS CO. dec 19 r.YSTERS1' OYSTERS' f ! OYStERFl S&akl00lfa8ABiR0OUJ v kin as or neireeuiuoum vwwf s hMt .tvle. and at prices to, suit timev jTSTJIDijVKD4 STRESS! JKtwStyte)Hat, JBaaa 2Xf: WalSttM' J , KOOPMAir C0lffJ4W - , as well as those In the surrounding country, will find it to their camiae par stock before purchasing - elsewhere. , or Baltimore, St . m rvTTTJTiTr GO The ,Cliarlott Otoserrer. Ctaarles It loncs, Proprietor. v XMBce',1 Observer, BuldLag Corner Trade 'nd College Street:; 1 CA'arces To-Dav St. 0 PETEi's ' (E.) Chubch. JSey. B. 8, Bronson Recfor,! services will be had to day at 11 A.. M., and at 1 P. 5f '. ' . Associate Reformed 'SEBvicE-i.n the Chapel, on the corner . of College and 5th streets, to-day at 11 o'clock A M , and at 3i P M, by the Rev. W, M. Hunter. -' Sunday School 10 A. Baptist Church. Rev Mr. WhitBeld, pastoh Services at 11 A. M., and T P, M. Sunday School 9 o'clock a. m. - First Presbyterian Church. Services this morning at 11, and this evening at 7, by the pastor, Rev. A. W. Miller, D. D. Seats free.- . TbyW Street M. E. Church, South. Services at 11 A. M., and at 7 P M., by Rev. P- JCatraway, pastor. Sunday , School at $ 0,clockrP.-M, 8cokx ilETHdist CBroicit-4srTim by Luthebaj CfetcH--Services 1 rfL M., bv the pastor, Rev. A. L. Younts. 8unday School at 3 P. M. Catholic Church Services at 11 A , M. by the priest, Re v. Father Hands. BacojsD Pbesbttxbiak Church. Services this morning at 11, and this evening at 7, bjr the pastor, Rey. E. H. Harding, at the Conrfc House. ,, , IX) C AX DOTS. The first Sunday of' the new year. To-morrow, the Week of Prayer begins. . And,now we are to have Gara, Wild man. .Serrioes to-day for all the congregations;. There is not the usual amount of January moving. There Wasn't a case in the Mayor's" Court iyesterday. ; Some on -la" wanted to take, charge of Steward's Hall at Davidson Coilege? . farty ,baea.ef)rtjaii( Charlott e thinksriiiat she Deter had so?feaitfy a set of holidays, v ' A tug bct company is laltfkiof. It is de sirable t bat jsome steps be taken whereby the streets of Charlotte can be made navigable. i .'jt'iery, heavy togliung over Uie cityJ last, evening, filling the- streets and rendering them as dark as dark can be. Bradshaw's Boarding House has been re moved to the JfoGinn house, corner Church J and 3rd street. See advertisemeiit. t.i . A change for the wanner took place in the temperature yesterday' morning, causing the "beautiful snow" to dissolve and ren dering the streets decidedly sloppy There was a shooting scrape on the streets i last evening, but no one was hurt and no l arrests were made. The participants in the case were not developed. . In the fifth line of the leading editorial this morning, for " desired," please read " de served." The article was set up by a blind drunk " blacksmith." Alexander, Seigle t Co., have moved iuto their new and elegant store on Trade street, and ask us to say they will be pleased to have their friends and customers call and see them. . We call attention to the advertisement which states that Mrs. " Aahury has moved her boarding houses This : lady s keeps an excellent table, -and furnishes comfortable room! r she deserves a good patronage.' Noffieeaieaain'About as follows ; , Pos itivtfly noere after 'January 1st, -18T5," are tacked up on the wafts" Qf .many of the business bouses of the city -causing impe cunious. patrons to feel yery badly. It is defiired to know what Jim Mallard, of the Statesville Landmark, meant by step ping op town so lively the other mOrhmg, with i a baby Cradle in his arms. Iti States ville he is supposed to be a single man. : The number of marriage licenses issued by the Register of Deeds in the year 1874, was 816 ; 147 of these Were" issued to white, and 1G9 to , colored couples. During the year preceding, 331 of these licenses were issued. - - r; : . t - -: - Thorp ia a wnn1rfiil Knf hv nn means 11 T- iff., - .. - . just now. A few disconsolate gobblers re main to be cut down, until which event they mourn, for their comrades because they -axe -ot.g" iiQBiHV&ij .1 .ft i Dr. Tlr. L. Battle, of Montgomery, Ala., Has rem'bved'to Chartotte.' He will im- med.iate.ly taiket up. the practice of his pro fession , . . . -;f. Capt. A. G. Moore, of Alamance county, was at then yesterday, ; A Ulir menu aujtuc, ui xjc&iugbuii, myureu us with a calLtast evening, and ' had a great - many pleasant things to say concerning the OasF.Byi Deeds ah Marteagesi j During JMSfmontlf? ST deeds mad rhortga (tes were registered in the office of the Reg ister of Deeda of this ounty. The . nnnaber. ' ef :ities ihstrtmwnto registered during the year 1874, was 1,172. Sulc.de In Ciaatoo T t i 1 1 We learn ttotfMrHaryeyGroner, who I. t ' . . W ... mti lived near South roint, uaswn cuumj, -Ii im i-h-Lhm( KftihiTnrhere fpends why he shouidaye comrau mo ft deed. : Jfr.Groner was, - about 4C . years aldraVafmarrteu man in'd hadlwaat three ch'ildren. Our Informant did not know LvMGaM&M efWImicide, but iSwdlyd that he wtts perfectly temperate man. tu pastor, jterVUB; HaltomatI Jt. and t5P ' x ' Sondayfechool at AllfsTf r Sdtf4?r . ... . ... the pd s bleaainfc tfiest nipoyi youariag i In?, JTfaf : Of grape K4YqipugUtoiJoto':! ;repenvKBy,uyofl jxvend(eifeefor,! ottbr Sins Von fcoSnn.1 partlcUlarryffeuUisprean inVthehoHdays. " . Si.7.0 Q Cfa a Visit ' V -f.JA Aln0 mr taoar wyer, .T iS ft' the city, dh a;tl8ttMmailiCJri:uAea. J acksori, Mr, Arnold is - a nephew of &e grwfr Stooewalli Jackiori, of Confederate' flame. He is the guest of Col. John E. Brown , the brther-in-jwr pf Mn, Jacfeapa , ! who lives at Gol. BroVn's. i-X i . WtppBgratulaW treadera as welHas ourselves,! t hat, in' ! aejrs7 wi are to have' the assistance of ajp W.&t AVery.ateof ' the Piedmont Prea, orr oy editorial staff. He j is a gentleman of high native talent; well educated, studious and tbpropghy: cultty- ted. ewiir ness of the j paper. I'iU vbe the' pleasanteat.of AssofSatesi's lZ i.as-,v ; PersrinaX Gen; Drayton, tld enge'tf(j gnerji , agimt of the Southern Life Insuwfoa nopaay, announces to our reads thirinoJrting -it he has associated" wilh.hini. Mr. James TJ. White, . lately, of: AugnstafiG Mr. W. comes to 'hr!ote with a fine .reputation as an inu ranee agent, and witii J'the old "war veteran to keep iffinl Arafght; iwe do not doubt his 3UCs.essr representjog as he does one of our best companies. Marriage of Miss MJtMle EUtdlis. The information coniea to.us from Shelby, that, on the 22d ult., Ms Minnie E lding, "the North Ctrolina-nihtingile," was mar ried by Rev. Mr?Gwfh, to-M-'Jchua Rob erts."1 Miss Edd$isisiwft&nowo thie pu lie. It will be reiuenibereu thafshe, in com pany with Miss Carrie 'ebakn,' (howlfrs, Cicero W-iHarris, of Wilmington) gave con certs in many different towns vend cities 'ef the State during the hammer of '73, for the benefit of the Oxford Orphan Asylum. The Centennial. Mayor Davidson inforhjir us that, on Tues day next the Board of Aldermen i and ,the Board of Gounty Commissioners will hold a joint meeting on the subject of the Cen tennial Celebration, inChariotte, of the Mecklenburg Declaratippf Independence. We do earnestly hope that the gentlemen will determine updnsblnietuing definite. By all means let us",Lave' a celebration worthy of the event we propose, to celebrate. Painful Accident. ' An uniortunate-aocident happened about dark Friday evening,1 to Xfleeph, a Kttle on 6f Gen. D H. Hill, agclabout 10 years, , He was walking along; west Church street, and, when in front of or near the residence of Mr. Moses Steuff, a pistol was fired .by .some person unseen to - the little boy- The ..ball entered his left thigh, inflicting a wound which, While it is hot dangerous, is very painful. The little sufferer is confined to bed, but, notwithstanding the painful char acter of his injury, was resting quietly last evening. Charley Ross. Just before going to press, we ieanLthat a boy answering to the description of chafley JToss", has been found in this city. A com parison of . the photograph . of the " lost boy ", with theoce found last, night, shows a striking Tesemblanee,fiot withstanding the fact that the young waifs hair has been closely cut and the hair and eyebrows have been dyed black, - The dye -bsA faded, this showing the attempt at disguise, and excited suspicion. The parties who discovered the boy, are endeavoring to conceal the particulars of the discovery, until they can hear from the Pin kerton Detective Agency in Philadelphia. WeWillbefceour readers 'froniday ttfdayj ayaddTtfonal' information' IfrMch we may recei ve regarding the matter., r The Minstrels Friday Niht. v . y fPeVere asfced repeatedly yesterday whyp we rather "let up" on .the minstrel perform ance of Friday night. The reason becomes apparent ;to any one who' will think about it for a moment and remember the Obsebv xb's course,irr0nda; to shows, ggieral , We dortjbftlferopoSe-Wn6trce tf 'Wiftstrel troupe as we would & presentation of the lagtttafatetff drama cftt ; iaf not' entitled 4o as much consideration. We would be glad to have cultivated in Charlotte, a taste for re- fined amusements ; if we can .do anything' for the cultivation of this taste we shall do it. - Minstrels do not -conduce! to it While we give them, always, the credit which Js due them, we will not give undue time and space to a thing wh&b hewerof good , it may be oftij kiydtia sot entirely he popular ihing with the iiAivaied 5pWtorV of our community. . ;-, " .' . ' The Frovidenc'e Murder.' We alluded in Friday's paper to the: fact that, on the evening of the 31st of Decern ber, a homicide was committed inprovi-: dence Township, in this county. The cir cumstances of the case' are Wat off the even ing men jopedIee. Ardrey anohp. Masaey,. both colored, met on" the premises of Capt. W. E. Ardrey, at a dance. They ' had a falf- ing out, on what ground it is. not . At present necessary to state, further than to say that it was about some trivial'affair. After some words, Massey produced a knife and stabbed the other Man uhnsctlyW the'beart,! killing tiimstfnily. Coroner's inquest was had, and the return made as above! (The laye: tih? ? easelHlthree of tt men were committed to Superior Conrt. Two letters from Charlotte. iteraen who dirted htm Bf Chariate, bxit ye ,ocal must leave them for the editor. ; Wo i c- ? " A" i z"51 lgh Sentmd.iU .M , il.fe .WWffr!-,, jjvsomethiijg i; spoci,.., ln it, j publish' the .letteis .and'if, a'py ,'ojf Jh i'mous Crimea, give them an opportunity to defend themselves We- don't fancy this style 'of foreVer hintjrig that some one has done some uhdefinable mean thing. flM---r--- To Out City Patrols. After to-day the eity ubsct;ptioii list of the., OB3BRVER will be Umieil over exclusively to Henry C. t5pp, who enters intcjfLoud for tbo faithful defivcry of the paper to every subscri ber within the city before scTeu o'clock A, M. of ech.dayv TEhere is nothing' in our journalistic go tried our patience as the delivery of the paper t rt. ulSL . i... manner. All Other.; til etboda having failed we have adopted tliis one, with ' the hope and belief, that we shall be i fully jfble to give satisfaction hereaf ter. . . The WUdoiEa Troupe, 's According to an announce meat to be found in another 'cofmnu, this fine ! dramatic company i to appear on the Jboards of the Charlotte Opera ; House this week. They lead off with "East ; Lyone," which is ou pf the finesl, productions of the Enfifliah language, and which ia. said to bo Miss Clara's best play. The editor saw the company in seyeral of their pieces, during the Wilmington Fair, and must say that he has well pleastd with their efforU. The per sonnel of the corps stands very high. Mr Wildman's "Rip Van Winkle" is pronounced very fine, and in "Cuba" asayankespec'ulator, he brings rounds afappl&use from his ..audiences, while Mrs Wildman bears herself as a star, t ' 1 always winning golden opinion.1? from the press. - . . Christmas at Hl&JIktfaion Chapel. The usual cntartaiinment was given by the teachers to the children of the City Mission Sunday School last week. They were eighty in number. The liberality of friends allowed more ample provisions to be niade for them than had formerly been done. The means given, was chiefly expended in the purchase of useful and substantial articles of clothing. The gay olored woolen shawls and scarfs, bright bordered calicoes intersper ed with hats, caps'and stockings, which lined the walls, gave to the little Chapel quite a Bayaar like appea&nce. The wee ones were each made happy in the possession of a small but suitable gift. Those who labored, as well as. those who contributed to this end, have me gratifica tion of knowing that they have ministered to the comfort and pleasure of some at least, to whose joyless homes, "Christmas brings no Christmas mirth." It is but a little thing to make glad the heart of a child, but little things make , up the, sum of human life (and human happiness too.) "A gener ous action is its own reward." There is no pleasure that can be so truly lived over again as that which is derived from the conscious ness of having adde' to the comfort or en joyment of others. If we have the power to brighten a gloomy day, or lighten the burden that is bearing some weary one to the earth, we are our selves the losers if the opportunity is ne glected, and it has been said that life is made up of two heaps a large one of mis ery and a Small one of happiness, whoever carriea the smallest atom from one to the other does God service. . New Advertisements. gOAUDERS WANTED ! KIRS. Ifi. ASDUIY Haying removed to corner of Church, and 3rd Street, now4 prepared to accommodate boaiders on very reasonable terms. Jan. 3, 175. 0 UR NEW STORE. We have moved into our new store, and will be pleased to have our friends call. We will continue to sell goods at cheap prices and to give satisfaction. jan 3 ALEXANDER, 6EIG LE CO. . NEW PAPER. The Childress' Friend will be published A every Wednesdayrat the vrpnan Asylum, in Oxford, N-C It will enter a field occu pied by no other paper, representing ho pari ty in politics and no sect in religion ; but helping all" parties and all sects to unite in promoting' the judicieus education of the young, and4be continuous improvement of the old XUwill discuss the duties and priv ileges of parents and teachers, and will de fend the-rights and denounce the, wrongs of phildren." T It will-explain how our Uniyej sity lies desolate and our College and Schools are poorly attended, while the Stockade it belf seems to be too small to contain' toe' ivast throngs which crowd our penitentiary.' It will give special attention tofpoor orphans and will tei I them how to escape their pres ent degradation, how to grow up into wise lind virtuous men and women, and how to J Secure liberal wages for honest work. 'The bhiect of the paper is to help all our peeple HSwn ertisements wmkekdnttted.at ten cents Ml ine fb iMrMtOserBan. and five cents I I tame adTeJtisemeirt-;wjll-not- he' Irertedl - - - . . - - - . . ORf -TOtT-ioreTer. ron vt ednescay rpirdsU3BTip- iiOD!6a ts Cbildbex's FaiEWD, OxfoH, N. Ct jan 3 jARCHrFFXJT TO B .QEQRGB WELCH. vnuBwiR Ma guarantee creomretetH)e. i vljlfiice Trade-Btrt C?harioHe. . u 'P rlTJlAXTETi ... , . ... Tenant for Stkw4bt'r Hm. stnic College, Will suit exactly an eriergeticnian ! w mi uw) aorre 10 eoncauu Aprs? to vi r . r if , v t TV! ' Jrjnn wary sDOARD WANTJf3. A gennaaao .wjfeslt to; engage V board, in a private family rthecenWif t MV" aua, ! ; ; ; . vi.. : r.,i I- JL 173 acres of land 3 miles . fwrn". Charlotte ' fc on Salisbury road adioininif the Ikrid nf i Sugar Creek. Church ; about .40 acfes- of Oneadow land on it; the most of it I, well moerea ana is aoout 200 yards frodv'tli biQR li. It unknown as the- Frvwj Dhu JJ"(i w w oe sQa at a reasonably : price- There Is enough of wood pn' the. plae to par t jan-3 iw ' Cbariottei NVC.'1 i T EMOVA'Li McUinu, on theorner of third and Church street, where I am Drenared fji rior table Board, and also have a very pleas- mii, lurniaiisa room on isinoor. xerms moo erate, Jan 3 tf. J. A . BRA DRFT W OTICE OF DISSOLUTION. . 7S The firm of Burweil Grier A Cun was this day dissolved by limitation. " . . We would be doing violence to our feelings did we not take this occasion to express to our friends and patrons, our gratitude for their confidence and patronage during the time we have been in business, and tb' ask w-, w, wuweii ot,wpnugn, j a continuance of their eustom feeling aasur i ed that they will be treated equatlV as Well in thefnrnre as they have.in the tmst:. - E& B0RWELL, " THOS GRIEfi. . i January 1 1875 ' N. B. We, have a large amount past due us stUI on our books which our necessities require should be paid soon.- This is to in. form all such that we expect speedy pay. ment, and thus avoid any unpleasantness between friends. Brawnix, Gbier a Co. K. S. BURWWtl, K. B. SPRIJTOS. BTJRWELL & SPRINGS, " PCCCKS90H3 TO - ; BurweL, Orler' dk-CoiVv",; 1 Grocers aiflCoiiissiiia Merchants, 1 CHARIjOTTR, N. C. HAVING bought the Stock of. Messrs. Burwell, Grier &Co., we propose car rying on a general grocery and commission basinesS at their old stand, and respectfully solicit the patronage of their customers and the public at large. We have in store and to arrive, a large and well selected stock of Groceries, to which we invite the attention of both Wholesale and Retail Buyers, janl-lw. BURWELL & SPRINGS. Southern Home and Democrat copy' lin. JJ1SS0LUTI0N OF CO- PA.RTNEJ?SHIP The co -paTtnership heretofore existing be tween iJeel 4fc Perdue, is this day dissolved by mutual consent. REEL fc PERDUE. December 23rd, 1874. ' Having purchased the entire interest of my partner, Mr. Reel, I will continue the business at the old stand. Blue Front, Trade Street, where I will be pleased to wait on ray former customers and the public generally; jan2oaw 4w L W PERDUE, "iy ANTED. Three thousand acres of Land, adjoining the lands owned by Stenhouse, Macaulay fe Co., known as the Davis place, or in that vicinity, for which a liberal price will be Sid. Apply at once to Stenhouse. Macau- 4 Co.. at their office in Charlotte, or to their agent G L .GIBSON, jan 2 2t On the premises. W. W. FLEMMING, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Charlotte, N. C. Special attention to suits for and against corporations. jan2-ly. JIME, 3fOLi4SSE8, (XML. 2,000 bis. Lime, Plaster and Cement. 1,000 tons Coal,, Stove, Grate and Black- . smith's. 2,000 Sacks Salt. We import'Cuba" Molasses direct, and ex pect first cargo new crops about 15th Jan uary, 1875. Worth a worth, . Coirmission Merchants and Grocers,' jan2-2m. Wilmington, N. C, GRAN P .& H1NT0N, -GENBBAL , (i . COMMISSION MERCHANTS, . And Produce Dealers, , No. 6 , Sot Water Street, . VViuirnoTOK, N. G. ' The nndersigoed having formed copart nership as above, respectfally solicit . eoo i2Dment8 and orders. . - ... R. ir GRANT. jaBZ ir. n. nui ivn. A CARD: - !' ' : Oenl Thomas F. Dray terr has associated' wiik himself, Mr. JarneBilX jTyhitej. W&f of Angusta, Ua., to carry oo tbe lieoeTal Idfeand Fire Insurance 3psiness.Rn4er.tJbe. same oi urayioo a. vv one. ... . a Mte mitt Mftftr years past, Waged as aQeneral Life arid ' Fire Insnrafice Ageot; j'a , Aegosta,fe where I hei is' IrideJy known Jo .therbosinessrinea.'of .that ciiy,: OFFlCfcTrade St.. next to Mc AdeVi 1 Iteififlcrat iwi.Gouthem Home will- please; copy for one monib, and send bill to office of Drayton A WWte. !?B2 U0J -..id f ru v !3,af u ri f !J ,iv Supported by the; entire"-;' . - , ft. I?9Py ; ' Of Selected ArtiStSV ?l . - OhnrsiaV hiiig January 'TttU jtienry woods'. great navelijft -ii' r'- ; :iatfn4i4 : - www '-vmv w r v ' - - - - r - EASTrjE ,,,, Elopement, wtthfuil. cast. of Chftr- Or the aCterSL- To conclude with, a nef and glorious PRICE of ADMJ33IC-iOBchestra Chairs and Dress Circle $1.00 ; PSrqWette 'TS' cents'; Gallery 50 cents,.;.-, : - j Reserved seats on sale atTiddy., .JBxp!s Book store without extra chargev'.? i -Jan. 3, 1-w M. B.-eOWLES, 4gt: NORTHERN IRISH POTATOES Vsw 1 il ' ' r r. if vi- Y'?v3 r!X JT oni.t,t- NrtiS?.'''-''-1'--" ht' W v w . ' 20 bbJaJfortfr :nw-jjBa.a!t(lvr em Irish ; Po4a- iJMff' mmi ? Hefoyookt"r5iF" a T)nro6ses. lust, re-' - '- -;. 'wTRih-llv'i T" &C0. f r ! Those1 P 'm, .-. -&S are of tb . . , they are oo - a'rei s mealy and sweet; 1 thfkf"tftfos!e:- 91 First doer ve-" janl- J vWvAtch !j.UxUBD':JiwBt.BRa, p.nd dealers in WstcnesV ' Ck cks, Jewelry,' Sfl Wr "and Plated Whre. Gold. PenSiiSp&jacrt.s,i anil such goods, as zj.e asoali; .kejit rj$ tfyr beatry dofte and wn rranted. '' 0 fl janfP-t f . JOT ICE. t j Application will b3 madeftbthe 'General Assembly, at this segsion fon the .passage of a law granting permission,, to a .portion vf the 'citizens'Of Befry.hill Tovrnship, in Meck- lenonrg? county, to put gateau across; ie Lunnegan's Fo.rrv and the old Camden roads, jnl oan Ini . JOHNrPRlCE. TTOUSE and LOT FOiJ ,i?ENT. - I propose to rent my,Hohsc and Lot in the city of Charlotte forlSTu- The lot is ft) feet front, 188 1 .feet, back! fwith'.good- two storyr dwelling, kitchen,, and, woud , honw thereon. Good garden; weltj'fcc. J . ;;, i OU4VIN.. .pply to4.;H.Marirf0 Torf,i , jan i t r r' i.'iri'f JTOUSE and LO'IJ FOR AL?f Within " fi ve ! ini nute wal k bf th"e' ; business . g centre. Posseas jonlveu m medjatWy, jThe house uiow jfqpiff4iby)Ma. 'Ji' A. Sadler. is for. sale, cfai&ins six.. good rroema with akitciien' and tjervant'' rooms; . eVeV eary; ont-buildmgs,'good ardcnr( jrelt'!fof good water; premises in fi3t fate repair- Parties desiring to purchase caii examme property ort application- td AtajSa'dltft'1 JBf Terms acoomniodating,pplyito O M SADLER, ': - v Oorahibai78.'C, ' ' orT DGILLKSPlKf dec 31 tf , Charlotte, N. C. JJIVIPEND-NOTIOE...' if!..; . if xa'cHASTs & Farmers 'Nair BAsktj . - - Charlotte, N'C, fliec 18?. ' 1 .' ByerderWthe Bojtnljdf Directors of thii Bank, a lividwvd pf.Avepe cent Jfree of taxes) will be paid to Stock Ojorders or order on and after the 1st January! 1875. V ' ' ' r .' il . r HOLLAJrD.-eashierv . dec 31 , . r j . ". l . i . frnaE larrt aid elegant neW'atbvi Kfeni tlh. JL , der. the Opera Honse. jwlth Arm Cry bftsenient.- TJtmengkma W x 'bZ feet," height 1. feet, lAmu ,. , t. I, i. " fi, 0 '. . I t, O, I f'ii'i THRESH ARRIVAL OF Latest stye. levins iAJ-i,. truutsa FLOWERS ndlE8,o'OttT-etall trade. . vCaU and tbeTnLa;ftirKeJia!1r all gone. ,h UheretaiUstr-eot, "V 1TTKOWBET wHIINTELS. ot WATER WIHT HvjCDWftiq-IIss lo 1trYTEW4Io fltcmltr IIS and 115 W. Lombard St, BalL, Md. oW3 -' '.,..'!' -- - LiaiTimtaaKKa J MfclL' tit ! . r'l.i "I t;r i I. fi'Stevi 1 ! i v it i ""H I. I I I "'I " Klil X0T. 2Sv J'

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