- . - ; ',v'' '. 'I L?ft?v.' nJi,u LHrJ jrJ J '14, rsU-v i i i III 'II I I i ' "1 L'l I 111 V S . '1 y t ! - t - - - ' a a m m. l. X. ' I . IIV IU' III r rt vd faflditaW -. Mini-; " " -J...'-"?"""" n 1,1 MKI.MtAil y.tj ' -HJi3feqiJi")'!i!" mmt M"ii:,1 Qtil ' ("i f 4 .,'J I .u'l'ii',)', f " ; if :. J ' I - 1 . V ''J' . .. '"'J 'J'. 1 . ' . . - ." ' .. ' I - Mlii5ifim JfTTHE BOOT AND SHOE HOTTST5 : V ' - K-.b- A Tryon Street. CHARLOTTE, Jf.uneariy opposite Ventral MtOetAmSm WraiNtw rj ,n - Merchant In Charlotte, m -rn u th advantage to cU W MVlt WfTx We mean to (emfodkhit tXjMff hmtM with freight added. They eariaJways toy tb b.padb;. WINTER TRADE 1874. 8 1 PEaSAM 1)1 . ' ,. f S x 1 . 3VJ IIOCHE PUBLIC. njB'ARENOW 'OFFERING TO PURCHASERS nnparaleUed frktoeemertts to : liny Boots, SrVoes, Hats,rTrUttli; &c.,. Soot and Shoe EatablUhinent, In v A. . r.- . -jt v 1 . r - v , v 'Opposite Central notei; ' iTyon ttr unarlotte.. JSUJi n - WR keen the onlvitrlcttv Retail Boot find hating boilght ottf goods ezclnsively. for CA&H in auch quantities as Jo, comnund llov ' ' : prices ' we flatter onrserres that Ve cannot, be' undersold Jn the South. -Call. jand see usr ani ire will satisfy you that re have the best ,tock of (goods everoffered to the RETAIL " "-ft Has est handEmest- LULLEJERY AIID in ills;' Lilt; La tit;" tft" a &jtttn&.i . . iic .it . The Charlotte, Columt)la;!3insusta ,B INVITE3 the attention bf all Merchants and Cotton 8hipper8 in Charlotte, andc upon the roads connecting there,1 to the extraordinary advantages of connections with1 all Northern Points and Soutkc Atlantio fie '-Pints enjoyed over its linei..T. -rvgtj-v-H- .m-- - : 1st. The Greet Atlantic Coast Dne Tia Columbia, Wilmington ' and Portsmouth, to Baltimore, ;Dailyr Ineorance i per cent. , : .Philadelphia, Daily, Insured. j!f OT J : T NEW Y0ltaWn5rEDTODA? INSURANCE i PER CEirt.,7,30STOlf, TUESDAYS AND FRIDAYS. INSURANCE I PER ! " CENf. PROVIDENCE, WKDNESDAY3AND SATtlRDAYSi d. By way Wilmington and Krert 'EMwm Iineftr-Baltin and Sat urdays, Insurance percent.. ! -, . . . ,"i." 3! K. :t i aa? -..o PHILADELPHIA,"EyERj WEDNESDAY3NSURANCE 1 PER CENT. NEW YORK WEDNESDAYS AND 8ATURDAYS, lSXRACtEiyAWZED 3d. By theXaiarteston Lin. niUmoraJWes:' RVtrwou i - t ... i . ... J - L . - . I. .i r .. .; r. iSSIw' MTrSlDAY.W'NEW YORK, TUESDAYS, THUE 1 !Mf Pr-ui TFW uariralledSlanitLne facilities of the wfl Pfcariesten, and , thepombined equipments oads,' enable us to bid foi Cotton and all other Hon. B. R. BaiDCtKRS. i . f . Col. Joh B. FaImss. V (Jas. ANDKKso?rjfjy: J J ', A. 1'OPTt. . m 1 - 1 1 - I ' i ' T - - '- 3 -ij-vt . - i , l,'! . -4 wA - PARTICULAR aftehUMpaid iyrBscoing t)ountiy;e:OfficB',under Central Hotel. . in i ' i i . - y- . . rpHE PLACE. AT tAST WBEBE4Vt 4 Watche.)- Clkelry; Sllrer Platd Wa ninitvn. ; ?; 1 V IT , " wrt.-jrTf -rf WOW? W I "I YOTjiniBg ana anTtnmc veiTvOeatqaality. Q that line, pi this ! 1 ,,tii."t. wi--'-rfr.W'jL-1 A splendid lot of tine alt of whicB-r will seUlow downjs f will aoTeonthet y.. f Wtt t5?vmJ tZ . . - ta ?tle!st' Call ewlyi j. i uMpv?&ijin anaiz rescue uimivks I iorrotaBdlpg eopntfy, will And It td tkelr TrF? -i? ZnWmiYark, Boston; w BdUim&rm expense oc trip Ncjrth by bnTln dim t-Vfif.l J3sJ hlrnX Tf AX OUK - w , . lrl 1st National Bank XXnlIdinr. Shoe Store., to be found hi the .,eitT. and F All CY GOODS 7 Call andtseiPheiv rrrir -if 5f . 2 15 three Ports of .portsxhonjtli. Wilmington of the tL'Cr Ai-WVC.A A., and other I merchandise tn nnliniited" quantities, and 4 S WfK.r..Ere8idnt-' vft. GjPW Superintendent ' - " reign r ttgem. - 1 ' 1 - ,r rift?, ;t 'rf-? 5ttf iiiii is1-AjKvl,'- Chnrcbea n4 Town Halls, throughout the . . j ' e26-tf. .... i 1 1 1 " - 1 . " rjlHSPLACE TO BUYj: '1,ff;''' t ,UJr. CURRANTS, T j.i lr...r SF FRESH PORK SAUSAGE, made every dattorrtr.r . X T'nl tt'' k ffiti JJ-SYMONS & CO, f i ' - i . ' ' ''' ' ' ' - dec SHYSTERS 1 OYSTERS t OYSTERS 1 1 Ul t lv i.1t tn a.r tn.ri Loyers of .Bivalves' win find our;; , ; & TMLOON.imVBlsbb "Opert'at all hours, day and pight. where a kinds of Refreshments are. served op im the best style, and at prices to sun we times. ; t 7V'. 3 i - GIBSON & BROTHER, j ' Opposite lit Nat Bank, CbarloUe, N. C. dee mMifntteM ': ;'. t TtJ3TRECEIYEDB.XKPRESSl- . w Pfvlff l?elt Hat' Beaded Trimming, f CatWs. Ostrich Feathers. Breakfast Shawls, Knfc Jacketor and many other va- Xr&4 and CtoXl&e Streets 'utc'j 'iJ tLf tJ,a ' i . i Jo teaco tee peopw of Etebmene "his. wetther i TprYnrodaitro nf 'h?nHi - ' ; hope she wHI hive eed-,ii- . ftlt ;W The bed toads,4 afi?1 tli1 ialtioK lof ar o- 7- ' w .f jvwkv (nwa. Ull LVK nanaa, o. Keen ne Tanners oalj ef towui-i e nave beeoBaxKing great raaijj odk h-vf"ined6'.niifeke' weask to be Tnoti- C&ttnr and Ptrick, of the Wadesboro Jrd. regSetere lart eveoiogtif ht Gharr .SberlffJUexancter; to cqUet .?CyfJ0 ! He has tak'etti--fai isiAemn :oath tlut he i9,W?MiJHte he wtlf Thee-ate thrartisrioooa when yooBg gen tfemeo do wt sft on the riggd edisPt store wi'iiahow-od use. if?'!8?1 iefff, 'at firetept ranoipg; Ibetaen irVVUmiogtott khd .Charlotte. 41 j1,tf jr-r WJ-a? r Ma J Nloefasaaadi-ertiafroept o the piper tbMmaroin;andwe ask ateotioti to it. Hej8 o?wying;jM. ;stSre ?fVcP has jist beanTacaUd( by ? Alexander, Seigle&Co.? 5 r " oBcema-v McAllfeter a was before the Mayor yeatwayfoir8trikfogV? od toy w Mcoenj . oijjoine, personal grietaoce which he,boyy4afii?ej!i him. He! -was thioIDiatl amgf the young Treatfempn -.liinif rff-Rort2mffl - rf;. .y.v wu,. off w practice- jaw, were two ubar- Jotte;Mji7viS'repJrki:Dd H. It.Irwiei. t-.-r- -''- I--- v-nm ihetaw tard of Jlesjrs. Shipp Bailey, Gee is ia the Dowd baildiog, - opposite Court Hftttee. These gentlemen make a atedng teamTocl war ondoubtedlf come in for their -akare of practice, i,fc ; , 1 RaJlrDa Cfeittoav '' '-f3"ft;-. ,; ; . A meetipgof railroad magnates is to be behl !n AUsnta tbis'.Week:; Gonfr B. McAoen,of this city; is io attendance aed Cor; f. I' Fremdot, of inijr C tral BaH way Company left this cityrester day moroiog to be present. We bear that maners ot - oeep importance to diflerent I tiotttbern railrimds, will be discussed by then meeting, - j..,- o; hh-.tuk i ?c4 fan '' ' Sfothlng- bat the Opportunity , Pre vented JNotwittssUoding the fact that we aorne- timea coBipiam otbe brethren stealing oSr items, we think' that If' we had come across a good one in any of eichanBS yesterf cdnsciehee aad tlTanmteri thW fe'H o'nwcn. pJcijpi than IraDrjipg arooi4l.;fiwetitl , neck New-' Prefessor; SSi Gen. Gabriel Baines baa accepted a Pro fessorship jra-nD Cbarlott", iiatitoi-'fdr'l Youfig' Ladies.., Hia , departnjBBtj will be that orpbysicat MBcience,' and; ls joccoeds tor,, and wiU ; be t an aocessihn ' td the-f Institute. ,GepLt Baines lias lakiady aken charge of the position aod entered tipon bis .Rvg e.r-x ,mi i. . . cotton. : , - NotwitbstandiDgtbehctemenf weither. 109. bales of, opttpn were sold io,.CbtriotUsf,m WmVhnir. yesterday at good pricei.' One lot at least sold for 133-Oat this was a very fine i glade, aod iha market cannet prcmerlv be uvicwuuiv iditftv. xuu5,uuwerer, is an excellent ' price when ;jcpmpared with thai paid1rtheVpUce8'Thietbne, of the mai ketjwasfairrr eoy Zilt ran i " ' 1ST i ' i . i ..i. .i.-, . . '.... ..... .. " "IAoerrbrrcrepiinto bar report' of the Centennial meeting.oa Taesday. We stated that Capt.! Waring made a motion to In quire what badbecome of the monnmentaT fund which was bused here 30 or 40 years i ao. iuch:W83,50t the: caSfi,T Tha i motion was mada by JirMcNinch and it gives as pleasure to.rTecyheerTpin; which w were led by inadvertency, " " $fa&tw-ixLg Business oVtblslRace The following statement of the deposit la bank, pf one of the- firms of thisxity, tor the years naxn, shows' sbf only the grow log popularity of that particular house, bat now tne Dusiness ox tne piece mast nave ta Mwased IrthA last five -firWiw';'-TlM''atatai ment is frbrn. 0ne b the members of the firm: - in 1870, they : cposite4 f79,00 j in- ,; These figures seem jrerr large, bat this Is eitLeLutbusijiesstnnslntheetata, andwo bar erfry reaso t beJirrt Uiey are IeTOociiticpapVln E.mOM nabhss pwiwwiww ufMiueuiumI;or i.-Ll a. iifM.....w 'A ,23 u ifai the bead Of tta etepi ; InadilWto tlwse Almesf a Drowntofc , tUt' IrrM I'Xhe boy who'' steppedo qaaginire while crossing the street IsstiilgEt, was; Bot jjrwrd.;. Bftresc to him by ooe of the '; CityFatbersj Wbcj Iwtttdfitet'-jb thV7Ignl4t of :thc i&e'tap;hiat boy wiUimbabi'itfl .Botdertnea in tis memory, and"! joT Jrtroct bis aatieipated posterity -to riss up andean them blessed. l ;f y f : flrn. mf S sra'a ' m an a. . . a no i tutiawiTcr nail Hota. , yesterday, th4t; on aturduy last, ,jt iiie Commissioners of Salisbary passed' an order wiiiuimiTuwj 01 mt iwpie Lil , iue to make a aUicTiptioD of S50.0Q0 to the auiuu, i,. ! ijroaqgjompD,' ah the live op!e of Salisbury, we believe, tfic'Who'dd n6t Writ taseebe town starve, entirely out, are in favor of tKeTbuildmg of thisroadr-a -. ,.tmz: ' n v: t i n -fg tfr rt -'r AddtloniU fcoamlttee .if & ti Joicil lathe nainf buUiaheJ yes terday, the Chainoaa has added the follow- wjreMIeaea-HiShemmi by the meefi fbesay, ? $o t arrange for the Grand Mass Meeting; to oe, held in this d9'.(li,4t'Pl&' prejre;fea'-the Centennial Celebration r7 liessrs? UF A . McXwKandB., F, DftTidsoDK of be Board of Aldermen of . the city, and Messrs. iW . Ardrey and'R. L. DeAnnond, of the Ikard'0f Cmiraloriersof the County. lectures a. the Carolina Military Instil ; ut5-.,... ,icmH jiisW . It pleases ui to know that Bev. E. H. m recuire at ae arwiu' jxLuiuwy aobiuhio at an. early day Also has Rev Mey- l'a t - M TVj 3 -- that the subject of the lecture of tbeo latter gentleman, . will ,,probahy;3Is T (.Williara GUraore Semmei! m ! JJPyMoiW1 ibebiiegsin' yesterday anemooa',at--'4rTon .street ai. - . arcbf!esevy 'oohdutTM by ReyThWrntfiof tne Baptist Church The mbusten flteiate alternately ; Mr. Harding-no Monday, MJpi Caraway on Tues day, Mr. Whitfield yesterday, and this after- boon1 the services will be held hr Vr'WA !wlOfftheleWwil llberj Hr throaehout Ihe worlL: mdverlafrbeace, etc.. The services) wilt be as P.M.At the n.FIedmonf: The last issue this paper annoosces the editoriiJ cootro(TeleiiTesv,thePrcM to come to tbr CwitooBrttttit Opt. A; Vsncceedel by Mr J." S. fTomliosonf young gentleman whom we cordially wet oecessoF wwoejhgreauywiirae--front ; tne P8,Mf0yr incum bent wtlTfurnisb a readable paper, assisted as he isbv Mr. MurrR. the former associate feditorrV vJ VJ 7 J , : ' bad Miss Ada Gray. ! h& OMay bf 80 re4r?ery warmly 't ward this beautiful actress, and will be sorry h6011 Sbe was to "have played in WB-; nd f next, day said : The Ada Gray fOsTl.wsSdfd 'perttotf i . . 4 ' at .' ssu lnajesX:neooaj nimccewaiKa on, did not appear here last night, as bad WMwti.i to be regretted, as Miss Gray is said4obea ebai m tog and accomplished tragedienne." The Charleston Jw rCbnc-t calls her faailetS aid sayfihv noceremoDL oaaly teTaoted,io that ciry leaving bircn This ereniog the spteadid drama "East Lynne," wiH be presented for tbe firstituu to CWlotteatelJtwiUbep ed, too, by a company wntcn has s repnia -tronswoDdtdfewifany triverantroaDes. Mrs. Wildman has played io severalofj the principal, places, ot . the JJtste, Newberb, Wifnaiagtonand !Reighand tbe"pressof those phscesare ind -imberH praises.5We have jtalked with seyeral , personSf and .citi ens and oUwrs,' who bare seen her, alf give ihe troupe . good repataUoo v Mrs; .Wildman'ssiosiDg is said - to -WdelightfaU aod s-6loa fcr 1bem:mMcftbe eleUft people win at the Opera Xtoast. r. ..;, tar. fiT-,-' I'tT TjTI ii l'mi IKWHHf- KMIHUg ' W.v.fl an1 ti Mk ei (V "i il U iw-I wuua auiui TMfv.w cww t-ryuf aajrup CniiroOnlg Peart of Song. TbW eventog . W tbsH a!l!XenUr 5 wrrf.,rYry.3, bear bet in 4r6.lPW.2aV manonS loiH9 l u f,f;:uit,;v, .X-'.-w .....r T2!LjLlv Cist.,) k&l Fei. l4ib et-rviC ' r. ;; -& if i iK;6-r.4 v--!.lx4. -; i" sell "Frirf. Soottf I Un PtEsrtbarjr bewaa FMibm4itt selves with key riagi. Tnrjjaxond 4p' jwoisaysiow mtiim,f lo saao 7v?j,. nquncea ,5 wnoia wnpg. swmq a ioqi T . z c v "7.? i 3 t . ' meBt grew so intense ihat the: 'police liosnd 4v',kj.i It aeceesary W InferTeTe icM 'iaieiai -. jisWi a warrsnipraissae4 forlite arrest of lbt AlbmLf oa the ;bartre fof .swiodTmg . He 4Vai.)nnd amtjfsHoM'.Vna'Ukeii tueuce jai.i.ne ncti gemjmnsrmy e3ctfpi beiBg rnobbed, aJodLjrtjshred all tkfurts bf the police' to tare Wm,' About ib'u&hefof -ker-riorfwdoUieVtiaia, de sigTiedlor rizes were seized by the police:" Looks' tike jCrcdng, Back 'onltivIa- 'There were i wo earnest men ih' thm city ln Ut fblch' they b'njwd aronnd. . Now the case & Jbis V A citizen of this county whose name we shall -not now mention, wa en gaged to . be married yesterday.. He came oyer to Charlotte to get hia clothes and his. marriajre licwse, bdt did not return at the: cameover here yesterday in search of htnw They went to his tailatrMr. John Vogel) but he had not been there to get the clothes Which he had ordered' made they went then to. Squire Maxwell, and, he told them. a i. J ' i. I -1' t ' juJ vs- ' kueir irwna uau uuv uvea mj uiiu lur uis license They hunted bim high and low; but found him not, and, those two friends1 of his went away sorrowful,,, v What became of the man can not be ira--agined, but It certain he did not come to time at the hour when tbeeeremony was to have taken plaee.UtWe should like to know what the almost-bride thought and bad to say, when she stood around and.walted! fop her man to coroeaadi he didn't. W can't help feeling right forry for her. ;,aftf( M" i:Theihttte4.alya(a have the names pf the parties in our jweees- ITetrMverUse: GtlAJVT Ti I'rra rTinira nnnili lln 4 vts- lies,BrsiidPeachisrCanoed Goods, bbl. JKcklesrologqA ' Swaag?, jCfears, and fPriloiiJ:DarhmM Smoking Tobacco; aod eyeo ' iV Neine' weddintf be hadnt such ropbCalai w SeiH of CrownU ilta oi4 Louisiana He assures us he will oot "go back", on toa&Cengfes, 4ppTcSln3 Malaga, foraoeslliiilFHUREWS & CO iAnYr r'fK' ''' , 1 4 i . . ...i.2.. F & BAtLKY, X x i w xa x u , i 1 .. niimaiint'kii FTriMa wf d tlma t . ;ii..fcl'Kiif .H .A . DTJpETf oXRVIN', Editors. ioe Tbe CkKTansr is a 'Democratio paper pnb-' liahed in Bockinghsnv Bichmocd .-county, C? Itefrcalates very extensively; irj Kicwnond; Montgomery; and Anson eoniH ties.'and thas as increasing circulation1 in several other counties 6f js ortn and. iionm Carolina. .:It is ,the most "reliable adver tising medium" ii Richmond county;" ' V janj.tf .......j , 3 2 or J roomsJnroiahed r. unfurnished s..,-- Address: GW. f A iao '7 J'v ViHUI'.'VOW.i jjuST -RECEIVED-iff tJti ir t 1 aXtaige'and "'elegantlpVEeady Made ClothiDg, which will be sold at lower price Xhiu can Defernsd elsewhere in the city.i y My esUbluluiieDt being a braocb of 718 2arcreenUowerthanaBj hooseiatLeity oruaai HiaCome and see-ior yourseir, ana oe convinced. J. MOYEB, 1 3 d .. a 7-i. ; "f ..i..i'-- r . . . ft irrTWYfflw. - ' , - F. Kuester announces that he has atray cow in his possession W'hich he found in his Thw -owner can have her c. Address MareVtree-FhlladeiptUfw, wnere jwe mlrmfactuH doirown1 froo 'expressly i for citr trada. f am enabled to sell; for at . least clover patchy The1 owner can nayeneroy 5.11 fiftffT f ct t) LJ e".r Jm Uh . :s : describing projyandpayg for this ad f .,;, k L ;rmrl3 Space beldugs to ALEXANDER. SSI3L2 IJ j'i- f Tertisement. . f j rt HaaiJMP;,,, n fcrf Jucii iuTusA i--.u , , . ; , t - r, a- 1 11 --r '1 who desire the public to. know t3iat tney have 'moved V- P AROilNA JnLIT AJ5 Y JNSTITUTE, ,( if, into their new Store where they wi be pleased to seev. fiV-- S Ss 1 Wl5ttSb.a. Cmn 'i'f 'v'i j i t!a,K. 9 JfcLCiOW, JJ , j.j . vir; J:4J: Vf.", W i : . . rrVfyJtuJt.9&-uL ftto44ilibs .oWiTf-l S'-V-S' Iv . -ln. Ma - ' a 'WS I a i MM .. f. v- - : r. . v,r -. ' - ' - - - : -" '4 . . .- v a-. . : jnllwjww. Sapsriotendt. Liquor JMlsrs ia the Cosoty !Tof ?Mecklen-; burg county, y oar returns of purchase and receipts' in business for the ' six months fend inff December 31st, 1874,' are ' now due. , t willo-mt my caco tae iexF ten days to itceife Ktar .tSoae uaahje ta come to me Xwulcall on them. t i "WA tZi WlfafAltWELIZ BewV. QBTHEE5 IRISH. POTATOES T 'ern.'lrmnypottw4' oslTedtstit4' W NPRATinCRLc t-j a co; 1 J rTboseFotatoes ar of the very f' i1 be quality j after 6t-tJ iF5"''3" they arreooked ant tay ih?-'- FirstikKi.ahof-Uia-iUikrt UoPa. . rjiHE PE0PLE' ,.CQFECTroi?i t retniit Qianlaio fneiensof Charldtte for their Uberal patronage,' and would tofbrm them that I always keep a fall sklot' f - Md OTwrvthirfv.Ift !Alt .all cheap as ever. , v yff'Li-itef1'' fc-.Tsf. f A BCHITEQr. ,.:S3 iCj,:ftki- 4sai Wismi: J -j " V, . - .-- uners ms proiessjonat services to.he citizen of Charlotte and vicinity, and pledges the experience' and practice of tourteen; years training as a KUarantee of comnetenee. : t Offlce Trade 8treet Charlotte,. , . a. VU jawaa j wa - r T ?, -j,- -SALE.. ... . 1 AH , ITS acres of land 3 miles from Chariot: oa Salisbury Toad'adioinhir the land a Sugar Creek Church ; about -40 acres of meadow land on it; the most of it is "well timbered and is about 200 yards "Irom the JfflJlJ It Kknowntas the Frew place, and will be sold at a reasonable price. There is enough of wood on the pf floe to pay ',far-ikK ihlmHt a "DiCK MAXWELL, ;Jaw. ; , - Charlotte, N, C T I51EK JfOLASSES, COAL. hmina bls..Umel;Flstor sAdCenanjC '' 1,000 tons Coal,; Stove, - Grate and " JBIack- m sni--'"; " 2,000 Backs 8att.' . We import Cuba Molasses direct, and ex- pect nrsicaigd-nW crbpsabont H5tb Jan- naryl875. :.WORTH a WORTH,; Commission Merehants and Groiers,,i Jan2-2m. Wihiilngton, N.t, OTICE OF DISSOLUTION. i '?' 1 ' The firm of Burwell, Grier & Oct., was t Is day dissolved by limitation ( We would be doing violence to our feelings did we not take this occasion to - express to our mends and patrons, our gratitude? for their confidence and palronaee daring the time we have been in Dnsntess, and' to ask a lor our successors, jfessrs. Jiurwell & Springs, a continoaneeof their custom feeling assur ed that they will be treated equally as well in the future as they have in the past. - ' E 8 BURWELL, :i tsoor, THOS GRIEfi," January 1, 181 t Jf -pti ri i NB Webaye a large souniP past due us still 6r our books Which .our 'necessities require sholild be paid soon. This is to in. Hm au juwQa-re expecs speeoyi pay ment, and (thus avoid. ,any. unpleasantness pet ween joienos. yspu.L,vaJ?AW),f CO. BtBWILL, mjj ;H,2,B.sSPBnrM. 101 . v iw vl oougnt , tne ptocs. ,oi- sxessra BurwelLGner&Cou we DrcDOse car ; rvtn ott a eeneral ' erocerv and - commission business at their old stand,' and respectfully solicit the patronage of their "customers and thenublicatlaree.: We hareinstoraand to arrive, ft ; large andr!weU selected' stock .of uroceneSf to wnicn w t innte tneaitenuon of boyi Wholesale and Ketail uuyers. ; : janl-lw. 1 BURWELL SPRINGS. Southern Eifthe, and Democrat copy 1m. , ' ...unffii .iiii V .- r'TTrV-ii wt Si ;V ' i ,.'"- TIT ..W FLEMMING, vWi - - V- v a miwm wuw a ww a xtr -1 i'J iii Special attention to suits for .and against corporattons. Jan4-ly. BOARDERS W ANTED ! - 'A Hating remoyed to' corner bf CnHuch and Srd Street, is now prepared td accommodate boarders on very reeaonaoie terms- a X. JanAil87&ilm5Q'l"?ft coir'" ;in tne way .josmnwro twWSMf, L- ni.it t'V' I ni'Tv,i.j. l'n'i"i "-!?) iwV b.s't;'.1' 'V' ' - MSi -f.x? ;iaH-H ' VWf ' ' I i ' 4 ilr morniaa Toa r- M :rt iini tkal. . r - . .... s . THURSDAY, FRIDAY fcATTDAY, I January Tta, c:i cw f 4 ; Thevlarges.t 'aqd -best .!??--.: Company ciaiiidiviaN !?Xtha entire;;-1; ' : New ToxkCfe .Cbajtny, ' ' " Of Selected ArH8lv'4'' ' - EALYNNB:. Or the Elopementi &iuli cast of Char- ' i vateii,v!? ' uTsVj conclude' with r a new ind'gloirious ;. 5s' -tvi" FARCB.-. , , PRICK of ACMSONrcli and Dress Circle $i;00 j Parquette 75 cents ; CbdleryAtaentaViM k? t ; Reserred seats, on sale" a: Uddft Bro's Book stoNjwitiiontextra charge, $ Jan, ,3,r l-wKv- i,M B CWI&Mgt. COIimSSION. lIEIlCirAJTTSr And Pradnca CeAlara. ' " ' ' - - - w W, 4, 1 ' No. 6 So. .Water Street, The UDderslgoecl batibf formed a copart nership as above, respectfully solicit 000 signuenfs and orders.1 v . . .t'l " - , ..; , .1iR. H. GBANT, TJtRESHAB. tRESH JLRRIY AL'OF $s" ' r X Latest style LADIES HATS,; PLUMES FLOWERS nd TIES, for our retail 'trade, r (aMs them Iiuliesubefc . they, are all gone.-, A t the retail stereof .' t-'-'r 4 P- v nTKOWSKY A RINTELS. nor fm -.H;.W 4. DIVIDEND NOTICE. - - ' J " : '. - :-' V-.j.-O V-rf'"- -'; .' ; .. MJBcmWrsatFiBirsss'NAT.BASX, 'Imtv Charlotte, NC. Dec 28, 1874.- By order of the Board of Directors of this Bank, a dividend pf five per cent (free of taxes) wilt be paid to Stockdolders oV order on and after the 1st January, 1875. ' -,J,R,, HOLLAND, Cashier. dec Si' . s 5 j . Genl Thomas F. Pray ton baa associated " !tb himself; Mr. James 1). White, Utely of Augusta, Ga lo ?carry on the General Life and Fire Insurance Basineas, under the name of Drayton A Whit.T-jW : :v t ; Mr. White has, for years past bees en gaged as a. General Life and . Fire Insarsnce Agents in ? Augusta, 'where: be is 'widely f known to the i business : men of that city. OFFICE Trade 8L4 next to McAden's Drag Store, Charlotte, K.'-G ( r r iV '':tjan2tf. TfT V-irH ' Democrat and Southern flbfhe wfll please copy for one month, and send bill t ofice' of Drsyton, A White J. v-frV-.?V- 1. HALES. ' w.a:puitio. HALES & FABRI0R, "A ; t ' i?.u - '-tt:v Watch Iaka3 utn JiwsUrsJ, , Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, eater tsd Plated Were, Gold Pens,, Spectacle such roods as are usually kest to' "A Ctt r cIass Jeelry 8t5fe,AU irorl-ia X t :aj4aosWwwte- "i jaa3-a class Jeelry 8tsreyu. iforik laVx :k -rf?'i' :.f it's tin.fi V- j r.JB.ft: I .I- -''. i pi-tT' f t "-' 3 Ct" .. e - 'JX:.; J .- : A:J Vy If . . 1 1 I A i Ia :;. j!' ' , On ThursdaTevenW .'January 1th. wOl be pijntedv the best Dinuttsation of Mrs. Henry Woods' great novel : . .s : .ijt;". !- rr .' -'s ?' 'iii... ' aBANtHINTONjvWa I t ! ti- '4 r i I 1 'il-'S it . I w; :.. t ;-WT. Wlv,; r' t; nt..l.'.. - - x c , . , . 1 - , . - . r ' f' ' ' ' "..Jj 'i i"n ii ai -- - iw iwi tfJt .a pjn'ipB "i ' ' 1 1 ' " : ' " "T rr ' ' ' " J a" h ' " " - ! jfcfci) j.i i inn i m, ..i. M maaM iin - ""a" .- " t - "4

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