. - , - - . i i . -y - M ' i ! I 111 "V- ? , I " J J 1 1 i - " ; - 'i- . - r - . 1; 1 1 1 ,.' " "lir 1 r t t, I----T- i-. 1 -- .- . .- -.t " ' " 1 ' t 1 , . rt. a, ... . - " . " v r ... t f . - ; '. - - -" T ..Li-. : iSTVf - 1 ii . . " ' '-' - " ' 1 " ' 11 i i i .i ' ii i i i il i t r i i.i i hi ii il ii 1 ii i tmm n I 1 ni in i i i i in i 4- V. If. SMITH. . - w3 : ft rji mW.S. 1 ci i TO BE GOLD AT 'BOOTED CU6e" kOUSE"; t Trym SfrC&dXZOT rfriTHIir th hxt ninety dayi"w intend to ell Btocfc of KenXt Wwaen'n ' W K K nd CMldiin'a BOOTS, fca4iLLT3 .comprii all grade large proportiOT of wUlcb havebeen , . f-f-f-T" - f ' A TT fT Merehanto la CharlotUs a well u thlntnindlnrcomitryr wUl find ii to their advantage to call and exawlno-owtoeic.helbre pnTOhRalsr e - W mean to teu uooas 09 any . . . a- . r ai u-jfl A. flf .t -T-v . . J M ..a Vw el Boots, ;r;shoes, Hats, TrunUs,' " Sc;-' " " t i CpIis Cr.trI Hotel, Tryc3 Tt., CLirlc'.t?, . C t ; i -if i.-jr t,'i 'i ( 'ii. i - - . ,r "I "WITleep the only strictly ItetaH Boot and f " -.oe Tiore,- to be found in the city,., and having bought our ooda ei;lu&ively forCAEII,' i.i f h cvnlit -j as to command .low' prices we natter our'fiTes tat we cannot ww , and we will fcatifify yc l that we have the best S5t?F't - : ' ' K'? Octi-tf. y . f.t' .' T-4 r. . . . , . , . . a! m tho-Statcoii roadaeoixnBgtheTe, tothecrtraardina a Points nd South Atlantio Sea Porta 'ortsenjored INVITES th attention ff all Merehanta fid Cotton Shippers ia ; Charlotte: ftndDOtf VL4 1st. The Great Atliatia CJoastLine fta Columbia; . Wilmington and j Portamouth to BaltimoreLDailyInsurancet per cent, -n:, m- . m - - Philadelphia Daily, Insured. Tf'" lailP .M NEW YORK, d. -. By way Wilmhigtow iiid Direct8teatiif urdayaIaeuranas pet cent? i PHILADILPmAVarirEIWNESDAY; d. By the Charleslontf lUmoni; MCnrr SSteDAY, TITfJI AY,7 AAT17IU) AYn INSUllANCSJ 1 1 1 JPEK CENT. i'13(QNl'TUE3DAY3 FRIPAY8, INSURANCE ITEK v Tra'cviDCErp;i T. " , WBDNESDAYaJUn) 8iJIJEDAYS,.IN8UKAVAWyAWycVl - vT.r AS?t . 1 & tOTHAT Oil VOUFOIXf I fi wor-W ee-l A nuhleston't and the combined equipments of the C. CAT A ".XA 1Al-iwnd other mads, enable us to bid lor cottpn and U other merchandise in ua limited quantities, and to assure our patrons of absolute fieedom (jom detention. $ ' t.?i "-r-'j. Hon. B. B. llRnxiKES Col. Johs B. Fauces, v AS. A PARTICULAR ntxexti paid to TWing Country.4 CiUce undet Central Hotel.- THE PLACE AT LAST WHERE .You I w lcae, Clc. . swete- Silver r-. . . . - ate4 "Ware, Eonoa, Xri- 1 ?r- i:ivrVi; tons ahi'ii Se-M3"" Vti;ne.oftte A splendid lot of up " OPZUU. CLASSI3, ' ' all of which I wTJ sc : : .r down ri I "in Btoveonlha ' ' AiiC.'f. J.ot.:;,.y....;yt;. ,P??v-,n 1, V, svWiKtTf f - General reiht AgenU- npi -i f i-: i. , ?.v3 I ; W. W. rPEGK A M.V Ageaf f Central Hotel. 'ce4f w, iosron, or Baltimore, . t .... . i iucu ; i i tae iiouiu. : yu hu pec u, s..ock cf goc J err ofTered to the RETAUU -HAD? PCGBAlkV v . .. - - i - J . 1 ; . . .i . . v n it . , Call and see -her. all Northern bver its lines- . 4 -s a - I4aa ttt'iBaltiaaoret uWedneadayw and Sat , J7j,2i 'r j INSURANCE PER CENT NEW YORK Wceklr. 3v . ,,,,y fl .. T s- lien'i jianager. ' Churches and Town Ms.tiiroti-hout the ... . . . T . .rvae23-tf, T HE PLACSTO BUY i. i ...Jl.t,Ji- liir',. VOftlMUliJ.,.....(f 5 , ...;--'VVlv"i,''i -fl'.f, RESH PORK SAUSAGE, made every dav tot orcerv p ' r- i 9 0Y3TEE1 1n OY JE.-3 i I OX i i t . - . Vf rv. v. f. ii i ..;. - Tyiverv c r iVaTvfs WH1 find cur- 1 1 ; alcg:t A'l.cAEyoi,.; f"i.n'ktf'1 hours, dav sndntebt.' wtrraa k.'ada of J.'reoL Jienta are serve i c i n t! a best atyle, and at yp 1 1 j? i I : I' Gl. " I ..JUil. . n -f.i ' s- V ' ' rLljla " "" V Ecr Trimming, a .- - . i. r The Charlcttcf nhrtArrAr. OfScei Observer Bunding,' Corner 1 ! zrf H ; 7 s 7f; jtvsr ftrvl haye youjuonept the milk of human mc3 Of Course eyerybody wil Kq ,to aeeXip f ness left in you ?" Wish thij.-nian that, he Van pinkie 'aigVH: m3 4-, i Old Frqbs continues tot&keicmt that little pit he baa against ni.'?: A fl'J v The prindpe.1 topic of &nemtioiiln the City aow,la the Louisiana affatf. " V. fraaing throngh the maa.AndXwaik- log'doVn "Broadway ! rf v' 5 clown on Tryon street,, last nighty and te maine here a 8tan,ding;npnm6nti4a he' fallibilftyjof the'lJnitees wait- erricf rte learn that Jessrst Wittkowaky fein tela,, ojT thisscity hare. oldthe fiinwrntan House in gtateaville. lo. Memrs .DaTid' and Isaac allace,jqtflMt?pJew4tT t Whetfeer a 'certain '' handsome ' young 8aU8buryant whb;arrfyedasi eyemiig, comes over tpi,CbotteHut)hall the fel to ett ca'e tr cf CLirI-iie.-.V"e Latfal- icaur wuue 16-91 water, ana mm, oui jtfie"ctty ye&terdayj; .HeweU 'known irx Charlotte, and is quite popuhuc heiev V; fw I W. VJck; Esq.; of BalttmOrelofmerl jf vi rf iiuimKion, arriveu pu tue. v uuuiijvvvA traln'ast evening" He , 3,ifonea-of Xh (fw passenger who' escaped Iron wsecv Qualified;- e V i ? U:h S. Hv Farro w.sq fy rday a&lifiej .as &eputy sheriff' of, the county," Hithertot he. haabeen a constable ia. this county; but, on-q Monday he resigned that position before the J pis new ouice, nu appuiiimeji( w is oates back several montbfc.be-hasnever un til now regfttiurly accepted Kad entered upon the dischargrof the 'duties, r f Young llea'a, 'hristlau Aasoeiatloaif The following gejitleiaea' hare been ap pointed the Committee tf Ways and Means of JTooPg Men's Christiahla8clation of Charlotte Maj. M-'D. E.' Mceod,. "Chair-, man Js Rer WHuntert'Messrs; X H. Aljdrich anJN.rjUtUejohil. These ' jgen tlemen will, in a short time wait upon the cfC r"raHteKJ fofntittutiona jbfi nio'njfy, to defray he expenses of the"" Aseov elation ; ---" J '"-'" Street gue 4 , yv.i. ) it trifling, drunken loafer, acccetsb . av Uemah on the streets with ."HeXIa, Tfitrao. ger I aia'yoiurname Roberta Ti "JS&oJt, waathe rcsponse? ntbn6t. "I thought, aaidtheloair.!rkthat yoirweWa.cotto biy ft 4&d had' some money; ; Ianx mlatakeaJi ""I thought.'! eahi the other;Vthatryou mtr4 drunkiaud a' fool i l am not mistaken. JiM vaac 01 toe man- ue. r? a ; ro 'w-lf-jr-"- t.t '.' rihe countryman o whom we spoke ' yea f j 9 t 1 . . . j aJ. 1 i f ieruaytwno uiu: ao come w tune woenns 7n tr fiv Kpjmv' irAuA . rin ?WnlAMi)ri has not' yet appeared to get his license: It is sbxnewhat.of aenaatiaa ill itajray, 1 A good many thought yesterday that' the story -was canard, but uciilafiof ffiecase7f and.. we xreprepurei toriye tne nam? to any one whodf' 3 tVfl-i. ' f ' - Petltlo.a : r V.t TheRaleirJinJfc-js that a petition lowsvbegla.io txtb uUieir olT slot gups. firftrbducd at thetiettepsioniercongreis," Personal. . -ul s- i..fuiJA f W: 0 AteNeeley,r.VofSairabuTywas ia" tTMSS T riSSSS vtoJmotion,oux 'nakiMrswildman's T.r.' ; r :7rur?r 4 Elliott.. Who. was convicted ot Ifhe man-J elaagbter of Chas. T.rNeal, at i the ? recent terni'ef Wilkes Superior Courts and 'senf. Kneed to five years in the Penitentiary", Wa arned a week or two ago. Ironv one of the ! prisoner's counsel; that this peUtion hasv been very numerously etgnea, ana tn tnere 1 are Btreng hopes that ' the" pardon would fee 1 granted as prayed for. ' r- t't't-C'' !-ti:t A Charlottean ;Tree4 y4 V' i !l fpllnw tnav take the winss of the morn"" fngand flee to the uttermoBt jartsf,the- 7-7 i y . . 1 - K. , eaxtb on a courting expedition, but the first' thing he knows he Will ?be e.urjieddown,?bV 'i the old quill or some local nistonan, just as "the Greenville (S. & J?a Jfewt curried. our friend Mills in th fojlowineitem wch apa. tearedineiarrre?Of.yeit&day . l '.H "Capt. J. U. Mills, oi i;nariow, was iu tue city yesteraay.en .ronteMnpnifi inwfc ev, Orleans; : The indications afe' thaf "he will become a citizen of Greenville, or at .least a half brotfaeT.'"ry 4 New Dally Paper in Charlotte.rt y 5 ' - tr r&arMn "Psn . At n resent the editor Wid proprietorof,tbe, Payetteyilla Efle, will, ad soon a$ he can' toaice his arrange? ments, remote his ' paper to Charlotte -and convert it into "a daily. I He has had : this acheme in view for some Mme but we .were not awa-iLahe-had '-fally determined upon ttrntil eysfcerdy-WkenWe mw' the following M , the.Wilminftou ; Jmnpfg ot , W Wrn that the FaYetteviIIe EagUialo beWmer'd to -Cb-rl otter forpublicaUon-ra,. daily; aa so&a as the necessary arrangements nn be made. This . more is- made, mainly because the Carolina Central Rail way ;ta now, completed to that pointy and because or tne superior facilities of .Charlotte for a daily p?per ana tne eKiar2?ent oi tue uBnaa of the JBais. i The paper will keep the same name, number,. &c.4 and nearly all its, pres ent kubscribers will be ret?ined.7 It is need ier to-say that, we w!ia,,our "new dailj neighbor much success.l' ' y " c ' "The more the merrier," so the old saying goeit "The OabiaVJcaVaJl" extend th rit bind' of fellowship to its coadjutor upon, its coming' .Q iVH iIIl Qth co.posure to ti iftter" rc--i"JifCL pipits. t"or -one more" or its Kina. ; tf , f , . t , The gSbd Sady of Mr. tC tfBttnnlIving n uie eastern porun 01 tne county, present-. ed him on 8aturdayevenii?s last with-twin boys; weighing nine pounds each. v We con gratnlate friend Bann on hii I good fortune, and hope he will havejnany'retunii of tihe ame.r-ji Sew: I'ilany returna of the- eame Woodson Ha-v7. "o pvu w ciownnp u powdermagaaneentenee him fogtfwlthout itifts through the afreets :i)f'?3iarlbfcte.'-bay t'tifthprujffot these wins an3 bbar4 a JhoWj Jra other twins with tin horns at this man's, house at his own expense, wish everything Ise mean for Jiim,, and do veveryth jug ptee mean tofiim ,but if hejs youof "friend isf yonaay,J d(n'tto' Wi8hhew51f have -fbanyTefatns bf the same.o r eyeu ope returai frerfecteadbeat, 1 t.'l -ester,day morning; a trampt who called himself Uimpben, applied tq.-thf -Mayorf the tSty fo'fassistance, saying that- JUe.;was AH ! fles.Utute wndjjonasjdeed: tvijwem-, 4o Jbey Hewas.n; pUebodied: YLow Enough however, fend If he was out of moij-i ythe appeared noJreas6n?hT he should e so'y should 4 be travelling arouffd over sae.oouBiry rne wayor r reasoned to himself irid 'eVrTeJy -properly J declined to extend the city's charity' to him lie said vuat ne.waa pere srom eeima,- la-.. hot. tnat his native place was New York- whereupon -His. Honor took- occaaion-to -observe tbat since he had been the ;chiefrexecuUve ofllcer of the city. lie had never beepapplied to for charity ... by a Eouthern manJ ;The : fellow waltzed off ha his ear, aacT wllaTWanie of "i.f. . '.1,1 : . ' ... -i . 1 7, -. ill i r hij is, no? a nowu. j? r i'- ' A Great Neec'. . , ... , 1 J Afnon the iiiuUifarjous;oeeds of Char lotte as a growing citythere is nonegreater than tfiaVbf rf new'gas company. -.Tbere is no dependence to be put ju theabiJjty of the pfeeue q supply the demand. nd,'no uaer.pf it knows, when he applies thematch to the btajter in the eyea'ing. whether lighi ,wiTlbe the Jresalt or po. On Aceeuut of the .impotency of he present .arrangement, o BLiwva, are loiuiu urtyjinj fong ironnin tne dark and the mud. these nishts.i The man- lager of the jjas company,ackpowedges thai he is notable to furBBb lights , lpf the street lampe.Ti'; ' l,'--f3iv-. y In additionfx Jack", suppJyiJhe quality is very poor, and everything, points to the fact that a new gas company1 Is badly needed here..JWWthinJk itjW$uld pay well. Many or oprjuzeus would tae, stock wit, and little difficulty1 would be experienced in getting it under way. tr . T A Good Story fmae harlottci. A correspondent of the (lexaudria , tY -3 5cnW, wrifl rig from on the irains: tt)ila Tr-jL-vf w swv Vmvoww pyw VVk, w i "I thoueht Alexandria had bad 'bova. but Charlotte la ahead. - What set of Alexandria boys would have thought of such a trick, as ieloiiowirfg? An- ota1 armer, who was overcome by the hea Offcom whiskey-i-eat on a door step to restA His hat fell offl which revealed - a fine, intelligent 'looking oeao," wnica was oaia rrom tne- loreneaa to thenapVof his-neck." 5 Theboys' observinff It.'&rocurred arfalse riose madec pastebcrcn Tbv old Mllow was enooEiog With his head in-his hands on his knees. - They' then cot j marking pot'And'.brusH made 'mouth- ana eye,,anat,Tpul? tuenoserfonv Tcou xsuv imagine' the sight.'?i The 'hair on eacheidet of the back 'of Tiis head made ggood whiskey and' a 1small'ipatch t)f hair on the nape of his neck formed a nice goatee. jWhettbe was awakened, for some time he nia not mow wnat the joke was, but. when he found it out itt was easy enough -to tell .which was the .eaV neutb -frenvi the dan guagfrthat poured fromlty " The,. Opera House JLast) KlffhCT- j; u j j Clara WUdmnlayedEa-tynn the Charlotte Opera House ' last evening, to a remarkably gxi trousenBlderinjf the' eiyjIncfemtiit'-wathetf'Vlt j'isoLmoe uian just w aavyuiafc, ,iu.-piayWB9 xbucitou; ZZ ZZIW ZmZZ conception is fine, and this is all. of acting. An aeter actress vrhosoes tbrqrugbhis ozr per pari, as a ecnooi noy repeaisxivj essop. merely mechanical and without entering Into the: jspinpjof f whaliW said? IliT no performer at, alj t-and, unfortunately, the ItagtH filled With these. IHftrtfre&tag to leenjMtmatUUlho iaiiftedorith ibncep tion, and Uiss Wudman is, vAs Lady Iaa efaf she, t'acted wgll her part." ZaTe, jeal ously, the "remorse" of thefallen woman, the tender affection of the mother to her,child- f 74' : husband, not as wife but . w;n. ren wheK" kllU lVb husband, not as a wife but as a governess. theIinofWimjseyes deatb'sem brace, the reconciliation betteen herself and Carlylewerjall r'pnrtrayed.ijbJU'ei.likf fidelity .'T In each different scene the actress wastrahlsforn?ed8 (4tiwem . Ehe'sihgs finely''Then "You'll itemember Me, with Carlyle kneeling by her side, was particularly well rendered. Her medlev was plause. fv A 7' H M X I We have no " Idea or. ignoring the other members bf the company. Efj.1 Wildma&,a3 SittFrands,iLeviior,' is an artist, ot no raean order; He also seemed to appreciate- the spirit of e 'play.liud' no one with1 any dramatie taste can see him without commen tifig fryprably upon bis acting, Z';f i R.. Stanley r as. Earh Mowt- Sevtrn, .did remarkably well, as did Also P. McLaughlin as Richard Bar: Tbe! actinj 'r Nolen'aa 'TZr)nf1 fyhi7 mfl nwwl i Q KTi i. . - Louisa Watson, ia cwvsy uariyie, was the Efebf the play, j She did eplendidly;ad we have no desire to say less of her. She do- v Bijou ITT TTU7,'-.wa3 excellent. The little fellow; found his way directly to the hearts cf, tis auMience.,$ 4 y 'Mr wUchr caused the C-.. . " - i il, - , pealicf irerrizieatiiJ tc- v. To-nht Ve haye "E:? Vr a li li: . j.ad, we hop, a fijl 1 house it hear it . " t i'Eat, Lynnee yery touching in 4to . ij e. 3 C. t 3 1 ,.3,S5v ; r jj, a i it J.t J v s.:i--v. 'tv:'' - dramatfsei atate." and Its' len-ftf?? r-r-yt't-sr-- -.:I..3ftC. . .V'.,-'..f ,,y , ri- -.m. v- werejfiiiely brought out Myth's4 Wil-aa 1 -.-yHr-- .;.- " -7" ' A Tf V-'' -' i'-' V"l"v - i v ' ;-- Troupelasfhlght. 'Th-eY-i'seutein-l ;""- ' - 'j' ' H r.' jt''fy -i- wlw si iv i- - ' " 1 ' . - - 1 TAIS5QLUTI0II, , x - J .-iTtM beenhUdaydisolTedbymBtttaleonseut.Ii stS , -y.- perjocs owing, us are'herfby n?ti:edU L tV Jioc3aand 4, cp stairs, Dowia COine forward .and .aettlv tb jbuaines. JJMSV ' y. , . V" '.J most be desed.;.Th()aebaTinff clahuionna, ? Ct, - t'. -; - f are not;5ed .to present 4ben at C9 foe Iteat Ki Hc-9 cc?y 6 times. y ' tcJ)t W ti. itiiVHr!? f - ij M-'?4KW3nfU t rtUii d f s I .i; i I -vsu - iaHtA 1 1 - tf nsiybar city tax, ta by thft 15th O M-'V.i--; -f i ii'.tH . - . f ! t i j ' ' i. It . ?OTWlfH8TANDINd 1 ' -1 Lfl!AtthecirypJBa tw Monday Janoary U.tX' EEY! ;.-'3; fl875; a2o'cl0CXJ J ' Li-I. 1 h'lfctnin thanks to the lr T tt WVir,c!!I,foc their liberal patronage, I ' ian R iifa'r . X ;, t Citv Slarabal, i i ) them that I always keen a city is prtaseu lor nwiucT mutm uwbu wi ... r . - . . , Aldermen eay I must collect, peaceably -tf A ECBTTEtT?. f y - s;.. .y f you will, forcibly if , nresV fe XXftr -4; - ? tan 8 -lMt Marshal. 1 y u. i v Vl l i.000 'blsLimePlaster ind Cemens' J ft f s THE LEATHER J3 VERY V. i I j , We import Cuba Moiasses dixect, and ( ex r.t v i ?i,t p lNGLEUENT, BflW .bo th Jan- we are sun receiving gooas every flj w I ineet the Increasing demandsor our ensto- 1 Si0 EW I Promising to gireyou the best , sooda for the least money, and spare no pains or x: I pense to give, you entire satisfaction. Ana wishing you aid all of yours a happy and prosperous year, ;.we submit; eurselvee yon? hrnntiiaWnnta. i .x k. -4vf i -.-.i. Opposite the Market;'" j Jan 3- w f sIc. 8. HOLTQN CO '.' G OAL! COAL!!. . -2 - f - 4 I I IA larwf cftrmW ertra fineCQAl Will be I reueiYBU UllS moraine 1 ' 1 I f I ij X At. i . - ' . -. . ' I rV jan7-lt. : j ' i W xt. Ja. tiJtUWiUJSI. r;, i ., i . . -t. - iv. ' - -r j - -1 TMPDRTEIodlliD5tE3T10 '" X' XJhi:it kK":: ;-.iI0B-OTAM. f I A T -Tfl wTp'R tOEfi , b A .AuOr U aVU i .u - . In order "to' close' out'' their '- business. 1 rx- v : -. .- I f icift': W EEAkv dc CX ..j. c J ' Offer their' entire 1 Stock of IMPORTED and MANUPACJTTJBED i f u-:-v'fi' v-Liii;-'i ;TWirnrvi1 u s ar iav a'w . 'a m a aw AAaiara wr m lyiCaroiinail JTiearo; iParfigas, Upman,! oa ParieL Las Gaciaa. OJobe, Excursion un jeuianut( vatnmet i mm 01 1 wbkju are eSered in the eonsBmer and haver at liana- faetoierat Wholesale 4 price per baZr- for j cash, Beyerf of Mrj qoautitk twUl, be l avowed priceaaa iLoTen,of good Cijars ahonll noVlose U6 1 Opportanitjfc sr n i j :5i J i. j jn a Zw ftsi cs s.- v4t-Aii " !.t - " : . ' ! - ' - .m 115:" -i 1. 1 .ureauy picasea ii tie superior o.uauty of our rCaafiies ixutsoiziaa, Oiiron, j Jei- Brandy Peacbssi fCacaed Ooods bbL ; Hat-Dot fort kitandness-forFrilr-Air ifJ'-Tj -7 'If,' m 1 T - " ' 1 '-r ij'i.tfilT !"-J-'V.u."M4 iif fcJ.. 1'" ! .i5r i C .eJt fL WaTCK Makltt a.m' JrWXLaa, l-V i ?.v-y,;:-j' .V' 1- llAl - -a i- ..i.r--ea.VJ ' air f " " : y Pickles,., Bologna, fiawsa, Osrart, and such good a are nsnally kept in J AjTlt tn o .-t Tli I clan Jawdrt Stares AU vrerk 1b the line r;T- vkV even fat NeUIai'i ired-liaf t; badt iftcb au5erb TJakea, tf Ouytbaker XilrSeiro,' of IfanlnhV k iwirftU!niArA1th(B!rb j-rrWsiw .Tf jisj".ii y .; Crowned ZSJZQ -mt Zwtr.rzrt-tiit''- m .Aw? ,4uiw .-vcaiVTr its asures us be will noi ' bad n an" rmvv YVant ArriT -1 "t lafT? f SiJ;4!- Grapea. -v :F H ANDREWS CO. 1 4iiT-if w.t;i'K rt a i 'I WJiijrjWS .xUMSI'ajuuaucas, A?- ,:.-.V,;;x.7f - J i. ,-. nTrmtraiM V v;SMi,:tl-3S"4 sever . . a,cr - w pn- tieingi..w-.l.a" ia i... .l-.2nd, ttmnty. A t jan 7 tf.Y. . 4. v -, V' ;,y;j . . . ' - I i-- ! f W. lBhedry r.cclL l; Eichmoud Coucty, - We would aolicit a generous share of the Sii-?-. llcstrsr? : I Anson com- j-4-'uV R- ?v ALEXANDEB. 1 tier-' l" ni circulation jnl M' .f 7 1 . ; ... . a. . t -,r met T7IU9A UbUJUVJSUfir r I J .EespeCtfnUyV ; :u .wiJCloyer rc:ca. ine rvner c:.a ty iy III 1 j.;flU.- "R riT. A TnrffO'rT.Jr'U.J describing property and payii2 fr ' r. ; 17 , , . ii ..w- -i i$ ; w-f-f.'-r- vertiseniKit. r - ' r " JsnO vt Plothin?,,wbich will be sold at loer price J ,JI j '-" . -." -1 ' i "i; ".r -i;' - . ,. " - A ' than can ta f-uad tllai'a ia tLscItt' H-ilra: W KijJa-t; t'; jj" . f , . r- j , . . .j. I tMyesUblishEsnt-beirjatr-chcf 718 t;: litf 'mV' -;-,'i-.,-:.'V.r: - 1 Market Street, PhOadelpbia, -where- we . ii -J2r,l'-t. vyy L '4. , i mKf3rni miVnwii ' r-K!; f t' p.: I .i'stfU.?53 : jp - ; . .f . 45 1:7,. - . city trail 1 am enabled to sell fcrat'l-t int 1,5; .-r?.V -i. f 'V? 25per cent lower t-n ty ton:3 Li C3 d? ; I - H y AVt : -. r ; ' W ' ofCbarlotte- .-y!-;,Iini S -' I ' coma r or,jer ' r. ana be . r"1": 'v ya .'t, .t;l.- V- '--' r------ ; lnTTrAtlrv '? V (CAROLINA MILITARY N3TITUTE, ;- .1 ''r tot-e:r newL.ore. where they riU btr-:it3tn -j r 'l I U....... ..,-.v.n'n 'J? .y their s!j t-J,c ' ::rs.,- , ; , ,-,. : i,,'.' , , -" 1 - ; OUIPP A BAILEY, lVt a E Tn V S' - " ! . n Address. G. W. - 4 r i rpHE s TEOPLE'S COITFECTIOX- citizens of Charlotte and would inform Tall stock ot - Candles. Cakes. Cracera,-jranxr7v and everything in my line, and, will eell a theapasever. .'"M ! I Oflers his professional services to the citizene f. ana . viciniiy, ana pieagw wiw and practice , of tourteen yean i guarantee of competence -r . " I traming asa Office Trad nfflvTfli fitropK Charlotte:' v "? 1 j IjOOO toos Cal, 8tove Grate 'a.ndB' Black-4 U.X, ' ' i 1 J - 1 . -'' " -i WTWi- wrttrtr1"'' uary, 187S. ; (WORTH WORTH, , " "Cnmrniasion Merchants and Grocer.; jjj..- - c ' , Wilmingtoo 2STi C Jwm . hwwmw YnTrrti1 hit mssnr trrrrt v Ty,C? ?f LTVJS . , r. r"lT - , i. . - . ' ! .! The Hrm of JjnrweU. Urietds Co- was ' U daytoaolTed Lby limitation.. . - ...I, We onldbe doing violence foour feelings 9 1 did we not take this occasion to 'express- to our Crtenda anAnawnawKatituae: lor thmv confidence and catronaea dnrinv the -time we have oeen m Dusinees. ana to astt for our successors, Jfessrs.Burwell A Springs. wumuuwimf vi uiuu wuowui, iuug twur- aAhanaiM Aw rliAi nnarAM vaaI4tc aaana. ea coat wiey wiu-iw wHM maiiy' wwi m tne inj,ure as nwr nave in uii paBw.-f." ' r- A y ja8:H.car36n ; anuaryl, 1875. , f - B. W bare a large amount past due - uu oar Which our necessities require should be paid soon. ' This is to in. form all such that we expect speedy pay. cttentrsd'4hua avoid nyapieasantaeaB 1 1 between friends. , BtmwixxGanca a Co. n..avrBmtwaui r n,,.eiwi ', '-'-'?8tmxjssc .To,t : a u.a a naa.m sa a a.ssaa u nMMkMinMMm,..,'M TTm.V Tit & h i LL lliilM llulLlidllliL 1 . .. , . - . Tt AVING. bought ttfe'Stock of Messrs li 3nrwelL Qrierjft Co, we'pruposa car am ve, a. large and wU eelected stock of f Groceries I of both 1 IJanl-lw. Groceries, to which we invite tne Attention Ol ootn WOOiesaie ana aouui uycr. $ Janl-dw. .' f BURWELL A SPRDrGS. , i : , . acq eaiers i f xTatcneav; Clocfca.J Jewelry, ; BUrtt and 1 plated Wart. Qold Pens,' Dcctacfcs,- tad t heatlydotw and wsiranted.' ?: i janjtf. I . if - w-w -t I pMABTNEBSniP, ROTIQB? U-i io f.; '-2 il jtWt 2 W. the undersigned, would announce to the citizens ol Charlotte and the pawio gen- erelly,that we have formed a eo-partnerabip under the firm name, and style of H. ALEXANDER Jfc CO., to take effect ott the first day of January 175, and will do bust- Beas 'at the 'Store- recently-occupied by I Messrs. Long, Suntrow 00.-, couege street. Aam in flMfctfOm mnd: anil ofiMr aMcial US l ducementa to the CASH T&AUJS. ,.;s Hij I . Wa will be glad to see out friends at all HmM nmmtsinfr the times promising them, they shall be, dealt inform rnV endi-that. J V Alexander's books.) on the lsfpf January 1875. 1 expect to enter upon myduties as joooxer n.eeper wiw uouw puw- i. and svill always he giaa to aee.tnem UUI v i-u Ja$ U7 1 I II II II 1 I I I " II ' " ' I J 1 f 1 a j ThtfesDAY, rr.iDAY ii ltuhdatj- I ' ,f - ' vau j mam -m-w . - -t h..iteM.ri ' r"9'f f . " The .largest and -tsst Dranitio Compaay ? .."Trivclim. k ; it, , r . J c .yy- . ,. V I 1 r . j ..jrvy iHfet.r-V ;.rY ? ;.fWy -.- 4'; .;ji- rf f fiftS.A . . i" , .. . . 5. " ' ' tf" "' ,v.'. ., . -ii. .:- r-v v C tA'R'AXVl L'D 1. TAN " nppcrted by the entire''. -.. -v fffew, York Ccpeij Cr;ty; ! Of Selected Artists.' V . -"i"" FRIDAY ETENQ JiOTAto t; c- n onxuir aiauxsT. Will ba Prodaced With Pull ' and Eatira Oast, . Appropriate gcauio : and Tableaux Effects, Coetomea and Chaxactera. v - To conclude with the.Celabrated;Ilf MAGE, SONG introdacic? ' General! WasbiojrtOdi Lee. and Jac&an wriitn for. and sung n!j by Clara WU&nao. x Vy PRICE if ADMISSIONrchaatm Chair aadlress Circle fun ; Parquette 7 centar Gallery 60 cents.'- i lueeryeq aeatar on aaia at , TldCyT era's Bookatora.wlout extra ehar--"-..:-..;-Jan5, . ? 1X.B. CO WLE3, gt, . rtRANr glttott; ' f ? , uwmmsir aftr-vi aiigtyajae)M i .-f"tA-.r yyv- , COZZ2SXSSZ02T 'II21Stllt77' 1 T,And ,ProfiniVf Cealcrt,' .The undersigned harinar fonaed ii ccpirt nership as abote, tespectfuHy solicit , con., Bignmenta and orders., ' i.fiii.,' '!lv tf-'tsnawvr !.. '. . - :,,s-- 4, - ...... j :;,, u. imaai a. .. .1:, 1 1, 1 .... -I. m .... .., . ..;n,, nUwifi ppSH ARRIVAL OF . : ri , . ini p Latest jbrla LADIE3 HAT ,PLTJULVJt FLOWERS tnd TIES, for our retail trade. Dividend ironca.A r'" fc, t .1 -y "- H' " 4y."v?. .J lIzncHaiTS ft Pauttas4 Kat.Eart,1 1 . Charlotte, N. O., Dec 23, y By order of the Board of Directors rf tls ;. Bank, dividend pf five per cent (...' of; taxes) will be paid to Etockdoldet c. .Iztl, 00 ind after the 1st January, v ' ' Lr - -.'.J. R. HOLLAND. Cfc!.N - s . . .. si... ' a . . T- iA ' , ' 4 l7 r -",(.; it;' : :.r-i i nsi-","' I Oenl TbowasP. DrajUa has associated 7 ith himself; Sir. James 1. .White, Utdy , f Augusta, Oa.; to carry. oa .the. General, life and Fire Insurance Business, under' tSa:.; name of Drayton 4c White. r . ' i Mr. Whitebaa; for "yeais past,' besar en. j gaed as a General Life and Pire Inssrasc Agent iio Augusta, - where ka to tr;!y known , to the business K Ben of, that city. , ; OFFICE Trade SU next ta UeAden't ; )Dnuf Store, Charlotte, N. C 1 Democrat and Sou2Arm Home will cleaa ' copy for one month, and send but' to -C9 tt of . Drayton, ft WMte. s 'r, : r ; ' CJTRAY cow. i F. Unester anaoricss tv tt te hss a dr-y ? cow in tis pcr?-i3a Ttlzh he f J ia hi 1 ; J urn and s them Ladies before .they art all gon e. A t the retail stare of . - v ' " . H ITTEOWSEY A RESTELS: i .f' , S s , T I J v i . 1 1 1 js,-. ; ft, rfil, I! oy i H 1- t r 4 y 5 1 . t ' 5 1 in 1 1 V I 8 : s.y 1 i ? 4 r t .

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