y---"ij : LaV"" 4 i ft-' - .i . u, I a', f,am Vol.1 XI." 4 b- V I I 0 ft III !l kUV'. ' ,H Ull f W. Mj SMITH iSdDO ,CaG2 Boofo-and Slices , iW ' AT the BOOT . SMITH & Tna$tettV& Mechrti in (ni- WINTER TRADE 1874. TO : THE E ARB NOW OFFERING ;T0 PTJR0HASKR3 unparalelled indacements to tuj Boots, Shoes, Hats, Trunks, &c, Boot fandL S5o rstabUshment, la 1st national Sank Dalldiagr. . ; f . J.y ",1 pis-te OitnlHoteU on St.,' Charlotte; jr.'a"; ,t WE keep the hnW strlcUy RetI Boot ' and Shoe Store, to be 'toan& in the aty" and having bought oujr goods exclude! j for CfSH, la such quantities aa to command low prices we flatter onreelYea that we cannot be . undersold in , the South. CalK and see ns, and we will satisfy you that we h?e the beat stock of goods m oflM.ip the 'RETAIL TRADBfr.v r , C' J;.-' WADE r& PEGRABf.. Octl-tf. ' ''Vi-.v :- ' --, ' ' ' ' MRS T C"' .. ,7'f- QELINEB7 MID m the Stated Has the Largest! and Finest stock of -""tteittec .1, The Charlotte, Columbia. .4w-reew. ajfty-CTf t r-!?',!ff,r 1NVTTKS the ittehtion of allMerehanta and Cotton Shippers harlotte, and upon tie roads connecting there, to the extraordinary advantages of connections with all Northern Points and Sotth Atlantic Sea Ports enjoyed over its lines. ' ' r . i h 1st. The Gieat Atlahtie Coast Line rhk' Columbia, Wilmington and Portsmouth to Baltimore, Daily, Insurance i per cent 'P . , tJ. s Philadelphia, Daily, Insured. t . tlT J H;H 1 NEW YORK, MONDAY, WEDNESDAY, THTRSDAY, SATURDAY, INSURANCE I PERCOTBOSTON, TUESDAYS AHD V PROVrDBSCE, WEDNESDAYS AND 8ATTJRTAYS, ; d. By watf WUmingtoB and Direct Steam x uraaysv inuraicoapereut. PHILADELPHIA EVERY WEDNESDAY, WE INESDAY3ASD SATURDAYS, JW .it ' f lAwt f TO THAT OF So. By thepharleston Lin pUimdre, :v EVEBY FRIDAYS TO AND S ATURD 1Y3 TO. ; BOSTON" EVERY SATURDAY, THff uarlWIed Steam Line facilities of the wi Charleston and the the combined equipments pf the C. C. 4 A.r W. C. A A and other id foi cotton and all other merchandise in unlimited quantities, ana i of absolute freedom fronvdetentlon. .....,. ' ' . . ., r roads, enable is to bid to assure our pltrons of absolute freedom .frondetenM9n' Hon, R. B. Ieii)QEB8.; .l ColJoBir BJ Jasi AwDEBa)jrr: 5 0' ' ' A. Pnn. w f-; I m ftx tars, n ' P ARTICULAx kttention paid td Frescoing rpHE PLACE iTXASTSWHERfe ' 1-f -.Lyonpeaa-buy cheap . I Wftchea, Clika nd Jswelry, 811' Plated ;.DIamoada Uraoi leta, ecauace, gf Pins, But- . I?HS2i' anything in that line: Of the '"A 1 A splendid of flue, move on the IA, ' Z f- to my- ne Stb.'herf ti fciia. Cohen ft Boeesler, on lain .Btiet caA early at Lt. : . k .4 W.y . ,.CJ ,.;deet-tC1," v, rpHE BEST D5TIIT5 WORLOJ ' r tPff- CUTLER'S Podt rnhitU"' :. s.t fern- 4 I- j r u ij,!iU 1 '- f1 HfiWhi UmBrescoe-Patnter wire ... m at Hh i W. S. FORBES j AK SHOE HOTJSE i ' opposite Central Eotel ''' " to theft 8. 8. PEG RAM. PUBLIC. FANCY GOODS I Call and see her. & Augiisto Railroad ' a' i -'v FRIDAJS, ClSURANjCE 1PER Lane to iJaiomorei weoinBuy uu or INSURANCE PERCENT. NEW YORK INSURANCE EQUALIZED' Uiuruuaw 5 - v .! f - Weeklyfe i ? ? 1 ? v f ' 'NEW YORK, TUESDAYS, THURS- I three Ports of Poriainomthy WUnitngton I. - Preaident.U " ' General Superintendent.'.' tu i4 t uenerivi ireigut Agcui.! . W. W. PEGRAM, .Ageq iit . .-ft, ' v ,t-,' it , i Churchet and Town HaUa, rongnout tne T HE PLACE TO BUY .. RAISINS, tl! ..i . CITRON, i t- .f . CURRANTS, n ''.""'"CANDIES, FRESH PORK SAU8AOE, made every dar to order, v,.. ? l." PORK HAMS, comed or fresh, for sale by , . 8YM0NS & CO, dec 19 -v u'4'r' . rvYSTERS 1 ' OYSTERS ! 1 OYSTERS U Lovers of Bivalves will find our ' - 8AL00N and BAR ROpM,' nwn At a honra. dav and nieht. where a' Idnds of Refreshments are served up in the dec St. GharlesJ.Hptel 1 .r.cTATTayixiJtira mHIS HOTEL, has been thoroughly retttted, 1 and rerurnunea ana unaer my manage ment as lessee, offers to the traveling pntnlo tia A-wntMtrm at m Hmt-f.mM Hotel., . . ' I ! XTr Omnlbu at the depot. on t&V. vnyalj and departure of aUtraina. 'Xi aepl-dtC.'.ri: JW'W; Formerly of RaleljhJ vrtij Sttiwa' 1fbmlvr'"occuDiei 'by?XHas, Cohen 4 Rosseler. jPowessloUj giYenmma 'W lift ' . . OTTT7.P V best syle. and at prices to suit tne umes., r ? . GlI ON r BROTHER, ... 'Or - ' 1 1-1 -t. 2ank, Charlotte, N: C. dec'lMf - - Th6 CharlotteObserver. ' "'"- ,j nrsiiisHU bt 1 1 ' f. . " ! fh&rle iX ' Proprietor. OfficeV Obaerver BuUding, Cornet t " ' Trade and College Streets. !4j- Chnrenea TeDayi ST:fPsrEB,s (E.tWBCH.JBey?sBS Bronson : Rectoi',' iices;wilfi'1iato day at '. 11 A. M., and .at-'M!. . Associate Refobxei . Sebtick in - be Chapel, on the corner of College and 6thr streets, to-day at It o'clock A. M., and a Si V M. by the Bar- W. M.? Hanten . Sunday School 10 A. M. i Wttn t "Bapibb 1 CHtrECH-Rer Ut. vWhltfleld, torlSerTicet a II Ai UttS 7 JVM. . Sunjiay School 9 ofelocfc (Butar- ftaaT: PsmaTTraixw Citrit-Serrlces this morning at II, and this evening at 7, by the" pastor 'Rev. A. W. Miller, D. D Seats. free. , . . , Tbyo3taStbkkt-M. E. Chtjbch, SotrrH. Services at 11. A. M., and at 7 PM, by Rev. P, J. Carraway, pastor. Sunday School at 3 ocloclf P? Ml . Sjrooiro Methodist CHUBCH.SerTiceStby the pastbrRey. JF. &: Haltomat l A; J., ana ai jr. oi. Sunday School at 9 A. Ulrt' Lxttbkbas ChtSch 8erri ces 11 A. M., by the pastor, Rev. A. L. Younts. Sunday School at 3 P. M. Catholic Chubch Services at 11 A. M. by the priest, Rev. Father Hands. Second Pbssbttebiak Chtjbch. Services this morning at 11, and this evening at 7, by the pastor, Rey. E. H. Harding, at the Court House. . r.fr . I.OC AI. DOTS. And next is Katie Patnam. Mine Got in Him mel! How cold ! JSettingbird traps up in the trees, is the new est and most ingenious arrangement in Charlotte. 411 the usual places-for worship will be open to-day, and there will be communion services at tha two Presbyterian churches. TomCollinsia treedatlasC He is Secre. tary'of! the Sunday . School: In! Buncombe county so we learn from the 4sheville Citi- sen. K . We call attention to the Flour advertise ment of Messrs. R. M. Miller & Sons, the great flour dealers of the city. - Yesterday afternoon and evening the skies ceared off, and the weather blew up exces sively cold. The run offat China Grove on the North Carolina Railroad, Friday night telescoped three cars and incontinently smashed up as many car loads of tobacco. When the tug boat company, which9 pro poses to navigate the streets of Charlotte, is got in working order, the Street Commis sioner will be given a complimentary season ticket, i t .';" ;. It would do you good to see our old friend HaltomJ pastor of the Second ; Methodist Church,! stepping around with that new beaver on. The world's prayer meeting this afternoon at 4 o'clock at Tryon Street M. E. Church- Strange though it may appear, there was only one police arrest last week, and that o a forlorn nig. , In sending out our accounts on the first of the year,, some mistakes may have occurred These we are always ready and" willing tg orrect- Any receipt held by oar predecessor for subscriptions, -'will be" made- good by US. L Tr Eniargen.eat.7--:- : T:i '. -2 The Obsebtk a - jgreets 1 its patrons thisf morning irian enlarged form'. Both on1 their account and ours it gives us pleasure te do this. To them it presages a larger amount reading matter and a greater variety in .cbnf sequence, while it shows the prosperous con ditkm of the Obsexvia and ia . flattering' to its proprietor and editorial staff, being an evidence of its growing popularity. . , . We hoie that the Ob3kkveb " winj hence- forth, be a better paper than it has ever been before.. The enlargement and the recent ac5 cession to its corps, encourages the belief that it will. Whateverindastrr ahdi neat. ty desire to please can do. will be done, and as the paper impioves we look for its patron age to grow correspondingly. We shall all d our best;, and-eur constant effort wln-!be to brinr the paper up to 5 the rank ofaliyely, wide-aiake Iqwosl The Prayer Meeting Yesterday., , i .Yesterday was the sixth day pf the week of prayer, and the prayer meeting ; was right well attended. - Services were neld by Mr. Harding; of the Second Presbyterian Churcn J According to the programme ot the Eyan gelical Alliance, there will be a meeting this afternoon of aH the congregations and clergy of the city, for prayer.- In accordance with this iWwetxei,cbstUne of Oiarlotte J,,will meet at 4. P.,;.M at Tryon Street 3 EChurch, when it 5s sup posed Inatadiresse? will oe cteiivereS by the different clergymen of the city. 2 "Uttelr Uvlntr Are. The second weekly number of the new, volume of The Lmng Agt bearing date Jan! 9th contains azi important1 article by Prof. T. H. Huxley, on the Hypothesis that Ani mals are Antomata, and its History, from the lyrrttiigh&y JtevievkX The same 'number H also nas part A t.pi caxon ,,ctuiesr,y .j Hawthorne V"AlUsajUwrrain Blackmoreauthor of that remarkable, story "The Maid of 8ker ;" the conclusion of Thps HardyJFat.from the Madding Crowd, and other Instractive and entertaining read ing, .ill is a Yaluable nnniherr end thapres- ent hra good time to subscribe, beginning with the new year. With fifty4w' Cum bers, of sixty-four large pages each, (aggre- eratinW over 3000 tmges a yeai) the suhscrip- ;;ion pricj (Jffji1oi $1050 any oneof Ue4o $4 monthlies 0 weekliei la lent witli? Tte U.2fa'fyn a year,' both post-paid. LitteQ iayBosWi WrtanarV''-':'-" " " i Ma y er. Grey Ro.. J; . I This firm a4rerHar Thay baTaait'iii amen of honesty -geniality and' btuinest Uack.Tbey deserve todo-arfihatlaessi f ":m 4 mm .i ,V-nrgg:faaf-r;' jdaaara rtfoartrm " j p49otiovyiajay has been hetbre ! arranged; Judge ' Sehanck wil ppen his Chambers Court at JhetJwnl Souse br all cases where fta;trfen iuryj 5snot neoessary. icity Taxaa,"' CStyllarshalEiBjsifdUibdt ft th4ttriaaL , Thosa lterestad will find it in another column Aa au Joigr 5nal prodDctiaUtlcMdlt4bttdlhe Marshal, and as a warning -.to thaDublic.is brna Weans to'be Kgh'tly eegardadt'! Erta.CTty.Tran .VTprka tl r . ..-r.'- ; We call attention to the ctti in ' Jftothee column which states that "Jranc eC- th& firm has been establiahedrin this dty.i Tbi branch is presided over by-'WI C. Iforganr Esq.', a gentleman who, since he nas become' known to our 'people, haa.establ!Bhed' a character which is a sufficient 1gUarante the excellence of the works which he.repre4 SentS, , fcv,! , r , - -.y, rts ',- ,'; w ?; new thing ia Charlotte is the novelty store which hat been opened atthe old stand of ;b. PV HarriAoif, oppdsfte the Court House.. The stock is composed of many and beautiful things, such 1 aa areenumera ed in thptr adysementin,anothef coluin'q, but this does not begin to include alt thei? display which is excellent, and, everything they bave,iirstore is of choice quality- Call anasee foryourselt" .. Black Tad. . -r : A splendid specimen of blacky Jead as shown us yesterday byjjapt. JY. JBryce, specimen is almost unaiioy ed, so much . so that it .qannot bfi handled wilhouY dfefng 6heMan;d? tapVBlycepW. poses to send it Id Europe by pen. Leven thorpe, who sails the 1st of February, on business connected with the Eilwood estate u "-. Aeknewledgemeut of Gratitude. Through, the kind solicitation of our friend Daniel Byerly, Esq, the Second Methodist Church of this place has received a very arge and excellent a toy as A present, direct ly from t&emaqufactqret of, the Excelsior Stove, Baltimore Mctt? 1 ' The congregation desire, throngh us, to re turn thanks to Mr, Byleriy and Mr. Shep- herd fo their! unwonted benevolence, td as sure them hat their liberality has notgone unappreciated. - rh'arlotte and SaUsbury as . Cotton Sfar- kets. Yii '...' - ",r, -i . The Charlotte Observer says cotton sold In this market last week for 8 cents. : - This is not true, cotton sells for as much in Salisbury as in Charlotte. Our merchants and buyers are better able to pay good prices, yet they are not continually blowing about what they give or nuy. (Nuwoury waiwtaaii.v&g Sjg:;n , Well; there ain't any use in getting mad about it. If It v,,not irueAs, yon aay i isn't , you have to blame one of .your, own citizens, lbf one of them communicated the information to usv . By-the-by, If ;feflSsbttrj merchants are aale to pay better prices lor cotton than those in Charlotte, why is it that cotton comes; hot only from Cabarrus, Iredell Rowan, but from Davidapju, tq the t-nar;9ue,njaret:. Our Paper. We take city subscriptions at our office merely through courtesy,: to-oor subscribers. All such should be paid to H." 01 Clrfhd is alone responsible to na. j Wntokethispd casion to say that he is in no - Wise responsi ble for the increase In the price of subscripJ- expenses of pubUcatipn, .whh eouid ..pot be done before 'with the very" eiosest econ- omy. . No daily paper has ever been! success ful ib. Charlotte . but then the ftresent ronri- et I took ehWifl April he took lis Webster's unabridged and marked the word laiiure" vtnr. i.o-ay,-weDeiieTe we nave the brightest prospect of any paper in North ipeuii ui auy paper xu roriu lilev weda notCJpect to for a yearor two, Sre m- Carolina, and whil make any money tend to . expend the income of the office, to the building up. of a flrst-clasa journal. and we ask all our mends to help us. TheOneraUoUse Last Tennyson nas been made rather ridiculous by the critics ; but there are . some of his cism and passed the eye of a critical public with the greatest credit to. the author, among these1s 'Dora,"!r-it is one of the most per fect poems of our language, and all that the autnor conceivea was orougat one in tns act last evening. It is not ours to speak of all the different scenes in the play, nor to give any synopsis Of it.' It is kndwn toall those who will lake ahyjih&resf fialfWs" notice, Clara TTiTdman's personation or Dora was almod perfect there were smevimperfec- tionaln her acting which might be noted; but her, general bearing was so good that we prefer' WM overtook these? Elk'ailqNy Mary Morrison went ahead of her acting on the preceding . evening?, and elicited favor able comments from, the audience, Thompson as Bloomficld did splendidly, and beyond these we w sof speak special. IV. . hm . . . i In "Cu ' that highly rfalclilous rfaree; Clara appeared again ta,decided advantage as "Miralda, the Cigar Girl" TFildman him self, as rt,l)eataown5eastHYan; ee todeath and Thompson as. JVdroJairJy surpassed nimaeu. itound alter rouna ox applanie'greelfid this glorious comedy, and its closing was witnessed with reget" i.JJ V T.1 Jt Ann rr. fitia ang "The Brook" beautifully, 'andV; on or two other things, particularly -uown m- a Coal Mine." ..qnijbL,ernaiu j -TheTrouM leaveins liiii itnamirjg We areglad ondw that: U will t nai ajain next season. ' A if. r Jv . i .;. a a , ICOaUlUaSlUaTCO.J AT t fenfeVilon f tVahia. i'JbMwnC columnVto express .ttrj thafakMltess rto the young man woo uag m uicwjiicarcf ; ta Ktt XSarrariJItttaker, lb ttro m43BO J Jf WBlTALTOlf. eighteen vdMifiAi Rauroaa. This SDecimen is almost unalTov- rHlartttflf fi 1 m 1n, IT-Advertisements.7 A fttSiiy, desires ! to reni" immediateJy,TFa large, and eoaiinodioas honae, suitable for iboafdotgrij i '. t ?,"Addreas thil office; ; , We i have epened at what ' was. formerly: Harrison's,; Auction Store, oppoaite : the Court House, at Notion and Novelty Store," ft 1 theeale bf Chremee, Sifter Plated Kajves, Forks, Table and. .Tea, Spoons; and all other kinds of Silver Plated Goods .lso ladies' 8et gold plated and jetj-ll bt the latest pttern.! We have also m,usiQ Folios, yeryneat i TFriting, desks, albums, work boxes of aO descriptions; ladies' hand ' mir rors, glbya'and handkerchief boxes, acu acr , - Come and. examine.' .. . .. , ... . . , t . , AFFtCft'tjf i'1 J. t, ' i tz iiam' i r-f. . t - i r: j , , , ERIE CITY IRON WORKS, .S 3 ry6,.1875. Re take pleasure m informing you toafl encodragedby 'the ? favor with 'which our Machinery has been received throegboot the South the past year, and in order to facilitate, trade and meet the often expressed wishes oi our friends and patrons, we nave determined lo'bpen an offioe and "warefeonsefor the sale of our mannfactnres' In Charlotte, which will be known as the Charlotte Branch of tba Erie City I(on Works. Mr. W. C.MorgaQ, who ia so widely and favorably known tbonghont the South, will be in charge of hetCharlbUe Branchand we propose to keep oo band these Portable and Stationary Engines, Beilera and Circu- cular.Saw.MUle of oar own manutaciare, also . the besr make of Orn Mills, Gins, Presses, 'Shingle Mills and "' snch other Machinery as the wants of the trade require. ::: The Charlotte House is not an agency but branch of our works, owned and controlled bjMos, and any business done with us there is 'done 'wttt the manufacturers direct. We hone the establishment of this branch house will serve to bring ns nearer together and avoid the vexatious delays that so often occur in business at so great a distance as we are from von. Por circulars, price tUta and any informa tion wanted in our line, address Erie City Iron Works, tChailotte, JT,j C. Troating that our andertaking will meet with ypnr approval and sapport, we remain, Very respectmuy yours, ERIE CITY IRON lWOBKS. joo 10 If , REDUCTION IN FURS and vyintsk i HATS at KOOPMANN' ROTHSCHILD'S. W.Ar mow bfferlna our Stock of Furs, including Muffs . and Oapes, Ermine Trim mings, sc., alBO Jreit ana veiyei ruua, at greatly reancea pnees. 0i , , We nave just recejveu large u Kadiea Underwear, and other ai tides, which we will sell at low figures. w hone that this announcement, will be promptly responded to and the Ladies favor US Wlin meir usuat wuugc. KOOPMAPifJ a KUTUiSUH-llJiA an 10 tf tt, - - .& H.ifj i. ,"i N STORE. uW''rhtmaand: flOOV i Jive Hundred Ttarrel Flour, of the followiaar brands South- are Beauty, Pride of the Caroljnas, Smith's Pet,Uur jjjetra, loraaie tow at iuc wuofc- sale Flour House or R M MILLER & SUS. jan'10 tf ? ; ' " ; . rpO THE GROCERY TRADE. . : , We take this, method of lniqrnung our Munia mA M-intnmirrH that we will continue business , for the present year at our old stand. Oates' corner, Trade street, wnere we -ill vm a full stock of GROCERIES, to Thkh we invitetheir attention, knowing that we can and vnu seu gooos as iuw wu be bought in Charlotte. rve are oetter pre pared than -ever to 1 otai inducemems to Wholesale Buyers, and if-they will calt and examine our stocfc f wei "will i make prices to satisfy. MAYER, GREY a KUs, s :-a ? , ; ; . "j J E'LL SEE. . Are the merchants and business men of nharlotte alive1 to.f their ' Interest t If so tMn they should aeet'. to1 get patronage 'ef the neonle of Anaon. Richmond, Moat- tromenr aniTStanley eoantie8,'by advertisiog in the tee Dee Herald, waaesooro, n: u.' jan 6'? r-K;k ?..fi's.r-' 1 V :' ' 1 ' ' 'r ' ' ' ' ' ' -; "." 1 '- BTOCKHOLDER'SMEETING. . UOaMtKClAV X'ATTOSAL- DlSI'Ur- ThIarWSe of this Bank wfll be held at rts uanrang House in the city ofCharlotte on-the second Tuesday (12thf TMuaryT87at 10i I will regularly open my Dairy Farm on the 1st of February, but for the present,' per sona wanting1 M1UC can get It by sending to mt houeev taextdoor tpifior. Vanee'a n BixthBtreep. w..atai.AA jnwtr , ,!un' wy : lUST RECEIVED nd TOARRIVE, ' - Fiye HundrerfT,Barr:WfcSe -Flake Family FIour:,, whichB ! b: soldlow tor rnan sr v "'-"v .,r T MPOBTED and POMEJSf 10, jm n JLa-adi a.ld'liij&aia 4aaia)cl 4-a I31ai 5-1raIl -i, ' ... o tai Xil.L-0' Wi P-B JOB Sk. v e-i-j jeg j Jo 3 Ci. "-!La ' foe m m ."lr!rT.jL.-, rCr tli t. '"Ofifer the1 erjari8tock-i x nx . vi5v fi.i irr j usiao? IMPORTED s and MAJnjFACTtrilED sat ci iwsr"Lj CIGARSri f Sektoli - Bt tba" B3X "or, Pacbi'5i. at" WHOLE-5 SALIlYPKICI3.-Tfc8 Stock consists df. TJTla,: Noa Pariel, Las Gacia5 Globe, ' car La Demanda, fniallof which arc ofSbreo: wrtse tMstcsernuKt wryer at Mana factarera tHiflSaateicpriDa per box, for cash, j Bayers of Jarre qoantitica will be alio wed ' a Xberal'dedactlon : on -wholesale-. prices, as our determination Jr to-dose eat toe owfc.jik'-juiMi H'mirwrt Lntsn of gooJtsjhWJJo piEonooTaiiiHiiiii'n I V' i9 0NDENSEO T1METABLE oj jg EMtlnE'apaVtei alerponda, 0 4 IU, iO, , S. . U. .- .. J STAnoira : K i ' -van. ..a-! . KP3MLf Leave eavejabailotte; i i s 10 Qd p m ; ; 36 a nv Air-Line rnct'n.lO 08 " , 6B u t --n- Salisbury; f 'l20ara's 10 64 J llapn M . Arrive at Richmond, 2 22 pm , 1109pm ooraa south. i Ukth. STATIOSS. xxpaxss. . 504am 8 28 V.j 118pm 122 4 IS - ! 6 45 " 8 58 " 905 M. Leave i?ichmond, " . Burkeville, " Dundee, " Danyille, M ; Greensboro, 1 38 p m 4 41 915 9 29 1235am 3 27 " ... Salisbury, Arrive at Charlotte, 6 22 : " GOING BAST. ' tei.iL. STATIONS. MAIL. leave Greensboro, s 3 35 a m -Aril BQp nv " ; CoShops,. " 5 08 " S-L-v 10 15 , Raleigh, 8 48 " -a " 5 38 M ' Arrat Goldsbpro, J 1125 ami " 2 35pm .?. NORTH WESTERN N, C. R. R. (Salrm BaAKen.) Leaye Greensboro, 3 25 am'" Arrive at Salem, 6 10 9 20 a m 11 15 " iveave salem, . Arrive at Greensboro, Passenger train leaving Raleigh at 3 38 p m, connects at ureensooro with tne iN ortnern bound train ; making the quickest time to all Northern cities. Price of Tickets same as' via other routes. Trains to and from points East of Greens boro connect at Greensboro with Mail Trains to or from points North or South. t. Two trains daily, both ways. On Sundays .Lynchburg Accommodation leave Richmond a 9.00 a m, arrive at Burke ville 12.43 p m, leave 'Burkeville 4.35 a m, arrive at Richmond 7.58 am. Pullman Palace Cars on all night trains between Charlotte and Richmond, (without change.) . For further information address , , , S E ALLEN,' General Ticket Agent, Greensboro, N. C, T M R TALCOTT, Engineer and Geo'I Sup't. jan 9 .. P A NIC! I have twenty -five mules for sale at Panic Prices. W. M. MATTHEWS. jan9-2w. S UN STILL RISING. NOTWITHSTANDING THE WEATHER iIS VERY . , INCLEMENT, We are still receiving goods every day to meet the increasing demands of nur custo mers, to which we invite your special at tention. ,,. Promisme to eive you the best goods for t.hn least monev. and sbare no oains or "ex pense to giro rotten tire satisfaction. And wishing you and all of yours a nappy and (sperous year, we submit ourselves your humble servants -5 ' upposite tne maraet, jan - OS HOLTON A CO. " Git AWT Has not lost his fondness for Ft H An drew & Cx)'8 choice goods. He ' " HAS BEES Greatly pleased with the superior quality of nor Candiesj Nuts, Raisins, Citron, Jel lies; Brandy Peaches Canned Gooda, bbl. Picklesj-: Bhlognst . $affsagefc Cigars, ; fid "Pride of Durham" Smoking Tobacco; and even at - Nellie's wedding he' had'at 1 neb superb Cakes' aider baker (Mr Bless, of Munich) ia now getting op.' Although ; Crowned KM O of Louisiana Heaasures us be will not "go back" on our choice Oranges, Apples and Malaga Grapes. F H ANDREWS' & CO. r.r. Tt79T RECEIVED. ' A target and elegant lot of Ready "Made Clotbuig. which will be sold At lower price than can be found elsewhere in the eity' My establishment being a branch of Tie Market Street "TEriadelDhia. where we manninciuro vr uiu tuvus, cjaincooi iwi city trade I am enabled to sell for at : lent 25 Per cent lower than any house m tne ty nf Charlotte. i4' :"-::; . Come and see for yourselr, and be coBvirjced. ' JMOYER,? Jin 7 if 4 'V''Altlrin. Corneri , f . ' - ' - ' 1 fjoaL,) and Feb, UU nexC ; , i; TB????8 beat juaoa tobny .alVAddresi 1,m . Cou J.nOtlAS, fattfS ltAJiWl.Af fleM r a r. t: j t -. a s "waadeeire tnepntuia to rntnafitx 7finio tneir pew twre, wnere yaw rf?n!W5iW ?Ciaiowdi l;te .:ww Inai i:cealt feedba-sb a Jdr ensUvs.tiam aln dJ eio15d beat j isvo nt hud 9 v.oirT ei -iriJ os s.w it'T s tvn 4Jiil Eiifioni Tdi on WifSrtiliB loo Mmri -no si-a vicm iMf a saiiioJiit " ''fa$H aaserin;q a iu -n-v. : m: '!n4Riv,Jiatol, ivtt viet fiqlU utus iaV ,v.s -.'I- s f.-K,-,- -wit M:mi.ttirydfj; afcoarl vahom; arff r-t o? Lnu- eva . '?.fj .. if,w , , . v.,-,, ui i.ljito e ttuiw ii "'funis' Space Delongato'AialSXAOTa y ; ' X -- , tioff no- isJJano isafltl ai . - Unleaa your ciy Ux u Jlj the 15th of January, I will be compelled to levy and ell your property te make Lis tame. .The city is pressed for money, and the Board of Aldermen sayj aust onlIetA4Vpaceab(iil yoa will, forcibly if I must, j , t-a r -n J 5 ZBXtlSt . jaofit1' Tt eruta CflIirsSal. 2 or 3 rooma) furnhiltej ortnifuif nested ili'iuwinsV, OS0SG3 VUXfC3 .. . Offferi hlf professional iirtfctk tnlrTe cftifnl of Charlotte and, vicinity, and the experienee umd praetloa! at lousteenv year nuning turn groraniee'oieompeieiica. ti - , -. Watcb t, ilaxiaf aim. Jkww.1 ivwi; 1 ' , . i and dealers ia - ? Watches, s Ckcks,w Jewelrr.' Bilver-aai such code' as are usually Kept(inJiavSiratr clais Jewelrj Stere1 gill' work id the? line neatly oooe .ariM &w??f return tbanluto the cltlcens of Charlotte for 'their liberal patronage, and would infbna them tbat I always keep a full stock 6t . am ' as . a. a .t . i'.K-jT.i i-ii? "yiri " vwttiw,.wMt, vxaaBra,? saAC?hfc !! ""''' I'WitidaiSfijWa" & and eyerythlng in my Une, andrlnriell'a8 J -r, !"--,r'J -rf. tezxm 'a' 6Si We. the undersiarhed. would aauevaewte the citizens of Charlotte and the public can- erelly, that we have formed a co-partnership under the firm. Uame and styla' of ;R.- It ALEXANDER COM' tqtake effett. on the first day of January 1875, and, will do busi ness at the Store . recently, occupied by Messrs. Long, Sumrow & Co., College street. . We intend to do arTrstrass business and deal in first-class goods, and (jfTer spedaMn- ducements to the UAHU TltAUJS. - ' We will be dad to see our friends at all times promising them,- they shall be "dealt with politely and honestly, and none shall go away disappointed r?V-L - We would solicit a generousharenf jhe public patronage. tBpecjy- ' r X"-rTJl4r ta jv A N. B I would iafbrm my-friends, thai, (haying resigned the charnf UesslKf Griet dfc Alexander's' books.l on the 1st of January 1875.1 exoect to- enter UDon mydatlss at Booker Keeper with above named gentle men, and will always be glad "to see taem. Besperuuy, " ; deo 554 tf 5 T. U. JLAK1J3U, Jr. ... fi Y- in - - H OG SALE. K"- At taa4Mty.poan .on ainoaa 1875, at 12 o'clock. . At .Uoity.noad nn Mnniiaj, Jinmrj.H ERWIN, jan 8 tda City Marshal. JpRESH ARRIVAlOFfji.f,! - latest style INDIES iJJtx rxuuia FLOWERS ttd TIKS, for our reUU trade. Call and I a them Ladief before, they are all gone. A thejilapfj.j.. W ITTK0WSKY ft RlNTkLB: nov 20 1 r -pum&s&ts xilint ei t : A card. ; ... 1: 1 i, "; .:. lie. "' l Gehl ThofflM SV? Drt?ton-h associated ifh Klmaalf VTf- JilMt L). .WkitaUt Utelv of AuguataTba.," to: cany on the General Ofe and Fire insurance Busmen, nnaer itne name of Drayton k White, ' ":.-.r. Mr. White baa, WL'lE?1 ea u a GeDPlXTIe and Tire" Insurance Agent iu Aagusia, -wbovw wiutij known to the business men of that city. OFFICE Trade SU nexTle- MtJAdcn's Drug? Store, CharlottN. 'CViwoZ 1 - - .. . a,' 'aiHai copy :or one momo, mou am uw w wuw of Drayton ft White. fl - "S QTRAY-C0W;"".';3 -,ir. str a-' O'A :i'A w ftw4 ' j V. u f -' ' , F Kuester announces that ha has. a stray cow ia his possession: which he founA lnhla, clover patch. ' The wner' Can have he W describing, property and paying for. this bd' vertisement. tp7 WKjaai.- j ! Hliil. in. 1 in .K, . '.) f TUB PER DEB COTJBIBB tt'iio- DucKETt ittmxtm&fr. The Cocaraa ia a Demoeratic papet pub lished io Rockingbami Richmoiid county, N. C. It circulates very extensively la Richmond, Mootgomery' and ArAm" coun ties, and baa aa - increasing; tlrcalatian in aeveral otber eouatkiof Noror4 s fisota namlin Tt ia thfl mrst lik!:!a adver tising medium" InlRichmondcottaf, rrAROLlNA MlLTtARTiJlSTIXCTE,-' iitiinMwrth aa'AjixifiarrPreraretcrt Da partmeht3 3Ioiosh'1itotnjt -Al, moral, and physical; an4 taajt the aunpfthe Inatitate.i a; Cadeta received betweca, J aciri , ift, tea "arl1 . -'- anAi wi ijf.ia 9i4 Inauia xnow that taey aave moveatp 9 co CAij ; uiay wui oepwaseosjaea. M - . "'i 'J ! 1 . m mm) .. 11 " 1 J-:--v;.-- la 4J?! eil o iroma !t.QJ xlX . , 3ca! sen'3 .aciloxaO tiitoTi SXi e tloiiioi iwia ano4 - -' -i ;( r.iiiu -: '- I I THE PEOPtEBi CONJtC- Tfii ivaott$;c4 :lnVlBStR5t aft efr In the raUiAiTt is a. Cc ::rite IB- tlvod tJ:?. edi i l(ial pdi iia ibss . j . 1. : 19 V. 1 '1 i .i ! 4 i l V 1 i' I -V