IMPEACHMENT OF THE PRESI- i . 5. Across - -- T 5?; BUREAU, OP CIYIL EN- PIEDMONT JN 0 1-. ?.v,; J, r.ttri LIfa -ranee CO. 1 -ONE. DENT. , , ft f ( orr aer ed BnEee in Ilarcb, 1873! 4 5 may :M if r i DAIIi- 0B5EEVEH. AIR Th; incite to ?nety Pf t-6j.fepu ; t -i M-H I' .i.'-"- : l.ave chuffed tp otn2 journal-1, isw-.tjc ,-931 .,,10 me ap- 13 -0- Jot 4 Tf V. Yor Sim is the first wno has bad 1 the Mecklenburg Declaration of Inde , the boldness to come out in fator of I pendence of the 20tb of May, 1775, itiOma:hment rHear'lilnS-irrr: "The voice of the ballot boxes, as I of Aldejmen of the city of gbottafip of the President. I The Board of Commissioners of the ""T tcounryoi JuecaienDurjf'aott tae xoaru 1 lWs.- ---T7 h?s been proven this; fall, has po ter-1 joint council, have recommended that CCAS tVOT. 123, EAItox & Proprietai - t v.?' :' r.T jKepreseniauyes. ;ii isary in order to berfect the preliriif- Jd'fe&pS vmmmm " ' i ' also Lithographing. . ,f ; Grading and - Landscape Gardening, ' rThe-nndw Hlgiied,irith;n -eiperience-more than twentv years." offers' his services t'tbTe UJeaprally; in thfabj natoe h,, nnCTLaMAHQK 7 10. "Ptee rrott'.the doting criiv' Jfctter.Tr free-born reason.'' ' -THB:KEH:,YEAllS 1 " , ",on7AnD. V" !i TswnfTniAOET,feT the . BucceM rotJoso icttw features to both ourOallr iadAf eeiJy4;aoas, ana Uiub maK.e.11 warwiy uo only of its resent, butoi tBCreasedj eb wJjwiQftj It will eontinc to t ive,-lournal, frtfly. wpsto the requirement of .tie day; a Tamable, assla tant in all the Tarioua departments of txtsineaa, altatele atike to ite pwprtetor, aad oat ente. prislr citj, and the surrounding ejiinjrjN; ' Ginur-outHouncertaln soutHT jt wOJbe strictly Independent In its- torn while labortnf in the future as in tie past f of the success oijbe principles adTocated by the conserjatlT para whiAh we nneeive underlie the fandamentol princMklesof toTernmenti aad ciiil liberty, it will taoor with the same zeal and derotion, which r?Tl9Trir1 Ion Tbdrsdarj-the 4tbnlav'of.FebTaary I m Uarirf IrViftH his &tisrt! M h J I ensuing, for. "the. purpose .Staling Democrats ' have seventy majority in I such action as shall be deemed heces- the C8X.tiai9iie op Iherrty-beives Grt . u jrichly ! m"t r 1 " ATTVtllsimf wbeW-theAH6u3er meets in December I pointed by theabove mentioned' 'nrrangemems on import the conclusion tharitis-their duty to I teince of ii fulU4ttendaDCfi;t64Ws (pje' to aidtlaelfi&iiao&itftfKCtianeat, I QtSm'eeHri. $&'Mp$Uh1i abK courageoua, Republican ,tp be I toit gbM'lox Zda hext rreaidency- j .Let one democrats be warned in timB.M : " i A.bnld nnlift ifl thft ftnft that win? - . .: ... L,. f -r ... . bue-have.rery little, hope.that W"r J-.'v .j?! ti- .sat s 1 Reti JoBti' ,J)oDlaai eteei CJreek: Chnrch.. i .Capt Wm. rBrown. Bteel. Creefc Church 1 Capt: 7ohn '"WlUpes,"1 " MecklenbnrgvIron 'WbrksP3 -';. pa Cspk:AvGBreni2r; Cierramercial National Bank. Xauuiott,iC -V- CoU J. P.- Palmer. President ti dU&f Hi B.-SOMers received at'eniee of Ctaaa- a i?;A.H,.f .u 4- ttieasnrea wiu come-up lor &gpdeiwti worwoL-inef ot tm Oih GrariC will beim Reached. TheW will f0iC?tx - w TYtirtifr. f t and specify m detail such proceedings the mi HftuamW praeneeof I all be deemedpprjte te ffitnftecres, tbilefea ttitt ilf I occa8J?,n a to f andinvfttf it I orMOrs ahd sDek"erandsuch diiting- '-hazardous to theipajy waeu oiuciais auu persouages u U stimi people-of tbe ited-atitef ?JR ?mAP5l ?Mj kasmarkedits course. Dowo?wnairam,wwiui hesitate-to impeacn ,trant xne s"- vw- WVvwt t Trr3cediiitedly""Successfal Career I Becaose it ts essentially a Home lnstitir via7 Opljft hy Home People; in vests every Dollar of Capital (which is N oti c e t o ; S h i p p e V.s Has loaned to PolicyHolders. in Chariotte i cross premirmns received in .Charlotte. ahd4guuteelfi teslalKpreiuins i filxecuBerem SJ. xy r; v.- THE PIEDMONT AIR LINE, with its Bail and water connections, affords unpaielle fadlitiCT for thecnick and safe transportation of freight to and from Northern Citie. Shippers KPhP08q vn Ann A v By Bail to the PorljSLof firsvc 1 JiEoJ Steamers, :an Choosq tho F.ollowing Routes : QObBEl4 LEMONS, just arrived and Sqoal in responsibility and good manage I , ment to any Life Company in the world. issues every desirable form of Policy at as low rates as any first-class company RICHMOND, NORFOLK OR PORTSMOUTH, and thence by "yALUABLE' -City Property for Sale. Terms easy .-.,. : i i v.J JOHN JIROWNm ; notHtf, Attorney at Jiaw. TRAH AM A NASH have jeyeralverydH JT sirabte FartM far sale, near the Uty. from 180 to 300 acres saclw Call on - k - - - WATT . Ofice'iaiear of CoL.E.fBrows'offlce. the- EWBsary, L -aest wuaareman- wa i boo km! w' "i tie ier.:;m$.t 9 profits ot hlsbusiaesa, t-. It wi.l be the aim of the editors to make the DaHta. Weekly market reports, a commercial epitomarf the day or week, and a reliabale re- - TkwfHwt systenf, the ban of Koatherri new- rm. will be emphatically discontinued; 'after the at day 01 January lavo, anu iur nuwueis ki that aU subscribers, :;npt palddattaa- ma arsi of Kew Ydtlcrrs and .feJJdaton,!! prora WftWA 9PatfJff.V9ttBl this conclusively ! svi i ' tTuirof the: whole StatoojthCaroi ;4. K ' m m 1.; Uwi&epeil)bitltto It is well understood that the pre of, those wWpaial text whkb.tho aoldiera under PrTroi rable &wki$imp$i$ to'fyk sag t-tV XT.EJT GOQI?S.T-Iust farrived, ' $ lot" of AT' French sartdEflghsli a BnBffigs, ney OsssJmtt for Pants,lwhich wm e inadet the very io west price! exclo3ivelyfor cash , r innirn 1,1. 1 f , 1 ,. hi 11 ii j 11 ft our Air. Alexander nas iosi rerarnea irom the Northern Markets, and we are now" re- ceiyine our second stock or Boots and enoes for this season." They will be sola very low. We nave Still a remnant f oar first stock j Which; we are iettinf icoat low ogurev a win I o;U tKft1lcrel I ebrate. wherever the v. mav .be diaDera- fcuWfooti illSiiityortleaaissioW ed thiout rthiaiwd Other, States tastnt-tU tur f - ?m&jkt m irpTAtActa hv tbL ro. wi'l iolnwitit iWcritT?4hnhe'Tiot e gratttHiiyaB o iajuspuiiawiu 1 - r 1 ; , ; : -.- . r -j' i" Tne e w ucieane rycqyune 01 me in 1 iwnxwjjftif m the treated accordiiigiy.THJl -OBsaavt,;iOT-tne amount of Jabor bestowed; upon -it and the cost of nnLcu u lhe.cheaDest and4 clrlf within tha reach paper latheStote, sneaka of the pretext as dishonest and I brave -men who have; left -suclia'glo- .?lZiioxi. and farther n-iavii Houe''theirpbsterUy rand wiiuer uwireii i.iu iwiu'" -1 1 r -.. - - I . 'iff rr-' tj'V- yu i - . -n.-i't , . .1 ... mnmilM.I tn nrl nmw thm DM. I JJ il I IK.HAnAntM - - ' ' V' ' "1 " im"12; "-ijiTf. rij Li mty BQu gome 'Bllalull to (lie I M ,vy vmu j .. . .11 shameful nd humiliating'Mstbry to hope to Witness i' JarjWsenv 1 ffilSSl?SS at hb ipreliminaVmeeting IfcMSriVw let 8 MafSS2?m& i -fAolS I expuUion consummated by .r1i6: job we shall have a grands w)mngJbogeth7 iyt w- i-onemo..- r-af ro 1 -75 ioicrp-Mitu . MCKw.yawvuujM". 1 eron the auth OX May, next, to com- I . . . . ... I limilllllJLLn ..Un UrTIM.111 Vlllll KlIU rrau Obs eepy one year post paid) 3abScriberWl l'" STv r v - - . ' -f.lT,;rrt!'il 1m.-' . . .i. .:a -3 Three tea, ferents yearl 5801 been elected and axm pUshing; this Foos copfor eneyeaf 34 JK I feat And ejectingievery,; self-respecting j 11W copies, ior iw f . I i r- ik.Qf.t. Uaiioa H ...1 Tb anDies. for one vearv".'," Tu I uibujuw i v11 iub owiw """i y Twenty eopiesj for SneyftrfiSifc fcfeow ietl drawn jup .OUtStde With bayOhetS atnd i to ruartt euoee s followers TYj5.opywtareipr nnmhpr of before, rendered Jthat for all time to come, t; wTaevery HtMp'M amwrW TWJEN-j artillery l!'!Wrtea aeription rates they are teany lower than before, I candidates Who Were not elected ! and are offered as inducements to our friends I , f v ' ' ? f .atho-laeiwiiaK-WPaya war jot iae Huor i .. i. Li.:i- .1 j '11 nwra nsiuiy- are not leHBwad-by-aah nary .1st. ,wiafeIwie-payaJairprtee4or thf labor tije.neW :y?en W Sliau enroTee.uie UmnMiM) with another narvr: wmtn iiv Tnnrw Ticrtntv Tnan wr-neiore r' na 1 - f- ---- fhtswiJretWtrt article on the MecklehburlsCJefc- WeaanW;aflard toaendrHir jwpftrf on credit I tennial Celebration, one paragraph Of iif:rtnMASnSAiTed beiwtbeSstii''daVI wbwn. we unuerstana, occasioned an f nMiaber werecetr&a at our our fates. ndwe hope. Tery pubscriber wig promptly rwaew for the .coming year. .'.n- aaress, " -. . 1 1 CHAS. B. JOKES, Editor and Proprietor.! 1 , accordance Jfith a ipurnatistic 1 fact that a transcript bf the Mecklen custom, perhapa4nbr' libdbred 'i! burg Declaration or ' lroclamation QMbtihweito .houldafmhr the archives of of the editorial Etairortne )BSacn I And now there seems to be some Itlsiardly necewary to state thiky prospect of a breerajon the subject bf acslouwm 'oci6d hofiMft0e .lh; MMM.11 , '." . V : " ' , ".' ' ijitv J qofcase. iua way. me iiauia papers tne political complexion m taia jpi audible smile in the editorial sanctum of the Wilmington Journal. We cer- tainly do not wish to revive that dls-eop ussion, but, really, Colonel, we in tended no 'joke." We can see noth. ing improbable Jor surprising, in the iHn'stfiona we, ourselves may cattb a&esh the; inspirations of liberty and rebuild the foundations oI free goYernment:,i-;; ; "?' Jyy """ " ' 7. . i '' v ' r. f ti'Sno P BrOWBjrrj rr lR;D Graham, Jl JM Strong, " WHNeaP R F Daaridson F A IIcNincb, V ":WH Atdyi'-W ,?! R 1 eArtnonc?; joprs friendly to the xtutpleae 7 C ' 3T;f adavowinir cbmbinaUoils is Jeaixri4y1 reaUy iamiliar and home-like. 1 I ; .783 ai tit jterfeJ.ii Lf... i ,.ine peopie aimerirnecoqqirrre wastst-ii t ; i L UtUj&s fwl moving in IKe "toatterVl-C Wanner bUw JftMiWfi irj A t whicb(atrikiPgly resembles the juprtt-i r'-i. ..ft t ' 5l..i in')aint.Tth Bachanan Adininia-: f akvsiblllLWgAilrOftlt' 111 tration, whenth Attempt was made the KewbeineZtoteh afTaira Jn Louisiana, in session at this uflna;JiaYJJibeen introduce Thirisondriion of afiairs- is a foul led, and in some cases passed, denounc- blot upon our GovenlntenVJlhttia ingin wmeasnred tennathe arbitfary band of .White Leaguers tieeKu KGi irkextetenceiifhef Feilerai : Admkiis; The Salisbury Fair Association has been re-organized, and; Ualdy iJoyden iirsq eiecHW xrxnuen . --f -t-? T jntieralerr has removed1 from ceyville to Reidsville,'' 'Rockingham Mrs. H. H. Banks takes chanre of the painting and drawing . department of the Si monton Female College, at Statesville. ''KU i',V: " Statesvlfle's neWhall, being built by ; Messrs. Drake and Mott. witl be 100 JSterelaeih .ofthaCiti ftdlji: toct,Bbjmentj73,rmu uaoie mc 01 roots ana nexDf . aflairajn Louisiana, is actually an TU w ie uttl 5cunr'i"-''3ta!rrl Terntoneetf In sev yiftftStelJS which hanpn to be regulated nigger fjf ceifa ii tim resolurtaaidb on 4&t pTjtaribg ri:alt4cx bV 1 ptatev atms. city a pnonc meetiog thtnigger Why" doeadXtheilifil. lrfas betined",And the call is tigned . " m" - ' L k a a i - jf. - - a . j. " J . . w the Worth snrl t or somei fcw m w.ipronunenir ana Tuocratie press of , South rAUJKMfiml afcithecjextteoifiipW citizens of both part this secret bell-bound orzanizatienl ties. sewhere.theexcUingL news from iyjcludin as, it. does all-the lementi Louisiana" has giten the same lmpdlse of the Klan, and which lias a foothold to piJbUft OpirUd jnmryiQw. nnl every r&duth5rn Stat:filf Carol ila?7 demonstrations in progress.-. lihi rtcrt excepted'? rin aj ImT NothingVinceth3 Kansas tmrlsinir B W!Mi& liti' iL 'KW 1 batsto excited and aroused the people -aadyJI - &U$9Smt?99&ito qfbeotlhrjisP stppendou crime naappaharlsitar fJthftJTti against the righU of aBovereigni3tate; bntVprareaol Uhe-;'rvewsroni?Ltrai- Everywhere there is a feeling thAt thil siana. vu' nasjust snutrnis eyes and is x , t.v- f M.ivf nAMAna in rAwrA il ' '" ' 1 ' f A)fc vuay vifvuo suj,siiat wwjJljuioicje-mwftjDfe a RelAblicaaiuciJtalhMUjcdte tne ew rKptouaihis aubjejr ffhll hue Mr. Conkline .and MrlErt'l' -v.iuar.- .;rK ? . T ; ' I rrx. a U.AAlritffl J.f.i. . m. . h - a iihi AiJ iCiprftingAioT a nKHua t!m tq nn, atar rj'wvi.vii i-ji.j 'j k .recognizes .are talking ahrtiit tRl 7' certawpeeuhar conditions i.on vfacb "itmi .r. i- t j . j :i i -Inlanet, as anited to the variona .rmr.ii. --"' mv nuo ncasyyia purposes OI I f- v ffli7: t" t -V ieS. t the tax-oavini? o tWon kt t u 4-tiaritiea oi. character., manifestetf by pint of .VVjnxttJilIogg-WAli jam against their oppressors. Thev mak-a 1Knea uiaiuroance; iney ; u& calm and . patient; they even make no threats. Nearly all o Weak and helpless, they first put up of Memphis, h of the colored preachers r i w w aiaoa ' uua uii " f - imploring hands to the Committea nf passed resolutions: cutting themselves , uonress, which was sent them by a l8e from the radicals and icarpet- tave held meeting and I themselves and IrarrtAt Radical majority to rennrt I baeeers. aud resolvin&r hereafter to situation, ! Just look at ns. and affiliate politically with' that class wiat we ought to do.'. which they have found to be their .It has been than one occs' the a people aiuai of most of their party leaders, nd 3t is :about to be demonstrated Sla ia this Convention matter. demonstrated on mnrh , . . .. -t. J L!3S7fi(?3 tr V! 2lAlAfedoaetryrne t A bolish the of?. liorth ? CaroiinaffiMm commenced t eAviutuxtw unuca . nui wiT afc I it r7 i . j . i . L L , . . i . Th total amount of the: debt of iorta carolma including special tax , bonds and interest,- is t38.S21l3 OOt ai if all the Und in the State should '- bt exposed at publio sale, it Is believed t. U trouli cot trbj tiat amount. Hanson last week, and the workmen came upon a well-preserved skeleton' of a man, evidence that a dead-head nad gone over the road before ! them The fog was so thick In Troy earl me omer mormar mat internet - so emnly avers one could not distinguish a pouceman irom hitching post across the street, if he didn't know wat luwamgpoit never anore. STATE NEWS. useless restriction imposed, upon , resi- Policies nbn'-forfeitable "'artettwo and three J annual paymeiits.av3" rA No withdrawal of Agencies' from a section i When once established.? subjecting j Pol- . icy Holders to the inconvehience Of re- f mitting premiums to New York or else- ,rw where by 3 p'cloqk of. the day fixed, or v .forfeit their fend, lose all tben pre vioiis payments, tifl The time has come for citizens of North Car . otina to encourage 1 Home Institutions : V and we ' recommend 'this Company as ; . eminently worthy of patronage."; '! TIIOS. n. IIAUGIITO, ' : -1- -istncirAgent. : Xrricx: Caaaiioitx.HoTXiuii Jc2S-tfT7 T THIS is the only line to Portsmouth of nnbrokengoage, and, therefore, the nly one ' RATES ALWAYS AS LOW AND TIME QUICKER TI NTH IAN ANY f 1 fi OTHER LINE. ""auglStf .'jttJT -J A? WlLSONt Agent, GREAT "A DISCOVERT. Bradrey?s ; PatehtiwEnamel READ V t s J 1 I Paintv Pure White Lead Unseed Oil and Zinc, rtia Always Keady for Use READTtilMrijLL0 WING HOTICE. TO HOU8E BUILDERS AND COSTRAGTORS,! have acoeptedthe Acrencv for a 8aW MiU. and am preparea to receive and fill -all- orders for any kind of Lamber at asahortonotic as possiDiewf4 have on band a let of -flooring and, inch plank. , L. W. OSBORNE. . Next door to J,H. Henderson's, -" oc28'v .. . . . Trade. street, i. W. CBxit, t urrurioHJi. COM3IIS8IO! IttERCnAHTS, Grain, Floar, Bacon, Groceries, CHARLOTTE, N. C. Special attention given to consignments oi Cotton for sale here or, in other markets, and liberal advaneesnaade... - V'! June a , Tt?HOLSTERER, DECORATOR Scrofula, eruptive 'iaeases, of the 8kin, St. Anthony's Fire, Er ysipelaa, a Blotches, Tumois, Boils, Tetter and Salt Rheum, Scald Head, Jfcungwornx, jinenmausmr pain and enlargment of , the bones, -female weak ness, Sterrility, Leucorrhcea - or whites, TIMOJSIALIS : From Prof WO SImmonsvWake V Collegei ITorth Carolina. ' JSQ?'; 1 -tCollegkC; October 4, 1873. Mr O P Kmght Dear Sir-j -7We have for s: ;al nionth 4been using your Bradlev'?' Patent Enamel Paint on ourCtouLe Building, an i are eil pleased with it Though" it was applied by one having no experience in such wort, vet wc have a erood ioh. We sliai ! continue to use it believing that ia point ! economy,' tHirabilitv. and facilitv of aDnlira. tion, it is superior to any other pigment offered in the market ?W G 8IMM0N8. FtomMeMra EngleharitatSaxmeieTS, Edltoia an Preprietora ,'JpmTlal., -J -JL GJI: J j J. IJTiijcitoToIr, N C, W 1873. sire to call especial attention to the advertisement of 'Bradley's Patent E we aesire to cau especial attention to the advertisement of 'Bradley's Patent EnameV iraint.' we can recommend it from a knowlwlfrn f its merits. fiom nf t.h omninuui. womb diseases, Dropsyi: White Swellings, pt ihl otnee navmg purchased sopse of 4his? paint ifrornMr G TP : Knight,' of B4Itimore, Syphilis, Kidney ,; and Liver Complaint, pave usea it, ana speak m the highest terms of it, after a trial of several months. .While ii, io as uuraure ua vruuinry paint, it nas a mucn nner nnisn, ana. its cost and convenience ia the most powerfol BlewcHPnrifiev known .:. Prom1 8 McGilL MO. - t agent; renovates the . system j. produces a and bneketer 1 jralloieach.. , As Dractice.waa, alackiI.-Ui ihe Johmrif 't beautiful complexion ana causewne ooay (not cohstanti rworkrcompletei the nouse! two cdatsTthe larcoat Iarlnlf t1i5r7 ii n tiesn ana increase in weignt. ia now srenprnllv nwioA that rn, i.nmnii; i,.n-. iv...v ; " -r ;www av t viiuv-'"jav- Miuuiivctff fuiu uvmt caxiva iiai kiiviJY Ui Mercurial Taint, . and Piles, all proceed t is as durable as ordinary pai from "impure bfood.M J ' - f ' will recommend it toAlUpgne OR. TUTTS SARSAPARILLA fCt(U to rain KEEP THE BLOOD HEALTHY and all Will be well. " To has ever been offered that, can compare with this valuable vegetable extract;! Price $1.00 a bottle. Sold by all Druggists. Office 8 Cortland Street, N. Y7- mar 26 a? .a JfT,?n c?lors' there w not a handsomer job in the place." Isaved sixty-five dollars by the opera M ' 4 on wnicn is; an item lust -now with the . Southern people.' 7 It , should be generally optea m tms state. Any country lad can apply it..'! have' never dabbled in such stock 'testimonials." bat! feel so forciblv th trreat adantabilitv 'or Vonf "Rhamel Paint." tn ad as tne, wants oi onr people in excellency o its beir(eadynixed;'J that I give you wiiw ue you unnit proper oi tnis letter. i5 iiaattreiaafeer BEL . . Cowcok ,5Txir, , ; Si Oyer ,MagiU, Heath 4,8cottsVStore. .. 'WulWpieased and! honored if you will call oU him to inspect bis work, or give him an order. 1 ! Best ' workmanship guaranteed. An assortment of Mattresses always on hand. Church UpholBteryaBpecialty. novll. syou proper r'OfTC material. ; in beauWiof bbldr.;,Hnd in the fact of permission (if it isl desirable:; to? yoa) to ; make V ery respectfully ana truly, S McUILL, M 1), From R W Rayne, of the Firm of Bartlett &HayneT48 Carohdelet street. O P KnigJit, goJtXolntaMi much pleasure to hdtfise vou howweIl sfltisfU having used all I boughtof you in oainting a 1 ana naippg iooa tocoesanA wotk so metal paints, and 6ol6rs fidtsubiect tOfad pose to sena you another order for more very soon OfBW OKIES' Janiary 29, 1874. a - z t cheaper. lT.t Is my pur- Yours respectfully, RW RAYNE. AlwayTCfor uaTijiliigapil 1-Siefl?4 of ( gallon covers twennarayanKiwcoaA.Urjia. 1 , Uflii A 4lUf t i7 w apectmns ana xrttx JAMfwrnsnea ttratu. i liberal indueementa to the trade. : , r I july'2-6m. t J, ... 93 WestLdrabar4Sireet?Baltiniore as 0 PATRONS OF HUSBANDRY. i Trie Direct Trade Union ia now in oinexaf tiootai diariotte, receiving -and shipping cottony arid advancing money to the amount of l itt'-vamessh-jcai u b '-m ta 3Che XxeeutiTe Comxnittee : of the Stats Grange have accepteAthe offer of the Direct Trade Union, of Georgia tot raise; SSOQOO, (which will give them a JHrectoi) to be .mh tai&ed in our State.' The - Masters of 8ubor diatis Gran geSi are requested to go ta aoaee, andgtnp stock in their respective ranges, and pay over tne same to a . ohnston, Agent at Charlotte, Who W hereby attthorired ta receive and Teeeipt for ife ilw ,s h 1 COLUMBUS MILLS. novl2--dtfr:wit -:v. : Master State Grange ' i A distinKuished jclererman of New, York speaking of this remedy, characterizes It as "one of tne special, Dtessings t xae : nine teenth century. The certainty of its heal ing effect,1' said he,' "and the immunity from danger whether administered vocnu dren or to adults, adapt it for the widely popular use it has attained, jn one would lone suffer from lune complaint if they I knew ; how easily they can be cured by thiB remedy. By its timely use all pulmonary diseases may be arrested, and tion the scouree ' that sweeps aire: commencement; Persons with a ! sea ted I A O II Tl i H . WA P. hi I WPft cough, which breaks. theUvrest a nighty Offers to Dealers, C&ewers aadmok-ai wiu miu, oy ismug me azpecwnui ,on i urge lot of manufactured tobacco at low going to oea, tney may oe sure oi ; unuro-1 prices. His fan veep auu leuamiiK rest. se you hewweTl satisfied I am' with Bradley'siPatent Enamel Paint, irgecottagenew) at Ocean Springs, Miss., avrably, andA very r superior , to. Ordinary nesides beinsdecldedly cheapeT. llt is my ulmonary rv t mrm i x "7Tb i ctssp" QunhamprTqbaccp i a very . pleasant taste it is easily terea to emiaren. ; uoia dv au ml TheorF. KTultV nas onTexbibi- tion at bit drug store in Salisbury, & snake between 12 and 15 inches long j tne tr at enman aajs it - .smauesb reptile ever put on exhibition. 4 1 i torf , the .Statfisvilie Jtmrioatt' anv; qq.WQraiwotiooi arpunajanq jce. un Itemti . i " r W" ' The Statesville American say; that. near Slab -Town, Yadkin-counly, on the mmzimwMAw$rl Hutchins shot with a muskel and, and kilied, by he nameof Mat tbe)ri5hjeshafe entering over the old grudge Ihe cause. ".Hatchxns made rwoSTi - remfatky Splvienl musingly as he gasedf dowtj into mo piate , reu-ucKicu wutuaii artharrirmaybe" very aeutimental but it somehow gets away wnnmyi api petite. . vi FAiMcNraoa ;tv.vytftnmaUBi CHARLOTTE 5EAHITE 70EXS. f IV XX U TTwaawPovTiAi1 mm ttar f fn T Ttt 'MwnnnAa X: to thedaxensofCharlottethatthey have :f fe,.V?m-$iT ?7?FJh?tt' fonnsd Ja -co-Dartnersbia . toi - carry; en the I -1 v '' ' J,i ' : '. 1 "" i granite pnsinesa 19 au ju, wan cues, , ana are brenared lo fill all orders' at short notice' tor -Granite "Fronts; Cemetery' Lot Enclosures, -tanGnards8t8pv Sula,Bssea, Coping; AreavWaU fiiFiagging Hearthsj gJeiockvenceJto8ts.ltEc, Offlo at S.McNinch'Smarbli Vorks; ' O C E R. lv c i': 'i ii rrt j s r." KEEPS THE LARGEST STOCK OF umTj. .7 ,.; . if vi...j ni n.. Fitia' liquors, Champagaer and other Wines,' forjiinper partiea or for;. Sacramental , pur- iKeyrbtk : bjxse4xfostentUpMa WheTf thy -wear garters ;taiaed at 4vd hundred "dbnart 7 'rca it J. Msm:mmi rtakelhmethoori The unc form the dtisens of Chartottsuand tha-oubi l,w,MNllv mlt' -v-r.V.m- V. ? A A "H. ,1 ?CopaTtBersb'Wf-ytndere'Jfirm 'fcanV and style of CRESWELL St WALKER, Ah will do business at A H ' CreswelTS "ol stand. oDDoeite IhePresbvteiiicliuri W JS JllJSiA JaVaj.A -iMJdtiaL and if you are not satisfied of the tact, come anuses ne'ie-yournrrMy i'r eoi Long yarns, and long tacea about inablil to gefe taaise Cdrrjt pay; aar,iusr na o first failure to meet your obligations wit us,- wheh m4 credit as KU) W WiU he peiisd to reius mnnernaiiigence. Oar House shall be firBt ciass' a to prices and j;tttira$ Ladies visit our store at ail times' without coming in eonV. strona drinks. Hoping by ncnecty aod politeness to me it a faU She re of publH pstronrs. " 1 1 .III ' IH' IMIL ss!i! is s-r-: . --.t rw nrr-r TT1 LUrlIO rWvorip Er," vt.jb.iui;. w; "adrninis- its.' ' Labratory, 4t and 20 Court land sW New York. ieb 10 deodawlv -' ANtE-Boluil mm m Mm is not excelled on the market. ' - Address at Statesville, VN. a. "j - DRTUTTS HAIR 1 YE- i Possesses qualities that no other Dye does It effects 3s instantaneous, and so jiatural HHEAP FURNITURE. l'"sBf-!pSj! AT that it cannot be t detected by the closest observer. It is harmless, easily applied and is in general use among fashionable hair dressers intrevery 'large city in the UnitedBtates. v. Bjjiarsea' 3-r F. M. SHELTON'S. I will offer. for cash, for a few. days, half a dozen vry fin, -and : handsome . Chamber Suits of,WalAt., m. a itu at priees regardless of cost, as I need room for my large stock of cheaper grades; of Fur aitnm; which irtioW being Tecrfyed.- ' " :r Call at once, or vou will miss1 Some real bargains.. ' oc23- NEW BOOKS. A Hero and a Martyr,.., in Honor Bound... jiovlfr: id. 171 V ,3' 4 3 ! - . I In Honor Bonnd r!ha.. 1 Mum. ' rriHE best. advice v that can be given to Jessie Firm .. F. Fareion. A persons suffering from Dyspepsai, Bil- Myths of the Rhine (Illust)...'....G'Dore loos C5mplamts;syCoIila Consapaa Lotos Leaves (bv the Lotos Clubof N.Yr Sick Headache, -Fever and Ague, Nervous Shakespeare's Mid Summers Nights? Hream; Debility, . or Of any disorder affecting the handsomely bound and beauttfullv 1-;' stomach, ; liver m-or kidneys is totona. ted .;..tiA;4MMFredricks. cleanse and regulate them Dy ,. Vers de Society.' " . " A J 1 DRTUTFS VEGETABLE LTVER'PILLS ' The Hanging of.the Crane, (beautifully il- t They -actvery miidly.yet they, borough f lnatrated).i V. '" ' A v TtAre the functional action of th di- 1 rAmrbllnsg'ti Ji(oit.iThrni j;" t.iN j' I af " - , i T avA.wav iih H inwiyvwa W44mB - gestive organs and .'the intestines; 'and re novate the whole system, i They produce I neitner nausea, griping on weakness, and For sale at"- decl6-t. ,Ayr'- "PHIFERS ; Bosk Store. .t:o 2" 'f 4 l " .3 ill s ; may betaken at any timef wittiomfe change TUST RECEIVED AT McADEN'S ; of diet or occupation. j , IJ .:. 1,.1, r "s. ,rT-:"S;' price, zoc a oox. uoia oy ail uruggists. J '4 CORNER DRUG STORE. In. ;jlTecteni 1 Hotth 1- l.l..4 Wi. .-VJr 4 4i farolinn. Af SW FURHTTURE AV Of poses. - . . it " t vI.v a- ' T - rttf-AV ..A$ bwc bajel f 4Jie justly celebrated JSOW COMING IN EVERY DAY!" ' " i FTjuwiTTJoi: iidbiTisV NEAfe THE COURTHOUSE. , X- :-' tlN ItCTAIfl worasv-about jthat. : ocenpy the f eerftiAc structure h&I? nX Jtl ftctly clean. WoaVlnll WP r.goMs tip fixed on each lamp, k . fn ourRetan buaipesss WWkeyrip8 and melldw, always oDbandj hiding been sold ony we offer to'ther pmbUo HisltbckfHtb General Grocery line 'Is ''1: "'Iv T? t Aifl no r 1 1 e VV uK)Ca.v.ii His stock (n the General Grocery' complete. . . Sugars, ; Coffee., and, Molasses I- '-v KXCKUTLT BOUGHT, iv.f Mi Ti v -V rf When; GRBATLXmEDUCEO PSICES, 3 d vou come to Charlotte fbr" Grociavj Rsseali WseeJBlack ifyou want&e prorjh kc t . -, ' - j.;, ciT ofwmiimoney, .V r r ' J " " " i PfSSf Sfi PORT T TO Txio.LnAR lrosftiieWJi-w and. respectf ' m. v -,. ...v. i ; PeTkinr & House's Safety. Lamps They are thesbesf Lampihi the wdrJdXfdf I the folloingjaasjopsf" iJ: : I Tbev wilfhot break, being made or metal. They are perfectly safe from explosion, owing iotneir eoiein Thev are perlectly a Patent Dip Cup fixed on each lamp. ! Tlney consume one .tnira ot ouinpropor ! tion to the light given, witboatodor.' -. I They give much more brilliant light than i any other lamp, equal , to gas. at one fifth I the expense. . ..- dec-tf. , r- NELSON'S Gelatine, - A , Jamaica Ginger, -ii -t 1 Pure Ground Pepper At Coleman's 'Mustard, Dooley's Yeast Powder r" ' ' .'ijiAH-'i.' ZiU it conj gtarch) ol&a&tiKnt ftjrfier'fayor;! I June IS . 5w. feHT2Sr prawffrai ,.rx y ia i K0 nV nf Tr-"TA'1a s"' 23 Ctoa cf L.Jci i'orter 7.3C-wl J 25Xtsof CoU.leiLesee.TT I .WH A ..... . . A . ? aiiyewonpiepncem.-t ' wt-7W. KAL V I1LLS. Mr(.5r..A.Pt?n Ji t diilr authoriaed Ageitof t iALl-rE Clif1 MILLS, te deitver Z -Ji - -t. rCWr feed.- -e,i at An Aall other, a v ,.h a rV laA HO euaiiy'-Lbw RateS.-i ndt'-th those In i "T " . TL.11 ; vur siocit. is Ibarra auu a uiu an want of Furniture will find that it will pay to examine our stock before buying. i O -U, xj. .rl";-lM" t-n.i- " jppeblst indncemeib offered to whole- iS1? anLJ f Saiebuyera, w ; i a-. i tu.4. ns ; first door above-the rket . . . Hutmerirf" : ' ; S r ; Cinnamon: 1 W, itUBWELL&co.;rr:;;-; NORTHERN IRISH P0TAT0E3 1 W 20bblsNorth7 ; . ..r-.-inrr' . parposeSi; just re- A ceivea at ' wnprxther & CO. I -Those Potatoeari i Ki tof thd very . I bestfluaiitVL after v? . ta r.a M'tVIUUW 4Sa 3h AfctoTTaVSU C, any, bon in C-rli- C dalei s. Or. v tae AXUila- -r J , or ..rrn.. s ,7 n. tx ciuaAU; ' 1' V'VJ'T' in . Oct; 23s 1874. tf; reet. " ; -House. ' ' ji f. syf ys?tJi-.nw i Announces td thdcltizettai 6f Clisirlnttc Und the public generally ; that he has purchased iinwtutnvuik ui . . frmMRsHon wUlha jnade to the.Genoral -. SrOCerLE and,ProvisiCaa,I . - bi session1 for tlie. passage Of of Messrs. George & Steicker; and 'that 'lie "v t,,f4l ZXtg.t??J ba! t eir old stand h- iret!ti i rorap auan-i v"""f ",-"icerxnec.;prinrs ini ciinsr ... , A.-i.; . I .- i..m .... .a.. .., Mn. - .V I. ... - v'. -r.- nTO TJIE , S jL'i ... . YHpLESAliIi .TRADE. JUDGING the future by the past, we enter with confidence upon this oui new en ierpriser pf separating onr JW, hplesale from otn 'Retail Trade, by having separate and distinct House for each ; and in doing so', we natter ourselves that it mill not only .: A meet the approval of our nuiperous custom - I . 1 . Il .i ' 1IT.I I ? tm. l 1 era, ut r m s an ,: ,r juoji u: ive . v uoiesaie House" will bring us a large influx of new trade, anpf a character no .heretofore en- ioyed,?.;' 4,t-'i-e .?. i 7..! , . t must be obvious to every buyer that a strictly "Wholesale House," arranged and adapted fqr-that Trade only, with a .corps of experienced Wholesale balesmen, with a- and moreover, the avoidahca of coming in contact with retail buyers, which we and you ail nave neretoiore nana to be so irksome, as it frequently hi ppens that thr' retail buyer Is your very ne ;hbor, (perhapes your own customer). - Sue -a house, we assert, most and will comm nd itself to the trade..v. I.': ....-'- -.. .... Fr years aeo we advertised that we in tended to make Charlotte a wholesale mart and ours' "The WhoJsaJeT House." Wr nbwliave the praa4 aatisfacaon of seeing if, an acconuuiua lact. W? now call your attentlc n .to the fiwt. that we have converted our puperb store in (A A e-elupive. Wholesale H ?use, where yout oa fiwl alii lisjea of goods, weeasary for a country; store, to-wit: Dry-; :oods, efoKLng.. Boots, bboes. Hats, Notions, tirocenes, Jti ant- ware, Millinery, ? all n, complete . Jinea, oougnt in , large quantjties and irom uue very first hands, " V. ' "-' ' i)nt stoftk fs now 'arrlvint and -will' le 'complete about the first of September and will be tne laagest oi any ne e, tne -Tjmen-sions of others to the eohtrai r nbtwithtand ing. We respectfully invite yom:nersonal inspection, or write to us for circulrrsvf -1 very muy yours. - i WITTKO WSKYLt RINTELS. : is, ana nas always ceea lour claim,al8Q in that line to. elcel in We. now occupy toe suberh housd i heretofore so- favorably known aa thd Messrs. Bm 6ns, tfti carry ant as Excelsior motto, we In iownesw ofpricesvandto excel ,genlrally., We will, in mat nouse, nave a cord of thirty Sales men -and Sales-Ladies, ill experienced affable, and obliging. I '-I -x.-- k w nut mate tAe JilUuutry bronch ia specialty, f - - t Ij W. &.R. Charlotte N. C, Aug. lltk. 1874. ."VTATIOAL HOTEL. tipapitolqTiare Delightfdtly'Sitnatea.fiext f KALCIGUr 11' ON Fme Rooms, welVFurnishe and fitted tip. .n;tbe best Style.- Z'A V. ;;:, ATTENTIVE SERVAirrS, i The Table Daily Supplied frith; the best mis ana otner Markets anor decll-tf.' HBROWN, Propnetor TTALL & PATTERSON, f ' 1 AA .5T?l i f nfcltt Vi . , . , 0I7i ,NJC? , , t; . t , . B; . Solicit orders from a ? di liancefor Batter, Eggs, Chickens, Apples, P itatoes,' Cabbage, and any other co"ntry pro "nee that may be desired. White line bh iigles a specialty. Inquiri-n-prompt'vanswei sd Parties wish ing anything in their line will please hand in their orders to MpMur y A Davis, Chat- lotto,JJorth CmoI no3-5m BOARDERS TrANTED t iV tx; i coanty.t to-: cut .f o.s ,EcroE the r-- a oiti n.i mr.i ot.;'' i --rj . ' " .... - T WUI BMAjav IJ4- J ailllll V ur-e-on'BierryanatbeowUa liand, at prices Hhat-uyi' jan 1 oaw lm JOHN L PRICB ( compeUtion. ; - nov22 daw. 3 i wi v 1 t ir -"iw cu n ' e . anrx 1.7L. -va v j. - --7:7--"-'- Doaxaers en vnr reaaonatie wru. , , 1 . 4 1 ;