trtfllW'MasMMMMM ... . ......irii-.Bfa., Miiii - . . Hv"'" " '' i". " ."I f!,' fJj, "" t . , i9qqifid QOiio; . iiti a . t ...... ... -,,-.. - - C;V.::.tX: i--. ,11 .1 I , 1 I I i t " . . " M ' ' ' . 1 ' iii i . . . i .... . t I - - - j i, . i ; A yoLt XI;'----' rl:i&:Jf TV?" " -tr -' CHABLCXTTE, N. C,.EDiriY,vANUARY . 13, 1875. . "V: . i IToHioiC. " H f MITER TRADE FOR 1074. latfdrcsasi Boor isaat 6e TO BE SOLD AT THE BOOT AND SHOE HOUSE- SMITH Tryon jStreet, CHARLOTTE, JJy opposite Central Motel. MamfMtum mpressiy w vur uwn uraer. a vantage w raui " " , . m 7vw Forfc. Roxtmk -nr Ttiliimn advantage to call ana exMxmm aaru -' NZTy- . We mean to ieB Goods as low as any ,SS)J "fl with tr9fiifa. flttwWW! Brfween A Be3-ly . D. WADE. 18751 tbl s:' IT 1 7 E Desire io retara thanks ta.oar friends I m-mm-Tmrn. i l y .mmW K m pr mr W darior tbe past year, aod we hope by fair dealing to merit a continuance of the same. We will continue to pay strict attention to the r- ; r Our Goo.l pafGnaWV,5asb prices, and lpifi; jtpcl 'ttffwnnt of tne Retail TraJ.;i,-,j4dict'nd:Uentleoo's Jj'ine ooa to ' ii r5 - J13lf -:6ci0 5 - t .Qpposite DentraL Hotel,; Cbar!otte,bN.2 C ......MDE&.PI&IHG&Y Has the Largest arid -Finest stock of idlLUNERY MID FAIIG7 GOODS in the State. CnARLOTTEyCOLUUBIA Charlotte Agency, Oct. 20tto,1874. The Charlotte, Columbia. & Austa Eailroad INVITCS the aUentJon ot all MercbanWlsnd Cotton Shippers in Charlotte, and opon the roads connecting there, to the extraordinary advantages of connections with all Northern rointsLandSop(ihUantia.6ea Ports enjoyed over its lhies.!r '. st. , The Great Atlantic Coast Line via Columbia, Wilmington . and. Portsmouth to Baltimore, Daily, Insurance i per cent. J f( rhiladelphia Daily, Insured. . ' . - ; , ; NEW QUOklSkf, WEDNESDAY, THUBSDAY, ' TTjIUDAY INSUBANCE i : .PER CEOTlBtON, TUESDAYS AND raEDAYkliWDBACE ifR JCETf v PRyiDESCE, WEDKESDAY8 AND SATORlfC j ..r"' ,f Vt'; -; , . r -J ' f . " td. - By Way Wilmington and Direct Steam Line to BaltimortWednesdays and Sat urdays, Insurance per cent. . PHILADELPHIA, EVERY WEDNESDAY, . WEDNESDAYS AND S ATURDAYShIKSURANCE EQUALIZED TO THAT OPt ad. " By the Charleston LJn BltimoTe. Weeldyi - -.!H V:1 ,, .. . ;' EVERY FRIDAY, TO NEW YORK, TUESDAYS, THURS ' ' AND SATURDAYS; T60ST0N, EVERY SATURDAY. THF unrivalled Steam Line facilities of the three Porta of Portsmomth, Wilmington ' Oharleston.iand the combined eauiDment of the C. C & A., W. C. fc A., and other oads, enable oa to bid foixotton and au otber to assure oar patrons of absolute freedom from Hon. R. R. Bbidgers. PARTICULAR attention paid to Frescoing Country. Qffloa under Central Hotel., THE PLa'cb'A LAST WHERiJ J -ir"s Tou 2cn ly ehea'''iJfryr Watches, Clocka nd Jewelry 811tt PlatcWaWiaAondJBrac0-, leta, ChJunaHecklacea, ; ( r tons, a&d . -J; 1r.,is. , M.rft verythiBg and anythine in thlt line, ot Uie very.battnaitty;4tt:;33:1f. . l:.."' I A splendid lot of 1 wd;.iMi OPERA GLASSES, '""",''"f'"fc--HA. ' to , Darn Uo'nrt&&tff . ecttl-tfi 'Flrst NaUotul Bank Building;!! CUTLER'S Poctet Inbw th rreatrw dy for Catarrh. . -.sI:rf W. R. BTTRWELL CO.. I i J, OP?UARti 1ST, v. . l imV new Store, .tteirf Xmiril r.n'f s. call ' erJT . .ww, SCOT 9 mftrttitM FORBES eomorlskiff all sraileffjr In VmtVi Hn k.l.f Y.I ftrrf Aftf jona? Pant and BdnA of Mecklenburg ' SAM. S. PEGRAM. 1875 aod coatomers lot their very liberal patroor ,p,BpecwiHy, , , , . , v. ivt.w.f -:v.--. . .. . .. . v . . .-- ,.-t..-M:.,.) i'V, SIGN OP THE BRASS BOOT, Call and see her. Trn7TT-7Tr &1AUaUS5,A,;R,R. INSURANCE J PER CENT. NEW YORK NORFOLK. merchandise in unlimited quantities, and detention. , Qen'I Manager. t President. ' s" General Superintendent. - General Freight Agent. v f. -"-'- ;--.-.ft.ti''"" Chorches and Town Halls, throughout the lt 11 ' 'e26 tf. THE PLACE TO BUY :.-- h RAISINS,.., , -t CITRON, t'ai - i ( St. hCURRANTS, ,&$m&;TL CANDIES, : FRESH PORK SAUSAGE, made every day, to'rf f. . . PORK H AM.corned pr fresh, for sale by OYSTERS! OYSTERS; 1 pYSTERSj ,-" '' t-,- . i i Loyen of Bivalvrawill fiiid our , - SALOON and-BAB; ROOM, dpen t all hoars, day And night,' wftere'" al kind? of J frihments arje served up' in the b-t E'Tl-. "t '"-ices to suit tbr times. .' r Gli ON- BROTHER, a Or -a 1 i - ak Charlotte, N. C. dtij tf v ";r. -r'1 v4r . Situated In tne Centre of Town,. rriHIS HOTEL haa been thoronghlyrefltted and refurnished And nader my manage ment as lessee, offers to the traveling public the advantages of a nxstlaM HoteL-t ",Zl j-Omnlbad at the depot on th4 arrival fepl-dtC .,fl , Formerly of Raleigh. FOR RENT. ' ' "f1 tuvii' 'Trne'Tsioro lormeny 'occuweir-uy juiim, nohenRoiseieti Possession' tiveniams- dUtef r. AtJpry to i - 't- .vaflj. wrs. i-ersonai. Thk Hkw RflHTPTTTDUa l.TVU& rtnr.- . . ' P( IX)C 41. DOTS. Out-door workers are on the loaf. if i.-,-i-fMn'.l Pneumonia -lite weather. Keep your feet dry. "V . . - - t " ; Old Probs threatens its with more rain to day.' "Oh ! q-u-i-tP Some parties were on the streets yesterday morning with skates. -. . One of the weather wise predicts that we will have twenty more days of just such weather.. . ( We learned last night that Col P J O'Con nell, of Gaston county, died on - Monday His remains will pass through this city this evening en route to Columbia for interment. A fellow who doesn't do much visiting, has almost forgotten how a lady looks. 'Too sweet to live a minute" on the streets, such times as these.i i : v " ' ; s I We are indebted to Hon. John B. Gordon, United States Senator from Georgia, for a copy of the Washington Evening Mail, con taining his great' speech on the Louisiana situation. The temperature moderated in the after noon and evening, and much of the ice melted off 4he frtts. Pedestrianism is at tended with less danger now than -it . was twentyoUKhouraag? This feoicessiyely Wero weathe ropon railroads arid railroad men . ' Very few of the trains reached 'the city yesterday "on time, and the detention was due in every instance, to the state of the weather. Two Eclipses this Year. There will be only two eclipses, this year, both of the sun ; the first, total, April 6th, inyisible in the United States ; the Becond annular, September 29th, and partly visible in the eastern portion of North .America. : Street Scene. Gentleman waIkingalong the street yes terday, remarked to another, who was stand ing still, supporting himself by holding to the side of j house i "Very bad; weather-r-r-r-r-r ze-ze-zezip." And now we have engaged the services of a reliable as tronomer to calculate how many stars he saw, i Meeting of Stockholders. The stockholders in each of the three Nat ional Banj of the city the First National, Merchants', and Farmers, and Commercial NtWaU held annual meetings yester dayand we learn that all of the former di rectors pf each Of the banks were re-elected, and, that there is no change iti the officers of any of the institutions. Removal. Mr R 8 Phifer was engaged yesterday in removing his stock of books, stationery, c, to his new Stand the one recently occupied by MT J T; Butler, opposite the,, Central Hotel. He would beglad to have his friends call on him in his new location, and we wonld advise those who need anything in his lire, to do so. Meeting of Merchants. We understand that there will be a meet ing of merchants at the retail store of Witt kowsky fe Rintels, at 7 o'clock on Friday night, to consider the tax which has been imposed by the Board of Aldermen upon the purchases of merchants and traders. The gentlemen say that they act in no re bellious spirit, but desire to calmly discuss the matter. All the merchants of the city are requested to attend. ' . Slipped up on the lee. A negro man whose name we did not learn, had a heavy fall early yesterday morn ing, in front of the store, of J. H-Henderson, on Trade Street Hi head struck ' the ( first one of the'stepprng atones across th"street. He was knocked senseless . for a few. mo ments," and the blood produced hy the . col VtwpM the two hard anbstances. can etill be seetton fchejpavemenfc,, . The Masquerade. " j The members of the Charlotte Hop Club held a meeting last night, at which it was decided to have amasquerade ball at the res idence of Col. W. R. Myers, on Friday even ing next. Should the evening be inclement the ladies of the city will be called upon and conveyed in carriages to the place, of meeting. We judge that this will be a very brilliant affair, and that the occasion will be one of great festivity. Dray Smashed Up, Yesterday morning, , one of Mr. Allen Cruse's dray teams had a "runaway' Spree. The driver had left the team . in charge of another darkey, while he himself just step ped in to " stet a little somethin' to warm 7 ' J sot tired standing ran off. ;The mules ran long and well, and the wacnn now stands in Collese street, a " mere wreck of its former self." ; 1 A Serious Fall. - -- The most serkras fall on the streets yester day, was that of Ed- Alexander, colored. He was walking Tapidly down Trade street, and near the lower corner of Bur well's drug store his feet slipped from Under him, and he fell on the brick pavement, bis head striking firafcl Helaiditiir jot a moment or two,and some of thelookers-on thought- for a whil e that he had,, beeix killed. , Hq finally recov. ered himself, however, and got up. The man bled a good deal, but the injury is not i . ' . " i Pell Into a Basement. i . On Monday night a countryman, whose name we coma nor ascertain , leu into tne basement of Mr. 8. Smith's hew store, on Trade street.. He was walking along the ptreet, aao.,iae jiignt , oeing very, uars:, ne could not see to walk arpund and so stepped into, the uncovered Jioje, which is -10 or 12 jt.deepe.jtyas, puUqut jby;lir-dice and several others who gathered; around, and was onodM havehKi 4pne arm right hadlyhtfrt.'Wt beyond this no injury. This is thethlrprsoir who hasj fallen lata this same plscVIa the past three months, and they wilt perhaps continue this'loollslinss until some of them gets' killed. "'Any. man twho will wflfully and mkiidously irgtireHhe properifpf Another in hs' yillilndus jnaA jier, jshouldi hoBued fcrs damagea ani made td pay heavfly fOr itni Rfehotfd be1 mad a misaemeanotfoimandlla and an example ought to be made of some one. r--v' him up" -The other darkey got to scuffling witWuftnotWdaen thepvetont, when the team'rotlired "standing there and Personal. We had the pleatarV of meeting Rev C H Filey, in the eity last evening. Ho is well known as a former , Superintendent of Pub lic Instruction in ihia State, and more re cently as agentof tbemerican Bible Society Col J M McOrkeoflisbuTy7 one of most gifted lawyers-in all the State, was reg istered last evening at.the, Centoa HoteL jraui a Means, sqM memDer ot the House from Cabarrus, arrived at the Central on the 9 o'clock train last evening. . i . A Barometer. ' One who has tried it says that a cap of coffee is a sure barometer if you allow the sugar to drop to the bottom of the cup, and watch the bubbles arfce-frithoufc disturbing the coffee. If the Vdfol&F collect Irinhe middle, the weather -KWRe fine ; if they adhere to the cup, forming a ring, it will be rainy ; and if the bubbles separate without any fixed position, changeable weather may be expected. ' Try (tf and if none -of these effects are produced, add more ugar, and drink it. A good cup of coffee Is alwavs "salubrious" in any weather. - Attachment Against a Circus Company. Raymond Hall appeared be fore Mayor Davidson,and took out an attach ment against J. M. Carrington, the propri etor of uCamngtdnVr&rcus," who has been in Charlotte for several days past ' Hall was advance, agent of . the concern' and claims $192 for ser-oces rendered by Jbimlind not paid for. The process was issued, and Constable McXure levied on and held the band wagon and Another wagon belonging to the combination. They are now at? the North "Carolina Depot, where they were a waiting shipment when they wereaWached Chambers Court. ;-; , '. The Court was held yesterday in the law office of Messrs. Jones & Johnston. ; Only one case Was' heard, and - the- argument in that was only fairly begun' when the time arrived for thelWjoarnineht of Court. This case is one very well known on the Meck lenburg docket that of Parks vs. Alexan der. The action is upon an administration bond, and yesterday J H. Wilson, Esq., ar gued one of the exceptions to the report of the clerk, on behalf of the defendant. This was the only argument made. The counsel in the case are : for the plaintiff, Cen. jRufus Bamnger, Vance & Burwell, IF. H, Bailey and H. W. Gnion ; for the defeudant, Wil son & Son, and Jones, Johnston. Court will meet againJlnorning at 10 o'clock. 'T ' r.S- River and Bar Works. Captain R P. Waring, Senator from Meck lenburg, and Mr. W. J. Yates, editor of the Charlotte Vemotmt and a Director of the Carolina Central Railway, are expected to arrive in this city -to-morrow- evening. ana on ruesaay win go aown tne river to visit the works for the improvement of the river and bar. It is understood that this visit is to be of an official nature. Wilming ton Journal, 10th. .... : In regaid to the JournaTs notice, we will state that Senator Waring did -Contemplate making a private visit to TFilmington, but was prevented from doing so by unexpected engagements. Jfr. Yate$, pf the Democrat, contemplated a visit to his mother, and thought of accompanying Mr. "Waring ; to Wilmington an his way to Fayetfeville ; but he. also, was detained here by private business, and prevented from being in Wil mington at the time designated. Nothing like an "official visit" was contemplated by either gentleman. A Big Pox Chase. ' Esquire Wash Mills, of Providence Town ship, was in the city yesterday, and told us of a fox chase which took place just over the line a few days ago. a Messrs Lee Manson and Robt Cunningham were the gentlemen who were conducting the" hunt, and they started a red fox in the upper edge of Lan caster county, S. C, in rear of the place- of Maj. A. B. Springs, ran him to between Fort Mill and Philadelphia Church, until they came to the river, into which fox and dogs plunged. The river is 250 yards wi de at this point. The hunters were a considerable dis tance behind and did not know what had become of the dogs and fox until lour or five hours afterwards, when the former appeared to their yiew on the other side of the river, worn almost completely out, and after hav ing been, outwitted by Reynard. The chase continued about eight hours. , We believe that we never before beard of a fox swimming a stream . of this width. They frequently 'take water" and swim some distance down a stream, and again take the land ,to foot jthe dogs, but swim ming' a rifer such s this, is something new in fox tactic njlp: The Lincoln Depot Hill The hill oa Tryon street, just this Bide the Lincoln Depot, is the bane of every driver's life in the city. In good weather, it is bad, and in bad weather, its condition can only be expressed, by the popular term , "fearful." Yester day it; was worse than fearful, and one drayman found it necessary to hitch three horses to one wagon to draw up three, bates ot cotton, mere was a great' deal of ,beairig of stock and swearing, on that declivity, yesterday. A' Tight "curious occurrence took pl&CQ . tb ere, , too. rjpne , of Capt. Ned Lewis' drays was trying to get up it. inerV.wef sixlaalea of cotton ort'the dray, and the mules stopped stilL" All at once they gave sudden start, And jerked jlrfittimderls load the planks went With the cotton and stayed under it, "And each bale without being, upset, s&t on the ground in just the same position; it bad occu --Awhwr dravj loaded- with i4M.les.' was upset on the aide" of the hilLfnd it took a force, yearly AlL-day , to re- jHQTejfte two lcgeaipaaav, 'St ?i oosxtTsicms.; What a'beneflt tie Csx'kfkjr' wbulIcon' fer, if a' Wghr was placed ar jlto floor to We slinu we sfide-! 'we trleam; weTtlide.?' earth every morning; and ought not 'be'' ex- peeted to do so at night as well. I mmmm mm mm a mmm.m. m, W I i&WJWOUni WUt VliQ VillUi I I 1 1 111 jN til llil 1 I . . ,IIvlfl -t I - " i According to Tyndall, Huxley, Spen cer, and Darwin. Cincinnati Commercial. GENESIS CHAPTER II. 1. Primarily the Unknowable moved cosmos and evolved protoplasm. . 2' And' protoplasm- was inorcanic and indifferentiated, containing - all u: : . i j . nnuga hi puieuum energy ; ana a spine of-evolution moved upon the fluid mass. ' " 3. And the . Unknowable said, Let atoms attract : and their contact begat I? 1 A , . . .... ugnt, neat, ana electricity. 4. And the Unconditioned differen tiated the atoms, each after its kind : and their combinations begat rock, air, ana water. - 5. And there went out a spirit of evolution from the Unconditioned, and working in protoplasm, by accretion aiiu HUBuijpbiuu prouuueu i, ne organic cell. tti'J' , c sr ' J 6. And cell by nutrition evolved primordial germ, and developed pro togene; and protogene begat eozoon, and eozoon begat monad, and monad begat animalbuie. 7 And animalcule begat ephemera; then began creeping things to multiply on tne lace ot tne earth. 8. And earthy atom in vegetable protoplasm begat the molecule, and thence came all grass and every herb in the earth. 9. And animalculde in the water evolved fins, tails, claws and scales ; and in the air wings and beaks ; and on the lane they sprouted such organs as were necessary as played upon by tne environment. 10. And by accretion and absorption came the radiata and mollusca. and mollusca begat articulata, and articu lata begat vertebrata. - 11. 'Now these are the higher verte brata, in the cosmic period that the Unknowable evoluted the bipedal mammalia. 12. And every man of the earth. while he wis yet a monkey, and the horse while he was a hipparion, and the hipparion before he was an oredon. 13. Out of the ascidian came the amphibian and begat the pentadactyle; and the petadactyle by inheritance and selection produced the hylobate, from which are the simiadae in all their tribes. 14. And out of the simiadae thelemur prevailed above his fellows and pro duced the platyrhine monkey. 15. And the platyrhine begat the catarrhine, and the catarrhine monkey begat the anthropoid ape, and the ape begat the longamin ous orang, and the orang begat the chimpanzee, and the chimpanzee evo luted the what-is-it. 16. And the what-is-it went into the land of Nod and took him a wife of the longiraahous gibbons. 17. And in' process of the cosmic period were born unto them and their children the anthropomorphic pri mordial types. 18. The homunculns, the prognathus the troglodyte, the antcchthon, the terragen these are the generations ot primeval man. 19. And primeval man was naked and not ashamed, but lived in quad rumanous innocence, and mightily to harmonize with the environment. 20. And by inheritance and natural selection did he progress from the stable and homogeneous iO the com plex and heterogeneous for the weak est died and the strongest grew and multiplied. 21. And man grew a thumb for that he had need of it, and developed ca pacities for prey. 22, For, behold, the swiftest men caught the most, animals, and, the swiftest animals got away from the most men; wherefore the slow animals were eaten and the slow men staryed to death. "' 23. And as types were differentiated the weaker types 'continually disap peared 24 And the earth was hlled with violence; for mari strove with man, and tribe with tribe, whereby they kil led off the weak and foolish and secur ed the survival of the fittest. Disappearance of Old Maids. There is growing up in England a large class of women, says the Wo men's 'Journal, who do not marry, who do hot wish to marry, and who appar ently wish not to niarry. They devote themselves to literature, to teaching, to some trade, generally at capital one, at any rate to some occupation that gives a livelihood and tends to culture, and this they choose for life. The marrying instinct seems dead, or rather never to have been born in them. I have known at least one such person in this country. They do not seem to be ' thought 1 of as out of place, but, on the contrary, they move into fit places in the great social or ganism, easily and naturally, and are accepted without remark. A late ar ticle in one of the leading papers of our country remarked that almost an entire change had taken place in this country in current speech concerning unmarried women, who are past thirty; that whereas twenty years ago, and always before, they were called "old maids," and the phrase was a term of reproach, now it is rarely if ever used, and the reproach which used to be cast upon such persons, has almost entirely passed away.. ' t At Fredericksburg the negroes; gave an entertainment a celebration of their" emancipation the other day, when the best part of the bouse was resertecltfor colored oiks; while the gallery was -aet apart- for the white people, at half price - for admission Ana ye we uo no -nsiss tnsc von gress shall pass a civirrighta " bill to compel them , to ; admit . us . to such places on an equality- ; i ? iVThe IndMa'boliliSfenrin lays : "It is duty of every Legislature ',. now in olntionrdftnAnnrtino the hhrh-h&nded outrage jrist? perpetrated in Nevf OrJeauaCietihe:pe6pIe tTapeak through their agents f so that, the con- rlm nat.inn of th villainv , mv rinw from one; end of the country to the fother -s wUfv- It is said Vermont baseneffiewspa ter publisher mifo pays-his "help' off ning clears the imposing' stone off and wins it all back In that Tittle game of 'draw," ""Air A(XsbR1rDo.Inthe Crimi nal Court of Memphis; Mrs. Bobbitt is on trial on the charge of shoplifting. She has a trained dog who. is charged with am using the clerks and prpprie? tors of the stores while' the! larcenies were alleged to have been committed. The dog was not indicted as accessory by the .Grand Jury, but appeared in court to-day, probably with a view to be examined as a witness: Speaking about the condition of the Republican, majority in Congress, theNew York Graphic , says : "The fact . is chaos reigns supreme, aud mainly for the reason that there is no strong roan in the , House who can assume the leadership of the Republi cans." i A Chicago preacher has locked himself up in the fourth, atory, and draws his meals up by a cord. He says they jan't, get up .no slande" about htm. !; ; - ; : r-; ; New Advertisements. PANIC. I have twenty-five mules for sale at Panic Trices. W. M. MATTHEWS. jan9-2w. WE WOULD RESPECTFULLY CAi the attention of the citizens of .Char lotte, to our well selected Stock of Groceries," which we are prepared to retail at " low fig ures. In addition to our present Stock' of Heavy Groceries, we are now receiving a fine lot of ... Sugar Cured Hams, Pine Leaf Lard, Pearl Grits, Pickles, Canned Toma toes, Green Corn, Brandy Peaches, Northern Irish. Potatoes, a Very Fine Lot of Segars, &c, &c. We would solicit a share of the public patronage. R. B. ALEXANDER & C. janll tf. College St. piFTY BUSHELS CHE3NUTS, 20 basbela Green Apples, 1000 lbs Dried Blackberries, 500 lbs Dried Peaches, for sale low for cash in lots to suit purchasers, by B N SMITH. janl2 Vy ANTED. A party desires to rent immediately, a large, and commodious bouse, suitable for boarding. Address this office. Jan, 10 1875 tf. JEW NOTION AND NOVELTY STORE. I We have opened at what was formerly Harrison's Auction Store, opposite, the Court House, a "Notion and Novelty Store," for the sale of Chromos, Silver Plated Knives, Forks, Table and Tea Spoons, and all other kinds of Silver Plated Goods. Also Ladies' Sets, gold plated and jet, all of the latest pattern. He have also music r olios, very neat. TFriting desks, albums, work boxes of all descriptions, ladies' hand mir rors, glove and handkerchief boxes, ic, c Come and examine. jan 10 tf NOVELTY COMPANY. 0 FFICE OF ERIE CITY IRON WORKS, Erie, Pa., January 6, 1875. Dear Sir : We take pleasure in informing you tbat, encouraged by the favor with which our Machinery has been received thronghout the South the past year, and in order to facilitate trade and meet the often expressed wishes oi our friends and patrons, we have determined to open an office and warehouse for the sale of our manufactures in Charlotte, N. C. which will be known as the. Charlotte Branch of the Erie City Iron Works. Mr. W. C. Morgan, who is so widely and favorably known thoughout the South, will be in charge of the Charlotte Branch, and we propose to keep on band these Portable and Stationary Engines, Bailers and Circa cnlar Saw Mills of our own manufacture, also the best , make of Corn Mills, Gins, Presses, Shingle Mills and such other Machinery as the wants of the trade require. The Charlotte House is not an agency but branch of our works, owned and controlled by os, and any business done with us there is done with tlu manufacturers direct. We hope the establishment of this branch house will serve to bring os nearer together and avoid tbe vexatious delays that so often occur in business at so great a distance as we are from yon. For circulars, price lists and any informa tion wanted in our line, address Erie City Iron Works, Charlotte, N. C. Trustiog that oar undertaking will meet with your approval and support, we remain, Very respectfully yours, ERIE CITY IRON WORKS. jon 10 tf REDUCTION IN PURS and WINTER HATS at KOOPMANN A ROTHSCHILD'S. We are now offering our Stock of Furs, including Muffs and Capes, Ermine Trim mings, &c., also Felt and Velvet Hais, at greatlv reduced prices. We have just received a large Stock of Ladies underwear. and other articles, wmcn we will sell at low figures. We hone that this announcement, will be promptly responded to and the Ladies nvor us with their usual patronage. .Kespectiuiiy, KOOPMANN ROTHSCHILD, jan 10 tf "OTICE. Application will be made to the General Assembly, at this session for the passage: of a law granting permission to a portion of . , - y 1.211 f & r i uie civuteiwui ovnyuui luwusuip, in necv lenbnrg county, to pat gates across the Lunnegan's erry ana tne old uamden roads, jan 1 oaw lm JOHN L PRICE. THIS Space belongs to ALEXANDER, S3I0LK. & CO. ' V -1 V v i v.---.-t -.-. .;:. : ' '! ' who desire the pablte to tonb thltWeyliave mdfed' J '? intotb newStofewhere they wiUbe Pleased to i their friends and customers. .'..vjf ' ' t. s 5 v " -till toX.rt.4 an 7 1879 GOVXKRCIAI. NXTIORAL BARK OF t, lfe - The annual meeting of tbt Stockholders of this BankrwilV be oeid at its Banfcjne House in the city of Charlotte on the second Tuesday (12th) of January, 1875. atJOJ o'clock. a:m, 'A Q BfcENIZERT jan 9 - ''';-- 'vfCfcsnier'.'' Twill rwnlTlv nnrv mr lJhlrlr TTarm on the 1st of February, but for the present, per sons wanting MILK can get it by sending to mv house; next door to -Jor.' Vanee'tr on Sixth Street, -i s W: U. MATTHEWS i THK LAST CALLv ' u M-J, : .UateWIpaim of Jannary, I will be compelled to levy and sell your.prtjCTtj make iaihe4Tli city i pruned Yot money, and the Board of Aldermen sayj jnust jadleit,-ibte;;)f you will, forcibly if t oust u iSi- jan8,' V'';i!:":'CityMir4l; RCHITECT. Offers his professional services to "the cftleu of Charlotte and' vicinity, and pledfcea the experience rand practice; of fourteen years training as a guarantee of competence. ' Office Trade Street; Chatlottei 4 'M:: ? jan 3 tf . ,; . a: hales;; "', ,. ;? W. HPiiwU0R. TTALES k FARRlOR,-r';.- 11 Watch Makers ' Sxyivxul'C and dealers in m '' Watches, Clocks; tewelryv fiilrer and Plated Ware; Gold ens,-'Spectacles; and guoh goods as are usually kept' Jo 'a - first class Jewelry Store. ; All work i in tbe line neatly done nnd wajranfed. j jan2 tf . THE PEOPLE'S CONFECTION ERY! . - - .' , I return thanks to the citizens pf. Charlotte for their liberal patronage, and would inform them that I always keep ja. full, stock ot. Candies, Cakes. Crackers, Fancy Goods,. , and everything in my line, and will seu as cheap as ever. ' 1 i , F., J. BEBMAN: Near the CHqack" C O-PARTNERSHIP NOTjCE . ' We. the undersiened. would announce to the citizens of Charlotte and .the public gen erelly, that we have formed a copartnership under the firm name and style of R.,B. ALEXANDER fc CO.. to take effect on the first day of January 1875, and will' do busi ness at the Store reently.,' occupied; ?lby Messrs. Long, Sujhrow & Dp, College street; We intend to do a first-class business and deal iafirat-clasa goods, al ofH sjecial in ducements to the CASH TRAD y t , We will be glad to see our friends at all times promising, them, theyjshjjljbeujealt with politely and honestly, and none shall go away disappointed. We would solicit a generous share of the public patronage. Respectfully, R. B. ALEXANDER, J. S. NEELY. i N. B. I would inform my. Mends, that, (having resigned the charge of Messrs. Grier A Alexander's books,) on the 1st of January 187, I expect to enter upon my duties; as Booker Keeper with ' above named gentle men, and will always be glad - to see them. Respectfully, r .. dec 24 tf T. B,CLARK80N.Jr. F RESH ARRIVAL OF Latest style LADIES HATS, ; PLTJMES FLOWERS md TIES, for our retail trade. Call and s e them Ladies before they are all gone. J t the retail store of nov 20 . r ,. A CARD. Gen'l Thomas F. Drayton has associated with himself, Mr. James D. White, lately of Augusta, Ga., to carry- oa ' the General Life and Fire Insurance Business, under, toe name of Drayton White. . T Mr. White has, for years past, best- en gaged as a General Life and Fir Insurance Agent in Aagutta, t where ke J is widely known to tbe business sseq of that city. OFFICE Trade Struext to McAden l Drug Store, Charlotte, N. 0. - jan2 tf. . . i -Democrat and Southern Home1 will please copy for one momb, and send bill to : face of Drayton k White. FJUIE PEE DEE f COURIER, ; DUCKETT k ERVIN, Editors. The Coo-Risa is a Democratic paper pub lished in Rockingham, Richmond county, N. C. It circulate!1 very extensively m Richmond, Montgmnerjrittd Anton coun ties, and has an increasing circalation in several other counties of Norta -and South Carolina. It is the. oiog ''reliabla adfer tising medium" in Richmond county . ) jan 7 tf ; - - . .-. CAROLINA MILTTART TNSTl'f U'l'lt, v - -' ; u 1; i Charlotte. V. 0. j , . The advantages of this Iostitnte are sug gested to the psblic..! Ii fa a Collefiafe In stitute with an Auxiliary, ; FrefWatory De -part meat. - Thoreugb training; Biental, moral and physical, and steady discipline the aim ot the Institote rr& Cf rf . Cadets received.' between, Jaoaary 4tft, (inst4 and Feb. Hth next. !, , Address . Cou J, F. TltOiiAS, jan$-lwdJww. i .- , 60perintendea t 1 r"t . s.fHjn ar .' 'fi " i 'i 11 ) j'.l Uifa t m.v f i?&i i rr4vi nii i at --f ? -'t - f is. -1 i ! 3, I: j r-; I i 1 , v ( 1 S t!: -a -t Mann factum' Agents dee S X rr iii"hi 1 ll'1