A PARODY. Tell nie, ye winged winds, That round my pathway roar, Do you not knowome spot Where womon fret no more ? , Some lone and pleasant dell, 5 "' " Some ''holler" in the ground, Where babies never yeU, And cradles are not found ? The loud wind blew tbe enow into my face, And enickered as it answered, "Nary place." Tell me, thou misty deep, Whose billows round me play, K.now'st thou some favored spot, Some island far away, Vh;re wcury man can find A piaco to smoke in peace Where crinoline is not, A nd hoops aro oat of place ? The loud winds, sounding a perpetual shout, Stopped for a while and spluttered, "You gii oui. . And thou, sereoest moon, That with such, holy face Dost lookupoa the girls Who with their beaux embrace, Tell me, in all thy round, Halt thou not seen some, spot , Where muslin is not found , And calico is not ? Behind a cloud the moon withdrew in woe, And a voice, sweet but sad, rdsponded, "Poh !" Tell me, my secret soul 4 1 O tell me, Hope and Faith Is there no resting place From women, girls, and death ? Is there no happy spot J Where bachelors are blessed Where females never go, And man may rest in peace ? Faith, Hope, and Truth best booms te mortals given Waved their bright wands, and answered, "Yes, in Heaven." STATE NEWS. Mr. J. D. Bailey, of Johnston coun ty, while felling a tree, had a limb of it to strike him on the top of the head and kill him instantly. Herdid,not move after feeing felled. The Raleigh News says that the Treasurer of the State Board of Edu cation will distribute, on Monday next the sum of $14,000, the full amount in his hands pro rata to the counties for. the benefit of the public schools'. ; " A young man named Granberry Wil' son, a resident of Youngsville; on the Raleigh and Gaston Railroad, has mysteriously disappeared. He was in Raleigh the first part of last week, paid his bill at the hotel, arid left," say ing he was going home. Since that time his friends and relatives have heard nothing of him. He had about $300 in money on bis person, and foul play is suspected. So says the Raleigh News. -;- The Newbern Times learns that "on Tils farm on Neuse River, nearly oppo site Wilkinson's Point, Mr. A. W. Ste vens' produced on two acres of Jand that has been in cultivation one hun dred and fifty years, 1,583 pounds of seed cotton ; and that from 2,640 pounds of seed cotton he realized 1.002 pounds of lint. - The land wasrnot fer tilized, and he Attributes this fine ield to the use of the Quaker seed of Wayne county." f. ? J ,"'' "' The Ralfigh New'i, of Stxndiy says: The case of Mr. G. T. Mockridge, of Philadelphia, praying to enter 175,000 acres of public land in Mitchell and McDowell counties, was heard' before Judge Watts, at Chambers Friday. night. The Secretary of State had re- nisea to issue grants ior me same upon the ground that Mr. Mockridge was not at the time a resident of the .State, and hence the case was consid ered one of much importance. It was argued by Messrs. Smith & Strong and the Attorney-General for the State, and Messrs. Battle & Son und Wm. H. Bailey, for. Mr. . Mockr idge. . Judge VVatts decided in" favor of Mr. Mock ridge, on the ground that Mr. Mook ridge had signified his purpose to be come a citizen, and had since actually become a resident , of the State. ,-, ;?emininitiet.-A4 A Delaware man wants to marry the Empress Eugenie, and if you've any objection, you'd better rise up and speak no..' j Uiu . ., t Forty girls willrun after, a snob with a goldheaded cane, where one will shy up to a fellow with sonnd Sense. Miss Annie Payne broke through the ice while skatine the other day. in New Hampshire, but was rescued m season to avoid Annie Payne-ful results. A Venwottt woman broke an omnhUjreaenledfoT.irttRooin,.4i bus- drivefs rfose-af bnebhowr and sr f was on her way to a water cure estab lish mentf and supposed to be in a dyiri condition at'tnatV " Sharp littleTCaty Dolfe, "of Pittsburg got out of patience f with her bashful lover's back wardhe'ss, ' and is6 brougHt matters to a favorable clirhfl by sayirizl to him : "ireally believe yon are afraid to ask me trt tnarry yoti, fof'you knotf I would say yes." James Gordon Bennett's "foreign princess" is descended from' one of the kings of Irelandi " She is now in a con vent in Paris, and will accompany Mr. Bennett back to New York as a blush ing fcride. She speaks English with a slight foreign accent. , Jl Not every prima donna baa an op portunityTBUc NUl8fnj aoJastxeea son to disappoint a'pit full of monarchs. praBidenU . arM 'l0rd5mayfffs. And what's more, if we bad Anything to say, she should never have' such kn opp'tljrj tunity again. Speaking of usan B.AntHony's fiiib ure to pay expenses in the recent lec ture at her birthplace. South Adams, a Massachsetts paper' quotes the saying : "A propheff is oV without honor'r& But, unfurtunatelyi for: Susan, in tbis instance it was an "honor without profit." "Only a wo man's .halt I 'Who has notl sometime in his 1 life, .picked such a. gomen thread from his breast Coat collar and felt his heart beating quick er tor it t or gazed upon a tress laid awav in some nook, and not felt,J tbe influence of tender memories3 ??: Onlf a woman's hairl And'tet we dcnofr like it in biscuit. ?..K w'i .-fcyS A lady and her eighfryeaf-old daugh ter were among the passenger of a,xe- troit street car,, (b either 4 an1 Pre sently the little Miss observed, a man talrincr nut hi handkerchief, flourish it around, andenlwTpelns qqfle,,The, chirdlearied over to heoth and wbwpered.Manjnia AP" genue man i trvinBrTtOflirtiiWIth,i me, but J shall irive him the handkerchief signal that fdistrust hit moiitiC'MWll SteharlesHotet Situated In the Ventre o Townt rrHiS HOTEIi has been tnorougniyrenwa X and refarnlshed, and under my mna?eJ meBt.teBiererthrtrrelinjrptfbirf the advantaiMf-s llrst-class Uotekry - 49-0mnlbuii at tbe Oepot on,tn arrival d departs aUtr,i ca& pl-dtfc W '. r - nr tbtttiwlr of Balelf b.' :OW IN STORE OF A. R. NISBET & BROj, CHARLOTTE, . C, $ rpHE largest stock In their liner in Western JU gUaroluConsistmg or the toiiowmg HEAVY GROCERIES, COFFEE, 'Sugars Rice, Teas, iMoIasseS, Syrups, Lard, Cheese, Pepper Spices, - 8oda, Starch, fcc FANCY GROCERIE PRESERVES, Jellies; Pickle, Sauces, Nuts, Rasins, Currants,.' Citron, 'Oysters . Lobsters, Apples, Butter, fcc. '"G AN DIES, COMMON and Fancy French, in large as i ... ( ti . surwuenia, liiipi nit i iioTn ii 11 r iitiv FiiugiuAL inDinuiiiirniD, L ACCORD EONS' ftnitAi-n. IVintins. Tlanina xiaruiomuus, rues, r lilies, omj. TOBACCO - CIGARS. LARGE 'assortment, 'Various kinds and , prices. SUIIDR1ES. WOODEN WARE, Baskets, Toys, Station ery, raper-bags. Wrapping-paper, Al bums, Blacking, Brooms, Soaps, Brushes, an d other articles , , too tedious to men tion. Sold Wholesale or Retail, cheap for cash. Call and see us before buying. We take F this method of thanking our friends for their liberal patronage heretofore extended to us; A. R. NISBET & BRO THE BANE OF MECKLENBURG CHARLOTTE, N. C. Authorized Capital $500,000 Jab. Turner Tate, President. Thos. W. Dkwet, Cashier, p. H. Diwit, Asst. Cashier. AT THE BANEUNG HOUSE OF TATE & DEWEY. This Bank Chartered Under Act of the General Assembly and duly organized under Laws of the State of North Carolina, with ample means is prepared to transact General Banking Business. and furnish accommodations to all its Cus tomers pn Liberal Terms.' ; The bank will receive Deposits subject to Check, and will Allow. Interest. According to Agreement on all Deposits left on time, ox issue Certificates of Deposit .bearing in terest at the rate of Eight per cent per Annum on all sums lying undrawn over thirty days. Gold and Silver Coin, Bullion and Bank Notes Bought and Sold. .f . THOS. W.DEWEY, jan, 11874. Cashier. TIEEE3 HiST j concert I PUBLIC LIBRARY OF KENTUCKY, j POSTPONED FOB A FULL DRAWING ! 27 TH FEBRUAR Y TO 1875, The Short Postponement now announced is positively the last and a Drawing will posttvety bshad on ther27th "February ; -in guarantee Of Which we pledge ourselves to refund the purchase price of tickets in case it should not. t. 1 ' ' THE SPHEME IS V, One Hundred Thousand Tickets, 20,000 GIFTS. One Grand Cash Gift $250,00(i OneGrand Cash Gift 100,000 OneGiand Cash Gift 75.000 One Grand Cash Gift 50,000 One Grand Cash Gift.....-..; ........25;000 : ? 5 cash Gifts, I $20,000 each 100,000 10 cash Gifts 14,000 each .140,000 15 cash Gifts, 10,000 each 160,000 20 cash Gifts, 25 cash Gifts, 4 30 cash Gifts, 50 cash Gifts, 100 cash Gifts, 240 cash Gifts, 500 cash Gifts, 19,000 cash Gifts, 5,000 each 100,000 4,000 each 100,000 3,000 each 90,000 2,000 each -.100.000 1,0(M each......u;i00,00d JJ00 eacb.i 120,000 100 each- :.50,000 50 each... 950,000 Grand Total 20,000 Glftsi all cash'.:. 500,000 .SOOiOOO D O I,,JL A R S IN 6IPTS, ALL CASH. PB.ICE OF TICKETS. Tickets $ Whole Halves 50 00 25 00 5 00 500 00 Tenth, or each Coupon 11 Whole Tickets for... 22i Tickets for 1.000 00 The faymeofof "Olfts U begin the fiftt dav after the Drawiner. Tickets must be RfiifdW YJnldiiIfei vrJ wBefe triev will be taken np and paid by uasb Udecus upon the Farmers and' Drovers Bank of Lonis ville: .. ' " ' Everv Whole Tickets hast ten parts, each part 'bearing the number, 1 of the Whole Ticket. Therefore, a Tenth of a Ticketern tleles the holder thereof to 0ne-Tenth of whatever HidifWbole Ticket may drawl 1 For Tickets and inferriiaifoti; address; ' THO. E. UKAMLJCTTIC, r f Agent and Manager, Puhlic Library BMldingi Louisville, Ky del9-dtWi t,fe 27 '75, ;:; . ' NEW PAPER TmBCHitDSSNs' PBiwn will be published every Wednesday; at the . Orphan -Asylunj nied bv ho other bapef, representing no par helnlne all Darties and all sects to unite in nromntinflf the ludicisus education of the young, and tbe continuous impjovement of tho niH Tt will dismiss the duties and Driv ilexes' of parents and teachers, and wiw dflfl fend the rights and denounce th4 Wrongs tXA children. At win explain now our uniyei! sity lies desolate arid our College and" Schools; are poorly attended, while the Stockade it self seems to be too small to contain the vast throncra which crowd our penitentiary. It will give special attention to poor orphans and will tell them how to escape their pres ent degradation how to grow upr; into wise and virtuous men and women, and"h6w to secure liberal wages Tot honest' worfe ! Tnie nMentnf the naner is to hell all our people to be firood and dd ceod. ' Prices one dollait a year, always in advance. A fewcash adi vertisements willbe admitted, at ten mats ft line for the" first Insfertiyh.'arM five' eents a lkrtr 4 for acr;-subseg.tienfc insertion ; ?3 The same advertisement will not be nsertefl more thah thirteen times, as alivepapef can not afford to sin? any one song iorever , The first number will aDDearbn Wednesday the siith of JanuiMy , 18t5. All friends of the young are requested to forward subscript tionsatonce. Aauress -: janS Oxfoird,' N. C, fpHK LAST CALL. Unless your city tki'is paid' by the 1511 of January, I will be compelled to levy anjff sell voar property to make the same. . Tbe city is prtssed for moDev. and the Board of Aldermen say 1 most cotteci u, peaces ory mwill, forcibly if I must, 'jap8 ' CityMarshal. Just Reoei-red. - ' . -" X .1 . i. ... . WHOTfM' GoshenButter. Suear Cured Kjir Preakfipt - Bacon,. Jin a. Palmetto, Can-. tassed Jiams, cnoice a onnern aariy . xww and PeeKlJPotateMi Jfall stock will be kept "VTQ .JSfORTH CAROLINA &fiS e State Life Insurance CO. Commenced Business in. Harch, 1873! '-4- has ha AJT e Unprscedeatolly . SxtectssM , Career ! ' W II - Because it is essentially a"1 Home Institu' tion, appreciated by Home People; in vests every' Dollar of Capital (which is paid up $200,000? 'aM'ifery Dollar of Preruihiao-gceiyea'in ,3ie State to aster and protect . Home enterprises. . Has loane4s EUcy ; ld,r.iarotte at low rates of interest, ten times the gross premiums received in Charlotte, and guarantees tOf4uvest . all premiums received here in like manner. ,y , Equal in responsibility and. 'good manage ment to any Life Company in the world. Issues every fflSteVobfi of jftoBcy at as low rate as any first-class company. No useless restriction impesed upon resi dence or travel . Policies non-forfeitable aiter two and three annual payments. No withdrawal of Agencies from a section when once established, subjecting Pol icy Holders to the inconvenience of re mitting premiums to New York or else where by 12 o'clock of the day fixed, or forfeit then policy and Ipse all the pre vious payments. y. j f,.;,.i; The time has come for citizens of North Car olina! to encourage Home Institutions, and we recommend this Company as eminent! worthy of patronage , c THOS. II. nAUGIITO, District Agent.. Office : Chablotte Hotel. oc25-tf PIEDMONT AIR-LINE RAILWAY. Richmond ,&, Danville R. Danville, i RrcHMOND & W , N. C Division, and North Western N, C K. W. . .... O :. CONDENSED TIME-TABLE. In Effect on and after after Sunday, Dec. 27th, 1874, ; GOING NORTH STATIONS. KAIL,' EXPBBSS, 8 35 a m 8 56 " 10 54 " 1 15 pm 3 36 " 348 8 20," 11 09pm EXPRESS. 5 03am Leave Charlotte, 10 00 p m Air-Line J'nct'n.lO 08 i " Salisbury, 1220 am " Greensboro, 3 43 ; " ' Danville, 613 " " Dundee, 6 25 " " Burkeville, . 11 33 ", Arrive at .Richmond, ' 222'p.ni .going south. stations. : - Leave .Richmond, " Burkeville, " Dundee, " Danville, " Greensboro, " Salisbury, " Air-I ine J'ct'n, Arrive at Charlotte, mail. 1 38 p ra 4 41 " 9 25 " 9 29 " 12 35 a m 3 27 . " 6 15 " 6 22 " 112 ' 4 15 6 45 ' 8 58 ' 9 05 ' MAIL. GOING EAST. STATIOK3, MAIL. Leave Greensboro, 3 35am -Arll30pm " Co. Shops, 506 " 5"Lvl015" Raleish, 8 43 " " 5 38 Arr at Goldsboro, 2 11 25 a m g " 2 35 pm r - (5 NORTH WESTERN N, C. R. R. (Salem Branh.) Leave Greensboro, 4 25 a m Arrive at Salem, 6 10 " leave Salem, 9 20 a ra Arrive at Greensboro, 11 15 " Passenger train leaving Raleigh at 3 38 p m connects at Greensboro' with the Northern bound train ; making the quickest time to all Northern cities. Price of Tickets same as via other, roates. Trains-to and from points East ot Greens boi connect at Greensboro with MaH Trains-! to or from points iNortn or soutn. Two trains daily, botb ways. On Sundays iynchburg Accommodation leave Richmond a 9.00 a m, arrive at. Burke; ville 12:43 p m,' leave1 Burkeville -4.35 a m,- arrive at Richmond 7.58 a n. . Pullman Palace Cars on all mgnt trains between Charlotte and Richmond, (without change.) - ;"' - -- '! ' For further in formation address S B ALLEN, General Ticket Agent, Greensboro, N". C, ' T M RTALCOTT, . Engineer and Gen'l Sup't. jan 9 ATEW FURNITURE NOW COMING IN EVERY DAY, AT DavfcloHV FURNITURE BOOITIS, NEAR THE COURTHOUSE. Our old stock of Walnut Chamber Suits having been sold off, we offer to the public A Fine New. Stock, Rkcxstlt BotTQHT, AT aSEALT &EPUCJED PBICES, Apd in . proof of our assertion we will sell t Walnut Chamber Salts ' ATFBOM F0KTY T0"lFTYll)fiLI,ARS, COMPLETE, And all other ; FUBNITUBE -3 At equally Low Rates. ! 'Our stock is iArge and Full, and those in want of Furniture will find that it will pay to examine our stocs beiore buying. ial inducements offered to whole sale buyers. R. F. DAVIDSON. i Chaklotte, 'N.' C, Oct. 28, 1874. tf rALX Patterson, JIM' -.. , ..f.V.-Jj rs W I Solicit orders 1 from (i" diskneefor Bti tter. lEggs, Cbickensi Apples: Potatoes, : Cabbage, and any; ojtner coUBtry proance mat may De desired , white ne shingles a specialty, Induiries bromDttv answered. Parties wish ing anything inthetr ltnepleaseMndi n tneir oruers to fliciM.urry.cc iavis, unar lotte. North Carolina; r no3-5m HtTE'LL SEE. "',1 s'? ! Are the merchautj and hasinesa- jmeo of tJharlotte alive totheif interejitt . If so then they should seek5 to et patrobage of the people oil Attson.TKichiBOBd, Mont gomery and Stanlev co,HDties.p7;adyertisiDg in me ret uec jieratu, auesyuro, i.,. j. J - ff J.KT, - - t.H-'t J usi EClayM) and TO ARRIVE, Jive Hundred ' Barrels of Snow Flake Family Floor, which' wU4 sold low for cash, at Vr;tJR ALEXADEB&CO;, and tMfflg, mPWvm EXCELS ALL OTHERS. Marh 12 l i-. K i it At. THE SYMPTOMS OF LIVER COMPLAINT ARE UNEASINESS AND PAIN IN the side. Sometimes the pam is m the shoulder.and is mistaken for rheumatism. The stomach is affected with loss of appetiteand sickness, bowels lh general costive, some times alternating with lax. The head is troubled with pain, and rdull heavy sensation, considerable loss of memory aocompanied with painful sensation of Laving left undone something which ought to have been done. Often complaining of weakness, debility, and low spirits, riometiuies many of the above symptoms attend the; disease and at other times yery few of them 7 but the Liver is generally the organ most involved. Is' warranted riot to contain a single parti cle of Mercury, or any injurious mineral substance, but is ' ' - - v r PURELY VEGETABLE, containing those Southern Roots and Herbs, which an allwise Providence has placed m countries where Liver Diseases most prevail. It will cuieall Diseases caused by Derange ment of the Liver and Bowels. ; SIMMONS' LIVER REGULATOR, OR MEDICINE, Is eminently a Family Medicine : and bv being kept ready for immediate resort will save many an hour of suffering and many a dollar in time and doctor's bills. After over Forty Years' trial it is still re ceiving the most unqualified testimonials to its virtues hom persons 01 the highest char acter and responsibility. Eminent physic ians commend it as the most EFFECTUAL SPECIFIC for Constipation, Headache, Pain in the Shoulders, Dizziness, Sour Stomach, bad taste in the mouth, "billions . attacks, Palpi tation of the Heart, Pain in the region of the Kidneys, . despondency, gloom and fore bodings of evil, all of which are the offspring of a diseased Liver. FOR DYSPEPSIA or INDIGESTION. Armed with this ANTIDOTE, all climates and changes of water and food may be faced without tear. As a remedy m Malarious Fevers, Bowel Complaints, Restlessness, Jaundice, Nausa, IT HAS NO EQUAL. It is the Cheapest, Purest' and Best Family Medicine in the World ! CAUTION 1 , Buy no powders or Prenared SIMMONS' LIVER REGULATOR ;unless in our, en graved wrapper, with Trade mark, Stamp . and Signature unbroken. None other is genuine. J. H. ZEILIN & CO., Macon, ua., ana jrmiaaeipni. FOR SALE BY ALL DRUGGIST. ' T A K E SIMMONS' LIVER REGULATOR, For all diseases of the Liver, Stomach and , , Spleen. AS A REMEDY IN Malarious. Foyers. Bowel Comnlaints. Dyspepsia, Mental Depression, Restlessness, jouiiuiiimuse, oujji jiesaavue, vunu, con stipation and Billiousness IT HAS NO EQUAL, dec i:9'74 ' Carolina Central Railway, Time Table No. 12. ON and after Monday,1 Nor 16th, the fol lowing schedule will be run oyer the West ern Division of this Road : OOIKO EAST. Leave Buffalo Depot, " Lincoln ton, Arriye Charlotte, . QOIJTO WIST, Leave Charlotte, " ' " Lincolnton, : ' 12.20 p. m. 1.47 " 4.20 " 8.00 a. m. 10.43 " Arrive uunalo,. 12.00 m. f. a. JOHNSON. novl3 Ass'WSupt. C. A. JCOOBE. S. O. FATTBBSOIT M OORE & PATTERSON, ' . i.--. .,- : 'it' . .. ; i.. : ATTOUNEYS-AT-tAW, .ABBEVILLE, It. C, Practice in all the State Courts, and in the Federal Courts at Asheville and Statesvillej The Collection of Debts, Claim s tand " Pen sions, a Specaaky, , w ? Strict personal attention s given to the col lection of all Debts in Western North Caro lina. Remittances promptly made; ; REFERENCES! Hos. J. Ii Bablt Airp T. $:$AB$$BXf jpiNE, HYACINTHE BTJLBSj' VARIOUS COLORS,, o 0 Dfs&mjWi sin -.TiVmtv-Wril 1 unfits Also, an assortmenttjf - nol-tf . , .SCARBlaHrnsr tore. ) UnniialiMatlrm imnns Beckwlth BuHdlngUp Stalrsw- - - (Over W. B:Taionc ITAKBpleasure in informing the- public thAtl Veia3n opened ashojf TOire ybntdalifgttVyTjiiolasiie chairs and mattrflSBeff 'btttrbr flwr&arne eondi- tion hejf , were, in .when- yo oought them from the: store, it reasonable rprices, s I havt secured the services of a first classTJphol- sterer wpp nas servea nis "xraaerini Bennjif Prussia, and therefore can guarantee satis faction to all who may be pleased fo, patron ise me. . uroers for mattrassesgor repainng from abroad, attended to promptly. .. : . 5 i june5ifiif '-j S. EINSTEDf. Tf' .:.rr . ;? LIGHT" RUNNING 3 Doors Below Tiddy's Book Store. TESTIMONIALS. "I have never seen or tried such a simple, efficacious, satisfactory and pleasant remedy in my life. ' H. Hainee, St. Louis, Mo. Hon. Alex. H. Stephens. 'I occasionally use, when my condition requires it. Dr. Simmons' Liver Regulator, with good effect." Hon. Alex H. Stephens. Governor of Alabama. "Your Regulator has been in use in my family for some time, and I am persuaded it is a valuable addition to the medical science. "-r-Gov. J. Gill Shorter, Ala. "I have used the Regulator in my family for the past seventeen years. I can saiely recommend it to the world as the best medi cine I have ever used for that class of dis eases it purports to cure." H. F. Thigpen. President o City Bank. ' 'Simmons' Liyer Regulator has proved a good and efficacious medicine." C. A Nutting, Druggist. "We have been acquainted with Dr. Sim mons' Liver Medicine for more than twenty years, and twenty years, and know it to be the best Liver Regulator offeredi the pub lic" M. R. Lyon and ,' H. L Lyon, Belle fountaine, Ga. ,-I was cured by Simmons' Liyer Regula tor after having suffered several years with Chills and Fever." R. F. Anderson. The Clergy. "Haye been a dyspeptic for years ; began the Regulator two years ago ; it has acted like a charm in my case." Rev. J. C. Holmes. Ladies Indorsement. "I have given your medicine a thorough trial, and in no case has it failed to give full satisfaction." Ellen Meacham, Chattahoo chee, Fla, Sheriff Bibb County. "I have used your Regulator with success ful effect in Billions Colic and Dyspepsia. It is an excellent remedy, and certainly a public blessing." C. Masterson, Bibb Coun ty, Ga. My Wife. 'My wife and self have used theResulator fo r years, and testify to its great virtues." Rev. J. R. Felder, Perry, Ga. "I think Simmons' Liver Regulator one of the best medicines ever made for the Live. My wife, arid many others, have used it with wonderful effect." E. K. Sparks, Albany, Ga. M. D. "I have used the Regulator in my family, and also in my regular practice, and have found it a most valuable and satisfactory medicine, and believe if it was used by the prosession it would be of service in very many cases. I know very much of its com ponent parts, and can certify its medicinal qualities are perfectly harmless." B. F. Griggs, M. D., Macon, Ga. P. LUDWIG'S ICE pump has been mounted two months ago, but his. department of delicacies, such as Lobsters, Salmon, Turkey, &c., in the shape of Sandwiches, have come in only yesterday, along with a good stock of fine Cigars. oct22 tf. JUST RECEIVED. Transfer Printing-inks for; copying letter headings, statements, way bills, &c. Can be copied in the ordinary letter-press book. Send your orders for printing in these inks, and for all other descriptions of printing, to the Observer Printing House. d25 tf. Q WEST fe SONS, ALADDIN SECURITY OIL, THE BEST Oil, IK USE. WARRANTED 15$ DEGREES FIRE TEST. WATER WHITE IN COLOR. FULLY DEODERIZED. AND IT WILL NOT EXPLODE. It burns in all Coal Oil and Kerosene Lamps. TRY IT, Ask for "Aladdin Security,' and take no other. C. WEST & SONS, ' 113 and 115 W. Lombard St., Bait., Md. dec 3 s.M- TIMMONS, Announces to the citizens of Charlotte, and tbe public generally that he has purchased the entire stock of Groceries and Provisions of Messrs. George St Steicker, and that he expects to do business at their old stand un der the Springs Building. ' ' A full and complete stock of Family Gro ceries always on hand, at prices that defy competition. nov22 daw. Notice. A1 LL persons indebted to the late firm of WHH Houston St Co. are hereby no- Ltified that all of said debts have been as signed to the Farmers Savings JBank or Mecklenburg, and I that they must make payment only to said bank, or its- authoriz ed agents or attorneys ' tt-i i is:"-'! CashierJ ,angll74-tf. ' - G0LMJtNXiail16nble Super Ffoel -.ilhriib, and llbrOuMi' -v;ri Wilt. BTJRWILL A OO NEW MARBLE YARD. COLLEGE ST,, CHARLOTTE,' IT. C- I respectfully' announce "to the public that I am epenfn a Marble Yard next door to' R.MVMllkr St Sons, at which place I am prepared ta manutacture Plain -' and: ; Orna mental Gravestones, Tombs and Monuments of everv descriDtion. Havine served an an- prenticeshlp of seven years with Mr. R. Hare," or xortviue, s. u., and six years under in structions nth Mr. F. AMcNineh. of Char lotte, N. C I feel warranted- in saying that l can compete ravoraoiy witn any workman in my line in artistic merits: P will deal only in the best qualities of marbfe, guaran teeing all work manufactured by me to prove satisfactory in every respect, or narpay rfip quired. My prices shall be as low as the lowest. I respectfully ask a share of public patronage.- , . Call and see me before purchasing else? where, and I can make it to your advantage. Very respectfully', . , ol7-tf , R. M. CRAWrpRTJ. . P. MACAULAT. T. S. STOW s. uacahlat & co., AND OFFICE above the store of R. M. MilleJ A 'jflonsi., Liberal advances made on consignmentof COTTON, to be sold here ot inNeY0rk. " All consignments will receive prompt per 8onal attention. - eel tf. D. MACAULAY fc 00. rpUE PEE DEE COURIER, DTJCKETT & ERVIN, Editors. ' The Courier is a Democratic paper pub lished in Rockingham, Racbwondaounty, N. C. It circulates very extensively in Richmond, Montgomery and Anson conn ties, and has an increasing circulation in several other counties of Norta and Sooth Carolina. It is the most ''reliable adverr tising roedram" in Richmond county. jan 7 tf BUREAU 0F CIYI1 EX GOTGERINGrV Land and City Lots Surveyed. Water Powers Planned . and Estimated. Maps, Plats and Drawings of every Description, finely executed, also lithographing! Grading and Landscape Gardening, ' The undersigned, with an experience oi more than twenty years, offers his services to the public generally, in the above named Departments of his profession. , CHAS. MAHON. City Engineer, REFERENCES : Rev John Douglas, Steel Creek Church.' Capt Win. Brown, Steel Creek Church. Capt. John Wilkes, Mecklenburg Iron Works. Capt. A. G. Brenizer,5 Cashier Commercial National Bank, Charlotte, N. C. Col. J. P. Palmer, President C, C.fc A. R. R. N. B. Orders received at office of Chab- LOTTE ObSEEVEB. OCtl tf. JIRESH SUPPLY. Fine uncanvassed Hams, Sugar Cured Breakfast Strips, Prime New Orleans Molas ses, Northern Early Rose Potatoes, best Fam ily Flour, Corn, Meal, Peas and Bran, on hand and sold low by WOLFE & NISBET, Wholesale and Retail Grocers. dec 20 tf JUST RECEIVED BY EXPRESS! New Style Felt Hat, Beaded Trimming, Steel Buttons, Ostrich Feathers, Breakfast Shawls, Knit Jackets and many other va in tics flt KOOPMAN & ROTHSCHILDS. nov. 28. JATEST FROM LOUISIANA. 1500 gallons choice New Orleans Molasses for sale by MAYER, GREY & ROSS, jan 14 THE PEOPLE'S CONFUCTION ERY! - I retum thanks to the citizens of Charlotte for their liberal patronage, and would inform them that I always keep a full stock ot Candies, Cakes, Crackers, -Fancy Goods, and everything. injmj line and jrill sell as cheap as ever. . ,, 1f7 REBMAN, Near the City Clock. BALEIGH, M. C. NEW HOtJSB, Fine Rooms, well Furnished and in the best Style. fitted up ATTENTIVE SEUVANT8. ' - The Table Daily Supplied with the best this and other Markets afford. , ; c. e. BROWN, decll-tf. ' Proprietor JUST RECEIVED. A large and elegant lot of Ready Made Clothing, which will be sold at lower price than can be found elsewhere in tbe city. 1 My establishment being a branch ef T18 Market street, PciladelpBiav wnere we mannfactare oar own- goods, expressly, ' for city trade; 1 am enabled to'sell Wrat lesst 25 per cent lower than ah j house in the city of Charlotte. B$&. Come and see for yourself, and be convinced. J, MOiER jan 7 if At IrvinCirnef, A CARD. Glen'l Thomas F. Drayton has associated with hiVnself, Mr. James D. White, lately of Augusta, Ga., to carry op the General Life and Fire Insurance Business, under the name of Drayton & White.,;: -1R Mi". White has, 1&Crt'-Vmft$. gsged as a General Life and Fire tosQt&bce Agent in Attghsta,;: where Khe is; widely Known to tne Dusmess men 01 OFFICE Trade St., next to Drag Store, Charlotte, N. C ian2 tf. that! city,' McAden's Democrat and fiWfeb'Jbihe will;' please copy for one month, and send; bill to office of DraytoP White; - f. T O HOUSE KEEPERS' ' . . V"! Your attention is called to our StockT'O? Groceries and Confectioneries, consisting of Segars, CoSee, Molasses, Bacon, Floor, rort and Sausaee. Candies. Pickles, canned eoods. Raisins. A fall line of above goods.' always on nana, iiiquors ana mgars a piauy(.r a- 'Call arid see us. , ; " ..i . avTurnVfii- jnrt i'i dec is ; " 'J? -. r J i.r iti n.;. Lu m be 1 tu m ber-H OF ALL KINDS. Orders solicited. aug6-6ni 1 Address, 9 ;-,, EW8TtrBBfiF,'f LincomtnN Wanted. " mmi&Tx or fortv snares-or.Buildine and X , Loan Stock in tfre Mecklenburg cr Beo- r .yvt (n y I'swr iarri XTOU WILL FLND. CHOICE FJBSX , Class .Family Groceries ' always Ion !hahd at L. W. PERDUE'S. ; 5aal4.tf, ; CUTLER'S Pocket Inhaler, the great mta- euy ror uatarm. . f- Manufaeturers' Agentr 'J V-7" KrOWEYS, SKIN CrONEYS, SKIN, - - ,1 X,JI: KAX'JFACTUSEQ, BY F HAVINC tRlRTED BY some that this Preparation is the same as Simmons' Liver Regulator, we deem it right to correct mpyejoigAlttaioAv C. A. Simmons as, ibxmer. Prnprietor of both preparatidnW beufes rtf that SIM MONS' HEPATIC COMPOUND is hit latest improvement in Medical Science, and Uat it has no connecUton MCtftter Witft Jbrft preparations, but that it is. tar, superior, in which his name was ever, attached, beta composed solely of VegeUble ingredients. xne tnamt wie oottle wilt satl&fy the most ncredatdnslo ttzmi A - mjcz&--- ttl ' iThncnnd wai iMiDfe:;. tall Dealers fcTerrnete.' nrntt enienjfto if;;i;;4;;; r lOmnfhnstbrBmddepor THKiml il .. ll.l ii ill I IJi.t . f ,W M SHIPP Ttl Si , WATJSRi& lARSl frieridsin Charleston,1 c eWYorl&Will i also attend promply to sales4f ook t&kl signed 0 us. 'O0mre t Wlttkdwdrjr.! Rintels,, Charlotte, If. O. .iA.Ln3C29-l4 1 ; vers : would- 'FTJCLicJrxjs . IT the atteh ttttUtftiOfemLbT Chari ldtte, to burwell'selecfea Btofc"df GriblsfteW whicb we are prepared td'retstiP at Idwoflgi ures.. In addition to our present' Stock of Heayy Grocerieij we are now receiving a nno Irtr nl y CUrisd HUnls; ; Pine Xeaf XarcL Grits,' Pickles, jOtiutiqjifc' iJt. toes,, Green Cotxk, Rxa&$y Mamttf Northern Irish. Potatdeixror? ; , Very Fi he-$: . ?x: -' Segars, &c., ' We would , solicit share iftf the jubiU4T patronage. , i2. B.AiKXANDER CiJ.,. Ale, Porter nna Laffer :llei" ' JtrSTRECEIYED ' ' V ' 50 Casks of Bottled AlC1''!- 9tU ? 1 28 Casks of Bottled Poiteiy Ujc q us.'' 25 Oasksjof Bettled IiSEen . '1 n: For sale. aferjasonable prices.,- viLlj-j auRMr ,,, , A.UAP. -,U T O PATRONS OF-HuBBASTDRTi' rru r The Direct Trade Union-Is" now, ia tiefa tion. at Charlotte, receiving,. ana aMppinr, cotton, sand advanciiiflr-monev. to the amorml . The EkecWvr OnrfirMtteW tW4ufafP GranghaVeiaptBbfMme T&mf Trade unions r uemsj30jom,o (which wiUirlte arDirfcto)4 fttnf Uine4 in; OCpt gaMaarJrfrf fitobaiM, Johnston, arfcttei:hb5 authorized to receiveaadrecfpt.-lWWKO j j- novl2-?dtf?w ii-; ;nMM&to4HVttiiiki W 1 "A UrATOVir T7T ; '.iiorif t; ov trj no', CHARLOTTE H&AS) 9 3J to thecltizetaS drCharlottehattaWfiAv formedi Ubur- WJrafiStebijMriess! U Ue htH&mjV&B&Q uuroing. Area vrair xt order seoottea Tfomj l c. omce at a. jc;incftsmftrnw wrorKsw n-r I .MeNINCH GRliH4 ftBSTfa nOvlO j . M?T9rt!) i tr?. 1 .lire ran t Grain, Flour, Eacorw Special attention gfren to oonaignmeh'arf of Cotton tor sale here or tn pthermarleetanA, . liberal'adTanceBmadef-fi IcukejJ, -. TTPHOliSTSSRER ildEOOEATpRf w , ' u? 4 .f . wm-w-.w,-"!.. Heath) ( Wittbe pleased and hmoredidif yoniBia. call on him to inspsCt his roraw ' an order. Best workmanship jpifriuitoy' ' Ah asscrtentof MaUseXilwayAep SECONT8TOCK.1' sUm bust ; OnrMAlexandei&sjnatpretoiQO the Northern JJarke and ,weare Jtt0wr ceiymsourkecofnd stcoTB6S and $wHf for this season.': TheV.wiU'be soldver towi l'WbavellaremBWof-oun8Uclr whichrwe are letting j(f04tt wwflguta. aiw ; - SAMPLE A AlMlSDJSStBfi: ; iN tNTRACRyRSil hateaccebttl6l,', Agettcy fbr 8aMULt aYfd iaM SH 6 receive and ' fill alki JOMera'fiatfarddttda isf -; Luher at as short aoticei Msffoslibleo 1 have on handfKirin! phmk. . j LVW. OSBORNE, f .Next door, to J., H. Hand T oc29 le. r- nEAHAMlTinlfiave'ssfW-SK I IT sirable Farms for satSjiHeur t t&el CUy i ma4i VtVttrdatlT ,8.'ritiLLtPd; TjOARDERS WANTED I .Lae Hayiwsrer oyedjto,cot: .rfCVi'A.' ' nxLxii fir

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