1 '" II 1 ' -' ... . -- if 1 . . t 11 ft v. ' . f i '4 ' f. -s A 4 t 4 Vol. XI. CHARLOTTE, N. C. TUESDAY, JANUARY 26, 1875. II ill -rt if i H ! 1 ' C 1 i s T 7 U'. M. SMITH. 4 , ;t I WINTER TRADE FOR 1874. 15 aselBoots and TO BE SOLD AT THE BOOT AND SHOE HOUSE SMITH & FORBES, Tryon Street, CHARLOTTE, N.C., Nearly opposite Central Hotel. WITHIN tle next ninety days, we Intend to sell a large Stock of Ken'j, Women's Soy's, Mines' and Children's BOOTS, SHOES and HATS, com prising all grades, large proportion of which hTC been j ? 4" " ' ' ! Mamffi Our Own Order. Merchants in Charlotte, as well aa those in the surrounding country, will find It to their advantage to calk' and examine our stock before purchasing elsewhere. We mean to tell Goods as low as any house in Neio York, Boston, or Baltimore, with freight added. They can always save the expense of a trip North by baying from ur bouaeV r T -v . . .rs. -j fMOCXK & FORBES, se.i-ly f ; I - Between the First National Bank and Bank of Mecklenburg. E. D. WADE. 1875. SPECIAL WE Desire to return thanks to our friends and customers lor their rery liberal patron ape during tbe past year, and we hope by fair dealing to merit a continuance of the me. We will continue to pay stHct attention to the ur Goods purchased at Cash prices, and specially adapted to the- wants of the Retail e. Ladies' and Gentlemen's Fine Goods a speciality, 4t CALL AND Jan 13 tt MRS. P. QUERY, Has the Largest and Finest stock of j MILLINERY AND FANCY GOODS i in tlfc State 5 ; Call and see her. CHARLOTTE, COLULIBIa & AUGUSTA R. R. Charlotte Agency, Oct. 20th, 1874. i The Charlotte, Columbia. & Augusta Railroad 1NVITE3 the attention of all Merchants and Cotton Shippers in Charlotte, and upon the roads connecting there, to the extraordinary advantages of connections wkb all Northern Points and Son Atlantic 8ea Ports enjoyed over its lines. j 1st. The Great Atlantic Coast Line via Columbia, Wilmington and Portsmouth to Baltimore, Daily, Insurance i per cent. t i Philadelphia Pajly,. Insured. . ; j NEW YORK, MONDAY, WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY, 8ATURDAY . IXSURANCE i PER CENT. BOSTON, TUESDAYS AND FRIDAYS, INSURANCE i PER j , f CENT. PROVIDENCE, WEDNESDAYS AND SATURDAYS. j 2d. ' By wayWilmington andt Direct Steam line to Baltimore, Wednesdays and Sat urdays, Insurance I per cent. , . I PHILADELPHIA; EVERY WEDNESDAY, INSURANCE J PER CENT. NBWYOR WEDNESDAYS AND SATURDAYS, INSURANCE EQUALIZED j -TOTHAT OF NORFOLK. ? By the Charleston Li Biti more, Weekly. : eVERyVrIDAY, TO NEW YORK, TUESDAYS. THURS- J ! Xi 'iAVD SATURDAYS, TO BOSTON, EVERY SATURDAY. tub nricallml Stsam Lhie facilities of the three Porta of Portsmouth, Wilmingtoin Charleston, and the combined equipments taads enable us to bid for 'cotton and all other to assure our pairona ui auauiuw owum iium Hon.R.B. Bmdoeks. ,J ' - Col. John B. PAL1IEK, !- - Jas. Andeksojj, ' - " - - A Pope . - - N. C. HARRY & CO., House, Sign and 1 PARTICULAR attention paid to Frescoing rr Country. . Office under Central Hotel. ' ,' "! y v ' -! " . ' ' . ' I. rHHI3 Space belong to ALEXANDER, 8EIGLE fc CO., who desire the public to know that tney bare moved into their new 8tor. where jtbey will be pleased to see their friend and ctuftomeri: i ' t i j : a i. . ACOB M. MENDEL, if y ? Wakcfactukkb akd dxalkk is GigarsrTobaccd,Tj .T . . J: .1 ' . . . j ,. , l 7 rTl twaDK STREET. CHARLOTTE, NC ion baiia ti . - i'iVi' 4in1Qtf. - i a in - - : .,.,, ..- - IAJfadM nurt' SSioe For LaSiesJ 1 1 THE BEST IKTHE WORLD, at ; , - WADE 4 PEGRAJTS, octll fcf. First National JBwik Buildine. S.OtO- i fWrK' FORBES, j hoes SAM. S. PEGRAH. NOTICE. 1875 -i SEE US. SIGN OF THE BRASS BOOT, j Opposite Central Hotel, pharlotte, N. IC. of the C. C. i& A., W. C. & A., and other merchandise in unlimited quantities, aujd uvw,uwv. e t - - Gen'l Manager. - - , - i President. - General Supennrendent. . - General Freight Agent. W. TV. PEGU AM, Agen Frescoe Painters, Churches and Town Halls, throughout the see u.j . .i. . e t . ; . . : Soit JDpnnlii1 Merclaits'especiairT:.. j . ' iu ' , -vwa - SUPERIOR IlaVorinz Rxtractst - MM'l . ... . ... ill ' Sherry Win for5ooidngVnrpoaes. ; V ' ) - W. RJBURWBLL 4 00., Druggist Observer. Charles IL Jones, Proprietor. Office, Observer Building, Cprner Trade and College Streets. 'JLOCAI.POTS. ' One of the worst places in the city, is the pavement on Tryon street! iQ front of Wads worth's livery stable. Its condition is well nigh impassable, and demands the instant attention of the Street Commissioner. After as dull and dreary a Sunday as we re member to have ever experienced, the moon came out gloriously about 11 o'clock Sun day night, and the weather has continued fair ever since,; The Mardi-G-ras Bal Masque at the Central Hotel, on the 9ih proxj, is being looked for ward to with j many pleasant anticipations, Elaborate preparations are being made for it, and it promises to be a brilliant affair. Key. E. JWynardie 1 will lecture at the Carolina Military Institute on Friday even ing next, on ? William Gilmore Sinims." As tbe lecturer is well known in this city, we confidently expect to seethe room crowd ed. ,.' . One of the guests of the Central Hotel, began yesterday by falling down a whole flighty of steps, from the top to the bot tom, aa he started from his room to break fast. He hurt his head and right arm, but not seriously. There were slim congregations at all the churches on Sunday, owing to the inclement weather. There were no services for the Tryon Street Methodist or the Second Prea byterian congregations, owing to the illness of the pastor, of each of these churches. The Air Line-j-Col. Grant to Remain In Possession. ' . , Col. Fisher tiled a petition praying Judge Hopkins to rescind his order appointing Col. L P. Grant as Receiver of the Air-Line Rail road, or at least to modify his order, so that Mr. Fisher, the' Receiver appointed by the United States Court, might take possession of the road, Col. Logan E. Bleckley, repre senting Mr. Fisher, in an able speech of about four houra. He was followed by Col. Nat. Hammond, attorney for the Garner party, who, after speaking about a half an hour, was stopped by Judge Hopkins, who said that he was ready to decide the case in favor of Col. Grant remaining in possession, or, in other words, not to grant the petition of Mr. Fisher. This case will probably be carried to the Supreme Court. Atlanta Herald, of Saturday. The Cash System. No establishment in these days can flour ish without looking well after the finances On the first day of January, we cut otf ev ery subscriber who received his paper through the mails, and who was in arrears. Our instructions to our mailing clerk were to know no one. We thus lost a hundred or, so, many of them the best men in the country, and some of them our bosom friends. Nearly all of them have recognized the justice of our position, and renewed their subscription, while several hundred new ones have taken the places of those who were, stopped.. .Experience has taught us that a newspaper debt is the hardest debt we know of, to collect. Itis easy to pay it at the time, but it becomes a very serjooa mat ter if allowed to stand a while, and we have learned the bitter lesson that It-is better to require the wherewith as you go along, When put off from time to time, a thousand excuses can be paraded, as an apology for not paying. All this is avoided by requir ing the pay upon the delivery of the paper. Tooten's Express. We direct attention to the advertisement which appears in our columns this morning. While Wooten's Express is new to ns as a business medium, it has already taken such firm ropt in the affections of our business men. that it would be a hard matter to erad icate it." Calling at the office Saturday even ing on business, we saw 1950 founds of freight stacked up ready for shipment over the Carolina Central Railroad on yesterday morning, which speaks in louder tones of its utility than possibly anything we could write. We understand that the Company is doing considerable business in the shipment of money packages, which has become quite an item among business, men. We are re quested by Mr. H. M. Clark, the agent,to say that, when the necessity of the case demands wil make special rates with parties who desire to ship over the Carolina Central, agreeing to call and receive goods and deliver them in the sanie manner. : - A Dafhig Burglary. Arrest ol the Thieves. On Tuesday night lastr the jewehy store of Mr. Hineman, at Spartanburg, was enter ed by burglars, who succeeded in getting a considerable amouut of valuable jewelry. The town marshal, Mr. H. C. Alley, in try ing to find the thief or thieves got on the track of two negroes, Bill Davis, formerly of this county ,t and Sam : Nelson, formerly of Guildford county of this State. He ascer tained that both of these parties, who were suspected had taken the train for Charlotte, and he came here on last Sunday morning, following a hot trail, - Bill Davis, he found near the fairgrounds, in this city, who surrendered after a desper ate fight and after the officer had Wounded him by shooting, him "through' the right arm and through the left side, with ;a Colt's army pistol, i He was then lodged in jail, and the officer started in pursuit of Nelson. Taking the track '.on ft hand car he Went nut on the Carolina Central Railroad, and came up with the obj ect of his pursuit about two miles and a half from the city; The negro resisted the arrest until shot at nine times, three shots of - which took effect, and was then knocked .with- the pistol. The officer and two squads returned to the city, procur ed the individual who' hadpbeenj lockeq" up a few hours previous, and took the 8:4C train for Spartanburg, where, he culprits will be It is believed that these aegroes belong to gang who have for some time past, been attacking various parties m r that vicinity. who were supposed to have money, or other valnahies. and Jtheir arrest will prove of much j alue'b thV community thereabouts- So mote it be. The Charlotte Carolina Railway. ... From a gentleman who recently traveled over this road,1 we learn that the "train on which he traveled, twice ran off the track. Throughout alt the confusion, the conductor (Everett) neyer once canieearthe paseen gers, or made any inquiries to find out the extent of the damage done. Such careless-1 ness is reprehensible. FayetteiillcGazctte. The above, we learn, is entirely uncalled for and perfectly unjustifiableM, We have seen and conversed with CapU Everett in re gard to this charge, and he denies the above statement in totot and as j the editor of the Gazette is an old friend, a gentleman in every sense of the word, we ask him to correct it, as his informant has imposed upon his 'cre dulity. The Coining Centennial. The celebration which is to take place in Charlotte the 20th next May, we may al ready consider as an accomplished fact. The only question to be decided is whether it will be creditable to the brave men whose memory it shall be to celebrate ; creditable to the thousands of their sons and daugh ters, who are to-day scattered throughout the Union, and creditable to the, progressive, go-ahead little city of Charlo:te, of which we are justly proud, as the birth-place of American Indepence. And. on this subject, we may be allowed to suggest that we know of no movement yet inaugurated, which promises a more .favorable; augury than the recent one made by the fire compa nies of Charlotte. They have taken hold of this matter with a Yiui, and we are glad to see it, because it brings at once organiza-. tions into the movement. All we have ever needed to assure a grand celebration is or ganization. The people are ready and will ing to do all that is necessary, once an or ganization is effected, and the plans deter mined upon: We therefore hail with pleas ure the part already taken, and the part pro posed to be taken by the fire organizations of our city. communicated. State vs. Iee Dunlap M r Mean's Reso lution. We are much gratified that Mr Means has introduced a resolution to provide that the State shall be properly represented in the Supremo Gourt of the United States, in the argument of the Dunlap case. It is understood that the Federal Govern . ment deems it the duty of its officers to ap pear in behalf of Dunlap, as a citizen whose rights are denied him in the State Courts,- so that the State has no representative on the criminal side of the docket in the U. S. Supreme Court. It is not the duty of the Attorney General of the State to prosecnte in the U. S. Courts, and the prosecutrix, who is a poor widow, cannot employ counsel, so the case seems to go by default, term after term, for the want of a lawyer to argue it. This is a reproach to the State, whose duty it is to protect its citizens. : When the Federal' authorities undertook to remove a case of murder, which occurred in the State of Kentucky, from the Courts of that State to the Circuit Court of the United States, the Legislature of Kentucky, alarm ed at this encroachment on the constitu tional right of the State, to punish offenders for violations of its laws, at onee by resolu tion directed the Governor to employ coun sel to argue the questions involved, and Judge Black of Pennsylvania wus retained His indignant and manly protest and able and learned argument in the case secured a reversal of the opinion in the Conrt below and the prisoner was remanded to the State Courts. Judge Black characterised the pro vision of the Civil Right act, for removal of criminal cases, "as a sheer flat breech of the Constitution." See Bylew vs United States 13, Wallace page .581, decided in December 1971. The Constitutional question of the right to remove the case was avoided and the case went otf on another ground ; that it was not in the letter of the act. Judge Bond, it is known, differed with the Supreme Court of North Carolina in their construction of the Civil Rights act. He held that the United States had no jurisdiction of the case, and as Judge Brooks' held other wise the question was certified from a divided Court, (as provided by statute), to the Supreme Court of the United States, where it has been pending for two years. The re cent invasion of State Rights in Louisiana and the re-action it has produced in the Northern mind makes this a favorable op portunity now to have this great Constitu tional question decided in our favor. LEX. 'SPECIAL TELEGBAM TO THE OBSSBVEB. A Prominent Merchant of Spartan burg Killing by a Falling Wall. Mr. Donald Fleming, a prominent merchant of Spartanburg, S. C, was instantly killed to-day by the falling of the walls of his store while he was standing in front of it, talking to some friends. Other parties were injured but none seriously. More Regrets. And now the Land mark send3 in its apologies : "Our deep love for the efficient and gentlemanly agents of the postal ser vice between this point and Charlotte, restrains any indelicate allusions. -The committee who were bo .thoughtful and kind as to honor us with an invi tation to the masquerade ball given at the residence of Col Myers of Char lotte, on the loth, will please, accept our thanks, with the explanation that the notice reached us seven days after the evening of the ball, j The ball, we are glad, to learn,' was riot postponed on account of eur absence, and we are likewise delighted to learn from the Observer, that it was a brilliant affair. . Alexander county instructs her Rep resentative and Senators to vote for Convention; Alexandejf is democrat ic, and js represented f in the Legisla ture by a cross between Greely Re Jublican Independent and Radical; b; can 'hardly be eaid i that bis ' con stituents have instructed bim;. If the Doctor has aa mnchuof '.the! John Lolow about him as the funny Repre entativA from Yadkin, he mieht say something amusing at the expense of friend Bogle and xne otner qemosrais in Alexanderiftaeiflf Lmdmark T The last tfnp of the season' in" "Bal- eihtoolt place on-irnaay nieni ai the National Hotel, under the auspic es of th Pleasure Club. STATE NEWS Father Evans, of the Milton Chron icle, is the oldest editor, Major Engel hard, of the Wilmington Journal, the handsomest, and Blow, of the Oxford Leader, the ugliest. John Outlaw, colored, who was con fined in Person county jail under sen tence of death for burgfaYy, and who escaped in December last, has been re captured. The Salisbury Intelligencer says that a revenue officer, of that city John D. Hodges, was shot and eeverely wour.d ed in the arm, while attempting to enter a distillery in Gaston county on Friday last. Mr. W. M. Smith, of Raleigh, son of Hon. W. N. HjSmith. was to haye re peated, yesterday evening, in the hall of the House of Representatives, his lecture on "Something on Spain or Italy." Dr C F Deems, of the North Caroli na Conference, in charge of the Church of the Strangers, New York City, has gone to Florida, for his health, and Dr Moran will supply his place during his absence. Mr J R McVey, the well-known Kentucky swine drover, has presented to Mr. W S Mallory, of Franklinton. a pure blood Cotswold ram, which is said to be the largest sheep ever seen in Franklin county. The Raleigh Sentinel, of Saturday, Bays: St. Mary's School filed in this morning like a procession of little an gels and shined down upon the Sen ate. The rustle of a dress in the gal lery, and the Senate gets its ears up as spirited as a spring colt. Amid the eloquence of the Senator from Carter et, Col. Johnston, of Charlotte, ob served to the reporter in the lobby that he had never before witnessed such an array of beauty in the gallery and thought it a good sign of returning prosperity to the country. Tarboro Enquirer : We learn from the Washington Echo, that Mr. Fred F Hanks, engineer of the steamer "Northeast," while that steamer was within a few miles of this place, was accidentally thrown from her deck, and would have in all probability, been drowned, had it not been for the time ly arrival of the "Cotton Plant," which picked him up. It seems that the two boats were racing, and had on full steam. The "Northeast," being in ad vance nearly a mile, was going at such speed as to prevent her from turning back and reaching the unfortunate man in time, and immediately blew 4 whistles of distress, and was answered by the "Cotton Plant," which reached our yonng friend, we are rejoced to say, in time to save him from a wa tery grave. Dr J A Fuqua, well known in East ern Carolina as a dentist, died recent ly in Atlanta, Georgia. Hew Advertisements. T X) RENT. That desirable residence on 6th street, next door to Gov; Vance, containing five rooms and a kitchen, good well house, sta ble, and a good garden. Possession given 1st dav of April, 1875 . Apply to W.M.MATTHEWS, on the premises, or to This Office. jan26-tf. L' OST A bunch of keys at or near the Post Of fice. The finder will be rewarded by leav ing them at ' THIS OFFICE. Jan 26-3t, 3zm FOR &OiO!l(jS'. Jan 24 dw ly. FOR SALE CHEAP. Four fine city lots situated on D, E and v2d streets, in city of Charlotte. Apply to THOS. H- ALLEN, at office of Cape Fear Building Company. jan23-2w W. M. CROWELL, Announces to. the citizens of Charlotte and the public generally that he has opened out a first-class GROCERY on College St., opposite Sanders & Blackwood's new Ware house A full line of FAMILY SUPPLIES kept constantly on hand at as reasonable prices as any house in the city. A share of the public patronage is respect fully solicited. W M CROWELL. j an 24 t f QOTTAGE FOR RENT. On Church Street, opposite the Presby terian Church, containing two rooms and a kitchen. Apply to J L BROWN. jan 24 lw gOARDING HOUSE. I will furnish transient and permanent boarders with pleasant rooms and good board, on Moderate Terms. Location cen tral, most convenient for business, near to tbe principal Railroad Depots. Apply to MRS. ANNA GIFFORD, Corner of College and Depot Streets. jan21-3m. i DR. LEE W. BATTLE, Haviug permanently located, offers bis professional services to the citizens of -CHARLOTTE AND VICINIMTr. OFFICE Next door to McAden's Drag Store, up stairs. Calls left at my office jn the, day, or my residence, on Tryoa Street, at eight, will receive prompt attention. Office Hours 5 o 9, A. M.; 12 to 1. ;M.,and 5,to 7, P.;M. , , jan22-ly. ',. . JUST RECEIVED. A large lot ol very fiW Northern "Irish Potatoes, also Baltimore Pearl Grits. Can ned Tomatoes, Green Cora, Brandy Peaches, Pickles, a very choice lot of Segart, all of which weiir seir very low, and would invite all oor friends to give us a call. r' , R. B. ALEXANDER, jari22-tf. . . ! College Street. JJAIRY FARat.v 1 will regularly open "my Dairy Farm on the 1st of February, bat for tbe present; per sons wanting MILK can get tt by sending to my bouse, next door to wov.r vances, on 8ixth 8treet. ! W. M. MATTHEW8. Jan9-tfi . H. B REM, JR., Attorney and Counsellor at Law( CHARLOTTE, K. C , OPFICE-In Dowd & Sims' New Build ing, Up Stairs. jan21-tf. ; ' JJOTICE. v The beginning of a new year is a period for settling business accounts. We notify our patrons that we are now engaged in this important matter. We have but a few customers who are r.ot prompt in making monthly payments, and it is to them specially that we address this notice. Gentlemen, we cannot permit the occasion to pass without a settlement. Very respectfully, jan20-lw. J. A. YOUNG & SON. W ANTED. Two or three intelligent and reliable Boys I i 3 t rry -v . i i 1 to aenver aiie ubskbver 10 cuy suuscnoera. Apply at THIS OFFICE. janl9-tf. JOARDERS WANTED ! I am prepared to famish good board to a few select regular or transient boarders, by the day, week or month, at moderate prices. LocaMn convenient to the business part of the city. Apply to JOHN A. BRADSHAW, Corner Church and 3rd Street. jan 19 tf JOTICE TO SHIPPERS. WOOTEN'S CAROLINA CENTRAL Railway Express Company, is now prepared to give prompt despatch to all Freights, Money and other valuable packages consigned to its care for any and all points upon Eastern and Western Divis ion Carolina Central Railway. As the Company enjoys unequalled facil ities in their connections, it is manifestly to the interest of all Shippers to apply to the Agent of this Company before making ship ments by rival companies. Remember that all goods shipped via tins Line are covered by an open policy in the best companies, thus insuring abso lute protection to shippers. OFFICE Trvon Street, ""Opposite Central Hotel. " F. M. WOOTEN, H. M. Clark, Proprietor. Agent. - jan20-tf. S2.000. A business man would invest one or two thousand dollars with services in any good safe business. Security more important than large returns. References exchanged. Address "Business" of oflice, jan 24 2t THE OBSERVER. TUST RECEIVED. A very full supply of tf canned goods : Green Peas, Peaches, Green Corn, Strawberries and Tomatoes, Spiced Pickles in Barrel, Mixed Pickles, Pepper Sauce, Worcestershire Sauce, Tomato Petchup, Chow-Chow. ' A fresh supply of Hams, "Lord Baltimore" brand.very choice Karyland Breakfast Strips, at PERDUE'S FAMILY CR CERY. jnni Blue FrontTrade St. JORTHERN IRISH POTATOES ! 20 bbis. No em Irish P . . l.i purposes, jusl ceived at W N PRATHE s 'v.. ..-Si fc CO. Those Potatoes art of the very best quality, after they are cooked are mealy and sweet. First door above the Market House, jan 19 N JOTICE. All who owe Alexander, Seigle & Co., for 1874, will please call and settle up. We need the money. Very respectfully, ALEXANDER, SEIGLE & CO. jan 17 JjOR SALE. A good work or saddle horse, (works well anywhere) and a good, one or two h )rse wagon with shafts and tongue, all at a bar gain. CIIAS. R. JONES, jan 17 tf At this Office. JOTICE. Having opened an extensive Slate Quarry on the line of the C. C. Railroad, we res pectfully announce to the citizens of Char lotte, that we are prepared to furnish Curb ing and Paving, which will excell anything in the country for Beauty and Durability. Apply to FA. McNINCH, at S. McNinch's Marble Yard. McNINCH & GiJEISH ARBEif. an 17-1 w. IJIO PATRONS OF HUSBANDRY. The Direct Trade Union is now in opera tion at Charlotte, receiving and shipping cotton, and advancing money to the amount of S its value. The Executive Committee of the State Grange have accepted the offer of the Direct Trade Union, of Georgia, to raise $30,000, (which will give them a Director) to be re tained in our State. The Masters of Subor dinate Granges, are requested to go to work at once, and get up stock in their respective granges, and pay over the same to James F. Johnston, Agent at Charlotte, who is hereby authorized to receive and receipt for it. COLUMBU8 MILLS, novl2 dtf-wlt Master State Grange F. A. McNikch. f F. Gmcishabbee CHARLOTTE GRANITE WORKS. THE Undersigned respectfully announce to the citizens of Charlotte that they have formed a co-partnership to carry on the Granite business in all Rs branches, and are prepared to fill all orders at short notice for Granite Fronts, Cemetery Lot Enclosures, Grave Guards, Steps, Sills, Bases. Coping, Curbing, Area Wall Caps, Flagging Hearths, Upping Blocks, Fence Posts, fcc., &c. Orders solicited from abroad. Ofiice at S. McNinch's marble works. " McNINCH & GREISHARBER. , nov 10 1 ' v. ALL & PATTERSON, Hickory, N C, Solicit orders from a distancefor Butter, Eggs, Chickens, Apples, Potatoes, Cabbage, and any other country produce that . may .be desired. . White Pine 8hingles a specialty. Inquiries promptly answered. '. Parties wish ing anything in their line, will please hand in their orders to McMurry & Davis, Char lotte, North Carolina; i , uo3-5m W E'LL SEE. Are the merchants and business men :of Charlotte, alive to their Jntereit ? , Jf f then they should seek to get, patronage lof the people' of Anson, Richmond, Mont gomery and Stanley counties, by advertising in the fee Vtt Herald, VVadesbxjre,. v: jan 6 t x ! Juat Received. CHOICirCfo8W'M'8ii8ar Cured .. Breakfast, Bacon, Fine Paimetto.Can Tassed Rams, Choice Northern Early Rose and Peerles Potatoes,a full stock will be kept ooeetantly on hand by oct tf. WOLFE NISBET. fIH( 1 - THE T i A ST ' i - CONCERT 1-W j PUBLIC UBRARTAOF KENTUCKY, A FUIX DRAWING 1 TO '27TH'IP1E B RT'JC' R' Y , 1875. The Sboit Postponement tww announced i? positively the Inst nd Drawing will poatlvely be had on'the, 37th! February ; in guarantee o which, we '.pledge ourselves to refund th purchase price of tickets In case it should not ; . . SO , OO.-O G 1'T; 0. One Grand Cash Oift..t;li,,i.tUAJ250,000 One Grand Casfc GiftA-"-00.000 One Grand Cash Gift..L":'-.-J.i..75.000 One Grand CBh,GiftM,w;Ji.i..Ui.i.iSO000 One Grand Cash Gift....r.iU!...25,000 .T'-5''eaairOiftf,000eabnV100,000 j 1(X cash Gifts;. ,i14tOOOM5h.lW,000 .. 15 cash , Gift 10,000 ach. 160,000 if 30 cash Gifts," n,000 afthiifar.lOO,000 I 2G casbdftetf m 4,000 each i;.100,000 SO cashOiftSrl .0('taASiU90000 , i, 60 cash Gilts, ; 2ea4h4?.lO0.000 i 100 cash Gifts, , lt00daah..mto.100,000 , 240 cash Gifts, t -: v COO aach ft 120,000 i 500 cashGifts; :t"; 100 acl.-J50.000 19,000 cash Gite, 'BQ 950,000 Grand Total 20000 GiftaaU tku 2,500,000 . .ojfj ,00 o: ;;i:;ir 8 1. IN GIFT3;,At lOAfiBVT,; r .v I ( PAZCB OV TICKETS. - Whole Tickets......,....,,-,.. 50 90 Halves tiu. ...... . ' 25 00 Tenth, or each Coupon...A.?.:;4--vi 1 5 00 11 Whole Tickets jforL.;L! ! 500 00 2$ Tickets $0; '."iLOOO 00 ! The Payment of GtTU witt Leg'inlthe fifth day after tbe Drawing r Tickets uost be presented or sent to Room 4, Public Library Building, LouiTifle,Ky.7 where tnty , will be taken up and paid by Cash Checks upon the Farmers and Drovers Bank of Louis ville. :.;.-'. Every Whole Tickets, has ten parts, each part bearing the humber' ofthe Whole Ticket. Therefore, j Tenth of a Ticket en titles the holder thereof to ,?oeTentn of whatever the Whole Ticket maydrav. For Tickets and inforroatfoi), address, THO. E. BRAMLETTE, Agent and Manager, , Public Library Building, Louisville, Ky FD BLIC LIBEArTcF KE3STTJCK Y. Death of Gov. Bramktte Action qf the Trut- teesA Succcstor Appointsd-KOj fpr ftot . ponemcnl-sbrawiny Certain Febtmary 27th. r -., r - t.-.jf--r' At a meeting of the Trustee o tbe Pub' lie Library of Kentucky,Janu 1 1875, It was resolved thatC, Briggs, 'Esq., who, under the late l6n,.ThossEBramlette, was the real business manager of the gift concerts already given in aid of the" Public Library of Kentucky, be and is hereby authorised to takethetacnTBdervactot trythlTBeath' of said Bramlette. in the management of the af fairs of the fifth and last gift . concert, and that tbe drawing , announced for ' February 27, 1875, shall positively , and unequivocally take place on that day without any, further postponement or delar on any account what' ever. R. T; DURRETT; Pres. Johh S. Caih, Secretary , tf: f Hereafler, all communications relating to tbe 5th Concert, should be addressed to the undersigned, and 1 pledge myself that the drawing shall come off Februay 2Tta or .that every dollar paid for tckets shall be returned' C. M.BRIGGS. Agent andMner Room 4, Public Library Building, Louisville, Ky. del9-dtaw t fe 27 '75 ' ' ! y f Durham Tobacco ! Jolm H McEI6e Offers to Dealers, Chewers and' Smokers a large lot of manuActured tobaooo at low prices. His I , , .. , , . ; ANTE-BELXUMj)yRlMJSf 8 is not excelled on the. market. , Address at StateSville, N. C. Junel2,tf 1 '-,-, ' . Farm for Sale. GRAHAM A NASH haveiisyeral Very de sirable Farms for sale, , near the aty, from 180 to 300 acres each. Call on j. .--'-P.'lfABH, Office in rear of OoL J. S. Brown'a office. ang22-tf. . i . ' t 4 FIFTY BUSHEIiS CBENTJTTJ!; 20 bushels Greer Apples, 1000 Ibi;Dried Blackberries500 lbs I Dried 'Peaches, for sale low for cash in lots to suit purchasers, by ; , B 3JUTH. jan 12 ; ' I JJIRECT IMPORTATION OP v black: SEED OATSl ; " We have just received from Priaee Ed wards Island, 7000 , bushel "Black, Oats, es pecially adapted to planting purposes, . Have constantly4 on' baud Plour (all grades) Meal, Pearl Hoajiny, Extra Homi ny; Corn, Peas. Rye, Pe Nuts,. lOOiT bales Eastern and New York Hay; tor sal by . R J! MITCHELL A, BON, dec 31 2w , ;'. f , w, Wngtam, N. C. B0ARPERS WANTED I l ' '1 . . , . MBS.VB1. ASna711Xff..t Haying removed tb conjtr t.C3iurcn and 3rd Street, is now preparsd to aoooamodats boatders on very reasonable terms. 4 v v,s, NATIONAL' HOTEL, r '.::' SALISBIT&Y, HVC.- MOST convenlenUy situated tor eomnier eial travelers, of, any la the Jmnlbas, . .. CO-PARTNERSHIP KOTJCJS , j '.' ni .-. We, the nndenign ed, would respectfully' MJUVUUW ' V Vttl KW of Charlotte and the tmblic ffwierairv. that we hare farmed a co-partnership, UBder the oame and style of TROTTER & WlLKINSON, totake ef fect January,Jl8t1875:ll'W pTdjhdae to carry owtbe Buggy and fCaitfagt Business in iU its braocbea at Trotter' oMand, opposite city.! clock;;Tryoo Street.;. Our work thaU not be surpassed in 4 Durability and'Neatuess-- " v ; -' Special attentlan givenUS Yepalflng; all work warranted fo 12 mootba.i?lf tSW i t - i s ' "d 1. TROTTEB, ; , Thank1o2 fLi jaVGS. toitiHtif& tronage I would ask a ' continuanea ot tbe same in the fnture. -f.rrj i,' - , itAU personi Indebted wCl pleaie caUl. and. setUe bythe 1st j)f February. n J jan20-oawtbw. J. TRtlTTER. 1 " r. L- r,; ; ....L .-