...... V - , . . 't - " ' : . - . . . , . .- .,r:; v.":v "" v..;.;, . ; v ;v-:. :vif"?" ;-":,.--.: ; -, 1 j . Xy: -trrr-i-. - - - ,----'-, Hi.,! t- I .1,1 ---', A-.' 'vTTnTfV wj T 1 Vfftv "fV' A -rtf tlii'iu.:" ii);'J-'l rrir , ,i ------- -- - : '"'-' : --: 111 fittltl M ft ;: 1 ITf 'iff P ft (IIto 1 ! - T CHAELOTTE, :N.. a SUN D.U - P,EBH i - - - 1 -w t X; 1- 'TO BE COLD AT THE4BOOT AND SHOEjHOUSi; SMITH & FORBES; Tryon Street, CUjIJ&L OTTjj, Nearly opposite tentral Hotel. WTTTTTtf tu yt nliifV-dy, we Intend to sell large "Btock of ZZenje, Women's Boy'., 2SJSm? n Ciildren'. BOOTS. SHOES and HATS, coiaprUiig all grades. targe proportion ef wilci-bave been . 4. - Mitil Our Own Ordei : Merchant In CzUfi well is tbpsejn the tarroondlnc country, will tnd it to their ' advantage to call and eiaBOine our wjc. uior pureuHiuK eisewnere. -w iv mean to tell Good a$ low at any home in Neio York, Boston, or Baltimore, with freight added They van atwa) aare the expense of trip North by bnytn fi0m mSST . :"v ' iyaffonaf Bonk and Bank of Mecklenburg. HoOe Largestipid Finest stocKdf I3ILTMBY ME'lUKCrGOODS In theStat:i v CEARLOTTE, COLUnDIil;& AUGUSTA II. II. t CMrlotte Agency, Oct. 20th, 1874 The Charlotte Columbia I NVITE3 the attention of all Merchants and Cotton Shippers iu Charlotte, and upon the roada connecting there, to the extraordinary advantages ot connections with- , all Northern Points and South Atlantis- Sea Ports enjoyed 1st. Ibe Great Atlantic Coast Line ria Colambia, Wilmington and Portsmouth to Baltimore, Daily, Insurance i per cent- ?,-f.r;-, PI Philadelphia, Daily, Insured - ' . , ... . : ,. . ., JIEW YOB1C. MONDAY, ;WEDlDAYrtHUIMDAYr 8 ATtJBDAYr INSURANCE i PER CENT! BOaTON, TUESDAY8 AND PR(DAY8aN8URANCE J PER 1 CENT. PROVIDENCE, WEDNESDAYS AND .SATURDAYS. ! 4d. By way Wilmington and Direct Steam Line to Baltimore, Wednesdays and Sat unlays, Insurance . Pr cent. X r - ' -' ' rt'i IHLADELPJIA EERY WNDAY, INSURANCE J PER CENT. NEW YORK - TEDNESDaYS AND SATURDAYS INSITCCX JIQUAtlZEP i i 1 . TO THAT OF NORFOLK. i j i a. By the Charleston Llp ,lBltimor - EHTyRtDAY.TO'JfE W YORKf-TUESDAYS, TriURS- A ND SATURD AYS, TO BOSTON, EVERY SATURDAY. t j I :- ' ;-iv' TKK aari railed 8team Line finalities the three Port of Portsraomth, Wilmington; v, Pharleston, and the combiaed eqnrproents of theC C & A:W. C & A.' and other, roads, enable as to bid for cotton ana all ether merchandise in unlimited quantities; and to assure oar patrons ot absolute, freedom froaideUntlQa. t Hon. R. B. Brjdgers. . r - Genl Manager. Col. Johk B. Palmcb, i. -l r I ! '. - -I , J - s- - President. Jas. ANDKBSOif, - j . General Superintendent. ' A Pops '-, , General Freight Agent. , W.' W. PEGRAMY Agea N G. HARRY & C0.i House, Sign arid Frfescoe Painters. ARTICULAR attention paid to Frescoing p Country. Office under Central Hotel. rr o v twU JJIHIS Space belongs to ALEXANDER. SEIOLE A CO.., if" : wh'adesire the pabllc to1 know hat they hare .moved j,j into their new Store, where they will be pleased to aee ; their friends and customer. .- 3 . t ? kft V A (5 O B r M MENDEL, i ' $rGi.wT6bacq0jfiRes,3ituff,&c. S'etoosafwaf.ra haBdVVt "THE CENTENNIAL HOUSE, - jL 777 ; , " JOq , bok AOOS, ' Proprietor, One door below the Obsemr corner. At this house, out eominfc Centennial can be discussed at all hours dav W iiisht. hooij. The leadihx ipwrt of the day will be P eutatall tiroes to take apart in any question that may arise. ' kbztz. -- FLOUR AND HEAL BY TnE fl ACS OR . CAR LOAD. , ... The nhdersigned Is prepared on short no Hoe to fill large or small orders for" ! Floor, Ideal, Vbeat-brnn, Corn ? . bran, an4 8econI, qaal in quality to any in this market. ' Alsa Graham Flour, for brown bread. from r choice. wheat, and MIXED FEKD for- cows. 'Qrain bought at highest market price. S i, -. CHAEIjOTTIC PTTV MIT.TAt- II; feblStf. i J Ai Lock Box 62. , Oa and aftea Saturday, the I3tb insttbe mail train on the Croliaa Central Railway .will leaVe.CbarloUe daily, except Sundays, ;at 6:15 A. M aid arrive at 7:45,11,, , JJ J r V S. L. FREMONT; feM9 1 w, -i t ; -. Qen'l Sopt. r B, OFFER' .r Tadcphcate in , price and quality any i voice of I"? bpgn boos lit in. the' ;-UniUsl 'States, and deliver them n -ChrloUet the i 4 i 1 :1 Gait and see her. -4. &. Augusta Railroad f t - OTer its lines, O 4' j,. A; WeeiIy ' ' 1 Kj '1m:; ,1 i;; i.t:.i-.i.. Churches -and Town "Halls, throughout th se2gtf. ) jr..'.: 5i .', iV "if ''4' J-1 .'!- i-! "tl 1 1 1 . is- MATJfACTCBttB A51 PaLB 13 Country Merchanto especlallr: W. M. WILSOV. w, J. siacx. tiriLsoN&BLACKrJ : "If t i .-.",- '; . .i. i - .WH0LX8ALS , : DRUCCIOTO. f.fi-' SEAIiKBS IS..' ' At., PAINTS, OILS, CHESUCALS : CHARLOTTE, N. C. ! 1 t r ' feb2l6m. N' OTICE TO RIIIPEERS l: Charlotte, W.' -C' Feb. tS.tlST.' ' On and after the 20th inst., duplicate re ceipts will be required to be made oot by shippers for freight over the Carolina pen-, tral Railway and goods , most be delivered at" warehouse by 4 P. M. . , j f Nj..- 8. L. FREMONT, sSljCJaLLOWAY, 'OenJSapt.., Agent. , , . . feb!9 2w. jjarwin a. joni; ;:a;;:' ATLAI7TA VKTEdAli 70I13I3, . 41 TA.W CrM: 1 TT.ikTi. (llM'l .1 T " ' Next door to tber-c' J 02ce. - 7 White Wine Vinegar, Ckl r. Vicear, aad Swet Cidcr.'HV"fc The 1 Charlotte Observer, ? i l- - ' PVBI.ISHKn-BV ' r; -- Charles C1 Jones,' Proprietor USice; Observer Building, Corner , Trade and College Streets. . , , . Churches ,To-Day, - - TTT I St.- Pbteb's - aE. Chcbch. ifey.- B,- S, Bronson Rector Services will be had to day Jatai A'M.randT at'tl i: ' Baptist Chubch. Services this morning at 11 and this evening at, 7, by the pastpr, ii Associate Refoembd ' Bebvicb In r: the Chapel, on the ' corner ' of College and 5th streete,to-day at li o'clock A, 5L, and at 3 P M, by the' Rev. W. M; Hunter. .' Sunday 8chool at 10 a: m. ; - v I ? v v r " -: )' Fibst " Pbksbttebtan .. Cbvboh. Sericea this morningt 11 and; this evening at f, by the pastor, Rev. A. WM2Ier, D. - D Seats free. - - ' - i Sunday School at 3 o'clock i. Mi'ff 4 i Tbtoh, Stbeet M.,'rCHPBCH.rvj:ea to-day at 11 A. M., aad at 7 P. M.bv the Pastor, ReV. P J Carraway. J t Sunday School at 3 P. M.I ' l Secojtd Methodist Church. Services by by the pastor, Rev. W. S. Haltom, at II AM, andat7P.M. - ) , Sunday School at 9 A. M.' 1 . ; Catholic Chcbch Services at 11 A. MI, and at 7 P. MM by the pries Rev, Father Hands. , . - ' i Secosd Pbesbttebiah Chubgh. Services in the morning at 11, aniHthe evening at 7, the pastor, Rey.X'H; Harding, at the Cohrt House. t C . j Lcthkbas CHUBca--Servicesat It A. MM by the pastor, Rev. A. L. Younts. Sunday School at 3 P. M. ' e . v.; i 1 XOC AIi DOTS., There wera;Qpc4ice-.aiTestsIast week ; 2 Whites 'and 4 colored. " There are 26 prisoners in jail now 6 of these were put in yesterday. , . ; j I February goes out with to-day; January went out on Sunday, too. 7. . ) i . ;f ; ; ; ! ! We welcomed to , our sanctum, yesterday afternoon; Col. R. A. Alston,' the managing editor of that bright and able paper, the Atlanta Herald. Col. A. is on his way North. ' : : After to-day we can say in tlie language of Solomon, siightly ' amended f-? "Lo, the winter is over and gxmV''be time of the singing of birds is come," fec-. : . Even while the mud was "so deep ' in' the streets yesterday that navigation was almost out of the question, the wind blew the dust along the streets, and in the ftces and eyes of those who chanced to be out. During the month ending to-day, lbc deeds abd mortgages were recorded, in the office of the Register of Deeds of Mccklen burg county. '1-,' ; ' ' u ' ,fr - - Lively on the streets, yesterday -; afternoon and evening, sura's yon bomAt one time it looked like every policeman In te city had a negro In charge, taking him either to the calaboose or the Mayor's office. i Mr.H. M. Piark, the agent in this city of NVooten's Express, will, in a few days.' open . a ticket agency at that office, where lie will buy and sell tickets on all .points. 1 And still those ,Cotton Fieldi Minstrels" have not made their appearance, and still the small boys and darkies, and the peanut crowd generally, mourn and - refuse to be comforted because the Minstrels are not. : An incipient row between two ne groes, near Cruse's fidh stand on Trade street, bade fair to be the occasion . of some interest yesterday afternoon,bnt the police spoilt the fun by stepping up ar.d lugging the drunkest of the two, belligerents off to the lockup, j More Raiding. k We understand: that the revenue men did some more raiding in Gaston county on Friday. They dropped in on James Forbes, while he-was " making a run " at his illicit distillery, and arrested him, and broke up the stilj. Two or three other parties, whose names we did not learn, were also arrested. The Air Mne Receivership. - I The following is " froiiT the Baltimore American : "The very important trial - in the United States Circuit Court of the Rich- mond ana Danville - Railroad Company, against the Atlanta and Richmond Air Line Company, involving about four million dol lars, was concluded yesterday, and held sub curia. The suit is brought here front North Carolina? and is to set aside the receiver., of the Airline Road, and put in his stead one Selected by Georgia bondholders j! t,fl Hall" A .Patterson. u ,...- f The advertisement of this Jirm which is located fai, Hickory, has been -standing in eiir columts for .aome , tune, and, '.should' have iiad i special attention?'.: called j to it before tb'is timei - They are i gentlemen of strict business' integrity; 1 prompt ' in filling Orders; and It affords us real pleasure to comraerid them to our .business mettl They are liberal advertisers too 'advertising in theihome paper, and others in ; that ?ec fion, for produce, and in such paperf s the Raleigh Kews, and the Obskbveb, for orders. r r t ' . - : t The Civil RIffUts Bill. - kprate-telegram passed through the Western Union Telegraph Office, yesterday afternoon, stating' that the Civil Uights Bill had pttsedthe; Sem ate, and now ,goes to the, President.-V This news was soon -noised about the city, and was 1 the principal m topic of conversation during the remainder of the day.' jAs a Iong and much dis cussed measure, its passage , created, a cood deal of interest, but, no excite ment. ' .- . " '"!;' 't-ur The . Winds. 1 . : 'lllil!., : They amounted to a little -more than zephurs' yesterday, and the regular March habits are , again appearing in people's man ners. 'Men are re-learninghow to step gracefuliy down off the pavement and out into the mudrafterretreatingr hats,-and ladiccah already, thus'early , in the windy teisonrstop and turn around three or four times with as much ease and paturalncsaas theycoul'atthe plpse of last March. , - . - - ' I Train Detaytrd.' ,r: 5. i k.;. :. - 'The Air-Line "Was four hours behind t;iine yesterday-morouig,' and consequently failed tomake connection svith;.the' North train. Cause, vdirt on fhe track at the88fch:nnte posr,' iwhal.o B jCTy'thengipeerf iaid about UeV?:.::.T':i r .! ' . i r i U r'r.t ::r:3:. ; -The: Wiluiidgtona train, dae at 7 o'clock; Fnday evening, arrived yesterday afternoon at 3.r i ."De cause ob "the detention,?,, was "ihe accident of Friday afternoon, which snjashi ed up things a good deal but hnrlPnb one. ! t.. , r.,' , it trf s Sf, i The CntTinfai. 1 '' ' And hojrt it shall W celered.fei"being Very much discussed, now. - One bf the fea tures of the- occasion will be a motlnfed pa-' That Centennial will ba a great and glorious occasioa not oalyfo -CbarHrttex bat, formal North (roljn3 and for-mnctj gf theSouth. Attempt to Rob a Ster. , : , T A, few nights ago an attemptlwas made to jroh-tha storeoT Mi T- C Bbyirrnor C.n oevenin streets. The nois vya heard by Mrs. Chafin, who livts near by,j ifche aroused her. husband and he shot at therson3. but is not "supposed, to have hit them, though he frightened them away J It'"was ascertained that the window had been opened bat. tne shooting was done 'before anything was. sto- icu ur nit: persons naanierea tne nousev Ruuaway. ... - c x'.i s. y j "1 I. Yesterday evening late, a;hbrse: at tached to a dray, the property o Mey er, Gre'y <oss,becatne frightened On EastjTryon street, near .the top Of the ,hili.of dilficulty, and ran away The colored Iri ver, a barrel of sugar and a quantity-of coffee; were thrown-,.off, and the wheels of the wagon,, running over the lriver, caused him -painful injurv? - t,. v. Dancing Schoal. XKl'iij U-it.?i It will te ; sceUi by, adverUieltient that Mr James ; SI Crown opem h is dancing school on Monday , &ertjocfo V Awkwafci "votaries of Terpsichore should take advantage of this ..oppor tunity to acquire some grace in trip: ping the light fantastic toe, (That last expression is entirely original.) A Case ofTill Tapping. Yesterday afternoon, while Mr. F, il. An drew?, of the firm ot F. H. Andrews & Co., was engaged in waiting on some customers, a colored boy,; Liston Crawford, who had been standing around for some time, tapped the till of $17, and went out. Shortly after wards MrrAndrews went out on the hunt of hiniiving uiissed the money, and, com ing np withhim- on .Trade street, called him into a store and imade himacknowl edge that he stole it. fHaving recovered the iroheyjheac fore the Jfayor. rHi Honor cast .him into jail, in default of balip and1 Judge rk-heck urn ut-ar uie umintiunner..-,,., ".jr . . , MlHtarr Company We are glad that so muoh interest is be ing taken in the organiZitioh of a military company in this city, and t.the probability now is that, before a great while, the mem bers will be drilling. 'The company was or ganized last Monday night, as we have pre viously noted, with the ' name of ? The Greys." We hope the young gentlemen of the city will soon, swell the ranks .of th& organization, as Charlotte, usually so ad vanced, has too long laggcd'behind scmejof her smaller sister towns in this matter. Th j roll of membership is at the store ot D M Rigler, opposite the Central Hotel,, .where gentl eroen can enlist. . . v . By all means have "The Greys'? under thorough organization and drill - before the Centennial. . ' ' That Blooded llorse.j ; k ; The fine sfalfiolo'Abji-el Koree,'f which was recently purchased, in? Pr.inctton. Nj J by a party of four gentlemen of this city Capt. S. B Alexander, Col.'D. G. Maxwell, and Messrs. W. R;; Cochrane, and J. W. Wadsworth, arrived yesterday morning, in charge of Mr. C. W. Carper the boss at Wads worth's livery stable: He is a beauti ful sorrel animal,' and" the formation of his body,1-limbs and heck, Is splendid, : He is about seven years old, and hia'-cbst5 to the gentlemen -was- something:-ioyer $1,600, freight and alL ! .He .was bred by J Alexan der, of Kentucky, but afterwards bought by Colonel McDaniel. - AbdVel rhas the finest four-milerTecord ik for ' any three 'year - old eyer run in the United ' States,' ?and. hi has achieved victoris(on J5ome';0f, the leading courses of the couhtry.. 'His most notable victories, have ..been t pver;-Hemboldtand Defender, when he was three years old ; the former of these has beat Longfellow (who beat Harry Basset: )f-Ti,j Abd-el was sirel by Australia j damRes- cue. A House Destroyed by Fire. " ' On Friday night about 10 o'clock, a h.ous$ on the lands of Mr. S. A.So0eobergerJ about ii miles from the city, in Paw Creek Town ship and near the--Capps'Jifine, was -destroyed by fire The house was rented b a Mrs. Nickson, and sister, but. they were awajffrOra home'at the time having'cone to sit up wjtha sick 'neighbor. ','Ubout a nar; ter of 10 o'clockj Mr,' James McDonald and Air. Ed. Bissell, who live, about '(200 .-yards from the house, saw the flames, which' had by this time enwrapped the entire building". The house was consumed totally, with every single article it contained and in the build-' ing was a' Considerable anount of corn', pro"- visionir.ic.'-N- 1, It was supposed the' fire 'was incendiary, as it cannot be imagined howu it' could have caught accidentally, and suspicion fell upon four negroes, Anthony -Hayes-,- Zenus Hudson,. Morris Henderson and; Wash NeaL These were all 1 arrested , yesterday, upon, a bench warrant; issued byTJudgeV:Schencki and confined in jail via. this; city tcA stand nai. - - , 1 r . -t r, . t ? ' Tlie ground upon which is based the opin ion that the fire was incendiary, is the fact that, in tbegrant were found some articles which" had been taken from the .house, showing that the building had beea plun dered and then' burned. An Old Paper. ? 1 - - - t a ; , A friend, has; placed to 'our possession a epPJi Of ; the 'Jftfrniiigteifi, - Weeklg ! Qhronide .uaieu a uesaay, j aiy. ou. oo - is , was , puu lished every Tuesday, (bylA, A. Brpwn. and the copy before; tSl8Tajrged .with age ano much -handlings It is pleasant,:: as welt as, profitable,' to "ecur to first principles,' and there are many matters fi this 'bid pa per-to interest any North-'Caroliman, and particu- jariy wouia u oe interesting, we imagine, to a Wilmingtonian "t - -.v.'v - eoII ' Coubt YjOTKBDr?,-Th Oburrdid-iibt o very much busVness'yesteidayJ-f havig-' ad journed about Io'Tjloek' In the afternponl There weraonly iwo' cases. " JW,, E. Xee.'ibf; apsallfc - and battery, acquHtedVi Anderson juason H loworgery.- case .continued, r. v?nrt writ meettagaia ta-roorrow jnorniosf s.aii J.O- rtLrtirt TiyA raimaivvA ISffltt mAM VinfiL .V UWVjl AMIV m U ft Ma UM w U H ' mAw a V nessorifie "criminal: aolketvTeicept' the "trial Af HbraCefJfassey fh4 Lee- Ardreyj'-for murdeiC This caseiohies op at' the opening al Court on Tue4aym.orniiig.,,iTheral is'no grtat-'amdont of ia'-dreej in4he pabllc-Windi on the BuhJecVas yetrr1"- . Noone wassent .o ftbe penitentiary", by His Honor, on yesterday. During the week he sent eight up-all of-them ; negroe and neatly all for "stealing, ."V -"ctu y. ' - MARRIED, In the Seminary Chapel, at Hampden Sidney, Vs., on the - 24th :rof February, by Rev Dr R Z. DabneyMr . Alf Jas Morrison, of.North C-'arolina, Bnd - Miss Portia 'Lee, daughter oRev-J M, P Atkinson, ;D. D. President of Hampden Sidney ..College ..The groom-has numerous friends in? this city, who will lead the above notice wlth. interest, and join us in wishing the yormg couple a life of perfect prosperity and sef unalloyed, happiness. " Vg.ii?iqji9 Marriage Xicenses. i-'. During February there was a great falling off in the mat ter of hi'arrying,' in Mecklen burg county, the .books pf the Register"vof Deeds, showing . that he issuea a only . 21 licenses. : Names as follows : '" ' WHITK8. ;: Chas Randle, Mary C Baker, Jas C Steele, P G Rawing, .' " ' ', : James W Garrison, Ruth Spralt, A Martin Vanderburg, Nannie Underwood, Wra Gibson, bailie Julian ,3 . . ,, , . ;,, N W Thrower Maggie Campbell, ...'i.a t W S L Parton. Maggie McCloud, RobtW Montgomery, Harriet; JamisUti , r 'A COLORED. Alexander Spencer,; Gracey ; Wilson, , v Wm Springs,; Bettie Porten - '' . iu Sain'l Allen, Caroline HendersoW; i bwcHr. Blount May, Caroline Caldwell, . Richard Hall, Retta Costih,' J"" ? V An4ersjon Gibson, Maggie Johntoiv;, ; WraGrier,Harrietilry, , "V;;, . ' Willis Sherrjll Ellen Home,. v t L 'fg Perry Spencer, Bettie Jones, ,i-t'J f, Isaac Steward Mary Morrow .S,' 1 Chaa Simnn Harriet Read, v"- N lajDeaaitSuncSW Geo T Ditlard, C Rujedge. rV- , V: 1 COMMUSICATED.1 - Editor Observer : Please note iff your local that after the first of March, freights intend ed for Morrows' Turnout, will be"" shipped without -prepayinent&a I have made arrange ments for the freight to be collected at Mor TOW'S. WW. PEGB.MIr . . '. ; i Agenf. COMMCKICATKD, ' To Business .Men of Charlovte. ' ? 'C? C.: A Av'RAiL ROAD, " f -v I -r CHABEOTTB.-Feb.. 27th, 187.5. ill To R. -Mif Miller ifi Soniianjdt ievehtynMe other MerchantileFiriiaitf.ChailoUe": -.: Dear ibs ; I read with interest your pe- ; tition in regard to.local freights; in the ObV skbveb of this morning -J and while I feel deep interest in tlie "prosperity . of all pur Charlotte merchants, and the growth of Cnarlotte trade; I have no authority to make pr change rates ; this belongs tqthe General Manager and Genaral ;tFieight Agent .yxJ have forwarded the origiflal petition, togeth er with, copies of the Obsk&vbb to the proper officers, and hope due notice will be taken of your-petition. Respectfully, 1 .-' .J. . , 1 T , w Agent. u ' : :wliW: ADVEUTISEIllXXTS.,7o! t There will be a""caifed r whjmunicati6ri Phalanx Lodge No; 81, on? Monday nighty March 1st, at their Hall in? Masonic: Tern pie Build.ng.i-Members- 'are-hereby notified . to attends , Visitors invited.... 1 . . . ; , 1 By m-der of the 't , " 'W.'M " , W. H..HorrA?i, -Sec" ;'w'. TfibS&vit. -pAT:NDTICEJ Ju.: -.ia iiv .i'lil -i As theTe are w number ' of Merchants, :!-' -quov Dealers, Boarding Houses and itostau rants in V(th .County of Mecklemburg.j .Who havefaijed to r make iheir , returns, "of pur r.hnses nt Teceit)ts.'ih business." for the six "months ending Dec.' 3181874 are; herebV. ntttified that1 after. Tuesday next,! Bhall proceed against all deunquenta,' as requirea by law- to compel them tot doo aoi;: Jx mean exacUy what I-say, and jwiil jperform jmY Register. n 9 ill JTOTICE. . lo s-A ixi ixir gallics m& xnvwu vca i vw wmn. that1 he williopert. his ; rdandrfgi schooll on Monday in rooms -;over, Messrs Smith -t Forbes' shoe store, and. desires to meet -the ladies and, children's class .Tuesday aftec noon at above named place at' 3f o'clock P. M.,J Gentleman's class - Monday, night' 8 TUJ1 v.- - Just received.; . Early GoodrichPotatoev .. ., , .-. Early Rose Potatoes, ..." Ptwrleaa Potatoes. !!.' ..A..ii..,i I Northern Potatoes. Very nice, fine large Sweet Oranges, at the Rising Sun, at" prices that will defy competition, opposite market. Trade Btreefe, MUOW, u. . 027-1 stti-C-A HOLTON A CO. i II ... c I' 6FFER TOR SALE t vlsV . t- r vli rw it. t i 9 , KVEhWJlF.rinDI!iEI!L ft fotit Pica heavy-faced, Antique.-- " i 4.1 i- .".-.PhiladelphU. . -. J. . .'.; .Great PrimeCiarandon condensed r ""Pica right-faced, German Text. " r -, tv CXarandon-Mndensed. :- - 1 : " JJonpariel light-faced extended. -r 1 " 4 line Pica Skeleton; upper aad low . er case. . - ......v-.rfr'iu 1 ..Pica bold-face Italic .. "K Lonsf Primer Grotesane. biz ? line. Great Primer Grotesque, 4 ," .Pjca Clarendon condensed. m. - iiKUfuuKi vuuueuseu. . v tci e i 2 line Long Primer ornamental, ; a " , 2 n : Brevierwold style.- - m . r I " 2 tBght.faced-." l: -I ' Nonpariel Imprint Letter. 33 '.- .. " t.EngtishcondenseA; ?r ;; k-'h .lf PiaFrench-aarandoh. '- ''1 Nonpariel Title-extended,- ' - . -...44 At -v-T-lJ - . Great Primer Germaii TfxW 1" Pir-JL German Tit - -1': ill " " 2 line Lone PrimejrdrnamentaL Ij 4 s i -: , ireas primer nue conaenaea -a. ; lv ; 1" .1 'Gothic;.- r - 1 ,4r 2 line Small Pica-cnamentalf 71 "Pica Antique pointed. fi 1; Ttr2 Jine Brevier extended , I Brevier Gothic- - - lt ' "V"- Long Primer, hairline. - V. ' -- ' v!5" Pica Bank Notaltalic "1 . 1 , 'V 2 line Pica- r '. r " 1 Great Primer CJarandon conden'd : : is 'fc Fancy Imprint Letter.' 1 1:7-' I jl , Great Primer Philadelphia; 4' ,, '. I t Taragon Condensed Text. vx "':"lVmg7 Primer. eothicrtc.-'1- J T I ' - 2 line Pica, light-face, . ' ;. . , . 1 -" , Pica Extended ornamental.. " ' '"1 " f 2 line Paragon,1 Hghtice.7 ' - - - 1 Creat Primer. German Text,; - light J -rU-l paragOnVPpVima Uwer'&seJ111 'J Great Primerupper and lower aeel' 1 Pica Jw Italic- 't t 1 " 2 line-Pica, light-face; . 2 - 'shaded. f -. 1 i "t e f v ? Skeleton Antique. I .." 2 Great Primer condensed. 1 : Paragon Title condensed. 1 ' v Pica, i.vi ; '. -),-- 3. .1 . ; . 1 ..."f.Rreviejf.-v;- 1 -r , .. . ' 1 " Great Primer, light-face-extended; 1 '-'8 line Pica, (WoodType-m'd. 1 " 16 line Pica Gothic i Wood Type; ? ,1 " 2 line Great Prime Cannon. ,t -1 f - 2 line English Cannon Iulic. ; ,1, i 12 ll'mea Jica;Qrpamental 'ood 1-Brevier Law Italic i 5 " j j a line Pica Cannon.! W 1 J n : - 1 J . ,i 5 .1 4 . Gothic.,... .; .1 ,;6S :v Tuscian."'' " ' I' rOi (- -i jknuaue.."'' -' n 1... a i a . ' . ciaranaou conaenaea. 1 2 Great Primer, black face. 1 M 'Pica Italic . - ..?. . 7 " -Border 1 , ? t lot Commercial Cuts. ' ' t font i Swnlo Onada . . : '(TStands. ' ' - ' ' : 2 double Brass GaBeyt. Jr Several Srapty4Caes. n 0;, j 9 Chases. ' 2 IntooairVff Rtais. . ' " : , iA. r"2 Cabinets. 1 Stove and -Pine. -8 Com peaizif Stickjr.-"-'"' m Xtoier Btocks. . ... -. 2 Wooden Galleys, - ' 2 Brass lined-Galleys ! : l . , . A . " Bottom Galleyar" , lpairBellows.: '- .-i r-" , 1 Inking Apparatus and RolerStotk: 1 lot Dash Rules, Leads, Side Sticks 'and ' -'Slugs for Paper.' i .1 1 lot g arniture.: . vjiuc uuuaveia. ,- l inking Stone. ff-nn 1 T aran anrl Taws Tat stVa - . r 1 1 lot rfin'tTftlM. ' ; ' if Mallee,- Plainer nd' Shooting Stick'" THE" MATERIAL f ABOVE LISTED- Latelv oomnrised the Live1 lohi Office" In Charlotte.and is now offered for sale at a bar-' . TlTTFinTT TTTTT nD TirkTun ! 1 font Newspaper Burgeois, front 400s to 600 pounds in ,good order, with cases and sorts comp.ete; ' , J - i 1 juson;xuaray; raper wterrr. (gooa as new) and : . ... 1 : : - . . .. , ' 1 Quarter' Medium' Llbertr" Deeener Jobber.i ,;---i!-,V I .iii -.1-: for a first-class weekly newspaner'aU fot little, over, lialfjbe original cost.' : v . ieoas - - was. jk. jujsju?.' , ttfST ARRIVED- o - - r.r.ri : Ntci; apples, oRAif ami leki rrj.-yqot7 lft ""''(.shr .". -ti:iJi'. i1' lot of fine .t-SV oJj Ti f all kinds., AIso NavyBeans.) all oing at living prices'. First door 'above' the Mar rr SPRING REDUCTIONS tl " vi rt "ft . Hi t -1. . f- ' . ... . v Is ORDER to It AKE COM PLETE CLEAR- 5 WINTER GOODS, 4iil xne 'iouowing.cnanges nave oeen maues ti.Ott Kid Ration Bcota. "V- - ' -3 ' tIJliO, Button , Boots, . j , - , ; a.tjts -r-JJ til Re4ucS to 4.00.; -(3.00 Laced Balmorals; Last 'and Goat., y, fr'tn v'V .:"-:c jjs xn--.,i- ' 5 irj&. And a fuir line of LADIES' and km FINE SHOES, a greatly'W J?"3 -d'cJ jmJ t!i;cjs 3 Call w for:BAnOAIi;3, at t7ADr? a jura." i .f aO.-n -.11 f f i ;.PFPat ftBttal EoteUU COL. LEWI3 C -:I1IAL3. ;Vt WXTJi ? 1 WlTTKOvrST RTSTSLSv 4 "1 -:oc- FRK a.ri.'AR It I V.AV' TEW GOODS; SPRTa STYLES. Beautiful POPUS3 at caoi per ywi. ' A 'f ?plendld- - - - r f- i : 4 4 BLEACHED 8HIKTIJ,12i eta. pr. yd. ... t'i.f i.:-IApXE3?-,T.E3. j.r v!S.-. . J,'" ' a- HAT8! and FLOWERi -Ali orders for .Goods not to fitor, wa bo pVdmptryntx'ecuted by TegTaph t'nd ''fiVpouU -tttioarlKD4t ipoitttii'-- ajmmodate ouir frjndi;Wi'la?p to fav?. , crease -our already large retail trade. ' ' i fiLSWittitAiis wUUpleaeiWsM. J" and serve his -numerous Crfcendt, acijaatn - j tanees and straogent w OUR EETAIL'STORK.' BsJ" ' , .rl J:, I if.'.'Mif - LifVli i'.j-rl-s, A - ',1L WfTTKOWSXY A RINTJIfl, '- "iw Ar f-w. ..... .... ... t. -.'i 'Democrat and Home copy 1 month', w " flW 'WW V JfcJlUWi? .T ..' f t.'-V A OOVD1 4 vr nfaUMmnrinn IN 1873 aso 1874. --it" ;r Jo r-ax r-. : a'Clt'O T8M-'I THV,"!) v- :rffj!l-;-j -v-i. r-: f--( j : i rtni -;i"Tf.:,.2- JHr. : s .r.f,ff.;j B-ft I n 8 H,i MiTS RtJ tC,co An"' exceedingly1 yaIuabl!"intexesttni.J work, giving the history of thislmtietrt peo ple, as written' by themselyes on r stone, go- jng back to ibe days .' of , Sennacherib, of Jehu that. droya. furiously and.ona. to the Delu'ge-tn thlak. fo? Jhe ficsT timi' we get the Chaidatc account t f that event, ' V ' ' ' ' Price $4.00..'-" ;TIIDY'AURO:'' feb 27; - V 15 1 - : .,......:.- I i. 'f T .3: :- 'i . .'vv.:' ' " I M. I' .I'M ' .. a ili tun... in.. H 1. Mifcl.'.. i li'vK OA LJ. j. I -1 ' SALE. , A STEALS SAW MlOWlttXt ST; Jtl will aforash;oi Lumber deHtered la ChaxJotn, at prices xta be wreed oa, an ex cellent Steams Saw ATillr with eoginr com- ?tet and ,m 1 good order, togeer wttk hafting. Pulleys, Belting, . 1 r A Shugle Macune. eapableA'of .making ten thousand shingles per day3i". : :i : : Call at office of .the Chablottb Oksikvkb 1 , feb?X.dJWcwliu '-'--"iigt!-fc- n consignment. -! UjLS -..Barrel . Prime NavenJberj Mullets, wiiiou a vuimu k jaexcnania ar msrae ng uresJ.;The Mullets' are": very fine andT large, and piUSt be-bl4r 'Call and seslhem, , 1 UST RECEIVED.; "200 bushels Black Spring Oala." . I ' - 23.000 lb. Bacon.- ."! arfT - -; vi-50iuBhlsCorn-Mal. -wOJ a LjixL-ona: ; -- ' "sA-dot of cCream Cheese -Molart-gagar JGofSee, frc, 4c, hea.( aCbII soon o ; . -tt 1 a I , .ifebidrtt; e, ; j GRHiR A.ALEX ANDER; -T.AitmYtvS ' 1 : S dosen Crawford's be?t, fresh canaed Black- berries, 3 pound cans at $3.00 by thfv, doef n, large Hominy, White Peas and Beans, large i Moan tain Potatoes, sice Dried Fruit, .While - Cabbage, Mountain .Buckwheat Jlourr W ' I 1 viuuch unu umc iim vim pnu. , ; . , f . it, tU8T BECErVED-'ar ni ?a? ena ; -A- V. . : j V.r i Stl-fjiai. CI A-ilii . - j- ftnlahtleetolHf bf all It-J'or' 4 . SCHOOL BOOK& AlsolabraiUlca 6T other.alaaole book anA8udryoibraU" J cles ia my line. Call and xamirte. :x : ' ., feb26-tf .t r. R.8.PHIFER ' t. iHOICi SELECTED NORTHERN BZXBrlUi Barlyr Roaef atrty. Good wlcbv Pick -17 Peach Blows andreerlasiargt feiafloff -i . anajor saie OTrii'.-. ;r i. -) .'.O t...l 1 IT A new edition 6f Tennyson's .Poiba.'1i -eluding" is (fiitoil izia. Vj i-jxevS; 'jibs 'X'il4i-fAmi?:i,-'r,ls' and hit hisMatetworis, dcH tis'tatrio" etrtirc. to XI, of hi mott popuTir fons. Thaeompteteff-Voroifi 7 ta; ' t-l eJU i ;- ' j Just received at t V. I s-rUlT22& i : " , ,-fcb24 fcs.7.-y.;g . term, j TMPORTANT NOTlUa. ' 3i Jj-"-. , rtt's Asbral Oil iJiLe Jlluml-ftr ojtmade ..ei-j,, '6i,j- njxixioxs; ogallc;:;: t : navwti'solaV-niSli'is fsWlUeSllivB-'-'' ded or thousanda-r -tamlliaa,-and no-accident has ever occerred, frtctryo indlrtetly -from burning;"storin3 or bandog it. -' v ll To enable all classes to Use thla lnd!rjta- fable article, the price hsai recently besn xe dnced about ixt;eq percepts, tJ 7LLV . - feb214f. - VOppoaite Central T tal j'A as cheap at the Brokers 02 ce f V7 IL; H. -Grery, as you, could purchase in poeatif Jn a Northern city ,-, -T - -r -".i ii tn-'i iriaCroker for L, 4-Qi-Ia portsrs of Cor. es , a.-1 . L - - - tTiU "3. Baye s ft Cbv Im ; r ; -s c f , i n. V ' J mora." Alao Crct r f.r P. T. C: .J a Packer.- Calvert l0rZilr.tTj,l a. Samples of alt tiese-EDOa C3 cil - .nat Biyowoa srCalt before ms i-r - rr chases. .?r;;;c:-d-Xi XI, ILdU . .' . . nov23 41 - L.'oker. nT'-Everv morairr ats "I V . . . " . f . rv ..rrw'Ti .i. &1 jail4.tr. ,.,w I e - : I i ir- , r A TC T tJ V H I, , . t J 4- ' r J .I' -S. .... a f febl7 xt :r.-ry.i. .n , . " ; j l- C,' - r