j. .' -J" God KuowethrBest. v ; :..... -v.-.;.L'. .'. .: . . ' s We by us down to sleep . And leave to God the rest, "'"Whether to wake and weep , - Or wake no wore be best. . Why vex odf"soaiff with care? . . The grave is cool and low-, Have we found life so fair -x' Thai Wtf should fear to go? We'vo kissed love'a sweet red lips, And left them sweet and red;: T ts rvue the wild bee sips - Blooms on when he is dead. . Some faithful friends we-ve found, But those who love us best, When we are under ground, Will laugh on with the rest.".; No task have we begun, - - But other'Sanfe eanake;? K A V . No work beneath the sun . . -.: . i-For which we need to wake;? Then hold, ns fast,' sweet "death, : ; tlf so it seenietti 1est," ' -ikTo Him who gave us breath, . That we should go to rest. We lay us down to sleep," ' Our wea,ry eyes we close; . ..Whether to wake, and weep J y ; . .., - Or wake noimoreVHe knows.' - Let.affl ictions be ever so many, yet they are not more than they mercices; northy -a they? Jnigh t h at e been had God consulted with thy sins, with' i , :iL i . ... . thy ueseris, ur wiui nis own justice. To-day' invitations must be answtr ed to tdHly'priViiege);"liitwhen it light diWns; to-day is' past,l'and its invitations answered Failure to ac cept the offer of mercy. definite "re- jetaion oi n, The knowledge of God is gained ms a knowledge of man is gained by livinTffrf5lTJpfh;.-iW 7f J wearily cime"acVo Vft'casrbnftlly1 and in public, and see nothing of him in his private and domestic life, we can ntitbesaid to know hinu'Jv -'; ' : -'? - " fT-fT-"f1:- Martin Lather said, ''Blessed be God for our sins I" We never should have j had a sense of Christ At it 'had Hot been for our sins, as we should never seen the rainbow if it were not for the storm. .We never should have known the blessedness of a , mind that lies consciously io the bosom of love if it were not for sins. , ' . Beakixo l?Eocm:.-There are pers sons who emergai from every affliction, and trouble and ;vslation, pjurified like fine- gold- from out the furnace. Thererre others and rthey.are more nu m erods who . are embittered ahd. soured, and made despondent and apathetic. ; We think the latter be long to the class that try to.' stand alone during the storms of life, instead of looking above .for aid. U When one can truly say, 'He doeth all things well," the sting is taken out of af niction, and courage is giyen to bear what the future has' in storer This we think makes "the great difference between these two classes. I . Is dividual Woek. John B Gougb. has not ceasea saying gooa uiings. This is among his last - ,.. ' I cannot help thinking, that.; if there was little ; rh6ra s individual work, a little.more moral courage in the world vjtp )wve rahlhe ' world would not Wso' rhuch1 of a wreck as it is to-day If yon saw that a , friend or a brothetas taking swrtrng .course, what would i yoa io .Would J you merely say: Dear, dear, 'dear, ;dear t how painful it is that 'so many men are gtMirewrpngv Just at vfnre as he contitfuea that onrsf he is a lost man; but he' witirfco ; deaVtAdear,ldeirT' And when vou hear the despairinz cry coming ud from the .depths. 'add'I told vou so!" :Now what should you do ? 'Should you not lay your hand on hira and ay : ""My friend, you are g'o- ine wrong?" What-if he swears t you? Never mind : save him if you can, MnSv a' man haSn-'C rot-- aaj far from -your sympathy; but 4liat; aone word, kindly said in his ear - "My friend you are going wrongj - will check him. The difficulty is that we let men eo so far from"' our sympathy that we .cannot reach, .them. Now; it is this indfvidukr work that-I believe is to reform the world, :jind bnng U back to God." v. -c .y:, , ...r. UxiVEBsrutaMr-' Dr. ; Tal ra age, of Brooklyji. m the course.of, .som e. s not over Mmprimenfary1 Teferendea "to Universalism, two Sundays ago; gave a slighty dramatic account of an inter view between- a Unlversalist minister and "a poor devil!, who had once pro fessed that faith, in the City of Utl ca, The nurnose of the illustration was' to show that Universalist ministers hay no faith in their own doctrines. The Universalist preacher arid askedhim. whether he waanre that there was no Kelt f vrhefta inisteriestified- h is disbev liefW 'ifriy sdch5 pla'ceVtincF moredver assured hia interrogator tnai u ue H hufQeuoff this mortal coll1 he- would nnttHfliftf AhkfslD'Ifefiteri Heayerrr -HeaV-i inir learf h i miich' the oot devil'- said that life 'Waiar burden to hinr, and that beinr- confident tobW- that death wu thtt irate wity to eternal glory iwould blow his'lrouWesome brains out, and thereupon ne piacea a pistol to his forehead, wnen ne was tonned br the minister' who roaTed eioi ttA l r 4th pni tn'i b & bell: there may je a hM::CUk&ftefc&yXte change or front in tne 'iace oi aesnij the would-be suicide told the minister insabsTSmse' that hs drcmed-htm-aj Vfraud and Universalism a detusiom , W LL SEE. Are lie merchants and business v men o Charlotte alive to ' their . interest T il so then they should seek t to- tfgt patronaB, o - the neoDle of Anson. Richmond, Mont gomery and Stanley counties,' by advertising la the ree Dee Uerald, Wadesboro, JS , ;(. Jsn,i- U rr.l L ' JUST RECEIVED AT McADN'3 . " "CORNER DRUG STORf, A supply of Perlzir & House's Safety . They are the best Lamps in the wcr' 1 the fallo ing reasons : - They will not break, being ir Is of rr 1 Tneyare perfectly sale tr a ex. owins to their Bcientif c etrv'.are. They are p"-r"-", cl'"i ' "l oil, having Patent Di3 CV j Liea c a J..rjt. Ttey ccri"- j c - s it ' 1 cf ell ii prefer tlcntotLsl ; 2.: ' c ,r.- ThTf,iT3r -tit. L.. -tl'-'tf any ciL.r I ..--7; c ; :il ; ,-t'c lis expeua, t , u . vi pURNTTURE. ciattastesaer Slack Walnnt Sets, Coua-eSets, PnrloW Suits, Iti - Iluir, Cloth ; and Rep, ; Parlor Snf ts, IV hat-nota', Extension Tables. Sldeboards,Bed stead s,Dn re aus, Washstands 4JAnd Ih'fkci 'everything usually kept in a firtfH4ass FarriifureH6ase, . ! I v We have the largest stock of Furniture in Western Korth Carolina, and invite buyers to give hi a ball. ;We: areonfldent :of our .tahility te sell goods in our line Chkapek than tHekyeiAver IwfoffejUen offere4 to the people of this section. I ' '" y 'ir.''F; it Sheltort Jar with u j, aud will be "pleased to have his friends and customers trteliimcaU.-'--- 'k v :- v- D. A. SMITH A CO.. ' FtjKTTrrtJB Dealers kd Uksskta ksbs. t v j r feb23-tf. -; .. . , : East Trade Street'. ' ' areest and best as sorted stock of these justly celebrated seed we have ever yet brought to Charlotte, which are warranted j and" Trill be sold as low as any in the mar ket. We will supply the wholesale trade wtheed to arnall papers ait 'Landreth's pri- We will have also in time. Orchard Grass, Clover and Lucerne. , 'i S Druggists, j) And Dealers In Pore Drags, Medicines, .WmdowGlasa&cAr ;;-' j ' 1 -. SPRINGS' CORKEE, ' , i ' T feb 17 CHARLOriE, N. C. s. TO WSO Slate :Boofer, and deaUr in all i kinds of Rob&ng Slate.' Is fally prenared ; to pot on SLATE ROOFS in any part of tbe.vcean- t&L. Invites the attention of Architects, BoBderaVand'ttbe pnblic to the jstiperipr roeSng' used bv rum; from the quarries of Vermont and V lrgima. slate famished of any desired color. ! i ; . A good Slate -H001 . ' w I aw Inattraaafco Aaraiaat Fire, u. and will last a life time. , '! ' All woirnarant?ed. Prices' Reasonable Sbinele Boots lakfcj off and relaid with SLATE, when desired.' ' v Orders will receive prompt attention, when c. 7ebl0-tf: PIEDMONT AIR-LINE RAILWAY. RfcflMOSJ At Danvhjjs, a Richkosd 4 Dasvuxk K. W., N. C Divrsiow, and XolfrBa Wkstebx N, C. R. j W. i j COSDENSED TIME-TABLE.: lilEffect on and after ? after Sonday, Dec ' . ,y f -v 27th. 874. C;:')i;KiV-oonio north, ; 'r xxrasss, Leave Charlotte. 10 00 p m 8 35am t Air-Line J'nct'n,10 08 " t M Salisbury, i 1220 a m , " Greensboro, . . 3 43 , " Danville, ? e 13c " ' niinfW . : L 625; " 8 56 10 54 ; 1 15pm j 3 30 ! 3 48 I V BUrkeville; r A 11 33 4V Arrive at 2fic1inaknd 222 p mq-.ll 09pm ... GOIKO .SOUTH. . ;; i. ... , statioks. -; ' uiur :-'vjr xtbibs, rezfchBibttoVic fcstSS p nii;iN 03 a m Burkeviye;.. ; t . - f H - Dundee,' '-; 9 US'","' ' 't 112 ureensooro,: m 4 10 t Salisbury, 3 27 Air-line rcfn.l 6 15 H6 31 " 8 32 9 40 Arrive at CharloUe, ,6 22 ? UUI.1V MS 1 . JTATtOKSf .n": MA Leave Greensboro, S 3 35 4 m -Ar 11 30 p m i Go. shops, row "1 p juvxu 10 Aiatka0';1125 srorM'tP NORTH WESTERN N, L R. R. LwvSGrkisbro tM 25 a m ; A rriwft At Salflm. 0 10 rirt ij5 Xea ve SalemV & tfse a 20 at 'to '. Passenger train-vleavang; Kaieign as a w y m orannectaat-GreensboroVwitb tb Northern bound train f makirirthe Quickest; tune to all Northern cities. Price .of 'Tickets same K-' irains toinu irum (iuuiu .hmom w torn connect at Greensboro: wun-flian rains to or from points ftorta or ponjtn; , . . ,An Rnrwiav Zvnch burtt- Accommodation ivk Efrnimtf aKCO rnLkfrlv.e at Buxke- Ville 12:3 rvmieavepuraevin w S9vt4rn tt Pullman PaUf Cars on all nlflrht trains between Charlotte a?" RiAmQndTwithoat change.) ' . .--. "For further information address ; General Ticket Agent, . ., j.fi hGreeosboro,,.U, .'T At ETALCQTT.t yan 3 ; i -Watch Maker -ftnd, Jeweler, Permanently located'nexdoer to Centra IT' 'cl office. ' ' r '"' r-''S- -. - "' - 1 ts. Clocks aud'! Jewelry, repaireil u manhef.iand wafranted, i4-iy, v . - l ' . -.-. ' , ,T-rtri A-U o-Qrif tiAw store room an '1 JT deraue fa IIots," with m jdry htsTfit' liiienf'.onst'Sx 63 feet, beigat W get. s Apply VoA BAKDERS.- NEVl.VYORKr'BUpK- - VIirAT FLOUR. AT 11 K bave received the I If febia-tf. e. b. alsxa::?. JORTH CAROLINA , State Life Insurance CO. Commenced Business in Zlarch, 1S73! HAS IIAD AS , "r?- T7npr:ceientedly Successful Career I ' ' - , WHY! : ' Because it is essentially a Home Institn Hon, appreciated by Home People; in- .vests every Dollar, of Capital (which Js paid up $200,000). and every Dollar of Premium-received in the State to foster 1 ' and protect Home enterprises- Has loaned to Policy Holders in Charlotte at low rates of interest,- ten times the 7 gross premiums received in Charlotte, I and guarantees to invest all premiums received here in like manner. Equal in responsibility and good manage ment to any Life Company in the world. Issues every desirable form : of Policy at as low rates as any first-class company. No useless restriction imposed upon resi dence or travel. ' Policies non-forfeitable alter two and three I annual payments. , No withdrawal of Agencies from a section j ." when once established, subjecting-Pol-j , icy Holders to the inconvenience of re? s mitting premiums to" New York or else- I whereby 12 o'clock of the day fixed,' or , forfeit their policy and lose all the pre vious payments.'- y - r he time has come for citizens of North Car- : olina to encourage Home Institutions, i and we recommend this' Company as 1 " , "eminently worthy of patronage. i i - - Tnos. U2 II AUCnTO, District Agent. Capt.T. II ALLEN, Resident Agent. Offick: Chablottb Hotkl. s ? oc25-tf A card: Genl Thomasi "P. Drayton has associated with himself, Mr. James D. White, lately of Aogosta, Ga., : to - carry on , the General re and Fire Insurance Business, ander -the name ol Drayton & W bite.- Mr. White; has, for years past,; been.- en gaged as a General Life and Pire Insurance. Agent in Angnstaf where ffhe vis .widely Known to the business - men of that city. f OFFICE -Trade Sty, next to McAden's Drug Store. Charlotte, N. G ian2 -tl. -:r:'- - y.r ... Denwetia SovihkinHome will please copy :or one monib, and send bill : to office of Drayton & White, iniscELLAivEors: THE BANK. OF. HECKLE NBUEG -- -CHAELOTTErNr C.-- r Authorized Capita $500,000; Jab. Teas kb Tat, PresidenV Thos. , W." Dw Cashier, ' F. Hi Dswar AiVt Cashier:' ;. T THEBAJriaHOTJSE.OF T;A.T-E,.& D,E;W.E.T. mhis Bank Chartered .Jnder Act of the A General Assembly and duly organized under Laws ol the State of North Carolina, with auiple means is prepared to transact General Banking Business. and furnish accommodations to all its Cus-' tomers on Liberal Terms. The bank will receive Deposits subject to Check, and will Allow Interest According to Agreement on all Deposits left on time, or issue Certificates of Deposit bearing n xeresac tne rate oi - Eiht per cent per; Annum . on au sums lying r.narawn over inirt3 days. ..--',, Gold and Silver Gun, Bullion and Bank Notes Bought and Sold. - . 111U3. W-JLIH.VV1!.!, jan. 11874. 1 Cashier. iAATiri!l'ni1 at. ltn IWMIIIO lAUUJliaauil VV liuiutuiivt The only house in Charlotte dealing ex. clnsively in . , : i MILLINERY , - ... " AND' ' ! F A. NC Y G OOB S. and persons from, ebewherewho; desirelft) maae purenascs 111 our line. - We intend to make ours a first-class Em porium of Fashion, and hope to offer such inducements to our customers in the way of nrices. Quality and style of goods that none shall go away otherwise than, well pleased with tbeir purcnases. ? f - ' We offer to the Wholesale and Retail trade of the surrounding country a great variety of Millinery, Fancy oodsf WHITE ; GOODS AND NOTIONS. 8traw: Velvet and Felt Hats, from the modest nHaa Hnnnot in tha Tnrt rU.rH.nmLf rhnnvm .w.. 9 1' A (treat feature of the season is the LONQ AHTRTrm IPS! ATHKRS and TTPS. of whifth we keep on hand so"' manjr-.ainerentrsnad es" fhat it wonld reallv nuzzlala verv astuteior- i nithologist to say from whence came all the many colored plumages lor.wnicu-, apparent-1 lyv cue woria lias oeeu raiiaacaeu w lurmsu a pew garniture for one fair xm.es. 7 i i Alarge Stock. oi . . , t Artificial IIowk's. imitatirieWrlv every FLORAL CREATION IN THE WORLD, and the most daring coun terfeits' Of Nature. . ' Oros- Grain - n4- Fancy Ribbons,-- All Wfdtha and shades' magfable 1 Turquoise, Florence Silk 'arid Valour,'; a Black and White Crape 4- ' 8carftj, Jjioea. - - . ; V' " , - Collars and Cuffs Jackohet Edging and Inserting, Veiling, '- - A large stock of ,Kid Gloves." Corsets. f n WHITE GOODS we keep on hand Table Cloths. Towels, Jaconet, Cambric, Lawn, Lin nen, Swiss, Nansook and other goods be longing to that line. ' J Wn tiave eneaeea ine services. several experienced Ladies (one recently from Phila- delpbia) in tne Millinery busiubh, auu we are now prepared to have Hats and Bonnets trimmed at short notice. ; Attentiv&and competent salesmen : are al ways ready to wait on customers, and aid them in making selections.' ,-- Koopmann f & Eothscliild. i TEADOS: ST.V CHAIILOTTE, H. C. Oct 18 - . 4 r r fUST RECEIVED. . Transfer Prinling-tnks for copying letter - L..:nnc cfofonumts vav hills; Art. '. Can' be copied in the : ordinary letter-press i book. Send your Orders for printing In. these, inks, and for all other descriptions of printing,, to the Obsebvek Printing, House .1.d25 tf. ATORTHERN AND, MOUNTAIN JR l IS II POTATOES. -i Fine Onions.Ta full line of Smokin To- harro and Cirarsr a fresh aopply of Crack-, 1 ets. fancy brands, and a full line of 'first class cooas. ai t , i.,. . x ftuwuiJ ... .. . . . . feb5 tf ' Family Gfpcery. mUliBEST, mO .CQFFJEFXSUGAR, : ' N; 0.- ilfciasces,-nd4q f--c sfiyery tkiof iriai tbe Prodae iddj f rece'- I. -e, can te found at I V.", ITjCrv i V7L .'-S ! ta CI 'tt-l --JJefcf Davklstti'sLiv.'ry . 'i- II P'O-E T A N t" T O 0 1$ LX ' t 3 B2E ; TON. rJ3 v4 lis CAT A Genuine Natural Guano. Hin Wn I'dnixxuefnl h?l,lpr .iirnL.Bt bnrg.-.Virghriav for a larffe dopo-ifof-Gaano name of -CAT ISLAND tiUASO;' and -ji-'w . bnrg i Tnos. Branch A Co., of Richmond Virginia, 'same Island?,", md I now offer it to von at - I have resifned tbeJeneraI Agency of the Gaanabani Gaano CotnoaBv-of Peters. , Va.j. and accepted the same position .for the sale of the Guand imported by Messrs. -Office of THOSi:!BRANGH:& CQ. BAIIKERS AIID COUIJISSIOH IIERCHAIITS. RICHMOND, VA.;PEBWJATtt?5fH, 1875. ; ; The Gnaoahani Guano ComDanv has seen fit tonablish a card to the effect that bur "Cat Island Gaano" is of an inferior quality by tbera. rom the reputation of the signers of that card, wei'presame they did not know .that this statement was false. We Uompany and or the publio the follow ing 1st. I bat their agent at the Islands attempted (and failed) to get cootrpr or deposits of Gaano that wereaeenred by: a member.of 2nd. That oor Cat Island Gaano, according University of Georgia (who analuztd for the of the Guano Imported and sbkby the- Gaanabani Company' last spring , in Ibe cotton '-. Our Gaano shall stand or fall by the crucial cards pat out on the eve of the planting season. We will have each cargo - analyzed- be fore it receives oar brand, or is offered to the .1 f . . txt ? a t n . t 1 - r . cueimsi. ;. tve Mrt ise uaanajjaniuuipaoy oas lots offered or sold bv therii . last -snrin?. Wfl Knvn hpon pnnhlnl tn ovnirl thn mistakM tfinV Hie ' irTtwripnii tt . ilwi Cnsnnhniu Gompany betrayed them into last year. We for &c. paid by ibem, and with one most experienced Gaano men in the country as oor General Agent, we are satisfied we can beat them in quality and price; Ws challenge them to meet us in the laboratory -or, on the plantation : and until they can f compete with os enccessfuUy in these places, their paper attacks will not hart the best natural public. . . :- - ; ' Tbey write about "their standard P ! Will did tbey publish a standard last year, and steps in the courts xo protect ourselves from publication of tbe Guanahai Company . ' , 'fK Importers of .Cat, Island, QnoJ.: Analysis of the only two cargoes of CAT ISLAND QTANO placed on the max : . . . ; " ket up to this date, February 23d, 1875. i XyfrV- UNrVEBSTTT OF GeOBGTA, LABORATORY OF APPLIBn ChBSIISTRY, " WM. R. GRIFFmr.Eso . General Asent 7 ;:Dsar S,--In; reply to yoars,' I would say I am undoubtedly : of-jfie 1 opinion that inmost NATyKAtiliU AiNOs tne forms or combination or tne vaiuaoie elements present are SUPERIOR id those which are artificially produced inr manipulated fertilisers, and although this cannot enter as values, it IXCREASE3 the relative AGRICULTURAL'aIire of lbs Gaan08nf J a'coiP I fn- - ' I Wi'a ,J.Hm !','" ' t. ; .' '.a9.' DIUlinVK VAICHU'' j Vprv lrnlv vourn - - trJ U,J Juur' - I Professor' ANALYSIS of a sample of CAT ISLAND-GUANO,5 from 4he ;'Caicies 4)ftcho6nerV r)nnirlaa" n.lT?.Konpoi. " nmilnJ frnm KHan TtR A VniT JL MTTrT Vf i nrtriflti Oa Moisture (det. at2l2)f k Volatile and Organic Matter i ContainingiHitrogen (Organic) j '.'- N'tric; Acid tt - , . Phosphoric Acid 5 . , -Sulphuric Acid j '. - , Carbonic Acid Lime, ' V r , ' Magnesia - Irpq , and. Alumina -yi'j Potassium Chloride Sodium Chloride . u , . 22.188 8.052 0.214 - 4.649 13.452 t 9.572 X 3.136 2339 3.244 j 6.326 i ? 3.721 - f 1.034 Sand and Iosolable Matter 99.873 ;- TheThosphoric; Acid (13.452) is present in several forms of eembination, as follows : 1st, -; In combination.with Lime, in a t ! forra soluhle io pure water.", ', 0.154 J 2d ' lb combination with Lime, in a i ! form constituting the so-call-1 ' ; , ed "Neutral' Phosphite," readily available as plant food, 8.099 3d. In combination with lime, in a tjj 'torn insoluble, except " hT i strong-,Acid3.r - "Ail' f ,2 079 In combination . wUh : Iron and ' Alumina5- v. - .r :.yt 3.120 - - - -ui: i : 4th. 13.452 4 :Terms and Prices per Ton 1 (Jash f '- . t351;' Send for circulars. r Agents wanted. f We also oftVthe planter our Guano known .as ABACO.,.Tbis ia manipe'-tsd fron Gestjijj Pi:iRttWS GuAKd and our regular importations frpnivAbaco, ileatv Salvador Of Caf.'and other Jslandg'of the same group. , -' " j Price and Term per Ton of, ' 2--fJ Cash, J ? " - tl- CARO'-TJA - il K i t' 1 1- 3- 4 1 .is.", iVo (2niUj.n; i.,a ini,- r at the Islaiuis, we o&Wthe samnder-thc at a reduced price.! . THOS .BRANCH St CO.; . 4 :; Irapprters,rRichraonl, Vs,1 . ('...:. . Riam6Kn,sVX. January jEUh, 1.8X5 - , . .. which Is.tbe 'samfe Gaano and from tlie ereatly redaced prices..;. v M.-K. uki trriiii. . i . . I r- a ueuerai Ageni. . ' - , . A to their importations, and had been rejected propose to prove, to the satisfaction of; that FAR tacts, vtz : y, - l f - ,&m&?Wi& ? our firm who is now at the Islands! to the analysis of Professor White, of the Guanaham CompanirlS h tit least the equal test of the anaTyticaf chemist, and nof W pubue; autf Iwg tpoblrah .ths "report: 0T; r the . . t . i 1 c , . t ii io puuuu me analysis vi eacn . vi me Tan " . -:t -.-y -,y. . . are not taxed with the' enormous -expenses of: oor firm on he Island, and one of. the Gaano (except Peruvian), yet offered-, to, the . " ; " ,:; :.. V they dare to publish their staa.-ard ?" Why then withdraw it? We have taken proper the injury we have sustained by the improper - TflOlSi BRANCH A CO - y Cat Island Guano. Ridimond. Va.t a tactor's iniaetenninirrg'AjUMMliiiAij; of Applied Chemistry, Georgia 'University. Univiksitt of Georgia Laboba omf ok Affliso Chemistry,.:.. AthensrGarrFebrnarv thTlS?5; The percentage of these compounds are as follows t t " '. 1 " vO "''i - I- is i 1st." Soluble, o? Super phosphate of Lime," 'S - 0.254 2d. " ""Neutraf Phosphate of. Lime 15.509- 3d. Insftluble or' Bone Phosphate of "v, ' ' ' .j--'" Lilnefl,'f v- 4,538" 4tlt' Phosphates 'Of Iron and Alumina; 6.450 The total Phosphates-Acid, calculat- " . 1 .ed tQ-uoni'hosphoric. wouia ; , ; yields -uJAftv V-'" ::.; 29.366 The total peicentage of Nitrogen nresentis. . 1.C04 Capable. of yielding,-Aramomai , '. ... l.?47J The' commercial value per .ton - (2,000, lbs j of this Guano, deduced from foregoing Analvsis, would bfci"tapproximately,r at Sa Vasnabi Port Royal Or Charleston a I 3.08 lbs. So.'l'hos'ic Acid. altt .-.Wl.Oi 161.98 " rNentral" 2713 41.58" Insoluble . -47.00 " Potash t 64.88 iAfgnesiasA.'iA a05c '229 a 06o 2 39 32.08 "iNitrogen Totai;" H. rr a . WHITE. : J (2,000 Perils) in Bags : .Payable 1st l-Ur- $38 ;..;V 5 v ' ORKS; 1: ii ? v . . r IlOI-tTTIOI5r, &C. OTICE.;, r "j ' The firm of Sample Alexander was dis solved by mutual consent on tbe 7th day of January 1 875; in order- to admit ' into - ttz firm as partner Mr. D; Kerns. - All per sons indebted to us either by cote or account are requested to come: forward and. -settle at once. Wtb many thanks to oor frknda" for their, liberal patronage in the past.t wa hope by strict and personal attention to. business to merit the same in the future by giving iihj uesi gooes at ine lowesi prices. KespectruJiy v -. . , j. SAMPLE i& ALEXANDER. : We tbe undersigned bavbg formed a co partnership : under the) -form . and style ' of Sample & AlexanderJn the Boot and Shoe business would announce to the public that we have on hand a large and well selec ted btoctcor Uoods in our - line, which we will sell very low for Cash; io order to make room for oar Stock Of Spring Goods. . T, " ." :jwsample, " J Mc ALEXANDER, . J D KERNS. jan CHABLOTTB MARBLE WORKS. ) Ha vine purchased -Mr. P. A.? McNinch'a Marble Works. I respectfully announce to the public that I will carry on the Marble business in all its branches, at the stand near the jail, formerly occupied by F. A. Mo Ninch. -Tombs, Monuments t and Grave stones: of every description manufactured at reasonable prices and at short notice. - The public are invited to call and examine samples of my material and workmanship. Family Monuments a speciality, i? --t 'v '? t t ; ,il, - - 8. JtfcNIKCH. ACARD. - HAvinir sold my entire tock and interest in the Marble business 'to MrrS; MeNiaduJU take pleasure In recommending him to the nublio at Sr first class Artist and bespeak,for him alibtral share of patronage, ; ; .. , 1 f f r , F. A: McNINCH. Charlotte, November 10, 1874. - - CO-PARTNERSHIP NOTICE. . . We. the undersigned, would announce to the citizens of Charlotte and the public gen erally,' that we have formed a co-partnership tinder thenfirm name and style! if-R.B. ALEXANDER A CO.. to take effect' on the first day of January 1875, and will dobusi nesa sat the. Store recently : occupied by Messrs. Long, Sumrow & Co., College street, 5 tWe Intend to do a first-class business and deal in first-class goods, and offer special in ducements to the CASH TRADE. -. I - -. ,r W Will be glad to see our friends at all tames promising. Ltbem, tbey shall be dealt .with politely and honestly, and none shall go away disappointed. -V ..telis :.'f " We would solicit a generous share of the public tronage." KesperenyV 1-r 3V JlT.H'.YATCniJ'.'R .t; s.'neely , : ' T N. B. I would mform my frieBds,4hat, (having dgnftdlhi chargft of lfaaw. Ctrix 1 e Alexander's books J on the 1st pf January 1875, 1 expect to enter Upon my ' duties4 as Booker Keeper with above named gentle mehj and will always be glad to see them. - - r Kespectfully; ' imSCELLAJVEOUS, "fit fJiE PER bEE;v"COUlilKR; ; i; ' DUCKETT & ERVlX Editors. ji TM Courikh js a Demncratfc piper pahf li8hed in ilckmghamiBiphmbiWiC N. . Ctsl lt'circulatesT very extensively" in Richmond, Montgomery and Anson coon- ties, awT bftr 'fio hicrensing-wcalatioiyin several other eounties of Norta. and South CarolinaSlItis r4te!.nosi&bJ4Jsdjrer singj medium" in Richnjond county, ; TjIABMERS LOOK TO YOUR INTEREST; '- " L f ? Vn- -t; il 4 ? . I havd now-in -store and wilt continue to kcep-Hdurim? - the -seasonr good supply of "Soluble 4. Se Island Gaano", ionw tne best Cotton Fertilizers sold, in Jthis market. I can refer with pleasure to many of ie p farmers of this and other counties who have .-j. i .!.w....5 !. 1 1 it Yd 9S.1.- !. used this Guano with ,proflrimdl who have ordered a supply for ' this year greatly -in creasing the same 'over last. - Oar terms are liberal and accommn'J ' Call anjd get the "Planters Almanac" and learn prices, terms.1 ftc. B N SMITH, k .' 1 jan 30tf V ' ; " -ii .rams - : .-?'k f: J ? : "ii., -t J "VrQTICETO HOBSE BUILDERS AND l:NTRAG50Ti5)fatb aeeented the receive and fill.' all,r. orders for, any kind of have on hand a lot of flooring and inch flanks. .SF"KXi L-.W. OSBORNE, j .5- 0 I -etaoor to j. tt aennersonay ,oc29 , ... - n-.fi f i: 7iT 1 ... if THIE ATLANTA & RICHMOND s',fcATR-LlNEr RAILWAY;-,( A lis over, lOQ- mlle. shorter, and 12 hours qujekes.j; v.i.: -I.' , ; - THAN ANY; OTHER -LINE , iti froWcHARLbTTE tdJ AHanta; 'Montgom ery" MoWfe, 'New Orleans. Galveston, - and points tn Southern and Middle Texas. v 1 5 ToSelmai Meridian Jackson, "VictsUrgf Monroe, and points in Northern Louisiana and Noithern Texas. i . .r. , --jToi lOhattanooga, 'Nashville,' Louisville, Memphis; LittleJfiock, - Texarkanarand points In t Arkansas 'and Northern and fid dle Texas, -c -'v- ', iTrainsleayeChalott at 6:15 A Mon ar rival of morning train of N. C. Division K. fc P. Ri R. arrive at Atlanta:45 PjrMi, i V -''v; '5-i . ? Voomrscrwo" wrrHVXHSoud Jtaii oti '(- -'w'-." -4,1 ' ' Atlanta and '"West-Point ; Ilailroad. L ? Leaving Atlanta,;..........v...-l(WOP..Ms. L i r-- -(Through-Oarto New rian.)- Western i -and 1 . JLUantic 4lAilroa4, ? LeavingAUanta,- i;..i..95 P'M (Through Car to Txsrkara via Memphis ) - ' j' 1 Central Eailroad.. ;-"i; j .; Leaving Atlanta, ......... 10.40 P. M ' : ' (ThroughCar;toXacksorivill&V 4 Georgia' Railroad. - 'i. Leaving AtUnta,l....;....lQ0 P. II First-Class Passengers and Ctni - rrfcr.: TaVr rfte T -V " 1 ... - - The en""- .3 .ss 3 CMtAed"TlughJj . For further fnformat Ion, ply t t Greensboro, N fe. iterTra,,ru',t' I ? X ' LES w. battle, - Having per3a-?;..r7-!3Ca',, c"?r3 Lis J professional serriccs to tLacIiL .-3 0 Frf CI.Cit. c;.r- '.to uc Sta e!. C3ftiirs.- ' - ? OtI!s left tt ry c..? h tbs day,1 cr.cy . referee, caTlj. :3 . i,'rtcw t,Trill ' receive prompt atLntha. . S ' OZx Hours-8 to 9, A. II.J 121? 1: IV , Mi, and 5 td 7, P. 11. , j-a22-ly. w jf sHipr1. w b bailst; i i : 1, A TTO RX.K.TSvl CH ABLOTTE.'N; C K3ul Rooms 3 and A up stairs, I up stairs, lo was bojiding;:; - r ; , , ; . emocratand Home copy uptimes. . , '.' .' Attorney, an-lCcTjrsellCTnt lAW -j OFFICE In DowdtSims' New Boil i' Ing.TJpBtairs.1 jan21-tf. -1 Wt W..FLEMMINQfc 4 f -( Special attention to soft jbr and against ; corporations. Jan?-ly. T c a.. KOOKB. A. TkTt ir''.,' MOORE A PATTERSON, H it it -. ;' r r " il i ft iPnuiM In all th S(atrVinrf - W4 tn fckt 1 Federal Courts at Asbevilla. and' 8tatsv)lli t The Collection of Debts',,' Claln: a - ahdwk-?.- -Sions, aSpecialtjr;.w 5' Btnct personal attention-given to tne cok i ectldn of all Dents iu WestertNorth! Caro t lina.iitemitla&cea'promptly rjaade.V'4 iiazb 'j r.' CaktiS,1 AsHivrLLi, N. C nor.-19.5'- L,,TPRINCE. ,,'t . , . - Jt .j Attorney and Cofinsellor at Law; h -. (Office oyer Nisbefs 8orSr ' i ; f ; ' c Formerly bf South: Oarolina having vper, s ! manenuy- - located ininartoue,.' ocr.ni i professional Jryfcea to the people of North1 Carohna-'-of itTi-U.'-' :;ftruT t Bpecial attention given , to cotleoti ona, and t cases in Bankruptcy.'' i s - " ' janSom." ; Cotton. CommUsion TterchnmU ; At J. 8. M. Davidson's! S doon below C5oW i ' lege Street, will pay thejuifthest price in this , '"' murVof. fni all mifaa -nf jwtttstn will mA- . ranee at a liberal per xjaaoga Jirtjt. dollars i ($50 OOi a bale ;ob Low, Middling jDoUon, to; . b8hipped1onumTerone'H(msea:ur4Bc-'-- Mill, x.bm ui n .n vmir.Kn. Hr. h mw iYm. . ters, ana neid until epilog, ir desirable, Is also prepared to purchase-or, jell contracts for tnose wisning to neat-in- ruiuiea. -on iw . cdrof two doltars and half r(12J50) .pr ; For particulars apply as above. L. . J ' dec!7 1 -'-iJ-iu Ttt tfmeand JPffnoerat pleas copy Jbr J.m. "-i'J 78 COMMIBSION MERCHANTS.. ,c. V ""WE are prepared' to 'tnak liberal eas- IT advanees on . cotton shipped tov out' friends in Charleston, or New. yotk.WuT also attend prpmply to sales of cotton, con . sighed Jtd ; us..; OfflV WHtkowskyr RfhCharlotte; C: JwsJ'r COTTOM'CVYCnOR aa'D1--"- lAFFICE above the store .of B. JllMlllar, 1 J"&' Sons-. -' Li brraE,van9ttadewt " cuiiBiKiiiircuv v- wiiyis tuwum ucmur'.'i i 1 AH consiennieats will recdreTWOmpt ,per . I sepal attention; sei . i D. MACATJLAY fi tX., noTEtr&c. vr-iWT4.'XiaTi:rirc?'6ari j yenient to the business part or Li tityl feff OmTiibna will fauatl tTrvt Hk 1 ftnvey passenemtadhlic;t!::j:sUh i - W.fc Ml 9UUUICU IU VUWm...TC KJum THIS HOTEL hw tlorobVhly teflttod ahdrerornl. a undue. $ inaf the advantages of m flit-cl i lioteL . '- . umniDua at in jaer r a - n jr.rnvat ana aepaixnrau-autuiu w. , - . MpVdti t. 't Hjrr M'i-o f-r-lfiT '.'Trt'K I would inform, 'the public fbat. on the 1st lnsrthe Bank of llecklenbol", arid iierey-.- of November, I wilVohaIAVJUT:"; ; and BOARDING HOUS& on Tryon street, '- . f n th ftoond storV OTth Bnildin k' ' TaSfiV ; will be nrenared to entertain Be x3e:ItV - lar and transient, in a' style unsurpassed ly f j; any house:. in t.tnecnTTbetaw it.e supplied with all the .dicaicie?ror.tLa" sea- ' -son! pame,1 'fish; Otysters. M??1 Terms moderate." fiatlsfaWonirapteedl , ; ot no charge. I respectmlly eoliu'ytiav ' ttonalif j'K-jj'-i rtrraK; -1 :ocWfcf;'T!w TIOTlBECJEYEDr-'irrt !A large and elegant lot of '-Ready, Mad tbah can be found cl??berrm CLfny5 X Market Street, T.ad.t' ' .k,V-::Unk' jnansfactbrf our owocrjaiier 'tll i f city trad. '"aa U&zXXiA XSSX i? I H per cent lower wao any vqbzi ia - ot cro:;'"'--''- i t,-". .r.itXtotoSHaia sti-fafi-yocrV, fid bs3' Lconvinced. . ; , , UOTEll, '-U X 1 L, ; AIT wtooirsAlcr-jr, lS7vw:rr:;c ; - ' CC1 tMd"xiC.-. j , ' - aluZaA.. 4 JaaPX'i? "7--1 urnzii. 0r 'Cfavrrr- - WAV.. .- Hgt i.J. ... "W ..,. fc - .".fx v i i ! t 1 A. i .. II, i " i mJ!' ( "--"4 if. i TT:-'; i : - 1 " U ' ;. ' 4 14-.: . . if.;;