f ' 3 Cosjrc'ssioEil' -s . ." - . WsmTfoy. Feb? 27.ln the Senate; uarpenter.-spoite Rgamsi. - inqjm0v of.the Civil Rights Bill. The House after dis3CU3sing a miscellaneous mass v of business, continued the considera tion of the' force ' bill. Speeches were . made against it by Young, of Georgia, Peek of Massachusetts and Poland of .. Vermont. ; : - ..... --' ' V: --- - -- -, It-is stated that the cabinet agreed vesterday in no contingency to call an extra .session of . Congress. Senator Johnson, of Virginia, .was loo ill to ' occupy h)3 seat) 1 ; '-" ' 1 The consideration of the caucus force . bill was resumed, during the colloquy, Blaine told Butler, he was' a scoundrel. The trouble arose from the Democrats appropriating, the Clerk's.desk: during 1 . roll call; their object being to see if by not voting they could prevent a!qiio rum and. force a call of the ; House. Aftfef ih$ Democrats' had beenfordered ' to seats.; Butler" stalked to the Clerk's desfe. 'and leaning -on his velbow, watched Vthe , progress i of " the call. He was ordered away,- when , he said ; he had as much right there as Speak , er Blaine, who atf the time ; wan ;;near . the Clerk's desk;; Cesrierwai -an: the chair. Calls.of order, resulted .in the , affair berng'topped'. 'TheHoilse is now voting upon, xlaustlio strike out; the; Tiqeds, corpus clause. f. An , - - amendment, making! Ihesuspehsion " . ". ; applicable 'only to Louisiana,: Missies- - ippi and Alabama, - adopted . Terela 1 ": sure indicatfori oX ah all high tr seisioiu: important, i.lhe .tar bill comes up " ! Monday as. jipQ ni&h,ed busiess. . ' Terry, xtofrGtfriuecticut lrrjenter, t - and 'Hamilton,ot Texasiilsp.voted -against the i Civil Rights-4mJ. v ' " IkunmL&Ia ' the lotterf .-ticket 89,271 drew the capital prize of $95,000; - 10,075 won the second or W,ooo.y ; , Ttie cftnimittea tn nit Hnrins' the re cess will examine various branches of ,. the civil service.! It consists of, Bout- well,- Cankling,r Merrim on, Eaton and ' Allison. A resolution of - the Missis sippi rLegisture asking Congress to grant the. Texas Pacinc. Kailroad a subsidy, was presented. The '. civil rights-billifiBally-passed "and goes ta the President - :- .The amendment re He vine Southern iarora from the iron clad oath; was defeated. ; The voU was strictly 'party except Sprague, Schure . anq uptou. Many senators were an -sent;- The' vote stood 38 to 26, A' " ThV,Benefacto, '-'ibence' WilmW ton, N. . C, colidedl with ' the Susan - Wnjrht, a steamer returning for repair. The "Benefactor,' sunk; hereargo iru rrt Tti'K t,'r LviiT i:$3jJwrff$ :LfcivTJie irun. Biafti JQeaA. f puy wiewaauianjaeaajY w , FT 1 noli attAAn a . tors of. Internal Bevenue are instruct ed to sell no more cigar stamps than ' necesaaryi ioricigaraf sold oc imoved irom tneiaciory. - - - - -; The PaciSd'Cifail iJCOTruptforTC6m- mittee, tum Jiing and JSrwin v over to thenextrHoase, Other papers go to uie-iistxicfcAiiorney ior iuii action, t Iii tie House the minority and ma joritydrl' the; Jlississippi report was ordered; tor beprintecL1 Appropriations - forTJtaymentojLav)iatd3lofJbe Southern Claims Commission . passed. The Eketion-. Committee submitted a report that LaAireuce andflypher were not eieciea ucmiijorasiana. rr . TiXarVUieserters' Shot' ' - IQSweIt is believed Ihat the cam paigaiaatr.trteiCarlist will close with - the coming Spring -300 oi.xxavarresitToops deserted' the Uar '-'in. .1 - Fire, at --.Scxaatoiv-PA. Loaa Jttalf Locomotive V6tk have been burn e Loss hlloniaaWir.F;Twa, hu dred men are ousted, many , of, whom lostan.tBfelr-tdols. V-;;; 5 -V3. Wirwt...Fento 80DftMMChV Soutrr1 t&kliltZXEZP rwing oaxe8er,tergyontt.we8W . . 1 . , . cTEUSGRAPHIC B1ARKGTS. 15,.'-' hiXinltfZKjr. iJL4J; exchange, long 4.83hoxilii:;:iovItii4iull; SUtebonds quiet nominal ottdn ! nominali Ups 16J; mid 16f. Futures opened quiet and steady; iIfch"i6f;8-A'f)r 16 l542aj; May,16,27-32af; Juuem. V JPHitlbiPHiA,' FeW 27 Firm err net receiptsvlgross . 7 Baltimore, Pefr 27--Firmer;:mid'i6; low toid-15;;gQod'iftrdvl5; gsbsa e-r ceipts 518; exports j coastwise 375; sales 65(X3 fcwaweaf? -nix 'V: JWitH'ninr NoapdFb 27-Net ' reoeipU;683f exports-; coaitwiseJSOO; sales SOQCjfii wtjioto, jFeb:t;2?-f Net 'receipt 28-a.UipJji(3vK3 ,f- ;--.jft i v. Mhmphis, Feb '27 Strong; mid 15f;: low Bid15rg66drai4J; net receipts ifi98fmes -a,aoixT. - Aooustl,' Feb 27:-StrongV Tni'd 1151 a; low raid 15; good ord U; net re ceiragWailes 9Q7i 3HxatK3TOsrt' Seb 27 Neti-jeceipta 1,085; esport j ta-the 0h4uuel r 110; coastwiistSSO; aWs 1,000. J - aaVAHSAB, Feb 27r-Very firm; mid l5fc-1orra l5i; good ord 14J j ; net ve2:ffl4l exports; .coastwise; JB15; Mobile, Feb 27--Strong; net receipt 200;i exportscoastwis .1,915; -jjales 2m-Ji:i'ttX-X- ' ' iTBWieOSLBAiia Feb 27.-Active- and higher-mid -45f Uow- m id -15if-good ord 14rfi- -i- -102;,eites 8,500. low' x 'ivi'XT. J ord 131-Tnet're-ceif 1. - 'X V -'-VTaoc easy -nd: unci. i ., . ; ' ulct'ti l;.f iliiittHand -.'.r i r 1 -J; gov-er.-"rd,,1l r.d t -.iy; tiates quiet nnchan-edr wheat dull and unchanged; n nmet- Southern white SO; yellow corn quiet, ouu -cRaJlr mo should:?; ee quiet; r VI ;) f- :r':r:c5; and cfln - ires a: '-Ue, es a took v.e,l If C .riJ - rt la? u i;ox.i, aarlotte. 7Qa?"V n .tS"Iirili, .,- -1 rilAULOTTU - WAUUrTr4 Y ' office) Of the observer ' 1 I-'-.Thaelottb, N..CJ. Feb. 23, :-1875. J. i " ' " The Gotten Market. . -' t . - i r ;.'.... t . - .'' ( tf Te ruarket opened firm yesterday morn nirandtbe advance on the New York mar ket; produced corresponding-increase In prices 'here,-: and the-market was active throaghouti the day," cotton selling higher than at .any time since1 4he opening of the season. We qnote "' l ' '! ' Inferior.:. Z:. .,..::...;.:.r ' 12Jalf Good Ordinary..:; ;:....;.. r..... - 14al4i Low Middling,. ' Hal5 Middling,... .....'...,....... lugaloj 8trict Middling, m.......j. 151al5i I ..... : 1 .... . ' 'I1' ' Sales- for Febmary, 4065 bale. Sales for the Week,... 978. ; Sales of yesterday . ......- 14Q country Produce, 't 7- Arrivals of corn light1 and" demand good. Oats are coming In "freely and command good prices. ' . . "Peas are scarce' ana in strong demand Batter is plentiful and very dull. 1 1 1 ; " ,;, Eggs are .rather scarce and- in" 'good de niand. -!. r 7 ' U ' " " r i' All other produce is 'in light demand with goodBopply. '- -'-. tc'i,-' . .-ir Buying Batu.) , , . !, r,r - fj-itr ... aeon-Hamsper, lb , t ,-. 14jal5 f. Shoulders,- ; ; 8 aS 2." Hoe Bound. ' rf ;.;t 12Jal34 Button-CSioice.'-, t r.n - v 5a5 Brnndij Apple,.-, , ;,if-Cl 5a2 00 J&r. iit dozen J , a -.:i;a 17 V Extrai !- - - - : : 5J2J 44 "vSope :- i-1" "J J'V( ..' it-00 Ai-.Dried iroterwiwmd; v . . , . o e ) t tt - Peaches. Qreen Appl pejfbitohel.-H 100 a 125 bwb--Ohickensach Hi ; -im 20a25 I " Turkeys ,u. f - - M twiiw ' " Ducks, ' -A. - Li t ' Um White, -; per bnshei, '-'- u .Mixed.4'' V; 90 merti Red. per buah, - 125 t . i "hi White. v- i iTftj- 45 ' -OatoBlack, , : 5 v ttU'i t. - - 80 -f White, i ..- t.'!-'r 5 Pea Pare clay. - , ,100 a 115 " V90 a 110 i s - Mixed, o . r j t. 12 J- 1 Green, -S-n 7a8 Lard Good.. .'.-..--. i - io " '4 Common, , , f . 12 Oniaru,, : . - 57 iba to ku8hel).75 a 1 00 Potato Irish. ' ! .' t T 1 . - ' i 'Vtwsiw J ? Sweet. .. f " r ' 100 ft!25 Toutm, - --.v JTooi Tub washed, - " Unwashed - . . .. . . . t v-- J'- ''"'4?-sllits ! J 7": .35 25,000 IifpOETED'. DOMESTIC gars. . ,w. K. iiUiiWH.tiLKKUU. feb25 tf. .;' v ' - ' - TO PATROKS OF HUSBANDRY; f The Direct Trade Union is now in opera taon at Charlotte, receiTinsr , and anipmng cotton, and advancing money to the, amount oj z its value. ' - " f - . .-f. - - vThe Executive Committee or the sute Orange have tccepl&i tha oner of the Direct Trade Union, of Geonria. to raise $30,000, (which Will give them a Director) to be re tained in oar State.' The Masters of 8nbor dinate Granges, are requested to eo to work at once, and get up stock in their respective rrances; and pav over the same to James r. Johnston, Agent at Charlotte, who. is hereby autnonred to receive ana receipt tor it. COLUMBUS MILLS,' novl2dtf-wlf Master 8tate Grange r-BQYDmi-EonsEi;; SALISBURY, N. Cr ... W. T. XIirrOHtV' Proper ' A TIRST CLASS HOTEL, situated &con -venient to the business part of the city. : Omnibus will be found at depot, to convey passengers to the hoteL feb 11 - '' . '- IT St. Gharles Hotel ) STATES YTXLE, ff, C. Situated In the centre of Tewn. FrtEtiS HOtELIias been thorooghly refitted A and refurnished, and under my manage-, ment as lessee, offers to the traveling pablie the advantages of a nist-class Hotel. - Omnibus attbe depot on th arrival and departure of all trains. ; -. ' - M.8CHL0SS, sepl-dtr. jii'ri' - Formerly of Raleich. QOCHRANE'S RESTAURAN., . , European Plan. ; . t .v . : I would inform the public that, on. the 1st of November, I will open a RESTAURANT and BOARDING HOUSE, on-Tryon street, in the second story of the Building adjoin ing the Bank of Mecklenburg, and hereafter will be prepared to entertain Btarders, rego- leifvviKu nu ii tuo -ucuuK). VI1 lav near-- i jon.' GSrne,TisTi;r Oysters,' ' . i ierms moaerate. " Battstacnon guasanteea or no charge.! I respectfully solicit yomrTa tronage. 1 5-"',"i. ni i.. ikm . oc30.tf W.R. COCHRANIi!. i TUSTJRECIEXED,: lj. azoiiiriiir Aryjii ' A laryre and ye)egantilot'Of .Ready Made Clothing, wbicn will be sold at lower price than can be fouod elsewhere in the city.7 '., 4 My establishment being a branch of 718 Market 1 Street, '4 PhiladelDtiia', ; where I we maoofactore opr wn goods, expressly for city trade, l am enabled to sell for at lesst 25 per cent lower than any bouse in the city .of Cwlottev-.v''!.vV - t . I KSCome aod see. for yourself, and be Convinced. ; , i MOyEB,.-'. ? I jan 7 tf . .'u s ff j"At Irvin'aXJorwr. ,4 'FOR. ;Jan24dwiy.r- - NOTICE. - , " v I All Who owe Alexander, Seitrle & Co ; , for ,1874, will please call aqd settle twWf 'neea toe money., v ery respecituiiy, s r Alexander; seigle & co. 1 ! jan 1? . OTEM WINDING WATCHES.' - pK rtCtoi , Of a very superior make, in gold and all ver cases. JoBt received and for sale at i - HALES 4 FARRIOR'S, I feb 9 tf Jewelry Establishment. i : . T7ATEB.S. & If A USE. ? 1WW . . . . . . a. . i 11 J!. are preparea. 10 oiake JMSera cash . I m advances on cotton" shipped ttf onr ;friends in Charleston, or New York, Will also attend promr!y to sales of cotton con ;Rintels,r C&aor e at Wittkowskv & i., OCti. P. MACATTLAr. 1 C07TOU DUYSoa - A.HD Commission &ew'ir,7?J 0FFIC3 above theetore;cf U.t UUier SonsJ: Liberal - advance -nmon consignment of OOTTONto be acW here or lf All consents wl receive prompt per- BOnlgUt"- ' MACATJLAY & CO. DISSOLUTIONS, &c. OTICE. . t The firm o! Sample & Alexander was dis solved by mutual consent on the 7th day of January 1875, in order to admit into the firm as partner Mr. J. D. Kerns. AH per sons. Indebted to as either by note or account are requested to come forward and -settle at once.'- 'With many thanks to oar friends for their liberal patronage in Um; past, we hope by strict and personal attention to business to' merit tha same in the future by giving the best goods at the lowest prices. -h Respectfully, ' - - SAMPLE & ALEXANDER. We the andersigoed.haviDg formed a co- part nershTpvuoder the ioroi and style of Sample" & Alexander, in the Boot and bboe business would announce to the public that we have on hand a large and well selec ted Stock of Goods in our . line, which we will sell very low for Cash, in order to make room for our Stock of Spring Goods. , . - , J SAMPLE, c1"-. , JMc ALEXANDER, I - ? .TTl K"P"R'W.5t QHARLOTTE MARBLE.- WORKS. ' liavine purchased Mr. F.'A. McNinch's Marble- Works, I respectfully announce to the public that I will .carry .on. the Marble business in all its branches, at the stand near the Jail, formerly occupied; by F. A. Mc- Nincn. 'ljomos, Mopumenuiana urave stones of every descriptionffiannfactured at reasonable prices and at short notice. The Dublic are invited to call and examine samples of ray material and workmanship. , f amily Monuments sv peciauiy. ... : : V,; A CARD. Having sold my entire stock, and interest In the Marble business to Mr. SMcNinch, I take pleasure ' in recommending him. to the r untie as -a nrst class Anise, ana oespeax xor im a liberal share or patronage. wtt.-'.,:' iespectruli3r - l'f A. McNINCH. Charlotte, November 10, 1874. - ; . , " " ' G Ifo-PARTNERSHIP NOTICE. We. the nnderslened. would announce to the eitisens of CharloUe-and the public gen erelly.that we have formed a co-partnership under the firm name and atyle of R. B. ALEXANDER ft CO.. to take effect on the first day of January 1875, and: will do bust ness at the 8tore .recently, occupied by Messrs. Long, Sumrow dc Co., Collejge street. We intend to do a first-class business and deal in first-class goods, and offer special in aucements to the cash tuaiu& , We will be elad to ate oor friends at all time promising them, jtheyahall be .dealt with politely ana nouesuy, ana none snau We would solicit a generous share of the pnbuc patronage. Respectfully, ; ; v - B. B. ALEXANDER, xf s.::NEEL3:-; N. B. I would inform mr friends, that. (having resigned the charge of Messrs. Grier & Alexandelr's books.) on the 1st of January 1875, 1 expect to enter 'tipon 'my flaties as rsooxer Jveeper wn oove namea genue-. men,. ana wui always oe giaa ro seetnem I v - Respectfully. - . " dec 24 If 1VB CL ARKSON, C niSCELtAIf EOUS, Tl E PEE DEE COURI ER, ; h DUCKETT A ERW Editors. ; ; The' Courier fs a Democratic paper pu b- lished in Rockingham, Richmond county. Pf. Cj. ' It circnlates very extensively in Kichmond, Montgomery and Anson conn- ties, and ' bas an increasing circulation in several other counties of Nortb and Sooth Carolina. -I t is- - the most "Tettable" adver tising medium" io Richmond county. TJ1ABMERS LOOK TO YOUR INTEREST, -1 have now intore and will continue to keep during the -, season,, a good supply or "Soluble Sea Island Guano", one of the best Cotton Fertilizers sold in this market. -.1 can refer with pleasure to many of the best farmers of this and other countierwho have used this Ooano with profit, and who have ordered a supply for this j year 4 greatly; in- creasing the same over last. Our terms are Uberalahd acoommodafingAirp GTtACi. Call and get the "Planters Almanac" and learn prices, terms, &c N8MlTH,v , jansotf.;,;;,v,f,,;:.-:; Agent; ; KOnCEi-TO HOUSE BUILDERS AND i CONTRACTORS. I have accepted the Agency tor a Haw ilui. and am Dre Dared to receive and .fill L all . orders for any kind 'of liumoer ac as snort a- notice, as.possiDie. 1 have on . hand , a lot of flooring and inch blank. .-'' Jt WW. OSBORNE. '-n f J fiextdoor to J. H. Henderson's" oc29 , Yi.tvj cjr.iH..-i jTtadejitreeU rPHE J ATLANTA RICHMOND JL.r AIR-LINE RAILWAr jvrj; Is over 100 miles shorter, and 12 hours qmcxer ; t r r1' r t r . , . . ; ' THAN AST OTHER,-LINE from CHARLOTTE to Atlanta ilontiom- ery. Mobile, New Orleans,:. Galveston,, and points inrsomnern and Middle Texas. -To Selma, Meridian; Jaclson, Victsbarg," Monroe; and points- in Northern Xouisiana ana xnoitbern Texas. ; - "v ' -T fTo Cbattanoorar T JaJsvilte Memphis, - Little - Roc; ' Terarkana," and S omts m Arkansas anU jfortnern and Mid 1 Texas.-' vjt.r.iv. ; ' Trains leave Charlotte at 6:15 A- M., on ar rival of morning train of N. a Division- R. u. jk. iti-myerat Atlauta.&45 P. Mi, 1 I i coxraicTiso with thbocgb maim or r Atlanta,:: nd mat-Point v Zlailroid . ;Ivtag,Atlahta,..:.t.:.M,".i0.80p: it L i r.. . JtThrongh Car to New Orleanp.) 1 . ' Western. : and Atlantic : Jiailroad. ' ieating Atlanta, ZZAJXP. M (Through Car to Texarkana via Memphis ) Central Ttailroad, Leaving Atlanta, ........ .M..10.40 P. M (Throueh Car to Jacksonville, FIa.V Leaving Atlanta.............. .....10.30 P. H First-Class Passengers and Era! , ; grants Favorite Rome. " ' f J The annoyance of frequent changes' 6ss of timeresaltine from slow trains over indl- 4 rect ronter and - imperfect connections -at terminal points oemg avoided. BdsrzafreCfce cl ThrQiio-h:t" ' i-SStOwe refect. -C rbTlte;'',Cafc, S, E. ALLEN, iOUM ii. f LC, - v. i ! ::... a . Master lrans n, - ft Greensboro, N. 0. crrtcr Alhmtt,Oa: M.C.DISON.-TBfs'rAaitr , -: (eb2t-tf -Ji t o . l i:ou . .t3 FOR AU DERANGEMENTS OF LIVER,, KIDNEYS, SKIN, STOMACH AND E0WELS. KANUFACTURED BY E. L. KING & SONS, COLUMBIA, 8. C TT HAV1NP-BEEN REPORTED BY I some that this Preparation is the- same as Simmons' LwerRegulator, we deem it right to correct this impression. Although C. A. Simmons was former Proprietor of bothnreparations, he assures us that ; blM MerNS' HEPATIC COMPOUND is his latest improvement in Medical Science, and that it has no connection- Whatever with former preparations, but that it is far superior, in every respect,; to any Liver - Medicine to whicn his name was eve.attacnea, . oeing composed solely of Vegetable ineredients. The trial of one bottle will satisfy the most incredulous. - - -This Comocund was Patented De cember 12, 1871, and name Copy-righted 1874. ' - - Por Sale by Wholesale and Re tail Dealers Everywhere. se26 tf. . ' -- -- 2 3 2 - 85 as op- E "Si - 4- M M C3 Si.' o E OD oe QD - .H'.rS'r:' a S S3 c -V. ' Ms c S - CO P5 o Ob d o 65: w o o 1 cafe o 4 a - 1 - " ' ii-i s T)IWNTERS' STATIONERY. x m The old estblMied house of BREM, 2J BROWN & CO-, have just received i J an invoice of Printers Stationery, fT cunsisiing in pari, oi ; J BLANK' CARDS) : BILL CAP all sizes, - 7 , -r CO -rT at n t . O O LETTER CAP, ' : 1 FANCY CARDS, f, COLORED CARDS, WEDDING CARDS, WEDDING NOTE, t XEovelopes of ull grades.TS ' ' We expect to keep a inll stock of this class of goods. v .. feb 16 tf f I N STORE AND TO ARRIVE.- -I 4 i fS " f' -"V A choice lot of Young Hyson,' Gunpow der, Imperial, Japan, Oolong and English Breakfast ' ' " ' ' ; ' J - - tea.5 ' r i: : Old Government Java, Maracaibo, Lagua graandRio t " -! ; a- . : ' v ''' 1 :-;v -5 is COFFEE. 'Cut Loaf, Granulated Powderex Stand ard "A,'? ExO, and Deuierara j ; SUGAll. ; New Orleans Porto Rico and Muscavado ,1 ,-sirJi a . . Golden and Silver DrirSs and Sngar House ' I Dutch Herrings.-' Smo'ked and Salt i Sal- i mon,x.xtra jno. i? enore .iviaoterei, An phoyies, Bloaters and ; lal 1 ' - - t "'T i . f. 4 J Ol . Pine Apple, Sap ' Sago, Limberger, Swiss, Edam and Factor CHEESE. A . -.vcji-..jij; .TV 1 In ' i i ' Oranrc, Lemons and, Cocoa- -;?.) - ii,t.1i;'vU'i.-!.: v I A ;fnll assortment of clioice -Family Gro ceries 'always on hand. Good ? delivered free In 'any part of the city, by ' : '-! - wnTTTnvnnpi? ti astt a OTCWr" 'M1 1 ; Famixy Gbocers, li feb24-f. Opposite Charlotte Hotel LARGEST ESTABLISHMENT IJT TJIE -STATE. . r--:--f. Edwards, Brougbton & Co., -f' 1 PRINTERS AWD BINDEltS, ' '-; isi -Raieign IV. C. Blank Books of Every kind kept t on 1 hand - : sro;k1 rand made to order.-' Ivrw:?. i; Printing andf Bin'dingrof every descrip tion, in best style,' .and .at rices'jthat.ijWilli defy competition., ",f"" VSwt'".'. ! Prompt attention given ioordersj , j - feb3 tf., i n WEST & SONS, . .4 !- '. , ALADDIN SECUB1T Y UIL.,, t sr ti? AVTTCTi isn rF.OREES FIRETEST. WARRANTED 150 DEGREES FIRE TEST. WATER WHITE IN COLOR, i -. FULLY DEODERIZED. "" AND IT WILL NOT EXPLODE. , It hams in all Coil Oil and Kerosene Camps. ri i"'h'isl ifS IT? A TRY IT, Ask for 'Aladdin Security, and take no other. - 4 For sale by . ,' C 'J W. R. BURWELE .& CO. sfebU ' VTOTICE. , The beginning of a new yearH&a period for fettling .business .accounts.' rWenotify our' patrons- that we are now engaged in this important matter. , We have but a few customers who are i.ot prompt in making monthly payments; and it is to them specially that we address this notice. Gentlemen, we eannot permit the ocrr.s ion to pass without a settlementi i . j t ' ' Very reepectfully; .-T-rr.- i 4 an-j-iw. j. a., icuujsy e nun. I aAKP.RETirs garden seeds most reliable. Sold in CURWELL & 1 . N. . JOHN A. YOUNG BON ClotimkbsV : CLOTHING PALACE, - 5. -1 .i : Tryon St., Charlotte, N. C. Ar Jnow closing out their entire" Stock of CLOTHING, HATS and '' GENTS' . FURNISHING GOODS, afe-re- t dnced prices, to make room - for their large Spring Stock. ' u' - j r mi a jan 17 3 cj'uisT T00LBY'i YE AST .POWDERS, ; - In i's, J's' 1 4th and l-5th Cans, at ", ' ' W. R. BUR WELL A OO.'S" ' Dktjo Store, ' , ftb25-tf. Springs Corner, "yE ARE AGENTS " , ' , , " ;. . FOB , ' " Knight, TSouthwick & Co.'s eANISTER-TEASr- Try them t and then you will buy them, and use no other kind r ' ' - f ' j! Our Goods are all Warranted as rep resented. ' ' i 4 r ' , WILSON & BLACK, ' ' ; ieb25-2m.'J'. Wholesale Druggists.'' TNDIGO AND MADDER, . ' Bestrqnaiity, at wholesale prices at1 1 ' T. O SMITH A CO SV t COBSER DfiUO STOaX, ' t feb24 tf, Opposite Central Hotel: jg RUSHES. 11 " " t r ! A fresh lot of Paint Brushes jnst received,' also a very fine assortment of Hair Brashes, at - . j - -1. Li, sMl 1 11 (JOS . . " C0B5ZB PBUG STOBB, ' . , feb24-tf. ' a vl, opposite Central Hotel.7; GAPE FEAR BUILDING COMP'Y, General Contractors for bnildirjM .macu- factared by Machinery,, of select material Private residences and . public baildings. bridges, railroad cars,, mouUIinga, brackets, oaiasiraas. newei posts, nana r&i lings, win dow frames, fencinsr. &e. - ?r. 1 Orders solicited by-Thos.' H.AllenV at othce of Wooten s Express. jan 19 6rA , . . ,s TEW FUKNITUfiE NOW COMING IN EVERY DAY, JR. F. Davidson's1 FUUIV ITITB.E ROOnUsVr NEAR THE Cra.TJRTHOUSE. , Our old stock of -Walnut Chamber Suits having been sold off, we offer to the public A Fine New Stock. - Rkcksttlt Bought, ' at' ; r - - GREATLY SEDUCED PRICES, I And in proof Cf our assertion we will sell ri . Walnut Chamber Salts t- AT FROM t . FORT Y TO F IF T Y D 0 L L A R S, COMPLETE, And all other ' t X i At equally Low Rates. . Our stock is Large and Full, and .those in want of Furniture will find that it will pay to examine our stock before buying. ft ,S1 i t iiSpedal inducements offered to whole ealebuyers.' . C r. f. daVidson.;; Chaotte, N. 0.; 0ct.!2s; 1874. ,..tf STEAM SAW MILI . . - : At Gilbert's Hollow, S.'C. on; Charlotte, Columbia & Aogosta Rrilroad.-r Cr,- c Dressed aud Undressed Lumber. - FLOORING1 MATCHEOJAND UN MATCHED, alfspecialty " ; Call on oradirfas ' ' , 1 -n CMi v fS. R. & J.H.LEWIE. T: .x 4l feb 1 9 3m." - - LARGE AND WELL SELECTED FIRST CLASS GROCERIES : Molasses, Flour, decs, .' ;BARRELS Nw Crop'cnBA M0- LASSES, ..i-"f,-; Al large lot of Flour ; Meal, &c.r which : we areofferng'cheap'to""cash "'or;!promptly pay ing custdmerlf. il --ti ; ...i' j 1 , . . " un- 505 BUSHELS of SEED OATS,'. ! 1 r If 0nr 8t0pk . of Family Grocei ies t cdmpJste. Give us a call, 11 Of pi is iO .H liRlEfiALEXANDER;' feb 16 tf. - ' p S. M. TIMMONS, 3Vn" Announces to the citizens of Charlotte and the public generally that he has purchased the entire afcock.of, 1. i Groceries and Provisions of. Messrs.' George feSteicker, and that he expects to do business at their old stand un der th e Springs. B iii Idin g.' 1 , . " ! 'A full and complete stock of Family Gro ceries always on hand, at prices' that x defy competition.-;-: s; ,,nov22 daw. pHpicE Baltimore n ams,.; ; f . J I M'atV'an Breakfasi Strips, Atmofes 'cel ebrated &iinee -Meatrall - kinds -ot-Faocy Crackers; "he celebruted' Orahjre Coantj New York rfer; a specialt 'Coaritry But ter always on. hand, Pickles, in oarrels and in botUesJlbest Family Lard in barrels Ta cans, at is'-- . : ; -t - PERDUE'3 jan20 tf. . Fxuxly Gaoccar - I, .... ...... - ' i--;. I SoutheriVi;L!iie""' insurandoruCan I Jlaw 21 T. A. President. AMOS WOODRUFF, Vice-President.- , CH AS. T. PATERSON, Asst. Sec Annual Income Nowi at the Rate of . Gross Assets, July lst,f8T. ;7 DIKECTOltS. FS Davis; ' W H Cherrv. TA Nelson, ,CWFrazer, - Jacob Weller;" ""du Townsend. Gen J B Gordon, - . A J White, 3 XJEDICAL & Miles WUlet,MD. . , , Reserve fund. taken in North rsmlina. 30)00tnrea estate t Charlotte . - " trc&iaeiu. MiN. A. Hi COLQUITT. Vice President5: . -ALFRED AUSTELL.- Treat. . -v .- J. H. MILLER, Sup of Agencies, i ' J A MORRIS,Secretary, , Losses Adjusted, at lloiae; f i According to Goodsell'sJ New Yorlt renorta for 1874J rha,.anthftrn 1 Cbrapany stands gecand to none in Its conservative and economical manazement and'- vxiuvvjiiuiiv iu its auuuy o luiiiii its coBiracis. Its' rates are as low as absolute necessity in equitable dividends the surplus to the assured,,. ;., .((J'y.Civ!; - .,,-fi JIts.absofute solvency is tmenrpflssed by any company doing buaihess''in'':llief'lnri(ed' States, and is endorsed by thebe5t business men in all the commercial centres of the South. V ' . AH policies. non-forfeiting. V Parties holding policies, in Northern Comtwnies can havr ; them transferred without, loss or risk, and thus save so much capital, to the South ' !J1ZB Medical examination, alwars rennirpd r ' s ; ; . . y -1 . r Pa7 THE OUDE&T-HOUSE IN THE STATE! -. - t GE0R6K Ei" FRENCH i &T SOlST, tv C39:. North .Front: Street, Wilmington, n. C -.1: ir- in (Ai1a "AHA Af 4 KA IaMMIA AVtll rvFFER to the trade,' one of the largest B00TS,x SHOES ; to be found in the South', dealing exclnsi vely experience of 53 years, in selecting goods for order, we give'w-i r' fiti'a .f : t A Better Sloe at tes-Prles.ilta.ajyiHoMiifltsiS.i .'.v..'!:-'j1I' " '';-i'--;r . .-i.-.i'f j ... ' V '' ' . 1 y'-'t ; e ..aeii uu suuuuy siock auu wih cuai-auiee w ben iuc saiue Kruuc. ui Kuouiiua same price, 111 neijaweri. as uiey; can ne ooogni or any joooimrDouse.iNorui. u . . ? ' j X ORDERS SOLICITED. t.. ',: :OfiUtdi..frw B, Price List furnished upon application. . . f 'r. 4? ,t SQ We invite you to a, personal examination. ; - ivrt , I. hll.rsVjJh.: IWilinington, Na C.i I fan2T-dlv ' 3 : . - T'..I V'-lUt WILLIINGTON NORTH .UTS." . . Fast, Miir " ' Eonte w4o - ! BALTIMORE, -'v.-ui Baltimore and Southern SteamtTrana- l-v; portation. Company vj jVi; i Sailing from BALTIMORE ! -Tuesday and Friday-- at .? 9 FjTJ, j - AND PROM .WILXIHQTOir,", WEDNESDAY AID SAT17RDAY. ttmt,,-i y.f' . vnn) " i .n-,T-.-;t'T ;-:s j-:';- GIVING THUOTJGH BILia OP LADING to' all points 3 ib-Nortb "afJf Soati f : Carolina, Georgia and Alabama. .For North : or 'East :i bound Freight,' to'1 Baltimore Philadelnhia. New Tork. Boston. Providence. Fait River arid other Eastern Cities.? - I -. , . : 1 . Liverpbol,KiGI& 1 Antwerp.and juther turopean rprio These. Lines connect at Wilminarton with'" t. "V allrpadrWTTmingtbn Ayeldoa Railroad, and Carolina CestrarnailKiy and Gitnr'f River. Steamers, with their connecting' Roads, offering nneqaallad facilities for. the r ro?npt- delivery ot freight to an points, as tne steamers on, these Lines on arrival in vilming;;' ton stop at Railroad depot, the Preicrht transferred under eovered sheds to cars without " delay, and forwarded by the Fast Freight Express thai mewnic.i 1 v - x ; - V i ' ' i -Jri.Jfo dfayage in Wilmington and to transfer fronr-Wilminstou Sooth; . iRstes guar'.' , anteed as LOW as byanr other boats.. Losses or Overcharges oromntlv - nauL Mi;kV all goods via Wilmington Lihesi " t r; Jj'or f nrther jnrormation, apply -to either of the undersigned Agents of the Line. ED.WIN,' ITZGERALD, Gen'l Agt,' Baltimore Line, 0 South Street, Cilli re. 4 ' -t ,urWAL CLYDE & CO., Geo'l AgtewTorkXine, 6 Bowlin? Grcear y.Y.'.t't i J A. D. GAZAUX, Agent Baltimore and New York. Lines, 7ilmic2tc5i, N C - V-tf, ; A DRIA &T0LLER3, ; . , Corner Front and Dock Streets, ; j Wilmington; sr. c. TO THE MERCHANTS . OF WES- TERN NORTH . CAROLINA;. We arc constantly in "the receipt" of Vac cam&w & Cape Fear .Fresh-Beaten ,. --., 5 1 mC3Ri i HA1IS, BiDi:3,;GiiouLDrr.3Iv: . r 'Jj; (Dry Salted and Smoked). -K'i A j Englisirnrd-.gcctch Ales, ' Coffees of all kinds at Rednced Prices" Fisls Case Goods of all kinds; Toilet Soaps! Fine Pale and Common Soacs, Twenty dif ferent, kinds cf Tonic Bitters, Cigars,- To bacco, Kerosene Oil, U ay, Corn and' 0at3, wxth huridreda of other articles of 7 r V, G&0CEXLZZ3 AT "WUCLTili:. ' 1 V Country merchants will do weir by calling ing on os and examining onr stock. $i . i Ca8horcloar baying customers can be Baited always, with Good Good3, at Low est L'Ailst Trices.. . v dec23-tf. . ADRIAN & YOLLTRS. : 'Madison Streets; ' - : ' NELSON ll AtrV T' 'ij -A I r - BEN MAY: SMtart. O ! V, DAVIS, Treasurers . . j 'v'; i t "'i -t ' f:.-- 91,800,60000 -1 i 3 i?. - '"".-d .M P.Jarniran WC Ireland . , U .'. - F M White 1 r 7 T'l n May,- - S c Mir BOARD, f i;s :i ''ste. . , tN JHEraklnfLM 11 inrMta 5n th flfat- - j ;--'.' f.: -t-?. n - will allow.- while its' mutual kinrx wMm ' .UvL t .t ' v; 3 11 i;'"''f?C t MAflf AAml1..A BTAka it " " and most complete stocks of ,5 i (I AD LEATUEB, j:; :r f .1 r ..S . t'$. in BOOTS LAND; SHOES,with!abusioea the trade, and, haying oar good made op toyt ' y-- ', . 1 l GEO? il. FRENCH & SOIf, ILi, Ml SCMIOLIIIA no 7 t; :,tL' vr li-'.. ' ;ali : ;? pQlnts3. Santif-1 aslt EL ; a i - Clyde's T7ilptr2tc:i Lthr, 'j ' from NEW TORK ' f u'.'vTi -" . 1 , .v - .: Tuesday and Friday, at 3 ' 'i' faH rBOM WlLMUtOTOI! iv- .' . wedmedayaw , f -r c iritis T",' '" ' ' 1 ' w i , I -l.'i :also: -1- f -. (.-" ihe.VVHniinston.' Columbia fe ;AnrBstV:r t t? '.: :,.-;. .''-' ' - 'i " II. BBCHBrLD - . . 1 1 j L. BRUSHIU . jJ'BRtJNiiiLtJ lto:; 1 W h . . i'l - .- Wholesale Dealers ia . tiQtrciti An d era Aiis,' No. 3 Gracita Row South Treat Street, . . ,v V7ILlIINGTO:r, N. C - I, -4 Importers, HecilZcrs, -' WLc.iL 'Liaoor . ueaters ana .uanaiactarers or Ctpirs.!-''--' Kentucky V rj "TJcrth" C-rI V.'l.Liejr and 2crifi Carolina Arjl Landy,-f -a specialty. Ve-have the lar- t -? v. -..'- C-:I cf Lrt-crs and : Cigars in the . State. 1 ir. rr.uiaiiLD a cr.o.4 .'"? 1 1 - . . ,"" A-ppTJTT-. - - 0. of - tr.ii rsa -jin 3 tf 3 vr. t tl citi:i "v.ye&rs. 5 t. i fr 4

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