DAILY OBSERVES. L .. J , -4 wTTW'nnSFlRVER" IS THE ONLY PA PER PUBLISHED INTHE, STATE WEST OF RALEIGH WHICH GIVES THE LA TEST TELEGRAPHIC 2) IS PA TCHES EVERY MORNING. B VSINESS MEN WiLL PLEASE MAKE A NOTE OF THIS. CIIAS R, JONES, Editor & Proprietor. WV P. AlNYAaaotiate Editor. -; yaesday, March 9, , 1375,. Free from the i 'doting ' craplei that fitter our free-born reason." i OBS ERVATIOKS. A newspaper correspondent. aaya "there is strata In poker-playing as well as in politics." Tha aw-thaw the cj"fceautiral Snow" is found at last. It is no less a person than Sol,'" hut hot the one" ni'Cbneord. ''- 1 y We don't hejleie' tie - lait- rnmor.! Ann Dickinson could no more be a circus-rider than she could fly. ' " 1 . ParsoriBrdwnlow is laying np a supply of nrtfi&nd hrnistoae-fort ebmlbg lumbers 6f the KnoxviUe,yvnd ricje Wn Senator Goi.onandpeyiese.nUtlTeLaniar w'ih go" to tJeWHampshire to 'speak ""for the DemacraMc candidates."'" e:J "V- i The losses by the flood aroandi Knox villa East Tennessee, foot up over a million dol lars, . lA.aJl Alfoajp is not going; to be assassinate like most Spanish Kings.' A sound spanking his subject think, .-vrlUjj occasion r his resigna. tion. - f All the witnesses; In ttbelgreat -case rwtll Aeroafter bear- the honprarr title of - -ex fataeflaes in the Beecher.Tilton affair.-" ' Bneombe coanty will tend p fburteen-ton cheese to the Mecsilenbal Cenlennlal, and Salelgh will furnish a hangry editor war. tendered th9 Turkish mission, it would be advisable for 0e. Sultan, to put .ona. double guard at th eninMice. to his seragUofor Horaee is an steeompllshed rogue. k " The surname of Qreenjllle's (S. C) latest . Importation in the shape of a minister is MHideifc1 It Is to be hoped bis -giVwa' name is not estT ;ii-n . 1 :; " ! . Mr siAakefttame7 veJtrstly. aald. in his valedorAh'at4 pa ot any1 party who lor)r;n;sh dividing! linetweennytyhnd" poilcy.f.'j A , The Richmond Whig says Judgfe Dickinson at thebrfekklast table of St. James Hotel; de- elded in the presence of many, that a man conld give; a eolored waiter halt a dollar -under .theClyiVJuMghte jlJUl ,,nnless he , gstve 'the samQ amount lo a- white person. s rtwi Freni tBe soak'edf cohdHfojf of 'he last few copies of Ae Gal vesto !NewB' that reac hed this ofQce, we are- forced id the conclusion r that Ht iasTeen xtnlp ViTexasj France is very anxiQUSabout mounting her cavaland, to (ha endsought ,toupn r chase lprses peroany; The . Germans. have mmtjfafi of aiding France to mount her warriors, and so . Kaiser Wil liam has issued a decree forbidding the z. portation of the horses. ' ' ' ' " , v " It is a little singular that the hotel at Alex . andria, Virginia, where the first blood was shed in the late struggle, was the first hotel in the country to close after the : passage of the Civil Bights Bill. The Bichmond Enqui rer says, "as the war began there 'perhaps it has closed with ita closing." Says the Newberne Journal of Commerce: "The North Carolina Badical Congress men dodged' on the Force BilL ' Neither Cobb nor Thomas roted. ' Wm A Smith voted with oar Democratic delegation against the in. iquitous measure." ' A young man in this J city after attending the Opera the other night; aroused his room t mate about 4 o'clock In the morning by danc ing round the room In his' sleep,' singing , "a thousand pounds ahd a Captain's daughter,' The Congressional Conference Committee on the .general appropriation bill reported Ave thousand dollar appropriation was strlck en Irwlt''it Wha shaJL we without iur.'BeM Butler In Congress ?. The demoeratlc journals have our condoleme say iheN York Herald. Why we'Udohui'gSBpBrown, that's What We'UdoL'?; 5 - There wire in 1873, 823 nnlverslties and cbl . leges In the United States, with 52,063 stu dents. Ohio has the largest number or in stitutions; NeWjYorktheneit largest. Says the New York Herald : "LltUeRhody wUl Inot brook' federal interference, and somehow or othernwar lerau Imminent be tween the State and the United States. We depraeoejtIUt;flMtiotaU tjeeaoMthe 8tae l; ?carcelargf jiough for 4wo,arniiM however small ;' though It must be oonfes'secl that Governor BTowardVbeirajoW' message Is pleasant reading Jn theses piping times of peace." Woodson M 3rte" Kalegh News is accredited witli 1 the aporis.m,, The pea may be toight . er 5rd. but the scissors Is might ier thaifef Her." ' if thtflttnston Gjutette, is to be ireved.paaQn lltes Bp to; htsaiot to. Of course we . know nothing about it 7 Tha qaettealdlfbme'tfnle i&tti&frQotf. grand-miitfier'f old 8iea?iL-7v - A wresnoi,de)ntif Aht,lep Yorkflnn say iiwer j piverstralionlv Wasntngton eoMldern agbodiokethat Schenblti'rBo,ia be taken as authorltv on mw izz-'i truth irhewM-w-U-i. 7 f.ZVi1 was Tver known to awln- tittt onee, and then thetfellowt IrK with 110,000 in order ib&&&& Zh a ity&Wki: SantSiaS to be an excenf ppker-player and can beat Schenck'6utbf buTboots . ttaBichna!A4 SS? Thursday while bodjpwtfs In AMfftWi iVi . . . that Ceant-atArmsnolltelv n..J l.TL- the man insisted upon his right to Uso where ne cnose and onlT- lniitAitth that ha m - - r - ilHou auxuixxlOU that he would be forcibly ejected. . Ha and hU pwitoy hen'Urutted Wt in fteat iL? -jTtt. - P8yihOiTOoved tha-ye. olutfon of nsnr-, of; Joatt Xbnng 3rowu .,wriweW atjiettew.td (Mf iOrtttehdetfof MJaswutMpTeaBia rfegfet hlM up nea. ehtetf iife frgdrrectlni'the - lnjustlee wnlcli'he isw'Siiy, conSced y.wae done to Mr Brown by the ehi k varlcatlpn imputed to that eentiTnAn said resolution of censure, and be- calls" Hr Brown an upright and honorable man." f A special to ttoefenond trhii iava V "A CapitoUwtiSbt) bejtWPeR'MtSfihar, s Ol Virginia, and Mr Brooks, tha editor nf th Beibln,x.t$Ufctty:tcaB bf)crtaln twetnres reenr-tiAted da 'Rephbll can open. Berc'rr tf8ea,"arid';there w wjmutwe-excitement. tnt the hartley were qulcklo eparated,"and no damage wa wu 10 eitner party, uener strncit the first oUm, :7e,ner?r seenriliad:. Of. better jsci aastlhlswmberlrom- Virginia; He broofc noinsuitui "T"Lr-l -rV?;?; rfTE CHARLOTTE CENTENNIAL Under this head,' a correspondent otthe Piedmont Press signing hinisell "VorkcKrfwtes fromOld Fort, a mosl tntereeiingiletteriwhich we" give in fati below s V&fcope.Dtir State ex changes who feel an interest in the celebration will notice the suggestions of this correspondent so Hh at parties other localities may be 'induced to contribute articles i peculiar to z- their own immediate 8ectioni'Norilt.paiP:.J lina is" a little world. " within : herself. Every variety of 'soil and .vegetation may be found between CPunconibe's icy:; mountains' and .y Craven's xoral 'strand:; We shall notice this com inu nicatiOttt'agaiailThe correspondent says: - - "The 2Qth of next May has been-, set apart bthe citkens of North Carol i- of the Declaration . of Independence and it becomes the duty of every true son to contribute to its success. The "Mecklenburg Centennial : Associa tion" has been organized by : the elec tion of HonVW.'At "Graham, Presi- dent, .assisted : by - forty-three :yice- Prfesidents,vand at -a mass, meeting WgiZFrW aw,t wso, I f wuuM-iui were auum.eu iwupg tue cuMjptyKm or rerypouy ino ita passing the House, as certain anti doubt be a grand expositron, -people! njr;5U K '0i' - tn . , from all parts ofhe State will attend ; allf the Fire and Military Com panies . havebeen invited,' and a gpQd bid fwne gfSBeraWy4S epfectedV : L-w; ? w. QPWMMPn. tortii. t Anii.nWiiiiM;ikn4fe.h.fcrAM.ifhibitine the apprenticeship ol white vaawv aiMHivtwOt VMr-llH 'SVUlv VJ I her VastJmlfieraPlarid11 'agridufturiJ j wealth WhberM1r ??h t uat uu ainrtvuTPrAajf a;uuiu wj i - ade with a little exertion. :I Jn ;tho j made way of -rainers;Prof C. P. Smith, of M aeon jcauntycouiu (exhibit a cabi- tint, rif natin minsnla mira ocKocf no corrundum and 'sbapstohe; ' 51 r i In the way of a Pomological dis play Capt. Nat 'Athinson'; of Bun combe, could exhibit a variety of fruit that would astonish the,, most , credu lous apples especially the pride and boast of North Carolina. Then what an elegant and immense display of grain1 and cereals "Could be made by some cro-ahead farmers'.. 'It is under stood that Prof. Kerr, State1 Geologist, will exhibit s large arid:varied cabinet o jninerals,:.' while sums , gentlemen from.Statesville will have on exhibi tion a collection of -medicinal t herbs, roots ahd flowers.embracing over eight hundred different varieties, hand somely encased, to be called the "Medical Flora." ". - The writer will exhibit a collection or native woods, em bracing every va riety'1' indigenous to Western :N6rth Carolina. , The wood'1 wilt be nicely 8quarred arid polished, and will be the I only complete collection ever -exhibi- teel:4 It was upon the sueeestionof airThe bill was introduced by Dr. John corresDondent . oL tha States villel Airtcsaf that ( the writer iias gone tb 1 the expense ana trouble of obtaining such a valuable collection, which he hopes will be as attractive as it is ; va ried. Let everybody go to work land exhibit something vines, mosses; shells, Ac' .vh''v. S'l v': r It'-;:"""! To our young friends, Jetf us make a suggestion i The boys- might all club together and obtain quite a collection of birds, eggs &c, and the young hv dies who are ever lovers of the beauts fulNaturemigbt.make quite an at-j men, he is the fattest beef in . the en tractive collection of butterflies. 'tc. I tire lot, and no better time can come Let everybody exhibit something;, no matter how small, and we ' will have a Centennial1 that we may well e proud In this connection 1 1 1 beg leaye to qfifet (he suggestion that the Managers of the Association give a Fancy Dress Ball, in which-the costumes of the gallant youths and-maidens 6f 175-76 will be 1 assimilated.-,' Let's get back for once to the days of. our ancestors arid commemorate Ithei bravery and saffering, by one grand, joyous turn out." EVER Y COUNTY'- TO ITSELF. ftl We hope': that ..every, county in the Stata will have appropriate articles on Pihihitirmaf. thfl fnrthTriTncrnfintpn-Ifavor t . tt o - , i t WWfipift. 9W?fW county shall have efeartment - to it8elttLet the people' of, every coun tV noTda mMUns aiid a mtmWHm i secured s2Hf..cwwi'r-un HKfwiis removed, a general election will county shalt be v appropriately-'i-epre- sented by the productt 'beoulia tb stich'ulyltif Ww eWnty'i' " ... , ' '!??uAfir c0??. H; $awI l41 ownepanmenKJuev jnere pe f riv putiea by uenerai Mctiowan, a vacan alry amonthe'differenfccountiw cy will exist in his office. toiwhix ;shi3I,have. the largest andl most appropriate arrar of articles ion exhibitidn. . Let the ladies of 'each county maVe;a beautiful flag -with : the name of the county, and, an appropri' t ". - 'ili'i .7?,'" i aiemoii9,mscwueuinerepn,4 . , fiti lato be hoped tthat no- coanty will be without a representation; and that each will have, female represent itulHlAitZ kt n, ;rl tation, too. .Let the.Iadies of the dih feremX counties lewith each . other inletsfefulvaifang r iW- ktukJ-Ai'i:2t- Let the committees of the different counties come to Charlotte .with their articresrexibitioVa'day1 advancef the .celebration -Let the .i xr" ! "voii- v v . c a- tsv i erniman in our cityi 1 kHe dispenses; a th6mny(the, shape theState beneficial charity, and is "a friend to of ivlfortbi Carolina,! !and: let i(ach the poor, and fatherless, and him that couiity have ita geographical pbsitiotf.ihath none to help him."r ?I shall defer Let every ground county fails to ' make use of it. the inference'will'behVtiasn 'wilt probably arouse -the prideacoupty; tenniajrattd howJlt shall W manage &c&c.v we hope if .our friend? can thintbetterJilanrfaImnr planoifan.im prose ment on this, they will tallipfbuty WWunW Wehavexio time iolooseilbel20th;of 1 1. !; t . fiTTHYctrr. r'rx n rri . . t. : A SENSIBLE SUGGESTION. t The Petersburg: idie"1 and Appeal ay: f ,.t: a ,"It is" announced - that nart of ! the M.mtimniahi'xerCT8ia-t-f!hflrlnttwr- C, next May is to be a iparadeof, the Kniehts of Pythias ion-horseback and in masks. We hope the nroeramme will be so farraltered asi;t.Oi dispense with the .masks. -.There is no thin 2 ( pretty or"pjfoper in any of our ; South- ooWty baVe;many feefof l"ZZl?u OI V . neriain s oiog tfet apart? foTrt,? and -if any f fpAmlkw;, at.a.tM-:. ne i-JLtxniHt ern people the bravest and frankest in the world disguising anythingthey do in any. manner, -Besides, at this special time, the example i would not look right; The f celebration of the Mecklenburg Declaration - will be of a dignified and 'public . character and those who' participate in it have . no reason to conceal their identity." ;Thi8 is a sensible suggestion, and we hope the Knights of Pythias will adopt it and dispense with masks. Masks will do very well at social 1 en tertain menta -or Mardi Gras--celebra-tions, as concealment of , identy is-, a source of amusement,'but it is hardly in good taste on an occasion such as the Mecklenburg Celebration will be; and we' fail tosee point In it as most of the Knights, we have the pleasure oi snowing can lay claim to a . very fair nroDortion of nersonal ' nulchri- Lude and ought to be glad of an op- portunity to show it off to advantage in their gaudy regalia. The Junior editor of the .Southern Home writes his paper from Raleigh'. iecim by a - two thirdg majority6to Lall a Convention, and acommittee was appointed to draft the bill. But j understand there is some doubt of ml " v m :' ; ' ' t t 5 ThOj Charlotte . Democrat, com m ent- ingoalKa bill recently passed hy the General Asserobly-of this I Sutc- pm 1 r - a .: - .. . : ' childreh.to negm in asters, says : the talk and publications ou in duijjccu nas ueen ramer useless as we have never known a case where a white ' child was'" apprenticed to Fa colored injan Sqoman in this i State, It was once reported that such a state of Urines existed :-in this county, but it was very soon proved to be a false re port. If a white child was ever bound to a negro .in"North Carolina the pre cise case and county has never been made known. So we cannot see that either. 'friend Mills, - the Children's Friend,, the Petersburg Jlmxra, or the Baleigh Neirs, U entitled to much credit. for the recent act of the Juegis lature on the subject of Apprentice ship." : COMMUHICATKD. SOUTH CAROLINA POLITICS N0.4 ; Columbia, S: C , March 6th, 1&75. The Legislature has at last aroused to a sense of its duty, as was evinced on yesterday, when, in , a summary manner, the resolution-was passed by a vote of 9d to 6u, appointing a com mittee to draft an address to the Gov ernor, demanding the removal of the defaulting Treasurer, F. L. Cardozo. A. Barker, who sunDorted ' it' in speech of great force, and rare beauty Alter, portraying- the great j injury which the State would v suffer by his retention in so important an othce, he brought it home to the minds of the rural members in the following unioue style: "Here is the portly Chief of the Exchequer.' the-man whose sys tern indicates the presence of much train, or bear's oil; the man, whose friends speak of him as being the 'poor Treasurer': I tell you, gentlo- for taking his hide than tbe present The question is tnis: 'Shall the true j interests of the State be protected from detriment, or snail, this man Cardozo be allowed to continue his blihting career. Upas, like, poison ing everything with which he comes in contact." I Barker displayed great energy and shrewdness in pressing his resolution to a successful conclusion, and is em- I inently entitled to the plauditsjof the county he has the honor to represent By his action on this and other mat ters of momentous importance, he has made himself a host of friends! who point to him with pride as being one of the most steadfast of our sen- tinelsj unon the nolitical watch tower J Able speeches Were also delivered in of the resolution above referred . i . tt- ri' - ft --rrii,i Joseph Barnwell; of Charleston.: The I House was almost unanimous in its passage: "..-- :-i-- v have not examined the. Organic IZ -V-v ri: ihaVe to be ordered to fill the vacancy At the same time, a ' successor to Comptroller-Generai Hoge will be electedHoge claims a jseat in . the present-Congress, and, unless he is ' wwemurooo i muung akes 0 iDterest whatever in politics, He has always been honorable in all J his transactions,- and occupies an ex- il1e?.i,0,8l"on aniongsousiness men . IHe is extensively, engaged; in land B,,eculatipns in Ohio, and report says h is immensely rich... There is no concealing the fact that he is intensely ?.is8!ulted with Badioalismp as . prac, Mcd here. He often regrets that he eVer consented to obey, the behests of theCristian Statesmen" : in their; ;ef- forts to reconstruct the Satefj,- glince vill convince 6e that he be- &t hi?hef-brder of the gems -fame "than .; the residite5 of the 6fthern element here, l it is sifirnifi- fcaiit however, that he is. more nniver- I Which T'ltft WHftn!;'9?c? of bur a most healthful condi- der the Stiperinteridency ;)f Ji- IV Ens or1, an enlightened, able and ' humane physician.; The inmates are well car ed' fdfahd. 'the monotony- of ; their ble ways. V , r X X. X.,:; I- -. OA ' Orange ji! " ' 1 i ine grange, was again m session l. nigfnt , and ,atlarge amount j of business of gr.eat importance to the oroer was iransaciea." v ? - , ; The following offlcefs. were elected for the ensuing yeari - r -i c: , Master Columbus : Mills, Cabarrus county. . - ; Overseer P. M Fitts, Warren ; . : Lecturer-trJohn B Smith, Caswell, a ciewara u a Armstrong .3 Ponio, f Assistant WtewardHill E King,- Ons j ow.- ' i unapiam Kev h j Hunt, Franklin ; TreasurerCt ; W Lawrence Cum- uenauu. GatefKeeper-J B Clark, Watauga.. a ' .isaiiy resDecteatnananvrnthpr NoTth- - - rutiiiw mil 1 1 -rareai wrr trv vrar nnr n n r n iCeres Mrs S A Mills, Cabarrus. I Pomona Mrs A S Fitts.. Warren. - JJ lora Mrs i C Carlton, Iredell: Lady Assistant Steward Miss El' Boyd, Cabarrus. i : -, : - o , Executive Coram ittce-G Z French' New Hanbverj A Graves, Caswell, AT Mial, Wake. f Proxy to represent N C State Grange at next meetidg of National Grange James F Johnston, Mecklenburg. .1 - Capt E T Paine, Secretary-of the Direct Trade 'Union , of Georgia, t ex plained the objects and workings ot that movem en t,-a nd Messrs'Jam est F Johnston, N W Woodfin and Jasper Stowe were, appointed a Committee ta issue an address to the patrons of this State and urge upon them the importance of subscribing to w the stock of the Direct Trade Union, r , The "Slate Agricultural -Journal" was endorsed as the organ of the State Grange, the Grange to add ' an assis tant Editor to that paper. -I The meeting throughout has been of a most harmonious character, and an amount of work- has been done that ' reflects great ; credit . upon the State Grange. , f " . i ine great majority of the members wiil return to their homes to-day. . : Raleigh News, of Saturday. SPECIAL NOTICES. Imporf ant Results Pleasantly Achieved. Although the davs of irrational medica- Oion are happily passing away, and intelli gent pnysicians, nave ceased to measure uie supposed efficacy pf a remedy by the vio lence or Its enectSi there still linger among the older practitioners a few of those predi lections in favor of "heroic'-', treatment, which it would be lucky for their patients if they had abandoned, one or these is a fondness for administering drastic purgn tivea, such as blue pill, calomel, jalap and castor oil. A contrast of the effects of these drenching drugs with the mild and benen cent operation or Hostetter s Stomach Uit terst'is the very best argument that can be adduced against the wisdom of such; da Btrnctive treatment. The . old fashioned cathartics convulse the stomach, and relax the bowels so; abruptly and copiously as to weaken them. ; Hostetter's Bittere, on the contrary, never gripe the intestines, but pro-; duce a laxative effect resembling the action of nature. At the same time they remove the cause of constipation, by aronsing the dormant liver to secrete the bue necessary to the regular performance of the excretive function, and enable the stomach to thor oughly digest the food. . Indigestion land biliousness having been thus overcome, regular habit of body is the necessary con sequence, which the occasional subsequent use of the Bitters renders permanent Eyery disagreeable sympton which, in the absence of perfect digestion and evacuation. harrasses the system, vanishes under the in fluence of the great national stomachic and alterative. Health and vigor are twin blessings that follow its use. MISCELLANEOUS. pURNITURE, Handsome Black Walnut Sets, Cottage Sets, Parlor Suits in Hair, Cloth and Rep, Parlor Suits, What-nots -Extension Tables. Sldeboards,Bed- steads,Bure v aus, Washstand s And in fact everything usually kept m a first-class Furniture House. We have the largest stock of Furniture in Western North Carolina, and invite buyers to give us a call. We are confident of our tability ta sell goods in oar line Chkapeh than they have ever before been offered to the people of this section. ' Mr. F. M. Shelton is wi th us, and will be pleased to have his friends and customers give him a call, ; D. A. SMITH & CO-, FUEKITXTEI DeALKES AKD TJXDEBTA KEBS, feb23-tf East Trae Street. gPRINQ AND SUMMER GOODS, :o:- We are pleased to inform our friends and our customers that i '4 MR. OUR ALEXANDER Is now North purchasing our SPRING STOCK OF DRY GOODS, i i NOTIONS, &c i. r . , a . - - t . . r- - , f V, fl-V . 1 , J - 4 "i S '; : i ... . -!.'-! . - 1 fAU admit that we have a pretty store room.and we assure you our new stock shall correspond with it. - ' ' ' ' ; i Very respectfully, . 4 J. , C ALEXANDER, SEIGLE A CO. . iuar2-tf. " " A ND STILL THEY COME. ' I Northern Applesr" . -t ; - - Oranges, Xemontr " - j Prunes, Green Corn, f . v Green Peas, Green Tomatoes i Picklea of all kindsHominy, eoarse and fine, fine Hams and Breakfast Bacon, Lars in un paus, piautiu ruwra ui mi muu, all going oS cheaper than the cheapest, a i - w.n.prather&co.'s," j '"." - first door above market,, Trade S, , ' mari-tf. - ' ' 9tice. , t j The beginning of a new year is a period. for settling business accounts. We notify our patrons that we are now engaged in this important matter, 1 - r-.We have but a few customers who are tiot prompt in makinir monthlv Davments. and it is to them specially that we address this notice. Gentlemen, we cannotTpermit the occasion to pass without a settlement, v Very respectfully, "- - -- ' -an20-lw. J. A; YOUNG & SON. ITT AU CLE YARDS, Ac. -NEW HARBLE YARD, C0IIEGE ST.,: CHAEIOTTE, N. C. I respectfully announce ta the public that I am cpenirisra Marble-Yard next door to K. M. Bfiller & Sons-,-at, which place I am prepared to manufacture Plain and Orna mental Gravestones, Tombs and Monuments of every description. Having served an ap prenticeship of Beven years with Mr. R. Hare, of Yorkville, 8. C, and six years under in structions: w'th Mr P, A; McNinch, of Char lotte, N. C, I feel warranted in saying that I can competeivorablywith any workman in my line in ' artistic ' merits. . I will ; deal only in the best qualities of marble, guaran teeing all work manufactured by me to prove satisfactory in every respect, or no pay re quired. My prices shall be as .low as the lowest; J-1 respectfully ask a share of public patronage. , ; ; ' Call and see me before purchasing else where, and I can make it to your advantage. Very Tespectiullyv""'" ol7-tf ;.. R. M.i CRAWFORD. A. McNinch. . F. Gbkishabber CHAEIOTTE GRANITE W0EKSV; THE . Undersigned Trespectfully announce to the citizens pf Charlotte that they have formed - a co-partnership to carry on the Granite business in all its branches, and are prepared to fill all orders at short notice for Granite .Fronts, vlJtemetery Lot junciosures. Grave Guards, Steps, Sills, Bases, Coping, Curbing, Area Wall Caps, Flagging Hearths, Upping Blocks, Fence i"osts, etc., xc. t Orders solicited trora abroad. Office at S. McNinch's marble works; "McNINCH & GREISHARBER. - nOV 10 .. ' !, UPIOLTCIIirVG. TJPHOLSTERER. DECORATOR ' . AND Mattress Maker . j ; A . nEtLJIUSD. Trade Stbeet, Ovr Frankenthal's Store; r Will be pleased and honored if you will call on him to insjwet his work, or give. him an order. .-.Best: workmanship guaranteed An assortment of Mattresses always on hand. Church Upholstery a Specialty. : ; l All orders, left at Frankenthara! store will receive prompt attention. feb20 tf. MISC EL,t AN EOUS. G FFICE OF ERIE CITY IRON WORKS, Ebib, Pa., January 6, 1875 Dkar Sir : We take pleasure in iofoming you that, encouraged ;by ; the ; faTor; with .which our Machinery has been received throughout the South the past year, and in order to facilitate trade and meet the often expressed wishes of oar friends and natron, we hare determined to open an office and warehouse for the eale of our manufactures in Charlotte, N. C, which will be known as the Charlotte Branch of the Erie City Iron Works. Mr. Wi C. Morgan, who is so widely and favorably known thonghout the South, will be in charge or the Charlotte Branch, and we propose to keep on hand there, Portable and Stationary ftngints, Boilers and Circu cular Saw Mills of oor own s manufacture, also the best make of Corn Mills." Gins, Pressfs, Shingle Mills and sach other Machinery as the wants of the trade require The Charlotte House is not an agency but branch of our works, owned and controlled by os, and any business, done with us there is done with the manufacturers direct. We hope the establishment of this branch house will serve to bring us nearer together and avoid the vt-xatious delays that so often occur in Dusiuess at so "real a distance as we are from you. -""" For circulars, price lists and any i of or ma tion wanted in our Hue, address Erie City Iron Works, Charlotte, N. C. Trusting that our undertaking1 will meet with your approval and support, we remain, Very respectfully yours, ERIE CITY IRON WORKS. H ALL A PATTERSON, Hickory, N.C., Solicit orders from a distancefor Butter, J Eggs, Chickens, Apples, Potatoes, Cabbage, and any other country produce that may be desired. White Pine Shingles a specialty Inquiries promptly answered. Parties wish ing anything in their line, will please hand in their orders to McMurry & Davis, Char lotte, North Carolina. uo3-5m F ISH FOR LENT, CODFISH, MACKEREL, HAKE, HERRING. CANNED GOODS ! Tomatoes, Peaches, Salmon, Lobsters, Ovsters, Sardines, French Mustard, Chow Chew. J& Family Groceries of all description Just Received by febl2 ; SY.MONS & CO. J M. FRESSON i Still lives and deals in Pure Mountain Brandies and Whiskies, lor medical or oth er purposes. uraere sonoueu -. At the sisn of the Elephant, Trade street, Charlotte, N. G. mar2-tf. J UST RECEIVED. - ' 200 bushels Black Spring Oals. -23,000 lb. Bacon. . , , , 50 bushels Corn Meal. ' A lot of Cream Cheese, Molasses, Sugar Coffee, fcc, &c., cheap. Call soon.. feb2b-tf. ijitiHiK ot aijaainijiiiU. "UST ARRIVED, 50 Bbls New Crop Cuba Molasses at5' B, M. MILLER & SONS'. ' feb 16 tf CONCENTRATED LYE t: 25 cases for sale at wholesale price at J. : T. C. SMITH & COS'...i-." .i ' ' Cornee Dbcq Stork,' 1 . feb204f -4 -Opposite Central Hotel ' JUST, ARRIVED, ( i At Pralherjfc Co.'s,' V ; v ! MCE APPLES, OUAIVGES, LE.TI- A lot of fine " ' 5 PLANTING POTATOES : oi an ainua. -a.iso xnuvy xeans, a ' going at living prices. .Kirst door above tm "Mari ket ' . . - - - f feb274f;J JJNDERTAKING ra In all its branches, large stock: of Metalic Ckses,; Coffins .' and Caskets Orders -solid, ted. , , , , ' P. A SMITH & CO.r r-t ' tv.ol, v FCBWITCRE DEAMR8, ' . febl8-tf. - - East Trade Street." gM.TIMMONS; .if . , ; ' Announces to the citizens of Chariot SSKSSIS0- Phased Groceries and Provisions and that be . A fulland comnlete Btvt ,r -i?--.;!- r.- PIEDMONT Mi o H A N o ti c;e . t b THE PIEDMONT AIR LIKE, with its Rail facilities lor, the quick and safe transportation Shippers can Choose By Rail to the Ports first-chss lines of Steamers, t7 THIS is the only line, to Portsmouth of which has no transfer. ! RATES ALWAYS AS LOW AND TIME augl5-tf r . to Baltimore, Philadelphia, New York and Boston. CfsZl w. fir Ot. a i .-; i J v AND LATEST-1 JV1PRO YED ' ' ' 1 i 'in"'' 'l "'i ' ' itf.3snt -i j ', ' ' - EXGJLS:AiiIiv0THERS, Marh 12 SEVENTEEN CENTS FOR COTTON. We ofiVr to take Middling cotton at SeVenteeo Cents per pound, to' be delivered 'in Charlotte, November 1st, 1875, for V Wilcox,Gibbs . . . t ...... .- v ' V As to the popularity of the above Guanos, we win only add that to planters in this section in one season. j We also offer 15 cents! per gound for Middling Cotton' delivered in Charlotte, No vember 1st, 1875, in payment for the celebrated r Stono Guano and Stono Acid Phosphate. r!ALL AND GET OUR PRICES BEFORE PURCHASING, AS IT WILL BE TO YOUR INTEREST." " ! '"V ' ' ' ShotiU cotton be higher this Fall than tion of paying money. We offer extra indacements to parties buying2 in -car' load lots. i e also nave on nana a luii stock or tirocenes to which we iovite the attention of buyers, in store and to arrive ; 600 bis and ; sks f EJoar ; .3.D00 pals Molasses : 20 000 lbs Bacon ; 60 bbls Sugar ; 50 ks Coffee ; 5.000 yds Bagging, 6,000 lbs Ttes, 50 boxes Soap ; 50 boxes Candy - Hanis, Lard, Rice,-1 Salt, etc.; I Call and see uif Voo want eoods at bottom prices. . . - . i -.Ar'.y..?. Chaklottk, N. C, February 18, 1875-tf: i "" - p o - hi -S v ! or a i fj r t ''" 'ig' aO'": : CO OQ Ox) ERESH Butter and EsrgsJ cheap, for cash . a . ' - M- RO WELL'S ' au u JRESH ARRIVALS. 500 bbls Flour, all grades. I v .:. 1000 bnshels Oats, (choice seeds.) 60 barrels Molasses,- all gradesf i es : n' - Bacon, Coffee; Sugar,&j: r - , To cash paying customers, we offer extra inducements. - .?' ,. , jan31 tf. ' O. W. CHALK & CO pRESHPORKSAUSAGi;-! v -Per Express frOmHiehmOhd; every morn ing, at B. N. SMITH'S. feb2&-tf. mHE LAST CATCH OF MACKEREL.1 J Direct from Boston. t. : ' f 520 packages in bbls., kits .UX&V x1 andSs ibbls.mhhi ail lull.-weights t ttn P, saw oy f . - . v feb26-tf. A. R. NISBET& BRO, "DiiCiaVDTO DAYt" ail . . Holler's Cod Liver Oil. - -' ' Nolen's'Orl T.iva Aii -I Fresh Canary Seed. ' . 'U 7. Lucca J Cream " Salad Oili t ;.;! Venoine Italian Morx, .Fresh Flayorine Extracts: t leb25 If, W. R. RTTRWTTT t a BOARDERS WANTED I A.T I am prepared to farnisn good board to a few select regular or transient Carders by theday, week or month, at moderate prices location conven hnf Krir rfir68: the city. , Apply to olueas pari ol Corner Church and 3rd Street. LLj g .2. r SSI i r; to , AIR-LINE. S h i p p e r s and water sconnectionsj a&wds ttnpaielle of-freight: to and JEconx Northern itiee. . Following" Routes : I- nnbroken guaga, and, therefore, the only one U - ' QUICKER THAN ANY OTHER LINE. I. j I i J. A. WILSON, Agent. light; mwwm ..a 3J bWCHMONprORFOLK OK PORTSMOTJTHv and thence by - 'ill r-rfk y MAXWELU 2 Doors Below Tiddy's Book Store. Co.'s cuaNc& hat 300 tons were se it ' s V.r the above prices, purchasers can have the no itiai ;uuy & BOSS, g Agents. -a- .: nlbrchants; The m ist fniporUnt redaction 'pi tbJ seas- on w ivmo me next Sixty .davs., will offer at greatly . reduced ' ratea, our entire ; stock of FALL AND WINTER DRY GOODS; ...... -K- -nriM.- etn-i-i ntj,xrt4nf.ir .. f bhts yie largest, banisomestand roost r. vv . Hata, Caps, ) it t Aeaay.xiaa J! ? Hlt Zj tions. and Small Warea bavejbeen rediiccd tp price that cannot fail" iw louuee purctiasers to examine oar itock. Tjnsrnw Liberal. Cotton us. , We will also offerrcreater inrTnnomonf than have jheietofore beeo; offered;:ih this .market, and while We iavitinMM.r fUt: Vto the bargains of all Hn GoHrmrStheeUll classes of "(1' i- . jj .-sr ; Domestic DrV r ' i : Goods. HibboTi.fj! r . Laces. EmhrnM Cloths,' Casaimeres. i Caps, Boots, - . - n .a - at the lowest Hwiie . raica. uall ... soon. .f- if MoMURRAY & DAVIS, rHTjan2Q tf. TRAPPING TAPER, rnr; ii2LKd 9 ies and weights, and every ream warranted full count, & 'sheets ufactnred and for sale by ; i v , , febli. : , , .. ; , yyM; TIpD Y ANTEDTOREOT.'---,;, . - M - ' , -" v : If i taii!!Tllil,I ho,18e..centrally( located.con taming 5 or 6 rooms. ... fchiJ . A. SMITH A CO.. -4ab18-tC . f rumitnre Dealers. pOR SALE wnS!ibe ipntelj at a bargaia gbodi work or. saddle hflw"' saddle horse: la 19 tf