- f . - i ' f-r- T w J ill . . ' J'-'-'l . : WL V'5'"'5 'I'l . ' v ! at -0 . 8 'i o q q i r I 8 o f 9 o il o M J J j ' t ' - j . ( - a 1'" 1 , , , .-;..'", ' :'-' .i..r.i. . ' . - . 3 ; m- i . . . , i vi l," nMTi-Jiii.'S. ti'.f iii'.'..r. ' " j 1 111 '"' ,V ri .rfi, -.-J, H VUAKLUITJS, M. CyWEDNESDAYi. MARCH 10, 1875. I V - ! fjrcr..-.).. , t U V;;. lir. Ifli 1 -; J 4 n .Til : 4M ' 1 M IT U H I 111 -111 111111 I All 111 III 'III 111 Ills III - I 1 III 111 III 111. : III Tl :.vv"l V -.V-' e;ou W if SMITH & FORBES; IK II O-fj'ES AL ANVj RETAIL DEALERS, IN- J BOOTS, SHOES, LEATHER AND HATS, HAVE removal K Ui hew, larj? ftnd elegiint SMITH. BUliiDINGneJoor q Brem, Brown & Co.'b Hardware Store, where they are receiving a full Btock of S P II IlX G GOODS, BOOTS AND- SHOES, mill be eopeciallymttracdre, and will be sold af shdrt tW'Oflts;'' f Call and examine. " ; 4 t f . . if .I- i It: i - s r; smiths FORBpia, marl tf. Next door to Brem, Brown &Co. a Hardware Store', Charlotte, N". C. The Gliarlotte Obscryer. Charles R. Jones Proprietor Office, Observer" Building, Corner Trade aad College Street, n complete in every particular., r , nm j-. Their line of ladies' aitd eiM Rue SI P. If-' Has the Largest andZFnstlgtock-of MILLINER? AND FMICYreoODS in the State4.1 liliili andsee her. VI iNTAMtvEriii NOTICE! v; COLLECTOR'S OFPICEGTIl -DISTRICT!; N.' C f Statesvelle, March 8, 1875. J Notice is hereby givpmto U persona wIiq own or have any interest in or plaint on the fpUftwiBgtnentioned -article tofcome forwar(l andS make? claim us required by lawor the articles enumerated witl be condemned by the Col lector of this District, at his office, 30 days from this date. CLAIMANT." J. F. Murray, Ann Held 16 LaneyV V. H. Smith fc Co., W. A. Knowles, place; Near Charlotte, MIR Monroe " Monroe, Near Monroe, DATE. March. 7r 1875.. ARTICLES. mar 10 4t March 1. 1875.- ii March 6, 1875, J J. MOTT, Collector. 2 Mules, 1 Two-horse Wagon, 2 S.S. Harness,. 2 bbls Spirits . 1 box Tobacco. 2- " broken) Tob'co 1 " Tobacco. CHARLOTTE, COLUMBIA & AUGUSTA B. Charlotte Agency, pet. 20th, 1874. The Charlotte, Columlbia. & Augusta Railroad NVITK3 the atitotio of all Merchant arid Cott6i Shiptoers iu Charlotte and upon the oails connectine there, to the ex-traoramary aavaniages 01 coiinecuuns nu an i'oints and South Atlantic Bea forts enjoyea over us lines 1st The Creat AtlarirSfi Coast Line i Via Columbia, .Wilmington and Portsmouth t$ Baltimore, Daily, Insurance i per cent. Philadelphia, Daily, insurea. ; kRW YORK: MONDAY. WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY, SATURDAY) SUR.VNCB i PER CENT. BOSTON, TUESDAYS AKD FRIDAYS, INSURANCE i PEK CEIfT. PROvrDEKCJfi, WlfilJrJa3JJAi aii u daiuhujio, - . t . 1 1T 1 J . , C. td. By way Wilmington and Direct steam une to aaiumore, . vYeuuesuajs. auu o Brdays, Insurance J per cent. uir iniff PHi TCVRRV WKDNTESDAY. INSURANCE 1 PER CENT. NEW YORK WEDNESDAYS AND SATURDAYS, INSURANCE EQUALIZED -.'.ZBt-.ti f TO THAT OF NORFOLK. -t J...ttOC4l4 DOTS. . - -The nevr moon was visihle" last nighty. I f We'ye grown since yesterdav, don't you see? 'i- i We have bqen presented with the first g'reen pea of the season, .It was grown by Mrs J Schffl of this city. Cotton storage has come to ha a big thing in Charlotte, i There' was never so much stored here before as. there is now. ' " Norlheniers who have been spending tbe winter nbean,tb.'arj Jjajsina Jtbjrongh al m ost daily, returnjog ihOnae. ; , H , jx is aooat cimeBOw, for the ycice ot tne country poet j to he heard in the land, pro-. claiming that Spring, eentle SDrine. has re turned again, ;and all that sort of nonsense. Receipts of fcottoh are very"light just now. A farm.r might get a wagon load .of cotton to.the corporate limits, but lie- couldn't get it Ipto the business part of the city to save his life. J During the post week the : mails from all quarters have; entertained dilatory motions and have come dribbling into this office far behind time, ji One of our civil rights is to get exchanges. regularly, and the railroads Yesterday We ha'is"a; real foTetaste o. Spring. The sunshine was as soft and mel low and the 'air as balmy, as on any May day, and the influence .of the genial atmos phere and bright sky, was observable in the countenance of almost every one. We should jost like, to know what has become of that cotton factory, about' which we alKdid j so i much talking some time ago t Will-not somebody wbo knows more ahout it thab we do, rise to explain? We should like to know by what color of right people leaye great step ladders stand ing on the pavementof one of our princi pal streets ai; uignt. lor pedestrians to run against and skin .their shins over? It should not be tolerated. . ine Diina songster ana book; seller was not out yesterday. The ear of the opulent was deaf to the melody of the indigent, and the old fellow shook the. mud 'of our city from off his feet, and hied him off in search of a more appreciative people. "Oh! don't (hie) he a-taxin' my mathemati cal knowledge (hie) with slch conundrums nic; as mat, was tne answer ot a young roan who was. supporting a lamp post on a street corner, .ys,t night, to a friend who asked him "how manv he had taken" since supper. All He Knows about Him. i The Newbern Times says : ; t . ' "" "Who is running the. local columns of the Raleigh Newt no w 1 Surely-Woodson is not responsible for: the construction of some of the sentences that occasionally appear, as for instance, "there would never be no cause for complaint :" ' there are a large atten dance of the Grangers in the city." , And that is all the Time man knows about Woodson.' The very reason .which leads him to conclude that' Woodson is not at home, makes as morally certain that he 18. : i ' ' - Picnics. . Aimost time for pic-nics! Ain't they glorious? Go out to the. woods with a fes tive throng, and, choosing: a location sear some purling stream, spend, the live-long day iii perfect freedooi from care, alternate ly walking, fishing,.flirUng and indulging in rustic sports: Then, as the shades-of night begin to gather, return home,-starved to deathi, and having . bad fisberman's luck, and with just strength enough Teft'tffBay, "Oh! I had a splendid .time !" We won't take anypic-nics in ourn."' - , J Day Train to be Removed. v r We hear it rumored ibat the day express train which now runs between Charlotte and Company Shops, on the North Carolina Railroad, will be taken .off next 8anday. We venture to express the hope that the re port is not rrue. Betides the large number of through passengers which this train car ries daily, connecting as it does with the Air Line, train reaching Charlotte in the mornings, a very large local travel is greatly accommodated by it. If it does sot pay to run it; it is certainly very singular, for one would judge, from the number of passen gers which it canies, that it pays hand somely.. If the authorities' of the Rich mond & Danville Railroad take this train off. as is threatened, they will manifest total disregard of the public's wishes, and will find that it will , be (rememberedTegainEt them. . " - ' I TNDERTAKTNG - s . ' J . VJ - ' rli- ' - f " In all its branches, large stock of Metalic Cases, Coffins and Caskets. Orders solid' ted.,, D. A. SMITH is 00.,'t - i febl8-... - W East Trade Street TIOARDKRS WANTED ! f I am prepared to farnian eood board to a few select regular or transient boarders, by the day, week or month, at moderate prices. Location convenient to -tne 5 onainess part ox thecity. Apply to" ,. . " r .,, JUilJN A. XiJVA.lJi3ilA.Yi, f . Comer Church and 3rd Street . GHOICE SELECTED NORTHERN SEED POTATOES. I . !s : - Early Rose', Early Goodwich,1, Pink Vje," Peach Blows and Peerless large lot in stor 9 and for sale by - - r ' feb26 tf.v ' AJR. NISgRT ft BfeO T y ENOUSH TOOTH BRUSHES, V vuigw o oui. uDoonaving ttrusues.? -; t' ' . .... , W. R. BURWELL &CO. . " . marS-tf. t Springs' Cbrner.-: noil LEWIS S. WILLIAMS, .T r-WITU , 1 !. i WITTKOWSKY & RINT 1,11- 7 FRESH A RR1 ,or NEW GOODS, SPRING EL Beautiful POPLINS at 16 ennb Our Water Supply The different fire-companies are to have a I joint meeting to-night, and we are infoimed that the most important subject that will Mem m tiawoGUztf.' Jan 24 dw ly. s .' ' IAS ' -, v fnENNYSON'S POEMS. . ' JL new edition of jTehnyson's Poems, in cluding ; r v-.- . t..; : , and dl his latest works, besides' the music V BLEACHED SHIRTING, 121 enure u a.1,- oi nis most, popular songs. I NEW PRINTS, -'. :f LSntVWam tU LADIES' TIES, Book Store. t ' t XT-,TT4S" DrtfTArtT '"'":-r. .1 HATS Mil 1 Alt orders for Goods not in f M I L L; E jBr S It lA" Il It . T V 1 nmUWf irC Avann iiS l''rf.t? i The complete : volume 75 cts : V Rb24 tf. TjUSHIONABLE DANCING SCHOOL, A Venerable I.othario, "Misser, I ont nother oman," is what he said to Col. Osborne's elerk,s Thompson, as he entered the -clerk's office . at ' the Court House, yesterday morning, He was about 70 years old ; he had a hair-Up, over which he held his left hand, and he blushed and fidgeted around like any;, girl of 15. ; He wanted a' license, and the water ' ran out of his eyestand be looked like be was doing something mean Thompson duected him to 'Squire Maxwell's office, and the old rooster stepped down and out gleefully, after in his agitation, first opening the door of the book case, and trying to get into it, thinking that was the way back to the passage.-- r .' - QALENDAR CLOCKS. Jnst received, a lot of low' price Calendar come up for consideration, is tne one winch Clocks, and Rogers iiro.'s nne laDie uutiery we haye; placed at-Hwbeaatf .this nOmyZ " T.r'lSZZl pe meioy a xnnymg, growins cy a. wui o ARATOGA WATER ON DRAUGHT, AT. IIUa WIS BWUU k DU1UWVU M M VOvUvUf HMV better is it for all parties concern eo. Water l .TTjgT EECEIVED. is an element or nature, ana is an inais-1 u pensable article, and for all ordinary pur- A lot of fine Dried Apples and Blackber- Connecting with a Canoe. ... - - . A gentleman who arrived here last even ing, tells us a good one on the W N C .Rail road. The bridge over 'Buffalo Creek above Statesville, was washed away by the recent high wateis,. and when the trains from either end of the'road arrive, the passengers are towed over the creek in Morris' canoe. Morris keeps his canoe locked and only waits a half an hour on the train. The train on the North Carolina road was behind time yesterday morning and the conductor on the WNC Railroad wouldn't wait for it, as he said "he must make the connection with Morris' canoe'' The grangers and lunatic asylum lobbyists who were returning from Raleigh, were cursing the railroacl with a vengeance forleaving" them. , Baltimore, Weekly. By the Charleston Li" "Or? 5', i EVERT FRIDAY, TO NEW YORK, TUESDAYS. THURS- ND SATURDAYS, TO .-BOSTON, EVERY SATURDAY. .... , tot nn'ffg.irv1 Stftam Line facilities of tbe'-Uiree Portabf Portsmomth, Wilmington iwl Charleston, and the combined equipments of the C.,C. & A., W. C. & A., and other oad9 enable us to bid foi cotton and all other merchandise in unlimited quantities, and ) assure onr patrons 01 ,odiuw jtwiuum uuui uckuhuu. . Hon. R. R. BrttxJERS. i r - - . " . uen iinger. Col. John B. Palmek, - - - - - . .rresioent. as. -KsnksaOvT- - " ' - General Superintendent. pnrit - - - - General Freight Agent. Oar citizens sre reminded that Mis. We vere, agent for "Personal Reminiscences of Gen. R. E. Lee," is still in the city, and we hope that she will meet with that success the widow of an ex-Con federate ever da serves. ; A gentleman who went out two miles from the city yesJeruoy morning, on the road which passes the Air-i-'na Depot, counted four wagons swamped in the mud. One of them, leaded with hay, had sunk on this side of the depot, in Trade street, and the owner had unhitched his horses and aban doned it. ! ' . Civil Rights. The first instance, in this immediate sec tion, of negroes taking advantage of the new privileges conferred upon them by the civil rights bill, was two "gem'n" of this race taking a sleeping car.from here to Rich mond, a few -nights ago. We did not learn where they -bailed from. The Beubow House, Greensboro, N. C. It is customary with local editors to com mence articles of this kind with a flourish to tell their readers how such and such a man can keep a hotel. We have tried this house, and can bear testimony of its value as a storing place, where the inner man can be supplied, not only witlftlyj necessa ries, but with the delicacies oflireS but it is not of these we propose to Speak just now.' from the present wells and water, tanks ; but j in case of fire, unless it should occur at the right time, there is always a necessity for a greater supply than we can command at present The question arises as it has al ways risen tinder such .circumstances : how are we to provide for the deficiency at such times? - ; . ; ... : ' Years ago the great city of New York-Un dertook to supply herself with water by an aqueduct forty miles long. Wise men doubt ed the expediency of the attempt to bring the steam into' use for the benefit of the firemen and housekeepers of .Gotham, but by pluck and energy it was accomplished. A gentleman, who is posted, yesterday remarked that "Charlotte was the coming city," and we thought his head was "emi nently level," but we will never pass for what we are worth until we can tap the Ca tawba, or some other stream, and make the waters thereof do duty through well ar ranged pipes, ramifying every part of the city. Property holders are more interested in this subject than any one else, and we think they ought to take some decided ac tion in regard to it. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. pERFUMERY, Just ia a splendid assortment of Toilet Soaps, Extracts for the Hankerchiefs, Pom ades, c, Sc, at T. C. SMITH ft CO'S, mar 10 Corner Drug Store. TO TEL! PUBLIC. W. M. CRO WELL'S, a mar4 tf. . , , , College Street : jlAMILY GROCERIES ' - At low down prices. Call and : see for yourself, at ; W. M. CROWELL'S ; ! wear uaviason-s livery otaoie. mar4-tf.' ' ' ' :- : -: f ROBERTS. LEE. The personal reminiscences, anecdotes, and letters of GE. ROBERT E. EEE, , makes one beautiful octavo volume of 497 1 CJorner College hud; Foatth Street? y -:. CharfotteN?C : "rr.;' MR..;jpvBAttBY Wishes to inform the citizens of Charlotte . , and iefnity that he is now forming c . classes to teacot all the Fashionable - - Dahces of the Day, also - Fancy ... '.":; .Dances for children. v . The class for Ladies and Juveniles will meet on Tuesdays; Thursdays and Satur days, at 3 o'clock F.JI:-i-i.sr,;H- rn-v:-J- Clasaes fr Gentlemen meet on Mondays and Thursdays at $ o'clock P. M. . . . Soiree every Friday night.3 - ; : TERMS Adult class for Gentlemen. $8.00 for Fifteen Lesson,including 6 Soirees, (one half in-advance.) i : M; v" vi-.T Juvenile class. $5 00 for -Fifteen ' Lesaona. with the privilege 0f attending all the Soirees ' ME. BAILEY proposes to teach the Ball Room and Parlor Dances ia one Session. . Families wishing to send their child ren will please app!y immediately, as his tsuxy a iimiieu. ; i mar3t f JMPORTaNT NOTICE. Pratt's Astral Ofl is the best, illuminating oil made, j SIIL LION'S Of GALLONS Press, . . .;ea;: By polite attention, and a disp accommodate our friends, we h crease our already Iarg retaii tratl Cbi. Ii.B. Wiu.iAxs will be pk and serve bis numerous friend t !- '..l:" tances and strancerr. ",'v ;; I f J CALL AT TSJ J Jah. OUK. RETAIL STOBI i L 1 " WITTKOWSKY & ; Democrat and Homo copy 1 nv 5 . - -m T II I ;N : U w r : PEOF.t HERTZ'S ui gau'.i ui mm nan -i . 1 Italian uvv ndHmt?lm have been soldand it is now'used in bun ?M SS, OTLfflfe JZ 4'edsot thousands of families, and nb .cci- as the U- S. Soldier," "Lee as the Confeder ate' General," "Lee as the College Presi dent," "Mrs. Lee at Arlington," "Mrs. Lee at Lexington," and "Stonewall Jackson ;' and thirteen full-page engravings on woo d Price, in Cloth, $3.50; Sheep, $4.50; Half Turkey, $5.50; Full Turkey, WI.W. dent has ever occerred, directly or indirectly irom burning, storing or Handling it. To enable all classes to use this indispen sable article, the price has recently been re duced about sixteen per cent. Buy your oil from T. V. SMITH CO,, : Marvelous In. its effects. eqto restore gray Hay to its on,;i' in a few weeks Si." '.'t :vw', ?rom Rey. E. T. BAIRD, Bec'v j tion of Presbyterian cburc' ! : . . Richm oo, Jci . .The Xanthine is the only hair have ever used which baa remove niff from the scalpl'and made : m - and pliable. It bas also restored 1 its natural color ; ana oy oocasioi it as a hair dressing, I have no i preserve the color. ; . ? E. T, . feb21-tf. Opposite Central Hotel. SOLD ONLY BY SUBSCRPTION. Mbs.. M. WEVERE, AGENT, 1 at Mrs. Pressly's for a few days. ; mar2-tf.' SSYRIAN DISCOVERIES, rtTTTi rrwiMTinTri xttt a vrvrvTT VTiTT'CJ rrf mt T.1 TT : I I I 1X111 U 17ILiXUDlUi CaU AiWUUI XV x u. ie..uo w nuuM. iuwu , uu q Charlotte and wni ue uiawu u ouuio luty iuiiuuni ni generally, that he has opened a the gut concertos hich takes place at Greens" N a HARRY. & CO., H6uWiStgffaMUFrescoePmnters: PCULAR attention paid to Frescoing Churches and Town ntry. . Office under Central Hotel, j ' ; 'f' ! 1': Halls, throughout ; - ; se26 t r ?- n'tf? "X ' "'- 1' : ; MAKUFACTUREB ASD DEALER IK GigaTqtmcco, Pipes,Snuff&c, TRADE STREET, CHARLOTTE. N.C Stock always ort hanTtoeait Country Merchants especiallv. Death of Little Willie DaviJson. On the niht of Monday, the Death Ao gel entered the house of our Mayor, Wm. F. Davidson, J!sq., and bore off his youngest hild, Willie, agfid 7 years. In consequeuce of the death, thre was no seieion of the Mayor's Court yesterday, and ciape hung on the door of1 the Mayor's office. The funeral services will take place this morning at 10 o'clock, from the residence of the parents. The friends and acquaintances of the family are invited to attend. i : , Personal.! Our ablei and j distinguished Representa tive, Hon Thos S Ashe, is in the city. He arrived yesterday morning from Washing ton City, and is on his way to his home in Wadesbord, torecieate, after the arduous la- bars of the session of Congress which has just adjourned.; .'. V e weicomea; to our olhce yesterday, our friend, RjM Furman, Esq., the talented editor of the Asheville Citizen. " Furman is one of that class who shed sunshine and geniality an apuna tnern, ana one ot his smiles is suflicient to drive away the worst HE CENTENNIAL. HOUSE, J j: : fOHHf DONAIIOE, Proprietor, Collegb Stmk Chabixhtb, -N.-C'n.;; I One door below the Obsieryei 'corneri At Ibis house, our coming Centennial can." be iiscussed at all hours day or. night -;-.- The leading tpirit of the day wiltbeipres ! 9iitatall times to take a part in any question hat may arise. - u ui;fytnVi feb20 Tf.; Flour an6"m1:al by the sack or CARLOAD, . - ;.- .'- I The undersigned is prepared on short m ice to fill large or small orders for ''& P Floor.' Bf eal, Wbeat-bran,- Corn- .'.."i.i,.,..;,. f,:iju,i,'j .rt bran, and Seconds, IcQual in Quality to any in this market Also Graham f lour, ror Drown Dread, irom choice wheat, and MIXED FEED for cows. Oram bought at highest market price. OUARLOTTJS OITX MLLLB. febl8-tf. "JC lJ & Lock Box 62. 7 m. wilson. ; '.r ILSON & BLACK, W, J. BLACK. 1 H - -jii-.Vi ,, WHOLESALE ; ZD RU CC lisT S Wf.iijj;.. :.- DEALER! PAINTS, Oixi1 CHSMICALS, ' : CHARLOTrirNr c; feb216m. ' "A:: . -. ' y.' ':.-.;-'',;-,.J'VV-rf.'. To duplicate in . price and quality any in voice of paper bgs bought in the United Btatea, and deliver them in r Charlotte at the price paid abroad.' ;' f TIDDY & BRO. feb ia-.'. i.ii .r;-.i-:v'ijt T ATEST ARRIVALS.1 Ji ';; ay Vtit 8 dozen Craw ford's best, fresh canned Black- KAWMAtf H nAnn Aan oft t'J tsfl tt f V. a A j-rr Alanre Hominy, -White Pens and Beans, large cwmtain Potatoes, nice Dried Fruit, White w w, "-irptain r Buekwlif it FI't. rr .Oafs f-"' OTICE TO SH IPPERS I rnarlotte. W. C Feb. 1, 1871, On and after the 20tb instrrdn plicate re ceipta will be required to be made-out by . . m m - 1 J-t l -t shippers tor ireigut over ine Carolina, men tral Railway, and good3 .must be delivered at warehouse by 4 tf. w. ,...? s ,v . : . S. L.. FREMONT, S. L; QAttOWAYAi Oenl Sapi -;y ;-;M?X I ifijn "Agent'.? '-s fcbl 9-2wi TiARWIN; rjiJOXEsyt ATLANTA ; VIIIEQAB, WOBKS,' 31 Broad Stekkt," Ataiita, Ga., , v . Next door to" theTZisWd Office. .t , f-VV-.-5-,--'' v:;;.';-?.;"v-;-;;( f. ;r-Vi;?';: cass f-.f blues, him. i . ;rt" Polk Court We are always glad to see Judge gehenck is in the city, ?nd leaves this morning for Spartanburg, S. C, whence he goes to -Polk to hold his court, which was to have opened on Monday. He started thither on Sunday morning, but owing to the slides' in the Air Line could not reach Spartanburg. He expects to get to Uolum bus this evening, and open court to-morrow morningi Out talented young friend, B. C Cobb, Esq., of Lincolutoh, accomj anies Judge Scbewck, and will prosecute in behalf of the State, in the: aosence of Major Mont gomery, who is detained by Stanley Court, where he has a large practice. , -;-. boro, on tjie 17th of the present month', and it is to this that we wish to call attention. Tickets on sale at Butler's jewelry store, Tryon ttreet. ' - - j - - Jjc The Mau Rosenthal, Again, . Yesterday morning one of the firms in this city of whom a man giying his name as Rosenthal had purchased goods, received a telegram from Mr. W.iD. Linton, proprietor of the Boyden House. Salisbury, telling them that there was a man in Salisbury then, answering the description given of Rosenthal. The Obsebvee of yesterday morning was received in Salisbury about 11 o'clock and in itMr. Linton had seen an ac count of Rosenthal's operatior.s here and a description of the man, - The only persons here who were actually swindled! we,re Messrs. J. Hollis & Son, the proprietors of the Charlotte Hotel, who were "beat" out of a hotel bill of $5.50 and they took the matter in hand. Last night, Mr. S. Lowman, of the wholesale department of Wittkowsky & Rintels, went over to Salis bury to identify the suspected man. If it turns out to be the self-styled Rosenthal, he will be brought back to Charlotte to an swer for his misdeeds. . . . The Atlantic, Tennessee & Ohio Rail road. . ' , Col. W. R. Myers, the President of .the Atlantic, Tennessee & Ohio Railroad, in forms us that the result of his first week's operation of the road, was entirely satisfac tory. The receipts of the week were $1,071. 53, against $735 92, for the same week last year. Col. Myers thinks the present pros pects of the road are good ; the track is in thorough repair, the road bed solid, and, 1 throughout the recent severe rains, no dam age was done the road to delay trains for a moment. The only part of the road con cerning which any fears have ever been en tertained, is the high -trestle two miles this side of Statesville, and a large force will be put to work immediately to fill this up. Col. M. is just in receipt eof a letter from Maj. Smith, the Receiver of the Western North Carolina Road, who says that he will be here in a short time, when arrangements will be made to pro rate with the A. T. & 0. Railroad. Hitherto this has not .been done, owing to differences between the Receivers of , the two roads, -i- -- BOOT AND SHOE SHOP in ibe1: Springs' Building, at D. Austin's old stand, where he is prepared to do all kinds of wort in his line; Satisfaction guaran teed or no charge. mar9tf 1 S.M.GILBERT. F IOR MALAGA GRAPES, - FINE LEMONS, ALL KINDS OF CAKES & CRACKERS, WALNUT TAFFY, PRIZE CHEWING GUM, DELICIOUS BUTTERSCOTCH, SEBKUCHANS, SEEDLESS RAISINS, CANNED GOODS. 4nd in fact everything nice, go to F. H. ANDREWS & CO'S. mar 10 JjVVERY MERCHANT ' Of Charlotte should have an advertise ment in the first issue of the fnurnDn dcpiqtcd - nmmm Which will appear on or about the 13th of March. A yery large edition will be printed and mailed to persons in Cabarrus, Btanlv. Anson, union. MecKienourg. ana Rowan counties, and as it will be read with that interest and closeness whieh a new paper always secures. It will be a most ex cellent advertising medium for the business men of Charlotte. atisiaction as to terms guaranteed. Address w. J. i LiiiN , ruDiisner, mar 5 Concord, N. C. m HEWILMINGTON EYE AND EAR, IN, X STITUTE, AND SUJMJIUALi lKFXttU. Dr. M. J.'Deosset (late of Baltimore) Sur . geon in charge. - This Institute has two departments, one for diseases of the EYE and E4R, and the other for general surjricailxases, including the special surgery of females. Each patient occupies a private apartment with all the comforts of a house, and is always under the personal supervision of the Surgeon in charge, who resides with his family in the building. Address - , " Dr. M. J. DaROSSET Box 372, Wilmington, N. C. ; IN 1873 akd 1874, , " . : ' r m:f '-.l I t-BT . GE O R 0 E S M I T H , -for THE . B R I T I S H JM U S EDM, i ..... An exceedingly ; valuable and interestins work, giving the history of this ancient peo ple, as written Dy themselves on stone, go ing back to the days of Sennacherib, of Jehu that drove furiously and one to the Deluge in this book for the first time we get the CHaldaic account of that eyent .race S4.uu. . xiuux e jiku. feb 27 I To THE PbOPKIBTOB OF TnB 'XA : ,1 have occasionally used your c known as "Xanthine," with ri ly satisfactory as to cleaning t ttrengthening the hair and restor or. Kcspectruuy yours, ; Iii.. .. .- WM. Br President Bank of Lu j For sale by t i marl tf. T. C. SMITH. ' . CoerDrup Opposite Centr. pARLOR SUITS. RANTED, . Ten thousand; dollars of Mecklenburg County Bonds. Apply to ' mar 7 6t j T. L. VAIL, Cashier. ijust received THE w. ' BLACK ' l-OFULAC V-.- TRADE STREET, CHARLOTTE, N. C. i , Takes pleasure in announcing to the M EEC HANTS Of North and South Carolina, and Georgia, that he is pe largest dealer in PURE WINp AND LIQUORS, To be found in the State of North Carolina. Doing an immense business be is enabled to give bis customers the benefit of his large Dr. DeiJosset will visit Charlotte profes- purchases for cash, and at the same time! "; TURKISH": and " NEILSON' J ! bi Rep and Satin. V 'Victoria" Chamber" Seta, Boi A BD-EL KOREE. This magnificently bred son of IMPORT ED AUSTRALIAN, and Superior Race orse, will be found the present season at the Stables of Mr John W Wadswortb. DESCRIPTION AND PEDIGREE. : ABD EL KOREE is a Chestnut 15 hands 3$ inches high, 7 years old, by Imported Australian dam Rescue (dam ofAbd-el Kader) by Bertbune ; - second dam Alice Carneal (dam of Lexington) by Imported Sarpedon ; third dam Rowena by Suinpter ; four dam Lady Grey by Robin Grey ; fifth dam, Maria by Melzar, by I Imported Med- Jy: sixth dam Dy ltuportea xiignayer; sionally. to remain from the 16th to the 20th of March inclusive, for the purpose of hold ing consultation. mar2-dawtf. Home and Democrat copy tf. pOR ENGLISH PEEK, FREAN A CQ'S' Crackers, Choice French Candy, Maple Su gar, KocK uandy, unocoiate, uom istarcn and Heckers Farina, go to HOTTENDORF fc HASHAGEN, " : Family Grocers, . - Opposite Charlotte HoteL FOR EAGLE BRAND CONDENSED Milk, Atmore's Mince Meat New York 8 C Hams, 8 O Shoulders and Beef Tongues, go to HO A i. Jn DOivlv A ja.AHtLAtJij r f amily urpcers, Opposite Charlotte Hotel. FOB SPANISH OLIVES, CAPERS EN glish Chow Chow, Piccalilli Onions, and all kinds of Canned Goods, go to HOTTENDORF HASHAGEN, Family Grocers, 1 Opposite Charlotte Hotel, ' T?OR CHOICE TEA, SUGAR, M ACKREL, seven lu uam uy xuiuiocu a- i uva&, t-j- i Krnut. GTO to i i -1 1. A -mint TkvArka rt 1 fc V lors ; eighth dam by .--Ariel, (.brother to Partner ; ninth dam by Jack of Diamonds ; tenth dam Imported Diamond by Cullen's Arabian; eleventh dam Grisewood's Lady Thitrh hv Croft's Partner : twelfth dam by Greyhound; thirteenth dam Sophonisba's dam by Curwen's Bay Barb ; fourteenth dam hv TVArcv's Chesnut Arabian ; fifteenth HOTTENDORF & HASHAGEN. Opposite Charlotte HoteL ANTED 1 A cood cook, washer and - ironer can get good wages, good home and steady employ dam by Whiteshiit, six eenth dam Jfontague ment, by applying at THIS OFFICE, guarantee the quality, and character of his goods, lie is agent tor T H E j P A T A P S O GRANGE MIXTURE For Composting with Cotton Seed or other Substances containing vegetaoie Matter. DIRECTIONS FOR MIXING. Select a dry place under cover, and spread out sufficient seed, that have been well mois tened, over the floor, about three or four inches deep then spread evenly over the seed the same .weight of "Patapsco Grange Mixture ;" iben Ion in the same manner, seed and the fertilizer, until the amount re auired is composted. : The pile should stand until the genu of I the seed is killed, ana as rruca longer, as tne planters convenience will allow. Any other good material, such as stable manure or wood mold, will be an additional benefit. If the soil to whteh the compost is to be applied is. poor and deficient in .vege taoie matter, me prupuruuu ui bcch lu m fertilizer should be increased so as to restore I iw wasted conaiHon. -..v-,5v ,;,., ESTIMATE or VALUE of THE GRANGE I .MIXTURE It is composed of equal parts or Navassa Guano and pure slaughter-house bone dis solved by Sulphuric .icid. To 1.600 pounds of those ingredients is added 40C pounds of genuine Fotasa Salts, (Kainit) imported, direct from Germany by the Patapso Guano Company. '- i: , . mar h i i ! Handsome, 400 Common: I steads, Chairs, Bureaus, Wasbstands ,Mat tresses, &c. i eBu ' Our stock is now coiuplcle. find a large stock from which to m tions, and at lower prices than ; ev offered. Give ns a calf ' - D. A. SMITH A F. M. Sheltos, East Trad c Assistant -; i v T ANDRETH'S GARDEN SEED M Are the best and most reliable. Charlotte by W. R, BURWELL j; i feb25tf. f!ALL AT.J..S.M T be New Postal Cards. ' j .'; : 'S(X . The new postal cards' .authorized to be is sued,! we 'are told, will be unlike those now.1 in use. The color will be violet blue The border arid .allj direstiohatas i"',b ..'-;wbere and how to write nameand address will be dis pensed with. A monogram formed of the letters tJ. S." will be printed on the card in black ink. This will be on "the upper left hand corner, across which will be the words ' Postal Ckrd.'f 5; The vignette Liberty, with her " luxuriant" -Stresses'! hanging dpwa her ; back auornj the ' uppar left hand' t .'rner, " The new cards ' will be identical iii size with tlie ohi ones..! They wi'l be ready for delivery about the middle .of April, v ,1 .:. A Bcanliful Piece of "siechanfsm. Butler, the j?weler, has a ..most -elegant piece ofiworknianshlp; in' the shape of a Mitch Game of Base Ball. ; On Saturday last, a match game of base bail took place at Davidson College, between the "Senior Nine" and the "College Nine." The former were victorious by six runs. We understand that it is the intention of one of the Davidson clubs to play the cadet club of the Carolina Military Institute of this city, in a short time, if they i will accept a chal lenge. The following is the game at David- f son on last Saturday ; it will interest base ballists, if none others.; AYe are indebted to" a student friend for it : ' - ! : - - SENIOR NINE. . 1PLAYEES. KUN3. Burwell, IstB, " 1 Palmer, S S, ' ' 3 Baird.P, '-' - '" 4 : Walker, LF, - , 2 Whitehead, C F, ';' ' 4 Homer, 2nd B, .i'-'"4 - BuTst,3rdB, . ".-'-3 Sprant.'C, ..-3 ' Dixon, R F, - - 2 ours 5 - 21 : 3 Marft Tt. wonld be idle to comment on this pedi gree, as those who are familiar with the his tory of the Turf will at once recognize names fumnna for fleetness and endurance, and Abd-el Koree has proved himself worthy of such an illustrious ancestry. . PERFORMANCES. The performances of 4BD-EL KOREE are . - . :.. S J - J 1 nTtna recent date i to require tin caiciiucu notice: i I will only give an extract from the Tu ff Field and Farm,, of .February iatn, isis, page 119 t: "As a .three year old he not only showed great speed but an immense amount of endurance, having, been tried, through the season at all distances, when he iron fiye nnt of the seven races be was entered lor His crowning triumph was his defeat' of Hembolld and Defender in a four mile rabe. at Jerome Park, in the: extroardinary tinrt of 73 J the best time on record for a' three year old." 'A ; r-i- a; l!Or luniier parsicuiara aee pusien, , : ; C.-W. CARPER. Sun't, r mar 13 wlni : - i : - Charlotte, N. C. TlRINTERS' STATIONER Y. "" r m 'I'W AM ootoMiahnd hnnaft of BRKXf . v t lie tn v .j. .. -. - . ' - BHH BRO WN & CO.i have just received vU an invoice oi r nnicra -r oianouery, rj- consisiing iu parv i f mar. 9 2i A' FEW BOARDERS WANTED. if OTICE ! The firm of J. McLaughlin A Son, is this day dissolved by mutual consent, r : : ; s , josarn MctiauuuiaiM, mar, y , ... , , ., JPERTILIZERS. ' "-; !. - . Parties who - have ordered ! Fertilizers through, us, will please call and receive them.- : .T.C. SMITH & CO., L. , Opposite Central Hotel, i. mar 9' ; Charlotte, N.C.-; QNION SETS. ' ' , Call and lay in your supply, at -. , T V. KallTii & UU'Si mar 9 B C Henry, at the old Peter Brown bouse on Trade street! will receive and accommo modate a few gentlemen boarders.' Rooms I furnished or unfurnished; '" A ; :" mar 7 - ' f ' ' ' ' f ' ,: ;' ' ' QENTLEMEj WHO WISH .',;. j , k To send special orders for any article of I Clothing to Blew i ore, can ao so and nave it furnished to their satisiacuon. Dy caiuux at the Clothing store ot j. a. xoung 4r son, Detween this arjd ine tutn inst.. . -!. ! DAVIDSON'. ; ! - 'TRADE STREET, ; For the best Cigars, Toreign or ' T for the best Smoking Tobacco, i, I lib. packages, for the celebrated 1 Tobacco, with a Pipe la each bo; cel. brated Fine Cut ChewiDg, in i the pound, for Gait A Ax, Lorril pleby A Helmes' 8nnff. for the v Plug Tobacco.; Allot which will yerylow for the cash. ; . . : inar G, .v.--.'' -.-.i .-. "'-';-"-'.'?' - EW GOODS mar 7 i'v Corner Drug Store. QIGARS! CIQARS11 Those who are fond of a GOOD CIGAR, you can be accommodated at mar a jt$. a. BMim B- t OLD 4r T HE BEST ASSORTMENT OF f BLANK CARDS, f BILL CAP all sizes, ' -FLAT CAP, t.t rrr. cat, CO 50 o Family supplies in the city, can be found at the Low Price Family Grocery. Large Sweet Potatoes, Irish Potatoes of all kinds. Kraut Cabbage, Turnips, Beans, ' Peas. Dried Fruits of all kinds, and a full line of other Groceries as cheap as the cheapest at jnar a . , . : .rJ, w. BMrm'. FIRST AND;FINAL POSTPONEMENT THE GRAND GIFT ,C0NCERT . To have ben n the city of Greensboro, N C on Dec 3t i!874, for the purpose of erect ing an Odd Fellows Temple bas been4 post poned untU ;.S - ytMiW: MW'l. WEDNESDAY, MARCH L7, 1875, , At which timi the concert will certainly be ;-v-fj giyen ana-tne ; '?; DRAWING GUARANTEED.; . ' I A partial drawing could have been, made at the time first appointed, but num erous letters from Agents and ticket holders urge the manager to make a short postpone ment in oraerjio secure n iuu urnwiiig. THE GRAND GIFT IS THE BEN B 0 W v H Otl S Tickets for sale at Butler's Jewelry Store Trypn street t'harlotte, N, C ---scT :i mar ;.7; Arriving day and night' at ' I;mar6 .P H ANDREWS ( jpRESn PRUNES, CURRANTS, ' More of tnat delicious ,Walr Mince Meat, Brandy Cherrie an Oranges; just received and for 6ai - I mar 0 . F H ANDREV, A LADY f ' With one child (six years oi ' situation as Housekeeper or Sea; private family, : Address 5 ' : . mar 6 3t-y r --yj Charlr r k TTENTIOS FIREMEN J " ::'--y- ' , "' . r--...-c .... SI .-.'' .-'' -i -:' ' r ' ... ' '" A: EtXJNDlOT, You will attend . joint rue Hornet No.; 1, Independent Pioneer Fire. Companies c -i evening, 10th inst, at the I' net Fire : Company No. 1 , Every membpr r ' t' - ' tb.