7 irfj - I . .1 5 f V TV"-''"- i ! JL V .airAPnic news.1 OON DISPA TCJIES. . ; ; ;V7ASniU0T0X -. ;C; Jae'i Kane to go to the Senate. ,a8HXgtoi, D. OP March 9. -The doda of Judge Pardee have the best urance that his name will go to the nate to-day, or to-morrow, as Dis ict Judge of Louisiana., - ; HEW Y0BX. .ssistsuxca to the Charleston Light ! '" v Infantry. - ; ":&jkk, March 9. The efforts are making by the members 3 first and second division of the nal Guard of this State, te assist a bingtoh Light 'Infantry of 38 1 -n, S. 0., in raisins: funds for .nr. of the families of their de- I cOCnraaes, wuiecwug nun grair success. roEEiGir,v p elled Bishop Created Cardinal 3 Caflisti Entered . Santandef. ru'h; March 9. Arch-Binhop'Lei .howsky, whom the Prussian Gov i ent expelled from ? the See of n. will be created cardinal at the 1 -1. rrvnalfitilrv. ... 7K 3 " IIendye. MarcV .9. Tiie Carusts lave entered. JJisJProvTnce of Santan der, in strong torce.""- The Government has embargoed the ports. ,; , J NEW HAMPSHIRE. -- i: 3 Campaign Ended Both 'Parties ; Sanguine. - -;V-l Iew Xokk, March 9.A special tl patch o the Time' from Concord, s ) s the campaign ended last night v it h great 'meetings in the larger ciiies of. the. State by both parties. Both p.affies show , by their canvass that the State is sure, and it is impose silie to predict the result. There can be no doubt that both . parties are in IxUer 'condition.; than ever before A hxiiiba Congressmen there is little talk, the interest being centered in the Gubernatorial t contest. It is thought the first district; (will b-car ricd easityJSythe Republicans ' tKe second will be saed by a small "ma jority, and that the third , will , go Democratic rThe excitement over natural Nation frauds, is great; "n-day two arrests were mad r UIDNlGlLZfDiSPA TCHES. ILLINOIS. i C tabs her Seducer ' and is Found l ' ; Drunk in a Bawdy -House. j Chicago, March, 9 A girl aged six teen, who fatall.v stabbed a youth of j seventeen, clniming that he had see duced her, was , subsequently found drunk in a house of ill fame. v : ;NEW HAMPSHIRE. , TheElection Probable Republican ' Victory." . f ' Bosr March 9. Despatches from New Hampshire up to this hour, iudi- cate in unusually large vote by-each part; and possible Republican1 vio l, to:, through the prohibition vote 'which is-very generally beirrg cast Tor ihe Republican nominees." The Be publican8 already claim the Governor I and the second and" third Congresi J sional Districts. The election'of Frank f Jones, the Democratic. Congressional candidate in the first district, is con- "ceded by the Republicatiis. f ' 1 WASHINGTON. - Hot to be Superceded The Virginius Papers Signed. - - . Washihgtos, DC:, March 9. Sen- fftosJohmKm-has been,, placed on the committee , of v foreign , relations, , . post omcea and roads , t i , r . It may be safely stated -that United - Slates Marshal Lake, of the Southern fpDiatrict of Mississippi, will not be su-..perceded.r-,,; "-...tv, rr., xhe State Department has received' .i di8patch which states that the Vir Nginus papers have been ' signed,:. Five Hundred pounds are allowed the fam ily of each Victim. -. r ' Y ' The cargoes A vessels arrived at the lfoti Rn regularly entered at the ,'TUustoni House,;, but not': discharged, --at the time the new tariff became a law, sre exempt. - FOREIGN. B urning of ; Railway ' Buildings rrWheat in England New Cardinals: ; ; Mostbeal, Marl 9 TJieOrand Trunk Jtailway buildings, at Potnt St. Charles, were burned to-day. "Loss one hun ilfed and thirty thousand dollars, j London, MarchT9. The Mark Lane Express says, since its last weekly issue, wheat has gained fully,, shilling with v ;: better feeling, but no speculation. ew i ork, March 9. A special XJ&- leTdispatch-from 1 Rome, to the New York Freeman-' Journal, announces that, at the proconsistory to be held on Monday; next, aiarch l5thArt-hi BishoD McCloskev. of New .York: Mgra L. Deichwaskjf -.Arch-Bishop pf champs, Arch-Bishop of Merchlen, and Drivate of Belifinm. Arch-Bishon Manning,' of Westminster; WrSd Mgrs Uartalim and Gianyilli or the Soman Court, will beXiretedQardin4vUMf. CONGRESSIONAL - French President pro tem of the Sen ateChairmanship of Committees , : , Pinchback's Case, and Morton and Merrimon on the Floor Nomi ; nations and Confirmations. ":'' ' .. ' ' Washisotoh. 9, Senator Booth, ffom California, is .here. The Kepub-, Deans caucused tolay. Jbrencn was chosen President pro tern 'of the Sen ate and approved the revision of the standing committees reported by the Buo-committee. I he senate on inure , day,; will determine the questton of : oergant-at-arms,. as between French, JJl&-present incumbenk and Charles Kennedy of New York,C who" contest ed the place with French in '69. They . will then consider whether it wilt be " - expedient to- make, chansres ' in other ofhees. The Democrats have been ac corded the chairmanship of the com- u.ineo on unenrolied bill?, matins: the t-committees of the House ii c eased om 7 to 9, ; upon each of which the aiocraU have 3 members,-' 'ivxc: -Esate Wilaon is abient.. The vote oa U reach. 39, Thurman "23, for pro xenx The standlnK com- te -' announced . the,, following rumaiy Conkling, Commerce' Handler: Hamlin rnat nf. , , ; and post roads, viee Ramsey;' Og. innas, vice Cjprague; in is,, asions, fice Pratt: West.; rail aaus, vice Stewart; Boutwell, tevision , vice uonxung; Jf attersonr ed -uoa and labor t-ice.' Flanagan, urnian, private. : land claims; 1 "L '.ijjrvoiuviouwy claims. i me annonncemenfc-of 1 tna '-tnoa t.na I'lno.hliaK i.s '... ft itu. - - .. . . niA.inn- i-it i' u 1 1 1 t-u 11 1. 'i AftPT the conclusvon. ivierri - ' -ck the floor in opposition, buj U ' concluding the Senate went ii -tive sessioTn.e ; ; Pardee, District Judge m ; Dederic, Attorney for m District -of Mississippi tmaster at' Orsngeburg, S t Master at flacoii, Ua.,v aster nt Macon, Micsigs ust'. Master at Trenton, !f mister to. Ati-trlA. Msmanl -Minisfpr tft C in 1 stantinople: Evans, Marshal forr the. Eastern District of Tax as, vi ce Cuil tree. "ElEaTilC .nASHE3.ri oa(an't Qver,went .tscWt :tot one BALtlMOKfi', March 9. The standing Committee of the Diocese of 'Mary land, refuses to 'assent to the ' confirm mation of either DeKoven 'o Jaggar.' St. Locis March -'9.Tbe VCiiyof Vicksbufg'X hence Vicksburg,' sunk off Sheep Island in nine ieet of water. ; , :: iiW Haven, Const., March 9,-S-Mrs; Evans while temporarily insane; cut the throats of her two; small children, and that of her own mother,' who will die.te The children may recover.- ' v Weather Prooabilities. . T Fort the " Gulf and South: s Atlantic States, higher, pressure, northerly winds, colder and partly cloudy weath er, sdu. expect woi m letuj 5ss i4 ,; rv-" rr-rrrTT7"o-Tf?i'.R: TELEGRAPHIC MARKETS. Baltimobe, March : 9.Quiet : mid 161 : net receipts 882 : gross 463 : sales 890;rspiuners 200. ; . ;, g yiTev'ff' ; t Boston, March 9. Firm ; mid 16 J ; net receipts 640 f gross' 1 ,252 J sales 115. Norfolk , March 9.QaietrA--mid 16; net receipts 21 i sales 350, . , ; WltMtsQToN, March ' 9. Dull and nominal ; - mid 15 ; ' net receipts Augusta, March 9. Quiet ; mid 15; net receipts 182 ; shipments 129. steady ; mid it ; low mid 15J ; good ordinary, 14 ; net receipts 933; sales 2,000, Stock 36,225. m iif - New ! Orleans' March' 9 .Heavy mid 151 ; some sales i lower :: net re ceipts 4,679iero8S 5.150: sale. 1.000 stock ' 24,614. , iT:;M r: " Mobile. March O.Easier : mid 15li low mid 15: good ordinary, 14 ; net receipts oyo; aaies uuv. SavanhajI, . March 9. Irregular ; mid 154net receipts 1,089; sales 812. GAo'iMa nominal ; mid 151 ; net receipta'1,221 ; gross 1J226 : sales 56, iiTKrooL.; marcn v. aies oiMMSis mid uds. nothing below- low mida. Future deliverie8,A'prir ahd May, Cincinnati, March 9. Flour, icom1 mon, quiet and unchaneed. Pork steady, 19. Lard steady; steam ISi ; kettle 14 ' Bacon farm ; shoulders 8 ; clear rib lUlalOfr: clear m. ; ? Baltimobe, March S. Flour firm snd in good. demand; Howard street superfine, 425a50; City Mills, 4a5. Whent firm.,. Corn.' western, weak southern, firm ; white southern 82a4 ; yellow 80; oats quiet and unchanged. Pork dull and steady bacbn firm ; shoulders 8. Chicago. March 9. Flour quiet and unchanged. Corn in good demand; No. 2 mixed 63; rejected 61a62. Pork steady 18.17. Lard firm and in fair pern and at 13 20. Whiskey, good demand, 1.00 bid. Provisions strong. Bacon, shoulders 8i ; clear rib and clear sides Hall Jail; prime lard, steam, 14; tierce .141; keg Bag ging quiet. NiwYobk, March 9. Money easy at3a4. Sterling unsettled, money one Gold firm at 15a. Governments aci live and steady States quiet nnd nominal. Cotton, net receipts 1,655 gross 5,277 ; futures closed easy ; sales 22,200 ; March 16ia9-32 ; April 16 9 16 1 May 16 15 16 ; June 17a932 ; July 17 516T Aug 17 1V32; . Sept. 17; Oct. 16falM6 ; Nov. 16ia7-lQ L Dec. 16 .7 16a 16. ; Cotton quiet; sales 302 baies at 16JaJ. Southern flour a shade firmer; common to fair extra 5a5.70; good to choice 5.75. Wheat a cent lietter for shipping, fair demand ; 2a6 for winter red, western. , White western corn in moderate request without (decided change. Coffee quiet and firm at l6Ja 16. Gold rio sugar quiet and some what better. "Rice quiet and unchang ed, i Pork ifrnjer ; new ob lots 19.35a 37.' Lard firmer at 13 ; prime do. Whiskey decidedly firmer, Hal2, clos ing at latter price steady. ti AULOTTE JlAKIt ETS. , - The Cottou MarkeU OFFlCfi OF THE OBSERVER. 1 1 pHAKLOTTB, N. CV Mae. 10, 1875. J Mb started out yesterday-with a drooping market, and the prices of Monday were bare ly sustained. At the close of business, buy ers reduced all grades n "eighth One buy er reports the market "easier," another, "re duce all grades an eighth," another "yester day's quotations barely sustained," another, "dull ftnd lower," another, "dull with slight A 'week or two aao in jdiscussine the sub ject bf the rise in price, one dealer remarked thatj we were going througb'the "February corner," and if the price now declines per mantly we shall think his judgment was correct. ' equote'ta:' Oood Middling, , .-- t-r r 1 151 '12al3J 14aI4i 15ialSi ' ,151 Good Ordinary..... 4 as1 1.0 w Midaiinej jviiaunng,., r Conntry lrodure. vals of corn light and demand cood. Country Bacon is scarce and would bring gcocl prices. . -;, .-S'V -f-'-.i - Oats dull. - ; :f::tit Country flour continues dall.9 - ' -' "' Peas are scarce and in strong demand TCni(l nUntifnl iri.ra inll -(, H.- Ml uvkl 0 UA.Uft OHM 1 Vi J OUU ggs are lather scarce and in good de mand; vr ' !' ' All other produce is Inllght demand with gooa suppiy,-..-i ...1., BocDn-Hams. per lb V - -- ' 14ialS 12 a 12 M' M Shoulders, i 1 Hoar Ronnd " 8a9 12ial34 25 fiur-i-Choice, . . . . , Bwd,Apple, , Peach, - EgQ, per dozen, $1 75 a 2 00 2 00 a 2 25 ' ---M 20 owFanuly, W-Uili j,- - . .Extra, , . -:- . Rntwr . .-; ; ' S.25 3.12i 3 00 em unea Apples, per pound ii 6 c - M " Peaches. -Xo;;:1m7-c Green Apple per bushel; i 100a, 1.25 ffomla Chickeua,eacb , ;- . 20a5 , " Turkeys, , ' - V' :5 a 1 00 . Ducks, -: ,v,.:i.5v -A-'!:.;-'ut , .25. Grain ''s t-.ii: ; ) - J ' tm Wh-.te, per bushel ,: -MixeL-i -u-,- wis.-.- ; .95 125 . I 45 : ,v;:White;.:ft -I flirftr-Biackt'vr-'i: m-.., white.v :-z-:im: . .-, , Pww-rPure clay, ' " mxedt:ti&W fltd Dry, . yT-- v-'v;. Green, Good, i'-:'-::)jft " ! Common, ; -rVv 57 lbs to bushel) " a Sweet, - "-.. .. HW-Tub washed,' US -,;r; M Unwashed - ':;v v-3:i -rs 851 100 a 125 ; 90 a 110 ., 12i 71 15 75 a 1 to 50 a 00 100 a 125 i 8 ::..t-25 35 ;:'-7f; " And now Cardoza is to appear before the bar of the senate to be tried for malfeasance In office. Wh hefmeak i l . . ihjt turn 1 ana Zl't-, V , co?ervative9, a fair guilty, a cuuv.cUom; . "rjU1 he. to trie coneequencts. If e not. 1 guilty --let me liity let the conservative.. htve the anbood to sustain him. m No white washing or persecution.but iustkel x It need not be tempera wun mercias there should be none m Blore for the plunderers of the honest work ing people. . Gentlemen, do your duty, if it creates revolution that will shake the slate from centre to circumfcrencc. . . . GrrenrilV; S. , Nei".. :AaDt Hetty inquired of the-servant girl if abi came from .tbe- Hungarian- parts of Irelaid. On being told .that l)er geograpLi eal knowIedge.WBS somewhatrdefectivei she iday, and that was in. te- veDUVnJe K tbsdnl jBaodle,4aBa w -smastenidida'ti' WrtcitcBArirbB Magic.- Savsthd Detroit Free tfese: "The three-year-old ehild ot a man sained LecinakKresidin? on Eighteenth Street, coming in contact with ..a hot stove burned, its arm .badly, liljje agony of . the child anl its' piercing -..screams . attracted the neighbors, and among those who went into Lecinskt's house was a farmer named Sabel, who lives in, Dearborn4. ; Sable took the child up blew, tipon' the hornea .part, and followed .the breathing, bthriceEfigentry ruouiog i wito,uis nana, eaca imQuescnu ing 1 theigrf! af ; the crass' ( A : jargon 1 ol words sccorapaniea these manipulations."; In hot over two, minutes' time the fire' was ex- trac'ted, and the child was subdued and timet. oaDei.aajs me power ne nas over in is class of !cases w iufalljhle. He delved from an old fWoniaa in Mecklenbnrff-Strcliti, and cannot impart the secret to' any taah.'Bnti itcan oe traosrerredijy man, to VQrnan. br vice erM,;bM,h6tJorlieTwis -JrfimaiiJi(na-.i w.nin ii,K o l i -Anwyojing .gentlemenhti arr j v4 ii8 j '''r , - .'F ters; arid -bit bouquets"' in boxes, and bouqueta-by eJrpress and by carrier, or otherwise, should be i Careful and bo slow; l MahyarpooJ', innocent' young man has been rousted.; air to flinders" by his rashness,' andhwe particularly call tne ttuenuon ,01 jinos . young gen" tlemen who ;averecently; been recei v iug little bohmbts of, this -iind,Uo the fate rf a certain young dry goods clerk. "He Won a beauteous maid , 4 ' T Or rather thought he baT, : But when he asked "her dad 1 ' ''' He got so thunderin mad. ' j-'-'.f He felt afraid; 4v,in,.,: x,. '1. -( Ind when she bid hlni stick, . . V . He did. But' with a frown '' ' '''.'v.. The old ma: snatched "birai by the v- crown, X'i'ii-t;-" -y' ' ' ,' f , iAnd yanked him np and down. -f. ,fc - - And then,: s - ... ; He dasted'-fquick."" - ' r... -' ' 1 ' ''i-' n' nm m mm ',' ' -(, T j , -t . , ,f An ExcnxNr; JPttttLteKRVi-Th Jottr nnl of. Chemistry says tbat One of " the very bes fertilizers used "upon Jhe . farm for all the cf real grains and root -crops mar be inade in .the following manner; . ' ; jaaq ope panoi-pure nneiy ground bone, uii.Hr5x':it with a barrel of good, wash ashes iluriDg tht mlstore addi gradoally abont three pailsral of -water. ;Tho heap may "be made upon, the floor of aft out-building or up'dn the baip-floor; and by the use Lal a.boeihe honp. aod, .ftsaaaCbe therv oughly blended together., Jhe water. added is jqst sufficient 'to liberate tHe "causlfc alka lies, potash and soda, and these act upon the gelatine of the bone',' dissolving the little atoms, forming a kind of soap, and fitting it ror a mod.ot plant alimenL, In this way the most Valuablo constituents of the bone an be made immediately available, and the aaauipn tpt poiasn; aud Soda aids In Ihe tormation 01 a rertniaer or inestimable value. A gill of this mixture placed io a bill of corn will work wonders, it . excellent for farden vegetables and for all kinds of roots, t will be ready-fof use 10' a week after it made. j - How They Pooled Them. Mri Brasser, who lives 011 Ninth avenue. has a son about twelve years old named Claudius, and the other evening this boy re ceived permission to allow a neighbor's boy to stay all night with him. The old people sleep down stairs in the Bitting room, and tne.boys were put into a room directly above. When they went ud to bed. Clau dius, had the clothes line ander line nnder his coat, and the neighbor's boy had a mask in bis pocket - They 'didu't kueel down aud say their prajers like good boys, and then jump into bed and tell bear stot i s; but as ;on as the -door was. locked the Brasserboy remarked: "you'll see more fun arouud here to-night than .would lio on a ten acre lotl" j From a closet they brought out a scast-oF suit of Brasser's clothes, stuffed them with whatever came handy, tied ibe mask and an old Btraw liat on for a head, and while one boy was carefully -raising tbe window, the other was tying the clothes line around the "man." The image Was lowered dowa.in front of the Bitting room window, lifted up and down once or twice; and old Brassor was beard to leap out of bed with a W. lie wasju3t beginning .to doze whi n he heard sennas under his Window; , and his wife sug gested that it was! a cow in the Jaidi He got. dp, pulled the! curtain away, and as be beheld a man standing there, he shouted out i "Great bottles ! but it's a robber !" and te jumped into bed. i 'iTheodorio? Brasher, are you a fool?" screamed tbe wife, as he . monopoliz -d all tbe bed -clothes to 'Cover up his head. . "Bt; quiet, you Sold j.ide, you !" he wbu pered perhaps he'll go away !" Don't yoa call me a iade!" she replied, reaching over -and frying to 'find Ills hiirf ''Uit op and githlhelgoh and blow' his head offlf :: i Oh, yoa do it !" - , 4Git up, yon old coward !" she snapped. "I'll never live with yoa another dajr ir yoa AdQitr:t-'-'-:;t.;st .aJ Brasser turned jsp the lamp, sat op in bed, and .cried Out : "Is that you, boys ?" - -'. .'.Uercy on me l git up 1" yelled the wiie. astfte straw man was knocked against the wiudow, f ..." 'jrJ- ( '-rilblow Lis head off aa clead as milk'!'' said Brasser in a loud voice, as he got up.- lie struck the Stove three or four times, un set a chair, 'and 'reached behirid ihe' foot of the bed and drew out ad old arm J musket. "JCow, then for blood 1 , he continued, as lie advanced to ,the .window and lifted the curtaia. ;-u i. i - ; -. -. - , i! , The man was there, face close to the glass, and be. bad such a malignant expression of conotcnabce that' Brasser jumped back" with a cry of, alarm j.. : ::"':r, ' -Kill tim I ShoQt him down, you old Dood lei bead 1", scree ned the wife.: ... V I WiU--by thooder l I' wilt ' replied Brasser, and he; biased away; ? and tore out nearly all the lower sash? ' ThS boys up stairs uttered a' yell and a groao, and Brasser ' jumped for the window to. tee if the man. was . down. He wasn't. He stood right there, and he made a leap at Brasser. . j ?-..-,C - .Z fyA,- He's coming in ! perlice i-boys I ho I per lice 1" 'roared the okl man. t 'H ii, The tattered curtain permitted Mrs. Brass er to catch' 8ght of a jman jumping, op and down, and she yelled "Tbeodorias,I'ni go ing; to tw$hmii-m ?m ; Faint and be darted Boys I perhce I" he irephed wollopiBjr Ihe ? sheet-iron stove r-wilfli the poker h " .Vf-i : ? -f Don't yon dare-totals that way IojuVK snrteaea tne old-, woman, recovering from her- desire to faint.- ' 'T' " " - J i Po- leecel ; Polcece 1 H noV uci.mirom the boys hp staks, and while end .Continued to shout, the iOther: drew the 'mau up,"tore him limb from limb, and secreted; it he pieces. , , Several neighbors were aroosed, an officer caiiietp from tlie station, :and a search "of tie premises wa made,. Kot 8o!!mucb asJa track in the bbow was found,1 and' .the officer pot od ; an injured i,look and aahjt to ilrs. Brasser :. A guilty ; conscience need no accuser." -.t w. & , , - That's so l chorused " the"- indignant neighbors,' s fhey depart. '1 -.' y- 1 r-As Mr. Brasser hung Ja' .qu!It before the shattered; window, , he remarked let hiswife, " Now see .wbat an old cundarango you made of yourself 1 " - t .A Don't fling anyin8utta at' tne, or I will choke the attenuated lire bit 'of you " elic replied.- f . . - - And the boys kicked round b ihe bed, chucked each other iu the' ribs and cried' M I'd rather be- a bo v than be President Detfvity P.nsst m HE" LAST CATCH OF MACKEREL. Ptrect from Boston '! sale by " fb2 tf 4 hMsi bb!s and 'iVALS.r-- AOO bbls Flour, all : 10O0 bushels Oats. (cImwcb , 50 barrels Molasses, all grades. . Bacon, CoSee, Sugar, Ac' ' -"To cash "paying customers, we offer fextra inducements. . - t- y-.TT i T-tr rv jan3l-tf. ! -l G- W. CHALK t CO XfEWAEK CIDEE. - Joel received and on draught, Nice Sweet Cider. Also another invoice of fine Eve v Whiskey, at .- -, ...r .; B. N. SiITH'S." . V-'nto' tf.-&i' ,;:,7.i7i 7A; . ;Airocery.- k 7 MISCELLANEOUS, hr-r i ., FOR ALL DERANGEMENTS OF PVER, KinNFVft KK1M. ' STflMirH AND BOWFLfi. f ' VI MANUFACTURED E. L. KING & SONS, COLUMBIA, 8. IT, HAVINC" BEEN REPORTED BY , some that this Preparation is the same as 8inimons Liver Regulator, we - deem it right to crrt'thisT iupresstonr- Although C. A.8imtnon6 mad former Piaprietor of both preparations, Be asstllres tra thatrSIM MON HEPATIC COMPOUND is his latest improvement in Medical science, ; ana tnat ifc M Aft mnnt.ion with former rpiTations, bnt that it is fat, superior, in every "respect,1 to any ; Liver Medicine to .which .his name was ever attached, being composed solely of Vegetable ingredients. The trial of one bottle will satisfy, the most incredulous. . " iSThis Compcund was Patented De cember 12, 1871, and name Copy-righted 1874. 1 .. .. ; ;. ; For Sale by Wholesale and Re tail Dealers .EverywUcre. se26 tf. : - 4 Change of Schedule, j-CakaiiOTTK, C01. & Arjousji E. R. Co., UKNEBAL FASSENQEB UEPAETMEKT, Columbia, 8. C, Nov. 4, 1874. THE follow- msr Passenger and after Bcueauie will be operated on Sunday, the 6th inst. : - . SOIHQ K0STH. - ' Stations, i Train No. 2 Train No. 4 Leave Ausnsta, 7.45 a m 8.35 a m 10.38 a m 4.15 p m 5.11 p m 7.02 p m f8.57 p m 3.07 p m H" Granite ville, Bates ville. Wilmington June. 1 &CharlesfnJunc J 1 1 OA M JUi U.IU LHtj Jl iu I Chester. 14.29 pm Arrir Charlotte, 6.45 pm - No, 2 Train makes close connection, via Charlotte and Richmond, tq, al jgoiotf tvna, arriving airew iors aio.uo a m. No. 4 Train makes close connections, via Wilmington and Richmond, to all points North arriving at New York at 5.15 d m. - ; GOING SOOTH. Stations. Train No. 1 Train No. 3 Leave Charlotte, 8.30 am 4. ii.no . i Columbia, 2.52 p m Wilmington June tto17nm & Charleston June j 3'17 p m Batesville, 4.50 p m Graniteville, f7.15 p m Arrive Augdsta, 8.05 p m ' 3.45 a m 4.15 a m 5.43 am 7.48 a m 8.45 a m GOING . SOUTH FREIGHT, ' Stations. Trairi'No 5', Train N6 8 LEAVE. 10.50 a m 3.00 am arstvk. 2.20 pm 10.48 p m 80 p m Charlotte, Chester, WinnSboro, ' Columbia, 4.00 pm South bouiid Trains connect at Angusta for all points South and West. Through tickets sold . and baggage checked to all principal points. 2rSleeping cars on all Nisht Trains. PALMETTO LINE EXPRESS, Charlotte, Columbia ArAugttsta,. Wil mington, Columbia & "Augusta, Northeastern, Eailroads- ... ,--.,if (oOIXO BAST. . .. Leave Charlotte, ; .8.30 a ra Arrive Columbia, J2.42 p m Leave Colunbia, . . 8.14 p m ,f 8.30 a m Leave Florence,' '12.45 am' Jl.15 p ra Arrive Charleston. 6.30 a m f7.00p m ' GOING WEST. Leave Charleston, 7.00 p 111 7.00 a ra Leave Florence, 2.00 a m 12.30 p m Arrive Columbia. 9.30 a m 5.10 p m Leave Columbia, J12.30 p in Arrive CharloUe.? -"C.45 p in " j ; : Breakfast. Dinner. 'fSuperM - "" , 1AS ANDERSON, 1. PoFef 1 Vi 1 1 U I f General Sup't; ; Odti. Passrr!g;cr and Ticket Agent5 J UST RECEIVED. Transfer PrintiUff Inisfor opyinK letter- headinfs. etatementsy way bills, &c. - Can be copiediVin the . ordinary . letter-press , book. Send 'your orders for printing. in these inks, and for all other descriptions of printing, to the Obsebver Printing House. d25r tf. E J. d.LLt.N. Watch Maker and Jeweler, Permanently located next doer to Centra Ilotel office. '' ; 'i ,;'J Watches, Clocks and Jewelry, repaired the best manner, and warranted, : - .; fcbl-ly..:.-.'-.'i .:.,j-;.,-: THE ATLANTA & RICHMOND 'AIR-LINE RAILWAY Is over 100 miles shorter, and 12 hours quicker i , A;. .,,r. .; uii-s i THAN ANY OTHER LIN from CflAELOTTE to Atlanta, Montgom ery, Mobile,' New Orleans, Galveston, and points in Southern an? Middle Texas; ? ! ; . ToSelma, Meridian,' Jacksofl,' Vicfcsburg, Monroe, and points in Northern Louisiana -end Noithern TexaS' j !; ' ' To Chattanooga, "Nashville, ! Lotilsville; Memphis,' :Ltttle ilock, -Texarkana, r and points in Arkansas and Northern and Hid Ale Texas...!..'- a. U'f-;.;.1'.H r.f'i'i ? ' ' ' Trains leave Charlotte at 6:15 A. M., on ar rival of morning train of N. C. Division R. & B, M. R.r&tnyt tjAUanta 8:45 Pc,M5i- J CONNECTING WITH THBOWl?tJSIArX80F. J.-j Atlanta and West-Point KaUroad. LeavmgUtTantvi;.ii6.30'P M; ' ... . 7 (ThrouCa 6rIean IL": !1 ' i h'r i b'tv-ff Western ,.7 and ' Atlantic Bailroad. V Leavlngi Atlanta,! i.ivaa...35 PitJd v (Throngh Caf itO Texarkana via Memphis ) ; r;i . " : -sir; : - J.ji.'j- Central "Railroad. Leaving Atlanta, .1 10.40 (Through Car to Jacksonville, Fla.) :-'Ing'Atuita;4.I2:i4Ji.l00'J M First-Class Passengers and Emi- 4 " grant Favorite Route. l f s rThe annoyance of frequent changes ioea of time resulting from slow trains over ihdU rect routes and-, iruperfeGt. poanections, at terminal points beintr avoided. t. .jar; ; Baggage. Checked Through. "3S jay' ArrangementB'for nwals perfee(r; i ; : je Fare always as Ww as. by any1 other' For further in tormation, apply to."ji-i ' 8. E, ALLEN, JOHN B. PECK, - - - o- t. a., Master Trans p, 1 . Ofeertsboro, N. T. - Atlanta, Ga. '" t M. C.J3IXON, Paw'rgent, -r, . u. ' - .Greenfbijro, N. a . . U , : ; ;; , feb21-tf lS, , ? , , . t. v .r-( StiiCharlesKotei I 'jSTATESVIILE'Sr'.;,'C. r - A Situated, in the centre of. Town. THIB HOTEL ha been thoroughly refitted and refurnished and noder my manage ment as lessee, offers to the travelma; publio the advantages of a fiist-class HoteL SfOiaBlbus at the depot on th 'arrival a&d departure of all trains. - ' " '',llt"L' " "x M.SCHTjOSS, sepl-dtr. j . Formerly of Raleigh'. QOCHRANE'S RESTAURANT. - ; -.Mlltiropean: llan" , . t would inform the publio that, on tbe 1st of November. I will open a RESTAURANT and BOARDINO HOU3E, on Tryon street, in tfm rrtrtri atrtrv ff lho Rily1incv o T JfiTg the Bank of Mecklenburg, and hereafter will be prepared to enterrain ctaraers, regu lat nd raosient, i) a style unsurpassed bv sullied wlthjlt the f iU4 of ethWe 1 eS! son. Game, Fish, Oysters, &c. ; . i Terms moderate. Satisfaction guaranteed nr no rtiarse. I rcfpcrtfnlly solicit your pa- ATTOSMET AT Z.AV?, . Charlotte, 2T. 'C- ! Sro.al .a,ti.n n, Brt5U Tut 'and egaiost jn2-Iy; ..-1 . ?,jp III? REMOVAL. JULIAS, COHEN & EOESSLER, ' Invite their friends and. customers to call and examine their new and beautiful store, which is acknowledged by all, to be the Finest and Largest in the State, and at - the same time, a stock of goods that cannot be surpassed.- ', . - - Ic addition to a full line of -' Foreign and Domestic ; Dry . Goods, Ready ITIade Clothing, Boots and Shoes, Hats and 1 2? ri Notions OrOCeries and , , - t Crockery, ' - ' We have in stoie, a great assortment of Ingrain,, Three Ply and Brussel'a Carpeting, Rugs and House Furnishing Articles, suited to the wants of the . ; , , RETAIL TRADE, and Wholesale buyers will find the Largest and best Selected Stock oi General Merchandisa ' to choose from, at Prices that will pay, to ex amine. ' ' - - - Call and see us, at ! Masonic Temple Building. - r ' ' ELLAS, COHEN & EOESSLER. oct20 ly. - 4 WE have received the largest and best as sorted stock of these justly celebrated seed we have ever yet brought to Charlotte, which are warranted FRESH AN D GE NTJ I H" E, ? and will be'soldas low as any in the mar ket. We will supply the wholesale trade with seed in small papers at Landreth's pri ces. : j We will have also in time, Orchard Grass, Clover and Lucerne. W. E. BUR WELL & CO., Druggists, And Dealers In Pure Drugs, Medicines, Window Glass, &c., SPRINGS' CORNER, febl7 CHARLOTTE, N. C s. TO WSO N, Slate Roofer, and dealer in all kinds of Roofing Slate. Is fully prepared to put on SLATE ROOFS in any part of the coun try, j ..V , - B,, Invites the attention of Architects, Builders, and the public to the superior roofing used by him, from the quarries of Vermont and "Virginia. Slate furnished of any desired color. A good Slate Roof ; la an Insurance Against Fire, and will last a life time. ..- All work guaranteed. Prices Reasonable. Shingle Roots taken off and relaid with SLATE, when desired. Orders will receive prompt attention, when addressed to P. O. Box 15, Charlotte,- N. C i feblO-tf. MISCELLANEOUS. OFFER FOR SALE On favorable Terms the following IKMTORY OF PIMTffiQ MT1MAL 1 foiit Pica heavy-faced, Antique. 1 " " Philadelphia. 1 " Great Primer Clarandon condensed 1 - j Pica light-faced, German Text. 1 V " Clarendon oondensei. 1 !; Nonpareil light-faced extended. 1 " 4 line Pica Skeleton, upper and low er case. Pica .bold-face Italic. . Lens Primer Grotcsaue. . i - - : 1 " 1 - 2 Rne Great Primer Grotes cfue. 1 - Pica Clarendon condensed. iif?V light-feced-:-condensed'.T t , 2-lwe 'Long; Primer ornamental, 2 " Brevier old style. 2 4L " light-faced. Nonpareil Imprint Letter. . English condense!. Pica French Clarandon. Nonpareil Title extended. . ' " Bold-face. : Great PrimerGerman Text Pica German Tdxti '- "' 2 lineXong rriroer ornamental. Nonpareiljiight-face condensed. ' " fitle-Ttalic:- 1 Great Primer Title condensed- " . . -Gothic... 1 1 - 1 " 1 " 1 ' 1 -V p i " . line Small Pica ornamental. " Pica Antiqne pointed. " 2 line Brevier extended. . ' " Brevier Gothic. ' Long Primer, hair Hnfe: "! - " Pica Bank Note Italic. ? P 2 lino Pica.. ; t v i. f, . . " Great Primer Clarendon conden'd " Fancy Imprint Letter. ", Great Primer Philadelphia. " v Paragon Condensed Text. " Long Primer Cothic.-- ' 2 linePica, light-face: " "Pica Extended -oTnamen tab "n 2 line Paraeon. lieht-face. ( 1 u 1 Creat Primer German Text, light- . iace. ". Paragon, upper and lower case. Great Primer, tipper and lower case. " Pica Law ItaUcf " 2 linePicalight-face. " 2 " shaded. " 4 " u Skeleton Antique. 2 " Great Primer condensed. " Paragon Title condensed. ;V,Pica, ,...r...,r. (. -:t r . "BreyietV- .:, ,s ? - :- "" 'Great Primer, right-face extended. " tr8 line Pica, (Weod Type) eon 'd. 16 line Pica Gothic Wood Type. " ,2 line Great Primer Canon, " 2 line English Canon- Italics' 12 . lints Pica Ornamental irood .''.Type.; s. - Brevier Law Italic v. . 5 line Pica Cannon. ' .'' " Gothic . . . . 6 Tuscan. " 3 ' Antique. ' - - " ' Clarendon-icondeHsed .1' r 1 '1 1 1 i 1 1 1 f r 1 4 3':". Ureat Primer, hlalr f.. U " Pica Italic. ,7:V Border. 1 i Labor Savlmr ?ni t lot .Oomroercial Cuts. " Ifont Circular Oimdsi s ' - ; - : f 86Circks. Stands. ' - ,K 9 'double Brass Galleysi; 1 oeverai Jimpty Cases.. 2 Chases. " 2 Imposing Stones. - ' 1 CahinpfA . . - ..-i . -fil Stovand Pipe.- n - . y .HS Small Table. ' t uomposing sticks. - 2 Roler Stocks. j,(2.rWooden Galleys. , Ul; Brass Lined Galleys. " ' ': Bottom Galleys. " ' ;a ' i'double Galley; u ' 1 pair Bellows. .... ... :,: ;.; 1 Inking Apparatus andRoler Stock. -.; ,t Bucket. - 1 1 let Dash Rules. Leads,' Side Sticks and .' .Sings for Papery . t ' 1 lot Furnitnre. r . . . t 2 Glue Buckets. " 11 J ' ' ' ' ' --1 Inking Stone. !",'; . , . 1 Lamp and Two Racks. r t lot Pigeon Holes. ; , ' Mallet, Plainer and Shooting Stick. . " 1 Novelty Pi inting Prws. - - - 1 No. lr Washington Hand Tress.''" . THE" MATERIAL- ABOVE' LISTED, Lately comprised the ''Live Job Office" in Charlotte.and is now offered for sale at a bar gain. . , . -, I .TO WHICH WILL BE 'aDDED ' T font Newspaper fBurgeois, from 400 to 600 pounds, in good order, with cases and sorts complete, - 1 Anson iiardy Paper Cutter, (good aS jw) and" "t - j new) 1. Quarter ; Medium Jobber. - - - Liberty .. (Degener) The entire list making an outfit sufficient for a first-class weekly newspaper, all for lttle over half the original cost. . -feb28 - V ... HAS.'R. JONES. V.rliEAT JFLOUR. febl9-tf. - - R. B. AtEXiSDEB JoO. am. a good j . . , ..vice. .. fehl9-if; , CHA& R. JONES; attliig office. MIS CELL AKEOUS. -i i JOHN A. xOtJNQ Si SON, CiothimsY CLOTHING PALACE, ; " . Tryon St,, Charlotte, N. C. .1 Are Jnow closing oat their entire Stock of CLOTHING, 1HATS and GENTS ! FURNISHING GOODS, at re- dnced prices, to make room ' j lor their large Spring Stock. jan 17 W E ARE ACENTS FOB Southwick CELXB RATED Knight, & Co.'a CANISTER TEAS. Try them, and then yon and use no other kind. will buy them, Our Goods are all Warranted as rep resented. WILSON & BLACK, feb25-2m. Wholesale Druggists. J, K. PUREFOY, Tryon Street, CHARLOTTE, SVC has the best selection of TOYS AND FANCY G00D3, t be found iu WESTERN CAROLINA. COME AND SEE HIM. marl tf. A NEW PAPER. Thb Childress' Fetkhd will be published every Wednesday, at . the Orphan Asylum, in Oxford, N. C It will enter a field occu pied by no other paper, representing no par ty in politics and no sect in religion : but helping all parties and all sects to unite in promoting the iadiclsos education of the young, and the eontinuous improvement of me 01a. it win discuss the duties and priv ileges of parents and teachers, and will de- lend tbe rights and denounce the wrongs of uiuiaren. j.t win expuun now our univer sity lies desolate and our College and Schools are poorly attended, while the Stockade it self seems to be too small to contain tne , uruiiK? wmcn crowd our penitentiary na 5fn ntr1" o Poor orphans OUU Will tell tHeill DOW tf ABf(inA AIM ent degradation, how to grow op into wise ana virtuous men and women anA rr;ot of he v - is t.. AJi OUT peOpi l . -.. tti.a cio eoocL"' Price, nnn Hrlla. a i'ear, always in advance; Jl few ak Adi iul th of JanT, 1875. All friends "of ; Tax Child bkk8 Frikkb, r- Oxford, N, C. jan 3 UILniHOTOn ADVEOTlBEnEUTg, uaniiiGToii .. i:opct SEUI-WEEKLY. Ec3te f la last MM BALTIMORE. ; Baltimore and Southern Steam Tran portation Company; Sailing from BALTIMCjRE Tuesday and Friday, at 3 FM AND FBOX WILMISQTOS - " V' WKDNCSDAT AND SATURDAY. T V s- 1 iiiviwn THTnnrjiT niT.Ti? OF LADING to all toiute ia Nortfc and' Stoatb- Carolioa, Georgia and Alabama. ; For North Philadelphia, New York! Boston, Protidence, -AL80 Liverpool, Glasgow, Antwerp and Other European-Ports. These Lines connect at Wilmingtoa with the Wilmington, Colombia fe Angusta Railroad. Wilmington & Weldon Railroad, and Carolina Centrsl Railway and Cape Fear River Steamers, with their connecting Roads, ofitsrin-oneqaalled facilities for the prompt delivery of Freight to all points, as the Steamers 00 jthesa Lines on arrival in Wilming ton stop at Railroad depot, the Freight transferred ander eovered sbeda to cars without delay, and forwarded by the Fast Freight Express that morning. " ! ( No drayage in Wilmington and to transfer from Wilmington South.1 Bates; guar anteed as LOW: as by abj other boats. Losses or Overcharges promptly paid, j Mark all goods via Wilmington Lines. 1 " V ' ' For farther information, apply to either of the undersigned Agents of the Line. EDWIN '1TZGERALD, Gen'l AgU Baltimore Line, 60 South Stree), Baltimore. WM. P. CLYDE A CO Gen'l AgU New York iLiae. 6 , Bowling Green, Ni. Y. A. D. C AZATJX. -Agent Baltimore -If. 1823. - I THE OLDEST HOUSE IN THE STATE! GEORGE R. FRENCH & SON, 39 North Front Street, 0 FFKR to the trade, one of the largest and BOOTS, SHOES to he found in the South, dealiuir exclasivelv experience of 53 years, Id selecting goods for order, we give A Better Sioelat Less Price, -t. We sell no shoddy stock, and will guarantee to sell tbe same grade of goods at th same price, (if not lower) as tbey can be boognt or , any jonmog nooae onu. feg' ORDERS SOLICITED. Price List furnished npon application. We inv te you to a personal examination. t jan27 dlv JJEW FURNITURE NOW COMING IN EVERY DAY, I - - AT R. F. Davidson's FURNITUBE IXOOnS, NEAR THE COURTHOUSE. Our old stock of Walnut Chamber Suits having been sold off, we offer to tbe public A Fine New -Stock, . . . .. 1 ........ . r Rkcthtlt; Bought, "' ' ( ',. .: - , :-(: ' ' AT . ' - -' I GREATLY SEDUCED PRICES, : And in proof of ourassertion we will sell WalnutChamber Suits AT VBOK .. FORTY TO FIFTY D0LLABS, . COMPLETE, And all other j I ' ? FrjBiniTUBE 1 ,.; ' ;l At squally Low Kates. Our stock is Tjirge and Full, and those ia want of Furniture will find that it will pay to examine our stock before baying. aa-Special inducements offered to whole sale buyers. .. ' 'iv R.F. DAVIDSON. Chaelotte, N. cj., Oct. 21874. tf- A LARGE AND WELL SELECTED STOCK OF - 1 FIRST CLASS GROCEltlEV : v ;:- .,. .; -j,:ci 1?;. . Molasses Flour, Ac. BARRELS New Crop CDliAMO- LASSES,-. . s- . y , A large lot of Floor Meal, fcc, wbicb we are offering cheap to easb or promptly pay ing customers. 1 : ; Kf BUSHELS of.SEED OATS, t : J Our stock of Family Croceiies ia complete. Give as a call. URIER & ALEXANDER. feb!6 tf. .1 - T ARGEST ESTABLISHMENT IN THE U STATE. , f " i i - ' Edwards, Broughton & Co " PRINTERS AND BINDERS, Raieigb, W.C , Blank Books of Every kind kept ' on band - and made to order. . - ! Printing and Binding of every descrip tion, in best style, and at prices that will defy competition. , -1 Prompt attention given to orders, . s: TEAM SAW MILL' At Gilbert's Hollow, s: C; on Charlotte Columbia & Augusta Rrilroad. - . . . , Dressed and Undressed Lumber 4 'FLOORING! MATCHED AND UN: aiAiuucu, a specialty. r j Call on or addresa " " ;:febl9 3m. i ' JNDIGO AND MADDER, . - -Bostsquality, at wholesale prices at X. U. SMITH & CO 'S Cobneb Dsua Stork, Opposite Central Hotel. feb24 tf. TDOB RENT. , I - - " Two rooms in the Springs Corner Bniinhi for awgle gentlemen. Apply atl-' mUb,e 25 000 IM.r0RTED AKD ro" Cigars. - cmiom 1 all ; Points Soatb tail M. ;. new York."- Clyde's trumington Liue "from XEWT0EK l'ff ! Tuesday and Friday, at 3 p. it., j fxno raoii wujukotov , -I W ' ' 1 or,East bonod .Freight, to. Baltimore, Fall Eim and other Eastern CiUet- M i Bremenr m m.rti and Kew X orr uoev ,wmingioo . u. 1 i I . Vllmlngton, 1 t , w.;c. ,1 most complete stocks of AND LEATHER, i a business in BOOTS ANDvSHOES, with the trade, and, haing oar goods made up to than iy 5Soiise 11 'tie State; it . GEO. B. I'BliJNCH & SOK, " T IMS, liLJSSES, COL. f -Li :; 'M-: 2,000 bis. Lime, Plaster and Cement. 1,000 tons voat. Stove,' Grata and Black- smith's. 55,000 Sacks Salt. We import Cuba Mohuses direct, and ex pcet first cargo new props about 18th Jan uaryVl875. c'; WORTH WORTH, Ooinmtseien lfercbanta and Grocers, . n3-2m. 7-, i'.i 1 , i Ufa- WUmington, N- C 1 A4BlAir.L:7 .--:-- , voLLXaa. A DRIAN & YOLLERS, Corner Proat aad Dck Street, TO THEiiERCHANT3iOF4W We arc constantly ia the receipt of Wi camaw & Uape Fear iresb-Beatett SAM3, SIDES, SHOULDERS, . Eofflisn and: 8ctcb Ales, Cofiiet of all kinds at 'Bedoced Prioes Fish; Case Goods of all kinds, Toilet oaps, Fine Pale and Common Soaps, Twenty dif ferent kinds of Troid Bitters, Cigars,' To' baeco. Kerosene Oil, Hay,' Corn aod iOat. with hundreds of other articles of f ; i t GR0CERIZ3 AT WHOIXSAL2& iM Conntry merchants will doell by callingrr ingod us and examining our stock. ,-:ff i:iyn' ' Cash or close buylo? customert can b 1 suited always, with Grod 3ooda, at Ia: est Market Priees. f ' - I . dec20-tf. ADRIAN A VOLLERS. , BKtrXHTLO. . T ! BRUNHILD k BRO., 1., . - Wholesale Dealers in 4 LIQUORS AND CIGARS,' " T No. 3 Granite Row, South J'ront Street, WILMINGTON, N. C. "t ' ImpersBectifiers, f Wholesale - Liquor , '. Dealers and Manufacturers of Cigars. Kentucky ; and North Carolina Wtuskev ana .none uaronra , Apple lirandv specialty tWe bare tbe lat. gest stock of Liquors and -Cigar in .tbe 1 ,- State.'. - j. 4 ; i ' ' H. BRUNHILD & BROi ' I j27 d3m. " '-;" i-i ;' .jpPBSALR j '. j A 8TEAM S AW HILL 'cblf.PLETEl 5 ' j wiU eU .for cash or Lumber delivered in j Charlotte, at prices to be agreed on, an ex cellent Steam Sew JTil!, with engine Com- i V plete and In good order, .together With. j 1 bhafting, Pulleys, Belting, drc. r ! j ' - -ALSO-, UfL,.;- - Shingle Machine.! capable ef ' making I ten thousand shingles per day. -' I Call at office of tha Oh. for particulars.' . . '"'.' V feb27 dlw wlm' J 1 li GAPE FEAR BUILDING COMPY, fl , r4 . . . I-.., , ,. . General Contractors for buildings macu facto rt-d by Machinery, of select material, -Private ' residences and public- buildings, bridges, railroad cars, tnduldings, ' brackets; balustrads. newel posts, hand railings, win dow fraihpa: fpnrinir. Arn . - Orders solicited by. Thoa. office of Wootcn's Express.' ir. Allen,' at f vi,' j, P jan 19 6m vw "D BUSHES. Jf . . . --s. -V. - --- a. frasu lot of Paint Brushes Joist received. -I '". also very fine sortment cf Lair Brushes, : ' --x L ; T. C eillTH & CO.'S oJ " r .ir Coe.vxr Dkuq f " i ic-Di-tr.. Orno.v:t-i?Mrtra.i a ' a v- - JJOOLEY'S YEAST roWDEKr "In J's, J1,. 1 4fh an? Wrh Cr 1 rrt-a t- fshr": e,l lef V "v. '7. 1 ? 1?

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