i , ; - ,. v'.v,- -A .'-,.- ' ".W"- i ; -'!-; ,..:: : ,,,, ', , . .. ...r -. ' nmfmimm- ' "- .77.,., ,', ... rh .JTTIZI-- -r- " ; . ;" .oqiil 8 o j o alio M. ' "' rr; : ..' " '- r . . . . 1 ' i; " ; ' ' J 1 , . . i .. - .-. r , ,.r-., ,, , , , ,, ,-u. ., . .r , f.;.,.. -- i -;... t ,,i r ,r .,. - , ',r' ? " . I i. - v ' - Vol. XII vTwi- tj , "... 'i.r.Jl.,i.1.l if CHAKLOTTE, N.;C; SATURDAY,! MARCH 13, 1815. i. 1! ' 3 i '1 v.. SMITH & BOOTS, SHOES, LEATHER AND HATS, HAYC remoTed U tb nW JaiRe and elefinnt. jJ'MITH PUILDING,".ne?t door to Breni, Broun & Co.'b Hardware Store, where t bey are recciring a full stock of' " i- f- S P R'l N 6 GOODS , :,,. complete in every prtiilr yjf. Tbeirlineof Iadn gentaf Bn I't BOOTS AND SHOES MljFWle; will urill be eepefl "::MRSiP. Has the Largest arid:: Finest stock of umniBRT and tmcyoo!ds:F 11(1 - I k in tne otai INTE ! R FV -:o: rKia COLLECTOR'S" OFFICE, 6TH DISTRICT," C. -' ""8TATE8VI4XK, March 8, 1875. Notice a hereby tivco to all persons who own. or have any interest in or claim on thefbIJowrug ftientioned article to 'comforwardP an,rnAke claim as required ly law, or trie articles enumerated "will be cdnflemneili-byi the Col lector oftbij liitjit, athi office, 30 days from this date. CLmXKT; . tfe5'r 1PLA.CEr'Xff V DATE." J. F. Murray, Near Charlotte, AriDfiel Monro; ? il, OUIllll Vfc V V .1 Monroe, " " -T a W. A. Knowlea, . inar 10 4t CHARLOTTE, COLUUBU Charlotte Agency, Oct. 20tb, 1874. Tlic Cliarlottc, Columbia. & Augusta Railroad " lNVrTK3fl4B(2k o?a:f(bBndColtOTi 8Wrmeraiii Chari9ttCand bpon. th roads connecting there, to the extraordinary advantages of connections wilhJ all Northern .PoinUnd South Atlantic Be Porta enjoyed over its lines. . Tb Gxtet Atlantic Coast Lina Ti Oahimbia, i Baltimore, Daily, Iaaorano h per cent. naaddpbta, Daily, Inauaed.. .? j . yr , iKW YORK MONDAY, WEDNESDAY, THUESDAY, SATURDAY, INSURANCE 1 .PER CENT BOSIONv TWSDAYS-ANJ). FRID AYS. INSURANjCJE i PER i '-4XG?t PRO VlDENCE, WEDNESDAYS AND SATURDAYS, td. By way Wilmington and Direct 8teara Line to Baltimore, Wednesdays and Sat urdays, Insurance J per cent. IIILADELPHIA, EVERtWEDNJXtIJF5A??5ER CENT- NEW Y0RK . WEDNESDAYS AND 8ATUBDAY8, INSURANCE EQUALIZED i ;. rGH.f. TO THAT OF NORFOLK : BrhfCharleston Lin ;lultfmore,eeklj. j ; f1Jt t. i i REVERT FRIDAY, TWIT unrivalled Steam Line tttdtitfesprthtfthrw Ports of Portsmouth, Wilmington i' Charleston, and the combined equipments of the C.XX & A., W. C. & A., and other oads, enable us to bid fbi cotton and all other merchandise in unlimited quantities, and Unuanre wwrwtrons of -abaolaU jceedonirom detehtJont Ias. AiiDKBSdstr ---neraISupex4ateaaeQ A. PorE - - . - - General Freight Agent. 1 PCU LAR attention paid to Frescoing ntry. Office under Central Hotel. IJLCQB -M.J4LENDEL, igarsiTobacco; Pipes,Snuff,&c Stock always on ban1 d to suit j fPpE. CENTENNIAL BOUSE, f JOD . DO?TAILOEl, Proprietor, I Tfe OoxiTOa; Biaxsr, CHaatomt, N, C, V i One door below the Obserrer corner. '- At I "this house, our coming Centennial can be I "difwussed at all hon day or night. ' -I The leading tpiriu of the day will be pres I eut at all Uiiks to take a part iu any question cthat may .arise. , feb20 tf. I V10 45?" BY THE: SACK OR 1 J? CARLOAD. ' . 1 .Tbe TOderrigned ia prepared on short no I ; tice to AH large or small orders for ; f 7 i rBJrl Wbeat-bran, Corur Ui&i nn')adSecoiids,' '-? r f equal in quality to any in this market ' f L' Also Graham Flour, for brown bread, from : . choice wheat, and MIXED FETED for cows Grain bpught at highest market prices . ' I- 1 v CHARLOTTE CITY MILLS. m I feblft-tf. - UU a, x t Lock Box 62. - ; ,.. M ,-fi!!- .w,) y'h To duplicate in price and qualify any' In voice of paper bses bought in . th TTntt 8tat,.and deliver them in Charlotte at the I j .Wteepaid broads? ;.V-aTID I '"'febJAt n- mien i ' ' - -n;::, .' , , . rt iuux A BRO. LATEST, ARRIVALS. . tv. ;4ii'--p -. ' .- ', dozen Crawford's best, fresh canned Black- berries, & pound cans at $3.00 by the dozen, -t largo Hominy, White Peas and Beans, large muuuwiu futitiues, oica unea r ruit, i uiuq iftage. Mountain Buckwheat FloUr; 50 ihels Eed Oats fine Clear 8eed. at -" fcb28-tf. ' ' -rB.N.MITH'S. .t-j- J,,,, i if iijM";i"'Ji ,(. .. iuj... ..jm . i ,' .1 .."1. ". V TTlALALiDK.-erCoXlITy OIL.. , . 'WARRANT; D 150 DLG REL3 FIRE TEST. TATER V UTE IN COLOR. -, T, yfSl FULLY DEODERIZED. " r VI LI. NOT EXPLODE. Zrft". all Coil Oil and Kerosene r jx 'A'k'for "AljU'n t?ecnr;y, 've r ot'.er. 'J It RUltWELL A CJ. I. 1 FORBES, JJ M , ?MHC1 - prof profiUUi Galland examine. . t J Min 4k fobbed ; ardwarti Store, Cbarlottef W, C. aXJERY; - ;; Gallndsee: Her." FN U FN OTI C Fr :o: ARTICLES. March 7, 1875, nrn .is-im 2 Mules." ' 1 Two-horse Wagon, 2 8. 3. Harness, 2 bbla Spirits 1 box Tobacco. 2 "tbroken) Tob'co 1 " Tobacco. t 4 March 6, 1875, J. J. MOTT, Collector, C V V,,t J jf & AUGUSTA R. R. Wilmington, and Portsmouth to TO NEW YORK, TUESDAYS THURS- .. .' rW., W;: ttKA M., Age n Churches and Town Halls, throughout to v. A ; MAKCPACTUKKB ASD BKALKR 15 .'.V TRADE STREET, CHARLOTTE, N; Ci' Country Merchants espedallf. If. WILSOK. W, J BIiACK. JLSON A BLACK, ' -; V v"' WirOlSSXLB" 'r D nUCC IS TS . .1 BKALKBS lr ' PAINTS, OILS Aif.tA 1, .GLASS CHEMICALS, ' CHARLOTTE, N G. . 1 ' feb216m; ,-r T0TICE TO SHIPPERS !, . ! f J s&i. -till, i'-...ti,-.f.'i;J"r.'J"' tl. .I,",'. ninrlotte. NK''-C Feb. 18, 1871 On and after the 20th inst., duplicate re ceinta will be reouired - to - be made out by ahinners for freiirht over the Carolina Ccn tral Railway, and goods .must be, delivered ai warehouse oy x - m. , . ' S. t. FREMONT, S. U G ALLOW AT,. Gen'l Supt. HiV Agent. - febl9-2w. ATLANTA VIITEOAB WORKS, ' . 31 BaOAO Stekt, Atlanta, Ga , " . Next doorto the Herald Office. . . , ij - -"" - - - a .- " . -' v-". White Wine Vinegar, Cider.,. Vinegar, and t feb 17 tf - - . TSJOTICE.-., Xv . . 't' r ' i - - t The beginning of a new year is a period for settling business accounts We notify our patrons that - we are now engaged in this important matter, . l ! , Ve have but a few customers who are" r.ot pr-:, t m makirvr monthly payments, and it is to them specially that -we address this j : ,;, Gentlemen, we cannot permit tue rj to J US without a settlement. . : - - . - t The;:Cliarlotte ?Obserfert Charles s It. Jones 'Proprietory , .Office, ObBerver4Bnildijig, Corner) j Trade and College Streets ' lOCiLDOTS. " ,' J n ':'; ., 'a .:' , ;-' These, arq ihq welatipholy days,' when it a "tod hotr-lbr' wbisfcey punch, toocold for lagejrbeer." -r. -,, .-( iliss Ada Qray, the 'splendid t ragetUenue whd paid Charlotte a Visit last Fall or WiA ter, is now playing in Cincinnati, .,V, , Lettuce and onions were among the ar ticles ipf .food "on -th'ei table of the Central Hotel; at dinner yesterdays and they went ra'sed in this city. JIar'y.' 't " i') '.' ' t The cold at the North is forcing hundreds of Jvisitors to tlie South. The hotels are crowded wifiv trayeleVron" their "way "to iJionua, ana every day brings increased nutnbera. ' "."'f,"HS published in Raleigh, by. Col. 8. D. Pool, at $1,'50 per annum. . s , f -t f The; Spring fights began at a ball on Thursday night, when the dancists mani fested great industry Infrescoing the coun tenances of each other, v i ; ; 5 Jf the gentleman who came into this office during our temporary t absence and washed -lhla hands in our water bucket, will call again, he will learn something to his ad- vntage. -. , .-,.rw. . It is rumored thai a certain lady of this city will shortly celebrate her brass wed ding. She is said to engaged to an insur ance agent. Gapt Avery left' last night for Princeton, Johnston county, and until next Tuesday morning we will be lonely without him, and sigh for one glance of his eye. ' " People who send original verses to the newspapers with the request of the editor that hewilt "pleas prent this potry," are now on the move, since Spring has opened; and our waste basVet is filled until it has "quit ta kingin.V , Cotton opened yesterday rather weak at former quotations, but upon the receipt of Northern and Eoreign dispatches, the mar ket rallied and closed firm. The sales dur ing the day amounted td 320 bales, without apparent change of .our former quotations. We quote : . This is the season when the dirty-faced urchin! sits on his haunches out in the streets and makes mud cakes, heeding noth ing whatever save those cakes not even the pendant drop which hang3 precariously from the .utmost end of his snub nose, and threatens to drop at any moment. . Baker's Predictions. ; Mr. J.jC. Baker, the weather prophet, says that we reported him wrong in our notice of his predictions of the weather for the pres ent month. He says that he predicted for the 20th and 21st, cloudy and cooler weath er, and. perhaps a little rain, and that from the 22d to the 25th inclusive, it would be rainy, i ':''";'':; : ;, Gov. Vance iu Richmond. f Governor yance visited the fapitol yesterday-while the .Legislature was'in session, and was received with distinguished courte sies. The Senate suspended (be discussion- of the tobacco question for a few minutes, and many Senators paid their respects to the gallant ex-Governor Richmond Enqui rer, of Thursdagi To Hang. At the time it occurred, we gave the par ticulars of the killing of Mr John W. Cheek, of York county, 8. C, in' Gaston county, of this Stated by one Owens, who. was after wards arrested, tried at Lincoln Court, con victed and sentenced to be hung. Owens appealed to the Supreme Court, which has just affirmed the judgment of the Court be low. The death sentence will be again passtd upon thje murderer at the next term of Xincoln Court. An Error. We made an error in the little romance which we published yesterday. We stated that the father of tlie heroine wo-ld shortly move her to Charlotte. Such is not the case. He has no idea of taking her from her adopted parents, to whom she 1? as near as to him.! The father called on us yesterday and asked us to make this correction, say ing that he would never be guilty of such a piece of bad faith. : 1 The New Jail. The work on this building is. "making haste slowly," and when it will be ready to be occupied by aspirants for the Penitentia ry garb, cannot be J redicted with anything Iike3 certainty. Much of. the biick work, after having been built, fell away through exposure to the weather, and the necessity for doing this work twice has greatly de layed the progress of the building toward completion. Not to be Token Off: i: T'jv;C ' We understand that the authorities of the .Richmond & Danville Railroad have recon sideiedtheir -determinatipn i to take off the day train, which runs between Charlotte and the Shops.; We are truly glad to hear this. The runningof this train is a great accommodation to both local and through passengers, and if .it were discontinued its absence would be felt sensibly, J Board, of Aldermen. s'" Monday nigbt next is the regular meeting night of the. Board of Aldermen. When these Aldermen were first elected, and be fore they had become quite accustomed to j,heir blushing honors, meeting night did not come half often enough. Now, it with the utmost difficulty that they can be gotten together, -and 'even then some of them yield to the seductiye influences of Morpheus, and drop eff into sleep while the debates are in progress. v - . ' , T- Repairing the Streets. " 1 ' V So great is our joy. that we feel like ten dering somebody: a banquet.; The work of fixing -the street between the Mint and the Air Line Depot, has been begun. Good solid rocks are being put In the great bogs in the Streets,' end, when' these "are filled up, the streets will be, if not good, certainly better. But this ' is not all. ; Next week a quaptity of the decayed granite-which abounds bear King's . Mountain, will be brought over on the Air Line Railroad, and put on .the street. The railroad ' crosses" the; street, ' and - the fctone can .be de'ivered .on the spot with little "trouble and cost'i, I? enough of it is brought, this street,? which is now a dis grace to the city, can be made not only passable, but good and solid . For the ira proyement which -has already been made and, is making, we cDinmend Street Com missioner Northey, and place it to his credl . keep against all public officers.-' 7.. To Change the Gagexs -,vrr t. r -j I We.andeqstandr from a' source whicn.-we l consider entirely reliable, that, in accord-1 ance with X the decision " of the Sunreme Court, rendered on Thursday, the Richtaond & Danyille Railroad Company will change the gauge of the North Carolina Railroad between Greensboro and Charlotte, in a very hort time two or "three weeks at the far- thesf4a. correspond with' that of the R. & iJ.roaa give the Piedmont" Air Line Railway Com- pany, a uniform gt.uge from .Richmond to Atlanta. ; The changing of this gauge ineed not materially interfere with the running of trains, as the work can be done in a day and a half or two days. Runaway and Smash Up. . Yesterday morning a wagon -and two horses, belonging to. ,R. I. McDowell, Esq., were standing by the platform of the Char- lotte; Columbia & Augusta iZailroad Depot, J when the 'horses" became, frightened, i and I UtiM&l frill WT ri fffveof Hom anili I ed off into a lot, and ran th -wagon against I the porch of a small , house occupied by colored people.l tearing part of it away, They then started back into the street, when the wagon was' caught on some posts in front of the house, and ma'le a perfect wreck. The horses were thrown down, and the harness had to be taken off them before they could get up. One of them was some what, but not 'seriously hurt. The rem nants bf the. wagon are lying in the streets yet, each separate piece apart to itself. Columns Open. We have been requested to make a correc tion, in regard to some statements made by the Obsebvkb relating to the amoun t of mon ey raised some years ago, for the purpose of erecting a monument to the signers of the Mecklenburg Declaration, but after due con sideration we have concluded that the party interested is the proper one to do so. Our columns are now open to him for that pur pose. The Cotton Trade in this Ia, ket. The veiy close figures on which the great branches of commerce are now conducted, has brought out the most minute scrutiny into every department of trade, and wher ever the buyer or seller observes a chance of economizing to advantage an attempt is im mediately made to throw off what appears to"be an unnecessary charge, and an obstruc tion that stands in the way of a possible profit. The great staple, cotton, owing to its spongy character, is an immense absorber of moisture, and consequently in transi tions of the weather from day to day to wet or the reverse, the weight of the article rap idly varies. Hence the disappointments which purchasers at times necessarily expe rience in the outturn of the weight falling considerably short of what their bills call for. It seems to us that it would be a good idea if it were required that all cotton should be sold at delivery weight, and that, finally, if necessary, the cotton should be tested by such weighers as the party who complains, should any complain, "might Eelect. In this market the cotton weighers are competent and careful officials, aud it might be left to them to exercise their judgment in allowing for such loss in weight as the condition of the bale seem3 to them to justify. The Meeting To-NIght. We take occasion this morning to again call attention to the meeting which is to take place in the editorial rooms of the Observer to-night, to prepare for the proper celebra tion of the coming Centennial. We are glad to se8 the fire organization, and the military companies getting ready for their part of the work which is to be done, but we think that it is the duty of the citizens, to take the lead in this matter. We are to have thousands of visitors, and some com mittee must be appointed to receive and care for our guests. We do not know what plan will be agreed upon; but we do assert most positively that some rule of action ought to be adopted at once. " , We suppose that any attempt at an in dustrial exhibition has long since been abandoned, if it was ever seriously enter- tiahed.but we do know that the world ex pects us to do our duty, and that cannot ; be less than to have a half dozen speeches from prominent men, a big dinner, and a general jollification, in which we can all participate, feeling that it was good that we lived in the goodly city of Charlotte, which lead the van, among the patriots of the American Revolution.' - A proper committee ought to be appoint ed to solicit subscriptions for the dinner. and to impress it upon every individral, that it is his duty to give something. . A very important step would be to ask a copy of Gov Graham's most admirable address for publication, which ought to be dono at once, and scattered broadcast" over the country. The people are ripe for the cele bration, if the thing can be touched off in the right way. Any otl.er than the right way, and it will assuredly be a flash. Let the proper enthusiasm be aroused, and old Mecklenburg will come up an ngnt, ine Legislature has refused, up to this time, to give us the paltrv sum asked for. Let ; ns show the world in 1875, that we are as ready to d our duty now, as were our patriot fathers to do -theirs in 1775. Suicide at - II Urb Point A Distressing' . j, Occurrence:.,,..,;, , . j,... We learn from Capt. D. P. Egon, the con ductor of the day train on the North Caro lina Railroad, that Mr. A. V. Sullivan com mitted f suicide . at . High Point yesterday morning between 9 and : 10 o'clock. The means .which he employed to bring his life to an end, were an ounce Jof laudanum and a pistol. The deed was'not committed in the Tillage, but at a pond near by, and the fact that it had been 'committed, was first discovered by a physician who was passing by, and who, seeing a hat and coat lying by a tree, recognized them as the property of Mr. Sullivan.- Going to the pond he found the lifeless body, of Mr, S. i in the waters edge, with a bullet -hole-through, the brain. Near to the place where the clothes-bad been laid, was an , empty phial, which, as was learned from a druggist afterwards, had contained an 7 ounce; of. laudanum - If is reasonably' presumed ""that Mr. Sullivan drank the laudalum, and that apprehending that this would not kill him, walked into the water and shot himself, as described.' . He had been married but a few weeks and feft a letter stating that the reason which impelled him' to suicide was financial embarrassment '; that : he could not support bis wife aa he would like, and so preferred not to live at all. a H told of having money in oneof the Cbarloit; banks, also in his safe, and expressed the belief bat his; assets would cover his liabilities. He begged that his friends would look Ien!ently upan his crime, and said that he hoped for God's for giveness for the commission of it. " ' 'f . I Mr. Sullivan wsj, for; quite a. length; -or time, epot agent at High Point, and at the time of his death was express agent for that place and Winston He was a man of racial position and of unblemished reputation, il OOIIUCCSICATKS. - un it ;;- Organ'-Grinders Maias.' .'EMTfens ' Iq days ing since ' past, Charlotte was won't to prqve a. profitable place to the or gan grinder,-; His strains suddenly breaking in, like a racloHious dream, upon the tedious monotony of ihe inhabitants, never failed to agitptei the little city, and attract an admir ing; audience, from" the. fullness of whose rr" "ra"f ' T " flowefL .'But, .the melancholy days have come," "and sooth" to" tell," the community receives iim, barring the fidelity of the rag muffins,with the stoical indifference of an experienaed city. He describes, once, the radius of his erank,and, lo ! here they are ; from Uie by-lanes, and corners and number less places, with 'welcoming countenances, they 'come." With admiring visages agape, they orm prom iscuously around himi Here is one with a tuft of hair " emerging from a hole in-, the crown of his hat, and floating eracefnllv in the breeze, evident! v. : J It . ni-jj-i.- i person ngfi who. ,g gidently doesn't intend to raise earns, seeing that his' feet bevel in the spacious freedom of a Dair of old shoes, one of which misht serve him for a convenient coffin in case of sudden death, And the next but it would take too much time to describe each oneofthis approving grouu. Ah ! this is, indeed, fame ; to be enthron ed in these faithful hearts. But the grinder doesn't seem to appreciate it. He turns out one tune but does not discover the com motion in the other classes, he created of yore. He fancies his instrument has lost some of its intensity of tone.and is not yet heard. Therefore he grinds the harder, per seryersing to the end of his third tune ; when the sad truth is forced upon him, and with a last wistful survey, he reluctantly shoulders his organ and mournfully trudges away. His little friends seeing him sad, .follow him, determined to' console him with their .cheering countenance. Noble hearts! Even when the grinders make an extra effort to please, and bring their instruments on wheels, they seem to fare no better. Verily the grinders are not appreciated. M. The Great Anti-Periodic. h e certainty and promptitude wit, which Hostetter's Stomach Bitters conquer the most obstinate cases of malarial disease and the complete protec'ion which they af ford the system against the miasn: atic poi son which impregnates the air of low-lying, marshy localities, stamp them as the fore most of American antiperiodics. Wherever on this continent fever and ague is a regular visitant in the bottom lands, of the South. the new clearings and mining districts of tne west, and in all localities in the .Eastern and Middle States where malaria prevails, the Bitters are recognized as the only true specific for the disease, and its most reliable preventive. They arc, moreover, a safe and agreeable as well as a certain remedy, and on this account are immeasurably superior to the preparations of quinine, arsenic, bis muth, and other mineral poisons mistakenly ad ministered as curatives for maladies caus ed by miasma, whicb.fcif persisted in, work rreparable injury to the constitution. Unfortunately, feyer and ague, and be other febrile complaints generated by mias ma, are not the only evils which result from it. A great variety of disorders are super induced by the irritation which it causes. Among these are neuralgia, rheumatism" gout, periodical headache, palpitation, pain ful. &jp&tioQ3 . of the .spleen, and various derangements of the stomach. When trace able to malaria, the above affections are apt to assume, like the disease which originated them, an intermittent type ; that is to say, they recur at regular intervuls. Hostetter's Bitten, however, obviates tbem all, banish ing the miasmatic virus from the system. NEW ADVERTISEMENT?. JND STILL THEY COME. 'Northern Apples, , Oranges, Lemons, Prunes, Green Corn, Green Peas, Green Tomatoes Pickles of all kind3, Hominy, coarse and fine, tine Hams and Breakfast Bacon, Lars iu tin pails, planting Potatoes of all kindi all going off cheaper than the cheapest, 4 W. N. P RATHER & CO.'S, first door above market, Trade St. marl3 tf. JIGrHT IN HERE. THIS 13 THE PLACE. The following choice goods received to day. Pearl Hominy, - Breakfast Hominj Starch, -Canned.-Corn, Peaches, Salmon, Lobsters, 1 case Adams Cheese. ' Si S. M. DAVIDSON, ' 3rd door above market, Trade St. mar 13-tf. QEr YOUR TICKET ' ' For the Greensloro Lottery, THIS 13 THE LAST DAY. Tickets for sale at BUTLER'S Jewelery Store. ; mar 13 T?RESH ARRIVALS ! BTE AND BUCKWHEAT TJLOUIS, OAT MEAL, GENUINE EDAM, ENGLISH -DAI It Y AND PINE APPLE CHEESE, SMOKED SALMON. " SMOKED HALIBUT, i CANNED SALMON, FULTON MABKET BEEF, BREAKFAST STRIPS ; I SUGAR CURED HAMS, MACARONI, s ' . VERMACILE.I, .r. a t f l,ENTIL""- - - - - -. . . "t.A full Stock t f CHOICE FAMILY ' .... GROCERIES, always on hand. ' . "' HOTTEND0F & HASHAGEN, i .V-. - - . Faruilv Grorers i. nr 13 . Opposite Charlotte Hotel, y ANTED. " - - f. A situation esBcok Keeper Can keep on the double or single entry system, am will Ing ti tell goods when necessary. Vv i v 1' 1 ! ' 5 - . -..- . t A situation as Salesman in a Wholesale or Retail Boot and Shoe bouse References in the , city, Gen R Rarringer and Major C Dowd ; J R Neisler, Concordi Address n ; t , r 88 CARTER, . , mar 13-lt i . -, Charlotte, Hotel.,, HAVING THIS DAY ! ""I SOLD my entire stock of FCRKIfURE to Jlessis. Burgess Nichols & Co., I hereby commend tbem to my old friends and - cus tomers and the public generally, as every way -worthy of confidence, and hope the patronage heretofore so liberally bestowed upon the House, will be continued to the New Finn. They will cont in ue the business at the same place, and will keep constantly in Store, a full and complete assortment of FURNITURE, R. F. DAVIDSON. March 10th, 1875. jgURGESS NICHOLS & CO , WHOLESALE and RETAIL, DEALERS IN FURITURE, BEDDING, &C., &C. No, 5, West Trade Street, Charlotte, N. C - ! HAVING purchased the Stock of Furni ture, Ac, of Mr. R. F. Dayidson, we are now prepared to exhibit, to people of the city and surrounding country, a large and well selected Stock, embracing everything found in a first-class Furniture Store. . By fair dealing, fair prices and polite at tention, we hope to merit a share of the pub lic patronage. BURGESS NICHOLS & CO. mar 13 tf S LATES. A new kind of school Slate with plan for holding pencils, at TIUUX'S. mar 12 rpENNESSEE FLOUR 80 barrels choice Eclipse Fancy and Fam- ly Flour, at GEO W CHALK & CO'S. inarlZtl T EY JIENDKLS Five Cent Cigar, at INDIAN GIRL CIGAR STORE, mar 12 Trade Street. pRY MENDEL'S Five Cent Cigar, at INDIAN GIRL CIGAR STORE, mar 12 Trade Street. TVJOTICE, 1 All persons havine claims against the late firm of Grier fe Alexander, will report same forthwith to the Trustees, who will furnish terms of trust, statement of assets, liabilities, fec - ' ' . . All indebted to said firm will please call and settle at once. R M MILLER, ! ) J W WADS WORTH. lrust cts mar 12 2t ' . ' Democrat and Home copy twice T RY MENDEL'S Five Cent Cigar, at INDIAN GIRL CIGAR STORE, mar 12 . Trade Street. PRY MENDEL'S ! L f - - - Five Cent Cigar, at INDIAN GIRL CIGAR STORE, mar 12 Trade Street. J ANTED. A gentleman desires to rent a small cottage nsiiting ot three or ionr rooms, Appiy to J a bUbbJ.ra, mar 12 3t Under Central Hotel. F OR SALE. A drove of fine HORSES and MULES, at the Livery and Bate warne s or i mar 12 tf . J w WAiiswuiua. SEEDLESS RAISINS, j , L FRESH PRUNES, I , , ' , ' BUTTERSCOTCH, ' ; - , . - PRIZE PACKAGES,' CHEWING , GUM, --s. -.. . - "'- ' - - - I .-. DURHAM SMOKING TOBACCO, ; FlNEf CIGARS. Just Received and for sale cheap. ' ' "' -mar 12: - F H ANDREWS & CO, ; 0K LY 5 CENTS, i , roK "4 't.- SANA'S N-A 8 1 i i ' H -AT F. U. ANDREWS CO'S. 't mar 12 RCHITECT. , GEOEQB WELCH t , Offers his professional services td the citizens of Charlotte and -vicinity, and pledges the experience and practice of fourteen years training as a guarantee of competence. ,, Office Trade Street, Charlotte. , , . , , , . jan 3 tf . ' , . , , J . , JOR SALE. , - , . ' Will be sold privately at a bargain, a good work or sadd'e horse. ' ' " - - ..-.' n CHAS.R. JONES. . feblO-tf. '. - at this 03ice. . J r f w:l. Solicit orders from a distance for Butter. Eggs, Chickens, Apples, Potatoes, Cabbage, and any otber country produce that "may be desired. " White Pine Shingles a specialty. Inquiries promptly answered. .' Parties wish ing anything in their line; will please hand in their orders to McMurry fc Davis, Char lotte, fiortn Carolina. , ; , no3-ora ' A FEW BOARDERS WANTED! ; 4 j , B C Henry, at the old Peter Brown-' bouse on Trade street, wilt receive and'accommo raodate a few gentlemen- boarders. Rooms furnished or unfurnished, j q-c,. . -;; ; -j GERMANTOWN LAMP BLACK. I New lot, 1 lb, 1 lb and 1 lb packages, at -:,:,.f-:0 SMITH & GO'S, J: mar 12 Cor nei, opposite Central Hotel. W. ALEXANDER, . , X f SURGEON DEXTIST, Offers a reduction in prices of DepUl Work to suit the times. , Gold Fillings Inserted for $1 50 and up wards. Setts of Teeth put uo on .Rubber V i f AAA AA " . Teeth extracted without pain. - Entire satisfaction euaranteed.- . Office in- the Parka building over Butler Jewelry Store. . . Hours from 8 A. M. to 5 P. M. ; , i mar 11 THE PUBLIC 1 We arc aut.rized and requested to an nounced j hal a meeting of the citizens of Charlotte and vicinity will be held in the editorial rooms of the Oiaelotte ObsebveB at "J o'clock p. M , Saturday night, to take some preliminary i-teps towards getting up the necessary committees, etc., for the com ing Centennial, and to di.cuss matters in Vo lition thereto. mar 11 3t ! JOBERT E. LEE. The personal and letters oft reminiscences, anecdotes, GEN. ROBERT E- LEE. BY Rev. J. Wm. Joses, D. D.,) Formerly Chaplain Arniv North' ru Yir- trinia. and of Washineton Colleea. Va. I makes one beautiful octavo volume of 497 pages, and is illustrated - by seven fine steej portraits of ";Lee as a young officer," "' t as the U. S. Soldier," "Lee as the Confechr ate General,' "Lee as the Colleee Presi dent," "Mrs; Lee at Arlington," "Mrs. Lee at Lexington," and "Stonewall Jackson ;" and thirteen full-page enjrravings on wood Price, in Cloth, $3.50; Sheep, $1.50; Half Turkey, $5.50 ; Full Turkey, $7,50. J ' I SOLD ONLY BY SUBSCRPTION. Mas. SI M. WEVERE, AGENT, at Mrs. Pressly's fpr a few days. mar2-tf. f m HEWILMINGTON EYE AND. E A.R IK', J STli;UTE. A1S U HUKUlUAJj. UNflttJJr JRY. j , ; . , . . Dr. Mi J. DeJJosset, (late of Baltimore) but : j geon in charge. . This Institute has two departments, one for diseases of the EYE and EAR, and th other for general surgicat cases, including the special surcery of females. Each patient occupies a private- apartment.'Tvith all- the comforts of a house, and is always under the personal supervision of the Surgeon in. charge, who resides witn his lamny in building. Address ; Dr. M. J. DeROSSET, I Box 372, Wilmington, N. C. Dr. Deosset will visit Charlotte profes4 sionally, to remain from the ICth to the 20tli of March inclusive, (for the purpose of holdi ing consultation. marz-oawm iom and Democrat copy tf- E OR ENGLISH PEEK, FREAN &CO'S Crackers, Choice French "Candy, Maple Su-j gar, Rock Candy,: Chocolate, Corn Starch and Decker's Farilia, go to HOTTENDORF & HASHAGEN, j Family Grocers, '. Opposite Charlotte Hotel "OOR EAGLE BRAND CONDENSED L Milk, Atmore's Mince Meat, New York S C Hams, S li Shoulders and Beef Tonguesj goto HUTTENIJOKF&HASHACK.V, f amily Grocers, Opposite harlotte Hotel. pARLOR SUITS. Jast receivjl i i ' -i-THS ' ( roruLAK ' TURKISH 1 and "NEILEON" Styles ill Rep - and Satin. 'Victoria" Chamber Seta, Something Handsome, 400 Common Bdd- steads, Chairs, Bureaus, X Washstanda .Mat ( tresses, &c. r ' Our stock is now complete. : Buyers wil find a large stock from which to make selec tions, and at lower prices than ' ever before mflformt .' fltrn'm nil: ' .-"' "..,' . jtit :-S '-''...-.ii.-.i vj ' D. A.SM1TH&CO., , F., M.Sukltoh, , Fa; t Trade Street. . ' s ' ,' J " j Assistant. , , . mar2-tf. jANDRETH'3 GARDEN SEEDS ' Are the best and most reliable. in' Cliarlotte by W. R, BURWELL & CO. feb26tf.1 ' UNDERTAKING ; '-.-.'f - In all its branches, laree stock of Mefalic!' Cases, Coffinal and Caskets. Orders solid-! ted. D. A SMITH A CO. FUBITITUBK DEALEBS," ' t j .. .,-East Trade Street feblg-tf. B OARDERS WANTED I I am nrenared to farntsn good board to a few select regular or transient boarders, by the day, week or month, at moderate prices Location convenient to the - business part of the city. Apply to ; '!"'! JOHN A.BRADSHAW. Corner tnurcn and 3rd Btreet. 1 1 jan 19 tf .yj7 RAPPING PAPER, . - j ' Of good quality, all sizes and weights, ar.d every ream warranted full count, 24 sheds to the quire, ana w quiresjo me ream,-ion- nractured and" for sale uy - ., - -,p lebl I. ' I V -v W M. &-.SL TIDDY.i W ANTFD TO RENT- -1 ' A dwelling house, centrally located, con tcining 5 or 6 rooms : " T . - ... . D. A.SriTHACO f ' ; feb18 tf. : .""r Furniture Dealers. ' p" ALL A PATTERSON, ml1 4' T Hickory5, N.C.,-r NSEElV CHOICE SELECTED I ? POTATOES." Early Rose, Early Good wicb, PJ. Peach Blows and Peerless, large lot ENGLIBH BRUSHES. v , ,., t Colgate's Soaps. flneShavine P'J'"";-' J i mar3-tf. TENNYSQN'S POSUS,.." At ' A new edition "of Tennyson's P jeiu,. in-. ciuumg ENOCH ARDEN and all his latest works, besides thr music entire to XI; 1 of his most popular isonrc The comnieta volume JJS tts. " : ; J ust received at. .... - - : JfJ U c u- o , fb24 tf. " - - B'K ' r-tore-." ' ' ' .. r.,.4n JMPORTvINT NOTICED ft n Pratt's Astral Oil is the bast illiuuiuaiine ' oil madev '; a ;-stsmi. i.; $tjt.tj -,' MIL LION'S - OF G ALLONS ; have been' sold, and it Is nowust'f tri Hiin--k dreds ot thousands of.families, sun no aofl- aent nas ever occerred, directly or-iti mjti.v; rrom Burning, storing or bandiinit ; To en a ble a) 1 classes Id use- thia ii rtliMti-. sable article, "the price has recently bee re duced about sixteen percent. rK-; f? ;i ;V uuyyour on irom . ; : T. a SMITH ACO t feb21-tf. (Opposite Central Hole , ASSYRIAN DISCOVERIES, ? ! IN 1873 akd 1874,? ;-'J"'1 -BV- G E Q R G E 8 M! I T 5. OF THE f BRITISH ;M U 8 E Uif- An exceedingly valuable and ln!ercsunft; work, frivinz the historv of thia ancient peo ple, as written, by themselves on stne, go ing oacx to uie flays or .Benniictieno, 01 Jehu that drove furiously and ope tn th! Deluge in this book for the first tlnie ie get the Cbaldaic account bf that evnt. f t Fnce 4.00. TIDDY A !Htt. , TAKTED, . . . Ten thousand dollars nfr Mtvklenbtirir' CAiunty Bonds. Apply to 1 - mar 7 ot T. li. ..VAlUi .vattut'r,; - W.J BLACK, ' ' .- h::;f ' ' ' f.'ir'i?si ' TRADE STREET,; V -. CHARLOTTEN.;Ct Takes pleasure in anhouuCingl- th& " M E R C II'AVNT:U:. . Of North and South Carolina, and Uw-.rK. that he is the largest dealer iu . t. PURE WINES AND:LIQTJ0R8t:'t To be found in the State of iNortli Cartiiiiia". ' Doing an immense business he is enubltd - to give his customers the bencfiUpf his lare ' purchases for cash, and at the fame time guarantee the quality, and character of hit -goods. He is agent for -'.. r'.v.-?.X2:!!'.'! THE PAT A,P S.O; . GRANGE MI XT U R E , For Composting with Cotton Seed or ther euhstaticcs Containing Vegetable Matter. DIRECTIONS FOR MIXING. 4 ''-' i - n :-:Bf Select a dry place under cover, and snrear out sufficient seed, that have been well niois tened, over the floor, about - three" or fou inches aeep ; men spreaa veniy over ti seed the same weight 01 "ratapeco Gran Mixture : ' then on m the same niann seed and the fertilizer, until the amount J quired. is composted. ,- l-tK.,-(UwJ ihe pile should stand until the net the, aeetf is killed, and as rr ",x"r iiir rdanfftm o.nnvfnitnnm wtlt in 11 ntf TT-c Any other good material, such as kIrv-1,. manure or wood mold, will be an fidditi ti,, benefit. If the soil to which the compost is to be applied is poor and deficient invere- tabie matter, the proportion of seed to t!u fertilizer should be increased so as t rc-.-t. ire Us wasted condition. ' . p'l Vj.! '' ESTIMATE ok VALUE or THE CHANGE r . t- MIXTURE, hti4 v,f., t.: ,, It is composed of equal parts of Nbvhpsa i Guano and pure slaughter-house 'bone dis-. I solved by Sulphuric .dcid. To 1(100 pounds J of those lnsrredienta is added 40C . touiid.i ,f i genuino Potash Salts, (Kainit). imported y direct from Germany by the Patapso Gua : I" Company. mar 7 ' .": j THRESH PRUNES, CURRANTS, ,, , j More of ' that delicious Walnut TaftV. Mince Meat. Brandv Cherries and Florida Oranges, just received and for sale ,lie-p . ma' 0 J?" 11 AMllKEiWo in-, JUST RECEIVED. 100 dozen fresh Eggs also a smalt ot of fresh country Butter, at W. M. CKUWELL'B, College KU, marut THE LAST CATCH OF MACKEREL. k r Tl!rivJ frmn Ttoulnn '' '-i-'rtt""J- 220 packages in bbls-l i bbls I bb1s"Tip1 kits: No.'s 1. 2 and 3, all full weightH. f.r sale by i A. K. NISBET & BRO. . -" feb26 tf.- r - n (. .(.A-Sf-r r. THRESH ARRIVALS. ' - 600 bbls Flour, ail grades. !':' ,'VXwmi. rti't i 1000 bushels Oats, (choice seeds ) ::M v ou Darreis Moiasses, an grauea. ;t , ;" 4; : . Baeon, Coffee, Sugar, &c j, , ' iy;t y:i To cash paying customers,: we offer ;x i ra inducements.;. . " ' r H- jan31-tf. G. W. CHALK (XtTv F RESH TORK SAUSAGE . . . .. V .'; .i.v '. Per Express from Richmond, everv nioVu ing, at . B. N. SMITH'S-'- feb20ttvj JUST ARRIVED. -. ' " f fei-sH,,:.;:- Pigs' Feet an 1 D.ial Bjaf; at the Bij v tin, 0, S. HOLTO N & f. O mar2tf. ". ',:'" :-' ' ' "1: 'J' xX riAPE FEAR BUILDING COMP'Y, J ' : : - ,:4a Jv ..4i.4 -;t; General Contractors for buiMiiiga i Vniaiio factnrcd by 'Machinery, of seli-ct , mah riul. Private residences and public jbaiidtnira, bridges, railroad car?, monUljngs, bractets, balustiads. newel posts, band, railings, win dow frames, -fencing, &e. -4 ?f 1 ; " Orders solicited by Thos H,:AHen , at V office of Wooten's Exprefs.,, 4p; , ' jan 19 6m ' " ;v.r''-;.' T VLL AT J. S. M. DAVID3PN'S, V, Trade street," ( For the best Cigars, Foreign or Domestic, for the best Smoking Tobacco 4 J, and I Mb fackages, for the celebrated Powathan Tobacco, with a Pipe, in each box. for the cel. brated Fine Cut Chewing, in foil or by the pound, for Gait & Ax .Lorrillard, Ap pleby & ' Helmes 8n nff for the very bes. ' Plug Tobacco-Allot which .will be sold very low for the cash. . " t,t ' - .mar 0 ' 'ir'r, EEESn Batter and Eirgs. clirap for cast at , v. V. M. CROWELLVS . - QIGARSI , CIGARS J V ',,1 " -Those who ar fond of a ' GOOD CIGAR, you cm be accommodated tt OLD mar9 - B. N. SMITH'S rpHE BEST, ASSORTMENT OF , ' Family supplies in the citv, can bo found -at the Low Price Family Grocery. Larce Sweet Potatoes, Irish Potatoes of all kinds, . Kraut; ? Cabbagrt, j Turnips Beans,- Peas, Dried Fruii of all kinds, and a full line of other Groceries as cheap as the cbenr-est. nt ' mar 9 "-' - B. N. SMITH'S. ' FOR CHOICE TEA, SUCAR, MACICRCL, Salmon, Coil Fish, Magdeburger onr Krout, go to . : -HOTTENDORF .1- HAfirA" " Oppoito CharlvCi 1 r i? v , .. 1 , .: - 1 : : ' t : a 11