' 1 il , -. r It is noi Of thiol! aaoentrai tm'J Wher the belted knight and the lad; bright 8mllfron C tvtrwi wall: Whet a Gt idn's t r nuuuice ahows.'v; By a Rn US'""" , -J-tr OrthaH' . . ... ?J .: By. the e.(, ,. -J.-nce of ft - .-, Drawn Wlioearthly canvas By no mortal pencil limn'd ; . . Ke'wvlonoed by t tgt'l nd f sv . nixos By n6peetTpeMiay-h.n-d : V .41 a r rj By tbe quiet Mndl oJ tb w inter,u,carth, x On the breathless nights of Jane, Are my picture seen by the fire-light's sheen Or framed, hjrihe silvery moon. Tbey rise,around tpev one by one. The lost, the changedVfhe dead-" 7 I see tbe smile I knewer while On the sweet lipe' dewy red. -v The soft dark eyes flash Joys for me, .. , iu awt uuria pimnu mu ware. ! t'.ri.r , ini i targes aow-my aiie sun. se.,. 'Neath the yews by as.looely graye;,., I see white robes and bl ashing Rowfra,., j And twe- close sM&bveide. , - ' JL.,r, j Nor think: Ihow deep; is the bridegroom's as i waicu aim cipp-uu vnuuy -I look. la he gentle mother's face, -Tillhei blessing is breathed again. While the lather's !yes, strong,' true and wise. - J ?. Call counsel and. Jm. the pain. V ; jr. "v t r -.. v'-wi mrt! I seem totiriooth' tbe golden eurlairwnJ Tmw'd back from the- child's pore brow And prize them as then:' though the whirl of men - "- ' ' r Has smirch'd theisTgHtter now. The first Mend's fori: move joyously Out throngh the dusky air.; , - . In its frsnkf fresh, troth, wheo hope and youth v - i i' ) Set a'royat signet ttier. , . Jj Naught raues my portraits living lines ; N fleck or suqArslos fatKf V m :i(J - r time ciHTiKiesi pomicK uwu, vjbus i tiuiecurrodesf no J Kick dust,! Their beawyiwltn its paV"',s I'sintcd ty pieniory and love'1fjj lad Jii -iVirtA ror iHywaii4nK me aii'i lue. .. ..:n,.UI.Khi till li.Vht Their deattityeeal see. '. I KYiTin the BaJetR'Danyenttnel..n t THE LEGlSlAirfREi PIH0BT l'rcnident Arrafielito tbeehairti'-. Journal 'of yeaterdiyi read nd 6 ..roved. "''' FOU. TAX: BILL . . . -S thrtt pas8cdheft"er.day, was on mb tioii or flir 3tiiiflivi :i;uivBiuereu, anu jimeuoeu M yFw-iiurouu ceuis in stead of 25, was adojte(and bill again third read inir k ayesUT: itaVa i'4' Sir Jenkins, bill to amend the char- 1 er of the Jown ol King Mountain. Kcferredw f pui ATfAJTp rilt Houe billteqttwtag ajlVfficeraof a -ounty to make returns of 'all public funds that come into tbeir hands, pass d third rearsvvi Mr Graham biH ame up on. second a-ead ing irttegard ter railroada; provide ang for aTi'r-rfreijgliiVofBaiMe' class J-inr the" 'eamv -directionfor 4j, equal distaiic6bHbe tbesanae That the railroads must forward all freight in threedii8 aftekwreoeptioiv unless other agreed wiffi Ine Bhipper."The tiill does not rfpWyO freight '6iiing from oe beyond, termini' of VBaid' road or to be carried tbrodgtt Or across the Slate. Discussion on the bill was,' cut: off by the occurring of the Ekecutlre session- . t .. , . ...ir: . ,. ,-. i Senate adjourned iS n : 5 HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. - ; ; i-iimk. At 10 a. m.,' Mr Speaker Robinson called tbe House to ordeiv tr ; f, Journalsf jej8eaywaa)rj8adfe,anU approved. ., tf ' ' .", Prayer by vTkli- Kich, of the; qity.1 Mr Pinniit, bfll cdncertiing ' idiots. Referred. - Mr.Boydvbill iQ. exchange stock vin the JJor,h Carolina Itaiload for cons structioV&Srnd?-' -Referfedii-A ,iyj:f The bill in 'yetationi toi the Land Hcrip Fund, was iaknnp. Mr Mendeohall offered a substitute which was rftfo'pted ' After a Ibng.-dehatecther preyious question waB called, tn4 tb? JbUl faUefl to pass second reading. ." N ' Mr Norment moved to reconsider. A vote waitakea'ind the -motion to reconsider prevailed, yeas 58. nays 47. i ne ()Ui was maue special uraer iur Monday rlexratT2f i The resolatidniotyar'ibieiexnepses of the Commjttee.nn-. Western Jlnsane Adjourned.- iTjini c. ttn i j.. A Stup'Sidoua W6rk. It is estimated5 Ihatif the" English Channel U eacceasfullylUBneUed. the 300,000 travellers who now " cross it will increase to 3.000,000. A journey from Landaii td JParSwiH5 then' take hut five .orii'p!ourtf; with the dreaded tough sea voyage taken, out;The bor ing is to., beeiB isimoItaneouslyrn France and Enghind. frocni.be bottom of two wells, 100 feet deep. 'The lwre n to be nine feet in. diameter by ma chinery iaTented.,HbynDickinsot- Brun ton. The debris" made from the exca ration: is';lr W rrthtirkroosly' carried Jresh aTrbreathedrby the workmen is to be contmuouslv (ToTCd in. When Charlea Dickens made: JlohtagneTrgg the projector of a plan forr tunneling the English Channel he did so .in the nature of a huee ioker. that was intend d as a satire irppr) some of th:chim erical financial schemes of the: rieriodi Yet here, to-day, a practically and scientifically organized schemeback; ed by large capital, for the' execution m earnest of the task he proposed in jest and ridicute, .Assuredly, Jl is un ssfe to ridicnW imost'anythinfti-no natier;how,impracticable it loeks'at the moment, lof, posterity' turns ouf ridicule,urKn?ouelves-&ifftiSru" "BurlelgV iri th Boston Journal, mjb 4ir Tslmsge has; been pouring hot shot into ihe opera; but he knows no more about tbi ppera than Uoes a ''BrefootJD'nchfmialiy.- He ' rrtntd nif oll ! . w - uti . i """'"jpern swain irom i u f rra the tombs'l if hi life de I pehded uponlt i j4orgr i h is organ- I ," na wne? M:inJ condition ."few: I which he preaeh hia fiercestsermoij f n Pe,r. Morjran atrnck off dur-j 1 in& W tollecrfeii with one of the most t PPtt,"r, WJfcnrti airs. The tbitrf I was so dehciobs:that the officials d4 ! rnanded that thit ktleof muiic should uo Mir.ttcenaiach8ervice. Afidsd , T?B nPway on'the orf gan.'and the cortet playei joining with the hugle make a little orchestra of lis owFW.tl, the'perfeymanc W??, bpea.li :tAt:n la ,tho.fmeanr while thipno6ent'pa8tdr,iitbdut tbfe shzUest idesi of wbatla going on, sits in his chair hbldirJgf hi hands in de lighted ecstaey-expressive of supreme - enjoyment, aiitf revelihg $b (thfe pieas yiUres of the hb'ntall u J- 1 he iausic is verthro wlnjr the" "Whole - argument of sernpn. Everybody' ; iiWdelightedyospeciailvlhe large J portion of the audience who are; ccu . tomed to wueod.tlie opeesi. -.vty'ftt i- ''- f - r.f, a lln-At ' -vu utiwzxi I '. "A special of !th'e '3d to the I ndianap- ons Jpurnali tbus describes- certain 3 " Hon T) ,W., yorbees and lion-Wn I Mack.'h ad Vfight in the court room it " ' rBamiJIvraTTdalfrpTbejr hkd a I qnarrej-a-fevtf tUa o.wJnca was not f attlljBter;wth;ivhefinished To-day ' ..it was renewed and in the row Mr Vor ees threwt law .book' at' tKer- head bf 'r Mack; vVbfcb' ,misscd , thkt gcatle- n's lop-knot, ana caromed on id I'ffjbe grave julee who sits In council 'on. tho - Mann-Blackburn se Hiction case; about which the qnarrel rose Mr-Vorhees being attorney f t he plaintifiTand MrMackreprcsentitiz I he defense. Mr Mack was put in jail. histbon-rhtMJss Mann ul recover : STATU' HET73;i 5. rns ibalenT'hal a1oa.rc rf fio rni.-.iA.rv J- suajisaKmun. , t 1 C-Ul Fanny For. colored jai! in Wilmington on Wednesday fast; virtue coarge ot lniantictde . V Fayetteville wan ta telegraph io com mumcation With . th nntaifiA vnrlH just the worst sort. . . ' r A colored cliild' was foiroddeaL'8ai po8ed to be smothered -.accidentally in iiuubb on uocm oetween JSight and Ninth streets in Wilmington. AU the Democratic , Aldermen in Wilmington have , resigned. - Their resignationsinaet ibeeA ? xjcepted, and x The scoundrel who wai in'RalpWh .... i T a short tiiev agd prpfesalng! to,, be an aeent for the Milliner and Dresa Maker of New ' YorlCity, hsbeenT doing VYe learn from the Raleigh Nevt mat ine congregation of the Presby terian unurcn nave refused -to iu.tnt. the resignatiQh'pf fheir. TiastOrRev: j. amuuw juso ana meritorious tribute to 'the Valuable ' services of a good, pious and able divine. 1 The Star regrets to learn, that Rev. -.VA-iiiaen, rasior or theirst JJap list unurcn or WilmingtotiUiasi o-ei signea bis pastorate there to ttake charggftbTi'BapttsfrcdiBToAiniGreett, ville, A oT,to whfcirh-eWs rfecerrtli vwwwLjpy., a -unanimous vote. Mr. Hiden.'Teii8rDatf6ri'4akea:m'Vim. the secAn4:)3QhdayItt!ipr!I;rw'if HA white roraanf ior ' rather i girl, some seventeen ar eighteen years old, appeared on the streets of our ,cUy vesterday,-'who gave the naroe ;of iviary -a., uavia, and - claimed, to bail from Ashe county. N. C. and renra. sen ted herself as having been married. uuuut iuut montns go, oy, Kev. .f arks Gourtney to a v ra an , named Pinknev Johnston, at Bethel Church, Wilkes county, N. 0. She stated that John ston came-wUh her to a ;. farm iionse within a, ew miles of the city, where be left her, Ostensibly to seek emDlov meotShe had heard nothine of him for Some flays, Mod cans I b'ere id eeircb? Ofihim. rMrf Cf.-yimn o6kiup-!r collectiorr- and raised:, the hecessarj funds to send her home. ijr ' T Raleigh . Stntineli Thier f Western JNorth Carolina road will be sold at auction sometime "in, -May next and President Arraneki of the iSeuate, kpd Speaker Robinson of the House, and Gjv.. Brogden, have beeri " appointed commissioner by thfeJjegislatureto purchase the road for the State, and then it is the intention to finish it to Paint Rock with convict labor. By amendment of Mr,'1- Morebead, ;ithese commissioners are limited in price to eight hundred and, fifty thousand dol lars. 'The bill passed its third, reading in, the senate last night, and .will re torn to the House to concur in the atnendment8.' ; Mrr- Linney amended soj as to protect ' the com m issioners from all chance of trickery and fraud on the part of sharpers. Hi BjllSH FOR LENT, Pi CODFISH, . , . HAKE, . ruiT ran w " ' 'v:,''.iwjr.vr'. ! CANNED GOODS! ' Tomatoes, Peaches, I Salmon, Lobste's, -Oysters, Sardines, . jrrencn Mustard, enow encw. ! Family Groceries of allj description Just Received by " ' B M. PKESSON P--6tiH live and. deals- iiv Pure LountainJ Brandies and Whiskies, tor medical or oth er purposes. t t; ; .. . , i XV Uraers solicited' I At the sign of the Elephant, Trade street, Charlotte-N.G. S l nmara-tt jusraECEiyEp. . 200 bushels Black 8pring Oats. f 23,00aibs.'Baconi ' ; i i 60 bushels Corn MeaL, I A lot of Cream Cheese. M olasses. Suear CofTee, AoJJus cheap. . Call soon. T, feb28-tf. GRIER & ALEXANDER. Law library,, ' ; : ; Containing two iundred and twenty-five Volumes, belonging to a practicing lawyer in- North Carolina is offered for sale, unbrok en, the owner declines to sell a part. Cata logue and particulars at u - - - . -t -iTIDDY'S Bookfitore. t-mar 5 lwf - t; ( t Democrat and Horns copy. -1 - tVTOTICE.-TO HOUSE BUHJERS AND xl , .D0NTRACTOR8. I have accepted the Agency for a 8aw Milland iia prepared to receive and - fill all .orders for any kind of Lumber at as short a" notice as possible. ' I have on hand a lot ; of flooring and inch plank. -ii.L. W. 08BORNE, ' I :: A Next doot to J. H. Henderson's; ,. oc29 '! ''.at.; -.-' ,f w.- jr$p atreet. ITUST RECIEVED. I -;-A large and elegan lot of ; Beady Made Clothiue. which wilt be solcf at lower price than can be found elsewhere in .the city. My establwhinent being, Orapch.or 718 MarkeV;Street, ; Philadelphia, where we fnanofacture oaf own' goods, expressly for city trade,' ! am enabled to sell I lor at lesst 25 per cent lower. than any bouse in the city of Charlotte. v. ; BuCome and see for yourself, and he convinced.4 ' J. MOYEB,1 -1 jan 7 if.1 At Irvin"s Corner. J UST RECEIVED AT MCAl)EN'S " CORNER DRUG STORE, Perkins & House's Safety Lamps, " They are tbe best Lamps in the world for the feUoa-itig reasons f Thev will not break, beins made of metal They are perfectly safe jfrom , explosion, owing to- their scientific structure, . Thev are perfectly clean from oil,' having a Patent Din Cup fixed on each lamp, -r - Tbey consume one third of oil in propor tion to the light given, without odor. mi ... v n vlt;..n it,.. . XUVJ KJYS IIJU-u uivic viuiiiujv ugu, any pwvs muiy, rjum iu jbo the expense. j y - one nab , dec5-tf. RECEIVED TO DAY, Wilbars Cod Liver Oil and Lime. ! :- . , Meier's Cod Liver Oil. NolenBlC!od Liver Oil- ; - ?r . ' Fresh Canary Seed. r , r tl.niH Cream Salad Oil.-' - ;:presh Flavoring Extracts.'" '--r feb2S tf. ; . W. R, BURWELL A CO. o1 H, YES. t ; . , ' Just received. t - . . . Early Goodrich "Potatoes-, - Early Rose Potatoes - " Peeriees Potatoes. - - ,Z ' t Northern Potatoes. Very, nice, fine" large i Ci l r , it- Til-!.. . c i. z OWCtb jrmo -tb vun XUIU115 ouu4 au ynws that will defj competition, opposite market. y UO - D IdJi' JOJi lUHOf A'. V. NEWARK CIDER. ,,r!.. C-' . .-J f ' 'i V ... ... v. ' Jast received and on draught. Nice Sweet Cider, Also another, Invoice of fine Rye Whiskey, at ' ; : B. N, BJflTU'S mar4 tf. " . Grocery, NDIGO AND MADDER, Best quality, at wliolecalu prices at , . T. C. SMITH v. 0 'a CoBBEa Data broBE, fcb2i tf, Oppofita Central Hotel. t Y ft . ITURANC1V NORTH CAROLINA Gtcto Ufo; Insurance CO. f Commenced JBusinesa In Zlarch, 1873! - . HAS HAD XS ' fvftprecedeiiteaiy Successful Career 1 Beeaase it is ' essentially at . Home Institu Hon; appreciated by Home-People; in vesta every Dollar of Capital (which is "paid np-1200,000) and every Dollar of ., Premium received, in the State to foster and protect Home enterprises, " - - - Has loaned to Policy? Holders. In Charlotte at low rates of mterestf ten .times the f gross premiums received -in Charlotte, j and guarantees to inyest all premiums lr ;! received here In like manner. - 'r " Equal in responsibility and good manage. Vif ment to any Life tympany in the world. Issnes every desirable .form of Policy at as iowlates as any first-class company. Nor useless restriction imposed upon reai PenceOTtrav(;'!'J:; Ppydea nonforfeitable alter two and three ! annnal payments. : ' No withdrawal of Agencies from a section ' i wYlPfl AIIM MfallltctiA1 nVklaitn Tnl- ; icy HbldrstoiliScohTenieBceof re-s unvuug premiums to new lorKor eise- i if where by; 32. o'clock of the day fixed, or f forfeit their Dolicv and lose all the ore- i F 4 vions payments. The time has come for citizens of North Car- , J Una to encourage Home Institutions, . j. eminently wortny or patronage. 1 y-,HQ!ttil.j II AUGII JO?i V i-s,! 'i'--:" ir. -T . District AgenL; , Capt.T. ffLLLEN, Resident Agent.; Office': Chaslotis HoTT,'.c..4toc25-tf x:;;i.l. niSciLLANEOlJSL - ' : THE BANX 0!F MECKLEHB U E 0 CHARLOTTE, N. C. l Authorized Capita $500,000. Q lasfDsAk itSfiai'vEesiaeaU- - ' TBOW.DKWi-rf CaBbieryAl. -J-i F. H. Dewky, Asst. Cashier, i AT THE BANKING HOUSE OF This Bank Chartered Under Act of the , 'General; Assembly and duly organized under Laws of the State of North Carolina, with ample means is . prepared to- transact General Banking Business. . and fornishaosommodatloiis to all its Cus tomers on Liberal Terms. ' The bank will receive Deposits subject to Check, and will Allow Interest According tot Agreement on all Deposits left on time, or issue Certificates of Deposit bearing in terest at the. rate of ; , Eight per cent per Annum : on all Bums lying rindrawn over thirtj days, f : Gold and Silver C in. Bullion and Bank Notes Bought and Sold. I T1IOS. W.DEWEY, I jan.j 11874. Cashier. .. Koopniann & Rothschild. : The only house in Charlotte dealing ex clusively in I MILLINERY i . AND J? NCY GO OX S. : This fact alone will attract all our citizens, and persons from elsewhere, who desire to make purchases m our line. We intend to make onrs a first-class Em porium of Fashion, and hope to offer such inducements to our customers in the way of "prices, quality and style of goods that none shall go away otherwise than well pleased with their purchases. - i We offer to the Wholesale and Retail trade Of the surrounding country a great variety of Milliheryr Fancy oods, WHITE , GOODS AND NOTIONS. .ft' - , i, . Straw, Velvet and Felt Hats, from the modest Cottage Bonnet to the most distingue chapeau. A great feature of the season is the LONG OSTRICH FEATHERS and TIPS, of which we keep on hand so many different shades that it would really puzzle a very astute or nithologist to say from whence came all the many colored plumages for which, apparent ly, tlie world nas Deen ransacked to furnisn a new garniture for our fair ones. , A large stock of , Artificial Flowers, imitating nearly every FLORAL CREATION IN THE WORLD, and tbe most daring coun terfeits of Nature. Orof Grain and Fancy Ribbons, All widths andshades imaginable. ., Turquoise, Florence Silk and Valour. Black and White Crape . ! , . Scarfs, Laces, ! Collars and Cuffs Jackonet Edging and Inserting, Veiling, A large stock of Kid Gloves. In WHITE GOOD3 we keep on band Table cloths. Towels, Jaconet, Cambric, Lawn, Lin- nen, Swiss, NanBook, and other goods be longing to that line. "We have eneaeed the services' of several experienced Ladies (one recently from Phita delDhia) in the Millinery Business, and we are now prepared to have Hats and Bonnets trimmed at snort notice. Attentive and competent salesmen are ai wavs ready to wait on customers, ana aio them in making selections. I .si Koopniann t & Rotliscliild. TEADE ST-i CHARLOTTE, U. C. Oct 18, . r , "0 CITY-MERCHANTS ONLY. .Remember that . you can i buy . Eacon. Coffee. Sugars and Syrups. as chear) at the Brokers Office of W. IL II Gregory, as yon could purchase. In person if in a Northern city. .. . 1 1 am Broker for Jlu, JSngriish & uo., xm porters of Coffees1 and Sugars, Patterson. Bayne & Co., Importers of Syrups, Balti more. Also BfoRer lor ivr. ueorge, nacon Packer. Calvert Sugar Refinery, Baltimore. Samples of all these goods on exhibition at my office. Call belore: Tnaking' ypur pur chases; . W. H, H. GREGORY. nov?3 tf. , ' . - ' Broker. -QOOLEY'S YEAST POWDERS,. , In I's. 4's. 1 4th and 1,5th Cans, at , y W. R- BURWELL A CO.'S DBtfo Storb, - fi.b25 lO Springs Corner ITJSTRECEIVEU, ,k ...z (, - A full and complete stock of all kinds of SCHOOL BOOKS.; Also a large addition of other valuable books and tundry other arti cles id my line. Call and examine. feb26-tf.i. . R. S. PHIFER. T AROEST ESTABLISHMENT IN THE JU .STATE.. ... Edwards, Broughton & Q04 yv- PKIXTERS AUtO BINDEUS; ;j Raleigh, J.C. " Blank Books of Every kjhd'kept on hand 1 I and made to order. - l.L ' Printing and Binding of every descriry tion, in best style, and at' prices ? that! will defy competition. 1- Prompt attention given to orders, feb3 tf- : S TEA XI SAW milk ; S',A I At Gilben's Hollowi S. C no Charlotte, lipiumbia H Aogasta ttruroad.' -. Dresaed and Undressed. Lumber. FLOORING MATCHED AND UN MATCHED, ra specialty. , - Call on orad inss 7 ; : s -- ' , . I , S.R. & JU. LEWIE 1 feb 19 3m. ' ' JU3T RECEIVED. .; Transfer Printine Inks for -copying letter headings, statements, way bills, &C. Can be copied in tbe ordinary letter-press book S--Mid vour orders for rinting in these inks the OBSEiiVta I'nuLmis uuim, - 1. t . 1 4 al j UWiMtricwa. : II? ONLY $38 ''1 JU JT U it l A. i I 1 LI r CAT ISLAND GUANO. A Genuine Natural Guano. Having been successful bidders against burg, Virginia, for a larg-e deposit of Guano name of CAT ISLAND GUANO," and I hava rr-cirrrwui iit i -Zonorci 1 A Mnio nf burg, Va., and accepted tbe same position' Tbos. Branch & Co., of Richmond Virginia, which is the same Guano and fr jm the same Islands, md I now offer it to you at greatly reduced prices. Office of THOS. BAHHERS AIID COLIUISSIOII MERCHAIITS. The Uuanabani tiuano Uompany has seen uf t Tain n..n :a f on nfapinv nnalit by tbem. From the, reputation or tbe signers of that card, we presume tbey did not know that this statement was false, We propose to prove to Jthe satisfaction of that Company and of tlie public the following facts, ytz : : 1st. That their agent at tbe islands attempted (and failed) to get control or deposits of Guano that were secured by a member of 2nd, That oar Cat Island Uuano, according University of Georgia (tefta analyzed for the of the Guano imported and sold by the Guanahani Company last spring in the cotton sections of Virginia and JNorth Carolina. Uar Guano shall stand or fail by tbe crucial cards put out on the eve of the planting season. We will have each cargo analyzed be fore it receives onr brand, or is offered to the public, aud we publish the report of the chemist. We dare tbe Guanahani Company to publish the analysis of each of the vari ous lots offered or sold by them Ia3t spring.- - We have been enabled to avoid the; mistakes tnat the inexperience ot ine uuananam Company betrayed them into last year.' ; We are not taxed with the enormous expenses for salaries, &c. paid by tbem, and with one Of our . firm on 'he Island, and one of tbe most experienced Guano men in the country as our General Agent, we are satisfied we can beat tbem in quality and price. We challenge them to meet us in the laboratory or on the plantation ; and until they can ; compete with us successfully in these place, their paper attacks will not hurt the best natural Guano (excep Peruvian) yet offered to the public. . i . . - They write aoout -their standard r will 3t 1 1 :U -4 7 -,7 Mm : nJ alii lUci UUUi'AU aUiUJU saoi ' i i "U steps in the eonrts to protect ourselves from publication of the Guanahani Company. Analysis of the only two cargoes of CAT Ketnp to una aace, University or Georgia, Laburatort or 'Applied Cdkmistrt, r Athens, Ga, Febrnary 9, 1875.; WM. It. GRIFFITH, Esq , General Agent Cat Island Guano, Richmond, Fa.: Dbar Sir, Io reply to roors, I would - say I sxa t undoubtkdly of the opinion that in most NATURAL GUANOS elements present are SUPERIOR to .those fertilizers, and althoaeh this cannot enter "as values, it INCREASE3 the relative AGRICULTURAL value of the Guanos tia cou siderable eztcst. ' i" . -; ' ; 4 :' " 1 Very truly, yours, ; II. K WHITE, Professor of Applied Chemistry, Georgia University. ANALYSIS of a sample of CAT ISLAND "Douglass" and'EbeDezer," received from Moisture (det. at 212) Volatile and Organic Matter : Containing Nitrogen (Organic.) N'tric Acid Phosphoric Acid 22.188 .; 8,052 0.214 4.649 13.452 9.572 13.136 23.539 3.244 6 326 i 3.721 i 1.031 5.609 Sulphuric Acid Carbonic Acid - Lime Magnesia Iron and Alumiua Potassium Chloride Sodium Chloride Sand and Insoluble Matter 99.873 The Phosphoric Acid 13.452). is present in several forms of combination, as follows : 1st. In combination with Lime, in a ' ! form soluble in pure water, 0.154 2d - In combination with LLmeih a; - ! form constituting the so-call- ! ! -; f d Neutral Ptoephate," ? readily available as plant food,' 8.099 3d. ,Mn combination wbh Lime, in a 7 - , . i form insoluble. ?' except in a f " ' - a strong A rids,-- 2 079 4tb. In combinatioB with Iron and r '' Alumina, tfr--,3.120 13.452 . 5 iW Tcnns and-Pr ices per Ton(2,000 Pounds) in Bags ; Gush, J -j Send for circulars. $35 .Agents wanted We also offer the planter our Goaoo known aa Abaoo.- This J is manipulated" from Gesuinb Peruvian Guano and our regular importations from Abaco, E-eithcra, San Salvador or Cat, and other Islands of the same group. - - - t-.. J. - 'J'.,-' ' ' r " . Price and Terms per Ton of S.OOO Pounds." Ca'sh,? iF-i.v :Jl?l?ijV $4T CAROLINA AGRICULTURAL WORKS, T E A D E S T E E E T . . 1. PER TOJSr. tbe uaanahant Guauo Company of Peters at tbe Islands, we offer the same under the at a reduced price. THOS BRANCH & CO., Importers, Richmond, Va Eicumqnd, Va., January 6th, 1875. tYo Inanafiant iTlnank rVtmnanv T pAfnm. for tbe sale of the Guano imported by Messrs. rrn. k. griffitu, General Agent. BRANCH & CO. IS'All' IS "tt'S.--"' RICHMOND, Va., Fkbrcarv 25th, 1875. at to puplisu a card to tne enect that our I tn thoi Jmnnrf atinna onrl haA Koan rdaftnA I our firm who is now at the Islands. to tbe analysis of J'ralessor White, of tbe Gvanaham Company,) is at least the equal the coItonrWOTICE! test or the analytical chemist, and not by ineyaare 10 puonsti -meir siaa ara i" vv ny ttiAn mKiIm-b It 9 W7 a Itnvn iatan jiucu nituuian iv i,n uoih utncu tivuci the isjiry we have sustained by the improper , . THOa BRANCH & CO., Importers of Cat Island Q Ratio. ISLAND GUANO placed on the mar- x erjruary zaa, ao d. the foratt of .combination of the - valuable which are artificially produced in manipulated a factor in determioin? COM MERCIAL Ukiversitt of Gboroia Laboratory or AppUiD Chkmistry, i Athens, Ga., February 8th, 1875. GUANO, from the cargoes of Schooners Messrs. BRANCH &SMITH, of Augusta, Ga. Tbe percentage of these compounds are as follows :. w i -; - , , . . 1st. Soluble. ,o.- Super phosphate of Liaw,r - 0.254 2d. - Neutral Phosphate of Lime, 15.509 3d. Insoluble or Bone Phosphate of . , ; Lime, ; -f 4,538 4th. Phosphates of Iron and Alumina, 6.450 The total f bosphates Acid, calculai. ed to Bone ; tr hoepliorio would yield. .29.366 The total petceotage of Nitrogen preseul is, . . 4 . ... 1.604 Capable of yielding Ammonia, .. .. 1.947 The commercial value per ton (2,000 lbs) of this Guano, deduced from loregoin Analysis, would be (approximately.) at savannab, Jrort Koyal or Charleston 3.08 lbs. So. 1'hos'ic Acid. al6 e 0 52 161.98 " - Neutral1: al6c 2713 29 2 39 1 62 41.58" Insoluble ' 47.00 Potash. ' 64.88" Magnesia 32.08 h, Nitrogen a05c a 06J e a 02 c a33. o .9 62 Total, $44 11 II. C. WHITE. Payable 1st November, j - $38 r , :r v.'r'-. Payable NoTember 1st, , . - - - $52 C H A , K Lt) T T E N C . , V ISSOLUTTO!?3t ftC. NOTICE. V i,'r.,v f "" The firm of Sample eV Alexander was dis solved by mutual consent: on tbe 7th day "of January 1875, in order to' admit into the arm as partner Mr, if. a.eros, j .All per sona indebted to as either by note or account art reiqoested to come forward sod settle at once, J With pany thanks to our irkads for their liberal patronage lo .the past W hone by strict and personal attention ..to buaiBess to merit the same ic tbe future- by giving tbe best goods at the lowest prices.U- isespeci.ru y, , ,.. : SAMPLE & ALEX ANDES We tbe undersigned having formed a co partnership tinder the Joim-andi style of Sample & s Alexander, , in the 4 Boot and iSboe bnamefia won Id annoanee tn thn nnu!i that we have mi hand a large and. veil select wu otwt m uuuua 10 oar -1 ine, . wmcu ; we will sell very low foe Casb,'ia order to mafce room ror oar Stock of Spring Goods ; :. :c' t j WBAMPitii:;Sfi: : J D KERNS., v i jaa '14 . 7i(i kirS$::it p:--. QHARLOTTB MARBLE WORKS. , Having purchased Mr.- F.- A. McXinch's Marble Works, I respectfully announce to the public that I will carry on the Marble ouainess in ail its orancaes, at tne stand near the 1 au. . rormerry occnpied; by Fi AvMc Ninch. Tombs, Monuments and Grave stones or every description manufactured at reasonable prices and at short notice. ' . The 'public are invited to call and examine samples or my material and workmanship. Family Monuments a speciality j - ' .. . ; 'c;:;'i;Vv -;s. mcndtchj . A CARD, r ) ' : Having sold my entire stock and interest in tbe Marble business q Mr. S. McNmch. take pleasure. in recommending him to tn public as a first class Artist, and bespeak for bim a liberal share of patronage, j -": Respectfully , ! iHii -r: F. A. McNINCH. Charlotte, November 10, 1874. ! - ' ITIISCELLANEOUS, rpl E PEE DEE COURIER,! ? DUCKETT & ERVIN, Editors. - The Cockier is a Democratic paper pub- lisued id Kockingbara, Uicbmonq county, in. u. 11 circulates very extensively in uicnmond, Montgomery and Anson , coun ties, and has an increasing circulation in several other counties of Narta and South Carolina. ; It is the most "reliable adver tising medium" in Richmond county, jan 7 tf gPRING REDUCTIONS ' AT WADE Si PJBUKAITI'S. Is ORDER to MAKE COM PLETK CLEAR ANCE OF WINTER GOODS, Le following changes have beet) made $5.00 Kid Button Boots, Reduced to $4,50. $4.0 Button Boots, Reduced to $4.00. $3 00 Laced Balmorals, Last and Goat, Reduced to $2.50, And a full line of LADIES' and GENTS FINE SHOES, at greatly reduced prices. j s- Call soon for BARGAINS, at WADE & PEGRAM'S, Opposite Central Hotel, A ... ..... - Kt 1 marlOtte, IN. j. B ABY CARRIAGES. A large assortment LATEST STYLES, just received and for sale by mar li tf A Jtt MSBisr s uku. The firm of J. McLaughlin & Son, is dis solved by the withdrawal of J. F. McLaugh lin All debts due by tbe brm will be pre sented to J. McLaughlin for payment. JOS EPH McLATJGH LIN. mar 11 at ! ? )UTTY ! A fresh lot, both in bladders and cans, at 1 V oMlirL & CATS, Corner Drug Store, opposite Central Hotel. mar 11 jECEIVED TO-DAY. 0 Tie a:j tmi aAi.u Carolina Ricei Buckwheat Flonr and many other good goods in tbe Grocery line, at J S Al 1AVUL5U.N', City Grocer, Trade Street.; mar 11 V- TO W. M. LONG &CO.i -FOB FINE NORTHERN. APPLES, ORANGES, BANANNAS, 1 And for anything nice, or good in Confectionery or Grocery line. the JUST RECEIVED, , j A large lot of FAMILY FLOUR, CHOICE EARLY ROSE POTATOES, and a lot of CHICKENS, BUTTER a id EGGS. ' Trade Street, Opposite the Court House, mar 11 gVERY MERCHANT Of Charlotte shmld have; an advertise' ment in the first issue of the 1 , wiwvav niiMiaf lint! TTT, ..." i ,ii. . V"CV tW au w auaxw t.&v. w very large- printed and mailed to persons in Cabarrus, Stanly,- Anson, Union, Mecklenburg and Kowan counties, ana as it will oe read witn tbatr Interest ana closeness which a new paper always secures; It will be a most ex cellent advertising medium for the business men of Charlotte. - Satisfaction as to terms guaranteed. Address - 1 ! ' - 1 ' - - w. j. nuxiaiN, inibiisner, marC ' - Concord, N. C. ' JOTTCE TO SHIPPERS. . . WOOTEN'S CABOUIfA CENTRAL Railway Express Company, ' is now prepared to give-prompt .despatch, to all Freights, Money and other . valuable i packages consigned to its care for any and au points upon Aasteru bdu n rateru xivib ion Carolina Central Railway. - - " ' 1 1 L- 1 . ITT . . T5i- As tbe Company enioys unequalled facil ities in their connections, it is manifestly to the interest of all Shippers to apply, to the . . . t- ! 1 agent 01 luis ueiuns usuog buiji merits by rival companies. - iteraember mat ail geoas snippea via this Line are covered by an open policy in the best companies, thus insuring abso- lute protection to shippers. r - OFFICE Tryon Street. Opposite Central Hotel. -r M. wwuiJUa,. J. M. Leak, " 1 4 Propnetor. Agent. , janawt FERTILIZERS. f Parties 1 who have ordered f Fertilizers through ns. will please call and receive them. " T. C. SMITH & CO., ' Opposite Central Hotel; -mar .9 " - Charlotte, N. C- 125,000 IMPORTED AND DOMESTIC Cigars W. B LrfcWTlLACO, -tf. PROFESSION At. jr:lee battle,, i sq .vj j. O Having permanently located, , offers his professional services to thq citizens of 1 . CHARLOTTE AWD : VICHVITIT O PFI CE Nit.' door . to rMeAden'i ugSto 9r np stairs -.rL- ' - ' Calls left at my office in the . day, ; or, my residence,; on. Myera .Street,' at 'eight, ' will Office HOars-13 to 9, A: M.; 12 fo I. P; II., and 5 to 7, M. ; jan22-ly. If IT BUIPf ; Lin L ' BAILST, SHipp & baley; ft?:! ATTORN EYS CU ARL.0TTE, N ; 3 - Room8 3and 4, op stairs' Dowd's ' Democrat ancl Borne i copy 6 times. J IJIHOS. H. BREMf . ; Attorney and Coanselloc at Law, j CnAULOTTE, N. C: : , ! S iSJ: L-'l JO'P 'iu J, 0 F F I C E la Dowd ft Sims' New Build an2t-tf. C A. XOOKK. S. O. PATTKR80W JJOORE & PATTERSON, ! f . 7,' . ' ATTOKVcrs-AT-LAW. , " i . . ' ' '-i , ... r f Practice in all the State Courts, and in the Federal Uouits at Asneviile and States villa The Collection of. Debts, Clalnrs and Pen sions, a Specialty) - ' Strict personal attention given to the eoU lection of all Debts in Western North Caro lina;. Remittances promptly made, ; ; r REFERENCES: HOK, J. U. Bajvt and T. D. Cabtib, As9kviu, N. O. nov. 19. L T. PRIlfCE, , , - Attorney ana Counsellor at Law (Office oyer Nisbet's Store,) ,t . -. Forinerly i.f South Carolina, having per manem Wir located in - Charlotte, offers hi professional services to the people of .North Carolina. s -. Special attention given to collections, and cases in Bankruptcy, f- , iau30 3m. w. W, FLEMJ1ING, ! ATTORNEY AT LAW, Charlotte, 2T. ' O. -Special attention to suits for and against corporations. jan2-ly. COTTOJl merchants. J. BRYCE, j' ' ' -J r Cotton Cpnituission Merchant, At J. S. M. Davidson's, 3 doors below Col lege Street, will pay the highest price in this market for all grades of cotton, or will ad vance at a liberal per centage fifty dollars ($50 00) a bale oq Low' Middling Cotton, to be shipped to number one Houses in Boa- ton, New York, or Savannah, as owner pre fers, and held until Spring, if desirable, Is also prepared td purchase or sell contracts for those wishing to deal in futures, on re ceipt of two dollars and a half ($2.50) per bale, as a margin! For particulars,: apply as above. decl7-tf. I "Some and Democrat please copy for liu. 1- .: i v.1 D. MACATJLAY. T. 8. 8TONI D. LIACADLAY & CO., COTTON BUYER S Commission Merchants, OFFICE above the Merchants'. Farmers Bank ; Liberal advances . made on consignment of COTTON, to be sold here or in New York. ... All consignments will receive prompt per sonal attention. c I Bel8 tf. D. MACAULAY & CO. ' 1 HOTELS, dec. , BQYDEII HOUSE SALISBURY,. N. a t ; W. T. AiIjNrTOW,"5 Proptot i ' v ' '. ' --. '') A FIRST CLASS HOTEL,' situated- con venient to the business part of the city, fS- Omnibus will be found at depot, to convey passengers to the hotel. . feb it St. Charles Hotel STATESTTLLE. B". C. . Situated In tbe Centre of Town. rpHiS HOTKL has been thoroughly refitted X and refurnished, and noder my manage ment as lessee; offers to the traveling public the advantages of a first-class Hotel. 49 Omnibus at the depot on the arrival and departure of all trains. i M. SUHLiUHSS, sepl-df. I . Formerly of Raleigh. QOUHRANE'S RKBTAURANT. European Plan. - I would inform the public that, on the lnt of November. I will open a RESTAURANT and BOARDING HOUSE, on Tryon street, in the second story of the Building: adjoin ing tbe Bank of Mecklenburg, and hereafter will be prepared to entertain tn araers, regu lar and transient,' in a style unsurpassed by any house in the city. The table will be supplied with all the delicacies of the sea son, uame, isn, uysters, &c. v Terms moderate. Satisfaction guaranteed or no charge I respectfully solicit your pa tronage. - Oc30.tf W. ii. IXHJiAKAMC. MISCELLANEOUS. T HAVIKP BEEN REPORTED BY i . - " ,r some that this Preparation is the same as Simmons' Liver. Regulator, we . deem it right t correct this impression; : Although C. ASimmons was . former Proprietor of both preparations, ?he assures us that SIM MOJio" JiKf aikj uuMfuu.Hy , nta latest improvement in Medical Science, and that 1 it lias.no connection whatever with former DreDarations. butf that it is far -superior. In -oonArtt ' etrttr l ive Mad Liver Medicine to which his name Nvas ever attached, being composed solely of Vegetable ingredients. Tbe trial of one bottle will satisfy the most incredulous. :- -This Compcund was Patented De cember 12, 187 L and name Copy-righted 1874. ' 1 r 'V For Sale by wholesale and Ite- tail Dealer Every vrVervi se26 tf- I; -i : r ' g rJ.'LLEN. Vf'atcb Maker and Jeweler Permanently located next doer to Centra Hotel office. . J ' " " 1 ; ' - ' J Watches. Clocks and Jewelry, ' repaired the best manner, and warranted, ' -. v febll-ly.' 4 .,. t riOLEMAN'S ENGLISH MUSTAKD i Mason Oeletine. . W..R. B.ACO. i 8pring8. Corner. marS-tr. ? - 7i.- YrrS 'J . VI . ItiE - ... .. Smn FOR CATALOGUE. Jan 24 dw ly." " ' r : TO LET. ' - I , - ' rp.HE large and elegant new store room on der tlie opera tiouse, wuu u" ') basements dimensions ao ikci. ucj,i 18 feet. Apply soon to r- ;' ' '' '"' 'I! I I DERANGEMENTS OF LIVER, -. j I Jk KIDNtYS, 8K1N, f liyySTOMACH AWD BOWELS. MANUFACTURED .wItcI E L KING & SONS;) ' COLUMBIA, S. C.',Jr j 1 July 4 ' cabsu a.jur.io. ToJYlDrclr 1 s.i.. . 1 t 1 HI K'1 Ths most important reduclio; t I : -r i f - . ' - , a or tne fans- ; 3, we'iir on. r within, me, next sixty offer at greatly reduced rates our entire '.A stock of TALL AND WINTER DliY GC0DS, which' is the . largest, handsomest unu n?ost Our: complete to be. found in tho Sute. stock of , s Dry Goods, s Boot, Shoes, Hatsj Caps, Ready-Made . Clothing-, IIo- . . . tiona,' .and Email Va es, have been reduced to prices that mimor fail to induce purcliascra to examine our sttk, , f - - ; 3 Taws Liberal. oh vh To the Retail Trade. We will also offer greaivr iiiductm'-mii than have heietofore been -offlriHl in tliin market, and while we invito special attention to the bargains of all classes I nf Wintrr .Gpods, we will, at tbe sumo tiinV,' 'sell all classes of ' .. , i v Staple and Domestic Dry 1 Goods, Ribbons, ' Laces, Embroideries, Cloths, Caasimeres, Ready-Made'. ' othis?, Hats, .-, Caps, Boots, Shoest Carpet ; ? ; and House Fur nishing jo oods, the lowest possible rates. Call soon. at McMURRAY A DAVIS, jah20-tf. tr Lxl 10 ' w CO thrushes. - ; '..n'iyv:!":: j A fresh lot of Paint Brushes just recu'veil, also a very fine assortment of Hair Brushes, at T. O. SMITH CO.'S j Cork kb Dnco Stobb. ' ' I - feb24-tf. Opposite Central Hotel. QHARLOrTE MERCHANTS,1 - f ' ji Will please bear in mind that the Sji,tt ef the Svulhia the oldest and Uvrgett new).afr published in Richmond county, and that it has at least double the circulation of any other ' paper published in the Pee Dee conntrv -! jRaUrs of advertising low.- Send "for a specimen copy. Subscription, nlv $ a year. Addrets, W. R. TERRY. juntorana rropnetor, mar 9 Rockingham, N. C. limit and Democrat please copy one time and send bill. , . : . , UST AKEIVED. 1 50 Bbta New Crop Ci.ba MotuSfK. at l - : R. M. MILLER &, SONS'. feb 16 tf ' .1 r . . , 0N ION 8ETS vi Call and lay in your supply, at T. C SMiTIi & SCO'S niar y Corner Drujf Storr . T EDUCTION IN FUR3 and WINTKR XV HAT8at;r-'--l"'- 1 We are now offering our . -Stock oT Furs. H mi, 1 - W f r 1 P3- ii1" r-i Miym is- -'V-Tr- including Muffs and -apes, Ermine Trim- - mimrs. &c also Felt ana Velvet llais. at greutly reduced prices. we nave jusi recrivcu n! ciock oi Ladiee Underwear, and other articles, hu.. we will sell at tow fignrea - r V - We hope that this annonneement. will be prumptly responded to and the Indies favor us witu tneir nsuai puiruiingc. xswtvcuuuy, - - a-: KOOPM ANN ROTHSCHILD. . - jan 10 tf ::.,.f(?rj.L ; 0 N CONSIGNMENT. I 10 Karrels fnnie ovemoer .Mullets, -y which I will sell to Merchant's at Inside fig-a dres. The Mnllets are very fine and Iarg,v;-. Snd must be sold. Call and see them, ;.:, ;r at " :.Af( s -;-" p juii Ji a. T) ANANNA8, (RED XXD YELLOWS 1 IV. ..i Ji nnru .:esV .rJ:iiK The fiueat inftlie city.- Oranges and i Northern Apples, just receivea ; ? .JatF.H.ANDBW3& n:$-4:-t CO.'S. '.! i I ' ?'.' We keep constantly on .hand the latest""" assortment of fancy cakes in tbe city. J ust Jt borne and try thero, and you wU h to1 want some more. We are no v 1... -o GES.1IA1I H01IEY CAULS, 1 which our German friends are invited to call and try. Prices low down. - - mart tf. F. H. ANDREWS ft CO. NEW YORK BU0K . WHEAT FLOUR. AT . r.b. ALEXAxrr: febl9-tf. I I -to d.mfes from Blackburn. . t