TEE LEGISLATURE OF CAROLINA. NORTH TUESDAY'S PROCEEDINGS.; U March 10. President Arm field in the chair. Mr LeGrand, bill for condemnation of rights of way to establish telegraph lines. Rales suspended and bill pass ed third reading.. K . 4 PSM" Mr Sneed, resolution to abolish the office of State Geologist. Referred. Mj McCauley, bill to incorporate the town of Po!ktonr Anson county. Cal. enJar. " "' ' Omnibus liquor bil upon , second reading. - : r Senate adjourned pfs HOUSE OF itEPBESEHTATWE4. ,: f t j"' ';i "f . i . ' -S? '4, At 10 a. m., Mr Speaker Robinson called th&Hbus&to. --orders. :? ; The bill to incorporate the Pied mont and Yadkin Valley Railroad Company, passed several readings. The bill to annoint trustees of Pleas ant Retreat Academr; Lincolnton, N. C, passed several readings.' : 17 ' The bill for the better enforcement of contracts and for the enhancement of agriculture, was taken up and fail ed to 'pass its second reading; f i :' - i On motion of Mr Tate, the vote by which the, revenue bill passed its. 3rd reading was reconsidered,. t U ? ts Several important. amendment were then, made to the bill when it again passed its third and final reading. . The bill to citizenize certain , Chero kee Indians. in this State, passed sev, pral readings. , . t The bill to repeal chapter 73, laws of j 7d- 74, passed several readings, V; The bill to allow Catawba Springs n t : ... t j.u li nal justice of tbe peace passed third reading... . . . . The bill to authorize the farming out of convicts, passed several readings- Senate bill to amend the charter of the Ncrth CarolinaMutuaL Iniurance Cirnrany, passed several readings. Adjourned. VEDNESDAY'STKO0EEDINGSi , SENATE. March 17th, 1875. Mr Armfield in thg chairv; Bill concerning inspectors of "timber in the city of Wilmington. Provides that on payment of $20, a man may inspect timber, and bonds' in two thousand dollars. Mr Cantwell opposed the bill. .He had seen a picture in Harper's Weekly representing Louisiana as a (lovely maiden, her fair bosom exposed and the bayojbet at her breast, and . when ever he thought of it he thought of a mercilesu majority against his own county of New ' Hanover fcc. The bill would take bread and meat from a corps of skillful inspectors, and give it to men who knew, nothing, about it. Mr Kerr replied J there was a bond necessary in this timber business, and Mr Cantwell wished to confine the business to irresponsible men of that city. He denied that it was any $20 bill. The commissioners in that city were in the habit of appointing rags muffins to inspect the timber, the county commissioners knew these fel lows would swindle, and thej' appoint ed tbem for that purpose. This bill blocked all such game. It gave the business to gentlemen who were bonded. Mr Standford endorsed the bill and hoped it would pass. Mr Latham defended the action of the committee. Mr Cantwell offered a substitute) that no person shall hereafter act as in specter of timber in, Wilmington with out giving bond and security in two thousand dollars, approved by the county commissioners, and that no ragmuffins shall be permitted to act as inspectors, and all persona guilty of I ran d shall be punished as a misde meanor. Special order cut off further discus Mr Cooke, bill to allow appeals from judgments of township boards of trus- lees granting cart ways, iveierreu. THE OMHIBC8 LIQUOR BILL ; was taken up again. Some few amend ments exceptiug some half; dozen lo calities from tbe bill were adopted. In xegard to Northampton; Mr Busbee of fered counter petitions from Kobert s Chapel and Uich square in that coun ty, and asked that they be struck from the bill. . They. weie. stricken out. Mr Peebles then moved that all the other localities in Northampton be strict en from the bill, and it was so done. He intends offerinc a seDarate bill for regulating the sale of liquor in that county. -. , The bill passed . third , reading, ayes St, nays 13. - AUNT ABBY HOUSE in th9 gallery. The Senate went into Executive session. ( : The Sergeant- t- arms received orders to clear the gal leries, but , by request of Senators Morehead and Cook, aunt Abby House was permitted to -remain. -V.- Senate reassembled at 12 o'clock. The question1 of adjournment was made special r order for"1 to morrow night at 8 o'clock. ' ;, u : Senate refused to concur iu' House amendmeut leaving to voters in Wash ington county to vote "tat or 'hp; tax' for building a courthohse. Resolution of Mr Standford requir ing the public-, Treasurer.! to s pay vout monthly instead of quarterly to chart table institutions was adopted. Election day for all the elections in the Sute waachanged to first Tuesday atter the hrst-Monday laovemner; Adjourned. 1 HOUSE OP,1 REPRESENTATIVES. MaeCh 18.1675 At 10 a. m., Mr Speakers Robinson caned the House to order. XI The bill 4n fegard v6 -the sale of wines made in this State, passed third The bill " to incornorato the , VVil mington, Raleigh and Danville Rail road Company, passed third reading ine bill came up on its third f read inff. -Mr Oaksmith ..t.l T a moved U lay on the - - i . f j ; r1 m After long debate , the bill--pas8ed inird readings is The bill to amend the charter of the town of King's Mountain., passed ev er.l rAartinma - ' . i I 'miu(w t 1 The land scrip fund bill for the ben tu't e "we university,' passed ".uu rewiiDg Dy a vote of ayea 61, nays 49;- -r -- 1' The bill to appoini commissioners to investigate tha aft; r kA, wf ?l ?ort Carolina Railroads, , passed "dreading. ( mj oya introduced the followinc' resolutions 'Whereas, The evidence contained in me report; oi certain rTraud'comm is sioners aDDointed bv th nnnAi4i a., sembly of the Sate disclose the fact that A S Merrimpn, yhp npwoccupies .a seat ?rthe Congress of the. United T States as a Senator from this State was largely connected with and involved in the frauds and corruptions referred to; and whereas, i t Mi thQi opinion ol the. General Assembly; that no" such a man whose character is at all 'tainted witU such-flagrant land vile frauds an$ corruptions as have taken place, in the management of the works of internal improvement in this State should occupy, so honorable and important position; ana whereas, the said Angus tus Merrimon is allied to no noliti. cal party iri Ihis; State) but was.elected yy ma present position j)y aicomuiu tion of Republicans and Democrats 1 defeating Ex Gov. Vance who. was the choice of an overwhelming majority of the Democratic tiarty of th is State ; and. -whereon . wa... halip.VA thai thft existence of two pplHicarPaties With well-defined, - Bound - politicals views is essential to the perpetuation of our form of government ?nd, the preser vation bfour liberty; arid whereas, to the end we are further of opinion that North Carolina should be- represented in the Senate of the United States bv men who are in political accord with the majority of our neonle. -Thereforei the General : Assembly ;do resolve that Augustus 8. i Merrimon, senator in congress from this State.is hereby reauested forthwith to resign his seat, as such Senator in order that the present General Assembly may proceed to elect 'to that position a -man whose character isf so far aboveuspi ciod that no one will dare mention his name inycpphectiOnf With f fraud and corruptio n; and i whereas, political faith is in consonance with that of a majority, the of representatives of the peopie in ine general ASsemDiy. THURSDAYS PROCEEDINGS f ' SENATE : 1 : ' - -V March 18, 1875. - President Armfield in chair, Mr. Parish,-resolution to 'Bell mort gage bonds of the N. C 11. R. Cbmpa ny. It authorizes i Hon. Wm. A. Gra ham, the stockholders consenting, to signattd issue and ' sell a sufficient amount of the mortgaged bonds to pay olF and settle tbe- decree of the court in the case of bwasey against said corporation, provided said decree is confirmed by the Supreme Court of thd UriitPd Statfl. - lies Over; J U f iur. rrencn, resolution 10 pay iub men in Kobeson county that killed Steve Lowery the thousand dollars the Governor refused to pay on account of some technicalityT Referred. NORTH CAROLINA KAIL ROAD Bill to ' amend ithe charter of the North Carolina railroad gave place to a substitute of Mr. Margrave, which; was reported On favorably by the com mittee. : - ' - - ' - Mr. Morehead explained and sup-. ported the substitute, ihe senate adjourned during discussion. HOUSE Ol" REPRESENTATIVES. At 10 a -m. Mr.' Speaker Rubinsorf called the House' to order.' The bill to protect the ru nutation of innocent women was taken up and laid on the table ' The bill to protect private stockhold? era and to authorize the consolidation of railroads was taken up and passed its several readings. Senate resolution concerning the funeral expenses Of the late Go. Caleb- well was taken up and passed its several readings.! The bill in regard to the registration Of deeds was taken up as the special order of the hour. MISCELLAIVEOUS. W. Jt BLACK, TRADE STREET, CHARLOTTE, N. C. Takes pleasure in announcing to the M E R C H A NT 8 Of North and South Carolina, and Georgia, that be is the largest dealer in PURE WINES AND LIQUORS, To be found in the State of North Carolinij Doiner an immense business he is enabled to give bis customers the benefit of bis large purchases for cash, and at tne same time guarantee the aualitv. and character of his goods. Me is agent ior T II E P A T A P 8 O G R AN G E M I X T DEE, For Cbmpostinsrwith Cotton Seed or othfer euaotanevs containing vegetaoie matter.: DIRECTIONS FOR. MIXING. ! Select a dry place under cover, and spread out sufficient seed, that have been well mofc- tened, over the floor, about three or I fofcr inches deep: then spread evenly over the seed the tame weight of "Patapsco Grange Mixture :" then on m tne 'same manner, seed and the fertilizer, until tne amount re- quired is composted. I The pue snouia stana ,uniu xne germ pi the seed is killed, and as ntuch longer as the planter s convenience will allow. 1 i Any other good material, such as stable manure or wood mold, will be an additional benefit. If the soil to which the compost as to be applied is poor and deficient in vege table matter; the proportion of seed to the fertilizer should be increased so aa to restore its wasted condition. ESTIMATE of VALUE or THE GRANGE MTYTlTPff. . It is composed of equal parts ol Navasea Guano and pure slaujcnter-house bone dia solved bv Sulphuric cid. To 1,600 pounds of those, ingredients is added 40C pounds pf eennine Potash : Baits. tKatnit) lmporwa direct from Oermany by the Patapso.Ouano Company. r; ;...:.., y.tV ' 1 UST RECEIVED AT McADEN'S; ' ; t ' Corner drugstore, 1 a supply of V. k-::: .. '; fr --'n They are thl best Latnps In 'the world fjar the fallowing reasons : They will not break, being made of metal. " They are perfectly safe from : explosion, owine to their scientific structure. m4 ' They are perfectly clean from oil, haying a Patent Dip Cup axed on each lamp. ; Tbev consume one t bird of oil in propor tion to tbe light Riven, without odor Thev eive much more brilliant heat than any other lamp, equal to gas at one. fifth the expense. - ' dec5-tf. rjjHE WILMINGTON E A R; A Nr D ; E Y E I N ST I T U T fe, AND I, " ' SURGICAL INFIRMARY,4'" ' ft iW '47 and 49 I North j. Front Street;: t f ,.s . t3 t, TtfriMlBQTOX. N. C. " - 1 -Dr.! DxROSS'ET, iha Sargenn jn cbargel Is at present visiting Charlotte, professionaly,; and mav be consulted: at tne veuvrfti txvwtn mom No. 1. Office hours, 9 10 1 o'clock, and from 3 to 4i o'clock j : marl7.tf mO CITY MERCHANTS ONLY Remember that , ; jou can j, buy Baconl CbSbei; Sucrara and Syrups!, '. fliiMn'at iii'rt 'Rrolrftra Office' Of W. H. ;H Gregory, as yo could purchase In person If m aiNortnern cuy. j - .y,--,7 t I am Broker for L.tEnghsh & Co., Im porters, of CnfTees and. Sugars, F atterson h.imA 'A "Vv Tmanrters Of SvrttPS. B&ltl more Also Broker for P T.; George, Baon TanhT TjilvArt Rnnr Refinerv. Baltimore. 8amples of all these goods, on exhibition at my office. Call before makinjr your 'pur- chasea. ,J J' v: W.'H. H. GREGORY. Broker.- noyM ix. M P ONLY $38 A.JTi TC1T A TNTT tT-A ISJiC ViTL. 1 lO J ijt. JLN J T lJ -l li KlS, A Cenuine Natural Guano. HaviDg been successful bidders against burg, Virginia, for a lare deposit of Guano name of CAT ISLAND GUANO," and burg, Va., and accepted the same position for Thos. Branch fe Co., of Richmond Vireinia. same Islands, -tnd I now offer it to yon at Office of THOS. BANKERS AHD COMMISSION MERCHAIITS RICHMOND, 'Va., Fkbrdarv 25th, 1875. The Guanahani Guano Company has seen fit to publish a card to the effect that our "Cat Island Guano" is of an inferior quality oy tnem. n rom the reputation or tne signers oi mat card, we presume tney did not know that this statement was false. We Company and of tbe public the following 1st, That their agent at the Islands attempted (and failed) to get control or deposits or tioano tbat were secured by a member or Zud. Tbat our Cat Island Uuano, according University of Georgia (who analyzed for the of the Guano imported and sold by the Gnanaham Company last spring in the cotton sections of Virginia and North Carolina.1 Our Gnano shall stand Or rail by tne crucial cards put but on the eve of the planting season. - We will have each cargo, analyzed be fore it receives our brand, oris ottered to the chemist. We dare the Guanahani Company ouslots offered or sold by them !a3t spring. We have been enabled to avoid tbe mistases that the inexperience or the tiuanaham Company betrayed them into last year. We for salaries, Ac. paid by tbem, and with one most experienced Gnano men in the country can beat them in quality and price, we challenge inera to meet as in me laooratory or on the plantation ; and until they can compete with; as successfully in these places, , their paper attacks will not hart the best natural Guano (except Peruvian) yet offered to tbe public. , . i 1 1 "They write about "their standard !" Will they dare to publish,their stair 'ard V Why did they publish a standard last yearv and 'theaj withdraw :it ! We have taken proper steps in the courts to protect ourselves from the injVry we have sustained by theimpropef publication of the uoanaham company. " ; Analysis of the only two cargoes of CAT ket np to tnis aate, WM. B. GRIFFITH, Esq., General Agent Dkar SiBv In reol y to yours, I would say I am : PHDOUBTXDLT of the ooinion that in most NATURAL GUANOS elements present are SUPERIOR to those fertilsrs -and althoort this cannot enter as; values, it INCREASES tbe relative AGRICULTURAL value of the Guanos xi a con siderable ex teat. i :s J Very truly, yours, : Professor AALYSl3of 8ample;t)f OATi ISLAND "Douglass" and iEbenBer,' received from Moisture fdet. at 2121 22.188 8,052 0.2U 4.f549 13.452 9.572 3.13G 23.539 : 344 6.326 -3.721 1.034 j "5.609 Volatile and Organic Matter Containing Nitrogen (Organic) ' NUric Acid Phosphoric Acid Sulphuric Acid- Carbonic Acid - . Lime . f - -' Mastnesia Z "' '' - , ' . f . Iron and Alumina ' -Potassium Chloride '--?T 1 j Sodium Chloride rt S a 5 V J- 1 Sand and InBolable.M.alterT1 ...... v-. . 1 ' ' . . 99.873 The Phosphoric Acid. (13.452V is, present in several forms of combination, as follows: 1st. . , In combination with. Lime, in a f ,' f' ; r form soluble in ppre water,:, 0.154 2d In ombination with Lime. jn a - ; f. form constituting, the: sorcalH , : id "Neutral Phosphate",. , readily available as plant food, ; 8.099 In combination. with Lime, in a.i 3d. form insoluble, except In- ' ' ' " strong Acids, " "i 2 079 4th:2ln: combination with Iron and rJAJainioa,,t:,.) p. 1 . , . 342Q f 1 13.452 Terms and Prices per Toiv (2,000 PoundsJ In Bags : J vis. r J Cash i -,, i i , t $35 Agents wanted-. t r Send for circulars, j 1,-7 r i i fctoA Affur thA planter. oar Guano known as Abaco. This is manipulated from Genuine Pheiuvian Guakq and our regular importations from Abaco, Eleutbera,-San csi.in m. rt. nd other Tslanda of the same ffronn. :i - -' -v.. - ""s " MJTd :tH Price and Terms' per CashJ $47. CARQLI NA-.AG RIC T A D E fS tRlMr an29-2m, -&..r 4.;.,; PER TON. 3 tbe Uqanabani Guano, Co pa try' of Peters at the Islands, we offer the same ander the at a reduced price. , THOS- BRANCH & CO.,. Importers, Richmond, Va. Richmond, Va.,; January 6th, 1875. the sale of the Guana imported by Messrs which is tbe same Guano and from the greatly reduced prices, p Wll. K. UKllftriTll, General Agent, BRANCH & CO. to their importations, and bad been rejected propose to prove to the satisfaction of that facts, vtz : . oar nrm wno is now at tne islands. to the analysis or frstessor White, of the Guanahani Company, h at lead the equal ' . test or tne analytical cnemist. and not by public, audi we puonsn .une report or the to publish the analysis of each ol tbe van ; are not taxed with the enormous expenses of our firm on he Island, and one of tbe as oar General Agent, we are satisfied we mrrAn wt k -rT- o tv Importers of Cat Island Guano. ISLAND GTJANO placed on tho mar f eoruary 23a, 1875. UifivEB8mr or Georgia, Laboratobt of Applied Chkmistrt, ; ; : ; Athens, Ga-February 9,1875. Cat Island Guano, flichmond Va.: tbe forms of combination of the . valuable which are artificially produced in manipulated a factor in determininir -COMMERCIAL II. E. WHITE, of Applied Chemistry, Georgia University. Ukiversitt of Georgia Laboratory of Afplisd'Cbkmistby, ; -u -'f Athens," Ga., February 8th 1875. GUANO, from the cargoes of Schooners Messrs. BRANCH & SMITHof Augusta, Ga. Tbe percentage of these compounds are as follows i :- :' .. 1st,; Soluble,- or Super-phosphate V 1 ' of Lime. 0.254 21. Neutral Pbosphato of Time,. 15.509 3d. Insoluble or Bone Phosphate of ."' Lime, . 438 4th. Phosphates of Iron and Alumina, 6.450 The total Phosphates Acidcalcalat- ed to Bone rhospnonc would yield. ' ; V r 2966 The total peicentage of Nitrogen present is, ' : 1.604 Capable, of .yielding,. Ammonia, 1,9475 ' The colnmerciai value jpef HM 2.000 lbs) of this Gnano, deduced ' from ' foregoing Analysis," would be (approximately,)- at Savannah, Port Boyar or Charleston s t I 3.08 IbsSo. Phos'ic Acid, albf c ?W oz 161.98 ' Neutrar. al6c 27 13 a05ic 2 29 41.58 , Insoluble,, 47.00 " Potash . 64.88" Magnesia , v 32.08 Nitrogen .." , Total. a 06 J c 2 39 a02Jcv.l 62 a 30 c :9 62 $4411 WHITE. H. C. Payable 1st November, - $38 Si f.1 4 4. "toi:: Tort of JOOO Poanda '4-s Payable November 1st, -e $52 t ' 0 LTU RALWORKS 'OH A SLOT T IS . . iC - . i . - DISSOLUTIONS, &v "JTOTICE. - - - a- , Th firm nf ffnmnla A'AfexaruWwait dia. sol red by mutual eonsent on tbe 7th day ol January 1875, in order to admit into, the firm as partner Mr. J. D. Kerns. AH per sons indebted to us either by note or account are requested to come forward and settle at once. With many thanks to -our friends for their liberal patronage to the past, we hope by strict and personaValtebtioo- to business to merit the same in the fa tore by giving the best goods at tbe lowest prices. KespecUuiiy, SAMPLE & ALEXANDER. We tbe undersiened having formed a co partnership under tbe-iorro and style of Sample, Alexander,, jn the Boot and noe easiness would anneance to tne public that we have on band a large and well selec ted etocK or uoods in our line, wnicn we will sell very low for Cash, in order to make room tor oar Stock or Spring Uoods. J W SAMPLE, - v ; J Mc ALEXANDER, JD KERNS:' jan 14 , QHARLOTTE MARBLE WORKS. Having purchased Mr. F. A. McNinch's Marble Works. I respectfully announce to the public that I will carry on tha Marble business in all its branches, at the stand near the jail, formerly occupied by F. A-Mc? Ninch. Tombs, Monuments and Grave stones of every description manufactured at reasonable prices and at snort notice. The public are invited to call and examine samples or my material ana workmansnip. Family Monuments a speciality. S. McNTNCH. A CARD. Having sold my entire stock and interest in the Marble business to Mr. S. McNincb. I take pleasure in recommending mm to tne public aa a first class Artist, and bespeak for mm a nbfrai share or patronage, .Respectfully, F. A. McNINCH. Charlotte, November 10. 1874. MISCELLANEOUS, T E PEE DEE COURIER, DUCKETT & ERVIN, Editors. The -Courier is a Democratic paper pub lished in Rockingham, Richmond county. JN. U. It circulates very extensively in Richmond, Montgomery and Anson coun ties, and bp.8 an increasing circulation in several ether counties of Nortn and South Carolina. It is the most "reliable adver tising medium" in Richmond county, jan 7 tf S PR1NG REDUCTIONS AT WADE & PEGBAIK'S. In ORDER to MAKE COMPLETE CLEAR ANCE OP WINTER GOODS, he following changes have been made $5.00 Kid Button Boots, Reduced to $4,50. $4.f 0 , Button Boots, Reduced to $4.00. $3.00 Laced Balmorals, Last and Goat, Reduced to $2.50. And a full line of LADIES' and GENTS' FINE SHOES, at greatly reduced prices. Call soon for BARGAINS, at WADE & PEG RAM'S, Opposite Central Hotel, feb 27 Charlotte, N. C. G O TO W. M. LONG & CO., FOE FINE NORTHERN APPLES, ORANGES, BANANNAS, And for anything nice, or good in the Confectionery or Grocery line. JUST RECEIVED, A large lot of FAMILY FLOUR, CHOICE EARLY ROSE POTATOES, and a lot of CHICKENS, BUTTER a id EGGS. Trade Street, Opposite the Court House, mar 11 .:r-it- .. HAVINP-BEENEEPORTEB- BY some tbat this Preparation; is the same as Simmons' Liver Regulator, we deem it right to correct this impression. --A1 though O. A. Simmons ; was. ', former, rJProprietor of both preparations, he assures ns that Slil- MONS' HKfATlOOOMFOUND is his latest. improvement in Medical Science, and that it nas no connection; wnatever WAttt former preparations, but that it is far superior, in; every respect, to any. Liver Medicine to, which his name- was 'ever attached, being: composed solely of Vegetable ingredients. -r-The trial of one bottle, will satisfy ;the most iXLcredulonsx i This Compcund was . Patented Do cember 1Z, 1871, ana name Uopy-mnfea 18742 T A vr-iitr'vr.i f'-rnsi if. ' h For Sale by jWnolesale and Be-t tail : Dealers: Everyrrbere. w pABY CARRIAGES. " iA large assortment LATEST STALES. just receivea ana ior saie oy -; ,r mar il ti jl it juamrr b xsau. JTJST ARRIVED. s i v en tui r fi' ir.i.. 1."- 0 NI0N SETS .j? H " Call and lay in your supply, at i r " & w.a ! l iJV. a SMITH & CO'SI I () DERANGEMENTS OF LIVER, I -V 'f ' V KIDNEY8, SKIN, yyslTOMACH AND BOWELS. iAKUFACTURED WVV ' E. U KING & SONJ .J: .COLUMBIA s. GJ r PItOFESS10HAI. A. W. ALEXANDER, :" . .: SURGEON DEJCTIST, Offers a reduction ' in pricei'of Denial Work to suit the times. . , " a - Gold Fillings inserted , for $1.50 and np ,wards. 1 Setts of Teeth pat np on Jfttbber plate for $20.0,- -j -M-- - ' Teeth extracted withofut palo. : Entire satisfactian guaranteed, t (Jfflce in the Parks building over Butler's Jewelry -Store.- --nx r''-- Honrs from 8 A. M. to 5 P. M., -mar.ll:-.r-V,?.-,-: ,,yr- l: LEE W. BATTLE. Havinsr permanently located.-offers his piuioHiuuai services to roc ciiusens of p CHARLOTTE AND VICMHT1T. O PFICE-Nextrdoor 'to if ft Aden ngSto e. op stairs. ' I Calls left at my office in the day. - or my residence, oo Myers Street, at eight,; will rcvcivopruuptmtieuiion. ; ! . f; umeeottr8-r8 to 9, A. M.J 12 to 1. P. M and 5 to 7, P. M . jan22-ly. fjriHOS.H;BREM,JR, AUorney'and Counsellor at La w, CIIARLpTTE, IV, C. . Q FjfTJtC E In Dowd A Sims' New Build - - - - iniv TTt Qtaiva an21-tf. i. . C. A. XOOBX. . B. O. PATTKRSOir JjyJOORE & PATTERSON,.. .;. ATTOUNEYS-AT-LAW, ASEEVILLE, N. O, Practice in all the State Courts.: and in the eaerai uourts at Asbeville and States ville. The Collection of Debts, Clainrs And - Pent sions, a Specialty, r i . Strict personal attention given to tbe col lection of all Debts in Western North Caro lina. Remittances promptly made. It ' iUUFlUU&NUJSH : HOW. J. U iSAIXT ARB T. D. Cabtxb, AsHKvrtxx. N. C. nor. 19. W. L. T. PRINCE, Attorney and Counsellor at Law, (Office oyer Nisbet's Store,) r Formerly of Soutb Carolina, havinz per manently. . located in Charlotte, offers hi professional seryices to the people Of North ! Carolina. , ; Special attention given to collections, and cases in uanrruptoy. ian30 3ra. W. W. FLEMMINjS, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Charlotte, N. C. Special attention to suits for and i against corporations. janJJ-ly. COTOOIT MERCHANTS, J Y. BRYCE, Cotton Commission Merc bant At J. S.'M. Davidson's. 3 doOra below Col lege Street, will pay the highest price iu this market for all grades of cotton, or will ad vance at a liberal per centage fifty! dollars (.irou.w a Daie on vow Middling; uotfton, - to be shipped to number one Houses in Bos ton, New York, or Savannah, as owner pre fera, and held until Spring, if desirable; Is also prepared to purchase or sell contracts for those wishing to deal in futures, on re- ceipi pi two aouars ana a nail (2.50) per oaie, as a margin. Dor paruculars, apply as above. decl7-tf. . . Home and Democrat please" copy for lm. P. If ACATTLAY. T. B. BTOSX D. II ACAULAY fi; CO., COTTON BUYERS Aim Commission Merchants, OFFICE above the Merchants' i Farmers Bank. Liberal advances made on consignment of COTTON, to be sold here or in Mew i or lc. s All consignments will receive prompt per- tiuiiai aituou, sel8 tf. D. MACAULAY fe CO. nOTELS,&c. B0YDEII HOUSE SALISBURY, N. C. T. XINTOlir. Proptot W. a iriKar ulass hotel, situated con venient to the business part of the city. f3S Omnibus will be found at depot to convey passengers to the hoteL feb 11 1 . 1 1 1 i1 L St. Charles Hotel STATESVIIXE. Hr. 0. Situated In the Centre of Town. THIS HOTEL. ha been thoroagbJy refitted and refurnished, anduoder my &aaaae- ment as lessee, offers to the traveling; public tbe advantages or a fltst-class HoteL , J- Omnibn -at tb depot on th? arrtral and departure of all trains. M. 8CHLOBS,-1 sepl-dtf. Formerly of Balelgh. QOCHRANE'S RESTAURANT. European Plan. ' 1 I would inform the public that, on the 1st of November, I will open a RESTAURANT and BOARDING HOUSE, on Tryon street; in the second story of the Building adjoin ing the Bank of Mecklenburg, and hereafter will be prepared to entertain Bcarders, regu lar and transient, hi a style unsurpassed ly any house in the city.' The table will be supplied with all the delicacies of the sea son. Game, Fish, Oysters, &c i Terms moderate. Satisfaction truaranteed or no charge. I respectfully solicit your pa tronage. : oc30.tf W. R. COCHRANE., ! i;; , MISCELLANEOUS. JJOTICE TO SHIPPERS. j WOOTEN'S CAROLINA CENTRAL Railway Express Company. is now prepared to give prompt despatch to all - Freights, Money and other, valuable packages consigned to its care for any and all points upon isastern ana western divis ion Carolina central Kail way. i As tne uompany enjoys unequalled facil ities in their connections, it Is . manifestly to tbe interest or all Bmppers to apply to the Agent of this Company before making ship ments by rival companies. . . i ...... Remember tnat au goooa inippea na this Line are covered by an; open policy m tne Dest companies, in us insuring aoao luteprotecUon to shippers. . - , -i, i ' . OFFICE Tryon 8treet, Opposite Central Hotel. F. M. WOOTEN, '. J. M. Lzak, : Proprietor. - i Agent. jap20-tfU i UST RECEIVED. Transfer Printine-lnks for copvlne letter- headings, statements, way bills; &c Can be copied, in the ordinary letter-press book, Send tout orders for nrintine m these Inks. and for att other escriptionao printing, to the Obskbvib Printing Houevi d25 tf r sale: 7 IT A drove of fine HORSES and MULES, at the Livery and Bale Stable's of e it- mar 12 tf S ,f 4t W W Alio WORTH. - J T 10 BENT.' A one-story house i tra the corner of Tenth and Fine atreeta, ! Haa, three -roorp with fire-place in each, f There is & ood , rarden and a well of good iwater oa tha premifles. Terms reasonable.;; Any on wisbiBr to nan can apply to v A a MARTIN. mar 14 2t -t 4 i. .f .-;s-it'4 Iff To-rlVlerchants i- it The moit important reduction of the sfas-.' on. Within ine wxt sixty Within the Dcxt sixty dayt. we wilt offer; at; rresUylWuced rt stock br FALL AND "WINTER DRY GOODS, which is the-largest, hamlsomeBt andmost complete to be foano in the State. Onr stock of r Dry Grooda, Boots, Shoe, j Hats, Capa, BeadyrKad tion. and Small Wares have been, reduced to priors that cannot fail to induce purchasers to examine par stock. 7Vri Liberal. Call on us. To the Retail Trade. We will also offer greater inducements than have heietofore been offered in this market, and while we invite special attention to tin) bargains of ' all classes of Winter Goods, we will, at tbe same time, sell all classes of Staple and Domestic Dry , Goods, Kibbona, Laces, Embroideries, CloUus, Cassimeres, ' Beady-Hade othincr; Hats : v Caps, Boots, Shoes, Carpets and House Fur .nishing' Qoods, at the lowest possible rates. Call soon. McMURRAY & DAVIS, jan20 tf. o (0 cr u CO I X Q W o w OQ 5 .8 OQ A SSYRIAN DISCOVERIJ 1 IN 1873 akd 1874, BY GEORGE SMIT H OF THB-f-r' BRITI S H;;MU 8 E U M , An exceedingly valuable and interesting work, giving tbe history of this ancient peo ple, as written by tnemseivea on: stone, go- i i a il. J - o l :u ing nacK ,to tne -cays, i cennacneno, oi Jehu that drove 'furiously and one to the Delnge-in this book for the firsts time we get the CbaMaic account of that event. -'Price $4.00. f v TIDDY ft BRO. feb 27 gNGLISH TOOTH BRUSHES, Colgate's Soaps. fineShavinir Brushes. W. R. BURWEIX ft CO. mar3tt : -1 : , ; ; r SprtngV Corner. H ALL & PATTERSON, Hickoryf N. C, . Solicit orders from a distancefor Butter, Eggs, Chickens, Apples, Potatoes, Cabbage, and any other country produce that may be desired. '. White pine Shingles a specialty. Inquiries promptly answered. Parties wish ing anything in their line, will please band hi their orders to .McMurry A Davis, Char lotte Norttan no3-6m pRINTERS' STATIONERY. The old established house of BREM, BROWN fc COM have jast recei?ed ' an invoice of I Printers' Stationery, consisting in part of 03 m BLAKK cards, BILL CAP all siaw, FLAT CAP .j LETTER CAP, FANCY CARDS, CO 73 O COLOREli CARDS, ! ; WEDDLNQ CARDSrt! ; WEDDING KOTE, l-Envelopes of all grades."! We expect tb keep a in li stock of s. O O tfiis class of gbmT, " : feb!6tf "if U'i ' JRESH ARRIVALS. , 500 bbls Flour, all grades. , . t ' 1000 bushels Oats; (choice seeds.) - j 60 barrels Molasses, all grades. Bacon. Coffee, OgarrAi,4 . To cash paying customers, we offer extra indoxementSittHt,.r4'af'' ""' w. i rKlimt&$tKfr W.CHAIX A CO TOST; RECEIVED ' 100 dozen fresh1 Eggs j also a small lot of fresh country Butter, at . ; ; -, i - ' r W. JiRQWELL'SConege St; . HRY MENDEL'S ttmkk) .,inm - ,FJv4ClrW,W'Hv'i', MriNDIAN GIRL CIGAR STORE, :;mar 12 viib i Trade Street cs LEMAN8 ENGLISH MU8TABD Mason's Geletlne. " W. R.B.ACO. Sprtnia Corner ' mars-r. i. o a 7 S3, '-Vit li:

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