TELEGRAPHIC NEWS. !V o o ar d i s pa t c ii e s. FOEEION. Vessels jreckefBidn Distress Ke Tlnioiiof MslximiliiMivi Companions Bismarck not toBecome'a Uuke The PrdfeJJects,6f:Peace ia Frane; &c , &c. o New York, March .29. London disr patches say that a vessel has been wrecked off Donarentz, France, and all,Ba3iOBYrfIfiipli5.feVlIWr bMpjeffi4)65 ; sales 470. tb orii oi '.,TK- with .0 fon about 3,000 tons, laden' with cotton, which was washing fcshore. TUeJwJi ,,itw.UfrPiIP,enco-, March lOtli p distress, making' for Cologne. - Bismarck will not become Bujikjepf, Lauenburg. ifrosEi .eJooSI Treiste, March ;'2QiA11,fthQi corns panions of Che 58aaRPMMA?imi1Iia,1 wno snarearAts expiw m jiexicu, are ihvitedtp aftencL tto his monamentih Aril. erection of PAMs,inMaxcb vSSvEdgar iQuniet, J nuiaor ena meauer o seFWf from Paris, is dead. London, March ,29. The ,'Theophi m St. Mark's,"1 for Havre; fdundered. The crew was saved. Berlin, March 29. The Roman Catholic Bishops of Prussia are to hold a conference at Field Dale on 1L.1 ri - - government announces niat six kjui list generals, three colonels and many other officers, have entered France and declared their adhesion to King Alfonso. A telegram from Santandor asserts, on the other hand, that the hop'Of eUliflgfces warr by-nn ooveh' ticW-sTa AstaTioBrmR' GBnl Lojnaa is feitpN6etbeWmeet thrfeatenei4 invasion of tbopTovince DoivUarlos; witir 10- battalions' anoV3artierF,-;ia marching on Ramoles, 25 mileafrom Ci1nnni-lrn I . WASHIKOTONH Gift Concert -PottprasdN-o District Judge for LonisifcflSf-baat WASHiNGTONrMcW"29MThe Gift Concert of thvlbiftplSier Female Humane A'sspoAtjODctidvertised to take pfec&4&bSa&dua, Va., to-mor-rovM, p3tpf.jfor a short time in order Joave aujl abutn. , Walkjera.gataterer, is dead. The Pardee matter may be consid ered closed. Attorney-Generals W u liams has telegraphed; Circuit Judge Wood, that he caniloJtt. rnake a District Judge for .Louisiana. CALIFORNIA. Revocation of aUberai Will. - Sak Francco, Match 29. JariieB Lick has filed. in tbAEecorder's Office a revocation of thev Crust deed exeV ted last July conveying his:property to trustees for. various benevolent pur poses, and"hejecite8jn the revocatioi that he wishes to jvide for parties havings natural claims on!him,,"4 amend .original insqenCand.with returning health t-gtve hitpersdtfal attention lo Ihe e ecotion ,of his. de signs. He' confirnUJLhe acts hereto fore performed by tjae-Jrustees. "i Eeduction of Fjufroad Fares, "s Chicago, tyarch JSThe Michigan Central, Michigan Southern, and Pitts burgh and Fort Wayne, Railroads, have reduced heir-feres to Boston, New York,' Philadelphia, Baltimore, and Washington! tickets at reduced rates limited to 48 h'purs. This show tfieeductiontjo be temporary. TEXAfc.-i ' ' "6. Outrages by Mexican on theBoide. QAtVESTOM, Match 29.--Sner.iaI Am patches frnthe Rio Grande border state that at lelast three hundred Mex "" mwvj, y& tuc j. eiaa coast, nave murtlered several Aitietf catise&r thel border.' MIDNIGHT frlSPATC titiS? Ji i'Wlf Utf?V.f-' ...i. ... n j JSTRW YORK. 1 Tilden's Measae-e Annrnvpd I . . SYEACusvMarcWUrjexneet-in,tE-Mayor.C;rove peakling with a-Marge fenhbfer?-rrftVio -frPRirintj selgCte; eqhaly 'frem ,6ach 'political! 1 ting.o: XBQi JMarch 28.-Th nnhuntCtna' I mefttin? ftfc Hrrto Part t.',i,M tgand oaraia and flags. The Jioraes iwere taken from carriages and 'the orators' were Wn by the mu. T,heeotiing pass- " '""""a nMi mre wouia ue no until the enormonsindicial jcririie reetihed. .-Syrian i,r WASHINGTOIT. Tne Georgia, Investiga cd Important Cass Decided Spinner AengiiV.of; '-fitf , ASHiNGTONLiMarclr 1 i29i.,A ;Ar pal OfficbaaenijaaQrjothiaAb- erf , Oepreia tain.vesticratA o?. report upon the recent 4m tractive Uhh nado in that State. ',TrwV .The Court of Claims i has1 decidiith Hot Springs case agairist'thettve' Wf3 eral claimants to the property, which remains with the UiritadStates Judo-e LoringO flisaenieay Jbelle vkSglth I evi ctemje; established Eector's claimsi(An appeal is taken to the . Supreme Court, Commissary General ShinlslsWp lessly sick. 4 ,T jraymasreircKies naa beerilWned to the depatentof Gu) Treasurer Bpinrier hBs'' resigned, to take effect' on the first of Jnly j. , New, of Mdiapapolis, succeeds him. .yrodT 7E ATIIHE - PEOB ABILITIES. .WAAifKfetKNf;!). C, March 29U$or the South Atlantic, the Gulf States and TennessirffM cfo$yfceKheT, Northeast6yJrl?asfc, WirrdV veering Jo, sou,thwe.8t , in; . thjAwestern-,Gulf State's, slight chtfn&es in the barom'etir.' rising temperature East'of , the lower; iuississippi. xvam lnineoouin a nan tic States. ' lf't" 2 LLLllols. I - EHQDE ISLAND. Prohibition; Ticket in theField. ProvIdekceJ March SOThe' Prpi hibitionists', convention renominated th e presen t incumbent. X Thjs , makeis three full tickets for Governor The balance of the ticket is the same as the ' TELEGRAPHIC MARKETS; .. New Orleans, Alarcti 29.i-'Quiet'and. firm ; mid 16 ;; low mid 15J ; ,good or dinary, 14$; net irecepts 4,775; gross SAf AWHllfefi .-SteaxJi-f W receits7888 ; s'alea ' siuce-Thursday,' loBnjfi, ; Marcli 29.-Quie and. firm; receipts l;144 ; sales JOty, .rU L?, ' Charleston, ' March 29. Steady ) fiet f eceipts 429 ; gross 1,152 ;sates 700. Baltimore March 29. !Firm ; gross receipts 1,128; SAles 225; spinners 75. MiiisrMarcir 2Sady mod erate demanft; ''net receipts abJ sales 1,100. 1 l , Baltimore March 29'.-Flo'ur 'biei djr and firm. Wheat Sfirmer ; Mary land red 20a30. 'Corn firm ; south t-n 83 ; ye)l9)V 82. , Qats, southern, 68a70. ProvisionSj tending up. Pork 20a21. Bacon, active order -5-tradei;' 6houlders 9 to . Coffee quiet. Whiskey 1.15. New Yci, JIcl29MMimey dear er ; one thirty secc-nd , and interest. Sterling lower and ' Unsettled, 4.79. oid active and excited at l6sas-. Gov- mmenvts dull and ;;stousi : new fives 1;i3- 15." Stateouiet and nbm tnal. Cotton. sales 5,040 bales at 16fal7. ? Southern flour quiet nd steady. Wheat dujl andheayy.ft 2, Joer jY.h ite wes tern com opened . firm and closed a shade easier ; holders more disposed to jVjfealieJ ,86a87j ; for western white rJia for yellow western. : Cof fee firm, good jobbing demand ; jRio 15J. 1 wold sugar firm at i 10, advan: cing. fPorfc'firm ; new job lots 20.8oa 21. Lard firmer; prime steam 14. Whiskey a shade firmer and in fair demand, vr vj; i a-' ... ,V, LouisviLLE.'March.SSr-rjlour firm, and in fair demand. Corn ' firm. Pro vision's firmer,1 but not quotably high er. !Poxk nominally, 21. Bacon shduldui s 8f T clearTib and clear aides, 12and I Lard fi rm ; steam 1 14 ; tierce 15; keg 16. Whiskey easier at 1.13. Bagging quiet at 12Jal3. SaLflUi March, ,.29-j-Flqur, good demand and firm for medium grades, which are scarce. Corn dull and de clining, 82'; mixed 68a9. Whiskey higher at 12. Pork higher at 20.75a 87., Baconi higher ; shoulders 83; clear ribs 12 ; clear sides 12iaf . Lard high er at 13. Cincinnati, March 29. Flour firm. Corn firm at 70. Pork firm at 21. Lard quiet and unchanged. Bacon firm ; shoulders 8fa ; clear rib 11. Whiskey firm at 1.12. CHARLOTTE MARKETS. tin . OBSERVER OFFICE oCHAaioTT. Mar. SO," l75. - ) A B Th3 ftttoa Market. The market keeps up tb' the quotations of the past few; days, but without perceptible change. Gold run np yesterday in JJew York to 16ii and cotton ought to have made a corresponding advance, but the best ad vices we could gather indicated no quotable difference. 4. ' . .; "r ,., . Wise men thinX the bulla, pfj Wall street are preparing for another "black Friday,'' and that the;rcnfc. rapid rise in goW-will be of short dotation'. This, if troe, 'may ac count for the fact, that our great staple don't follow the bullion. Yestaiday sales amount edj to 162 bales at the follpwing quotations, the market closing firm':'. ' "i : ' ; '-? i' ' Inferior.;-.... ........... !..;;;.. 1213J Good Ordinary;.............;..........' 1414J Law JriddUng. 15J mmzh -is fnitpt FftppiKCE MARKET. . ". , .; , ' Cora':diiil and bringing' three lo live cents beJ.ow, quotitiolis for large lots, j Country bacon in demand at quotations, j The market has been quiet and unchanged . Clay peas have been in active demand for Shipment, some lots brinrfris' !s liirh "as 1.50 per beshej sacked. .,, ..... , , Batter scarce and in demand. BfeRS 'in 'ioodsUDDlvj ntlir nroil iq tiH s yp Buying Kattt. : oam-iiHams,.pef lb 14Jal5 .' ' I2i ' 9 a 10 12Jal3i 25 H 20(a25 t .i t 2: H02 Round Beemax $ Butter Choice. & .' randy-Apple, ; .",. u $175 a 2 00 : -J - i 2 00 a 2 25 . .. . 12i per sack. 3.25 ' xeacn, Effgt,,jei. dozen, 1 JCiXtra, i : Buper hJ,-i j?ir,. 300 fVa-Dried Apples, per pound 5 c reaches (. s.-jn.-Green Apple- per bushel. 100 a 1.25 axra Ducks:4 to al 00 Qiafa&Y- f- kW-:j, -v :j hi :i, if tnatr--Red, per tustt' f : - 'V A White. :f''' i' 25 95 1S5 145 '70 ' 70 I! "100 a 125 ' 90 a 110 12i fTidpjtr Ttrv ! .ui . i-n; i" I Hi )'!!)'. ;Ctommbn:?ii, J J, . , (57 lbd to? btishel) f75 i 1 00 IFoofc-Tabt washed, " Unwashed 8 v 35 in.7fr-r'va KJ V7,,.ibv nil !-,frrt .laK Ttboftrynd'cfedTcr "jDall Tklnds A ot Roofing Slate., . IsTully prepared : to pot on SLATE ROOFS in any-part of the ceun xry., I 1 , U.? iiu'J w, T'i69 the.attentjon .of Architects, Baildera, and the 'public toj' the Superior roofiDg.psed by bfm, from ' the" quarries y of Vermont and.,Tirgin!ai Slate ; forniahed of p-jA good Slate itoof t aVJ8;tJyrelilneV.,:; ' 11,11 " All work guaranteed. 'Prices Beasonable. Shingle fBools rtakeo off and rliiid lth SLATE, when desired. ! Orders-will'recejve prompt attention, when addressed to P. Or Box i 15, Charlotte; N. U. 1 T -i feblO-tf. net receipts 379 ; gross 4,212: Futures closed firni'i'sales 19,300;? March 16f; April 16 ll-JO - May. 17 l-16a3-32 ; June 17 7-16 ; July 17 23-32a ; Aug.. 16Jal7 Sept.'. 17 1332.- Vpct. 16 l316a27-32 ; Dec. lGfl 'ottbTV quiet 'and '' steady : MISCELLANEOUS. " U R N I T TJ R E . - A large and elegant assortment ef 1 . if WRITING DI33K8, . ' ' OFFICE CHAIRS RATTAN ROCKERS, i! ' t 1 ' 1 j" ; willow chairs, PARLOR DESKS, ; WHATNOTS. SECRETARIES H ALL STANDS, LINE OF . LIBRARY CASES. CENTRE TABLES, AND A FULL PARLOR 4ND BEDROOM FURNITURE, ' , Just Received and for sale at D A SMITH & CO S Furniture Warehouse, mar IS Trade Street. A RCHITECT. GEORGE WELCH Offers his professional services to the citizens of lnarlotte and vicinity, and pledges the experience "and practice of lourteen years training as a guarantee of competence. Office Trade Street, Charlotte, jan 3 tf " jCHOES OF THE FOOT HILLS," BY BEET HAUTE. Just received at PHIFER'S mar2-tf. Book Store, W E HAVE SOME New and nice Bill and Xetter Clip3 and rues. ALSO A new article of Lead and Slate Pencil, combined. TIDDY & BRO. mar 14 RECEIVED TO-DAY. Smoked Beef. Spiced Pigs' Feet. South Carolina Rice, Buckwheat Flour and many other good goods in the Crocerv line, at J S At DAVIDSON'S, City Grocer, Trade Street. mar 11 SARATOGA WATER ON DRAUGHT, AT Springs' Corner. PIEDMONT AIR-LINE RAILWAY Richmond & Dasvillb, Richmoxd Vfc , - - -ii J DANTiixti. W , N,C. Dmsiox, and NoRtn Western N, C. R. W. C()ENSEI TIM E-TABLE In Effect fla and after after Sunday, De- zan, ie,74. GOro NORTH. , STATioirs ,-: jcAtii.' szpasss " v Air-Ltne J'nCt'h.lO 08 ' v.? 8 50 . w W IJ . 835aj- " Salisbury, " -1220 a ra 10 54 " " Greensboro, 3 43 l 15 p m ' Danville, 1 613 v 3 36 ' " Dundee. ' 6 25 !j 3 48 ' " Burkeville, 1133 " Arrive at Richmond, 2 22 p ra 8 20 ' 11 09pm GOING SOUTH. STATIONS. Leave .Richmond, ; " Burkeville, " Dundee, " Danville, , " Greensboro. " Salisbury. MAIL. EXPEESS. 5 03 a m 1 38 pm 4 41 " 9 25 " 9 29 " 1235a ni 1 12 " 4 10 6 31 ' 8 32 " 9 40 ". HAIL. 3 27 " " Air-line J'rfn. R 1.1 it Arrive at Charlotte, 622 GOING RA8T. TATI fi. MAIL. Leave Greensboro, S 3 35 a ni . Ar 11 30 p m " ; St;S.b?Pf, S 5 06 " - 3 LTlO 15 ; Raleigh, 8 48 5 38 Arr at Goldsboro, J8 11 25i a m "t 235pm NORTH WESTERN N, C. R. R. (Salem Branch.) Leave Greensboro, 4 25 am Arrive at Salens 6 10 " Xeave Salem, 0 20 am Arrive at Greensboro, 11 15 Passenger train leaving Raleigh at 3 38 p m connects at Greensboro' with the Northern bound train ; making the quickest time to all Northern cities. Price of Tickets same as via other routes. : t ... Trains to and from points East of Greens boro connect al Greensboro with Mail Trains to or from points North or South. ! Two trains daily, both ways. On Sundays iynchburg Accommodation leave Richmond a 9.00 a m, arrive at Burke ville 12.43 D m. leave Ttnrtawi lla A k arrive at Richmond 7.58 a m. Pullman Palace Cars on all night trains between Charlotte and Richmond, (without change.) For further information address S E ALLEN, General Ticket Agent, Greensboro, N. C, T M B TALCOTT, i. s Engineer and Gen'l Sap't. ' jan 0 - ' ATLANTIC, TENNESSEE AND OHIO RAILROAD. On and ftftfvr Mnndair Rant Tl-U io( n. - , ; j , I JOI1, IUV foRowing schedule will be run over, this RoadiiHM.I s ; t,. . OOIS4CKoaTH. . oatKa anrvm H l A l'lONS. rl5 AKHIVK. LKAVJE. AKRrva l.vixrv 3:25 p. m; Charlotte. 10KX) a; ni. - f. iu;-A.04i,.f -A Dav'n Hnlloo-o a-ort m 7:00 p.; m.( f Statesville. .'ft25 All charges must be pre-paid bn freight offered for shinmpnt. tn dereon, Alexandria, and Caldwell's, These be'ng : Flag Stations." the, Companv is not iiauio jui; oujr, iuss or nam age toireight after it unloaded,' at either pf the above points. aiu imiguv win De receivea by iAgents, or forwarded Dnipnsthn noma nf rRmin destination is distinctly marked thereon ; , , , . S. J: GORMLEY J f F99r.w . BuperintendentM Carolina Central : Railway. Time Table :if di'.lyu i my j ON and after Mnndav lowing schedule will be run oyer the West- GOIKO XAST. Leave Buffalo Depot, , - " Lincolnton, I . Arrive Charlotte, OOIBfl WKST. 12.20 p. m. 4.20Up Leave Charlotte, : i' 5 .-.i 8.00 a.m. i Lincolnton, i, '(. ...-. 10.43 4 " .1 Arrive Buffalo, ' 12.00 m. ,y.Q. JOHNSON novl3 i - ' 'Ass'l 'Supt, MISCELLANEOUS. ENGLISH Tooth brushes, a fresh supply received to-day. mar26-tf. V. R. BURWELL & CO. HOYTT'S German Cologne, Dressing Combs, Lubin's Extract, Lnbin's Pow der. W. R. BURWJ5LL & CO. ; mar26-tf. ,r MOLLER'S Cod Liver Oil. Fresh. W. R. BURWELL & CO. mar26-t Druggists. SARATOGA Water on Draught and in Bottles, at mar26-tf. SPRINGS' CORNER. JJOTICETO SHIPPERS! The CarolmfCeniral tRaawayjs now readytd transport frigtthroughvpromptlyv both ways. S. L. FREMONT, ' ,-it mar2G-tf. Superintendent. T HE BEST IS THE CHEAPEST. We will be pleased to have our friends and customer?, call and examine our stock of Boots and Shoes FOK SPRING USE, which we think, and will convince you. is the BEST in the city, and at prices to suit every one. We feel sure that we haye the best assort ment of LADIES' AND GENTS' GOODS, ever offered in this market. Call and ex amine for yourselyes. 1 WADE & PEGRAM. Fiest Nat'l. Bask Building, ! 'Opposite Central Hotel. mar2G tf. GLAZIER'S POINTS, at T. C. SMITH & CO 'S mar25-tf. Corner Drug Store. Shelled Almonds, F RESH Lemons, Grated Horse-radish, Fresh: Dates and : Fine Cigars, justreceired and for sale cheap at mar 24 F. H. ANDRLWS & CO.'S. EXTRA.RNE LOT OF Jl ,i WMiS! HUfJ('w unewing looacco. mar25-tf. J. K. PUREFOY. "D ECEIVED to-day, a lot bf fihe large mar25 tf. J. K. PUREFOY. J UST RECEIVED, A lot of fine planting POTATOES, also rlCKLihib, in bau barrels, at R B ALEXANDER & CO S, mar 23 College 8treet. F OR SALE. A nice three (3)room Cottage, with pan try and kitchen, ripply to , , . marl6 tf E M ANDREWS. JjlOR PHYSICIANS. Medical 8addle Baps offered at lower prices than ever before In this market. mar26-tf. T. C. SMITH & CO. Q.ILT EDGED GOSHEN BUTTER, -. Just received and for sale bv ' ' mar25 tf. : A. R. N ISBETjik BRO. riHOICE SELECTED NORTHERN SEED J POTATOES. ' ; Early Rose, Early Goodwich, Pink Eye, Peach Blows and Peerless, large lot in store and for sale bv . b. G 'i.J feb20 -tf. A. R. NISB ET it BRO f QALL and EXAMINE . , ... The Large Stock of Family Groceries of grades and prices to suit every one. at mar 14 LW PERDUE'S. QAROLINA CENTRAL RAILWAY CO' SUPERINTENDENT'S OFFICE, ) Wilmington, Dec. 10th, 1874-i j CHANGE OP SCHEDULE. '-' 1 .' .:- ll ., On and after the 35th inst, trains wHl run ovtr this Railway .as follow ,.'(, . PASSENGER TRAINS Leave Wilmington at ,..,.....7.15 A 31 Arrive in Charlotte at...f......7.45 P, M Leave Charlotte at : 6.45 A. M Arrive in Wilmington at...f....v....C;45 R J Nieht trains ffast Freight ; and Pas- sengr) in future notice. ' ' ''f. ,5 . FREIGHT 4TKAINS r, ,, .:yy ". . ... ..1 l ; . . ' t ...... 1 Leave Wilmington iat,.J..,1.,;...'......o.00 X; M Arrive at Laurinbum at.;;,,t..i.:..!5.40 P. M Leave Laurinburg at.....;..i..i....6.00 A. M Arrive atCharlotteBt...t.....:i ...CO0 P il Leaye Charlotte at... :.;..w.i..o.30 A. M Leave Laurinbure at ...Q.0O Ai M Arrive at Wilmington at .J......O.00 P;J M Connects at Wilmington with Wilmington &;Weldon, and Wilmington. Columbia & Aueusta Railroads. ficmi-weekTy New York and Tri-weekly Baltimore, and weekly Phil adelphia 8teamers, and the River Boats to Fayetteville. . Uonnectaat Uhartotte wun .ns wesiern Diviinrt f TJArtH rnt-AlfitUBStlrdad jCharlottfi i.nd Statesviile Railroad, Charlotte & Allan- ta Air Line, and C,hartotte,-W)um&ia and Augusta Railroad. " ' 1' J f Thns snnnlvin? the whole West, North west and Son f.h west with a short and chean line to the Seabord and Europe. .ODiJ .... . . S. L. xRJSMOJNT. fmu --Catef Brigineefand Superintendent mf F OR SALE. A STEAM RAW MILL COMPLETE tittf. I"will 'sell for cash b "Ltimber delivered tn Charlotte, at prices to be agreed on, an ex- Shafting. Pnlleva. Bel tine. Ac. f A Sbmgle Machine, capable of making for particulars. i feb 27 dlw wlm ' ' y f MISCELLAWEOirS. t ; 'i J ?. o w,,l. 3 i 7 A - JOHN A. YOUNG & SON, Clothiers', CLOTHING PALACE, Tryon St., Charlot.e, N. C. Are !,ftow. their entire Stock CLOTHING, HATS and GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS, at re duced prices, to make room for their large Spring Stock. of jan 17 ERIE CITY IRON WORKS, We take pleasure in informin! you that, encouraged by the favor with which onr Machinery had been received throughout the South the past year, and in order to facilitate trade and meet the often expressed wishes oi our friends and patron?, we have determined to open an office and warehouse Tor the sale of oar"mantrfactnres in Charlotte, N. Ci which will be Known as the Charlotte Branch of Ihe Erie City f ron Works: ".Mr. VP. C. Morgan; who is so widely and favorably kri&wn1 ihongitwV the South, will be in charffe of the nharlfttte Ttranph. nd we propose to keep on hand there, Portable and stationary Eagints, Boilers and Circu cular Saw Mills of our own " manufacture, also the best make of Corn Mills, Gins Presses,' Shingle Mills and such other Machinery as' the wants of the trade require, The Charlotte House is not ati agency but branch of our world, owned and controlled by '69, and any business done with u3 there is ' done tbith the manufacturers direct. AVe hope the establishment of this branch house will serve to bring u3 nearer together and avoid 'the Veiatious delays that eo often !.; . ... occur in Business at so great a aistance a we are from you. Fdf circulars, price fists and any in forma t!on wanted in oar Hoe. address Erie City Iron Works, Charlotte, N. C. Trusting that our undertaking will meet with your approval and support, we remain, Very respectfullv yourp, ERIE CITY IRON WORKS 3 U9T RECEIVED. A larsre and elejrant lot of Ready Made Clothing, which will be sold at lower price J than can be Jound elsewhere; in the city. . Aly establishment being branch of 718 Market btreet, irbiladelptna, where we manufacture qur own goods, expressly for eitr trade. I am enabled to sell , for at Iesst 25 per cent lower than any bourse to the city of Charlotte. tf&m Come and see for yourself, and be convinced. J. MOYER, jan 7 tf At Irvin 8 Corner. TOTICE.TO HOUSE BUIIJ)ERS AND XI CONTRACTORS. I have accepted the Afeehcy fbir a Saw Mill; and am prepared to receive and fill all orders for any kind of Lumber at as short a notice .as possible. 1 have on band a lot. Of flooring and inch plank. LfW. OSBORNE. j .Next door to J. a. nenaerson s, c2d Trade street. r f x- H-r .... .'"t Stem for rrMQGtf ; Jan 24 dw ly, x Announces to the citizens of Charlotte, and the public geflerajly that he has purchased the entire Btook:-of";' ' 4 -: t'Hi "-i I - Groceries .and Provisions of, Messrs. George & Steicker, and,' that he expects to do business at their old stand un der the Springs Building.i -.ti&uvmo-) :, i T' A full and complete stock of Family Gro ceries always on hand, at prices . that defy competition. .,01 ; . "( .:..iHov22 daw- FEW BOARDERS WANTED, -'B,p Henry, at tle old Peter Brown house raodate a few gentlemen boarders. Rooms furnished or unfurnished. mar? r 4" ' i i i CtALLY MICHAL .Pipes and Jet Stems, at - maM4-4fia' uli POREFOyAi U8T"'received;AaCJirtH2 line of Standar t mar25-t J K. PUiZEFOY. JJjar received, Dick's cheap edition , of Shakespeare, Moore,- Byron, Barns, " SffT -y CTSiii T.-j a- - . " Wl J A J .1 VnAV ...wc. 01 ESH,and marM tf t t,tt ' I mar-tf. J, K, PUREFOY but i, M i W-I JL in I NOT O W; ; . wFThMnw;;iiniiw 5 1 i.H ' f.Jl " j " 1 ft f - j (; 'i,- Fast TnafiCTiM BALTIMOBEi. j Baltimore andSouthern Steam !Trans- ' J' , tiortatinn f!nTriTftTifr B f '. SailiDg from BALTIHCREI! , I Tuesday and Friday, , at 3 FjM. f-K;: ..t I" i- AND FROM WILMINGTON : j ,i ! : t WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY. GIVING THROUGH BILLS OF LADING to all points ia North attd South, CaroUnal Georgia aad iAiabama. .' For North or East bound Freight, to 1 Baltimore,. Philadelphia, New York, Boston, Piovidence, Fall Riyer and other Eastern Cities. a n Liverp op 1 7 G las&:ow, Antwerp aricither European Ports. ewXiaeB'ifconbecf atfWilmmgta. with 'the Wilmington, Columbia & Augusta Railroad. Wilmington '& Weldon Railroad, and Carolina Central Railway and Cape Fear River Steamerswith thrnecg'Bbid'ofKmpgaoeqoalled facilities for the prompt delivery of Freight to ail poiuts-os he Steamers on these Lines on arrival in Wihninw ton stop at Railroad depot, the Freizbt transerred under covered sheds to cars without delay, and forwarded by thfl'Fast Freight Express that morning. No drayage in Wilmington and to transfer from Wilmington South. Rates gaar anteed as LOW aa by anj other 'bufatsr."'' ''Los'ses or Orercharges promptly paid. Mark all goods via Wilmingibn t&neaJJ'; ' For further ififormatiaa, apply tp either of the undersigned Aeents of the Line EDWIN - ITZGERALDi Gen'l Agt Baltimore Line, 50 South Street, Baltimore ' wan. r. ju i unm wen i asi: A. D. CAZAUX, Agent Baltimore and New -tf. 1822. THE OLDEST HOUSE IN THE STATE. ESTABLISHED 18S2. - GEORGE R. FRENCH & SON !' 39 North Front Street, 0 FFKR to the trade, one of the largest BOOTS, SHOES to be found in tlieS uth, dealing exclusively A Better M at rLsss Price, ta aay Haasa in tie State. We sell no shoddy stock, and will guarantee to sell the same grade of goods at the;, same price, (if Dot lower) as they can.Ie bought of any jobbing house Northf ORDERS SOLICITED. . r. . .. j -- Price List furnished upon application. We invite you to a personal examination. ; i ' Spring 1875, -:o: 0UR Spring stock is now complete and ready for inspection. WHOLESALE AND HEX AIL buyers are invited to examine the Largest and Best . Assorted Stock in the State Some beautiful DRESS GOODS. J ust received and are very cheap, ELIAS, COHEN & ROESSLEU. mar 25-tf.' ' s if- m PtING STYLES. : FUR and Silk Hats, just received at marM-tf. SAMPLE ?& ALEXANDER. JfOR THE LADIESi, : . ; i Lublns Extracts. Cashmera and Toilet articles in variety, at ( ;i i . T (J SMITH &lCO'S, ' m ar .20 : Corn er Drug Store TIE PIEDMONT' PRESS, Is the only" naDef'ntiftlu&crii "'Lv- Countyf and has an extensive circalation among Merchants. Farmers, and all classes of business men in the State. ;Th Previa a li ve,; wide-awake Democratic paper and il tern North Carolina; : . Liberal terms allowed on'yearry advertisement 'aMcrtDttoS' 1 r yjilv Sfr WMLINSON. . ma Tin - .. . 1 Wi-M.d rprie;- e'mlrish ' r ,0nion dVorth- mar U ' at W P?RDUE'8.Y Wi,tlvf.RRIO, i I. TTALE8 .ATARRIOR, 4L j Tft t h mS?!f warranted ADVERTIEME S TS. ; n ad hum a ttodo all Points7 Smik i: ani-M if NEW YORK. 1 Clyde's; Wilmington Xluc ! from NEW-YORK ' v Tuesday and Friday, at 3 P. M., .0 ! "ii ,1 ASD FROM WILMINQTO WEDNESDAYS andSATL'RDAYS il l ' f; -ALSO B rem e n , JNew rork L t. nw insr liren V V Uoe'i, Wilmington, N. Cl 1875. Wilmington, and most complete stocks of AND LEATHER, hT BOOHS AND3HOES,ith a buaioeaa ji 4. H. BRUNHILD. BHO.VJlJLt) T BRUNtllLp & BRO.,; WholBale.Dealer 4 No. 3 Granite -Row, gottfj, ftoot Street J WlLmKQTC.k.a i? :,;;. Importers, Reetifipja, Wholesale Liquor Dealers an4 Manufaetarers 1 of Cigars. K-entucki and North Carolina Whiskey a&d. North Carolina Appl Brandy, T a specialty, We have the lar- ' 1 gest stock of Liquors and; ' ; Cigars Jo the. ! j ' 'State. V" J dam. .. , , i i TRV MENDKLS : i Fiva Out Cigar, ; lis WAN UIRL CIGAR STORE, mar 12 Trade titreet. JEW SPRING OOOD3, - f , . AT ALEXANDER, 8E1GLE & CO'S. i t WE are now receiving our 8nrin? Stnv comprising all the late8and n55 ftyle? e Ladies Dress Goods, . Vv,es ! Scarfs, Ties. , JRuffs. Laces. ' , Embroideries. a 1 , ; , Ladies Readvmad Under-wear, .and Ladles' Furnishing 5 : J iGoods,aH kinds i ; "' 'if .2 nci.and .qualities. &Sr&tPafeaiia4 bcara. Fancy French and American Cassil priS, !9? ds; fstyles and roa? 18 Trade Street. JPH01EREpEcpRATt,R'' ' :mm ; ' 1 v-j 'a:. ni5i'iLini;i;if 1 .pTerFraenthal'ajstore:-: j 1 cJFiS hK68 and honored if you wilf can on bun to inamwt ki. . . an ( oraer. ,3est workmanshin enaranteed will receive prompt attention. ' ftb5b-it. ;t - VWholesaUGrocerk T'V ,'! 1 COMMISSION MERCnANTSii North Water StrwtJ Wllmihgtoh, N. C; ' mar 20 Smos d. t , X