: ' . x -. if- " 1 I - ! twii .- . STATE JfKWS tli- Last week 1,333 bales of cotton were A sweet sixteen is writing 1 tve 8to ries for the Weldon News. The editor of the Danbury Reporfe ' tiHARLOTTK. win ! P'611311 in announcing to lbe: ll 'VtX MERCHANT 8 Of Nbrth and fiontfl rigmlina . on nnnim rp- ."'"VM" 1tine V11?886 aler inrr f lh pjJre C-Wikes ASoj J'kiQuoKs!! ; of Halifax county, was deUroyedyll. Monroe wilt4ifofVpritfic meeting to-.nornitjtPifiKbejcaot raise a fire company. . ,? Capt. Tyson Ifi&f V ttegrB0!' were thrown ita tjje water eheswftrj& and narrowly escaped a watery grave. There is iaffilWRllel'gK1 cflnviting Kaeigh sqmer.Urae in Apru on .fUUjee, the benefit ef the Baptist Church, on the evenings of the 2d and 3d of April. A revival which has aheady doni much goo a, is in progrest I0,tm9&-CX TO be found in the StAtA nf nArih Hamltna 1 Doine to give his customers the benefit of his large Purchases for ftRtvi Wni,nt'.hli soma tSmo Kujjan,te the qualify, .and character nf .his. I ii: -m i r'.k!i "JV '-'XTC'jT I . I f IS a D5 tances on tft n ttw v xr Af a kj iuaftv. at the next State Fair. Selecf a dry place under cover, and spread Miss Anna Dickinson w 1 lecture iri rtltf jart rttTZ enly. over, the itapsco Gfarige " , r - . ou ra -lira oauiw iiiauuer; seed aoatha.fMiiwrTirifnfhA amn;,t quired is composted. - f ?JTpiile should stand until the! germ of kou 1a n-uieu, ana as m uc& longer as the planters convenient will nilnv r. Street Alethodist Church of Wilming- o wood moldwiirbeanAddiaanalT f Sir -H tm, the Penitentiary guard f table matter, Ih3 preportion of seed to the I ,j ; .iJia Kii :kia. j j u . - Repaired'and Wartanffidr?"? - ni riLok ji ':-,td '.)) ;! -jd h.i'.t 1 By J.ALMN.intheintrafTOSt:1 33"J'1 - :: ' fl I fy3rto i 9d't8ii0d Veirisciinr s taioCIi. . me? wdiuiies, oiocks anajeweiry !K0 FOB SALE. MRS 'J iiliw ij.'iijj'iii.'j' mJ ;-!? 'ff fl'vj!,! sTCif JxfT ,b' i, jc-i7.j3 j;j Has the Largest and' ;Fin'cSt.'fitofck:i of :S MILLINERY AM:FAiY ;60()BS t . to m-iaa air iflnu . hum i,;cm in the State children of Danbury and i itS! hsiKh- PnaP,)(sterhouse Wne dis-r mi a - . 1. . . I tfliVMw. fpAm lAi.M'l.a-.4.A tl-i ' . . rne laaiesor the Method at Church i-"',"""vv"y.y"pworaano of MohwUl H6fa:v papy)(Tq4:NlHr 7 : flight of itfetrfpfSAV tiiftri'W VAvK1 o 6 of raisAg6rtkr orffiin'd ?lt ;T 7 An old neerwomn" U in J??"8 of- L -U visitiner. Formerly Chaplain Army Northern Vir J d. . , , , . . . . u.Biugc u.ca.ca unc umuinui-WUIVU YUI UII1B OI U I rainiuu in mis section is 4J inches J pages, and is Illustrated by seven fine steel at Lexinf .nd thirtc Dr Jas. R. Waahingt.mfpriirerly of fdtl y-nvejL-'. paaful lYnce, in Cloth, $3,50 ; Sneep, ! $40; Half Turkey, $5.50; Full Turkey, $7.50. BY SUBSCRPTION. Mss.5. M. WEVERE. ifllCNT at Mrs. Pressl v'a for a few Astv. -i l , n r , ' V luan-u. F. H. Dwt AsWiCashier, AT THE BANXINQ HOUSE OF this State, but for th years a highly; es,tfiemed andsajjccessful nic li-vu jtiui, ixnv-5 wasAiflgtrYAvaSICx.Xf UJXjLY raised in WbftT0.n;J17 Eeidville,had its firat b.optingl Af. ., JM-n.MXJJ M. All, XI . v. ersm the hoiuslSniHef'Iir'ed Hhree A-tUhorizea Capital $500,000. shots flt Mflinr flu'Va i hnf ktt.A. I ' - effect. , j Jas. Tbbxi Tatb, President. learn that the condition of MajlDunsl ..n.m nj-uajf ia very aiarmu)g.- 'A tele I'im m w U ' gram from Gen. J. B. Bachefer, of Eal ill A T: E ElW-E Y eign, at wnose hospitable residence he ; , ,,. has been for manyWeeki. -a I sufferer mhisBank Chartered Under Act of the quite ill. We sincerely trust that he ,Gneral Banking Business. may recuperate, and that some per- an'd fhrnish accommodations toaUits Cns" manent relief may yet be afforded tomers on Liberal Terms. I him. auuruea The bank vrUl wceive Deposits subject to Check, and will Allow Interest According The Statesville Landmark says that -Agreement on all Deposits left tpn time, Mr. Hymans,4he veteran, nianaffer of jQeCeificate8 of Deposit bearing in- Wallace Brothers': immense root and n - lierh t.mHo of. soto.0;iin : : ' Xhent Der cent ner ATinnm ii -.wv.omo is ji cpni nig nl . l m collection, of all, the ,root8i( iberbs Aad I on aU 8ums lying nndrawn over . thirtv niedicinal planis indieenous to,WaU days- . P-' r- i?-ui ,.yt jli. ern North Carolina for exhibition at nv 8 ,.?,inJ QBnjlkn aEd the Phaadelphia. Centennial The tiImEWCT of this colteciidTn is 3&tT0d leet. . which . s he fears illW iriadeouaten xM A ?ST RECEIVED AT McADEN'S an I fjfic t)9t t istr.Ht4ie n$ 4ii lltir ..Mom Xjoow to aiirMtr cHffioTO&MDiaaSuiii unanoue Agency, iUct- Zfmlbi i;t IJ'Alffi INVITE3 the attenfinn nf all ir.wt,..t. nkJJlif4n't.;WOi roads con nec tint? there, to the eTtrnnrAina a.wtdni JTXj. Am JTJ7i",,T !jS.r' Points and South Atlantic Beiff ftbiW ftWS: The firm of Sample A Alexander was dis solved by tnnloalfconsent 'dri the7lh day of January 1 875 in order to admit into the firm as partner Mr. J. Derns4 AH per sons indebted to us either by note or account ajqaesjed'come forward and settle at once. With many thanks to bur friends for their liberal patronage lihe.W hope flS2-P01 attention to basinet t8,lBerH thrfssibeirrthe fatnre by rivine .eTQ'?rMPLE & ALEXANDER.- , We the undersigned hVvlnVormeWiTcoJ SMWmSZ-Z "rm anastyie o -...,,.v. AicAmiuer, in me Boot and ouua ousiness would annoaneej )o1the.ppJblic that we have nn hnA . -Zif? "k MWMfiffpqds in onr line, which we will seir very low for Cash, in order to make room for onr Stock of Spring Goods i to .j yn J W SAMPLE, .i; ui ? j Me ALEXANDER, jan 14 -As'yIANDEsVitai nn ; ni f lfk". ' . SURGEON DESTIST, 1 1 r,JtoT" J M times. l,- nft, ' Gold FiUinra inart k.4 7 A9i2i L1 . wards,; j Setta of TrtHia piate tor 120.00. r f np it,'.! TTV, f Teeth extract&Vifooui pall I'5j?1 ' flHARLOTTE MARBLE WORKS. ' Hftvino nnwittaoA If. T7i si Marble Works. I resnenffnllv nnnnnnna the publics that f wnircirryiJIthejTM-al'Ble tne lail. fnrmerlv rwvnni K v -r Winch. Tombs. 1 Monvmenta ml . ' v i Li n r1. 7 r v- v'7 uwHniJwuu wauuiagi.area at A rtTinoa and nf kKa - The nnbllri AVnfVpiftri Sll dnA A M; 4. -. w f ava CAauiuio ouiupies 01 my material and workmanship BaltimoreTDaily Ynt 'T -hSWU anarnjouift.w NEW YORK. MONDAY, WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY, SATURDAY . INSURANCE l 5 PER CENT. BOSTON, TUESDAYS AND FRIDAYS 3fSti$M?i ' .. CENT. PROVn)ENCE, WEDNESDAYS AND feATURD'AYS; B TUTiWilminirfAii mil Kii4 CUun t i.i.w-iuj m. .: ;, wdays, Insuranwiwrcent: " " T oaium,fe'" ayana i i 1 . 1 .i i i . v. : ' : 1 . 1 -; ." .ft r- .1 . WEDNESDAYS AND SATURDAY8,ju4 . By the Charleston -Iin. Baltimore, Weekly!' ' "l 1 !lh! ' i i . i-.f ii(.; i ) ftt- nTUKSDAYSi , THDRS- EVERY FRIDAY, TO'NEW' AND SATURD AYS, TO BOSTON. EVERY 8 ATtJRD AT, acihties of the three PokU of PxHtsnwttthiWilraiagton 1 equipments of the Cl'C, & AI, W. CT & , and other and all other merchandise in unlimited 'quantities, and HP unrivalled Steam Line facilities of the three PoeUof Prts roontth j -Wil mi ngton n. and the mmhinml mninmnb nf tha TT'f A s W V Jt J j-T'.i us to bid for cotton an patrons of absolute freedom from detention XJRIDQERS. x almer. - ... .,.,,.. , Fresident. 0N - - - - General Superintendent. - - General Freight Agent. ill 5 - O ,--Ui.iV V : Y-Mi.r-.ii-'l .on .-it! ; 1 .!-: myaionnraents a speciality, tl -mm S. McNINCH I .. .A CARD. -'TiHOiij j Having sold my eAesJtQctiand interest jtjwpasp-re ,m recommendine .him.to tha unc as" 4 ltrS? m ArtisCandJbesWk far- , I Charlotte, Nom&XS jewelry Btore. - - . Hoars from 8 A. Jf. tn a 1. it 'f f,J ffflar mi,,(e doisiC ,yjjis.r,'i O " lKOTDEISftA-W ;i ' :- " X-.- mi a .: ' -.. . ' - i - - -.' arlat Jtl;te2aeaJlor tlrt siocsTof 'W tSia-hoaJs'Diiat) plinoil iuvA hciJ'Jtthtioiqqfi at Ti'bni'.fixA ni priojalslrck t .2J i won 'e. ooVhdoi'i Jot) receive nmmnfrHt . T. r ? ; r : J fllHOS. H. BREM, JR . j .MyDa.aii,(EOii,5i4 P F.fJ j9iD9Wd fi?iibs?fNetr ffirildr xtaaia. n! W? ?ffTf br .T .H20.-ZI. , - Cwiaiooiat Jc vl:oJs Y'j iimUSi 2 a J "lA3rlAAll Practice instil Rtit. rui .ii.l lomIJ Si6ns?a-8ait74 I otnet personal attention given to the eot q"'! E PEE DEE C017RIKR. M DUCKETT fe EEVI 'Eaitflimi tauL !j Tbe'a'M is a Democratic papepaV UlbUIUUUU tuuuvv. IIP K C. It eiranUtM fitiXiUlJ3$3 1 Gi i Ru5hmondt,Mootgomery and, Aoson conrwl ' Ppfi?if' itjearind-'n 'afhcr&i iSfeBj Mw BOHoisoj orta9W &mtL arohijtr it isi th most "jleliablftvadvcn' using medium in Jtiicbmond county. ' ti i jan t ii . , - . . . ! ht a:ivi:ri:rc no to yum,. Al..:t I'll ' )'Jt':IIir- '!.': VTlli',' t;- 0;: J .'Jj ;!:' ' ' i FOR ' f. - : t nn" l I .i-'fT 'li..f.l 1 , i-Vj.ilii YHU .;. D Sim .SJ3 D3le1fg?r3EfcFINE NORTHERN APPLES" i! iktix ORANGES. BAN ANNA a1 i.iw : Ji'J r -. .M fT?TTf St 17. in;. ;And for anything nice, or good in:th .ll-'V.'l saTf1 . li. PnnronKAnnn. n 1! i :i i". n HA r jJilO ni frs i??l -lWFeTCBtt. ASBTMUtlB IS igara,;Xpbaqco,PipesjSnuff,&c. .-:;3r3;j .'h ; JUST RECEIVED, rp A EARtmSrMoEsWIiotlfwT W.) ffi ss woafv;CHARLOTTB)N;C;ft:-) Bicarways'on 31- 1 'DWVR, AIWAVa 1" I bow ,ifofiiH y;:ohiii3 oil! Id to salt Ountry Merchants especially- -j,- .jx U Oii? '' ,,; fff j - " L lo Ja 'r tavaaA Jaas t9q Idi - 7 - - : - - i - '--i jii n lis 'liaioa; CHICKENS, BjfSfER a id EGGS. Tradej St.pppote the, Court House, jmar if) fni; t.iilJc.'l i!t,!yH :u'f s .life ! - t I - I fi 13 XT T3 T T"TJ TT1 CSPIV-lTkTIV ' '1 SOUTH CAROLINA HEWS . N supply of TTM j lucy are me oew.MimPS IBi me WQTia tOT I nn I r 1 1 I . . . - IS . FOR ALL 7 I I "DERANfiPMPNTft hr I1VFR I KIDNEYS, SKIN, r ' ii5iS-T0MAeH AND BOWELS, - : :!; Tftl A nlnw minnKiK nra?1tfuin k 1. I Thtf , k i . j n.. u V.. 1 . amte WHkr MM ' Vaa aa. WTA.-.fl.ji), i owing to their scientific structure wn. "w . l. uary,' of Jdeeneld. is ' ifle-v a penecu . , . . . . jtuey give nracti more brilliant light thaA low spirits." Sonietimes many 6f the fabove symptoms attenihsdiseas.P Ah'Mifanl'datightcfWiM'rr!Wiiror "H othe" lamp to gas-rat one, fifth times very few of them r but theLiveriisgeBemlly the organ most involved arris, of Spartanburg, fell into t.,W tbeexPense-. ! - 1 Jcc5-ff, : , ' ' J ' I. ISCIDKNT OF THE FXOOP WBITXM NtxwA.-Dr.iBMruVofaahTillewas . "' umi at me rresoyie" 1 nan Chnrch Onr-Friday-hig tiTM large! cbnttreffaKrii rK i iLSZuSlS i within .tha wall nfiu.. Li: and the services werexceedingiy-im pressive and soleniit;!bAvibr immedi h- k nr . th Hood, which at that hour hadbecb Ae' nibre -VeaPiri nu uffh116? Prai'er-th Preacher "Hn. B the hymn, comneciHgOT .1 L6rd m ' 'Nation, ye saintsSof the f 5D The rivW kr fci'.Li 2i if tfl nifl i- Just t u 8nai1 -ni thee:overflow;j into ?th S.?!?' ftn Mit in?WIt54 fcowaefy : , tThe flood -Is ruing - and in;thB; jard and; about (he through for the nivUM rF - ...... ww,v lUUUf f.,;, ,rtf,J( 7 f' JWtfi'B .bin ' CHANGE O&CilEDtiLE? about to remove to Aueusta. Georgia a ?6tent DiP CP "ed nrliara ha nUI . i . LI. IDeV CQDSUme One Harris, of Spartanburg, fell into a t,.h ftbe eicPenBe rf nrntAl 10Vk a a. i I 11 " J drownl ' " aDQ.Wa8 WILMINGTON WELDON Thomas ' BrpAghmZh -tee, stoci V raiser, wbd residel at Fnltdu,lu Clar;. . enuon eounty; lost nre Jiundred-hogs ... by the late fresheo ihe.WetereeRivii T K er. . , . , U Ui.i u has been, .P,uV1ii..leraphic connection wiitfthtf relt or 'the world by H.e campletiBtftof fbJe? Southern and Atlantic Telegraphs J joe to that P'rtCO- , ":o3 f'U,ditrjAnmrtl yO The Rev. .L C. rTirlon. f. Wil m i or ton, N. Ci. 'jyhogenlljCiIefturedl i pastorate of e GreeiiVille'rBapiist Vurcn, ana wm bo instanedlrt April, Mr. CT, Fi'dardper of, ililtto t Head mis reaeemeu lrunrthe united -States ...v. iMBiuaiiuu ut otr. jrayiou Known w me risn ilia place, on Uilton Head wana, for f40T83 v' Green vi lie ;iI i AVeoJeara tthat freigh t w hicli7 left iillim ore. on. the d inst.,' arrived irfWarianburgand: ureenvilie on the night. rif-the -26th st., by, the great YwlmbtitrjatHXriei I llIU . 1 m r. . it.... ro accomplished Dr tne cn$trige wt the eaufer.iut;ivrm.i.Aii wfM oorae aetentioa. .v They ate'3perfectrv safe from exnloslon. 1 i rHtftTOMa' f.fftt!f A 'T i I cn siar. vemetimestn-e paitt'is in tne shonlder.ana mistaken forrbextmatisml i botbreparationsihe:ass N R- R i. TXmwtttfi 5 "and changes of water and fobd .may, be, faeed10 -' mnrrnmtmifs thout ;arAr; rettedy Inalariofif TESTIMONIALS. -I i UVJl i ) . (.... . ti nuilm KANUFACTUBEItBVI in 3nionr.-iftft h;Jji'tmit if t - t " r Attorney niCaunn.n.Vii' : ' (Offini iv TJ iW. flf. v " ?4 . -r-- 5 -v vt V il7l J1 ' f 3HfwqpiT?0I iftWieiaians.Tawd: Ilip'WJ FLEMM'lNe jilJ "OJioJ .delist rlf.ft irJ-JiiJiiod ,IacI fi ld fft ; .i;d ATTOBiyEYcAl!iliA:w,.,IJ 191 f-V Special attention ito aMtjfer- and "agaisetf cbrpbratidns?01 3' 5? r; f iiO j6J Jfc l4 l YibKYeki Sr? .iiolioD Jnjt jJsmji J..'j.olo fi-r!f!5urE i;rO,J-!efi potion ommlssf Art ' m.tiMSktMLrp WffElMMnftJifi the tatAiiOo,' an in To feo If tgatayr farpi, ono1 Y,frfO ) .eiavit hart b y twtd to prtcfathat caBaot-fait' odj 161 afhoMiiO lb:,l0JaSlloO.tW'fiWt' t-l .Oqi09 lO noijWiilx IsiamJn3D .odj oi i3np. eLot '43hJai(IftWfrfei(M ,amsdiiA 1 iXiDb" 'd bniioab odw ,3iuiY iTo the rttataifrtQ,; .ZSOt'W&Vt o"KIab"iiaftI Jia2 aslino't? id than hare berelt &cotB3lJ& ttk to the . I Goodsiwaj rSirl letiisga ,n9Jxi haK ovjkItx fWflj4Aljjx vizis lioyc -j-'-Mn'jili nij9L,t yiT5.Jitn?' oih)aa7H Jon i3Cm75Wn,'iUoo7a n; liiina$i?iWyiflfJ99m ss ii 4t tbe lowest posslbWieiF Call ooa.1 McMURRAY A DAVIS. 'filled &&1 'fSLSSi 3 Jjmnrrl-t Ciijqii ai uarkei,foinilefcI of-elKS53!5t I a iT- o-mM -MruH yanceat a liberal pes tjetagft4ifty dollars i -i' idj fiaJwieiuuo-) iull ITou.oui a bale on Low -Middling rvif.nn l ir tr . imWIWIiI urf Q,.rt , i i i i T ' ' ' " . ' - - . v. . . . ' l - - ' ' h i fion nnmnAr nnd Miiiba in ' i, ;.&w Y6rk, or SavanHahas-owner r- 1 held until 8prjpg, .egira1 irepared to purchase or sell eon r. .c 2 wishing to deal inr futures, on r two doV pd .a half tfLV . a ruu,..i. . .- -r .... ' . j :irticula.rs; sppTyas above.. 7 ? u. -'f - ;L ' " ! and-X . ,? --cM please copy for 1 . . lo .LAY. :iAOADLAYu-.C, C0TT.O rmUYEHS-' 111, r -If'q? -frlySFJf-- 4 I Luii pJftsiloi orfj lc3onf tun.;: n j rZipJ OfWei fjayis'w84-i3q:q i: : Vlf .!( ,Ba.4 i ih'4 .... W .rtlifidiUi.r J .... f . . ; above tip I Wchant' 1 iu'SIOij 6J:W U ... . ll Bllirtpf:!;-'?- Jj BOme that this PrenArai.inn in tha cam. " oiiuiuuub ji v er iveguiaHr, - wo aeerar r 1 1 1 : n i. . .mhii a ..i ' fra-i - f . .in iiim i ii iiii iii ii. M0T3'g&EpATlC COMPOUND is bis latest MVHUi CVW1I VAVAAa -!-' liUI,Tl""'l I ' .J I . ll .1 I. ill BOYDEirinOlISE ; I T. LINTON, PropHor u I A FIRST CLASS HOTXtjc sknated Ln yementto the business part of ' the city." J 'itt Omnibus will be fonifd at rinnht i . onM an " rVnf CO a ve-ri passeneers to the hotel . f fih ii ---r--. t-" . . i i - jr.MnAvr u nas no connection wnatevexgith.fogmAajfcXr , 1 , ' " preparations, but that it ,4sj&u- implirrCp U0 a, lZI-T . . t 1 j v-i m : - - r . - . M k I j .'.n-?x . Whieh his name. was .ever attacherlj-, iiaW. ffi H r. vrr composed solely of Vegetable neJients.--- r luo triai ujk que Wil' saniy?Qt B)OSp f ucreuutops-. .. 1 1 11 ;i:.fiiqHaJb3,C6Jii( ' "ri t Wiv SjiwiJJ i-A ufiS cnn i i 1 qta.u0 if sill a si. ai sldiioit T3tWE!iIf 3 err-.j 3, -A E3YRrANTI-Se0VElnC8 i l.l--t doD '13 IfilanaD niaiqf-;'i o;.'. w imiHi.-. T' w .. ntf . r . i n WMrsk a i rxi :-.auiiujiiiiAi .. m.ic 1 a wsaa no ' i iiavn iirr;r iwwi sir i.timii nnn mm hi m v-ii a in tnv life.'--.M.'HainaA St, rmi fn 1 . , . vii auu niter jan. ora, passenger Trains on tlVW. & W. Railroad will run as follows: is. t " : . J i- H A "Allf TRAIN. Leave Union Depot daily (except h. RjArunrii-.a(L U. 7 r;' Arnvra MKoero at 11 4&aai: ' Rocky Jount at 1 53 p m f f -i I'll a. t o w ii ill xtZi;;a tn k wm i r . .1 occasioBaliy "BseSyhenfi my, eohdftion 1" . . . . n . requires - w7unnKna;.jiveT KecrtilatorT i ; fcAUToWrrsffloEuh6 . " t. . -. Governor of Alabama. Tlnv hn nniTera nr Fremred SIMMONS' - ,xour uejraiatOT tias Deen in use W mv ; iMVnl rranT?wi-h' o ri " " anii Riimihu-. imhmrMI M tS "MM. W, . u . . ... . ( , f , , . genuine. J. H. ZEILIN & CO., 1T have nsed the Itektor in mv femll. ; .fin(WMQW.rWWtn01.)the past seventeen years. I ah ' safely a FOR SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTr Lra k - J , S5? :A : f.: f T A K E " simmonsv uiri-R' nbciuiATOR, jesses ifcporports- to CHrev'V-HF; TbJgpen I UMm'ilmil sir E U.hL. . . ... f T .OCKREYS' ; ATLANTA; S;fr;: THE LARGEST ! -THE' SO'UTH. t j ) Having increased iny, fprcerOf workme am now prepared ito dye all kinds of Ladies' and Gentlemen's wearing apparel with greater rapidity and promptness than. ey before. t . ? . . OO i ve Weldon daSIv at in OS m s,n)I,'8' S.1V--K HISMtM '-.r.Vl.; ; V..i , , . , ; Arrive at Rockv MnnnC ' u li 7 ,-..... 1???? - y ""M"i nrr an niiMiM ni mi unirxiAinmi inn enoa'.i ana - trmracious iBcaicmK i;. a f Goldsboiro at l 35 pm Spleen. Nuttinfc 0 a ,ioqwI aoiajr , XXPSES4 TBAIV AHD THROUGH REKIGHT TRAIK. I ' , AS. AREMEDY IN Imta ITninn I0.m1l dilv ni. t...t n.m. 1: 1 r.is. tt Trtw.l mye at Goldsboro at ; 1 60 a m DvsneDsia. Mental DepressionRestless ITAWrf. ViitWMll.lhirilrLl!. ' . j . ' . tlta hoof Tjiroi l?oonlatnr nfteiml r. fhavaiK-i. 1 T- ; -r - v 1 1 .7 ana xi: AxKLryonjj iftiDSi IJ" fw,0?Mi.!ioro,itl.;ijl ,v !j-4,iaLa.4Ei I7 j'-WiOs 1. Js of ov.J woti 'r'i '. "'t'l was cured by SimmonsVJJyetnReguhv: II ' '" Union Depot at1 ' 6 30 a m 1 eelfl74 . . . t orfafter havins suffered severaL years with ?ifiil Train mklri rim. mhni i I wis warranted not to contain a single parti- 'Chills and Feyerl -IL IS. Aeisoh.,, . 1.ra,n.. manes close connection at 1 Arrafa-...sti.an ininrim.,taUnrir':A,h l muJ vU aADti 9nes 'Con iq Wrt IMS; r . -we nave been acauaintea witbf uei Him jness' hlohs' Liver Medicine for more: than twenty , r earaL and twentv vears. and; knew it to h Wflldim for all nolnts North via. Tlv Una 1 Krnfpiw Train Annnnl.i.nn1 villi nnnia rVoob- ; mntl V Pullman's DAn Sleeping. Cars ok this Traiajsfb lmi . 'lirolcFlif: Trnina will Ipniro WilniinirtAn f t(. Wlekiy at 5:45 a m, and arrive at 1:40 p m mar 20 f - General Suoerindent. iiai Awuiararcwvj years hkw . it -aw aciea A m nliimn mnxiiul T?or li 7 "5 if ; lmes. -..-.'..iVrmlfV Kii? erninT ii!y-tr T ...J 77 ; , , r..n t . r- HJEW MtJSic. i - i - r .1 r .Hir.II li-.fWI lteoq",' 4 Inn n rVk VCTalf tmoa TTn rvoflpomnn f Wb1Ivao UQ yWV JIVVVB fuv awaww wMrwwaaawaav nt tlia biinilA(L.Walta.Kinfir 8tran. -t- i.. . . i . . (. . . ' '"i'l ui 1 1 LiLTyym' I i i . t r .3 r.i v PURELY VEGETABLE, htAnfainin fhnaA Rnnthom Roots antl Herbs. - Ho which an allwise Providence has placed in . .;.a o ' 'TWltiw Tnd6riemen! u' L r" "I have1 irlVeVvbuf medicine a thoroneh ISSSSS'SS Ki; .-!Tr.7-itt. , . awsiacuon." jien lueacnam, MJauanoo-r ixfoATrtrirw i?v3ttt a TCTt a, A7 ill I 11U VA. os j (V.l:! ! OiUc i'-lf Ml E DICIKB, UFA tyar 7j; .Bqok.Store.y Is' Wela Family edicine'a'ndVbV fllENNESSEE . FLOUR f .t j ' Us llll ixi hnvomn ah Tinnr of snfferine and manv af t'Hfv 80 barrela ?h,oios Ecliwe Fancy arid Fim ' After over Forty Years' trial it 4 still Jtey,. J. Ri ily Flour.'atv GEO W. CHALK & CO'S. t;l cWvintf the taost tthqualified' testimonials to"1 "t think - mat 1 tf fi-UT Tf 1 v.t tLu-ih t : I 1am .iu. nAvanna v. f k A. hiarKatt whop. fTrii rtftva ndihwl. vAtiv "R flcrn I trirT nn f r nnoC!' iui enect m jiiiieuaiuoucLiana Ajyspepsiav )' Itii an excellnnt TTSfimerlv. and certainlvs a '-''public bkssing.J'TC. Masterson, Bibb Coiin My Wife: JtU t S3 A Z wife, and self have used the Regulator ana wsuiy q us great vinnea,. , r Felder, Perry, Ga. " y Simmons' ' IJver Recnlatar rinn iu vtci'W.wvw iwi.. "". o--'--5f. oixoe ' oest. meuicine,,cy?r izpaae iodine anter and resnonsibilitv... Eminent physic-? . T.l Xtv wifo an1 mnnv nthom havA lans commend It as the most f nsed it with i wonderful effect," E. K. 5-!;b -I -J wiwiwrtVai RPlilWX-J e Wi7 lt.Jii T?A12 Constipaiiohi PW in the H have .Regulator to. .fcfl ARWINt(j;jONES' auu Biau iu ujt lcuutax maajirtuc buu uovc A. W B - . I 1 H J" - I A HiUUlUCl AyiMiAUkMH w - - 1 AiT - w . a .r 81 u road oTEa T atlasta, vjtAj.- i infie inoathv billious attackPjalpI-IJbund H a most valuable and satisfactory -tv N " '.. .-'Ki if i?f? iaUoh of the 'Sears. Pain ittt thai region ytitmfbcme, and belleyi iif it ,was used by the H - Jffeit dotw to: the ZZeroJ Oijce.: 4 thtf Kidnevs. despondency, gloom and fore- pjsession it would be, pf service. In -yery Ct..t W -v:t,ia ifyr M bodingsefeviUall of which arf the offspringr fnanycasesii mow tery mucti or ltoconi Vh)te Wke.Te5ar, ?CWerrffben i-raMviw Pon P. andcaH'ceHifyltsmedicioal aBSTTlin iSrimTV-riTiI to a a i.Patnnliv4 . 1 .n . nm . ' 4' ' . . . . yxuiuKi f.f,j i-ianamecx)py-rigntea r suie oy nnoiesaieanaHe all nAalava M.-1 wtjxw mhjIiw sezo u. Read my . pnses,ana , ecpnomize in ,tinies.BBee5i:iybi hivl not got a soiled b faded garment that you can have cleaned or dyed ianVcoTdFyo&may Desire fer1 ,;stnkli snm,, .which :Willj Eaye .you; -.frpm buying fawmM?. ii. iol ai fesh-osq fir wo!Sf ib i.Iqeht's ooods. r rRidC" hdvercoats, f u 4ij52sb Dresscoats, : IjOO to 2.00 Panta,, feii.)TATt'i jtH?.'.-i: i LOOtolg&Oi WiUniKsaoonsk .'iaAXM.lA U pIbic. DressesV"'0 ' $1.50 to $2.B6 Skirts. " : - -"- i,7.riiisfi hawls, crape anjd sfls,':v-lj! 1 1.00 to 2,50 'Rillr Tit toW ivt 1 J.i :i 1 tn vvA 'PtKtwMMI -VkAW-vaarl -V- " If J- JV 4ll lands 01 Bill Velvet Goods cleaned or dyed, v-Satisfaction guaranteedyijl9odkre: ceived and returned by Express to all parts of th PfimittVliL Aft nW wirtT'Iriir tf . Imentto be ripped except si Ik, dresses, tr . t. ... Till va 7 'AWnwi' ' 45 ; East a. Hunter Stree rildarlSi ) ?, av.?"iaA .A.tlanta,lGan justi received and for sale bv 1. . ' Jmar 11 tf ,.'J , 1 R NISBETPbW f USTf ARRIVED K!q tii sliJ i;WlJllIimi :7I3(19X9 B 0J ,"?i oO BbkXewlJron.Onbft MolflRSf!i.,at,T,,l 1 t. ..." 1 'Mi IIIT.T.WI? JUOOXTQIw fe.hl6'tf i cH.rtt aKjl mtitow-aidjeii!- UUA1J2J. ht K .fs-.navi s in : A new kind of school .Slat rith n in for noiamg pencils, at - - 'XlJJDY'S. mar 12 ' Sitnaed in the Centre ri- ana refurnished, and nader mjmanasei jrww. Til? :!li. HUWI.I l . : L m uk arrtvar j WW"? P.lgi' :v7hqs oaays or namnacDsna, JTJf fVnnTii hnn at- a i., a ! - E lep OCHRANE'8 RTCST A TTR A jpfairoT ' J-iis' j iilW niJ.. - T would inform thqpublicnan. the 1st Tf November, I will open a RESTAURANT - w vru Aljm OMQCk, m the second story of the Building adjoin. will 'prepared to entertain: SjTde! regu lar andtransient. in a atvla nnunrrvoaiuKw anVnonse in tha ritv ThAfahiAni k surmfied with all tha deHMra'Aa nf it,".o-1 SOttJ Game. Fish, (Wot. f flr!jAr Terms moderate.; .Satisfanguaranteed or no dxafge.' 1 T respectfully solicit yeur pa. trohat.' . 7rr-'.T:-,iru- ww . av. vvivjiAva.a avY )VU ; MISCELL ANEOilUg tju ,TT6nCET0 SHIPPERS." WOOTEN'S CAROLINA) CENTltAL i Pollnrav l?vviAa naCkaM rrfrl si cm'Ml t?' 1 1 : J rlii fA-J- a alUnainta nrinni Ktelsani) ;WaBfAv Tiihrt. - m .t- II Wlbl-Al IIII0- ion Carolina Central Railway. I - .rsi as ine uompapy enjoys. nnequalJedfaciW itiialri their conttbctiona,4tls taaniiestlf tol t thi Intetewof ll Snapperftoapprj 'iamf1 gciii. ut mu upuiwjuuj; uwuufw - waamg snip f iSnts yrival cowpanieafcifiiyi V bos toota T .1 i. -II L -1. ri-... I iteiueiuuKr liinl km itt .ui..n ifinon ' 'jmum w inip une are covered Dyj anjopen : poHy1 1, inus 11 Ta iue uest companies, .mus insuring abso ABteproteetioft ttVsbTpprs?1 T OFFICE Trvon Street Onwibito'rtitrl HoteVf,. s-hl .WO0TEN.ii A rttSTfjRJSGJEIYE 1 Transfer Prin tine-Inks for mvtn lottor. headiners. statementa. wav hlllo jfri nan k copied in the ordinary letter-press book, Rend vosr nrdpn fnr ivrlnff nn In lima t.w. and for all other descriptions of printing,' to tun wnmwi rnnung noose. - ; cutf muv rnaoie's 01 . " T W w A TviiftrK r. M t r.". WW -V.H-V 'TT ihoV Misses1 attoV cMhWOhoe: ana see luem oerora, nnt nir iarhTa as we intend td sell cheaper tbanlflM "cbsan. Mason's Geletine. mamr, W,R. B.ACO. ZjSprlngs .Corner - l WW JUV AU UOHHUVII t" iidrfliftousJj; ab4!hn Dfelnee in thia hook for tha ftrat et the Chaldaic account ef that event. b1lo bneritolbeif; Price 4.0tX 4 ,feb 27 " -4- TTDDY A BRO. Aioaoao T7NGLI8H TOOTH BRUSHES, , L.iMV.a?T,'i-.A.Wa., 't tilT U marS-tt i 'wSpMngs' Ctorner, rioi- t9li andahf ohr oykbyatMlayMrK desired. White Pine Shingles a specialty;'! ' lnqrairjef-RrqmptiyareTedoi IWPJrrHnr ineirifliLjJeaatjbjaH in, their orders to McMurry & Davis, Cbar-tj nortn carouna; noo-ora 09 t. .1 1 i.vi!. L.J nnmr : 1 e uhi esiaviwntai uuuxrai.Daiia, !B11AB1WM fvaT? Iio'iFliAiMJAPi 'i!!4i .g9iftoijwadi i01 3A aaisijf6fm- VifV AJf & - " twr w " -w - - We exnect tokeeii atulFaAk-l1 this claai of lyods. - i , . INpiAIRL:CIpAn STORBvOiloqa ISH T0lTlfiNTfc l-K-Q 'to.tari tDlA is .bivtf T.Jl.taV lo ootiauii MAC3CLlr;A idttlERSr CANNED GOODS ! Tomatoes, ;x-0C rf. rrcb5-5ItraAY' Oysters; ;..f,ar ni i , uysters,- kt-a' pttf1ij fei TencaiiusiiM; uwav :f.,:t 3- FamnyGroceriei of rdrilifonV hbil i rfT--.JatiIIeoBlted bvt.'I .zoilniAlI i'h3d it'ol i3fxiyiiCj:3fjft!-J'Jifim 1 , ....... I . Y,,i. tw,.K m,. i.. ... Yi,t . L 'A TEWnloaltounb r-f ITamt. low' I JX fat cash, at V. 11. (.. 'VJKI.VS. ; xuar z-ir. I i i i '(: TF

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