1 1 6 I I' WASHINGTON. Water and Biver Surveys Presi dential Appointments, &c. jiyaijwto S0.fGnferai James Tiltbn, United States ,epgjneen j Sffl rdntfd tnCitotf the"' Oost Dante iand ,Ciwaii&jEiTra;frofi Rome to Carter's Landing, wa Reaala, in April, under an appropriation 'from Congress which the section benefited is now indebted to General Young. Col. Frobel who is now at Atlanta, ntaJa7rrtttfriKWptt8at Ul resume his survey of the rivers ; .also the proper line. of the local western and Atlantic water route very so0n. His renorts will indicate a .. rei lUU tfaMiHriHrr5t RlVHrid'thdt'irttiC Ocean, commencing at Cairo, iniofcisy' and ending at Darien, ua.; tne-enMre. distance nearly one thousamrWres, nine hundred of whifcM ifttviible rivers. Only one lril nsriitXtoiles of artificial wateTObiftrjl required, which presets-ngjgineermg diffi culties. . , The PreMeaMSra morning made tVtl63bw4fiy appointments : David tbDtstMetwewftft' w!6mdfm&w Paschall, Collector of Customs for the District of Corpus, Christi, Texas ; Frederick WMT ItfSmdayr'Jdtamis- sioner to the Centennial exhibition from Virginia : ex-Governor Parsons. of Alabama, apportttaetf-District Judge vice White, who declined his duty. -r 1 J 1 :a 1 Ml ..-V. Via NEW YORK. Breach of Promise Suit Decided No ftl Ailianfi)tOfeB HeMimti 3vad nsH or OTomiBe buic iur ni iuyusa.nu uui-, ladtoa01rf;iyMa1 berlavne. aeed sixteen, aeainst JnbB;- Halmer. aeed sixty. resultAJietWl day in a verdict for tlClaintiifi(f& ix tnousand douaranricfdiA .abooO Brooklv to hold a meetftfiWXtWf4Jiennia Conference iAaiBlihmxiiUM as there will be two othiratetiga there about the time choJduiKJhw one. It was decidedodgasburg, Pa. .BOOS ' Counterfeiters Arrested. They lfctiPt Want Isabella in Spain Fnnera of Qninett, &c. yn Havana, March .3Qc-The balance of the countfeiteraTpf the Spanish bank notes, have beTr.rrested. ibor ty thousand CMollafTN in counterfeit money was-sesuredL. - I Fabis, Harh SO-The Duke Montsperier, AavinTTpplied to Marquis; De MJlenori6e Spanish amr bassadoi, fox a pasljpgt to Spain, tire Marquia (feclfeed to grant it. TJje reason allgedLfor the refusawas tnS, if a passport Swas givii to the DuTSt Eq-Queen Hlsabellartwwild dsem h self entttled tone-VThe Mrid gVrr ernmen consider henieturto Sppft inapporturte. 9 rM. t; Pasis Mari SCT-the funeral, of Quinett tc?bki:placJUp-day Victor Hugo aBd GrarrAiettaelivereft orations at the grave, gnd tnerd was some dis order, k . r ATCUE9. F0EETG1T. 1 rT Trouble in the rffanisb. Camp. late Captain General of Cuba, has adH dressed a petifioti tO'the'Tring, accus? ing uen javeiiarrfcw-predecessor in the Captain Gen wsJcwMdr now ruin- ister or war, of being tfee-cause of thej army! oi mjHk-.$ktto MtotaBHkliM :MBftjMit v,vujumivw iv"'iuiMutatu" emnioq GEORGIA. .ganauiia hum vr nijoxqr The Arrival f!7theIIeavT-Cat-..iid "'"""Afiww-" Atlanta.- Marclr SO. BpiiRfrrmr Cam - ciuu, uuuuier, Juurxon.Airirrony ana;t auuuu Atxir - junx i i .i nrrivon r ma a rrav. an IlanaJcditor!loTrrivd The ExecuftftCmMtt883jDi the Evangelical '2oliance rtits meeting in Brooklvn.vi??aWed not anaMr'QWateBrt'3tKg imir Drfa1iratiWlffTis,-7OiLw v oCUlOOi wuoe Anaenrea tnia mnmirw tor eft Andenred this morning for thifTrlace. were intfirtR iueauows py v ainer Maroen, the Cath olldTlriest of Andenrmk wheMna. Ien,.Xaem to disDerse and return in t hnik v as ILT a . . " ir.JSril'llr'V .?ujr WWRHWa iBuewutnB py me rioters : tr m T7iw Atlfl&lic nd .Gulf BtAtea arjlw cloudy vm.a .UAl!n3(4iSnit eiamd northeMt,,windMno. t P2ATHEB . Llo'iaslaiJi-"! to 3Ido St. Louis, March "M.iirwtfbi spoke 4lpatayidriCilahdlr'iria8 nwwwr.u. $ox ibt tJbariotte ri, beertleMBdYirom Federal custoi.'0- tV0, sikU ''febiO-tf.-M-, CRisrimD, Md.,- MarchiitT-Thei' e? sidence of Wm. E. Byrd, at ; Apes' Hole, was bred with the iDHteiU) Two chjldbieit'idght andJBuiiytfrr, perished. i gaOOO V . WASHiKOTOir irajch80ATbel?6nh"J ern rivers aetilf rising slowlyjr ri it is thopmhef Jyo wilss, DU n"iaivf'.-lo eshsDOiO vHau - IIAZELT03T, PA; lMar ieThe marcuSllr camoer iuur uan- ,n'wn .sfflill 1a: nlstJHoM sola V 31 .tf.ljAVOJH.M.W fim , dred; half are armed with r guns, the balance with-, c' -h tTher' ri fTach .parley us tMfbllk bdCTUf'LkhU .XJEXKCftAPUIC -MARKETSr-rr; ...... ,,.. ,-r ;. . vtf, F -CfliBEESTOir March 80. Quiet: hi id 6 : net receipts Qit i gross 1,10 ; sajes 500. ...,'.,, . .:L. .i Yv-V rTTl-fc -?.: Savannah. March 80. Quiet mid 6; low mid 15J j 'good '6rdinary,'14i ; New OELAJS8ihMarchii80i-Quret ; mid 16 ;neV reteeiptsIjlBO? gross 1,23J ra.1ar 2 400 I ' saies f A ?i K l IxALVESTOh, ixaarcu OU. vukji. nuu Bxuffwi iMareh SO-r-JFrm imid feialr fcross receipts ll9in sales, , 365.1 iiPaitJtDixfiHtl'i MaffchV 80. Quiet? mid eecfcr frn1a-16 i- net receipts 400 ; gross 2,219!; p&iva xv. i . r.r wxta u oiirr MEMPnis. March 30. Nominall r. shipment lpX'U(mM ' Wilmikqtoh, March 30. Quiet nA braiftaiV'hifctlS f tte6Trtceipts 305 1 Sr.lnis.lr.Fl our steady. f nd unchanged.!. Corn steady, and In active. Whiskey steady at 12uxPork active, uacoii active anu , unnsuuui-,1 ders 81 ; cWritftfiaft'-fcaid flfm'If I i-LiVERte?Mrac1f SSaltSs1 dif ba sis mid upsnothmgytbjelew t good or dinary shipped, J? eD. 7 loib ; dp Sbmpea,. March ana : Apn i , i ciq ae- liabltPcJiU.rftB delfveble: May' feiid'f un6n6th!ngr beow:lQ?n)id i -K.v and quiefcr''Y!hat''nrtnftttd8teady Corn fimror WatheThJwnft6T84j vell6w.la3 :,weitA-tS ixedi.W'Ms firmer; southern 6TjrQvisioB8 . firm and advancine. 'meed pork' 20;i trone Aim&W1'1 Vruiu. uuieiuumuw uui,i . nim Www ?nnewfiverf 13. ;Statei ti uiet! irid norafftiartdcks closed' active dnd fe-l verish. Cotton dull .andc easier i-ale 518 bales at 16f al7. Southern flour quiet andhanejrljtijyjreftta half to one cent easier m operate aemanu, closing steadier tit 2&i8.ilJTVtnte wes- tieTOiegTO.openJBdjMeadjtiands closed Of' m4 prime feteain "14 16al. Whiskey dull at 15. Cotton, net receipts 1 1,051 : igross 4,013. iFutures closed quiet and May 16 15-I6al82 ; June 17 5-16all-32; Jnly: If. lSal i' Aue;i7ia25-32 : Sept. ir9-52all-3 Oct.-n 16 232a;Nov, 1Z 9-lGaH lec. 18 9-16a. :-t t.o .ivf .. OBSERVEE OFFIOB QaABLQTTK, NC Mar. 31, 1875 " i l.Th Cotton Market. , v ( There was; nothing especially noticeable in the market" yesterday, and we quote ; as followsfwHh saleerof 162 bales :-' . inferior.is::,:.;.:;...--.'-. 12131 Good Ordinary....... 1414i Low Jfiddling...W.fr.. - ,r lfiddling.Jtwal4.M.M. -.Vv. il5 gtrictt!MiddUngw...r sr , 15 f Cora sip good demand ,; twd to1 ' three cents below auotaUons for large Jot8.,.l?t2!f,:, uonntry narnn in tetrmrKi- atqqotat ions' The market has heetl1 dtiiel a Axmchanged' Clay peas have been in-active demand for Butter scarce and in demand. ,, Eggs ia good supply, o&er ace an. change4,,tt ,fjrt;fjA .T .Tf i . I ! aoa fn.ilqww-J'-a W11 iWaSlilfTK r.' Hog ottuid , f-jf2tal3U3 r , . . . ,SWS5 f c "Super,, m nito-Drued . Applevper pound- a i i a a tvs j ' l Peaches''"! 10 mnHwvLt, 1 wwfrtpBM-" per ousQei. ner posnei. iwa4S) 1 - f f Turke iart -r-a r 151 an i. . ucjls,, 25 ? -.-. - - r 'i. -mjt"" . - 4il M a i - i i "r "?i-t.i ti'i'.tr i : - unFa8If 25 Mf ; ,-tvdafl- W9ti3-' Ka V .ll irscvr ivis.of tjvar-w i ? piate jMwier, ana taeaier ina i kini4 . a SiCTOT Pwp i tbeosoperior roofineflsed bvliim.;frora thapfarriwi , nf Vermont and Virginist.i.Slatt farBishedf i auu rui tasi a nrpimie.1"',:; i;yu-7uv i J AJl.WOTk trtlftrBfltpp Prima TtaasnnaKla hDle'Kjof taken off and, reUid 'with 4, j-wueu-oesireav J9pderB!wi11 prohiplaUeBtiorWierj . iitJ-MatUl-l-t'l-iiJf?t:i'".'tT tr3. I A K"XI NI.Y uvii., . Zemember that you can bpjf v juacon, uosee, sugars sad Byrupf. as cheanatttaBroteTd Of3 of ,W. IT,, TT. Gregory.-as1 yod could purchase bji person jf tporters..of CuTees. ud. Sugars. Patterson yn'3o'Iraporters of Syrups. Baltic xamxiroKer lor JU.. JSnglish iE-UCw-lm- my omce.'-' taul oeiore malting your pur net receipts 794; sales ;:;(..t riiri Mobu MarcV30iTirm J 'mid' I5; net receipts 30 : sales 1,100.; &Vr ' ' unchanged; mid ,;lPJX",oi;.mia f,ann good.ordinaryj 14V ;r net ' receipts" 728j gross 772: sales 393. , . tt 16f ; net receipta i,!!!.!"11'1' BokTttW? 1 ! March', ar-Unchan heavy M a nan a one cent lowerv t i l e nr T T x& KOI. eBetkiWl f Packer?1 Calvert 6ca JieSnery, lultimore. .nbv23-if.!iJ linTttfo.i 6 Broker.jO 3IISCELXTAIVEOUS. UENITURE -5 't'.fl't! '; "A large and elegant assortraent of j'l.-waiJ?! J 7'! Ti.U.3 --t' 1 R1 ' PARLOR DESKS, .'va , CENTRE 'TABLtS ' 1 . 1 'VJ" "V"" I 9-v iWff .Q.iil ins nr fcJT Aril-STANDS3' AND A.JFULLwm ') if " if. LINE OP PJRIOR AND fJI 1,1 ' ' !.., r, .-f 1 r T 1 ..;!. 4-1 SHiii - BEDROOM TTnTTIBII I.T. V fl 'jEtrjast Received and for sale at'rf ri A 'I v.-f h"iiqi."):io vhfin'l ,U;!. iff -wva'iO TV A' RMTTH,- V'f!YS ' ' i mar 18 ,;ii$iibia yinTrade Btreeb A ECHITECT. .(LIArJ A. Ofters hia'prafessiBni services lo thecUUens of 'Charlotte and '. vicinity, and pledges ,the experience and practice of. fourteen years training as a guarantee 01 competence. jail u ii E( BBET HABTE Just received at: r:i'i PH1PER"S ,mar2tf. " , , Book Store, ItEHAyB 50ME, , iNew and nice BilaMd 'lirlips Iand f i ALSOA Dew article cf Lead and ! Slate" Pencil,' combined. ' ?nmTDPyj BRO." jECEIVED TO-DAY. Smoked Beef. Soiced Pies' Feet. South Carolina Rice1, Buckwheat1 Flonr and many other good goods in the Grocery line, at , J S M DAVIDSON'S, City Grocer, Trade Street. mar (SARATOGA WATER ON DRAUGHT, AT 17 ;,;,i. v- '':; ' ' ' ' ( , mar9.tf. Springs' Corner. .ii:4Ti:io:i.Ti jChbice ! Selected tea.: lrOUNG HYSON MPftRIAfi8OTTN ! X Powder, English Breakfast and Oolongs ll ways on hand, at -.. II .HOTTENDOBJViHASHAGEN, T V Opposite CharlotteTHotel. mar 23- LastrArrived 4 V"- ss' PINE LOT OP YARMOUTH BXOAT- ers, Dutch Herrine. Mackerels. Salmon. 'prth Carolina Roe Herrings, at, 01 i UUTlKNlJUKir A HABH AUKN,JL Opposite Charlotte HjteL 'MM- "LINE Oranges - Lemons, and Bananna, 1? received this day, at . , , 'fodjOB-ti. 'J J.K.PUBEFOY'S. gLJNGABUN COLOGNE, The best Iri the citvJ' Price 25- cents ier . Cornet Drue Store. ODoosite CfentraJ Hotel: 1-Wbim'A- cftPt.Po , ;r;,; ft:,,, eral other popular brands of 5 cent Cigars! an't be beat in 7harlotte. i "J ' ' 1 -1 iiiiyvW0 "SMITH' CO, ORPHYSlCli1 'T-V; Medical Saddle Baes' ofTered at ' Wer prices id an ever before in this market. maTJU-tr. . , ,T. C, SMITH & CO. ILT EDGED GjQSHEIjr BUTTER,! Mir w I mar23 tf. tbuiAi K. NI8BET A BRO. HALL and EXAMINE I X5- w. The Laree Stock of Family Groceries of il WrMlba jsi ion risiKWUJfi'S.. . HhOICE SELECTED NORTHERN SEED U POTATOES. Early.Rose, Early Goodwicb, 'Pink 1 Eye; reach Blows and l eerless, large lot in store andforsaleby j r r i feb28-tf. - AVR.NISBET& BRO TUST RECEIVED. A lot of fine clan tine POTATOES, also JtutKJjJaj.'in half barrels, at , i ,J 1 , B ALEX ANDER dki CO 8aw n LAilER'S POINTS, at . "itSwJ T.C8MITH&Ctt-Ii:; i7f j ff. " .TTrr corner urug otore. ShfillpH i Almnnrle i- - w IllllVIIVItfl tj lO fW.Bjf'J fJ-OOO Jj.V,' ti'-fi'J ?il'iii L pRESH Lemons, .' Grated Horselradish; I rrf.esh,-Pates(and.,FIine. jCigars,:,.', JCatt t-day ahd!:snrly,Tynrselves with CgarrforSunday's smokihgJ: V ? ?'NeW Sensation' S for a Quarter: arid sev - iust-reeeiTecl Art Ti " a4 clJtJ.iPorsalaaST baa .ybilIPHIFER'S, ,i .".i'M'i mat 34,f !i F; H. ANDREWS & CO.'Sr. iJ ;JBEfJEBUDIIT:PlSS;J;r II i i ; tj T n m r - . " , m wlllJ, paper puonHoea ; mi : Catawba among Merchants farmers, and all classes f busmen men Id tbt!atii ThV Presats rV'll ve, wtde-awak DemWratio parrf ind is ouu u hi Miensive cirfin utinn a iraoieraeamm lor advertising irtWesHl on,n woum. UDerai terms allowed on i yearly advertisements. RnW: $2.00ria advance. ddre f"t ''Vy'iVu .'"ProprietoW::! . - ' i.t 3!i JTXlSCXXIAIVCOVSk - W.1 BLACKr TRADE STREET. CHARLOTTE, N. C. Takes pleasure jt Qnon p fJp'R1'''' MERCHANTS Of North and South Carolina, and Georgia, that he is the largest dealer in PURE WINES AND. LIQURS . To be found in the State of Kor'th' Carolina. Doing an immense business he is enabled to give his customers the benefit of his large purchases for cash, and at the same time guarantee the quality, and character oif nu i . r - a goody'TO5torbnn elo6IO .esrlotcW sns-l THE PATAPSO I i I'1N G EMI X T U R E , For Cbmposting with Cotton Seed or other Bubstancos contaiBng-V)!egetoieawe5r DmECTIONS',qB'MlNp. fcti Select a drv tlace under Covenand Spr)&d out sufflcient seed, that have been well mois tened, tfrer thd"tfl09r, abotatbref W fn-f inches deep ; theh ri&eveh1)ver titer seed the Barae weight of "Patapsco Grange Mixture ;" then, on inrtne jame, manner, seed and the fwiitlaQtil the nquntt re quired is compDBtediyjJ t&U UJSl , i The pile should stand until the germ of the seed is killed, and as ranch longer as the plaster!; convenience mqy aTKj ' 1 Any tfthergdod material, Jsutb-is stable manure 0 x1 m.'-P to be applied is-poaB yad afiept inyege-J taDte matter, t De'ropoff ioni i aeeu-ia iue fertl2r&ouULbA UcWaedAas toVteli tor i its wasted condition, its wasted condition. - I ESTIMATEVov .VaWK er THE GRAlStjiH p MIXTtTRE, It is romnosed-of eaual Darts or Navassa s .Tf...i. ! Jul. "uj;- J;, f uuano aufiipurei9i4iiSJxuuiW'uwuowii solved by Sulphuric 4ciav xo i,ww pounas I 1: A - JJ 1 At J vMT.no a( pf those Injneienta ia addedpoun, o directfrom Gennattyby the Patipso jGarip , Company. JmarT ! The personal reminiscences, anecdotes. and tetterapfj, ' A U HUT A 3 ,YAa?41' Rev. I W.Xt Joi!S,p pn. jay r i Formerly Chaplain Army Northern Vir ginia, and,of Washington iCplle,.Ya. t w U makes one beautiful octavo volume of 497 pages, apd is illustrated by.aavea fine steel nortraits of "Lee as a 1ybuneioflacer,' "Lee the u . o. Homier, ; "Xiee as, tne, anieaer-, e General, -Lee aiTth ColleeeTPresi- dent," "Mrs. Lee at Arlington," VMrs., at Lexineton." and "Stonewall Jacksdn and thirteen full-page engravings on wooa i Price, in Cloth, $3.80 f Sheep, W.8O1 Ilajf ; -Turkey, $5J50 Full: Turkey,' $7.50. ' ' iS0LH ONLY BY SUBSCRPTION. Mas. 'Bl Mif WEVEB.AGENT: , at Mrs. Pressly'S for a few' days, ' . mar2-tf. THE BAJTK OF HECKLE ff BTJBG Aut i i. '.. i j J as. Tcbhib Task, President. Thos. W. Diwkt, Cashier,, P. H. Dswkt, Asst. Cashier. AX THE BAKKTNO HOUSE OF TATE & DEWEY'.' mii Rant nVinrc-iwJ TTnor A Ml af tVia General Assembly and duly organized under Laws.of the State of North.Caxolina, j 1 .r',T.ifM,' TWoVoteteritfwW General Banking: Business arid furnish accommodation U HMOs' CuMj tamers on Uberal Terms. - Check, and will Allow Interest According to Agreement on all Deposits left on time, or issue Certificates of Deposit bearing in. be in charytsof the Charlotte Branch, and terest at the rate of f mWprdpose to keep on hand there , Portable Eight per cent per Annum i on aUujusIyfai ndrjiwrfiyerjthixia4 days. e s-.-w uutu aiiu out' fin. Bank Notea. Boujdftriud S old. THOS. W.DEWEY, Jan. 1J874. C8.1" fUST RECEIVED AT McADEN'Sm CORNER DRUO STORE, " A supply of PemwrzarTirouaY;EaI5lyXampi: tsfnitne 7 They are perfectly safe from explosion. Owirm to their scientific structure. 14 ! They are periectiy.ciean. trom wr;. navmg a Patent-Dip Cup fixedon each Jamp. 'A -i They consume one third of oil itk propot- A2 'i.i. lil A J i. They win not break, being made of metal. I i Tbey give muchjojre , brilliant ght thanrifiO - TJEIE CITY IR0IT WORKS, f ineexpense. ; v!o;ni i. (-i mndecott. ty-ILMINGTONrWELDON R. B. ; Office of Gxn'i.SrjpxBiHTBNDEHT, 1 ;l - v ' CHANGB QE,lSGHEDHLKT nnoT Ohland after Jan. 3rd. PasseneeiTrains on the W. & W., ld,willlrk a jTollowsi Leave .UnionDepot daily (except- v-;;" srf 7 Dondays) at jf kR f,how n?. ? sJo jttm Arrive at Goldsboro at i.-f. i 11 45 Ai m i 11 tl. Rocky Jount atwu i 4 j i 53 p m i " Weldoii at J v 1 3 40 p m eave Weldon daiiyat!l 31o,P jb iO" 05 a m Arrive. at Rocky, Mount-m,-! 7kll-4i?ai;ra 'V - Goldsboro aV ''nwimtf 8-:p;.irf i Union Depot, 6 05 p, m IXPEE8S TRAIH AHD THOUQHFBEIGHT TBAIBT, Leave Union deoot dailv. at 7 15 d m rrive 'at Goldsboro at ! 1 s i'- n '50 a, in' i iRoeky Mount'at w!''4W nr fW c Weldon4t iVf rso;am Le(tve weidonti daily,1 at S"' ' - p oip,m 'MOE p'MaU;Tfaillk'akesa.co, Weldon for all points North via Bay "Line and Acauia Creek routes. ' ' L li fea- ExDress, Tmin .connects :onlv with Acquia ..Creek : route, a-Pullman' -Palace Sleeping Cars on this Traina fnu a Freight Trains will leave Wilmington trii weekly at 5:45 a. m, and arrive at it 40 p m ijnar : 20; 't ! ' r? Generalfiuperipdent; EW'MUSiC. r ... ' ' V AutoeraDh Waltzes: lraement Walt see. These two pieces are the latest ceihpositions or tnfl; celebrated: Waltt-Klng Btraussif '--" raar.170 MtfI i.'-cW'BookBtore'."45 fpENNESSEE FLOUR.'tf r . -1 . ? . U i --mti u:iv,ia"v ni jt .'m .' Wh oelriaegarCr!; feL'i''':-8'?0. 'JJ Vl Arrive at Kocky Mouni at '"- w;i9 p:ra " Goldsboro at Pira te ; i i fraUnioo Depot at a v-f !? 80 - t rIIICEII,AWi;OUS " .7 1 1 1 J one beiisqeH ad? n: ,V.fr.T,IA .1 A vU HJA8 HO' .8 ' - flrrm St., Charlotte, N. C. 0 J J 011 JiiL-l Are now closing out their entire Stock of lliu pj" CST5'" 7"- ' E-aTiV yhvjzoi :AuujI. duod bffB t:ft; 1 u duced prices, to make room -, . ; , Ub HilTor fteVlatfphng'ipfcdf; -1 ' i m;:8 iwtld hne, nt.?.tr.ii'itf -vr.-'t vfl .! 11 '10 taut or .iO:!I I i'. I ;ii4--.'lJ4li'. ill vH -T .YA(!Ul i YJIilVM ii j 1i iii': - i ?1 i . ; . i jan 17 0 FFICE OP ERIE CITY IRON WORKS. Ebik. Pa., January 6, 1875. DkarSir : Wetakepleasnro 1n informing yoti tiiat, encouraged by the Favor . with which dor Machinery has been received throughout the Setltb'tbe past year, and in order to facilitate tra$ "P1 tbe ofen WPTiS of our manufactures in Charlotte, iKVC, wMcb-irill be known as the Charlotte Branch tlie Erie iCUy Ironworks. Mr. W . C. Morran, wbo so widely and favorably Known thoaghont the South,, will ry Enzinfa8, Boilers and Circa ealar Saw Mills Of nnr own mnnnfactnreJ asaitftksi-orporeMnis, Urns, mauuiuui i uu iuc hbuis uraue iiauc icuuiie. r ii - - - The Charlotte Uouse is nol an agency but brmk ef-omr vmrls. ewuf-dand controlled Tpy ps, and any bosiDess done with us there We bope the eitaTTsFmen t. of this branch house will serve to bring os nearer together For circulars, price lists and any infonna- t waoted oarj bnev.sddress ,Erw Giv Iron)l,Wprks, ; Charlotte, U C :,Trstiflg thatoar uridertakinz-will meet with .your abpromi aad s'uppbrtt-we remain, -f inv Vervresnectrallv voowf.1 - nt l TTW RKnEI V ED' : ' - - ' ri !TD!ST' RECEIVED. A large and elegant; lot xf Beady Made ClotbiDg. which be sold tat lower .prjeef than pan be found clsewha.re,;iB Ahe city. , 4 Mv establishment beinx a toraneh or 718 llarket Street, Philadelphia, wbefe- we mannfacture oar qwq goods... expressly .for city trade, I am enabled to sell ior'at lesst 25 peri cent lower: than any house in the city Of Charlotte. hivt; idi ni vnvAhU ,,1- Come and see. for yourself, and be convinced. . ti J.'MOYER, i-MirV.V bo. w pUR and Slk Hats jusi reeved at , . llllHI TVt. 1 UU W OUJVaau MJMXMAm f 1 i 'I 1 i . 1 1 1 . 1 j 8 V" ' ' I ' ! ' 1 1 . , ix , , . i. u a .ill j OCKREYS' ATLANTA T r I THE LARGEST. IN THB08OUTID Tb Having increased my. ( force of workmen I am now prepared to 'dye' alt kinds of Ladies' N' .Vaoil mv rm naa anil MnnnmifA tn liawl times. See if you have not got a soiled -or fswled garment that ypu pan.have. clean ed dyed any color y 00 may desire for a , smalt Sum, which will save you from buying .)H ,xh: li LlST'jOP PRieES:.f' , GBIjrS. GOODS. ,m ct-jj.ll !YuI l-JICKh' .Overcoats; . 5XVb1!. W Dresscoats, - ,7"' t"5a. 1.00 to 2.00 Vests, " i ' :aifM 5ot0ii . INDIES GOODS. PRTCK. Presses, $1.50 to $2.50 Skirts, - j y T --vt ft t 75 to 1.50 iEwK SS d silk, IlS&SS aid Gentlemen's -wearing appa're.lf'' 'with reat" rapidityfaiid Drorthesi ih'eer before. ran -1 .fj:i'J i ,ui r.K'-' rawinT2ye "4 . fill all ordersft?ak irid? Z J Kid Gloves deanedjper pab? 25betsviii ftiLanirer atasshort a notice as possible. 1 ayed.-iiSatis!acUob!.p;uaranteed.l Goods ra eerved and retted U WVi pf the country. I dp. not require,, any ment to be ripped except silk dresses.1 1 . , - . . JAMES LOCHREY' f l i1i cc i iEa,t tIntPivfii-J;rrr if: .:.' .t.'rb 'i-;:ri" ,yn IRY CARRIAGES: i TTCTTH J i ' i(t i TV- 111 -.-si. .1 iii.H.-.siH.iiIi .rv.hLi Jl fJSiaftirr-f BetrIruiL .. " "'inarrflfi.iWiitli anzawly. ; . - .,t,inmi8neaprunrarn58h"',l ' . " ! d nifwonfljijoi a-iifMii aileT .J il laEpTfflitt -fioibi aniit an-. hqft South; aiiu' East? 1 i L , . , . . , ' ! . 0 ' ' l-ttVOTi: riv; ('t.ll'u') i;l.!i.H : ; i ir.iAnm s? 9fl PBOKfsiKi ni"rln ris jiniou- t - : . . ! - , ' lu . . , , . i i. . r - -1 a - j -i - .r . . . i i t I J H Jll tl.I ? Baliiinore and Southern Steard ana--' 1 porjaUon ,Cpinpany.g ' j " Sailing fALTlkjRE g- R ; j j .is j jai iirb -'FROit'" wttitrsOTOir 'J' ' u; ' iiiol 70 t9irii uod .icoli odl 1970 bn-j! 4$&&mdmm rniiaaeipma Di ew .1 QrK.dODsronrovioence hibtoilt)oo'M ?ULOTUata er jeoqifobo m nrrnw j toe eoj 1 a -ifVi'f ...... t . - : 1 t 1 ' Antwerp and Oiner European Ports. 3 -'5 Y 1 delay, and, forard I These"Lfhe's" coDiwaK toMV BUribngtoneklon WWf-Kra delivery of Freight fo all points, as the Steamers on u these; Lines OBivaKfaUnln- ' t6-8t6tf ftt Rftilfdftd deBOP.'tbe FTPiffht ti'attsfftrrerf tnnrfppnM BV. ,n aniepa aa LjMwa9y anypxtier .ooaw. ii JUosaes or Uvercbarges prooipar pfekUMark'f all TMWjhtQgton-itDsO'moiil Jii : , iiV'v if""- i- -t -t J ! d Porlnrther iDformationapply ta either of tuereflilaVw , EDWIN ITZGEE ALD, Gen X 4gW Baltimore iXlfe ropM3Wa,!f M WM. P. CLYDE & WtJfelWiU WnlwiS , Ji IIICULAR attention paid to Fresdblrig rw!itotryf!iOfflo under Central Hotel." . , u 1 1 tif. i-' ; . .(C.7? . -:o: UR Spring stock is now complete and I 1 V 1 7J l .Y.iA- .VI ready for inspection! a v,Sc -Ln;ni I n rrrrrr tm ,rn,t rirt 'Ttf II (T TT It ; uiiut KaaAvaa ?v arao. .. f f-t TIT i IT ri t Til, I ; H71TAT TO i T HI A WT VTf'lilTT J C .1 1 i ( ',.1 1 I 1 . t , ; iriE9rtJ ami aswau i .bau buyers are invited to examine The1 ?? a. lO 32U0H OMIHKAS 2HT TAJ ! ti TT K Largest nd Bekt 'Assorted! Stock . 1 Slii HI Jli ramj ii-mtiu ' iiimi rati . li ... i l...'T 1 ...-.n4 ,TT - uirl i , Soraebeautiftd .iiuuttJ-'.4w its-imiA Iia '.-.:. i-'.ffinl 7.'jf!i ifiw na .i-w !t -.iss:''oobiaec,.fi,:upuI?l munaA ii? f.tpj Ti-'j JxfrgiZ (just received and are very cheap. . 1- bus fioH.'rJI 0 ivii? biic fki i Jsfo bit ifsf -'U :J a a 1 ,Y:i7':kI.7.WIl:T .w 7 mar25-tC::.L' ,!.'. i . ..Vil-I'iMJI Tfc Forit ladies? Jiu , , LbtTtrtrats,thmeWBaeS(fefjs and Toilefcajiicles ins rarlety, at ; r1' ! ;. ';. ! T C SMITH "ifTO"" ' THRESH EGS,.,.,, . ; a; . n w, uuoice uounirv unLLer. unions ana ivnrtn. ill nr.b j o fnnni ...VM! A HALES . . 1 W ir PABBIOB. ALES F'ARRrORV t : 'Watchmakers and Jwters.' Vn nnh1. stantly ,on hand a. full' line 'Of Watches. Clocks, Jewelry, Silver and Plated Ware. uoia fens, spectacies.&c All work in their line done and warranted 12 months. ; , rnarzuii 5 t"ej,''- rnHE BEST IS THEtCHEAPESTifi: I e will beplea3ed 40 have ;:ioujr 7 friends and customers, calj andjeamin onr.stock. .-.'?.ap--.11 - ri !-. - ..' vi--i ji !'!. v.-i:til 1 Boots; andL SHofeS Ji-. rt!.iV FOR t . : , t 8PRINO nss. which we think, and will; convince Vpiii ?is the PEST in the city, and at' pricej tcl suit everyjone.,. :, . , ,.. r.t,h-ff ,b We fid sure that we have the' best5 assort 1 Ilk -i yj,.i'. ;i- i -,i ;; i.. j tmcutui . ..... . ; J- 1 1 I. J J n . 1 v.. wi.; ;ii.in I t i JUi 1 Viil lull -'('HI fi "Ji.t ju LADIES' AND GENTS J' lC5 OODSi ejer, offered in this market: - Call:' and XJ fU41,e.9ry9r3eives.1..H t.hfc ,t t - f . 3. 7 01 ' FIKST'Nat't. . lllllF 'Rttti TW ., , . - - , .t ! 1 . I. J i.i ii 1 1 Opposite Central Hotel. N tc&M:4 Ml L "ext door J H Henderson's'-1 " ' v. 7 1 ill -T-v . f A EW BOARDERSrWANTKD::J J i . yv 4 'nhiiw of ivji M?? , iHlyaeiMfoWfoiliie''1'' i . ?- I' . ; ,ir?l mi- aiiu ; (t-.li:1: ;' I 1 Tuesday and frldajfaV if.' 2t?. : ,j ! i WEDNEj$DAinS HttriH ATr rr A J 1; 1 ai aiOiOOi liiv nosois?i(l win, k- lor-EasVfboSna re7ghr ffiiW vsai su ver:anorotaer stera Cities; ---animiiVAilo nfni: lwf.a:..l'' ; t f - r ' J w J' ' s1 v raornibgyi viKdfea'o silfiifl s'J i.i U ,ii.riituiw o-ijftn bio iirl Si'.- ' Ohnrcbesiand Town Salltj'ihroug'hotrtthe .1 r., r-E f tijm "vnbiolea'i oil aeSfcfc : if i "' 1 Jijv:;-v -mevi vc&i am t-ui Ji, -j Tii89etaV0efXifli8,M:. Kp3.GnUftiJBUjw;Soth Front 'Street' WILMINGTON.1! TOSV" WIK - ewertnd Mantffacthrers if. nrai 1 i4Lentticki : and tNoHhn Canob'nti Whisker IC ! V t ,'i -f';l'll L'lii:)!'! ii . J O i . 3lH rOTri i 1 .- 'iJ,WiL-f ' Jt' ' . f . - ft SpMlaU J, VW bt r . f,-T 3 i.i , oiaie., - . .ia"!:; tT tTTTVTTTT.T I ' 1 ' , 1 I lied ifiii.J,fi.il! l9TjDnifeV .!Ji , ' iJ . Ji!; ol -a Jlilli 8788 -AWMvlMjva jf!jlVWJaJ(5 lO tOllfW!ia :fi"I33U ,9dj ,hn; rRV 1-ftii ?O01 3UTt-3lfni. fcT3ijoliI 0Ui:llii j ' ALEA NDR '"gEftLi ''A )cO j ' ' n j are now recej .vupur priptf utock ; ,' r iv, ade.Sjreet, MT1" ftPffi Fl!Wi; f. - Buira ficsa uruiU3, i jj Scarfs. TiSsTJatt AKUOAO HTTJ03 9l j Jufft, Laces, 4, .'. .- j oi" 9v"VrTk'ir'7"w',a j.-isJ(- T - ! ,w pefttsJ&adyvrriad CJothfht? SibPifies. ;5cara, Fancy French and American Cassi UWHhm ahd IT 'if inir. ,iiiw.iu iii-.t put iw IMlsoa laree 8tock Star,l ni'ZVi'" DECORATOR1 yi AHD - si nAhucH EJUIBl U.-If .Jftu-'i i ' Over Frankenthal'a Stn I AniasplrmTot Ji All f orders left at Frankenthal'a store, iwlll receiie pmpj attenaonKhV t j coMissioirRSTS, 1' 1 ' North1 aferStrwl-'Wlimf 1 '; . HOYTT'8 German1' Cbloirn ' l' nLiUi,' ' .OombafILinVEicrXu .der'TO,. W. R. BURWLL d?S '' t-v mar26-tf.. :. ,..,, . . MOLLER'S Cod Liver On. iPreshl' i'k-f : i- U'f 1,Wi urwellT66H-' - 'n'sKVf&thVli 3di i ifivfyyDruggiStt'J;.. OTICE.Q;SHIPPER31 4 "tL' ' i f ! o i .-i w ,tK' li dli oi Vtyi tim li s t f TKa .atl . . J . ;UTiUnat,UCrnli:KailwaV:1 U tlirtar J T?NGLISHTaoth bruaheH s.fiesM Wpily Aj.i receiTed tc-dayil lil??fmo a ' ; msr2tf;,vty,W)BPRBLId!CO. SK. TIlMONS'oy ,nmyii ytii iuu c iiriiiounces to the citizens of nh.r! ijir. he entire stock; of alsai wttr -bu , 4 ; i. FrStLQ0 basln t their oldstaadan de the Springs Bui'din.'-" ' --S;S" ;" A. full and conrpiew fe 'oSrFamn m . l,lwom'teind pHces Uhat' defV f; wmpetJtforuJl sill' -':vl9tiMiafcJui4.n6 I" A