REMOVAL . SMITH & FORBE&O WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DKA LERX IN BOOTS, SHOES, LEATHER AND,. HATS, HAVE remoTed to the new, large and elegnnt " SMITH BUILDING, next door to Brem, Brown & Co.'s Hardware Store, where they are receiving a full stock of j SPRING GOODS, " complete in every particular. . Their line of ladies' and gents' tine B O OTS AN D SHOES', will be especially attractive, and will be Bold at short profits. ltCarf and examine. . SMITH & FORBES, niari tf. Next door to Brem, Brown & Co.'s Hardware Store, Charlotte, N. C. Riiiifii 1875. 8 SPRING AND SUMMER FASHIONS. OF 4 MILLINERY and AT ftKOOPMANN & ROTHSCHILD'S. WE Again appear before the public with our compliments, and announce, that we have in Store, and are daily receiving one of the finest and larg est Stocks in our line, ever exhibited in this city. The constant increase of our business, wai rants us in the belief, that the only mode to secure success is to sell Goods at a SMALL PROFIT. Our determination is now to adopt JSTIBYW RULES, 0 III In our business, leaving the old style (large profit and big. per cent) for oth- fcrl ers to operate with ; making ours the CHEAP STORE of Charlotte, selling the XI 0 II E P RICE Bv maikine our Goods with the selling and triple our business in this way. and as our customers will be greatly bene fited by this change, we hope to make onr business still more profitable than The special attention of our lady-friends inmniea uonneis ana nui, to our immcneB naaurmicim ui ncn ujimu6uui inuntrimmed Hats, to our attractive FLOWER DEPARTMENT, crowded with beautiful and original designs, and To nnr immpnse Stnrt of Ribbon, plain We have the finest line of RUFFLING burg Embroideries, in beautiful patterns , Lames aiii. Beans, Laces, rarasois ana eun Fan Chains, Fnthngs. W H I T E G 0 Such as J aconnets, Cambrics, Swiss Mull, Piques, Plain Nansooks, V ictona Lawn, Toilet Quilts, Checked and Striped Nansooks, .Tarleton'a Irish Linen, Table Linen; Towels and Toweling. Crash linen Cambrhj Hankerchiefs, Vat ; encienne Laces, Hemstitched Hankerchieft. Cluny and "Thread Laiea, Cour- T tauld English Crape, French Piece Crape, iBarege, Tissue and Lacr'Veiling1 A oeautitul variety of Sil ks. in all the new Hosiery, Aid Real and I Stock of Pearl i Buttons. A large Stock of Uloves, Linen Collars and Cuffs, Corsets, urape sens, i u roitation Hair Switches. Braids. Curia. Frisetts. A - complete and Set Ornaments, Breastpins and Ear Rings, Bracelets.Sleeve PERFDIIERY AIID TOILET SOAP,. And many other Novelties. We have in nnr MtahlUhmanfi corral otMiriofi f TT.T.T VKftS and have V7 no hesitation in stating, that their exquisite work, ' and beautiful designs in (A trimming Hats, cannot be excelled. One of these Ladies has special charge in , 4 tnis Lepartment to wait on Customers, and tions. ' ' ' Every Department is now replete with thevery latest NOVELTIES. A great many of our Goods were purchased at a redaction of 25 per cent., the full benefit of which . we will give to our customers. An examination of onr Goods and prices, will convince every one, that onr BONA uor regular spring Upemng will take place in a iew aays, ui wuicu,uuc otice will befciven.r:; i . If JT "! r 7 J-1. A K00PL1AIIII t ROTHSCHILD. a i v :oo:- sJrl TO THE MERCH ANTSj It t i I u " ' t 'i -OF-r NORTH 'A&D SOtJTH CAROLINA, nr. luw. 1 n roll T, , v 'gtmsnui 0 WHriTjFiR'ATjET&DEPATft ., 4... e In ItllLLIWEnr "FAK Cf GOODS, illBBONS. FLO WE We have en. hand over 1500 II LADIES' TMMKD' aid --rr , immense Stock, of BIBBON ana lower Prices, than ny other establishment. J-i ,wfl-" As we are the only house in Charlotte, deaUng exdlVer Wpsimnery ? UOodn It hauM .f, 4V.A .tftnn f foivhonKi who "Wish to tUftKe PUT- Orders respectfa 'pectft? ollcted. . oopmann& jj 1875. FANCY GOODS, SYSTEU, price thereon. We mean to double I is called to . our collecBdn of fine Importations from; ' and crain,irt all sizes and qualities. for neck wear : 5.000 yards of Ham a large and handsome variety of umoreuae, inmniiup, rw u - " -: 0 O D S Bbades. .?Ar general nssoroneu vi t will aid Ladies in maRing Selec F IDE fi 9 : k i K i altmtinn In nnr - - . j if . . trtl doren of the Jatest , styles Qft .jw UNTR1HMED HATS. " f vis - . J i f 9 other Goods, which, we, can offer h tf i?f rt .it -tA a f .A ,4- . j Q IS , 1 1 . s Hotnsemia The Charlotte i Ohserrer. Charles If Jones, Proprietor. Office, Observer Building, Corner h Trade' waji College Streets. f CHAELOTTE OBSEEVEE, " l' BUBSCEIPTIOS BATES.' Daily 1 year, (postpaid) in advance, $8 00 4 00 2 00 75 ?o mos. ; . 3 mos. r- : J - 1 mon. " , f -, it WEEKLY EDITION. Weekly, (in the county) in advance, $2 00 :- out of the county, postpaid, 2 10 6 months, ' l 05 Jt&", Liberal reductions for clubs. ANNOUNCEMENT. I have appointed Dr. F. H; Gloveb my lawful agent to collect claims due me, either for job work, or for subscriptions. He is authorized to receipt for any sums that niay be placedr1nhndfbrt!c41ectioni CHil7K. ' r Editor & Proprietor. Office of the Chirlotte Obserter, March 18th, 1875. ma2t-tf THE CHURCHES TO-DAY. Catholic Church Services at 11 A. M., and at 71 P. M, by the priest, Rev. Father Hands. LuTHEBAH Church Services at 11 A. M., by the pastor Rev A L Younts. Sunday School at 3 P. M.v communion services at 11 o'clock. Baptist Church. Services this morning at 11, and this evening at i, by the pastor, by Rev. Theo. Whitfield. ' St. Peter's (E.) Church. .Bay. B. S xtronson j&ector. services will Be Had to day at 11 A. ST., and at 41 P. M. Secojjd Methodist Church. Services , by the pastor, Rev. John F. Bbtt, at 11 AM and at 7 P. M. Snnday School at 9 A. M. Tryojt Street M. E. CHCRCH.--Services to-day at 11 A. M.,' and at 71 P. M., by the Pastor, Rev. P J Carraway. Sunday School at 3 P.M. , . First Presbyterian Church. Services this morning at 11, and this evening at 31, by the pastor, Rev. A. IF. Miller, Seats free. Sundav School at 3 o'clock P.M. Associate Reformed Service in the Chapel, on the corner of College and 5 th streets,to-day at 11 o'clock A. M., and at 3 P M, by the Rev. W. M. Hunter. Sunday School at 10 A. M. Second Presbyterian Church. Services in the morning at 1 l,and in theeveningat 71 the pastor, Rey. E. H. Harding, at the Court House. Sunday School in the basement of the Lutheran Church at 3 P. M. . , t Prater Meeting. The Young Men's Christian Association will hold a Prayer Meeting this evening at 5 o'clock, at their Hall, .over the Commercial National Bank . The public are cordially invited. L.OCAI, DOTS. Yesterday was a fine lirge day. Harris will soon be back at Concord, in charge of the Sun, thenl we'll be all happy. The Centennial Barbacue Committee met in the Court House yesterday. - Elias, Cohen & Roe3sler are haying a large sigh painted which can be seen from the pub lic square. ' The funeral of Gertrude Chaffin, daughter of L. T Chaffin, will take place from St. Pe ters (E.) Church, at 1 o'clock P. : to-day. The firm of N. C. Harry & Co., painters has been changed to N, C Harry & Krueger- and the business will be continued.. The name of the old Simouton House at Stsltesville, has been changed to the Jackson House. Only fiveWre days, and the Sheriff wUl swoop down on you unless your back taxes are paid. Friday will be the last day of ghice. A woman named Wiseman, from Mitchell county, was put in jail last week at Federal Court at Statesyille, upon failure to give bond. She was indicted for distilling un lawfully.. Opera House Monday Evening. All who propose to take part in the enter tainment Friday night, are requested to meet at the Opera House tor renearsai Mon day afternoon at 3 o'clock. - ' - ' 7 Fi u it and Wheat Creps. -; - A gentleman who has been in attendance on the Federal Court at Statesville, informs us that lhe cherry crop of the Brushy Moun tains, Inv Wilkes, has been'; iotDy destroyed by the late frost. - This gentleman also tells us that the wheat along the 4. T. & O. Rail road, is much damaged, and looks as though it had been scorched. . It is believed, ' how ever, that it will come out again if the joints have not been affected. . " ' TheXocaf Editor. T We wereSgratified to receive, advices .from Mr. Caldwell, "the ' local . editor, yesterday morning.' informing us that he was improv ing,' and had been able to stand on .his feet a few minutes Friday. We know the eom-i munit wiU join'us'in wishing him an early recovery, and aspeedyjreturn Jo his du ties.';: ' .CI ?UI C J. Aj Young' 8ii, Inenf of Jr Young i?on, wholesale and etaadb&Wyteidy.iid it made pur t mouth water. A man with no money should never" enter a ready made clothing establish ments. Messrs. Young & Son have a choice stdclc Spring clothing, which "they were opening as we stepped in,-, Mr. J. Al Young Jr!,3 a gentleman of emarkable good taste In such matters, and while other merchants may excel him Jar negotiating prices, we yenture to say noTbne Sri the city can equal him in selecting goods ef this character. ?We can recommend this clohing fejitahlishment to the publicy v If you would: purchase, ,a stylish outfit patronize Messrs. J .? A, Young St, Son' Their goods are as chea aa ean be had elsewhVahd there 'you ill'hae lhe largest ' assortment ahd' greatest, yariety of clothingfrom which to s make your selec- tJonXt-;ifVMT te&l f?rf DIED. . 1 ' - Last night at abotrf half past eteren o'clock. Julia Mitchell Gibbon, ; infant daughter of Dr. R. and M. A. Gibbon. The funeral will take place from Dr Gibbon's residence this evening at 5 o'clock, p. m. , Nary One. ; i ,'"2. '. Major Montgomery, SoUcir .for this Dis trict, passed through this city last night on his return from Lincoln-5ourU ' He says Lincoln is the only Cour on the circuit that has failed to furnish a single recruit for the "Pen." This speaks welUfor old Lincoln. Fedtrmr Court.:; . ''A' The Federal Court, which," was in ses sion all last week at StatesvSlle, wilUprob" bly be continued through Jhia -weefcj; The casea- of counterfeiters will be heard on Tuesday next. It is the general impression that the cases of. this character from Cabar rus, and probably all of "them wiir fjot be tried aVthi term, buconiinued ! Probable Infanticide. r' A "negro woman namedDora Pyram, was arrested yesterday evening and tried fbrin fanticide. It appears that she gave birth t o a child, and in order to destroy it, put it in an oven and actually cooked it. JTeare not able to get any further particulars, except that the woman was sent to jail to await trail at the next term cf Mecklenburg Court. Friday the 30th. We have been informed that the enter tainment in aid of the Centennial celebra tion, will take place Friday instead of Thurs day night, as was stated in yesterday's issue. The "Cantata," called the "New Years Eye' will be performed: Full particulars will be advertised during the week. Llttell's Living Age. The numbeis of The Living Age for April 17th and 24th, contain Modern Astronomy, from the London Quarterly Review;- Orange, by Edward A. Freeman, Macm'dlan; The Abode of Snow, parts I and II, Blackwood, The Debt of English to Italian Literature, Fortnightly Review; ThetMetaphysics of Con version, Spectator; Sir Arthur Helps, Satur day Review; An Unpublished Letter of Coler idge, Academy; The Tercentenary Festival at Leyden, 3Iacmillan;wiih instalments of "Alice Zorraine," by R. G. Blackmore, au thor of the "Maid of Sker," and "Fated to be Free," by Jean Ingelow ; and the nsual choice poetry and miscellany. A new volume begaa April 1st, With fifty-two numbers, of sixty-four large pages each, (aggregating over 3000 pages a year) the subscription price ($8) is low ; or still better, for $10.50 any one of the Americon $4 monthlies or weeklies is sent with The Living- Age for a year, both" post-paid, Lit- tem. & Ga y, Boston, Publishers. mi- ; The Cantata. This entertainment will be giyeu Fri day, the 30th inst., in the Charlotte Opera House, and the proceeds applied to the de fraying of the necessary expenses at the Centennial Celebration. Extensive prepa rations have already been ' made, and the management is under the control of a lady who never has experienced a failure in former undertakings of this kind. For weeks, the musical talent of Charlotte have been constantly practicing and preparing for the splendid display of vocal and instru mental music in store for those who attend. The stage will be handsomely ornamented by rich and variegated haraphernalia, and appropriate emblems ; and discoursing of the sweetest strains of melody, interspersed with numerous tableaux and charades, graced with all that is lovely in nature and beautiful in art, will be well calculated to gratify eyery taste, however refined, and please the fancy of all who are spectators. Tbe entertainment will be chaste, elegant, refined. If you wish to have your thoughts destracted awhile from the beaten channel of daily cares, and have some genuine and and valuable enjoyment ; go to the opera nt that time. The exercise deserve' your pa tronage. It will not be money thrown away upon some worthless, strolling troupe, bnt money given for a worthy and laudable ob ject All the young ladies of tbe place will be there ; mfiny of them as participants. It is needless to say where the young men will be found at that time. We have no fears for the young, it is fhe j middle aged and the old, we would more earnestly urge to go, for it will certainly -make them feel young and juvenile agaih. ' f THE CENTENNIAL. We have been requested, to publish the following as a matter of information. . - Boohs or the CxHfEiriaix. Ex. Com, . Charlotte, NC., April 33d, 1875. j Gen. John' A. Young, Chairman Committee Deab Sib : At a meeting of this Com . raittee this afternoon, it was4 . ; T 7-.- rrKaf aa ' ttiA ATnT18M nf thft nenweu, ui ", - r - : celebration are commencing, that the Com mittee of; Ways: and Meanafuid all other parties having funds f received on account or ine cntennaai, d; rajuentcu, w im mediate settlement; with, J. O. Burroughs, T.anM.' at Anil. ' f I Til? fin nflTlfl. And pay over to hinr afterwards as fast as receiv ed, to tbe end mat tne&xecanTeuHomuuie n: ay be enabled to go ahead and contract for necessnry expenses, which they are una . - . . , m - - - i : .kin Die to OO WltnOUC me .treasurer iwuig oure to show what funds are on hand. . . U .v- : .,; , 'THOS. W . leWEY, . ; "";;;)" SecreUrn.JJx;Com.i .Office of Chief of Fibe Depabtjcewt, ' :. $ , -: j Augusta, Ga., April 20th, 1875. . J Mr:FiH.;GtoWfrlhortlary. rFtre and HHitary Committee Centennial Com Vivitt Sinr Vnnra of the 20 tb? tilt.. con veying an invitation to the Augusta Fire Department, to participate in w vmeww thA Mricklflnburs Declaration- of Indepen dence, to take place in Charlotte on the 20th May,' was duly, received. At a called meeting 01 ine pincers 01 ine .xire ueym ment, your letter ,was read and the matter duly considered. I was instructed to ack .iArlAriMi th mmrfnt and hi rat i cordially. thank yon for .the ikind invitation, in 'the nance or. ine iepartmeni, ana express y yvn their sincere regrets in not being able to avo- nant. u . Tho '.oiohwitinn f .the one hun dredth 'Ahniversarr f such' an important eventj-inejmieciarauon 01 aiueraau anariAarifauannnt. fail tO bfi hiffhlv inter esting and enjoyable, and were it. prictica ble the firemen ; of Augusta would . take great delight in participating , in the cere monies and festivities of that occasion, with v Wawk rrw,i;rn hisithara hnt nnder ex- isting circumstances,' it is t impossible - for riease tender to the Centennial Commis- sion, our thanks for their . kind invitation, and assure them that it is from necessity and not from choice, that it is declined. : Excuse the delay in answering your com munieation this reply has been deferred,' thinking that some of jthe companies might make arrangements to go, but they have de cide d th at it is impracticable. Wishing you great' success in the celebra tion, and a good time generally, -1 am, i i .-.-. y Rerpectfully yours, WM. H.CBAHEj . Secretary A. F, D. fit. Brogden.i X Letter from Cor. EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT, U Kaleigb, N. C-, Ipril 22, 1875. j Tlios. W. Dewey, Eq., Secretary Centennial Association, Gharlctte, Mecklenburg County, x.a Dear Sir : -I acknowledge with pleasure the receipt from you of "a special invitation to attend the Centennial celebration of the Mecklenburg Declaration of Independence, in the city of Charlotte, on the 20th of May, 1875.'.' ( , It is peculiarly appropriate and proper to celebrate the One Hundredth Anniversary of the Mecklenburg Declaration of Indepen dence the first made on American soil at the place where that great deed was done. The citizsns of Mecklenburg county first dissolved the political bands, which connect ed them with the mother country, absolved themselves from all allegiance to the British crown, and abjured all political connection with that nation who had wantonly tramp led on their rights and liberties. They first declared themselves a free and independent people, under the control of no power other than that of their God, and the general gov ernment of the Congress, to the mainten ance of which Independence they solmnly pledged to each other their mutual co-operation, their lives, : their fortunes and their most sacred honor, "- ' ' The great principles of Independence and liberty which were declared by the citizens of Mecklenburg one hundred years ago, have' lived .through Jail the vicissitudes and revolutions of time, in peace and war, in sunshine and storm, and they will continue to Btand in all their vitality and strength as a mighty beacon lighting glorious way" to the oppressed of other nations of the earth in their struggles for freedom. This grand Centennial Anniversary calls for manifestations of our joy and gratitude our patriotism and State pride. Let it be re membered that the Mecklenburg Declara tion was more than twelve months in ad vance of our National Declaration of Inde pendence. The Convention which assembled in Char lotte on the 19th of May, and which declar ed Independence on the succeeding 20th, was convoked by Col Thos Polk, and there is indisputable proof of the authenticity of the Declaration then and there adopted. In a letter written by tbe distinguished historian and statesman, George Bancroft, to Geo Swain, dated london, July 4th, 1875. Mr Bancroft states that he had himself seen and read in the British State Paper office in London, the first account, of the Mecklen burg Declaration of Independence, sent over to England by Sir James Wright, then Gov ernor of Georgia, in a letter of the 20th of June, 1775. The newspaper thus transmitted is still preserved, and is number 498 of the South Carolina Gazette and County Journal of June 13th, 1775. Let the people assemble at Charlotte on the 20th of May, . and let them remember that they still live in "the land of the free and the home of the brave." Allow me to tender to you and those you represent my unfeigned thanks for your kind and complimentary invitation to be present at the Centennial, and to say that I hope to be at Charlotte on that interesting occasion, to participate with the people in doing honor to tbe day and the memory of those who made it historic by their deeds. I have the honor to be, very respectfully, yonr obedient servant- C H BROGDEN. Letter from Judge Thos Settle, GREENSBORO, April 20th, 1875. Mr. Thos. W. Dewey, Sec. Ex. Com. N. C. Centennial Association, Charlotte N. C. Dear Sir : I have the honor to acknowl edge tbe receipt of an invitation from the Central Executive Committee of the Centen nial Association, requesting my presence at the One Hundredth Anniversary ef the Mecklenburg Declaratioh , of Independence. I accept the invitation : and hope tbe peo - pie ot the United States, and especially of North Carolina, will join in celebrating an event which contributed so largely to the establishment of our Great Republic. 1 have the honor to be, Your obedient servant, THOS. SETTLE. Letter fYom Gov Beverldge. EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT, Springfield, 111., April 19th, 1872. J ,; Thos. W. Dewey, Esq., Secretary Centennia Assoctatvon. Sir ; I am in receipt of your kind invita tion to attend the Centennial celebration of the Mecklenburg Declaration on the 20th of May next, for which accept my sincere thanks. I should like to be present on that occa sion, to renew my devotion to my country, and gather the inspiration of our fathers, but public duties will prevent. 1 none vour celebration win oe a grand success, and kindle anew the fires of patriot ism in many an American breast. - Yours very respectfully, JOHN L BEVERIDGE. AIflTOTJNCMZINTS Peoples Ticket for 'Aldermen, Wabd No. 1. James F Davidson, Thos H Tiddy, J S Phillips. ' : Wabp No. 2. JohnT Butler, Jefferson Hagler, col., Dr Wm Sloan- Wabd No. 3. Thos W Dewey, Samuel Grose, GW Bradshaw. i.--y:Auii M i Wabd No! 4. D G Maxwell. Dr Thos J Moore, J A Young, Jr. .; ; Aldermen, TFawd No. l;-r-Thos H Tiddv. F HUlovcr. JS Phillips. . t ' (, WiBn Ko. 2. Jno L Morehead. Wm Sloan, Thos H Brem. . : Wabd No, 3. S Grose, C T Walker, T W Dewey ' ; . ' Wabd No: 4 D'G Maxwell, Dr Thos J Moore. J .41 phonso Young. ' MANY VOTERS. : Aldermen for Ward No, 1, . . , 5 i; i . . ....... - Editors DaUg Observer,' ' . ' ? - We beg leave to suggest to .the voters at TTard No. 1, the names of the following gen tlemen as suitable persons to receive , their suffrages for Aldermen :.(,, n Geo JFChalkv F H Deweyb ,F S DeFolfe.1 First Wbbd Votebs. ) . Aldermen for 4th Ward,' Messrs. Editobs 5 s v r) v ' j't in. Please announce through, your l columns the names of the following gentlemen as nitAble nersons id fill the offices of iilder- men ; Dr Thos J Moore; Chas R Jones, The Ticket for the City, wabd so. 1. Dr M M Orr, Dr J HMcAden, S C Wolfe. WABD HO. 2. Walter Brem, J L Morehead, Jefferson Hagler. ward so. 3. J C Burroughs, D W Oates, Col IRUiara Johnston. . . WAB NO. 4 I - ' ' I i Maj C Dow d, Gen Rufus Bjrringer, J J Sims. - ' Announcements, and Re-Announcements, Aldermen for Ward No, 1, The voters of TTard No. 1, will support the following tickets : Dr J H McAden, S P Smith, C Scott. Declines to be a Candidate, J I hope my partial friends will not put my name on thdr tickets for Alderman as it will be impossible for me to serve of elected. F H GLOVER. For Aldermen. We would suggest the names of Sol. Cohen. Dr T J Moore and J J Sims, as Suitable gen tlemen for Aldermen from Ward No. 4. MANY VOTERS. NEW ADVEBTISEKEXr. Choice Tea. HAVING taken the agency for the En glish Breakfast Packet Tea Comtanv. we offer all kinds of Tea in packages of i, i 1 lb, at the very low price of $1.50 oer lb. These Teas are guaranteed to be equal to be equal to any in the market and at a lower price. W. R. BUR WELL & CO,, apr 25 Druggists. Glass, Putty A ND Window Glass as lowest market i prices. ' W R BURWKLL & CO.. apr 25 Springs' Corner. WE HAVE IN Store about Twenty Five Thousand Cigars of superior quality. W R BUrtWELL & CO. apr 25 Onion Setts, A T 10 cents a quart. W R BUR WELL & CO. apr 25 Saratoga Water N draught arid in Dottles, W R BUR WELL & CO. 0 apr 55 . BUY Aladdin Security Oil, I T WILL NOT EXPLODE, W R BITRWELL & CO., Agent. ap 25 QERMAN 8TUDENT LAMPS, W R BURWELL fc CO. apr 25 PAINT, Varnish and White Wash Brushes, W K 5 UK WELL ife CO. apr 25 QOLGATES' HONEY And Glycerine Soap. Brown WinsorSoan. Sapolio. W R BURWELL & CO. apr 25 SUPERIOR French Brandy, Prt, Sherry and Madeira wind for medicinal use. W R BURWELL & CO. apr 25. STORAGE. T am nren&red tn ntnlra Wtrrhn1iqp nfevdrv L description on the 1st and 2nd floor of Rock Island Factory, at moderate ratest as cars can be . unloaded " at the door, patrons win save arayage. SMUKTKKCALlUWICLL. apr 25 eod. 1 w. . Agent. C. G. Railway Co., Cotton buyers and Merchants aie notified that this company are now ready to recive cotton at this platform on trade street, with ample facilities for handling freight, and despatch of business.- Two set scales are ready for use, and the city weigher will weign cotton at all times on our piatierm. Through rates as low as tbe lowest, V Q JOHNSON, apr 25 lot i ; ' . " Superintendent. A Nexperienced cook middle aged, white XX woman preferred, Must have'good refer ence. Apply at THI8 OFFICE. apr 25 2t - -.j - ,:; . R. D. W ADR. BEST ! s. " it.' r i .anainpiiT i TITB HAYS irf.OW IN STOCK, THE BE3T; ASSORTMENT OF XADlfe fcEHW,. MtesEMi .a rmtnRRw BOOTS, MISSES and CHILDRESS BOOTS Trade, and at the lowest prices. CENTENNIAL GAITERS, Hand-Made,.... , ' .'... !rlt:: aA' tAv-' l r.n 'visit Fine Goods, a specialty., !t Call and examine ( for yourselves. fc'y. .U :o C-.f lA. J . :.'f,v "... IP) 8.-An assortment of Boy v Youths1 and Ctentlemen's Hats, of the ktaA. tg! is unexcelled in the dty. n h '.-.::: . l-'.n.- V't"J 5r t art apr a , f , Mr ,-, .nt,. j Choice Onilding lots. PARTIES wishing to build within the next twelve months, can purchase choice building lots near Mr Bronsons, within 15 v minutes walk of Independence square. v Enquire of " "".w 1 H - A SHORTER CALDWELL : apr 25 eod lw. :.U ; ;ur" . Choice Books. QUITS," AT ODDS, "THE INITIALS," rCyrilla, or theMyste- . riuos Engagements. These books, by an English lady, the wife of a Bavarian noble, are justly considered models of chaste and elegant noyels. For truthfulness of the enstdmr and scenes de scribed and for correct 'delineation of . the German character tbeyare unsurpassed For sale at PHIFER'S apr 25 - . aGfST. v VESTERDAY afternoon, between J.H. Jt-Bailey's residence and the Publiaquare, a .Masonic pin with ruby and pearl sets. It left at this office suitable reward will be paid to the finder. ; apr 25 It SPECIAL COMMUNICATION Of Phalanx Lodge No. 31, A F & A M, will be held in their hall, in Masonic Temple Building, MONDAY NIGHT, APRIL 19tb, at half past seven o'clock. Visiting breth ren, and members of other Lodges, in good, standing, are respectfully Invited. Brethren will take due notice, and govern themselves accordingly. By order of the W. M. W H HOFFMAN, ap 25 It. Secretary. REDUCED FARES to the- Charlotte Centennial ! ! THE following named Railroad corpora tions will transport passengers to and from the celebration to be held at Charlotte, N.C., on the 20tL MAY, 1875, At one and a half cents per mile each way, or three cents per mile for the round trip : Richmond fc Danville Railroad ; North Carolina Railroad ; Raleigh & Augusta Air Line Railroad ; Seaboard A Roanoake Rail road , Atlanta & Richmond Air-Line . Rai I road ; Spartanburg & Union Railroad: Bands, Military or Fire Companies, desiring to attend are respectfully requested to correspond with the proper officials of the different railroads for further terms. . - , The Carolina Central Railway kindly consents to transport all military or fire companies free, and passenger fare will be at reduced rates. ' v . . . . For the convenience of the public, and in order that there may be no misunderstand-. ing, all the railroad companies are respect fully requested to publish their reduced schedule of rates, at as early a day as possi ble. Reduced rates of C, C- A., the 8. C. R. R., and its branches, Atlantic, Tennessee & Ohio, and Western N. C. Railroads will be announced as soon as ascertained. Papers friendly to the cause will please make a notice of the foregoing R Y McADEN, ") TranpportaCoVt robt i Mcdowell, S WITTKOWSKY. J Committee. apr24tf ' 'i.v A TTENTION Z0UAVE3. . You are hereby commanded to meet at your Hall to-morrow- (Mon day) night, at 74 o'clock, P. M , sharp. Business of importance win oe transacted. By order of ' . . . oapt J C UAMI H McSMITH, Orderly Sergeant. arp 25 It pEATHEBS. New Geese FeatherSjJbr sale, at ., W M CRO WELL'S. apr 2 J. : . . : ;. .- ; . . . W N Prather & Co., '' BAKERS. CONFECTIONERS AKD DEALERS IN FANCY GROCERIES. Nice Fresh Bread and,. Cakes, baked, everyday. Fine' and' coarse Horn- ' ; ' iriy ftt 5centlb, at ; . ,7 3 ' PRATHER & CO'8, First door above Market House. apr 23 .: . MWid-t- -. 8.8, PEGRAM. SHOES SHOES and SUPPERS, ever offered to the ! . 11 I d . J Jt. 1 ... ;.."- - ; ,.-'-,.. 15--si "Opposite Central Hotel. or BE? SSs.' 1 A --7Cr T - I.J . ! . . fi ......

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