w,. NMMM;m.. ... JU rlfWhf 'YVyYi III K -f$S" F F rtf& - IRI ?YV DnHy I year, (posted) in 4Tanc,; $8 00 4 II U fi ll II -III 111 !K L If"' IWM L Vi . fBVI 1 t,rWl I fi ll 'fllll ' avZs.Uv 1 .;. qut of ib county, postpaid, 2 10 Tl"- -T-;J 1 i ' ' : ' " ' .' . '..i. .v .i, : y't"';,; u u, j.; )n. jr.( ,;,.,;, wiT ;;;.,. - , .;) :T,t.,.f K,,., fft:;,-. M C 0 months. i i , . 105-'' irvr 1 -rV ' i 'l. .! . - . - ; r: , - - - - " : t f 11 1 ' ill ....;.., , .... r . . r- r . -, liberductto.mciub,. . J Jut, ,j . - . , - , - -.CHARLOTTE, N,,CAVlS75- aT . ' ; i J t 1 - ' ...' -' I. REMOVAL SMITH, &FORBE WHOLESALE AND li DEA LERS IN BOOTS, SHOES, LEATHER-A HATS, HAVE removed to the new, targe and elegnnt "8MITIE BU HIDING " next A. Brcm, Brown & Goa-H a rd ware-Store, where they are recciTing a full stock of . SPTllNa GOODS, . if complete in every particular. Their line of ladies' and gents' line BOOTS AND SH'd'E S1 ' will Jw especiallyitive, and will be sold at short profits! H nd examine. 1 S - i.taV4-f. Next door to Brem, Brown 4 Co;' UawareltorcSartotoJ'a The CJiarlplto Clccrrcr. Charles .n. Jones rrc;rietor. yncj Obsertef Buildiiij, Corner Trad andCoilegej CtreeU. ifor 11 1 have appointed Dr Fv)HGLOTKK my law fal. agent to collect claims doe me; etther for job work, or for sabsoriptiona. He is authorized to receipt flr any aants that may be placed in his banda for collection. : i j i, Bditor ft Proprietor. pffit Cisxoit0ssm, March 18th. 8?5. Jrrma2l-tf a CATdouc Chckch Services at 11 A. M hnd at JJ E. M, by the priest. Bey Father wiinungton. ?fS!1' t 'f LuTHaaAM .' CKtntCa--Servietei by th pastor Bey A L Younts, j copybok u loaded with matter. puuuuiuuauona na local news,' that vreMedto get intj-pe last nighV after ttesspassine on the fiobbath in uir f- A Centennial Spelling" Bee row tbat we nave bad a U&utala let lit) have a rousing spelling Bee iri Char lotte, for the benefit of the Centennial. Te"Wnmingt6h'SraF?aiis fof5HrfliaT city. Itlf r"P "It has been suggested, and the sug gestion has met with considerable favor that a spelling match be at once organ ized for the purpose of raising money New Tear 'thereon, "and i ihe! Cantata clpeeiwitb? twelcomff?ietiorttt fofth'e young year, ,j, au,Ufl C rtv tit 319(1, ..' -Every pa rt of . this - grand prodnctkn wia rendered iri splendid tyle,9attd ; the singing "was nqiost excellent;.0 f' . ; Among the attractions of the evming nothing afforded; greater - pleasure' to the audience than Jhe rendering .,of df- Jtt. Wilson) and, especially ;the. superh; manner in. .which 'she rplayed-, dney SmithV ironsription; "6f; Mendelssohn ' exquisite ; music;,? io aake8peae' Jttrs.,I)ewey len ; lier magic , touch to gcueiHi utuu$uyf Tue uie enecfc ei for the OPTitnnnial ftmH. A nu.nt.ohio I nft cnoruses. was ttfe&tJy s Juei&rntcned bv price could; 4chargedl ai36lH ana aouowew! every otty would Attend. IT" 4 t , i"1 tf , iCon Mr. S.,SPe9rrama jt)d .. Vfian " and Mr Jamll,, BroWnVi Od, father, If all would not narticinate in the WnrlHW fill-. UritVt ihb 1li-roir Vo would at least goto Bee the fui pud If s S1 jgir qliflater Dc,iw'WJV .""g . voices WWiffi ami thmg.ccaui haV.beeiinneri ihan inpersonatioi ciu jssoqsj i here we are forced to condensa an t.;a nded4oficeVdi8CRbihgt ccT peias -. tutiM -irk l.j i.LZI an- IsnleiMlidl mm uui nnu u me uu epeuere re. i t ; ; s :v r. j-r;r; a .) nuuu a course wouia , oe. . jouna - a very i cp 3, r": t isgofcs jm ami its. Sunday convenient method of raising a hand-1 1, ; 8choolat 3 P. M. commuttion services at some sum of money. , tta experience in YKW, tiemonstrated." I Wfieu 10, (Eonaensft aa other cities have : fullV . - . i - -t " Hi III 1 h ladieswntrihutiedvibe Uau- f of this troubloru Tnunicipal election i gndan, AUftccou 1875. SPRINB AND SOMMEfl FASHIONS. 1875, -OF- J MILLINERy and FANCY Goffi HKOOPMANN & ROTHSCHILD'S. 0 TUE Again appear before the public with our compliments, and announce, It !5.7 Vi6- St0re' ""a"6 daily "ceiviag one of the finest and larg est Stocks, in onr line, ever exhibited in this city. The constant increase of our business, wai rants nsin the belief, that the only mode to secure success is to sell Goods at a 8MALL PROFIT. I uur determination is now to adopt It o'clock. ftt ll, ahd this enafajlkke ' by.B.-ftp)is-iflel4;4. Mata'entiertairmiferitj.let the "m 'MM'ivB: r I tribute apgffiiWepmtiie i Brons W Services will be had lowing W governing eBe ZSSTll? i y'' l A, M., and at 41 P. Mi Bcnools in the Aorth and elsewhere : A.) exaufeife. -elieitir . itornis of ant ; ' -iii.- - I t rm. : . ; . i i r . I ...-' ' Secohd MeTHODttst Chxjbch. Services bv I i4uK,f.7.!1Ll . J?W.; the nrttnf ll taI, nif , . i. .1 npeuor iihis uui uue iruu at eacn Aiie ew.jicar ' -nnstnias v. aiid h,Vr?RevlJohn F' Bbtfc- atl1 AM word. . ; .,,':r "Santa jCaaus?':lak, then- Darted 3. To set-all at ease the dictator 'will 1 perfecti6n; ' 1 . . .'. ' "','. 1BT05 Htkekt M. E. Choech. Services , 8 , . ouyl worua ws acue, neiu, I astor.LKev. P J Carrawav. 8undav Rnhool I j 2 li . . 1 niirun are iicil lii re 1. iiii, wiin i; i ;i ; 7 this proviso ! , That Upon UCh Word be- Editor OBSEEk' Fih Presb ttxrcar CHliacilServices g givn out any speuer may nave the tKAb gm :ln reply to cimmunk. Quit. &wu. a.... .1 ci f n. , um inu ivB Huuyvieumg gramme-fls the printer. rThe price . d&-. tk iiEFOKMKD BERVlcK in the I "" . wdwl imon fnr thia rHv vM 1 SO Tft . .. . 1 n. 1 snp.npr tnnv TpnpjH' tnp wnrfi 1 . j ine coraer 01 and tb oft- ' 7A" -,";n i.TJZIr error was corrected a ftW aa ?tf 1 w urao,ru, m u ciocK a. xa., ana at s r. 1 .x u A i ,i 1 t-i j l:- .: i. ii. . 0...I, L . .y.. 0uj rectoe orthepronunatron, orto ,. f' ... - ..j tit ill 'ifd Cuifitoi'M; May 1st; . 1 NEW RtTLBS,r, In tur business, leaving the old style (large profit and big per cent) for oth- iri ft to onTftt with mnkinv mira t.h f!H K A P STORK! nt PhsrlnffA ullmo (Ki I liEST GOODS FOR THE LEAST MONEY, and to establish a cV School at 10 A. M. Second Pbksbytebian Ghubch. Services in the morning at ll.and in the evening at 71 the p&stor, Key. E. H. Harding, at the Court L Houserj Sunday School in the basement of i the Lutheran Church at 3 P. M. 9 fl A OIIE PRICE SYSTEO, liy marking onr Goods with the selling price thereon. We mean to double i ana in pie oar oasinessin mis way and as onr customers will be greatly bene tited by this change, we hope to tuakeour business still more profitable than heretofore. - v ' v;n , . The special attention of our lady friends is called to our collection of. fine I Trimmed Bonnets and Hats, to oar immense assortment of new Spring Shapes in ontnmniea nats, to our attractive Jf lAW&K DJSl'AKTMKJST, -crowded wun of aumui ana original aesigns, and importations irom PARIS To oar immense Stock of Ribbon, plain and grain, in all sizes and qualities. We have the finest line of RUFFLING for neck wear : 5.000 yards of Ham burg Embroideries, in beantiral patterns ; a large and - handsome variety of l -a dies' mix Hcarta, Laces, farasols and Bun Umbrellas, Inramings, Fans and i'an unains, minngs. W H 1.T E G 0 0 ) S , .Such as Jaconnets, Cambrics, Swiss. Mull, Piques, Plaint Kanaaoks, Victoria Lawn, Toilet Quilts, Checked and Striped Nansooks, Taricton's Irish-Linen, Table Linen, Towels and Toweling. Crash Linen Cambric Hankerchiefs, Yal encienne Laces. Hemstitched Hankerchiefs. Cluny and Thread Laea, Coar tauld English Crape, French Piece Crape, Barege, Tissue and. Lace Veiling. A beautiful variety of Silks, fn alt the new shades. ' A general aasoftment of ' Hosiery. Aid Gloves. Linen Collars andCuffi. Corsets. Craoe Setta. 4 Si L Real and Imitation Hair Switches, Braids. Curls.' Fnsetta. A complete f Stock of Pearl and Set Ornaments, Breastpins and Ear Rings, Bracelets, Sieevo ; Buttons. - -- -'"vr " ' - .j?-J" s?S' A large Stock of " ' '7;,;'; . ., : . ' f. PERFULIERY AIID TOILESOAPp And many other NoveltieRrf:": &i-'.:il -t r A- f- - : We have in oar establishments wml experienced MILLINERS, and have, no hesitation in stating, that their exqtulaie work, and beautiful designs; in, trimming Hats, cannot be excelled. ' One of these Ladies has special charge in -this Department to wait on Costomers, and will aid Ladies in making selec tions. '. Every Dpartsoent is now replete with4 the- very latest rXJ! a higher charge for-reserve geateiig final syllable ; but after the pronuncia- here, than in; if pw- OdeapsV; wilt tion no correction will be allowed. a. uiue, reuwuon x iiuuk, surprise 6. Vhenever a speller misses he shall I no one.- -The Opera House, in wis city go to the foot of his division, and on 1 1 i4mnrtu-ariv1v f : KmlttAlcaTiu! missing three words he shall, take his :,penses- atteiidihg! tlfe ' totir , of 7. Webster or Worchester sliall be VPP"11311 "f.'S; u? Ve mh,b?ii,u s authority on all disputed points. whole i company , .ttom, the y vanety iucnciiuco ""v" cuuugn, vu- .iieaire -oi-xiew vrieans,' lire unusually nig. Prayer Mektibq. The Young Men's Christian Association will hold a Praver Hall, over the Commercial' National Banks j I The public aw cordially iny iteJ. WnrdNo.4. We are authorized by Gen'l 11. Bar- j linger tp say that he does not desire the position of Alderman, and, while oblig- Thc Cantata "New Year's Eve " As we said yesterday, there was an immense and brilliant audience gather- ed to friends for tht? nomination ten- ed at the House Ftid niU to I dered, he is compeUed to decline. Wltness the and Cantata "New Year's - J t : . ; . Eve." We think Charlotte may well be Wlnnsboro and Charlotte. proud of the whole performance. We ven- ; The yiunsboro Newt says : Our old j ture to say there never has been an en- charged at Chattahooga, a city of about the same population as Charlotte. . Respectfully, ; . . a - GEO E FULLER, Agent, John E. Owene'- Dramatic Com'n ! -y lS73.i!;.; . Office or IVYHITTK0W8KY A.-?EIIfTEI, W VHABMTTEj'N Ci Uy 1,! ; Mi8B8."'Fj)rTOB8l Mr.-Bintel's hamo appeared in yesterday mornings Obskh VisH, r as a n candidate fon Aldennanic honors for the Fourth Ward. Mr. Renib U absent In -Kew -York, hence he was not ftnd) could not huve "been consulted whether or hot be 'desires thatihoiioi', jind white I do lioi no feel authorised poydyHrtMrawl:?hia7namo7 1 pan safely say; that were he at home he tvotild hot-consent; to' no 4n definc0 pr the. expressed wishes i of the largest tax payers of his1 Ward, therefore, I re- THEY respectniuy'' ask 'those who-: nominated him 'to jpleaae Jsubstitute; some other rp ItEW ADVEBTI8C31EWTS. i'wii--i-. .v-,5; fiiif IV i ...n;,.,t.-', ,.;.- i, iI-SEECUL CQMMvjJflCATIQK T" Jn-S- fL. S,, j . . . . . . ...t . .. 5K71)a3M Jdge No, 3t,A & A Mwill e wM itf. their hal!,,' in-'Masonio Temple JajWing, MONDAY- NWHTr MAY ; 8foV rhf metftea. eadod&i i ViaitinaN breth- retrriaad tnembere-pf rotber f Lodgesi In good. eU.adrf. are- respectfully invited. . L Brethren will take daa notice, and govefn lt " ?"v 1 ' - '. '-at : - w-i aft. i may 2'lt ' ''. ' " 1 Ladies ; Qair Emparinn; . ... i ! t:" & k a. j o h n s o x -! f-J:tfTinj SIR vtofrt-.xf 0-.IT ."WUfTIt Wish 4a inform the: ladif of Charlotte and vicinity,' jtbat they bavecallad here for a short tiine with a fall and elegant' assort ment of Human Hair Goods, teat I can oflet as the" standard of perrection, Original rrr dr sign, of the best quality and -workftianship, and unsurpassed in elegance and beauty, at extremely low priced; i. AzZ tb itu;i-i k Will renew and work' oJer.: jn .themost fashionable style, allOld Hair, Braids, Com bings, kc : also Renewing land Dyeing in every shade, either lighter or darker.at reas onable prices. 8tore Tryon street, between D G Maxwell's and Tiddy's Book Store. ma 1- j- :-..: - ijj i . : biv-l 1f k, i f..t ".li'i.L-rl 1 -jit! hi i 'r'tr. .J'i.ii;! ijr-.j -i SOON'1' ,-M.i--.; i. if'h 'j !- .i:!ii. :.J.Lj 0klUl3sii.lt .J'tiHMlk'nMA '.'.. if -iftll .J1-.?SttDCi 1 .hi BE jftEADy.,1 ii ' i -.-d vSit If ..i j W N Prather & Co., . ' f r ,!0HYES Oil YES. APPLES For the Observer. TO THE CITIZENS OK CH A RI.OTTE, M&. EwTOBi Iiiotice m s- yesterday morning's paper, ia eard from Col. Win. ' -l -K ' i'j -ir , , . . . . . jonnsion, m answer 10 a caru oi mine, menu, fonaid Macausay, iq., tele- tertamment by amateurs, that could the- dav before, in which my ' nurnose Graphs us from Charlotte that he has se- enual it outside some laree citv. The I was to exnlain whv InroBOsed to with- cured rooms for the Boro and Black- credit for this exauisite artistical exhi- draw. 1 acted m good lalth about that, stock boys during the Centennial. We bition is due, in the first instance, to return thanks to friend Mac, and as- j Mr. James M. Brown, of Wilmington sure hirq that his kindness will be highly appreciated. ; -f : i- . . Personal, Wc-were pleasffd to receive a call from Mr; H. C. Pool, formerly connect ed with the Newberne Journal of Com i merce, but now travellihe agent for who so generously tendered his services originated and arraged the whole enter tainment, in the next place to Mrs. T, W. Dewey, and the young ladies and gentlemen of Charlotte. and meant w hat I said. And if Col. Johnston meant what he saidy he would not have beeri a candidate after so pos itively declining to allow his name to be used, upon the grounds that he could THE STATUARY. A ereat many of our Goods were purchased at a redaction of 25 per cent., the full benefit of which; we Will give to our customers. . - ' I An examination of our Goods and prices, wilt convince every one, tnat our assrruoiwaiw ' .c-....v tutny.' .. .. j. B O N A F I D E and that we mean just what we say. Onr regular Spring Opening will take place in a lew uays.-oi wnicu, uue itice Will be given. ' - ' l' not attejidjfttrlofficecNoas.tQ.the two conventiohs,the first was thealhl one, according to the old party custom. That convention nominated Mr. Mc Ninch, andhe7 af (thefiomiilee, was fairly in the 'field,- but thit domination This part of the" entertainment was did not suit the old ring, and hence the n..: r.-,f - i n nuA tt r i riwlit.arilVin tbn mrtoftms. Th uh-1 call for another convention, lhe nrst vur iicwu uru sli -xrwu, juj. x uui , . , - . . . . ... j will leavl to-mbi-row for GastOn Court, jects were well chosen, two of which IScSty Sr Itttt "f We would remind our ex-Confederate were from paintings by the Rev. Mr. toijthe allusion of the Colonel, readers that this iournal has necnliar Oertell. 'Taith Hope and Charity,'; made to the third term, I will ay, that and the "Rock of Aires." Canova's doctrine only apples to the President of 1 : ' . 1 I . . ... . . . . I TTt,.i1 Si t o i rim nnH nr,f. rt Tllnvnra rkt u ii , k.. .. rhiae never chinned such nnceless I vrr" .y .-'"V .m,,. c -. ----.r - x - 8mall towns, I was not sohcited to be had in Qorth Carolina. All who feel marble as was this, and Praxitiles had a can(jidate for the third term Until aft anv nridi in the liiHtorv of their State no such models as were on exhibition er Ck)l. Johnston said to his friends that i,smMl:tiA ' ,ia- Gridav night. - ' he would not be a candidate: A self THE OPERA. I VUIU5WiUlCT vauuiutttQ jo uhu . xvf jtT i i - - v - : -r- KIM. W111VV, UJOtCiCm LV1 V UUVAVU Mr. A.1G. Thompson, a merchant of Let iho Old Year fMr. S. S. Pern-am. tion. from which the Col. derives his iii s?tpi- Tfnliovforfl mnntv ,tj vj- nomination. Mr. McIMnch was the Drought. a pwwoigoiu uusi 10 me old Father Time (Mr. James AC ,d5w- Werih-;.rKwnetk1Cthe Branch Mint, at this place for Assay. Brown,) appeared to remind him that Conservative cohVentioik. which :-i met In We undebtand from him that the Gold v,; men wai almost run. and called I the Court House after, a full ladvertise- Aptirn lite mnsr. of thrtfse I ment i in the Obskrvdr, and if Col. ..... j. . . ..... I UUvfll IU Kill. Cl il (ivvuwiiv v. 'v I , .. . . . .... . r il . - v. it U .. . f - , ,.T , ; i --I jonnsronaiatLDeenine nominee wuiai in the State arc neglected at present, momentii which were allotted to bin. ..-wAiiH l..mte, .nft but therdare a few persons who earn a I The Old Year, in reply, summonsed the I second or bolters convention. The first precarious livelihood by washing me j four seasons, "Spring, (Miss Ijoix I convention was really the -conservative ' OH YES. APPLES. APPLES. FINE.:' - 'FINE. !' FINE"! ORASfGES, GRANGES, ORANGES, LEMONS, LEMONS, LEMONS. Come" and get sbttle fine Large BalwinApples Soon or they will all gone, at y W N PRATHER & CO'S, . First door above 7 Market House. , . . ma 2 . . . i . - i.j' f 1 im ;i. i. j'si! ; ".Vi uin : : v ... ...? 1 - i l r mmmmwmmmmmmmmmmfmwmmm' i , ; -ii,. . , -. ' t ' E . S ,(' j' f j . . . UVS ' -A s ,....! ? ;- ...i " ... . , ' ' 30 -v Ml ... . ' m ThaOBsraviR Job Department Has bee's SlTVi v ?V : - riosof xypa, Md want, f ; . . l 1 caa no d with ncs.'-. i -We can fii-U'sf - BLANKS, EILL .TAC.i:ncirT .1 v , v , 1 cheapness,. t r otlee - - ZTZB, ftc'dc. 1 (sjKNijot'i v:-vt ,Ki i WILrBEHTElJWiHE '" una ii' .... . - -i -i -.- IS. - l3v.Jif' TUESDAVxNIGHT, AIAY 4th, 1873. i. i ,t' llt ..'"'. " at ) The programme will.lmt,nuvtenlly changedratd Hew ihyi will be intro duced. w- trill im rofluu cd to 73 ccnta for rescneu eeatal Eeg ular admission 50 cents. Special 'Tales made with schools , t, S; The box sheet will' be opened at the (!!! Kl7iUiS': r Ojicra House ticket office, on Monday and Tuesday from 9 to 12 o'clock- a. m., and from 2 to 5 p. m., eacli dayVM?'- ..ma 2 2t . .; ,., i,fX, .-j (;!ntrft-! T BY Drexel'd Vienna Bell Cologne, a new and delightful perfume. 25 cents, 60 cenU and $1.00 per bottle. , For sale at all Drtiggists. Gfye it one trial. may 23t- - ' w ANTED.? A good cook, washer and ironer- Middle aged, white woman preferred. One fit to be a companion, as well as to do general household work. Jpplyat - . may 2 tf THIS OFFICE. BEDSTEADS, WITH THE CELEBRATED i OPERA H OU SB JOHN E. OWENS, : i ! ! -.- ..?'i!'t -:' ,!.--.. .j -. -M ffwjA'rKiJ it. ; - . v ''V ,1'ttipJ -f i !--;.-' w J'a-r.v '- - ' BOX S3HK3ST . : -'' J.-.ii'iA.'-. tuii',:':-.'- ' V vitl -. J r i IU1 ilHaOii:. -'-- : I'. '- .i ' k.kj- ". far ;fis,!l-ii !.. -. WILL BE OPENED THIS M0 ftNING AT EIGHT O'CLOCK, ' wt : : i- ,HJ1 -, ;;!: tttl tin ., ' :. '.;tr li ns'J-'i -i IUnit i'fii.jl TIDDY'S ma l lt.' v STORE. jgGSADALIS, JACQB'9 COR DLiL. Herrick's. Plaster, Sawyers Bl.iing, Pierce's Favorite PrescripUon, do Golden Medical Discovery, do PilleMs,- ii r.v-ii.r'j, t ma 1 W R BUR1FEL CO. B . . ,t:.j r,-i-i i-r OARD WANTED, t-;..-; : 4 , i urn i iUJerf', .'..-;-.T i .-.iti-i, By a gentleman and wife i: m private family. References exchanged :. u : , Apply immediately at , - - . ,4 ;. THI8 OFFICE. , apr30 2t v : - J r-j .T'.'.w":1 Prof. Antrim will exmbilbiajwanderfiU performing horse at I 'P, tonyJhe, 1 square. ' v "' 'TNSeL'' r ' Exhibition free, everybody come and -aprSO f'" : .,"'.-..:!.v ' . PAINT YOUR HOUSE ,. - . r- ' - "' With Pure White Lead, in Oil: iWe have a lot jast from the Factory, near the Lead Mines, which is undoubtedly PURE. . apr SQ. ..t4o-0 SMITH dk.CO.-y notice i! : u EOOPUAIIH c ROTHSCHILD, rr t ' 1 ty -s v-! f' C ii.ti X.i v "tailingsi' or sand about the mines and Young ) "Summer (Mre. Mahon,) convention the second was .composed extracting therefrom a small quantity (Mis8 Fannv 0rr) Win- & Yf8' t ST8 ttHii ! AfmiriiKtwl,i,h thPvWrtP nfft Autum"' aiiss fanny urr,; win candidate of ooftcr. Ididnotome out this way4 Mr. Thompson gets about twelve daughters,-the twelve montns to mererore i am ine peoples canoiaaie :od: Storm in Concord. From Mr. J. Lock Gibson, who 'came TO THE MERCHANTS 0 9 NORTH iAND SOUTH CAROLINA, -. " ' ? beg leave to call attention to our v ' one thousand pwts of gold p6r annum, his presence, and requested "thereto and CoL Johnston is the boltei-slcandi- t0 95 Cents answer for themselves, jvhich they did. if """Li. ;4J?;4-r,'-;.. The Old Year, to lengthen out his mo- tion out my clauns to be the Centennial ments, then commanded the our toeas- Mayor are muclv stronger than Joionei onsandhis Twelve Daughters to pre- Johnston's, for the reason that the Meck frm thrir;; lenburg Declaration and myself were in from Concord last night, we get furth- ; - ...t. born upon the same spot, and, rocked m pr nartipiilars than is given in our snec- nence- , '- -. the same cradle ; and although, the Dec- er particulars than is given in pur spec . beginning of the second act, laration and X were not. hoys together, ml telegram. A terrifac storm ot wmd gDrin2 cntered attended by Zephyr the proof of my birth spot and identity passed .over, uonm yesroay alter- Dew Drop (Mis noon doapg greatdge tothe build race DcWey ) At her bidding an in- ingsm thetown. Tlietm roof of the ner curtain wa8 opened. a store house of Messrs. Montgomery s . , . r,, P r , , , .. . a.,j magnificent tableau "Crowning of the Dowd was blown entirely off -tlie -walls ,r 0 , a . , , a T,, "j , xt1 May Queen." Spring retired, and Sum- and their goods, especially thomilmery, . -. u.'JL, w SllT1Rh:0 , ;as badly damaged. The roof of Phifer .... . 'a, . , ; T? . ',, & Cannon's store was displaced and the I-; , . , . . . , .A ; : , v . - ,. 1 (Miss Mahon,: who opened the inner i.uX ff c,.,ai iinnwa in tv.A curtain disclosing the pleasing tableaux. I has never been disputed- , . . , , W. F. Davidsos. : Charlotte, N.. C-, May lsl87-5. .7 Letter from CoU Pool, T RALKicn, N. C.; April 20th', 1875. CJiairman Executive Cfamitte', i. .7 . Tdeab Seb.: ; Enclosed , find '.cVeckv for $10, V Accept it as the contributioft of Our Jjtvtng and twr. ajmmx, to s, the .vet WHOLESALE' ."DEBAUK JM-bN lrcH I K theneighborhood of Concord too. The tableaux, Mrs5 Lippitt,"; of Wnmihgton. burg ICecUi ation M the;, 2dtK , May, - - w k: aa'l .s.Y,1 i V iH W K her'; W- raed to the the "Last Rose of Summer" very 1775, 1 truit that Ae, approaching An, In THLLIEUY & FANCY ClOODItlBBOm. FLOWERS.) ground arid tw6 mules killed. niy ersary pf that glorious day; may , for- We have on hand over "1500 dozen of the latest styles of :. .. ".l 4-.j h ''.'I! ?y; - '..v-l't." ' i iMOBiiiiliiM It I exouisiteiy. ' -;'- 1 l .rr r-3lL i .. - j ' . KV6ISUWW uiuw nuu uac.iiacwiuii: Summer was. followed by Autumn, expressed doubts 7of the genuineness of jf "i. r A-U-.. Aa immense StoiK jf BIBBON and: other Goods, which we can offer at ' lnwDi PrinM. thuri anv nl.hsr Mt&bliahment. I rv i r--t i Aa we are the only house in Charlotte, dealing 'exclusively- In Millinery Goods, it sbeald attract ke attention of Merchants, : who wish to make par--chasesin oarline - , 4 , - . ... f1 P'M , ;.,.( Orders respectfully, solicited. " ' ' i'm ; ri- i Wo iot,i necrlAeterl to mention the eni I attended by "Cloud,? (Miss 'Mary Dew-1 that Declaration, and . place. Its autheh- , iargement andasmgVappearance ey) and Jaek Frost il the.eharlpUelOBSEEVEB. It is the at whose command tlie curtain was, 0f ose who . visit Charlbttei on- the largest tiaHY m moiui aiuimn.. iiuu uue o uuu. .u., . yi.yvi, uidvuoiu6 zuini Jiiay ve cause, x acei. an . uunesi. of the best and newsiest in the whole beautiful t tebleauxiiiyAUHaryest pride Jjiel'M'-jiintIory;.. .. i . .. I LJi& ..!) viii.-u-iisyi;.' I Noitih. Carolina, and desire to; mingle rru rn,aUS C Observeh bna I a Wmterf.attendeduby ;tenow, 'i;(Miss lTtiK,,r -wkA W mFU.MA i been gettmgeadyfor thd 'Xtentenmal 1 - p , v giory, on. my . nauve piaieh. py taecianng I celebration bv haying itself considerably Steele) . followed. Autumn, .and -when themselves absolved from all allegiance . T j , . . . t. a; enlarged and renewed as to typography r".,uuu " ' f,, Koopmann &'Rothseliild Accommodation !4 np -18 t ? , mTRir.ifrtVfl 1 xjpK sale. y'-V.JLL ' Toetage Stamps AlbumaJ ii. 'ikH'JJi ?f A fine lot of Rewards Cards for Sunday ivnd dy schools. Base Ball Guides fct JS75 Card Game of -all Vindsi ' f . Mother Goose, In pUh" and ' ' iglored .-" pictures. - - - . ' " " " ' aprgj '-. TIPPY BBQj r 't V, rpRY MENDEL'S' ' . FiveOent Clar. at 4 ' INDIAN GIRL CIGAR SrORB.t nar 12 Trade Street jar .i'l.t and tvTMi. The Obsesver is , an excel lent papery and we hope, it willHive V.td olwerve many other centennial celebra tions. Petmgurg ya.) index 'and Ap peal. J v " ' The : -.Chariot. (SlAifl Observer , , -rrhliM-'TP- Vrrs comes to lis much enlarge-d and improy , i uH u . u-vt, r. m appance,' ) It is one pf our.yerj- .nir?Z ii-ws-'.; jt.JiuW best North Carolina exchanges, and we -rfT "z I wt? giau!fupccw wwa LiLci,jr. AGENCY for th&T English JJreakfast Petersbuta C Ka.l iVw racKet rea uornpany," sola by xirug- 1 ........ 7 . .. .....t gisio oniy. -- i . . ap 28 . W RBURWELL & CO LADIES UILL Find all the light shades of Alex- andreand other Kid Gloves, at -H t, r ALEXANDER, -SEIQUS &.C0,. Pt 24 -Tlie increasing r prosperity - of i. the Charlotte : Observer, it appears, I forces it.to enlarge ita size.. It now prints thirty-twOj columns.-r Wilmington Star. The Charlotte observer is thoj neat ! cstlookuig and sprightliest daily in the j State . Charlotte should be and justly is t proud of the Observer. Shelby Aurora. The' CliarlottebBSERVER 'comes toru in a partial iiew dress and .greatly e?n- i larged. "Long may .v you " flourish' -rltal- ciffh Oiqntat. r J opened, . : a magnificently f illuminated star was 'disclosed,. i and a ' groups Of I shepherdesses and i shepherds, "whife i gazing in wonder and amazement upon the brilliant star - sang : , ; , ?, - to God in the highest; i: " -fi -- k ! . Seraphs are chanting the strain ; . . ndhoeso'er Jndea's mountrins. Glory swells along Bethlehem's plain. Glory It God f Glory to God ! ' . ; ' ; , , drytoGod in lhe highest." ?U V 't f to the British Crown, more than, nine months in advance of the, action pf the (Lontinentai uongress ,i- iv q ,;.. ; Uery respectfullj', , j L) Your obedient seryant,vv ri iw L- Capt JosGrraiiani, Charlotte; NvCLrji fit r. . .'!':. . 'I.J ! V.I'J 1 '(' Regulai; JJomiaees, Op-Ward Nd'4, : Cv Bowd, Ijf J. feims, "Tlios. J. Moore! "l'i'I J.i M' COSVESTTOS Ward No 4. . . . I -. 5 .W Snider; W W Wills and Robert Farringer, will be voted" ibryibr Alder- Tliis grand and touching scene closed the second act. r , .- , "''i ' ! In frto friirl nnH faal. art. t:ln fr.iiT- Sort.- i.;. i men of Ward No: 4, by f i 1,0 rJifff i 1 " I . - . . ' lEa 1 HOUSED VOTERS.. entered and sang a farewell chorus to . ,j coMatcsncATEn. i iv t the Old Year, at the close f. which the f ' To tlie Voters of Ward 2, New Year, (Cadet Hazel Dewey,) was I . .Tlie following ticket is suggested and escorted . .onthe stage : by Christmas, recommended to all voters without dis (Mr, Haype). iand ' Santa Claus, . tMr. tinction of party for Aldermen for James H. Orr.. lhe clock struck tw.elve Ward No. 2, : John A. Wilson, Jeffer- whereupon Time removed y the t.,01d son Heagler, Martin M. Wolfe.' ;V Year from hw .-throne and .-placed the 1 1 MANY YorER HH-i iiifMli'"" -! Hi ;"""J.!. R v'::i!i':::'iS '5 i ACKNOWLEDGED iTG BE .THE a most delightful and durable Mattress and Spring Bed combined -eyer inVen r FQriBa a(en.r b rlri- ;.-.. f oiii i Smith t cx('!1 ! l iitjj. fflirjR a - Buocessors to it m nnenoaj-. r i.faii-d lww .'fEasi Trade Street ' f fw:lf ''id iwt.'t ins i-. Ha.;- ct-s iiiX i li ij t i i f ; ,. .Y17.T. BLACKWELL&.OO.'S Genuine ' V j Durham .Tobacco, ( boll . braedsl . at- ways .00 aaoa.MKyjirjaiiMS'.W.S SW. . marSl tf. ? -.,; .-.vrfrW f-f? .f .-v'wi I? ?h.-- 5 !';) ttm ' u'iiia ii u u ui . no'? FORI EYERY-BOB Yawji 2 J li Lit 'il i f e-j'S' 6ii4jno,.)i5irtiifj sd'F . .; lj .fi ' i&Minm vtAW'xi'T' .4 i i. irt.n.tY-I'fra .nt34c'. ri't"! i m p-: U. . F .H, ANDREWS, & CQS4 j apr 29 !i" huH Hiv$6ttim'&8' PIANO TUNING and REPAIRING. ; j ..V-p4il-v:v'ii.;48iuia.. '.;"- Mr Joseph Frey respectfully 'informs, the Ladies and Gen tleaien of i Charlotte t and vicinity tbatheia in the City prepared to Tune and Repair Pianos, Organs and Melot deons. t ' , .Orders leR al Mr Phifrt-' book store, will meet with prompt attention. ' " l '4 V -ma-1 3t . -it " ; . -;t or.! :-t. ITBATifEBroi, Elixir todo Bromide' Calcium compound, Elixh Valor Ammonia, received to-day.' m Y R BUltWELL & CO. 4 ."-'ici-f ; i .i'.j.. $-iij iniii 5 if-. at: Ji !;." it ...;! -,.: (is'.' PRATT'S, vTRALCIIL.,i4i Gives moreiight, Is safer, has less odor, is : more cleanly, barns longer and 'gives more V'- general satisfaction than other, lamp: oil In V Price 60 cents rer eallon. ; nh hanira of ; Lamps required. . .-, .s.f-.-..-,H'U,(.t : Sole Agents orcharlotte, N, a'. JUST" RECEIVED ! ! : AND , .ii b!' -ji-?.' .'ir. if- f tit ttf ,H"i'. i-i;: m b".i usti?, a vn ;-;; i.i't j;. it'll i !;! -. r'; V ' ' r' . Picckjiecl almohw CHQ1CE P1CKLES ;?c By the dozen;: DRIED SWEET-uCORN. CUTLOAF8UGAR. J.".. ',!'! " 1 1 ."!1 W ra;it. ''A' ". We call particular attention to our. dried Sweet Corni-Since introducing It in this market, we haye sold large 'quantities of it and ii gives entrretisfaction. t TRY IT J v 'TRYIT TBTYTrin REMEMBER- . , COFFEE 'i ROASTED ) lioi 1 f-, j--. ; ( v1- 14---; -1. ; W - .. t - t yr J-- - ; : ' Opposit CrTAR.oTrE Hotel.:: : 1.11 USii. lis 'iiJiiiSi.i! .'iiKJ1 tt: lid iJi ?f: .'T . vl ilni-Z ;j;ti j Ijmtdiiiiffe.; n 1 ti- 4,-1 White gar- f artir-le White Wme Vinegar Warranted pm 'fi4: w PERDUB. 7 gnf j7 1 J l. ttiApX "i". c i .-. .i.'.jfu-.i ' 1. : Cm I'M;" ilte itltuZ. ii" ' . A;aay Jaiattt. i'A'ih ' -Iff.! Urn. samfi .io aae.a- iseift -Jsej; s . 'n 5i! ."! ! U'3'l i3-.?3aad'3lf am. s '.ctts 1 ri u 4f, . so . 40. nr d'U Le;. -:;TIM- :o$rn iw ..... . t 1-. . ... 1st 1 r . . - : 1.' . -t, t..i.j ,! ir t K .1 . . ... .- . GENUINE;., article .of . IMPORTED ure. TTPHOLSTERER, DECORATOR, i 1 'ftM'tr i:ru:'fHUrDt';S:- ?!, ii')yer; Fnnkenthai's Store.'5 ', Wfll be pleased and honored if you will call on him to inspect ma wort, or give mm an order. .Uest worxmanstiip guaranteea. An assortment of Mattre ces always on hand. it Church Upholstery a fpedalty. ' . ;:All4 0rdera left at 1 rankenthal'a store will receive prompt attention, tebifl-tt. - BEAD? I TED L'Jv , : J - r "DOARBERS A7AI ' . I am prepared to farnlsn 'good board to a . few select regular or transient . boarders, : by4 the day, week or month, at moderate prices. Location convenient to the business part of r the city.'- Apply to . i o - -' . . 4 - "jrtTur i tt l tiqttA VST -. ' Corner Church and 3rd Street. 1 janttlf

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