5 fl?T,-.-fi? THE FOOTSTEP ,OS THE, STAIR, 1 hav very many treaanres,. V Thatmy.heart to hidairuyr 5 'if I There's a little curl tharslmgbter Than tbe sunshine of the day ; - Ind a little snoe mars laaeu, , r Ta antnnsp mv treasnres there ; nd I listen, when I see It, " ' '--iJ' For a footstep on the stjjir, For a patter, patter,'patterv , Of a footstep on the stair,. -AKJ ' fcfl Y 1 i Xow these little feet are silent, And the face is hidden low , . ,tf r L ndemeatb the meadow grasses, And the dHisies' fragrant snow ; V And I miss thera in the morning,- j Pattering feet, and face so fair? tfut I listen most at bed-timey . , For the footstep on the stair. : ; eliM'J o. , 1 s'l Then she'd come and kneel beside me . In her little gowri of white."' And she'd say her short prayer over, And would kiss roe short good night. ', And I listen In the twilight. ,7 . Though I know she is not there, fa. J: But I can not still niy yeamlng, -, - i For the footstep onjbe trt.u . For the patter, patter, Ijattef. '-,;, : ; Of the footsteps on the stair. ' . " ' OFFICE FURIIITUIHT (Vjanufacturing Go.," CINCINNATI,' OHIO,' JARGEST Manufacturers ii the World, Church and Office Furnitnn. We would STATE NEWS. ,,;:... !iV, iIpMi Sentinel: There s an unde4 livered picnic address in that young i man, we know it, because twice to-day, while other people were busy at work,.; he has sauntered around, and once or more remarked on what a lovely day j it is. " ' Kuleigh Sentinel: Dr. Grissom baa. just returned from Morgan ton where in company with tbe other gentlemen lu inspected the country, for three miles a round to locate a pace for tbe branch asylum. There remains but; one more mile of that country to in?; pect which, will be donevery shortly, lialeigh Sentinel: " It is now aSalis luiry man. VVm. A. Weant, who has invented the fly and mosquito protec tors for beds and ; cradles and dinner tables. It is the cutest invention of the day and the most useful. . The protector is like a wagon top and works on pivot and can be shut up under the bed without signs of its be in? there. The whole invention is on display at Morris furniture store. We understand Mr. Weant was a poor young man, and borrowed the money to take him to Washington to get the patent. , . Hillsboro Recorder ' :. The Hon. W. A.Graham, accompanied by his son,! Mr. A. W. Graham left home, -on.SH urday morning to join the Coniinis-' sioners on the disputed boundary be; tween Virginia and Maryland in Wash ington City. The duties of the Com missioners have become very labori ouj and perplexing, and it will proba bly be in session for several weeks at its present setting. . v j? We are glad to say that Mrl Graham a health is improved, and that he seema well able to bear up under the many duties imposed him by an apprecia tive public the last of which- is the Presidency of the North Carolina Historical Society. A The Morning Star notices the arival in Wilmington of the brethren thusly : Springs is here, too he of the Mount Airy Watchman. He's from Mount Airy.it is true; but the fellow wno tackles him for an "Airy "Nothing" will soon find himself trying to crawl from under abou'. SfJO pounds avoirdu puis. Murrilt, of the Piedmont prean, is here, of course. It would be hard to make up a Press Convention without MurrilH. But chow ' he's -going to amuse himself with no ' Springbok" or "Fellowcraft" to bet on, has not yet been determined. Our brother C. F. Harris, late, and again to be, of the Concord Sun, ought- to have a very lively time when he goes back to t'oncord. It was .hot enough there when tbe Sun alone sbed its rays on the Cabarrus folk ; but now since the lle;iister has started, we take it, things will be Boylin hot. of School, ejpala to oar Sohool,Furniture, Department, in wbfcU Tqke.aaH assortment pf:vfwj thing needed in Schools, Globes, Maps, Charta, and all appliances for the study of the Sciences. j jTe latest improved seats and desks, of which we turn out nearly two thousand every week, in short everything iachu3. BJlITDRi,, sl.'l -inn (t getting out new designs Ik CO 2 Mi-.. a , i&rriw--'Jmy-.TjiaBg "" 'HHjsjn i mi ijp 'jpw iin i 'ii I SPRINGTGOODS. J -if ' .1 ! 71 Ji , .' fa. .',.t ij. ' v - i,i ; , r ol vrt i - . ? 4f so dry goods, iiotioiis; - .7 . v XT ALL PATTERSON, needed in the Schpol Boom; lf'l O'J h ,V0 BtelcQ N,fco O C3 1 9 V S M u any uiuer coanvry i we are constantly for Pnlpita, Pews, Ac.; and our Patent Bev- ; - . t- '.: ' r : ersible Settees for Sabbath Schools v are qn - - . , - equaled for comfort,' durability Jand - attrac" tiveness. We would also call the special attention I T f fTr ri' of professional gentlemen and Merchants to our Offibe51 FurnltUbe, 1 in which we manufacture a fall line,, ele gant, convenient and durable, and they need ; i i li . J , f . .'. i only to be seen (o be appreciated. Onlers addressed to our agent for North Carolina, i WILUA.lt PHILLIP, i - Trade 8treA, Charlotte, N. C, Will 6e promptly filled, aud Uhistrations of our different manufactures seep. e apr 22 6ni t tin hn desired. White; PirA Shingles a specialty. Inquiries promptly answered. Parties wish ing anything lrtlneir, liner, wfll tojease hand In thefr Ordets' to McMnrry A Davis, Char ktte,NrUiaroUiiav ! i,. mi uoS-5mti Theoid "estabHsllea Ibole:, offeEEsk,1 0 2 BKOWN-. CO., hare just received" i an invoice bf rintert Stationery; r""..f. r. ;CAfeDS..L:, rOVHr-.Dd Nortb Carolina,, Antk rnW i l - ! asseciatv.'. webavethe lari 2 gesi tiocK oi Liquors and Cigars in tbe i State. H. BRUNHILD & BRO. CLOTHING. Be Kind td Your Wife. friend, your wife loves neatness ; now, when you enter, that home which she is trying to make attract ive to you, see that you show a corres ponding desire. You like to see-' your wife neatly and tastefully dressed at home: follow example, and throw off, with tbe care of the world, your soiled garments and b3 clean and tasty. When you take your paper to read do not read to yourself and leave her to lonesome thoughts while sewing or mending, but remember that she, too, has been wording bard alt day, and ia still working. Read to her whatever interests you, so that her interest and opinions 'may grow with yours and that she may comprehend something besides love r stories, of wbicli.too many have read more than Uhey should. ' " K are now receiving our new Stosk of MENS1, YOUTHS' and BOYS!LOTHlNG, A large and various stock ot Furnishing uooos, straw, eit, ant and J a: nese Hats, Hosiery, Gloves an " Linen and Stic Handker chiefs. Cravats, Stocky Neck Ties' and " Scarfs - SILK, GINGHAMS, k ALPACCA AND JAPPANESE UMBRELLAS. And a large variety of Fancy Articles in our line which we cannot enumerate. While we. feel prepared to suit the most fas tidious tate. we desire to speak specially of our uejHTLJSUKJNB' uuxxts and ourbtocJc of SHIKTS. The first we do not think can be surpassed in any city in 8outh and the latterwe claim to be specialry excellent. These Goods were selected with care by our purchasing partner, and. we promise . 1 i I ; I 1 1 . isiaction. We will add that we are prepared tcr take measures, and luruist any article of Xlotu ingin our line, of any special discription desired. THE CEHTEIIIIIAL ! uur stock snail oe fall ana complete on tbe occasion. With our thanks to a generous public lor past patronage, we asks for lla continuance J. A. lOUfltl G.BVN, East Main Street, apr 11 Charlotte, N. a (J ! ' ' BILL CAP aM sizes, ILAT CAP, 1 1 LET fibs" CAt', M PASrCY CARDS, " '-'j: COLORED t OA RftJ,i .VVEPDING CARDS, t Envelope of all grades. we expect to keep a toll .stock of. this class of goods. leh 16 Ul 3 00 O o o J CARPETS. II ATS, BOOT ; :Al-7- NEW GOODS ! NEW STYLES ! GEO. R. FRENCH & SONS, . 30 i NORTH FRONT STREET, WILMINGTfJJJrjl NORTil 3IroUn?A, TT AVK received and are daily veceivinj large additions to their already" full and com JUt plete stock of BOOTS and SHOES which .theioffer to the public at the lowest 'OrtfiM. - .-SWaSsWI-! i . - b thetoffer to the public at the lowc -1J . . " A fl O Q H T I f. Merchant will fln4 'oar gtKKB bf firaUrate qoality, and oar prices as low if not low er than Northern Jobbers. We offer a womeoa Serge BaL at $1.15, good quality ; womens Pebl. Bal. and Ira. Coat Bal., a prime article, at $1.30 ; womens A. jCilf Bal. at $120 ; womens Spit. Boots at $1.00 ; mens L. and B.' Brogans at $1.12 ; mens whole iiloek Broeans afc$l20 to 8150. &c &c. These goods are not shodJy, bat desirable, awfviU give salisiactioa to the buyer. Wesoucit your patronage. .a Ij .t -- Prompt attention to orders. C J SHOES ItEADl-ITIADE CLOTH- t: . ING, CUTLERY, &C At- mar31. dly. nun i nnnvm c. cniT Wilmington, N. C. I COTTON and WOOL BUYERS. i Bespectfully solicit a continuance of, that valuable patronage, heretofore so generous ly extended. Our Stock in all Departments will be full and complete, embracing alt the latest nov elties in Repaired and Warranted , By E. J. ALLEN, in the Cfentral Hotel Building. TTftvtntr nnrehased: Mr. F.. A Mcincn S mr I..- xf.-l. r nanvrtin'nnnnni to the public that I will cany on the Marbls imiu in u itm hnmehM. at the stand near the jaiL formerly occupied, by AMo n men. iwulfli juuuaunow -u stone of every orirjtionimantifactnred at reasonable prices and at short notice. The public are Invited to call and examine samples ef my1 material aad workmanahipj. Having sold my entire stock and interest in the Marble business to Mr. 8V McNlnch, I take pleasure in recommending him to- the public m a acsteiass Artist, and bespeak for Um a. liberal share of Pftronage, , , . t v I '''wf -'-'fiespectfally, " a- ;-dtj w ;FJ X McNINCH, t. Charlotte, November 10. 1871, . . . , T ft'"3 micCLLANCors . -ibita.-l 1 J 1 v V nriNrv riM . J imHliTi u nf wnWri a ' - E. L KING & SONS, COLUMBIA, S. . .. . -A. SKLECt BTOCK. or Fine Watches, Clocks and Jewelry FOR SALE. mar 17 POPLIN, H. BRUNHILD j L BBDNH1LD 'BRTJNHiLD BRO., I jt -jf j Sji a ,i ft ,4 s Wholesale Dealers in LIQUOUS AND CIGARS. No. 3 CfrSnite Row, South Prbbt Street, ! WILMINGTON, N. C. Importers, . Rectifiers, 5 Wholesale Liquor ! Dealers aud Manufacturers of Curars. Kentucky " and. North "(Jironna' Whiskey i DRESS FABRICS, BLACK and COLORED j27-rd3m.; PIEDMONT AIRLINE RAILWAY. Richmond t I Dakviixr, Richmond & DAjrvm,B R; W N. C. Division, -and Noam Wbstkbx N, 0. R. W. CONDENSED TIME-TABLE. la Effect on and a(ter after Friday, April j IZIin. 18.5. SILKS, CLOTHS AND CA8SIMEKS. We call especial attention to our BLACK ALPACAS, BBILLIANTINES, at prices ranging from 30 cents to $10 per yard. ALSO A specialty of Black Silks, choice designs in Printed Linen aud Union Lawns, Mns Una, Piques, Percales, togetlter with an ele- t-: 57. I hi TR. tEB'w.'-B 1aiJJavlng permanently Joe professional servcJ P CHARLOTTE AM 0 FFICE- Next d r Da nn ataira nw mta esr. uu BMaau Uaiis leu ai mj -; t r t, resideoee. on Myers Ft re , receive prompt auenuou. . , t3 1. niOffice Hours o w v, -.t . t, !Ic Aden's - or my will, j..n22-ly tOffioe M., and 5 to 7, P. M. nTHOS. H. BREM, IB Attorney and Counsellor at mtinr A'PTC'. it Vl(, )il O F i 1 C B - In Dowd.&Sims' New Build ' " ing. Up Stairs. . . an21-tf. , , - n a A. XOOXC OORE A PATTERSOST . O. PATTEBSOp T j ATTNP . BEEN; REPORTED BY some that this Prenaration is the same as Simmons'' liver; Regulator, 'w deem- it right to oorrec this, tiupresalon. , Although C.A.Simmons wm former Proprietor of, both preparations, be assures tis that 6IM MONS pEPATIO COMPOUND is his latest improvement in Medical Science, and that it has no connection whatever with' former preparations, bnt that it Is far anperior, in every, respect, to. any . Liver Medicine to which his name was ever attached, . being composed solely of Vegetable ingredients. The trial of one bottle will, satisfy the most incredulous. ! " . This Cbnipcund was Patented De cember 12, 1871, and name Copy-righted 1874. Cor Sale by Wholesale and Re tail Dealers Everywhere. se26 4f : ' ATIOBNEYS-AT-IjAW. t - li : !- ASREVJLLS, 1?. C ' i ! ! PracUce in all the BUte Cfcnrts, and In Ui it Federal Courts at Asheville and Btatesvllle. The Collection of Debts, Gates and ren- "apwronaVattenUbn given to Jco lection of all Debts in Western North Carov Una. Remittances promptly made.' ' ;REFERElffCE35?" Bon. J.I Bail a T. D. Cabtkb," AsHKvilxa, N. 5 nor. 1 ' . , ' i .-3-' y W. FLEMMING, , . I ATTORNEY AT LAW , Special attention to suits Jbr and against corporations. AE&&TA r jan3-ly. ; Cotton iwercii awts. J ACOB M MENDEL, MAKUFACTUBBa jLND DEALER IN gant line of WHITE GOODS, i 8TATIOKS. OOINO NORTH. li'i'V MAIL, Leave Charlotte. 1 23 p m Air-Line J'nct'n, 9 80 " r: " . Salisbury, 12 12 a m " Greensboro, 3 35 , DattTille, v 6 20 " ' u . Dandee,- 6 38 " " Borkeviile, 1135 " Arrive at iJichjnond, 2 22 p in ' GOISO SOUTH. STATIONS, MAIL. Leave .Richmond, 1 88 p in " Borkeviile, 4 41 " " Dundee, 9 25 " " Danville, 9 24 " " Greensboro, 12 40 a m " Salisbniy, ' 3 58 " " Air-l ine J'ct'n, 7 05 " Arrive at Charlotte, 710 " s GOING EA8T. STATIONS, ; MAIL. EXPRESS 8 55 a m 9 20 " 11 28" pm 216 " 4 48 " 4 57 " 9 17 ' 1149 pm EXPBCS3. 5 08 a m 8 25 " 12 55 r m 100 " 3 37 ' 6 46 ' 9 30 " 95 " MAIL. HOSIERY, GIX)VES, NEW and NOVEL STYLES, FANCY SCARFS, 8 ASHES, RIBBONS, LACES, .And a specialty in Housekeeping Goods. 5 Gigars, Tobacco, Pipes,Snuff,&c. TRADE STREET, CHARLOTTE N. C Stock always on band to suit Country Merchants especially. Janl9-tf. ghablotte; GOLUQBIA & AUGUSTA r. r J " 5hartotteagency, Oct. 20th, i874. The Charlotte, Columbia. & Augusta Railroad Why Chinese Never Kiss. Ed ward Greey, in bis VChinese Btories,'' represents that people in that comitry never kiss. ; He Cj-nMa explainsfJthe reason. In j rempte'ticies itWas known and practised, but when Confu cius reinaugurated and j-etaughk the doctrine of the. veneration. of ancestors the 'Chinese gradually abandoned kissing as vulgar and tending to pro mote familiarity; As a proof of this we cannot find, the f act delineated upon any peace of china' or in any modern Chinese painting. Children venerate their' parents worship in many cases ana .veneration ' forbids fiinuliarity. For.'this'j reason, and aiming at a high degree of parity, "Ihe Chinese have abandoned kissing as a mesns ot expressing regard, andlook Robinsqix & Elliott, CARPENTERS A BUILDERS. Next door to Wadsworth's Livery Stable, Keep constantly on hand and for sale t , large and well selected Stock of , iJobHsisHs, BLmiisr&cr Which they will sell at prices . t . ( .competition. -aprl7 lnl. ! ( M 5 ' which defy J. LINDY, Oates' Building, Trade St., Charlotte, N. C. i t, . ;..! .,' WHOLESALE and RETAIL, ; tub' DRY GOODS and READY-MADE CLOTH- uwunsomw ngmoreinan surprises- TVO ffrftd(, ixAk upon its practice'by 'ourselves. As this fact is exciting, considerable pomj ment, I think it as- Well to place it upon a more certain ; basis thaTi tbe story ot "Miss Iseu The Kich. Tliei;Bichmond Vispatb snys : Orant likes the rich. lie gets under their roofs when he goes North. IrF etew York and Pliiladelrbia, 1 am noW pre pared to exhibit to the r pie or toe city- and c . 1 . . .11 . surronnamg jounwyr a j ' r - e ana wen aeict; d Stock, embracing eve ..iing found in a Srst-class Dry-Gooas ,tiouse, sucti as :j Si-.m '. .. .- V,fja;"vi;r.s"V.y:!'' xierreponi ne gets a son-in-law or tncg8IMEi XJLDI,DRESS G0ODS, scurvy crowd into his Cabinet. Defeated in mat, he comes pretty near m gettingT the son-in-law. We rather like thei- mchnation of. General Qrant in thiaJ. matter, li-ch ministers will trouble themselves with : schemes of self-aDnronriation. . Grant is not the only man in Amefp: ".a wno likes the rich, it is a com; "ion failing in all the world, and especially m the United States. The number of persons who prefer th8 poor may be put down as a hopeless minority. Sometime & candidate for office proclaims himself the friend of ine poor but we know what sort of Ppy-cock that is, ING, Every grade, warranted Tus- torn -made, aud or the latest htyles. S f S3 Teave Greensboro, 3 35 d m .Aril 30 pm " Co. Shops, ?5 10" g-Lvl0 15" Raleigh, o 7 33 " -o " 5 38 " Arr at Goldsbpro, lrjO a tn'l 25p in " ' j" p p ' - - NORTH ! WESTERN N, C. R. R. (Salkm BBANeH.) Leave Greensboro, 4 25 a m Arrive at Salem, 6 10 " i5'eave Salemi: i O ' fSn Arrive atpreens6ob m i fc Passenger train leaving Raleigh at 7 52 p m connects at. Greensboro with the Northern bound train makinp the quickest time to all Northern cities. , Price of Tickets same as via otber routes. t A ) ; ; Trains to and torn' points East of Greens boro connect at Greensboro with Mail Trains to or from points North or South. Two trains daily, both ways. On Sundays Zy neb borg Accommodation leave Richmond a 9.00 a m, arrive at Borke viile 12.43 p m, leave Borkeviile 4.35 a m, arrive at Richmond 7.58 a m. : TO GENTLEMEN, i We invite particular attention to our ele gant line of GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS, Complete with novelties and. standard Goods, together with a very Large Stock of i READY-MADE CLOTHING, ! i i j AW the latest styles of HATS, for the! BESIDES- INVITES the attention of all Merchants and Cotton Shippers in Charlotte, and upon the roads connecting there, to the extraordinary advantages of connection with all Northern fointa ana coutn Auannc oea runs cujojeu u ib uuw, 1st. The Great Atlantic Coast Line via Columbia, Wilmington and Portsmouth to Baltimore, Daily, Insurance J per cent. Philadelphia, Daily, Insured. NEW YORK, MONDAY, WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY, SATURDAY INSURANCE i PERCENT. BOSTON, TUESDAYS AND FRIDAYS, INSURANCE PER CENT. . PROVIDENCE, WEDNESDAYS AND SATURDAYS. U. By way Wilmington and Direct Steam Line to Baltimore, Wednesdays and Sat urdays, Insurance J per cent. HILADELPHIA, EVERY WEDNESDAY, INSURANCE i PER CENT. NEW YORK WEDNESDAYS AND SATURDAYS, INSURANCE TO THAT OF NORFOLK. i ;:: i d. By the Charleston Lin Baltimore, Weekly. EVERY FRIDAY, TO NEW YORK, TUESDAYS, THURS- AND SATURDAYS, TO BOSTON, EVERY SATURDAY. Tlf unrivalled Steam Line facilities of the three Ports of Portsmomth, Wilmington and Charleston, and the combined equipments of the C. C, & An W: C. fc A., and other roads, enable us to bid for cotton and all other merchandise in unlimited quantities, and to assure our patrons of absolute freedom from detention. ;v Hon. B. R. Bkidgeks. - j Gen'l Manager. Col. John B. Palmer, - - - - - i President. Jas. Andersos, - - - - General Superintendent. A Pope - - - - General Freight Agent. W. W. PEGS AM, Agent. QFFICE OF ERIE CITY IRON WORKS, Ejub. Pa.., January 6, 1875. Dkar Sib ; ; t . , We take pleasure in informing yon that, encouraged by the favor with which our Machinery has been received throughout the South the past year, and id Order to facilitate trade and meet the often expressed wishes of our friends and patrons, we have determined to open an office and ; warehouse for the sale of our ; manafaettfrea in rCjharjotte,, N. rC.. which will.be known as the Charlotte Branch of the Erie City Iron "Works.. . ' Mr.'W. C; Morgan, who is so widely and favorably known tbongbout the South, will be in eharge of tbe Charlotte Branch, and we propose to keep on hand there, Portable and Stationary Engines, Boilers and Circu colar Saw Mills of our own manufacture, also the best make of Corn Mills, Gias, Presses, Shingle, .Hills and such otber Machinery as the wants of the trade require. - The Charlotte House is not an agency but branch of our works, owned and controlled by us, and any business done with ns there is done wtn The manuracturerg aired. We hope the establishment of this branch house will serve to bring oa nearer together and avoid the vexatious delays that so often occur in business at so great a distance as we are from you. For circulars, price lists and any informa tion wanted in our Hoe, address Erie City Iron Works, Charlotte, N. 0. Trusting that our undertaking will meet with your approval and support, we remain, Very respectfully yours, ERIE CITY IRON WORKS. EQUALIZED Cotton Commission Merchantt At J. S. if.' Davidsbn'si S doors belo Col- ' lege 8treet, will pay the highest price in this ' market for all grades, of cotton, or will ad- vanceat a liberal per centage fifty dollars be sbi pped to ntmber one Houses , in :.Bos-: ' . ton, New York, or Savannah, as owner pre- ten, ana neia nnni opring, u aesiraDie, ' - -Is also prepared t- purchase or sell contracts , : for those wishing to deal in fulares on re- - ceipt of two doiiars and a half ($20) per bale, as a margin. ; For particulars, apply as above. , decl7-tf. , Home and Democrat please copy for lm. HOTELS, AC. BOYDEH HOUSE, SALISB VE Y, JT.i G .' ' . A FIRST CLASS HOTEL, situated eon' venienttothe business part of the city. Omnibus will be found at depot to convey passengers to the hotel. feb 11 St. Charles Hotel STATESVTXLE,. N. C. Sitaated In the Centre of Town. THIS IIOTfcli haa been Oaorongh' v refitted and refarnlahed. and under my manage ment aa lessee, offers to tbe traveling pnblle tbe advantages of a nist-class Hotel. as-Omni bun at the depot on th? arrival and departure of all trains. M.SCHLOSS, sepl-dtr. Formerly of Raleigh. PIEDMONT -O- tTAVING purchasefuy Stock oKjlotulngr JLX and ury (ioodsor ate Dest nooses, an 2 No Cliaage of Cars Between Quurlotte and Bichmond,282 Miles. Papers can j have arrangements to adver tise the schedule of. this company will please print as abdve1"' a & For further information address SB ALLEN, ! General Ticket Agent, -! 4- Greensboro, N. C, T M RTALCOTT, Engineer and Gen'lSupt. - "I mal WHITE GOODS, BOOTS, SHOES, HATS, TRUNKS, CHINJ i ana u mi hardljd AH grades, to which I invite your" attention before purchasing elsewhere. - TO CPUNTBY MEECHANm ; ' Havinrderoted a lifetime to my business. and bavin an u-j?? ;f M-, -s-v-i- i ;,3, UNSURPASSED STOCK of GOODS ion haa rwpn establiRhal n v. unj r nt w;i 1'Rtn Caldwell, 2 miles below Alexan tinana. There is a platform : for pas- ""."pora. A new store has been ODen- 1V roflar. n.Mnoll - Jtr'WnnAmfP ed Mr. 8. J. black Hawkins has established a 1 there.' He is the lotu of a village bai been formed in excellent neighborhood mik To.f,;"."""op. -U (he banquet of tlie Third "Army wan?A ?, Ne Yorkon Thursday cenini i.. , . ..rr- d,, 1. " ioasi, "ine rresi ed wifi . w,1,ieu Riaies, was receiv- thenwullard responded in eulory of wie offie'e mdnfthni.K kii : exnrr. ? rrqently , interrupted: by "PrcsMinm of discordant opinions. In mjr--liV I feel satisfied . in .saying : that Country Jferchantar can supply"; themselves at mv Store, cheaper, than by solas North themselves or by ptvchasinglTfrojiir agents and drummers. 4.- " r All I askJa one foittrial, v ? i4 v: . J. LINDY. ..' apt 6 fn -m ' f' ' r-S t Ladies Ilair Eaparinn, nm4 ' .v- - ;! fJx' ' -,r'v 'W-V1 f"'T'"' V?'" . 'if ! Wish to inform tbe ladies of Charlotte and vicinity that they have called, here for a short timtwitb a full and elegant, assort ment of Hainan Hair Goods, that lean offer as the standard of perfection, original in de sign, Of the best quality and 'workmanship. Land onsnrpaaaed i eleganeend beauty, at extremely low prices. . . , . . - - Will renew and work ever, in the most fashionable style, all Old Hair, "Braids, Com bings, Ac : also Renewing and Dyeing in every snaae. either lighter or darker.at reas onable prices., .Store Tryon street, between D U Maxwell s and i iddy a Book Store. , -, ma 1 , " - -J CHAlfGE OF SCHEDULE. OlFFfCOFlxirTmAILWAY CO: .WjhWgnJ- C, April 16, 1874. -f- "1 'PkBis.it oea Trains. . ".W.tiM ...... .......... 7 P. it. .. ..... ... . . . . 7 Jl . a. Spring Trade, Our u?ual large Stock of BOOTS and SHOES, STAPLE DRY GOODS AND FOREIGN and DOMESTIC NOTIONS, for the Wholesale Trade. Refering to the above we will say ' that to Cash and prompt paying customers, we are now selling Goods at prices that wiU. in sure saslacUon buyers. An early inspection soliciUd. otice to Shippers. fJlHE PIEDMOJT AIR LINE, with its Rail and water connections, affords unparelle facilities for the quick and safe transportation of freight to and from Northern Cities. Shippers can Choose the Following Routes: By Rail to the Ports of RICHMOND, NORFOLK OR PORTSMOUTH, and thence by JOCKREYS" ATLANTA DYE WORKS, THE LARGEST IN THE SOUTH. Having increased my force of workmen I am now prepared to dye all kinds of Ladies' and Gentlemen's wearing apparel with greater rapidity and promptness than ever before. Read my prises and economize in hard times. Bee if you have not got a soiled or faded garment that you can have cleaned Or dyed any color you may desire for a small sum, which will save you from .buying new. LIST OF PRICES : gbnt's goods, pbick. Overcoats, $1,50 to $2.50 Dresscoats, 1.00 to 2.00 Pants, 1.00 to 1.50 Vests, ' 50 to 1.00 LASIE8' GOODS. PKICK.' ' ' Dresses, $1.50 to $2.50 Skirts', 75 to 150 Sbawlsi wool, 50 to 2.00 Shawls, crape and silk, 1.00 to 2.50 Silk Ties, each 10 to 0.00 .Ribbons, per yard, 03 to 0,10 Kid Gloves cleaned, per pah- 25 cents. All kinds of Silk Velvet Goods cleaned or dyed. Satisfaction guaranteed. Goods re ceived and returned by Express to all parts of the country. I do not require any ment to be ripped except silk dresses, t' JAMES LOCHREY, 45 East Hunter Stree niar 18 ' Atlanta, Ga. QOCHRANE'S RESTAURANT. European Plan. .( I would inform tbe public that,, on the 1st of November, I will open a RESTAURANT and BOARDING HOUSE, on Tryon street, in tbe second story bf the Building adjoin ing the Bank of Mecklenburg, and hereafter will be prepared to entertain Ikarders, regu lar and transient, in a style unsurpassed Dy any house in the city. The table will be supplied with all the delicacies of the sea son. Game, Fish, Oysters, cfcc Terms moderate. Satisfaction guaranteed or no charge. I respectfully solicit your pa tronage. oc30.tf W. R. COCHRANE. MARBLE YARDS, Ac. NEW MARBLE YARD, COLLEGE ST., CHAKLOTTE, N. C I respectfully announce to the public that I am opening a Marble Yard next door to R. M. Miller & Sons, at which place I am prepared to manufacture Plain and Orna mental Gravestones, Tombs and Monuments of every description. Having served an ap prenticeship of seven years with Mr. K. Hare, of Yorkville, S. C, and six years under in structions w'th Mr. F. A. McNlnch, of Char lotte, N. C, I feel warranted in saying that I can compete favorably with any workman in my line in artistic merits. I will deal only in tbe best qualities of marble, guaran teeing all work manufactured by me to prove satisfactory in every respect, or no pay re quired. My prices shall be as low aa the lowest, l respectiuuy asK a snare oi pumic patronage. - Call and see me before purchasing else where, and I can make it to your advantage. Very respectfully, ' ol7-tf R. M.CRAWFORD first-daas lines of Steamers, to Baltimore, Pbiladelphia, New York and Boston'. ! i McMURRAY A DAVIS. Arrive at, Leave at...;. wW-sw-taa niMtM 6 IC Freight to the extent of five car loads daily; through in twelve hours, either way between WiImiDgtonand Cbfcrlottee. Fast freight throughin twenty-four hours, -s- s:f;:JREMONT, : ; April 17 75-St, "' " 9 - - . . IjtBVC Ob.,....- Amveas.,... CIGAJRS, FINE CUT TOBACCO ii;'H apr 4 THIS is the only line to Portsmouth of unbroken guage, and, therefore, the only one which has no transfer. RATES ALWAY8 AS LOW AND TIME QUICK liR THAN ANY OTHER LINE. augl5-tf J. A. WILSON, Agent. NOTICE. Horse For Sale. apr 1 I OFFER FOR SALE a first-class work, Bad die or driving horse, gentle and will work anywhere. For sale at a Bar gain. Apply to , CHAS R JONES, At this Office. SKUFl jrwew. 41 3Att: -WCCi-j. BLACK." WHOLKSALI RUCGI3 TS dkalxbs rjr jM;-f-.4rt.iiKa ' . . ... . -j. ,.. ,-l r. t ; 31 aJ ' jDHARTiOTT E, , O. : -:- ?:; ;; ii'i , : feb216!n - pEATHERS. ,; New Geese Feathers, for sale, at W M CROWELL'S. apr 24 . ... , : .h ;,L0dBERYAM.i:;; T7 the undersigned have ; opened a W Lamber Yard fa Charlotte, i opposite the old ice 1! actory, wbere ; will t be kept op 4-baoaa lull suppiy-otxamberv jathes abinj- 1 gies c.: e iiave.nqw on jdsd jinoy-arf I riviDg Jdaily Eesciog EJanki-ScinilTBg, Wide inch f lank, heavy flank, 100,000 Laths,; Weather .Boarding dryland dressed, Flooring dry, dressed and tongued. We are also prepared to fill large bills to contract ors, at reasonable rates, and at short notice- Parties buying Lumber from us can have the same delivered at the, spot,, anywhere in the city, 'free of drayage. Ordets left at the Lamber Yard Office, will be attended to. ,;B J StIANNONHOUSE & SOK. ILT EDGED GOSHEN BUTTER, CAROLINA CENTRAL RAILWAY, GENERAL, FREIGHT DEPARTMENT, ' Wilmington, March 31st, 1875. ) THE Attention of the public is respectfully invited to the fact that the Carolina Cen tral Railway, being completed and fully equipped for business, offers, with its connec tions at Wilmington, both via direct Steamer Lines and via Weldon and Portsmouth, to Baltimore, Philadelphia, New York, Boston and Providence unequaled facility for hand ling shipments from : " '4 V O ; Vr h f! Wilmington and all Eastern Cities to Charlotte, Statesvillc, Ureenvme, bpartanDurg and all stations on Atlantic, 'Tennessee -stmio, Atlantic and .Richmond Air Line and North fiamlina Railroada aa welll aa all boints in GEORGIA and ALABAMA r Insurance from Eastern cities guaranteed as via any other line. No terminal or transfer chargee, and Ratea always as Low as tbe .Lowest. Rates to ail points iurmsnea upon application to tne unuensign u. winw in ohuk. ui New Hanover Building. . F. VV. VhAKK, NOTICE! C. C. Railway Co., F, A. McNutch. CHARLOTTE F. GansKAEBsa GRANITE WORKS, 5 . THE Undersigned respect fully announce to the citizens of Charlotte that they have formed a co-partnership to carry on are Granite business in all its branches, and for prepared to AH all orders at short notice: for Granite Fronts, Cemetery Lot Enclosures Grave Guards, Steps, Sills, Bases, Coping Curbing, Area Wall Cups, Flagging Hearths. Upping Blocks, Fence Posts, &c., Ac , Orders solicited from abroad. Office at S. McNinch's marble works. McNINCH A GREISHARBER.' nov 10 . . ; . ;.. V--- CROQUET TE5 "TCP FOR SALE AT TICKETS FROM CHARLOTTE TO WILMINGTON AND RETURN, Can now be purchased at the office of TIDDY & BROTHER'S. the Company at this place $1300. for Soliciting . Agent. apr 1 ' ? General Freight Agent, New Music. JUST Received a large lot of New Music, including Katie Putnam's popular song, "Urand fa Bless Xour Ken," at --.?$ 1 , , .;,,li;--PHDTBKar: f THE best goods for the least money, at . . J. K. PUjBEFOY'S. mar31-tf. T)EEFUMERYand FancyArticles hvpro A fusion, at ' i Mil UREFQTSS . mar31-tf CANNED Goods at mar31tf PUREIFUY'S. pOCKKT-Cutlery, at mar31 tf i PUREFOT'S.S CENTENNIAL fTlo our friends and customers, who wish J, a FLOUR that cannot be excelled in Stock or finish" on thia continent, we offer tbe above celebrated brand, and guarantee it to be in every respect what it is represent ed, ti ti ALJ2LA.rS.UH.-K, vo- apr 8 - .- College 8treet Tickets good to return for seven days from date of issue. , F W CLARK, General Ticket Agent. may 8 lw Gilt & Wahmt Moulding other Hoase Furnishing Goods, at ALEXANDER, SEIGLE A CO'S. apr 24 RCHITECT. ; , GEORGE WELCH : Offers his professional services to the citizens of Charlotte and vicinity, and pledges the experience and practice of Jonrteen years training as a guarantee oi competence. , Office Trade btreet, Charlotte. .; janStf -r-,.' apr 29 H ALES & FARRIOR W A T C H MAKERS A S D JEWELERS, i - RECEIVED to-day, Northern Apples. mar25-tf. . lot of fine larg riiiPUREFOY 'I ATOTICE. TO HOUSE BUITjDERS AND ll CONTRACTORS. I have accented the Agency for a Saw Mill, and am nrenared td receive and fill all orders for any kind of ijuiuoer b as anon a nonce aa possible. 1 have on hand a lot of flooring and inch plan. L. W. OSBORNE, Next door to J.H. Henderson's, oc29 - Trade street. Notice. HAVING been appointed Receiver for the firm of Roediger A Cohn, I hereby give notice that all accounts of said firm must be paid to me immediately, as it will save cost. - C. HILKER ... mar28tf ReceiYer. ; . ARE JUST RECEIVING THEIR New Spring Stock of Diamond Rings and other novelties for the Cen tennial, , , . . ma 6 - : . . DR. C. F BREM, OFFERS his. Professional services to the citizens of Charlotte and vicinity. Calls left at Dr. Scarr's Drug Store will receive prompt attention. I m'1 ..ma.7 lwi . : -.- t , . , ; White i Wine' Vine- i , GENUINE article of IMPORTED jfx White Wine Vinegar Warranted pure. ' " -1 L VY PERDU iE. apr 17, 1 V - . RECEIVED TO-DAY. tfr Smoked Beef, ' Spiced Pigs'afeet, South Uarolina Rice, Buckwheat Flour and many otber good goods in tbe Grocery line, at J 8 M DAVIDSON'S,; BOARDERS WANTED " - ' I am prepared to famish good board to a few select regular or transient boarders, by the day, week or month, at moderate prices. Location convenient to. the business part of theCityAPPiyOHNA.BRlDGlTAW, s . Corner Church and 3rd Street,. janl9tf : -v - 1 1 v - 1 ) -i s - 4 t i ,11 .V --i j . i i-rt;'i mm AX

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