JOTOGRA i no OF AT -i ) OF fEare now receiyini our new Stock of express from Bo TIDDY'S BOOK STORE. nialS V.FEW boxes of that EXTRA FINE ; CaEWII?Q TC3ACC0, SEALED Proposals will be received at this office on or before Jane 15th prox., YW'U' Hf TT T TAW TOUT T T TT Y XT T BTIflr To be delivered at the site of the Western f U Insane Asylum of North Carolina, near MENS', YOUTHS' and BOYS' CLOTHING, Mnmuitan nn nr VxfnrA h lat (Vlnhptl- A larsre and various stock of Furnishine Came in yesterday, they haye been tried by next. - Goods, Straw,' Felt, Silk and Jappa- xperts in Smoking and pronounced the ' ine Commission reserres the right to re- f nese uata, iioeiery uioves ana Proposals should be enaorsed "iroposais - cmera. uravata, csrocxs, - for the snpnlT of Brick for the Western In-t , . Neck Ties and . . - I anna Ainrlnm nf Worth nTnlinn" and ml-f f . Scarfs. v. . 3 for a Quarter. 1;:-,5SK silk, ginghams, , .; maI7 - f ALPACCA AND . JAPPANESE- still on band at, mar31tf. TUBEF0TS.' qLENN, SPRINGS, SPARTANBTjBG COUNTTT, S. C. ' THIS favorite resort for health and pleas are will be open for visitors on Jane 1st The medicinal virtues of the waters of G'enn Springs need oe'othef . testimonial than the wonderful nature of the enter "effected "by their use ; and their merits as,an unfailing remedy in toe coreoi au iojtds ei dyspepsia, Indieestion. disease of the .Liver and Kid neys, even in chronic cases are long and favorably know to the public. 'Visitors can reach Glenn Springs by the Air-Line 'Hailfoad topartanrmrgr'S -C, direct whence they-can rbe -conyeyed Jy. ilailv line of coaches to the BDrines. or from Riche's Hill, aretatkirv ton .kthe Spartanburg and Union Railroad, five miles distant from Springs. Steps have been taken to secure to the guests the benefits of a daily mail and telegraph. - - - DrOB Mayer, ranking among the emi nent physicians of the FoataV willba-lp Jrt tendance to respond to tne-profeBSioaat calls ' of the guests of the house. . -' The table will be supplied with the best the market can afford.. Bathing Rooms, Billiard Tables,. Bowling Alley, , Croquet Grounds, Music on the Grounds and in the Ball Boom. : ?,n!i'tfl M tH-Terms moderate. 1 Apply to Wm uorman, Columbia, S. C. er i:o;4Ar.aHrs i r t . l' i ANOTHER 'LOT OT THIS BRAND. Office of the ':l S?Etv'Si:Ji.8inr!: BUILDING COMMITTEE, WSOTKKK IKSAXK ASTLTJM, Morganton, N. ?., May 14, 1875. clothing: 10 Cent Cigars, in yesterday, they haye been tri erts in Smoking and pronounced best in Charlotte, for the price, a Quarter. FROIf and after this date, tlie'undersigned - will keep in store - . EARLY SPRING YEUET ABLES, :' such as I Cabbage, Radishes, English Peas, Potatoes, Beans, &c - Additions f 5 i ck made daily by W I lti'1 IHGTOH ADVERT I 3 C ri E XT 3. Hj r 1 - apl27 tf - Tkets. ..."amintc: ";CoIh"g - II :.. 1I lIon3ai;iIa'i;15ti 1875, T. C.;SIIITn &'-C0. 87 ' . . . '.,! -1 - - 1 pie or . d per day. - Agents wanted. ma20 A XARGE ANl gTOCK F.VNS AND PARASOLS, .All classes of workine neo-1 UMBRELLAS. I I I I U W hath sexes, vonnir find old. make 44 t v i I A II 1UJU XX J L UUUiJ more money at work for us. in their own I nnr wo annmarA specially of I .v-,, .... , -- our jxuu wiiicu . wn wuum euuui localities, daring their spare moments, or while we feei prepared to suit the ma all the time, than at an thing else.- We tidious taste, We desire to speak specis ERA T7TT V I T I i fffo amnlAvmAnt f Vi f will mttv hflnilanmAlv I mnvml mifnVDl OTTTdw 1 i , w WiVJ mmw " T' J J I ITTill 1 l.r.KI T.IXl mil I H KMI1 HIIIIK I 1 lOT ITerV UUU l.'HUrb !f UU UUUCUiarB, nf SHIRTS! Ths Hn( ia tint th nl- mn- , sent free. Send us your address surpassed in any city in South, and the ice. Don't delay. Now is the fame, fetter we claim to be specially excellent. terms, at once. I Don't look for work or business elsewhere ! until you have learned what we offer. tin vnjv m a . mal7 ' - Portland, Ale. -'-'ANY GOODS AT - These Goods were selected with care by j s- XT W T "C1 : T -1 -- fll ' our puhasIngT?artner;'"and - we promise I vr"iNTT jdfrLtL'f: uuiuau bvj 10 bum araao ouom a v q roir OARATOGA WATER ALEXANDER, 3IGLE a CO'S. ma 20 - - . - . ,i . - Un draught ; r - We will add that we are prepared to- take . r-i measures, ana lurnisn any article or Ulotn ingin our line, of any special discription desired. ' u ti ! .si TO "ANY'. ONE, . ; .J. ; : J k purbfqy; . 1 ,0TO 'ASCHC EXTRA FINE , LOT malG Soda Water, c'ngWplcqptS' i Our Stock shall be full and complete on the occasion. . rn '""rr ,..:. . "With our thanks to a' generous' public for pass pwraa we saOT iw wunwe. - 0 nntof AWMnJ ftSntW i ...East Main Street, t-jTs i. Glenn Springs, S. C ma is Wm GORMAN. Is Hade , of 7 the : Best ' Materials, Regardless of Cost, Xnd - 200 lbs of Nice Batter in small packages. Also afew bbls of fresh Eggs, and many other articles for family use, among which we mentt'TO deHcioas-Scuppernong-Wine, Pare Old Apple Brandy, and another bbl of fresh Cider, at B N 8MITH'S. I mall , o SITORS' TO THi CENTENNIALj"3 j , " - Qi T S"V?V 7m . Jm " "r'v --HE LARGEST AjtfD .BESy, 4 , STOCK OP HAMBlifiO EDGINGS and IN8ERTINGS, e - ,'; -. . ' ' ,j, " ------ -. . - In the city, to be sold for less ; money than they can be bad elsewhere, , ALEXANDER, 8EIGLE A CO'S. 51 ? SKETCHES ':'!,; r UOUTII CAROLINA, ' BT .' EX G0' Z. B. Vance, rnHE incomparable sketches of the "Old JL Abrth State,!' written by this inimitable writer and sneake which have recently appeared' in the Norfolk Landmark, have been reeproduced in cook lorm ana are now on sale at i i rtturjus ! mal9 J " ; Book 8tore. TjECAIXOMANllTT . The art of transferring beautiful pictures ,-- taneht free-; v"-'i-'-''. t : .-'.-,''..." Pictures of the most beautiful designs and - finish, from 5 cents to five dollars. Also another lot or tnoee beautiiuiuem unromos At 25 and 50, at ... DAFFKON'S, . Trade Street, opposite Court House. SECOND SPRING nnTEL!i-nnTicE3! IS handsome Hotet now beinz Doiilt L the Union Hotel Company, 'of Union ChaVlotte-N-" South CajoliBwMWOfor'1 S , about the 1st otvAg8t next, and the Com i 1 !"."' 1 1 i pany ate desirous of obtaining a good Land lord 1 W I.L L. ft i1 I 3 T.J "f THE BE8TJ3Ly31.j-1 Are invited to give us their patronage; Tickets may be had at 10 cents each or $1.00 a dozen. ma 20 T C SMITH A CO. t. Q T. C. SMITH ;& CO'S. v ; 'nJR.-UjG. :S T.O,;R ,E , INDEPENDENT SQITARE. -f, ma 17 ' York, purchasing our Second Stock. "We k. are daily receiving an addition to our Ex tensive Stock of ; . . DRY GOODS; READY-MADE it for a term of vears. - Anyone wishinginformation in regard to the matter, will please communicate with the undersigned. - - - - ' - - The bnildine is of brick, with stone and glass front, three stories high, and contains about twenty-nye gooa Dea-rooms, Desiues other necessary apartments. - The house has about one hundred feet front on Main street and runs back one hundred feet. The lot on which the building stands, is. abundantly large for all necessary purposes, containing about three acres. - . r . - Parties desiring to lease the property, must OUR MR. ELIASJS NOW IN NEW be able furnish the Hotel in 4K?od f16:. Sec'y andTreas. Union, S. C. mal5 3tw 1 SEMI-WEKKLY. . last; mfc. Rents '; ti; all'; Points, Saitl ul E2SL i. BALTIMORE- , Baltimore and Southern. Stsam Trans- , portationC,ompan7.g . . Sailing from BALTIMORE . . Tuesday and Friday, at : 3.F3I. , , AND FROM WO.MISGT0S WEDNESDAY AKD SATUHD AY. NEW YORK. ... ' Clyde's Wilmlnston Liac ,17',. ; from NEW YORK'.; J 1 Tuesday and Friday,' at 3 P. M., ' . ' AND FBOM " WILJClNQTOy t , VEDirsiAYS andSATLUDAlV A MISTAKEN! P.LE N,T Y . ;.-r... no r. J , "i rli Ft i: CHARLOTTE i GIVING THROUGH BILLS OP LADING to all ptifa jjorlb and South Carolina, Georgia and Alabama. For North - "rntt Philadelphia, New York, Boston, rrovmeDce, r jw 7.7 " . , . . i . , - ALSO -s, - .',... - " - If' ! , Liverpopi, Glasgow, Bremen, AntWerp and Other European Ports. These Lines'connect at Wilmington with the Wilmington Columbia & Railroad, Wilmington & Wcldon Railroad, and Carolina Central Railway and Cape Fear River Steamers, with their connecting Roods, offering unequalled focihties for the prompt delivery of Freight to alt points, as the Steamers oo these Lines on arrival in Wilming- .JL p:i...j a w,i?h trnatarroA nndercoTered sheds to cars' without IUUIIVU l iHIUu ui:uui, Miv iia"i a ooasTia vy nmwgiua uiues.' . j v 'V . . . . ' t t?- t.,v. :frti,f; .nnttrtn oltpr nf the undersigned "Aeents ol Uie Une. EDWIN yiTZGERALP, Gen'l Agt, Baltimore Dne, 50 SonlhStreetj iBaltiaJore- " VM. p. CLYDE a.d:caza -tf. DE & C0.j Gen'l Agt New Tork Line. 6. BqwlinK Green, NYj, n iAUX, Agent' Baltimore and New York Licej,.W) mingtonN. C. ' - - - T . 1 . , INDIAN i :PRINGESS.; e. - . " '.it 'LI i - co;:E;.OuE!;cofiiiLi! BUT REMEMBER' THE RISiNGSTJN IS THE PLACE TO SUIT THE MOST - : FASTIDIOUS TASTE.' TO 4XL WHOM IT MA YCOXCERX ; Vf . - . - - C.'SH0LT0N&CO.j r 1 0PTOS1TE TlIEj MARKET, HAVE lBrcad,RuttertChee6e,Hafns, Epp, Crackers. vSugar, Coffee. Tea. Cakes. Pies, Buns, Sausage, Dried Beef, Laid, Flour, Meal, Potatoes, PickWsrOranges, l-emons, Annies. Ground Peas; Chewing, and Smok ing STobscco, Pipes and Cigars, and nianv other goods not feed the thous ands that are expected- on ine zuta inst. Don't make your purchase before seeing ICECREAM 1 ii-'t i For Sale JtJST OPJBRTBO, V i 1?inn4 ' nirtitu rTTTn n4nnnt I 11 I A fine two hore A ' III fit Uldua IlU U Id ill ill i I J I XA in i splendid order: for sale cheap , for Shoes, Hats, Notions and Groceries, to which t" -- i horse Carriage, nearly new and cash. Apply at-- CLOTHING, 5,f J ?f PKEPAKEFORTHE CENTENNIAL ! We are receiving' daily the finest lot of Apples Baldwin-- and Kussett, Potatoes and Onions, that has ever been in Charlotte, Those that are in want of any. of the above articels or- Family Groceries' of any kind would consult their own interest by giving us a call betore purchasing, HJu. HEALS ITiUOOBBS ! ma 15 lw THIS OFFICE.' we invite the attention; of Wholes alo and malC 3t ckin, be ash a If x& x:o- t r" i' , J . 5.' : ' CHANGE OF ECHLEDULS. . ; OFFICE OF THE C C RAILWAY CO., Wlmington, N. t;., April lS, 1874.' , J Retail Buyers." We intend,Jnot only, to JJIt.HO 1 HELLO !; 0," HURRAH f! haye the "FINEST STORE,' FIRE T FIRE I ' WATER 1 Another lot of the celebrated -Center nial But the best assorted Stock of Gcods in the Hataf KJit- out in Blue iack and ; O PAS4EK6KB TllAiyB. Arrive ' at.....:... ..Li; U : . Fbkight Tbaiss. BILLIARD SALOON , ATTACHED I BOARDERS taken by the week or month, freight through in twenty-four hours. Fare as good and price as low as can be , , , " L FREMONT, had at any first-lass Restaurant in the city, - f " ' Gen'l Sup't, Wilmmg Leave t..... .'. ..........6 a; u. Arrive at ...m6 p. K Freight to the extent of fivecar . loads daily, through in? twelve honrs. either way I between Wilmington and t;narlottee.f Fast SUte. With a quarter of a century experience, 7 p. k. we think we know the wants of our fellow 7 A. K. ... citizens. , , . , , $2B Fair dealing', polite clerks. Call and judge for yourselves ELIAS4 COHEN & ROESSLER. . apr lG-tf. ' ;- ARGEST ESTABLISHMENT IN TOE N08 Pved' at Brown. The prettiest to be found in all the town. So don't look around, but come straight down to F, finals x .j-AiouaiU& jsyjs a. jURDKR IN COLD BLOOD ! READ! READ IND BE CONVINCED. An eleirant lot of Splendid - and Stylish imported Coats and Vests. Also-, genuine imported r bjsnuu two mutton jua uioyes, April 17,?75 3L Having had longexnerience weenarantee (a nlaau flia ttiVH .--.,.- t .ri-t: Tmm 8treet.Jndi door below Central 1 w, . Ivilsow. Hotel and opposite the 1st National, Bank. TtTILSON & BLACK, -- -- - K CTIMMONS' j VV . j ' . G BA NAZAltENUS, may 9 w, jr. BLACK. THIRD STOCK i.8PLBNDm WUOLZSAtK 1 RUG CISTS. SEALXBS IS PAIHTS-OILS, " CHEMICALS, GLASS, &az"-s - " 1 ' ' CHARLOTTE, N. C. feb216m. . '. ,! . FANC Y, GOODS, NOTHEBLOT , 4... ... . ; aTB'B A S! -': - -. v . .- 4 --. , : ' .v .-, v - i-.-yt- P 2 -y -- J" - 1 'i"J"T -J- "r '- "" i ' ' i- - GLfkll tidings for"those in want pf Cigars, Tobacco, Snoff or anything in that line - be they LADIES - - -; r r - T ' t 1 --.'t'' 0 L D f 1 Or young, we can give the assurance that we are now in the position to undersell any . firm at home or abroad that do business in lECEtEHBtJEG , COTOtT. As we buy our Stock from first hands and pay cash, and consequently Jbuy and sell coeaper, ana it IS our aim to keep :i x A H E A S Of all competitors, and don't you forget it. ,"" J M MENDEL ttr CoV malS Trade St Charlotte. LUMBER ( LUMBER . U. j Just received to-day at the Lumber Yard, a train load of fine Western Lnmber anch as Plank from i to 2 inches thick and of various widths, including (an 'xtra fine lot of inch weather boards for rabiting. - Floor ing dry and dressed.-scantling , light and heavy, Also a lot of fine Western shingles. Call at the Lumber Yard emce opposite the old Ice Factory and leave your orders, wi h me east). - f )- w BJ 8HANNONHOUSE ' SO& roalO . . 0PERA,:nCiISE,-! . , . tea - - , , .. . u j t j.. G R AND GALA W E E K rnHOSZj incomparable artistsT the Queen A Star of the South, and the eminent comeuian, - ,- . , . , . ROSE and HARRY W ATKINS. And the roccomplished ypung actress and oiigBiress,, ft'.', t . , . . -j. . ' - a: m-.y Vl e , v. ' ; Supported by av . .'.) FIRST-CLASS DRAMATIC TROUPE Will appear EVEHY KIGf ITT THIS WEEK in a series of the most , MOST ATTRACTIVE PjAYS OF THE AGE. --. - Secure your seaU in time at Tiddy's Book b.ore, ' . . , ; malS . . . AT OUR RETAIL STORE. Of UrhJSlegant Centennial Hat .Manufac tured expressly for and not to found else- mjjY ' '" -'JOHN A- YOITSra ft Ron's. -- may 13 - STATE. Edwards, Broughton A Co -PKIXTEKS AND BIXDEU9, Raleigfa, IV. C. 1 Blank Bocks of Every kind kept on hand and made to order.. Printing and Binding of every descrip tion, in best style, and at prices that will defy competition. - Frorapt attention given to orders, 3 tf. Choice Teas, T)LACK, Green and Japan, for family use xj at cost Dy the waay, at 5 R M MILLER & SONS' may 6 J A YOUNG & SON'S. JJIP 1 HIP ! HIP 1.HOOZAH ! . , TFe are receiving dsily ISew Goods, of every description, and have jnst received the French Wrapping Under Shirts, at J A YOUNG & SON'S, malG s o to e CO In Great Variety. LADIES' SASHES, PEARLS And other Ornaments for Hate, . LARGE ARRIVAL R A V, A T S , I jpEATjjER8.' . . New: Geese Feathers, for sale, at ' ' I"- , W 31 CROWELL'S. ;api24 ' . CALL 'AN D S E Drexels' Vienna Cologne, in 25cts. oocts ana 51.UU bottles, tor sale by i ma 6 W R BURWELL & CO. TO THE PUBLIC. mHE UNDERSIGNED ANN0UNCE3 T0 ! A the citizens of Charlotte and the public generally, tnat ne has opened a BOOT AND SHOE! SHOP 00 P5J P3 t - -C2r & rVJw u , 1 t"fcJ3 1-1 S r - t . rL-Jfil: domestic r --- "j--' , ' -fe lOIGARS.' r 'IVV-, ' C H A R LQ T T E , N . C . . ., ! - . , L E1L0 N,A D E a ' j AT" THE RISING SUN, L-1 Cnnuencing with Tuesday the 18th. HOLTON it '"0. TO LET i rriUE targe and elegant Tie w store room nn i. der the Oper House, with flrra dry basement. '-Dimensions 98 x 52 feet, heigh'l 16 feet. ; Apply soon to July 4 - . - CARSON 4 SANDERS. .,',- , f, : . - From t and After ! j TJ1S.0M this date, we positiyely will not sell any Goods; except for CASH.' te ar.y oi.e In selling entirely for CASH we propose reduce OUR profits .We can afford it a do; not have to make up our losses u'roni credit sales) off of those who do pay. ;Try us and see. ' " Yours truly, - ' ' , r, S WILLI A.MSOX A CO. 8r21m Choice Books. I..-QUITS," , iAi OUUS, HAVING COMMENCED THE MANUFACTURE OF - I OFFER TO THE TRADE A - . .' LARGE AND VlAEIED ASSOIiTMENT I- -OF- FOREIGN $c DOmESTiC CIGARS, -TOGETHER. VTTTL smoking : and Shewing tobacco .. -" l- 1 , ' OJpi Ati. grides, ' ;f f;" "r; ; On better terms than any establishment of the the State. If eexEChaum Pipes and .Cigar Holders a specialty. - . r V , - t - W. . COCHRANE, Proprietor E- 5f? .1 OF- OUR NEW STOCK . 1 - - w J ii, 1 in iiA finrlnrn, RuiMirtor at T) , Anfiftn'ii nlil stand, where he is -prepared to do all kinds 1 1 01 worK in his line, satisfaction guaran teed or no charge. marStf,- ( M.ilL.BJGKT.1 R. D. WADE. ' y STRAW GOODS, LATEST PATERNS! I?REf? , 55j iF. rG00DS . LADIES' UNDERWEAR, &c. Dress Goods in abundance at reduced prices Splendid Stock of Hamburg Edgings, Nottingham and Lace ' Curtains, -! : tll ,,Aiexanare .haa Uloves Second Stock of French Flowers in-1 deed the finest ever offered in this market J6S Call and examine ; nnr f'pntnn- nial Stock before buvinir elsewhere, na we flatter ourselves that we have the' largest and most varied Stock that has I been on exhibition in this market since . WITTKOWSKY & RINTELS. ma6 ' - - j , .11 ij ..Wr V I AjLEX ANDER." SEIGLE JCO, majlS Charlotte Directory. T E N C OP IES I m portaMCNotlce. fF the above work for sale at I be publish- KJ ers price. This is the last cbante Jp ply to the BOOK K.EEFEK of this cRice maid !A UTT? IV IP ft fO n A V K - ; T. , - v.j-i?& Bmofeed tteef, Bpiced Figs' Feet, rkmth 1 - - vzxZ.X i II i I mlina RiA Ufl.1r vliMf ITlAni. on1 manv - . ' --J-MffMl ' - - "J 4 hL 2,i -ivti other good goods in the Grocery line, at il im : v - o u i janiiay o, HALES & FARRIOR i"S. !.' Visit ,i ' V- f i lit s BJ t I I E: II III 1 P5 (34 oca C3 JmValuable Mills -for qs. h:appleget. Sale. jfe f WING to my ill health and consequent I j inability - to attend to Dusmees . irom , ARCHITECT, CHARLOTTE, N , C . I COME ONE ! COME ALL ! ! BOTH GREAT AND SMALL ! home I will sell on Friday; M ay. 28th 1875. It(V Tirv niTPirP TV XlV AT? OT? Tf AT stlSM.attheConrtHousedoon'nOharlofe. AU Alx ",VH: UiJ K M'AYIAl "JAau.Ariii.KJCIty of Charlotte, on the waters of Bia it makes meficl as though I should say, : ,,. .v- . . .j. . . - ' " - a i vi. u ituvuv uuv uiai ua , . l: . . l . - H '- .. ' . , . t,. .SI1 .11 (n Jtnn li ni kun .-.II rl . this date, I will sell groceries for cash only, recently thoroughly repaired. The stream About buildings, on tbe Centennial day, -t..-x'i i-' i'-'- '" affords an abundant supply of water with jf you don't when your building is done ' f j---. ' ' t ' - " - about sixteen feet fall-,. The burs are ack- You'll feel as if you wished you'd ne'er be- I K, V r knowledged to be tbe best in the 8tate. gun. V.3EW Jiaying adopted the wdsb syatetn entirely They with the ?aw mill are run with three j As for style and heauty you have none, , j i.iA. , d A V X, ' ' H M tsnpenor ARE JUST, RECEIVING, THEIR New Spring' Stock of Diamond Rings ana other novelties for the Cen- 1: i t-?i L . tennial, I claim that I can offer belter terms than I i is; jzs Zttzzo 1 j have eyerbren able todo.' ' -: v ' ; Tersons would do wel) tocail' alij cxam- UE ARE PHEPAR'En1-; w,r ' -i- ' U feci TO UrPLY CENTENKIALISTS Qol?ians e;;l,l; :i mustard, An- C I GX-R S;, - ..... r. . As wanted; don't leave the City .before ca.UT . ing to see us.' t - .r . . , .. . 4 int my fitock before buying eWwliercO i ' ' f t , ' hm 'ri.r ' - '...". ,7.'r,.fYr'.J,JBLACK 'aprltf " " 1 Turbine water'.Wheels, all new. f Call nn me as T nlease everv one: Attached to the premises is a small farm J in style I please the eye and purse (with improvements for a family) embrac- And enamnt. to have no foRs. ing about fifty acres of land -under good And if dissatisfied, will pay for time and reuce, Uliucr cuiutuuuii nuu uuw iu giaiu. i irOUDie, Terms made known on day of sale, v , Taken to investigate the truth. ': . - t J iOA. Should you employ me and I fail to please i r o iiuB property vuu ue purciiaaeu pn i xou can go away at your ease vatelv before tbe dav of sale. r ma!3tds - I Iu other words I strive to please all with t- , 1 " whom I come in contact.jn bnsiness, and i : r Grwwiil "f IV at ! A point with pride to the many buildings con- - OWLtlttr " ilUiJXl-s ' structed by me in this State, where ;I have . T T .. . . i . j..? t .jii given universal satisfaction. 1 ! , : ALiU persons 7irno -Tiesiru ice -win - i nrAna, Kn;iHT, if Mctiin.nW please call at my, officei and purchase cent less in the "long run to- employ an tickets, and give instructions as to the Architect, because when finished it is bound Notice J A. nmnnnt wanteds . If , VV U. II UltJl.UUiiI. apr 28 ' Just Received, - A Large Lot of assorted Candies in 25 . lb. to please. In verv 'ordinarv buildines I will furnish estimates of cost and bill of lumber as low as ten dollars. Office hours from 0 to 12 ru., and - from 1 to 8 p m. mats . i T. C. - S M I T II malg A CO. . ... . Cum tlin-nr yt nli, J'.v Root, Topper, VTE wiM bcUattl-.e Court House door m t I Monday the 17th inst., some vaiuabie & CO. i lots sun i rtpnr the depot or I'auneii- ! en e . ,,.. .1 r v . i0. boxes. Walnut and Peanut Candy in 5 IK Ki-iroa TanflnMA nni ITrpnnl'i fa ri A i o n f j &mu uvvu appomiea ueceiver lor the all ainds, at wholesale ana retail. -AA firm of Roedierer A Oohn I IibtbKv Is , r ..,. - , w HI TAXfl m 6" yw au accounts oi eata nrra must oe paid to me immediately, as it will c -"'v . r '-' U. H1LK.BK, mar 28 tf . t. Eeceiver. FIRE ! FIRE ! ! i::cur. ycur pucizty i i r ;tVT7rilten. tt the Lowest Hates. -;'.. AT THE . ' "Remember OUR ; ROASTED COFFEE, Tryc-i rtreet, 1 0 0 Cr.rrels Eagle Sf eari, or tho Centennial, -AKD SEND ORDERS IN TIME. : WE HAVE ALREADY LARGE ORDERS.- - IIoTTEXnOHF & HasHAGES, i :' Opposite Charlotte Hotel. u :i rui I f , ; :tlot of Tln ' 18,. rs i tLerT'i tic, if I ma 1 J 1 1" i I! t 81 A': I ,u- o l ciiiy tim e 1IHV 0 n malG , . '; S. 8. PEGRAM p es is: La ei, -.r- f 13 S3 WE R E5 P E CTF 0 LL Y T RV IT E , THE ATTENTION OF OUR FRIENDS & CtJSTOMERS TO OUE SPLENDID "THE INITIALS." a "Cyrilla, or the Myste- t,.' .- . nuos Engagements.' These books, by an English lady, the wife of a Bavarian , noble, are justly considered models of chaste and elegant novels. For truthfulness of the customs and scenes de scribed and for correct delineation of the German character they are unsurpassed rorsaieat, , . -k rairEKs apr 2o " ' - : y-M. 31. .COLLINS, OFFICE DIKING ROOM Old Post Office Alley, het ween Front and Water Streets Wilmington, N. C. Meals served to order. ' - mi 20 3mos d jp HE LAST CATCH OF MACKEREL. ' Direct from liosfon. 1 320 packages in bbls.,- bbls , 1 bb'.s and kiU ; No.a 1, 2 and 3,'all fall weights, f.. sale by - A. R. NI3BET & BR0, feb26 tf. N? EW CROP CUBA MOLASSES, 800 Hhds Choice quality, just received, for sale by . ..v WILLIAilS & MUBJDHISON. , -Yilniington, N. (J. i may 4 2w A Fine Lot OF CoBDtry Hams,' for sate at1' ' : R B ALEXANDER & CO S J pr 27 '; -si'-. College Street. WE HAVE i j " Just received the largest lot of Fine Northern Apples in the city, which we are now offering to our customers at Wholesale and Retail, j . j i : Jj!tf., J,,; .. . i$ ulS0- '' "100 barrels of tbe Royal Family Flour made at otie of the best mills in Indiana which we are selling tow for cash.. ma 5 , r i f rvr t. r-r H i.t, i - fit r ' r ihjhgj (View. 5 ;kt loeei St.',Couis Fanii ' Flour ju half lwcreis t suit, (be Public, warranted to cive satislue ion. Aloo. fine Northern -Afples.PeBeh ' Blow.atid Early Rose j Potatoes,; New Orleans ami Sugar Howe Molasse. Hams and Breakfast 8trij and varions oiher artteles 'itr the Orocery line, att i 9 i .-UOLFjS A NISBET'S, t CE !" "It'ET?-' -- ' f - " .lt''ii r::i'vMii! '" ." HaV - gveiTdcted ka arrangement with ATd8Jn. Lippitt ft t-o..i Wiliuington, for the sopplv .f Uc, I take Measure in announcing that, in a tery vUnHiinie; I will be able to isupply onr ertiwns. and citizens, of adjoin ing towns with ut-st ftiwton Ice, at the fol lowing rates; A-la i00 lb 1 eta. per pound, efs quantity, 2 cts. ier pound. My earfs wilt rielivcr every above prices. Soliciting orders from abroad and at home, t i I atn very respectfully. , , i mar31 tf , , W. H, II. GREGORY, WlllUi vy.j y AS IAJW AS AJy. HOUSE 'AN'. THE STATE. i i - f -J; " ;''-' Opposite Cextral IIotkl. f minutes walk' of Independence square. l . -. xincruire or 1 0,1 A SHORTtR CALDWELL i auu25 eod.lww ij v-ttvjj ii,? . -- , Slay R Y" 5 A V A; COF'FEC ,-, v .. .XjAi, .feji.jt .Iit-..-jr.. - . IN YOUR', : a I .SODA WATER; IriS D E L I C I OTl J C - T C SMITH & .CO S ma 18 JUST RECEIVED EY EXPRESS AT KOOPilAKX & r.OTKCIIIED'3, A lar?e stock of fine Leghorn and "Straw Hats. French I ; jwers, Ckws Grain Ribbon, in all shaJcs, 200 dozen of the latest styles Scarfs, Embroideries, Parasols, Fans, and a r.-rnt many now. novelties ia the Millinery ! .-:; '.---, JUST DECEIVED. . ' , I' 1 cask 12 dczl Berlin Tiyoli Beer direct importation 1 cask Bass' Pale Ale ; 1 cask Tennentu' Pale Ale: 1 cask 6 doz Genuine Selterser mineral Water- original package bottled by the "Royal Prussian Adminis tration," All of which will be solil by the bottle or dozen at reasonable prices at " - riEERE LUD WIG'S, ; , In rear Messrs. Elias & Cohen's old establishment. .. - may 7 tf : : , A TiEXCY ; English Break fa.t racket S R IJITRH'E.L A- CO. TRY : GINGER AKp CREAI . IS" A GLASS OP ' -' Arctic S q tl a - W a t ft r , u. AT J T C SMITH & CO'ri ' CORNER' DRUG STORE. rua-18 Ladies Hair Empriura, F. & 8, X JOHN S,0 N ,' ' Wish to inform the ladies of Charlotte and vicinity, that they have called here for a short time with a full and elegant assort ment of Unman Hair Goods, ihsfc lean offer as tbe standard of perfection, original in de--sign, of the best quality and workmanship, and unsurpassed in elegance and beauty, at extrentply low prices. - Will renew and work over, in t3 most fashionable style, all Old Hair, Braids, Com, binjrs, ifcc ; also Renewing and Dyeing in every shade, either lighter or darker at reus onable prices. Store Trvon street, between 1 OMaiv.-ell's and Tiddv'B Book Store ma 1 Choice Daildmi Loti irAvy.'; Alexander, . I jv j jSURGEOS: DEXTlST,',; ? Offers a redaction' In 'prices of Deutal Work V) suit the times. , j "', 1 ! .Office in the Parks buildinjr over Butler's Jewelry Store. -: v"jj 4jM'.,n,", , I floors from 8 A. tp 5 P, M. i , , mar IL-mi rrheyiHayeiCome ! A " MAGNIFICENT STOCK OF CLOril- IKO, Oents Furnishing Goods Hats. Ac and are going fast at very low prices.', ,, ; - Gentlemen will do well tojexaiuino fl'S Mi i i , - Stock before purchasine elsewhere. - aprBtf ' ' ' , i EVERYBODY R Kf-I'PBATHER&CGi; OK- J tif:T R).MK OF THOSE FfNfi g e rj te ri n ia l apples.1 JLVr IN TO-DAY. i I I f Dlill'i